The Straits Budget, 11 November 1948

Total Pages: 18
1 18 The Straits Budget
  • 5 1 THE STRAITS BUDGET ‘Now,. U]
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    • 337 1 IT gives me great pleasure to inform you of the successful introduction of a delightful new fruit in Cameron Highlands. It is Atamoya, a cross between Anona Cherimoya and Anona Squamosa (Custard Apple). While three varieties of Anona, Anona Squamosa (Custard Apple), Anona
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    • 89 1 SINGAPORE. Nov. 8. The Malaya Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society will publish two numbers of its Journal today. The first of these is devoted to two papers by Mr. Justice E. N. Taylor, one on aspects of Customary Inheritance in Negri Sembilan. and the other
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    • 612 1 THE Governor in his A Budget Speech has stressed the need for better housing for the public. This is very laudable but unless the Governor enjoins the authority entrusted with the j scheme to observe strict! economy much money will be wasted. I have
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    • 184 1 Why It Must Be Held IT would have been more appropriate if the correspondent who wrote in your columns on Mr. C. C. Tan’s speech at the last Council meeting had signed himself, “An innocent abroad.” Does he not know that a hospital employee who speaks out
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    • 403 1 IN your leader of Nov. 5, you expressed considerable surprise at the result of the American Presidential election, and pointed out to your readers the “dangers of political diagnosis and prophecy”, as published by the leading American newspapers. The pathetic laith of the public in black hieroglyphics
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    • 64 1 I HAVE to apologise for a 1 mistake in my letter published on Saturday. The last year given in the consulting engineers’ report was not 1960 but 1951, but in a later report they declared that they were satisfied that Gunong Pulai (fully developed) would satisfy
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    • 150 1 CJINCE the Bn'ish r J occupation ol Mm av l we have read sevSl occasions that r, e morl torium will bclii d Last year it aJ nounced that iav J lifted before th. n d J the year. I This year, about. a mom! were again inform!
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    • 188 1 UNDER the headii "Films in Malay! Kampongs” in your issl of Nov. 2, Mr. Mol! Kassan bin Hassan. St M Public Relations Ofticl Selangor, has thought I to cast aspersions upon correspondent of t| Utusan Melayu. 3 What was published in *fl Straits Times on thi.N
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    • 220 1 IN your leader of October 2 you reverted to my new book on Malaya. You wrote that it is a shortened version of my larger history. This is incorrect. Out of 158 pages, 66 contain material not in the earlier work, and the rest has been
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  • The Straits Budget
    • 1073 2 —Straits Times. Nov. 4. I Thi' report of the British I J 0 u!; ion mission to MalI first of its kind to jJ olJ r shores, is published ffj aV Mr. Stanley Awbery, Ip. and Mr. F. W. Dailey, L. to Malaya last February ■T t
      —Straits Times. Nov. 4.  -  1,073 words
    • 984 2 -Straits Times. Nov. 5. The Presidential election in the United States is one of the most astonishing lessons in the dangers of political diagnosis and prophecy in a Western democracy that the world has ever seen. For months past the victory of Mr. Dewey has been taken for
      -Straits Times. Nov. 5.  -  984 words
    • 786 2 Straits Times, Nov, 6. One of the most original and promising developments of cultural life in Malaya today I is the Junior Symphony Orchestra of Singapore. This I orchestra of youthful instru- mentalists, nearly all of them horn and bred in Singapore, has been built up under
      – Straits Times, Nov, 6.  -  786 words
    • 275 3 —Straits Times. Nov. 6 In these columns a few days a**o we quoted the bitter comment of a former member 1 of the North Borneo Volun- I leer Force: “ back-pay, no allowances, no rehabilitation or otherwise, no ribbons, no medals, no word of thanks, nothing at all.”
      —Straits Times. Nov. 6  -  275 words
    • 50 3 Straits Times. Nov. 6. From the “For Sale” section of the Classified Advertisements in the Straits Times: CRAIG ELECTRIC EDITOR. S100. Box No. A4367. In Cecil Road, Anson Road. Pudu Road and other byways of the Street of Ink in Malaya, this is considered cheap at the price.
      – Straits Times. Nov. 6.  -  50 words
    • 1031 3 —Scraits Times. Nov. 8. Singapore ratepayers were alarmed when they opened their newspapers last Saturday morning and read that the Municipality is expected to show deficit of $4,200,000. in 1949. That is the overall deficit in the Budget approved by the Municipal Commissioners on Friday, but it
      —Scraits Times. Nov. 8.  -  1,031 words
    • 938 3 Strains Times Nov 9. As a study in relationships between employers and employees in Malaya under the new conditions which have arisen since the war, the report of the British tradeunion mission merits more detailed study than was possible in the general comments on this report that
      Strains Times Nov 9.  -  938 words
    • 992 4 Straits Times, Nov 10. 'v.uiitys the Big Noises of “ayan public life shuttle f Kuala Lumpur and a P<»rc bv air, and in conarrive at their destinno more about un f ry than they did orf If they do have to go ra *lv.'ay they book
      Straits Times, Nov 10.  -  992 words

  • 92 4 SINGAPORE Nov. 10. IT is anticipated that further reductions in the handling charges of rice and others commodities will be possible in Singapore in the near future. This was stated in a Govenimen, reply given at the Singapore Legislative Council yesterday to Mr. Lim Yew Hock.
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  • 1256 4 SINGAPORE, Nov. 10. mNITLI) States national defence can Ir* met without disrupting the sound foundations of economic partnership which have led to the prosperity and satisfaction of both Malaya and the United States in the past. This was stated by the Governor (Sir Franklin Gimson), at
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  • 1398 5  -  A Malayan Countryman's Diary jl \S SUNDAY, October 31. —We were not able to take the whole day oil owing to our Visiting Agent’s arrival on the 1st., and having to pay our S.Cs. The stall, however, was not detained long. Our Brargent was at last
    —Photograph bp C A Gib>o: -//"■  -  1,398 words
  • 377 5 V AST week Tuan Djekwrote: “Wandering: around this estate, I have come across what is to mo a new orchid, with a remarkable flower head,” and men-: tioned that he had sent a specimen to the Botanic Gardens, Singapore. Mr. R. E. Holttum, Director of the
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  • 89 5  -  G. K. CHESTERTON. Things can be hidden in light as well as hidden in darkness. The people who are turned loose in the Sunday Press to sing the praises of the delightful present and compare it with the degraded past, are-very fond of insisting on the
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  • 200 6 From Our Own Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR. Nov. 8. i|Al AYA’S first Co.H operative Wholesale Socieiv was formed in Kuala Lumpur yesterday. The proposal was first 2i elt by delegates at the layan Co-operative SoConference held in H this year. Pit' ding at yesteiday’s Mr. J W. Shepley
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  • 80 6 SINGAPORE. Nov. 5. Government is taking steps ■•v-’isTcr those people practy:-' d«‘n;istry who are not at registered. istered dentists rein Singapore since ••Hilary. 1942. who have 1 dentistry for not ’han four years must send -"e:r names to the Director f, dical Services. Singa■°:e on or before Nov.
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  • 211 6 Fr "m Our Staff I ■<!,,. ‘>rrespondent ual A LUMPUR. Nov. 4. H c GMMITTEE is to be set up he Government to ri solution to the said Mr. C. ''1 A 1 representing the Secretary at a Press ler cnce today > A tv Ae States
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  • 288 6 SINGAPORE, Nov. 8. pIMiAPOHE and the Federation remembered he dead of two world wars vesterdav Kenu nibrance Hay. In Singapore there was a ceremony at the Cenotaph at 7.30 a.m. when representatives of all servn es paraded. ,J h t, Go r« rnor 01 Singapore (Sir Franklin
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  • 82 6 SINGAPORE. Nov. 7. IN accordance with the wishes of the King, there will be no public holiday in Singapore to celebrate the birth of Princess Elizabeth’s baby, it was officially announced yesterday There will be no official ceremony, but Government offices will hoist flags and householders
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  • 32 6 NEW GIRL G UIDE COMPANY watching Kuala Lumpur Rover Scouts build a bridge at a Sungei Buloh gathering. Their captain (Mrs. B. D. Molesworth) is in the foreground. —Picture by Arthur Quo.
    —Picture by Arthur Quo.  -  32 words
  • 65 6 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR. Nov. 4. DR. R. B. MacGregor, Director of Medical Services. yesterday criticised undue publicity which he said has been given in the Press to the ‘‘wonder drug” properties of Streptomycin as against its limitations and unsuitability in the majority of tuberculosis
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  • 45 6 SINGAPORE. Nov. 7. Following an alleged attempt to smuggle 80 botdes oi toreign liquor ii>.o Singapore Harbour, 15 Chinese seamen appeared yesterday in the Fourth Police Court. >They were charged with attempted smuggling. The case was postponed for a week.
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  • 57 6 SINGAPORE, Nov. 5. A MAGISTRATE in a Singapore Court ruled yesterday that exhibits be confiscated and auctioned for the benefit of the Police Reward Fund. The case concerned alleged theft of goods to the value of 99 cents. The exhibits were one neck of a square-topped bottle, one
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  • 242 6 SINGAPORE, Nov. 7. 4FTER carrying out almost continuous patrols in the jungle in the Bekok area of Johore since the middle of September, a Ferret group containing British and Malay troops has been withdrawn for a spell of rest and relaxation. In addition to their primary
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  • 65 6 SINGAPORE, Nov 7. r PECHNICOLOUR travelo--1 gues of South America. Cuba. Bermuda and Ireland were shown to members ot the Singapore Branch of the Society of Licensed Aircratt Engineers, and member* and friends of the Young Men's Christian Association at the latter* premises, last night. The
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  • 376 6 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Nov. 7. /CRITICS of the ex-Palestine policemen now serving 1 in Malaya are attacked in the October issue of The Planter “A regrettable amount of mud slinging in public has been noticeable recently,” states the paper. “We deprecate both the
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  • 243 7 SINGAPORE. Nov. 6. VEXT year s Singapore Municipal budget has provided for an increase of 50 per cent in all personal emoluments, cost ol living allowances and provident fund donations. This was intended by the Finance Committee ol the Municipality to cover
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  • 51 7 SINGAPORE. Nov. 6. Registration centres, which will be completely closed after 6 p.m. today are: Wayang Shed, 11th milestone, Tampenis Road; No. 1, Ponggol Road; Botanic Gardens; coffee stall adjoining Singapore Golf Club; No. 7621 Bukit Timah Road; No. 22 Bukit Timah Road; 15th milestone Jurong
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  • 90 7 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Nov. 5. EIGHT British subjects, convicted in the Federation’s law courts, were among the 472 persons against whom banishment orders had been made since the beginning of the year, it was officially disclosed yesterday. Seventy banishment orders were
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  • 153 7 SINGAPORE Nov. 6. 4 MALAY woman schoolmistress wnose retirement was to have been honoured by a teaparty at the Airport Hotel, yesterday, died yesterday morning and was buried at the Siglap Road cemetery in the afternoon. She was Che c Lembek binte Abdin, aged 45.
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  • 156 7 SINGAPORE, Nov 8. INCREASES in taxes and fees from 1949 were approved at a special Budget meeting of the Singapore Municipal Commissioners yesterday. These are: 1. Doubling of taxes on private trishas, large and small handcarts, and tricycles (subject to the approval of the Governor in Council);
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  • 506 7 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Nov. 5. PURKHAS and Police, in a big operation in the Kajang area today, killed two terrorists and captured one “important” terrorist, two known murderers, two wanted extortioners and other suspects. A unit of the Coldstream Guards, first of the
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  • 204 7 From Our Stall I Correspondent 1 KUALA LUMPUR v -I piFTY Dyak I left tor Sarawak ,i’J home by R.A F aircratl this niomms ait. r threl months’ tiuiitiiui a ii M the terrorists. n l They took bark \v;t>, ,>,..1 their Jungle green iniairl and baskets
    .—Straits Ti ines picture.  -  204 words
  • 192 7 SINGAPORE. Nov. 5.1 One quarter ol S;:ig I imports of wire nails ai I vanised wire ol the past t« I three months may be export! to neighbouring territoriJ This will not include Ho! Kong This will probably J only quota, which the Gover! ment has
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  • 89 7 SINGAPORE N ,’fl OINGAPORE, Jesse ton •3 Hong Kong will °5| new telegraphic cii u» l T M the work of shifting selton the Labuan end M cable from Singapo:*. W pleted in about thp- JT After 45 years’ *ei m cable repair ship S —veteran
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  • 2282 8 TRADE UNION REPORT I SINGAPORE. Nov. 4. Ifili is .1 sprung tendency, almost amounting to li i obsession, to look upon the strike weapon as Lf"! > one in the trade union armoury.” I is said by Messrs. S. S. Awbery, M.P., and F. r P-
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  • 70 8 from Our Staff forrespondrnt JOHORE BAHRU. Nov 3 A tuberculosis survey of schoolchildren Is about to begin In Johore Bahru. Circular letters are being posted to all parents or guardians at the first school to be examined. explaining the tests and requesting their written permission
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  • 90 8 SINGAPORE. Nov. 5. A two-year-old boy, Lirn Ah Sang, who was playing with his seven-year-old sister near a hawker’s stall in Telok Ayer Street on Oct. 23. was scalded when a pot of porridge from the stall overturned and fell on him. He died in
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  • 294 10 From Our Stall Correspondent PENANG, Nov. 3. Vj R. Lim Khye Seng has been appointed Legislative Councillor in succession to Dr. Ong fhong Keng, it was announced in this afternoon’s Pinang Gazette. rwenty-two years ago. a brother and sister from Penang made English legal history
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  • 93 10 SINGAPORE. Nov. 4. The Maharajah of Dharwho threw open his Palace doors to Malayan evacuees to India in 1942. wived in Singapore yesterJayoi: the Canton from Hong Xon his way home. He is returning to Bombay pe: a month’s health trip ’•0 Hoag Kong with his medial
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  • 231 10 fr °m Our Own Correspondent JOHORE BAHRU, Nov. 3. E and security perof 221 Ordnance 'or 1C c m Pany laid a trap vil a Chinese near Pandan Johore. Recently, the man had been jrommunication with a J s n soldier, to whom he "ectfr
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  • 182 10 SINGAPORE, Nov. 4. 'J'HREE Japanese who arrived in Singapore by ship from Yokohama yesterday on their way to Europe, have been refused permission to land here. The action by the local mmigration authorities follows that of the Hong Kong officials who also refused them permission to
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  • 219 10 SINGAPORE, Nov. 4. /YNE of the few ships in the world to employ women in the crew has arrived in Singapore with 14 ex-W.R.N.S. on board. The vessel is the 10,500ton British passenger-freight-er Langleescot, sister ship of the La Cordillera, which also carried women In
    n seafaring jobs—Straits Times picture  -  219 words
  • 166 10 To Spend $5 500,000 On Staff Housing SINGAPORE, Nov. 4. 4 $5,500,000 staff housing programme has been apA proved in principle by the Singapore Municipal Commissioners. Under this scheme, to be spread over nine to 10 years, every member of the Water Department stall will be provided for. Work is
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  • 162 10 SINGAPORE, Nov. 4. ‘THE first Far Eastern medical man to study “social A medicine” in the United Kingdom has just returned to Singapore. He is Dr. E. S. Monteiro. winner of the first post-war Queen's Fellowship, who went to Britain in 1946 for
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  • 203 10 From Our StalT Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Nov. 4. Operations m sungei siput during the past three weeks had been “a very considerable success," said the Commissioner of Police (Mr. W N. Gray at the high level press conference this morning. "Operations will continue,"
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  • 67 10 SINGAPORE. Nov, 5. Tin* practice of keepn mui-tsai is itill going on. in spite of the fact that h has been illegal since 19.13. the Social Welfare officer Mr. J Buckoke, told a Press conference yesterday He asked that the public inform the department it they
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  • 268 11 SINGAPORE, Nov. 4. "THE acting Chief Justice, Mr. Justice Gordon- Smith, yesterday dismissed the application by Mr. S. H. D. Elias, counsel for Carlton A. Hire, asking that a writ of habeas corpus be issued ordering Mr. F. G. Minns, A.S.P., and the Singapore Commissioner
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  • 100 11 SINGAPORE. Nov. 4. THE Royal Singapore Flying Club clocked a record of 200 hours and 30 minutes flying-time last month, the Chief Instructor, Mr. C. A. Le Mesurier, said yesterday. This compares with an average of 50 to 60 flying hours in the early months of
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  • 37 11 SINGAPORE. Nov. 4. A civilian lorry ran off the road and ended uo against a coconut, tree yesterday morning at the 7th mile. Changi Road. The Chinese driver was admitted to hospital suffering from shock.
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  • 129 11 From Our Staff Correspondent JOHORE BAHRU Nov. 3. EIGHTEEN Chinese schools in Johore have closed down because of terrorist activities. Chinese schools are maintained by local support, and if this is not. forthcoming, they have to close. In some areas there has been nearly wholesale evacuation
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  • 101 11 Punched His Face —Not His Ticket From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR. Nov. 3 A FIGHT between two Malayan Railways’ ticket checkers over tampering with the duty roster ended in the loss of two teeth for one and a fine for the other. The District Judge (Mr M. Garton) today
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  • 55 11 SINGAPORE. Nov. 4. A six-year-old Malay girl, Yong binte Ali. was killed when a mango tree crashed on a house in Pulau Tekong on Oct. 19. Her mother and two brothers, who were in the house during the crash, escaped. This was stated in the Coroner’s Court
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  • 217 11 SINGAPORE. Nov. 4. MEN of the Australian Bth Division who were prisoners of war in Singapore have started n country-wide fund to aid Billy Loh, Straitsborn Chinese, and his family. Offers of assistance ire coming in fast. Billy now a T.B, oatient at the
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  • 21 11 Straits Times picture.
    Straits Times picture.  -  21 words
  • 227 11 SINGAPORE, Nov. 4. I ADY Anne Hunloke of the Women’s Voluntary Services Headquarters. London, has arrived in Singapore on a welfare visit to W\ V. S. members working in conjunction with N.A.A.F.1.—E.F.1. Lady Anne is the youngest sister of the Duke of Devonshire. who
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  • 126 11 SINGAPORE, Nov. 4. THE Singapore campaign for the United Nations Appeal for Children is expected to realise about $150,000. The campaign will officially close at, the end of the month the Singapore Committee de- cided last night. The fund will nowever. remain open for certain donations
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  • 114 11 SINGAPORE, Nov. 4. ROYAL AIR FORCE photographers are assisting the Government to solve registration problems in the Federation. Three R.A.F. photographers undertook to photograph civilians In the remote areas of the Peninsula, and within 24 hours of starting this week they returned 1.800 registration photographs.
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  • 208 11 Frum Our Stall Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Nov OOL1CE set alight anci partially cicstr >yed Kachau village. in miles south of Kuala Lumpur and in active terrorist country, yesterday. This followed the cn-tr;-,. tion by bandits of Puteh T Dredging Co. property on Sunday night and the
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  • 105 11 SINGAPORE. Nov. 4. 4 CHINESE man and wife had a narrow escape yesterday morning when the roof of their bedroom collapsed while they were sleeping A shower of tiles descended on their bed. The woman sustained cut* to her face and after treatment at the General
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  • 59 11 SINGAPORE N v Two week courses in m tuberculosis method." given in Australia to r.j* of the staff of the Fed- and Singapore Medic partments. The Australian C sioner (Mr. Claude said that the I' S General of Health in A S would arrange tralnn H
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  • 1181 12 future Plans Threatened SINGAPORE, Nov. 6. SPORTING a $4,500,000 deficit in the draft I' Singapore Municipal budget for 1949, the Deputy Municipal President (Mr. W. L. Blythe) ffctcrthiy warned that the Municipality must >eek new or increased sources of income or ilmiulon all plans tor development
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  • 100 12 SINGAPORE Nov. 6. Lord Killearn, now director of the banknote printing firm of Thomas de la Rue and Co.. London, arrived in Singapore from Bangkok last night on a business-cum-pleasure trip He said he was glad to be back. “I am going to look up old haunts
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  • 197 12 SINGAPORE, Nov. 6. THREE directors of the A firm of Montor, Ltd., Mr. Alfred Montor, Mr. Giovanni Aurely and Mr. William Vincent Sausotte, appeared in the First District Court yesterday on charges relating to alleged infringement of the Finance Regulations. They were alleged to have been involved
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  • 61 12 .SINGAPORE Nov. 6. A bill to lnuKt* clear that building societies will not be considered and treated as moneylenders u n d e r the moneylenders Ordinance, was gazetted In Singapore yesterday. The bill is to be introduced into the Legislative Council to remove doubts which have existed
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  • 30 12 CHIEF ELECTRICIAN E. Woodward and Capt. Reynolds in the cable testing room of the Retriever. This picture was taken on the eve of Mr. Woodward’ s death. Straits Times picture.
    — Straits; Times picture.  -  30 words
  • 144 12 SINGAPORE, Nov. 6. 1 IK. E. Woodward, chief electrician of the cable ship lT1 Retriever which has just arrived in Singapore, died of heart failure aboard his ship early yesterday morning. He joined Cable and Wireless Ltd. in 1907 and had been an electrician
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  • 149 12 SINGAPORE, Nov. 6. THE Singapore MuniciA pality still owes the Government and Crown Agents $12 million, advanced by them in July, 1946, to enable the Municipal Commissioners to meet the arrears of interest on the Municipal debenture stock issues. The question of repaying a substantial
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  • 231 13 From Our Stall Correspondent BENTONG. Nov. 4. THOUGH fatally wounded by a terrorist bullet, the driver of a police truck ambushed 24 miles from Kuantan, Pahang, this morning, succeeded in stopping his vehicle and preventing a serious crash. Two other constables in the truck were
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  • 107 13 SINGAPORE. Nov. 5. A 20-year-old Hokien. Tan Koon Bak, appeared before the Singapore Seventh Police Court Magistrate (Mr. R. J. C. Wait), yesterday on a charge of stealing $45 and one boltle of chandu valued at $3O. The prosecution alleged that on Nov. 1 the accused went into
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  • 44 13 SINGAPORE, Nov. 7. With immediate effect,' »,ne following revised weight limits will apply to printed packets and commercial packets:— Printed packets for any destination 61bs. Bozs. Any printed volume sent singly to any address lllbs. Commercial packets for any destination 41bs 6ozs.
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  • 212 13 SINGAPORE, Nov. 7. I'HE captain of a Norwegian ship, now in Singapore, had a surprise yesterday when told by a Sunday Times reporter that he had been selected to record a Christmas goodwill greeting for broadcast to Norway on Christmas Day. The skipper of the
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  • 158 13 SINGAPORE Nov. 6. Australians would oe ready to fight the threat or Communism from outside just as they fought Fascism, said Mr. Claude Massey. Australian Commissioner. addressing the East-West Society in Singapore last nignt on “My Country.” Mr. Massey emphatically denied that Australia “as some
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  • 72 13 SINGAPORE. Nov. 5. The Singapore C.I.D. Chief. Mr. E. V. Fowler, yesterday said that there was an allround reduction in crime in Singapore during last mont h except for armed robberies. There were 13 armed robberies last month, against five in September. House-breakings had decreased from
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  • 37 13 SINGAPORE. Nov. 5. Mr. W. Sprainger. a director of the Liverpool office of Joseph Travers and Sons, passed through Singapore by air yesterday on his way to Sydney. Australia, in connection with the firm’s business.
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  • 58 13 SEVENTY-FOUR members of the W.A.A.F. and A.T.S.. looking extremely smart in their khaki uniform, on Nov. 4 disembarked from the troopship Devonshire in Singapore. The girls embarked at Liverpool and are on their first visit to the East. The picture shows four of them stepping on to the quayside shortly
    .—Straits Times picture.  -  58 words
  • 249 13 SINGAPORE, Nov. 7. OY a majority vote, the ladies of Lady Gimson's voluntary organization which assists in running the children’s feeding centres under the Department of Social Welfare, decided that in future these centres will be known as “Childrens Social Centres.” Lady Gimson, in reviewing the
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  • 68 13 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR. Nov. 4. ,r pHERE Is not enough A evidence to show that large numbers of bandits are willing to surrender if they are given terms,” said Mr. C. R. Howitt, representing the Chief Secretary, at this morning’s Press conference. Some bandits
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  • 120 13 SINGAPORE v m glAM will export than 770.000 tons rice during HMg 1 crease of nearly doubi,' ast year s exports. The Deoutv Commit,. General. (For* Mr P S. Scrivener. yesterday wh *n h oivred 23rd meeting 01 t:vEast Asia Liai. s ut!ic°i Siam's effort y
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  • 113 13 From Our Staff Correspond JOHORE, BAHRU. No; The appeal of Kasim Jantan and Dorais bi:. conductor-drivers in employ of Shell Co. j were sentenced to tli months' imprisonment .u: tine of $2OO each, were missed by Mr. Justice L.o The accused left Sm-.e, on Feb. 20 with
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  • 83 13 KUALA LUMPUR Nov H T’HE Pan-Malayan Wei* -I- Week held recently reM sed $116,200 after all had been deducted, it *B revealed yesterday a; a ing of the Central Council in Kuala I uauniiM A gift of $12,064 was H ceived from the Klang matra Chinese
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  • 38 13 JOHORE BAHRU. N° v When charged here theft of 21 katis of rubber from Kulai Estate, Liew Chen sm his children picked tm UP He was convicted and t $30. in default one mot rigorous imprisonment.^
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  • Page 13 Advertisements

  • 350 14 SINGAPORE, Nov. 9. SINGAPORE Municipal Commissioners have J rejected, on technical grounds, a $20,300,000 budget covering Municipal expenditure for the four \ears 1942 to 1946. I’ l laded in the budget are rehabilitation grants and back pay to interned and non-interned Muni- cipal officers. The decision
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  • 323 14 NGAPORE Nov 9. N 3 may be asked he House of Comu\ the arrest and of an Englishman Hire) in conneofion ed gun running, i second application t of habeas corpus in the Singapore Court yesterday, a i from Hire's ta.her stating tha: the
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  • 141 14 I, Singapore nov. 9. of Flight John Rickard. *-tness in the R.A.F. im r r ase now being “l ho Ninth Police f r n lVp been flown out and copies are fi !v circulated in Sin- an "he Federation. There is still no news ot
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  • 111 14 SEREMBAN. Nov. 8. Negri Sembilans contingent of six Boy Scouts lor the South Pacific Jamboree in Australia will be led by Mr. L. V. De Souza. Assistant District Commissioner for Wolf Cubs The contingent, which will sail from Singapore on Dec. 18, will consist of
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  • 101 14 SINGAPORE. Nov. 9. THE Chinese Consul in 1 Medan, Mr. D. J. Lee, made a compulsory shopexcursion when he arrived in Singapore yesterday aiternoon by plane from Batavia. He discovered, on arrival in the Colony, that a case with his personal clothing had been placed aboard the
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  • 87 14 SINGAPORE Nov 0. CPEAKING on a claim for reduction of rent before tiie Singapore Rent Conciliation Boo.rd yesterday. Mr. R. C. H. Lim submitted that if a person .cok over the tenancy ol a house at a certain rental tha: became the “standard” or agreed rent
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  • 25 14 SINGAPORE Nov. 9. Mr. J. M. Fraser has been elected president of the Singapore Battalion of the Boys’ Brigade for next year.
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  • 57 14 KU4LA LUMPUR, Nov. 7. yHE Selangor Club has introduced by-laws on weapons. The reason for this, says a circular, is that there have been cases of “careless handling of arms inside the club.” Weapons must in future be completely unloaded. Hand grenades or other explosive weapons
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  • 194 14 From Our Staff Correspondent IPOH, Nov. 8. /GOVERNMENT has purchased 243,000 more picuis of padi from Perak padi planters so far this year than it did during the whole of 1947, it was officially announced today. This represents an increase of more than 100
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  • 748 14 QNE of the marvels of the East to a European is said to be the exotic flowers. Rut how many of these exotic flowers are ever seen? The orchid hunter has many a disappointment and you 1 may pass the same spot hundreds of times and
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  • 1050 15 SINGAPORE, Nov. 10. VJINGAPOKE’S 1949 budget, passed in the Legislative Council yesterday with a $7,700,000 surplus, has made provision for hospital expansion, and more schools and houses. So said the Governor (Sir Franklin Gimson) in the Council yesterday. He added: “If these projects
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  • 194 15 SINGAPORE, Nov. 10. If ORE interesting and colourful postage stamps would probably add several hundred thousand dollars annually to Singapore’s revenue, said Mr. Thio Chan Bee at yesterday’s Legislative Council meeting. i He said that stamps should be pictorial and of a design
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  • 24 15 —Straits Times picture.
    —Straits Times picture.  -  24 words
  • 447 15 SINGAPORE, Nov. 10. totalling over $457,000 has J been approved by the Singapore Finance Committee for work on Kallang airport and fire equipment there. Of this amount, $202,000 is needed to provide a new concrete taxi track, 1,950 feet long by 60 feet wide, with an
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    • 105 15 To Katharine Ball at Kanduji u kZ 01 Pet, a Uauiht r To Ann. wife n r Shell daughter. Patricia m-, v M acca3lst October, 194h Surida HAMILTON— At ii Kuala Lumpur on V,V v H>spll < 19« to Esther, uil Hamilton. (Chartered nT J A Lumpur)— a daughter
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    • 77 15 I Th e engagement* was ..mounc ou 1.11. 48. between m^ s p Quee Lian. eldest daughter ot m Mrs Poh Guan Cheng w Lee Chay Ann. eldest 0 t Mrs. Lee Soo Hock HEW-EU—The engagement announced today. Nov 5th 19 between Mr. Simon H> w Kim Nr 5th
      77 words
    • 155 15 MCKENZIE BENN1 n -C October 16th. 1948. a: St Church. Longsdon. Statlord^h' Alexander, only son 0: Mr ai Mrs. A McKenzie ot rm Scotland and Ilford Essex.** June Edwina. only da Mr. and Mrs Bennet: Malar Railway. Kuala Lumpur SHEARMAN-NAT11AN ft November at the Pv > b yterl
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  • 598 16 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Nov 8 [AFOKTHS and men of the Royal Artillery sweeping the Muar-Lengga area of Johore sterduy, killed seven suspects and wounded other when they tried to escape. The killing seven other bandits was also reported. Th* Scaforths and Artillerymen arrested
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  • 78 16 From Our Own Correspondent MUAR. Mon. 8.—District Scout Commissioner for Johore and deputy Camp Cnief for Malaya tY. M. Syed Esa bin Alweei will lead the Johore Scouts contingent to attend the South West Pacific jamboree at Melbourne. The two scouts selected from Muar are Azhar bin
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  • 42 16 —m ijiug viuu plane* Straits Times picture.
    —m ijiug viuu plane* Straits Times picture.  -  42 words
  • 150 16 SINGAPORE Nov. 9. A SINGAPORE bank mana‘l ger told the Straits Times yesterday that, judging by the many exhausted bank accounts at the end of each month, some people were going to find it difficult to meet their income tax. The income tax authorities
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  • 13 16 CHIK NAM (left) with her niece Hasna in Rroga market.
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  • 145 16 KUALA LUMPUR. Nov. 8. AN old Malay woman, Chik Nam, who sells fruit in Broga market place, 25 miles from Kuala Lumpur, has two reasons for feeling proud. One of her sons, Mokhtar Mohd Yasin, is in England studying social welfare. Another
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  • 337 16 Bishop Wilson who was accompanied by his wife, told the Straits Times that the appointment of the new Bishop of Singaoore would be known within two months. The new Bishop’s appointment. he said rested entirely with the decision of the' Archbishop of Canterbury. Bishop Wilson
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  • 67 16 SINGAPORE Nov. 9. A Chinese ’arpenter 32-year-old Lim Ho Seng was killed yesterday morning in a collision witn a lorry in tow at the site of the lew Changi airfield. Lim was one of live Chinese workmen, all m cycles, who w r ere knocked down
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  • 174 16 SINGAPORE, Nov 9. 1*HE Advisory Committee under the chairmanship of Mr. Justice Brown, set up in Singapore to consider objections made by people detained under the Emergency Regulations, has recommended in 12 cases that the appeals be allowed. These recommendations have been sent to the Governor
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  • 93 16 From Our Own Correspondent TELUK ANSON, Nov. 8. Traffic-jams were caused at several inter-sections as hundreds of people thronged the sidewalks yesterday to watch the mile-long funeral procession for Towkay Tan Cheok. The 83-year-old landowner and businessman died last Monday. The cortege was the longest seen in Teluk
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  • Page 16 Advertisements

  • 697 17 From A Market Correspondent MALAYAN market activity last week was on a moderate scale. Transactions were fairly well spread over all sections but no general price trend was perceptible. The American Presidential election and its unexpected result cannot be said to have had
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  • 59 17 KUALA LUMPUR Nov. 9. AN interim divideno of 10 per cent less Malayan income tax at 20 per cent has been declared in respect of the year ended June 30, 1948. payable on December 1. 1948. to all Sungei Way Dredging shareholders on the register on
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  • 405 17 Rubber Companies ifOUNT Austin (Johore) Rubber Company’s directors consider that a replanting scheme with high-yielding materials, spread over several years on about 5,000 acres of the most central parts, should be adopted. They have decided, howrvu, to leave .he mattci >ii abeyance-uivil conditions
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  • 73 17 TAKUAPA Valley Tin Dredging announces that in October: Dredge Takuapa No. 1 worked 642 hours, covered 150,000 cubic yards and won 117 piculs of ore. Dredge Takuapa No. 2 worked 601 hours, covered 140.000 cubic yards and won 336 piculs et orr. The' estimated alue of the total
    73 words
  • 182 17 SINGAPG v The insurance q ec viftn P 1 nounced on Thursday rhJ°? a interested in Malayan ritEf"" be at liberty to w arising from th, h e cla ii provided the relative extended to include 1 nots and civil conuS,:^ 1 have a hardening effect.
    182 words
  • 57 17 Al'STRAL Malay Tin a nounces the folloain,’ O returns: Kampong Kamuntin; 1 Dredging —578 hours run 115.0 cubic yards dug 392 piculs of ti ore recovered Thabawleik Tin Dredginu—I hours. 147.000 cubic yards. 0 piculs. j Austral Amalgamated Tin Asam Kumbang section j hours, 9,700 cubic yards, piculs;
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  • 803 17 SINGAPORE Nov. 9. Prices quoted by the Malayan Sharebrokers’ Association today were INDUSTRIALS Buyer Seller Atlas Ice 14.00 15.00 Alex Bricks Pref. 2.90 3.00 xd Ord. 1.90 2.00 8.8. Petrol 39/6 40 6 B.M Trustees 7.50 i Sv Consol Tic Smelters Pref. 25/6 26/6 Ord. 18/- 19/E.
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  • 474 18 I SINGAPORE, Nov. 9. B\CK Kramer, Wimbledon champion in 1947 a cl the present world professional tennis Lnp-'n, W, U Play ,n Singapore early next Eonth if the efforts being made by a group of Ej| s irtsmen are successful. I K imer, who
    474 words
  • 151 18 I S’NGAPORE. Nov. 9. SIN vi APORE Recreation duo XI gained a one-nil Kory 'ver the Singapore Krhe:.- Union In a game of Key played on the S.R.C. Kang yesterday. ■The goal was scored by N. ■rker :n the second half Kr th Teachers had held
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  • 139 18 SINGAPORE. Nov. 4. SE Singapore Aeromodeliers Society scored easy victories R A F. Seletar in a eompetit «ith model aircraft. at Sr.letcellent weather favoured **.e upetitioo. Attention centred the power-driven models which some fine performances levity were: Olders (irrespective of size or tf-pani; 1 Weng Kay
    139 words
  • 239 18 :’ORE. Nov. 4. e scored an easy k n Vlc >’ over the II MS toff *en they met. at Thoms jn Road 2-7° terdav. The Anal 14 points (three iree tries) to three ml tv goal), v oae-sided same S u f h H.M.S. "error m
    239 words
  • 64 18 Penang Perak draw IPOH, Nov. 6. IN a battle of forwards J played on a* waterlogged ground today, the return inter-State rugger match between Perak and Penang ended in a scoreless draw. Territorially, Perak had the better of the game with MacDonald outstanding among their forwards. Threequarter movements were few
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  • 169 18 SINGAPORE. Nov. 4. TJLAYING ten a side, the SinI gapore Colts did well to i beat the BODCA by two goals to nil In a game of hockey at the BOD grounds, St George’s Road yesterday. Teskey and Loveday, the Colts’ full backs, played steadily throughout, and
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  • 380 18 SINGAPORE, Nov. 4. Combined GHQ 16 pts. Combined Asians 6. A RUN by Dorai Raj across three-quarters of the field and a try at the end of it, was the highlight of the Rugby fixture between the Combined Asians and the Combined GHQ at Raffles College
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  • 654 18 |k| KUALA LUMPUR, Nov. 7. running by Negri’s Sanderson and masterful work back of the scrum by Selangor’s fly half Bennett were the outstanding features of yesterday's inter-State Rugby match at Kuala Lumpur which Selangor won by a try, a dropped goal and three penalties (15
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  • 115 18 SINGAPORE. Nov 5. H.M.S. LONDON beat the Singapore Cricket Club two-nil In a game of hockey played on S.C C. padang yesterday Both goals were scored »n the second half, although play had been practically confined to Club territory even during the first half After the
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