The Straits Budget, 9 September 1948

Total Pages: 18
1 18 The Straits Budget
  • 6 1 THE STRAITS BUDGET September 9 J
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    • 200 1 I WAS amused but not surprised at the Muni- cipal Commissioners protest that they were being treated like school children. To be more accurate, I should say that they were being treated like marionettes with no voice against their performer’s rough handling. At a time when
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    • 145 1 *pHE long awaited circular regarding the terms of transfer from the old salary scales to the revised scales recommended by the Public Services Salaries Commission has at last been issued by the Colonial Secretary’s Office. With all my education in English (Malayan School Certificate) and my 12
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    • 253 1 IN July, quite apart from 1 the large number of accidents in which injuries were sustained, there were 14 fatal mishaps. In August there were six 1 fatal accidents and 138 accidents involving injury to 171 persons. Is it not time that the Traffic authorities took a few
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    • 337 1 IN your leader of Auk. 30, you said: Among the older residents ol the Federation —those who remember what Government was and what it stood for in the F.M.S. and U M.S. beiore the War —there is uneasiness over one aspect of the
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    • 249 1 A CORRESPONDENT recently suggested in the Straits Times that the extent and object of personal search under the Emergency Regulations should be defined. The relevant regulation is No. 22 (1) (b), which reads as follows Any police officer (and this includes a constable) may without warrant—(b) stop and
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    • 272 1 IVHILE appreciating themeeting oi s, F motives that inspiredLegislative Coanoi, 1 Mr. A W Wallich to-all expenditure a J make his plea at the lastdue to the present e3 Kency should nH His Majesty's GovBI! ment.” I think it Ls H that public should
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    • 211 1 J WOULD like to raise i public interest in and support for the sug-i gestion often made to me by a number of thoughtful friends, that members of the Singapore Legislative Council, elected or nominated, should receive monthly “salaries,” as is the practice in other parts
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    • 373 1 “MALAYAN forces fighting the insurgents may be reinforced by Dyak headhunters from Borneo (Straits Budget, Aug. 12). In pre-war Borneo it was wrong to go headhunting. During the Japanese occupation it was right and praiseworthy. “For outstand- ing initiative and courage” in
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  • The Straits Budget
    • 1031 2 Straits Times Sept 2. I joins with Penang .h P l riof ancl angor p#H»ple of that f", hy the murder fp." One Chong Keng, I known vestorP’ IMU The crime was L*- iiv iio>i. ,r «-ily by reason of r*jj‘ v i lV that was employed. I
      Straits Times Sept 2.  -  1,031 words
    • 1100 2 *Strait.s Times. Sept ;t Yesterday, almost three year*, to a day after the liberation the Malayan War Damage Compensation Scheme was published at last. This was set out in a White Paper which was tabled at the meeting of the Federal Legislative Council. To speak literally, the
      – *Strait.s Times. Sept ;t  -  1,100 words
    • 672 2 Straits Times. Sept. 4. A British soldier in Kuala Lumpur, writing in our Forum last Saturday, protested against the way in which the term B.O.R. is used in Malaya, outside the Army, and urged that it should be dropped. To the* best of our recollection, “B.O.R.” was unknown
      Straits Times. Sept. 4.  -  672 words
    • 483 3 Straits Times. Sept 4 Singapore is gradually becoming accustomed to seeing—or rather, hearing—that horrible jet tearing through the heavens like a meteor from hell; hut it is very difficult to get accustomed to the amazing contrast between that and the spectacle of one of the
      Straits Times. Sept 4  -  483 words
    • 1068 3 -Strads Times. Sep*. 5. In the circumstances of Malaya today, harassed and confused by a medley of pressing and complex problems such as has never been seen in this country at any one time before, the appointment of a new High Commissioner in the Federation has not
      -Strads Times. Sep*. 5.  -  1,068 words
    • 903 3 St:a T ines. Sept 7. There can have been very few nationals or friends of Great Britain in Malaya, whether European or Asian, who had an entirely easy conscience when they read the reports of the meeting of the Federal Legislative Council last Thursday, and found
      St:a •' T ines. Sept 7.  -  903 words

  • 996 4 il' Purcell, late of ..\v.r C.v:i Service, has The Times to the :<•(.! by Mr. Harry of the Com- of Great Britain, v\;. r. m Malaya. In itt'jr.t'!:!, which was rein The Times on August B:u;>h Communists w the campaign against ttrack> in Malaya as 'rtrbi'rou>
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  • 40 4 IPOH Sept. 7. TWO Gurkha soldiers. wounded yesterday in a terrorist ambush north of Jalong. died last night. They were cremated w’ith full military honours at Ipoh today. Their patrol was ambushed by Sten and Bren gunners.
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  • 369 4 mv SINGAPORE, Sept. 8. jjOftanenemy force attacking the Singapore Harbour Board area would be dealt with by the Harbour Division of the Singapore Police force was graphically demonstrated yesterday Eleven terrorists were “killed” and 17 others captured” during a series of surprise SlRead S Vried 0Ut
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    • 38 4 TO MOLLY, wife of Charles B. Mathews, a daughter. Carolyn, on the 31. st August. CHELLIAH—To Grace, wife of Dr. J. A. Chelliah of Institute for Medical Research, Ipoh. at Batu Gajah on 31st August, 1948—a son.
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    • 81 4 The engagement Is announced between Tan Eng Ohee, second grandson of Mr. «Sc Mrs Tan Chwec Beirg and Kang Pack Tam. eldest daughter of Mr. Mrs. Kang Kim Tiong, both ot Singapore. i The engagement Is announced I between Mr. Teo Boon Eng. sc- eond son of Mr. Teo
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    • 57 4 SHAW-HALTON At St. Andrew's Cathedral on 6th September, 1948. James George Shaw. 0.8 E.. elder son of Mr. Mrs. George Henry Shaw to Dorothy Halton, daughter of the late Mr. Mrs. William Halton On Saturday September 4th the wedding of Mr. Wee Soo Ann and Miss Gladys Chiu Pin
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  • 563 4 AUR Chinese kongsi kongs are digging over a vegetable garden for me and we consider that it is an investment which will pay good dividends. They are splendid workers though they never seem to hurry. They roar with laughter every time I tell them to do
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  • 1932 5  -  A Malayan Countrymans Diary IT AN l ,Jl OUNDAY, August 29th.—It is possible to have too much of the dUsun; and when a man has not been able to get away from it. and the estate, for some fifteen months he has to make a special
    – Photograph by C. A. Gtbson-tfiA  -  1,932 words

  • 347 6 prom Our Special Tor respondent JOHORE, Sept. 3. terrorist concentration near ft Vluantf, Johore, was attacked by Army L* today rTnumber of large huts were destroyed, but the vris deserted. In one the huts was a large Mfjjy l4 if inn K; 0 f
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  • 89 6 Sept. 4. jj?ar-old Chinese girl 'i S> hl ;PVeti t0 have jumpi d,. M a wall opposite n"; Sin?apore on i Y,. v n:n K was rescued /Hear-oM Malay. I "•’M?r?!u rinp P°Ece launch I spthl ren o and pick1 has tnc her rescuer 3 -3 her v
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  • 17 6 Mr. Sydney George Burlock, Singapore’s new Sixth Police Court Magistrate. Straits Magistrate. Straits Times picture.
    Magistrate. — Straits Times picture.  -  17 words
  • 288 6 SINGAPORE. Sept. 4. I AM most appalled at what I read in the War Damage white paper,” Mr. C. C. Tan told the Straits Times last night. He described the Paper's proposals as “the most colossal swindle about to be perpetrated on the taxpayers of the
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  • 562 6 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR Sept. 2. *‘VyE must never let this occur again,” declared the Officer Administering the Government, (Sir Alec Newboult), winding up a debate in the Federal Legislative Council today on the emergency. “The Government,” he said, "has one policy and one policy
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  • 189 6 SINGAPORE. Stpt. 4. ONE hundred Chinese families are being recruited in Singapore this month for a tobacco planting estate in North Borneo The estate has also asked the Labour Department’s employment exchange to obtain 300 Javanese or Indian labourers for the plantation. These "pioneers” are requir- I
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  • 78 6 SINGAPORE. Sept. 4. The death took place suddenly on Thursday night, the result of heart attack, of Mr K. N. Narayana Iyer, managing director of Messrs. Stanton Nelson, and one of Singapore’s best known rubber brokers. Mr. Iyer, who leaves a wife and family
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  • 69 6 pARir BUNTAR Sept. 2 —When 1 the the* case in which Tan Ah Chiap was charged with possession of ehandu was men lioned before the DLstric* Judge (Mr. Webb) Senior Inspector Arjan Singh o*id nc hod received an analyst’s r‘jpo r t which stated that the found on
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  • 511 6 b rom Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Sept. 3. I HE new High Commissioner of the Federation ot Malaya (Sir Henry Gurney) has been made a Knight Commander of ♦he Order of St. Michael and St. George, says an announcement from London. In the
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  • 1532 7 From Our Staff Correspondent PENANG, Sept. 1. nit. Ong Chong Keng, a Federal Executive and legislative Councillor was murdered by an unknown gunman in a souatter area lhr<*» miles from the centre of Penang this morning. Police have offered a reward of $5,000 for information leading to
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  • 252 7 SINGAPOHF s.-r H “IF this witness |< 'ZM pared to s\veV‘® this upon the Holv I am prepared M the consequences." an Indian named Din who was yesterday in the s pore Assize Com- -H carrying arms. 1 “That is a matter which I have
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  • 31 7 SINGAPORE Sep: 1 Of the 69 deaths repi® to the Stngapore (Mr. Chcor Singh• in 26 were from natural There were nine traffic accidents and inn#* 1
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  • 228 7 SINGAPORE, Sept M OIX registered seamen’s unions in Singapore® 1 a meeting at the Chinese Seamen’s Union, 1® C resolved to form a Singapore Asian Seamen’s ly ration to promote the interest of Asian seamer® The Federation is to be formed by setting up a 12man
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    • 3390 8 SINGAPORE, Sept. 3. rjEl.OM is a dctailcn '•eport ol (he Malayan War Damage CompeitsaD non Scheme, tah'ecl in the Federal legislative Council: Tiie scheme !"-ovides for the proposed allocation of $100,00(1000 for ‘iic'it o. c .Hiins undei the War Risk (Goods) Insurance Scheme
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    • 2610 9 Onus Of Proof Will Rest Uoon Claimants 0 proposed that these sums be earmarked. It is not the intention that these amounts should be expended if, in fact, the cost proves to be less. Hut it is the intention that na savings should be taken
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  • 1043 10 1 rom Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Sept. 2. -iii federation will have to make e\ery effort H to meet the costs of the present emergency jj the acting Financial Secretary (Mr. W. E. fj) in reply to demands by Unofficial at jL\; Federal Legislative
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  • 372 10 Ki ALA LUMPUR. S<pl. 2. THE Joint Committee on 1 Income Tax has agreed to the inclusion in its previous report of a measure of relief for the mining and planting industries based on the proposals submitted by the Federal Government. This is contained in the
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  • 672 10 From Our Sta.iT Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR Sent > h^T' 1 d f bts aiwhawd in Malayan or Japanese occupation currency durinc tinoccupation arc to be valid to the extent „f the lace value of payment. non h/t M/xi (n 1 i Debts cun be revalued when
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  • 65 10 From Our Own Correspondent BUT lERVVORH. pt 2. 4S i ncrease in house assessment for Province Wellesley’s three most important towns, Butterworth. Bukit Mertajam and Nihong lebal, has been announced by the Rural Board ehairman (Mr. G. E. C. Wisdom). The new rate of 15 per cent
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  • 210 10 I rom Our Own Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR Sept. 2. THE increase in the Fedcra- ms prism population as a result of t lie Emergency will add $478,000 to the Budget. This was approved b\ tl <• F< c1<t;w LepLslative Council today. The largest shric item in Hr
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  • 345 11 From Our Stall Correspondent KUALA LI MITB. Sept. 2. ML(»()TIATl()\S are to «>e reopened n' ith the British (aovernment over Malaya's ,s I 75,1)(>(),OIMI \Y a r I) a m a g o < Compensation scheme, with a view to obtaining additional
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  • 109 11 Horn Our Own Correspondent PENANG. Sept. 2. THE Nibong Tebal Coroner Mr. Tay Hooi Soo) yesterday alternoon found that Mr. John Ramsden, managing director ot the Penang Estates group, had been “shot by an unknown person with a double barrel gun.’' “There is no evidence against
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  • 183 11 SINGAPORE. Sept. 3. 4 man, who took $750 tea money in Decern* ber 1945 for a house in Race Course Lane, was yesterday fined in the Second District Court SGOO and ordered to pay $l5O costs. Ho was K. M Mohamed Ismail, a partner ot
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  • 138 11 SINGAPORE. Sept. 3. pASSENGERS who have booked from Singapore for Australia on the November-December trip of the Burns Philp ship. Marella, have been notified that their bookings have been cancelled. The Straits Times understands that Marella is at present on off“r for sale. No official confirmation
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  • 56 11 SINGAPORE Sept. 3. Revised Singapore airmail closing times are as follow AUSTRALIA and NEW ZEALAND: 6 om. Tuesday Friday and Saturday and alternate Mondays from Sect 13. UK. CANADA EUROPE U S.A.. CENTRAL and SOUTH AMERICA. INDIA PAKISTAN. IRAQ IRAN AND ADEN: 6 p.m. Sunday Wednesday and Friday
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  • 144 11 KUALA LUMPUR Sept. 2. and Settlement GovO ernments were satisfied I tliat an increase in rubber dealers’ licences was justified, j the Federal Government told Lt.-Col. G. Fletcher in the Legislative Council today. I Mr Fletcher hid asked whethei representations were 1 made to the
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  • 254 11 from (*ur Staif or res punch* n PENANG. Sept. 2. THE chairman of the 1 Chinese Chamber of Commerce (Mr. Ong Keng Seng) commented today on the “inadequacy” of the 55.000 reward which the police have offered for the arrest of Dr. Ong Chong Keng’s murderer
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  • 264 11 From Our StaiV Correspondent R KOALA Lt'MPFR. Srfl “IVE lack sutlicient troops,” said Mr. Jules (Penang) when he referred at today’s ing of tlie Federal Legislative Council to tin* murder” of Dr. Ong Chong Keng. -R He called for fuller use of banishment mut^B The
    —Straits times pi,  -  264 words
  • 40 11 SINGAPORE F tn The follow %eappointed clerks gj n gistering Office ’> JJgj. gapore Electoral u a jjty Heng Seng Tt ek 1 M North-East 1 .aUty Din bin Daud 'M Souih-Wrs?'. Mr > W dun (Rural Boara l y
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  • 128 12 SINGAPORE. Sept. 2. J ship will eave Singapore tomorrow 54i pilgrims for Mecca y th* pilgrims 397 are r Malava ami M4 recently 'jec from China. I further 22 Chinese MusufiU arrive at Singapore jjv from Hong Kong by [Lot Sans, and the Darvel
    128 words
  • 73 12 SINGAPORE. Sept. 2. bn than 1.600 cases were l. with in the Singapore fcP lice Court in August. majority of these were il immon* cases, in persons were accused contravening Municipal regarding sanita- obstruction of public fc-r.d building. court also heard 100 summons cases for
    73 words
  • 60 12 >uv Gapo KE. Sept. 2. SiniU, p Ir D K. Daniels), 4 V G Pitt of the Service. u n ,minated to the fcre A r d if orv Board. Sin1 Morlov Messrs J- *ho h,, und H E. Cor- r ha 'e resigned. the Gov*has h
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  • 473 12 SINGAPORE, Sept. 2. /Of are the people who are at the root of all the present trouble, said ,he Singapore Judge (Mr. Justice Rrown) yesterday 0 he passed a sentence of eight years’ rigou imprisonment on an illicit arms dealer. Lim un Chiang. These are the prices
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  • 83 12 :i 8i^an P n° RE Sept 2 ,?oerativ M Urban c oSrC 'r m,,n a t o half JfiecidrVj t n f ‘hnr ves■5 of Z! U increase the 3c ?nts nhscription ncmber with a maximum of S110 ocr member society. The old rates were ten cents
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  • 56 12 Crowds besieged the stamp counter II mv .vamp CUUI11C1 of the head Post Oflice, Singapore, on Sept, l to buy the B\l\ S Jfa n ii P n ,SSU n i0r rt St day cover!s The over-printed BMA stamps will remain valid, though no more will be
    —Straits Times picture.  -  56 words
  • 540 12 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Sept. 1 A St RPRISE attack on a bandit camp a few miles to the east of Kuala Lumpur was made by R.A.F. Beaufighters at dawn today. In spite of poor visibility, the camp, which consisted of several huts in
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  • 166 12 SI NGApo R E) sept. 2. THE manager of Straits Steamship Co., (Mr. Arthur Jones) was yesterday fined $150 by the Second Police Magistrate (Mr. L. C. Goh) for an offence under the Post Office Ordinance. Mr. Jones pleaded guilty to the charge that the
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  • 152 12 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR. Sept 1. MOVEMENT of rice, padi, flour, bread, sugar m)lk and dried or salt fish in Ke--1 lantan near :he border ot Siam is now being controlled This steo is to prevent smuggling of food to the armed Chinese
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  • 66 12 SINGAPORE. Sept. 2 An Indian boy was admitted to the General Hospital yesterday with a suspected fracture of the left leg following an accident with a motorcar in Kampong Bahru Road. A collision between a motor cyclist and a military lorry at the junction of Jurong Road and
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 49 12 Quarterly Half-Yearly Yearly STRAITS BUDGET. SUBSCRIPTION RATES (PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. Singapore Town Area No Postage 5.20 10.40 20.80 Malaya dm luding Postage) 5.60 11.20 22.40 Br. Empire A Foreign (I nr I ud ini; posture' on 12 00 24 00 (ALL THE ABOVE ARE IN STRAITS CURRENCY./ i a
      49 words

  • 310 13 KUALA LUMPUR, Sept. 2. THE Federal Legislative Council today approved a $3,239,767 increase in the Hudget to meet additional police expenses consequent upon the Emergency. Of the total, $628,262 will be for personal emoluments for members of the fpree. Other amounts will include $298 505 lor
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  • 127 13 Kioin Our Own Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Sept. 2. The War Damage Section of the Claims Commission is to be expanded at a cost of 5279.898. Of this sum $177,314 wll be cost of salaries for the following staff: Cha liman ($2,253), second commissioner ($1,200), chief superintendent ($3,571).
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  • 353 13 1 KUALA LUMPUR Sept. 2. SCATHING criticism of Britain’s £10,000,000 '“gift” to Malaya’s War Damage Compensation scheme came from Mr. J. D. Mead, Mr. D. T. Waring and Dato Onn bin Jaafar, a t today’s meeting of the Federal Legislative Council. Mr D. T. Waring said he
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  • 99 13 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Sept. 2. IT was Government’s opinion that the Moratorium cannot bp lifted until the Debtor-Creditor legislai tion is on the Statute Book, said the acting AttorneyGeneral (Mr. Peter Bell) at this morning’s meeting of the Legislative Council. Tabling the report
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  • 89 13 SINGAPORE Sept.* 3. ROBERT Charles Barker. chief officer of the Empire Palace, was sentenced to three days’ rigorous imprisonment and ordered to pay $200 compensation. by the Fourth Police Magistrate (Mr. A G. Shears* yesterday for assaulting Loii Ah Wah with a broken glass at the
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  • 105 13 Did It Hurt Asks Judge SINGAPORE Sept. 3. EIGHTEEN -year-old schoolgirl Alice Wee told the Singapore Assizes yesterday a gunman hit her on the face with his revolver when she stared at him hard. “Did it hurt very much?” asked Mr. Justice Brown. “At first it did,” Alice replied. The
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  • 176 13 1 L°»^«? ur stafT Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, S«‘pt 2. TIIK Government had reduced the price of padi from $20 to 815 a picul on June 30 because it could not fi” or B d the heavy subsidy, the Legislative Council was told this morning. .On an
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  • 141 13 From Our Staff Correspondent PENANG, Sent. 2. OENANG’S first registration day ended yesterday with the issue of 7,300 identity cards in the Town Area, the Municipal President (Mr. VV. Tj. Taylor) told the Straits Times today. Mr. Taylor said the cards had been supplied to authenticating
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  • 238 13 Sir H. Gurne y New High Commissioner KUALA LUMPUR, Sept > 1 CIR Henry Lovell Goldsworthy Gurney, ha-'lj J appointed High Commissioner f or t« Federation of Malaya. This was announced here to-day. 1 a W( st M fr<.*m a ne\v>p a ;> r „„^B Mr Malcolm MacD na’d <■
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  • 85 13 SINGAPOHE piM IT was announc'd n.v GHQ. FAR ELF. the Army is now operat®M scheme wht reb\ Br.:>h lian.s u. married ■■nd more than 19 on Jen the year they are tak®w can now be acc-p'-dMPH training at the H Academy at Sandhurst, inf' land. Candidates alter mendation
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  • 72 13 From Our Staff KUALA LUMPUR Thp threp battalion Malay Regiment an «gj brought up to 111 -W at a cost of $C96.4(>( Arms and equipnu cost $184,000. anhjjK, $25,009 personal Kpd $142,541. motor veha provision for $143 170. rations niture $60,000 o. necessities $56,000 .*diOther incidental
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  • 119 15 SINGAPORE, Sept. 2. VO further supplementary petrol allowances are to be issued in Singapore in September except in case of emergency says an official announcement last night. This step is taken “to conserve petrol in the present situation and to limit the issue of petrol coupons
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  • 107 15 SINGAPORE. Sept. 2 ONE hundred :ars weie due to oe delivered uu to the Public Works Department transport deoo: in Singapore yesterday. The cars are Custodian ana War Department vehicles taken over from the British Militarv Administration and allotted to government servants. Tenders for them will
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  • 41 15 SINGAPORE. Sept. 7. Mr. Kuok Hock Chin has boon appointed tr the Excise B< aid. Johore Bahru, m place of Mr. J. S Foley who lias resigned Mr T Jethanand has been appointed to the Town Board. S
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  • 289 15 SINGAPORE. Sept. 2. AN English schoolteacher, Mr. Francis Thomas, of St. Andrew’s School, was last night elected to the provisional committee of the Labour Party of Singapore, which was founded at a meeting convened by Mr. M. A. Majid, the president of the Indian Seamen’s I’nion
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  • 74 15 SINGAPORE. Sept. THE first rubber roof ol its kind in the world* has been erected on a new building at the Singapore animal quarantine station at Telok Ayer. The roofing has been used on a tuinglow there. It is known as Cressonite corrugated roofing and
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  • 216 15 SINGAPORE, Sept. 2. 'THE 10 armed robberies which occurred in Singapore in August, tthe second full month under the Emergency, make the lowest monthly figure recorded since the liberation. Singapore's C.I.D. Chief (Mr. E. V. Fowler* said yesterday that this compared favourably with pre-war figures.
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  • 175 15 KUALA LUMPUR. Sept 1. 4 CTION shots taken by the Malayan Film Unit, showing anti-terrorist measures in the Federation, have been included in newsreels which serve two-thirds of the television audiences in the United States The foreign editor of the Television Newsreel Service, which ordered the
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  • Article, Illustration
    53 15 Mr. Koh Ah Seng, who has retired from the New Zealand Insurante Company after 35 years sen it e, seen receiving a watch, presented by the staff, from .Mr. N. M. Levien. the company's Singapore branch manager. A farewell party was held in Mr. Koh’s hon- our at Robinson's.-
    -Straits Tines picture.  -  53 words
  • 365 15 From Our Woman Correspondent SINGAPORE, Sept. 2. THE custom of providing expensive funerals which poor Chinese cannot afford is the main reason for the giving away of sick and deformed babies to the Convent of the Holy Infant Jesus orphanage in Victoria Street.
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  • 273 15 From A Special KOTA HAHi. THKKE Plc-,e stop,,;,,,. 10 staple ioodstuns Malayan sources ‘V Communists on r nt side of the Slam,-* der. A senior cuu Tl H Kota Bahru said rha* -H stoppage began ago when eu>tc,:r.> 0 M the Ran tau border town
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  • 120 16 I Prom Our Own I Correspondent Iar. STAR. Sept. 4. Hp Indonesian and six ■Ualavs who were surfccoy the Police while hip over 100 ■/and 18.540 rounds ■inaiunition from the Dewai river, Kea/n ntenced yes■ay to three years’ ■:ous iinpriso nme n t. I:vrr. <ian. Ahmad told
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  • 107 16 'IRKMIiAN, sept 5. ■""Malays picking jungle ftuit ueri* kidnapped by Chinese at Dusun ■jtnan. near Mantin BjtoSnnbilan) early this Eleven other Malays ■formed a search party K fla v "ere also kidnappK sans. Wednesday two of the K. part > escaped and ■lT' 1 the police
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  • 34 16 i? °neV v pl -r A fine °f in n 0lUns &aol was 32 a on Chew •of ariJ kkl1 lor being Mn m ar SeremAu« or lt 8 valid certi- >
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  • 297 16 IKroin Our Staff Correspondent PENANG, Sept. 5. intimated at 50,000 lined the streets an( l armed police patrolled the town as the Be hearing the body of the murdered Federal incillar. I>r. Ong Chong Keng, passed along ndncipui streets of Penang today. M -o<vssion oi' 5,000
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  • 166 16 MIGRATION FEVER’ SINGAPORE, Sept. 5. (ECONOMIC conditions in China have made life so unbearable for White Russian that several thousands of men, women and children are now seeking: new homes in South America. This was revealed to the Sunday limes yesterday by a party of 15 White Russians who arrived
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  • 166 16 A 31-YEAR-OLD English ad viser to the Indonesian Republican Ministry f t Foreign Affairs, <Mr. John Coast) yesterday denied to a press conference in Singapore that any Indonesian office has received any money from the proceeds of on a 'ales The Indonesian Government representative
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  • 162 16 KUALA LUMPUR, Sept. 5 /CHAMBERS of Comt merce in the Federation- European, Indian, and Chinese- are to hold meetings within the next two weeks to discuss the war damage claims com- 1 pensation scheme and the proposed Debtor-Credi-tor Bill. The president oi the F.M.S.
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  • 130 16 SINGAPORE, Sept. 5. rHE first four of 20 former members of the Palestine Police to be attached for duty to the Singapore Police Force arrived by air a lew days i eo. They are Messrs Bellfield, Hoy Flynn and Wilmshurst. Mr Wilmshurst has been attached
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  • 361 16 SINGAPORE, Sept. 5. IN the growing: dusk thousands of people who had waited for over an hour last night at the end of the Singapore Air Display were rewarded by a breath-taking last-minute display by the R.A.F. Vampire. The pilot, Flight.-Lieut. G. Francis, and his mechanics had worked
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  • 60 16 SINGAPORE, S< pt f> \N A T S. oflicor serving m Singapore was killed whil* out riding at Nee Soon abnT r,:;o p.m lust night rii" horse she was riding bolted and threw her. She was d* ad when picked up. Her name will not b<>
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  • 816 17 From A Market Correspondent Bt SINESS was on a modest scale during the week and, with quotations moving irregularly within fairly narrow limits, no general trend was discernible. Industrial shares supplied the bulk 01 the but;. "Tins were frankly disappointing. while the tirnover m
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  • 12 17 JTUCHAI Tin's dredge produced 920 piculs of tin-ore In August.
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  • 137 17 'pEMERLOH Hwbbei Estates report u prof.* for th<* year to Apr. Ul. 1948. of Mil.**60 The director?* upm. to be .submitted a* the General reeling of the company at Penang todax (S«pt. 7). says the n-otit is to be carr d to the appropriation account. The crop harvested
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  • 117 17 SINGAPORE. Sept. >. ALTHOUGH complete i el urns are not yet available for the first six months of 1949. sufficient information is available to compare the production-consumption position of rubber during that period with estimates for the f ull year. The Rubber Study
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  • 194 17 From Our Staff Correspondent PENANG, Sept. 7. “MECESSARY compliance with emergency regulations,” has delayed this year’s planting and replanting programme of the Temerloh Estates. We nope it is only temporary,” the chairman (Mr. J. B. Brown) told the company’s 34th ordinary general meeting at Penang today.
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  • 152 17 thaiS GaPore W TRALING )n rui;b!1 more restricted J. the past week L 6j fluctuations h v t ,7. J 01 «ys Lewis P market report M The possibility of a the Berlin crisis' h:i> the Malayan situation worsening of affairs m n East Indies. e l
    152 words
  • 60 17 NEW company E am W. (Latex). has o**en ed for »he t-ialn object of viding storige faciliu** 1 quid latex rubb'i. It is a p.'itate rcvc<r a capita, cl £60.000 11 six per cent £1 mieei Cumulat ve (*re!crentf< I and £25.000 in Cl Ord Its registered cM"p
    60 words
  • 141 17 J-JU ME Industries (Far Last' interim report for the sixmonths ‘o June 30- 1948. shows that a net profit of £5B 000 (subject to audit' was earned by ‘radinc during the period. The company proposes to pa\ the initial dividend on the Preference capital after completion
    141 words
  • 827 17 SINGAPORE Sept. 7. INDUSTRIALS Prices quutea o> the Malayan Sharebroker* todav were Bayer Seller Atlas Ice 14 00 18 no Alex Bricks Ord. 1.70 1.80 Pref. 3.20 3.3b B.B. Pr~rol 41 42 B M. Trus*ees 8.50 9.00 Con sell dated Tin iO» 20 21/Con rtn Smelter* do
    827 words

  • 218 18 SINGAPORE, Sept 5. nF II)KNCE reigns supreme in the Negri camp the final date of the H.M.S. Malaya Cup soccer -netitioii draws near. The WuTi Sembilan team which created history n0 t onlv defeating Singapore but was unbeaten .Vries of seven big matches, is
    218 words
  • 442 18 ItkGAPORE, Sept. 4. Kg affiliation of the Singapore Hockey Lotion to the InCational Hockey Fetation has been posted because the ■deration does not Cf the status of the Eciation. ■Jis was revealed at the Lai general meeting of the Lpore Hockey Association Eat the S R
    442 words
  • 225 18 Singapore:, sept. 5. THE Singapore Cricket Club beat the Colonials by two wickets in a cricket match played on the Padang yesterday. The Colonials declared at 101 for s ven wickets. A. Ferera top-scored with 46 not out for the Colonials. The S.C.C. passed
    225 words
  • 51 18 THE DUTCH VETERANS (colours) and the Dutch Juniors football teams photographed with the acting Consul -G ener al Singapore, Mr. J. B. Haverkon (centre) before their match on the Singapore Cricket Club padang on Sept. 1. in celebration of Queen Wilhelmina’s golden jubilee. The Juniors won by 3-1. —Straits Times
    —Straits Times; picture.  -  51 words
  • 438 18 SINGAPORE, Sept. 2. 17QUIPMENT Wing (Seletar) won the Malayan I inter-Unit swimming championship held at I R.A.F. Seletar yesterday afternoon, scoring 70 points from nine events which comprised the competition. It was the first time R.A.F. swimming cham- pionships were held in Malaya. Final placing were:—
    438 words
  • 79 18 SINGAPORE. Sept. 2. THE Tanglin Club, who lost their first two Inter-Club tennis matches against local teams, yesterday defeated the Malay Sports Association by 3-1 on the Club courts. Results were: Busdan and Mahmord io6t to Bond and Tite 7—9, 2—6; Abdullah and Haji Jamil .ost to Warden
    79 words
  • 370 18 KUALA LUMPUR. Sept 4. LOONG Leek Meng set a new mark of 5 rt. 11 ins in winning the high jump in the Selangor A.A.. championships at Kuala Lumpur yesterday. The new record is an inch-and-a-half better than the mark set last year by
    370 words
  • 179 18 SINGAPORE, Sept. 4. THE charity boxing tournament sponsored by the Singapore Amateur Boxing Association In aid of the Carmelite Convent Building Fund which was held at the Happy World Stadium last night, provided plenty of entertainment. Results wore: Flyweight: Abu Bakar (MSBC) beat Drutmne: Bakar (PTB>
    179 words
  • 197 18 SINGAPORE, Sept. 7. In the final match of th<* S.A.F.A. Division II league, a lastminute goal secured full points for the Fbilau Bukom Spor’* clu- 1 when they met the Rovers Jpo:t> Club at Geylarrg Stadium yesterday. The Urn 1 half was characterised by end-to-rnd
    197 words
  • 38 18 SINGAPORE. Sept 7. THE Triangle 2nd XI d h> r 1 the Singapore Cold Storage b'v reven goals to thre 1 1:: > vattv* 1 soccer played at the D It a Road ground on Saturday
    38 words