The Straits Budget, 14 August 1947

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1 20 The Straits Budget
  • 26 1 The Straits Budget THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE STRAITS TIMES fESTABLISHED OVER A CENTURY] No. 54. Singapore Thursday, August 14th, 1947 Price 40 cent^( f Currency)
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 63 1 The SINGAPORE FREE PRESS has the largest nett sale of any afternoon newspaper published in Malaya The Singapore Free Press is the oldest established newspaper in Singapore. It recommenced publication in May last year and its smart presentation of news has made an immediate appeal to the reading public. For
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  • The Straits Budget
    • 1293 2 —Straits Times. Aug. 7. Some illuminating comments on the position of Penang in the Malayan Union were made by Mr. H. E. Nixon in this page last week, and one of them was that the people of Penang were doubtful whether they would prefer to go
      —Straits Times. Aug. 7.  -  1,293 words
    • 867 2 —Straits Times, Aug. 8. The picture of Britain’s economic plight which Mr. Attlee drew in the House of Commons yesterday was every bit as grim as the 'government’s critics warned it would be. Indeed in at least one respect it was a great deal grimmer. The
      —Straits Times, Aug. 8.  -  867 words
    • 420 2 —Straits Times. Aug. With reference to the recent controversy over the Padi Purchase Scheme of the Malayan Union Government, which followed the resignation of Mr. N. M. Clark and his public criticisms of allegedly poor collections of padi in Perak and other defects in
      —Straits Times. Aug.  -  420 words
    • 1107 2 —Straits Times. Aug. 9. Neither European planters nol Asiatic small -holders in Mala}® are likely to read “Economica,! the journal of the London Sc. ool of Economics, but there is article in the latest number v 1 is of absorbing interest to both <1 those classes of
      —Straits Times. Aug. 9.  -  1,107 words
    • 1197 3 •Straits Times, Auk. 11. Our local worries in Malaya continue to be overshadowed and dwarfed by the crisis in Britain. The reaction in this country shows not only deep concern over the position revealed by Mr. Attlee but strong confidence in Britain s ability to weather
      •Straits Times, Auk. 11.  -  1,197 words
    • 996 3 —Straits Times, Aug. 12. The passage through Singapore last week of the British Minister of Civil Aviation, Lord Nathan, and the promise that he wdl make a longer stay when he returns to Singapore on his homeward journey, are reminders that the development of Changi
      —Straits Times, Aug. 12.  -  996 words
    • 303 4 -Straits Times, Aug. 12. In Mr. P. T. Bauer’s analysis of the position of rubber smallholders in Malaya in the journal “Economica,” which was discussed in these columns last Saturday, there is one point which was omitted in that article for lack of space but which
      -Straits Times, Aug. 12.  -  303 words
    • 1030 4 —Straits Times, Aug. 13. Remembering how impatiently democracy has been hammering at the door in Singapore, the defenders of the old order are now sardonically remarking on the undeniable fact that there is no rush to get on to the new electoral roll. The registration
      —Straits Times, Aug. 13.  -  1,030 words
    • 251 4 —Straits Times. Aug. 13. There was a rather important printer’s error in our editorial noie yesterday in which we referred to the “bloc of 21 Malay members” in the central legislature of the coming Federation of Malaya. For twenty-one, read thirty-one. The system of allocation for the
      —Straits Times. Aug. 13.  -  251 words

  • 194 4 SINGAPORE, Aug. 13. The following Joint statement has been issued bv Mr. Mohd. Annuar bin Ahmat of the United Sarawak National Association. Singapore, Malayan Union and Sarawak, and Mr. Mohd. Ma'amon bin Nor, Vice-President, Sarawak National Youth Movement, on their departure for Sarawak after
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  • 53 4 SINGAPORE. Aug. 13. A young Chinese, Ng Ah Kiat was sentenced to four years’ rigorous imprisonment by Mr. Justice Brown at the Assize Court yesterday, when he was convicted on a charge of being in possession of a revolver and six rounds of ammunition at Kim Keat Road
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  • 121 4 IPC 'H, A no OENTENnxc; f.v„ 17 .:l old Chinese u r imprisonment to,h,y" y l Justice Cox Evans said •I was no older course <L“'B him. as ther t was reformatory: nor among the public jug?] pub ic-spmteil peopl. would care f,„- u M
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  • 101 4 SINGAPORE. Aug. 13.H A plea to be tried in India made by a 20-year-old PunjaH soldier. Shushi Mahomed, vfl appeared on remand in theSingMf pore Fourth Police Court vesteH day. charged with the murder oil sepoy driver. Appla Naidu. on JuB 4 at the
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  • 90 4 SINGAPORE. Ausi. 13. A Eurasian clerk employed aH the Hong Kone and Shanghi* Banking Corp.. Singapore. Cyri* Nelson Jansen, was granted a tie* cree nisi to be made absolute iiB three months by Mr Justice Job* ling at the High Court yesterdaw He petitioned for a divorce iro:*
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    • 115 4 births nlf( KEYS, to Valerie (VALERIE* V of Dr. D. N. Keys on ls: Kandang Kerbau a son. TURNER— On August 7th in ehing, Sarawak, to Evelyn owe V P wife of R. N. Turner. M C.S me W of a son. a ROWLAND—On 7th August m Bungsar Hospital
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    • 43 4 C GW Mr. D. R. REID and M p.-| Blanford. The marriage »>' 0 riel* Rowland Reid. M.C I Mr. and Mrs. W. dl and Colombo, and C I daughter of Mr. r. B C.S and Mrs. Mouat. will shortly take place in
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  • 17 4 death Rev. Eugene Sieux co-t" American Scandinavian Church. Canton. China July 2Cth 1947 at Linun«.m Canton. China.
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    • 999 5 po Vou Know Where I To Register Or What To Do? IfE from mows items in the Pr that applications registration as electors bv poi sons who wish to Km'lv -loctiolte for memK „f the Singapore Legis- Council are now oemg ■jived on personal anpli- at a
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    • 230 5 IWAS enlisted in the Malay Regiment in 1935. The terms of service were seven years with the Colours and five years with the Reserve. Before I took the oath and signed the enrolment form I was given a promise that when I completed 12
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    • 164 5 MUCH has been said and written about the alleged unfair treatment w h i c n Malaya has received from the International Emergency lood Committee. Hov/ever. the critics ee y the rice and conveniently over look the other items of food available in Malaya. They do
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    • 146 5 YOUR correspondent “S” who quoted American critici-m of British coal-miners, does not appear to have any knowledge of the coal-mining industry in the United Kingdom. American mines are shallow, with broad seams well suited to the use of coal-cutting machinery, and are staffed bv well-fed
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    • 691 5 MR. P.A.B. McKerron, at last week’s meeting of the Advisory Council, said that “purely luxury goods’’ will not be allowed to enter Singapore from the United States and other hard-currency areas. Non-essential merchandise has been extensively restricted by the local import authorities. Yet
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    • 238 5 THE fighting in Indonesia is going to benefit nobody. The two parties have everything to gain or lose according to the different ways they look at things. The greatest losers in thi? struggle are the Chinese, Indians Eurasians, Americans and Euro peans.
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    • 69 5 IN 1941 it was compulsory for merchants to take out war risks insurance and they were told that any damage done to the merchandise by enemy action would b e paid by the Government. It is now two years since the war is over, and some months since
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  • 2150 6  -  A Malayan Countrymans Diary TUAN DJEK I OCCASIONALLY refer to I our estate which is situat-1 ed one and a half miles from the dusun. Whilst the pnn cipal cultivation was always the rubber tree, we planted all sorts of economic trees. One of
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  • 199 6 liy.WRasi aw Uss a military wi’h Patrol to last them for m „£“l J? 0 ml es and with si, 700 thp unit guard room pie mer., it is untie,-stood M taken „u- ot their cells 'M escort yesterday mornii ,3 the cath hall suddenly Vo®
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  • 63 6 SINGAPORE. Aug. 12.1 A preliminary Inquiry intol charge of rape preferred again! two your.g British service men. i McCulloch and C. Howell, open® at the Seventh Police Court Vcfl terday. I It was alleged that the acciul raped a 15-year-o!d Chinese gfl at the War Crimes quartet Mount
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  • 187 6 0 SINGAPORE, Aug. 12.J F the $200,000 required to build a proposed orphanage ail home for homeless girls and women, in Thomson Singapore, $26,934.22 has so far been raised. I "o r"* v nos su i The building fund is being raised by the
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  • 64 6 SINGAPORE, Aug. 12. B Pushing a bicycle up a hul Pnnggol Road on Sunday, a nanese, Wong Piou >V :B stopped by a revenue found that a gunny sac*. M the carrier of the bicycj* dat B ed seven cartoons of 3 1 B cigarettes, weighing 9
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  • 38 6 KEMAMAN. Aug. H VtaoB killed a Chinese J per two days ago wh iB was at his daily [ask was found near the Near Chukai towns; vv M has taken away seven in three weeks.
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  • 731 7 From Our Staff Correspondent I KUALA LUMPUR, Aug. 6. mVATE land in the Malayan Union which, during the occupation, was compulsorily acquired by the L up ying power” for a “public purpose,” may be le■ned by government, according to the provisions of a I
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  • 51 7 SINGAPORE, Aug. 7. Three Chinese robbers. who entered a house in Anson Road yesterday at 12.30 p.m. left in a hurry, when they found that one of the occupants had left the house to make a report. One of the men was armed with a
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  • 130 7 SINGAPORE. Aug. 7. A It year old Chinese co> was fined $65 by the third Police Court Magistrate. Mr. K.M. Byrne, yesterday for being in possession of ,1V?. lb. of dutiable Craven A cigarettes in China Street, on Tuesday. Mr. C.O. Williams, prosecuting, said the boy
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  • 273 7 SINGAPORE, Aug. 7. The General Officer Commanding the Singapore District, Maj.-Gen. L. H. Cox, said, yesterday that th e British! public read many British 1 newspaper reports representing Singapore as a prosperous part of the Empire which iad made a good post-war re
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  • 33 7 IPOH, Wednesday.—Two Lower Perak Malays. Osman bin Arif and Ali bin Harum, were acquitted at Perak Assizes today of a charge of the murder of an Indian labourer named Sandiawu.
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  • 129 7 —Reuter. LAKE SUCCESS, New York. rHE Malayan Union and Singapore are now entitled to join the Economic Comm is sion for Asia and the Far East as an associate member. Associate membership of the Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East for non-self governing territories
    —Reuter.  -  129 words
  • 58 7 From Our Staff Correspondent MUAR, Wednesday The District Judge (Che Hamid Bin Mustapalia) imposed a fine of $lOO or one month’s rigorous imprisonment on a Chinese, Teo Beng Chuan, for selling cigarette* without a licence. An amount of $62.82, derived from the sales of seized cigarettes,
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  • 119 7 SINGAPORE, Aug. 7. MR. J. A. Thivy, the new representative of th e Government of India, was elected president of the committee protem to form an Indian Universities Alumni Association of Malaya, at a meeting held last night at the Adelphi Hotel. The committee was charged
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  • 139 7 SINGAPORE, Aug. 7. A senior official of the Singapore Criminal Investigation Department last night issued a warning to all firms and individuals in Singapore and the Malayan Union against a European swindler, who is alleged to have cheated scries of shops and firms throughout Malaya
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  • 392 7 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Aug. 6. THE report on income tax by the advisor on income 1 tax for the Malayan Union and Singapore, Mr. R. »> Heasman, has been approver bv the Governors of both territories. Its publication may be expected early this
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  • 84 7 SITIAWAN, Aug. 6 A Sltiawan police party, led by senior inspector Yahaya bin Yamaliddln, raiding Sungei Wangi Dalam, a village five miles from here, found a large haul of firearms. The haul comprised. 25 rifles, 32 double-barrel shot guns. 19 single-barrel shot guns, two tommy guns, one sten
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  • 36 7 SINGAPORE. Aug. 7 Bail was opposed by the police in the Fourth Police Court, yesterday when a 22-year-old Hokklon, Or.g Kwee Hock was alleged to have criminally intimid lied two people on July 31.
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  • 465 8 SINGAPORE, Aug. 10. A GENERAL decrease in all types of juvenile delin- quency in Singapore and a marked decrease in the more common offences, are shown in official figures compiled from January to July this year. The offence of theft, after showing an up-and-down tendency between
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  • 96 8 From Our Staff Correspondent IPOH, Aug. 9. THE Superintendent of Census. Malaya. Mr. Del Tufo, will require up to 250 young men and women as checkers and coders from about the middle of next month to cope with the local taking of the census. In a notice
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  • 102 8 KUALA LUMPUR. Aug. 9. Britain's export drive extends to lighthouse equipment even to complete lighthouses. Malaya has ordered a speciallv designed lighthouse to replace the temporary one at Pulau Angsa. which guides incoming ships into the Klang Straits—the northern gateway to Perk SweS tenham—and warns them of
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  • 65 8 PENANG. Aug. 9. A CHINESE lodger fell from the window of his hotel on Thursday night just as large crowds wort leaving a nearby cinema in Penang Road. T!ie man was removed to hospital in a serious condition. His identity is not known, but he
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  • 110 8 SINGAPORE, Aug. 11. THE Singapore Chines* Asso- ciation for the Refill ol Victims of Japanese Peivicution is going to press for a refund of the $50,3/0,000 “Conti ibution” which Genera! Yamashita extorted from the Chinese community in Mu'aya between March and June, 1942. This was unanimously
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  • 150 8 SINGAPORE, Aug. 10. QINGAPORE trade unions will buy radios fitted with loudspeakers and workers will assemble in groups throughout the city to listen to their leaders, if the Government grants the Singapore Federation of' Trade Unions its request for time on Radio Malaya. The Federation
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  • 106 8 JOHORE BAHRU, Aug. 9. AN armed robbery is reported have occurred yesterday in Sri Gading in which five Banjerese and one Javanese took oart. They broke into a Chinese shop-house and removed cigarettes and cash valued at S4OO. When the shopkeeper was on the way
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  • 181 8 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Aug. 10. EVIDENCE of Japan’s preparedness to reopen its export Unde to Malaya has been received by the Department of Industry and Commerce, of the Malayan Union, but little interest nas so far been exhibited in the opportunities
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  • 91 8 SINGAPORE, Aug. 10. THE filth man to De recaptured following the gaol break from Outram Road, Singapore, remand prison, in the early hours of June 16. was sentenced to six months’ rigorous imprisonment by the Fourth Police Magistrate, Mr. H. W. Nightingale, in Singapore yesterday.
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  • 287 8 SINGAPORE, Aug. 11. THE libel action brought by the ex-Rajah Muda of Sarawak, Mr. Anthony Brooke, against the Sarawak Press, Company and the Sarawak Attorney-General, Mr. K. H. Digby, is to be heard in Kuching o n Sept. 24. The action was brought by Mr
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  • 237 8 SINGAPORE I BUSINESSMEN of more than half a dozen n h A 8 l buy the 19-year-old steam yacht. Sea Belle It* I built for the use of Singapore’s prewar Governors Sptt la l Since the yacht was put up for sale in Sin<>, inn I
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  • 160 8 SEREMBAN. Am M TUNGKU Syed Abdullah H Tungku Hassan was todM sente need to two years' imprisonment by Mr. D M. M Grant. District Judge, sente™ to take ell« ct from date ot ar eB (August 4. this year* on a cna:J of being
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  • 76 8 KUALA LUMPUR- Ail. 9 THE police charged a man court today with the t four banana leaves from a 1 J ation in Brickfields Read. vm leaves, exhibited in ioai H valued at 50 cents. n irr .eM The accused, an Ind Jf ?i‘ tv <S Saminathan.
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  • 89 8 MALACCA. August lacca’s price eon 110 a ii exl ate prosecuted 25 trad< cept one of whom ;i 1 >r for selling goo-ds abov. o' -m prices during last m > 1 fines totalled $5,185. s r* In addition 3.380 ciguie I confiscated. I m|R. A. H. Oirdler,
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  • 390 10 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Aug. 7. A STRIKE ultimatum by 2,000 railway mechanics at Sentul workshops and a series of 55 demands put forward by Malayan railway employees, will be discussed at a meeting to be held on Monday between Malayan railway officials and
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  • 87 10 SINGAPORE, Aug. 7. fTiHE President of the Singapore 1 Rotary club. Mr. s. s. Franklin, announced at the weekly luncheon yesterday, that the club’s tuberculosis fund had reached $35,192.46. Mr. Richard Sidney, editor of Young Malayans, gave a brief description of the origin of the paper, its financial
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  • 64 10 SINGAPORE, Aug. 8. Two young British servicemen. J. MacLeod and W. D. James, were acquitted by Mr. Justice Thorogood at the Assize Court yesterday on a charge of r°bbery. It was alleged that the accusa taxi driver of $32 at Whitley Road on the night,
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  • 87 10 f rom Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR. Aug. b. TWENTY-NINE-YEAR OLD Saw Shong-hai, a member of the police force timing th e occupation, was sentenced to be hanged at Sela.igoi Assizes this afternoon for the murder of a vegetable gar dener on March 31, 1944.
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  • 80 10 SINGAPORE. Aug. 8. A British seaman, Christopher Truston. was yesterday sentenced to four months’ imprisonment for making a bid to freedom which lasted four minutes. Truston broke away from a group of handcuffed prisoners inside the Supreme court after he had been remanded on a
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  • 93 10 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Aug. 7. rV\() Indians who found an Austin car in Maxwell Road, last night, immediately set to work to strip it of its wheels and tyres. While m the act, however they were interrupted by detectives who emerged
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  • 306 10 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Aug. 6. 'EVEN Malayan Union students have been awarded scholarships under the Colonial Development and Welfare Scheme. They will have to be in the United Kingdom to start their courses at the latest by the end of September this
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  • 72 10 SINGAPORE. Aug. 8. Tanjong Pagar police made a 10-mile trip in a launch to Pulau Bukom in a rainstorm last night to arrest 'a 20-year-old Chinese who escaped with eight others from Outram Road Gaol on June 16. The party found the escapee. Li Tio
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  • 179 10 SINGAPORE, Aug. 7. A SINGAPORE police radio patrol early yesterday I afternoon arrested two young Chinese after a Chinese girl| hairdresser had reported a i hold-up in a hairdressing! saloon in Geylang Road. The girl who called the police was 22-year-old Miss Lee Ah Nooi. She
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  • 296 10 U .S. Medal Awarded To Bishop to k BWhop W, ES al /"f fl ln Methodist hnrfh Lt: fl pore. nuic h, American' c’!!-’ I Building. uaie m n H thffcte;.'/ 5 U^M and Navy Chan a f f° n on testant Churches ,!f I ur the M Bishop Lee's
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  • 162 10 The following L> a Ifct c yn: l:‘. 1 to the Rotary Club Tubi reu.oMs Fl Dr. L. Melville Thompson C. L. Tessonsohi; 100. Nam 100. R. O Andie 10. 13 I’ .f" r ICO. M. M. Abdul Rahim M. Jumabh'V Co. 2al. Personnel 125. Blue
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  • 47 10 IPOH. August lur/ at. yesterday s R°y; d0 ym < eon. Mr F. J_ B cd the Malayan Bar. a: rubber was a dying 1 stated it was tim fl a s turned to growing men commodities like tc. Mr. Bryant f: “Perak then and no^
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  • 140 11 SINGAPORE, Aug. 8. iMiJ \KARTA radio has broadcast a list of drugs and medicines it requires in reply to a request from l„( C rnational Red Cross Representative in Singa*1 Mr. H. Schweizer. The reply says the Republic needs penicillin, sulfa anaesthetics, surgical instruments, blood
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  • 107 11 Nails On Bare Body— Six Months KnlM our 'tall Correspondent lroll tu;. Japan.ii.r.iJ to have used the •rtMiiiirnt against Chinese riuri.r the occupation and, in one i.Mame. to have torhired a In using a ulanli studded uili nail*' auainst his bare body. SJ found uuilty by the War (ri:m> Court
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  • 121 11 From Our Staff Correspondent PENANG, Aug. 7. THE 'ix-days-old Province I Wellesley bus strike ended unexpectedly this morning. All 25 buses of the Central Prov.ib'- Wellesley Transport Company are now back <>n their routes. The < the strike was un--vpt'ct* cl because a meeting hold
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  • 128 11 Ti;V Auj?. 3. t from a gunman’s '•••/(’Ivor last night hit a policy corporal’s tv..,' !i" corporal recovered P"ui bullet from his L1, 'tni||n Th*’ b:r. j 24-year-old Yasim tion wfl Tun j° n g Pagar Stair.arsh', i ,)ruro Uing the railway Vards at 8.30 p.m.
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  • 101 11 SINGAPORE. Aug. 7. MEN of the cron ol tne Khosrou told the Singa pore Coroner. Mr. W. G Porter, yesterday, how they iound the captain’*, **lnon steward a Goanese named Domigos Dias, sitting /Jrowned on the propeller boss of another ship moored near by He
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  • 89 11 SINGAPORE. Aug. 8. Sentence of five yean;’ rigorous imprisonment was imposed on a young Chinese. Lim Toh Seah. at the Assizes y( sterday. when he pleaded guilty to two charges of carrying a revolver and be in 2 m unlawful possession of five rounds
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  • 191 11 Krom Our Staff Correspondent PENANG, Aug. ALL three accused in the “sack murder” case were sentenced to death by Mr Justice Carey at Penang Assizes last night. A unanimous verdict of guilty I was returned by the special jury against Chiew Chee-bcng, Lee Ena- ini at
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  • 268 11 SINGAPORE, Aug. 3. BRITISH Army authorities in Singapore have banned from British military c.'ubs Dutch officers and other ranks who are in Singapore on Dutch army business. The ban results from the British Government’s order to all i‘s Far Eastern Army headquarters to suspend all
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  • 409 11 Jap Troops Give Capt. Headaches’ SINGAPORE, Auk. 7. A JAPANESE ship's master who transports Japanese >urrendered personnel from Singapore to Japan, said in Singapore yesterday that his countrymen gave him “headaches" on the voyage. The master is Captain S. Wake, of the C ho ran Maru. He has served in
    —Straits Times picture.  -  409 words
  • 105 11 SINGAPORE, An;, a Three mask'd armed Chinese, speaking Malay, robbed a Chinese sundries shop, and a coffee-shop within 30 minutes in a lonely Chinese Kampong ofT Kim Chuac. Hoad on Wednesday night The robbers attacked the closed shop for 15 minutes, and finally
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  • 44 11 TELUK ANSON. August <» —Folowing the example set by their sisters In the various parts of the Malayan Union, the dance hostesses of the Paradise Cabaret. Teluk Anson, are donating one day’s takings on August 12 towards the South China Flood Relief Fund.
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  • 460 12 From Our Staff Corresponded!! IPOH, Auk. 8. A FTER having sulphuric acid thrown over him on November 1.1, 1916, Leon# Tong Fong told Perak Assize C ourt today, he had lost his right ear and the sight of his right eye, his left
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  • 108 12 SINGAPORE. Aug. 9 In the dock in the First District Court, yesterday a Chinese hawker, a trishaw rider, a washerwoman and a seafaring man all told the District Judge, Mr. E. P Shanks that they needed opium as a stimulant because of the rigorous nature of
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  • 16 12 This year Ilari Raya Puasa w ‘ll b celebrated on Monday. August 18.
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  • 154 12 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR. Aug. 3. a JAPANESE occupation r\ period detective, iap Siong, was sentenced t 0 death at the Selangor Assizes to .lay for the murder of a 16-vear-old boy, Wong Cheong, on Chinese New Year’s evo in 1944. Yap admitted
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  • 100 12 KUALA LUMPUR. Thursday. On July 30. in the magistrate’s court, Kuala Lipis. a Malay, Chiik bin Ismail, was fined $5O, in default 14 days’ rigorous imprisonment, for collec f *ng house to house subscriptions without a licence from the Chief Police Officer. It was stated that he
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  • 59 12 From Out Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Aug. 7. —An ollicial communique today confirms the Straits limes story yesterday that the report on income tax by Mr. R. B lleasnian has been completed and adds that it will be made available to members of the Malayan Union
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  • 128 12 SINGAPORE. Aug. 9. PASSENGERS who disembarked in Singapore yesterday by the hired transport,! Scythia. from the United Kingdom, complained that it had been the “hottest trip” they had made out East*. They had run into a spell of hot weather soon after entering the Red Sea.
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  • 177 12 PENANG. August 8. Mr. Cheah Cheng Poh has been chosen b; the Straits Chinese British Association to represent it at the Pan-Malayan meeting at Kuala Lumpur cn August 16 to discuss income tax and the cost of the rehabilitatior of Malaya. The SC BA. is against
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  • 267 12 From Our Staff Correspondent; KUALA LUMPUR, Aug. b PEOPLE in Trengganu Lave lost fingers, toes and noses.' and others have been crippled and blinded by a bad outbreak of yaws. a graphic picture of conditions i in Trengganu. where she said the j people
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  • 619 12 SINGAPORE w J COINCIDING with the arrival in Singapore JLI L of Mr. R.B. Heasman for final di>cussi,,„ l the Officer Administering the Govcrnmciu *J McKerron, on the feasibility of introducing j nc J tax, leading Singapore citizens reiterated ohjectiJ to income tax proposals. j
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  • 91 12 SINGAPORE. Au?. 9 TWO British servicemen offered to "elf a j pe P 1 had taken from the Cap car park to a plain do. police officer were yesu* ientencecl to two rigorous imprisonment o\ Justice Thorogood at the gapore Assizes ye**«- c The men
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  • 27 12 Ul’UUivi SINGAPOi 1 fj A FURTHER 14 trad’ a been registered i These include Journalists u na Turf Club Laboui 1 Unilormed Stall 1 lecommunication>
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  • 195 13 SINGAPORE, Aug. 10. L] stream of migrants from Europe and India to Australia and New Zealand has caused shipping l t b from Singapore to Australia to be booked M for as many as four months ahead. Air passages Singapore to Australia have been reserved for
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  • 196 13 H. Din <>ur. Correspondent LONDON. Aug. 9. BaJOS-GENlRAL Sir Neil Malcolm, president of the Hiih North Borneo Chartered Kpany. st a tea at the ComKvs anneal general meeting B’rdav that the arbitration to Kci j:: a tair price for the ccmB‘v's assets ar.d holdings had
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  • 145 13 BAHRU. Aug. 8: Yoong ‘i; a Chim»yc shop assistant o.ruapoiv, who was found in X° n 1,1 a Vercy pistol at X accounted for it at the nirw£‘ St Tday by mating that ri n U P in a rubber estate th, n r n hls wa
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  • 87 13 KlM T k -l U IV h \L| LUMp UR. Oug. 6.— ivited Union has been niterj d candidates to the n ngd for a r *k whirl f ln co-operative 1 h6ld in first J s being held for 1 txporien and a s P ec
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  • 74 13 SINGAPORE. Aug. 9. GANGSTERS raiding a house in Geylang at 2.30 a.m. overpowered tne tenant and tied him to the bed with the blanket. After they had left, he freed himself and telephoned the police from a rubber factory. The victim said he awoke to find one
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  • 79 13 KUALA LUMPUR. Thursday. Nine children have been drowned by falling into unfenced wells or irrigation tanks in the Malayan Union, since April 1. 1946. In almost all the cases, the children fell into the wells while playing outside their homes. i*evealing these facts a note from the Attorney
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  • 63 13 JOHORE BAHRU. Aug. B. Four hundred and thirty three labourers on Chan Wing Estate in Central Johore have stooped work as a protest against a 20 per cent cut in their wages. This is the first strike ever reported on a Chinese-owned estate in Johore.
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  • 145 13 I'rom Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Aug. 8. rHE Malayan Union will cut imports of luxury goocL from the United States in the same way as Singapore. Officials in Kuala Lumpur said today that in both areas a parallel policy was being followed and
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  • 161 13 IPOH. Aug. 9. THE Resident. Mr. A. V. Aston, told reporters today that in connection with the outbreak of rabies in Perak, the authorities would have to intensify the shooting campaign unless greater cooperation was received from the public in tying up or muzzling dogs.
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  • 133 13 Prom Our Own Correspondent KOTA BAHRU, Aug. 10. A FOOD control inspector, Mohamed Ibrahim Kagee, 51-year-old South Africa-born Malay, received fatal injuries whe n he was attacked by unknown men at Telipot, two and a half miles from Kota Bharu, on Thursday night. Motive for the
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  • 60 13 SINGAPORE. Aug. 9. IN Singapore, last week, out of 54. reported cases of tuberculosis, 31 patients died. In the previous week, there were 1 73 reported cases with 36 deaths. T.B continues to be the ehicl cause of mortality in the city, with pneumonia coming next, j
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  • 118 13 Father Son Killed By Grenade From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Aug. J. A CHINESE, who used an anti-tank grenade as a pounder to break up alum rocks to feed his Dy the consequent explosion, his son aged 10 was fatally wounded and his daughter was slightly injured. This tragedy
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  • 231 13 CASE HELD FOR INSPECTOR ’S LEAVE SINGAPORE. Ail-. 8. CHIEF Inspector James McPherson, th > principal witness in a case against Chief Inspector Claude Willinm Roberts, formerly officer in charge of th e Singapore Food Control Inspectorate, is going to the United Kingdom on long leave. This was stated in
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  • 325 13 From Our Own Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Aug. Tllh dismissal of Malaya's claim for more rice by the Secretary of Stale for Colonies, Mr. Arthur Creech Jones, in his replies to questions in the House of Commons this week, has raised a storm of protest
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  • 112 13 -A.P BANGKOK, Aug. 10. THE Siamese Government today ordered the compulsory sale of all rice in the kingdom to become ellecMve immed ately begiuse of the failure of merchants to turn over Stocks to the Government Rict Purchasing Bureau. .vierchants holding stocks must contract with the bureau
    -A.P  -  112 words
  • 62 13 SINGAPORE. Auk. 9. Two hundred and fifty people in Singapore volunteered to give their blood for transfusion at the blood transfusion service exhibition centre at the Great World park. The response exceeded all expectations and tiie exhibition will be extended* for another week to run
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  • 33 13 SINGAPORE. Aug. 9. Choc S</on Keng oi 19. Tanglin Road. Singapore, on Thursday was fined $2,870. or six months’ rigoroi imprisonment, for violation of the Liquors Revenue Ordinance on June 19
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  • 328 14 By The Times Correspondent NEW DELHI, Aug. 10. JMGHT Gurkha Battalions may be used as the nucleus of an all-Gurkha military Division in Malaya. These eight battalions, mentioned in a British Government announcement, would, like any oilier Gurkha battalions which might be available to Britain,
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  • 111 14 SINGAPORE, Aug. 10. A 15-year-old Chinese, Tay Teng Sim, who pleaded guilty to two charges of armed robbery and carrying arms, was sentenced to three years’ rigorous imprison, ment, by Mr. Justice Thorogood, at the Assize Court yesterday. Tay was sentenced to three years’ imprisonment on
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  • 67 14 SEREMBAN, Aug. 9. FOLLOWING the flat refusal of the United Planting Association of Malaya to give a 100 per cent, increase in the wages of Indian estate workers and to withdraw the recommendation for a 20 per cent, cut in the contract rates lor
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  • 220 14 SINGAPORE, Aug. li. THE founder and leader of the World Buddhist Mission, the Ven. Lokanatha, who arrived in Singapore on Saturday from Kuala Lumpur, on his way to America, gave a lecture entitled “Buddhism, the Science of Deliverance'’ at the Singapore Buddhist Lodge last night. Born
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  • 39 14 SINGAPORE, Aug. 8. NEW food and drugs regulations were passed in the Singapore Advisory Council yesterday. They relate to the definitions and standards of certain foods labelling of certain foods, preservatives and colouring matters and miscellaneous prohibitions.
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  • 331 14 SINGAPORE, Aug. ii. WHILE the Singapore Teachers Union has called on all members, who are qualii fled, to register themselves as voters, Singapore’s most politically active body, the Malayan Democratic Union, remains apathetic. Th c secretary of the M D U Mr Eu Chooi Yip. told the
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  • 64 14 SINGAPORE, Aug. 11. A SINGAPORE Chinese, Loh Bah Seng, of Kim Kiat Road, has complained that he was robbed on Saturday night in his house by three men, who had six pistols between them. Loh .said he could not determine the nationality of the robbers after
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  • 124 14 From Our Own Correspondent KOTA BHARU, Sunday. pOLICE patrolling the SiamI ese border discovered the decapitated body of a Siamese, with the head lying a few feet away, at Kampong Chenerong, near Kuala Jam bu, at 6 p.m. last Wednesaay. it was revealed today. The body had
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  • 247 14 SINGAPORE, Aug. 10. THREE gunmen who robbed a house in Boon Teck Road, Singapore, or. Friday night, shot their way to escape when a group of neighbours, with sticks in their hands, turned up to assist the victims. Five shots were fired nt the group
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  • 135 14 SINGAPORE, Aug. 10. SINGAPORE immigration authorities have banned the entry into the Colony of troops wearing the uniforms of the Netherlands armed services. The ban is a result of the British Government’s instructions to military and civil authorities in Singapore to withhold “all military facilities'* from
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  • 225 14 Aid For Malay a War Victims From Our Stall Correspondtni kuala LtnupiTD A SUM of £3,000 has been received by ih e #v n i i' Ug -I Council from the Far Eastern Relief Fund the relief of distressed British subjects residing don I who lost their home or livelihood
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  • 124 14 lOHORE BAHRU. Aug. 10— P J two months Customs officii had kept watch for a beatm who they believed was smuggli chandu into Johore Bahru boat but it was not till a few da ago they found out that was travelling by train. Two days ago as he
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  • 111 14 SINGAPORE. Au«. 11 The prize-winners in the‘ World singing competition ne the Vienna Garden, on Satur were: t r re Men: Messrs. Jimmy die Jansen. Soo Ping- H Hump Rhadgi Minjoot and Ptt reys. Men’s special pn»s- b Ismail Kassim. Jamaludin Ahmad and Kam
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  • 54 14 IfUALA LUMPUR- j K At the annual nu t w Andrew’s Society of S < lec y David McCrow c ofl chieftain. The lollop Q mittee were elected Q Brown, Adam Thom.Dickson, J M. Lainp. p nedy. Gordon Wilson q Stewart, with Mi. J m lion, treasurer
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  • 408 15 I From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Aug. 11. Kt] Malayan Union Government will save ■Vi:], (!•>”■ I on estimated expenditure this year I postponing certain work and by charging ■tain items of expenditure to loan funds, Ef s an official release this evening. V
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  • 205 15 SINGAPORE. Aug. 11. ■EMBERS of a Singapore i < \V correspondeuce Hb an- regularly exchanging ■ters with people in Britain, ■5., D e n m a r k, Canada, ■stralia. NYw Zealand, Cey* Cyprus and Germany. ■>v*;« am ir.-m a eorrespond- in Britain that a
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  • 168 15 SINGAPORE, Aug. 12. V 1 V belongin S 10 the on upri lsh Translt Camp, Nee HiVp r f l V legecl the Fourth ke'nVn^ 11 yester(J ay to have Uonn 8e milita ry car. valued lin'p,,’ rom in front of the i g room at
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  • 84 15 DFNANG, Sunday.—a cyclist who and been knooked d-wn by a hit and rur. motorist received first aid from three schoolboys over the week end. He was tound lying on Dat'J Kramat Road by a Chung Ling High School student who. on examination, discovered two teeth choking the
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  • 144 15 From Our Staff Correspondent PENANG, Aug. 10 THE Chinese Consul, Mr. N. K. Lee, intervened yesterday in an incident on board the S.S. Van Heutsz. till uiciucnt V *u„; r nrntost "npnrp- Nearly 200 Chinese deck passengers refused to be quarantined and it was not
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  • 110 15 SINGAPORE, Aug. 12. MR. S. K. CHETTUR, who ielinquished his post as Representative of the Government of India in Malaya yesterday, plans to write a book in the next three months. The book will be called Malayan Adventure. In it, Mr. Chettur will record his impresssions
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  • 221 15 SINGAPORE, Aug. 12. SIX young masked Chinese used sampans to raid and rob the home of the manager of the Garrick Cinema, Singa- pore, Mr. Chia Soon Ann. They carried out the robbery in the small house of Saturday morning. Mr. Chia was not
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  • 47 15 JOHOR E BAHRU, Aug. 10—F'.r •I refusing to sell a tin of condensed milk to a customer. Ng Jee Char, a local shopkeeper, was today fined $lOO. The magistrate, Sheik Abubakar. ordered the 15 tins of milk found In his shop to be confiscated.
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  • 214 15 From Our Own Correspondent JOHORE BAHRU, Aug. 9. AT a meeting of 14 associations held at Johore Bahru on Friday, Ungku Adbullah bin Omar pointed out that the Sultan of Joh' re had violated Article 15 of the Johore Constitution by signing
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  • 118 15 SINGAPORE, Aug. 12. Postponement of the cases to Sept mber 25 tor mention was ordered by *he First District Court Judge, Mr. E. P Shanks, yesterlay wnen five Chinese and a Eurasian Food Control Inspector were again in court in connection with alleged bribes to Chief Isspector
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  • 106 15 SINGAPORE. Aug. 12. Two Teochews, Urn Seng Yong. 23 and Lim Quee Juay, 19 were charged in the Second Police Court, yesterday with attempting to commit housebreaking and theft by day at the premises of Messrs. McAlister Co.. Ltd., in Robertson Quay on Aug. 9. They were
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  • 1844 16  -  The Malayan Gardener By R.E. HOLTTUM, Director of the Botanic Gardens, Singapore TAILLARDIA: Herbaceous annuals or peiennials, growin g easily and flowering well in pots or beds in full sun. Perennial kinds will flower for many months. Propagation beSt from imported seeds. GERBERA (Barb erton
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  • 323 16 A SIGHT which often fascinates me is the way local shop-keepers parcel their goods. In Eng»ard, where the lack of paper for wrapping is a minor tragedy no one would think of using grasses or leaves for wrap ping as our ingenious tradesmen do. Th
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  • 604 16  -  By J. N. MlLSUlJ and J* R. P. SOPER of the Department J Agriculture, Malaya Another variation on the spinach theme is provided by Talinum, a plant which is as yet very little known in this country and which has no Malay name except the
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  • 451 17 I I roni Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Aug. 12. Y armed detectives and police constables are "dim: the entrance to a cave in the limestone ■An tin' Batu Caves area, where a huge arms dump discovered in the early hours of this morning.
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  • 253 17 I SINGAPORE. Aug. 12. pR masked Chinese rob- bers. two with pistils Igled through a refuse into a dispensary ir lelock Road at 5.30 am ■erday. ’ied up the occults with string and locked Bn in a lavatory while they Ehed the premises. I
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  • 133 17 v n SINGAPORE, Aug, 13. was m lbl ity ()f furt her charby the police, irth p b in lhe Singapore en sf>vfn‘ V'' C()Urt yesterday, ledfr-.m J-.ninese. whose ages k IM.I 0 were charged y. in i\. u r for gang rob.AlJg 11 T Tam
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  • 84 17 SINGAPORE. Auk. 13. A RADIO shop in Sebgi Road and a well-kn »wi Singapore European s' ore yesterday reported that he> had been given dud cheque* with European signatures foi $285 and $B7 respectively. The Singapore C.I.D. recently had warned that a European swindler was believed to
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  • 89 17 SINGAPORE. Aug. 13. A 24-year-old Hokkien widow. Chua Kim Eng. was fined $5,000 or six months’ r.i. in the Third Police Court yesterday for possessing 73.300 dutiable cigarettes at a house in Jeddah Road on Aug. 11. Chua who pleaded guilty, told the magistrate, Mr.
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  • 45 17 KUALA LUMPUR, August 12. Mr. C.T. de B Whitehouse. well-known Perak coast and Selangor planter, has been eKctea president of the Incorporated Society of Planters. Mr. Whitehouse succeeds Mr. E. M. Stewart and Mr. G. W. P. Brown as chairman of the I.S.P.
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  • 55 17 SINGAPORE, Aug. 13. ABOUT 320 rickshaw-pullers who w,*re thrown out of employment when rickshaws were abolished in Singapore have been repatriated to China by the Department of Labour. About 400 applied for passages to China, of which 338 were approved. Eighteen of the approved applicants at the last
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  • 163 17 SINGAPORE, Auff. 13. THE Coroner, Mr. K. K. Oon, yesterday recorded a finding of J suicide at an inquiry into the death of Low Lai Woon, 34. a cloth merchant in High Street, who jumped from the fifth floor of Southern Hotel to the ground
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  • 151 17 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Aug. 11. THE total quantity of padi bought by Government and licensed mills up to July 3 amounted to 809,538 piculs. states an official release. The figures for the wet padi yield in Penang and Province Wellesley have betyi
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  • 213 17 From Our Staff Correspondent PENANG, Aug. 11. PADI planters in the Penang rural areas are to receive increased financial aid from the Government. This was announced by *he Collector of Land Revenue. Mr. V. E. Dawson, when he presided at the monthly meeting of the
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  • 376 17 SINGAPORE, Auk. 12. r |MIE Singapore Coroner, Mr. YV. G. Porter, ordered yesterday that the proceedings at an inquest in which a British officer, Major R. Warmishan, described how he shot an alleged looter in a protected area in daytime, be forwarded to the
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  • 131 17 SINGAPORE, Aug. 12. Boxes of stout were stacked on the floor of the Third Police Court yesterday when Sim Bock Sim. 29. a Teochew. the licensee of a stall in the Happy World, was fined $355. or three months imprisonment for storing 358 pints of dutiable stout on
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  • 96 17 KUALA LUMPUR. August 12. Law Sau Choon. a Kuala Lumpur business man. told the Selangor Assizes Court today that on Jan. 14 he received an envelope containing two live cartridges, and a letter threatening him with death if tie did not pay $lO,OOO. Law was giving evidence
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  • 500 18 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Aug. 6. IT was revealed at the annual meeting of the Rugby Section of the Selangor dub last night that the Malayan Rugby Union has in hand the question of becoming a constituent body of the Rugby Football Union
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  • 45 18 From Our Own Correspondent JOHORE BAHRU, Aug. 7. The English College opened their hookey season with a 3-2 win over the Johore Bahru teachers on Tuesday. Scores were Hamdan (2) and Abdullah for the College, and Wahid and Gurnam Singh for the teachers.
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  • 127 18 SINGAPORE, Aug. 10 VALBERG of the Singapore Recreation Club, yesterday created a new Singapore record In the Hiß**"* Jump by clearing 6 ft. 3 in., half an Inch less than Sio Leon* Joo’s Malayan record set up in 1939, at the Singapore Representative Athletic Team C
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  • 105 18 SINGAPORE. Aug. 11. Some hurricane hitting was seen in the cricket match in which the Singapore Recreation Club beat C.H.K.. S.E.A.L.F.. by one wicket at Tanglin Barracks yesterday. GHQ SEALF batted first and had eight wickets down for 98 runs. Lieut. Ledbetter and S/Sgt. Phizacklea then
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  • 239 18 JOHORE BAHRU. Aug. 11. BOTH teams totalled 64 in the annual cricket match for the Lowe Cup played between the present and old boys of the English College. The match thus ended in a draw. An eager crowd saw Victor Samuel play a grand captain’s innings, for
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  • 40 18 From Our Staff Reporter PENANG. August 10.—Winning three events—the 100. 220 and 440 yards—Yeoh Bok San ended up as champion athlete at the St. Xavier’s Institution annual athletic sports held yesterday at Pulau Tikus.
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  • 293 18 SINGAPORE, Aug. 11. THE Singapore Cricket Club “Test,’’ played between the local English and Australasian teams, on the club ground yesterday, had to be abandoned on account of rain before the match could be concluded. England, batting first, declared after scoring 162 runs for six wickets.
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  • 175 18 SINGAPORF a„ I THE Straits Racing Association is in-giL U|? 9- I take more interest in the management horses/ 01 In a circular issued to owners, the V .1 stated: 1 “It has come to the notice of the committee 0 f th e I Racing
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  • 60 18 Singapore have entered two teams for the inter-Colonial Full-bore Postal Match, and will probably shoot off in October. They have time until the end of the year in which to submit their scores. Neither Singapore nor the Malayan Union took part in the National Smallbore Rifle Association’s
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  • 349 18 From Our Staff Reporter PENANG, Aug. 10 AN Australian racehorse owner has arrived in Malaya with three expensive importations which he will race in this country. He is Mr. Norman King, who arrived a week ago from Australia on the same ship which brought
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  • 172 18 from Our Star, < SERFAIBAN, W n| Despite a sport,,,, M the opposing cuptuin tIH Combined Colleges were unabS to defeat T. Sukumaren’s sideil their crieket match on tS Negri Sembilan Club 'rouX yesterday. The Colleges were allowed a| extra over in which to take tH
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  • 225 18 From Our Staff Corresponde PENANG. Aug. 11 THE President of the Penal Turf Club, Mr. Lee To Poon, welcomes the revival racing at Bukit Timah year because Singapoie c give a lead 1° er t U in Maltya. Mr. Lee said yesterday that t
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  • 329 19 SINGAPORE, Aug. 13. BOYCOTT of the coining Singapore elections will form part of a campaign on the Malayan Consii I j ef ided upon at a Sunday conference of Putera llhc All-Malaya Council of Joint Action. I The conference, held at the Malayan Democra- Union
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  • 391 19 o l!r staff Correspondent 1 ■ALA LUMPUR, Aug. 7. ■Eefleci of loans to Chinese tin mines, the ability to 1 ■hasp special machinery ■ugh the Mines Depart > the improvement, in j supplies is reflected in the ■eased production of tin ore the continued rehabilita-
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  • 343 19 SINGAPORE. Aug. 8. MAINLY supoorted by Continental demand, the market up to ihe close of last week remained very steady, states Messrs. Lewis and Peat’s weekly market report. On Monday, however, with London and this market closed, New York started once <*gain a downward movement, the reason
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  • 289 19 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Auk. 12. TIN production in Malaya, which fell short of the 1946 estimate of 12,300 tons by approximately 4,000 tons, is expected to be “well on its way towards reaching its target by the end of 1947,’’ states
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  • 84 19 SINGAPORE. Aug. 12. Singapore will in future receive an allocation of one new motor-car for every two motorcars distributed in the Malayan Union. Thus the Colony is once again in a more favourable position in relation to the Union. The new ratio has effect from the
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  • 98 19 From Our Staff Correspondent PENANG, Aug. 12. THE police clash with 20i labourers on Dublin-' Estate last April was again recalled in the Kulim District Court yesterday when seven i men appeared on charges ol rioting and being members ol an unlawful assembly. The accused wer
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  • 144 19 It is announced that the \nipments of tin from Singapore and Penang last month totalled 3.455 tons which makes a total of 15.142 tons exported from these two ports, during the first seven months of this year. Of the 2,740 tons exported ;rom Penang, last month
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  • 95 19 SINGAPORE, Aug. 13. Telling the Fourth Police Court Magistrate, Mr. H. W. Nightingale, .yesterday he had not been himself for two months and had suffered mental agony, a 39-year-old Tamil. A. K; rapaya. pleaded guilty to attempting to commit suicide by cutting his throat with a
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  • 267 19 SINGAPORE, Aug. 13. FIVE hundred Indonesian, Malay, Chinese and Indian wharf workers yesterday ceased work on two Dutch ships, the Kota Gede and Rondo, alongside the Singapore Harbour Hoard wharves. Four hours later the Smga pore Harbour Board Labour Union decided to impose a complete boycott
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  • 96 19 SINGAPORE, Aug. 13. Two lully loaded pistols, a 32 Colt automatic, and a 32 Mauser were recovered by Singapore detectives, who surprised four Chinese round a table drinking coffee in a cot fee-shop at the junction of Java Road ana Crawford Road at 11 30 a.m
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  • 78 19 JOHORE BAHRU. August 12.J Johore volunteers hav P received a communication from the Secretariat, Malayan Union, stating that arrangements are being made for the payment of part of their back pay before Hari Raya O n July 26. Johore volunteers, as a last resort, petitioned the Governor direct
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  • 76 19 SINGAPORE. Aug. 13. For selling two cups of coffee for fifteen cents a cup. five cents above the regulation price, a 15-year-old Chinese youth was fined $10 b,y the Magistrate, Mr B. L Chua. at thr Juvenile Court yesterday In the same court a
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  • 638 20 Weekly Share Market Review By A Market Correspondent THE chief feature of an unsatisfactory and unsettled week was Mr. Attlee’s speech in the House of Commons on YY r ednesday, setting forth the Government’s proposals to prevent further deterioration of Britain s present financial and
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  • 105 20 Rubber crop outputs for tiic month of July are announced by the following companies:— Changkat Serdang Estates Ltd., 39.038 lbs; Brunei United Plantations Ltd.. 47,245 lbs; Lunas Rubber Estates Ltd., 66,100 lbs; Haytor Rubber Estates Ltd.. 18.000 lbs: Nyalas Rubber Estates Ltd.. 53,100 lbs; Tapah Rubber Estates
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  • 317 20 Ayer Panas Rubber THE question exercising the minds of all rubber producers was how thev could meet present selling prices and still earn a reasonable return on the capital invested, said the chairman, Mr. F. M. Edmonds, at the annual meeting of Aver Panas Rubber Estate
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  • 17 20 Talam Mines Limited had an output for the month of July 1947 of 266.71 piculs.
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  • 447 20 Great Eastern Assurance IMIE Great Eastern Life Assurance Company made its first payment to a policyholder a fi^7il n,ltd occupation, on September tl, 1945. 20 days before Yu > re re-opened. u,e bank* This was revealed In the statement of the chairman. Mr. F.M. Edmonds,
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  • 167 20 Thabawleik Tin Extraordinary m nem! ings of shareholders of tlH Thabawleik Tin Limited were held at tfl registered offices on JuiyM and 24. Th f< Mowing I lution was passed bv th j M quisite majority M That the capital of the cctH pany be reduced from
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  • 699 20 SINGAPORE. AUG. 12. INDUSTRIAL shales remained 1 steady on Hie l"'cal market and a slightly better inquiry for tin shares was reported. Rubbers were again neglected. Price quotations given by th a Malayan Sharebrokers’ Association are as follows: INDUSTRIALS Buyer Sellei Atlas Inscc 13.00 14.00 Alex. Brick
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