The Straits Budget, 15 May 1947

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Straits Budget
  • 30 1 The Straits Budget THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE STRAITS TIMES (SBTABLXSBKD OVER A CENTURY) Hpiies No. 41 Singapore, Thursday, May 15th, 1947 Price 40 cents (S-S. Currency) Or 1 ah.
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    • 62 1 The SINGAPORE FREE PRESS has the largest nett sale of any afternoon newspaper published in Malaya The Singapore Free Press is the oldest established newspaper in Singapore. It recommenced publication in May last and its smart presentation of news has made an immediate appeal to the reading public. For advertising
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  • The Straits Budget
    • 999 2 —Straits Times. May 8. If agency reports from Washington are correct, the International Emergency Food Council’s discussion of rice allocations for the second half of the year is going to be lively. The Council’s Rice Committee has recommended that India, China and the Philippines should not be
      —Straits Times. May 8.  -  999 words
    • 842 2 —Straits Times, May 9. Singapore Traction Company employees who had been on strike for almost 15 weeks returned to work yesterday after having decided to accept the recommendations contained in the report of Mr. Justice Jobling, who conducted an inquiry into the dispute between the men
      —Straits Times, May 9.  -  842 words
    • 948 2 Tim** This week’s setback In the Singapore rubber market when the price dropped two cents a pound was received with an undue amount of concern. Certainly this price movement was startling in view of the long period of steady improvement with only the slightest downward movements, but
      Tim**  -  948 words
    • 953 2 —Straits Times, May 12. Today marks tne sM gapore’s greatest war to introduce coD 0 of safety i nt0 the stf streets. And ne c plv needed diive more de s )era hp l' m ec^ this hectic aye, hen progress has so the means of
      —Straits Times, May 12.  -  953 words
    • 953 3 —Straits Times, May 13. The two communiques which the Dutch authorities have issued on the situation in Indonesia make very depressing reading Blame for the failure to implement the Linggadjati Pact is placed, of course, on the Indonesian Republic, which is charged with not being willing
      —Straits Times, May 13.  -  953 words
    • 853 3 —Straits Times, May 14. Agitation against the Societies Ordinance took a new and rather interesting turn this week when 12 political and quasi-political bodies come into the open at the eleventh hour to demand, in line with the Malayan Communist Party, the repeal of the Ordinance. These
      —Straits Times, May 14.  -  853 words

    • 144 3 HINDMARSH. To Joy, wife of J. H. Hindmarsh, Malayan Police, a daughter, Linda, on the Bth of May, 1947, at the Johore Baharu Hospital. DESKIN—At San Francisco Calif or. nia to Verna Esme’; eldest daughter of Mr. Mrs. I.E. Andersen Temiang Renchong Estate Muar; Johore on April 20th a
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    • 47 3 GRAHAM—CURTIS. On Friday 9th May 1947 at Penang, Robert Stewart Graham, youngest son of the late James Anderson Graham and Mrs. Graham of Dumfriesshire. Scotland to Philippa Curtis, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Hargraves of Melbourne. Australia and formerly of Kuala I iimpur
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  • 48 3 DEATHS Cannell Albert, ape 50, passed away after an operation in London on f)th May, 1047. Late or Municipal Architect and Ihilldirp Surveyor’s Department. Singapore. ANGELL. Irene Grace beloved wife of Francis Leslie Angell died in Westminster Hospital London, on May 11, 1947. Mourned by all her friends.
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  • 1778 4  -  By DATO ROLAND BRADDELL else they gained by westernisation I have always felt that the Chinese suffered a great cultural loss when they Europeanised their furniture and neglected their own arts and crafts. Since the old Chinese family-house was of a typo* wh ch has imw
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  • 259 4 SINGAPORE, May 14. A MESSAGE of thanks and good luck has been given to the outgoing Assistant Trade Union Adviser, Singapore, Mr. S. P. Garrett, by the Malayan Amalgamates Chinese Engineering Union. Mr. Garrett, who recently resigned from his post, is shortly returning to Great Britain.
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    • 155 5 3»riCE that the term M ing 'c Chinese” is still Hned in veiir correspon■column, but in v.ew of gmitish Foreign Office ae- concerning Ch.nese H subjects under the K Dual Nationality, j quote below, we noW kiiow exactly how sub'cctA com abroad, K pa'rerjs. or
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    • 104 5 ■E ghosts, admittedly, Hre r.ebu!"U' ti nd shadowy Htions from a dead past, Bing the present for evil Hoses, we may safely igHtk muttering* of “CharHhans Ghost.” ■the first place. GO per cent. He present tenants of SingaHjouses are actually trespassHi the property they occupy, ■can
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    • 101 5 |N view of the fact that we are to have a university here, to be followed by self-govern-ment, I suggest that all of us, whether we are Europeans, Chinese, Malays, etc., who were born in Malaya or who intend to make Malaya our home, declare ourselves Malayans, and
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    • 85 5 RE your article on ‘‘Samsams the actual Malay meaning of the word is “mixture of blood.” Nobody is directly referred to as “Samsam” in speaking or writing, for it is an unpopular berm. The so-called “Samsams” are proud of their Malay nationality and, without exception, profess the Islamic
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    • 156 5 OIAM has now been admitted 3 into the U.N.O. and the re-establishment of her Consulate in Singapore has also been announced in the press. This shows that, probably after fulfilling her obligations as an ex-enemy of Britain, Siam’s diplomatic relations with the Empire have been brought back
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    • 135 5 YOU could be much worse off, under the Japanese or German power, couldn’t you Charlie Chan’s Ghost? It is only common decency, (law or no law) to return to the rightful owner a house belonging to one who has helped to free you. Be fair please. Wouldn’t you
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    • 67 5 rE Committee of the Singapore Ratepayers Association in opposing Income Tax state: “It would be a crushing burden o n the salaried community, the majority of whom were now spending over their Income and dipping into their savings.” It would be interesting to know how the Committee oan reconcile
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    • 223 5 IAM sure many young men of 24 to 27 years of age with English education, who cannot find employment in commercial or Government offices, would like to join the Police Force. As, however, the age limit has been fixed at 24 years, many have been debarred
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    • 115 5 ONE of the biggest causes of bribery in the police is the gambling racket called Chap Jee Kee. It has been going on since the liberation. It has ruined many people’s lives, and it will continue to do so if it is unchecked. One reason why the
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    • 258 5 THERE are two simple alter- 1 natives to Income Tax which do not seem to have been at all considered publicly. I should like you to draw your readers’ attention to them. As for myself I can see no valid reason why they should not replace the
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    • 216 5 IHAD occasion to visit the Chinese Swimming Club at Katong a few days ago. The scene there was reminiscent of those cheerful and happy prewar days. The gathering of Chinese men, women and children indulging in swimming, dancing, eating or gossiping, amid a delightful
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    • 187 5 OPERATION Bloodsucker appears to be proceeding according to plan. My short wave radio tells me that: (a). Britain has contributed relatively more to UNRRA than any other country. Over seven hundred millions in fact. (b>. Britain is to reimburse Officers of the Indian Army and Civil Servants losing their
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    • 79 5 THE Soviet Union will not forget the Chinese because they contributed their share when the U.S.S.R. were fighting five years ago to overpower Fascism,” said Miss OJga Tchetcherkina in Singapore on May Day. May I ask her, whether that is the U.S.SR.’s way of expressing gratitude, when it
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  • 888 6 A Malayan Countryman’s Diary rlERE is some news about birds to report from the n. I feel sure that it was a Shama which I heard sing-1 ing in the heavy scrub opposite my house. This is one of the thrushes. It is a
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  • 73 6 SINGAPORE. May 13. The Assistant Trade Union Adviser, Singapore, Mr. S. P. Garrett, who recently resigned his post, said yesterday that he expected to return to England within the next few weeks. The Governor, Sir Franklin Gimson, said on Saturday that, although in Mr. Garrett’s case a
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  • 258 6 SINGAPORE, May 13. SINGAPORE may be linked with the outside world by a multi-channel radio hook-up i n the not too distant future, said Gen. Leslie Nicholls who arrived by air in Singapore yesterday. Gen. Nicholls, former Chief Signals Officer to General ‘lke’’ Eisenhower is now
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  • 117 6 SINGAPORE. May 13. On Sunday, on the eve of the Sa‘ety First campaign, Singapore’s accident figures were abnormally low There were seven accidents in which three adults and one child were injured, none of them fatally. A accident in which a twelve year old Chinese boy
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  • 204 6 DECLARTNP th- 1 *u j- SINGAPORE, May 13. ELLARING that the ordinance as it stands is a serious infringement of the right of free association twelve political quasi-political and other bodies required to apply oi registration or exemption under the Societies Ordinance by rhursday sent
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  • 238 6 SINGAPORE, May 13. THE Governor, Sir Franklin Gimson, has appointed to the Singapore Advisory Council for the first time since the resumption of civil adminis t rat ion a representative from the salary-earning class, Mr. Thio Chan Bee. Mr. Thio Is a senior master at the Anglo-Chinese
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  • 103 6 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, May 11. In a statement issued yesterday, the Price Controller remarks that it has not been sufficiently stressed that the recent increase in the price of petrol and oil on the west side of the peninsula has been accompanied by a
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  • 452 6 SINGAPORE Mav to A MESSAGE of loyalty and congrituhV 1 King and Queen on the tenth anniversa nt coronation was broadcast by the Governo r 11 Malaya, Mr. Malcolm MacDonald, last niJu ra| The King and Queen, and the Princeli ed home to London from their
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  • 81 7 I «i\(i \l*OHK. May 10■llv by Qantas Coire Airways at the rfflviiK beat base has R.ijved ihe distinction I he first local-born t( hold an Australian ■[round 'engineer's licence. 35-> ear-old Abdul If who trained at the Innient Trade School and L ipro-engine experience fh« R
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  • 168 7 I SINGAPORE. May 9. ■DAPORE Chinese textile Merchants are considering lures to avoid a flooding le Malayan market with goods from China which IcaU'e competition detrilal to their interests. I Chinese Textiles Sun■Importers Union, to which Htading Chinese piecegoods Biants in Si?.gapor e belong, to introduce
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  • 101 7 B i'ifh N APORE Mav 10. rlss E'nn,'v‘ l a::00|K r Arthur nonthV Aas sentenced to t ov ’n r Jf or °U 8 imprison--1 C Goh d f i Ma st rate i 61 brp'G?! vSU rcJ ay for CHI' ru «t in respect fiery.
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  • 10 7 po-o Har- -Gy 24 J d on Empire
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  • 314 7 I SINGAPORE, May 10. I Federation of Trade Unions has sent a petil SlI 7 dip Governor of Singapore, Sir Franklin Gimson, pronounce the “Federation” a legal body. W 11 IIV t U has been an illegal body since May 1 along P hl t 50
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  • 192 7 A.P. HONG KONG, May 9.—Affidavits presented today at the war crimes trial of Col. Nakano Junichi, Japanese prison camp commandant in Formosa, said that Lt. Gen. A. E. Percival and other high ranking British and American officers had been made to work as goatherds and were
    A.P.  -  192 words
  • 252 7 Labour Exchanges Find Work For 27,000 In S’ pore SINGAPORE, May 10. A TOTAL of 27,726 persons out of 74,828 who registered at Singapore labour exchanges up to the end of April have found work through these organisations. An average of 130 is still being registered daily. Labour in Singapore
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  • 70 7 SINGAPORE, May 10. A Base Ordnance Depot near Alexandra Road. Singapore, has reported the loss of five Bren guns. Thirteen Sten gung previously reported stolen have not yet been recovered. The Singapore C.I.D. are conducting further investigations in connection with the recent seizure of 1,095 hand
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  • 216 7 SINGAPORE, May 10. THE large wooden spoon awarded in pre-war days to the “awkward squad” of the Singapore Volunteer Corps and which survived the Japanese occupation was in its accustomed place at the Beach Road Headquarters last night when the Mess re-opened after a
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  • 49 7 During the week ending May 3, -her e were 175 deaths in Singapore. compared with the p.evious wc-.k’s total of 177. The chief causes of death were tuberculosis 24, pneumonia 25 enteritis 13. Tho infantile rate was 79.10 per thousand as compared with 109.24 of last week.
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  • 157 7 SINGAPORE, May 10. MASS meetings on a PanMalayan scale will be held by non-European employees of the Governments of Singapore air; the Malayan Union on May simultaneously at their respective centres, to approve a proposed memorandum to the Secretary of State for the Colonies on
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  • 217 7 SINGAPORE, May 9. ALTHOUGH five Singapore Municipal Labour Unions will be registered this week, the application of the Federation of Municipal Labour Unions has been rejected, the Singapore Registrar of Trade Unions, Mr. A. Adams, told the Straits Times yesterday. The Federation of Municipal Labour Unions
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  • 119 9 sinuAPOHE. M.ty 9. U- ■Singapore'* elation Inns received T the Governor, Sir H]:!i Gi:n.sen. that "the ques- r European B-ai-.Vcliir.tKrs received the tin* Sub Com the Advisory B.P and the Council later a mint ndations B Association wrote to the ir* April urging that,
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  • 78 9 SINGAPORE. May 9. IN'GAPORE rubber broker, William Herbert Day, was a decree nisi against e Elizabeth o:: the grounds of alleged l 0: in October. 1941, in the ?cre Div °rce Court, yesterwhich was undethe parties Presbyterian a P ore in August, daughter n.airiage. a’S
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  • 52 9 a o 1X1 ;,,T: s Pondent 1 o Th( wellt- Mr. Ng Sui inated by the the Chinese u:iutc c and the British AsI representative r *■< t-tif ment Advice place of Dr. v ho resigned ntly for p nominee on is Dr. Lee a mem,an
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  • 233 9 I mill Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, May S. pF\('„MLNT has begun in two Government „knts in the Malayan Union where staff m ule redundant” as a result of action taken fo" administrative economics, the Straits Times affected are the Price and Fond where economies have
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  • 99 9 From Our Own Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, May 7. In March. 100.000 lien eggs and 80.000 duck eggs were expoitcd to Singapore from Johoie for i hatching at 16 and 14 cents each i respectively. This lact is disclosed in the March report ol the Livestock
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  • 60 9 SINGAPORE. M y 9. Because of material discrepancies in the prosecution story, the Singapore Distrct Judge. Mr. Paul Storr, yesterday acquitted a Singapore detective, John Song, without calling on his defence on three charges of attempted extortion and three charges of assaulting a Chinese timber merchant in August
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  • 127 9 SINGAPORE, May 8. Tv\IL\E hundred Singapoie 1 ractiun Company employees will return to work today alter a strike ol nearly 15 weeks. Yesterday, following the ctipt of a letter from Mr. A. Ewing, General Manager of the Company, giving details of h iw he intend 'd implementing
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  • 140 9 SINGAPORE. May 9. ABOUT 250,000 fo:d parcels have left Australia for Britain in the last few weeks. This mammoth despatch is expected to overcome a situation which has provoked thousands of complaints about the non-delivery of food parcels ordered from Australia. Many such complaints have been made
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  • 271 9 SINGAPORE. May 9. PIE Singapore Coroner, Mr. W. G. Porter, yesterday commended a Chinese youth and a policeman for disarming an amok who had killed a cyclist and wounded a trishaw rider with a Japanese Sumarai sword at Upper Chin Chew Street on Feb. 25.
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  • 201 9 SAFETY ADVICE TO ROTARY SINGAPORE, May P. THE chairman of the Singapore Traffic Advisory Committee. Mr. T. H. Stone, addressed the Singapore Rotary Club at its luncheon meeting on Wednesday on road safety. Reminding the members that Rotary International had urged clubs to form Safety First committees, Mr. Stone said
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  • 238 9 “Safety First” In S’pore SINGAPORE, May 8. GIV E thousand car stickers and 4,000 strip posters in four languages will stress the cause of road safety in Singapore when Safety First Week begins on May 12. Nineteen cinemas, including all the first run houses, are screening
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  • 196 9 SINGAPORE. Mny 9. THERE are no grounds for sug- gesting to the Government 01 L dia that it should charter ships to carry to India any Indians in Malaya who wished to go home, raid the Representative of the Indian Government In Malaya, Mr S.
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  • 76 9 THE Singapore Government 1 collected a total of $42,000 in fines imposed by the courts on those who violated price control regulations during April. A total of 77 piculs of rice, rice sweepings, and damaged and broken rice, valued at about $2,000, was confiscated. Also confiscated
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  • 124 9 SINGAPORE, May 9. The Assistant General Secretary el tli* International Student ,S rvice and World Student Relief. whose headquarters are at ‘Genova, left Singapore for Siam yesterday. Mr. M. S Adiscshiah thanks I the teaching stall and .students the two colleges in Sin. up
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  • 255 10 From Our Own Correspondent PI NANC, May 7. A ROYAL Air Force reconnaissance plane and a company of Lurkhas joined Penang and Perak police in a combined 21-hour search for (he kidnapped Province Wellesley towkay, Mr. Kee Hup Hor. The operation, which started at 8
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  • 146 10 From Our Own Correspondent AI .OH STAR, May 7. ATHOUSAND-DOLLAR reward has been offered by the Kedah police for information which might lead to the arrest of four Japanese for the attempted murder of a police party. Th P police had gone to Payamcrgkupng Village, in
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  • 35 10 From Our Own Correspondent ALOR STAR, May 7. A three-ton lorry carrying 400 gallons o! latex overturned at a road bend on Scarborough estate on Saturday afternoon, killing one man and injuring another.
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  • 133 10 SINGAPORE. May 8. TWELVE Japanese are being held in Singapore in connection with the beheading of 19 Allied men by Japanese sailors in Singapore. The b heading took place between April 1945 and the Japanese capitulation. Japanese irom tin? Seietai Naval Bus? behead*d ;our AiiU'nan airman.
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  • 141 10 From Our Own Correspondent PENANG, May 7. THE Penang Municipal C om missioiKTs. at a special meeting held in committee ve t rdav, decided to make an ex-gratia payment in full to the Municipal stall. Payment will be based on the recent Malayan Union Government circular,
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  • 92 10 SINGAPORE. May 8. A number of well-know a Malayans were among the 110 oassrVigers who left Singapore by ;he 20.000-ton Nederland Line luxury liner Oranje f r the United Kingdom yesterday. Among them were Mr- J. Calder, former Acting Governor of North Borneo, and Mrs. Calder.
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  • 227 10 SINGAPORE, May 8. THE mother of a 21 year old Chinese named Goh Teck Chua. 1 who heard her son sentenced to eight years and 12 strokes of the rotan in the Assize Court yesterday, screamed from the public gallery: “My son is innocent! This
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  • 282 10 SINGAPORE, May 8. REPRESENTATIVES of (he Singapore Municipality labou- rers will meet on Sunday to discuss what action to take against the delay in making known the result of the inquiry held into their demands during their recent strike. “Nearly one-and-a-half months have passed, and
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  • 176 10 SINGAPORE, May 8. j IJIGHT Indian merchants who passed through Singapore yesterday on their way to Colombo will lodge a strong protest to the Netherlands Government when they ar.ive. The protest will be against the Batavia customs officials i who seized from them gold and jewellery valued
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  • 213 10 Lower Prices In L and Market Predicted sINGAPOKk v I COKEIGN capital is being invested in ihc 6 I of land in Singapore, according t„ Hock Chye, an authority on and valuer „i i ,1 Mr. Cheong feels that when the 1 lifted the value of landed properties in Simv-
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  • 141 10 SINGAPORE Mavji A EUROPEAN who had mail cl: ::1 a job as the master of a sbl was yesterday hr. d $10 by Fourth Si'* gap r 0 Police Man trate. Mr. H. \V. Nighti:J yesterday. 1 The European was Arthur wa d Mulo'. desoribtd as 1
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  • 108 10 SINGAPORE. May 8 i The Singapore Coroner, Mr. G. Porter, yesterday returns verdict of murder acaius. masked Chinese gunmen without obvious motive, eme house at the seventh mi 4 Yio Chu Kang Road, and dead a vegetable gardens The gardener was M Hock, 21. The murder was
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  • 42 10 rlivr 11 rjE^ rres pondeJ From Our Owt C° 1 i j SEGAMAT. Ma. f. selll'.'g a ganwng of p cents above the 1 Mohamed bin Lay( y dealer of Tenang pi ri fined $75 by the SMm Judge today.
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  • 273 11 I SINGAPORE, May 9. In V-oiie cases containing 1,095 hand grenades, a ontaining 38 sticks of gelignite and about 1 1 ,1 of small arms ammunition ha\e been P, r oU1 j l Singapore C.I.D. in the last 48 hours. K °V C. !’>•
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  • 311 11 SINGAPORE. May 8. t va»i Communist r it# that the t-iCj Government j I nquiry into j rest on Kedah S v,.:. iv. >ntli o: relative B K ia*h occurred vk cu Dublin Estate, c t>u :ud fir.. killing one i r g five. [>
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  • 100 11 SINGAPORE. May a. THE new 9,000-ton Klanveness Line vessel Castleville has arrived in Singapore to resume the company’s Trans-Pacific Service. Under the command of Capt. P. Haraldsen, the Castleville, which was built in a Norwegian shipbuilding yard, is on her maiden voyage. She has brought
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  • 94 11 SINGAPORE, May 8. SINGAPORE will be getting more pigs from the Malayan Union this month. The Government of the Malayan Union have informed the Singapore Government that the monthly export quota of pigs to Singapore has ben increased from 3,500 head to 5,000 head as from
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  • 126 11 SINGAPORE, May 8. U7ILLIAM HUNT Co., a large American firm, operating in the Far East, hope to open a branch in Singapore in the near future. Mr. Martin Gold, the executive vice president of the company left Singapore yesterday by plane t.r Shanghai, after examining
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  • 291 11 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, May 7. THE Malayan Union Labour Department is ready to establish employment exchanges in all the big towns throughout the Union. With the approval of the military authorities, it will also take over labour exchanges at present run by
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  • 204 11 SINGAPORE. May 9. FORTY-TWO Chinese godown labourers in Singapore dissatisfied with an average wage of $16 a day signed an agreement yesterday which conceded them extra pay and other benefits. The labourers returned to work last Sunday after a 10-day strike. Thp agreement
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  • 226 11 SINGAPORE, May 8. THE Government is now con- sidering the amendment of the Societies Ordinance, which will give a different status to political parties, said the Singapore Registrar of Societies, Mr. E. C, S. Adkins yesterday. Mr. Adkins was confirming the report which appeared in the
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  • 195 11 SINGAPORE, May 9. WHILE making his defence at the Assize Court yesterday, a District Court interpreter, Sivanathan, who was charged with being in unlawful possession of a .38 revolver, fainted in the witness box. He was soon revived by members of the court staff and continued
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  • 98 11 SINGAPORE, May 8. About 200 neople watched three sharks, estimated to be 12 feet in length, cruising within 30 yards of the sea wall at Katong and near the Singapore Swimming Club yesterday morning This is the second time in the past three days that sharks
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  • 86 11 SINGAPORE. May 9. A former member of the R.A.F, and prisoner of war in Japan, Chua Teng Hwa was yesterday fined $2,280 by the Third Police Magistrate, Mr. K. M. Byrne, for storing 1,390 quart bottles of N.A.A.F.I. beer in his shop at Serangoon Road without a
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  • 297 12 Prom Our Own Correspondent KUALA LUMI’UR, May riK secret societies were declared unlawful today by the Governor, Sir Kdward (jent, "ho look action under the recently enforced Societies Ordinance. The societies concerned are know n to use a I na< ritual, or Triad emblems. I hey
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  • 154 12 SINGAPORE. May 10. SEVEN dozen tubes of morphine, aeh cont aining 24 ahlet i, were lecovered by the Pr» ventive Branch ol the Singapore Customs Ir in two houses in Singapore in the past week. They are part of stocks believed to have been stolen and
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  • 67 12 .SINGAPORE. May 1(1. A rice loan to North Borneo and Sarawak, was approved by the I.E.F.C, .sub-Committeo on rice at iUs meeting in Singapore yesterday. It will give these territories their minimum requirements, and is to come out of the June allocation to the Philippines. The
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  • 209 12 SINGAPORE. May 10. j FOLLOWING the departure ol the Governor, Sir Franklin Gms n. on home leave on May 17, the Colonial Secretary, Mr. P. A B. McKerron, will be officially installed as Officer Administering the Government of Singapore. The ceremony will take
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  • 92 12 SINGAPORE. May 10. Charged with being m unlawful possession ol 1,095 hand grenades, three Tamils and two Chinese appeared before Mr. H w. Nightingale- in the Singapore Fourth Police Court yesterday. They were remanded m police custody until Monday The offence was alleged to have taken place
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  • 146 12 SINGAPORE. May 10. EIGHT thousand Japanese sen rendered personnel in j Malaya will bo repatriated by two Japanese-manned ships expected in Singapore within the next fortnight. The shins are the Daiier Marti, expected on May 15 and the C’horan Marti, due on May 22.
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  • 63 12 From Our Own Correspondent PENANG. May With the reopening of the school term yesterday, two schools moved back to their old premises. They are the Hutching-s School and the Government Commercial Day School both of which have returned to the Hutchings School building in Farsuhar Street. Thus, the
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  • 97 12 SINGAFORE. May 10. THE Singapore Joint Wages Commission win hold its third meeting in Singapore today, aurt er.pects to be reaav to near cral evidence in the near future. The Commission has received a ma*& oi evidence from Government departments and private firms. About 40 firms
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  • 360 12 SINGAPORE, May 10. TEN thousand local civilian employees of the Army, Navy and Air Force Services in Singapore are to send a memorandum to the respective London Ministries to ask for better conditions of service. At a meeting last night, they elected the Combined Services
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  • 157 12 .SINGAPORE, May 10. ON behalf of the 4,000 locally recruited members in the Singapore Government service, the Junior Civil Service Association is considering asking Government for a high cost of living allowance on the same basis as that recently sanctioned hr Municipal employees. Government
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  • 290 12 From Our Staff Correspondent 1 KUALA LUMPUR m I MALAYA is to have a representative on ih c p'j lfl team of experts which goes to Japan at th J of the month to assess factory plant, machin *.j industrial equipment for reparations. tr?l
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  • 96 12 SINGAPORE. May l! Raffles institution ow b Association will hold theifi annual dinner ana da*iv the liberation at t.ic Ai>n.on Friday. June 6. For the first time u toiv of the Association, ik will be able to their guests. i \\e.l-"‘> 1 cfl j association will !i
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  • 72 12 SINGAPORE u ,.J Sir Han H r J President of th' I the annual I the Club yes|< 1 The .c I bearers elected-. i. I Messrs. Chua t I Choon Lecn 1 Robert Tan o p .1 vary: Mr. J T I Treasurer: *,1- vs; I Committee
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  • 398 13 SINGAPORE, May 12. 1S.M of the Singapore Government’s policy in I vi various commodities to be exported to countries but not to India, was made by it Jumubhoy, chairman of the Singapore Indian f,... 0 f■‘commerce, at the annual general meeting I chamber held in Singapore on
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  • 79 13 11 ks °f nre inn Wlth three °ut- to th? 2 f ln one case reported ent of hi Hotel wL r V as to ou tside the P cXL* motor cycle was second aSe Was caus^d. r a of! Watering 2?" to of
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  • 124 13 SINGAPORE, May li. MR. T. H. Stone is leaving Singapo.e by air on Wednesday and travelling via Sydney he will go to America as Governor nominee of Rotary District 80, which includes Indo-Chiua, Siam, British North Borneo and British Malaya, at the Rotary International Club
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  • 94 13 From Our Own Correspondent. Klang. May 11.—Following the official visit of the Governor of the Malayan Union, Sir Edward Gent, to Kuala Langat district recently, the proposal to close the District Office at Cepang is under the active consideration of the Government on economic grounds.
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  • 170 13 From Our Own Correspondent PENANG, May ITHE training school for 1 nurses set up in Penang recently has proved so suecessful that “graduates” are being sent to Kelantan and other Malayan centres where there is a shortage of nurses. The new system provides tor a
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  • 67 13 From Our Own Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, May 10. THE Malayan Union Government 1 has gazetted an order to the effect that no condensed milk will be allowed to be moved out of the Union. This follows the discovery, made a few weeks ago, that
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  • 183 13 From Our Own Correspondent JOHORE BAHRU, May 11.—A meeting of representatives from the Junior Civil Service Associations in Muar, Kluang and Johore Bahru met at Batu Pahat, yesterday, with the object of forming a State association. The meeting adopted a resolution to form a Johore Civil
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  • 264 13 SINGAPORE. May 9. A former chairman of the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce, Mr. Lim Keng Lian, has been appointed Vice Minister of Overseas Affairs, by the Coalition Government of China. The Minister of Overseas Affairs is Mr. Liu Wei Chih. The appointment was confirmed
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  • 217 13 From Our Own Correspondent MELBOURNE, MAY, 10. WHY,” asks the Melbourne Herald, “has "Federal Cabinet decided on war memorials in Canberra, Darwin, Port Moresby and London but not in Singapore, principal city of the area in which Australian servicemen made their greatest sacrifice in the Second
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  • 295 13 SINGAPORE, May 11. QPPORTUNITIES for young men in Singapore to be v given air experience by flying in R.A.F. aircraft are afforded by the Malayan Air Cadet Corps which has just been formed at Kallang airport. Once preliminary organising work is completed the
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  • 103 13 Mr. M.H. Wood and Mr. D.A. Fyfe have been appointed to be cadets, Malayan Civil Service. Mr. C.H. Wood and Mr. J.B. Fraser Smith have been appointed to be cadets, Malayan Customs Service Mr. J. Duncan has been appointed to be an engineer and ship’s surveyor, Marine
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  • 127 13 A meeting which will launch the Malayan Association the Union counterpart of the Singapore Association—is to be held in Kuala Lumpur Town Hall on Thursday. May 22, at 5.30 p.m. The purpose of the meeting is t> receive the rep rt o: the organising committee,
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  • 1595 14 T rwirlrkM tells of worsening food....of syndicalist strikes....of births rehearsed....of those who would rather smoke than eat .of Letter. bare “midriffs”....of toffee apple fortunes yes— From Our Own Correspondent LONDON (By airmail). THERE is nothing quite so pleasing about postwar lii in Britain as
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  • 250 14 SINGAPORE, May 13. PIE President of the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Lee Kong Chian, yesterday urged that disused burial grounds should be made available for building. Mr. Lee pointed out that such land would provide space for the erection of thousands of houses.
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  • 73 14 rom Our Own Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Monday.— The Malayan. Union Government is consideiing *hc formation of a central organization to consafety fi rs t campaign on a Malayan wide basis Selangor’s safety lirst campaign, originally scheduled for tins week, has been postponed as tne question
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  • 489 14 Burnett J udgment May 21 “I u justified in .1, ys 5 S I took i n the circS* 1 declared Majo> D.S.O., M.C. at v," B lion of his trial in < ’.u 0Et t° pore Fourth District* yesterday, in w ;,j c n dieted on a char"? 15
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  • 67 14 SINGAPORE. May jj JHE <* 1 pore and TIU Union do not intend the decision already regard to back official statement night. is adv “The Govcrnna'i. that the claims J r 53 y S cannot be p v Colonial Secret.a: •...lenientMcKerron. in —c Letters have Junior Civil
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  • 449 15 f SINGAPORE, May 11. ■COME lax may be introduced in Singapore I from Jam nex J’ car sa *d the Governor, L Franklin Gimson, at a Press conference at lernniciit House yesterday. Thi< tar get date was necessarily provisional, he ft, 1 "We cannot
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  • 81 15 our Own orrespondent ■i LLMITR. May 10. than 2.000.000 ciga|Bette>. valued at over ■oil. are reported to have stolen at pistol point out- Kuala Lumpur yesterday, ■e cigarettes, from supK in Kuala Lumpin', were IHjiied fur agent< in Malacca. |Href lorries loaded with ci■ttes left
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  • 85 15 ■cording tlie* driven, *h?y ordered by the gunmen to their vehicles onto a rub- d:iver> were forced of! the lorwith their attendants, were bti'ia > me numbers of tire gang stood th*. drivers report, other drove the 1 cries away. canister.' kept guard for an hour
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  • 82 15 ■’J T P. u T r ,n Correspondent I n K LALA LUMPUR, May 10. K? tRS lor M a i a y an Union Government treasury bills of Pe m°nths tenure have been [iu:: by the Financial SecreItvJS! 1 Union t0 the exat the ra
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  • 74 15 D Li\f S l- N r? AP0RE May 11. n K A NG UAN the Sinwil° has been fit to 1 V, h°,r ht nese Governf Aiiaf r V Mmistei 01 Over|^vB!S 5d »y air to had not yet do- post. 1 r n0u to
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  • 95 15 From Our Own Correspondent PENANG, May 10. A 1,000-pound shark, measurn in* about 15 feet in length, was caught by Chinese fishermen off Telok Kumbar yesterday morning. The fishermen found it trapped in their net and after a two-hour struggle succeeded in hauling the shark
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  • 178 15 SINGAPORE, May 11. CRIME statistics compiled by the Singapore Police show that during April there was an allround increase in arms seizures, ranging from automatic pistols to Sten guns and from hand grenades to a bomb and a shell. Forty persons are ssow under arrest
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  • 133 15 From Our Own Correspondent IPOH, May 10. WARNING that Malaya could not be sure it would escape another slump, the causes of which this small country certainly could not control, was sounded by the Resident Commissioner, Ferak, Mr. A. V. Aston, when he spoke to Perak
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  • 215 15 SINGAPORE, May 11. SINGAPORE'S trade union advisers of the future will be locally recruited men who have been sent to Britain for a special course of training, said the Governor, Sir Franklin Gimson, yesterday. The Government had written to the Colonial Office asking for
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  • 255 15 From Our Own Correspondent MALACCA. May 10. AN ambitious plan to cultivate nearly 600 acres of land on the socialist collective rarming principles adopted in the U.S.S.R. has been adopted by the Permuda Melayu Malaka which has a membership of 1,000. The plan was
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  • 320 15 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, May 10. STRONG denunciation of the attitude of the Malayan Union Government towards civil liability was expressed by several speakers at today’s annual meeting of the War Prisoners (Malayan Union) Association. Mr. T. E. Conaghan, of Penang, referring to a
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  • 162 15 SINGAPORE, May 11. NO scheme for the “nationalization” of public transport in Singapore was being considered by Government, said the Governor, Sir Franklin Gimson. at his Press conference yesterday. Tne question of whether any private transport company should be allowed a monopoly of certain
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  • 38 15 SINGAPORE, May 11. MORE than rounds of small arms ammunition has disappeared from a military dump at Kranji. There were no traces at the depot to show how the ammunition was removed.
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  • 323 16 SINGAPORE, May 12. President of the Malacca Chinese Chamber of Commerce writes to correct the report which appeared in the Straits Times of May 9 saying that officials of the Chinese and Indian Chambers of Commerce had received no complaints by Malacca merchants of “squeeze” attempts by
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  • 79 16 From Our Own Correspondent PARIT BUNTAR, May 13.— Two Banjarees charged with the murder of a Chinese merchant whose body was found buried beneath coconut palms at the edge of a padi field were yesterday committed tor trial at the Assizes. The accused, Awang bin Kasire
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  • 439 16 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, May 10. PVE Englishwomen, working in Government offices in Kuala Lumpur, and living together in an old Chinese house in the suburbs, have now had nine exhilarating days with a poltergeist, a ghost who throws things or causes
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  • 105 16 By Our Chines* Correspondent Recovery of the $50 million “free rfift” which Geneml Tomoyuki Yamashita forced out of Singapore Chinese soon after the Japanese invasion has been suggested by several wellknown Chinese. The proposal put forward by them also advocates that this money be used
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  • 220 16 SINGAPORE, May 14. rE Malayan Democratic Union will not apply for either registration or exemption from registration, the M.D.U. informed the Colonial Secretary, Mr. P.A.B. McKerron, in a letter yesterday. The M.D.U. told Mr. McKerron that it holds the view that registration or exemption
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  • 207 16 0.. 4 SINGAPORE, May 11. N the eve of Singapore’s Safety First week, the Traffic Police Department yesterday announced an all-time high for the total number of road accidents during April at 568 of UrVllnlt 1 K 1 l l of which 15 proved fatal.
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  • 777 16 SINGAPORE \i a I rE Singapore Registrar of Societies, y\ r E *1 I said yesterday that the response of societi'‘ Government’s order for the re-enforcement of V? to V ties Ordinance was “extremely satisfactory he Applications for registration or exemption 1 Ordinance, and notifications from pre-war
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  • 159 16 SINGAPORE, May ll QUEEN’S Scholarships I 1946 have been awarl To Mr. E. W. Barker and! Ho Yuen, and a Queen’s lowship to Mrs. M. Knigbtl Mr. E. W. Barker will stfl Law at Cambridge University J He is an old boy of Raffles! stitution and. in
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  • 74 16 «»irl liC® THE registration a” ing of trishaw ride begin on June for licences niu>t tr person at the Benco inspection yard. Following the is f uin L° till cation forms. > t given a time and (i test which will compn-e Control of the si
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  • 355 17 Frirni Our Own Correspondent PENANG, May 13. I thousand labourers on Dublin Estate, Karan- s<0 pped work yesterday Kedah Federation of Trade Unions claims time-limit for five demands on the manage- j re ,l yesterday. However, the manager of ■ate. Mr. R.S.C. Herring, denies having
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  • 136 17 °RE B^R i ,r TS Mmd nt•ai h c S U Ma y 11.— 8 a sent I 0 ls at Present i! was s 1m 01 flve t>f five yen's C t ed w° another »f sent°n,. a 0 begin tr om irUins T( ;r
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  • 186 17 SINGAPORE, May 14. AMERICAN cigarettes have been available in fair quantities in Singapore in the past two days, while British cigarettes, aftei being in very short supply o.i Monday, improved slightly yesterday. Customs officials told the Straits Times that an issue of American cigarettes had
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  • 200 17 SINGAPORE, May 13. POUR large anti-aircraft guns were found in Bukit Timah by a party of police from the Criminal Investigation Department yesterday afternoon. The guns, which were obviously placed there by the Japanese during the occupation, appear to be in good condition and
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  • 140 17 SINGAPORE, May 14. Sentences of five years’ rigorous imprisonment, each were passed on flv P India n Muslims by Mr. Justice Jobling at the Singapore Assiz?s yesterday. The accused were, A. Abdul Razak, N. M. Habib, Ibrahim Shah Mohamcd Kassim and P. S. Alludin. Abdul Razak
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  • 236 17 SINGAPORE, May 14. TWO Australian trade union officials, who arrived in Singa-f pore in transit to Batavia last Sunday, will discuss the ban on Dutch shipping in Australian ports when they arrive in Batavia. TT Mr. M. Healy, Secretary of the Queensland Trades Hall Council,
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  • 332 17 SINGAPORE, May 14. SINCE the re-occupation Singapore seemed to have been afflicted with a fever of hurry and rush in every walk of life, said the Chairman of the Traffic Advisory Council, Mr. G. M. Coltart, in a Safety First broadcast, from Radio Malaya
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  • 433 17 SINGAPORE, May 14. rO fatal accidents marred the first day of Singapore's Safety First Week on Monday evening. Altogether there were twenty accidents. The first of these accidents, described by the police as “callous,” took place near the tenth milestone, Bukit Timah Road,
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  • 80 17 From Our Own Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, May 12 The dismembered body of a telephone repairer of the Posts and Telegraphs Department, an Indian named Palaniappan, was discovered by the Kuala Lumpur police this morning along the railway line near the Salak South police station. Parts
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  • 498 18 SINGAPORE, May 13. THERE was no reason why Singapore should not have a first-class modern stadium catering for all branches of sport, said Singapore Amateur Athletic Association delegate Mr. F. C. Cooke last night. Mr. Cooke, Johore’s representative, was speaking at the general meeting oi the
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  • 239 18 SINGAPORE, May 1" The Singapore Cricket Club easily beat the 223 Base Ordnance Depot in a cricket match on the Padang yesterday. Pearson was in fine form for the S. scoring 42 runs. His innings included four fours and two "sixers.' For the 8.0. D. Wijeweera.
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  • 237 18 SINGAPORE, May 11. Rt! l.» Joii. a c* Union, meeir'o Singapore Cricket Club on the Padang yesterday, took the honours in a drawn game. 10 Batting first the College scored 125. Barker making 27. When stumps were drawn the s.u.t/. I had lost seven wickets for
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  • 204 18 THE Johore Cricket Club beat the Muar Cricket Club by 109 runs at Johore Bahru on May 9. For the J.C.C., Moore (78 not out) and Roberts (71) put on a fourth wicket partnership of 122 and were responsible for the big score. Rodrigo,
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  • 302 18 From Our Own Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR. May 10. FAST scoring by the Victoria Institution's opening batsmen enabled the School to beat the Selangor Club oy nine wickets today. The Club batted first and. after Gillespie had scored 30 and Phillips 16. declared at the interval with
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  • 122 18 RAF. Seletar beat 1st. Batt. Sea-fm-th Highlanders bv five wickets at Seletar. scores being; SEAFORTIIS Maclagan C. McEwan b Shea 12 Bradshaw lbw b Buswell 4 Newby b Buswell 9 Gloag C Wellings b Shea 9 Davidson st. Mewitt b Shea 3 Smith st. Mewitt be Shea 3
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  • 86 18 From Our Own Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR. May 7. The Selangor Amateur Athletic Association is very much in favour of the proposal for a Pan Malayan Sports Federation. The annual meeting of the Association held here tonight unanimously passed a resolution calling on the president to write to
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  • 170 18 Combined Cnangi cricket team has won its last eight matches. Of a total of 21 played, the sido has now won 14. Bates and Harding are leading the batting averages, with averages of 43 0 and 38.5 respec lively. Major Smith has taken 36 wickets
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  • 262 18 JOHORE BAHRU, May 11. Thi Singapore Chinese Cricket Club beat the J|hore Cricket Club by six wickets here today J.C.C. J. G. Price run out 13, R. Van Schoonbeck run out 1. A.B. Barthelet b Thiam Siew 45. Capt. M.W. Roberts Ibw Dr. Swee Law 7.
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  • 322 18 S’pore Selangor Eurasians Draw SINGAPORE ,\i a I THE two-day cricket match between the I 1 Recreation Club and the Selangor ended yesterday in a draw. Urj 'G The game, played on the Padang, Was th I between the two Eurasian teams to be played !l gapore since the reoccupation.
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  • 141 18 nORTY-FlVE Australia' t horses arrive in this afternoon aboard tn ship Chupra from ports. They are thu- first importation Malayan turf. The Chupra3j tons of Ge J eral f fru jt. foodstuffs, 425 of u s five potatoes, 150 of 1 birds and three ciates o
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  • 561 19 I SINGAPORE, May 9. loRTAGE of half a million tons in South-East I v rite shipments for the first six months of r is the estimate of the Liaison Officers’ coni' w j, ic concluded its meeting in Singapore ffiHtions by tlie I.E.F.C. totalled 1,300,000
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  • 94 19 JHE Singapore Joint Wages Commission held its third meeting on Saturday, May 10. The Commission has arranged to invite the Trade Union Adviser, the Nutrition Officer, the Commissioner lor Labour, the President of the Municipal Commissioners and the Secretary for Social Welfare, to give
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  • 47 19 LONDON, Monday. Exports from Britain during the first three months of 1947 exceeded by one per cent, the average exports in 1938, according to official statistics. For the final three months of 1946, exports were 11 per cent, greater than the average in 1938.
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  • 486 19 From Our Own Correspondent LONDON, May 1 u WITH argument ranging far across the statistical arena in the currently universal attempt to assess mid-term rubber prospects, the City has just had a highly interesting and unconventional survey of immediate consumption prospects from Mr.
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  • 319 19 Company Report SINGAPORE, May 14. The Bassett Rubber Co., Ltd. as the result of the Japanese occupation lost 63.74 acres of rubber, the chairman, Mr. W. Anderson, told the annual meeting of shareholders at Pefhang. No adjustment had been made In the property and development account
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  • 47 19 IPOH, Monday.—A young Sitiawan Chinese, Oh Kay Peng, who possessed a copy of the Perak Assistant Food Controller’s rubber stamp, was convicted today on a charge of unlawful possession and intent to use it. Justice Cox Evans sentenced him to three years’ imprisonment.
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  • 272 19 SINGAPORE, May 13. SOME improvement in certain aspects of crime in Singapore is revealed in statistics just issued by the Singapore Police, in respect of crimes during April. The police, however, believe that crime could be reduced still further if the flow of arms entering the
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  • 239 19 4 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, May 12. £STATE workers’ trade unions all over the country are to form into a pan-Malayan body. The object is to unite labour in Malaya, and so form a counterpart to the Malayan Planting Employers Association, which is now
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  • 312 19 SINGAPORE, May 12. TWO loans have been granted to 1 Selayang Tin Dredging Ltd. to meet the estimated cost of rehabilitating the company’s property and plant. This was reported in the directors’ report presented to the annual meeting of the company which was held in
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  • 741 20 Weekly Market Review By A Market Correspondent SINGAPORE, May 10. INVESTMENT inquiry has continued unabated throughout the past week in the local share market and the volume of business transacted has been concentrated almost entirely on local Industrials. Tins were a long way behind in
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  • 197 20 —Reuter. THE report of the directors of the Ampat (Sumatra) Rubber Estate Ltd., presented to the annual meeting of shareholders in th e U.K. showed that the decision of the Indonesian .authorities to devalue the guilder had I produced the sterling value of the company's guilder
    —Reuter.  -  197 words
  • 387 20 Rubber Market SINGAPORE. May 10. THE New York rubber market which opened on May 1, has proved rather a disappointment, and its effect on the worlds markets has been ou'. of all propoi Lion to the amount of business transacted there, in fact *-he turnover there
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  • 382 20 SINGAPORE vi I DURMA hopes to bring a million more ac 3 I D under rice cultivation next year and Jin million acres in 1949, the Burma Governs rice executive, Mr. A. M. Thomson, told a Times yesterday. Mr. Thomson has been in Singapore
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  • 56 20 LONDON, May 9.-The Pn dent of the B:ard of Trad*. Stafford Cripps, announced j terday the details of a three-* £35.000,000 provisional tr agreement with Poland. Pcland has agreed provisos to order from United Km?d trader? wool, rubber, tin i other raw materials wa £20.000,000 and
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  • 687 20 SINGAPORE. May 13. SINGAPORE s hare quotations to day. as given by the Malayan Shareholders’ Association, were as follows: INDUSTRIALS Bayer Seller Alex. Brick (O) 2.25 2.35 Alex. Brick (P) 3.35 3.45 B M Trustee 8.25 9.00 Consolidated Tin Smelters (O) 21/6 23/do (P) 26/6 28/Eastern United
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