The Straits Budget, 8 May 1947

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Straits Budget
  • 30 1 The Straits Budget THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE STRAITS TIMES [ESTABLISHED OVER A CENTURY] CySeries No. 40 Singapore, Thursday, May Bth, 1947 Price 40 cents (SS. Currency) Or 1 sh.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 62 1 The SINGAPORE FREE PRESS has the largest nett sale of any afternoon newspaper published in Malaya The Singapore Free Press is the oldest established newspaper in Singapore. It recommenced publication in May last and its smart presentation of news has made an immediate appeal to the reading public. For advertising
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  • The Straits Budget
    • 704 2 —Straits Times, May 1. In this land of everlasting summer where May means no more than December, the ancient festival ot Europe known as May Day Is now celebrated. There will be a mass meeting in Farrer Park this morning and a procession through the streets of Singapore.
      —Straits Times, May 1.  -  704 words
    • 488 2 —Straits Times, May 1. Today wo say goodbye to the rickshaw, or ricksha, as Mr. Lay- j cock prefers to spell it in an adjoining letter, or jinrikisha. as officialdom has alw r ays spelt it in Singapore. The last Municipal licences for this form of public transport
      —Straits Times, May 1.  -  488 words
    • 1004 2 —Straits Times, May 2. Th* demands served on the managers of 240 rubber estates in I Selangor have been followed by a similar broadside against the managers of 253 estates in Pera* I in each State the demands are I identical, but they differ as
      —Straits Times, May 2.  -  1,004 words
    • 922 2 —Straits Times, May 3. China’s new Premier and his Cabinet have not had to wait long for their first test. The latest sharp decline in the dollar represents a fall of fifty per cent compared with the lowest level touched during the February panic, and commodity prices
      —Straits Times, May 3.  -  922 words
    • 910 3 —Straits Times, May 5. Singapore Government s to unravel the tangled difficulties o: the day have Kith some small success in ■st month or so but re- Government's ruling that See unions should be regis- or should have completed ■applications lor registration ■y 1 were no: as enraura
      —Straits Times, May 5.  -  910 words
    • 907 3 —Straits Times. May 6. Discussions on the possibilities cf a “truncated Pakistan,” which in the first instance appeared to have bean born out of the speculation that is continually associated with Indian politics, now appear to have a somewhat firmer foundation than could be supposed originally. The rumours have
      —Straits Times. May 6.  -  907 words
    • 906 3 —Straits Times, May 8. The resignation was officially announced at the weekend of the Assistant Trade Union Adviser. Singapore, Mr s P. Gvrett. who in subsequent statements to the Press said he had taken this step because he could not agree with the Government’s policy toward labour.
      —Straits Times, May 8.  -  906 words

  • 1784 4  -  By DATO ROLAN D BRADDELL SINGAPORE has al- ways been a Chinese city but before the first World War it was not as markedly so as it is today. The connection of China with the* Nan-hai, or South Sea, as they call the whole region of
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  • 323 4 SINGAPORE, May 6. MR. Creech-Jones, Secretary of State for the Colonies, 111 has approved the interim scheme, which raises tlie salaries of all locally appointed doctors in the medical service of the Governments of Singapore and of the Malayan Union, Mr. "H. P. Bryson, under
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    • 75 4 To Nancy Elizabeth 50D of M. H. Van dor C-uclU_ At FLOOD-HOLM BIRO. p Clinic on 30th April, to -p,; (nee Campbell) v j‘ L ed gilt' Flood- Holmberg the son—Kevin Paine*. ife 0 f 0 PORTER. T<> D‘» a, rlf on tW Porter, a son Roniww rnrM u
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    • 34 4 MacLEHOSE-Dl’NI 0P^ d T > gagement is a ,r r 1 Crawford Murray. and Mrs. MacLehn.jO r^ r d;4 and Margaret No* p p: of Colonel T. C D«‘»* p and the late Mi'-
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    • 136 5 If Malaya has n.'d, one bas-: a> (hscn s l I elieve in this are incredu j suspend iheii [■station of the! > Leases and tment) Bill, ■d in Supplelie Singapore to dated Apr. Bill, if passed, ipation tenants on of premises prior to the tion.
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    • 226 5 IT has been my experience and also that of my Chinese friends on several occasions that when our cars have stalled on the road, without exception it was the European motorists who stopped and enquired into our trouble. They rendered us whatever assistance they could
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    • 223 5 I FEEL certain that every true Britisher is disgusted at the suggestion that Princess Elizabeth might marry a petty, penniless, Continental prince who has now camouflaged his identity by becoming a naturalised British sub ject and adopting a famous name. Surely there is already far,
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    • 49 5 Charlie Chan BEFORE war white man live in house. House empty, coloured man go in live. White man’s law say white man cannot get back house. White man now want change law and get back house. White man’s heart no change. Same as before war. CHARLIE CHAN’S GHOST Singapore.
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    • 332 5 JN your leading article on April 29 headed “•> 000 a year, you comment d on the memorandum submitted by the Singapore Teachers Union to the Higher Education Commission. That memorandum appeared to bo based on the objective of universal education by 1971,
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    • 416 5 The j inrikisha off municipal agenda TODAY I wish to congratulate the Singapore Muni- cipal Commissioners on the extinction of the jinrikisha. After some 20 years of discussion, opposition and determined perseverance, the Singapore Municipal Commissioners decided on July 12, 1946, to refuse to re-license any ricksha. This at once
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    • 189 5 TALKING of a university for Malaya, it is worth while recording that a distinguished former editor of the Straits Times, the late Mr. A. W. Still, was the first man in Malaya to suggest this proposal. About thirty years ago, Mr. Still gave a very instructive
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    • 116 5 I HEAD in our local newspaper of the “Straits-born Chinese” who pave you $lOO to help old England. It was a very, very kind gesture on his part, and one which will be kindly thought of, by a good many people like myself. We never know where
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  • Page 5 Advertisements

  • 2191 6 THE MALAY REGT. S’PORE BATTLE EKSSIMISTS nrcdUU’J ill thf tiirc <>i Ihc ftirmalwn I •r Malay KeKinu-nt in 11)33 liial Malays would not submil to military discipline. Then, when war clouds were darkening over the world, these pessimists turned their gloomy attentions to the value of Malays as lighting men.
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  • 893 7 K \l a Ut\(in Countryman's Diary II house many Bn.! v I on but wlthin l;V-m the day you f new house, R' t] u chichaks also in f \n-.v, where do f x have never r a building, |v;oo many years lir \..V a planter.
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  • 479 7 From Our Own Correspondent Kuala Lumpur, May 6. A 16-YEAR-OLD criminal, who made an income in the super-tax category, is cited in a special report released today, as an example of the seriousness of juvenile delinquency existing in the Malayan Union. In tour months the
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  • 88 7 SINGAPORE, May 4. CINGAPORE Volunteers are to reopen (heir old mess at Beach Road Headquarters on Friday, the Commandant of the Singapore Volunteer Corps, Major R. W. Watson-Hyatt, announced yesterday. The mess Is not confined to members of the S.V.C. It will be opeerated jointly with
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  • 124 7 From Our Own Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, May 4The end of the Chinese festival season is held by the Union Price Controller, in his weekly notes, to be responsible for the decrease nearly everywhere in the Union of prices for chicken and pork. The tendency of
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  • 59 7 KUALA LUMPUR, May 5. The Union Governor, Sir Edward Gent yesterday paid tribute to the assistance given by Mr W G. C. Blunn to the Advisory Council and wished him full enjoyment of a well-earned holiday. He also expressed gratitude to Mr A. T. Newboult, Chiei ‘Secretary. who
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  • 552 7 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, May 5. A SUGGESTION that estate employees and employers should meet in conference immediately to work out a five-year plan was made at the Malayan Union Advisory Council meeting today by Mr. V. M. N. Menon. Mr. Menon, who spoke
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  • 120 7 SINGAPORE, May 6. A CHINESE woman who sat at the edge of the sea and waited for the tide to rise and drown her was cautioned and discharged by the Singapore Third Magistrate, Mr. H. W. Nightingale, yesterday. The woman, Low Mec, had finally
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  • 69 7 JOIIORE BAHRU. May A Chinese claimant for over SI 1 million leads tho local aspirants to War Damage here. The War Damage Claims Department here has so far received over 400 claims from loom 'C'.ldents lor losses .>u.;t lined during the last war. A good proportion
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  • 484 8 SINGAPORE, May 3. WEAKLY every association of employers in Singa- pore registered pre-war under the Societies Ordinance must now under the trade Unions Ordinance. About 70 associations of employers—mainly Chinese—which did not apply for registration as a trade union by May 1 are now illegal
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  • 43 8 Tho Governor of Singapore, Sir Franklin Gimson, will present Cards of Commendation at Government House on May 10 to those whose names were gazetted on Apr, 18. The ceremony will take place on the lawn in front of Government Housa.
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  • 147 8 SINGAPORE, May 2. NEW buildings in Singapore are believed to be affected by the recommendations of the Rent Committee which, after studying the Rent Restriction Ordinance with a view to advising certain revisions, has made its report to Government The report is accompanied by
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  • 43 8 Fr m Our Own Correspondent PENANG, Friday. Penang cir.ema w.rkers have extended their ultimatum to the managements until May 5. In their demands, presented on April 24, the employees gave the cinemas up to April 30 for a final reply.
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  • 341 8 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, May 2. P)LLOWING a conference between the Secretary of the Singapore Government Back Pay Council and the Council of Management of the J.C.S.A. Malayan Union, a few days ago, a decision has now been reached to hold
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  • 119 8 SINGAPORE. Mav 3. rHE first Welfare Officer to be appointed by the Singapore Municipality has already start c 1 w?rk. He K. j r A. V. B .'.jafield who saw active service durirg the war in France and Burma, and was probably the first Royal Engineer officer
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  • 36 8 i Among passengers sailing in th e Oranje tomorrow is Mr. Stuart Lcwrie, Manager of Manufacturers Life Insurance Co. During his absence Mr. A. P. Goldman will be in charge of the branch.
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  • 146 8 Tongkang’s Crew Beats Off Pi ra tes From Our Own Correspond..™ 1 JOHORE* B.AHrV v, PEVEN Chinese pirates who attacked a (~nek I O gening, off the coast of Johore recently f,Kang »t fJ a hot reception that they abandoned the atia'l* lltl J off towards the n dr l
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  • 251 8 SINGAPORE, May 3. THE Malayan Communist Party was mistaken if it believed the Societies Ordinance was directed against freedom of association or was intended to obstruct the lawful activities of any political party. This statement was made yesterday by the Registrar of Societies. Mr. E.
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  • 107 8 SINGAPORE. May 2. A RUNNING sun battle in which rival gangs participated in the Cecil Street—Cress Street area on the night oi Feb 1 was recalled in the Singapore’s Court yesterday The Coroner. Mr. W. G. Porter, inquiring into the death of a c -llee shop
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  • 42 8 The Governor of S'nganore has r eceived the following message from Buckingham Palace: “The Lady-In-Waiting writes IP acknowledge the message of Birthday Greetings to Princess Elizabeth from the people of which Jins bstn £or~ warded to Her Royal Highness."
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  • 113 8 From Our Own Correspond Parit Buntar, May 1 A RICE miller who was a fenced to four mon: rigorous imprisooment by District Judge, Mr. C. P.Si ton, yesterday for opera: his mill without a licence a had his mill confiscated. I n convicting the accused.:
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  • 82 8 SINGAPORE. W'A THE Malayan Union Junior ij Service Association and J Singapore Government Senq Eack Pay Council plan to j mass meetings o: servants throughout Mai*. 1 the near future. This was stated at a the Singapore Governiv.-_ vants’ Back Council the Malayan Democratic premises yesterday. -j
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  • 65 8 SINGAPORE. I OOTERS fir-d L patrolling the Ba- m Depot in Chun d on Thursday nig h three guards. obout The looters break into the P l r s wh e n their presen c by the sentries. nl vr.fd;B When the. lo °M-y t !v
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  • 223 9 SINGAPORE, May 1. ‘iimtaporc Federation of Trade Unions is an f.ral body, and has been since Apr. 26. It is hecaii-e its application for registration, in its t form, lias been rejected, said the Singapore x, a de Unions, Mr. W. Adams, yesterday. S- vapore
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  • 84 9 Rur Own Correspondent PENANG, Apr. 30. ■ROMINENT towkay, Mr. ■Ct* Hup Hor, J.P., has kidnapped irom his resile O Bakap. The Bg Police today announcnl a S-. 000 reward mati.m loading to the m a:; d conviction of the ■cti'l’s. B rding to a police c y. was
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  • 62 9 Correspondent I ;_p r E’U. April 30. State Forest I for Kuala he will V r M Forestry, Mala- of Mr. l a m the United R r st week of May I R 1)c the Malayan R nmre Forestry R ll °lcl m London R D
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  • 263 9 From Our Own Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR. Apr. 30. THE full composition oi the 1 Tuberculosis Advisory Board was announced today. This board will advise the Government and the public on practical measures relating to the prevention and control ot human tuberculosis. This excludes any matters concerning
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  • 335 9 SINGAPORE, May 1. THE great need for more schools in Singapore, modelled more closely on the lines of English public schools and staffed by graduates of good universities, was stressed by Archdeacon David Rosenthall, Vicar of Singapore, at the annual parochial meeting of
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  • 167 9 I rum Our Staff Correspondent Kuala Lumpur, Apr. 30. TVvO writers in Singapore i have won prizes in the Malayan short story and novel competition run by the De partment of Public Relations i:i the Malayan Union. Mi. Colin Deans, a teacher vi St. Patrick's
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  • 370 9 From Our Staff Coif respondent KUALA LUMPUR, Apr. A PLAN to form a society for the prevention of blindness in (bis country is being launched by the Rotary Club of Kuala Lumpur. It was announced at the weekly luncheon meeting of the Club today that
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  • 113 9 From Our Own Correspondent LONDON, April 30.—The reconstruction of the Netherlands East Indies mining industry, says the Amsterdam correspondent of the Financial Times, is expected to cost from ,L95.0C0,000 to C117,000,000 A very great effort is to be made to restore Banka and Bii'iton as
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  • 275 9 SINGAPORE, May 1. PURCHASED from Credit Foncier D’Extrenie Orient at a cost of $120,000, a 13 acre property with nine bungalows at Goodman Road, Singapore, adjacent to the Kallang Airport, will be tlie future site of the Singapore Chung Cheng High School. The School, at
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  • 74 9 From Our Staff Correspondent. KUALA LUMPUR April 80. Mr A. W. WaHich, a din ct< r l Bcustead and Co. in Kuala Lumpur, has been appointed a member of the Malayan Uivon Advis ry Council, succeeding Mr. W. G. C. Blunn. who is going cn leave Mr. Wallich
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  • 118 9 From Our Own Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR. Apr. 31) THE Govern )i:; ol Singapor 4 and the Malayan Union have appointed the following to be members ol the Board of Management of the War Risks (Goods) Insurance Fund: Th? Financial Secretary. Singapore (Chairman); the Deputy Financial Secretary.
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  • 470 10 SINGAPORE, May 2. CIFTY thousand Singapore workers, men and women, celebrated May Day yesterday with the biggest labour demonstration and parade ever seen in the city. While police riot squads stood by with tear gas and radio patrol cars, a two-mile procession inarched through
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  • 63 10 From Our Own Correspondent PENANG, May 1. Penang and Province Wellesley labourers passed six May Day resolutions today Following the rallv a mass proc.e«-: on head'd b.V the Municipal Hand marched through the town More than 10 trade uni us and other organisations took port, Inoluding
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  • 280 10 SINGAPORE. May 2. outbreak of dysentery, which occurred or. the Japanese “hell ship” taking British PoWs from Singapore to Japan in 1942 resulted in 60 deaths, said Li e ut.Col. E. K. Scott, R.E.M.E.. in an affidavit which was read ir. the War Crimes Court trying
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  • 222 10 Judge’s W ords To British Sailors SINGAPORE, May 2. "TWO 20-year-old British naval ratings, Kenneth Sharp 1 English and Thomas Hirst, were sentenced to four years’ rigorous imprisonment each by Mr. Justice Brown at the Assize Court yesterday, when they pleaded guilty to a charge of being in unlawful possession
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  • 443 10 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, May 1. A HEAVY shower of rain did not interrupt the Labour Day celebrations in Kuala Lumpur today. About four thousand people marched through the streets in a procession sponsored by the Pan-Maiayan Federation of Trade Unions.
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  • 146 10 SINGAPORE v- 1 TWO Malays 1 rested by Plaiboiar Board Monday morning 'hd lcck-ui) in 'w M 1 Police Station about V esterday. 1 Tr.e men. with osp rvl e,oi out ot the cel' <>*»♦ Oioen fioor board' A Punjabi police me s in
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  • 99 10 THE following appoint* promotions and trand Malaya have been made fcl ous branches of the Colonjall vices:— I Capt. J.W.S. Hamilton I A.T.R. Brown. I vice. I Capt. B.M. Maclver. C-starol vice. I Mr. D. Browr.. Mr. DOM Maj. D R Scott. .Wta:.t M P.W.D. Dr. J.C Burns
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  • 43 10 From Our l 1 JOHORF 3AH/b Portraits o! d (jfu® Mr. Clement Att co. issimo St elm ...VVree* cession t lv d;V H Johore La' H Manv voir. D lV cfl part in the La^ 1 tions. which of union m>
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  • 58 10 From Our Own r ,y 9 IPOH. Mar people took P 1 1 ‘v, 3 ing at the I day to cel I Banners v. t jM slogans pan-''' carried by Typical of t 3 :id is the Day oi Want No Mon A Day.” Later through the
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  • 514 11 I SINGAPORE, May 2. I Singapore Attorney-General is likely to take loceeclings against the officials of unregistered unions and officials of the Singapore Federalf Trade Unions if they indulge in activities such I organising of strikes, the enrolling of members levying of fees. |he time limit
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  • 108 11 I SINGAPORE, May 1. u: death was passed Suden Khan, an Indian rporal at the Assize riiav at the conclusion 1 in which he was charged nuud r of Sepoy Abdul t:.' Engineering Base F 1.ji..; Bahru, on Oct. year. lr v <rned a unanimous
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  • 44 11 Ba.or"'! bt( n received in I h* E. S. Mon- d hate Professor pu. Medicine, ■don lamination in m \h i;if M -R*C.P. ■o, r we nt to u.k. m l r on a Queen’s Hwii 11 d to him before
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  • 363 11 SINGAPORE, May 2. FOR the last 30 years weatherbeaten, leathery, spindleshanked old Ah Tee has been pulling rickshaws around Singapore. And yesterday he was still on the job—despite the regulation ordering rickshaws off the road by May 1. Ah Tee knew all the traffic rules
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  • 253 11 From Our Staff Correspondent Kuala Lumpur, May l. MALAYA Command Head- quarters today stated why the Army had an unpaid water bill of $40,000 in Penang. A 1? official statement said tiiat the bills in question had been the subject of consideraole negotiation between the
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  • 146 11 From Our Own Correspondent TATPING. April 30. The electricity problem is causing considerable concern, since it has now been stated that an additional g e n e rator which it was thought Seremban might be able to supply is not now available. At a recent Town
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  • 96 11 ANE thousand dozen, “quick frozen M oysiers are ready for immediate shipment from Australia to Singapore. The oysters will be shipped in bottles. Tire shells will be shipped separately and the two will come together again on a dinner plate in one of Singapore’s restaurants. The
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  • 117 11 From Our Own Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR. Apr. 30. CULFA DRUGS now on sale in the open market, may be placed on the poisons list, Dr. W C E. Diamond, the Malayan Union Medical Department’s specialist on venereal disc ise said yesterday. Dr. Diamond
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  • 165 11 SINGAPORE, May 1. rHE death occurred in Colombo, Ceylon on April 19 of Mr. N. Nadarajah, K.C., who is well-known in Malaya. Mr Nadarajah. who was 50 years or age, died of a heart attack at his home at Kamalasanam Kolupitiya. after having the previous day
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  • 31 11 SINGAPORE. May 2. It was announced in Singapore last night that Lt.-Gen. Sir Neil M. Ritchie, Commander-In-Chief, South-East Asia Land Forces, had been promoted to the rank of General.
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  • 296 11 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Apr. 30. I AI UiOiNG alias Tan Kau, a 32-year-old Chinese carpenter, 1 was today convicted and sentenced to death by Mr. Justice Spenser Wilkinson at the Selangor Assizes for the murder of J. P. Stancil, an Indian clerk
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  • 68 11 from Our Own Correspondent IPOII, Wednesday At today’s mtting of the I poll Rotary Club the following ware elected oflicet' arers tor the next term: President. Dato I’anglima Ilukit Gant uig. vice-presidents, Mr M B. Chapman and Mr. M S Mahenran. e retaiy, Mr .1 v Morals,
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  • 171 12 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, May 2. EXTENSIVE padi fields in Kelantan, many of them carrying heavy crops, were submerged after out of season heavy rain last month. In IJhi Kelantan about 2,000 acres were harvested during the month, the yields recorded being about a
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  • 106 12 From Our Own Correspondent SEREMBAN, Friday.—Among j the official changes in Negri 1 Sembilan Government Departments detailed by the Resident 1 Commissioner, Mr. W. Gordon! Hall, are: Amalgamation of the Food, Control and Price Control Departments following the transfer 1 to Kuala Lumpur on May 5 of the
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  • 152 12 SINGAPORE, May 3. SINGAPORE Traction Company men now on strike, travelling in gangs, have been forcing conductors of private buses to give them free rides, said an official of the Singapore Bus Owners’ Association yesterday. A numb r of cases has been reported oj assaults of
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  • 152 12 TIIE Singapore Ratepayers’ As- soelation is inviting the Singapofe Association t > appoint a sub committee to work with its own sub-c mmittee in studying the income tax question. Tile S.R.A will also ask the Singapore Association whai pr >- gross it has made
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  • 69 12 SINGAPORE, May 3. The Rev Brothers Ignatius and PaUitius. nt the Roman Catholic Order of St John Baptist Dc La S'he, worn entertained to a la rewell luncheon by the bo vs of the Senior School Certificate (’lass, 1946, of St. Joseph’s Institution They wil tie leaving
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  • 161 12 SINGAPORE. Way 3j Indonesian Government is determined to purchase A Dutch industries and factories in Indonesian territory, which are vital to its existence, a Chinese member of the Indonesian Socialist Parly, Mr. Siamv Giok Tjhan told the Straits Times yesterday. Mr. Siauw, who represents
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  • 188 12 1' roni Our Staff Correspondent Kuala Lumpur, May 2. OUNG Chinese who p’oadcd guilty in the Distiiet Court today to a charge of using criminal force on his married sister-in-law with in* toni to outrage her modesty, is to give the complainant a written apology. The
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  • 150 12 SINGAPORE. May 3. THE Singapore District Judge, Mr. Paul Storr. yesterday commended a Malay detective and two special constables who refused a bribe of $1,000. They wire Detective Busu bin Molid Shah, and special constables, Goh Chong Siew and Osman bin Shari, i After refusing the
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  • 23 12 From Our Own Correspondent IPOH. May 2.—Mr. A. V. Aston has been confirmed in his appointment as Resident Commissioner, Pera'K.
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  • 272 12 SINGAPORE, May 3. THE Singapore Government should make more use of its powers to banish undesirables from this country, committee members of the Singapore Association decided at a meeting recently. Members expressed great surprise that Government had so far made comparatively little use of
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  • 216 12 SINGAPORE \t I COME wealthy towkays in the .Malayan r !l l afraid to use new luxury cars alioiu 1 by the Priority Board. olted Acceptance of delivery of these cars i„ I stances, has been followed by threateningi t HllJ( extortionist pangs, according
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  • 207 12 SINGAPORE. Ifol OPERA I IMG in motor J Chinese pirates board™ motor-driven carso tongl in Dutch waters off fcl Island last up the crews at pistol'll and got away with S6.£0i| cash and some jewellery,I Shots were fired by the pi but no one was injured®
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  • 79 12 From Our Own C'ornsP JOHOKE TIE driver of a which fa the main r-».".! i landing st« night and u Straits of rt day fined S7o under the i In addition. suspended for a j The driver. c-\ Tambu, was c Ayer Molck h jtaP turning
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  • 450 13 SINGAPORE, May 4. RfHING inquiry into the social structureiof 1 rc to give a comprehensive K live work and play, will begin about the [September if the Government approve plans L ive been drawn up. \h urvev, whose success will depend upon the coLMhe public, Singapore
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  • 199 13 SINGAPORE, May 4. rE Singapore Government announced yesterday that Mr. S. P. Garrett has resigned his position as Assistant Trade Union Adviser, His resignation was submitted on his own initiative to the Government, who have accepted it with an expression of their appreciation of his
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  • 47 13 ]WR. A. Heywcod-VVaddington, Secretary for Economic Affairs, and Mr. J. B- Nelson, Director of Education, have been app:inted to the Singapore Advisory Council to fill the vacancies caused by the departure on leave of Mr. Andrew Gilmour and Dr W. J. Vickers.
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  • 284 13 IT is impossible to discard the use of English, if it is intended to acquire a higher standard of education in Malaya,” says a group of educationists from Singapore Chinese schools in a memorandum which is being airmailed to the London Committee on Higher Education in
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  • 47 13 The retail price of “Klim” powdered milk has been fixed at $4.50 a 2*2 -pound tin and the wholesale price at $ll9 a case under an order of the Deputy Price Controller, Mr. J. Hamer, appearing in the latest issue of the Singapore Government Gazette.
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  • 214 13 SINGAPORE, May 4. THE Singapore Director of Medical Services, Dr. W. J. Vickers, will be among speakers who are to address a Commonwealth and Empire health and tuberculosis conference to be held in London from July 8 —10. The conference, which has been arranged
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  • 114 13 SINGAPORE, May 4. DR. S. Falkowski, of the Malayan Medical Service and son of Mr. and Mrs. R. Falkowski, of Warsaw, was married at the Singapore Register Office yesterday to Miss Irene Cholmondeley, daughter of Lord George Cholmondeley, of Shackleford, Surrey. The bride wore a navy-blue and white
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  • 309 13 SINGAPORE, May 2. Described by inspector eg Sim Mong as the “prime mover o-f a gang of Singapore harbour looters”, Ong Yew Yam, who appeared before the Third Police Magistrate. Mr. K. M. Byrne, yesterday, on a charge of abetment of housebreaking by
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  • 389 13 SINGAPORE, May 4. OCOTLANI) Yard methods are being adopted by the Singapore Police for radio patrol squads and all *cars are likely to be concentrated in a separate division and controlled from a single headquarters to assure a complete coverage of Singapore. The officer in
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  • 90 13 SINGAPORE. May 1. A SIX-FOOT long python was found by a disinfecting sou ad in a hold of the China Navigation steamer Ta Tong, one day last Week. It was dead. No orie knows how the python got on board the ship which was formerly
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  • 72 13 The Naval Base Labour Union has been registered under the Trade Union Ordinance. Its office-bearers are as follows: President. Mr. Lau Foo Wall; VicePresident. Mr. K. Madhavan; General Secretary. Mr. S. Harris; Treasurer. Mr. Abdullah bin Itam Ahamed; Auditor. Mr. Soon Chin Kian; Committee Members. Mr.
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  • 254 14 Singapore, May 5. PUDDIHSTS in Singapore yesterday celebrated Wesak Day by distributing gifts to the poor and with religious meditation at all the Buddhist temples. Many devout Buddhists rose at 1 a.m. to cojJmence their observance of Wesak, which is the anniversary of the birth
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  • 132 14 From Our Stuff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR. May 4. Every community and every State in the Malayan Union is represented among a total of 2.000 applications for membership of the proposed Malayan Association received by the Acting Secretaries Neill and Bell, up to the weekend. Neill
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  • 82 14 SINGAPORE. May 5. f)NE of two armed Chines*- wno v to,k $OOO from the home of a Canionese in Banda Street. Singapore, yosHrday afternoon, tin d several rounds from a revolver. A own-year-old Chines..,girl was wounded in the th’y.h At 4 p.m. throe Chinese one
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  • 135 14 SINGAPORE. May 5. A OUT 150 guests attended a dinner and dance at the Chinese Swimming Club on Saturday night to celebrate the wedding of Mr. Oon Beng Soon, a lecturer In geography at Raffles College, and Miss Khco Beng Neo. of the Office of the
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  • 123 14 SINGAPORE. May 2. A 19-YEAR old Chinese, Lin n Chu Kuan, w’as sentenced to four months’ rigorous imprisonment and fined $5O or in default a further four months’ rigorous imprisonment when he was convicted on each of three charges of attempted extortion, by Mr H. A. Forrer in
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  • 364 14 S1NGAFORE, May 3. PIE Vice-President of the Singapore Federation of I Trade Unions, Mr. Sze Tong, yesterday described the reaction of its application for registration as “a deliberate step to inconvenience us.” Mr. Sze said the S.F.T.U. proposed holding a general meeting
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  • 426 14 From Our Own Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR. May 4 THE Pan-Malayan Federation of Trade Unions, with headquarters in Kuala Lumpur, which applied for registration last December. has only recently sent in a redraft of its rules for approval by the Registrar of Trade Unions,
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  • 317 14 Big Drive Against Wild Pigs Tigers Fro,„ Our Own C THROUGHOUT Malaya, hunting 1 daily stalking and killing pests vhichV- oln 3 and food crops. These men, hunters sum tion by the Government and allowed to 1 J the animals they kill, are shooting wild ,'v,, ecs 3 for good
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  • 64 14 From Our Own Correspondent MALACCA. Friday:—A 40-year-old Indian broker named Pnagasam collapsed and died in a col Tee-shop here yesterday. He nad paid his bill for a plate of mahmee and a cup of coftee and by the time the waiter returned with the change
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  • 223 14 BEFORE Kingdom on wl j Alexander man of the Commissi Education, told the Stol he was deeply keen, informed andTJl terest tac subject Sir Alexander said hetoS antiupate the rec«£2| and advice the Coir.mii2l He continued: through the country it'J more and more obvious thr® is
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  • 112 14 From Our Own UorrfsP^^B KUALA LUMPUR. The merger of the P r:ce and Food Control Deparn* Negri Sembilan into partment with trenchment is not the similar measures in oi-ffJH but an “experiment in trative economy" tr.e Times is informed ment spokesman in K pur. I The
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  • 169 15 [GAPOHE. May 6. ingapore Branch of Malayan Communist is drafted a cable to etarv of State for the Mr. Arthur Creech ■(.(testing against what y considers to be “untie laws.” arty’s representative in i, Mr. Chang Ming iho told the Straits is yesterday, said that lon
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  • 145 15 SINGAPORE. May 7. Sfci-ation or the Roman Mel f i).'" 1 the K*ght ie r,?v. c J mendy wiH l>e o.f JunoT 1 01 th Gl>ad i'i! a ?an tiacal High hours' u ke ab ut two He -Aij, bl a.,. ►w Prov st m
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  • 352 15 SINGAPORE, May 7. SSORS who will staff the future University 1 0 f Malaya are being advertised for in journals in the United Kingdom, including y, Medical Journal and Lancet. possible that the proposed University Co!;n he established next year, an educational tv told the Straits
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  • 236 15 SINGAPORE, May 3. ON hearing sentence of nine years’ rigorous imprisonment passed on him at the Assize Court yesterday, a 20 year old naval rating, Arthur Johnson, closed his eyes and swayed in the dock. Johnson was found guilty on three charges of committing armed
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  • 186 15 SINGAPORE, May 7. Ol EJECT to the approval of the Colonial Secretary, five Singapore candidates will be awarded scholarships to go to England under a study scheme by the Singapore Welfare Department. The successful candidates will leave in September to take up a two-year course in
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  • 76 15 Forty-one People wer e killed in road accidents in Singapore city during the past three months. Of the 96 deaths reported to the Singapore Coroner last month, road accidents claimed 18. In March, nine out of 79 deaths, and, in February, 14 out of 76 deaths
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  • 47 15 A 23-year-old Japanese, Sugakinya. who was found with 20 sarongs tied round his waist and legs outside a godown in the Singapore Harbour Board on Saturday, was sentenced to eight weeks’ rigorous imprisonment by the Third Magistrate, Mr. K. M Byrne,
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  • 283 15 <C ntinued from page 6) position across the mortar range from Panclan Bridge to Reformatory Road and though our 15-inch gun battery at Buona Vista was blown up and the Japanese sent over varying degrees of artillery and mortar fire both by night and day, they
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  • 101 15 SINGAPORE, May 5. THE Government of Singapore may now exercise its discretion in raising loans to defray extraordinary expenditure arising in connection with the enemy occupation of Malaya. Such loans would also be utilised for the purpose of rehabilitation The Government is also authorised to sanction
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  • 405 15 SINGAPORE, May 7. HAPPER, bespectacled Dr. J. M. Reel, the Netheru lands Prime Minister, who arrived in Singapore yesterday evening by air on his way to the Netherlands Indies, told the Straits Times that he was wholeheartedly in favour of the Linggadjati Agreement. Dr. Beel, who
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  • 64 15 SINGAPORE. Mav 4. FORTY -FIVE Australian racehorses for the Malayan turf, arc on board the 81. ship Chupra which arrives in Singapore on May 13. from Australian ports. Tlu* Chupra will discharge 6jo of general cargo. 360 tons ol fo :d--stutTs. 425 tons of fruits. 400
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  • 530 16 SINGAPORE, May 7. A GREATLY reduced rice allocation for Malaya and Singapore is forecast in Washington, where Rice Committee officials of the International Emergency Food Council have made tentative allocations for the second half of the year. Separate figures have not been mentioned, but
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  • 110 16 SINGAPORE. May 7. A CONSUMER’S co-op<oative movement is on 0 i n which I have always been interested and which I whole-heartedly supp rt,’’ said the chairman of the Commission o n Higher Education, Si- Alexander Carr-Saun-ders, in a message f greeting to tile Singapore Co-operative St
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  • 199 16 SINGAPORE. May 7. SPEAKING at the first festival banquet held by the Singapore Branch of the Royal Society of St. George for eight years, at Raffles Hotel last night, the Governor of Singapore, Sir Franklin Gimson, said that one virtue St. George had bequeathed to England was
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  • 771 16  -  GROW YOUR OWN VEGETABLES •By J. N. MILSUM and J. R. P. SOPER of the Department of Agriculture Malaya COR those who are fond of raw salads or who like something extra with their bread and cheese, radishes are a very easy
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  • 408 16 SINGAPORE T H E S |T g T, re Tra n ti0 Compan v Emplove!'; has decided to call off its 14-week strifc 1 of resumption of the Company's bus known today. Ces ty The President of the Union, Mr R v an open-air mass
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  • 80 16 The Labour recommend’a t mittees *hoa!d W I works, faeces anu; M takings m s 200 or over J ll P 1 M that vm The B no reason wi. employin i J* wVM should re toV mittees if tin art I Works ron v: on which
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  • 1034 17 I SINGAPORE, May 7. Itablishnient of Chairs in Chinese, Malay and Tamil ■form the nucleus of a school of Oriental studies in University of Malaya is suggested in a memo- mjbniitted by the Raffles College Union to the Com on Higher Education. Union, in its memorandum,
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  • 167 17 SINGAPORE, May 7. THE Town Cleansing Committee of the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce will meet wee*- 4 o discuss how the Chinese community can h ’p ’*i ko pir T the city clean. The Committee, which was originally formed during the strike of Municipality
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  • 296 17 From Own Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, May 6. KUALA LUMPUR’S rehousing scheme for slum dwellers is progressing at the rate of two and a half new houses a day. Officials estimate that the plan tor 200 houses in two “estates” in Sungei Besi Road
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  • 93 17 trom Our Own Correspondent PENANG, May C. THE Trade Union Adviser, Mr. 1 R. Caddick, and the Deputy Assistant Commissioner for Labour, Mr. J. Grundy, addressed Penang cabaret girls at the first anniversary meeting of their Association yesterday. Mr. Caddick urged the members to demonstrate the
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  • 141 17 SINGAPORE, May 7. (JTU DENTS of the College of Medicine and Raffles College, Singapore, yesterday asked Dr G. V. Allen, Principal Designate of the future University College of Malaya, to press for the early establishment of the university college. They were speaking at a tea
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  • 109 17 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR. May 3. THE Junction cf Sungei 3esi Road and Pudu Road, a busy meeting place at all times of the day, was the scene ol an ambush by Kuala Lumpur detectives, led by Mr W F. Stafford
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  • 658 17 SINGAPORE, May 7. MAJOR John Burnett D.S.O. M.C., the Ist Battalion, Seaforth Highlanders, told the Fourth District Court yesterday he was prompted to shoot at the taxi driven by Baghail Singh “because of the extreme suspicion of its approach and the fact that
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  • 194 18 SINGAPORE, May 5. DAIN stopped play in local cricket matches yesterday afternoon. On the padangr, the main game of the day between the S.C.C. and the S.R.C, was stopped with honours even. The S.C.C. dismissed the Recreation Club for an additional 13 runs yesterday morn,
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  • 223 18 SINGAPORE, May. 5. R A F. (Tengah) beat Raffles College second eleven at cricket by one wicket and 58 runs at Raffles College ground on Saturday. RAFFLES COLLEGE C.G. Llngham c Robson b Coulson 0; T Rajendra b Burblige 13; I.M. Thom as z b Lewis
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  • 132 18 SINGAPORE, May 5. The Royal Singapore Golf Club May Medal competition, under stableford handicap system, was played at Bukit Timah on Saturday, and resulted ln> a win for A. T. Aird. Aird had a score of 39 1/8. The ball sweep in conjunction with the
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  • 216 18 SINGAPORE. May. 5. THE Ceylon Sports Club beat Raffle* College by six runs at cricket al Raffias College ground yesterday. CSC. S. Yogarajah c and b Kailasapathy 87 C. Thuraisingham b Sivagnanam 5 'W. Ponniah st Doraisamy b Kailasapathy 1 I V. R. Sabapathy c Thilagaratnain 11
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  • 156 18 From Our Own Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, May 3. IN an exciting finish the Victoria Institution beat the S.C.R.C. yesterday, passing their score of 69 with three wickets in hand with only a few minutes left for play. The V.I. victory was the result of a splendid
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  • 214 18 SINGAPORE. May. 5. S.C.R.C. beat RA F. (Paya Lebar) in a cricket match played yesterday. RA F. PAY’A LEBAR Bray c Ong Lee b Keng Slew 0 Balme c Beng Bee b Teng Bin 40 Pcrcival c Thiam Siew b Keng Siew 1 Ball c Teng Bin
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  • 269 18 From Our Own Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR. May 3. AFTER declaring at 104 for six wickets the Y.M.C.A. beat the Selangor Club by 40 runs on the padang. yesteiday. Main contributor to the Y’s succes c were I. In«leton. who hit up a splendid 36. and B.
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  • 283 18 Former Ti tle -Holder In Ipoh (From Our Own Correspondent S' St 81 'I amp i 0 °J Indi »> Choon Tan 6—1, 6—2. ur c^am P Ions hips yesterday, by beating Soo The recent arrival in Ipoh of Beaty has infused renewed interest into tennis, which has been sadly
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  • 442 18 THE formation of a Malay an Federation as the first step towards tL amateur sport in Malaya is to take oh. i Main object of the Federation will L elusion of Malaya in the Olympic held in London in June, 1948. e ,J Announcing this yesterday, Mr
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  • 219 18 FIRST suggestion for the formation of a an Sports Federation had come from fhe Straits Times- 1 Mr. George C. Thomson, Public Relations officer. After announcing the proposed formation of the federation (see main story), Mr. Thomson said he wanted to thank the Straits
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  • 29 18 BATU PAHA tW In a Second r,l 1 1 1 v jt soccer played I Pahat, the Batu r 3? 1 scored a three-' Sengcaraim
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  • 317 19 Kmm Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Apr. 30. jin Study Group, at the conclusion of its ■meeting in Brussels this month, passed a reMrecommendins that its next meeting should Hi Malaya. resolution followed a presentation of I ca! ;e before the tin world, in which
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  • 83 19 Ur MafT Correspondent H oil m E m ANG May 3 m mi,ler >s are unable s®van Pt lhe price offered ■of FV)od COnut 011 by the ’™ay. a promiWnpoMtin hat with the of Un ox P ort lnR t 0 about $l.BO on
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  • 232 19 KUALA LUMPUR, May 4. pLANTING circles in Selangor endorse the statement by Mr F. D. Ascoli, president of the Rubber Growers Association, in London, that administrative control of the rubber industry must pass from London to the East in the near future. “It Is obvious,” said
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  • 396 19 From Our Own Correspondent SEREMBAN, Apr. 30. MOST of the dredges in the tin mining areas of Negri Sembilan were run to death by the Japanese during the occupation owing to lack of spares and proper lubricating oil, stated the Resident Commissioner, Mr. W. A.
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  • 223 19 SINGAPORE, May 3. Heavy forward offerings on the London and Singapore market by New York dealers and estate agencies tended to keep price n down this week. say s the weekly rubber market report issued yesterday by Lewis and Peat. There has. however, been a substantial and
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  • 71 19 From Our Own Correspondent IPOH, May 5 Nearly 11,000 lbs. of rubber was destroyed by fire at Harvard Estate. Bedong. Kedah, about noon on Saturday. Two smoke houses were completely gutted and the damage is estimated at $B,OOO. The alarm was raised by tin* estate watchman,
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  • 56 19 Malayan tin shipments for March totalled 3,587 tons of which 1,922 tons was from Singapore and 1,665 tons from Penang. In April only 619 tons were shipped. Of this, 534 tons were shipped from Singapore and 85 tons from Penang. To the end of April 7,107 tons have
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  • 450 19 From Our Own Correspondent IPOH, May 4. THE Perak Hydro strike has been settled and the men, who have been out for 22 days, will retuiM to work tomorrow. The Union has accepted a 19 cent a day addition to basic wages, and additions of
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  • 83 19 BATAVIA, April 30. —To prevent decrease in rubber production, the N.E.I. Government has decided as from May 1 to grant a 10 cent subsidy for a kilo (22 pounds) of dry rubber, according to Aneta News Agency. Netherlands Indies Rubber Board purchase prices will be: NY 1
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  • 203 19 SINGAPORE, May 6. PLANS for the development of cable and radio communications from and to Malaya will be discussed with the arrival in Singapore next week if Major-Gen. Leslie B. Nicholls, a director of Cable and Wireless Ltd. Major-Gen. Nicholls was Gen. Eisenhower’s Chief Signals Officer,
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  • 1059 20 Weekly Market Review From A Market Correspondent SINGAPORE, May. 3. ALTHOUGH the general tone of the local share market has been more subdued during the past week, the volume of business reported—especially as regards Industrials has in no way diminished. Tin shares have also enjoyed
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  • 161 20 SINGAPORE. Mav. 5. REHABILITATION work during 1945 and 1946 cost the New Serendah Rubber Co.. Ltd. $74,899 By the end of this year, said the chairman. Mr. M.J. Kennaway. at the annual meeting of the company. at Kuala Lumpur, it might well exceed $lOO,OOO. On a planted
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  • 40 20 COLOMBO —The Director of the Coconut Research Scheme. Dr. R. Child, who gave evidence before the Rubber Commission, was asked by one of the Commissioners what possibilities there were for planting unproductive rubber land with coconut.
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  • 249 20 Company Reports THE Borelll Rubber Co. p'gn to replace the balance of their old seedling rubber with high, yielding stock was mentioned by th e chairman. Mr. O. Wiseman, at the annual meeting of the company held In Kuala Lumpur. Mr. Wiseman said: “When last addressing
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  • 126 20 Jo han Mine Land Much Equipment T HE T ;;rr?'^ showvu That hfl<J i»f lh tWJI f r,,rh lar accounts Irorn ttnJj^H A^ <>1 '‘taking a n ot interim duiden^k* fees for that V e ar diuvt^ $26.61() w a s next year Investments Si Which ,s thc >: lA
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  • 104 20 From Our Own ('ormpM BATAVIA. Mijfl THE tobacco excise dotjl come into effect Indonesia, with rerospj effect from Sept 1. ljfcl The excise duty will te J directly, namely 40 per col the retail price for cigarmsl cut tobacco, and 30 per ceo. all other tobacco.
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  • 117 20 THE crop harvested by the Devon Estates (Malacca) Ltd. during the year was 847.353 lbs and the average price realised for all grades, including the value of unsold stock, was 36.i cent, per lb This was stated in th e annual report of the company submitted
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  • 677 20 SINGAPORE. May 6. SINGAPORE share quotations today. as given by the Malayan Shareholders' Association, were as follows: INDUSTRIALS Buyer SeUer Alex. Brick (O) 2.20 2.30 Alex. Brick (P) 3.30 3.40 B M Trustee 8.25 9.00 Consolidated Tin Smelters (O) 21/- 22/6 do (P) 26/6 28/Eastern United Assurance
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