The Straits Budget, 13 February 1947

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Straits Budget
  • 31 1 The Straits Budget THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE STRAITS TIMES [ESTABLISHED OVER A CENTURY] New Series No. 28 Singapore, Thursday, February 13th, 2947. Price 40 cents (S.S. Currency) Or 1 ah.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 66 1 tUrfU* Museum Singapore. The SINGAPORE FREE PRESS has the largest nett sale of any afternoon newspaper published in Malaya The Singapore Free Press is the old est established newspaper in Singapore. It recommenced publication in May last and its smart presentation of news has made an immediate appeal to the
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  • The Straits Budget
    • 1185 2 —Straits Times, Feb. 6. Tihe horrible procession to the gallows in Changi Gaol goes on, evoking a fresh thrill of evil exultation in certain hearts every time the trap falls. So far. 153 Japanese have been hanged In south-east Asia, mostly at Changi: 27 are waiting
      —Straits Times, Feb. 6.  -  1,185 words
    • 1125 2 —Straits Times, Feb. 7. The blunt and plainspokon letter which the Singapore Association has addressed to the Gove rr.or on labour and crime in this colony, and which is published elsewhere in this issue today, brings to a head the dissatisfaction which has been growing among
      —Straits Times, Feb. 7.  -  1,125 words
    • 1242 2 —Straits Times, Feb. 8. A cartoon published on this page last Saturday depicted a Singapore citifcen surveying a landscape crowded with tents and hutments and showing lively perturbation at the news that another brigade of troops is coming to this country from Japan. During the ‘same week there
      —Straits Times, Feb. 8.  -  1,242 words
    • 1053 3 —Straits Times, Feb. 10. One of the main reasons why m-inessmenin Malaya are so rin of Gov Pmment on the w~? mon issue is that while is endeavouring to mlin?? movement, and have n*h 0 u, Tra de Union Advisers Hie aL J CI7
      —Straits Times, Feb. 10.  -  1,053 words
    • 901 3 —Straits Times, Feb. 11. The British Government has recently paid Malaya the compliment of sending two of the rising young men of the Labour Party to visit us. Last month we had a visit from Mr. Geoffrey de Freitas, Under Secretary of State for War and
      —Straits Times, Feb. 11.  -  901 words
    • 1030 3 —Straits Times, Feb. 12. Much interest has been aroused by the suggestion put forward by the Singapore Association that in view of the extremely serious Incidence of crime in Singapore, and the consequently poor opinion of British administration which is unfortunately only too common among law-abiding
      —Straits Times, Feb. 12.  -  1,030 words

    • 160 4 JONES: On Ist February, at Kandang Kerbau Hospital. Singapore, to Irene, wife of Charles Jones, a son —Brian Charles. TO VERONICA, wife of J. B. MASEFIELD, The Malayan Police, Ipoh, at Batu Gajah Hospital, a daughter. To Nora, nee Clements, wife of Ray Wilson, Survey Dept. Kulim, a son,
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    • 94 4 The engagement Is announced between lan Alaatair Lyall of Glasgow and Eileen Patricia Ainge of London. The engagement Is announced of John Blake, only son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Blake, Lanka vale, Dangln, Western Australia, and Sybil Hogan, only daughter of Mr. O. D. D. Hogan and the
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    • 25 4 PENNEFATHER-CHURCHILL At Bt. Andrew’s Cathedral, Singapore, by the Ven. Archdeacon H. D. Rosenthail on the 9th Feb., 1947. Edward Matthew Pennefather to Lallah Churchill.
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  • 474 4 SINGAPORE, Feb. 12. A 1,000-ton British floating crane which was sunk at Dunkirk in 1940 and later salvaged by British engineers, has arrived in Singapore on her way to Hong Kong after being towed over the 8,000-mile voyage from Tilbury Docks by the 290-ton tug
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  • 107 4 From Our Own Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Feb. 5. A Malayan who was blinded in A the Burma campaign will come out to Malaya in a few months to take over the organisation and training of all blind in Malaya which will be done under the
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  • 234 4 (SINGAPORE, Feb. 12. THERE is no target date for bringing into operation 1 the proposals for a Federation of Malaya, said Mr Malcolm MacDonald, Governor-General, in Singapore yesterday. Th 0 statement was made in reply to a question put y Press conference with Mr.
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  • 136 4 SINGAPORE, Feb. 12. THE President and Vice-Presi-dent of the Malay National Union of Sarawak called upon the Governor-General yesterday afternoon. They are understood to have urged Mr. Malcolm MacDonald “in the name of icc Sarawak people” to take immediate steps to raise the ban on Mr. Anthony
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  • 297 4 From Our Own Correspondent. KUALA LUMPUR, Feb. 11. r pAKING into account counsel’s submission and the circumstances of the case he would make an order for accused to sign a bond in one surety of $5OO to be of good behaviour for a period of 18
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  • 79 4 From Oar Own Correspondent BANGKOK, Feb. 7 A THREAT to stage a nude parade if their request was not heeded helped l,80u Ban*, kok municipal labourers to win their demand for a share in the Government cloth ration. The Lord Mayor of Bangkok promised the labourers
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  • 170 4 From Our Own Correspondent SINGAPORE, Feb. 12. rE Kedah Resident Com missioner, Mr. 0. E Venables, has issued a genera! warning to Crown witnesses to seek police protection. Mr. Venables told a poess conference yesterday that u had ie* cently been observed that crown witnesses in such
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  • 125 4 SINGAPORE, Feb. I A Malay, Hashim bin Samat. on Oct. 2 last year waJ codvected for escaping from ie custody and sentenced to tnr months’ rigorous imprisoning was sentenced to eight years a with hard labour and ordered be given 12 lashes at the Sing pore
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  • 24 4 DEATH LETCHUMANASAMY aged 19. beloved son of Mr. Mrs. V. Doraiiamv of Batu Gajah and cousin of Mr. A. .vijeyacone. passed away on 5/2/47.
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    • 286 5 I.ND so the coming of British |A colonial rule to Sarawak is P inK to bring no changes Kv/those that are considered fecessary for the progress and Lelfare of its people? r In a corner of the Government I'LL on Feb. 1, there was a
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    • 307 5 S.C.A. W.U. Reply To “A Bank Clerk” Im Singapore Clerical Administrative Workers' Mon (formerly The Clerica’ Jnion) is one of tho first unions obo registered as a trad' lni °n in Singapore. looking after the 11 res.s of all clerks, who will •m d U )t i- realiSe that the
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    • 186 5 I AM not at all surprised that the Singapore Association, a body representative of employers, should accuse the Singapore Trade Union Adviser ol being partial towards employees, of being unhelpful to employers and of making “provocative speeches that can only tend to more strikes.”
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    • 116 5 A S a Chinese, I should like to voice a criticism of the cracker-firing at Chap Goh Meh. The firing started at about 6.15 p.m., continued at intervals, and was at its climax at about 10p.m. This involved thousands of dollars’ worth of crackers which vanished into
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    • 227 5 YOUR leading article headed "Procession To The Gallows" is an insult to the memory of thos e thousands that died at the hands of those brutal sadistic apes, the Japs, and an insult to the intelligence of the thousands of PoWs who, by the grac
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    • 214 5 IT was, 1 believe, towards the end of the last century that the danger of dried sputum in the spread of tuberculosis was first recognised. An extensive campaign against spitting in the streets, in public vehicles, etc., resulted in a fall
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    • 301 5 PE article published in the Straits Times under the heading “The Human Factor In Air Travel —Pilots Suffering From War,” contains little truth from either a flying or medical point of view. The article states that this socalled aero-neurosis—or, preferably, just plain nervousness—can and
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    • 247 5 IHAVE received a copy of a circular letter sent to Municipal Commissioners by the Singapore Traction Company Employees Union. It must have been sent to me by mistake. This letter states that “the whole body of our Union are grateful for your kindness in asking the private
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    • 43 5 Mr. N. R. Wilson, an old resident of Singapore, has returned to resume his association with Guthrie Co. Ltd., with whom he was connected for many years b fore the war. Mr. Wilson will be here for a short period.
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous

  • 540 6 SINGAPORE, Feb. 11. THE Governments of Singapore and the Malayan Union have now approved the plans drawn up by Malayan Airways, Ltd., for an internal air service in and around the Peninsula. Starting a daily service up-country on April 1, the company plans
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  • 91 6 SINGAPORE, Feb. 11. Representatives of the 25 Malay Kampongs of Kuching have sent a telegram to the Governor-General asking him to lift the ban on Mr. Anthony Brooke’s entry into the state. “The Sarawak people,” says the message, “earnestly ask for the return of
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  • 197 6 SINGAPORE, Feb. 6. LOSSES so far estimated at $1,250,000 in ships and cargo in the N.E.I. are reported to have been incurred by Singapore Chinese traders and vessel owners. This was revealed yesterday when Chinese owners and traders concerned in the N.E.I. trade met Mr.
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  • 168 6 From Our Own Correspondent S PENANG, Feb. 10. TATING that Penang’s present free port status is “a farce,” representatives of four leading trad e associations at a meeting yesterday decided to petition th e Governor of the Malayan Union and the Resident Commissioner of
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  • 83 6 CHOPKEEPERS in Singapore, and particularly in the suburbs, are warned by the police against the activities of a gang of two or three Chinese who are going into shops with pistols and hand grenades to hold up proprietors and assistantsi The police are offering a reward
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  • 127 6 SINGAPORE. Feb. 8. I lEUT.-Generai Sir Neil Ritchie, L K.8.E., C.B D. 5.0., M.C., arrived from Colombo in an AvroYork plane at Changi airfield, Singapore, yesterday. Lt.-Gen. Ritchie, who is to take over from Lt.-Gen. Sir Montagu Stopford the post of C.-in-C., S.E.A.L.F., was accompanied
    —Army Public Relations Picture.  -  127 words
  • 57 6 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Feb. 9. Arrangements have been made between the Central Perak Rubber Planters Association and the Public Relations office for a cinema tour covering most of the big estates in central Perak for February. Altogether 18 of the big Euro-pean-owned
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  • 305 6 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Feb. 10. THE Junior Civil Service Associa--1 tion Union L§ holding a meeting Ihere on Wednesday to decide the course of action to be follow- 3°.°00 members, should the Secretary of State for the Colonies fail to reply
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  • 383 6 THE local committee of the A.I.F. Nursing Scholar 1 ship Fund has selected Miss Alice Cheah 0 f Singapore, and Miss Ooi Soh Im, of Kuala Kangsar as the two Malayan Chinese nurses to win the first A.I.F. Malayan Nursing Scholarships to Australia The two girls
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  • 177 6 SINGAPORE, Feb. 10. THE following passengers iron: Fremantle disembarked fro* the Blue Funnel liner Charon which arrived in Singapore yesterday. P Miss M. I. Adamson, Mrs. M. Baker, Miss S. Broadhead, Mr. A. CS. Brearley, Mrs. E. L. T. Brearley, Mr. J. F. Brown, Mr. H. N.
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  • 86 6 Penang Chi ne se Reject Plan From Our Own Correspondent PENANG, Feb. DEJECTING the constitute K proposals on the tion that they are “a direc t q r a tion of the United Nations dec fcrau regarding non-self-goveit ne se ritories” the Penang Consultative Committee a jn hour closed session
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  • 721 7 SINGAPORE, Feb. 8. Till KI> was a stir in SiHgaPore’s Third Police Court I yesterday when Mr. D. K. Walters, appearing for ii •,.(> out of four accused men in the dock on an arms et offered to find bail of $500,000 for his clients.
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  • 143 7 From Our Own Correspondent. KUALA LUMPUR, Feb. 7. pOR two hours this evening. Mr John JelT. Commissioner for Labour. Malayan Union, and Mr. J- Brazier. Trade Union Adviser discussed with the Chairman and of the Malac.ollie. rles Workers Trade ornnA. c et ils of the arbitration
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  • 102 7 KUAL ]"m/n? rrcspon(,ent A L t UMPUR 7. v br;- fl( AL Q Qct a new fire lain Luivmn 10ac Jquarters at r V: j“ f p 1 revealed by o, r T director of 1 iS yan Union, in j S r p; r
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  • 312 7 SINGAPORE, Feb. 8. THE policy of the P. O. Com- pany is to build bigger and faster ships for the Far East passenger service vessels which will offer a substantial advance in British mercantile shipping than in previous years, according to Mr. D. F. Anderson, managing
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  • 62 7 SINGAPORE, Feb. 7. CIXTEEN Chinese alleged to have abetted the theft of barber's instruments by Foo Chee Lim on Oct. 20 at Sembawang Road, (had the charge against them dropped, when the complainant, Ng Lim Swee, was unable to identify them in the Singapore Fourth Police Court yesterday.
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  • 187 7 SINGAPORE, Feb. 8. THE entire personnel of the War Crimes Court at Changi, headed by the President, Lt. Col. P. A. Forsythe, together with the Henson case accused, adjourned to a maternity home at Joo Chiat Place yesterday afternoon, to record the evidence of
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  • 221 7 SINGAPORE, Feb. 8. THE troubles of British rubber companies with pro--1 perties in Indonesia—were commented upon yesterday in an official statement to the Straits Times by the Dutch Consulate-General in Singapore. The report referred to was made in an address circulated in London on Wednesday by Mr.
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  • 158 7 From Our Own Correspondent MALACCA, Friday. “THE Pan-Malayan w ouncil of Joint Action is composed of Chinese bodies of Singapore and Selangor and even the Eurasians have flatly refused to participate in it. I warn th e Malay people not to be misled by the
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  • 104 7 From Our Own Correspondent. Penang, Feb. 7: With manifestos in all languages urging members of every community to attend, plans have now been completed ‘for a mags rally to be held In Penang on Sunday morning as a protest against the constitutional proposal. Among the speakers
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  • 73 7 SINGAPORE, Feb. 8^, Chan Kong Long. who participated in an armed robbery at Eng Hoon Street, Singapore, on Nov. 6. year, was sentenced to eight years’ rigorous imprisonment and 12 lashes of the rotan, at the Singapore Assizes yesterday. With two others, Chan decamped with
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  • 253 7 From Our Own Correspondent MALACCA, Feb. 7. FOUR thousand Chinese, Malays and Indians heard Mr. Tan Cheng Lock, chairman of the Malacca Peoples Committee, denounce the federation proposals and urge the people to demand for a constitution based on liberal and democratic principles at a mass rally
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  • 181 8 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Feb. 9. DEOPLE in the Malayan Union will have to pay more for their music now as a result of the increased import duties on radio receivers and musical instruments and records. Wireless receiving sets (excluding radio-gramo-phones) valves and
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  • 222 8 From Our Our Correspondent Kuala Lumpur, Feb. 9. AN Indian, K. K. Kurup, stated to be the President of the Kuala Lumpur Selangor Labour Union, was sentenced to four months’ rigorous imprisonment by Mr. Justice Spenser Wilkinson in the Supreme Court, Kuala Lumpur on two charges
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  • 120 8 From Our Malay Correspondent SINGAPORE, Feb. 10. JNCHE A. Rahim Ishak Malay delegate to Asian Students Conference at New Delhi, returned to Singapore yesterday. Inche Rahim had been away in India for six weeks, during which time he was the guest of the Indian National Congress. According to
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  • 135 8 TWO new “Protected Places” 1 where the “Shoot to Kill” order operates have Just been created and are included In the Protected Places Order They are: Domestic site of 59 M.T. Coy., R A.F. Singapore and Technical site of 59 M.T. Coy., R.A.F. Singapore. Description of
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  • 41 8 Armed with a hand-grenade and pistol, three Chinese robbed $6O from a shop In Tanglin Road on Saturday afternoon. About 5.30 p.m. the same day, four Chinese, two carrying pistols, robbed a Cantonese family at Berangoon Road of $4OO.
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  • 90 8 From Our Staff Correspondent Ipoh, Feb. 9: Holding that there was do evidence before the court that the bread in question had been made from wheat flour, Mr. Justice L. E. Cox Evans today allowed an appeal of the Paris Bakery, who were convicted in December last
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  • 141 8 From Our Staff Correspondent Kuala Lumpur, Feb. 9. THE Governments of the Malayan Union and Singapore have had under consideration the question of replacing part of the existing paper currency with nickel coins, and three denominations have now been prepared of five cents, ten cents
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  • 87 8 SEVERAL imported dogs of good pedigree which have arrived in Singapore from Australia in r:cent months have been stolen from their owners. One of the latest losses is that of Flight-Lieut. R L. Scott, whose five-months-old Scottish terrier, a wedding present to his wife, was
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  • 237 8 Singapore, Feb. 10. I LEUT.-COLONEL J. D. Dailey, ex-prisoner of war and daring leader of Dalforce, a Chinese volunteer unit which operated against the Japanese, was enthusiastically welcomed back to Singapore, by about 200 members of his force at a reception held yesterday at the
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  • 247 8 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Feb. 9. IN his weekly note the Price Controller of th 1 '< Malayan Union points out that the existence of non-Government sugar is now recognised by a Ga zette notification, which fixes the maximum retail nri« of “free” sugar
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  • 163 8 From Our Own Correspondent PENANG, Feb. 9. rS question of building new government offices in the place of those bombed during the war is being considered, if is officially stated. While plans have not been prepared, the choice of the site and accommodation is
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  • 212 8 SINGAPORE, Feb. 10. FRESH from the Australian bush, from a lonely farm 10 miles from the nearest town, a young man has just arrived in Singapore for a three-year stay in Malayan jungle country to study the habits of wild animals. He Is 31-year-old Mr. Arthur
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  • 169 8 SINGAPORE, Feb. 9. MR. F. C. J. Thompson and Mr. H. G. Parsons, both of 6 Mayfield Avenue. Katong, Singapore, were robbed at the gunpoint on Friday night. The robbery took place in their house. Three men were responsible for the robbery, said Mr. Thompson to the Sunday
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  • 1162 9 I'rom A Special Correspondent BATU PAHAT, Feb. 5. a hollow square with a flagpole in the f on the padang opposite the Batu Pahat f|y 7 o«0 Malay men, women and children \he ceremonial hoisting of the U.M.N.O. I,, the Regent of Johore. I flag placed
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  • 273 9 From Our Own Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Feb. 5. ALTHOUGH no indication has yet been disclosed of proposals which have been submitted by the Special Committee appointed by the Governor of the Malayan Union to examine the housing problem in the Malayan Union, it .is
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  • 30 9 Teluk Anson, Feb. s.—The first People’s Restaurant sponsored by the Social Welfare Department was opened today by Mrs. T A. Falconer wife of the Deputy Resident Commissioner, Perak
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  • 337 9 D EXPATRIATION of Japanese in 11 Singapore and Malaya, foreshadowed by the British War Minister, Mr. F. J. Bellenger, in the House of Commons on Tuesday, will begin next month, according to Army circles in Singapore. The first to leave will travel in small batches,
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  • 163 9 PENANG, Thursday. UR. R. B. Heasman, income tax expert from the United Kingdom, who will prepare Malaya for the introduction of income tax next year, arrived here at noon today. Mr. Heasman is a passenger In the Rotterdam Lloyd liner Modjokerto, due in Singapore at the
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  • 60 9 SINGAPORE, Feb, G. THERE was a slight decrease in the number of deaths from tuberculosis during the weekending Jan. 25, as compared to the previous week. According to a Municipal health statement, there were 40 deoths from tuberculosis as compared to the previous week’s death rate of
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  • 1174 10 From Our Own Correspondent BANGKOK, Feb. 5. |)OUBT as to whether Siam would be able to complete her delivery of the balance of 600,000 tons of rice by August according to the terms of the extended Tripartite agreement has been expressed by Commerce Minister, Wilat
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  • 242 10 SINGAPORE, Feb. 7. SECIALLY organised to help Malay students in Singapore and the Malayan Union, by the provision of scholarships, the Peninsular Malay Students’ Aid Soeiety which was formed in November, last year, is reported to have received the wholehearted support of Malays throughout
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  • 140 10 SINGAPORE, Feb. 6. jyjUNICIPAL labourers in Singapore who are now on strike will not be paid any “strike pay” for the period of the strike. Mr. L. Rayman, President of the Singapore Municipal Commissioners. last night issued the following statement: “It has been brought to
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  • 422 10 r SINGAPORE, Feb. 6. O old amahs who explained that their eyesight had deteriorated since a robbery 10 weeks ago could not identify the prisoner in the dock of the Seventh Police Court dunng a preliminary inquiry which ended in Singapore yes terday when
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  • 256 10 Asiatic Salaries Query i n Commons v aoi Reuter. LONDON, Feb. 6 I ISTS of Government pointments in Malay, where theig was difference in salaries and allowances uaii for posts of the same graj according to whether tin Holders were European Asiatic are being prepared bi the Governors of the
    v aoi Reuter.  -  256 words
  • 167 10 SINGAPORE, Feb. 6. ALLEGATIONS that “maintenance money” was being paid to the Singapore Traction Company Employees’ Union, by several taxi owners for the upkeep of th e men while they were on strike, was made to a Straits Times reporter by a taxi driver yesterday
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  • 375 11 for revision of the Rent Re1 friction Ordinance have been forwarded by the ripoie Ratepayers Association to the Colonial Association has also suggested that the sur0f 25 per cent, on the Municipal assessment, UU ~av approved by the Municipal Commissioners, rlriH.* passed on to tenants, “over
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  • 117 11 SINGAPORE, Fob. 6. have mlsappropriat- belonging to his cmh,.ve forged cerhs, a 23-year-old 1 k was charged with forgery in the Se■n Singapore yester-*'-‘Plovcr! i K un dram, formerly [A r Messrs Chan, LayJn 01 Malacca Street, “!'hdS2i(,'r? pl<>y f rs a»e«e he *ee« and ap«r,,,, nt i
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  • 166 11 SINGAPORE, Feb. 6. WITH the idea of acquainting the Singapore public of what market gardeners on the island are capable of producing, a Farmers’ Exhibition was held at the Happy World stadium yesterday and on Monday. About 120 exhibits were on display, and almost every type ot
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  • 209 11 'THE Government Finance Committee, in a report tabled in 1 the Singapore Advisory Council yesterday, recommends the provision of $750,000 to meet the immediate repayment of loans raised by the Finance Committee of the Civilian Internment Camp, Singapore, during the period of the Japanese occupation.
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  • 85 11 SINGAPORE, Feb. 7. THE Governor, Sir Franklin Gimson, was among those present at a tea party given by the Singapore Muslim community to commemorate the Prophet Mohammed’s birthday held at the S.V.C. Drill Hall yesterChairman of the reception Committee, Mr. S. I. O. Alsagoff welcomed the
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  • 325 11 SINGAPORE, Feb. 6. T'HE man who was responsible for the organisation of the Dalforce—a band of several thousand Chinese volunteers who fought in the Battle ol Singapore—returned to Singa pore yesterday by the Empress of Australia from England. He is Lieut. Colonel J. d. Dailey pre-war
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  • 27 11 JASIN, Thurs.—The memoers of the Jasin District Pest Destroyers’ Club killed 13 wild pigs for January 1947 as compared with 14 for December last.
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  • 186 11 SINGAPORE, Feb. 7. PROVISION of $15,000 to run the Singapore Office of the Malayan War Damage Claims Commission during 1946 is mentioned in the Finance Committee’s report tabled in the Singapore Advisory Council yesterday. This sum is required to meet salaries oi personnel, assessment lees and other
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  • 452 11 LONDON, Thursday. THE Governor of Singapore, Sir Franklin Gimson, in a report to the Secretary of State for the Colonies has stated that “there are at present in Singapore no political parties in the sense understood in England and thus there is no such body
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  • 40 11 A quarantine statement just issued says that Tokio is infected with typhus exanthematicus. cholera and smallpox. The following places in Malaya are notified as infected with smallpox: George Town and the island of Penang, Kelantan, Trengganu and Singapore.
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  • 601 12 SINGAPORE, Feb. 7. TJIH Singapore Federation of 't rade Unions is rc- ported to he threatening a general strike, Mr. I\ A. Ik McKerron, the C olonial Secretary, told the Singapore Advisory C ouncil yesterday; hut— The General Adairs Officer of the Federation told a
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  • 93 12 SINGAPORE. Feb. 6. A MALAY, Mohd. Yunos bin Haji Abidin, who. with four Chinese, robbed the proprietor of a shoe shop in Arab Street in Nov. 8 last year was sentenced to eight years’ rigorous imprisonment at the Singapore Assizes yesterday on a charge of
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  • 80 12 From Our Own Correspondent MUAR, Thurs.—A Chinese businessman, Chong Ye Nann, who moved 286 katies of broken rice without permit, was fined $5O by the District Judge, Che Hamid bin Mustapha. Chong stated that he bought the rice from Batu Pahat and was on his
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  • 130 12 1 rum Our Own Correspondent MALACCA, Thursday. ttHE press report that several Malay organisations allili ated to the U.M.N.O. had sent in their written withdrawals was not true, said Dato Gnn bin Jaiaar, President of the U.M.N.O. in a special interview to the Straits Times to-day.
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  • 143 12 SINGAPORE, Feb. 6. At yesterday’s luncheon meeting of the Singapore Rotary Club, Mr. Thio Chan Bee. senior master at the Anglo-Chinese School Singapore, addressed the meeting on the subject of “Problems of Home, Schools and Industry.” Mr. Thio, who has just returned lrom Europe, declared that while
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  • 69 12 SINGAPORE, Feb. 6. THE Singapore Coroner, Mr. W\ G. Porter returned a finding of suicide yesterday when he inquired into the death of a 29 year-old woman, Choo Ah Tian. who hanged herself at Oairnhill Road on Nov. 29 last year Police were satisfied from investigations that there
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  • 385 12 SINGAPORE, Fob. 7. THE baking of a census in Singa--1 pore will be restricted to particulars of population only. A census officer must, at all times that he is on duty, carry a letter of appointment to be produced if required. Information collected by a census
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  • 996 12 SINGAPORE, Ft*l>. THE enforcement for registration for all trad e unions in Singapore is demanded by the SingJ pore Association in a letter to the Governor, sd Franklin Gimson. The letter advocates the “treatment of ail umd gistered unions as illegal associations and ein
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  • 68 12 SINGAPORE. Feb STAFF members and families of American ri) T firms In Singapore were aa*" the 21 passengers who di> 1 barked from the American I I dent Lines round-the- v L cruiser President Polk in pore yesterday. The President Polk will remain Singapore till the end
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  • 427 13 SINGAPORE, Feb. 9. pfVER-VL YEARS will elapse before malaria S control in rural Singapore is restored to preand many hundreds of thousands of j will be spent during that period, the Chief Health Officer, Dr. R. S. Johnston, told me JCS There lias been a
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  • 84 13 136,000 COLLECTED ON POPPY DAY ■Pina, 1 f d(! M h collections N Day Fnnrf 1 u Mlaya for ‘he £T available andS'T be f a ni.?cr i or Mol and La dy Gent, total of SH5 ona a rcport that In Malay, 'n°f 85 was collectt 144 7 3
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  • 178 13 r[E Pan-Malayan Federation of Trade Unions has extended for two months its initial collection of its Press Fund.” The Federation is seeking money to finance publication of newspapers in Chinese, Malay, and, eventually, Tamil. This is disclosed in resolutions unanimously adopted at the 10day Annual
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  • 51 13 PENANG. Saturday. DOUCE Investigations into 1 what has now become known as the Sungei Nyor River Gunny Bag Murder Case have resulted in the C.I.D. making two arrests. The identity of the dead man, it is understood, has been established as that of a resident of
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  • 242 13 SINGAPORE, Feb. 10. HAVING spent the night on board the 25,000-ton Royal Mail flagship Andes in the Singapore Roads, Lady Ritchie, wife of Lt. Gen. Sir Nei] Ritchie, the new Commander-in-Chief of S.E.A.L.F. and her two children, were met by her husband on the ship’s arrival
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  • 49 13 SINGAPORE, Feb. 10. MR. IVOR THOMAS, Under- Secretary of State for the Colonies arrived at Changi by air from Australia yesterday morning. He was met on arrival by Mr. G. Patterson, Private Secretary to the Governor-General. Mr. Thomas is staying with the Governor-General at TyeraalL
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  • 37 13 From Our Own Correspondent Penang, Feb. 9.—Three armed bandits held up a Chinese woman at Ayer Itam early on Friday morning. After ransacking her house they made off with $2,000 in cash and jewellery.
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  • 171 13 DECAUSE the Government Printers are working under extreme pressure and are unable to print separately the October, November and December statistical returns relating to Malayan trade, the three months will be amalgamated and printed in the form of a quarterly return, the Registrar of
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  • 81 13 From Our Own Correspondent. MUAR, Wed —The very day he came out after completing his term of prison sentence for committing theft, a Malay, Aziz bin Ali, was arrested and produced before the District Judge, Che Hamid bin Mustapha charged with possession of a home-made
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  • 209 13 SINGAPORE, Feb.. 9. I EADERS of the Malay National Union of Sarawak called on Mr. Anthony Brooke, ex-Rajah Muda of Sarawak, at the Seaview Hotel, Singapore, yesterday. Mr. Brooke conferred with them for some time during which he pointed out that, in spite of what
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  • 91 13 THE appointment of two Assistant I Controllers of Foreign Exchange rnnounced in the Singapore Government Gazette. They are Messrs. Frederick Stanley Overton and Frederick George Flynn. Captain D. P. White has been appointed to act as Chief Veterinary Officer, Singapore, in place of Mr. R. A. B. Stanhope Mr.
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  • 29 13 KUALA LUMPUR, Feb. 7.—The Adjutant General to the Forces, General Sir Richard O'Connor, arrived in Kuala Lumpur this morning: On a short visit to Malaya Command.
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  • 354 13 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Feb. 8. TODAY I held in the palm of my hand rice that was claimed to be five years old. Last week, the Governor of the Malayan Union, Sir Edward Gent, held the same ric e in the palm of
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  • 168 13 TRENGGANU’S smallpox cases dropped during the week ending Feb. 1, when only 163 reports were received with eight deaths. Throughout the Union there were 183 cases of smallpox and 18 deaths compared with the previous week’s 337 with 49 deaths. Scrub typhus shows an increase from the
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  • 373 14 From Our Own Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Feb. b. IMPERSONATION has become one of the leading rackets in Malaya today. Throughout the peninsula men are Hitting from town to town and lroni kampong to kanipong representing themselves as Malay royalty or Oovernment officers of various descriptions
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  • 122 14 From Our Own Correspondent PENANG, Feb. 3. rIE rehabilitation in Malaya had progressed far more rapidly than in any other country he had visited, Dr. W. H. Kauntze, Chief Medical Adviser to the Colonial Office, stated in an interview here yesterday. Dr. Kauntze, who arrived by
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  • 71 14 Singapore, Feb. 9. TIIE price of several popular hiands of Scotch whisky has been increased, as from last Friday, by 20 ets. A Price Control proclamation in a supplement to the Singapore Go\eminent Gazette, issued yesterday, notified the 20 cents advance in price which now applies
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  • 98 14 SINGAPORE. Feb. 9. SEVEN Asiatic staff nurses in Singapore have been promoted to the rank of nursing sister With the salary and conditions of service which that rank implies. The names of the new sisters are:—Miss M Neighbour, Miss F. Neighbour, Miss D. McKenna, Miss
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  • 133 14 THE following passengers disembarked at Singapore from the Gorgon Mr. A. R. Addison. Miss N. V. AUwinton, Mrs. C.H. Baker. Mr. C. H. Baker, Mrs. E.M. Bahfleld, Mrs. E.M. Carruthers, Mrs. P. Courtney and two children, Mrs. C.O. Davies, Mrs. J. De Chazal and child. Mr. J.R.
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  • 125 14 SINGAPORE. Fob. 9. A WELL-DRESSED European, R. H. Palmer, 35, was charged with cheating in the Singapore Third Police Court yesterday. It was stated that Palmer had received $5O from Mr. H. O. Waser, manager of the Adelphi Hotel by requesting him to cash a valueless
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  • 143 14 From Our Own Correspondent MALACCA, Sunday.—Bom blind 37 years ago, Tan Eng Ann sings his way through life. Tai\, who is a member of the Chaya Bulan* Party that broadcasts over Radio Malaya at Malacca, has not allowed his blindness to handicap him. Besides singing in
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  • 334 14 SINGAPORE, Feb. WHEN Gen. Slopford’s silver York lakes oil' from at 10 o’clock next Wednesday morning, it will be ear perhaps one of the best known and certainly one of h r ln popular Army Commanders to have been SingaiK>re. 1 Describing General Stopford, a newspaperman
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  • 104 14 From Our Own PENANG, Feb. 9. THE Fire Brigade and Flyii Squad were called ot and police officers armed wit revolvers and tommy-gui stood guard and fired sever warning shots as Inspector K Ingham arrested an amol yesterday. He was Neoh Choy Chuan. trishaw pedaller,
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  • 176 14 A.P. CALCUTTA, Saturday. USUALLY reliable sources here have reported that Mrs. Ammu Swaminathan has been recorrjmended by the Government of India for appointment as India’s representa- tive in Malaya. Mrs. Ammu Is a member of tihe Indian Central Legislature and of the Indian Constituent
    A.P.  -  176 words
  • 214 14 THERE was an increase in the number of armed robberies in Singapore in January. Mr. E. V Fowler Assistant Commissioner C.1.D.. Singapore, said that crime figures had always been higher than usual during tlie Chinese New Year season even in prewar years. ,ess serious crimes suen
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  • 201 14 SINGAPORE, Feb. 10. TAN Eng Kheng, 22 year-old so of the well-known Chinese mil lionaire ard managing-directi of the Aik Hoe Rubber Co.. Ltd Mr. Tan Lak Sai. was allowe bail of $50,000 in the Singapon Third Police Court on Saturday. He was charged with
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  • 68 14 From Our Own Correspond 1 KUALA LUMPUR, The road mail service Kuala Lumpur, Kuala Tr< a--, and Kota Bahru via Kuant now been resumed but is 11 nC e for the present to the conu.“ of letters. n< i d Additional letter mail parcel
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  • 488 15 SINGAPORE, Feb. 11. NGAPORE Municipal employees propose to ask the Municipal Commissioners to make representions to Government “to take immediate action in e establishment of an economic basis in Singapore as (o accelerate the revision of all salary schemes at arc now existent in the
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  • 130 15 SINGAPORE, Feb. 11. A FAREWELL cocktail party was n given at the Central Officers Mess, Tanglin Barracks for the Commander -In Chief, General Stopford, by the officers of G.H.Q. S.E.A.L.F. last night. The band of the Ist. Battalion, Royal Lincolnshire Regiment was in attendance and when
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  • 72 15 ll\F T SINGap °RE, Feb. 11. i n S s u rr e nder e d per- n ®aporo Thfrrf PftH* Ul !S y in the Why to piii,L? F< lce Court yesdockfn g0 ds fr °m the I Thf y woro ,onf n Frida yImp]*
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  • 117 15 From Our Own Correspondent Malacca, Feb. 10.—Queh Sai Hong, a 30-year-old Chinese woman who attempted to take he r life by cutting her throat with a knife,* wns bound over to be of good behaviour for six months in the sum of $250 with one surety
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  • 430 15 r SINGAPORE, Feb. 11. E claim that some of the produce which has been confiscated by Dutch authorities on the high seas near Java and Sumatra has been “native produce,” and has been marked as “estate produce” after confiscation, was made to the Straits
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  • 352 15 From Our Staff Correspondent LONDON, (By Air Mail), Jan. 25 MISS Enid Maude Clarke, elder daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Noel L. Clarke was married at Christ Church, Down Street, Mayfair, this afternoon to Dr. Andrew Michael Hutton, only son of Capt. and Mrs. A. Hutton,
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  • 174 15 SINGAPORE, Feb. 11. JHE Governor General, Mr. Malcolm MacDonald, commemorat'd two historic occasions attended by H.M. corvette Alacrity when he present'd a plaque to the commander of the corvette at th? Naval Base, Singapore, yesterday. The occasions were the births of Sarawak and North Borneo as
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  • 205 15 SINGAPORE, Feb. 11. MR. Chew Him Fah, 28-year-old Chinese Public Relations Officer, attached to Headquarters, Department of Public Relations. Mr.k’v pPM»p«j|vn. returned to Kuala Lumpur after graduating in Political Science at the National Sun Yat Sen University in Canton. Born in Kuala Lumpur, Mr. Chew was educated
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  • 88 15 CONGESTION and speeding in Singapore roads were the main causes in traffic accidents which claimed 17 lives in January. In 510 accidents reported, 152 people were injured. Four people were killed and 28 injured by falling ofT vehicles. There was no indication of a decrease in
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  • 404 16 SINGAPORE, Feb. 11. TRITICISM of the manner in which the relatives and friends of a Singapore money-lender who had been shot by a gunman, had been nursed to the point of recovery, only to suffer a collapse and die because of the “thoughtless though kindly-intended acts
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  • 287 16 SINGAPORE, Feb. 11. IEAD1NG members of the Singapore Chinese community have intervened to try to end the Municipal sti ike. About 7,000 labourers employed on essential services have been idle in Singapore since Jan. 21. It is understood that the President of the Chinese Chamber of
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  • 93 16 From Om Own Correspondent KLUANG, Feb. 10.—A Malay, Samad bin Osman, was committed to the Assizes by Che’ Rauf bin Haji Md. Sa’at, Magistrate, Kluang, on a charge of murder of his elder sister, Kechik binte Osman, at Rampong Kangkar Simpang Rengam, Rengam. Information given by
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  • 641 16 SINGAPORE, Feb. 9. THE Governor-General and Mrs. MacDonald were present at the wedding yesterday of Mr. Tan Siew Sin and Miss Catherine Lim Cheng Neo at the Wesley Church, Fort Canning, Singapore. The bridegroom, is the only son of Mr. Tan Cheng Lock, C.8.E., J.P.,
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  • 275 16 From Our Own Correspondent MALACCA, Feb. 10. Estimated to cost $70,000, 1 the Bachang Pumping Scheme—th e largest irrigation project in the Settlement is well under way in Malacca. The work when completed will bring 2,500 acres under padi cultivation. As early as 1941, the Government drew
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  • 294 16 SINGAPORE, Feb. n H A former Australian n nursing sister, attached to Malacca General Hospital n igS who swam among the Japan/H naval vessels attacking RanM Island at that time, after sS ship had been sunk by th e j M arrived in Singapore vest
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  • 168 16 From Our Own Correspondent Penang, Feb. 10.— Every part of Penang area has now a constable “within whistle-hcanci distance the Chief Police Oflica Penang and Province Weliesiej reveals in his review of crime 1946. Stating that crime figures represent the “inevitable Jap leg-• of crime”, the report
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  • 21 16 SINGAPORE. Feb. The Governor-Gener Malcolpi MacDonald, and MacDonald, held a cocktail at “Woodneuk”, •Tycrsan. night. Several hundred were present.
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  • 697 17 SINGAPORE, Feb. 12. VTIONS that he had been kicked and 1 threatened by a British War Crimes officer be- he rt .fused to sign a statement were made by U !f Kutron. a Hungarian magician, who is oeing wj( f W o Japanese N.C.O.’s on charges
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  • 196 17 ALOR STAR, Feb. 11. armed robberies and two gang robberies were reported to the C.I.D., Singapore, yesterday. In all about $29,000 in cash and property were Involved. A goldsmith’s shop in Arab Street was the scene of a daylight armed robbery on Monday afternoon, when four Chinese,
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  • 105 17 SINGAPORE, Feb. 12. Two charges of having extorted sums of money by “threatening to destroy a man’s business by using hand-grenades" and of putting the same person in fear of trouble from secret society gangsters were faced by two Chinese, Ng Giok Tong aged 37, and Tan
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  • 236 17 SINGAPORE, Feb. 12. BOYCOTT of Dutch nationals and interests by all over sea Chinese in South-Easi Asia and N.E.I. territories i> imminent. At a committee meeting of the Singapore Oversea Chinese Im poriers and Exporters Association i yesterday afternoon. Mr. Quek, Soan Loh, President of
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  • 161 17 SINGAPORE, Feb. 7. A YOUNG Malay told the Singa- pore Coroner yesterday in on inquiry into the death of a 30 year-o!d Chinese taxi driver, Koh Kong Hor, that while he was chatting in his grandmother’s house in Lorong 12, Geylang, on thc night of Aug. 7,
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  • 827 17 {SINGAPORE, Feb. 12. "IN Malaya we have taken long steps along the road towards self-government,” said Mr. Ivor Thomas, Uncter-Secretary of State for the Colonies, at a Press conference in Singapore yesterday. He was replying to a question as to whether the British Government
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  • 240 17 -UP. COLOMBO, Feb. 11. AN identification ceremony conducted in the Vault of th e Ceylon Treasury, unmasked an official top secret closely guarded for several years, that a package of jewels valued at mor e than two million rupees is being held in custody by the Government
    -UP.  -  240 words
  • 107 17 SINGAPORE, Feb. 12. MR. Ivor Thomas, Undet -Secretary for the Colonies, told a press conference yesteiuay that it was undesirable “in the present constitution" for Mr. Anthony Brooke to be permitted to enter Sarawak. Speaking of Sarawak geruraily. Mr. Thomas said the former Government of Sarawak
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  • 63 17 The privilege of obtaining advances to pay oft outstanding arrears of life insurance policy premia, according to Government Circular No. 14 of 1947, had been extended to daily paid employees. This has been made known to the Secretary of the Government and Municipal Labour Union,
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  • 453 18 SINGAPORE, Feb. 9. DY 13-points (two goals, try) to three (try), the Combined Services beat the S.C.C. at Jalan Besar yesterday evening, to ring down the curtain on Singapore Rugby. The match, resulting from a challenge after the S.C.C. had had their match with the
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  • 41 18 From Our Own Corespondent BEOAMAT, Feb. 7.—Showing better understanding and possessing a faster set of forwards, the Segamat Teachers scored a three-one hockey win over their Muar colleagues in an interdistrict match played at Segamat yesterday.
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  • 76 18 From Our Own Correspondent IPOH, Feb. 10—Perak Turf Club Golf Club yesterday beat Taiping Gymkhana Cub five matches to one. (Taiping players mentioned first). Halllday and Lauristan beat McKinstery and Watty. Oultan and Stone lost to Bilroy and Baughan; Bayley and Jacques lost to Clark and Kendall; Dale
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  • 327 18 On Sunday, Jan. 26, under the chairmanship of the pre-wai Captain, Dr. J. M. A. Lowson, members of the old Johore Cricket Club and others interested in the game met to discuss the revival of the Club. At this meeting Dr. J. M. A. Lowson
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  • 195 18 PAMSURE’S sailor soccer team provided th e S.C.C with what promises to be tneir season’s biggest win, ten goal? to nil, when they played v very one-sided game on th Padang The seamen were game, and did well at the start, but quickly their sea
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  • 320 18 •THE S.C.C. making (heir debut against a first-class eleven, 1 the S.C.F.A., at soccer, were soundly defeated bv four goals to ml at Jalan Besar' Played in aid of the Club rehabilitation fund, the game provided scores of thrills, and was featured by the Club
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  • 424 18 From Our Own Correspondent TAIPING, Feb. 10—In a tennis fixture played at Kuala Kangsar on Saturday and Sunday, Penang combined team, skippered by Goon Kok Lem defeated a North Perak side led by the Raja Musa by ten matches to eight. One singles match
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  • 480 18 From Our Own Correspondent I KUALA LUMPUR, Feh a I HADMINTON history was made today when S M cJm D became the first Malay ever to win the Selangor 1 singles championship beating Lim Kee Fone in thl 13—13 (1—5), 15—4, 15—6. S three *1 To
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  • 141 18 At ihe annual meeting of Singapore Amateur Sp:rtB Union, the following were elect*® ed office-bearers for the suing year: Patrons: Messrs v .m Slew Chuan (re-elected*. Lufl Chong Swee. Wee Kim Leo™ and Sect Teck Huat «re-elect® ed): piesident, Mr. E. Che» Lcong: vice-presidents. Alcssfl Yeo Guar.
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  • 128 18 ORGAN ISED CRICKET IN TAIP ING From Our Own Correspond**" TAIPING, Feb. B.—The CJJL season this year promises to lH .m one in Taiping, with the forma 1 week of a Taiping Crick^ 1 W tee, whose object is to put u a on an organised basis. Hither were left
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  • 158 19 lom Our Own Correspondent I SEREMBAN, Feb. 11. IeREMBAN will be the venue B 0 f the next U.M.N.O. conB ell ce to be her, 1 on March 1 Ed 2 when “ma 1 levs of great Eportance and vtal interest Ethp Malay community” will
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  • 151 19 ■IE Singapore Urban Co-opera- bv Union Ltd. is to award B° scholarships: one for secondly schools and one for the Trade Bool. fthe secondary school scholar■hoKi tbe total value of $100 y cars and the B'ai ,*?i Cbo Scholarship, to the 5120 tenable for three
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  • 106 19 PeLUK^voI 1 r rr <'spondent fat w 0 ?S N Feb 11 -The l 11 aL A i? u ement Park B d syndif > ?,ijn 19 000 by a B'O'-d on pvh Vr bo of Rcially fta 01 Perak 15 by tbe Ra J
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  • 217 19 From Our Own Correspondent PENANG, Feb. 11. i.'R iii 000 acres of padi planted in Penang and rov i n ce Wellesley last August and October arc .,..1 t 0 yield about ten million gantangs of padi iuhenext harvesting season in April. 1l rrnD if realised,
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  • 210 19 From Our Own Correspondent Kuala Lumpur, Feb. 10. TH E Arbitration Board, which is to hear both sides in the coal dispute, will probably sit toward the end of this week. The Malayan Collieries have nominated Mr. W. M. Warren and Mr. J. Mills
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  • 386 19 Commissioners' Statement SINGAPORE, Feb. 11. EXPLAINING the position of the Singapore Municipal Commissioners regarding their dealings with the Municipal strikers, the President of the Municipal Commissioners in a statement issued yesterday said that when employees “go on strike, they deprive themselves of the right”
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  • 140 19 From Our Own Conesponrient PENANG, Feb. 11. Representations to the Malayan Union Food Con troller to encourage a greater flow of sugar imports by increasing the controlled price of “free sugar” oi alternatively by fixing a minimum profit percentage have, it is learned been made
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  • 124 19 From Our Own Correspondent Penang, Feb. 11.—Far greater pilferage prevailed in Singapore than for example in Shanghai, said the chief officer of the President Polk cn the liner’s arrival here. The chief officer said there was no immediate possibility of the tcunst trade being revived. Accommodation
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  • 394 19 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Feb. 11. SEEING that for every three people in Malaya only one has home-grown rice, we must .try as far as possible to be independent of foreign sources of supply because we cannot control them or ensure that we get what
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  • 67 19 SINGAPORE, Feb. 12. The wedding took place at the Singapore Registry Office on Monday of Mr. John William Ernest Adams, for thirty years a planter i n Malaya, and Miss Sheila Broadhead, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Broadhead, of Kooyong, Melbourne. The witnesses
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  • 288 19 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Feb. 7. According to the latest quarterly bulletin of statistics relating to the mining industry in Malaya, covering the period October/December 1946, 3,554 tons of tin ore and lour tons of tin slabs, valued at $10,932,575, were delivered to the tin
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  • 699 20 WEEKLY MARKET REPORT By A Special Correspondent SINGAPORE, Feb. 8. IN a week when our hydra headed administrations promulgated separate and unco-ordiiwitcd Public Holidays in Singapore and the Mainland, two days interchange between Malayan markets were lost but nevertheless the total of business written must be
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  • 88 20 RUBBER TIN DEALING IN 1946 DUBBER produced by Malayan I* estates of 100 acres and over irom May to December, 1946. was 158.554 tons and during the same period smallholdings produced 179.202 tons. Malaya’s rubber exports during the whole of 1946 were 543,233 tons and her imports 191,09 b tons.
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  • 496 20 THE recent statement in London by the chairman of the Namoe Tengan Rubber Estate to the 1 divct that 900 uns of the ComI pany’s rubber, known to nave I been in stock on the "state in August 1945. is m because
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  • 433 20 —A P r.d U PRESIDENT Truman has renewed his plea i 0 th I United States Congress for authority to continue! rubber controls for one more year, although the naiuJ ral rubber production will return to normal a mo J certainly” by early 1948. I
    —A P r.d U ?  -  433 words
  • 138 20 Crops harvested during tho month ctl January were as follows:— I Allenby Rubber Company SO.OOOH los. Bcnta Rubber Estates Ltd. 47.5MB lbs. Jeram Kuantan Rubber EstatiB Ltd. 30.000 lbs, Kundon.: R ibb?rl Estate Ltd. 40.000 lb. Mcntnkab Rab-( ber Company Ltd. 73.300 lb Batrnn Rubber Company I/d.
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  • 657 20 MALAYAN SHARE QUOTATION S SINGAPORE. Fob. 12. (JHARE quotations according to the Malayan Sharebrokers Association (Singapore) F»*b. 11 were as follows: INDUSTRIALS Buyer Seller Mcxandrn brickwork* Ords. 1.90 2.00 Mcxandrn brickwork? Prcfs. 2.90 3.00 ♦int Malay** Trustee Executor Co 00 l 01 Jonsolldater Tin Smelters Ord. 21/- 23/do Prcfs. 26/6
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