The Straits Budget, 17 October 1946

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Straits Budget
  • 31 1 The Straits Budget New Series No. 11 [ESTABLISHED OVER A CENTURY) THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE STRAITS TIMES Singapore, Thursday, October 17th, 1946 Price 40 cents (S.S. Currency) Or I Ik.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 63 1 The SINGAPORE FREE PRESS has the largest nett sale of any afternoon newspaper published in Malaya The Singapore Free Press is the oldest established newspaper in Singapore. It recommenced publication in May last and its smart presentation of news has made an immediate appeal to the reading public. For advertising
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  • The Straits Budget
    • 908 2 —Straits Times, Oct. 10 “We must raise revenue somehow, and income tax is the obvious form,” said Sir Franklin Gimson the other day. In Singapore, as in Hong Kong, there still ar e Europeans who cherish the illusion that these respective islands can be preserved as the
      —Straits Times, Oct. 10  -  908 words
    • 472 2 —Straits Times, Oct. 11 If thorp Is anyone who has been lulled into a sense of false optimism as to th e rehabilitation of the Malayan rubber industry by the unexpected rapidity with which rubber production has revived, Mr. S B. Palmer’s speech in the Malayan Union Advisory
      —Straits Times, Oct. 11  -  472 words
    • 926 2 —Straits Times, Oct 12 This week has seen the reopening of Raffles College after its submergence in the Dark Age of Nippon-go and Nippon culture in the history of south-east Asia, and so we have attained an objective in the rehabilitation of Malaya which has been one
      —Straits Times, Oct 12  -  926 words
    • 812 2 —Straits Times, Oct. 14 The Governor-General been the guest of the Malao Chinese twice within the la ten weeks, and on eai occasion he has heard pr nouncements on the Malayi Union which must have g:v him cause for yet furt reflection on the difficulty fitting this
      —Straits Times, Oct. 14  -  812 words
    • 897 3 Straits Times, Oct. 15 The announcement that there is to be a free market m rubber from the beginning oi next year—except in so far as the British Gove rnment may prevent speculation in Mincing Lane and possibly also in Singapore— must havprompted many a
      Straits Times, Oct. 15  -  897 words
    • 293 3 Straits 'Tim 0 O't i r > mere was orv* point in Mr Tan Chent! Lock’s speech at. Malacca last Friday which must vurelv have impressed the Gov-ornor-Gencra! as ;i very reasonable one, and that was his criticism of what is b< liev f, d to
      Straits 'Tim0 O't ir>  -  293 words
    • 468 3 Straits Times. Oct. lf» We in Malaya must not be ungrateful for help irom any quarter and in any degree in relieving the rice .shortage, but it must be confessed that the generous gesture by China to which prominence was given in newspaper headlines last week turns
      Straits Times. Oct. lf»  -  468 words
    • 40 3 Oct.. if; SINOAPOKK detective, Yo: Ah Run. was sentenced to 12 months’ rigorous impri'oilmen' hv the I): tret Judge, Mi Tan Thoon I.if) ye.sterdav !nr havin'* rt.of i V /.r| p, bribe of $2,000 from a Chinese
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  • 273 3 SINGAPORE. Oct. 1 VS a consequence <»f tin- bombing ol Hikio by Gen l) /olittl m* ij Oin Fojo had given orders mat ail Ailed airmen captured should b». harshly dealt with, **v n to the extent ol execution it lound guilty, said L.l (Jen
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  • 97 3 SINCIAPORF. Oct, 1# THERE were onlv 11 civilian pas- seniors !rom Liverpool to .Singapore on t!i 22.000-ton Canadian Pacific liner Empress of Australia which arrived in Slrtga pore yesterday Passengers 'or Hone Kong and Shanghai numbered 547 the majority being the wives arid tamilie.s of "ov rnment
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  • 101 3 From Our Own Correspondent Kuala Lumpur, Tues. IN the District Court of Jolcbu the first, two calenders in Negri Sombilrtn under the Agrieultural Food Crop I’: eclamation. Won*; Ail Kwcc and Tan Keong Inn. w< re harmed on Monday foi falling to cultivate two per
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  • 55 3 From Our Own CorrrsrorvVnt Kri.m. Oft. 14 For MP rin: brih'* of no flol'ar to ;i ;w' 1 i con *ahl [,t*w P- n" i lnrrv f!r:vor was •rib nc< M two mori* rl'*o!>>i»s ’it';! i •*,o'cn* hv Vr r p Ncwp n h< I )i ru
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  • 1332 4  -  By R. BOYD M.C.S. [Here is advice on personal and domestic adjustment to present troubles in Malaya from a civil servant who, as Director of Co-operation i n Malaya, is specially concerned with the social side of economics. The following comments were made
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  • 162 4 From Our Own Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Oct. 15. 4 POLICE cordon has been flung round the town rf bungei Besi, eight miles outside Kuala Lumpur, this evening, following the shooting of Police Inspector Arrifln, 0.C.P.D., Sungei Besi, by a gang of robbers. Flying squad
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  • 93 4 From Our Own Cor responder i IPOH, Oct, 15. rOMPULSORY anti-rabies vacdilation is to begin here on Oct. 16, according to the Veterinary Department. Since the first cases ivere reported two months ago the department by promulgation of anti-rabies measures, has been watching this disease but September
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  • 230 4 SHAW Brothers' latest addition to their chain of theatres, the air-conditioned Hex at the junction of Bukit Timah and Selegie Roads will, it is understood, be ready to show its first pictures within the first fortnight of next month. Built on vacant land which
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  • 82 4 SINGAPORE, Oct. 16. A CHINESE gunman was shot and arrested during a running gun duel last night between a police mobile patrol unit and two Chinese in Middle Road. The gunman before his arrest had emptied his ~'lB Smith and Weston revolver at the mobile
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  • 118 4 TROM Sept, i up tQ r day last, Singapore kJ trar of Vehicles re» i 1.728 taxi drivers and conductors. All mg taxi drivers now wear at r the right arm public are warned a&i using unregistered taxi £s. wish to pay It is illegal [or
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  • 236 4 From Our Own Corresponds KRIAN. Oct. 14. HOW an alleged extortione who was caught 1* handed, made good his esc a; from a cell in the hospital i Pant Buntar while the polii constable on guard over hit was sleeping, was related bi fore
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  • 110 4 SINGAPORE. Oct. h TO look into the welfare of u- nese on the East Coai Malayan Union. Or. Ita shing, Chinese Consul-Geia ra*. to make a fortnight’s tml areas lrom Johore to K' an He will leave Singapore ;<>«•;■ row for Batu Pahat and l and
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    • 211 5 the Straits Times of Oct. 9 it stated that the Govlent o! the Malayan Union ma d».* an official renlv to charges made by me that Government had rendered assistance to the rubber during industry, he official reply quoted by you as jollows: Vn
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    • 143 5 the event of a resident oi this country sending a ;istereci article by air maii the UK.. and this not aring, is it possible for the thorities to trace where the tit lies? ecentiy 1 have sent one small Istered packet by air and one sea mail, the
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    • 231 5 ’''uadi roan Penggarang, Times, K* nxlian da.ipada telah di- 1 di dalani surat khabar il1 linns dan juga kcluaj, f :ula I0 4(i di-sini lah K tar <’k hati hukoman v;| og di-.jatoh-kan i n kar ashkar itu, n lah patut hagai in U 1 1 m r
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    • 261 5 THE Governor is reported as saying we must raise revenue somehow, and that in-come-tax is the obvious form in which it should be raised. The apparent lack of a sultaoiy qualified investigator from Britain would appear to be the reason why a start has not yet been made towards
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    • 81 5 THE Governor’s decision not to permit an increase in the assessment rate in Singapore is tinr ly in view of the prevailin •conditions confronting land.oid.j throughout the country The cost of repairs is very heavy and tenants who are protected by the of Rent (Restriction! Ordinance have
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    • 267 5 THESE are memories of T. Mori Schoolmaster and Sportsman a Japanese resident of pre-war Malaya who has applied for permission to stay. As one of the hundreds of Mori’s former students at the Methodist Boys’ School. Kuala Lumpur, I hope his request will be granted. Mori since
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    • 148 5 IAM a married man with three children, and I receive a salary of $9O per month in one of the Government Offices. On many occasions J have read in the papers that cloth “will be arriving soon and will be distributed to the oubnc at the controlled price”.
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    • 249 5 RECENT! Y I wats informed at a Gold Storage depot that sale of butter was meant only for Europeans, in spite of the fact that I am a registered jard holder. Has it ever occurred to the pow rs concerned that, the poor A iatic living in hi
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    • 211 5 MV brother, aped 1(> years.) was taken from the Ord j Road concentration camp after the fall of Singapore and to this day Ins parents still cherish a faint hope of his surviving in some wild and uncivilised country. A tew days back a friend told me that
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    • 274 5 r’ is an ironical fact that here in Malaya owners of cars have to take precautions to prevent their precious tyres from beintf filchecL while at the same time thousands of tons of the raw material were recently unexportablc because of a rubber “surplus.” America during her
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous

  • 372 6 WIIKN bread comes on the ration card on Oct. 2S, a purchaser must remember to collect it at his re* tailer’s between the hours of 7 a.m. and 1.30 p.m. After that he is not entitled to his bread for that day, hut retailers
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  • 151 6 Times Copyright. Irom Our Own Correspondent LONDON, Oct. 9. COMMENTING on its Singapore correspondent’s acI count of the progress of dis j cushions on the Malayan Con stit ut ion, The Times, in an editorial, says that the original plan was far too rigid and
    Times Copyright.  -  151 words
  • 40 6 SINGAPORE, Oct. 10. Entering a house in Yong Seah Street in the Tan jong Pagar area in broad daylight on Tuesday, three Chinese armed with pistols got away with over $5,000 worth ol jewellery and $270 in cash.
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  • 86 6 SINGAPORE, Oct. 10. AN Indian and a Chinese were shot dead early yesterday by sentries guarding the Japanese PoW hospital at Nee Soon, Seletar. Immediately following the shooting, three Chinese ar.d an Indian were arrested. A .28 revolver and six rounds ol ammunition were lour.d
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  • 221 6 From Our Own Correspondent PENANG, Mon. rOVERNMENT servants and mercantile employees perform the same type of work and both should be granted the same privileges as far as possible, Mr. N. Ponnudurai, President of the Penang Clerical Union, stated at the first annual general
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  • 396 6 From Our Own Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR Oct. 9. M AI .AYAN Union women, including the consorts ol the rulers of Selangor and N'*gri Sembilan unanimously decided yesterday evening at a publi* meeting to form a Woman’s Service League, as Mrs. W A Ward, the local
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  • 60 6 A BLOW to lan*vh racketeers operating in Singapore Harbour who charge ship’s passengers and sightseers excessive fares has been dealt by the Chen Ch ang Shipping Company who are now operating a regular harbour launch service at the controlled latcs. The company's charge lor each running hour
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  • 161 6 SINGAPOItK <), t AT a tea party ai u> s J Chinese Cham be, merce yesterday. n h members of lh< one of the ships presents Britain to the Chinese a Lee Kong Chian, chairm-m corned Britain’s rilt tn‘7V. H a tangible sign <>:
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  • 209 6 SINGAPORE. Got 10 JUDGMENTS and dentes a J civil cases, including grant of probate and letters of admit irt ration given by Japama courts during th»* occupatioi may come up for review as a re suit of a new bill to b> introduce) in the
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  • 121 6 From Our Own Correspond KUALA LUMPUK. Oct Following a further sent* car strippings in Lumpur numerous residents making their own arras-’ to protect their property r a result hefty jagas are n demand. The jagas i' r v c!r a month and are on
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  • 425 7 From Our Own Correspondent MALACCA, Oct. \Z. assurance that all communities in Malaya will lx brought into the discussions on the future constition of Malaya was given by the (iovernor-Cieneral. 1 Malcolm MacDonald, at a dinner given in his r n0U )V the Chinese
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  • 168 7 From Our Own Correspondent LONDON. Oct. 11 FiUUKbb in tlie beptemiK: Bulletin ol tfle KUDDt i secretariat showing that Malayan exports in August, 1946, amounted to 54,030 tons, compared with 25,52* in July and 17,735 in January this year have not altogether surprised the
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  • 215 7 our Own Correspondent BATAVIA. Oct. 13. DECISION has been reached octween the Department of and Communications at avia and private railway com--1.1(0 op. rating in Java and Su:ra to: all railways in these is to be operated from a cen--1 organisation. is reported that
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  • 130 7 resident in Singapore ‘(i hr ms and other bodies or incorporated unnr laws of the Colony who property i n Bulgaria. Fin- Hungary or Ruman a, are t0 furnish particulars of ;u:n for restoration or comlor loss or damage >h to make not u:
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  • 214 7 From Our Own Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR. Oct. 13. THE Victoria Institution. Kuala Lumpur, was officially reopened by the Governor of the Malayan Union. Sir Edward Gent, on Friday evening. There was a large attendance, including many old boys of the school who had come
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  • 70 7 From Our Own Corresponded, SEREMBAN. Oct. 13 4T a special meeting of the A Automobile Association n» Negri Scmbilan an d Malacca Mr .1 Wishart was elected chairman and Messrs. Stevenson, J. Brislin Raja Azman Shah bin Raja Sir Chilian, Chin See Yin and A S
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  • 231 7 From Our Own Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Oct. 11. THE Selangor Rice Merchants Association, the Selangor Grocers Guild and the Selangor Teo Chiu Sundry Goods Merchants Guild are of the opinion that the soaring of prices and development of the black market are entirely due
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  • 79 7 'Hie Malacca V WC A has b'on revived and its membership is gradually returning to its proWai ’I I: I <1 1 i to resume its activities in full however, on account ol the lack of Minds. Urgent needs are jx*rmanent premises, lurniture and equipment. Th association s
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  • 481 7 UAY’IMi lost eight of its 12 ships through encm> 11 action during the war, the Ho Hong Steamship Company, one of Singapore’s youngest shipping firm>, will shortly augment its depleted fleet with new vessels and thus re-establish its regular pre-war fortnightly passenger-cargo service between
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  • 113 7 I ron* Our Own Correspondent PENANG. Oct. 12 TIIK position of a general labour union or federation was clarified today in an official statement which sa>s that such a union or federation must either submit its rules for registration as a trade union to the
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  • 620 8 SINGAPORE. Oct. 12. ANK hundred and ninety-three men of the l*>th Parachute Hattalion, .‘Jrd Airborne Division, whose convictions for mutiny were quashed in London on Thursday, heard when they arrived in Nee Soon Transit Camp in Singapore last night of their probable transfer to the Middle Last,
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  • 127 8 From Our Own Correspondent PENANG. Oct. 11. pOLLOWiNG the decision 01 the Municipal Commissioners at Tuesday’s meeting that four trolley bus drivers and three conductors with "bad records” are to be discharged from the service, and that the remaining surplus drivers and conductors oe ofTercd half
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  • 54 8 From Our Own Correspondent PENANG. Fri. /JREEN peas, jam and nuik weio u among a large consignment ol goods found missing from a railway truck, which arrived at Prai on Monday from oi tea pore. The goods, it is believed, were looted in transit. The police and
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  • 102 8 SINGAPORE, Oct. U. A\ official reply has been issued to the speech made by Mr. S. B. Palmer at Kuala Lumpur on Wednesday, in which he said the Government had been of no assistance to the rubber Industry. The reply says that up to
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  • 177 8 From Our Own Correspondent PENANG, Oct. 11. THE story of how a Penang doctor was abducted from his dispensary and made t > pay a sum ol $3,000 was toiii mi the police court yesterday, when three Chinese, Kwok Lim Chuan, Ang Seng Kui.
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  • 81 8 The Stage Club’s choice ol three of Noel Coward’s one-act plays for their latest venture at the Victoria Theatre was rather unfortunate. None of the plays have sustaining interest and must depend entirely upon the ability of the players to provide this important requisite. The plays
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  • 235 8 SINGAPORE, Oct. i 2. WHILE thousands of Chinese were celebrating the* Double Tenth anniversary in Singapore, on Thursday thn <• armed robberies occurred two at night and one, the biggest, 'n broad daylight, in •< house in Kitchener Road, o>f Jalan Besar, occupied by t
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  • 669 8 MALACCA, Oct 12 DUOPOSING a toast to the Governor-General u Malcolm MacDonald, at Malacca last niL-hi’ u Tan Cheng Lock said that if the Malayan I nion’rJ is forced upon the country the people adversely aff ted would be left with no alternative but
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  • 125 8 From Our Ow r n CorrespondPENANG. Friday |N the first Penang 1 under the new Price Control a Chinese shopkeeper. Pooio Tatt, was told by ’he Third gistrate, Mr. A M that his offence —failure a) plav the price list ir. respiy milk found in
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  • 295 9 SINGAPORE, Oct. 12. uK lien oral Officer Commanding in Malaya, Lieut.(icn. Sir Frank Messervy, in a broadcast over la Lumpur radio on Thursday, remarked on the ead> progress of the country towards rehabilitation 1( normality. Sir Frank, who left yesterday to take over 'he nrthei n Command
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  • 88 9 0ni Our Own Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR. Oct. 11 ric, Controller in the Maryan Union. Mr. G. W. nerviHe. expressed regret at a s,s conference in Kuala Lumr.esterday that the public is l7 n,J desire to co-operate hc Government in its efforts “J*’f s h lho black
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  • 92 9 f) Own Correspondent > K UALA LUMPUR, Pri. r Gealwis, modelling MaV.v. V' m Geylon who came l *H a i 0 in the last ir/ 11 "'“’bition at the invitaat;rn i P phrtment of Public n j 1 completed his work > ;n bv to return lo
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  • 73 9 From Our Own Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR. Oct. 10 I AST Wednesday’s sale of meal tickets at the I poll People’s Restaurant smashed all previous records, 7,764 meals having been served on that dav. The buyer of the 250,000 th ticket at the Restaurant, a poultry
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  • 126 9 From Our Own Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR. Oct. 11. OEVERAL important problems affecting the future of dentistry in Malaya were discussed at a special meeting of the Malayan Dental Association. h**!d at the institute for Medical Research in Kuala Lumpur recently. The interim president. Mr. B K.
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  • 164 9 LONDON, Oet. 10. DEPLYING to a question in the House of Commons today bv Sir Waldron Smithers, Conservative. Orpington, about the number and cost ol Lord Killearr.’s establishment in Malaya. Major Mayhew, Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs, said: “Figures which the Foreign Secretary gave on July 20 were
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  • 90 9 Many ex-Sime Road interne's must have wondered why A< i(! Drop, otherwise known as Cpl Yamada wa not brought to trial at th" same time us the othei Japs who were tried in the Sim< Road Case Acid Drop was Uu man who played a major
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  • 201 9 SINGAPORE is to have 15-cents meals now, the cheapest available throughout Malaya, according to the Department of Social Welfare, Singapore. The meals will be served from People’s Kitchens in bulk to those who want them. The quantity of rice and noodles will
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  • 63 9 From Our Own Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Oct. 9. MALAYA’S allocation of lin.secd oil from India for the year ending March 31. 1947. may oe procured commercially. Applications for import licences (A P forms) should be submitted to the Registrar of Imports and Exports, Singapore,
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  • 146 9 SINGAPORE, Oct. 12. CHINESE tin miners in Perak !v,:ve decided to form a company called the Overseas "tines© Industrial C orporation. Ltd., with capital of two m Won dollars, according to Sin Chew Jit Poh. This decision was reached at the general meeting of
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  • 156 9 From Our Own Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Oct. 10. JKATA I’EMUDA, which for the last two months has been conducting free English night classes at Kampong Bahru. Kuala Lumj)ur, staged a show on Saturday with the co-operation of the Sri Nooran Opera at the Lucky World
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  • 471 9 Social Welfare In Malaya From Our Own (’orrespondent KUALA LUMPUR, Oct. 11. A SUGGESTION that the newly-formed Women’s Service league, under the presidency of Lady (lent, should assist in determining the extent to which the blind in Malaya needed help was made at a
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  • 107 9 From Our Own Correspondent ALOR STAR. Oct. 10 THE Kedah Medical Assistants and Dressers Union, the first oi its kind, was formed at a recent meeting in the A lor Star (}i neral Hospital The union aims to protect the welt are and interests of all
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  • 1118 10 From Our Own Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Oct. A WARNING that, unless the Government was prepared to assist the rubber industry by reducing rents and taxation immediately, and implement its obligations under the marketing arrangements, “there will be no alternative idi many estates but
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  • 130 10 -Straits Times copyright. From Our Own Correspondent LONDON. Oct. 9.—A book of over 100 pages, entitled “The Facts About Sarawak," is shortly to be published in London. Documented by aP relevant correspondence between the Colonial office, the Ita.iah the Tuan Muda and the Rajah Muda as
    -Straits Times copyright.  -  130 words
  • 58 10 From Our Own Correspondent MALACCA, Oct. 9. THE annual fire-walking cere- mony of the Hindu temple at Gajah Berang Road, Malacca, took place yesterday in the presence of a large crowd. This is the second fire-walking ceremony within a week; the other was held in
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  • 156 10 SINGAPORE, Oct. iu. MAVAL BASE police are still on the look-out tor four men, alleged to be Chinese who attacked a Sikh constable guarding store at the Naval Base or. the night of May 10. Before he died in hospital two days later, the constable said
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  • 103 10 From Ou: Ovn Coricsponde* ALOR STAR, Oct. 9. •'’HE western belt of Kedah and Perlis is again being terrorised by bandits allegedly led by a former forest guard for whom a countrywide search is in progress. Strict police vigilance was recently rewarded when two housebreaking gangs
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  • 305 10 SINGAPORE, Oct. 10. THERE is no possibility ol there being auy survivors among the passengers and crew of the liAF York aircraft which crashed into the sea (50 miles west of Penang on Sunday. according to a statement issued by Air Command, South-East Asia.
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  • 277 10 Possession or Firearms QN the grounds that the Dr V punishment i„ r person??* in “possession” distinguished from the,sc mg firearms, is Attorney General \ull hu™ bill at the next meeting?! Malayan Union Advisory designed to raise th maxi? penalty for the crime Under the present
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  • 170 10 From Our Own Correspond*# ALOR STAR, Oct. 8Extortion in north Keda appears to be increase in spite of the strictest P 0 vigilance. Having been eliminated Penang, these extortioners r.* found their way into areas of Kedah. Kl oj Recently villagers ‘,j s Kedah, which had
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  • 363 11 SINGAPORE, Oct. 11. 'THERE will be a free market in rubber from the emi 1 ot this year. A Reuter message from Washington yesterday stated. The Combined Rubber Committee, having recommended allocations of natural rubber for the fourth quarter of 1946, has agreed that, in view
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  • 328 11 SINGAPORE, Oct. 11. FIVE Japanese, including two inn joi’-generals who were jhi.-fs <'*t the Judicial Department at Singapore, were sentenced to death by hanging, and f»w more to imprisonment for lilt*, at the Thiid War Cl imes Court yesterday n the Out ram
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  • 112 11 From Our Own Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Oct. 10 “IdO commander could have set a liner example or done more effective work in cooperating with the Civil Government in the dislocated conditions with which we have been dealing,*' said Sir Edward Gent the Governor of the Malayan
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  • 209 11 From Our Own Correspondent ALOR STAR. Oct. 10. THE score in the battle against crime in North Kedah for September resulted in a draw. Gang robbers killed two of their victims in the course of their raids but the police killed two gang robbers
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  • 555 11 From Our Own Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs. THE tin mining industry of Ma--1 laya is today faced with relatively high working costs due to increases in all factors including materials, food and wages and is also faced with lack of supplies, states a report by
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  • 651 11 CINGAPORES Victory Savings Ronds each worth sls and carrying nearly three per cent, interest, should be on issue to the public at all post offices within a short time and in view of the great demand there was for the Rehabilitation laoan, it is expected that
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  • 117 11 SINGAPORE. Oct. II IT in obvious tiiat accused was aware ol his crime. He had in his desk drawer a cigarette tin whteh contained money,” .said Mr. Tan Thoon Lip, in the Singapore District Court yesterday, when he sentenced a Food Control clerk, Soil Kai Hong,
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  • 103 11 IT is obvious that accused wa* eminent $22,188 to carry out a general overhaul and repairs to a Government launch, the Lady Clifford, to get her in efficient running order again. After the liberation, eight launches belonging to the Marine Department, were recovered. Most of them
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  • 66 11 KUAI.A LUMPUH. Oct 10 \T the request of the State of Brunei a senior official of th.« Department of Fducation of the Malayan Union is undt rtaking a survey of the education resources and r* quirernents of the State Mr A YV Frisby, Asst D rector
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  • 493 12 SINGAPORE, Oct. 11. TEN charges, including two corruption charges in- volving $200,000 each, were preferred against three Chinese, Lim Cheng Hoe, aged 21, Kan Kee Fong alias Stephen Kan, aged 20, and Low Kwan, aged 2.>, when they were brought before Mr. L. C. Goh, the
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  • 60 12 From Our Own Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Oct. 10. INFORMATION has be n receiv- ed here of the death of Mr Thomas lan Gordon, former Assistant Secretary lo r Postal Affairs. Malava. Knowr. to his friends as “Tim.' the late Mr. Gordon came to Malava in
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  • 184 12 SINGAPORE. Oct. 11 HASHING into the crowd whicn lined South Bridge Road Singapore, yesterday, in anticipation of the “Double Tenth’ procession. 21-year-old European, James Shanley, alleged to be a naval deserter, who had broken away from a police escort, nearly eluded persuing detectives. He was followed by
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  • 83 12 SINGAPORE. Oct. 11. A N appeal by three British military policemen, J. M. Hall. E W Johnson and C. H. Bartlett, for reduction of their sentence was allowed by the Court of Appeal on Wednesday. Mr. Justice Willan reduced their sentences of eight years to six
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  • 134 12 SINGAPORE, Oct. 10. TO gain first hand information of what Chinese in the South Seas suffered, materially and in ahe. respects, during the occupation. Mr Tai Kwee-sheng. ViceMinister ohc Nanking Overseas ARairs Ministry arrived by air in Singapore yesterday. On the same plane with him. but
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  • 78 12 A TOTAL ol $91,072 is to be spent in furniture and fitments for the College of Medicine and Dental Clinic. The students’ dining room and recreation room are to be furnished. An additional 25 sets of furniture are reouired for the .students’ rooms of the hostel,
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  • 263 12 AYVAR DAMAGE Claims Commission has been set up to deal with YVar Damage Claims in the Malayan Union and Singapore, states a communique issued by the Malayan Union Government. The head office of the Commission is in Maxwell Road, Kuala Lumpur, and there
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  • 275 12 SINGAPORE, Oct. 11. DEFERENCE to the non-payment of back pay to Singapore Municipal employees, was made by Mr R. Rethnasamy. honorary secretary of the interim committee of the Singapore Municipal Services Union, at Wednesday s inaugural meeting ot the Union, when he said that a
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  • 121 12 From Our Own Correspondent ALOR STAR. Oct. 10. SMART work done by Mr. I). G. Hall. Senior Customs Officer. Kedah, led to the haul of 1,111 tubes jf Siamese chandu alleged to have been hidden in the suitcase carried by an aged Chinese
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  • 283 12 7 Million Loan To Penang From Our Own Correspondent PENANG, Thurs THE Municipal Commissioners at their usual fort 1 nightly meeting on Tuesday were told In their President, Mr. W. C. Taylor, that the Government of the Malayan Union had agreed to grant to Penan. Municipality a loan of $7,000,000
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  • 253 12 SINGAPORE. Gci I« THIRTY NINE of the lorty-iour Japanese who were tried the Third War Crimes Couit their brutal treatment and Ions neglect of h l? military sertion of the Outraff Road Gaol during the octup4were yesterday found r it Sentences were deferred tn
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  • 164 13 W omen Must Share In Rehabilitation From Our Own Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Oct. i). l\ appeal to all women to take part in the work of 1 rehabilitation was made by Lady Gent, wife of the overnor of the Malayan Union, speaking over the ua ia Lumpur Radio on Tuesday
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  • 607 13 “No Room For Privilege” Creech-Jones RESULTS are often despairingly slow but Colonial admini•ration.s must be bold, imagina;ve and energetic, and the people nterested. active and undertanding as they move—and th.*y re everywhere moving—towards reatcr responsibilities.” declares he new Secretary of State for the oionu-s. Mr. A. Creech-Jones, i message to
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  • 63 13 SINGAPORE, Oct. 10. Singapore’s weekly stock ot flour which permits this commodity to be put on the ration on Oct. 28 amounts to 950 tons, stated Mr. J. Hamer, Food Controller, yesterday. The amount of flour allocated for rationing is 411 tons to
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  • 93 13 SINGAPORE, Oct. 10. JVVO brown velvet curtains valued at $2OO, draping tin* entrance to the court from the Chief Justice’s private chambers in the Supreme Court, Singapore, have been stolen. peon employed in the buildins made the discovery about 9 o'clock yesterday morning The Police were called
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  • 294 13 SINGAPORE, Oct. 11. EXPOSED to the elements in a small wind-battered “salt” ship for more than five months, 12 .Malay seamen who were rescued in the Gulf of Siam by the Norwegian “rice ship” Halvdan, are in Singapore today waiting to return to
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  • 133 13 From Our Own Correspondent PENANG, Thursday. MEETING on Tuesday night to consider the request by the Penang Chamber of Commerce, the Importers and Exporters Association and other trading bodies to lower their present handling charges, the Penang dock workers decide d instead that such
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  • 400 13 SINGAPORE, Uci. 10. A move to form a trade union of all monthly-paid, locally recruited workers of thp Singapore Municipality, was made at the inaugural meeting of .the Singapore Municipal Services Union, hold in the Municipal Council Chamber, yesterday. The meeting was presid'd over hy
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  • 336 13 SINGAPORE, Oct. 11. C INGA PORE town resounded to the thud-thud of the Chinese drum, the clash of cymbals and the bang of fire crackers as the mile-long Double Tenth lantern procession—first to be held since the Coronation, nine years ago—threaded its way through the
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  • 109 13 From Our Own Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR. Oct. 11. A SUPPLEMENTARY provision af $2O 000 to meet the cost oi a vaccination campaign to be instituted as a preventive measure against the outbreak cl small-pox and cholera, has been advised by the Finance Committee of the Malayan Union
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  • 73 13 From Our Own Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR. W“d THE examination of the Federal Institute of Accountants ’Australia! will b»* held In Kuala Lumpur from Oct 15 to 24 Information regarding the examination of th e Federal InMt ut». ran he obtained from the F\ irmnations Secretary
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  • 460 14 NEGOTIATIONS for the re-establishment of a Maiayan internal air service are well advanced and an announcement of details is expected in the near future. Meanwhile, plans a re; being drawn up by the Department of Civil Aviation for the rehabilitation of the main civil aerodromes in
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  • 244 14 SINGAPORE business men 1 welcome the news of th< early resuscitation of one ol the most vital branches >i police work in Singapore —th< commercial crime sub-branch of the C.I.D. Despite shortage of stall a disability which the branch sulfered from before the war it
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  • 116 14 SINGAPORE, Oct. 14. DELEGATES to the South-East Asia liaison oflicers’ footl conference in Singapore were entertained to dinner at Government House last night. Those present besides the Governor, Sir Franklin Gimson, were Mr U Ba Pe, Mr. U Thein Pe. Mr. u Myat Tun, Mr. Claude
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  • 45 14 SINGAPORE, Oct. 14. The Police Radio Squad, which is helping considerably ir. suppressing crime in Singapore, was inspected by Mr. R E Foulger, Commissioner of Police in Singapore, at the headquarters in the c. I. D. building in Robinson Road, yesterday morning.
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  • 100 14 From Our Own Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Oct. 14. fHOKAPPA Rettiar, proprietor of an Indian store in Camp Road, Port Swettenham, was fined $2OO in the Klang Police Court on a charge of falsely denying that he had controlled goods in stock. It was stated
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  • 317 14 From Our Own Correspondent KUALA LUMPRU, Oct. 13. IF no unforeseen factors arise, it should he possible to derequisition 70 more properties by January 1947, another 85 by May 1947 and the balance of 10 by the end of the year, if not earlier,
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  • 380 14 DETAILS of the execution of three Australian airmen, survivors of a Catalina which crashed into the sea otr Macassar. were related in the Australian War Crimes Court on Oct. 14 when Lt. Gen. Kumakiehi Harada, Commander-In-Chief of the Japanese* Forces in Java,
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  • 168 14 SINGAPORE, Oct n THE wedding took place at Andrew’s Cathedral vest,.,,, of Cdr. R. B. N Hicks R.N.. of H.M.S. Terror of Columb, Cornwall, and' j,J' Commander Joan MargaretT of the A.T.S.. who is in hT Ha, pstcad Unfi The bride arrived on the ol the
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  • 207 14 From Our Own Corresponded TAIPING. Oct. 12 “IT is an absolute disgrac 1 that 14 months after tl> re-occupation of Malaya, n reformatory school has yet been established in the country,” stated Capt. J. Thin ol the Taiping police in the Taiping Magistrate’s Court
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  • 87 14 Taiping Children Given Clot h From Our Own Corrc>P- ,rdf TAIPI n(} S JAIPING school-child: 1 been issued with cloth each. j y A canteen has been e the King Edward VII Sen meals are provided to fl children at 15 cents P J 3- The Indian a ping, is
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  • 349 15 SINGAPORE, Oct. 15. Ljlll a view to helping Government to procure H more rice from Siam for Singapore, local Chinese importers have sent urgent cables to merchants I uangkok, asking for “inside” information on the E ce situation there. if the required information received proves fa
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  • 114 15 f'Om Our Own Correspondent I HER EM BAN, Oct. 14. tHE entertainment that we aio I b'-ing «,ven tonight is an ln.!v oi Chinese hospitality, i'- Chinese, as you all agree, a V s iui( i a reputation tor Jpitaiitv and th 0 N.S. Chinese f
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  • 39 15 IN’ G A PORE, Oct. 15. H r tf > be muue absoH’.'. months was granted Hl. v *'Ph Po.tcr t( rday by Mr. H’;«r, v in the Singapore -urt petition was based c ‘l desertion
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  • 232 15 SINGAPORE. Oct, 15. HETAINED for more than three weeks by Indonesian officials in B-engkalis, Sumatra, and employed for their own requirements, the 185-ton Ho Hong Steamship Company trader Hong Thong, plying between Singapore and Bagan Si Api Api. has returned to Singapore alter b
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  • 139 15 From Our Own Correspondent IPOH. Oct 12. ALLEGATIONS that the Government was discriminating in the allocation ol certain Gov-ernment-imported goods were refuted by the Perak Resident Com. missioner. Mr. A. V. Aston, at a press conference this morning. He said this was a matter for
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  • 51 15 Two British soldiers. I) A. Brenton and W Dickinson, were charged iq the Third Police Court yesLrday frai aulent possession of two bah s of sheeting Both the soldiers claimed trial to the charee Bail was ext tided ‘he case was fixed for hearing on Jail 1
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  • 120 15 OUESTIONS of caste arc to lie considered by delegate.-, from Indian temple management committees throughout Malaya at a Conference which is expected to be convened in the near future. The conference will decide on whether or not to permit temple entry for all Hindu-, irrespective
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  • 299 15 SINGAPORE, Oct. 15. F)UND guilty of tarrying a revolver which was loaded with four rounds of live ammunition, a 37-year-old Teochcw, Heng Bak Chang, was sentenced to death by hanging yesterday by Mr. Justice Thorogood at the Singapore Assizes. This is the first case
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  • 284 15 IN THREE MONTHS SINGAPORE, Oct. 15. NINE entries in all have been made into Messrs. Henry Waugh’s godown at Trafalgar street bit ween th»* period July 2.‘l and Sept. 28, this year, when a total of 8.3211 yards of cloth valued at $lO,OOO were
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  • 70 15 SINGAPORE. Oct 13 IAMILAN BIN DALAN, described as a Javanese who had been brought to Singaf)or<» from Java by the* Japs, was yesterday conViCted by Mr Paul Storr on three charges oi housebreaking and theft on Sept 7 and 11 at Raeburn Park and Spottlswood Park
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  • 90 15 KUALA I.UMPUR. Oct. 11 'A COMMITTEE, under the chairmanship of Mr. Lee Kim Thian has been formed in Klang to look alter the l.rfUO Chinese re lu gees who have arrived in Pulau KeUim and Kuala Selangor from Sumatra as a result of the unrest in
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  • 89 15 SINGAPORE Oct g MR W (i POR'I ER. tiie Singapore Coroner, returned an finding yesterday when he inquired into the death of Tan Peng Kiat, a f»4-v* nr old Chinese who ,e body was found with a gunshot wound n Ir, abdomen in a creek
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  • 82 15 lINI.KSS the Governments of Singapore and the Malayan Cnion make up their minds quickly, quantities of American sweetened condensed milk which could he allocated to this country, may go elsewhere Importation of American milk hotli sweetened and unsweetened, is now possible, hut the Gov rrnments
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  • 300 15 SINGAPORE Oct. 13. JAMES Siianl y. a naval deserter yesterday pleaded guilty and was convicted before Mr Paul Storr, the Singapore District Judge, to two charges of having possessed a revolver and live rounds ol ammunition The prosecuting olllcer stated that on the night
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  • 734 16 SINGAPORE, Oct. 13. A RICE sub-committee of the International Emergency Food Council in Washington is being set up in Singapore immediately to make decisions regarding food on the spot instead of having to refer to Washington. The formation of the sub-committee was announced in a communique
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  • 75 16 Sgt. Major Yamajauchi Teruo, a Japanese soldier recently senenced to death for war crimes, will be hanged at 10 a m. on Saturday, Oct. 19 at Johore Bahru gaol. This will be the first hanging of a Japanese war criminal at Johore Bahru, and the
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  • 338 16 SINGAPORE, Oct. 15. BURMA wants to purchase 4,000 tons of edible oil from Malaya and negotiations over the price are to be conducted in Singapore during the next few days. This was disclosed by U Ba Pe, the Burmese Minister lor Commerce, in
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  • 84 16 From Our Own Correspondent MALACCA, Oct. 13. THE distribution of textiles to the rural areas in Malacca has begun. Forty-five thousand yards are available for distribution to an estimated population of (>l,OOO persons. There are 18,000 families and allocation has been fixed at three yards
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  • 372 16 SINGAPORE, Oct 15. HEFENDING, P P Webb. In- speetor of Police, who appeared in the Second District Court. lore Mr. T.T. Russell, yesterday on charges of caus'ng hurt Mr. P. F de Souza, stated that he believed that the War Crinv Investigation Department,
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  • 224 16 From Our Ow u Correspond,,. KUALA LUMPUR ‘2, ABJECTION to the ten, V dresser being used Z. 1 aised at a meeting of Hospital Assistants and Dn sers Association, Malay*, Union, held in Kuala Luiriu on Saturday. H It was stated that the te c'resser was
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  • 168 16 CIVE million dollars worth ot NAAFI surplus food win bf sold to the public i.. Sjf.gapcrunder an arrangement mad 1 t'• ween the NAAFI author' 1 r> tr.: the Singapore Cold Storage C: Ltd. The goods include tinner vegetables, fruit, fish n.ui meat pastes,
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  • 80 16 KUALA LUMPUR. Oct. U MISS P.I. Digwood :a.- appointed State Pinal fare Worker for Penang an« vince Wellesley. She I wide experience ot Social A “yy Work, both in India at a i She is on the stall 1 Welfare Officer, and conjunction with Mr l
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  • 202 17 Personnel Includes One Woman Member From Our Own Correspondent PENANG, Oct. 14. 'HK institution of a single Settlement Advisory Council for Penang and Province Wellesley was (ficially announced yesterday. This council replaces the three advisory councils pit'iuuslv appointed for Georgetown, the rural areas and Pro jnce
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  • 75 17 From Our Own Correspondent Malacca, Oct. 14. A DAYLIGHT robbery took place at Limbongan, Malacca, yesterday morning when three men, one of them armed with a pistol, entered a Chinese house and took away some cash and jewellery. This is the second case of daylight robbery
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  • 123 17 SINGAPORE, Oct. 16. NCE the inauguration ot a juvenile court in March until pt. 20 this year, 654 delinquents ive been brought before the Ur! Wenders were mamiy fcovs itween 9 and 12 years of age 4 altogether 370 of them have ten convicted. A
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  • 227 17 OPENING of the Social Welfare Department’s Girls Training School, planned for this month. ha s been delayed, pending an answer to the question now being discussed, which is: “Who is to hav 0 most say in the running of the school, the Education Department
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  • 91 17 F ood Control Clerk Gaoled SINGAPORE, Oct. 13. ;’A'l NaM, a Food ConOllice clerk, was sen11 s’x months rigorous ;"bt bv Mr Tan Thoon Singapore District f ay. He was convicV b ‘‘fy in connection ll issuing of rice ration Kr;W r* Hoon gave evidence r. 'slv 27 he went
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  • 243 17 From Our Own Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. TIIK Incorporated Society of Planters has decided to form itself into a trade union, thus implementing a resolution of its members in 1941. An appeal is to be made to every planter in Malaya to support the Society
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  • 71 17 SINGAPORE, Oct. 16. FOR conspiring with military personnel who were entrusted with 156 cases of whisky valued at $17,784, belonging to the Naafi, to wrongfully dispose of the property, five Chinese wrr,. produced in the Third Police' Court and charged They were Ho Chhou Jin, Lim Ah Hui,
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  • 53 17 SINGAPORE, Oct. 16. A charge ol entering the ko- down of Henry Waugh and Co., Ltd., in Trafalgar Street in order to commit theft of 22 bales of cloth was explained to four Malays in the Fourth Police Court yesterday. They were remanded in police custody
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  • 597 17 SINGAPORE. Oct. 16. EVIDENCE of the extent ot damage done to the motor vessel Bcntong (957 tons) which coltided with a floating submerged object on its approach into the Singapore harbour on July id, was given yesterday by Cant rJ S Agate, master of tru
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  • 350 17 SINGAPORE, Oct. 16. CHIPMENTS of rice and flour allocations for Singapore arc expected to be well up to schedule lor October, according to the office of the Special Commissioner and Food Control Department. Malaya’s October supply of rice from Siam should arrive in good order by
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  • 65 17 OEREMBAN has a 1: Club. whose members have pooled their resources and books for a library. Known as the Srremban Chinese Reading Circie tin club is housed in the residence of one of the members. The activities of the Circle include debates and lectures, picnics and
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  • 102 17 From Our Own Correspond nt SEREMBAN. Oct. 15. REMARKING that a store of this natun was on of the best means of combatting black market, the Resident Commissioner, Mr w A Oordon Hall declared of><n tin- NS. Co-op rative Stores at their new premises in Birch
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  • 704 18 A HILL empowering the (Jovcrnor of Singapore to impose a curfew on the movement of vehicles during certain hours of the night, is to be introduced at certain hours of the night, is to be introduced in the Singapore Advisory Council. Aimed at smashing gang robbery,
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  • 167 18 THE Malayan Union Health Intelligence report issued last week stated that for the week ending Oct 5, 159 cases of smallpox were reported from Trengganu. It has now been established that this epidemic is confined sob ly to a small isolated area in
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  • 97 18 SINGAPORE, Oct. 16. WHILE the Singapore Rehabilitation Loan has been fully subscribed, the Malayan Union Rehabilitation Loans are still open to subscribers, states an official announcement. The figures for the Malayan Union Loans at the close of business on Oct. 11 reveal that $2,*****0 worth of
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  • 342 18 $9,000 Stolen In One Day SINGAPORE, Oct. 16. ARMED bandits shot and killed a Chinese woman in Rangoon Road, Singapore, early yesterday morning when they raided her house. The woman had raised an alarm. Robbers had a busy day on Monday and reports made to
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  • 289 18 SINGAPORE, Oct. 16. TIIE arrest of a young Chinese in the Singapore Supreme Court Building shortly after dusk on Monday is believed to be connected with a series of mysterious thefts in tli** office of the Custodian of Property involving the loss of a
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  • 61 18 From Our Own Correspondent Taiping, Tuesday. CCHOOL canteens have been established at two Taiping schools, the King Edward VII School and the St. George’s Institution. These canteens cater only for students. Hitherto, school children had to rush to the People’s Restaurant for their meals. The
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  • 196 18 From A Correspondent MALACCA, Oct. 15. THE Malacca Boys’ Jubilee ClubJ house is ready for occupation and the Adjutant and Mrs S. Gordon of the Salvation Army are expected to tak c charge as Manager and Matron of the home. The manag' ment committee
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  • 537 18 POWER to prohibit the wearing of uniforms i n places or at meetings or gatherings in Singaimr 1 members of political organisations, and the maintena associations of a military or similar character will nc 01 to the Governor under the provisions of a bill
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  • 430 19 SINGAPORE. Oct. 13. Hje finals of the R.A.F. Malaya Athletic Competition took place yesterday at Seletar. It was a grand day for all. for the competitors as well as the spectators. The Krimeter of the field was garlanded with flags which ended a splash of colour
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  • 232 19 SINGAPORE, Oct. 14. rf nr ,inal S.R.C, cricket match r-j lhf season. played between the ;7 r 30-s and -over 30’s’ on yesterday the former scorlnB 218 t0 their oppo0 r UNDER 30’s jrn S. b Westerhout 39. F. Cho,h„r/:: )rr °w b Westerhout 37. N.
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  • 377 19 *rom Our Own Correspondent HRC r KOTA BHAHU. Friday. THREE matches were played a' 1 Kota Bharu for the third week in the Kelantan Soccer League and all the games diu not lack thrills and excitement Two matches took place at Pasir Mas and one at Tumpat. After
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  • 303 19 SINGAPORE. Oct. 13. Magnificent goalkeeping Dy Goram was the highlight of the friendly soccer match between the Army and the 2nd. Division (Crosskeys) touring team at Jalan Besar Stadium yesterday, which the latter won by two goals to nil. The standard of play was
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  • 244 19 From Our Own Correspondent SEREMBAN, Thurs. CCINTILLATING soccer was the outcome of the clash between ihe 2nd Div. Crasskeys and the Combined N.S. Civilians XI, which tha Civilians won by the odd goal in five, held yesterday at the Station padang. Leading at the Interval
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  • 152 19 OASE Signals beat the Sinhalese Association by nine wickets In a garni of ericket played at Fort Canning yesterday. Scores were: SINHALESE ASSN. W. Wornasuriya b Oox 5. N. OtUMsekera c Edmond b Cox 4. C. Fernando b Cox 1, L. Wijeweera b Kime 13. T. Withanu b
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  • 429 19 (From Our Own Correspondent) MUAR. Monday. Excellent display at «oai by Kah Chiong and the stubborn and determini d efforts 01 Solley, the right back, were the main features of a thrilling soccer match at the Muar Club padan, o n Saturday in which
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  • 513 19 SINGAPORE, Oct 13. MASTERS in ail departments Jie 8.C.C. beat R A P Changi Jfl points (six goals, two triesi to six (two tries) In yesterday's Padang rugby match. The 8.C C have as yet not met any really strong opposition; nevertheless yesterday’s display from
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  • 181 19 IN an exciting finish at St. George’s Road on Sunday, C.R.E. lf>2 Works gained a narrow victory over H.M.S. Sultan Staff C.P.Os. by two runs. The scores were:— C.R.E. Davison b. Thornton 0 Rodrigues c. Ilott b Howard 2i> Tyndall c. Ilott b Martin
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  • 827 20 By Our Market Correspondent SINGAPORE, Oct. II. DUSINESS in Malayan share markets during the week was in reduced volume and many quotations suffered in the tin and industrial sections, largely in sympathy with the continued weakness m New York and London stock markets. Dollar counters
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  • 126 20 CLEVELAND Monday. I’hc Magazine Steel says there are increasing signs that the United States government is preparing to scrap present wage and price coni rol. Steel says among factors which should bring early clarification of the administration’s altered philosophy in regaiu u stabilisation, arc statements made recently by
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  • 298 20 LONDON, Oct. 9. IHE International ini Con feicnee which started 11. London yesterday, is expecteo to last until the week-end. The likeliest outcome oi tht tin conference is a “study group of representatives from both tht producing and consuming countries to review the tin situation continuously.
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  • 61 20 Prom Our Own Correspondent LONDON. Wednesday. Harrisons and Ctosfield fmalled 121 per cent on deferred, plus a special bonus of five per cent for Dominion income tax relief, making a total of 20 per cent for the year ending Jura 33. 1946, compared with 15 per cent
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  • 460 20 SINGAPORE. Oct U ASSOCIATING himself with views expressed last u the Malayan Union Advisory Council meeting r^ 1 the Government’s ru»)ber policy, Mr. Khoo Teik dent of the Malayan Estate Owners Association represents Asiatic producers, in a statement to the St* Times yesterday referred
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  • 128 20 LONDON Mondn It is proposed to increase th** naj of the British Malayan Tin Svndia Ltd., from 25.000 to C >0 000 bv creation of 500.000 shares if h »ii and that such shares, together «j the existing unissued shares ly> m either in whole or
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  • 31 20 The crop on Bukit Katii R:ba Estates. Ltd., for September n 34.982 lb. The output of Talam Minos :i August was 399 piculs and for Septd ber 369 picul:
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  • 731 20 Share quotations, as at Oct. 15 according to Malayan i arebrokers Association <! were as follows INDUSTRIALS Buyer Seller Alexandra Brickwork*Ords 51. 70 $1.90 Alexandra Hriekwork* Prefs 2.60 2 85 Brit Malaya ITustee Executor Co a 00 9.00 Uonsolldater Tin Smelters Ord. 22/6 25/do Prefs. 26/6
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