The Straits Budget, 17 October 1940

Total Pages: 28
1 3 The Straits Budget
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  • 1215 1 /'XWmiBUTIONS to The War Fund averaged $4,000 a day during: the past week, total collections <in the seven days amounted to $27,978, bringing the fund to $4,24i1,907 In 4V2 months. This week the Malaya Magic Circle sent a cheque for $702.75 being half of the takings
    Straits Times picture.  -  1,215 words
  • 46 1 A representative of the Engine Repair Shop at an RA F. station in Singapore last week brought in a tin containing donations for The War Fund collected from workers at the shop. The total, yearly all in coppers, amounted to S3OS3.
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  • 1167 1 to apply as it is to suggest.—Straits Times, Oct. 10. \buut .six weeks ago we published articles criticizing certain oects of exchange control in the 'olony. Complaints had been made ■v brokers and others that normal )usiness activities were being restricted unnecessarily by local Interpretations of instructions
    to apply as it is to suggest.—Straits Times, Oct. 10.  -  1,167 words
  • 1194 1 —Straits Times, Oct. 11. After an interval of about six months, that very vigorous controversialist Mr. C. Ward-Jackson has resumed his attacks in public cn the income tax proposals. We use the words “in public” because, although little has been heard of Mr. Ward-Jackson in this
    .—Straits Times, Oct. 11.  -  1,194 words

  • 1166 2 Straits Times, Oct 12 In his address to the Singapore Rotary Club on Wednesday, Dr. J. W. Scharff, Chief Health Officer, was able to paint a highly satisfactory picture of the public health services in this Colony. In all respects but one, Dr. Scharff and
    Straits Times, Oct 12  -  1,166 words
  • 936 2 —Straits Times, Oct. 14. Ex-Service men in Malaya have heard with special satisfaction that recruiting for the Local Defence Corps has opened in Singapore Penang, Selangor and Negri Sembilan, and will open shortly i n the other States and Settlements. At the outbreak of war the Ex-Services’
    .—Straits Times, Oct. 14.  -  936 words

  • 1201 3 —Straits Times, Oct. 15. Budget speeches are very tricky affairs. When the finances of a country are in a bad way, the pro- j blem which presents itself is one of maintaining confidence and en-; couraging hope by depicting the situation in the best possible light When, in
    —Straits Times, Oct. 15.  -  1,201 words
  • 1006 3 —Straits Times, Oct. 16. One of the many very unpleasant cats that are hidden in the Government’s taxation bag was allowed to escape during Monday’s meeting of the Legislative Council. It was released by the Hon. Mr. E. C. H. Charlwood. True, Mr. Charlwood was
    .—Straits Times, Oct. 16.  -  1,006 words

  • 395 4 RESIDENTS or the State cf Brunei have sent a contribution to The War Fund for September amounting to $1,154.52. This is a third donation. On Aug. 12. we received through the Resident a sum of $5,089.56 and on Sept. 17, a further $1,261,43. The
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  • 184 4 'From Our Own Correspondent) London, Oct. 16 Till! .Sudan of Johore has aonounc- ed that he is returning to Malaya hy Ihe available ship after the funeral of his friend Miss Lydia Hill, which takes place to day. The
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    • 136 4 At Johore Bahru, on Oct. 10. to Ailsa. wife of Major C. A. Scott, a daughter. To Rhoda. wife of Geoffrey O. Ritchie, at the Singapore Maternity Hospital on 10th October, a boy. HENRY.—At the Maternity Hospital, Singapore. on Oct. 11 to Moira (Bette», wife cf James Edward Henry,
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    • 215 4 The engagement between Mr. B. Lovell Mrs. R. Williams announced in the Straits Times of July 26, 1940. has been cancelled. The engagement la announced between Richard George Findlay Shirras the Gordon Highlanders, eldest son of Mr. G. Findlay Shirras M. A. and Mrs. ’’’indlay Shirras of Ballater, Aberdeenshire,
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    • 52 4 DUNH ILL-WATKINS.—The marriage of Francis William Dunhill, only son of the late Mr. and Mrs. 3. Dunhill of Bardsey, Yorks, to Alice Elizabeth Watkins, "Ider daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F«. H. Watkins. Harrow. Mdlsx, will take place on Frida/ the 18th. of October, at a.m. at the Presbyterian
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  • 374 4 Leaders— Another Exchange Muddle A Premium On Dishonesty Health As A War Weapon Malaya’s Home Guard Budget Speeches The Escape Of A Cat Financial Supplement— Financial and Commercial News to date, following page 2$ Malayan General News— Government To Build City Tenements Malay Councillor Praises 5 Government Food Policy
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  • 46 4 (From Our Own Correspondenti Penang. Oft. THE death occurred yesterday monv.iK Mr. James Adam Laing, chief cco ant, Sungei Nyok dockyard. a Mr. Laing who was 44 years old. wife and two sons. ,^e There was a large attendance funeral yesterday.
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  • 32 4 (From Our Own Correspondent Kuala Lumpur. 0< THE Selangor Turf Club is remittm day the sum of £l.OOO to the Lord of London’s Relief Fund.
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  • 87 4 DEATHS The Rev. Sek Ngoo Ngon passed away on Tuesday. Oct. 9. 1940 at 8.30 a.m. at the Koon Yum Koh Temple, 398 Dunearn Road DICKSON—At Bungsar Hospital. Kuala Lumpur. F.M.S., on October 7th, Thomas Nasmyth Dickson aged 39. dearly beloved husband of Aileen Dickson and Manager of the Rubber
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  • 939 5 GOVERNMENT intends to build tenement houses for I Singapore workers, said Mr. L. G. Corney, acting financial Secretary, in the Legislative Council on Monday, lowering a suggestion by a Singapore unofficial member, Mr. I. Dawson, that the
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  • 106 5 A SUGGESTION that the age limit of 55 for Europeans who were eligible for service in the Local Defence Corps should be abolished, was made by Mr. G. Wiseman, the planting member from Malacca, in the Legislative Council on Monday. Fitness should be the
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  • 132 5 DRAFT estimates published in the Government Gazette last week show that the Malacca Municipality is budgeting for a revenue of $579,315 and an expenditure of $.'643,906 in 1941. The estimated gross collection in 1941 is, however, given as $726,315. including $26,000 education rate payable to
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  • 491 5 PLAN FOR A MALAYAN WAR COUNCIL REJECTED “Would Be Dictatorship, Says Mr. Jones THE formation of a war council to control and direct the war effort of the various States and Settlements in Malaya, so far as finance was concerned, wonhl “involve the tearing up of treaties and the destruction
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  • 46 5 TEN-iOOT python invaded the fowl-house of Mr. Shim Kah Leong at Kerilla Estate. Kelantan. The servant found it with a pair of duck's feet sticking out of mouth, the duck havino been swallowed head first. The python was caught and subsequently, killed.
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  • 228 5 REPLYING to a speech at the Coun cil meeting on Monday by Mr F D. Bisseker emphasizing ihe need for steps to be taken to combat subversive propaganda, Mr. H. Weisberg, the acting Colonial Secretary, disclosed that an officer of the Malayan Civil Service
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  • 25 5 COME 72 members of the Johore Teacners Association have volunteered to form the nucleus of a blood transfusion service Tp Johore.
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  • 306 5 A TRIBUTE to the steps taken by Government to ensure not only food in abundance but also reasonably low prices made known to all by a system of keeping the public informed of the latest fluctuations was paid by Capt. N. M. Hashim in
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  • 91 5 SPEAKING at the budget meeting of the Johore State Council, Mr. Arthur Sleep, Financial Commissioner, said that next year, for the first time for several years, the Government was presented with a balanceed draft budget. Ordinary revenue was estimated at $19,788,000 with $2,000,000 from war taxation.
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  • 34 5 Mr. Justice Laville, of Johore, is going on leave at the end of the month. When h<* returns in March, it is understood, he will relieve Mr. Justice Kellagher, of Kedah.
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  • 27 5 Mr. Lim Chong Pang J.P., was elected a member of the Board of Licensing Justices at a meeting of Justices of the Peace.
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  • 269 8 $500,000 FOR TRAINING EMBODIMENT OF S.S.V.F. Provision Of $127,000 For Flying Training School r[E embodiment of the Straits Settlements Volunteer Force and its training required the special expenditure of $500,000, and this provision is made in the report of the Firtance Committee which was tabled in the Legislative Council on
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  • 204 8 A- SUM of $200,000 is to be spent this year on the new building of Singapore’s Government Trade Schobl, which is estimated to cost $502,000. Of this sum, $lO,OOO has been provided in the estimates, and an additional $lO,OOO is provided
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  • 76 8 {JEN. WU TEH-CHEN. China’s Minister of Overseas Alfairs, who was recently in Manila, is expected to arrive ir Singapore shortly. The general has left Manila for the Netherlands Indies. He is on a goodwill visit to the Chinese community in the South Seas,
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  • 46 8 A SCHOOL for leper children In the Leper Settlement, Singapore, in to be con «tructed at a cost of $3,500 and lta eouinment will coat $7OO, p Pf ov J« ion of *<.°oo Is made in the report of the Finance Committee
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  • 285 8 IN view of the state of the river mouths, inner harbour and the seaplane anchorage in Singapore, dredging will be necessary to keep them in a satisfactory condition. Provision of $50,000 for the disposal of dredgings is made in the report of
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  • 237 8 (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Oct. la. ruin. J. J. SPALL, who lived in Rawanp, was killed when the car in which he was travelling with Mr A. E. Carey Foster, a veterinary siu*geon, crashed into the
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  • 92 8 .—Reuter. THE Sultan of Johore, was inter--1 viewed in London following the death of Miss Lydia Hill in a bombing raid. He declared “The fact that we never married was the one great grief of my life. We had
    .—Reuter.  -  92 words
  • 79 8 «From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Oct. 14. PLEADING guilty to summonses alleging that he had received in his official capacity, as an officer of the F.M.S. Mines Department, three separate gifts of money, A. T. Bennetts, a former Inspector of Mines, was sentenced by the First
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  • 18 8 Dr. R. D. Gross. Health Officer, Johore South, has left on transfer to Penang as Senior Health Officer.
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  • 505 8 CTOCKS of essential foodstuffs, whether held by the Government or in private hands, were being maintained by a variety of means at a satisfactorily high level, stated the Officer Administering the Government, Mr. S. W. Jones, referring to the work of the Food
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  • 223 8 117 HEN the roof of Government House was opened up. the investigation revealed a very serious state of affairs and it is fortunate that no serious accident has occurred in consequence of the weakening of the structure,” states the report of
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  • 123 8 THE Trengganu Spitfire Fund, which, ithe only purely State fund of its km in Malaya, is the subject of a congratuiai telegram received by the High Comn sioner for the Malay States. Mr. S. W ,J 0 from the Secretary of State for the Color
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  • 554 9 |M view of the uncertainty of the international situation, 1 Government should be asked to deiine its policy on the Question of providing air raid shelters, and to state what gteps it is taking to construct them,
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  • 383 9 *J*HE concluding day’s celebrations on Oct. 11 of the Hindu festival of Dushera by an anti-aircraft regiment of the Hong Kong-Singapore Royal Artillery presented a most colourful spectacle. About 2,000 guests, including 200 officers from various units of the Army and the Royal Air
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  • 251 9 prison officers in SingaformoH 6 and J °hore Bahru last week tin» association for the promoan r) nd protection of their interests, jtiKm ,°tv, urthering social intercourse among themselves. ,ho L k Hanc °ck, Inspector of Prisons, of thp chalr at the commencement i>uc-( r‘vv,
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  • 434 9 AN official communique issued last week draws the attenn lion of members of the public proceeding to England on leave from Malaya to the fact that under’the National Service (Armed Forces) Act, 1939, men belonging to one of the proclaimed age groups
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  • 112 9 MR. F. P. Donnelly was appointed managing director of the Goodyear Orient Co.. Ltd., at a special meeting of the directors of the company last week. Mr. Donnelly, who has been asjso-cii-ted with the company since *he errived in the Colony from the
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 70 9 PEEK FREAN’S Gift Parcels to the Troops. Mm »(MI BIICUIT» U »11 »itn* PARCEL No. 3. in England $7.15 Overseas $7.50 PARCEL No. 3A. (as above without cigarettes) in England $3.40 Overseas $3.75 V PARCEL No. 4. in England $2.20 Overseas $2.60 Posted direct from Peek Freans London Factory For
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  • 1803 8 INTRODUCING the draft estimates of revenue and expenditure for 1941 in the Legislative Council on Monday, Mr. L. G. Corney, Financial Secretary, .appealed for a mandate to collect the revenue which he said was available am.
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  • 75 8 EXTRA clerical assistance and office equipment in connection with estate duty and the new registration of business names will require special expenditure of $18.745 and provision has been made for this item by the Colony Finance Committee Tills expenditure will be partially offset by a new revenue
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  • 94 8 Pte. William McDougal of the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders, was married to Miss Elsie Myra Wait, the daughter of the late Mr. I. M. Wait and Mrs.'Wait, of Singapore, at the Presbyterian Church last week. Pte. McDougal is the son of Mr. and Mrs. McDougal of Crieff. Perthshire.
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  • 154 8 WITH the opening of a “Grow Your Own Food” exhibition at Raines Museum, visitors who go to the museum to see stuffed birds and snakes ana the ancient instruments ol man. may now inspect more than 30 varieties fresh vegetables, including
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  • 89 8 THE results of the investigation 1 into hours and conditions employment in shops have collected and a Bill will soot drafted which it is hoped wj» thoughtfully scrutinised )>> a> tions of the public, said the <> Administering the Govcrnm Mr. S. W. Jones, in
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  • 505 11 ••A WARRING nation must be fit, otherwise it cannot win. History has proved that the deciding factor in riost campaigns and battles has been the manner in which casualties and diseases have been handled,” said Dr.
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  • 180 11 MR EDWIN HA WARD has arrived 1 irom London in Singapore to take up the post of Adviser on Indian Afjairs and D?puty Director of the Far Eastern Bureau of the British Ministry 01 Infrrmation here. Mr llaward was formerly for
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  • 136 11 LLiam Spence/ Jones, chargeman orm dri vers at the Naval Base, was Thirn 01 theft as a servant by the nird Magistrate, Mr. J. O. Rappoport, d and sentenced to one day’s j *mprisonment and a fine of mnr! r 111 default one
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  • 59 11 IT is understood that as a result ol the production of two films which have displeased the Axis Powers, the German authorities have officially banned all Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer pictures from all countries under German occupation. The two films which have caused offence are “Mortal which will
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  • 756 11 (From A Correspondent) Chungking, Oct. 4. f?EAR of co-operation between the Eritish and American navies in the Far East and the probable lease of Singapore to the United States, in the opinion of Dr. Lo Chia-luen, chancellor of the Chinese National Central University,
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  • 464 11 L. V. Bond, the General Officer Commanding. Malaya, has been promoted to the rank of kcutcnant-genoral. Lieut.-Gen. Bond came to Singapore in July last year to succeed Major-Gen. W. G. S. Dobbie. who received promotion to lieutenantgeneral when he
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  • 185 11 THREE hours after he was knocked K down by a motor-car In Paya Lebar Road at 7.45 p m. on Oct. 5, a 70-year-old Javanese, Hajl Osman bln Rijoh, died In Tan Tock Seng's hospital ol shock and haemorrhage from mußip.* injuries. Last week, the Singapore
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  • 42 11 A "Grow Your Own Pood” exhibit tmj been opened In Raffles Museum, Singapore. Tills displays all kinds of local vegetables, together with printed Information about methods of cultivation. The museum Is open on Sunday morning*,
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  • 554 12 “THE soldier is quite prepared to give his blood for his country, but he wants his country to give its blood to him too,” declared Lieut.-fien. L. V. Bond, the (i.O.C. Malaya, at the College of Medicine on Oct.
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  • 109 12 A COMMUNIQUE which has been issued in Bangkok states that the Thai Government has now come to terms with the British Government, regarding the Thai-Burma frontier. It has been decided to hold the new deep channel (thalweg) of the Mae Sai stream to be the demarcation line
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  • 99 12 (From Our Own Correspondent) Bangkok, Oct. 8. THE Thai Premier, Luang Pibul Songgram, is daily receiving assurances of the nation's support for the request for the return of Thai territory by Indo-China. To-day several thousand university students of both sexes staged a march and handed a gift to
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  • 152 12 DATIENTS in the Sungei Buloh Leper Settlement “are grateful tor the amenities and treatment they receive under British protection. and they know quite well the kind of treatment a leper would get under the Nazi heel; but a British victory is regarded by
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  • 131 12 Singapore, Oct. 10. MR. Harold John Service, of the Geological Survey Department, Kuala Lipis, son of Mr. and Mrs. E.C. Service of Dunedin. New Zealand, was married yesterday to Miss Tephany Ross, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Ross, also of Dunedin, New Zealand, at
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  • 56 12 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Oct. 10. THERE was a large gathering at the funeral yesterday or Mr. S Mohamed Tamby, the chief clerk and the Commissioner of Oaths. Supreme Court, Penang. He died yesterday morning at the age of 53, ajfter a brief illness,
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  • 484 12 (From Our Own Correspondent) Johore Bahru, Oct. 9. “DLACK-OUT lighting regulations are enacted by the Sultan and they should be observed by the public as any other law,” said Mr. I. S. Wylie, the Chief Police Officer, in the police court to-day, prosecuting before Raja
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  • 245 12 yilp; Thai authorities officially j, r reports from Shanghai Thai air force “demonstration" ,1 the Indo-China frontier last W et’-' n r. is stated categorically that such demonstration occurred i. admitted, however, that there h 11 been certain reinforcements Thai air force on the
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  • 316 12 (From Our Own Correspondent> Seremban. Oct. 9 ECURT IS a European, was to-day convicted by the Seremban Magistrate. Mr. J. A. A. Faith, and sentenced to a term of imprisonment for motoring offences. Curtis was summoned firstly tor driving a motor-car under the of alcohol
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  • 60 12 1,000 DONATION TO AIR RAID FUND (From Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh, Oct. TTHE Perak Turf Club has nw«‘ donation of A'i,ooo to th<‘ Mayor of London's air raid fund. This is the latest contribute*" the Club to Wf”.* charities. The previously made two donation* $lO,OOO each to The War Fund
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  • 263 13 i f hoped that a market for Malaya’s scrap metal, either in India or in one of the Dominions, will be discovered at t tC forthcoming Eastern Group Conference at Simla, says an official communique. Malayan delegation
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  • 290 13 BRITAIN IS CALM CONFIDENT Chinese Student On High Morale Of People From Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh, Oct. 10. 44 pEOPLE in Britain are very calm and confident of ultimate victory and as lar as I can gather, they are well prepared tor a long drawn-out war Almost everyone in one
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  • 68 13 ene rally low incidence of small pox in all Eastern ports, the abanrt fv° f Plague for the past 11 weeks ed J; conditions maintain- «u Calcutta with regard to cholera, he‘.in P u rled in the League of Nations bulletin for the week ended ch!!w
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  • 169 13 COME members of the public are under the impression that war savings certificates cannot be redeemed during the first year. Accordingly they are hesitating to buy savings certificates, not because they expect to redeem certificates in the first year, but because
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  • 187 13 ON the afternoon of Sept. 24, the Malay gardener employed by the Portuguese Mission to look after the compound of St. Joseph’s Church in Vijtoria Street, happened to enter the church after his work. I looking up the aisle he saw a man apparently using
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  • 328 13 CHINA WOULD LEAD ‘NEW ORDER, NOT JAPAN Consul On Nation’ s Three Years Of Resistance (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Oct. 10. IF there was a “New Order” in Asia, China would Ik? the leader of it and not Japan, said Mr. S. H. Shih, the Chinese Consul, Kuala
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  • 52 13 .—Reuter. AFTER four months complete suspension, following France’s collapse, the French mail line, Messageries Maritimes, is reported to be resuming ils freight and passengers services in the Far East and will start with the ShanghaiSaigon run. The ships will not call at any other port
    .—Reuter.  -  52 words
  • 210 13 sub-contractor to ill the building work, except the ferroconcrete part, of the Cathay Fiats, this man has failed to pay some of his employees for several months.” said the Deputy Controller of Chinese Labour. Mr. A. W. Hay. prosecuting in the fifth court
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  • 334 13 Appeal Against Whipping Gaol Sentence Fails Remarking that he could not interfere with what was purely a finding of fact, the acting Chief Justice, Mr. Justice a’Beckett Terrell, discussed the appeal of Charles Howarth. a European seain the High Court last week. Howarth was sentenced in the lower court to
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  • 175 13 MALACCA CHINESE DOUBLE TENTH (From Our Own Correspondent) Malacca, Oct. 10. “/"'•HINA is lighting tc-day not only lor our own liberty and existence but also for the sanctity of international treaties and for the common security of all nations,” said Dr. Ho Pao Jin at a ceremony at the Malacca
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  • 49 13 SURGEON -CAPTAIN Sumitra and Dr. K. Kamchad, of the Thai Navy and Dr. M C. Abhakara, of the Thai Army, arrived in Singapore last week from Japan. They declined to discuss the object of their visit to Japan, but remarked that they were returning to Thailand.
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  • 560 14 WHILE China and Chinese in Malaya warpily welcome the British decision to reopen the Burma Rdud on Oct. 17, a Japanese protest against the decision is expected on the grounds that it is contrary to the
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  • 42 14 THE Governor, Sir Shenton Thomas and Lady Thomas, who are returning to Malaya from Britain by air via America, are remaining in the United States for several weeks, cables the Straits Times London correspondent.
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  • 106 14 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur. Oct. 10. THE death took place early this morning at his parents’ residence in Cheras Road, of Mr. Noel Zilwa, the only son of Mr. Pat Zilwa. of Kuala Lumpur, and Mrs. Zilwa. The deceased, who was
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  • 83 14 A DAILY news bulletin is now being published for Northern Indians in Malaya who are unable to read the English newspapers The daily news bulletin is printed in Urdu on one side and in Gurmukhi on the other. Thus it can be read by all
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  • 442 14 JAPAN is still flooding the occupied areas of China J with worthless paper money in an effort to make the Chinese foot the bill for long and costly hostilities which Japan cannot bring to a successful conclusion. This
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  • 180 14 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok, Oct. 11. JHE report in the Thai Press that Thailand has presented an ultimatum to France following French refusal to grant Thai territorial claims in connection with Indo-China is described as baseless by the Premier, Luang Pibul Songgram, who said:
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  • 99 14 .—Reutex. Manna, Oct. li. TEN American dive-bombers consigned to Thailand have been unloaded here and are being held on Washington’s orders. It is understood that negotiations are in progress to transfer the planes to the United States Army for the de fence of the Philippines.
    .—Reutex.  -  99 words
  • 38 14 WORTH Borneo has remitted a lurthe 11 £5.000 to the Ministry of A production to buy Borneo’s second airers* the R.A.P. All communities are subscr. generously and funds are now arriving Spitfire No. 3.
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
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  • 523 16 11/HEN can an employer refuse reinstatement to an ern- ployee who it a Volunteer and who has been called up for intensive training? This question was answered by Mr. L. C Ooh, the Singapore filth
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  • 178 16 BECAUSE he was always quarrelling with the customers and took up «pace that he wanted to use, M. Debi, a col Tee shop proprietor, asked leave of the Rent Assessment Board, yesterday, to eject a stallholder, Bisram Rai, who rented space in his shop in
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  • 392 16 prominence has been given in the Singapore Chinese newspapers to the recently concluded pact between Japan and the Axis powers, Germany and Italy, and editorial opinion is expressed with vigour. The Sin Chew Jit Poh declares that the pact, though believed
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  • 72 16 (From Our Own Correspondent) Penang, Oct. 8. A RESOLUTION was unanimously passed opposing the introduction of income tax at a committee meeting of the Penang Chinese Chamber of Commerce held yesterday. It is further understood that the Chinese Town Hall will be the venue for
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  • 229 16 WHILE Singapore is being urged to grow its own \ege* 11 tables in the back garden, few people know that Government House itself has for long set a lead in the Grow vour own vegetable campaign. Distributed over three different parts of its 130-acre grounds
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  • 272 16 Singapore. Oct. 10. THOUSANDS of Chinese devotee* lined the road from AlkalT Gardens to Paya Lebar last night when one of Singapore’s biggest Chinese religious festivals, the Kew Leong Yah festival, was brought to a close with a grand procession. Men. women and
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  • 104 16 TO aid The War Fund, the Singapore Urban Co-operative Union Ltd., will give a variety concert at the Victoria Memorial Hall on Nov. 18. The programme, which is being arranged ir. collaboration with the Co-operative Department, will comprise 14 items, including two one-act Dlays,
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  • 1238 17 (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Oct, i). tfTFK meeting yesterday in camera to consider a stateA nicnt by A. G. Macdonald, the Commission of Inquiry appointed to investigate the affairs of the F.M.S, Mines Department and the conduct
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  • 137 17 QINCE Holland was involved in the war, Hollanders in Singapore have contributed over $50,000 towards expenditure for strengthening the defences of the Netherlands Indies, Mr. H. M. J. Fein, the Netherlands Consul-General, told a Straits Times reporter Mr. Fein said he had received
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  • 346 17 117ITH reference to the recent notification in the S.S. Government Gazette, it is notified for public information that the limitations on entry into the Colony of European women and children have been imposed in pursuance of a decision by the
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  • 55 17 (From Our Own Correspondent.! Penang, Oct. 10. THE death occurred last night of Mrs. Cecilia Pereira at her residence in Burmah Road. She was 79 years old and was widow oi Mr. Bernard Paul Pereira. Both were well-known Penang residents. She leaves seven daughters and three
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  • 250 17 SINGAPORE, being situated in the heart of the coral reefs and the East Indies, where a large variety of fish of great beauty abound, could have an aquarium of unsurpassable attraction which would not only be superior to the aquariums in most parts
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  • 1379 18 ’—Reuter. London, Oct. fc. SINCE the war began up to last Saturday about 8,500 civilians had been killed and 13,000 wounded by Nazi air bombing, said Mr. Winston Churchill, the Prime Minister, in the House of
    ’—Reuter.  -  1,379 words
  • 101 18 by British destroyers.—British Wireless. London, Oct. 8. NAVAL sources at Alexandria report that two Italian submarines were sunk in the central .Mediterranean recently by the British fleet, bringing the number of submarine# lost by Italy since she entered the war to 22. The submarines were forced
    by British destroyers.—British Wireless.  -  101 words
  • 222 18 —Reuter. New York, Oct. 8. THE French fleet is now in such a condition, due to a technical precaution taken by the Vichy Government, that it can never be used again in naval operations if the Germans seized it. This statement
    —Reuter.  -  222 words
  • 310 18 —Reuter DY a series of accidents, neithe, U the First sea Lord nor Z. Cabinet knew of the approach French warships, carrying Vinh. partisans of the most bitter im! to Dakar, to the Straits of Gibran, until it was too
    —Reuter  -  310 words
  • 120 18 .—Reuter. London, Oct. 8. CARLY tc-day, German long-range guns on the French coast opened fire for about half an hour on a convoy coasting down the Channel. Shells were seen exploding in the water, and watchers on the Engusn coast say that none of the
    .—Reuter.  -  120 words
  • 53 18 .—Reuter. Halifax. Oct 8. AT least seven Canadian seamen a missing, presumed lost, as a of the sinking of the British tan* Fredricks Fales, 10.500 tons, accormn» to notifications received by Hama families. nsr The tanker was bound for Hntai from Canada. No further details
    .—Reuter.  -  53 words
  • 84 18 London. Oct 9 DRINCESS Catherine Galitzine, a RusMa friend of the Duchess of Kent, to she is dstantly related, was killed duru* an air raid on London yesterday. The princess, who was 49 years old. travelling in a bus to her wonc in f
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  • 511 19 Reutei. London, Oct. 9. f OKI) Lothian, the British Ambassador in WashL jngton, has cancelled his plans to return home on leave because Whitehall feels there may be a crisis in the Far East as a result
    Reutei.  -  511 words
  • 118 19 —Reuter. London, Oct. 9. M R Quo Tai-chi, the Chinese Ambassador to London, in an interview, said that the re-opening of the Burma Road was a matter of deep satisfaction, but certainly no surprise. For what was the result of its closure
    .—Reuter.  -  118 words
  • 98 19 —Reu ,er. Lcndon. Oct. 8. jBE 'inking of an enemy' submarine Lallan motor torpedo-boats is ‘‘‘d in yesterdays Italian official B nu.ciue. which admits tha. the bit :i v Forcp hod bombed Gallab'rr! 11 <}■ Egyptian Sudan-Eritrea 1 v iiin s and wounding a num- oi Askaris.
    —Reu ,er.  -  98 words
  • 42 19 -Reuter London, Oct. 7. THE third group of over-age destroyers handed over by the United States to Great Britain arrived at a Canadian port on the East Coast vesterday Almost simultaneously, hundreds of British sailors reached the port to man them —Reuter
    -Reuter  -  42 words
  • 130 19 Reuter. Vichy, Oct. 8. SEMI-OFFICIAL statement issued here reveals that the Vichy Government earlier this month rejected new territorial demands by Thailand, including the surrender of all Indo-Chinese territory on the right bank of the Mekong and an undertaking to cede the protectorates of
    Reuter.  -  130 words
  • 232 19 k urn London, Oct. 8. AMERICAN airmen who have volunteered for service with the Royal Air Force are to have their own squadron. It is announced that the King has approved a special badge to
    232 words
  • 49 19 Reuter. Hong Kong, Oct. 8. TTHE police raided several Jap- anese establishments in Hong Kong, including the Bank of Taiwan, the Japanese newspaper Hongkong Nippon, and the home of the Asahi Shimbun correspondent. The result of the police investigation is, so far, unobtainable.—
    Reuter.  -  49 words
  • 148 19 .—Reuter. London, Oct. 11. THE German long-range guns mounted on the French coast fired across the Straits of Dover at dusk last night The shelling, which lasted nearly half-an-hour, was completely ineffective, and although shells fell in
    .—Reuter.  -  148 words
  • 79 19 -Reuter. Baghdad, Oct. 8. IT Is officially announced that an agreement has been reached bej ’wem the Iraq Government and the Japanese firm of Mitsubishi for the 1 sale of this vear’s entire cotton crop is well as the unsold remaining bal:nc of last year’s
    -Reuter.  -  79 words
  • 154 19 Aden. Oct. 9. QNE of the most vital Italian supply lines in East Africa has been cut as a result of the bombing during the last few days. The place is Aisha an important station on the Jibuti-Addis Ababa railway. The R.A.F. dropped bombs
    154 words
  • 47 19 —Reuter. London, Oct. 10. r rHE King has presented London with four motor ambulances and eight mobile canteens At Buckingham Palace to-day. he aided over the' lour ambulances and iv > o! the canteens to the chairman ol the London County Council.—lteuter.
    —Reuter.  -  47 words

  • 409 20 London, Oct. 9. ANNOUNCING that the British Government could not see its way to keeping the Burma road closed after Oct. 17, Mr. Winston Churchill, the Prime Minister, stated in the House of Commons last night that a
    409 words
  • 93 20 London, Oct. 9. MENUS served to Londoners rendered homeless by air raids have included soup, sausages, potatoes, bread, cheese, butter and biscuits and, alternatively, stew, potatoes, cabbage, pears custard, coffee and biscuits. This was revealed by Mr. Malcolm MacDonald, the Minister of Health, in
    93 words
  • 39 20 Reuter. London, Oct. 9. ANADA is making at least 1,000,000 shells a month. One arsenal has multiplied its output of small arms ammunition six times, and is producing over 500,000,000 rounds a year Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  39 words
  • 67 20 .—Reuter. London, Oct. 9. WHEN a party of 24 Indian pilots arrived in London yesterday, each man was handed a message from Sir Archibald Sinclair, the Air Minister. The messages were addressed individually and they ended by saying: “We shall be proud to have
    .—Reuter.  -  67 words
  • 62 20 Reuter. Lisbon, Oct. 11. THIRTEEN survivors of the Greek steamer Aghlos Nicolaos, (3,687 tons) torpedoed by an Italian submarine or* Oct. 1, have arrived here after their rescue by a Portuguese trawler. The remainder of the crew' were picked up by Spanish fishingboats. The
    Reuter.  -  62 words
  • 83 20 Moscow, Oct. 11. THE city of Sebastopol, on the 1 Crimean peninsula, has been completely invisible from the air during the past three nights, according to airmen s i upnrts on the conclusion of fulldress air raids’ precaution rehearsals. During similar rehearsals carried out
    83 words
  • 541 20 .—Reuter. London, Oct. 9 THE military situation in Rumania to-day is due t several factors, writes Reuter’s military correspondent Her geographical position, the richness of her land J natural resources, particularly oil,
    .—Reuter.  -  541 words
  • 51 20 .—British Wireless. London, Oct. 8. riFTEEN ships with a total tonnage r of 72,337 were lost through enemy action in the week ending Sept. 29-30. comprising ten British of 55,927 tons, four Allied of 12,119 tons, and one neutral of 4,291 tons. —British
    .—British Wireless.  -  51 words
  • 29 20 —Reuter. London, Oct. 7. ACCORDING to the German news agency, 900.000 foreigners are working in Germany, and 550,000 of them are doing farm work.—Reuter.
    .—Reuter.  -  29 words
  • 23 20 Reuter. London, Oct. 12. ■"■"■HE Admiralty announces that the mine-sleeping trawler Sea King has been sunk by an enemy mine.—
    Reuter.  -  23 words
  • 81 20 —Reuter. New York, Oct. 9. AMERICAN correspondents in Berlin have been notified that they will no longer be allowed to report the duration of R.AJF. raids, the time they ended or what approximate military objectives were hit, according to a Berlin message to
    —Reuter.  -  81 words
  • 249 20 Reuter. Shanghai, Oct. 8. rpHE Weihaiwei situation is extremely tense, it is learned from a reliable British traveller who arrived here to-day. On Oct. 1, on which the new British lease was granted by Chungking, 60 Chinese sailors accompanied by a force
    Reuter.  -  249 words
  • 39 20 New York, Oct. 10 THE arrival of 190 British seamen New York has evoked water; reports that the liner the Queen beth, will soon leave New York m r to transport Australian troops Egypt.
    39 words

  • 605 21 .—Reuter. I London, Oct. 10. IjO Japanese counter-action whatever is planned in retaliation for Great Britain’s decision to leopen the Burma road on Oct. 17, declared the Japanese Foreign Office spokesman yesterday, reports Reuter. I Japanese newspapers tend
    .—Reuter.  -  605 words
  • 82 21 —Reuter. Toronto, Oct. 7. CANADA'S aircraft production is now four times greater than before the war and within a year it will be tripled again, Mr. James Duncan, deputy Minister for Air, declared in an address to the Canadian Club here to-day. He said that Canada was
    —Reuter.  -  82 words
  • 136 21 London, Oct. 10. J7VIDENCE of the shattering effects of the British air raids on Germany is contained in letters from Helsingfors, Sweden. These relate, according to a Ministry of Information bulletin, that whole blocks of buildings have been razed in Hamburg, ships cannot
    136 words
  • 47 21 —Reuter. London, Oct. 9. ONE of the latest types of United States’ fighter planes is ready lor delivery for Britain. The planes are capable of a speed of 400 miles an hour, and carry one cannon and four ma-chine-guns each. —Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  47 words
  • 226 21 Reuter. London, Oct. S. CRENCH airmen are supporting in the air war from the Thames to Suez, says a communique issued from the headquarters of Gen. de Gaulle last night. A number of fighter pilots,
    Reuter.  -  226 words
  • 188 21 Nazi Invasion Plan Being Postponed ’—Reuter. The German High Command’s reported change of strategy in the air war over Britain was received in inlormed circles in London last night with interest. While no oificial comment is forthcoming, the new five-point plan to subdue Britain from ‘the air is seen by
    ’—Reuter.  -  188 words
  • 212 21 London, Oct. 8. T'HE beginning of a dispersal of r the enemy air effort following the Luftwaffe’s failure to knock out London during the past month is seen in reports of widely scattered raids over Britain yesterday. This view
    212 words
  • 57 21 .—Reuter. Cork, Oct. 7. MR. Eamon de Valera, Prime Minister of Eire, in a speech here to-day, said that Eire’s national army was now seven times Its peace strength and that 200,000 had Joined the security force, pledged to maintain Eire's neutrality. Necessary armaments were being obtained as fast as
    .—Reuter.  -  57 words
  • 225 21 -Reuter. DEHIND the award of the Disu tinguished Flying Cross to Acting Flight-Lieut. William Weir Campbell, the pilot of flyingboat of the Middle East Command lies the story of the destruction of two Italian submarines with bombs and
    • -Reuter.  -  225 words
  • 47 21 during the same period.—British Wireless. London, Oct. 7. V ORD CROFT, Under-Secretary for War, states that more German airmen were killed or captured in the last 12 weeks than all the civilians they have killed In Britaiu during the same period.—British
    during the same period.—British Wireless.  -  47 words

  • London Letter By Cable
    • 1638 23 LONDONERS STILL CHEERFUL DESPITE TRAGEDY DAMAGE All Sacrifices Worth Bearing For Certain Victory I from Our Own Correspondent I London, Oct. 12. ANOTHER week of the very heavy ■fV night bombing, accompanied Ihy several daylight raids, one at|tack during the morning rush hour Kvith many terrible tragedies, damEge scattered over
      1,638 words
    • 43 23 Reuter. Shanghai. Oct. 14. FF British ships Kongso and the Jessie Moller, which were detained by the Japanese in Chinse ports last month, have been released. Three other British ships are still being held in spite of representations.—
      Reuter.  -  43 words
    • 361 23 London, Oct. 10. ’J'HEUE is a strong feeling in Madrid as elsewhere that the war is on the verge of a new phase, bat mast people still cling to the idea that Spain will not be affected and that the
      361 words
    • 53 23 —Reuter. Delhi, Oct. 14. THE working committee of the All- India Hindu League, in a resolution criticising the attitude of the Congress. states that the whole future A the political emancipation of India depends on the success of Britain with whom India’s fate
      —Reuter.  -  53 words
    • 348 23 ’—Reuter. “II7HEN peace comes remember that it will be the lot of children of to-day to make the world of to-morrow a better and happier place,” declared Princess Elizabeth in a broadcast message on Oct. 13, inaugurating the 8.8. C. weekly programme
      ’—Reuter.  -  348 words

  • 280 24 .—Reuter Washington, Oct. 12. SINCE the beginning of the week the United States administration has shown by a senes of moves that it has no intention of abandoning the firm stand taken up in opposition to Japans
    .—Reuter  -  280 words
  • 119 24 Reuter. London, Oct. 12. A NUMBER of German towns are mentioned by the Cologne correspondent of the German news agency in a report to Berlin on the results of bombing attacks by the R.A.F. In Germany on Thursday night. The
    Reuter.  -  119 words
  • 176 24 .—Reuter. London, Oct. 12. MCE windows of Canterbury Cathedral I were broken yesterday when a bomb fell near the building. The bomb, dropped by a Messerschmltt, hit the nearby row of houses, killing two people and Injuring others. The valuable stained
    .—Reuter.  -  176 words
  • 131 24 —Reuter. Chungking, Oct. 12. THE Chinese made good use of the period during which the Burma road has been closed to increase its transportation capacity, according to the spokesman of the Ministry ol Communications. He explained that during the past three months the bed of
    .—Reuter.  -  131 words
  • 81 24 —Reuter. London, Oct. 12. DRITISH and German shells D hurtled across the Straits of Dover in a long-range artillery duel by bright moonlight last night. During the cannonade, which lasted some hours, R.A.F. bombers heavily raided the German gun positions. For the first time,
    —Reuter.  -  81 words
  • 90 24 —Reuter. Aden, Oct. 12 AS a result of the British naval stranglehold the Italians ’j are hard pressed for food, according to an informant recently arrived from Massawa on the Eritrean coast. In an interview with Reuter, he said that food, only obtainabl
    —Reuter.  -  90 words
  • 274 24 .—Reuter. London, Oct. 12. THERE have been several indications in the German Press 1 lately that hopes of an early complete victory have practically reached vanishing point, and the German public is being prepared for further
    .—Reuter.  -  274 words
  • 199 24 Tokio, Oct. 14. THE German Foreign Office has sent 4 a mission to Moscow to try and check the tendency towards improvement of Anglo-Soviet relations, according to a Berlin message to the Japanese Domei agency, reports Reuter from Tokio. The Berlin
    199 words
  • 61 24 Reuter. London, Oct. HTOE blocking of Rumanian accounts In Britain as a rest lit, of the entry of German ttoops into Rumanian terrtory will doubtless be followed by su further steps as the situation re 1 says Reuter’s diploma r Jc correspond These may include the ru P-'* r fa
    Reuter.  -  61 words
  • 138 24 London, Oct. 10. THE Air Ministry broke a hitherto stringent rule w night. It issued full details of six German aircraft an their markings, numbers and names of crew where idenu J able, together with the places where the machines were s down on
    138 words

  • 447 25 3,000 Nazis Killed In Lorient Raid Damaging Raids On Berlin Krupps Arms Works London, Oct. 14. n\VO large shins were sunk during an R.A.F. 1 raid on Lorient, according to a neutral source. 3oth ships carried troops and it is claimed more han 3,000 soldiers perished. Considerable reduction of shipping
    447 words
  • 125 25 Reuter. r London, Oct. 15. |HE silk flag which he had received rJ****l as a from Norwegian ln England on his sixty eighth oak(m y nt W M S P resen ted by King 'tc Nor way to the Norwegian nin, Ve s rrclay whe n
    ■ Reuter.  -  125 words
  • 112 25 London, Oct. 14. A SWEDISH seaman, inter view- ed by a Swedish newspaper, said, “My impression of Bremen is one of continual bombardment by the R.A.F. The night before we arrived, immense warehouses on the harbour was practically levelled. “Damage to the city of Bremen
    112 words
  • 166 25 Raid On Krupps Described Direct Hits On Machine Shop Power Plant Reuter. London, Oct. 14. PARACHUTE flares were used by British raiders to light up the vast target of the Krupps munition works on Saturday night. Describing the raid, the navigator of one aircraft said that the factory seemed to
    Reuter.  -  166 words
  • 40 25 —British Wireless London. Oct. 14. GIFTS for the purchase of aircraft acknowledged to-day include ,£1,000 sent by a Mrs. Ravescroft from Buenos Aires as well as a contribution of £6 000 from the town of Lewes, in Sussex —British Wireless
    —British Wireless  -  40 words
  • 218 25 BRITAIN’S NEW ARMY IS NOW COMPLETELY MECHANIZED Men Are Eager For Counter-Attack On The Continent fJREAT Britain’s new Imperial Army will be equipped u with bigger and better tanks, writes Reuter’s military correspondent, who adds that" factories are now turning them out, together with mobile guns of various calibres, light
    218 words
  • 124 25 —Reuter. Bucharest, Oct. 14. A TRAVELLER who has just arriv- ed from a Russian Black Sea port says that official circles there believe the Germans are preparing to pass troops through Rumania for an attack against Greece. Soviet preparedness for all
    —Reuter.  -  124 words
  • 128 25 .—Reuter. Peiping, Oct. 15. AS an example of the way German propaganda is encouraged in Peiping, Chinese handbills, were dropped, presumably by Japanese planes, on Saturday with a lurid picture headed “German planes bomb English Capital.” The picture shows a highly imaginative tower of London
    .—Reuter.  -  128 words
  • 66 25 .—Reuter. T Cairo, Oct. 14. HE South African Air Force administered its seventh pounding to Yavelle aerodrome, in Abyssinia, on Saturday night. A communique issued to-day states that heavy and incendiary bombs fell among hangars and aerodrome buildings. and a machine-gun past was quickly silenced. Ooher
    .—Reuter.  -  66 words
  • 95 25 ,—Reuter. London, Oct. 14. THE Peruvian legation in London 1 has issued an emphatic denial that Peru has concentrated troops on the southern Ecuadorian border in preparation for an Invasion. The legation describes the reports to this (fleet as “fantastic." and adds that In the
    ,—Reuter.  -  95 words
  • 110 25 Reuter. Boston (Mass.), Oct. 14. TAAKAR has been in German hands since early July, declared the chief engineer of the Polish steamer Rozewie when the vessel arrived here to-day. Dakar, he said,
    Reuter.  -  110 words

  • 872 26 DY 12 points (a goal, a drop-goal and a try) to three D (a try), the R.A.F. (Blues) heat the Army Crusaders in the second of the Malayan Rugby Union’s games in aid of war charities
    872 words
  • 399 26 FINISHING first in all three races in the women’s Clement! Challenge Cup sailing competition, Miss J. Murray ran out an easy winner with 26 points. Her sister, Miss E. Murray, was second, 12 points in arrears, while Mrs. B. J. Bell was third with
    399 words
  • 115 26 THE results in brief at Kuala Lumpur on Saturday, the final day of the Selangor Turf Club’s autumn meeting, were Race I—Stormy Night SlB, S 7 High Life S 7 Golden Arrow SI 1 Race 2—lnez SlO, SC Furious $9 Four O’clock Sl3 Race 3—Brawny Lad
    115 words
  • 100 26 Results on Oct. 9, the second day at Kuala Lumpur, were Race 1 DANSE DU VENTRE $22 and $6. STENELLA $B. GLAMOUR $6. Race 2 CODELLUS $94 and $29 MARNELL $l4 CHAR $l2 Race 3 ROSALIE $125 and $2l. CLARISSA THE FLEA $l2. SYCILLIAN $l6. Race 4 ECHO
    100 words
  • 245 26 —Reuter London (>,, Yesterday’s Home Football l csultcd: 01 Kamei north Bradford 0; Middlesbrough Burnley 0; Manchester 2 Bury 0; Liverpool Ln,tefl l Chester 4; Tranmere Doncaster 4; Hull Everton 4; Stockport 2 Grimsby 3; Sheffield United Halifax 5; Bradford Citv Lincoln 4; York Manchester City 3;
    —Reuter  -  245 words
  • 426 26 MOT seen in action for a long time, the cream of Singapore’s Chinese swimmers gave a grand display of aquatics at the new $50,000 Haw-Par Swimming Pool on Thursday, Oct. 10, when Mr. Cheng San Kwong, Chinese Consu performed the official opening of the
    426 words
  • Page 26 Miscellaneous
    • 62 26 THE BIG SWEEP The draw on the big sweep value $135,680, resulted as follows: ***** *****5 ***** FIRST: SECOND: THIRD: Starters: *****, *****, *****. *****, *****. *****, *****0. DOUBLE TOTES The first double tote paid $257 on each of nine winning tickets, and the second double tote paid $l3 on
      62 words
    • 46 26 BIG SWEEP The draw on the big sweep, valu? $81,700. resulted:— FIRST ***** SECOND THIRD 54 Starters: *****. *****. *****. *****. .930». *****, *****. 3*731 DOUBLE TOTES The first double paid $446 on each o'. •> tickets. The second double paid $.9 w each of 27 tickets.
      46 words

    • 399 1 .From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Oct. 10. PHE United States Government Is becoming increasingly anxious regarding the possibility of interruption or hold-up of supplies ot crude rubber from the East, according to the Washington corresponent of the Financial News. This correspondent says that the Reconstruction
      399 words
    • 55 1 The following crops of rubber were •«rvested in September lb Soudai 33.446 l(,r Oajah 21.860 Australasia 19.500 Panas 76 000 S‘ Klt Kubu 10.800 r”‘ n <‘aly 44.500 -'..m Kebun 13,100 p aan 47.200 o 171,000 owettenham 9.000 i'lisrnan 12.700 S a L ak 17.500 rV.‘ Anson
      55 words
    • 49 1 'TRAFFIC returns of the Singapore Traction To. Ltd., for the year ended September, 1940, were $2,801,000, or 8318,000 more than in the preceding year. Returns issued by the Company yesterday show September receipts at $240,000, which is $28,000 more than the collections in September 1939.
      49 words
    • 163 1 rE output of fine gold from Raub Australian Gold Mining Co., Ltd., for the four weeks ended Oct. 12, at 1,510 ounces, shows a sharp rise on the preceding four weeks’ figure of 1,148 ounces. It will be remembered that in announcing the output for
      163 words
    • 107 1 Singapore, Oct. 16. noon. Buyers Sellers Gambler 7.75 Hamburg Cube S13.00 Java Cube *12 50 Pepper White Muntok 11 'J 5 White JIJ-J} Black °-25 Covro Mixed $2.25 Sun Dried $2.50 inot Flour No 1 Lingga $3.55 £air $3.10 $3.10 Sarawak $2.90 leloionQ Palembang *J 3 ®J
      107 words
    • 15 1 Klee quoted per koyan —40 piculs Other commodities quoted per picul except where otherwise stated.
      15 words
    • 49 1 The following outputs of tin-ore refer f o September. Hours. Yardage. Piculs ore Pahang Con. Inch Tin (Lahat) 645 102.000 Ipoh Tin (Puchong).. 473 94.800 808 Sungci Kinta 638 150.700 366 Temoh Tin 030 103.000 jao Kinta Kellas 608 128.800 963 Rahman Hydraulic. Renong Tin 1609
      49 words
    • 148 1 COMMODITIES EXCHANGES (From Ou* Own Correspondent) London, Oct. 15. COMMODITY and Exchange markets closed v as follows with previous quotations In parenthesis RUBBER: Steady. Spot 1113|16d 11 15|16d (1113|16d 11 15|16d) Nov. ll%d 11 15|16d (ll%d 12d> Dec. ll%d 11 15|16d (ll%d 12d) Jan.-Mar. ll%d 11 15|16d (ll%d 12d) New
      148 words
    • 86 1 Wednesday. Oct. 16, noon. Bayers Seller» Prices ’View No. IX tf.S.S(Spot loose) 38% 38% No IX R.S.S '.0.0 in cases Oct.-Nov. (Sellers Option) 38% 38% G.F.A.O K.S.s f.o b in bales Oct.-Nov. (Sellers Option) 37% 37% F.A.Q R-S.S r.o.b. in bale* Oct.-Nov. (Sellers Option) 37%
      86 words
    • 113 1 (From Our Own correspondent) London, Oct. 14. The following are to-day’- “bid” quotations for Fixed Trusts:— s d. British Empire “A” not available British Empire ‘B” not available British Empire Cumulative not available British Empire C’prehensive not available British General “A" 14 British General “B" H 6xd British
      113 words
    • 17 1 In September, Kuala Reman Rubber harvested 208,000 lb. of rubber and Bruseh Rubber Estates harvested 43,000 lb.
      17 words
    • 328 1 —Exchange Telegraph London, Oct. .o. A SHARP rise in gilt-edged stocks was the chief feature on the Stock Exchange today. War Loan closed 13s. 9d. higher at £lO3 15s which Is the highest reached since the outbreak of war. Industrials and gold mining shares were quietly steady
      —Exchange Telegraph  -  328 words
    • 74 1 Mandai-tekong rubber estatES LTD., earned a net profit of $5,720 in the year ended July last. This compares with a loss of $216 in the preceding year. The directors recommend a dividend of IV2 per cent, which, if approved, will require $5,625. The only
      74 words
    • 23 1 r[E dredge of Sicne Tin Ltd worked for 607 hours in September: ’t treated 122.700 cubic yards and produced 505 pieuls of tin-ore.
      23 words
    • 64 1 n t Spot Ort. Nov.-Dec. Jan -Mar. Apl-June Ixindon Oct 10 37 37% 37% 35% 34% U 7 11 37% 37 37% 35% 34 1 11 13/16 12 38% 384 38 36 84 4 11 13/16 14 38% 38% 38% 36 34% 15 38% 38% 38%
      64 words
    • 1059 2 PROPOSING t he adoption of the report and accounts at the annual meeting of the Eastern United Assurance Corporation Ltd. on Oct. 11, Mr. Oug Soon Tee. the chairman said:— The year that has
      1,059 words
    • 111 2 THE following outputs of tin-ore for the third quarter of this year are reported from companies in the Osborne and Chappel group:— Piculs. Gopeng Consolidated 3.586 Tekka Limited 1,075 Rambutan Limited H 6 Kinta Tin Mines 1,563
      111 words
    • 72 2 COLONY rubber stocks at the end of September totalled 32,795 tons, a fall of 10,471 tons, compared with the end of August Of the above amount, stocks in the hands of dealers in Singapore at Sopt. 30, were 17,545 tons; in Penang, 3,437 tons:
      72 words
    • 81 2 MALAYA has exceeded her rubber export quota at the end of September by 22,501 tons. Figures issued by the Controller of Rubber this morning show September exports at 49,963 tons, compared with an estimate of 49,900 tons furnished earlier this month. The position at the end
      81 words
    • 362 2 IN a weekly report on the rubber market issued on Oct. 10, Lewis and Peat (Singapore) Ltd. write:— The war is by no means confined to continents and oceans, and this week attention is once more focused on the Far East anxiety
      362 words
    • 145 2 IN a weekly report on the rubber market issued on Oct. 10 .Guthrie and Co. Ltd. write:— In the local market there is a fair demand ’or nearbys. but very little interest has been shown in futures. London has remained quiet but steady, with .sellers
      145 words
    • 368 2 U. E.’ s PROFITS JUMP LARGE APPROPRIATION TO RESERVES SHAREHOLDERS TO GET 12½ PER CENT. A S was t 0 be expected a sharp riu in net profit for the year June last is disclosed in the and accounts of United Engin^ After making adequate provide tor depreciation and doubtful
      368 words
    • 141 2 THE Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association held its 1,507 th auction on Oct. 9 when there was catalogued 2.613.13* lbs, 1,167.48 tons; offered 2.424,162 1» 1,082.22 tons; sold 1.781.457 lbs. 795.29 tons SPOT London 11 New York 191“» ceniS PRICES REALIZED Ribbed Smoked
      141 words
    • 1157 3 Singapore, October 16, 10 a.m. BONING I al Buyers Sellers T ,MI»t Tin 3/« ;;'Sw«S?V. <►.•» o®* i< .ngrln Tin 1«/» l :vtu Selangor 1.47 1.51 U- rma Malay 20/- 21/n nderlang 12/- 13/-ed 41 -tim Chin <«> 0.1; 0.1» 5 p cjtam Tin 0.42
      1,157 words
    • 74 3 London, Oct. 14. EASTERN bankers ascribe the continued strength of the Shanghai dollar to a more hopeful interpretation ot China’s future. vith prospects t increasing British and American help Japan’s wisdom in avoiding war with the democracies is considered be 1 favourable augury. Although the Shanghai dollar par ket is
      74 words
    • 113 3 THE net premium revenue of the South British Insurance Company Ltd. in the year ended August last was £1,752,480 New Zealand currency. Other items in the accounts which were cabled to Singapore yesterday werereinsurance reserve fund, £956,000: underwriting profit, £183,985; income from
      113 words
    • 162 3 Reuter. London, Oct. 14. WHILE the London Office of the Yokohama Specie Bank io remaining open, most Japanese commercial banks are closing their London branches when their current business has been completed, although their representatives are remaining. As Japan’s premier exchange bank and the London
      Reuter.  -  162 words
    • 169 3 rpo meet expenditure for the apA pointment of Miss E. Nicoll Jones, who came to Malaya recently to advise Government on the problem of prostitution in Singapore, the Finance Committee has made a provision of Stf ,283. The Committee’s report was tabled in the
      169 words
    • 342 3 ADDRESSING shareholders at the annual meeting of Rothlemay Rubber Estates Ltd. in Kuala Lumpur on Saturday. Mr. J. Murray, the chairman. said:— The price realized for R.BJS. rubber sold with rights during the last financial year averaged 33.92 cents per pound
      342 words
    • 37 3 .—Reuter. New York. Oct. 11. EVERY pound of tin and rubber available In the Netherlands Indies Is being purchased by the United States Government for quick shipment, says the HeraldTribune’s Washington correspondent.—Reuter.
      .—Reuter.  -  37 words
    • 41 3 TTHE official price of tin in Singapore on Oct. 10 was $133.75 per picul of 133 l/3rd lb. on Oct. 11 $133.25; on Oct. 12 $133.25; on Oct. 14 $133; on Oct. 15 $132.75; on Oct. 16 $132.25.
      41 words
    • 43 3 Fthe third quarter of this year the dredge of Slcne Tin Ltd. produced 96 tons cf tin concentrates at a mine cost of £6,600. The estimated mine profit on the 96 tons of concentrates sold during the quarter was £7.100.
      43 words
    • 199 3 Issued by the Malayan Sharebrokers’ Association. Singapore, Oct. 15. Books Total tot Company Dividend Close Data Cx Die financial rear rtn Payable Data to data Chenderlang ip% final less tax 1 —15% Hongkong Tin 12 int. less tax Oct. 24 37%% Idris Hvd 2%% int. less
      199 words