The Straits Budget, 8 August 1940

Total Pages: 30
1 3 The Straits Budget
  • 31 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE STRAITS TIMES I ESTABLISHED NEARLY A CENTURY. 1 No. 4304. SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, AUGUST 8, 1940. Price 25 cts., (S.S. Currency) o r"d
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  • 960 1 Singapore, Wednesday. yHE War Fund total Is carried well beyond the three-and-a-quarter million dollars mark to-day. thanks largely to a further handsome donation from the Singapore Turf Club In June the Club gave $50,000; to-day, with the object of making Its contribution up to approximately £lO,OOO,
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  • 96 1 Some of the office-bearers of the special committee formed by the South Indian Chamber of Commerce, Singapore, to collect donations to Tht War Fund from South Indian merchants. Seated left to right: Mesm. B. Govindasamy Chettiar, Adam N. Haji Mohamed Ibrahim and O. Ramasamt/ Sadur.
    Straits f mes pictun.  -  96 words

  • 1095 1 I At M of becoming monoI \u propose to devote yet Loth r leading article to discussion jj inanuer in which this coun- lali;n a to grasp opportunities Laid the Empire’s war effort. We Lu urged repeatedly that some L-vey should be made of the
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  • 1218 1 Espionage is defined in the Concise Oxford Dictionary as the i practice of spying or using spies.” The extremely wide character ol that definition is of importance in considering the recent arrests ol British subjects in Japan. Most countries are inclined to change I their views as to what
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  • 1169 2 After a long delay, the new Government of Japan has issued Its promised statement “outlining basic national policies.” At the same time, the Prime Minister. Prince Konoye, and the Foreign Minister, Mr. Matsuoka, have said a few words on their own account. Specifically, there is nothing in the
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  • 1058 2 i Twenty-six years ago to-day, on Aug. 5. 1914, the main news page of the Straits Times carried a sing!* column headline in these words “War Declared Between Britain and Germany.” That heading covered the following seventeen-word official message “Information has been received in Singapore this morning
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  • 1050 3 Since the German invasion of Holland and the transference of Queen Wilhelmina’s Government to British soil, Netherlands India has been thrown largely on her own devices. Indeed, there is a growing tendency to make Batavia the centre of the Dutch economic and financial life. Already several
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  • 1116 3 There are many signs that res- ponsible people at. Home expect the long-threatened attempt to invade Great Britain to materialize in the near future. After a series of speeches in which Cabinet Ministers advised the public against being lulled into a false sense of security by the comparative
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  • 84 4 THE number of goats in the State of 1 Negri Sembilan in 1939 showed a large increase over the 1938 total—itself greater than the 1937 figure “Goat-rearing may have received a certain fillip as a result of the increased quantity now required in Singapore
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  • 211 4 EUROPEAN prison officers of Malaya arc* forming an association of their own which will have us one of its principal objects, the protection and promotion of their •'legitimate interests” *.n tl e'country. Draft objects of the Association have been submitted to Government
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  • 70 4 <From Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh, Aug. 6. A DONATION of $140,000 was made by Petaling Tin Ltd. to the F.M.S. War Fund to-day, bringing the Perak section to $4lB 309. This is the biggest donation, made by a mining concern so far. Other contributions received
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    • 134 4 de GRAAF.—At General Hospital, Singapore, on August 3 to Margaret, wife of C. de Graaf, a daughter, Patricia Ann. ALBRECHT.—To Louise, wife of E. A. Albrecht at the Maternity Hospital, Singapore, on August 4th, a son. ROWLAND.—To Veronica, wife of Flight Lieutenant I. T. B. Rowland, at Singapore on
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    • 118 4 LIM-HO.—The engagement is announced between Mr. Larry Lim, the second son of Mr. and Mrs. Lim Yong Koon of Singapore, Miss Molly Ho Poh Choo, the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. IIo Tah Swee and the niece of Mr. jhia Eng Say also of Singapore. The engagement is
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    • 17 4 McVILLY—LEES.—At St. Andrews Cathedral, Singapore. Joan Lees of Manly, N.S.W., to Brooke McVilly of Kuala Trengganu.
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  • 442 4 Leaders— More Ways To Help Espionage 1 Pipe Dreams 1 The Last Chance Future Of The Indies 2 Warming Up 3 Financial Supplement Financial and Commercial Npu* to date, following page t%s Malayan General News— 28 German Internees In N I Well-Treated Holiday Week-End A Success No More Malaria
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  • 43 4 M. R. DE LAGE. French ConsulGeneral at Batavia, passed through Singapore cn Tuesday on his way French Indo-China. “on a two week'pleasure trip.” He declined to speak on the poli f i situation in the Netherlands Indies.
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  • 75 4 DEATHS MINJOOT. —On 5th August. 1940, at the General Hospital, due to motor accident, Arthur Egerton. MERRELLS— FRANK (late of Powell Co passed away aged 58. W 2 N 2“ At 5 Temmengong Road, Mrs. C. P. S. Wong, dearly beloved wife of Mr C. P. S. Wong. TAY KIM
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  • 275 5 Bandoeng, Aug. 1. CONTRARY to German allegations that Nazis interned in i the Netherlands Indies have been ill-treated, the interness h ive expressed to a United Press of America correspondent i_ appreciation of the degree of freedom allowed them by
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  • 178 5 Singapore, Aug. 6. YESTERDAY saw the end of an August bank holiday week-end which has been favoured with brilliant weather and splendid sporting attract'ons. The holiday for Singapore was a particularly fine one for the entertainments provided. In spite of the blazing sunshine, hundreds spent their
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  • 95 5 f n Perak appreciate the classes view tn ,rn >J 0r youn long-term men with a application^ B their menta lity, and many as the end have had to be refused be fceDt the listing two classes must Ec litiK British r r^ Sonable hmifcs, states
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  • 59 5 Depot* Kuih lla r 1Cla 0 the Police s r, and t n t Umpur has an *ived in Police station t f ken u P duties at the Central Sin «?h, who ni n H ace °f Inspector Arjan tf afflc branch of\v, be< L n tran sferred to
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  • 119 5 r.E malaria epidemic at Mersing has been brought well under control, so that there has been no occurrence of fresh cases for the last two months. Extensive oiling and drainage work is proceeding at Mersing town and the district to prevent further outbreak of the
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  • 145 5 (From Our Own Correspondent) London, June 18. MR. J. van der Laan. who was for 25 years resident in Sumatra and retired to Amsterdam a few years ago, Is among the Dutch subjects who escaped from Holland when the Germans took possession of that country. Mr.
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  • 104 5 THE translation bureau attached to the Sultan Idris 1 raining College at Tanjong Malim now prepares or translates into Malay and sees through the press the necessary text-books for school work and a variety of novels and books of general interest. It is also responsible
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  • 222 5 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Johore Bahru, Aug. 5. THE Executive Council lias ap- proved the observance of the black-out at Johore Bahru on Sept. 2. 3 and 4 between 7 p.m. and midnight, in co-operation with Singapore. The prohibition will apply to all street
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  • 302 5 INDEPENDENT SCHOOLBOYS Own Standards Codes Created LIE had noticed Raffles boys assuming responsibility for their own unsupervised work, refusing to take advantage of loop-holes and deficiencies, and creating their own codes and their own standards, stated Mr. D. W. McLeod, former principal of Raffles Institution and now on leave prior
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  • 309 5 QOMMENTING on the report that the Government of India is considering the appointment of Trade Commissioners for Australia and South Africa, The Indian, of Penang, expresses the view that the need for an Indian Trade Commissioner in Malaya is more urgent. “Economically
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  • 144 5 THE Straits Times understands that the police on Sunday detained Mr. Ishiro Kobayashi, the manager of the Eastern News, a Japanese news agency in Singapore. Mr. Kobayashi was visited at his house by the Police early on Sunday. He came to
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  • 97 5 ARTHUR Mlnjoot, an elderly Brltisher while riding a bicycle, received fatal injuries on Sunday following a collision with a motor-car at the 13th mile, Changl Road. Minjoot, who was stated to have suffered a fracture of the base of the skull, died soon after admission Into the
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  • 244 6 A SPECIAL English class for Chinese school boys will be held in Singapore at Monk’s Hill School at the beginning of next year, the Straits Times understands. The class will consist of 35 boys, seven of whom
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  • 178 6 iOl 4 A MORE general use of electric fencing Is contemplated In the Sungkal game reserve in Perak, states the British Resident's annual report. An electrified fence was purchased and installed on the boundary of the reserve where the old game tracks cross towards
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  • 34 6 «From Our Own Correspondent) Johore Bahru, Aug. 5. yUNGKU MAHKOTA, the Regent of Johore, has recovered from an attack of gout. The Regent presided over a meeting of the Executive Council yesterday.
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  • 86 6 MRS. Enid Petrie died at the General Hospital. Singapore on Monday after a long illness which began nearly a year ago She was re-admitted to hospital on Tuesday last. The funeral took place at Bidadari Cemetery. Mrs. Petrie come to this country on a visit in
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  • 32 6 (Prom Our Own Correspondent) P<nang, Aug. 6. The death took place in Penang yesterday of Captain O. C. Retz of the Indian Medical Service. He leaves a widow.
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  • 358 6 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Joiiore Bahru, Aug. 4. “MANY thousands of persons ot 1 the same faith as myself have been prosecuted and imprisoned and many tortured in Germany, where a number have also been brutally murdered. None »»f these is bearing arms
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  • 184 6 (From Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh, Aug. 2. A DONATION of $20,000 has been made by Mr. C. Alma Baker, wellknown Perak planter and miner, to the F.M.S War Fund. The cheque was sent to the British Resident of Perak, Mr. Marcus Rex, who has forwarded
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  • 45 6 The Indian Army in Egypt have their own Military Police, who police the areas in which Inaian soldiers are stationed. They ore equipped with a number of motor cycles and lorries. The motor cycle squad is here seen lined up for inspection
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  • 535 6 'THE Pan-Malayan plan for a union of all the Malaysian countries in East Asia which was recently advocated by Francisco Varona, the Labour adviser to the Philippine commissioner In Washington, has been creating much interest among students of political science in Manila, it is reported.
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  • 314 6 I IFE in Hong Kong is decidedly on a wartime basis, the men spending a great deal of time on military duties and on the drill grounds, judging from the brief accounts given by the men who broadcast recently to
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  • 956 8 ALL persons in Johore who purchase rice will have to register their names with dealers from Aug. 15—as part of a scheme to enable the quantity of rice consumed per head of population in Malaya to he
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  • 100 8 MR. R. K. Auten, secretary to the Food Controller, Malaya, has left Singapore for Labuan where he will attend a conference between that Settlement and British North Borneo and Sarawak on problems of food supply and imports from Singapore. This Is another example of tne
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  • 105 8 (From Our Own Correspondent) Penang, Aug. 2. TTHE Penang Eurasian Association to-night agreed to create a fund whereby any Eurasian who enlists in the Anti-Aircraft Regiment or R.A.F. will, on demobilization at the end of the war, receive a maintenance allowance for six months, or until
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  • 109 8 A CIVIL suit in which a widow claimed about $12.000 from a firm in which uer husband had been a partner, was settled in the High Court last week before tne acting Chief Justice. Mr. Justice a'Beckett Tyrrell. The case had been partly heard and
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  • 28 8 Incho Abdullah bln Ahmad. Magistrate. Kluang, has been transferred to Kota Tlnggi. He Is a grandson of the late Dato Mohamed Shah who was State Commissioner, Batu Pahat.
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  • 1045 8 A TOTAL of $1,812,724.49 received up IA to last Wednesday Is recorded in the latest list of contributions to tne Malaya Patriotic Fund. Of this sum, i $1,772,149.10 was previously acknowledged. Master S Q. $5; Seremban Branch $4,800; Kelantan Branch $1,800; Anonymous I $10; Members of
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  • 205 8 DIG broadcasting developments i r Malaya, foreshadowed by \h<, purchase of the British Malav'Broadcasting Corporation by Gov ernment and the construction of powerful civil radio station at Jurong, are brought a step near by the appointment in London of Mr. Eric Davis,
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  • 202 8 (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, July 31. BEFORE an assembly of the whole school, Dr. M. A. Gabriel, on behali of the old boys of the Victoria Institution, Kuala Lumpur, presented to the cadet corps of the school a Bass Drum, this morning.
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  • 56 8 AGED 76 years, Mr. Alexander de Fon- taine a Government pensioner, died suddenly l*«t week al his son’s residence in Lorong 30. Geylang Road. Mr. de Fontaine, whose brother, Mr. P M. de Fontaine, retired recently from Raffles Museum after long service, was with the General
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  • 73 8 THE following are the latest donation 1 the Malaya Patriotic Fund (Pc a branch):— 14 Amount previously acknowledged $303.5Jo 1 labourers of Sungei Krudda Estate for and June $36.12; Anglo-Oriental 'Malay Ltd for June $207.50: Ande-son Sen' athletic fund $100; Kuala Kangsar P Ol iL
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  • 372 9 i Singapore, Aug. 3. ALTHOUGH the rice pool scheme in Singapore has n only been in operation two days, it has been found to be working satisfactorily. This, at best however, can only be considered
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  • 191 9 'From Our Own Correspondent) Penang, Aug. 2. XHE bare iuselage with twisted pieces u;h?,!h me I~ren:lains 1 ren:lains tlle from leather M n. Mlr in °B‘ e European e the Penang Free School. oil Rn?,. af^ r crashin Into the sea af. at Maung point
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  • 62 9 XAVIER— VICKERY WEDDING Singanorr Pollce ine dical officer o tlreti Postmaster?? l Ivlr E V Xavier, reMr.s. Xavirr Genera l of Kuala Lumpur of the marrled to Miss Flore hospital, bv thf« n ppv n JL staff of ihL Genera? Kamraon Ue at st Theresa A reception -I )r *K
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  • 196 9 MING Chinese were fined by the Singapore fifth magistrate, Mr. L. C. Goh, last week, when they pleaded guilty to committing offences in contravention of the Food Control Ordinance. Four ot them were Thuah Kiok Peng, proprietor of Chop Kim Seng, of
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  • 75 9 CM. HABECOST, a 72-year-old German-born naturalized British subject, was granted a discharge from bankruptcy in the Singapore High Court last week, by the acting Chief Justice, Mr. Justice a’Beckett Terrell The discharge was subject to a suspension of one month. Mr. G. H. Poh, Assistant Official
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  • 219 9 IT is officially announced that plans for the formation of a Local Defence Corps, arts teing rapidly developed in co-operation w?th the Kx-Services’ Association of Malaya. The Corps is primarily Intended tor nen over 41 years of age and others who,
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  • 133 9 (From Our Own Correspondent) London, Aug. 1. DROADCASTING in the home u service of the 8.8. C. last night, the Governor of the Straits Settlements. Sir Shenton Thomas, paid a tribute to the patriotism of Malaya’s population of 5,000,000, who had contributed to the Patriotic and
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  • 151 9 (From Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh, Aug. 1. application for exemption from continuous service as a conscientious objector was heard by tne Ferak Tribunal to-day, comprising Mr. Justice Howes and Mr. J. S. Ferguson. The applicant, Mr. R. B. Lauriston, of Osborne
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  • 89 9 TO mark the 25th year of his association 1 with Universal Pictures (Singapore) Ltd., Mr. K. H. Tann gave a dinner last week to him distributors and exhibitors and friends at his home in Devonshire Road. Tributes were paid both by film exhibitors and
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  • 22 9 The Chinese community in Singapore is shortly launching a campaign to raise $500,000 (Chinese currency) for the relief of distress in Kwangtung.
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  • 663 9 CIVIL suit brought by a married woman who claimed to be a beneficiary of the $1,000,000 estate of Wee Siang Tat, wa3 dismissed with costs by the acting Chief Justice, Mr. Justice a’Beckett Terrell, in the Singapore High Court last week.
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  • 622 10 AT a public flitting la*l wuvk the Singapore Tribunal dealt with four applications for exemption from continuous training during the second period lasting from Aug. 7 to 28. The Tribunal was constituted of only two members, the chairman Mr. J. C. Cobbett
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  • 118 10 GEVERAL thousands of dollars—probably more than s4,ooo—was realised by the Cathay Cabaret dance and cabaret in aid ot The War Fund last week. The hall v;as packed and money flowed freely for the worthy cause. Two competitions were organised. These realised quite a large
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  • 400 10 NEGLECTED TO NOTIFY HEALTH AUTHORITIES Japanese Doctor s Poor Diagnosis Of Case nR. KASUKE KATAGIRI, a Japanese medical practitioner L* of the Doh iin Hospital in Middle Road, was fined soo and costs when he was convicted in the Singapore criminal district court last week on a charge under the
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  • 132 10 AUSTRALIA SINGAPORE Naval Base As A Bastion Of Empire (COMMENTING jn the Singapore base, an Australian news-letter which is distributed to newspapers throughout the Empire states “The wisdom and foresight shown by successive British Governments m steadily pressing on, over a period of 15 years, with the construction of tne
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  • 29 10 'THE sum or $1,600 lor the Malaya 1 Patriotic Fund was raised by the Muar Civil Service Club Players* production of Hay Fever.’*
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  • 405 10 THERE was a large gathering in wet weather at the funeral of Mr. Merrells, managing director of Powell and Co., Ltd., at Bidadari last week. Mr. Murrells was 58 years of age and was taken ill suddenly. The Rev. R. K. S. Adams officiated. Besides
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  • 49 10 A further remittance of $10,000 (Straits currency bv the Negri Sembilan Chinese community, tor the China Relief Fund brings the total contributions sent from Negri Sembilan to $000,000 (Straits currency) and an additional sum of $700,000 in Chinese currency sent in the early daws of the hostilitiev in China
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  • 256 10 A MATTER oi great urgency and importance dealing with letters of administration has been brought to the attention of the Singapore Rate- Payers Association, and Government is being requested to make an immediate statement on the subject and tc introduce the necessary amending legislation to rectify
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  • 47 10 11/IRS. Still, wife of Mr. F. M. Stili 0 f ITI Johore. and daughters are returning to Malaya from England shortly Mrs. Still, who has been away for over a year, was for several years the headmistress of Ngee Heng English School Johore Bahru.
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  • 531 10 j CUETHER details of the recent bombing by Germans 0 f th* Channel Islands, in which 21) per sons were killed, are now available In Guernsey, it was in a radius of about a mile in every direction that the casualties were
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  • 200 10 THE reappointment for a year of Mr. H. H. Abdoolcader to be a Nominated Unofficial Member of the Legislative Council was announced m the Gazette last week. This is Mr. Abdoolcader’s fifth term m succession and c&nstitutes a record. He was first appointed to the Council towards
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  • 351 11 TO ascertain how many pineapple workers can be absorbed I hv rubber estates, a questionnaire is being circularised onl me mbers of the Johore Planters’ Association. anl A fter a discussion at a recent meeting, it was
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  • 75 11 A Htmg or the Tanjong Rambutan S’ Mental Hospital, in his annual rnort for Perak, the British Resident ates t .l at Dr. E. Goldberg was apAssistant Medical Superintend ent last year and began “shock” iierapy by intravenous T.A.B. vaccine, stair fK? *3? not sufficient
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  • 61 11 Fr m Our Own Correspondent) M R ni J u s ti c e Hodsongranted rick nSwim day Mr Albert Good--01 Ipoh d nn tv, a chartered accountant of his wito und of the adultery Lumnur i^l yrtle Martha at Kuala Robert C co-respondent,
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  • 117 11 r ff Mt of ol in?rras?i.f°Vi h rhlna ls having the food of tho phS« J? e cost of rice, staple situation a ?H}*"- Concern over the f n Chian* Kai hi a i ele ram sent to the Federation nf S
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  • 189 11 MOTOR STOCK PLANT SOLD Department Store’s New Venture SINGAPORE department store is the new owner of stock and plant of the Italian motor firm, Fiat Societa Anonima, in Singapore which was placed for tender by the Custodian of Enemy Property. The Ann is Aurora Limited, of High Street, which, it
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  • 129 11 (From Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh, Aug. 1. man-eating tiger which was re- ported to have killed several Sakais in the large settlement at the foot of the Lassa Hills near Sungei Siput, has been found dead in the jungle close to the settlement. The discovery
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  • 230 11 “I AM glad to see that the magis--1 trate had the courage to inflict a heavy sentence,” declared the acting Chief Justice, Mr. Justice A. K. a’Beckett Terrell, last week, in dismissing the appeal of a Chinese, Ong Cham Poh against a
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  • 44 11 THE biggest shipment of rice from French Indo-China to reach Singapore since the beginning of the war arrived recently The steamer also brought general cargo. Another big shipment of rice and bran 'rorr. Indo-China came in a second vessel
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  • 129 11 pHINESE in Malaya are being warned in a circular from the Chinese Consul-General of the activities of men whose movements are wrapped in secrecy and suspicion. Complaints were recently made to the Chinese Consulate-General that strangers had visited the premises of Chinese guilds and
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  • 62 11 These four Malay cadets of the Johore. Military Forces (left to right): Raja Ahmad, Tungku Jalil, Ibrahim bin Ahmad and Yahya bin Eusof left last week for Dehra Dun, India, to join the Military Academy, xohich re-opens on Aug. 9. Their course will extend for a
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  • 372 11 unanimously recommended by the Malayan Educational Conference held in Kuala Lumpur in August last year, broadcasting will not be introduced into English schools in Malaya for some time yet on account of existing circumstances arising out of the
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  • 92 11 AT a meeting of the war fund committee organized by the South Indian Chamber of Commerce, it was decided that the total collected should be distributed as follows: 60 per cent, to The War Fund, 25 per cent, to tne Patriotic Fund, 15 per cent, to
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  • 38 11 LAND at the Junction of Clemenceau Avenue and Orchard Road has been Klven by Government to the Singapore Olrl Ouidrs for thfir headquarters. A campaign has been launched for funds to erect a building.
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  • 389 12 f WAS walking home along Cecil Street, at about 9.15 p.rn. on June 11, when suddenly I heard a pistol shot. I turned round, and saw lun Tiau Peng holding a revolver in his right hand. He fired
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  • 106 12 (From Our Own Correspondent) London, June 20. MALAYANS associated with rubber production will be pleased to hear that the commodity is likely to be used in extensive quantities for the manufacture of a new light armour for aeroplanes. According to a New York message, the United
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  • 87 12 <From Our Own Correspondent) London, June 11. SINCE the outbreak of war, as many Straits Times readers will be aware, all Malayan tea exports to the United Kingdom have been taken over, on arrival in this country by the Ministry of Food, at prices
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  • 131 12 Arrangements ar e being made for a black-out covering three nights j n Singapore and Johore, during which the passive defence forces will once again be thoroughly tested. The dates fixed for the practice arc Sept. 2 3 and 4, and it is understood that
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  • 121 12 QFFElffe have been made to six candidates in Singapore and Malacca for appointment to Ihe newly-created Straits Settlements Legal Service, which came into operation last week, the Straits Times understands. Three have accepted, and replies are awaited from the others. The acceptances have come from Mr.
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  • 193 12 IT is officially announced in Singapore that applications i or remittances t. Canada for the education of children or tor the support of families will only be considered if the children were already at school in Canada cr the families were permanently resident in Canada hoiore the
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  • 277 12 “VOU must not go spreading such stories; you w ;i] 1 be severely punished,” said Mr. J. McFall, Singanoiv criminal district judge, last week, when he sentenced Chhoa Jin Gi, a Hokkien professional story-teller and news-reader, to eight months’
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  • 281 12 I ETTERS and postcards may be sent “to prisoners of war interned in enemy or neutral countries, subject to certain restrictions and free of postal charges. No attempt, however, should be made to communicate with prisoners of war through intermediaries in neutral countries. A letter forwarded
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  • 44 12 MO arrangements have been made by !r Association of British Malaya for a don dinner or annual golf meeting this vea* nor has it been considered advisable to fix a date for the Association’s annual meeting writes our London correspondent.
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  • 355 12 AN average of three letters a day n are posted from Singapore through the authorised channel for communication with persons in enemy and enemy-occupied countries. Prior to the invasion of Holland, official arrangements existed whereby letters could be forwarded through Thomas
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  • 166 12 (Prom Our Own Correspondent London, June 20. QUESTIONS concerning a firm In which Sir V Alexander Gibb, who helped to build tho Singapore Naval Base, is senior partner, were asked in the House of Commons last night Mr. A. R. Stokes. (Lab., Ipswich), asked
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  • 42 12 Miss Elspeth Murray, second daughter or Group Captain C. G. Murray and Mrs Murray, of Singapore. Is to marry Mr. Nigel Keith Evans, the Manchester Regiment younger son of the late Brigadier-Generai W. K. Evans and Mrs. Evans, writes our London correspondent.
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  • Planting Topics
  • 296 15 INCREASED volunteering duties consequent upon his becoming the Officer Commanding the Chinese Company of the Singapore Volunteers led to his decision to vacate his seat on the Municipal Commission, Mr. Yap Pheng Geek told the Straits Times in an interview. “I feel I cannot
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 112 15 r rf CRISPBREAD 1« •71' a ffigas i** Monufocmred »*dirt/rtff br >** ,v ***Lv' www»» PEEK, FREAN C° L TO ‘•ltCUir»-. MANUf ACTUKEftt LONDON -X ENGLAND A FEW FACTS CONCERNING VITA-WEAT 1. Vlta-Weat is made rrom the Whole Wheat Grain and no part of it is removed it is rich
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  • 429 16 Singapore, Aug. 1. ‘TONGKANGS carrying rice in Singapore waters will hoist a special Hag as Irom to-day. This is required ly the regulations issued in connection witli the pooling ot rice under a scheme to turn over Government's hig stock of the
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  • 142 16 (From Our Own Correspondent) London, July 31. HUGH DALTON, the Minister for Economic Warfare, discussed with me to-day the arrangements which his ministry is making to ensure that Germany and Italy do not secure any of Malaya’s two ital war commodities, tin and rubber. lie
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  • 35 16 A view of the $1,000,000 five-storey third class hospital at Johore Bahru, rapidly nearing completion. The Government has recently approved a further $23,000 for the construction of approach roads and turfing etc.
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  • 268 16 HOW MALAYA S DOLLAR ARSENAL IS WORKING Favourable Balance Of Trade With America MALAYA’S favourable trade balance with the United States during the first six months of the year amounted to well over U.S. $650,000 a day—another indication of the country’s importance as the Empire’s chief dollar arsenal. Total exports
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  • 128 16 OINCE the outbreak of war, troops Ik» vp been mov?d t' and from all nans of the Empire including India Ceylon Singapore Hong Kong and Egypt. In all these troop movements, not a ship has been sunk or a single life lost, it is learned in
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  • 36 16 The engagement was announced last week of 2nd. Lt., R. c. Manning, eldest son of Mr twIL R J Manning, and Miss Margaret Tunmer of Hlgham Hail. Colchester, cables our London correspondent.
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  • 302 16 TTHE war that will be fought behind the front will be a war between the past and the future. In that war. there will not be a No-niaiTs-Land,” declared Mr. J. L. 1 L’Epagniol in an address on “We Warriors Behind
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  • 56 16 P. E. Weatherston Lammert. manager L he^ Sui L,fe Assurance of Canada, in Bangkok, has been appointed to act as branch manager of the firm at Mngapore In succession to the late Mr. W. Alan ESey. f jftmmer L bas been a popular figure in
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  • 311 16 (From Our Own Correspondent) Segamat, .July 30. IN spite of the the high cost oi materials due to the war, there has been little interruption ot Sega mat's building programme and new buildings have sprung up. while some are yet under construction. Government’s
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  • 267 16 'J'HE first rep' rt of a war-time department, that controlling all essential engineering stores. ha> just betn issued. Tt is stated that liaison meetings between representatives of the Services and other Defence departments were held at the beginning of control, and it was
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  • 201 17 .—Reuter. New York, July 31. PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT has issued an order prohibiting the exoort of aviation petrol to points outside the Western Hemisphere. The President acted under powers conferred by the ex- port licence system. It is
    .—Reuter.  -  201 words
  • 152 17 —Reuter. Istanbul, July 31. GERMAN efforts to influence Turkey have taken a new line since the brusque rejection of foreign interference by Dr. Reflk Saydam. the Turkish Prime Minister, in a speech to the National Assembly on July 12, and the
    —Reuter.  -  152 words
  • 97 17 rrur London, July 31. ihh first member of the British civil defence forces to be honoured for wor* during an air raid is an 18- > nr-okl air raid warden, Mr Donald e s. o! Kent. n*!? s been awarded the medal of division
    97 words
  • 68 17 Reuter inciTp.tT, London, July 31. /r JS to-day called up all men U'r- Hp-f' 22< 2 3 and 24, for service in c tonce forces. i*ui.sorv C ’“ni 1 Australia will be comAucust ‘Q d training will start in airectcd i n Soi 2S, 4
    Reuter  -  68 words
  • 180 17 .—Reuter. London, July 31. A CURIOUS sidelight is thrown on the Japanese action in arresting 13 Britons on charges of espionage by the disclosure in London of German activities in Japan, Reuter's diplomatic correspondent learns. At the time of the conclusion of the
    .—Reuter.  -  180 words
  • 90 17 —Reuter. London, July 31. PROFESSOR Arthur Newall, the American political observer, speaking at a luncheon in London, said that Americans are volunteering for the R.A.F. in numbers that would amaze this country. “Prospective recruits are now being advised not to apply for details of service to
    —Reuter.  -  90 words
  • 162 17 .—Reuter. London. July 31 THE Polish Foreign Minister, M. Zileskl announced last night that orders had been given for the Poiish embassy and consulates in Britain to return to the territory of unoccupied France. He revealed this in a statement on foreign policy in the foreign affairs
    .—Reuter.  -  162 words
  • 144 17 Reuter. New York, July 30. GREAT movement of German troops towards the French Channel coast was witnessed by a party of war correspondents, who had just completed a ten-day tour of German-occupied France, according to Mr. Edwin Hartridge, representative of the Columbia Broadcasting
    Reuter.  -  144 words
  • 427 17 London, July 31. THE tragedy of a great colonial army torn between loyalty 1 to its own Government and to its old Ally is being acted in Syria, telegraphs Reuter’s special correspondent on the Palestine-Syria frontier. Rumours of
    427 words
  • 52 17 —Reuter. London, July 31. THE Queen spent two hours visiting wounded French sailors, soldiers and cirmen convalescing in London. A French guard of honour, in British battle dress and steel helmets, was iormed foi her and she talked to a number cl the wounded men during
    —Reuter.  -  52 words
  • 343 17 .—Reuter. London, July 30. '|*HE award of the first two 1 Victoria Crosses to the British Army in the present war have been made to Capt. H. M. Ervine-Andrews, of the East Lancashire Regiment, and the late Lance-Corporal H. Nicholls
    .—Reuter.  -  343 words

  • 721 18 London, July 31. A STATEMENT on the arrest of British subjects in Japan was made by the Foreign Secretary, Lord Halifax, in the House of Lords yesterday. Referring to the Japanese Government’s statement
    721 words
  • 108 18 Tokio, July 30. death of Mr. Melville Cox has served as a signal for an outburst in the Japanese Press against what is described as “organized British propaganda ana conspiracy” in Japan. The Nichi Nichi Shimbun declares that British propaganda and activities “for fostering fifth columnists” has
    108 words
  • 96 18 ’—Reuter. New York, July 30 THE sale to Britain of at least 60 of the United States’ 162 overage destroyers is urged by the Committee to Defend America in a sixcolumn advertisement which appears in the leading American newspapers, headed “Between us and
    ’—Reuter.  -  96 words
  • 279 18 .—British Wireless. London, July 29. LOCALITIES in Britain which have had enemy air raids are still quite a small pari of the whole country, but in the regions most frequently mentioned in Air Ministry and Ministry of I Home
    .—British Wireless.  -  279 words
  • 99 18 Reuter. London, July 28. THE Regional Commissioner for the eastern region of Britain announces that curfew will be imposed from an hour after sunset to an hour before sunrise on the coastal fringe of the eastern defence area from the Wash to Southend-on-Sea
    Reuter.  -  99 words
  • 76 18 t RESPITE all the stocks which Hitler scteed^as' 1 result of’ his e .wv ill is kn °w n Germany is short of ferrous alloys and that her £r s as‘?;r to supp Hes pf rate A a S nd e^f r a'V
    76 words
  • 322 18 i.—Reuter. London, July 30 THE Air Ministry announces that A air force bombers again at tacked military objectives in nor' them and western Germany nn Sunday night. y on The targets included oil depots docks and goods yards and also n aerodromes
    i.—Reuter.  -  322 words
  • 75 18 —Reuter. Bucharest, July 30. A NNOUNCEMENT of the formal protest by Britain against measures taken by the Rumanian Government prejudicial to British interests in Rumania has shaken Rumanian political circles out of their complacency and in Rumanian commercial circles there is considerable alarm at the
    —Reuter.  -  75 words
  • 72 18 .—Reuter. New York, July 29. A BRITISH liner has arrived here with 272 British children and their parents aboard. Hundreds more children are reported to be in another liner which docked at a Canadian port early this morning A third liner carrying still more children
    .—Reuter.  -  72 words
  • 49 18 —Reuter. Buenos Aires, Aug 2. A FORMER officer of the scuttled German “pocket-battleship” Graf Spee, named GottlofT, has been arrested. He had escaped from internment and -aS hiding in the Chaco. Military maps and photographs of Argentine oilfields were found in his possession Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  49 words

  • 438 19 .—Reuter. London, July 31. “THE effect of the French defeat was to lead everybody to 1 expect that the Blitzkrieg method would at once be turned on Britain,” writes the New York
    .—Reuter.  -  438 words
  • 111 19 ,—Reuter. Pretoria. July 30. IV*!- 3e n disposed that the strong ?T 11 South African troops whose 111 East Africa was announced mn"ni Ulg i is tlie advance guard of a .w.,. la r 3cr South African army T ‘I Wl l 3o to
    ,—Reuter.  -  111 words
  • 55 19 Reuter. La o-p x London, July 31. ni Bht’s London Gazette antiu, »e the award of the DisCumnv!,/? Sorvice Order to Wingu\n ir( .j‘ u r Earl of Bandon and Distinguished Flying i Distinguished Flying Medals r un JL 6 m ers and men of the R.A.F..
    Reuter.  -  55 words
  • 123 19 London, July 31. GEN. de Gaulle, Commander-in-Chief of the French forces in Britain, speaking in the 8.8. C. French service last night, said that one of the first results of the armistice terms accepted by the Petain Government would be disaffection and probably revolt of the
    123 words
  • 216 19 Reuter. London. Aug. 1. AN Admiralty communique states, “The Commander-in-Chief in the Mediterranean has reported that the Greek tanker Hermione, under charter to the Italian Government and carrying 300 tons of petrol and 200 tons of lubricating oil
    Reuter.  -  216 words
  • 41 19 —Reuter. London, Aug. 1. AN Admiralty communique states that the destroyer Delight (Commander M. Fogg-Elliott, D.S.O. was damaged as a result of an enemy air attack and subsequently sank. The loss of life was small.— Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  41 words
  • 162 19 Reuter’s Reply To German Italian Allegations —Reuter. F London, Aug. 1. OK a long time past, the German and Italian wireless services have repeatedly made attacks upon Reuters. Reuters have ignored these feeling confident that these attacks would answer themselves by their sheer inherent absurdity and extravagance. But, lest silence
    '.—Reuter.  -  162 words
  • 385 19 MUNITIONS PRODUCTION EAST OF SUEZ Dominions Colonies To Confer Reuter. London, July 31 IT was not only to Canada that Britain was looking for 1 additions to her own capacity to produce munitions, said Lord Caldecote, Dominions Secretary, speaking in the House of Lords. “The expansion of our resources east
    Reuter.  -  385 words
  • 91 19 Reuter New York, Aug. 1. TTIE German freighter Wesser <V> I which has been anchored at Punta Arenas since the outbreak of war, is preparing to depart as an armed raider, according to a dispatch to the New York Times from San Jose, Costa Rica.
    Reuter  -  91 words
  • 61 19 —Reuter. Ankara, July 31. THREE ill NUKED people were killed and several hundred others injured in violent earthquakes in the central plateau of Anatolia to-day. Twelve villages were destroyed. The epicentre of the earthquake was Yosgad, but shocks were also felt in Ankara, Istanbul,
    —Reuter.  -  61 words
  • 138 19 Reuter. Washington, Julv 31. WHILE the ban which the United States Government to-day; placed on the export of aviation petrol applies to all nations except those in the Western Hemisphere, it will mainly ha\e the effect of preventing supplies from reaching
    Reuter.  -  138 words
  • 54 19 —Reuter. London. Aug. 1. IT IS announced that Australia will adopt the same method as Great Britain In col»* lecting Income-tax. 'lax will be deducted from Income at the source and this applies to all wage and saiaiy earners. The {Kjssibility of payment by
    —Reuter.  -  54 words

  • 383 20 Tokio, Aug. 2. THE immediate aim of Japan’s foreign policy was to 1 set up a greater East Asian sphere of common prosperity with Japan, Manchukuo and hina as links, said the Japanese Foreign Minister. Mr. Y. Matsuoka, in
    383 words
  • 59 20 AUSTRALIA DEFENCE OF NEW GUINEA Canberra, Aug. l. /THE mandated territory of New Guinea has I been Incorporated Into the Australian defence system by a regulation issued under uic Defence Act, which names Papua, and New Guinea as constituting the eighth Australian military district. Under the mandate, Australia is empowered
    59 words
  • 56 20 —Reuter. New York, Aug. 1. rpHE American export lines anA nounce that the Duke and Duchess of Windsor have sailed from Lisbon in the American liner Excalibur. They are due in New York on Aug. 9. They are on their way to the Bahamas of which
    —Reuter.  -  56 words
  • 200 20 miration and gratitude.”—Reuter and British Wireless. London, Aug. 1. CARDINAL Hinsley speaking at an augural meeting of the movement “Sword of the Spirit.” designed to develop Catholic spiritual activities in “this fight for truth, Justice and freedom” uttered a warning that the
    miration and gratitude.”—Reuter and British Wireless.  -  200 words
  • 107 20 i.—Reuter. London, Aug. 1. /\FFICIAL figures of British and Italian losses in the fighting in Libya were given to-day. The Italians have lost 20 men killed, 20 wounded and no fewer than 472 prisoners: a total of 512. The British forces have lost 20 men
    i.—Reuter.  -  107 words
  • 65 20 —Reuter. vrr* to London, Aug. i. IT IS announced Major-Gen. G. A. D. Harvey, formerly deputy director of the Medical Services. Western Command, in India, is a prisoner of war. Major-Oen Harvey was appointed honorary physician to the King in 1937 and retired six months
    —Reuter.  -  65 words
  • 23 20 An enemy plane with an engine and wing on fire, crashing after an encounter with a British fighter.
    23 words
  • 321 20 —British Wireless. London, July 30. to authoritative quarters, there is every reason to believe that the British Admiralty have already found an answer to German motor torpedoboats, which, mostly at night, have been raiding British convoys. These boats have
    —British Wireless.  -  321 words
  • 256 20 VAST SUM FOR U.S. FORCES ‘2-Ocean Navy Huge Army —Reuter. Washington, j u v g. T HE House of Representatives to-day passed without a divi sion the bill appropriating aourovi mately $5,000,000,000 for a two* ocean navy and equipping an arrm of 2,000,000 men. The decision follows the approval of
    —Reuter.  -  256 words
  • 127 20 .—British Wireless. London, Aug, 2. INCLUDED in the £52,000 which has 1 been contributed in Fiji to a bomber fund are contributions from employees of the Theodore mining group. At meetings held by mining employees it was agreed that European employees would contribute
    .—British Wireless.  -  127 words
  • 129 20 —Reuter. London, Aug- 2. A SMALL British vessel, the Highlander, to-day steamed into a Scottish harbour with the wreckage of a German plane she had shot down in the North Sea lying across her stern. She was attacked by two German planes and made
    —Reuter.  -  129 words

  • 351 21 UNREST IN BALKAN STATES STEADILY GROWING Movement In Rumania To Turn A way From Reich To The Soviet .—Reuter. London, Aug. 3. THL continual postponement of the German offensive against Britain has provoked the realization in the Balkans that the war is likely to be much longer than was ever
    .—Reuter.  -  351 words
  • 65 21 Reuter A rmn London, Aug. 3. ACCORDING to the Moscow wireless, 1 the Soviet Parliament yesterday P a s**d a bill torming the Moldavian Federal Soviet Republic, consisting of he former Moldavian autonomous republic and the greater part of Sovietoccupied Bessarabia The Bessarabian districts of Khotin.
    Reuter  -  65 words
  • 75 21 .—Reuter. QANADA is spending $185,000,000 this year on the war. This works out at the rate of $535,000 a day. hniil 0 r wa Y In which Canada is t!wu s by sending Britain food, hm 12 months. Britain is to 1000 00.000 bushels
    .—Reuter.  -  75 words
  • 73 21 —Reuter. THE TTflvoe Vichy, Aug. 1. tf as agency announces that all postal. t! n with'nf lic and te lephonic communicaP r avisiomnv f CC u« p J ed zone ln France has been The S, *22 dden from yesterday. Gf, iman anth«l.u d i 0
    —Reuter.  -  73 words
  • 166 21 London, Aug. 1. AN engagement has taken place in the South Atlantic between the armed merchant cruiser H.M.S. j Alcantara and a German raider. The raider escaped destruction, but is known to have sustained damage affecting her fighting efficiency. The search for the
    166 words
  • 300 21 —Reuter. London, Aug. 2. IT is learned in London that the fighting power of H.M.S. Alcantara, the armed merchant cruiser, has not been in any way impaired by her clash with the German raider in the South Atlantic. She had scored several hits on the
    —Reuter.  -  300 words
  • 85 21 ,—Reuter. London, Aug. 1. the month ot July at least 240 German aircraft were shot down by the R.A.F. and by the ground defences. This must have involved the loss to the enemy of at least GOO officers and men killed or taken
    ,—Reuter.  -  85 words
  • 297 21 —Reuter. London, July 29. TRAFFIC through the Suez Canal, which virtually came to a 1 standstill after Italy’s entry into the war, has now considerably increased, reports Reuter’s special correspondent at Suez. Suez,
    .—Reuter.  -  297 words
  • 75 21 London, Aug. 2. bankers from Rottischild were reported by the German radio from Vichy to have been included in an order depriving certain French citizens of their nationality. Others reported to be included in the order are the well-known Journalists Pertinax and Madame Tabouis Persons affected by
    75 words
  • 164 21 i.—Reuter. London, July 30. with the position of the British forces in the Middle East, the picture of the enemy armies in Abyssinia is dismal, cables Reuter special correspondent at Suez. Abyssinia, entirely cut off from supplies and war material, has been
    i.—Reuter.  -  164 words
  • 93 21 Reuter. Dublin, Aug. 3. STATEMENT issued by the Eireann Government Information Bureau on behalf of the Department of External Alfairs discloses that the Irish registered steamer Kerry Head (825 tons) was attacked on Thursday by a German bomber near the entrance to Oyster Haven, in the
    Reuter.  -  93 words
  • 68 21 58 Women Children Killed In Nazi Raids —Renter London. Aug. 2 THE Home Secretary, Sir John Anderson, yesterday gave further figures of civilian casualties for the month since the beginning of air raids on England on June 18, first issued on July 20. Of Vie civilians kiPed. 42 were women
    —Renter  -  68 words

  • 1394 22 London, Aug. 2. “IT is probable that we are now on the eve of a new stage in the intensification of the war between Germany and Italy on one side and Britain assisted by the United States on
    ,—Reuter.  -  1,394 words
  • 118 22 .—Reuter. Washington, Aug. 2. REACTION to the first reports of M Molotov’s speech is that his remark regarding Russia’s frontiers being advanced to the Danube constitute a challenge to German and Italian ambitions in the Balkans. His statement regarding
    .—Reuter.  -  118 words
  • 178 22 London. An,, A CORRESPONDENT of the Vsn dated Pl- ess. who had bfr allowed to travel through inch trial Germany, has written an account of some of the things h* saw. ne A town on the edge of the industrial Ruhr
    178 words
  • 182 22 .—Reuter. London. Aug l. ANE effect of the German occuv pation of Holland is that the diamond cutting and polishing industry, which for many years has been the monopoly of Amsterdam and Antwerp, has now for the first time
    .—Reuter.  -  182 words
  • 69 22 New Chinese Rate Fixed ’’—Reuter. Chungking. Aug. 1FE Ministry of Finance officially announced to-day: “The official dollar-sterling rate has been changed to4 4,2 d. 2 d. as from to-day. “Rates of other foreign currencie. will be fixed according to their respective market rates with sterling comparison with the new dollar-ste
    ’’—Reuter.  -  69 words
  • 65 22 .—British Wirele" London, Aug. 1AMONGST the wide variety of targe. attacked by R.A.F. medium ers on Tuesday over a wide area northern France and Holland were railway wagons packed closely gether on parallel sidings. One raioe unloaded bombs on the wagons n as the
    .—British Wirele"  -  65 words

  • 328 23 Home Guards Have Important Roles TACTICS FOR COPING WITH AIR, SEA LAND ATTACKS —Reuter. London, Aug. 3. DEFENCES in the Eastern and Northern Com- mands in Great Britain have been tremendously strengthened in the past few weeks, according t 0 correspondents, who have just visited these vital sectors, reports Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  328 words
  • 131 23 —Reuter London, Aug. 3. IT is officially announced that the Prime Minister, Mr. Winston Churchill, has invited Lord Beaverbrook, Minister of Aircraft Production, to be a member of the War Cabinet. For the time bring Lord Beaverbrook will continue to be Minister of
    —Reuter  -  131 words
  • 452 23 —Reuter. London, Aug. 3. ARMED industrial workers of North England, enrolled in the Home Guard and training side by side with the regular army, are ready to give Great Britain’s answer to Hitler s ‘‘last appeal to reason,” of which southern
    —Reuter.  -  452 words
  • 301 23 “Imperialist Appetites Whetted In Japan U.S.” MOSCOW’S RELATIONS WITH TOKIO AND CHUNGKING OUTLINED Reuter. Moscow, Aug. 2. THE question of distribution of colonies is becoming more and more acute, said M. Molotov, Soviet Prime Minister and Foreign Minister, in a speech before the Soviet Parliament yesterday. Imperialist appetites have been
    Reuter.  -  301 words
  • 96 23 —Reuter. London, July 31. r[E British Navy have no intention of saying how many Italian or German submarines have been captured, sunk or damaged. Mr. A. V. Alexander, First Lord of the Admiralty, said in the House of Commons this afternoon that
    —Reuter.  -  96 words
  • 103 23 Reuter. London, Aug. 1. A WHITE PAPER issued last night describes the procedure under which German and Austrian internees may apply for release. The White Paper gives a list of 18 categories under which exemptions from internment are possible. These
    Reuter.  -  103 words
  • 23 23 —Reuter. IT is officially announced that the output of Bren guns during July bad “virtually doubled.”—Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  23 words
  • 246 23 Britain Tokio’s Interest In N.I. “Route Shall Be Kept Open At All Costs” “T'HE reference made by Mr. MatA suoka, the Japanese Foreign Minister, to the Netherlands Indies as being included in the region In which Japan seeks stability, seems significant, remembering that only a few days ago the United
    246 words
  • 114 23 Reuter. London, Aug. 1. IT is reported that the Government of Argentina has published a decree authorising the immigration into Argentina of a number of children from the United Kingdom. This action is very much appreciated in London where it is regarded as a very generous
    Reuter.  -  114 words
  • 83 23 —Reuter. London. Aug. 1. CZECH soldiers in camp in Britain have been fitted out in British khaki and are anxious for another chance to get at the enemy. Recruits are still being taken and it is expected men will join from Canada and the
    —Reuter.  -  83 words

  • 488 24 THE Becond division of the Canadian Expeditionary Force has arrived in Great Britain. These men, among whom are many French-Canadian and American citizens who have
    488 words
  • 98 24 —Reuter. London, Aug. 2. COMMENTING on the arrival of South African troops in Kenya, The Times says their arrival is at a timely moment when Kenya needs strong defenders. The Times recalls that the fathers of these troops fought gallantly in East Africa during
    —Reuter.  -  98 words
  • 224 24 Reuter. London. Aug. 4. REFERRING to the arrests of Britons in Japan, the Sunday Times diplomatic correspondent says that it is thought in London that Japan, which is strongly influenced by numerous German agents, is now trying to
    Reuter.  -  224 words
  • 31 24 .—Reuter. Washington, Aug. 4. T*HE Japanese Government has lodg- ed a formal objection to the United States embargo on the export of aviation spirit.—Reuter.
    .—Reuter.  -  31 words
  • 44 24 .—Reuter. Johannesburg, Aug. 1. IT IS now revealed that the commander of the South African Field Force in East Africa is Brigadier D. H. Pienaar, who had wide experience of fighting In East Africa In the last war.—Reuter.
    .—Reuter.  -  44 words
  • 49 24 .—Reuter. London, Aug. 5. IT was learned in London early to-day that deportation orders have been issued against Tal&yuki Eguchi, an employee of the Bank of Formosa, and Mrs. Milley Yoshii, the German-born wife of a Japanese painter. They were both arrested under the Defence Regulations.—Reuter.
    .—Reuter.  -  49 words
  • 112 24 s.—Reuter. London, Aug. 3. “I CONSIDER the act of the men of Vichy as void," said Gen. de Gaulle, Commander-in-Chief of the French forces in Britain, in an interview last night with regard to the “death sentence" passed on him by the Petain Government.
    s.—Reuter.  -  112 words
  • 90 24 —Reuter. London, Aug. 5. Admiralty has issued a- list of 24 officers and 333 ratings as casualties in the destroyers Ardent. Acasta and Wren, the loss of which has already been announced. Ardent’s casualties are: Officers ten missing; rating one killed
    .—Reuter.  -  90 words
  • 232 24 Naz i War Machine Gets Terrific Hammering Reuter. London, Aug. 4. REUTER’S special correspondent, writing from a Northern Command headquarters, describes visits to a night bomber station whose crjws have earned the title of Night Terror” of Germany. He says that reports from the crews to intelligence show that the
    Reuter.  -  232 words
  • 66 24 r —Reuter. London, Aug 4 AN invitation to all freemason unde/ its jurisdiction ha™ hi?* issued by the United Grand lXh? of England to send in their mason? jewels, the proeeeds of whil?, be presented to the Treasury. .Individual owners will rec P iv. certificates
    r.—Reuter.  -  66 words
  • 33 24 —Reuter. IT is announced In Wellington that virtual moratorium has been imposed in New Zealand for the duration of P 1 4 war by new regulations to give protection to mortgagors and debtors.
    —Reuter.  -  33 words
  • 426 24 —Reuter. London, Aug. 4 COME Idea of the big task which the British forces are facing in the Middle East was given to-day by Richard Dimbleby, a 8.8. C. observer. British and Sudanese forces In the Sudan are up against
    —Reuter.  -  426 words
  • 21 24 Reuter. THE first party of British airmen, numbering 22, has arrived in Canada for training under the Commonwealth air training plan
    Reuter.  -  21 words
  • 53 24 Reuter. Berlin, Aug. 2. THE Nazi Press gives a sharp 1 warning to Rumanians who oppose concessions to Hungary over Transylvania. The Boersen Zeitung says that sabre rattling can only lead to disappointment. What is left undone to-day becomes no easier to-mor-row and there is
    Reuter.  -  53 words

  • 155 25 RFSri IS ot the finals in the Malavan Tennis Championships were as follows: MEN’S SINGLES Kho Sin Kie beat Chin Kee Onn G —3, G—l- SINGLES Mrs. R. R- C. Carter beat Miss Nellie Chia 6—l, 6—o. MEN’S DOUBLES t; I*. Hughes and R. F. Smith heat
    155 words
  • 292 25 FOR the second year in succession the Pahang “A” team won the Spocner Cup polo tournament held under the auspices oi the Malayan Polo Association. In the final played at the polo ground in Balestier Road on Monday. Pahang “A” team defeated
    292 words
  • 101 25 •from Our Own Correspondent) itata d Malacca, Aug. 1. iVIAJOR and Mrs. W. H. Jackson were of tho' vi nners of the July mixed foursomes of 351 Ialacca Golf Club with the net score Results were: MiwHiliS? Mr W H Jackson Mrs s b w?i?. d T> McKin
    101 words
  • 1076 25 WHEN the Malayan tennis tournament, which has been played over the week-end on the S.C.C. courts came to a successful end on Sunday, Malaya saluted a whole array of new champions, at the
    1,076 words
  • 155 25 fIE annual general meeting oi the Lawn Tennis Association of Malaya was held on Sunday at the S.C.C. The following officers were elected for the year: President, Mr. Tay Lian Teck: vicepresidents, the president of each State and Settlement Association affiliated to the Lawn Tennis
    155 words
  • 94 25 Saturday s Results THE following were the results of 1 races in Penang on Saturday, Aug. 3: Race I—Faith $32, $l2 Ladolet $l9 East Lynne $2O Race 2—Rye Seamus, $l5, $8 Pay Out $ll Velocity $7 Race 3—Miss Rod $96, $2O Rosalie $lO l'hariol $l2 Race 4—Beacon $36. $7 Haimure
    94 words
  • 89 25 THE following were the results of Monday's races Race I—Char $5B $l7 East Lynne $8 Phar Par $9 Race 2—Phariol $2l, $8 Rosalie $8 Fernlet $8 Race 3—Sir Patrick $llB. 532 Codellus $l9 Queen Rebn $3l Race 4—Hazmore $lO, $7 Double File $24 Velocity $l2 Race s—Yule Call
    89 words
  • 44 25 —Reuter. London. Aug. 1. PILOT Officer Brian Henry Black, the former Rugby football international and one of the most versatile athletes of his generation, is reported in the latest R.A.F. casuality list as having died on active service.
    —Reuter.  -  44 words
  • 143 25 Positions in the first division of the S.A.F.A. League, corrected up to Tuesday: FIRST DIVISION P W. L. D. F. A. PM R.A.F 16 13 0 3 63 13 29 R. (9th Reg.) 20 9 4 7 30 25 25 Fortress R E 19 10 7 2 43
    143 words
  • Page 25 Miscellaneous
    • 111 25 Double Totes The first double tot e paid $685 on each of three tickets on the winning combination, and the second paid $4l on each of 47 winning tickets. The Big Sweep The draw on the big sweep, value $50,145, revolted as follows: FIRST ***** SECOND: ***** THIRD: ***** Starters
      111 words

  • 672 26 (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Aug. 4. BUNDLED out for 85 runs in their first innings, the Colony made a desperate attempt in their second venture to avoid an innings defeat in their
    672 words
  • 402 26 PLAYING on a cement pitch covered with matting, at their new school at Woods ville on Mon- day. the St. Andrew’s Present boys beat the Old Boys In their i unnual cricket encounter by 21 runs, in a two innings game, thus winning the Board
    402 words
  • 1286 26 CIGHT records were set up at Sunday’s Gap Hill ClimK organized by the Singapore Branch of the Automobile Association of Malaya in aid of The War Fund. Only i n t events did the winners fail to lower the titnes made last year
    1,286 words
  • 142 26 (From Our Own Correspondent' Kuala Lumpur, Aug. o. J. A. Thlvy of Perak became the nieiu singles champion in the AllMalayan Indian tennis tournamen which was concluded here to-day wnen he beat A. Das Lazarus in a game. nt The men’s handicap doubles no completed,
    142 words

    • 410 1 AROUND THE MARKETS Tin Rubber Sections Dull: Loans Improve Rv Our Financial Correspondent Singapore, August 7. 'thf nrice of rubber in London yesterTda P v was U P one-sixteenth at 13 n ri in New York up one-eighth i.'tsa, cent" Tin rose 15s. for Spot a £266 10S. and a
      410 words
    • 76 1 Wednesday, Aug. 7. noon. Buyers Sellers Prices Prices No. IX R.S.S. (Spot loose* 37 37% No. IX R.S.S. f. 0.0. in cases August 37% 38 G.F.A.Q. R.S.S. f.o.b. In bales August 36% 36% FAQ. R.S.S. f.o.b. in bales August 35% 35% FUTURE QUOTATIONS No. IX
      76 words
    • 169 1 The following are the :xc.»ange rates thi> morning according to the daily circular issued oy the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation:— J SELLING T.T. 2/4 1/16 Gordon demand 2/4 1/16 Lyons demand Switzerland demand 206% Hamburg demand New York demand 46 15/16 Montreal demand 51 11/16 Batavia demand 88%
      169 words
    • 63 1 Rubber harvests for July are reported as follows: tb. Penang Rubber 272,500 Sabrang Rubber 102,000 Straits Rubber 290,000 Rubana Rubber 121,000 Bagan Serai 96,500 Tali Ayer 134,500 Batak Rabit 39,500 Merchiston 46,000 Mountjoy 102,500 Badenoch 225,000 Paloh 60,000 Glenshiel 62.000 Alor Pongsu 88,937 Bedong 65,869 Temerloh
      63 words
    • 105 1 DUBBER shipments from Malaya in July totalled 70.350 tons, compared with 60,814 tons for June. Total shipments for the first seven months of the year amounted to 436,027 tons, compared with 293,050 tons for the corresponding period last year, an increase of 142,977 tons.
      105 words
    • 104 1 From Our London Correspondent T:n Research Council estimates comparing world production for the January/June period this year and last year give the following figures: 1940, 102.900 tons compared with 63.200. U.S.A. deliveries for the same period 50,609 tons compared with 30,000 tons last year. United Kingdom consumption
      104 words
    • 122 1 Singapore. Aug. 7, noon. Buyers Sellers Gambler 5 7.75 Hamburg Cube $13.00 Java Cube 112.50 Pepper White Muntok $12.25 White $11.75 Black 6 -75 Copra Mixed $2.50 Sun Dried $2.75 Sago Flour No. 1 Lingga $3.75 Pair $3.15 $3.15 Sarawak $3.25 Jelotong Palembang $19.50 Banja $18.50 Sarawak
      122 words
    • 354 1 London, Aug. 6. 0N the Stock Exchange to-day business was too small to provide a real test of prices and consequently the trend In moat sections reacted and was slightly easier. Oilt-edged Initially advanced but subsequently reacted partially on lack of support. Egyptians advanced but other foreigners
      354 words
    • 90 1 MALAYAS trade in June, although lower than the peak reached In the previous month, was still very much above the pre-war average, according to statistics issued last week. The gross trade for June was $154,281,000. comprising $61,517,000 gross imports and $92,764,000 gross exports. Comparative figures for
      90 words
    • 36 1 Date Spot Aug.-Sept. Oct.-Dec. Jaiv-Mar. London Aug 1 37% 37% 35% 33 12% 2 37% 37% 35% 33% 13 6 37% 37% 35% 33% 13 7 37 37% 35% 33% 13 1/16
      36 words
    • 792 2 WORK in connection with rice and other foodstuffs should have precedence over other estate work. This was the opinion of the majority of those present at a recent meeting of the .lohore Planters’ Association. The meeting i»ls< deprecated the decision of
      792 words
    • 159 2 (From Our London Correspondent) Lcndon, Aug. 3. The Rubber Regulation Committee estimates that exports for June amounted to 110,453 tons compared with 110,770 tons ir May and 62,051 tons in June last year. Consumption lor June this year is estimated at
      159 words
    • 224 2 In a weekly review of the rubbei market Stanton Nelson and Co Ltd. write: The renewal of tension in the Far East, and the continued uncertainty regarding the rubber buying arrangements to be adopted oy the American Government, have tended to deader, activity, though there have
      224 words
    • 148 2 *J HE Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association held its 1.497 th auction on July 31 when there was catalogued 1.538 256 lbs, 686.72 tons; offered 1,199,427 lbs, 535 46 tons; sold 1.014,510 lbs, 452.91 tons SPOT L° nd n 12%d. New York 2 0 cents. PRICES
      148 words
    • 281 2 From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Aug. 3. THE estimated yield of padi in areas in Sclanger last year was 3,872,000 gantangs according to the annual re port for 1939 for the State of Selangor. The area planted with padi both
      281 words
    • 110 2 IN a weekly review cf the rubber 1 market .luthrie and Co Ltd., writeSingapoie and London markets have both remained steady but quie*. In New \ork a fair factory interest, under market pircles continued during the period under review. The fcllowin; are Malayan Statis tics for June
      110 words
    • 62 2 Tin outputs for July are reported as follows Hours Yardage Piculs Ore Takuapa No. 1 664 170,000 605 No. 2 637 175,000 437 No. 3 594 150,000 554 Hitam 93 Rahman Hydraulic 700 Satupulo 644 124,000 640 Kuala Lumpur Tin Dredge No. 1 673
      62 words
    • 111 2 (From Our Own Correspondent) London, July 29. The following are to-day’s “bid” quotations for Fixed Trusts:— 2 r !H s 5 A n< >t available British Empire “B” Do. British Empire Cumulative Do British Empire C’prehensive Do British General “A” 13 g British General “B” 11 414 British
      111 words
    • 500 2 HIGHER PROFITS FOR TEMERLOH Chairman Reveals Amalgamation Pl an 'J'HE general meeting of the shar* holders of the Temerioh R ubl)fir Estates, Ltd., was held at Peaang 0n July 30. Messrs. P. N Knight (chair, man), H. E. Nixon. J. G. Brown j p Soutey and E. H. Bulford, a
      500 words
    • 138 2 IN a weekly review of the rubber market Lewis and Peat Ltd. write The London market has shown a marked improvement particularly cn the October/December position since last week. This is probably due to covering on nervousness caused by the attacks on shipping in the
      138 words
    • 1130 3 mining Buyers Sellers Issue \ai -•<?/« 4/ 4 Am pat Tin J'J h Austral Malay 35/- 37/-cd J* f« as? l%> i! &n e i?n w- w- Aatu Selangor 1.42 H 1.47 S 5 Berjuntal Si® £1 Burma Malay 30/
      1,130 words
    • 297 3 The Annual reports and accounts for the year ended March 31 of mines of the Anglo-Oripntal group reveal the following figures: Kuala Kampar Tin Fields Limited The nett profit for the year ended March 31 was £52,431 compared with £13,896 last
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    • 29 3 official price of tin in Singapore 1 on Aug. 1 was $134.50 per picul of 133 l/3rd lb. on Aug. 2 $133.50; on Aug. 6 $133.25.
      29 words
    • 257 3 Singapore, Aug. 6, 4 p.m. Books Total (oi Company Dlvldenc Close Data Ex Dlv dnaoclal yaai FIN Payable Data to dau Austral Amal Dlv id Austral Malay Div 9d Bonus Is 3d b Kampong Kamunting Oiv 3d Bonus Is 3
      257 words
    • 176 3 ‘From Our Own Correspondent; Seremban, Aug. 5. progress In the scheme for the Improvement of livestock is reported in the annual reSemblla th e Resld ent of Negri The Sindhi bulls purchased in India were distributed to various estates, to the larger
      176 words
    • 167 3 COMMODITIES EXCHANGES ‘From Ou» Own Correspondent) London, Aug. 6. £OMMODITY ana Exchange markets closed as follows with previous quotations In paranthesls:— RUBBER: Firm. Spot 13 lilSd 13 3116 d (12 15|16d 13 1 16d) Sept 12 ***** d 13 l|l6d (12 13|16d 12 15 16d) Oct-Dec 12 l'lSd 12 13|16d
      167 words
    • 77 3 .—British Wireless. London, Aug. 7. MR C. R. ATTLEE, Lord Privy Seal, gave an assurance In the House of Commons last night that His Majesty’s Government would not enter into any permanent obligations on the Continent of Europe without the fullest consultation with the governments of
      .—British Wireless.  -  77 words
    • 33 3 Foreign imports of tin ore during July amounted to 5,594 tons making a to f al of 34,072 tons for the year, an increase of 16.651 tons over last year
      33 words
    • 37 3 .—Reuter. London, Aug 9. THERE was today a coal freight fixture from Calcutta to Singapore at 16.29 rupees. The British Government has timechartered further neutral vessels, especially Greek, with prospects of additional voyage* charters.—Reuter.
      .—Reuter.  -  37 words