The Straits Budget, 25 January 1940

Total Pages: 26
1 3 The Straits Budget

  • 1206 1 Straits Times, Jan. 13. K(>; -BelUha and the Prime made their promised the removal of the 1 B of Secretary; K’ t i(ll War. The House of I through it the Bri- ;i been told Quite aj things that were not b i t the change. Mr K-Beli>h.
    Straits Times, Jan. 13.  -  1,206 words
  • 1019 1 -Straits Times, Jan 19. In one respect, the British propaganda effort has failed dismally We refer to the attempt to persuade the nation that war is being waged rot against the German nation but solely against the Nazi regime Publicists of all shades of political opinion
    -Straits Times, Jan 19.  -  1,019 words

  • 1069 2 —Straits Times. 'Jan. 20 In Mein Kampf Hitler seeks to justify lying, deceit and the use of brute force in the pursuit ol political aims. To that policy at least, he has remained true. He also boasts of enthusiasm for wai and it is on record that
    —Straits Times. 'Jan. 20  -  1,069 words
  • 1074 2 Straits Times, Jan. 32. It is difficult for countries at war to see the conflict in which they are involved objectively. Too much is at stake for a completely balanced judgment to be possible; in a life and-death struggle victory alone seems to matter, and as the struggle
    Straits Times, Jan. 32.  -  1,074 words

  • 1125 3 —Straits Times, Jan. 23. Mr w: worn,. Churchul bids fair to »untri,.: l J|Mllar in the neutral «a115,..' 3 ref erence to those 1 fear'7- bow humbl y and iolence” >, L rman threats and tiger irir i arouse d considerable '«nation. Holland and Belgium appear to
    —Straits Times, Jan. 23.  -  1,125 words
  • 1184 3 —Straits Times, Jan. 24. If our post-bag is any criterion, an announcement that the people of this country were to be taxed with the utmost severity would be greeted with loud whoops of joy by many members of H.M. Forces stationed in Singapore. It is natural that men whose
    —Straits Times, Jan. 24.  -  1,184 words

  • 36 4 fVJR Bangkok correspondent teiev graphs that the eldest son of Prince Purachatra, formerly wellknown in Singapore, was married on Monday to the daughter of a former Minister of Economics in Thailand.
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    • 152 4 DAINTRY. —On Wednesday, January 17 to Felice Daphne, wife of P. Daintry of Merah Estate. Kullm, in Penang, a son. McEVETT.—To Marjorie, wife of J. C. McEvett of Chinese Protectorate, Bentong on Saturday. January 20 at Bungsar Hospital, Kuala Lumpur, a son. At the Maternity Hospital to Toni wife
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    • 49 4 Cl }kagement took place on Monday, Jan 22 between Miss Lye Hou Yin. eldest daughter of Mr. Mrs. Lye Yeow Kuan the grand-daughter of the late Mr. Lye Joon Sang Mrs. Lye Joon Sang Mr. Gan Kee Slang, third son of Mr. Mrs Gan Hock Chuan of Singapore.
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    • 87 4 ANDERSON— BENDIXSEN.— At St. George’* Church, Penang, on Wednesday 17th January. Donald Ernest Jppiatt, elder son Si T?nrt an(1 M j S- Anderson, of Ealing I/indon and Hannc. second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Emil Bendixsen, of CopenMrMoSrv an r*o <^ erly of Singapore. P MOLONY— GREENWOOD.— On Jan.
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  • 495 4 |W[R. Anthony Walter Dayrell Brooke, who was appointed Rajah Muda of Sarawak last March, has been deprived of his title and powers by a proclamation issued by the Rajah of Sarawak, Sir Charles Vyner Brooke, and published in
    495 words
  • 52 4 rpHE British North Borneo War Relief Fund has sent its first donation of £l,OOO to war charities in Great Britain. The sum of £BOO has been sent to the Red Cross and St. John appeal, £125 to St. Dunstan’s, and £75 to the Y.M.C.A. war
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  • 317 4 Leaders—- Explanations Who Is The Enemy The Tinsel Hero German Isolation i Winston Drops Bricks Taxation j Telegrams— Covering past week’s news 15.21 Financial Supplement— Financial and Commercial News to date, following page 22 Malayan General NewsIncrease In Cost Of Living Allowance 5 Farewell Gift To Rev. D. E.
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  • 14 4 Mr. J A. Henderson, Engineer. Public Woks Drop."* Johore Bahru, is on long leave
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  • 90 4 DEATHS SI EWART. —On January 12 at Callander ScoUand, Robert Sydney Stewart, late d of KANAPATHIPILLAI.—Mr fi Pillal formerly chief clerk 5 P.W D Kuala Lumpur, passed away peacefully at hi* residence. The Camp, KarMnaear Ceylon on Jan. 13 1940 “gar, I Meng Lee,' otherwise known as eldost daughter
    90 words

  • 1090 6 WAR SHOULD HELP INDIAN TRADE WITH PENINSULA Local Market Is Taking More More Piece-Goods Ily The Straits Times Indian Correspondent THE combined effect of the boycott of Japanese goods and some difficulty in obtaining prompt deliveries from Lancashire owing* to the war should benefit the Indian texCi(. industry substantially, as
    1,090 words
  • 50 6 Mr. Robert Sidney Stewart, formerly a partner in Messrs. Brown, Phillips and Steivart, the Ipoh firm of accountants and secretaries, died at Callander, Scotland, on Jan. 12, cables the Straits Times London correspondent. Mr. Steivart left Perak on retirement in 1933 after many years in the country.
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  • 368 6 TO provide a further safeguard 1 for shipping—British, Allied and neutral vessels—from minefields and other dangers about the port of Singapore, a Notice to Mariners was published in last week’s Straits Settlements Government Gazette which is made by order of the Governor, with the
    368 words
  • 463 6 MR. Theodore Hubback. th**. known authority on V.i e wild life, has published an iihS an booklet containing some ol hi graphic studies of wild life Malayan jungle. e in tin Mr. Hubback’s photographs ®v.
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  • 96 6 THE Naval authorities at Singapoi 1 announce, The Lords Commit sioners of the Admiralty have directs that, in view of the growth in ii portance of the Singapore Base, t title of Senior Naval Officer is in futui to be Rear-Admiral, Malaya, wne the officer holding this appointment
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  • 46 6 (From Our Own Correspondent' Bangkok, Jan. 1* THE Premier announced at his wee 1 ly Press conference to-day t! J, King Ananda was continuing studies in Switzerland for the pr pS but would proceed to England 13 for higher education.
    46 words

  • 770 8 DK IVATE William Tomney, of the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders, who was described by an officer as a good soldier and “a type of man who is useful in the Army,” was sentenced to 10 weeks* rigorous imprisonment in the
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  • 75 8 THE Penang district judge crossed to the leper island off Penang, Pulau Jerejak, to hear a case in which a Chinese leper was charged with voluntarily causing grievous hurt to an Indian by means of an axe. The alleged offence occurred at the leper
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  • 95 8 I I\R. V. K. SAMY has been nominated tfi serve on the committee appointed by Government to investigate the question oi the provision ot hospital accommodation for dangerous and ini factious diseases in Singapore, and to advise on the division ol responsibility
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  • 281 8 CHIPS loading cargo at Singapore, Malacca and Penang for neutral countries in Europe will pass through the British contraband control more expeditiously as a result ol an important change of procedure which came into force yesterday. For approved shipments by vessels soiling
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  • 392 8 jyjH. LKONG SIN NAM, leader oL tl.o Perak Chinese community, died on Friday (Jan. 19) afternoon at Port Dickson. He had been ill fur some months and after treatment in Sumatra remained in Kuala Lumpur for treatment by a specialist. Mr Leong
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  • 187 8 gINGAPORE’S success! ui candidate for the 1940 Queen's Scholarship. Wilbur Boswell comes from a family of scholars. A sister, Mary, was awarded a scholarship to Raffles College last year, while his elder sister. Maureen, was a first class graduate or Raffles College who is
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  • 202 8 QUEEN’S SCHOLARS OF THE FUTURE To Come From Raffles Medical Colleges THE objects lor which the Queen’s Scholarships are awarded are published in the new’ regulations, to take effect this year, which make the scholarships eligible only to graduates of Raffles College or licentiates of tM King Edward VII College
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  • 783 9  -  By “Kay” Low that so many women It in Europe have abandoned skirts for slacks and trousered femininity is quite [ommonplace, one can exLrt to see Siren Suits and Ihclter Costumes make their ippearance in Singapore any r a r, mcession to the climate, LVmiKM
    783 words
  • 789 9 A Chinese View ‘CHE never knows how to make a man happy,” said i friend of mine the other lay when we met. He marked about the same time as nyself three years ago, and hough lie was thankful his rife
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  • 196 9 A DINNER party was given by Mr and Mrs. S. C. Goho last week at their rr/idencc at Katong in honour of Lt.-Col. D. Stuart, of the Indian Army, now stationed in Slnga pore. The guests included Mr. J. Laycock, Mr. and Mrs. O. L.
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  • 45 9 A EUROPEAN, T. O. Cotterell. was last week fined $40 In the Singapore traffic court when he was convicted on a charge of rash driving along River Valley Road. He was further fined $5 on a charge of disobeying a traffic signal.
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  • 602 11 SINGAPORE BOYS LURED IN TO SECRET SOCIETIES S.C.B.A. Committee Formed To Combat Menace In counteract the activities of Singapore Chinese secret W .jeties, “into which an increasing number of young and I unnloved Straits Chinese boys are being drawn,” the Chinese British Association is shortly to launch a Rcmu to
    602 words
  • 157 11 (From Our Own Correspondent) Sourabaya, Jan. 15. ESSELS were moved from the danger zone when a serious fire ok e out among Sourabaya’s iter-front godowns. The damage is estimated to tount to several million guilders -arge quantises of cotton, tobacco, od. bitumen and coffee
    157 words
  • 120 11 'from Our Own Correspondent) sttddt a T J r ohore Bahru. Jan. 14. Quit lAH a contractor to the Igment ti 1 of J °hore. was given the f0r $380 costs in a ce Co t m* 1 1 agalnst the Asia Insur!of his
    120 words
  • 39 11 nda kan H r t B Me rcer, of )Ved to' Min 1 h u No L th Borneo > has L m L H ftf has be€n workd U?en ,5 i 913 flrst at K udat inpn at Sandakan.
    39 words
  • 230 11 TO promote the social and cuitu- ral welfare of all the communities,” a Malayan Sino-Muslim Society is to be formed in Singapore. At a meeting convened by the Chinese Islamic South Asia Goodwill Delegation and presided over by Dr Lim
    230 words
  • 174 11 MEW tenders tor the work of enlarging Singapore’s esplanade along Connaught Drive have been called for, it is understood. Estimated to cost about $200 000, the work which had been proceeding for some time had stopped recently. It is understood
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  • 131 11 (From Our Own Correspondent) Penang, Jan. 16. J. Dick, well-known Penang re sident who is retiring this week after 30 years in Malaya, believes that Penang’s trade has reached Its peak, r Referring to the importance of Pe- nang in handling tin and rubber,
    131 words

  • 476 12 CINGAPORE will soon have a better type of driver of taxis. lorries and buses if the efforts of the Traffic Branch to spread more road knowledge among professional drivers succeed. For some time
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  • 151 12 Indians Chinese In Malaya A PLEA for closer collaboration between Indians and Chinese in Malaya was made by Mr. C. S. Venkatachar, the agent of the Government of India in Malaya, in as speech at Penang. “Here in Penang, where we live side by side with the enlightened Chinese community,
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  • 41 12 Singapore made front-page headlines in New York newspapers when the British liner Sirdhana was sunk in the harbour These newsvaven which arrived in Singapore last week, shoio the prominence the ston was given in America. y
    41 words
  • 411 12 (From Our Own Correspondent) mn Penang, Jan. 16. 01R. C. S. Venkatachar, Agent for the Government of India hi Malaya, spoke on Malayan Indians’ loyalty to the Empire in a speech at Penang at the opening of' the Penang Indian Association premises. “We
    411 words
  • 182 12 (From Our Own Correspondent) Penang, Jan. 16. AT an unofficial meeting of the George Town Municipal Commissioners, it was decided to ask the Government to allow Mr. W. L. Blythe Deputy Municipal President, to remain as acting president and if that
    182 words
  • 59 12 MR. C. E. WURTZBURG GLEN LINE POST (From Our Own Correspondent) M_ London, Jan. 16. R. C. E. Wurtzburg, former chairman of Mansfield and Co., Ltd. in Malaya, has been appointed sole managi?g oi the Glen Line, Ltd. ls wel1 known in Singapore, has hitherto been joint managing director, which
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
      34 words
    • 26 12 F or CLEAR VISION Hx-sitfli( Ixamination by European Krfractionist, ELLISON S. EZEKIEL CO. OPTICIANS Watchmakers dk photographic dealer* Repairs U binoculars also undert*krn 3. CAPITOL BUILDINGSINGAPORE.
      26 words

  • 263 14 (From Our Own Correspondent) Penang, Jan. 12. MEW discoveries about primitive man in Malaya and ''Thailand are claimed by Mr..A. E. Scott-Skovso, who arrived in Penang yesterday after having spent 18 months in the iungles of these
    263 words
  • 139 14 (From Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh, Jan. 15. AT the Ipoh Town Hall Mr. Ong Ee Lim, eldest son of the late Mr. Ong Eng Buan and Mrs. Ong Eng Suan, of Kuala Lumpur, was married yesterday to Miss Lee Sau Kuen, youngest daughter of
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  • 89 14 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca, Jan. 18. A SUGGESTION that measures should be taken against disease carrying germs especially during the present dry weather, was made by Mr. W. S. Ebden, president of the Malacca Municipality, at yesterday’s meeting. Mr. Ebden said that he thought
    89 words
  • 111 14 Singapore, Jan. 17. THE Governor, Sir Shenton Thomas and Lady Thomas, were host and hostess to 35 children of the Children’s Aid Society Home, at a party at Government House yesterday. The children played on swings and see-saws and had afternoon tea at
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  • 32 14 Mr. T. D. Hughes, Crown Counsel, Penang, has been appointed President of the Rent, Assessment Board Penang and Province Wellesley, in place of Mr. R. Moor who has been transferred to Johore.
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  • 286 14 (From Our Own Correspondent) Malacca, Jan. 17. I7I6HERMEN of the Portuguese Settlement at UJong Pasir. Malacca, are learning to use the pukat tarek (seine net) type of fishing used successfully by Tamil fishermen at Pangkor, in the Dindlngs. The experiment is intended to discover
    286 words

  • 1383 17 —Reuter. IhK Minister for Economic Warfare, Mr. R. H. I n ,ss. made a statement in the House of Cornlons on Jan. 17 on the progress of the attack ion
    —Reuter.  -  1,383 words
  • 41 17 .—Reuter. London, Jan. 18. THE contraband control committee detained 3.364 tons of contraband goods destined for Germany during the week ended Jan. 1. making a total since the beginning of the war of 547,0ft0 tons.—Reuter.
    .—Reuter.  -  41 words
  • 38 17 —Reuter. In the House of Commons on Jan. 17 Mr. Chamberlain was asked what countries since the end of September 1938, had asked Great Britain to guarantee them against aggression and had been refused. His reply was. “None.”—Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  38 words
  • 174 17 than they now hold.”—British Wireless. VN both the House of Lords and House of Commons debates on economic warfare, several speakers argued the need for the appointment of a minister in the War Cabinet with responsibility to coordinate wartime economic policy. Lord S win ton thought
    than they now hold.”—British Wireless.  -  174 words
  • 218 17 Paris, Jan. 18. ALTHOUGH there LS a fringe ot ice on the shores of the ftorth Sea. elaborate flooding measures planned by the French Army at the northern extremity of the Western Front are ready to be put into force at a moment’s notice, reports
    218 words
  • 127 17 —Router. London, Jan. 18. •T'HE Rumanian “Maginot Line,” actually known as “Carols Dyke/’ designed to make the country safe from invasion from the east or west, is in an advanced state of completion, according to an authoritative Rumanian source in London. The line consists of
    —Router.  -  127 words
  • 24 17 Uouter. IT IS ANNOUNCED that a daughter has been born to the Begum of Pataudi. wife of the Nawab of Pataudi, the well-known cricketer.—Reuter.
    – Uouter.  -  24 words

  • 318 19 London, Jan. 18. Norwegian steamer Enid, 1,140 tons, was torpedoed and shelled by a U-boat oft the north-east coast of Scotond reports Reuter. 8 L thf> crew reached an Island b oat and the remaining Ut w" e
    318 words
  • 119 19 London, Jan. 17.. GUARDS on the south-west coast yesterday afternoon saw an 'if<i ar^ er sudd enly burst into flames. nI C^ atS u Were put out but the ship peeai.v broke in half and disappearunderstood a patrol boat rescued
    119 words
  • 143 19 h r ltls l h P w h ireies n s eV ViryrQ London, Jan. 19. ass.m y the R °y al Air Force have eave for v? a D n w res P° n sibility since V,(. srfir t h< R E F in
    hrltlslhPwhireiesnseV  -  143 words
  • 63 19 London, Jan. 18. AN elderly man, described by a member of the Finnish Legation staff as “obviously British” called yesterday on the Finnish Minister in London and, after expressing sympathy with the Finns in their present conflict and admiration for their courage and successes, handed
    —British Wireless.  -  63 words
  • 179 19 SCIENTISTS THE WAR Reuter. London, Jan. 19. I ORD CHATFIELD, the Minister for the Co-ordination of Defence, dealing in the House of Lords with the work of scientists in relation to the war, said the scientific research which Britain had before was entirely different to the magnificent organizations of the
    Reuter.  -  179 words
  • 105 19 —Reuter Cape Town, Jan. 18. 'T’HE BELIEF that “it is by no means certain that the African continent will not become a theatre possibly of the most severe fighting the war would produce,’’ was expressed to-day by the Minister of Mines, Colonel Stallard addressing a
    —Reuter  -  105 words
  • 91 19 —Reuter. London, Jan. 17. THE first reading was given in the House of Commons yesterday to the Czerho-Slovakia Financial Claims and Refugees Bill providing for the balance of £6,000,000 loan made to Czechoslovakia by His Majesty’s Government at the beginning of last year to be
    —Reuter.  -  91 words
  • 651 19 Reuter. London, Jan. 16. “AT the moment there is a lull in the war operations, but events may occur within a few weeks, even a few hours, which may re-shape the history of the world,” said Mr.
    Reuter.  -  651 words
  • 188 19 —Reuter. London, Jan. 17. SIR John Simon, Chancellor of the Exchequer, announced in the House of Commons the early repayment of the 41/2 per cent, conversion loan 1940-44, issued in 1924. A formal notice of repayment on July 1 for which an option
    —Reuter.  -  188 words
  • 70 19 —British Wireless- London, Jan. 15. FE TOTAL number of deaths on Britain’s roads during December ,as a result of road accidents was 1,155 compared with 683 in December last The total is the highest record for any single month. That the black-out was chiefly responsible
    —British Wireless-  -  70 words
  • 53 19 —Reuter. Stockholm, Jan. 15. ANOTHER large contingent of Swedish volunteers has left for Finland. The contingent included the chairman of the Swedish social democrat youth organisation. Swedish masons propose to organize a volunteer corps of 1,000 to assist the Finns to construct defences behind their
    .—Reuter.  -  53 words

  • 438 20 .—Reuter. London, Jan. 19. A REMARKABLE story of how the Belgian and Dutch Governments came into possession of Nazi plans which led them to take special defence measures appeared in the l/ondon Daily Telegraph
    .—Reuter.  -  438 words
  • 80 20 Premier “Wise Precautions” Reuter. London, Jan. 17. A REFERENCE to the renewed anxiety about Oerman designs against Belgium and the Netherlands and the “natural and wise precautions of the two Governments.” was made by Mr Chamberlain, 'he Prime Minister, in the course of a review of the war In the
    Reuter.  -  80 words
  • 42 20 —Reuter r, London. Jan 1« was disclosed in a Parliamentary answer yesterday that 65 members o’ Parliament are serving in the army .»psr .rom those holding honorary lK).sitions Several members of the Upper House arc also serving.—Reuter.
    —Reuter  -  42 words
  • 60 20 —Reuter London, Jan. IT. IT is stated in London that the \:i *>0.000,000 Empire air training scheme requires a personnel of at Ic 30,000 airmen, 2.G80 officers, nearly 5.000 civilians and over a 1,000 maintenance statT. according to Canadian estimate. Nearly TO instructional schools are
    .—Reuter  -  60 words
  • 186 20 Reuter. London, Jan. 19. VICIOUS treatment of British seamen imprisoned in the tanker which acted as supply ship to the German “pocket-battleship” Admiral Graf Spee is now revealed. The tanker was little more than a floating Nazi concentration camp. Several hundred
    -- Reuter.  -  186 words
  • 55 20 .—Router. N London, Jan. 16. EARLY 800 Czech officers have been arrested by the Gestapo since Christmas, it is learned at the German frontier from well-informed Czech sources. Some officers, Including General Braun, tormer Czech military attache n Hue harest, are reported to have been immediately executed
    .—Router.  -  55 words
  • 34 20 .—Reuter. A VOLUNTARY military system is to be started shortly hroughout Norway under the leadership of Crown Prince Olav. Even instructors will be asked to give their services voluntarily.—Reuter.
    .—Reuter.  -  34 words
  • 65 20 —Reuter. rut German radio announces that the Soviet Parliament has passed a law introducing compulsory military service for all men between the ages of 20 and 50. There will be a training period of two years. Jews instead of being called up for military service
    —Reuter.  -  65 words
  • 194 20 Reuter.,, London, Jan. li*. THK Imperial air training scheme will undoubtedly prove an outstanding feature of the war, declared Sir Kingsley Wood, the Air Minister, in a speech to the Oversea League, last night. “It is being carried out virtually beyond
    Reuter.,,  -  194 words
  • 78 20 .—Reuter. London, Jan. 19. COURTEEN British officers and engi- neers were amon? the crew of about 46 of the oil tanker Inverdargle 9,456 tons, all of whom are feared to have lo|t their lives when the vessel sank oh the south-west coast on Tuesday. The
    .—Reuter.  -  78 words
  • 83 20 Reuter. M London. Jan. 19. R. G. H. SHAKESPEARE. Parliamentary and Financial Secretan to the Admiralty, announced in the House of Commons that special ship* are being fi’ted for exploding floating mines and these ships will work in areas where most of the
    Reuter.  -  83 words
  • 67 20 Reuter. Tu 0 Stockholm. Jan. 19. I hl Soviet Government, replying to 1 the Swedish protest of Jan. 15 against the violation of Swedish territory by Soviet planes, expressed regret for the incident. A note handed to the Swedish charge d'affaires in Moscow declares that two
    Reuter.  -  67 words
  • 137 20 NAZIS DUTCH SHIP U-Boat Ou trage In Biscay Bay -Reuter. Amsterdam j an THE 8,000-ton Dut. t, t Arendskerk, while bound South Africa from Antwerp 0 torpedoed by a German in the Bay of Biscay, mo m }j r Ushant. She sank immediate!* The Italian steamer Fedora k», tons) saved
    -Reuter.  -  137 words
  • 75 20 —Reuter. London, Jan. It AN enemy submarine was Iximbedl the North Sea yesterday by u craft of the Air Force Coastal Cos mand. When the disturbance caused by ti bursting bombs had subsided, greenish-brown greasy patch 40 van in circumference surrounded by mas of bubbles began
    —Reuter.  -  75 words
  • 200 20 wiwiljr Will iliAVe IU OU1H 1 morale of the German pilots.-Bru» Wireless. London. Jan. 16 RA.F. fighters could bring! enemy air offensive on Grei Britain to a standstill in a com paratively short space of time by loss which would be inflicted on the
    wiwiljr Will iliAVe IU OU1H 1 morale of the German pilots.-Bru» Wireless.  -  200 words
  • 76 20 Paris, Jan» CIVE thousand Italian v’ are en route to Helsir i t° the Finnish resistance a So>iet invaders, reports i i* a Soir. pi The newspaper states u Marshal Mannerheim, coni chief of the Finnish armed U* r<:e,s w thanked France and Britain n>r
    76 words

  • 1722 21 —Reuter. > London, Jan. 22. WARNING that the present conflict in Europe would no t remain confined to present frontiers but become )re extensive, spreading to the north and to the south, u ttered by Mr. Winston
    —Reuter.  -  1,722 words
  • 43 21 Keuter. Washington, Jan. 21. AFTER making cuts amounting to > $12,750,000 alTeeting army, navy and coastguard funds, the Senate appropriations commission has approved the emergency defence appropriations bill, which the House of Representatives passed on Jan. 12.—Reuter.
    Keuter.  -  43 words
  • 357 21 —Reuter Hongkong, Jan. 22. 'J’HE terms of an agreement alleged to have been signed at Shanghai on Dec. .‘lO, between Wang Ching-wei and the Japanese authorities are revealed in a joint letter to a Chinese newspaper here written by Mr. Kao Tsung-wu, a
    —Reuter  -  357 words
  • 90 21 TWENTY-FIVE Germans of military age who were trying to return to Germany by way of Japan and Russia have been seized by British naval units. Their capture was announced in a British naval communique issued in Hong Kong on Sunday. The men were found in
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  • 43 21 —Reuter Ottawa. Jan. 17. CANADA’S first war loan of $200,000,000 at 3*.j per cent, has already been oversubscribed although it was ofTered to the public only on Monday. The Bank of Canada announces that subscriptions total nearly $250,000,000.
    —Reuter  -  43 words

  • 1015 22 London, Jan. 20. ARSENAL suffered their first defeat in regional soccef to-day when they were beaten by three goals to nil by West Ham. This, however, has not affected Arsenal’s standing, as they have now scored 25
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  • 100 22 FOLLOWING are Saturday’s race results at Ipoh in brief: Race 1:—Fernlet 325 and $10 East Lynne $10 Explode $23. 2:—Pat Burke $20 and $9 Kit $12 Queen Heon $15. 3:—Dewberry $11 and S13 The Poacher $24 Russian Rose $10. 1:—Turn Over $30 and S9 Drift On $8
    100 words
  • 452 22 DLAYING before a larare crowd on the S.C.C. padang a 1 Saturday, Singapore secured a fine victory by two goals t» nil over Selangor in the return State hockev match. The first match, played at
    -Straits Times picture.  -  452 words
  • 258 22 THE South rugby team that is to meet the North in Saturday’s annual Malayan Rugby Union match had a good practice game on Saturdaay when they had to fight every minute of their match to beat the Rest of the South by 14 points
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  • Page 22 Miscellaneous
    • 52 22 BIG SWEEP The draw on the big sweep, value $53,450, resulted as follows: FIRST G2971 SECOND ***** THIRD ***** Starters: *****, *****, *****, *****, *****, *****, *****, *****. DOUBLE TOTES The first double tote paid $516 on each of three winning tickets. The second paid $49 on each of 34
      52 words

    • 571 1 NKT profit of $99,574 was earn- c <t },v Wilkinson Process Rub?r Co., Ltd., in the year ended »ptemhor last. This compares ith $55,980 in the preceding year. ie net amount brought forward as
      571 words
    • 89 1 uPIMr the week ending Jan. 6 1940 exports of canned pineapples om Malayan ports amounted to 7' ca -*s. of which: 24,762 <96 per nu were to the United King- 7. Per cent) cases to the ntinent °i Europe, nil per cent) l( and 535 (2
      89 words
    • 73 1 X W,IR P arti culars of tin-ore refer to December: Hours Yard- Piculs Etenong -n, age ore 3 drtKlK.'., Katu Ts r 2.361 None‘r 622 874 fcu.rut n\'"‘ 682 162.000 720 Bristu c,n 523 64 -o<K> «10 Th“ f VI 419 45 tons atu ii,' -v
      73 words
    • 35 1 r flsos of Takuapa Valiev t:-‘ V n lr L^ d worked for 911 Serial cubic yards ol In V. J ,r °duced 676 piculs of :s t half of January
      35 words
    • 118 1 (From Our Own Corresponcert: r ondon, Jan. 22. The following are to-day’s “bid” quotation.* for Fixed Trusts:— s. d. British Empire “A” 16 6 British Empire “B” 8 74 British Empire Cumulative 13 3 British Empire C’prehensive 13 6 British General “A” 18 7 4 British General “B”
      118 words
    • 59 1 Date Spot Jan. Feb.-Mar. Apr.-June July-Sept Oct.-Dec London Jon. 18 384 38% 38* 364 354 354 IJ% 19 39 4 39 4 39 37 36 35 4 H 4 20 384 39 38% 36% 35% 354 12 23 38% 38% 384 364 35% 354 12 1/16
      59 words
    • 273 1 Singapore, Jan. 24. IN a weekly report on the rubber market issued this morning, Stanton Nelson and Co. Ltd. WriterPolitical news has not affected the market to any appreciable extent this week, though the recent speeches of British statesmen must have
      273 words
    • 85 1 additional duty on tin-ore ex- ported from the F.M.S. Is to be reduced from ten cents a picul to five cents a picul effective Feb. 1. This duty is imposed to raise funds with which to finance the International Tin Research Scheme. Malaya's
      85 words
    • 40 1 RUBBER export rights issued in the Malayan regulated area for the last quarter of 1t»39 which were unused at Dec. 31 totalled 4.599 lb. and the Controller of Rubber advises that these rights have been cancelled.
      40 words
    • 42 1 THE price of rubber for purpose of assessment of export duty in the F. M. S. for the period Jan 19 to Jan. 25. inclusive, lias been determined at 37 cents per pound, states a Gover.V ment Gazette notification.
      42 words
    • 356 1 London. Jan. 23. BRIGHT conditions were maintained on the Stock Exchange co-day and business in several sections expanded. Gilt-edged and Home rails met further buying while industrials displayed good spots. Imperial Tobaccos advanced from 115 s. to more than 120 s. on the market's ratis faction with
      356 words
    • 96 1 (From Our Own Correspondent» London, Jan. 4. JJURING the first 11 months of 1939, states the December Statistical Bulletin of the International Rubber Regulation Committee, world rubber absorption exceeded supply by 84.273 tons. World stocks at Aug. 31 last totalled 370.419 tons.
      96 words

  • 1716 2 CHAREHOLDERS in Petaling Tin Ltd. are to receive a riistribution of 30 per cent, on Feb. made up of a hnal dividend of 15 per cent, in respect
    1,716 words
  • 104 2 <From Our Own Correspondent) London, Jan 5. HTHE Borneo Company is paying a dividend of 3% per cent, actual, less tax at 8s. 6d. in the on its seven-and-a-half per cent, cumulative preference shares in respect of the halfyear to Aug. 4, 1937. Dividend arrears for
    104 words
  • 151 2 Reuter, London, ig, BRITISH overseas trade ii gurej tor December illustrate lie successful maintenance 0 normal levels of sea-borne traffb of British Ports. The value of imports was IT n er cpnt higher than in December 1938 mdthl improvement is authoritatively s
    — Reuter,  -  151 words
  • 162 2 Tne (Singapore Chamber oi chimera Rubber Association held its 1,469 th auction, on Jan. 17 where there fwvre catalogued 2.056.966 ib. f 918.29 tons; offered 1.832.97 S lb.. 818.20 tons: s:ld 1,259,945 lb 5C2.47 tow 2.056,966 lb 918.29 tons; offered 1.83 2 975 lb
    162 words
  • 68 2 following crops of rubber werf harvested by the respective estates in December Lb. Jimah Rubber 14.691 Funggor Rubber ***** Ayer Kuning Rubber 107.000 Badek Rubber 24.000 Bradwall Rubber J 2 500 Chersonese Estates ***** Dennistown Rubber 54,700 Highlands Lowlands 207,000 Klabang Rubber Co. 132.700 Krian Rubber Plantations
    68 words
  • 60 2 THE following crops of rubber, te3 cofTee, kapok and other prcduc were halves* ed by the respective tates in December:— RIBBER Ankola Estates Bajoe Kldiel Co. Djasinga “6 TJikas.ntae ?2 Langen fJJS Donowarle t TEA !>L Ankola Pasir Madang COFFEE Estates Bajoe Kidoel Co. 1 KAPOK R )3
    60 words

  • 1010 3 Issued By Fraser And Co., exchange and stock brokers. Singapore, January 24, 10 a.m. I mining Buyers Sellers 4/6 4/10% r; ial «/«cd alay 37/- t»/-«d 24/0 25/0 o.w o.« 8 22/0 23/0 ll)U 1.56 1.00 itu f- or 10/9 11/9 i’ v 23/3 24/3xd li n
    1,010 words
  • 63 3 ■yHE official price of tin in Singapore on Jan. 18 was $124 per picul of 133 l/3rd lb on Jan. 19 $122.37 V 2 ;on Jan. 20 $120; on Jan. 22 $120; on Jan. 23 $119.25; cn Jan. 24 $l2O. Ayer Weng (Rahman) Development and Prospecting Co.,
    63 words
  • 143 3 IN a weskly report on the rubber market, issued on Jan. 18, Lewis and Peat (Singapore) Ltd. A/rite The demand from America slackened off towards the end of lost week and values locally sagged, some positions shdwing a loss of nearly two
    143 words
  • 347 3 IN a weekly report on the rubber market issued on Jan. 18, Stanton Nelson and Co., Ltd. write:— An uneasy feeling that the world may be on the eve of political developments of the widest importance, with still further extension of the area of hostilities, has exercised
    347 words
  • 193 3 IN a weekly report on the rubber market, issued at noon on Jan. 18, Guthrie and Co., Ltd. write:— During the earlier part of the week under review there was a definite tendency for prices to ease, but sellers promptly withdrew
    193 words
  • 81 3 fFrom Our Own Correspondent) W„ London, Jan. 5. H. GARTSEN, the well-known au- hor{ \y n tin statistics, estimates that world stocks rose in December last by 335 tons to 37,705 tons (the Dec. 31, 1938 total was 38,652 tons). December. 1939
    81 words
  • 15 3 United Malacca Rubber Estates Ltd. harvested a crop of 61,100 lb. of rubber In December
    15 words
  • 342 3 FRASER COMPANY LIST OF CURRENT DIVIDENDS Books Company Dividend Close riN Austral Amal 3d. Austral Malay 9d. and 113 bonus Ipoh 2s lnt. less tax Jan i Kampong Kamuntlng 3d. and bonus Peb. 6 Kampong Lanjut 2|6 Jan. 23 Kamuntlng 5% lnt. less tax Jan. 29 Kent 7V4% less tax
    342 words