The Straits Budget, 18 January 1940

Total Pages: 26
1 3 The Straits Budget
  • 29 1 The Straight Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE STRAITS TIMES [ESTABLISHED NEARLY A CENTURY. No. 4275. SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, JANUARY 18, 1940. Price 25 cts., (S.S. Currency) or 7d.
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  • 1044 1 Sngapore, Wednesday. JJNEMPLOYMENT among Malayan planters due to surplus man-power as a result of the stopping of leave owing to the war was discussed by Mr. E. M. Allen, the chairman of the Incorporated Society of Planters, at the society’s annual meeting last week He said
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  • 24 1 Indian gunner* of a mountain regiment now In Singapore detaching a howitzer from a trailer before putting It Into action.
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  • 45 1 Mr. S. W. Jones, who has been appointed to succeed Sir Alexander Small as Colonial Secretary, when Sir Alexander leaves Malaya this week—a Straits Times picture taken at his desk at the Colonial Secretariat. Mr. Jones was formerly British Resident, Selangor.
    45 words

  • 1233 1 -Straits Times, Jan. 11. ur m predictions of the I vents in the Far East are igerous as attempts oO J 0 1:;,.,. movement of the rub- r r eC p 'i' f out if the first half of M.not orint; formal peace M between Tokio
    -Straits Times, Jan. 11.  -  1,233 words
  • 1111 1 Straits Times, Jan. 12. At first glance, the announcement by the Roumanian Government that, for the remainder of the winter, no further permits will be issued for the navigation of the partly frozen Danube appears to be a very insignificant item of war news, but
    Straits Times, Jan. 12.  -  1,111 words

  • 937 2 -Struits Times. Jan. 13 One of the first acts of the Nazit. after the consolidation of their rule of tyranny, was to begin the build ing of that great war machine which was later used to intimidate Austria and Czecho-Slovakia and then to crush Poland. Everything was
    -Struits Times. Jan. 13  -  937 words
  • 1138 2 Straits Times, Jan. 15. In England, when interest in politics, sport and stock markets begins to flag, bored newspaper readers set out to fill the correspondence columns with claims to have heard the first cuckoo, to have grown the tallest hollyhock or to have seen the Loch Ness
    Straits Times, Jan. 15.  -  1,138 words

  • 1185 3 —Straits Times, Jan. 16. Artisan employees of the Singapore Harbour Board went on strike at the week-end after receiving a cost of living allowance as recommended by Government, plus a temporary allowance of ten per cent, on their basic rates of pay. They demanded a further increase of four
    —Straits Times, Jan. 16.  -  1,185 words
  • 1134 3 —Straits Times, Jan. 17. Considerable courage must have been required in reaching the decision to allow people throughout the British Empire to use wireless receiving sets without any special wartime restriction. They were and are permitted to listen to any programmes they can pick up and,
    —Straits Times, Jan. 17.  -  1,134 words

  • 44 4 lUARTIN JOHNSON’S film “Borneo” i, sho wn at a special matinee in Sandakan last week in aid of the North Borneo State War Relief Fund r° ther c,nem a shows in aid of the fund are being held.
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  • 246 4 THE DEATH occurred at his nome in Pasir Panjang on Monday morning, of Mr. William Alderney Strevens, managing director of Robinson Piano Co., Ltd., Singapore, in Collyer Quay. Mr. Strevens, who was 60 years of age, had been associated
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  • 68 4 (From Our Own Correspondent» London, Jan. 2. MR. ALFRED WYNNE, who is wellknown in the Malay States, was married at Hull recently to Miss Nancy Clegg, second daughter of Mrs. J. Clegg and the late Mr. J. Clegg, of that city. Mr. and Mrs.
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    • 90 4 WARDLE —On Friday 12th In Singapore to Betty wife of the Reverend A. V. Wardle. Chaplain Missions to Seamen a daughter. On Jan. 11, at Tichfleld, to Dorothy (nee Hope-Falkner) wife of Lieut-Commander A. J. Tillard. Royal Navy, a daughter. KEMP.—On Thursday. 11-1-40 to Joan Mary (n£e Ruscoe) wife
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    • 229 4 DAVIS—LINDSAY.—The engagement is announced of Flying Officer Patrick Slaney. son of the late Mr. Herbert Davis, of London. and Evelyn Margaret Doreen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. Lindsay, of Singapore. The engagement is announced between Dermot Victor, 3rd son of Mr. and Mrs. Prittie Perry, of Castleconnel, Co.
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  • 120 4 Reuter. A FORMER Singapore naval commodore, Rear-Admiral M ar shall Llewelyn Clarke was granted a divorce in London on Monday iormer Singapore army officer\va, cited as co-respondent. Rear-Admiral Clarke was granted a decree nisi with costs on
    Reuter.  -  120 words
  • 294 4 Leaders—- Bellicosity at a Discount i The Little Things That Matter Another Nazi Blunder 2 The B.M.B.C 2 Strikes 3 Daily Doses Of Gloom 3 Telegrams— Covering past week’s news 15-21 Financial Supplement— Financial and Commercial News to date, following page 22 Malayan General News— Queen’s Scholarships For This
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  • 58 4 DEATHS FANNY VICTORIA SKEY—(N6e Fisher), the dearly beloved wife of W. G. Skey. passed away peacefully at the General Hospital at a 1 on Sunday, January 14. after a verv short Illness. STTtEVENS.—On January 15, 1940, at No. 49 Pasir Panjang Road, Singaporo, William Alderney Strevens, of Messrs. Robinson Piano
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  • 518 5 QUEEN’S SCHOLARSHIPS FOR THIS YEAR Singapore, Penang Selangor Win One Each \’S most coveted scholastic prize, the Queen’s have been awarded in the Colony this year 1 \v iihur Roswell, of Raffles Institution, Singapore, and i v «ns Phipps, of St. Xavier’s Institution, Penang. (if <pecial significance is the fact
    518 words
  • 78 5 ir Own Correspondent) MR R Mmf°!! ore Bah ru, Jan. 14. as i p ,„7 las taken ov er duties m C Tavlor Johor6 from Mr. fu* a Ppointiror^ r Taylor has resumed th J s K the President of .This will hr. ‘iu Jopore Bahru. acted
    78 words
  • 116 5 REACTING immediately to a notice issued by the Singapore Traffic Advisory Committee last week calling attention to ‘obnoxious smoke and unburnt gases from motor car exhausts,” it least one motorist has reported what in his opinion were two bad cases of “smoky exhausts.” Offenders arc
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  • 320 5 THE death occurred on Sunday at the General Hospital of Mrs. Fanny Skey, wife of Mr. W. G. Skey, of Green and Collier, Ltd.. Singapore. Mrs. Skey, who was 38 years of age, was admitted to hospital on Thursday night. A sister of Mr
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  • 67 5 (From Our Own Correspondent) Johore Bahru. Jan. 14. HAJI Esa bin Haji Abdullah, Johore Clerk of Councils, has been pro moted from class three to class two jf the Malay officers’ scheme. Haji Esa, who has been Clerk oi Ccuncils for about seven years,
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  • 28 5 It is announced in Bangkok that Vlans are being drawn up to enlist women volunteers for training in various auxiliary services such as motorcar drivers, hospital dressers, etc.,
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  • 544 5 GIRLS’ EDUCATION IN COLONY PROGRESSING Retiring School Principal Modern Trends rjREATLY improved physique and the development of the u teaching of domestic science, fitting girls to make better mothers and create better homes, are described as the principal features of the progress during the past 25 years in the education
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  • 380 5 AMONG 18 applications dealt with by the Rent Assessment Board in Singapore last week was one for recovery .of possession on the ground that the landlord wanted the premises for his own use because “a drastic cut in his salary would not enable
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  • 46 5 THE Glasgow Herald announces the engagement between Mr. James M'Kinlay, of the Singapore Cold Storage Co., Ltd., eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. John M’Kinlay. of lolanl. Giifnock, and Miss Jean Mofllin. eldest daughter of the late Mr. Harold Mofllin, of Perth, Western Australia.
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  • 101 6 rfF solidarity of the Muslim world at the present time was emphasized by Tungku Ismail, president of the Selangor Malay Association, in an English talk broadcast from the 8.M.8.C. station, Singapore, last week, in
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  • 1406 6 Fidelity to engagements has so often been lacking in recent international dealings that Turkey’s determination to fulfil her obligat ons to Britain and France deserves tlie warmest congratulation Turkey has kept faith with the democracies in spite of pressure which lias been brought to hear upon
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  • 91 6 THE Municipal Health Officer, Dr. N. A. Canton recently notified a case of smallpox in the Telok Blangah Road district. Singapore possesses a very good record in respect of smallpox and this Is only the fourth case to be notified in two years, there being two cases
    91 words
  • 366 6 MEW war-time regulation, :o aircraft flying over Singapore and Penang Islands and territorial waters listed in last week’s Government Gazette Extiaorclinary i o n bid flying over Singapore excery a defined “corridor.” They are made under the Air Navigation Acts of 1920 and 1936 ana
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  • 162 6 J*HE new regulations are welcomed by both the Royal Singapore Flying Club and the Island Flying Club. Far from imposing fresh restrictions on activities of the flying clubs, they will permit greater freedom for amalei r pilots, as the corridor will allow them to fly
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  • 61 6 p is expected that the constructior. of the Thai railway link with tne railway in French Indo-China will b* completed before the end of this vcu The extension will cost nearly hall 1 million dollars which will be paid bthe Thai Govenment. Work on constructing
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  • 175 10 It was Interesting to watch the quickness with which the soldiers man the howitzers firing 20-pound shells with a range of about 5,700 yards The gunners going in a lorry with the gun in a trailer are able to man the guns in 1 min. 10 seconds
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  • 154 10 IMEMBERS of “B” Company. 1st Battalion, The Singapore Volunteer Corps last week said farewell to their company commander, Capt. D. McMullin, who is leaving shortly for Japan. He is E?ing to the Yokohama office of the Asiatic Petroleum Company on transfer, The occasion took the
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  • 630 10 A FIRST-HAND picture of the oppression of Czecho- Slovakia’s non-Nazi population after the German occupation of the country was given to a reporter last week aboard a ship in Singapore by the former managing director of three
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  • 159 10 (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Jan. 8. AS the first big effort by Selangor Chinese women in aid of the China Relief Fund this year they will stage in Kuala Lumpur, some time in March, three plays, include ing one with
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  • 884 14 SARAWAK’S war efforts were described to the Straits Times by Mr. Hughes, until recently Secretary for Defence in Kuching, who was ir. Singapore last week on his way to England with
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  • 536 14 “CARAWAK is one of the most contented countries in the world,” said Mr. Nigel Hughes, the retiring Secretary for Defence, in an interview last week .with the Straits Times. There is absolutely no unrest among the native population, and there never will be.
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  • 57 14 Sergeant and Mrs. A. P. Rollings after their marriage at St. Andrew’s Cathedral last iveek. The bride vxts formerly Miss Wilhelmina Jeanette fNetta) Tholen, daughter of Mrs. C. Tholen of Singapore. Sergeant Rollings is in the Royal Artillery and is stationed at Changi.—Straits Times picture. Mery
    Mery and is stationed at Chanqi.—Straits Times picture.  -  57 words
  • 384 14 (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Jan. iO. IF by providing another ambulance live lives could be saved in two years, Mr. D. T. Waring, speaking at the Sanitary Board meeting to-day, declared that the cost of such a vehicle would he more
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  • 62 14 THE shortage of rice in Japan na$ resulted in increased purchases if* Thailand, according to a Bangkok r port. One Bangkok newspaper, the Varasab, reports that negotiations an pr°; feeding between the Thai Departnyy* of Commerce and the Japanese Oj"' jcrnment, with a view to
    62 words

  • 348 16 Reuter. Helsinki, Jan. 9. ANOTHER smashing Finnish victory along the road “from Soumassalmi to the Soviet frontier is claimed in a special war communique issued in Helsinki yesterday afternoon, says Reuter. The entire Soviet 44th division of more tnan
    Reuter.  -  348 words
  • 168 16 Helsinki. Jan. 9. THE routing of the Soviet 44th Division by the Finnish forces in the Suomussalmi sector is largely due to the use of great quantities of material taken from the Russian 16Hrd Division, which was cut to pieces on the same front a week
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  • 88 16 ■Reuter. Paris, Jan. 8. GEN. Gamelin, supreme commander of the Allied armies, handed General Lord Gort, Com--Chief of the British Expeditionary Force In Prance, and General Sir Edmund Ironside, Chief of the Imperial General Ssaff, the insignia of the Grand Cross of the Legion of Honour
    ■Reuter.  -  88 words
  • 246 16 Wirrless 7 happy Reutcr and British London. Jan. 8. THE Home Office announces that Vice-Admiral C V. Usborne. who has been Director of Censorship since the outbreak of war, has resigned in order to undertake new work of national
    Wirrless7 happy “Reutcr and British  -  246 words
  • 128 16 London, Jan. 10. THE first British colonial troops have arrived in France. It is announced in dispatches from France that a Cypriot transport unit has joined the British Expeditionary Force The Cypriot contingent which enlisted in tne early days of the war,
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  • 109 16 -Reuter. London, Jan. 10. A YOUNG officer of an English county regiment in a sector of the Maginot line front is now reported missing, says Reuter’s special correspondent with the B.EP. This is the first officer casualty
    -Reuter.  -  109 words
  • 149 16 London, Jan. 9. 117H1LE ail of yesterday’s British newspaper editorials dealt with the more serious problems of the war, the Daily Telegraph found time, says Reuter, to discuss the garb of Old Gaul -the kilt. No more kilt cloth will be issued until the
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  • 92 16 —Reuter. London, Jan. 9. 1i>VR. W. J. Jordan, the High Commis1¥1 sioner lor New Zealand, has announced that the New Zealand Government has placed at the disposal of the United Kingdom authorities the New Zealand anti-tank battery now training in England. The sole
    —Reuter.  -  92 words
  • 584 16 London, Jan. 10 IN a fresh outbreak of terror tactic 1 against merchantmen e lsh > smacks and other peaceful vesselsT German airmen yesterday far th e L! murderous attack was that on a TrinitJ House vessel which was unusually ti
    -Reuter.  -  584 words
  • 23 16 -Reuter. London, Jan. 9 THE death has occurred oi Waring, who organized aer« p' a^ production in the last war. 79 years old.—Reuter.
    -Reuter.  -  23 words

  • 310 17 London, Jan. 9. roi .1 .OWING the announcement yesterday in T Canberra and Washington that the United States and Australia have established diplomatic relations, the first Australian minister to Washin ton and the first United States minister to Canberra were
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  • 201 17 Peuter. New York, Jan. 9. Bm lU se the international situation conrii/£ njunction with Far Eastern «orld ?i„ presents a thre at of a ch ef c f onflag^ation Adr niral Stark, beiore ho a u al operation
    Peuter.  -  201 words
  • 78 17 ■Reuter Stockholm, Jan. 11. DRINCE AAGE of Denmark, a cousin of the King of Denmark and a nephew of the late Queen Alexandra, ha» offered his services to the Finns. He is now 52 years of age, and has seen over ten years’ active
    ■Reuter  -  78 words
  • 88 17 -Reuter. Copenhagen, Jan. 11. A CCORDING to the correspondent of the Berlingske Tindende, Russian soldiers captured in Finland state that after the defeat of the Soviets at th_ j battle of Suomussalmi. Gen. Vinogradov, broken with despair, disappeared with a few men into the forest. The
    -Reuter.  -  88 words
  • 31 17 -Reuter. Paris, Jan. 10. According to Le journal, i,oso vessels have been convoyed by the French Navy since the outbreak of war, and only two have been lost through enemy action.—Reuter.
    -Reuter.  -  31 words
  • 157 17 London, Jan. 9. “TT would be criminal folly to allow the people of this country to slip into thinking that, because the blow has not fallen in the first four months of the war, the danger of a heavy air attack on
    ”—Reuter.  -  157 words
  • 39 17 Lieutenant Commander G. C. Philips, commander of the submarine Ursula, which sank a German cruiser at the mouth of the Elbe, chatting with Capt. Bethell after returning to his home base with his vessel.
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  • 91 17 London, Jan. 8. THE British steamer Cedrington Court (5,000 tons) sank ten minutes after hitting a mine off the south-east coast yesterday. The crew of 34 was saved. A deck boy had a remarkable escape. He was on the lookout
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  • 147 17 London. Jan. 8. AT the King’s request, rationing of the Royal Household will be as strict as possible. The King and Queen and other members of the royal family, in readiness for the rationing of bacon, ham, butter and sugar, which
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  • 202 17 -Reuter. London, Jan. 9. THFJ Daily Telegraph’s Amsterdam correspondent states that he has received news from a reliable source in western Germany that a new German army headquarters has been established at Recklinghausen, about 40 miles from the nearest point on the
    -Reuter.  -  202 words
  • 120 17 New York, Jan 10. OVER 400 members of the crew of the scuttled German liner Columbus who are of military age are to be released from Ellis Island on Sunday according to the New York Herald Tribune. They
    Reuter.  -  120 words
  • 35 17 -British Wireless. London, Jan. 11. THE Ministry of Food is taking complete control of all meat supplies in the country on Jan. 15. Meat rationing, however, will not take effect until a later date.—British Wireless.
    -British Wireless.  -  35 words

  • 515 18 luondon, Jan. 10. IT is officially announced in that a Royal Air Force command to include all units of the air force in France is being formed. It is to be designated “the British Air Force
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  • 501 18 -Reuter London, Jan. 11. THREE people are believed to have been killed when a Nazi plane attacked the London steamer Upminster in the North Sea yesterday Ten survivors of the crew of 13 were landed at an east coast port two
    -Reuter  -  501 words
  • 57 18 K.A.F. men leaving a bomber on their return to an aerodrome somewhere in England after the heroic battle over Heligoland Bight in which a formation of bombers successfully resisted attacks by more than 100 German Messerschmitts in a five-hour battle. Twelve enemy fighters were shot down
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  • 194 18 London, Jan. 11. ITALY will send military aid to Hungary if Hungary were 1 threatened by Soviet invasion, declared the Rome radio last night, commenting on the Hungaro-Italian talks at Venice last week-end. This statement was
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  • 73 18 Bucharest, Jan 10 IT is officially announced that the meeting of the Balkan Entente, to be attende/j oy "he foreign ministers !of Turkey. Greece. Rumania and Yugoslavia. will be held in Belgrade, beginning on Feb. 1. The ‘’onferener is considered in chp]omntic circles nure to be of particular
    Renter  -  73 words
  • 55 18 Reuter Oslo. Jan. 11. •THE Norwegian steamer Manx 1 tons> has struck a mine. accorJMg to an Amsterdam report, which add. that seven members of the crew w rt p rescued. The master o! a Norwegian steamer reports h« effected the rescues. Seven members oi
    Reuter  -  55 words
  • 68 18 with a single outspread wing —British Wireless. London, Jan. 11. AS a recognition of the importance of the air gunner's part in aerial warfare, a new badge has been approved for wear by officers and men qualified as air gunners The badge which is reminiscent
    with a single outspread wing —British Wireless.  -  68 words
  • 37 18 Reuter. Brussels. Jan. 11 A German monoplane made a forced landing at Mechlen-sur-Meuse in Belgium, striking a tree as it came down. The officers aboard were unhurt and will be interned with the plane.—
    Reuter.  -  37 words
  • 90 18 mnn IvOUdOP, Jail. 10. calling up of the first hatch r the ago group began ese raen registered in December, when it was stated 'hat the calling up would begin early in the New Year.. If
    Reuter.  -  90 words

  • 721 19 —Reuter. London, Jan. 12. r\TENSE aerial activity over the North Sea and along the East coast of Great Britain is reted in messages from London received last dffht and to-day. The series of raids along the
    —Reuter.  -  721 words
  • 104 19 AN RA.F. pilot has had the experlence of flying a Spitfire fighter at more than 800 miles an hour. The experience was accidental. The machine was making a straight dive and when the pilot got it out of the dive, he found he was
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  • 36 19 German war prisoners in France do not remain idle during their detention each one has a task allotted him. Picture shows a scene in the garden of the prisoners’ camp.
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  • 27 19 ■Reuter. Copenhagen, Jan. 11. WRECKAGE, believed to be from a German warship struck by a mine, has been washed up at Esjberg.—Reuter.
    ■Reuter.  -  27 words
  • 113 19 -Reuter. INDICATIVE of Sweden’s concern over the Russo-Finnish war, the 1 Swedish Reichstag has passed a series ot emergency measures which would lx? applicable in the event of war or of the threat of war, reports Reuter. The chief oi the Swedish
    -Reuter.  -  113 words
  • 88 19 —Reuter. Reykjavik (Iceland), Jan. 11. SIXTY -TWO men of the German steamer Bahia Blanca, 8,558 tons, which struck an iceberg 60 miles off Iceland, are being brought here by an Icelandic trawler The Bahia Blanca sailed from Rio ae
    —Reuter.  -  88 words
  • 120 19 ECONOMIC PACT WITH TURKEY Agreement Signed By Britain France Paris, Jan. 9 COMMERCIAL and financial agreements among Britain, France and Turkey were signed here yesterday. These economic agreements are the result of talks which had been carried on simultaneously in London and Paris. Under a tripartite treaty signed on Oct.
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  • 46 19 Reutpi PIE Australian Minister for Air announced on Jan. 12 that he is considering the formation of a women’s auxiliary air force. The women, he said, would do transport and similar work to relieve skilled men for the Empire air training scheme Reuter
    Reutpi  -  46 words
  • 206 19 Router. Amsterdam, Jan. 10 THE Gestapo (Nazi secret police) is 1 preparing a report based on “sensational revelations alleged to have been made by the British officials. Mr. B. H. Stevens and Mr. Best, described by the Nazis as secret service
    Router.  -  206 words
  • 105 19 -Reuter London, Jan. 8. MR. A. T. Lennox-Boyd. Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food, disclosed to-day that from Jan. 15 the Food Ministry will buy all tlie fat stock, including pigs, which are sent for slaughter throughout Britain. Soldiers, sailors and
    -Reuter  -  105 words

  • 211 20 London, Jan. 14. A CCORDING to unconfirmed reports reaching Copenhagen, the Russian vanguard on the Salla front is now only 20 miles from the important junction of Kejaervi, about half-way across Finland. The
    – Reuter.  -  211 words
  • 107 20 Reuter. London, Jan. 14. ANOTHER attack by a German plane on a British trawler was reported when the vessel Erick Stroud reached a port in Scotland to-day The skipper said that the plane dropped about 25 bombs, none of which hit, though some almost grazed,
    Reuter.  -  107 words
  • 105 20 Reuter London, Jan. 10. 11 was learned to-day that the Union Castle linei Rothesay Castle. 7,000tons, struck a reef off the west coast ol Scotland last Thursday night and sustained damage. The vessel Is still on the rocks and it is feared that fhe liner
    Reuter  -  105 words
  • 31 20 -Reuter. Oslo, Jan. 15. THE Norwegian steamer Fredville (1,150 tons) has been mined in the North Sea. There are five survivors, while eleven men are missinc and feared to have perished.—Reuter.
    -Reuter.  -  31 words
  • 67 20 Reuter. TTHE Finnish Legation in London announced on Jan. 12 that Finnish casualties in the Russian air raids from the beginning of the war to Jan. 9 total 234 killed, 209 seriously wounded and 210 slightlv wounded. It is stated that in Helsinki and other
    Reuter.  -  67 words
  • 57 20 -Reuter- New York, Jan. I?. BRITAIN and France are arranging to place orders for 12,000 American warplanes in the next two .years, according to authoritative quarters here. It is stated that, with shipments already contracted, the Allies expect to exceed Germany's rate of
    -Reuter-  -  57 words
  • 98 20 Reuter. Washington, Jan. 11. THE Reconstruction Finance Cor poration and the United States Export Bank will provide eiedits up to $10,000,000 for Norway, to be used for purchasing American agricultural products, manufactured goods and other supplies. This credit is widely regarded as another effort to bolster
    Reuter.  -  98 words
  • 43 20 -Reuter. Stockholm, Jan. 14. THE NAZI authorities have raised the embargo imposed on the transport through Germany of Italian arms to Finland, a consignment of which, believed to be planes, was held up by the Germans last week.—Reuter.
    -Reuter.  -  43 words
  • 162 20 Tokio, Jan. 14. 'THE Emperor commanded Adm A M. Yonai to form a new cabinet after the Abe cabinet resigned er. nloc to-day, only four and a half months after its advent. Admiral Yonai is a Navy Member of the War Council
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  • 57 20 ■Reuter. Washington, Jan. 14. ANEW type of anti-aircraft shell developed in the United States has been made available to France, according to aeronautical officials here. The shell is fired in the usual manner but releases a parachute trailing hundreds of feet of steel tape
    ■Reuter.  -  57 words
  • 178 20 has no aims or schemes of aggression against Russia, hut she is determined to defend Danubian and Balkan order against possible Bolshevik encroachment for the same reasons that she generously and disinterestedly assisted in the defence of order in Spain,” declares the semi-official
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  • 117 20 -Reuter. Sofia, Jan. 14. COMPLETE agreement between Bul«aria and Turkey regarding the maintenance of peace in the Balkans and the safeguarding of Bulgarian neutrality is expressed in a communique issued here following a meeting between the Bulgarian Prime Minister and the Secretary-General of the Turkish
    -Reuter.  -  117 words
  • 62 20 Madrid, Jan. 14. SPANISH-French trade agreement was signed yesterday at the Foreign Ministry. France will buy from Spain iron lead, zinc, mercury ores and pyrites and Spain will buy wheat, automobiles chemical products and other manufactured goods from North African protectorates and Indo-Chinese rice Payments will
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  • 42 20 Reuter. TRADE talks have been going on in Moscow between Russia and Japan They lasted lor l»/ 2 hours on Saturday, and it is understood that the Japanese delegates are now waiting for further 'instructions from Tok:o— Reuter
    Reuter.  -  42 words
  • 79 20 London, Jan. i |'riE Air Ministry announces tha» R.A.F. aircraft on Thursda night successfully carried out connaissance flights over west ami north-west Germany and patrok over the German seaplane bases i, Heligoland Bight. es ,n .During the patrols over the German seaplane bases one
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  • 86 20 Reuter. The German ground defences opened fire and many searchlights worked in co-operation with the guns. One bomber was momentarily held by a cluster of searchlights over the island of Sylt, but all R A.F. aircraft returned safely. Between them, every two aircraft which go on security
    Reuter.  -  86 words
  • 115 20 -Reuter. Cairo. Jan. 14. piFTY-ONE GERMANS have been 1 arrested and imprisoned in Egypt within the last 48 hours, it *is understood as a reprisal against the treatment suffered by a number of Egyptians residing in Germany. Many documents seized during raids on premises owned
    -Reuter.  -  115 words
  • 90 20 -Reuter. Washington, Jan. 14. THE American-Hawaiian Steamship 1 Company has applied to the Maritime Commission for permission to sell the cargo ships Delawarean (5,705 tons), Louisianan (5,484 tons), Tennessean (6,379 tons) and Indianan (5.582 tons) to a British firm. The proposed transfer
    -Reuter.  -  90 words
  • 63 20 -Reuter. Guayaquil (Ecuador), Jan. 12. SERIOUS rioting broke out here as a result of the election oi I)r. Carlos Arroyo del Rio, tin liberal candidate, as president Ecuador airmen attempted 10 start a revolution. Shots were (hanged and several were wounded. Eventually loyalist troops overcame
    -Reuter.  -  63 words

  • 722 21 Defence Measures In Holland Belgium DUE TO “LESS FAVOURABLE INTERNATIONAL SITUATION” London, Jan. 15. iHK War Office announced late last night that the leave service from the British Expeditionrv Force has been temporarily suspended. Men t present on leave are not being recalled. This allows the cancellation of all leave
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  • 133 21 -Reuter. Rio de Janeiro, Jan. 10. THE U-boat which attacked the Royal Mail liner Highland Patriot while the vessel was on her way to Rio de Janeiro is reported to have been sunk after a two-hour fight, according to the newspaper Globo, which says that the
    -Reuter.  -  133 words
  • 70 21 Reuter. Shanghai, Jan. 11. PRIVATE David Eckford, of the Ist Bn., The Seaforth Highlanders, was found guilty in the British Supreme Court of the murder of Lance-Corporal James Davies, of the same regiment, reports Reuter. He was recommended for mercy. Eckford in his defence said that
    Reuter.  -  70 words
  • 66 21 -Reuter. Milwaukee, Jan. 12. “I BELIEVE the war will de- finitely end in a few months as a result of revolution in territory occupied by Germany and later in Germany itself, H said Archduke Felix of Austria, lecturing here today. He added
    -Reuter.  -  66 words
  • 124 21 10,000-Ton Liner Sunk By Mine Most Of Passengers Crew Rescued -Reuter. London, Jan. 10. THE Union Castle liner Dunbar Castle (10,000 tons) sank after striking a mine off the south-east coast lasi night. The Dunbar Castle carried 200 passengers and crew. Most of the passengers have been rescued, but some
    -Reuter.  -  124 words
  • 247 21 Reuter. Brussels, Jan. 15. THE bringing into force of Phase D 1 of the reinforcement of the Belgian army means that the penultimate phase of the mobilisation series has been reached. The last phase, Phase E is general mobilisation. One result of the bringing into
    Reuter.  -  247 words
  • 70 21 London, Jan. 11. FURTHER evidence of the success of the Allied blockade of Germany is revealed by figures issued by the United States Department of Commerce. United States exports to Germany ir. November were valued at $3,000. compared with $39,000 October, and $8,500,000 in
    70 words
  • 496 21 FIGHTING TO SPREAD Intensification Of War Likely -Reuter. London, Jan. 12. W EI iL-INFORMED quarters in London anticipate intensification of the war in spring on one front or another. It is felt that, although inactivity may continue on the land front in France even throughout this year, owing to the
    -Reuter.  -  496 words
  • 77 21 Reuter. Amsterdam. Jan. 12. VIEUTENANT CLAUS VON BOHLEN, son of Gustav and Bertha Krupp, of the well-known armament Arm. was killed on Wednesday, states a notice in the Koelnischer Zeitung The notice says that Lieutenant Bohlen, who was a lieutenant in a fighter squadron
    Reuter.  -  77 words

  • 1211 22 (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Jan. 13. THE Malaya Cup for rugger has returned South. Playing brilliantly, the Army wrested back the Cup they lost to Selangor last year by beating Penang
    -Straits Times picture.  -  1,211 words
  • 76 22 (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Jan. 13. AT the annual general meeting of the Malayan Rugby Union to-day in Kuala Lumpur the election of oflice-bearers for 1940 resulted President, Vaughan Jones; Penang. J. L. M. Boyd; Perak, T. P. M. Lewis; Selangor, Murray Scoular; Negri
    76 words
  • 954 22 I ATEST League positions In Home regional soccer tables are as follows NORTH-EASTERN P. W. L. D. F. A. Pts Newcastle 9 7 2 0 27 13 14 Leeds 9 5 2 2 16 15 12 Huddersfield 8 4 1 3 19 7
    954 words
  • 114 22 I\HE teams for the North vs. South 1 annual Rugby match to be played In Singapore at Anson Road stadium on Jan. 27 are: North: Keay (Penang); Lundon Penang), Ferguson (Perak), Smith (Selangor); Dunne (Selangor), Carrell (Selangor), Dr. Jones (Penang) PolwCk Selangor), Russel; (Penang) Mcßride
    114 words
  • 50 22 Reuter Amsterdam, Jan A WORLD recorc for the 100 breast stroke was created by M 1 Alie Style, of Holland, whose tin-*' 1 1 min. 13 sec. beat the previous r J°, held by Miss Dora Hesselaars. o, land, of 1 min. 15 6 sec.*-Reuter
    Reuter  -  50 words

    • 739 1 FUNDS FLOW INTO LOCA L INDUSTRIAL SHARES Fraser And Company’s Review Of Past Fortnight a report on the share market during the past fortnight, r nus er and To., sharebrokers, write:— Our rirst report lor the New Year finds the war nearly five months old ind with ominous signs of
      739 words
    • 99 1 DURING the week ending Dec. 30, 1939. exports of canned pineapples from Malayan ports amounted to 6.548 cases, of which: 4,875 (75 per cent) cases were to the United Kingdom, 150 (2 percent» cases to the Continent of Europe. 813 (12 per cent) cases to Canada,
      99 words
    • 116 1 (From Our Own Correspondent) London, Jan. 15. The following are to-dav’s “bid” quotation* for Fixed Trusts:— s. d. British Empire “A” 16 6 British Empire “B" 6 74 British Empire Cumulative 13 3 British Empire C’prehensive 13 6 British General “A” 18 6 British General "B" 14 7%
      116 words
    • 378 1 A NET profit of $46,137 was earned by Glenealy Plantations Ltd. in the year ended October last. This compares with $30,108 in the preceding year. The amount brought forward from 1938 was $76,333, making available a total of $122,470.
      378 words
    • 39 1 THE price of rubber (or purpose oi assessment to export duty in the F.M.S. during the period Jan. 12 to Jan. 18. has been determined at 38 r, y cents a pound, states a Gazette notification.
      39 words
    • 12 1 In the first half of January Satupulo produced 411 niculs of tin-ore.
      12 words
    • 290 1 jondon, Jan. 16. The following are to-day's closing middle quotation: Shares are of £i denomination unless otherwise stated: Con Loan o% 1944-64. 110Vi. Funding Loan 4% 196C-W. 109 Wai Loan 34</c 95% Com Union Assce (Units* 7% Prudential Assce ‘A’ 244 Royal Asset.... 7% Great Western Rlv
      290 words
    • 101 1 MALAYA failed to export her tin quota In 1939 by 3,948 tons and, deducting excess ex* ports of 675 lons brought forward at the enu of 1938, the net deficit at the end of 1939 is, 3,273 tons. Exports in December, according to official statistics
      101 words
    • 55 1 Dote Soot Jan. Feb.-Mar. Apr.-June July-Sept Oct.-Dec London Jan 11 39*4 39% 29 37 36 4 36% 12 38% 39 38% 37 36‘4 35% U 1316 15 37% 38 37% 36% 35% 34% 16 38% 38% 37% 36% 35% 34% }}M /l 8 17 38% 38%
      55 words
    • 383 2 P ETA LING TIN, LTD., is to pay shareholders a total dividend of 45 per cent, for the year ended October. The accounts were issued over the week-end ami show that che net profit,
      383 words
    • 115 2 AN official communique issued ay n the Tin Controller states that u further distribution of €37.300 is > be made to Malayan miners who contributed to the buiTer pool. This distribution is made under article 23 of the U.ifTcr Pool Agreement which states that sums in
      115 words
    • 104 2 r*OLONY rubber stocks fell sharply v durinn December and at the end of the year the total stocks were only 16,900 tons, the lowest figure* reached for many years. At the end of November stocks were 24,785 tons and at the end fit 1938 they
      104 words
    • 172 2 A NET profit of $50,809 was earned by Lunas Rubber Estates, Ltd, in the year ended October. This compares with $57,697 in the preceding year The amount brought forward from 1988 was $50,928. 1 he directors propose a dividend of
      172 words
    • 141 2 THE Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association held its 1.468 th auction on Jan. 10 Catalogued 1,581,404 it». —705.98 tons Offered 000,452 1b.—401.98 tons Sold 400,082 lb —205.39 toas London—spot n ***** d. Ne\* York—spot 19 A, cts. PRICES REALIZED RIBBED SMOKED SHEET
      141 words
    • 38 2 r T I HE directors of Mentakab Rubber C Ltd have made a forward sale ol 15 tons of standard sheet delivery irom February to June, inclusive at j 37' cents a pound f o.b
      38 words
    • 59 2 IN the lour months ended December Jelebu Tin Dredging Ltd. produced 807 piculs of tin-ore and the approximate profit for the period wa." .*28,000. The dredge treated 322,500 cubic yards of material but was shutdown from Sept. 7 to Sept 26 No profit on the contribution to
      59 words
    • 38 2 ||N the last quarter of 1939 Slone Tin Ltd. produced 95 tons of tine-ore and the mine cost was €6.300 The estimated mine profit on 106 tons of concentrates sold during the quarter was €6.800
      38 words
    • 33 2 JN December the dredge of Ulu Kian j Tin Ltd. run for 675 hours, treated 124.000 cubic yards, including 21,100 cubic yards of tailings, and produced '«45 piculs of tin-ore
      33 words
    • 576 2 IN a weekly report on the rubber market, issued at noon on Jan. 11, Stanton Nelson and Co., Ltd., write:— Political news during the past week leaves the definite impression that a long war is in prospect, rendering inevitable sooner or
      576 words
    • 262 2 •THE gross value of .Malay»' foreign trade for 19.!!) i-, |ji,J 10 exceed that for i«j;>a i J $240,000,000, exports are likolv he $180,000,000 more than i„ V' and imports $60,000,000 nioiv in 1938. ina According to statistics issued i„ night exports
      262 words
    • 103 2 directors of Austral Malay Tm 1 Ltd. and associated companies have declared the following dividends which are payable during the current halfyear. Pungah distribution will be made on Feb. 9 and the date of payment by the other companies will be announced later. AUSTRAL MALAY— Dividend
      103 words
    • 55 2 I IN iMe four months ended Decemoe’ Lukut Tin Dredging Ltd produced 500 piculs of and the profit for I the four months was approximately $24 000 The dredge treated 199.67 c cubic yards of material No profit of the contribution to the buffer c tocfc
      55 words
    • 138 2 IN a weekly report on the rubber market, issued on Jan. 11. and Peat «Singapore) Ltd. write:-' With a good inquiry from Amene* prices have shown an appreciate aJ" vance during the week, and a hu volume of business has taken ula‘~
      138 words

  • 1169 3 Issued By Fraser And Co., exchange and stock brokers. Singapore, January 17, 10 a.m. mining Buyers Sellers ue Val. 4/16% 5/3 Am pat I'.’i 6/3 7/-cd Austral A-' 37/- 39/-cd l Austr vitani y .P 34/6 35/6 1 Ayer H l ,in 0.85 0.90 i Ayer yv•••;;;
    1,169 words
  • 42 3 HPHE official price of tin in Singapore on Jan. 11 was $125.37*/ 2 per picul of 133 l/3rd lb. on Jan. 12 $125,371. on Jan. 13 124.75; on Jan. 15 $124.75; on Jan. 16 $124; on Jan. 17 $124.
    42 words
  • 26 3 Malaka Pinda Rubber Estates Ltd harvested 66,318. lb. of rubber in December making a total of 201,116 lb. for the four months ri the financial v°ar
    26 words
  • 776 3 A DDRESSING shareholders at the annual meeting of Benta Rubber Estates in Kuala Lumpur, on Saturday, Mr. J. E. Jones, the chairman, said:— Unfortunately, we meet to-day under conditions very different from those obtaining at the time of our iast
    776 words
  • 125 3 Singapore, Jan. 17, noon. Buyers Sellers Gambler 9 7 60 Hamburg Cube 914 00 Java Cube 912.00 f*eppei White Muntok 916.00 White 916.76 Black 9 8.50 Copra Mixed 93.46 Sun Dried 93.80 aagv Flour No 1 Lingga 96.25 Fair 96.25 Sarawak $7XH> ielotong Palembang 913.50 Banja 913.50
    125 words
  • 245 3 FRASER COMPANY LIST OF CURRENT DIVIDENDS Singapore, Jan. 16, 5 p.m. Books Total for Company Dividend Close Date Ex. Div. financial year TIN Payable Date to date Austral Amal 3d. *0% Austral Malay 9d. and 113 bonus 10% Ipoh 2s int. less tax Jan. 3 Jan. 30 Jan. 15 12%%
    245 words