The Straits Budget, 7 December 1939

Total Pages: 26
1 3 The Straits Budget
  • 30 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE STRAITS TIMES (ESTABLISHED NEARLY A CENTURY.* No. 4269. SINGAPORE, THURSDAY. DECEMBER 7. 1939. Price 25 cts., (S.S. Current i or 7,
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  • 1064 1 Singapore, Wednesday. to meet the increased cost of living due Vo the war are to be paid to thousands of Singapore workers in Government, Municipal. Admiralty, War Office, Air Ministry and Harbour Board employ. This w'as announced last week in an official communique which stated that
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  • 24 1 Mr. W. H. McNeill, the S.C.C. cricketer, and his bride, the forme r Miss Nancy Hughes, of West Australia.
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  • 42 1 Sint Nicholas fMr. E. Janzen) addressing a small hoy at the Dutch School prior to presenting gifts to the children. On the right is Black Peter (Mr. Hans Schuurmans) Sint Nicholas' servant.—Straits Times picture. -Straits Times picture.
    -Straits Times picture.  -  42 words

  • The Straits Budget
    • 1122 1 Straits Times. Ncv. 50. T declaration of neutra- a any rate non-participa-»lit European war was a conclusion. Germany's Njf taught the Japanese a doubt reminding them -.•at Emperor Meiji’s wise to his people never to Western politics, inci!j'.' 1 th». German propagan- t c one their
      Straits Times. Ncv. 50.  -  1,122 words
    • 1137 1 Straits Times. Dec. i. There has been a great deal ol unnecessary luss during the past few weeks as a result of the banning" oi certain films dealing with the war. We quote th* word banning be cause it has been misapplied in a manner which :s earning
      Straits Times. Dec. i.  -  1,137 words
    • 1162 2 -Straits Times, Russia has shown herself a very apt pupil of the Nazi exponents of, the policy of aggression. The; Soviet manoeuvres preceding the; attack on the Finland and the at- i tack itself were perfect reproduc4ions of the Hitler technique. There] were the same
      -Straits Times, **  -  1,162 words
    • 1072 2 entirety, on a war footing.”—Straits Times, Dec. 4. German propagandists have mari desperate attempts to cause a br between Great Britain and F ran All sorts of devices have been 2 ployed in an effort to spread anion the French troops and the Frenc people a
      entirety, on a war footing.”—Straits Times, Dec. 4.  -  1,072 words
    • 1005 3 nations of the world,”—Straits Times, Dec. 5. While the great majority of peopin have praised the authorities lor their lenient attitude toward the largo number of German refugees in the British Empire, a few critics have condemned the failure to carry out wholesale arrests and internments as
      nations of the world,”—Straits Times, Dec. 5.  -  1,005 words
    • 1118 3 months earlier. —Straits Times, Dec. 6. As it became increasingly unlikely that the Moscow negotiations lor a pact of mutual assistance against aggression between Great Britain. France and the Soviet Union would produce the desired result, the British Government was bitterly attacked at Home and r broad for
      months earlier. —Straits Times, Dec. 6.  -  1,118 words

    • 172 4 YOUNG.—At the General Hospital. Singapore, on Dec. 2, 1939, to May, wife of J. Young, Malayan Education Service, a daughter. WALKER.—At Johore Bahru on Dec. 2. 1939, to Robina, wife of P. S. Walker, a son. SAUNDERS.—At Johore Maternity Hospital, on Dec. 2, to Edna, wife of F. W.
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    • 72 4 CAREY—DUMERESQUE. —The engagement is announced between Captain Peter Harold Carey, R.A. only son of Brigadier-General H. E. Carey, C.M.G., D.S.O. and Mrs. Carey of Watergate. Bulford Wiltshire and Sheila daughter of Mrs. R. M. Dumeresque of 22 Southwood Court, London, N.W.11. PANG-CIIEW.—The engagement is announced between Pang Yum Peow,
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    • 65 4 McNEILL—HUGHES.—On December 1 1939 at the Singapore Presbyterian Church William Hogg McNeill to Miss Nancy Marie Ward Hughes, younger daughter of Capt. and Mrs J Ward Hughes, of Cottesloe, West Australia. K 2? H 'TL IURSTON oxl Nov 25 1839, at Ed gee 11 if. Sydney, Dorothy Isobel. younger
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  • 780 4 Acquittal On Cheating Charges At Singapore Assizes AFTER retiring 30 minutes to consider their verdict the special jury trying Chan Tiar, Chye and 0 |)in Avlmer Elliott on charges of cheating and abetment u f cheating, respectively, returned not guilty verdicts against both
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  • 227 4 Leaders— The Attractions Of Peace 1 Film Fuss l The Pupil And The Master 2 What France Is Doing Hitler’s Enemy Abroad More Treachery 3 Telegrams— Covering past week’s news 15-21 Financial Supplement— Financial and Commercial News to date, following page 22 Malayan General News— S.C.C. Cricketer Married 5
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  • 450 5 M|{. W. H. McNEILL MISS N. HUGHES M r WILLIAM Hogg McNeill, the well-known S.C.C. cricketer, was orried at the Singapore Presbyterian J! i, last week to Miss Nancy Marie Hughes, younger daughter of Int and Mrs. J. Ward Hughes, of rottesloe. West Australia. The
    450 words
  • 393 5 Perak Council To Make Appointment (From Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh, Dec. 4. INDICATING Government determination to go ahead with a progressive policy in connection with the aboriginal peoples of the Peninsula a Protector of Aborigines is to be appointed in Perak. At Thursday’s meeting of
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  • 394 5 Mr. H. K. Rodgers Aim Of Board THE chairman ot the Singapore Harbour Board. Mr. H. K Rodgers announced at the opening or th** new artisans’ dwellings that the Board intended to press forward with new housing schemes until every worker in the Board’s service was
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  • 60 5 (From Our Own Correspondent. y Seremban, Nov. 30. Mr. S. R. S. Naldu, chief clerk of the Chief Police Office, Seremban, will be proceeding on transfer to Ipoh as chief clerk of the Land Office there. Mr. E. Rozario of the Audit Office, Kuaia Lumpur, will
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 78 5 The Straits Times Map *9*r0$ U* t BA y B/SCAY -tmz n D ,T£*" A "e4» -I l c 0 A. of Europe Mediterranean IS 2fi W? I xz <r~ beautifully printed in seven colours the map is 25” x 18i” tnd covers the area shown n the adjoining sketch.
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  • 865 6 Sir Alexander Small And Leadership Problem EMPLOYERS SHOULD BE ABLE TO ANTICIPATE DEMANDS “IT should not be necessary always to wait for demands from labour. A good employer should know what is in the minds of his men. That is part of his business
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  • 90 6 SPEAKING at the opening of the Singapore Harbour Board’s new artisans colony, the chairman, Mr. H. K. Rodgers, said The importance of the Board’s dockyard as an essential cog in the wheels of Imperial Defence has been particularly demonstrated during the last few weeks. Since
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  • 46 6 S.H.B. WAR COST OF LIVING BONUS HTHE Singapore Harbour Board has decided to agree to cost of living allowances being paid on the scale adopted by the Singapore Municipal Commissioners. The announcement of this step was made by the chairman. Mr. H, K. Rodgers, last week.
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  • 210 6 Singapore. Nov. 30. THE registration of male British Europeans in Singapore was completed at 4 p.m. to-day. one month from its start. It is estimated that roughly 1.800 were registered, which is officially described as “fully up to earlier expectations.” Among them are British seamen from
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  • 86 6 Ananda Mahidol of Thailand, the boy king, who is living in Switzerland, is continuing his studies in spite of the war—but he is finding that food-restrictions are upsetting the royal household’s diet. The King’s guardian in Europe, Lt.Gen. Phya Vijitvongs Vudhikrai, has informed the
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  • 35 6 The High Commissioner for India. Sir Firoz Khan Noon, greeted this visitor to the Woking Mosque at the annual celebration of the Eid-ul-Fitr festival ichich uas celebrated by Muslims in Britain
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  • 249 6 THE exportable tin quota for the first quarter of next year was fixed last week by the International Tin Committee at 100 per cent, of standard tonnages. This is the same rate as is allowed for the current quarter. On Nov. 1 the Committee
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  • 101 6 (From Our Own Correspondent* Segamat. Dec. 3. THE annual prize distribution of the Government English School. Segamat, took place over the week-end in the school hall. Mr. R. E. Ince. the headmaster, reviewed the activities oi the school during the year and made special mention of the
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  • 76 6 (From Our Own Correspondent 1 Ipoh, Nov. 3. MR. H. C. Butler, manager oi Kamuning Estate, Sungei Sip ll and one of the best-known plan personalities in the F.M.S., is retirin’ shortly and he and Mrs. Butler been entertained to a tea
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  • 760 7 Splendid Work Being Done By New Volunteer Unit COOKING CURRY CHAPATHI OVER GAS RING IN CONVERTED GARAGE (By A Special Correspondent) rpHE all-Indian ambulance unit operating under the 1 direction of the London County Council in a London through* is an example of how Indians
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  • 217 7 No Settlement After Month Singapore, Dec. 4. ABOUT 1,500 sawyers and timber carriers from Singapore’s 12 sawmills, who have been out on strike for nearly a month, are still negotiating for a settlement. The disturbance in Beach Road on Saturday night in which Inspector M. Boyle, of
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  • 274 7 (From Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh, Dec. 3. Chinese miners may even- tually be pushed out of the tin industry unless they acquire new tin bearing lands was stressed by a speaker at yesterday’s representative meeting of the Perak Mining and Planting Association, the
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  • 62 7 (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Nov. 30. THE women’s hockey match played in Kuala Lumpur last week between Europeans and the Rest, netted $252 for the Malaya Patriotic Fund. According to the Chartered BanK, local contributions to the fund have reached a total of $162,501.47
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  • 661 7 Counsel Argues That Judge Misdirected The Jury 4h 4 the summing up of (he trial judge had proper" verdict a "j h and 4 h *l 4 th i ur y had brought in a Anneal I ,n the ourl of Criminal f th€
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  • 684 8 WARTIME TAXATION ON DRINK TOBACCO 42 Cents Extra On Quart Bottle Of Whisky THREE TO FIVE CENTS MORE ON TIN OF CIGARETTES Singapore, Dee. 1. MALAYA'S first wartime taxation measure was intro- duced to-day by a simultaneous announcement throughout the country of increase.! duties on liquor and tobacco. The increased
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  • 142 8 THE Straits Times understands that tlfe Sultan of Trengganu has conferred the title of l)ato on Captain C. P. Mogenscn, the East Coast Superintendent of the Straits Steamship Co., Ltd. He is believed to be the first European captain to he honoured with a Malay
    142 words
  • 179 8 RICKSHAS HIGHER PETROL PRICE Seremban Sanitary Board Not To Cancel Licences (From Our Own Correspondent) Seremban, Nov. 28. /■\WING to the increase in the price v of petrol, there may be a greater demand for rickshas, said a member at to-day’s meeting of the Seremban Sanitary Board. Mr. N. Coulson,
    179 words
  • 70 8 DRIVATE Richard Henry Milne, 26, of i Battalion the Gordon Highlanders, died in the General Hospital Singapore, last week, after illness His funeral took place with military honours at Bidadari Cemetery. Wreaths were received from thp noraLs'°l?iuh he nii ergea ts mess the corporals club,
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  • 252 8 ‘Common Purpose’ Of Two Nations NEW APPEAL FOR PATRIOTIC FUND AN appeal for donations to the Malaya Patriotic Fund is made by Mr. Lee Kong Chian, chairman of the Chinese section of the Malaya Patriotic Fund in a circular to Chinese clubs and associations. Mr. Lee
    252 words
  • 117 8 (From Our Own Correspondent) Bangkok, Dec. 1. IT is announced to-day that an official J agreement was signed yesterday between the Thai and Japanese governments providing for a regular air service between Tokio and Bangkok. The government of French Indochina has given permission for the use
    117 words
  • 591 8 “Restricted” “Prohibited" Goods From Abroad STERLING COUNTRIES WILL SUPPLY MALAYA’S NEEDS SINGAPORE importers are studying the probable effect of the new import control regulations on Malayan trade. The regulations detail lists of restricted and prohibited imports from non-sterling countries. The former may be imported
    591 words

  • 1444 9 jtliEF, VEAL, HAM BUTTER TO COST A LITTLE MORE •din*' Variations Announced For Canned Goods And Cheese J Singapore, Dee. 1. VIEW prices toi cold stoiagu foodstulis and other provisiuns coine into force to-day. They are explained in a a.mmunique issued by the Food Controller,
    1,444 words
  • 103 9 I OCAL pork prices are beginning to revert to normal after the substantial increase which took place not long ago, the Food Controller states. Bali normally exports large quantities of pigs to the Singapore markets, but recently supplies ceased to arrive. After inquiries, the Food Controller
    103 words
  • 482 9 Thousands Of Workers in Singapore To Benefit a 11 mvuu'M Singapore, Dec. 1. ALLOWANCES to meet the increased cost of living due to the war are to be paid to thousands of Singapore worliers in Government, Municipal. Admiralty, War Office, Air Ministry and
    482 words
  • 89 9 TMIK Singapore Chamber of Com* nierce has had under consideration for some time the question of salary and wage increases for employees in merchant firms in keeping with the rise in the cost of living. It is stated that as soon as circulars to members are answered,
    89 words
  • 59 9 IT is announced officially that the customary Honours List will not be published at the New Year. It is the Intention, however, that the list to be publisned on the day appointed for the official celebration of th* Kings Birthday, which next year is Thursday, June
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  • 1519 10 R.A.F. Officer Talks Of The Uses Of Modern Warplanes “THERE is no essential dill'erence between blasting cities to pieces with artillery or bombing them into ruins from the air,” declared a Singapore R.A.F. officer in a broadcast talk from the B.M.B.C. last week on the Modern
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  • Article, Illustration
    29 10 S. M. Levy, a Jew who is travelling the world drawing attention to the sufferings of his people in Nazi Germany. This picture was taken in Singapore.
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  • 402 10 (From Our Own Correspondent) Johore Bahru. Nov 26 j JNTEREST in ambulance work'and home nursing had much j n creased and in Johore Bahru the nucleus of a brigade had been formed by those who had U l <! the first-aid examination (-h. February,
    402 words
  • 98 10 (From Our Own Correspondent* Penang, Nov. 27 THE death of Mr. Koh Eng Hin, well- known Penang Chinese merchant, occurred at his residence in Hutton Lane, yesterday, after a long illness. He was 80 years of age and before his retirement some years
    98 words
  • 60 10 (From Our Own Correspondent London. Nov 15. MR. H. B. Langworthy, until recently Commissioner of Police, State, has been granted a comrn n in the Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve He is now Lieut.-Comdr l*' l worthy. R.N.V.R. and is stationed the Admiralty, London, where he
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  • 803 11 padi Planters Require Adequate Irrigation MALAY COLONIST CAN NOW GET SUITABLE LAND (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Nov. 29. OXTAILS of the Drainage and Irrigation Department’s If schemes to increase the production of padi in Malaya, were given by Mr. P. McNee, senior
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  • 95 11 T'llE rare copy of Magna Charta which was exhibited at the New York World Fair, is to remain in America for the duration of the war. land Lothian, British Ambassador in Washington, last week entrusted it to the safe keeping of the Congress
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  • 102 11 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Nov. 30. THE order forbidding farmers to cultivate crops on the hill slopes near Glugor Village is causing considerable anxiety in the rural districts. More than 160 Chinese farmers are affected, and have stoppedwork Following a petition, the larmers
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  • 336 11 AGRICULTURE INDUSTRIES Finding Jobs For Malayan Youth From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur. Nov. 29. yHE universal adoption of the "direct method" of teaching English in Malayan schools is mentioned in the latest report of the Director of Education. Some secondary schools are now equipped with science laboratories, and the
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  • 83 11 (From Our Own Correspondent> London. Nov. 15. MISS Sally Gilmour. daughter of Dr. and Mrs. C. C. B. Gilmour. of Singapore, who joined the front rank of British ballet dancers with her interpretation of the leading part of the ballet. Lady into Fox.” is now enjoying great success
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  • 352 11 Big Demand For Houses In Kuala Lumpur Chinatown (From Our Own Correspondent) tv Kuala Lumpur, Nov. 28. JN addition to the increased cost of living through the higher prices of essential foodstuffs, some Kuala Lumpur lesidents, especially Chinese who live in that part of
    352 words
  • 86 11 <From Our Own Correspondent) Penang Dec. 1 IT was announced at the inaugural meeting of the Penang Auxiliary Fire Service that 120 applications had heen received and the men will go into training at once under Mr. A J. Brown, the Fire Superintendent. Addressing the
    86 words
  • 63 11 A BATAVIA message states that llvi Chinese daily newspaper Sin Pc, well-known in Java, has been suspend! ed for eight days by the Indies authorities because it has pubf lished articles which are considered be anti-Japanese. This is the second time that the Sift Po has
    63 words
  • 43 11 THE Inter-Allied Women’s Association f>r Malaya has forwarded another shipment of comforts for distribution among the Allied soldiers. The shipment consists of 34 pullovers, 27 .scarves. 42 pairs of socks. 19 pairs of gloves, 18 woollen belts and 10 shirts.
    43 words

  • 593 12 Part Played By This Country In The War A JOHORE MALAY, Dr. Awang: bin Hassan, broadcasting: last week in the B.B.C. series of talks on “The Empire at War,” told the world of the contribution Malaya is making: to Great Britain’s war efforts. Dr. Awang:, who
    593 words
  • 106 12 (From Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh, Nov. 30. THE Perak Mining and Planting Association is holding a meeting at the Perak Chinese Chamber of Commerce shortly to consider Sir Lewis Fermor’s report on the mining industry in Malaya. Representatives of the Perak Miners’ Association will attend.
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  • 190 12 Thai Petitions To King Dismissed INSURRECTIONISTS TO DIE From Our Own Correspondent) Bangkok. Nov. 30. IT was announced to-day that petitions to the King made by the 18 persons sentenced to death by the Special Court last week for insurrection have all been dismissed. After the
    190 words
  • 83 12 A FILM on the safety first campaign in Singapore, produced by Ciapt. R. W. Watson-Hyatt. principal of Outram School, and directed by Mr. A G. Meyer, with the help of the local police, w’as screened at Outram School The film, which w’as made with a view
    83 words
  • 278 12 Cashier’s Breach Of Trust PLEADING guilty to breach of trus* of $3,532 belonging to the fi rrT1 Heng Swee Hee, a cashier with 15 years service with Getz Brothers and Co sentenced to one year’s rigorous i m prisonment in the district court Mr. W.A.N. Battenberg
    278 words
  • 363 12 (From Our Own Correspondent) Penang, Nov. 29. COMMENT on so-called planning was made in an address to members of the Penang Urban Co-operative Union Ltd., by Mr. G. Hawkins, assistant Director of Cooperation, North Malaya. This union he said, represents an attempt at planning. Planning
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
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    • 47 12 F or CLEAR VISION Eyesight Examination hy European Refrartionisl PROMPTNESS, ACCURACY AM> COURTESY ASSURED Entrust your Oculist's prescriptions t0 We have men fully qualified to intrrp requirements correctly. ELLISON S. EZEKIEL CO. OPT ICI AN S Watchmakers photographic Repairs to binoculars also underta 3, CAPITOL BUILDING. SINGAPORE.
      47 words

  • 719 13  -  By Ednah Prall rf true that the wives of I jobber planters and tin niiners in Malaya, and of lo *e men employed on the oil fields of Borneo and Sumatra, may now enjoy a wireless set on their verandah. and a kerosene-run
    719 words
  • 476 13 Experiments By R.R.I. •From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Nov. 27. Cl’GGESTIONS based on experinients carried out by the Chemical Division of the Rubber Hesearch Institute of Malaya, as to how estates may effect a saving of about 50 per cent in their acid
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  • 109 13 RAR. Edward C. 8. Edkins, assist--I¥l ant Director of Education (Chinese schools) said at Malacca last week that he had seen in articles in the newspapers about “wartime education.” In his opinion, that was a mistake. “There should be no special education, no narrowing
    109 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 90 13 io'*' «K v^ l.fc K v« is &t s. Si ‘WJ FOR HEALTH AHD STAMINA What you eat determines how you look and how you feel. PEEK ERE AN’S “Vita Weat” Cnspbread contains the essential Vitamins and proteins necessnr> tc» maintain health and physical fitness. “Vita Weat” Crispbread is pleasant
      90 words

  • Planting Topics
    • 2833 14 Success Of Replanting On Hilly Exhausted Soil GOOD GROWTH OBTAINED ON COASTAL CLAY AREAS By Our Planting Correspondent I WONDER how many people could answer the question, which is the oldest rubber company in Malaya to-day? Certainly, 1 could not have done so
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  • 168 15 Long Leave Becomes Change Of Air MALAYA’S war-time holiday problem has been Impartially solved. Several of the bigger commercial firms in Singapore have decided to give those members of their staffs due leave in Europe a four months’ ••change of air” instead. The remaining portion of
    168 words
  • 451 15 OFFICIAL LEAD CHINESE I Allowances May Become General banks bonus to ALL EMPLOYEES W 1 ITH the official announcement that Government proposes to Irak* allowances to its employees due I increased cost of living caused by the war. Singapore Chinese firms. Iihich have been awaiting a lead, may hollow suit
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  • 115 15 (From Our Own Correspondent) Penang, Dec. 1. AS a result of an alleged attack by two Chinese assistants of a sundry goods shop, an Indian Mohammedan youth died on the road in Hutton Lane last night. The deceased, it is alleged, went to the shop
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  • 454 15 (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur. Nov. 30. FAT there continues to accumulate evidence that European firms are dispensing with their Asiatic staffs due. it is said, to the dimunition of business on account of the war. states Mr. John Hands,
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  • 153 15 (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Nov. 29 THE marriage has taken place at Malta of Miss Diana Beryl Spooner, a member of one of the best known families In the F.M.S., and SquadronLeader Arthur Douglas Messenger, son of the late Mr A. D.
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  • 30 15 The death took place at the Seremban Hospital after a long illness of Detective Sgt. Major Chin Soong Sang. He was 49 and attached to the Negri Sembilan Police Department
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  • 723 16 Reuter and British Wireless. Rawalpindi’s Grim Fight With Pocket Battleship London, Nov. 28. AN epic story of heroism and gallantry in keening with the best traditions of the British Navy is disclosed by the Admiralty, which to-day gives details of the sinking
    Reuter and British Wireless.  -  723 words
  • 98 16 -British Wireless. London, Nov. 28. FROM the beginning of the war to Nov. 25. a period of about three months, 131 ships have been sunk by German action with a total tonnage of 483,911. Of these ships, 78 were British and ten French, and
    -British Wireless.  -  98 words
  • 155 16 -Reuter. London, Nov. 28. INCREASED risk to shipping resulting from the presence of mines in the North Sea is believed to be responsible lor a number of higher war risk insurance rates being announced by the Institute of London Underwriters. The increases for
    -Reuter.  -  155 words
  • 251 16 Sequel To Mine Outrages London, Nov. 29. JJ KG INNING next week, the Allied D contraband control will seize all German exports carried in neutral ships. This is in retaliation for the indiscriminate mine warfare campaign of the German Government. A decree to give effect to this decision
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  • 44 16 —Reuter. London, Nov. 28. OEVENTY-THREE German prisoners disembarked from a British auxiliary cruiser at a Scottish port to-day. Among them were twelve officers. It is understood that they are survivors of a U-boat and three German cargo ships.—Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  44 words
  • 32 16 Reuter r T'HE world will be reorganized by the Reich,” is the slogan launched by the German army newspapers, according to a Havas message from Berne.-—Reuter.
    -Reuter.  -  32 words
  • 270 16 London, Nov. 29 AN attack on the German seaplane base at A Borkum, in the Frisian Islands, when several planes were attacked, is reported by the Royal Air Force to-day. It is believed this base was used by some of the seaplanes which have
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  • 291 16 London. Nov. 29. YOUNG Nazi bomber pilot who landed his bullet-riddled plane behind the Maginot Line has just dined as the guest of honour in the mess of the men who brought him down. and that dinner changed his whole outlooK on Britain and Englishmen,
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  • 43 16 -Reuter Brussels, Nov Anti-aircraft guns opened ir and Belgian fighters went up a number of unidentified aircraft over the city yesterday. The planes were about 15.000 foct P and, it is suggested, they were n towards the North Sea.—Reuter
    -Reuter  -  43 words

  • 722 17 -Reuter. l[)ivision Is Leaving For I Europe Shortly I Canberra, Nov. 30. Ii USTR ALIA has decided to send a land expeditionary force to Europe. It will probably proceed overseas Ijrly in the New Year and, after further training, a ■{vision should be ready to
    -Reuter.  -  722 words
  • 63 17 Reuter. Berlin, Nov. 29. THE Government has announced that it reserves the right to take counter-measures against the British Order-in-Council authorizing the seizure of German exports. The announcement describes the British measure as “another breach of international law which hits neutrals as much as Germany.” The
    Reuter.  -  63 words
  • 36 17 -Reuter. Amsterdam. Nov. 30. FLOODS in Holland are creating difficulties in river traffic. The Netherlands Government yesterday denied a report that there was danger of the dykes bursting or ot serious flooding occurring.—Reuter.
    -Reuter.  -  36 words
  • 198 17 Reuter. M. Daladier Discloses Reds’ Treachery m Paris, Dec. 2. M DALADIER, the French Pre- mier and War Minister, in a broadcast last night, declared that Germany being too weak to conquer other powers had thought to break the French resistance by causing dissension among
    Reuter.  -  198 words
  • 84 17 —Reuter THE reign of terror carried on in Poland by the Gestapo (German secret police) was denounced by the Polish Prime Minister. Gen. Sikorski. in Parts He announced that in view of the dally reports of persecution and repressions, the new Polish Government in
    —Reuter  -  84 words
  • 182 17 -Reuter. London. Nov. 29. DETAILS of Monday’s successful R.A.F. flight over north-west Germany reveal the amazing story of how a crippled British plane, piloted by two young New ers, reached home although only the framework of one wing was left and half of
    -Reuter.  -  182 words
  • 61 17 -Reuter. THE R A.F. raid on the German seaplane base at Borkum this week is described by the official German news agency as a daring exploiv The German defenders, it is stated were taken unawares by the BritLh airmen, who fired their 9 X a
    -Reuter.  -  61 words
  • 261 17 Reuter. May Sever Relations With Moscow After Envoy’s Recall Washington, Dec. 1. IN a formal statement read at a Press conference to-day, 1 President Roosevelt declared that Soviet Russia’s invasion of Finland was a profound shock to the United States and jeopardized the rights
    Reuter.  -  261 words
  • 101 17 -Reuter. Paris, Nov. 30. 1UEW type of small tank to accompany attacking troops is being made for the French Army by mass production. Military experts are enthusiastic about these tanks. They are extremely simply constructed. Due to a system of internal rivets and bolts,
    -Reuter.  -  101 words
  • 35 17 —Reuter. Paris, Dec. 1. BY 259 votes to 23, the Senate today passed a bill conferring full powers on the Prime Minister, M. Daladier, for the duration of the war.
    —Reuter.  -  35 words
  • 137 17 —Reuter. Stavanger (Norway), Dec. 1. TIIE two British destroyers, which arrived in a Norwegian port yesterday with a submarine, have left Norwegian waters. The submarine has been taken to the shipyard here for repair. It is authoritatively stated in London that the British submarine was
    .—Reuter.  -  137 words

  • 319 18 —Reuter. Stimulating Speech On Allied Mastery By Premier Paris, Nov. 30. THE Chamber of Deputies voted confidence in the Daladier Government and rejected an opposition amendment by 309 to 189 votes. The vote followed a stimulating speech on the Allied war activities by M. Daladier.
    —Reuter.  -  319 words
  • 218 18 Big Soviet Campaign —Reuter. NORWEGIANS IN DEMONSTRATION London, Deo. 1. IT is thought possible in Paris that the Soviet are engaging in a great military campaign against Finland, though the possibility that they may limit their operations to the conquest of various points already demanded in recent negotiations is not
    —Reuter.  -  218 words
  • 167 18 .—Reuter. Amsterdam. Dec. 1. THE Russian invasion of Finland has made a tremendous but complicated impression in Germany. The Telegraaf’s Berlin correspondent was allowed by the German censor yesterday afternoon to telephone a message in which he says, “Concessions which von Ribbentrop. German Foreign Minister,
    .—Reuter.  -  167 words
  • 44 18 -Reuter P TT London, Nov. 30. ih crew of 3B of the Liverpool steamer Ionian (3,000 tons), which was sunk off the east coast on Wednesday, was landed in a north-east coast port by a warship. No lives were lost.—Reuter.
    -Reuter  -  44 words
  • 119 18 -Reuter. COMMENTING on the superiority of the equipment of the R AF. compared with rhat of the German air force. Reuter’s chief diplomatic correspondent points out that British bombers are fitted with gun turrets operated by power engines and the gunner can swing the
    -Reuter.  -  119 words
  • 106 18 —Reuter. London, Nov. 30. THE prophecy that by next ■f spring Russia will be in possession of the whole of Scandinavia was made by von Rintelen, intelligence officer of the German Naval Staff in the last war, speaking in London last night. He said he was at a
    —Reuter.  -  106 words
  • 89 18 Reuter. New York, Nov. 28. AFTER three months of the war the majority of diplomatic opinion holds that Germany appears to be now less likely to win than in the early days of the conflict. savs the Washington correspondent of the Philadelphia Public Ledger. He
    Reuter.  -  89 words
  • 216 18 —Reuter. Knock-Out Blow Held To Be Impossible Now London, Nov. 29. SIR SAMUEL HOARE, Lord Privy Seal, speaking yesterday at a meeting of the Chelsea Conservative Association, said that in the early days, the German Government believed that its agreement with Russia meant at least a
    —Reuter.  -  216 words
  • 241 18 Britain's Food Plan To Begin In January London, Nov. 29. RATIONING will be introduced in Great Britain on Jan. 8. Christmas in Britain will thus be entirely free from food rationing. The only commodities to be rationed at first will be bacon and butter, and the
    241 words
  • 268 18 JMazis Continue War On Neutrals London, ov *>w T'HE loss of another 1% u'.. liner, the Holland-Ameriea i? Spaarndam (8,857 tons), after hif line a mine, is reported. The Spaarndam, which sank otr Thames Estuary, was on her wavVil! South America to Rotterdam roni assistance. WetU
    268 words
  • 200 18 —Reuter. Distinguished Flying Crosses Awarded award of three more Distinguished Flying Crosses is announced with details of the recipients’ gallantry. The first is Squadron Leader P. R Barwell, who led a flight of six aircraft over the North Sea to intercept nine enemy bombers
    —Reuter.  -  200 words
  • 88 18 IT is believed that more than 750,000 cards will be sent to th«* British Expeditionary Force m France during Christmas, sa s Reuter. Arrangements are now hewmade in France to deal with tin Christmas mails of the B.E.F. present about 3,000 parcels n(1 letters
    88 words

  • 622 19 -Reuter. —Central News. FINNS’ CONCILIATORY ATTITUDE THROUGHOUT IS STRESSED cv London, Dec. 1. ..rrilK attitude of the Finnish (lovernment from the outset l unprovocative though governed by a determination l„ do nothing to impair the country’s sovereign states” declared Mr. Neville Chamberlain,
    -Reuter.; —Central News.  -  622 words
  • 53 19 ,—Beater. THE first batch of American air1 craft ordered by Britain has been delivered in Canada. In order to comply with the United States law forbidding the flying over American territoty of such machines, they were taxiied to the Canadian frontier and then dragged
    ,—Beater.  -  53 words
  • 171 19 -Reuter. British Ship Shelled Off Spanisli Coast London, Dec. 1. "0 NE o{ our tor Pedo-boats success- fully attacked an enemy submarine,” states last night’s French war communique. Meanwhile, another U-boat, which sank the British steamer Uskmouth (2.500 tons' off the Spanish coast on Saturday night,
    -Reuter.  -  171 words
  • 87 19 -Reuter. THE survivors of the British steamer Pensilva, of 4,258 tons, sunk in the Atlantic on Nov. 19, believe that the U-boat which torpedoed their ship was “finished with depth charges” by British destroyers. A warning shot was put across the bows of the Pensilva,
    -Reuter.  -  87 words
  • 108 19 -Reuter. IT is officially announced that two British aircraft overtook and shot down a German Cornier seaplane on Wednesday over the North Sea. a Norwegian ship rescued the crew o ThtPfour German airmen have arrived at Kristiansand They will bp permitted to return
    -Reuter.  -  108 words
  • 296 19 London, Nov. 30. A GERMAN aeroplane was brought down about five miles off the Northumbrian coast yesterday morning, reports Reuter. The plane, a Heinkel raider, was shot down after a thrilling duel with a British fighter, the Heinkel crashing into the sea with
    296 words
  • 566 19 —Reuter. Friendly With Italy Spain London, Nov. 30. INITIATING the debate on foreign affairs in the House of Commons, Dr. Hugh Dalton (Lab., Durham) declared that before the House assembled the Labour Party had considered the Soviet-Finnish situation and reached the conclusion that an act of aggression
    —Reuter.  -  566 words
  • 132 19 -Reuter. 4 ctt Washington, Dec. 1. A STRONG hint that the United States will impose a moral embargo on shipments of aeroplanes and arms to Russia when more complete official reports of the invasion of Finland are received was given by Mr.
    -Reuter.  -  132 words
  • 63 19 Reuter Paris, Dec. 1. WARPLANES are being produced in France by mass production, liK< ch“up cars, said the Air Minister, M. Guy La Chambre, in a speech at the American Ciuh last night. During the first few months ol 19.ej. the French air force
    – Reuter  -  63 words

  • 661 20 Reuter. Russians Admit Their Forces Are Being Held Back London, Dec. 4. THE new Finnish Cabinet at Helsinki decided last night to attempt to bring about an amicable settlement with the Soviet, insofar as is possible without violating the independence and vital interests
    Reuter. .  -  661 words
  • 102 20 Reuter. How German Military W as Hoaxed Bucharest, Dec. 3. AHGAX on a German military reception committee in Prague is amusing Czechs, it is reported in Bucharest. It is stated that a number of persons in German uniforms, posing as the committee, arrived at
    Reuter.  -  102 words
  • 51 20 —Reuter. rO German cargo ships were captured on the high seas yesterday by French warships and brought into French ports. One is the Hamburg-Sudamerika steamer Santa Fe, of 4,627 tons gross, which was fitted for the carrying of oil fuel, and was formerly known as the
    —Reuter.  -  51 words
  • 56 20 —Reuter. London, Nov. 29. •THIRTEEN members of the crew were lost and four were saved by a minesweeper and taken to hospital when the British steamer Rubislaw (1,023 tons) struck a mine and sank ofl the south-east coast on Tuesday. The ship sank within
    —Reuter.  -  56 words
  • 126 20 -Reuter. —Reuter. London, Nov. 30. THE Admiralty announces a new 1 minefield in the North Sea covering 300 square miles, about midway between the Thames Estuary and Schiedam, in Holland. Notice of the position of the new minefield was given by the Admiralty, which
    -Reuter.; —Reuter.  -  126 words
  • 103 20 Paris, Dec. 3. THE French Government has formally denied Japanese allegations with regard to the sending of arms and munitions to China via IndoChina, says Reuter. In an interview with the French ambassador in Tokio, M. Charles Arsene-Henry, which took place on Thursday, the
    103 words
  • 253 20 Reuter. Will Continue Resistance Helsinki. Dec. 2. POLAND will never barter away her right to determine her own destiny.*’ declared M. Ryti. the new Finnish Prime Minister in a broadcast speech to the United States. A semi-official statement issued in Helsinki last night stated that the new
    Reuter.  -  253 words
  • 62 20 !.—Reuter. London. Dec. 3 •THE Britiito oil tanker San Calist-o 1 <8.000 tons) was blown up off the south-east coast to-day. Two men are dead but the remainder of the crew /numbering between 30 and 40 were picked up and landed by a lifeboat and
    !.—Reuter.  -  62 words
  • 38 20 Reuter. Cape Town, Dec. 3. pIFTY-five members of the crew ana 1 45 passengers, including 14 women and two children, from the scuttled German vessel Watussi were landed here safely to-day. No lives were lost
    – Reuter.  -  38 words
  • 44 20 Bergen, Dec. 3. THE Norwegian steamer, Arcturus 1 a. 200 tons), was mined off the east coast of Scotland, says a Reuter message. Eight of the crew of 17 wen* rescued, but the fate of the others is unknown.
    44 words
  • 301 20 What The Sovie Plan To Seize Moscow. Dec 4 A TREATY of mutual assistance h been signed between the and the "Government of the Democratic Republic,” the h government set up by the g announces the Moscow wireless Vl The Soviet undertakes to hand to Finland
    301 words
  • 101 20 —Reuter. |TALIAN sympathy for Finlaw was openly expressed in Romon Saturday, when Fascists monstrated in hostile fashion betor the Soviet Embassy. They then went to the Finnish Lega tion and shouted “Long live Finland, and carried the Finnish Ministe shoulder-high while police looked or Swedes and
    —Reuter.  -  101 words
  • 55 20 —Reuter New York, Dec. 3. TENDERS for 30 anti-submarm boats of the “whaler" type na been invited from Canadian s builders, stated Colonel Greenly. j of the British Supply Board, accorcui to a Dow Jones message from ott < Ten of these will be for the Cana Navy
    —Reuter  -  55 words
  • 14 20 20 Sweden, like Norway, has more reservists to the
    20  -  14 words

  • 557 21 cl from aircraft. —Reuter British Wireless. Nazis Admit Sinking Of A ‘Fighting Boat’ I London, Dec. 4. i STRONG formation of R.A.F. bombers yester- day successfully carried out a daring attack on fcernian warships, including two cruisers, in the Ljcinity of the heavily-protected
    cl from aircraft.—Reuter British Wireless.  -  557 words
  • 200 21 Reuter. FOLLOWS APPEAL BY FINLAND Geneva, Dec. 4. ll/I AVENOL, Secretary-General of the League of Nations, announces that this is calling meeting of the League Council on Dec. 9 in response to Finland's appeal. The League Assembly will meet on Dec. 11. The Finnish appeal,
    Reuter.  -  200 words
  • 20 21 -Reuter. LUXEMBURG has stopped the export of iron to Germany for the time being.—Reuter.
    -Reuter.  -  20 words
  • 96 21 —Reuter. London, Dec. 1. lyiEN up to the age of 23 are now IT1 to be called up for military service. A royal proclamation issued today makes liable for service all male British subjects who, by today, have reached the age of 20,
    —Reuter.  -  96 words
  • 134 21 -Reuter. Lessons Of 3 Months* Aerial Warfare Paris, Dec. 3. THE CLEAR superiority of the 1 French fighters over the Nazi warplanes is emphasized in a communique summing up the thre»e months’ air warfare. The communique says that in every case where French fighters, either in
    -Reuter.  -  134 words
  • 41 21 Reuter. Mexico City, Dec. 3. AFTER 18 days’ public proceedings the Supreme Court yesterday unanimously decided that expropr'&tion of foreign oil companies, dating from March 1938, is constitutional, thus leaving the interests affected without further legal remedy.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  41 words
  • 44 21 —Reuter. London, Dec. 3. IT IS revealed that a former Grimsbv trawler, now an Admiralty vessel, sank one German submarine and is believed to have damaged another in the course of patrol duty along the east coast of Britain —Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  44 words
  • 297 21 —Reuter and British Wirele s The Allies’ Naval Successes IT is authoritatively stated in London that in the three months of the war the Royal Navy has enabled nearly 20.000.000 gross tons of British shippmg to keep to the seas, with a
    —Reuter and British Wirele s  -  297 words
  • 412 21 Reuter. Split Over Soviet’s Baltic Policy Amsterdam. Dec. J—£ Kill Nazi circles, it is learned from a reliable Berlin source, are beginning to realize what Germany has had to pay for Soviet support. Furious quarrels arc reported to have broken out among Hitler’s ieutenants. General von
    Reuter.  -  412 words
  • 83 21 v Reuter. London. Dec. 3. PRINCESS LOUISE. Duchess of Argyll, died in London to-day. She was 91 ana had been ill lor many months She wa.s the eldest surviving child of Queen Victoria and the lirst princess to marry a commoner, the
    v Reuter.  -  83 words
  • 24 21 Reuter London. Dec. 4 a N Admiralty communique states a of U-boat nriiM|u*r.s were landed at a British port last night. Reuter
    Reuter  -  24 words

  • 964 22 High Dividends On Final Day Of Selangor Winter Races (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Dec. 2. TRAINER Hobbs had four winners here to-day in the final day of the Selangor Turf Club’s winter meeting with Fern let, Selangor II, Adele and Jade
    964 words
  • 42 22 New York, Dee. 1. THE New York Slate Athletic Coni mission has derided to ban lights between ehampions of different weights, causing the cancellation of the Armstrong-Ambers match. Armstrong defends his title against Pedro .Montanez on Jan, -M.
    42 words
  • 146 22 The following were Saturday Home rugby league results YORKSHIRE SECTION Bradford 36 Batley 12 Castleford 14 Keighley 8 Dewsbury 13 Wakefieid 11 Huddersfield 7 Hull 10 Hull K. R. 21 Bramlew 16 Leeds 13 Featherstone 8 York 13 Halifax 10 LANCASHIRE SECTION Barrow 19 Warrington 0
    146 words
  • 1268 22 Chesterfield Rangers OnlJ Clubs With Full Points j London, lK t •>. AT Newcastle to-day a wartime capacity crowd J r 15,000 saw England l>eat Scotland by two RO ak 1 one in an international football match. The scores W J one-all at half-time. Ten
    1,268 words
  • 49 22 —Reuter. Brussels, Dec 3 •yilE Count de Baillet Latour m president of the Internationa* Olympic Committee, declared tha the 1940 Games have been scratched. The United States offer to hold the Games have been rejected owing: to the Impossibility of European athletes to cross th* Atlantic.—Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  49 words

    • 764 1 Fraser’s Report On Past Fortnight I j\ a report on the share market. at the close of business ,[tec. 5, Fraser and Co. writes:— The fortnight covered by this review saw an intensification of indiscriminate mine-laying around Home waters by Germany resulting in many sinkings and loss
      764 words
    • 33 1 r J llh estimated total exports. from Malaya, of tin and tin-in-ore based on an assay value of 75.5 per cent, during November were 6,500 tons, states the Tin Controller.
      33 words
    • 112 1 From Our Own Correspondent; London. Dec. 4. Tiie following are to-day’s •‘bid” quotations for Fixed Trusts s. a. British Empire “A" 16 9xd British Empire ‘B” 8 4»-. British Empire Cumulative .12 0 British Empire C’prehensive 12 British General “A” 18 l‘i.xd British General ’B’ 14 3 British
      112 words
    • 43 1 THE Malayan Governments collected $2,274,992 from the export duty on tin-ore in September and $1,824,547 in October. The total amount collected in the ten months ended October is $9,495,525. compared with $7,128,898 in the corresponding period of 1938.
      43 words
    • 24 1 A FEDERATED Malay States Government gazette notification issued las f week prohibits entirely the export of empty gunny bags.
      24 words
    • 350 1 London. Dec. 5. yHE Stock Exchange was dull and heavy to-day owing to the absence of support. Kaffirs, however, were outstanding and firm on the announcement of some good profits i in November Internationals were also j Quietly steady. CLOSING QUOTATIONS The following are to-day s closing
      350 words
    • 59 1 From Our Own Correspondent.* London, Nov. 24 AN increase in revenue to £329.160 for the first nine months of the current vear. compared with £317.833 received during the corresponding perid of 1938. is announced by the directors of the British North Borneo (Chartered> Company Expenditure totalled £175.086.
      59 words
    • 237 1 Singapore. Dec 5. 5 p.m WINING Buyer* Seller Ampats 5/2 5/5 Austral Amaig 6/9 7/Batu Selangors 1.68 1.71cd Hong Fatts 1.04 l.OAcd Jelebus 0.85 098 Kampong Lanjuts 21/9 22/6 K Kamunting 8/6 8/9 Kamuntings 11/9 12/9 Klnta Kellas 7/- 7/6 Klang Rivers 2.15 2.25 Kramats
      237 words
    • 52 1 TRAFFIC returns ol the Singapore Traction Co.. Ltd., tor November were $222,000. or $2,000 more than Ir. October and $lB,OOO more than In November last year The total tor October and November Is $441,000 ot $17,000 more than collected In the cor responding two months
      52 words
    • 65 1 IMIE output ot fine gold from Raub Australian Gold Mining Co. Ltd. in the four weeks ended Dec. 2 was 1.975 ounces, compared with 2,021 ounces in the preceding four weeks The estimated mine profit in the four weeks ended Dec 2. subject to such
      65 words
    • 55 1 atf soot Dec. Jan -Mar Apr.-June July-Sept London Sov e 30 m, 3tK 37*. 35* 33% US 39 V. 39 V*. 37 35 o, 34 V 4 114 i 39% 39% 37% 35% 344 c 39 39 37% 35 4 334 11V* 39 39% 37 V'.'
      55 words
    • 828 2 Quieter Period And Prices Tend To Ease BY THE SUNDAY TIMES FINANCIAL CORRESPONDENT Singapore. Dec. 3. |y|ARKETS during the past week have been slowed down and the turnover has been very small Interest in t.n shares has continued to be shown ey London; the inquiry tor
      828 words
    • 171 2 TfiL following particulars c*i tin-dredging I operations refer to November: Hours. Yardage Piculs ore. Kinta Hellas 509 141.800 561 Malaysiam Tin 400 ' Valley Dredge 1 225 36.000 122 Dredge 2 543 165.000 540 Dredge 3 481 118.00(1 286 Ampat Tin ..1.834 473.000 2.220 Southern Kinta 4.238
      171 words
    • 102 2 INURING the week ending Nov. 18. 1939. exports of canned pineapples from Malayan ports amounted to 6.571 cases, of which: 2.500 (38 per cent) cases were to the United Kingdom, nil per cent) cases to the Continent of Europe 1 700 *26 per cent) cases to
      102 words
    • 24 2 The following rubber crops were harvested last month Alor Pongsu 55 677 Bedong Rubber Temerloh Rubber qi’ 4 00 Broome 192^200
      24 words
    • 181 2 OCEAN shipments of tin from Singapore and Penang in November totalled 7,916 tons, compared with 15,306 tons in October, bringing total shipments for the eleven months of this year to 71,534 tons, compared with 57,490 ton in the corres ponding period of 1938. Oi the
      181 words
    • 156 2 421 Tons Sold THE Singapore Chamber oi Comim r, Rubber Association held its 1.462nd auction on Nov. 29 when there were lb. tons Catalogued 1.314.179 586.69 Offered 1.261 881 563.34 Sold 943.103 421.03 Spot London 11 11 16d. New York 20 cents PRICES REALIZED Ribbed Smoked Sheets
      156 words
    • 112 2 /"VCEAN shipments of rubber lrom ail v Malayan ports last month totalled 49.276 tons, compared with 70.839 tons in October. Singapore shipped 36.480 tons; Penang 9.090 tons; Port Swettenham 3.582 tons and Malacca 124 tons. The Registrar-General of Statistics states that the return is compiled as in
      112 words
    • 52 2 THE directors of Sungei 3agan 1 Rubber Co Ltd. have made a forward sale of five tons of standard smoked sheet monthly for the first quarter of 1940 at 40% cents a pound f.o.b. for January delivery and 37V; cents a pound f.o.b. for delivery jn February
      52 words
    • 547 2 KA1K TRADING A(TIV, TV (JOOD DEMAND \r LOCAL AUCTION IN a weekly report on tN 1 market, issued at noon on v (l Stanton Nelson and Co.. Ltd Alter touching new high w,' ber prices have fallen back o ril 1 rj and in Singapore are about
      547 words
    • 1158 3 Issued V*y Fraser And Co., EXCHANGE AND STOCK BROKERS. Singapore, December 6, 10 MINING Buyers Sellers f Tin 5/3 3/9 AU> -U Amal 6/6 7/t Austral Malay 37/- 39/- Avt Httam 25/- 26/- Ay e: VVeng 6-90 0.95 fl gangrin Tin 29/6 23/6(1 1 g. uu
      1,158 words
    • 128 3 Singapore, Dec. 6, noon. Buyers Seller* Gambler 7 50 Hamburg Cube $14 00 Java Cube $1200 Pepper Wliite Mumok $18 00 JJ? 11 $17.50 Black 9.50 Copra Mixed $4.65 Sun Dried $5.00 Sago Flour No 1 Ltagga $6.85 $6.85 $6.85 Sarawak $7.00 $7.00 Jetotong Palembang 12 .5o
      128 words
    • 86 3 IMPORTS of rubber from foreign sources In November totalled 13.657 tons, compared with 21,493 tons in October, bringing total imports for the 11 months of this year to 169.372 tons, or 20.878 tons more than in the corresponding period of 1938. Of the November Imports, 8,255 tons
      86 words
    • 40 3 THE price of rubber for purpose of assessment of export duty for the period Dec 1 to Dec. 7 inclusive in the F.M.S. has been determined at 39 l a cents a pound, states a Gazette notification.
      40 words
    • 238 3 FRASER COMPANY LIST OF CURRENT DIVIDENDS. Singapore, Dec. 5. 5 pm. Books rotal for Company Dividend Close Date Ex. Dlv financial yea* XIN Payable Date to date Batu Selangoj 5 }jj P??* 74% Burma Malay' 6d No 21 Dec. 22 Dec. 16 $4 int. Dec. 5 Dec. 15 Dec.
      238 words
    • 506 3 M.P. On Removal Of Control MALAYA and the tin quota was the subject of questions in the House of Commons on Dec. 5 by Mr. R. R. Stokes -Lab., Ipswich). Mr. Stokes asked whether the President of the Board of Trade was aware that the United
      506 words
    • 94 3 THE estimated total export of rubber from the Malayan regulated area in November was 32 000 tons, states the Controller of Rubber. If this estimate proves correct the total exports for the 11 months of the year will be 337,915 tons, against an exportable allowance of 371,300
      94 words
    • 32 3 THE price of tin in Singapore from Nov 30 to Dec. 0 remained at the Government’s maximum fixed price of $117.37 1 2 a picul of 133 l/3rd. lb.
      32 words