The Straits Budget, 6 April 1939

Total Pages: 38
1 6 The Straits Budget

  • The Straits Budget
    • 972 2 lack of first-class material —Straits Times, Mar. 30. We print elsewhere in this issue an article in which an anonymous correspondent discusses the future of civil aviation in Malaya. In his final paragraph he refers to the possibility of the formation of a small Malayan Air
      lack of first-class material —Straits Times, Mar. 30.  -  972 words
    • 1093 2 name to be withdrawn.—Straits Times. Mar. 31. In the advertising columns of Tuesday’s Straits Times there appeared an open letter addressed to the Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association. That advertisement was inserted by local officials of the North American Trading Corporation, which is incorporated in New
      name to be withdrawn.—Straits Times. Mar. 31.  -  1,093 words
    • 635 3 —Straits Times, Apr. 1. One thought which arises persistently from any study of the European situation concerns the possibility that Germany may ultimately make stern demands on her axis partner for the return of territory which formerly belonged to Austria and passed into Italian possession at St.
      —Straits Times, Apr. 1.  -  635 words
    • 891 3 -Straits Times, Apr. 3. Herr Hitler s extraordinary knack ol keeping the world guessing was shown again in his speech on Saturday. The newspapers on that day announced that the Fuehrer was furious about Mr. Chamberlain’s historic declaration of British support for Poland and that Herr Hitler immediately
      -Straits Times, Apr. 3.  -  891 words
    • 1017 3 explosion is inevitable. —Straits Times, Apr. 4. Rarely, if ever, has there been a debate in the House of Commons of more crucial importance than that which took place last night. Throughout the world the speeches made in that debate will be weighed as gravely as the speakers
      explosion is inevitable.—Straits Times, Apr. 4.  -  1,017 words
    • 1033 4 -Straits Times, Apr. 5. Local opinion is keenly interested in and strongly opposed to the proposal to establish in Singapore a Japanese sponsored daily newspaper, printed in English, for the purpose of making Japan’s cultural aspirations better known in this part of the world.” That much is clear
      -Straits Times, Apr. 5.  -  1,033 words

  • 54 4 —Straits Times ‘able- (From Our Own Correspondent.' London, Apr 5 ll/VR. Justice Langton in the DivonCourt today granted a decree nis to Joseph Miller, of Bangkok, formerly of the Chartered Bank Too Miller petitioned for divorce on t grounds of the desertion of his rl
    —Straits Times ‘able-  -  54 words
  • 15 4 Mr. E. O. Shebbeare has been appointed Honorary Chief Game S.S.
    15 words

  • NOTES Of The DAY
    • 320 5 a pTFK a note appeared in this A column several weeks ago, stating t! lt t stamp machine had been tried j, Singapore and had not been a suc,ss someone wrote to point out that nuu -hine of this Kind nad been in use it the Kuala Lumpur
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    • 204 5 ■COMEONE who had taken a walk around some of the smaller market■gardens at Cameron Highlands, and ■found them Just as malodorous as ■Chinese market-gardens in the plains, ■confessed her surprise and disillusionfcient in the Straits Times the other ■day. I But many people have known for fcome time
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    • 154 5 CURIOUS instance of a Chinese phonetic transformation of an English name has been sent to me by a reader in Johore Bahru, in the shape oi a Chinese business card giving an address in ‘Jalan Meng Lee Nam There is no such street in Johore Bahru. I am
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    • 38 5 QOMEONE has brought a dachshund to this city, and rumour has it that owing to the extremely low-hung design of the chassis the unfortunate animal is already suffering from Singapore Foot on the stomach. (Wednesday, Mar. 29.)
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    • 397 5 HTHE following story, told in the Daily Mirror, has been sent on to me by a reader with the comment that it seems too good to be true. I don t know whether it is true or not, but I don’t see why it shouldn’t be. especially
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    • 200 5 Dragon’ s Blood |7VER since I came to Singapore 1 have always wanted to know what dragon’s blood is but have been too lazy to iind out. It is the most picturesquely named of all the commodities known as Straits Produce. My curiosity was satisfied yesterday when I handled a
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    • 205 5 Guthrie’ s Clerks OEVERAL weeks ago. prompted by criticisms of the clerk in Singapore, I quoted some comments on the clerical staff of a local mercantile firm in the nineties. Today I am able to go back even farther than that and give a glimpse of Singapore clerks in the
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    • 346 5 *|*HOSE who have to endure the strain of life In Singapore’s business district as it is today will enjoy a letter I have received from one who spent many years in Raffles Place la quieter and more leisurely days. This is Mr. Walter Allen, who retired not long
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    • 302 5 *pHE standard of English in office employees in Singapore, particularly in clerks who come from non-English-speaking homes, has been criticised lately. Well, isn’t there some excuse for it? Here Is some verse on the difficulties of the English language, forwarded by a Straits Times reader who signs
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    • 151 5 IT Is a shameful fact that the London schoolboy actually sees more of the wild life of Malaya than does his counterpart in Singapore. For example one of the latest additions to the London Zoo Is a Malayan creature which most of us have never even heard of. This
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    • 277 6 IN conversation with a European who had spent some years in China he recalled a query raised in this column as to whether any European, no matter how long he lived in China or Japan, ever really learnt to appreciate the music oi those countries. This informant said
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    • 230 6 Wooden Walls a Rotary tiffin, ol all places, one does not expect to meet a man who has seen a line-of-battleship of the Royal Navy under full sail. The old sailing navy seems so far away that one assumes that memories of that sort are now confined to centenarians or
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    • 107 6 Fever-Fe w interesting question is raised by the recent statement In the Btralta Times that the Insecticide Pyrethrum is being used to spray aeroplanes on the Eastern routes and thus prevent yellow fever being carried to Asia. A correspondent points out that Pyrethrum is the well-known English plant fever-few, so
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    • 133 6 ijeRE i.l an extract from a letter bearing Singapore address received by the editor oi the Straits Times Dear Editor, I wrote this artical in class and would be pleased if you could find a little space in your Straits Times to put it in 1 hope you
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    • 274 6 IN a streamer headline across six columns the Manila Bulletin recently announced a victory of the Straits Chinese football eleven as follows. “Chinese Booters Nose Out YCO Eleven 3—1.” A similar streamer in the following day’s issue declared that the Chinese booters had “walloped” another team “Walloped” is
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    • 213 6 A FRIEND of mine from Java, who has been passing through Singapore at intervals during the last twenty years, made a flattering comment when he was hejre last week. After a visit to the race course, where the bougainvilleas were making glorious splashes of colour on the grassy
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    • 192 6 jyE live and learn. Alter writing about dragon's blood the other day. as though it were a mysterious substance which no one outside the Straits Produce trade could be expected to know anything about. I was told that it was in everyday use in the Straits Times office.
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    • 404 6 I wrote about the sumpah sumpah or Londok lizard the other day I suspected that it might be quite well known to many people, although they might not know its Malay or English name, and now I know that that is so. for two people have written to
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    • 299 6 OOMEONE who has recently moved 0 into an office in Bonham street (the narrow street leading from Rafflej Place down to the river) has written to ask who Bonham was. His curiosity is the greater in that he has a relative living in Bonham Street, Hong Kong,
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    • 96 6 1 AST Saturday morning I received a letter addressed as follows: “Kepad* Yang Mulia ‘Anak SingapuraV’ I opened this with a pleasurable fe e in of curiosity, thinking that it might» from a Malay reader in the remotest Ulu, but what I found was a pk ture of
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  • 251 7 \lr. A. W. Brooke Appointed TO ACT FOR UNCLE AT KUCHING Mr. Anthony Walter Dayrell Brooke, nephew of the Rajah ,f Sarawak and son of the Tuan Muda, Captain Bertram Brooke, has )ee n proclaimed Rajah Muda by the R a jah, Sir Charles Vyner Brooke.
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  • 49 7 London. Mar. 31. ■MRS. HARRY ROY, wife of the wellW known dance band leader and ■second daughter of the Rajah of ■Sarawak, today gave birth to a son. This is her second child. She gave »rth to a daughter in August. 1936 ■Reuter.
    49 words
    • 65 7 pATHAM.— To Diana (nee Murison) wife of f P ße l Tatham, Asiatic Petroleum Comn Ipoh- at Aylesbury. Buckinghamshire, on Mar. 29. a son. the Batu Gajah Hospital on o ar Bett V <nee Thompson) wife of v Welch. Ipoh. a daughter. Both well. wloTf T o Nyonya n
      65 words
    • 33 7 CASSELS.—The engagement is lounced of Roderick John second son of a^ d Mrs Angus Forbes, Inverness t nri ld t0 Kat bleen only daughter of Mr. and Mrs E. Jj Cassels, Singapore.
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    • 42 7 a-JIDDLE.-On March 21. at St. thirri" Church Watford, William Edward, inn vf° U of the late W. D. Ainger, J.P. r Ainger of Blaydon, Somerset to pi,, Mar y. elder daughter of the late Watford J M. A. Mrs. Riddle of
      42 words
  • 288 7 Further Reduction In Overdraft Announced DARE chests were seen in the ballroom oi the Singapore Swimming Club this week for the first time in 12 months. P or the annual meeting, which is held on a Sunday morrting, when no women are present,
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  • 214 7 THE Straits Settlements became a Crown Colony 72 years ago last Saturday. For ten years the European residents had been agitating for severance from Indian control, the Straits having been under the Government of Bengal since 1830. when the three settlements
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  • 84 7 "IT might be very difficult for the wife of a member, who, after eight months’ leave, returned to the club to find the wife of another member wearing her diamond ring,” said Mr. R. L. Broom at the annual meeting of the Singapore Swimming Club,
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  • 199 7 Mr. C. V. Miles On Recent Reforms need ior compulsory limitation of shop hours was stressed by Mr. C. V. Miles, president of the Straits Settlements. (Singapore) Association, at the association’s linner. “During the year we took up the questions of a weekly half-holiday for shop
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  • 99 7 From Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh, Apr. 1. MR. R C S Harris. M.C.S., entertained his stall prior to his departure for Trengganu as Assistant Adviser Mr. Harris was Assistant Controller of Labour. Perak, prior to assuming duties as Assistant District Officer, Ipoh Recently he was
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  • 328 7 Leaders— A Malayan Air Force 2 To Promote Trade 2 A German Map 3 Furious Fuehrer 3 Britain’s Stand 4 “Japan’s Kultur” 4 Telegrams— Covering past week’s news 27- 30 Financial Supplement— Financial and Commercial News to date, following page 32 Malayan General News— Good Work For Discharged Prisoners
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  • 109 7 AFTER 14 years’ retirement In Cheshire. England, Mr. W. H. Booth, formerly manager of FYaser and Neave’s Ipoh branch and Seletar factories is now living near Perth. Western Australia. He and his family found the climate in Cheshire much too severe and returned to the sunshine
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  • 83 7 Dr C. V. Norris passed away at his residence, 6 Scotts Rd. on Ma rch 29. Deeply regretted. DEA1HS E Th^'^ UCKER —Mar. 26, 1939, at c 11, ran K e,t Whitchurch, Hereford. W.6. s <in ley Reeve-Tucker. h?»h NAI £L JOHN °BOTT died March i»ro« White House, Mount Bingham,
    83 words

  • 465 8 Evidence On Fatal Explosion During Tekong Practice THE Singapore Coroner’s inquiry into the fatal shell ex- plosion on Pulau Tekong during the recent defence exercises, resulting in the death of Conner James Murray of the 22nd Heavy Battery, the Royal Artillery, came
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  • 111 8 '■’HE annual boat race dinner of the Oxford and Cambridge Society of Malaya was held at the Adelphi Hotel on Saturday night. Sixty-five members of the society, including the Governor Sir Shenton Thomas, who is president, and three women members. Mrs. N. A. Worley. Mrs. G
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  • 209 8 Fruit Sweets For Crew Of Soviet Ship WHEN the steward of the Soviet cargo steamer Uralmash came ashore at Singapore last week, he ordered grapes. Californian oranges, apples, cream and chocolate. It was all for the crew. The oranges and apples were being distributed to the men—two of each daily—and
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  • 91 8 Johore Tamil Found Stabbed On Estate From Our Own Correspondent.) Johore Bahru Apr. 3. A 20-year-old Tamil unmarried woman, who was missing on Mar. 28 at Ulu Tiram Estate, was discovered dead three days later. Her body, in a kneeling position, was tied to
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  • 71 8 TTHE death occurred at Lorong 36. Geylang. Singapore, on Sunday of Mr. Joaquim Paul Heine Beck, late headmaster of the Tranquerah English School Malacca. Mr. Beck was only 40 years of age and had recently retired from service on medical grounds. He served mainly In Malacca,
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  • 253 8 ALTHOUGH everyone in the British Empire had heard the call for man-power tne call for man-power in the Church had not been met. said the Ven. Archdeacon Graham White, speaking at the annual general meeting of the Singapore Diocesan Association in St. Andrew’s School Hall.
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  • 179 8 AFTER two-and-a-half years !n Malaya. the Defence Security Officer. Lieut.-Colonel F Hayley-Bell sailed on Sunday in the troopship Lancashire for his new appointment at the War Office. London. Lieut.-Colonel Hayley-Bell, who has spent 30 years in China, where he was formerly a Commissioner of Customs, served
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  • 420 8 Four Johore Malays Dead In Crash On Main Road (From Our Own Correspondent) Johore Bahru, Apr. ■> A .MOTOR tragedy that resulted in the death of four y 0Un Malays was the subject of an inquiry by Sheikh' Abu Dakar, the Johore Bahru second magistrate,
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  • 127 8 THE incidence of tuberculosis in Malaya and its effect on tW population of rural areas is to o investigated by the Malayan Governments. This is announced in the annual J* port of the Eastern Bureau o* League of Nations Health Oration.
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  • 497 9 local association appeals for aid ■N the barred superintender *’s room of the prison at Pearl Bank, Singapore, members of the AfterCare Association discussed means of rehabilitating the prisoners, then in their cells only a few yards away, after they had been released. In the
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  • 29 9 from Our Own Correspondent) Thp London. Mar. 28 J death has occurred of Mrs. Anna Maria Kennedy, widow of Mr J Kennedy, formerly of Penang
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  • 244 9 “World Is Sick, Says Preacher To Rotarians THE world is sick. There is something radically wro ,ig with the world,” said Dr. French Oliver, the noted preacher, speaking on World Chaos at the Singapore Rotary Club last week. What is wrong is that men have thrown world standards overboard and
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  • 122 9 Death Of Mr. Yong Pak Kook Of Selangor 'From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Mar. 29. jOEPUTED to be the first person to make latex cup holders. Mr. Yong Pak Kook, a well-known local Chinese, died yesterday in Kuala Lumpur. He was the father of Mr. S.
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  • 44 9 'From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok. Mar. 29. COR the first time in the history of the Siamese Assembly a member was dismissed today, after a sitting in camera by 113 votes to 15 The dismissed member sat in the two Assemblies.
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  • 469 9 Bureau To Be Closed In Middle Of This Month Singapore, Mar. 29. jfih compilation of the Register of British European men and women in Singapore is now practically complete, up to date 1,950 names have been registered, and it is expected that, when the Register
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  • 81 9 <From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Mar. 29. THE Selangor Medical Services Club held its s’xth annual meeting on Monday. Dr. D. L. W. Evans presided. The following were elected officebearers for this year. President (ex-offlcio) Dr. L. W. Evans; Vice-President—Dr. A. E. Duralsamy (reelected); Hon.
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  • 290 9 MUNICIPALITY FOR FEDERAL CAPITAL (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Mar. 29. gY the end of AprL. the first steps in the investigation of a seweruge scheme for the r Mleral Capital will have begun. When this study has been
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  • 117 9 THE weddine took place at St. Andrew’s Cathedral on Mar. 29 of Miss Rosemary Selwyn Hughes-Hallett, daughter of the late Mi F. V. HughesHallett and Mrs. Hughes-Hallett of Twowatersfoot, Liskeard, Cornwall, and Mr. George Donald Phillips Olds, of the Malayan Agricultural Service. The bridegroom it,
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  • 55 9 From Our Own Correspondent.) Johore Bahru, Mar. 29. A SITE near the trade school has been selected for the erection of the proposed Government Tamil school at Johore Bahru. When completed, tne Government will take over the Tamil School which Is now being run under the
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  • Correspondence
    • 1052 10 More Reflections On Malaya And New Guinea To the Editor of the Straits Times Sir.—Failing a journal of our own. I must perforce have recourse to the hospitality of your columns to reply to “Dlstributist.” Articles dealing with Eurasian problems have risen to a
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    • 572 10 MINERS IN SUNGKAI JUNGLE) To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,—An innocent little notification appeared in the Government Gazette of Mar. 3. 1939. making a alight but very significant addition to the rules lor administration of the Sungkal game reserve. Perak The Sungkai game
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    • 275 10 Lord Lothian And Mr. Long To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir.—After reading Mr. J. C. Long’s letter on the “failure” of the Congress party in India in the Straits Times, the question arises of whether British public men of unimpeachable reputation like Lords Lothian and Samuel
      275 words
    • 201 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. I Sir, Mr. Hubback’s statement that H j sambhur do not Jump (Straits Budget j of Mar. 9, “Notes of the Day’’> confirms I my long-held opinion that no j pert knows everything! I Everyone will agree with Mr
      201 words
    • 534 11 I “Forcing” Social I Progress ■conservative VIEW I AGAIN lo the Editor of the Straits Times 9 S ir. May another probing pen enter Btm arena of discussion aroused by ■your leading article “The Eurasian” an d subsequent correspondence? The thrust and parry in this conItlict of
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    • 599 11 Confusing Variety Of Schemes To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,—According to the last issue of The Sunday Times, large areas of the inland of Singapore have been earmarked as refugee camps to be used In a state of emergency. These camps will be filled by
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    • 457 11 Experiment Which Failed To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —I notice that your correspondent, T.P.C., would like to read th» opinions of other readers of your journal on the possibility of forming an international club in Singapore. I agree with him that >ome kind or
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    • 134 11 A MALAY WOMAN’ S LETTER To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir.—lt is a great pleasure to see Malay women beginning to take an interest publicly in Muslim affairs. My congratulations and respects to your Pekan correspondent, Che Khatija binte Ishaq. But I am afraid that she slipped a
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    • 446 11 Avoiding Invidious Distinctions SINGAPORE JEWISH RESIDENTS To the Editor of the Straits Times r, ~Can you or any of your readers, tell the world why, at a time when the Jews are doing all they can to regain possession of the lands where their forefathers grazed their sheep,
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    • 48 11 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok, Mar. 31. SIAM’S good health record during the past two years was lost todav with an outbreak of cholera in k riverine town of Paknam. near Bangkok These are the first cholera cases reported tn Slam sloce November 1936.
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  • 58 10 A grant of $3,000. with the sane I of the Govemor-in-Councih j* I be made by the Singapore jn -jJ Commission to the headquarters ing fund of the Boy Scouts’ Assecia The grant is subject to thr e J tion raising at
    58 words

  • 2097 12 120,000 New Shares Issued To Finance Scheme GOOD RESULTS OBTAINED FROM FIRST TAPPING AN area of 500 acres is to be planted by Chermang Deve- lopment Ltd. during 1989 and 1940 and to finance this extension L20,000 shares have been issued on which 20
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  • 208 12 “IF the Government possesses the confidence of the public it is because it takes the public into its confidence as far as it properly can, and because it is ready to seek advice from any reasonable person, whether he is an unofficial
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  • 438 13 Made First England-Australia Flight 20 Years Ago "I’VE DONE it at last exclaimed Sir Keith Smith, noted Australian pilot, when he landed at Singapore from a Qantas flying-boat last week. He was referring to a “certificate” for crossing the “Line” given to
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  • 107 13 'From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Mar. 29. he had snatched $4 from the hands of Ponnumah, a Tamil woman, as she was buying a heket yesterday at the railway station, a young Hakka, Choo Hon Ming, was sentenced to four months’ rigorous imprisonment by
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  • 271 13 NO REASON GIVEN AT MEETING DEASONS why the North American Trading Corporation, a firm of rubber dealers, was “black-balled” from membership of Singapore Chamber of Commerce were sought by Mr. R. E. Prentis at the annual general meeting of the Chamber. He was reminded by
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  • 83 13 (From Our Own Correspondent > Bangkok. Mar. 29. A CCEPTING the invitation of a re- presentative of the Japanese Government a number of Siamese merchants made all preparations to leave for Japan yesterday aboard a Japanese motor vessel on the regular run At the last moment,
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  • 478 13 Local Association Chairman On Rising Consumption “THERE is an improved business outlook, particularly in 1 America, our most important customer, and I am sufficiently optimistic to believe that business for 1939 will be deciedly better than it was in 1938, and that
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  • 231 13 CLACKNESS in packing of rubber must be eliminated if Malaya’s good name in the consuming markets is to be retained, declared Mr. F. D. Thompson, chairman of the Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association, at the annual meeting “I have recently had an opportunity
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  • 644 14 Trimmer Committee Plans Turned Down not prepared to discuss FINANCIAL LIABILITY CEVERAL road improvements suggested by the Trimmer •J Committee on Traffic Conditions were rejected by the Singapore Municipal Commission last week. The Commission also told the Traffic Advisory Committee that it “regretted it was not
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  • 63 14 O INGA PORK Municipal revenue in respect of the rate fund account for last year amounted to $7,580,135, announced Mr W. Bartley, the president, at the Municipal Commissioners' meeting After spending $944.<>80. there was a surplus of $169,514. “I think this is very satisfactory.” Mr. Bartley said. The
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  • 139 14 (From Our Own Correspondent > Kuala Lumpur, Mar. 29. VTNE months’ rigorous imprisonment was imposed today on Osman bin Mohamed Yasin, a Malay writer attached to the Criminal Intelligence Department, when he was convicted by Mr. Justice Gordon Smith at the Assizes, of using as genuine
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  • 109 14 (From Our Own Correspondent.) London. Mar. 31. TTHE death has occurred in Jersey of Mr Reginald John Obott. a former member of the Eastern Rubber Co., Ltd who retired from Singapore just over 10 years ago. He was aged 47. Mr. Obott came
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  • 423 14 Needs Of Intermediate Staff Greater Than Senior? HOUSES, if they were to be built by the Singapore Municipality, should be built not for senior officers but for those in the intermediate service, urged Mr. S. B. Tan at a meeting of the Singapore Municipal Commissioners I
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  • 87 14 The Commission Rural Pigs JJVERY pig in the rural area was to he slaughtered immediately, according to a decision of the Singapore Municipal Commissioners The Commissioners agreed to a proposal that “all pigs in the rural area be slaughtered in the Municipal slaughter-houses" before Mr. E. A. Brown drew attention
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  • 145 14 Clemenceau Av. Scheme •THE first really modern street 1 lighting, conforming fully to Ministry of Transport standards, \s to be installed in Clemenceau Avenue, between Cavanagh Road and Newton Circus. The Municipal Commission has decided to replace the existing gasfilled lamps with 400-watt mercuryvapour lamps. They will
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  • 772 15 Child Welfare Society Reports Another Year Of Progress U/ORK of the Child Welfare Society in teaching poor W mothers how to guard the health of their children was outlined by Dr. J. W. Scharff, Chief Health Officer, Singapore, presiding at ihe annual meeting of
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  • 170 15 PROCEEDINGS against Jack Lee Keng Tye. charged with intentionally insulting Edward Tan Tat Min in a Singapore cabaret, came to an abrupt end in the Singapore Third Police Court, on Mar. 31 when Mr. G. L. Howe Deputy Public Prosecutor. withdrew the charge. Lee was
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  • 577 15 SHOULD Singapore Municipal Commissioners accept limited competition in the transport services of the town Discussion arose at a meeting of the Commissioners last week on a recommendation by the Commissioners in committee that in view of the undesirability of allowing the transport services in the
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  • 225 15 Big Ships Will Be Sent Here As Soon As Possible **JT is the objective to base a fleet at Singapore as soon as possible. Australia asked for and was given that assurance after the September crisis,” Earl Beatty told a reporter, when he
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  • 96 15 —Straits Times cable. Divorce Decree Against F.M.S. Doctor (From Our Own Correspondent.) London. Mar. 30 AAR. Justice Collins, in the Divorce Court today, granted a decree nisi to Mrs. Louisa Viola Shutt on the grounds of desertion by her husband. Dr J. Shutt. The suit
    —Straits Times cable.  -  96 words
  • 64 15 THE Governor. Sir Shenton Thomas. and Lady Thomas were among the large crowd present at the Singapore Turf Club committee’s farewell evening to Mr. A. H. Todd, at the Turf Club premises last week. Making a presentation to the retiring S.T.C. and S.R.A secretary, Sir Shenton,
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  • 1131 16 This Problem Concerns You All In Malaya I WAS much interested in the article on “An Emergency Food Store In a Malayan Home which appeared in the Women’s Supplement, but I cannot help questioning the quantities recommended, and the large proportion of
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  • 52 16 1IR, D. Croll. managing director ot the Dry Dock Company, Tandjong Priok. Batavia passed through Singapore in the Rotterdam Lloyd liner Baloeran on his way back to Holland The docking company operates two docks capable of taking vessels up to 10.000 tons and
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  • 446 16 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur. Mar. 29. i 11/HEN Mr. Pat Zilwa, one o: I W Kuala Lumpur’s oldest residents, gave his reminiscences to i Rotarians today, he spoke of days when A cartwheel silver dollar, coinage of the day.
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
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  • 499 17 5 0,, 0/ e fn m r ,ss r,, n DFLOW: A member of the Wuhan Songsters, the Chinese choir which has been owing concerts in Malaya tor Chinn relief, enjoys herself at the Chinese Swimming Club. the Japanese li ncr Tcrukuni Maru arrived, at Singapore
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  • Planting Topics
    • 2227 21 Rubber Research Institute’s Approved List TAPPED ON COMMERCIAL SYSTEMS FOR NINE YEARS Peculiarities In Growth And Development By Our Planting Correspondent Ir'.'cM many hundreds of selected Ir idyl’-yielding trees clones were 1 .;.i ()P ed but only a few of them 1 proved satisfactory.
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  • 522 22 Air Raid Precautions Scheme “Now Complete” FOOD SUPPLIES PROBLEM TO BE DECIDED SOON THE formation of a directorate of propaganda in Malaya is proposed, the Governor, Sir Shenton Thomas, announced at a dinner given by the Straits Settlements (Singapore) Association at the Adelphi Hotel.
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  • 50 22 HAVE made urgent representations regarding broadcasting to the Secretary for the Colonies, asking for a decision,” announced the Governor, Sir Shenton Thomas, at the Straits Settlements (Singapore) Association dinner last week. “However, he is just as aware of the importance of the matter as I am.”
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  • 160 22 INCREASED interest is being taken by people at Home in the affairs of Malaya, the Governor, Sir Shenton Thomas, stated at the dinner of the Straits Settlements (Singapore) Association last week. He had received a letter from Mr G. E. Cator. who had taken
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  • 156 22 $10 A Day Charge To Ambulance Brigade “IF we lent our grounds free to all useful bodies I do not know where we would finish.” said Mr. E. A. Brown, when Dr. A. J. Lim questioned, at the Municipal Commission meeting last week,
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  • 49 22 lI7ITH the departure of Mr. N. Grice on leave, Dr. V. W. W. S. Purcell, of Penang, will go to Selangor as Protector of Chinese. Selangor and Pahang. Mr. S. M. Middlebrook, assistant Protector of Chinese, Malacca, will succeed Dr. Purcell.
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  • 57 22 (From Our Own Correspondent) Johore. Bahru. Mar. 29. 11/IR. W. GILLIAM has arrived a r Johore Bahru from Kuala Lump ur to take over duties from Mr. E W Hide. Postmaster-General. Johore. Mr. Hide is going Home on leave on Apr. 7. Prior to his transfer to
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  • 659 23  - AN AVIATION SCHOOL Malaya-Born Pilots and Engineers By' “Aero-Malaya” aviation in Malaya is at the V parting of the ways. Which road iU it take: the easy one of clubs and ma ll concerns which only exist by the erace of government subsidies, or the difficult one whereby an active
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  • 1105 23 Dr. C. V. Norris’ Family In Straits For Over A Century A LEADING member of the Eurasian community and a founder member of the Singapore Recreation Club, Dr. Charles Vincent Norris died at his residence, 6 Scotts Road, on Mar. 29, aged 81.
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  • 219 23 London Papers On G.O.C. 11THY is a general who reads his Bible every day news in the world’s press There was more comment on this question at the annual meeting of the St. Andrew’s Mission Hospital and St. Andrew’s Orthopaedic Hospital, at which the General Officer Commanding, Malaya,
    219 words
  • 78 23 Singapore Heads Malayan List CINGAPORE headed last year s Poppy Day appeal with $24,599, out of a total for Malaya of $89,792, or £10,429. Details of the amounts received for Malaya are Labuan 380.00 Mirl 425.00 Trengganu 525.75 British North Borneo 934.25 Perils 403 59 Kedah
    78 words
  • 92 23 CONFIRMATION of the reported intention of the Commonwealth Government to manufacture military aircraft in Australia for distribution to Singapore and other R.A.F. centres in the East, was given by Mr. L C, Ord, consultant of the British Air Ministry, who passed through Singapore last week as
    92 words

  • 586 24 High Tribute To Fine Work Al Annual Meeting A PLEA to the public for assistance in the fine work of re- lieving suffering was made by the General Officer Commanding, Malaya, Major General W. G. S. Dobbie, at the annual meeting St. Andrew’s
    586 words
  • 253 24 Rubber Tapper Sentenced iFrom Our Own Correspondent.) Johore Bahru, Mar. 28. TRIED on a charge of murder, 46-year- old Chinese rubber tapper on a Japanese Estate at Kota Tinggi, Leng Kam. was found guilty on a charge of culpable homicide not amounting to murder at the
    253 words
  • 379 24 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca. Mar. 28 <‘|N 1816. when negotiations were proceeding between the Dutch, French and British, Java was handed over to Holland as being too small and insignificant to quarrel about,” said Mr Chan Choo Tlong, in a talk
    379 words
  • 54 24 Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Butler, formerly of Kuala Lumpur (right) with Mrs. S. Harper, or Hong Kong Estate, Selangor and Mr E. V. Ames, of Segamat, photographed at the Cape of Good Hope. Mr. and Mrs. Butler have been spending a holiday in South Africa
    54 words
  • 205 24 India Has Gained Good Share Of Malayan Textile Market ALTHOUGH Chinese dealers are still boycotting Japanese textiles as strongly as ever, imports of Japanese textiles by other nationals continues in appreciable quantities, it was indicated during a lengthy speech given by Mr.
    205 words
  • 83 24 (From Our Own Correspondent) Taiping, Mar. 27. TTHE closing of public water stand- pipes in Taiping has allegedly caused hardship, and two petitions have been forwarded to the British Resident. Mr. Marcus Rex, by local ratepayers and tenants. The matter was recently raised in the State
    83 words
  • 54 24 (From Our Own Correspondent! London. Mar. 28 A WEEK after her husband died trom injuries received in a car crash. Mrs Evelyn Violet Michell. widow oi Mr. Walter Cecil Michell. a former Penang Resident Councilor, has died at Monte Carlo Mrs. Michell was seriously
    54 words
  • 70 24 MAJOR F. H. VINDEN, G.S.O H ot the Malaya Command, returns from leave by the steamer Aeneas on Apr 18 hn Captain L. W. G. Hamilton. no has been acting for Major Vinden since last September, has been ordered India and sails on Apr. 2 in
    70 words

  • 3570 25 Current Supplied To Consumers At Reasonable Rates CONTROVERSY WITH MUNICIPALITY REGARDING FUTURE OPERATION “Position Fraught With Serious Possibilities” THE statement of the president of the Malacca Municipality 1 that the Municipality will be able to provide a new supply ‘at a reduced
    3,570 words

  • 1098 26 PROPOSAL REJECTED AT ANNUAL MEETING ON SATURDAY Suggestions that part of the cash reserves of Haytor Rubber Estates, Ltd., should be distributed immediately, made in a letter to the directors and by shareholders at the meeting were rejected by the chairman, Mr. C. R.
    1,098 words

  • 359 27 [1 Duce Says Civil War “Considered Finished” London, Mar. 29. /KNERAL Francisco Franco’s troops last night entered Madrid by the Toledo bridge and assumed control of the city. After a siege of nearly 2 l 2 years, Madrid surrendered yesterday, white flags being hoisted throughout
    359 words
  • 56 27 -Reuter. THE Japanese Government has paid the Government of Hong Kong *20.000 to cover all claims In connection v hh the air raid near Shumchun recently, when bombs were dropped inside British territory, said Mr. R. A. Sutler. Under-Secretary for Foreign Chairs, in the House
    -Reuter.  -  56 words
  • 46 27 •< f, uter. London Mar. 29. yHE Government was considering introducing legislation to enable osidents in mandated territory to be°me eligible for naturalisation as subjects, said the Secretary of Mate for the Dominions, Sir Thomas nskip. i n the House of Commons.—
    •<f,uter.  -  46 words
  • 74 27 Reuter. Shanghai, Mar. 28. JAPANES E-controlled Chinese language newspapers are waging a violent anti-British campaign with such slogans as “destroy the British flag,” “Boycott British goods,” “Confiscate British property” and “drive out all Britons” which are splashed in heavy type on the front pages. An
    Reuter.  -  74 words
  • 143 27 —Domei. On Eve Of Beck’s London Visit Berlin, Mar. 29. A SHARP reminder to Poland to maintain friendly relations with Germany is contained in Diplomatische Korrespondenz. organ of the German Foreign Office, almost on the eve of Col. Josef Beck's departure for London. The Polish Foreign Minister
    —Domei.  -  143 words
  • 71 27 Poland’ s Huge Defence Loan —Reuter. Warsaw, Mar. 28. A PPEALING to the nation to subscribe generously to a £48,000,000 sterling internal defence loan, Gen. Skwarczyski, leader of the Government Party, declares that Poland visualised war in future as an era of fresh successes for the invincible Polish army.” The
    —Reuter.  -  71 words
  • 183 27 Bucharest. Mar. 28. A DEFENCE of Rumania’s action in the recent crisis was made by M. Calinescu. the Prime Minister, addressing the supreme council of the National Front last night. Rumania was determined to defend her territory and in recent trade talks with Germany the question of
    183 words
  • 41 27 —Reutei Berne, Mar. 27 AS a precautionary measure frontier cuards have been strengthened and the Federal Council has issued a decree providing for the loading of mines that protect vital points like border roads and bridges— Reutei
    —Reutei  -  41 words
  • 30 27 —Reuter. Kaunas, Mar. 27. THE Lithuanian Government has resigned. President Smetona has asked Gen. J. Cernius, Chief of the General Staff, to form a new Cabinet. —Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  30 words
  • 364 27 London, Mar. 27 CIGNOR Mussolini's speech on Sunday, outlining Italy's claims against France, is regarded in the British Press generally as being not without bone. The Times thinks that with the help of skilful diplomacy the speech may mark a turning point in European
    364 words
  • 79 27 Reuter London, Mar. 30. /''VNE HUNDRED and eighty members of the House of Commons have signed an amendment to the motion tabled yesterday, calling for the formation o! a National Government on a wider basis, in the names of Mr. Anthonv Eden. Mr Winston Churchill, Mr.
    Reuter  -  79 words
  • 72 27 Reuter Trade Negotiations To Be Continued In London Moscow, Mar. 28. A COMMUNIQUE issued after the talks between Mr. R. S. Hudson. Secretary of the Department of Overseas Trade, and Soviet officials states that the foundation has been laid for trade negotiations to be continued in
    Reuter  -  72 words

  • 215 28 Premier On Reich Trade Pact London, Mar. 27. IN a statement in the House ot Commons tonight on the GermanHuman ian trade agreement, Mr. Neville Chamberlain, the Premier, said that the Rumanian government had informed His Majesty’s government that the agreement contained no political clause and that
    215 words
  • 110 28 WILLING TO EXAMINE ALL ITALIAN DEMANDS Paris, Mar. 30. M DALADIER, the French Prime Minister, in 1V1 his broadcast speech last night refused to surrender an inch of territory or a single French right, but expressed willingness to examine any proposal made by Italy. M.
    110 words
  • 168 28 -Reuter. 70,000 Prisoners In One Zone St. Jean de Luz, Mar. 30 AN official communique issued from General Franco’s headquarters at Salamanca states 42 Republican aeroplanes surrendered yesterday. On the Valencia front nearly 15.000 prisoners were captured, it is and two complete brigades and six battalions surrendered. In
    -Reuter.  -  168 words
  • 75 28 -Reuter. Kaunas. Mar. 30. the foreign policy of the new Lithuanian Government is neutrality and the friendliest possible relations with neighbouring states the people, with the help of their friends will defend their independence in the event of aggression,” declared the Prime Minister. Gen J. Cernius,
    -Reuter.  -  75 words
  • 92 28 .—Reuter. Le Touquet, Mar. 28. JIM Mollison, famous airman, appeared in Court at Montreull today charged with dangerous flying at Le Touquet last June. He denied he had performed aerobatics or was drunk, but was sentenced to five days’ imprisonment, the sentence being suspended during
    .—Reuter.  -  92 words
  • 54 28 —Reuter. Burgos, Mar. 30. THE last letter signed by the late Pope Pius XI, it is learned here, was a special blessing for Carmencita Franco, daughter of Gen. Franco, who had asked for thnt favour.—Reuter. The total of Lord Baldwin’s Fund for Refugees
    —Reuter.  -  54 words
  • 83 28 .—Reuter. London, Mar. 25. 'J'RIBUTE to the heroic defence of Madrid is paid by all newspapers, irrespective of party. While the hews-Chronicle blames the British and French Governments’ refusal to intervene on the side of the Spanish Government for the fall of the city. Conservative
    .—Reuter.  -  83 words
  • 18 28 —Reuter. Washington. Mar. 28. PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT has au- thorised the Navy to build two 45.000-ton battleships.—Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  18 words
  • 115 28 —Reuter. Paris, Mar. A SERIES of important decrees concerning national defence were decided on at a meeting of the Council of Ministers today. They include a decree to increase the Navy effectives, a decree amending the law governing naval recruiting, a decree increasing the number of naval
    —Reuter.  -  115 words
  • 50 28 Reuter. Metz, Mar. 30. WISCOUNT GORT, Chief of the lmperial General Staff, was shown over the stronger sections of the Maginot Line and the interior fortifications at Metz this morning. He closely inspected the ventilation systems and measures taken for protection against gas attack.—
    Reuter.  -  50 words
  • 576 28 -Reuter. London, Mar. 29. THE Territorial field army is to be brought forthwith up to war establishment and the w T ar establishment is to be doubled, making 82 divisions available for service overseas in place of the 19 announced by the War Secretary, Mr. HoreBelisha, three
    -Reuter.  -  576 words
  • 59 28 —Reuter. London, Mar. 29. CONVERSATIONS took place the recent visit of President Lebrun between British ministers and French representatives in regard to the inaguration of compulsory national service in Britain, said Mr. Neville Chamberlain, Prime Minister, at question time in the House of Commons today. He
    —Reuter.  -  59 words

  • 816 29 -Reuter. “Germany Does Not Dream Of Attacking Other Nations” Wilhelmshaven, Apr. 1. REPLYING to Mr. Chamberlain's announcement that Great Britain would support Polish independence by force of arms in the event of German aggression, Herr Hitler made no sensational announcement, ridiculing Great Britain rather
    -Reuter.  -  816 words
  • 48 29 Reuter. Warsaw, Apr. 1. IT is believed the Polish Government has made it clear to the German Government that any unilateral change in the status of Danzig would be considered a threat to Polish independence of the kind mentioned in the British declaration.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  48 words
  • 246 29 -Reuter. London, Mar. 30. WHAT a tragic mistake to imagine that Britain was like Jericho, the walls of which fell if only a trumpet was blown loud enough, exclaimed the President of the Board of Trade, Mr. Oliver Stanley, addressing the
    -Reuter.  -  246 words
  • 142 29 -Reuter. Budapest, Mar. 31. QLOVAK and Hungarian experts have agreed upon a general line of demarcation of the new frontier between Slovakia and Ruthenia (Carpatho-Ukraine). It is expected the final details will be settled by Monday. It is believed Germany made
    -Reuter.  -  142 words
  • 195 29 —Reuter. Increased Anxiety Felt In Rome Rome, Apr. 1. MR. Chamberlain’s guarantee to Poland surprised Italians who only yesterday morning read in their newspapers that this would probably never happen. The general impression here is that Germany is out to get the Polish Corridor at the earliest
    —Reuter.  -  195 words
  • 64 29 -Reuter Paris, Mar. 30. lli| MANDEL, the Minister for Colonies, announced today that the strength of the French Colonial Army was doubled last year and in the future would be able to protect distant possessions from surprise attack. The defence of the French Empire would continue
    -Reuter  -  64 words
  • 240 29 Reuter. ‘No Question Of Going To War’ Tokio, Mar. 31. THE Japanese Government in* formed the French Ambassador today that the Sprattley Islands, a group or reefs off the ciast of French Indo-China had been placed under the jurisdiction of the Japanese Island of Formosa. It
    Reuter.  -  240 words
  • 119 29 Reuter. Chicago, Mar. 30. AN International congress of American Czechs and Slovaks, which will make plans “for the re-establishment of a free Czecho-Slovakia in a rree Europe” will be held within a month, at either Chicago or .New York announced Dr. Bohus Bcnes. nephew
    Reuter.  -  119 words

  • 198 30 —Reuter. So viet-J apanese Agreement Moscow, Apr. 2. A Soviet-Japanese fisheries agreement to last a year has been signed.—Reuter. The possibility of war between the two countries, which has been threatened for months past, over the fisheries dispute, has thus receded. The fishing is in Soviet waters,
    —Reuter.  -  198 words
  • 110 30 Children Play War With Discarded Guns Salamanca, Apr. 2. A COMMUNIQUE issued today states that with the Republican army disarmed and interned the Nationalist forces have reached their last military objectives and the Spanish war is ended, reports Reuter. Meanwhile order prevails throughout Madrid, not a
    110 words
  • 118 30 —Reuter Washington, Apr. 2. “MR. Chamberlain's pledge to defend I** Polish independence has o &gt;ened the door to peace in Europe,” declared Senator Key Pittman, chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee, today. The Senator added that recent indications from American officials of a desire
    —Reuter  -  118 words
  • 60 30 THE King and Queen took their guests, President and Mme. Lebrun, to see a gala show of the Vic-Wells ballet at the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, during the recent state visit. Picture shows (left to right): Queen Mary, President Lebrun, the Queen, the King and Mme. Lebrun. Behind, on
    60 words
  • 99 30 -Reuter. Berlin, Mar. 31. /COMMENTING on Poland and Colonel A* Beck’s coming visit to Great Britain, the National Zeitung writes. “What they overlook abroad are two factors which Poland must not lose sight of in her foreign political actions, if she does not want to become
    -Reuter.  -  99 words
  • 76 30 Reuter. Warsaw’, Apr. 1. THE Polish Government spokesman declared last night: Mr. Chamberlain’s declaration has been received in Poland with great pleasure. “Britain's abandonment of her former policy will, we think, lead to positive settlement." Mr. Chamberlain's statement has also created general satisfaction in Lithuania. It
    Reuter.  -  76 words
  • 51 30 —Reuter. Jerusalem, Apr. 2. I INOFFICIAL figures o' casualties due to disturbances in Palestine during the past quarter show a deathroll of 348. including 16 Britons. The wounded numbered 375 In March the deathroll was 128, including two Britons and wounded 110 including eight
    —Reuter.  -  51 words
  • 151 30 Berlin Comment On Hitler’s Speech Berlin, Apr. 2 “A PEACE speech addressed parti- cularly to Britain, coupled with a warning.’’ is the description applied to Herr Hitler’s utterance at Wilhelmshaven by well-informed German quarters. In the words of one commentator. “Hitler declared he wanted peace and at the
    151 words
  • 721 30 German troops —Reuter and British Wireless. London, Mar. 31. THE Prime Minister was cheered on entering the House at 2.50 p.m. to deliver his statement on international affairs. “As I said this morning. His Majesty’s Government have no official confirmation of
    German troops —Reuter and British Wireless.  -  721 words

  • 841 31 Opening Day Of Extra Skye Meeting I a COLONIALS, in the third race, paid $61, and First Bid, in the L s ixth, paid $60 on the first day of the Taiping Turf Club’s Skye meeting on Friday. Three of Mr. A. van Tooren’s
    841 words
  • 128 31 London, Mar. 29. IN the Scottish Cup. semi-final replay, Motherwell beat Aberdeen 3—l at Ibrox Park. Motherwell now meet Clyde in the final. It was rainy and cold early and 40.1)31) spectators saw the play favour Motherwell, who were slightly superior territorially, but were unable to
    128 words
  • 40 31 New York, Apr. 1. The American Professional Golfer.:’ Association announces the Ryder Cup golf matches between Great Britain and the United States will be played at the Ponte Vedra course in Florida on Nov. 18 and 19.
    40 words
  • 27 31 .—Reuter. In the Daily Mail Professional golf play off over thirty-six holes Cotton won with an aggregate of 141. Compston took 145.—Reuter.
    .—Reuter.  -  27 words
  • 818 31 Final Day Of Extra Skye Race Meeting IJEAVY rain during the afternoon marred Saturday’s racing, the final day of the Taiping Extra Skye meeting. The biggest upset of the afternoon occurred in the fourth face, which Evergreen won to pay $73. Results and dividends
    818 words
  • 190 31 pLASS one horses will not be catered for and there will be no special race provided for the opening of the new Penang racecourse. Horses classes two three and four are catered for and souvenir cups will be presented to the winners of the long races
    190 words
  • 68 31 &lt; From Our Own Correspondent Ipoh, Apr. 1 The following have been se ected to represent Perak in the inter-State cricket fixture against Penang during Easter at Penang: T. M. Hart leapt.). J E Slade. R N Whitaker. T A D Hewan. H. M. Fuller.
    68 words

  • 1841 32 Portsmouth Player Ordered Off The Field London, Apr. 2. II/HARTON, one of Portsmouth’s most useful men in the team’s fight through the Cup rounds, was ordered off in the match with Birmingham, 15 minutes from the end and several other players were cautioned by
    1,841 words
  • 35 32 New York. Apr. 1. The New York State Athletic Commission has approved a 15-round world heavy-weight boxing championship fight between Joe Louis and Tony Oalento at the Yankee Stadium on June 28.
    35 words
  • 187 32 Strong Side To Travel To K. L. Next Week-End A STRONG Singapore side has been chosen for the State cricket mutch at Kuala Lumpur during the Easter weekend against Selangor. Thoy and Eu Cheow Chye will make their debut in state cricket. The team is:
    187 words
  • 131 32 London, Apr. 1. £AMBRIDGE won the boat race, beating Oxford by four lengths. The time for the course of four and a quarter miles from Putney Bridge to Mortlake was 19 minutes 3 seconds. The weather and water condition* were ideal. Oxford won the toss and
    131 words
  • 96 32 Home Rugby Union results on Saturday were: Bath 7; London Scottish 15. Bedford 9; Plymouth A. 0. Birkenhead Park 3: Leicester 3. Blackheath 25; Headingley 12. Bristol 22; Harlequins 3. Devonport Serv. 11; Qroucester 11 Guy’s Hospital 18; Old Cranleighans 11. London Welsh 24; Old Alleynians 0. Northampton
    96 words
  • 49 32 —Reuter. New York. Apr. 1Henry Armstrong retained tlr world welterweight title by beating Davey Day, of Chicago, by a tccn nical knock-out in the twelfth o. 3 scheduled 15-round bout last night a the Madison Square Garden. The Negro lost two rounds for alleg' ed fouls.—Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  49 words

    • 518 1 Fraser And Company’s Weekly Share Review JN a weekly report on the share market, issued at the close of business on Apr. 4 Fraser and Co. writer— The week when we can write our report without reference to politics will be a welcome and
      518 words
    • 87 1 gHIPMENTS of tin from Malaya in March totalled 4,779 tons, pomnarcd -vith 5,621 tons in February, bringing the total shipments for the first quarter f&gt;f the year to 14,196 tons. 9 Jft the February shipments, tons were consigned to the n 'U*d States; 868 tons
      87 words
    • 99 1 QCEAN shipments of rubber in w March totalled 43,259 tons, compared with 43,084 tons in February, bringing the total shipments for the quarter to 129,675 tons. Shipments in the first quarter of 1938 were 146,082 tons. Of the March shipments 29,437 tons were shipped from Singapore 9,767
      99 words
    • 429 1 —Rente New York, Apr. 4. r pHE following quotations were those ruling when the Stock Exchange closed today:— DOW-JONES AVERAGES. Yesterday’s Today’s Close. Close. Changes. 30 Industrials 132.25 129.80 off 2.45 20 Rails 27.27 26.71 off .56 15 Utilities 22.70 21.99 off .71 40 Bonds 89.09 88.75
      —Rente  -  429 words
    • 54 1 Date Spot Apr.-June July-Sept Oct.-Dec London Mar. 30 27% 27% 28 28’* 8 31 27% 27% 27% 27'* 8 Spot Apr. May-June July-Sept. Oct.-Dec. London Apr. 3 27% 27% 28 28 28 7 15/1G 4 27% 27% 28% 28 28 8 1/16 5 27 27% 27%
      54 words
    • 77 1 JMPORTS of rubber in March totalled 14,035 tons, compared with 13,889 tons in February, bringing the total imports for the quarter to 46,973 tons, compared with 46,973 tons in the corresponding period of last year. Of the March imports, 6,396 tons were received from the Netherlands Indies;
      77 words
    • 336 1 London, Apr. 4. The following are today's closing middle quotations. Shares are of £1 denomination unless otherwise stated. The Quotations for American stocks are in American currency. Con. Loan 5% 1944-64 107\ Fund Loan 4% 1960-90 105% War Loan 3% p.c 95% Com. Union Assce (Units) ..8%
      336 words
    • 1756 2 1938 Profit Satisfactory In Difficult Trading Conditions THE placing of orders for larger vessels was still being considered by the directors, the chairman of the Straits Steamship Co., Ltd., Mr. F. S. Gibson, told shareholders at the annual meeting in Singapore on Saturday.
      1,756 words
    • 264 2 -Straits Times cable (From Our Own Correspondent) ,i IADTn London, Apr. 1. WORLD rubber stocks outside the regulated area declined 11,552 tons in February, according to statistics contained in the March bulletin of the International Rubber Regulation Committee. At the end of February
      -Straits Times cable  -  264 words
    • 2744 3 Period Of Development And Substantial Progress MR. H. H. ROBBINS ON MALAYAN LABOUR PROBLEMS (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Mar. 31. rpHK steps that have been taken to increase 1 and maintain efficiency at Malayan Collieries during 1 the financial year ended December
      2,744 words
    • 608 4 Penang And Singapore Works On Full Production Proposing the adoption of the report and accounts at the annual meeting of Alexandra Brickworks Ltd. in Singapore on Satur- day, Mr. C. Jackson, the chairman, said: During the year under review we were again able to earn
      608 words
    • 259 4 HIGHER CONSUMPTION FIGURES EXPECTED I IN a weekly report on the rubber market, issued at noOn on Mar. I 30, Stanton Nelson and Co. Ltd. I write: After a half-hearted attempt to interpret Signor Mussolini’s speech in a favourable light, the world Stock and commodity markets have
      259 words
    • 155 4 Rubber Supplies Scarce IN a weekly report on the rubber market, issued on Mar. 31. Lewis and Peat (Singapore) Ltd., write:— With the exception of M. Daladier’s speech and a hardening in the attitude of Britain and France, there has been little in the news this
      155 words
    • 74 4 THE estimated total exports 1 of tin and tin-in-ore at 75.5 per cent, tin content, from the Malayan controlled area in March, were 1,800 tons, states the Controller under the Tin and Tin-ore (Restriction) g,,. actment. If this estimate proves correct, Malaya will have exceeded her
      74 words
    • 203 4 the end of February.—Straits cable. (From Our Own Correspondent) London, Apr. U7ORLD visible supplies of tin increased by 876 tons in March, according to estimates furnished by A. Strauss and Co., Ltd. This company places the total visible supply on Mar. 31 at
      the end of February.—Straits cable.  -  203 words
    • 821 5 Cash And Investments $lOl,OOO More Than At End Of 1937 PROPOSING the adoption of the report and accounts at the annual meeting of Malayan Breweries Ltd. in Singapore on Mar. 30, U,. J. A. Clarke, the chairman, H por reasons of health Mr. Macgre„or w
      821 words
    • 288 5 To Acquire Holdings Of Dunlop Plantations TtUNLOP Malayan Estates Ltd., is the new company which has been incorporated in the Straits Settlements to take over all the assets In Malaya of Dunlop Plantations Ltd. The rubber estates in Malaya belonging to Dunlop Plantations which are to be
      288 words
    • 46 5 HPHE directors of Cheviot Rubber Ltd. and Labu (F.M.S.) Rubber Co. Ltd, two companies in the Guthrie group recommend a dividend of 10 per cent, for the year 1938 which, if approved at the annual meetings, will be payable on Apr. 27.
      46 words
    • 73 5 FOREIGN import, of tin-ore r in March totalled 2,468 tons compared with 1,975 tons in February. Siam sent 1,997 tons; Burma sent 355 tons; Netherlands Indies sent 91 tons; Union of South Africa sent 18 tons; China sent 5 tons and Tanganyika sent 2 tons.
      73 words
    • 148 5 Singapore. Apr. 4, noon. Buyers Sellers gambler 7 50 amburg Cube $13.00 Java Cube $12.00 Pepper White Muntok $12.75 White $12.25 Black 8.00 Copra Mixed $3.25 Sun Dried $3.55 Sago Flour No. 1 Lingga $2.50 Fair $2.45 Sarawak $2.40 Jelotong Palembang $6.00 Banja $6.25 Sarawak $6.25 Tapioca
      148 words
    • 356 5 Effect Of New System Of Issuing Export Credits MALAYA’S domestic export? of rubber in March are esti1,1 mated to have been 22,000 tons, states the Controller of Rubber. If this figure proves correct, the total exports for the quarter will be 77,661 tons,
      356 words
    • 145 5 267 Tons Sold *|’HE Singapore Chamber of Commerce 1 Rubber Association held its 1,427th auction on Mar. 20 when of 740,1961b. (334.46 tons) catalogued. 721,312 lb. (322.01 tons) was offered and 599.080 lb (267.45 tons) was sold. London spot 7 15/16d. New York spot 15 15/16 cents.
      145 words
    • 1215 6 Issued By Fraser And Co., EXCHANGE AND STOCK BROKERS. Singapore. April 5, 10 a.m. MINING. Issue Val. Buyers Seller* 4/- Ampttt Tin 3/3 3/6 £1 Austral Amal 4/9 5/3 £1 Austral Malay 39/- 44/5/- Ayer Hltam 20/- 21 1 Ayer Wens: 0.65 0.7C £1 Bangrin Tin 19/-
      1,215 words
    • 41 6 THE official price of tin in Singapore on M ar. 30 was $llO 50 per picul on 133 l/3rd. Mar. 31. $llO 50 Apr 1 $lOB 12%* Apr. 3. $108.75 Apr. 4 $lO9 and Apr. 5. $108.62»/ 2
      41 words
    • 607 6 London Exchange Prices On Mar. 28. Allagar i2/&gt; /9; Alor Pon to su (2/) 1/4Vi. Anglo-Malay 7t6 Ayer Kunlng 20/7 Vi. Badcnoch 16/; Bag&n Serai 16/3; Bahru (Sel. &gt; (2/) 1/3Vi; Banleng 11/3; Batang (2/) /6V4; Batu Caves 13/1%; Batu' Tlga 22/6; Bekoh (2/) /10%; Bertam Con. (2/&gt;
      607 words
    • 65 6 .—Reuter. London, Apr. l. /\N the money market this week the continued uncertainty regarding the international political situation was again reflected in a sharp rise in discount rates. This week’s Treasury Bills favoured market operators to an unusual deeree as they obtained 71 pei
      .—Reuter.  -  65 words
    • 110 6 (From Our Own Correspondent, London. A nr i The are today’s quotations for Fixed Trusts bl(1 British Empire “A” J British Empire “B” 8 .j!, British Empire Cumulative 13 9 2 British Empire C’prehenslve 14 British General “A” 17 British General “B” British General “C” n
      110 words
    • 205 6 London Exchange Prices On Mar. 28. Ampat (4/) 3/; Anglo-Burma (5/) \\h Ayer Hitam (5/) 29/32; Bangrin 29 a’ Gopeng Coiis. (5/) 7/; Hongkong (5/) 16/gIdris (5/) 5/; Ipoh (16/) 19/6; Jelapant 27/; Kampong Lanjut 15/; Kamuntine (M 8/; Kepong KillinghaU (5/) 13/; King (5/) 9/3; Kinta Kellas
      205 words
    • 101 6 INURING the week ending Mar. 25. 1939, exports of canned pineapples from Malayan ports amounted to 48.241 cases, of which: 40,996 »85 per cent.* cases were to the United Kingdom, 2,402 (5 per cent.) cases to the Continent of Europe, 2 475 (5 per cent.) cases
      101 words
    • 50 6 (From Our Own Correspondent) Batavia, Mar 4. THE demand from Hong Kong, Manila and Singapore for Netherlands Indies coal has increased durinff the past few months, because of greater difficulty in obtaining Japanese coal It is stated that Japan is needinlmore of its own coal.
      50 words
    • 87 6 FRASER COMPANY LIST OF CURRENT DIVIDENDS Singapore, Apr 4, 5 p m Books Total I( Company Dividend Close Dale Dlv financial f'« Iohan Selang0r 2 Apr. 12 K i® hftn 5% final Apr. 8 Aot i? aS’ 0 Klanp; River nu&lt;s. A 16 A P r 9 scj SST iniNo.2»
      87 words