The Straits Budget, 28 July 1938

Total Pages: 38
1 6 The Straits Budget
  • 30 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE S TRAITS TIMES established NEARLY a century./ No. 1198. SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, JULY 28, 1938. Price 25 cts., (S.S. Currency) or 7d.
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  • 1079 1 A CCORDING to a report trom Kuala Lumpur it is understood that the Government has in its possession a tentative scheme lor the development >! regional broadcasting in Malaya. It is said to have been submitted by non -government body six weeks ago. out the ollieial
    —Straits Times picture.  -  1,079 words
  • 48 1 In the E.M S. team ichich took part in the Junior Kolaporc Cup match at Bislejf were <left to right) W. R. Methertll J. Cornwell, S G. Grant captai?i\ F. W Howl <not in the team), K. P. Reynolds and Ivor Roverts {coach).
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  • The Straits Budget
    • 946 2 Straits Times, July 21. Bo much has been said and written lately about overcrowding in Singapore that it was a pleasure yesterday to be able to present the constructive and progressive aspect ot the subject in the Straits Times. The building programme of the Improvement Trust lor next
      Straits Times, July 21.  -  946 words
    • 766 2 Straits Times. July 22. After noting the growth cf the large new housing estates at Tiong Bahru and Balestier in this column yesterday, it is tempting to fall into a reflective mood and consider how many other signs of change and progress are to be seen in
      Straits Times. July 22.  -  766 words
    • 352 2 —Straits Times. July 22. Referring to the suggestion made In this column yesterday that the Municipal Commissioners should be given a share of responsibility for housing policy. and should possess direct representatives on the Board of the Improvement Trust who would be able to act as spokesmen
      —Straits Times. July 22.  -  352 words
    • 981 3 Can China Win than a dictated peace.—Straits Times, July 23. Impartial, if not disinterested, comments on the course of the China war have begn made in our correspondence columns recently from the point of view of the European merchant. It is perhaps not surprising that the tone of those comments
      than a dictated peace.—Straits Times, July 23.  -  981 words
    • 965 3 justice and in peace.” -Straits Times, July 25. It is one of the major tragedies of modern history that the land sacred to the world’s three greatest faiths, and within whose borders was preached the greatest doctrine of peace of all times, should be plunged into a
      justice and in peace.” -Straits Times, July 25.  -  965 words
    • 885 4 Straits Times. July 20 Judging from comments heard in many quarters. Mr. T. H. Stone’s memorandum on the Traction Company strike has been given a very careful reading by the Singapore public. It may not have contained anything new. but its great merit lay in the fact
      Straits Times. July 20  -  885 words
    • 929 4 Greater Germany -Straits Times. July 27. Whatever may be said of Mr. Chamberlain’s foreign policy, since i he took over the reins from Mr. Anthony Eden, it will at least not be denied that he has recaptured lor Great Britain the initiative which had been held too long
      Greater Germany – -Straits Times. July 27.  -  929 words

  • NOTES Of The DAY.
    • 206 5 *|0 part of Singapore's suburbs reN llls the spacious days of Euron me in this Settlement so much that line ol old houses in huge compounds which has survived the •■eal estate speculator in Grange Road 0 ne of those houses. Spring Grove. has been taken by
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    • 186 5 yc a present day Singaporean, now ever, the most remarkable thing at Spring Grove is the garden It covers r.o less than four acres. At the back of Spring Grove looks down a slope thickly planted with mangosteen trees, and this again ;s typical of the old
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    • 206 5 QRANGE Road has a special claim distinction because the Gover”')r on ce lived there When the fort :)U Rt on Fort Canning Hill :n l^fj Governor moved from tha* Oxley Estate, where he lived n famous old house called the (still standing. I believe) ):r there he moved
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    • 129 5 Dutch Dinners on the subject ol European lite in bygone Singapore, I mav mention that since stating in this co lmn my personal impression that social life in Java was much quieter than our own. I have come upon the following comments by John Cameron (who. incidentally, edited the Straits
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    • 268 5 Dutch Houses JT may bo interesting to follow up yesterday's notes on old Singapore houses with a Jescription of the Dutch colonial house, taken from “A Surgeon’s Log.” published in 1911. The author saw the coast cities of Java at a time before the modern suburban wave had sw T
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    • 228 5 in Batavia not long ago 1 stayed in just such a house as is described in "A Surgeon’s Log.” Situated in one of those quiet old streets which open on to the Koenigsplein. :t is a boarding-house today but has evidently enjoyed a much more dignified status in
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    • 231 5 Shell Sybarites WAS pained to read the other day that there are to be “luxury flats” at the top of the new A.PC. building on Collyer Quay. I don’t quite know what a luxury fiat is. or how much more luxurious it is than an ordinary flat, but anyhow it
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    • 234 5 jyjY fruitarian friend’s reference to the soporific effect of Singapore Cluo tiffins reminded me of a letter I received some time ago on the same subject. This was after I had written a spirited rejoinder to a member of that club who complained about my penchant for birds.
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    • 279 5 for another dietetic problem which must be discussed in more serious vein, and that is the grievance of the Traction Company strikers that they sometimes work seven or eight hours at a stretch, without time for a meal or a rest. The company has done i'.s best to
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    • 216 5 Squirrel Doors *JpALKING of kingfishers nests, this same correspondent in Pahang tells me that Malays insist that kingfishers habitually make their nests in empty coconut shells and in the empty shells of king-crabs all along the East Coast beaches. Squirrels puncture holes from one to two inches in diameter in
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    • 260 6 IN addition to the splashes ol mauve, brick-red and crimson colour which the bougainvillea has long created in Malayan gardens, a very pleasing orange shade is now obtainable. In the note printed below the origin '>t tills new variety is explained, and attention is called to an Interesting phenomenon
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    • 215 6 QINCE one finds wcll-cuucaXecl Europeans wearing those black seaweed armlets Irom Celebes In the belief that in some mysterious manner the armlets cure rheumatism, it is hardly surprising that Asiatics cherish an equally groundless belief in tinpowers of “coconut pearls.” However, 1 had never heard of one of
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    • 116 6 CRYPTIC note asks me it I can tell the writer where he can find the following passage in Holy Writ And He said, Woe unto you also, ye lawyers! for ye lade man with burdens grevious to be borne, and ye yourselves touch not the burdens with one of
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    • 88 6 A FORMER Malayan living in retire- ment at Home writes: -“The legend of the lonely Englishman dressing for dinner every night in the Jungle surely arises from the fact that this is. or was. tile custom of the employees of the Bombay-Eurma Company when out on their tours
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    • 200 6 COM EON E who has been reading Kipling's story The Lang Men O Larut” has written to ask whether it has any foundation in fact and how it came to be written This is the only one ot Kipling’s I short stories with a Malayan setting.
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    • 187 6 'JpHE Lang Men O’ Larut have been forgotten long since, but when Kipling passed this way there must have been many tales about them lor they were a trio of exceedingly tall men who were officials in the very early days of British administration in Perak I have
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    • 184 6 i 'THE Mantri could afford to do thus I because the mines ot Larut hue i brought him a revenue ol $15,000 a month beloro the Chinese miners had begun lighting each other, but by that I time (1873> the rival Chinese factions i wore completely out of
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    • 163 6 AS an illustration of the state of war that existed in the Larut delta In those days, the following note on a journey up the Larut River in 1873. recorded by Lieutenant-Governor Anson, of Penang, is worth reading: “I went on up the river in the Colonial Government’s
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    • 312 6 East Coast Cars fJ*HE time is not far distant when we shah be able to drive from Singapore to Kelantan, following: the East Coast all the way With the completion of the new road between Mersing and Endau, the only gaps that remain to be filled are along the Pahang
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    • 242 6 remarks are prompted bv an historic journey made a few days ago bv three officers of the M.CS. who drove all the way from Kuanta?: to Dungun in the same car. the tir.s> time in the history of the East Coast that this has been Indeeo twi of
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    • 181 6 jgVERY child in England knows that the squirrel garners hazel-nuts beech-nuts and other kinds oi nuts f < r its winter store, but somehow one does not expect the squirrel t‘ tackle so large a nut as the coconut Accordingly when I mentioned in this column the Malay
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  • 29 6 Mr. L. V. J. Lavilie, C.L.S.. has been seconded for service under the Govern ment of Kedah, with effect from June 22. with claim to pension
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  • 214 7 It is announced in the Government Gazette that the appointment has Dt t n approved of Mr. Philip Francis Yonge Radclltfe to be a Magistrate. Straits Settlements and Federated Maiav States The appointment has been approved ,< Mr. Gerwyn Elidor David Lewis to be European Master. Malayan
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  • 102 7 rhe following Johore appointments ire announced Inchc Mahmud bin Mohamed Shah to oflilate as Assistant Registrar of the Supreme Court. Assistant Oliicial Administrator and Assistant Oliicial Assignee, Johore. Hail Mohamed Nassir bin Haji Salleh to 'delate as First Magistrate. Muar. Haji Mohamed Nassir bin Haji Salleh to be
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  • 38 7 Admiral James Fownes Somer•itlo C.B. D S 0., has taken over compand of the East Indies Station from <om mod ore Alan Poland D. 5.0.. and nas hoisted his flag in H.M.S. Norfolk.
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    • 137 7 HOELmann.—To Acnny. wife of G. W. wlniann. at the General Hospital, Singa011 20. a daughter. LEHMAN—At the Bungsar Hospital ua J a Lumpur to Marlis wife of C. W. A. •sondevnian, a daughter. MORRISON— To Isabel wife of Dr. H. R. r “?n at the General Hospital on Julv
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    • 17 7 '"LI—FORTANIER—The engagement is 7u?2S. nced Alfred Wernli of Switzerland and Lucie Elise Fortnirr of Rotterdam. Holland.
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  • 193 7 GOVERNOR AT FUNCTION. *pHE reconstruction of the Singapore Cricket Club and the admission of women to certain privileges was jointly recognised at an informal function held at the Club on Friday. Among those present was the Governor. Sir Shenton Thomas. A cablegram from Mr. J. M.
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  • 150 7 ALL SHIP’ S PASSENGERS AT WEDDING. McGeoch- Willmer. (From Our Own Correspondent; Kuala Lumpur. July zb •THE unusual hour of 2.30 on Sun- day afternoon was chosen Dy Mr. John McGeoch and Miss Gladys Willmer for their wedding at St. Mary’s Church, Kuala Lumpur The bride, whose home is at
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  • 76 7 ENGINEER Captain W.D. Strachan Smith. R.N., assumed the duties ot Chief Engineer at the Naval Base on July 19. Commander <E) G. J. Baily, R.N.. who has been appointed as First Assistant to the Chief Engineer, has ’arrived from Britain to carry out this duty. Commander
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  • 60 7 From Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh, July 25. A DECREE nisi was granted to Hazel Ivy Turnbull, a teacher at the Anderson School. Ipoh. in the divorce suit brought by her in the Supreme Court against her husband Frederich Charles Turnbull, formerly of the Royal
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  • 153 7 Rajah Of Sarawak Protests Daughters Not Princesses. CARAWAK has no princesses, says the Rajah of Sarawak. Sir Charles Vyner Brooke, in a letter to British newspapers in which he says the population of his state are intensely annoyed by Press references to his daughters as princesses. The title, says the
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  • 194 7 Mr. Edwin Tongue To Command. first appointments of officers in the newly-formed Str.aits Settlements Volunteer Police Reserve are gazetted. Mr. Edwin Tongue, Registrar of Companies and a former police officer, is senior commissioner and commandant, and Mr. F. J. L. Mayger is to be
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  • 96 7 Gone From Safe In Cavenagh Rd. THE disappearance of dia- monds worth $39,000 from a house in Cavenagh Road occupied by Mr. A. Flinter, managing director of A. Flinter Ltd., has been reported to the Singapore police. Mr. Flinter, who had placed the diamonds in his
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  • 292 7 Leaders— Trust Houses 2 No Mean City 2 Can China Win 3 Jew vs. Arab 3 The S.T.C. War 4 After Paris 4 Telegrams— Covering past week’s news 25—28 Pictorial Section 17 —29 Financial Supplement— Financial and Commercial News to date, following page 32 Malayan General News— Singapore League
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  • 114 7 YZFTmam DEATHS Snnl,u n Ju] y 19 1938 at No 108 v a Road, Singapore, Josephine Eleanor, yy..,’ °t the late Mr. Herman Gregory Ifpm ma 5 In her 90th year. KETtm V; ner y utn year. Rn nir? 11 Ju] y 20. 1938 at the General Knin i I
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  • 528 8 Efforts For Settlement Over Week-End. CUKTHEK efforts to effect a settlement of the strike of the Singapore Traction Company employees, which has paralysed the city’s regular transport system tor nioie than a fortnight, were made over the week-end, hut little progress appears to have
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  • 74 8 TRAMWAY inspectors are saluting drivers and conductors on picket duty outside the Singapore Traction Company’s depot in McKenzie Road. Pickets who are watching the building have sorted themselves up and have conferred military titles upon each other. There are sergeants, corporals and lance-corporals. Drivers and conductors
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  • 511 8 Contractors’ Tributes To Retiring Harbour Board Chairman. A GREAT future for the port of Singapore, which he declared would one day he one of the largest ports East of Suez, if not the largest, was predicted by Sir George Trimmer, retiring chairman
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  • 546 8 Alarm Unwarranted, Say Authorities. COLLECTION DELAYS. ALTHOUGH there is considerable public alarm over the A p ro hlem created by the stiike of municipal nightsoil coolies. Municipal and health authorities arc positive that there is no cause for alarm. THERE is no
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  • 357 9 ■six million doses of I CHOLERA VACCINE. I Gifts By Malaya And Other I Countries. 9 pOLLOWLNG an appeal to the League of Nations by the fl 1 hinese Health Administration, the League’s Far Eastern I Health Bureau at Singapore is arranging for
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  • 164 9 Resident’s Reference To Rembau Case. H'on) Our Own Correspondent.* Seremban. July 24. REFERENCE to “the difficult constitutional problem” that arose out t !fl of the former Undang Reni bau. Abdullah bi n Haji Dahan, made by Mr J. V. Cowgill. British '‘‘-■Mclcnt, Negri Sembilan, in the State
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  • 260 9 Mr. J. E. Cowie Of Tampin. •From Our Own Correspondent) Malacca. July 22. A PLANTER well-known in Malacca and Negri Sembilan, Mr. J. E. Cowic. manager of Pegoh Estate. Tampin. was found dead in his bungalow last night. Eighteen years in Malaya. Mr. Cowie was unmarried. He
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  • 128 9 Perak Buffalo Killer Bagged. < From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Kangsar. July 23. A FULL-GROWN tiger measuring seven feet two inches, which was shot by a party of Malays last night at Kampong Biong. near Kati, was this morning exhibited in front of the District Office
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  • 370 9 British Adviser On Last Years Researches. niSCOVERIES of ancient Indian civilisation in Kedah last year are referred to as of “first-class importance” by the General Adviser, Kedah, Mr. J. D. Hall, in his annual report issued on Saturday. TOR approximately five months of the year,
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  • 398 9 LIEUT. COL. E. R. MACPHERSON. f)NE of rhe best known officers in he Malaya Command, Lieut. Col. E. R. Macpherson, Assistant Director of Ordnance So vices. Malaya, is leaving for Riitain bv the P and 0. Imer Ranpura, this week, on sick leave.
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  • Correspondence.
    • 1041 10 A Planter On Agents And Contractors. REDUCING RUBBER COSTS. To the Editor of the Strait* Times. 81r,- A recent public utterance by a well-known prince of the rubber Indus try prompts me to record a few lacets that have not. or do not appear to have, reflected the
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    • 295 10 Chinese Deputation And Mr. A. B. Jordan. To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir.— Referring to the letter appearing under the name Patsunville in the Straits Times on the Registration ot Businesses Bill I desire to dispel anv erroneous impression that might have been created by the
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    • 265 10 Shortsighted Policy In Malaya. To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir.—I would like to inquire what measures are being taken by the authorities to make Malaya self-sup-porting in the matter of essential food-stuff's and farm produce. A study oi various statistics will prove quite clearly that
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    • 449 10 Hygienic Hawkers In Java. CAKES WRAPPED IN CELLOPHANE. To the Editor of the Straits limes. Sir. I would like to comment on i letter headed -Sentimentality AbouFood Hawkers" and signed “Britisher which was published in your columns some days ago. I may mention that although this letter is
      449 words
    • 826 11 Chinese Defence Of The Bill. assisting honest TRADERS. the Editor of the Straits Times sir.- The tetter signed “Patsunville” mi tilt* Straits Times on the Registra* ton ol Businesses Bill made very •‘.U resting reading and put up the best defence against the proposed registrar „l partnerships. The writer
      826 words
    • 168 11 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,—You certainly have rendered a public duty by your splendid and illuminating editorial on the above subject. but there is a certain part that needs to be clarified. You stated that if the Municipal Board had three or four direct representatives
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    • 380 11 HALF MILLION ON ELECTRICITY. Time For Concessions To Consumers. To the Editor of the Straits Times Sir,—-I was very interested to read extracts from the report of the Municipal Electricity Department in your columns a few days ago. showing a profit of nearly $500,000 for last year It
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    • 360 11 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir—lt is an unpleasant experience to have one’s taxi stopped by three Chinese ruffians who. in a grandiose lashion, told the Malay driver that his lucky star was in the ascendant because of the presence of women
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    • 515 11 Reply To Official Ostracism. GOVERNMENT AND DESTITUTION. To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,—It is most disappointing to the public of Selangor that Government should have turned down every recommendation to relieve distress and destitution in this State. The public and the Press are aware of the
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  • 66 10 INCORPORATION of the Mines 1 Asiatic Staffs’ Association has been announced. The association, with headquarters in Kuala Lumpur, is intended to promote the personal and professional interests of all persons on ti.e staffs o! firms engaged in mining. This move is further evidence of the trend
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  • 50 11 China Station’ s Flagship. H.M.S KENT (Captain L. H. Ash more, R.N.) sailed from Plymouth o.i July 10 for Malta and the Far East. She Is expected at Singapore towards the end of August and then will relieve H.M.S Cumberland on the China Station as flagship of the Com mander-in-Chlel.
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  • 141 12 Humane Killing In Negri. EQUIPMENT FROM BRITAIN. (From Our Own Correspondent) Seremban, July 24 A WAY from the noise of the town the Negri Sembilan Government has constructed, at a cost of $75,000, a modern abattoir at Temiang. which will be declared open for use when equipment,
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  • 240 12 More Bulls Imported East Year. (From Our Own Correspondent) Seremban, July 24 upLEVEN bulls are to be lent to estates and five owners of 1 irge herds in Seremban have each applied for the services of one mil. This gives a working total ot 10, and since
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  • 79 12 T*HK Convent of tin* Holy infant Jesus, Singapore, stuped an entertainment by its pupils on Saturday night. Mrs. A S Small, the wife 01 the Colonial Secretary the Inspector of Schools and Mrs HolgaU* and Mr F’ Shaw. Johore Suporintendam of Schools were guests Staging ol
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  • 642 12 Services Honours At R.A.F. Sportsman’ s Funeral. WITH full Services honours I the funeral took place at Bidadari Cemetery on Sunday levelling- of Flying Officer Roger Cave-Brown-Cave, of I No. 20f> (General Reconnaissance) Squadron, Royal Air I f orce, Seletar. Flying Officer Cave-Brown-Cave was a nephew of Air Vice-Marshal Cave-Brown-Cave
    -Straits Times picture.  -  642 words
  • 49 12 r FHE commission to investigate higher education in Malaya, which was recently announced by Government, has been appointed, the Straits Times understands. The commission, whose names will probably be announced at the next meeting of the Legislative Council, will arrive in the Colony on Oct. 7.
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  • 136 12 Sikh Woman Gets Benefit Of Doubt. 1 F'rom Our Own Correspondent' Kuala Lumpur. July 25 CAUTAN KAUR. a Punjabi woman. who was charged before the Klang Magistrate, last week, with making a lalse report to the Police was given the benefit of the doubt and acquitted
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  • 66 12 T HE Governor, Sir Shenton Thomas. will leave Singapore by train on Friday evening on a visit to Kuala Lumpur and will return by the night train arriving at Singapore on the morning of Aug. 8 While in Kuala Lumpur he will stay at King’s House.
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  • 308 12 Pilots Think Runways Short. SITIAWAN GROUND TO BE USED. \I7HEN the daily internal air service is resumed next Monday by Wearnes* Air Services, Limited, calls will be made at Sitiawan instead of Ipoh. The Ipoh aerodrome is being eliminated from the service as
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  • 73 12 MRS Marie Antoinette Johnson. »h m wife of Mr A. E. Johnson, tech nical assistant oi the Public WorkDepartment. Central. Singapore, di at the General Hospital, on Saturd at the age of 39. The funeral took place at the B cl dari Cemetery on Saturday evenin'
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  • Article, Illustration
    54 13 ip’ ROSALIND YU PING WONG, c/rfcs£ daughter of Dato and Datin S. Q. Wong, of Singapore, whose engagement to Mr. Fco Yin Chiew, the third son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Foo Nyit Tsc. of Ipoh, was announced on July ?0. Miss Wong and Mr. Foo arc both
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  • 240 13 SEQUEL TO SHARK S KILL IN HARBOUR. CINCE Minggu, the famous old diver, was taken by a shark at Tanjong Pagar wharves last week, Pulau Brani Malays who usually plunge for coins tossed from passenger ships have stopped diving and have taken to fishing, it
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  • 56 13 T«E Chief Justice, F.M.S., Sir Roger Hall, is leaving for England on ‘inent during the first week of A U|?U.St. a’Bec’jett Terrell Ls leavSingapore on Aug. 2 to act as Justice, F.M S. Justice Pedlow, the former C'uuan Judge, on his return from ,,n Aug. 6. will
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  • 342 13 Only $10,000 A Year Needed For Relief, Says Mr. Hands. (Prom Our Own Correspondent) u T ud Kuala Lumpur, July 18. nr, start or one Government department has already subscribed for the sustenance of unemployed colleagues and since the publication of the Government memorandum
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  • 138 13 Penetration Is Causing Concern In N.I. (From Our Own Correspondent) Batavia, July 21. INCREASING concern is felt in the Netherlands Indies at Japanese penetration in the northern part of Celebes. A new Japanese consulate at Menado. principal town of the important Minahassa district in the north, has.
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  • 167 13 Statement To London Papers. CABLE APPROVED BY GOVERNOR. f rom Our Own Correspondent London, July 22. “VOIJ know I never suggested marrying Miss Hill and that such a proposition, therefore, never has been considered by the British Government/’ declares the Sultan of Johore in a cablegram to
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  • 188 13 New Scheme From Next Month. A cheaper way ol sending small articles of merchandise in letter mails is being introduced by the Post Office on Aug. 1. The scheme should allay criticism of the increased letter postage, payable under the Empire air mall scheme, on small
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  • 348 13 FEATURE CONTEMPT SAYS COUNSEL. Padlocked Box Photographs. (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, July 21. •THAT a feature in the Malayan Police Magazine was contempt of court was submitted in the Klang Police Court by Mr K. K. Benjamin, when he appeared on behalf
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  • 151 13 Klang Estates Affected. I (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, July 22. •yHE dry spell experienced in Selangor since the beginning of the month is affecting the water supplies of villages and planters in the Klang and Coast districts. In some areas where the inhabitants are
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  • 729 14 Sir Shenton Opens New Short-Wave Unit. B.M.B.C. PROGRESS PRAISED IN ADDRESS TO LISTENERS. OPENING the new short-wave transmitter of the British Malaya Broadcasting Corporation on July 19, the Governor, Sir Shenton Thomas, said that he had hoped to be able to give some idea
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  • 64 14 }[ISS SANG WEI MIN, the 21- year-old Chinese Girl Guide, who braved Japanese machine-gun lire to hand a Chinese national flag to the “Doomed Battalion" during the Shanghai fighting, arrived at Singapore on July 20. in the Conte Verde. She is on her wav to attend the
    – Straits Times picture.  -  64 words
  • 441 14 From Our Own Correspondent Kuala Lumpur, July 18. lIIGH freight rates are one of 1 the main factors which are preventing development of Malaya’s small export trade in coconut shell charcoal for the manufacture of gas-masks. The world gets most of its coconut
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  • 173 14 CHARGE OF CAUSING WOMAN’S DEATH. I From Our Own Correspondent Ipoh, July 19. A EUROPEAN engineer, S. M. Rogers, was today fined $500 on a charge of causing the death of a Chinese woman by negligent driving. He was ordered to pay $250 compensation to
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  • 107 14 Official Denial Of Conflict. 4 lirm denial of London newspaper reports of alleged friction between the Governor, Sir Shcnton Thomas, and the Sultan of Johore, is contained in an official communique from Government House. The communique states: “His Excellency the Governor and His Highness the Sultan
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  • 126 14 A committee is drafting the necessary legislation for amendment of the Children Ordinance to give effect to the Mui Tsai Commission’s recommendations, it is revealed in the annual report of the Secretary for Chinese Affairs. Mr A. B. Jordan. The new legislation will provide
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  • 1542 15 Planting Topics Fruits Of Research At New Institute. WIDER DISSEMINATION OF KNOWLEDGE ENVISAGED. Regulation Scheme Not A Permanency. From A Special Correspondent. ANYONE who, though not a rub her planter himself, has lived u>r the last couple of decades in one of the centres of
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  • 447 16 Legal Firms Chinese (Jerk As Complainant. A SINGAPORE lawyer, Phillip Hoalim on Thursday faced a summons charge of using criminal force on a Chinese clerk at a hearing which lasted all day. in the Fifth Magistrate’s Court, before Mr. L. C. Goh. The
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  • 68 16 SOPHIE ABED, the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Jack Abed, of Singapore, who icas a bridesmaid at the London wedding of Senorita Anita Lizana. the Chilean tennis player, and Mr. Ronald Ellis a Perthshire colliery owner. Miss Abed has represented the Colony in the
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  • 538 16 Non-Government Body s Plan. NEW SHORT-WAVE UNIT INCREASES UP-COUNTRY INTER EST. (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, July 20. riiHK Malayan Governments have before them a tentative J scheme for regional broadcasting, it is stated in wellinformed quarters in the Federal Capital. The scheme is believed
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  • 77 16 “'J'O my knowledge, there never has been any question of marriage between the Sultan of Johore and myself,” declared Miss Lydia Cicely Hill with asperity in an interview with the Daily Herald at Marseilles, on July 20. according to Reuter. “It is unlikely I shall
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  • 80 16 (From Our Own Correspondent) Batavia, July 21. NEGOTIATIONS are proceeding between the Government of the Netherlands and an American company over the production of a fulllength screen drama based on a chapter in the history of the Netherlands Indies. Twentieth Century Fox Films are ngaging an
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  • 211 16 fM’oni Our Own Correspondent Ipoh, July 19. QAMAGE estimated at $lO,OOO was done to 13 shophouses at Tanjong Blanja, a village on the Perak River near the pontoon bridge, when they were gutted by fire early yesterday, 70 people being rendered homeless. No
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  • 632 17 Sir Shcntoti Thomas, the Iliah Conwikcioticr. pa d an official visit to Perils and at Aran saw an elephant display. One of the features was a tug-of-war between cn elephant and Malays. The elephant won. Raja or Pcriis (nearest camera h atches the elephant disp ay
    This picture was taken speciality for the Straits Times; -Straits Times picture.; . -Straits Times picture; n's teams on the padang—Straits Times picture.; Straits Tim es picture.; ? he visitors iron bn 11 runs to two.—Straits Times picture.  -  632 words

  • 1107 21 A Borneo Planter In Mirthful Mood 1 think sve should settle the I question once nnd all I to whether there are men v, the far-flung outposts of 1 e Kmpire who wear dinner I ritt. or not. 1 still more so am I spurred
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  • 438 21 1 the Editor of the Straits Times. 3 IR, Ve ry creditable efforts are being made to take care of and Ms poor Asiatic mothers and ron in our midst. But what of neglected European children, in our midst, numbers of n are to
    438 words
  • 34 21 ft XU AS C1RCF the Airedal which was judged, the best dog at the Cent r a l Malaya Show at t he week-end, with Mr. S. B. Palmer the owner
    34 words
  • 237 21 Draft Is Going To Whitehall. DEVISED divorce legislation for the Straits Settlements on the lines of A. P. Herbert’s famous Act is planned. Draft legislation on these lines is being submitted to the Secretary of State for Colonies, Mr. Malcolm I MacDonald, by
    237 words

  • 451 22 Improvement Trust’s Big Plans For 1939. llAVINd completed a block of 150 Oats at I 1 Bahru, the Singapore Improvement Trust plans lor next year another block of the same type, two other large blocks on the same estate, a block of tenements in Chinatown,
    451 words
  • 46 22 •From Our Own Correspondent) Bangkok. July 20. poUR submarines and one light cruiser. all new vessels for Siam’s navy built in Japan, were anointed yestei day afternoon when received in commission Air Force squadrons llew over the scene ni ceremonies and dropped confetti
    46 words
  • 222 22 A.B.M. President’s Comment. (From Our Own Corresponde London. July 15. r J HERE had been no startling political events in Malaya during the past year, but trade had been “rather like a fever chart,” said Sir Richard Winstedt, retiring president at the annual meeting of
    222 words
  • 47 22 <From Our Own Correspondent) Batavia, July 20 While cycling to his ofiice, a European, do Ih'er Schotman, foreman o; the Sourabaya Municipal Scavenging Department, was allegedly hacked to death with a parang by a coolie who recentlv was dismissed by the depart ment
    47 words
  • 244 22 NAZI GENERAL GOING HOME. THK man who has done more than anyone except Generalissimo Chians Kai-Shek to destroy the myth of the invincibility of the Japanese war machine and to prolong Chinese resistance in the present conflict, arrived in Singapore on July 20. He
    'rival at Singapore.—Straits Times picture.  -  244 words
  • 460 22 /COMMENTING on the usefulof a quarterly donation by the club of $6O for rural child welfare work, Dr. J. W. Scharff, Chief Health Officer, Singapore last Wednesday in a report told Rotarians of some of the aid they had helped to bring to
    460 words

  • 130 23 McAli s te r s’ Ex-Chairman Ml{. A. M. MARSHALL. r T Hl l death occurred in Melbourne 1 0 n July 20 of Mr. Archibald McV. u »'oam Marshall, formerly chairman of McAlister and Company. Limited. Singapore. \!v Marshall came to Singapore from -stralia about 1915 and in 1932
    130 words
  • 74 23 WITH the arrival on Thursday of Mr. r. Simanuki. a new Japanese Conthe stall of the Japanese asulate at Singapore has been increased. T. r Mr. I. Okamoto. the Consul:UTal. there is now a consul. Mr T. nanukl. and a vice-consul. Mr. Asahina. Mr Simanuki.
    74 words
  • 28 23 Fr.-rn Our Own Correspondent) Batavia, July 20. Javanese woman at Blitar lias birth to three boys and a Mother and children all are *ng well.
    28 words
  • 266 23 New History Of Movement. "I'HAT Singapore can claim the distinction of having the first official Volunteer organisation in the British Empire is stressed in a “History of the Singapore Volunteer Corps. 1854-1937,” which has just been published. Many years of research are apparent in
    266 words
  • 88 23 SEVEN Chinese. including a 13-month.s-old baby and a woman, passengers in a bus travelling along Victoria Street. Singapore, were burned when acid was thrown at the vehicle on Monday afternoon. The passengers involved in the incident were taken to hospital, but discharged after treatment.
    88 words
  • 288 23 ON their way to attend Queen Wilhelmina of the Netherlands’ jubilee celebrations, the Sultan of Pontianak, in Dutch West Borneo and Prince Hangabehi, eldest son of the Soenan of Solo, one of the most important Javanese rulers, passed through Singapore in the Rotterdam
    .--Straits Times picture  -  288 words
  • 52 23 TMIE appointment of Mr. Philip Martin Williams as a temporary unofficial member of the Legislative Council during the absence on leave of the Hon. Mr. G. Wiseman is gazetted. Mr. Martin is deputy general manager of Dunlop Plantations, Ltd., Malacca, of which Mr. Wiseman is
    52 words
  • 377 23 A LAVA'S dependence on her A tin and rubber industries for A 1 export trade is strikingly s trated by trade figures for A first half of this year Akh were issued on July 20. pxports in June were valued at '-1.000,
    377 words
  • 88 23 Hohhin-Lanirdon. (From Our Own Correspondent > Ipoh, July 21. li/JK. W. It. Hobbin, of the Mercantile Bank, Ipoh. son of Mr. and Mrs. W. R Hobbin. ol Beltam, Grantham, was married today at the Church of St. John the Divine to Miss L. M. Langdon. daughter of
    88 words
  • 37 23 The appointment lias been gazetted ol Mr. R. H. Ore n as Honorary Secretory of the Bar Committee for the Settlement of Singapore for 19H8 in the place of Dr. C. H. Withers-Payne, resigned.
    37 words

  • 178 24 Reuter. “Warships Will Take Such Action As Practicable.'' l/ondon, July 15). IF any further attacks occur on British shipping in the bar Fast, British warships would take such action as was practicable. Thus stated Mr. R. A. Butler, Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs, replying
    Reuter.  -  178 words
  • 248 24 Reuter. NEW HOME PARLEY. Home, .Inly 18. DIFFERENCES to tie* friendship of Italy, Hungary, Germany and Yugoslavia were made in speeches at a banquet held in the Palazzio Venezia after a conversation between Signor Mussolini and Dr. Imredy, the Hungarian Prime Minister. Signor Mussolini declared that Italy
    Reuter.  -  248 words
  • 25 24 Reu’ ••r Calcutta. July 20 CLOUDS in the Brahmaputra R'yer valley is causing great Jistrrss throughout Assam. Thousands oi people af|. homeless Reu’er
    Reu’ ••r  -  25 words
  • 61 24 JAPAN PRESSURE ON SIAM —Aneta-Havas. Bangkok, July 19. 11/ELL-INFORMED circles state that the Japanese are exerting pressure on the Siamese Government to enter a bloc of I'an-Asiatic Powers. It is stated that the Siamese Government is opposed to such a policy, which is considered to he highly dangerous. However, certain
    —Aneta-Havas.  -  61 words
  • 189 24 Reuter. I U.K. Australia Reach Agreement. London, July 20. Conclusions reached in the trade discussions with the Australian Ministers now in London j wore issued this evening as a White Paper. The memorandum states that United Kingdom Ministers recognise that, in the interests of both
    Reuter.  -  189 words
  • 291 24 Brit i;.h Wireless. London, July 18. THK Sandys case” was again discussed in the House oi Commons today. At the end of question time the Speaker, Capt. Fitzroy, gave his ruling on the matter raised 'ast Thursday when it was stated by Colonel
    Brit i;.h Wireless.  -  291 words
  • 169 24 British Wireless and Reuter. (Question For Select Committee. London, July 19. WITHOUT a division the House of Commons today accepted the motion of Sir Archibald Sinclair, Liberal leader, remitting the matter of who summoned Mr. Sandys to appear before the military court of inquiry, to the
    British Wireless and Reuter.  -  169 words
  • 51 24 Aneta-Domei. Keijo < Korea>. July 19. /JLN. KRINOVSKY, Red Army corps commander, has been appointed a chic* ol the Far Eastern Depart men f ol Internal Affairs in succession to Gen. Lushkov, who is now a political reiugee in Tokio, according to information reaching
    Aneta-Domei.  -  51 words
  • 144 24 —Reutei COMMONS REPLY. Question Still Being Considered. London, July 21. IN the Commons today, Mr V. La T. McEntee (Lab.. Walthamstow) asked whether, in view of the League of Nations’ recommendation favouring all possible assistance to China compatible with the Powers’ interests, the Government could state
    —Reutei  -  144 words
  • 119 24 British Wireless. Mr. F. W. Ogilvie To Assume Post. London, July 19 *T HE name of the new Director- General of the British Broadcasting Corporation was announced today by the Board of Mr. Frederick Wolff Ogilvie succeeds Sir John Reith. who has been
    British Wireless.  -  119 words
  • 81 24 Reuter. Master Defies Japanese Jffieers. Hong Kong. July 23 £|APTAIN E. Green, master of the British steamer Leana, reports that when the vessel was 50 miles iron Hong Kong on July 21. a Japanese destroyer fired across her bow, forcinthe steamer to heav to The Japanese then
    Reuter.  -  81 words
  • 47 24 .—Renter Valencia. July 19 The British steamer Stanland v. today bombed in Valencia harbour five planes, and set on fire. Hie crew, including two Non-Int vention officers, had a remark a* escape, but eight dock workers w killed during the bombing.—Reuter
    .—Renter  -  47 words

  • 545 25 —Reuter. SOLUTION TO WOULD PROBLEMS SOUGHT. International Agreements Reference. Paris, July 20. IT would be impossible to recall a period in which Anglo-French relations were more intimate, said the King replying to a speech of welcome by President Lebrun at a state banquet given
    —Reuter.  -  545 words
  • 361 25 —Reuter. Long Illness Of King i Carol's Mother. i Bucharest, July 18. HTHE Queen Mother of Rumania, Queen Marie, died this evening at the royal summer palace at Sinaia, in the Carpathian Mountains. Queen Marie, who had been ill for more than a year, was
    —Reuter.  -  361 words
  • 237 25 Reuter. London, July 19. THE well-known obstetric surgeon and gynaecologist, Mr. Aleck William Bourne, ot Wimpole Street, was found not guilty at the Old Bailey today. He was discharged. He appeared on an indictment alleging that “on June 14, at St. Mary’s Hospital, with
    Reuter.  -  237 words
  • 272 25 -Reuter. OPPOSED TO WAK BUT— Plan For Greater Germany. Klagenfurt, July 24. “Pj|ERR HITLER does not want war hut will never capitulate in his fight for the ideal of Greater Germany.” Thus declared Hitler’s deputy, Herr Rudolf Hess, addressing a demonstration at Klagenfurt on the occasion of
    -Reuter.  -  272 words
  • 119 25 Reuter. Huge Forest Bluze On Vancouver Island. Vancouver, July 24 rkNE thousand lumberjacks, assisted by sailors Horn the Canadian destroyer Fraser, are fighting one of the worst forest fires in the history of Vancouver Island, British Columbia. Great pillars of fire are roaring through virgin tlmberland
    Reuter.  -  119 words

  • 615 26 British Wireless Anglo-French Declaration At Paris. PRAGUE MOVE TO “PRESERVE SECURITY OF STATE.” London, July 21. AN official communique issued in Paris yester- day affirms that “complete harmony of views established during the visit of French Ministers to London on April 28-29 is entirely maintained. This
    British Wireless  -  615 words
  • 43 26 since last December.—AnetaDomei. Tokio, July 19. THE Japanese Government, it is understood, has decided not to comply with the British demand for the restoration of tree shipping on the Yangtse River which has been closed since last December.—Aneta-
    since last December.—Aneta-Domei.  -  43 words
  • 51 26 POPE IL DUCE IN CONFLICT. Router. Cartel Gandolfo, July 21. a EXAGGERATED nationals lism” and racialism were denounced as "unchristian by the Pope, addressing a gathering of Roman Catholic teachers here today. As the Fascist Party has just adopted a policy of racialism the Pope thus comes into conflict with
    Router.  -  51 words
  • 265 26 —Reuter and British Wireless. Reuter. King Unveils An/.ae Memorial. Paris. July 22. The final official act of the King before he left France today after the four day State visit was to unveil the memorial at Villers Bretonneux to Australian soldiers killed *in the Great
    —Reuter and British Wireless.; – Reuter.  -  265 words
  • 394 26 -Reuter and British Wireless. French Leaders Get Orders. NATION REJOICES. Paris, July 20. IUATIOX-WIDE popularity of the Royal visit to Paris has been heightened by the announcement that the King has conferred a number of honours on French statesmen and other leaders, including the Grand Cross of
    -Reuter and British Wireless.  -  394 words
  • 193 26 —Reuter Birmingham, July*22. OEVEN years’ penal servitude was the sentence passed at Birmingham Assizes today on John Bruce Thornton, who was lound guilty on four counts in connection with the attempt to kidnap Lord Nuffield, the millionaire industrialist. The seven years’ sentence was for possessing
    —Reuter  -  193 words

  • 387 27 MOSCOW SPURNS TOKIO THREAT OF FORCE. (.on. itagaki Sees Emperor After War Parley. London, July 22. OUSSIA'S entry into the Far Eastern conflict against Japan seems to be drawing nearer as the result of acute tension between the two countries which now threatens to flare
    387 words
  • 231 27 Aneta-Trans-Ocean. Tokio. July 20. Q -IMENTS of the Japanese press leave no doubt that the Russo■mauese tension, arising from the cl Soviet occupation of a disputed 1 on the Siberian -Manchukuo•n border in the Hanka Lake- un region, has created a grave uat ion. •rding to
    Aneta-Trans-Ocean.  -  231 words
  • 62 27 SELECT COMMITTEE’ S DRAFT REPORT. British Wireless London. July 20. •yilE Select Committee on the Official Secrets Act sat for four and a halt hours today and adjourned pending it is understood, preparation by the chairman of a dra r t report. The report will in all probability deal with
    British Wireless  -  62 words
  • 412 27 THE KING QUEEN RETURN. —Reuter Coronation Week Scenes Re-enacted. London, July 23. SCENES reminiscent of Coronation Week were witnessed in London last night when the King j and Queen received a tumultuous welcome on their arrival back from their four-day state visit to France. After driving through streets crowded with
    —Reuter  -  412 words
  • 250 27 —Reuter. Paris, July 21. THE President of France, M. Lebrun, has accepted an invitation from the King to visit England before his term of office expires, it Is officially announced. M. Lebrun, with Madame Lebrun, will pay an official visit to London In the
    —Reuter.  -  250 words

  • 419 28 British Wireless. Sweeping Successes B> Nationalists. men uui’inucAN m;<;u>\ London, July 2d. r pHE Spanish war appears to be entering a <leci- sive phase following sweeping successes during' the p;ist few days, culminating- yesterday in the encirclement of a well-stocked “pocket of Repub lican territory.
    British Wireless.  -  419 words
  • 33 28 Id Her New York, July 24. INDUSTRIAL employment In the 1 United States declined by 140,000 workers between mid-May and mid June. :ay.s the Bureau ol Labour Statist ley Reuter
    Id Her  -  33 words
  • 177 28 Reuter. I*WmI«<* Bv Paris IVan* Conference. BOMBINC OF I'OW NS. Paris, July 25 THE International Peace Campaign Conference, at the conclusion ol a two-day meeting today, passed a resolution in regard to bombing of open towns. Thi* resolution demands that: Tlu* supply of anti-aircraft armann nts
    Reuter.  -  177 words
  • 89 28 -Reuter Surprise Raid By 300 Outlaws. Banmi 'North-West Frontier*. July 24 MINE persons were killed and 24 wounded in a raid on Bannu *y 300 dacoits belonging to t'. e Waziri and other tribes. The raiders occupied important points near frontier constabulary pest i and polic
    -Reuter  -  89 words
  • 51 28 —Reuter. Buenos Aires, July 21. ORINGING to an end the long dispute concerning the Gran Chaco a peace treaty between Paraguay and Bolivia was signed today. The treaty has been welcomed in the United States as a major step towards permanent peace on the American
    —Reuter.  -  51 words
  • 190 28 Reuter. Paris, July 25. NARCOTICS valued at £3.300 and weighing 40 lb. have been seized by Paris police following the arrest of two men. As a result it is announced that the French detective service have sent information to London which, it is understood,
    Reuter.  -  190 words
  • 252 28 Reuter Border Tension. TOKIO PLAN FOB SETTLEMENT. Tokio, July 25. THE Japanese Government is understood to be makin< a bid for an amicable seal;ment of the Changkufeny incident. This is suggested by a report that the Japanese Government may propose the establishment of two join: Japano-Mancluikuo-Soviet com
    Reuter  -  252 words
  • 209 28 A neta- Trans-Ocean Occupied Kill Being Fortified. Tokio. July 2H OOVIEI construction of military works on Changkufeng Hill i; steadily going on. according to a Press message from the Manchukuo horde? It is alleged that defence work' along the eastern border are bc.tcstrengtliened. and that
    A neta- Trans-Ocean  -  209 words

  • 1192 29 Fourth Test Won By Five Wickets. ENGLAND ALL OUT BEFORE LUNCH O’ Reilly Takes Ten Wickets For 122 Runs In Two Innings. London, July 2<L AUSTRALIA retains the Ashes as a result of her victory in the fourth test con- eluded yesterday at Headingley, Leeds, whether
    1,192 words
  • 100 29 London. July 25 Critics' comments on the game are as follows C. H. Fry. The wicket was dead throughout. It is a plain fact that the situation needed resolute batsmanship. in which England were found wanting. We cannot contemplate the match except with mournful minds.
    100 words
  • 19 29 London. July 25. Hammond will captain England in the fifth Test against Australia at the Oval
    19 words

  • 542 30 ONE GOAL VICTORY WAS AGAINST THE RUN OF PLAY. EV)R the nineteenth year in succession Singapore is in the final <*) tin* Malaya Cup competition, and will nieel Selangor on Any. ♦>. the yame to he played in Singapore. Singapore qualified
    542 words
  • 23 30 Reuter Brussels, July 22 In Mu* Davis Cup, European /one emi-Iinal, Yugoslavia beat Belgium bv Uji*' matches to nil Keuter
    Reuter  -  23 words
  • 87 30 Reuter London, July 21. A. D LOCKE, the South African golfer who recently turned professional won the Irish open championship with a score <»i 80. 73. 09. 70- 292 Locke broke tin* course record in his third round. Jarman’s record of 70. made yesterday,
    Reuter  -  87 words
  • 57 30 RetUer London. July 20. THL British Boxing Board of Control have lined Bonny Lynch C200 for failing to weigh in at 8st. 0 lb. for his light, against the American. Jack Jtirich. They have also declared that Lynch has forfeited his British and European llyweight titles,
    RetUer  -  57 words
  • 92 30 Reuter London. July 25 Following is the Stewards’ Cup rollover 8 1 Gunboat. 10- 1 Mixture 100 8 Watersmeet. Old Reliance 100 Boy 100 o Davy-Do-Little. Harmaohis 18 1 Bold Ben 18 1 Lohengrin. Sally Andrews. oiTered. 20 1 taken. 20 1 Tin Hat offered. 25 1
    Reuter  -  92 words
  • 81 30 London. July 18. P*RANK Woolley, who is retiring at the end of the summer, set up a new record when he completed his 1.000 runs in a season tor the 28th successive time. Woolley, who made 41 tor the Players at Lord’s previously held the record io.ntly
    81 words
  • 441 30 WOMEN proved the stronger sex when S.C.C. men’s and women’s cricket teams met on the padang yesterday—but only by one run. The match attracted one of the biggest galleries this season. Passers-by almost encircled the field and seemed to enjoy the proceedings. The men
    —Straits Times picture.  -  441 words
  • 45 30 i'* T wo m wi v 1 Reuter Santa Barbara. July 24 Mr.s. Thompson, nee Kathrine Rawls, Olvmpie swimmer. established a worlds one mile tree style swim record in 23 min. 47 sec. The previous record wis 24 nun 7 1-5 sec. Reuter
    i'* T wo m wi v 1 Reuter  -  45 words
  • 206 30 •Reuter London. July 19 QLOUCESTER scored a meritorious decision over Lancashire on thirst innings in this round of count} matches. Lancashire, thanks to Washbrook's double century, scored 426 bu Hammond, responding with 271. put Gloucester well ahead. Apart from this match, scoring was generally low
    •Reuter  -  206 words
  • 178 30 Reuter London. July 22 County cricket lesults as cabled Reuter are: At Maidstone, Kent beat Glamor-.u. by seven wickets. Glamorgan 271 1 Watt six for 80) and 186. Kent 347 ‘Fagg 118) and 113 lor three. At Bournemouth. Yorkshire Hampshire by seven wickets. Hamp shire
    Reuter  -  178 words

  • 823 31 Taiping Racing Surprise. BAD DAY FOR FAVOURITES. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Taiping, July 22. Finishing third in a field ot eight at the Taiping Skye meeting vl h ,,|h ihmI today, Ambil paid her solitary backer a dividend of $115. Second horse, Miss
    823 words
  • 458 31 (From Our Own Correspondent) Penang, July 23. FOLLOWING are the handicaps for the first day of the Penang races on Saturday, July 30: Horses, Class 1, 6 furs. Jack Drucc 9.04 Calvados 7.11 Pure Gold 9.0 C Burrancer 7.09 Bombus 8.13 Gay Tad 7.08 Miltondale 8.09 Vedas
    458 words
  • 831 31 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Taiping, July 24. AMOUR and King of Hearts stored their second win of the meeting when the second day’s programme of the Taiping races was held yesterday. Favourites were well to the fore. The highest dividend
    831 words
  • 44 31 Reuter New York, July 22. Tony Gulento. second ranking heavy weight boxer in the States, has been taken to hospital seriously ill with pneumonia. His scheduled non-title bout with John Henry Lewis at Philadelphia on July 20 has been indefinitely postponed.—Reuter
    Reuter  -  44 words
  • Page 31 Miscellaneous
    • 55 31 The Big Sweep The draw on the big sweep, value $10,900, resulted as follows: First: ***** Second: ***** Third ***** Starters: *****. *****. ***** and *****. Double Totes The first double tote paid $106 on each of three tickets on the winning combination. The second double tote paid $74 on
      55 words

  • 978 32 SINGAPORE TEAM DISTINGUISHED THEMSEL VES. THUS year' Malayan A.A. meeting must i>< regarded a.* "t 11 most successful for years. Sot only were six ns-onls broken, revealing a hitfh standard of competition, but tin event- were run >n smoothly, the weather was kirn!,
    978 words
  • 43 32 Reuter Port Marnock, July 10. The Irish open "olf championship first round loaders are Lees. 72 Burton. 71: Cotton, Adams. Brews South Alrica*. Ryan < Australia). 75; Bt imn and five others 7f>. Bert Gadd. the holder ook 79 Reuter
    Reuter  -  43 words
  • 246 32 London. July 22. WIVES oi Australian cricketers will in future be allowed to join theii husbands in England at after the flnat match of a tour has been finished, an pounces the Australian Cricket Board ot Control This decision is the outcome or Cables
    246 words
  • 127 32 -Reuter London. July 19. THE Australians beat Notts by 411! runs. The visitors declared then second innings closed at 453 tor four and dismissed Notts tor 137 Australia's tirst innings had ended at 243 and Notts’ *t 147. Bradman made 144. his innings
    -Reuter  -  127 words
  • 89 32 -Reuter London. July 25 Results in English county cricket games today were Lancashire beat Sussex by one wicket. Sussex 195 'Wilkinson tour for 18* anc 212 (Wilkinson tom for 51). Lancs. 412 for nine (Washbrook 125. Iddon 95». Warwick beat Glamorgan by eight wickets. Glamorgan 170
    -Reuter  -  89 words
  • 69 32 London. July 19. Karl Baldwin, president of the Marylebone Cricket Club, has written to W R. Hammond intimating that he is proposing him for election as a member of the M.C C The newspapers point out that it Is a graceful tribute to the England Test captain.
    69 words
  • 377 32 S.C.C. Defeat Ceylonese By An Innings Q C C secured their biggest win <,; the season over the weekend ov defeating the Ceylon Sports Club eleven, regarded us one of the strong est club teams in Singapore, by an u. nings and 89 runs. S.C.C. laid the foundation for their
    377 words
  • 140 32 (From Our Own Correspondent' Penang. July 24 For the first time since its inception in 1932. The Rest vs. the European* cricket match reached a definite re suit today, The Rest winning bv an innings and 99 runs. The Rest declared at 347 for seven (A.
    140 words

  • The Straits Budget FINANCIAL SUPPLEMENT.
    • 732 1 S/mr<‘ Market Hevieir. Prices Maintained With Good Healthy Appearance. ■i.\ a uavkly report on the share H* market, issued at the close of business on Tuesday. Fraser and B ompany write:— With the approach of the holiday ■>eason. business on the London ■Stuck Exchange
      732 words
    • 43 1 Mexico City, July 17. PRESIDENT CARDENAS has issued a j decree turning over Government operation oi the oilfields to the unions. This is lit tie* more than a gesture, as tlu* oilfields have been in union hands since their expropriation.
      43 words
    • 416 1 RCwtei New York. July 26. HTHE following quotations were those ruling when the Stock Exchange close* today HOW- JONES 4 VEKAOf is Yesterday’s Todays Close Close Changes 30 Industrials 144.91 143.33 off 1.53 20 Rails 30.14 29.67 off .47 20 Utilities 22.08 21.72 off .36 40
      — RCwtei  -  416 words
    • 216 1 Singapore, July 27, 12 noon. Buyers Sellers Gambler 7.50 Hamburg Cub( $13.50 Java Cube $11.00 Pevver White Muntok $14.00 White $13.50 Black 8.25 Copra Mixed $3.40 Sun Dried $3.70 Tapioca Small Flake $3 6*' Fair Flake $3,0-. Medium Pearl $3.00 Small Pearl $3 7( Jetotong Pa.embang $7
      216 words
    • 79 1 PAST Asiatic Rubber Estates is recom- mending a dividend of 10 per cent., less tax. tor the year to Mar 31 last. This compares with 7U per cent, for 1936-37 and is the highest distribution for many years. The annual meeting will be held on
      79 words
    • 70 1 Date Auk -S»‘pt. Oct.-Dec. Jan -Mar. Apr.-June London July 21 25\ 25 7 l»fj« 27 27 1 l' A 22 25 25 2l>\ 27 21 7 9 If, •Spot Auk. Aucr.-Sept Oct.-IXr Jan.-Mar. Apr.-June Ix>ndon 25 26 ;i 20 k 20 1 j 27 1 28
      70 words
    • 459 2 No Question Of Devaluation: M. Marchandeau’s Assurance. Paris, July 17. MAK( HANDFAF, tlie Finance Mmi ter, in a broadcast speech today, expressed confidence in the position of French finances and the hope of a </ood response to 1 he new issue of 1 y months
      459 words
    • 84 2 1 -till* I'rrlrrrrd I o KoIIKn, TibN'KlJ grape iuirc tlit■ Mill' rmontffl variety is one of Americas n* w» laris Exclusion of light from the mire ensure: rcVntion ol its flavour and colour; that is why tins were preferred to bottles. Ae< online to ih grape
      84 words
    • 513 2 1‘ 17.00* *.**<**• HM>. TO BUY MATERIALS FROM ABROAD. Tokio. July 19. Till*. Japanese Cabinet today approv ed tin* proposal of the Finance Ministry to use part ol the 800.000.000 yen fJ48.000.000* gold reserve of the Bank of Japan for the purchase t abroad ol
      513 words
    • 545 2 Higher Prices For Tin And Copper. IN their “Foresight Saga" dated June 28 William Jacks and Co., London, write: When any prospect of trade recovery was being laid to rest to the doleful dirges of the English and American Metal Corporations, the corpse suddenly came to life
      545 words
    • 25 2 T IIE output of tin-ore from Hong F;ilt <Sungei Besi> Ltd. for the second quarter of this your was 3 883 piculs
      25 words
    • 383 2 Revenue Highest Since 1930. IMMIGRATION’S BIG PART. From Our Own Correspondent Kuala Lumpur, July 2\. THE F.M.S. Railways did clu best business for sever, years during: 1937, it is vealed in the annual report of the General Manager, Mr L. M. Smart, which has jusr been issued.
      383 words
    • 76 2 C.T.S. ARNHEM LINKED. Straits Times cable SHARKS EXCHANGED. •From Our Own Correspondent London. July 21 JK SUBSTANTIAL exchange of shan between Consolidated Tin Snu ers and the Arnhem Smelting C“. m pany of Holland, was announced Mr. E. V. Pearce at the annual m ing ot Consolidated Tin Smelters I
      Straits Times cable  -  76 words
    • 420 3 Huhlier Market Kvvietv. Minor Fluctuations Only To Be Expected. weekly report on the rubber i;t r ki*t issued fit noon on 1 hurs- Stanton Nelson and o. I<td. r -iv has been little change in during the past week, and it h- irs that
      420 words
    • 69 3 following particulars of tinri) 1 operations by companies Austral Malay Tin group refer to half of July:— Hours. Yardage Picul- orC ■"naming 325 62.000 270 Kumbang 315 67.000 149 Closed down. 1' A' Tin 307 75.000 296 Tin 282 95.000 261 b Bn Closed down. n °t
      69 words
    • 266 3 MOKE CONFIDENCE RETURNING. EFFECTS OF QUOTA i CUT NOW FELT. IN a report on the rubber market is- sued at neon on Friday. Lewis and Peat i Singapore > Ltd. write The ellect of tin* reduction to 45 per cent. oi the basic quota has
      266 words
    • 117 3 IN a report on the rubber market issued on Thursday. Guthrie and Co.. Ltd. write The period under review has again witnessed a somewhat erratic market with fluctuating prices which, however. show a net gain on the w’eek. In spite of several uncertain patches. demand on the whole
      117 words
    • 57 3 THE following companies which had been in voluntary liquidation were ..♦ruck off the register on July 9 johoro Medical Office Ltd.: Kiat Lim C >.. Ltd and United Auto Co., Ltd. Mr. Robert S. Norris has been appointed a director of Takuapa Valley Tin Dredging N.L.
      57 words
    • 173 3 LEWIS PEAT’S REPORT. IN a weekly report on the London rubber market dated July 12. Lewis and Peat Ltd. write:— During the past w’eek the market lias again shown considerable movement. At the time of writing prices are about u.d. per lb off the best, chiefly owing
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    • 113 3 7,592 TONS IN FIRST HALF YEAR. IN tiie first half of this year Malaya produced 7.592 tons of rubber more than the permissible export quota, according to statistics issued on July 22. Production on large estates in June wuis 20.657 tons and on small estates 17.136
      113 words
    • 148 3 393 Tons Sold *T HE Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association held its 1,391st. auction on July 20 when there were catalogued 1.413.867 lb. <631.19 tons*: offeree’ 1.192.002 1b. <532 14 tons*: sold 879.818 1b. <392.77 tons*. Spot London 7 9/16d New York 15% cts. PRICES REALISED
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    • 26 3 THE output, of tin-ore from Southern Tronoh Tin Dredging Ltd. tor the second quarter was 111 tons. The estimated mine profit was £5.531.
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    • 245 3 TRADING PROFIT DOWN €93,879. TRADING profit of Hecht Levis and Kahn, rubber dealers, for 1937-38 decreased by £93.879 to .£134.212, but total profit was raised to £158.942 bv a credit of £24.730 trade investment capital adjustment. As announced earlier the final dividend on the ordinary
      245 words
    • 205 3 Jlnffcr Stock Scheme Welcomed. 'I'M] tenth ordinary general meeting ol Kamra Tin Dredging, Ltd., was held in London on July 14. Mr. P. J Burgess (the chairman> said that the results of the working lor the past year had been disappointing. T)ie drcdgeablc area at Kanira was
      205 words
    • 87 3 CTR AITS SF.TTI FOMENTS currency notes in active eircidation, that is in the hands of the public less the i amount in Government Treasuries and with banks, on June 30 was $74.418,220. compared with $79,200,762 on Mar. 31, $34,223,081 on Dec. 31 and $85,904,757 on Sept.
      87 words
    • 1216 4 Good Forward Sales By AngioDutch P lantations. BETTER PROSPECTS FOR TEA STATISTICAL POSITION SOUND. A D D111' S I N D s h a r e 1 1 o) < I c r. at the aimiial nu t ine of A if >ut
      1,216 words
    • 347 4 Reuter LONDON PARLEY. PRODUCTION INCREASE URGED. London. July 26. IN no ni vi ;n.s it has born generally realised throughout the Colonial Empire that, in planning and execution ni programmes ot social and economic development, co-operation and collaboration between departments ot agriculture and veterinary services, and forestry,
      – Reuter  -  347 words
    • 69 4 piGL’KKS subject to audit n ccivid from I lie Ministry nt Finance. Pratin show that for the first quarter m 1W8 *he receipts from the Customs duties amounted to Ke lB0.fi65.42r 1 about 1,1 31.44!)* and the net profits ol the Tobacco Monopoly to Ke. 254 500.000 i
      69 words
    • 107 4 'T'llK out put of t in-oki' i j r>m Tumoh Mines Ltd. tor the .second quaiter ol this year was lo.'t ti>ns. The estimated mine profit was ‘"■•038 and Hie tribute profit ”-gs €2.008 and unless the prices for these imnrov. little assistance is likely to be
      107 words
    • 177 4 Reuter Disappointment In London. London, July 26. NO announcement was made by the I.R.R.C. after its meeting today and its next meeting has been fixed for Sept. 12. When no announcement was made regarding the quota for the last quarter of tlie year, the price of
      Reuter  -  177 words
    • 119 4 OPEN TO PUBLIC DURING MALAYAN EXHIBITION. 'THE director of tin Rubber Resear Institute wishes it to be madknown that the Institute will be ope: to the public from 11 am. to 1 pm and 'rom 4.30 p m to 6.30 p.m daily during the period ol the
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    • 190 4 Small Profit Last Year. A FALL in net profit rrom £73,252 £54.957 is shown in the accour.* to Mar 31. 1038. of the Bukit Mortal Rubber Co. This fall is entirely <\vto heavier revenut expenditure. \vni>*. a< £87.176 is £25.300 more than in ti) previous year. The
      190 words
    • 1199 5 Issued My Fraser And Co., exchange and stock brokers. Singapore, July 27, 10 a.m. MINING. Buyers Sellers B iil t Tin 4/- 4/6 I Kumban K v.iptral Malay ij'/n 25 9 I 1 ../ulrtn TO ft,- 1; ‘S’ Malay m 6 Tin 8 .0.38 0.42 B 1
      1,199 words
    • 239 5 FRASER COMPANY LIST OF CURRENT DIVIDENDS. Singapore, July 25. 5 p.m. I roiai »ui flnancla I Rook? Dare «r\ Div ar xns Dividem Close °avabh Date vs far* UN K imbang 6d No. 62 July 29 Aug. 5 July 30 10% ’>ialay 9d. div 3d bonus Ronir k n xin
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    • 594 5 London Exchange Prices On July 19. Allagar (2/) 1/04; Alor 12/* 2/; Anglo-Malay 9/3; Ayer Kuning 25/; Badenoch 20/; Bagan Serai 17/6; Bahru (Sel.) (2/) 2/04; Banteng 13/9; Batang (2/) /8 1 Batu Caves 15/74; Batu Tiga 26/104; Bckoh (2/> 1/; Bertam Con (2/) 3/; Bidor 22/6;
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    • 339 5 Only Small Changes In All Sections. London, July 26. TTHE following are today’s closing middle prices on me Londcr* Stock Exchange; Shares ol fcj denomination unless otherwise •stated; Vesierday Rise or Conversion Loan o o.c 1944-64 114 7 4 funding Loan 4 o.c 1960-90 114*4 —V4. War
      339 words
    • 157 5 lxmdon Exchange Prices On July 19. Ampat «4/) 3/9; Anglo-Burma (5/) 13/9; Ayer Hitam <5/> 1 3/16; Bangrln 1 1/16; Gopeng Cons. (5/) 9/6; Hongkong (5/) 1 1/32; Idris (5/) 7/3; Ipoh (16/) 1V4; Jelapang 31/; Kampong Lanjut 19/9; Kamuntliig (5/) 9/9; Kepong 19/32; Killinghall (5/> 17/6; Kinta
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    • 19 5 July 21 Tin. Spore Price $98.50 per picul 22 97.374 25 98 26 98.50 27 98.50
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 92 6 1936 and 1937 issues completely sold out The STRAITS TIMES ANNUAL for 1938 will be ready Nov. 1st. 220 pages including several full pages of coloured prints pietorially portraying the infinite charm of Malaya. Several full-page colour plates depicting the vivid beauty of Malayan life and landscape. These plates are
      92 words