The Straits Budget, 28 January 1937

Total Pages: 38
1 6 The Straits Budget
  • 29 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE STRAITS TIMES [ESTABLISHED NEARLY A CENTURY.] No. 1120. SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, JANUARY 28, 1937. Price 25 cents (S.S. Currency) or 7d.
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  • 1022 1 ji/iILITARY units in Singapore have nearly completed preparations for the combined manoeuvres which are to take place early next month. One of the purposes of the manoeuvres will be t> test the efficiency of communications. and various technical sections have been detailed to lay telephone wires
    —Straits Times Photograph.  -  1,022 words
  • 45 1 A SCENE OF BEAUTY: The sloping sides of Fort Canning, shorn of ugly lallang and now turfed and stepped, which will overlook the aquarium to be built from funds from the Van Kleef Bequest. "X" marks the site for the aquarium.
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  • The Straits Budget
    • 810 2 —Straits Times, Jan. 21. Singapore is now happily emerging from the depression which has clouded its commercial life for the past five years or more. Hong Kong, on the other hand, has been steadily descending into the depths for the past five years and does not yet
      .—Straits Times, Jan. 21.  -  810 words
    • 994 2 is intended to do. —Straits Times. Jan. 22. There has been a false emphasis in newspaper references to the Bill to amend the Registration of Schools Ordinance which has been gazetted in the Colony. The purpose of this Bill is educational, not political, and in so far
      is intended to do.—Straits Times. Jan. 22.  -  994 words
    • 711 2 for earnest consideration. —Straits Times, Jan. 23. The visit of the Malay Regiment to Singapore is an event of considerable significance. It is visible evidence of Malaya’s increasing preparedness for any conceivable emergency, a preparedness which in itself may prevent an emergency occurring* as it would have prevented a
      for earnest consideration.—Straits Times, Jan. 23.  -  711 words
    • 932 3 state of public opinion.—Straits Times, Jan. 25. If only as a sign of reviving interest in Colony politics the proposal to hold a joint conference ot the Straits Settlements Associations of Singapore and Penang, now under consideration, is to be welcomed. During the last six years the European
      state of public opinion.—Straits Times, Jan. 25.  -  932 words
    • 947 3 —Straits Times, Jan. 26. i Many minds throughout the Far East today are trying to unravel the tangled skein of Japanese politics, for it is clear that the stormy session of the Diet last week and the subsequent overthrow of the Hirota Cabinet may have external
      —Straits Times, Jan. 26. i  -  947 words
    • 814 4 Straits Times, Jan. 27. Perak. perhaps more than any other State or Settlement in the Peninsula, is looking forward to the future with confidence —a confidence which is inspired by the knowledge that the Federal coffers,! to which she makes by far the largest contributions, are replenished
      Straits Times, Jan. 27.  -  814 words

  • 212 4  -  A Thaipusam Poem C. E. H. Jacobs. (The Devotee.) Into my flesh the arrow. Into my breast the sword, Number the sweat my pains beget With the years ot the ageless Lord; Load on my head their prison, Press in each pore the dart, Pin to my cheeks a
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  • 295 4 yH E Straits Times understands that enlargements to be carried out at Seletar and other air stations on Singapore Island involve an expenditure of at least £1,500,000 within the next three years. The present visit of five R A h Squadrons to Seletar for the combined
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  • NOTES Of The DAY.
    • 185 5 II/HEN an old tree in Waterloo Stre et, W between Orchard Road and Bras Bl 4i Road, was cut down some days t straits Times correspondent recalled a local legend that within J ivin g memory six men had been hung rum the branches of that tree for
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    • 172 5 CIR Charles Mitchell thereby removed the only justification for the atavistic horror which is now staged in the Singapore gaol at nine o’clock in the morning several times a year. Imagine waiting from dawn until nine a m. tor the arrival of the hangman at your cell,
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    • 170 5 average Singaporean of the present day would be startled if he knew how much of the barbarous Ventage of the Middle Ages is to be lound in the early annals of this city. For example, there was the public execration of the body of the Pahang Malay
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    • 218 5 “ON A HURDLE *pHEN there was the famous sentence imposed upon a Malay amok by Sir William Norris. Recorder of Penang, in 1846. This man stabbed ten persons, of whom eight died. Evidence was given at his trial that he had been greatly afflicted by the recent death of his
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    • 228 5 “SAKA I” OMNIBUS. THE word Sakai has been appearing in Straits Times head-lines frequently of late but it looks as though we shall have to be more precise In future This is what Mr H D. Noone says in the latest issue of the Journal of the F.M S. Museums
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    • 178 5 lI7HAT is your particular pet aver* sion in journalese? Mine is definitely, which, from being an affectation drawled forth by the Bright Young People, has become the most overworked and misused word in the English language. Another bad habit of the Straits Times is criticised by an assiduous
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    • 71 5 pROM a circular issued by the Singapore Cold Storage Company yesterday:—“At Home in England the Milk Bar is now an established institution, and the staffs of many important business houses enjoy their daily glass. This facility is now here in Singapore There once was a Tuan Besar Whose
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    • Article, Illustration
      28 5 ANOTHER LIBEL UOMERIC mirth is being heard from the direction of Raffles Museum since The Sunday Times cam* out last Sunday with the following: PROF, van STEIN CALLENFELS
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    • 201 5 COMEONE wants to know the history of the line of hulks which forms the eastern side of the Singapore yacht basin. All have been able to find ouc after bearding the oldest inhabitants of Tanjong Pagar. is that the hulks have been there at least 33 years
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    • 194 5 correspondent writes What Is the Certificate of Honour which entitles the receiver to add M.C.H. to his name I cannot find anything in my reference books.” That is not surprising, for the origin of this decoration must be sought in our local Hansard. It was inaugurated by Sir
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    • 157 5 r J HE following comments in a Times Literary Supplement review of a new Anglo-Indian novel struck me as being so applicable to Britishers in' Malaya that I am reproducing them here: “No arrogance is imputed to the Anglo-Indian only a curiously limited understanding of India, of
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    • 140 5 I AM sorry to say that Mr. L. A. o. Jermyn. of Malacca, firmly refuses to allow me to put his name forward as a possible Straits Settlements Laureate. What is more, he has re plied to my recent bulbul lyric as follows THE COUNTERCHECK QUARRELSOME TO ANAK
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    • 771 6 historic Malay war-cry is hardly a suitable caption lor a note which describes a regiment on church parade, but it expresses the feelings which filled my most unmilitaristic oreast when I saw the Malay Regiment drawn up in Empress Place yesterday morning. Tt was indeed a fine sight, those
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    • 160 6 A NYBODY who is about to lay uown a lawn should not fail to consult an article which Mr J Lambourne has contributed to the January number ol the Malayan Agricultural Journal. The marvellously smooth, velvety texture of English lawns, especially those in the gardens of old country
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    • 174 6 r J*HIS subject of Malayan turt is interesting I never knew that sc many kinds of grasses were being used in this country until I read Mr. Lambourne’s article. He mentions eight, and even then he does not exhaust the list of native grasses thought to be suitable
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    • 166 6 jfS there in all the British colonial A empire a more interesting institution than the Government caravan which has travelled 30.00 C miles in the Malay Penin ,ula in the last six years? This vehicle, officially kntxwn as the Rural Lecture Caravan, is continually on the load, sowing
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    • 181 6 /GARRISON life in Singapore has produced its rirst novel—and what a novel If you want to see the passions that seethe beneath the well-bred British impassivity of Tanglin. Changi and Seletai you should get hold of M. de Croisset’s Lady In Malacca. Here is the Times Literary Supplement’s review
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    • 265 6 AIR PARADE I WISH the Cecil Street military newshawk would dry up. How can people be expected to listen to my parochial burbling when he comes out every day with a spectacular story about the Singapore manoeuvres! One day it’s cruisers haring across the Indian Ocean to defend oui shores;
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    • 116 6 WHEN I invited grammatical anri philological potshots at the Straits Times last Thursday I wondered how soon it would be before a bull’s eve was registered on myself I didn’t have to wait long. The very next day a letter arrived from Malacca telling me that I
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    • 141 6 writing the note ab< ve. 1 Potshot No. 2 has arriveo. It says: ‘‘l join with you in your reactions to the use of definitely. This word reaction, together with amazing. has been amazingly and definitely overworked by you gentlemen of the Press in the past few
      141 words
    • 205 6 JJOW did Bacon and other pithy economists of language get along without our extraordinary, halfunderstood modern jargon— technique, factors, significance, reactions, complexes and so on? I am sorry that Fowler has nothing to say about technique; he might have made great play with that twentieth-century favourite, used
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  • Page 5 Advertisements

  • 1108 7 j Mrs Julian Frankel returnliner “Victoria." o j Merrifleld, European WarM r ride'ill. Straits Settlements, has wen granted seven months' leave. r w Moore, Headmaster, the school. Johore Bahru, nas re iurned Irom leave and assumed duty n R Corke, of Kuala Lumpur, ha f,en for England.
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  • 74 7 Monday, Jan. 18. In the afternoon His Excellency presided at a meeting of the Straits Chinese Consultative Committee held at Government House. Afterwards the members of the Committee had tea at Government House. H.E. Major-General W. G. S. Dobbie and Mrs. Dobbie dined at Government House. Wednesday, Jan.
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  • 252 7 Mr. S. W. Jones Gazetted (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Jan. 22. The F.M.S. Government Gazette announces that Mr. S. W. Jones is to act as British Resident. Selangor, while Mr. H. Fraser will act as Undersecretary to Government, F.M.S., Class IA. M.C.S.. in Mr. Jones’s
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  • 72 7 The Office-bearers for 1937 of the Royal Johore International Club are: President: H H. Tungku Mahkota of Johore. Hon: Secretary: Mr. F.M. Still. Committee: —The Hon’ble Lt. Col: Dato Yahya. The Hon’ble Inche Onn bin JafTar, The Hon’ble Mi B. J R. Barton The Hon’ble. Mr
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  • 111 7 His Excellency the Governor has nominated the following to be the Committee of Ladies under the Women and Girls Protection Ordinance: Mrs. R. K S Adams. Mrs H. E. L. Dyne, Mrs. R E Holttum. Mrs. M Jamieson. Mrs. A. B Jordan. Mrs. Lee Choon Guan M.B.E
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  • 272 7 Leaders— Hong Kong Slump 2 Malaya’s Private Schools 2 Preparedness 2 Straits Stagnation 3 Hell His Imperial Majesty! 3 Perak Looks Ahead 1 Telegrams— Covering past week’s news 25—28 Picture Supplement 17 —20 Financial Supplement— Financial and Commercial News to date, following page 32 Malayan General News— Week In
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    • 84 7 TOLLEY. —On Jan. 21 at the Genera* Hospital, Singapore, to Lil,, wife of Mr. L. E. Tolley, a daughter. OOSTERGO. —At the General Hospital, on Jan. 21, 1937 to Willy, wife of G. L. Oostergo. a daughter. Elizabeth Heddy. HANNYNGTON. —At the General Hospital. Singapore, on Jan. 22, 1937,
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    • 70 7 The engagement Is announced of Miss Phun (Puah) Paw Lyn. daughter of Mr. Puah Seng Yong, Chief Interpreter of the Suprem Court, Johore and Mrs. Puah Seng Yong at their residence, No. 84. Jalan Ayer Molek. Johore Bahru to Dr. Lau Yong Boon ot Chi Hong Clinic, No. 7.
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    • 71 7 SMITH—MILLER —At South Church, Prestwick, on January 9, 1937, by the Rev George N. Christie, M.A., assisted by the Rev. John Macara. B.D. (uncle of the bride), James David Maxwell, M.A., Malayan Civil Service, elder son of the late Rev James Smith, M.A., Kininmouth. Aberdeenshire, and Mrs. Smith, Glen
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  • 1848 8 Story Of Fatal Shooting At Changi Prison. K VERDICT of death by misadventure was returned by the jury at the inquest on Jan. 25 on Mr. Edmund John Venables, who was shot in the guard room of the Changi Prison on the morning of January 11,
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  • 464 8 H. C. LAVCRTON, who was in the Singapore Bankruptcy Court last year, pleaded guilty on Saturday before Mr. H. A. Forrer, Singapore District Judge, to obtaining credit from the Radio Service Co., of Malaya (1934) Ltd., by moans of fraud. He was fined $2OO,
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  • Correspondence.
    • 566 9 Anak Singapura’s Suggestions And Qiticisms. Vv'V [,i the Editor of the Straits Times In your issue of Jan. 18 the of Anak Singapura on the T<„l Zoo made interesting reading. •■.r it contained certain inaccuracies I discussed with Mr. Basapan, vhi ch I now crave your indulgence
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    • 131 9 1 r ealy Regarding Siamese Malay States. r the Editor of the Straits Times. 5r':r. With reference to the Kra -inai rumours, under th? Anglo' Treaty of 1&10 h think you ■':ii dud that Siam cannot enter into uv foreign relations arTecting the -.amese Malay without consulta
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    • 195 9 Increase In Cost Of Living. To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir.—While rubber was at five or six cents per lb., employees in limited companies or commercial houses had to face a severe cut in wages and were also deprived of their usua* yearly
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  • 169 9 iTom Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur. Jan. 20. i f, e Ah Loong. a Chinese hunter and •n a recently shot the notorious Pudu J lgel was hned $5 by Che Osman in j‘ Kuala Lumpur police court today 1 n he pleaded guilty
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  • 70 9 Mr. Justice Mills, the Johore Judge, will be leaving for Home on eight, months leave by the Ranpura. which sails from Singapore on Friday. Mrs. Mills has already left earlier for Home. Mr. L. V. J. Laville, Legal Adviser. Kedah, will arrive tomorrow to take up duties
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  • 293 9 Estate-Owners May Amalgamate. PROPOSAL BEFORE NEGRI BODY. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Seremban, Jan. 22. Negri Sembilan Estate Owners’ 1 Association, a body with which the late Dr. W. Leonard Braddon was very closely associated, will decide, at a special general meeting tomorrow, whether association should
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  • 222 9 Wanderer Of Ware’s Fresh Triumph In Singapore. Champion at four successive Malayan dog shows is the proud record of Wanderer of Ware, the beautiful Cocker Spaniel owned by Mrs E C. Stevens, of Ipoh and which was on Sunday adjudged the best exhibit at the
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  • 344 9 Colourful Selangor Ceremony. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Jan. 23. 'J'WO well-known Europeans —Dr. Barclay Barrowman and Mr. F. W. Douglas—were made Datos of Selangor at a colourful ceremony at the Astana Mahkota, Klang, this morning, when His Highness the Sultan also conferred titles on 15
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  • 254 9 The following passengers have left lor Colombo and Europe in the Hector Captain J. E. Jones, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. West, Mr. J. E. Pepper, Miss West, Mr. A. E. Coope, M.C.S., Dr. H. T. Skae. Mr. E. C. Sparkes, Mr. C. A. Smith, Miss Maxwell
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  • 1748 10 Four Years Of Hard Work. COLONISATION OFFICER TRACES PROGRESS OF UNIQUE VILLAGE. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Seremban, Jan. 22. THUAH/S seventy odd Indian settlers are, after four years hard work, making good. So much is clear from a review of the progress made at this
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  • 320 10 Case Regarding State Of His Car. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Seremban, Jan. *J1. A Negri Sembilan Malay chief, the Dato Shahbandar of Sungei Ujong (Abdul Kadir), was summoned before the Seremban Magistrate, Mr. M. J. Hayward, te answer a charge of allowing to be used on
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  • 127 10 Singapore Trolley Bus Struck On Saturday. When lightning struck the fuse box of a trolley bus in Keppel Road. Singapore. on Saturday making tlu 1 driver lose control and the vehicle to swing across the road and crash into a steel post, a Chinese passenger was so
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  • 99 10 The death occurred last week at the Bungsar Hospital, Kuala Lum pur, of Mr. Leong Kim Hong, sales manager of the Goodyear Tyre Department, Messrs. Kyle Palmer and Co. Ltd., Kuala Lumpur, after a short ill ness. Mr. Leong Kim Hong, who leaves a widow and three children, was a
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  • 591 11 “No Aggressive Designs,” Says Foreign Minister. I-VFAN is making a special eflort to improve her economic J r Nations with British the Dutch East Indian Fmpire and other countries in the South Seas—a wide area in w hivh many Japanese believe that she has a special mission
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  • 99 11 Father Ashness For Eucharist Congress. To represent the Eurasian priests of Malaya and the Eurasian community of the diocese of Malacca at the Eucharistic Congress to be held at Manila early next month, the Rev. Father Rene Ashness has left for the Philippine Islands by the
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  • 151 11 Unique Distinction For Singapore Baby. A girl born in the Singapore General Hospital on Jan. 22 came into the world with a distinction that is almost unique for a European in this country—she has mother, grandmother and great-grandmother all in Singapore, where they have lived for
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  • 53 11 Pastor A. W. Cormack. of Washington, D.C., world secretary for the Foreign Mission Board of Seventhday Adventists, formerly of Sydney, Australia, and for eight years in charge of Adventist work in India. Burma, and Ceylon was the speaker at the Seventh-day Adventist Church Penang
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  • 489 11 DIRECTED BY EXPERT. (Special to the Straits Times.) Singapore, Jan. 23. AMONG the 20 or more warships which will join in the attack on Singapore within the next few days, under command of His Excellency the Commander-in-Chief of the China Fleet, Vice-Admiral Sir
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  • 342 11 May Be Ready In Year’s Time. New currency notes, and probably new coins also, will be in circulation throughout Malaya in about a year’s time. This is the effect of a Bill which is to be introduced at the next meeting of the Legislative
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  • 104 11 $5,000 Government Contribution. (From Our Own Correspondent) Seremban, Jan. 19. •yHAT the Government of Negri Sembilan is subscribing $5,000 towards the Coronation celebrations in the State was revealed at a public meeting held at the King George V School, Seremban, today. Mr. R. L. German. District
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  • 692 12 IF FORTRESS HARDLY PRESSED IN “BATTLE.” Norfolk And Emerald Ready For 48-Hour Trip. (Special To The Straits Times.) Singapore, Jan. 25. RACING at 32 knots across the Indian Ocean H.M. cruisers Norfolk and Emerald of the East Indies Squadron may come to the assistance
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  • 121 12 Malay Says Sultan Of Pahang Sent Him. (From Our Own Correspondent* Segamat, Jan. 24. How a Malay youth on a visit from Pahang entered the Segamat Malay Girls’ School during school hours and frightened the pupils out of th<; premises, was told to Ungku Ismail
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  • 137 12 S.S. Volunteers Chosen. SPECIAL PRIVILEGES FOR CORONATION. Four officers and non commissioned officers have been selected to represent the Straits Settlements Volunteer Force at the Coronation of His Majesty King George VI. They are Major A. P. Goldman. 1st. Bn. (Singapore). Act.-Regimental-Sgt.-Maj. Cheng "2nd. Bn. (Singapore).
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  • 260 12 Three Before Magistrates. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, Jan. 21. Three Perak Europeans stood before Ipoh Magistrates on Wednesday on charges relating to causing grievous hurt, assault and careless driving. Mr. George Edwards, employed at the Kinta Kellas Tin Mines. Batu Gajah, claimed trial to a charge
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  • 216 12 C* M.S. Volunteers who have dis- played efficiency and given long service in defence training will become eligible for two new awards, the Efficiency Decoration, and the Efficiency Medal. The creation of the new awards is announced the F.M.S. Government Gazette. Volunteers who
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  • 332 12 ZHL’s Plans For Future. MARCH 1, has been fixed athe date for the opening by the Governor, Sir Shentiu Thomas of the new radio station of the British Malaya Broadcasting Corporation, ZHL. The present skeleton broad casts of an hour a day are bein-a given
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  • 67 12 HOLLAND TO SEE JAVA’ S REJOICINGS. (From Our Own Correspondent* Batavia, Jan. lfi. For the first time, sound films were made in Java, during the fe>tivities connected with Princess Juliana’s wedding. The films were taken h y the Anif-journals. They vere sent to Holland by the K.L.M. “Kieve” to be
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  • 888 13 I IVE R.A.F. SQUADRONS FOR SINGAPORE. Thorough Test Of Far East Air Defences. Singapore, Jan. 22. 4 BOUT 100 warplanes will take part in the forth- coming combined manoeuvres to test the defences of Singapore, the Straits Times understands, and the converging of squadrons from
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  • 59 13 Lady Thomas, wife of H.E. the Governor, Sir Shenton Thomas, and Miss Thomas, sister of Sir Shenton Thomas, flew over Singapore last week for half an hour They were piloted by Mr. D. Sale, instructor to the Royal Singapore Flying Club, in a Hornet Moth.
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  • 174 13 Special Phone Wires To Danger Points,” MILITARY units in Singapore have been busy preparing for the combined manoeuvres which are to take place next month. One of the main purposes of the manoeuvres will be to test the efficiency of communications, and various technical s »ctions
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  • 217 13 $80,000 From S. S. Club Sweeps Reminder That Tax Is In Force. CAREFUL not to lose a cent, of 7* the $80,000 expected from the five per cent, tax newly imposed on sweepstakes promoted by any club, association or society in the Colony, the Colonial Secretary has issued a reminder
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  • 119 13 (From Our Own Corespondent> Johore Bahru, Jan. JO. Prior to the forthcoming combined manoeuvres in the vicinity of Shiga 1 pore, several of the units of the Johore Military Forces detailed to participate are undergoing intensive training to prepare them for the “big show Troops of
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  • 85 13 Passenger To Wed Chief Engineer. Mrs. Eric Neligan, who is on her wa' back to England in the s.s. Hector has announced her engagement to Mr J. R. Birch, son of the late John Bircli of Western House, Baschurch, Salop, Chief Engineer of that ship. Mrs. Neligan is
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  • 118 13 Through the a sistance of Che Mohd. Salleh. M.C.S.. District Officer. Ulu Langat, a Tamil school was opened during the week-end at Kajang. The school is situated at the Reservoir Road, and shou’d be of great help to parents of the Indian and Ceylon communities,
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  • 195 14 More Time Here On Her Way Back. ALTHOUGH General Evangeline Booth, the leader of the Salvation Army, arrived in Singapore just before midnight and it had been announced that she would only he here for a few hours, she received a very warm welcome from members
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  • 99 14 Malacca Collections Total $2,217. From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca. Jan. 18. The following is the statement »f accounts in connection with the 1986 Poppy Day collections in Malacca: By sale of poppies in the tow., and Fringgit area, $809.96; car Mascots and labels, per Mrs P M
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  • 130 14 MUNICIPAL PALACE.” Ratepayers To Discuss Issue Again. That the proposed “Palace” tor the President of the Singapore Municipal Commission is still a live issue in local politics is revealed by the agenda for the meeting of the Singapore Ratepayers’ Association to be held at the offices of the secretaries, Rennie,
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  • 51 14 Farewell To Former Siamese Royal Yacht. From Our Own Correspondent) Bangkok Jan 20. The former royal yacht Mahachakkri left for Italy this morning after the vessel and crew had been blessed by Buddhist monks. The yacht was warmly cheered on Its passage from Bangkok to the river’s
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  • 637 14 MALAY REGT. ON PARADE. HIS Highness the Sultan of Perak on Friday stood beside H.E. Sir Shenton Thomas, the Governor and High Commissioner, and watched his son 2nd. Lieut, Raja Lope, clad in the becoming black mufti of the officers, lead his company
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  • 159 14 Safeguarding F.N.S. Minerals. (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Jan. 18. “INURING recent months there have been several cases of unauthorised persons loitering or lurking in mines and considerable quantities of minerals, especially gold, have been stolen.” This is the reason given by the Acting Legal Adviser.
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  • 79 14 Zuurmond Ferdinands Dressed in a smart blue frock and wearing a white hat with net veil, Miss Iris Ellen Ferdinands, daughter of Mr. Arthur Cecil B'erdinands, of Kuala Lumpur, was married at the Singapore Marriage Registry on Jan 22 to Mr. Pieter Zuurmond. of Singapore, son of Mr.
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  • 102 14 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Jan. 18. Sentence of two years’ rigorous imprisonment was passed by Mr. Justice Cussen at the Selangor Assizes today, on a Tamil named Madakannu. who was found guilty of robbing a Chinese woman of a gold earring on Sept. 25
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  • 258 14 N. E. General In Singapore. In common with other countries, Holland is finding it necessary to increase its Colonial Army in the Netherlands Indies,” said Major-General T. Kakker, commander of the First (Western) Division of troops in Java, in an interview with the Straits Times
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  • 68 14 —Sin Chew Jit Poh. Shanghai, Jan. 20. Mr. Ching Tien Koo, former May r of Canton, and a trhsted subordinat of Mr. Hu Han Min, the late leader o. the veteran section of the Kuomintang. has been appointed Vice-Minister o; Industry and Commerce. Nanking.
    —Sin Chew Jit Poh.  -  68 words
  • 82 14 At the annual general meeting o: the Singapore Section of the Engineering Association of Malaya, held at the Adelphi Hotel on Jan. 20 the following office-bearers were appointed for the ensuing year: Chairman: Mr. F. H. Robinson. Vice-chairman: Mr. J. G. A. Sutherland. Hon. Secretary, Mr.
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  • 74 14 <From Our Own Correspondent. > Segamat, Jan. 19 “Because he insulted me before my countrymen I was ahnoyed and stabbed him in the ribs with a file.” So pleaded Chong Kong, a young Chinese, oi Labis Bahru Estate, to a charge of causing grievous
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  • 2094 15 PLANTING TOPICS. Salary Increases For Asiatic Subordinates —Better Houses And Recreation Grounds For ‘Ramasamy’. (By Our Planting Correspondent.) l7i:\V planters, and those connected r the commercial side of the rubber industry, even only a month two ago, anticipated that the 1., ginning of 1937
    Photo by courtesy of Mr Paton.  -  2,094 words

  • 772 16 Major Gould’s Appeal ADJOURNMENT TO PERMIT FILING OF AFFIDAVIT. THE appeal of Major G. I). Gould, who was convicted of assisting in the management of a public lottery, was argued before Mr Justice Adrian lark in the Singapore High Court on Jan. IS, and was
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  • 159 16 Chinese Extortioner Warned In Johore. (From Our Own Correspondent! Johore Bahru, Jan. 17. ‘If you come again before me for extortion, I shall order you to be whipped.” said Mr. Justice Mills today. when he dismissed the appeal of Tong Chen Teng Tong Chen Teng
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  • 60 16 The iollowing are members of the Building Fund Committee of the Singapore Chinese Swimming Club: Hon. Mr. Tay Lian Teck (Chairman*. Messrs. Ong Fia Teng (Vice-chair-man), Lee Geok Eng (Hon. Treasurer'. G H. Kiat <Hon. Secretary>. Leons Yee Soo (Hon. Asst. Secretary), Lee Kong Chian.
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  • 98 16 The Malacca Agricultural Medical Board will consist of the following members for this year: The Chief Medical Officer, Malacca, and Messrs. W. A. Wilken, J. F. S. Carmichael, J.P., a. Simpson, Loh Kim Swi, J.P., and Koh Keng Bock, M.B.E. Mr. W. Balfour Pigge who was
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  • 283 16 MOTION BY JOHORE H\lf COMMITTEE. HEARING SET FOR FEBRUARY. (From Our Own Correspondent! Johore Bahru, Jan. 18. The hearing of a motion concerning an advocate and solicitor came up before Mr. Justice Mills this afternoon when Mr. T. C. Spencer Wilkinson appeared on behalf of the
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  • 545 16 A CAR driven by a European and containing five passengers knocked down an unknown Chinese on Seletar Road on Dec. 20 at about 6 p.m. and on Jan. 19 the Singapore Coroner, Mr. W. MacQuarrie. began an inquiry into the death which followed
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  • 517 17 'IK TANG C HIN HOY, of Kuala Lumpur, and Miss i ~ke Soh Penang, Selangor Chinese woman champion dimmer, who were married at the Federal Capital last week. VISCCFNT TREDEGAR (second fro n left) who arrived in Singapore last week, accompanied by Mrs. Myrtle Farquharson
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  • 1240 21 A WOMAN’ S NOTE-BOOK. Beautiful Homes At The Naval Base —Pleasant Life For Services “Mems.” I: you are going out for first time,” ri a woman to me on the boat, v M u'll not find the right use easily in Singapore. But per)S nere she gave me an odd,
    1,240 words
  • 96 21 Francis Shand. <From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Jan. 19. Mr. William Thomas Francis, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Francis of Edgware. England, was married to Miss Esme Shand, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S W. Shand of Penang, at the St. George’s Church, Penang,
    96 words
  • 161 21 (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Jan. 19. A start has been made on *ihe amalgamation of Railway and State Police throughout Malaya by the taking over of the Railway Police by the State Police in Kelantan and Joh^re. Kedah, the Straits Times understands, will be
    161 words
  • 67 21 On their way to Manila to attend the Eucharistic Congress at Manila at the beginning of next month, a party ot 170 French and Belgian Roman Catholics passed through Singapore on Jan. 21 by the Messageries Mariitimes French mail liner Sphinx. Hundreds more devout Catholics from all
    67 words
  • 109 21 Mr. W. G. Reeves delivered judgment on Saturday in the Singapore Third Court, in the case in which Cluong Tar, a Cantonese woman, was charged with having imported into the Colony, six women for the purpose of prostitution, from China by the Mong Khcng on Dec. 17. Chan
    109 words
  • 178 21 And Become Most Modern Community. •pHE possibility of the primitive tribes of Malaya passing direct from their present social organisation into a modern corporative community, without the transitional phase of individualism experienced by Western civilisation, was referred to last week by Mr. H. D. Noone, Field
    178 words
  • 84 21 Mr. Philip Druiding And Miss Ida Mrantz. Mr. Philip Druiding, Managing Director of L. A. Dreyfur Co., Ltd, Singapore, was married at the Singapore Registry Office on Jan. 20 to Miss Ida Mrantz, of Wettingen, Argovie, Switzerland, before Mr. W. G. Reeves, Marriage Registrar. A keen swimmer who
    84 words
  • 89 21 Judge’s Warning To Sikh Moneylender. <From Our Own Correspondent.) Sercmban, Jan. 17. A Sikh money-lender, who was convisted and fined $100 by the Seremban magistrate on a charge of house trespass with intent to annoy one Charles Fernandez, a bank clerk at Seremban. appealed against the decision before
    89 words
  • 108 21 In exercise of the powers conferred on him by Section 45 <2) of the Liquors Revenue Ordinance. His Excellency the Governor has appointed the following to be members of the Board of Licensing Justices for Malacca for 1937,1938 and 1939: The District Judge and First
    108 words

  • 3237 22  -  (Copyright by Mr. H. I). Noone and British Malaya Broadcasting Corporation). Tribal Life Described In Singapore Broadcast. MR. H. D. NOONE TELLS OF TEMIAR CUSTOMS. A UNIQUE insight into the tribal life of the Temiars, Malaya s hitherto almost unknown aborigines, was provided on Jan.
    and; British Malaya Broadcasting Corporation).  -  3,237 words

  • 380 23 $60,000 Scheme Includes New Clubhouse. ,„,,P Singapore Chinese Swimming Club is planning a $60,00*) I 'roieet which will affect the Chinese public of this city and vi has been promised by two well-known members of the l The 'proposal embtaces the building of
    380 words
  • 73 23 NEW NAVAL ATTACHE Captain H. Yano, who arrived at Singapore on Jan. 21 by the N.Y.K. liner, Hakozaki Maru, on his way to London is to succeed Captain Huzita as Japanese Naval Attache. Captain Yano has been for many years in the Japanese Navy. This is his first diplomatic appointment.
    73 words
  • 381 23 JHE development of tourist traffic between Malaya and West Aus’ialia has been urged recently in aiany quarters, and Mr. M. Lambert, a visitor to Singapore from Perth,' believes that some organised steps 'houid be taken to stimulate trade between the two countries. Malaya appeals to
    381 words
  • 34 23 It Is understood that troops drawn from the Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers are to proceed In one of H.M. ships to Hong Kong in March. 1937, for the purposes of training.
    34 words
  • 239 23 Preparing For Trade Fair. •THE decision to exhibit Dominion products at the British Trade* Fair at the Great World, Singapore, early in May has aroused a great deal of interest in Singapore, and it is expected to give a fillip to trade between Malaya and the
    239 words
  • 170 23 New Legislation In The Colony. Legislation is to be introduced in the Straits Settlements to deal with the evil of bogus collections on behalf of schools In the Colony. According to the S.S. Government Gazette, a bill is to be introduceed at the next meeting of
    170 words

  • Correspondence.
    • 300 24 ARE THEY FIRST-LINE TROOPS? To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,—A combined operations exercise for units of the China Fleet, the Fingapore Garrison (pluy the Punjab and Malay Regiments) and the Royal Air Force (plus squadrons from Iraq and India) will take
      300 words
    • 199 24 Baby Bitten In L.ocal Home. To the Editor ot the Straits Times. Sir.—The letter written by Elaeis on the rat menace appeared in your valuable column at an opportune moment. It has been described as a menace to planters etc., but what about mothers Yesterday morning at 5.30
      199 words
    • 516 24 “A SERIOUS SHOW.” To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,—With reference to “P.B.I.’s.” letter in last night’s Straits Times, surely he does not really believe that the local Volunteers are anything like first-line troops. The G.O.C. might in the goodness of his heart call them that
      516 words
    • 534 24 NEW MACHINERY NEEDED. To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir.—I read with considerable interest and gratitude your editorial comments in your issue of Jan. 15 under the caption “Labour Troubles.” Your suggestion to set up organisations consisting of Officials and Unofficials to handle labour problems in all
      534 words
    • 613 24 An Ex-Service Man’s Reflections. To the Editor of the Straits Times Sir— Some few days ago “Volunteer’ was deploring in your correspondent;-, columns the lack of recruits for tl> Volunteer Force. The reluctance 0 young men to serve their country is, a? we
      613 words

  • 153 25 APPEAL FOR CO-OPERATION FOR PEACE IN EUROPE. London, Jan. 19. rpHK reassembly of Parliament was marked by an i e'oquent appeal by Mr. Anthony Eden, directed more especially to Germany, for co-operation amongst the nations, to secure the peace of Europe. In this connection he expounded
    153 words
  • 165 25 label* in the lower corners.—British Wireless. London Jan. 19. Arrangements have been approved by the King for a special Coronation issue t;t stamps, to consist of three denominations in one common design for each o: the Colonial dependencies. Similar arrangements are also being made lor Newfoundland. The
    label* in the lower corners.—British Wireless.  -  165 words
  • 164 25 Reuter. 500 PASSENGERS RESCUED. Shanghai, Jan. 21. I H.M S. Dainty, steaming from Hong Hong for Wei-Hai-Wei, has been j ordered to stand by the British steam-! er Hsin Peking, formerly the Tung-' chow (2.000 tons) belonging to Messrs.) Butterfield and Swire, Ltd., which •struck the
    — Reuter.  -  164 words
  • 107 25 “Officer In The Tower” Released —Reuter. London. Jan. 20. Ex-Lieutenant Norman Bail-lie-Stewart, who in 1933 was sentenced to five years imprisonment for imparting information to a foreign Power, was released from Maidstone gaol today to enable him to attend the funeral of his father, Lieut.-Colonel BaillieWright, who died at Bristol
    .—Reuter.  -  107 words
  • 39 25 —Reuter. SHIP AND CREW OF 24 LOST. Berlin, Jan. SO. 'f’HE commander and entire crew of 24 of the German naval experimental ship Welle were drowned when the ship sank hi a storm in the Baltic.
    —Reuter.  -  39 words
  • 52 25 -Reuter. Shanghai. Jan. 18 Atma Singh’s sentence has been commuted to life imprisonment, with hard labour, which he will serve in India.—Reuter. Atma Singh, convicted of the murder of a fellow-countryman, was sentenced to die by hanging on Dec 29, but at the execution the
    -Reuter.  -  52 words
  • 187 25 —Reuter. INTERFERENCE WITH JAPAN ALLEGED. ACTIONS DANGEROUS TO PEACE. Tokio, Jan. 22. Alleging that Great Britain at every turn interferes with Japan’s continental policy, that Britain is showing a marked tendency to impair the establishment of Deace in East Asia and the realisation of a
    —Reuter.  -  187 words
  • 177 25 —Reuter. Tokio. Jan. 21. The House of Peers this morning listened to ministerial speeches very silently and did not applaud. In the lower house in the afternoon; the ministerial speeches were interrupted throughout the house with jeers, laughter and cries of “No, no.” The Finance Minister was
    —Reuter.  -  177 words
  • 61 25 —Reuter. Caused By Act Of Incendiarism. Hong Kong. Jan. 18. The Canton-Kowloon Railway has issued a statement that it has been established that the fire on Saturday on the Hong Kong express was due to incendiarism. Baskets of celluloid trinkets left in two cars had been set
    —Reuter.  -  61 words
  • 39 25 work of the Comintern’’—Reuter Wireless. Berlin, Jan. 24. As an outcome of thn JapaneseGerman anti-Communist agreement a joint commission has now been established to consider necessary defensive measures to combat’the disintegrating work of the Comintern’’—Reuter
    work of the Comintern’’—Reuter Wireless.  -  39 words
  • 210 25 CHIANG DIRECTING CAMPAIGN. Nanking, Jan. 20. UOSTILITIES between Government troops and the rebels under Gen. Yang Hu-cheng have broken out during a severe snowstorm at Huahsien. on the Lunghai Railway, 50 miles to the east of Sian, capital of Shensi. The Government troops claim that many rebels
    210 words
  • 140 25 —Reuter. Presidential Advice. Washington, Jan. 22. WHAT is interpreted as an appeal to both sides not to fight out the strike issues in the Press nor to take up publicly irreconcilable positions, from which there can be no retreat without loss of face, was made by President
    ”—Reuter.  -  140 words
  • 105 25 threatened or cajoled —Reuter Wireless London, Jan. 18. Simultaneously with the official statement denying that Mr De Valera and Mr. Malcolm MacDonald discussed a scheme for an united Ireland, Lord Craigavon. in a speech at Belfast said a dual administration is the only way. The
    threatened or cajoled —Reuter Wireless  -  105 words

  • 344 26 Sin Chew Jit Poh. China Will Perish If She Does Not Resist Reds. Mr. Wang Ching-wei. AN assurance that China would not accept the Red armies’ proposal for a united front against Japan was given by Mr. Wang Ching-wei, former Premier of China, in a
    Sin Chew Jit Poh.  -  344 words
  • 96 26 —Reuter. EIGHT DEAD, MANY INJURED. London, Jan. 22. Eight lives have been lost and several injured in an explosion which occurred yesterday at Markham colliery near Chesterfield. Questioned regarding the disaster in the House of Commons today, Capt. Margesson, Parliamentary Secretary to the Treasury, for the Government,
    —Reuter.  -  96 words
  • 218 26 Sin Chew Jit Poh. PEIPING STUDENTS DISILLUSIONED. Peiping, Jan. 23. The North-West revolt is the work of opportunists who are exploiting the situation created to further their own ends. The antiJapanese slogan used by them is merely a subterfuge.” This is the opinion of some
    Sin Chew Jit Poh.  -  218 words
  • 172 26 Reuter. FIRST PROVINCIAL LEGISLATURES. New Delhi, Jan. 18. VOTING for the new Legislative Assemblies lor such provinces in India as is provided in the Government of India Act begins today. Altogether 30.000.000 men and women are entitled to vote. The inhabitants of Assam. Bengal, and Punjab, with
    Reuter.  -  172 words
  • 33 26 Nanking, Jan. 19. Seventy-five foreigners have been evacuated from Sian, capital of Shensi and stronghold of the rebels. They arrived today by motors-bus at Tungkwan, on the ShensiHonan border.
    33 words
  • 66 26 man is believed to be hiding.—Reuter Wireless. INTENSIVE SEARCH BY G-MEN. Los Angeles, Jan. 19 The identity of the murderer of the Mattson child has been established by a comparison of finger-prints found at Takoma. Washington, and near the scene of the crime, according to officials. G-men
    man is believed to be hiding.—Reuter Wireless.  -  66 words
  • 31 26 London, Jan. TZ. Deaths from influenza last week in the United Kingdom were 1,317. compared with 768 the previous week. Toe deaths in Greater London were
    31 words
  • 202 26 London. Jan. 21. The death is announced of Sir George Burton Hunter K B E Director of Swan Hunter and Wigham Richardson Ltd.. Ship builders and Engineers. Wallsend-on-Tyne. Sir George was head of the firm which built the Mauretania and was known as the Grand Old Man
    202 words
  • 209 26 Bill To Curtail Numbers. COUNTRY’S ANXIETY. Cape Town, Jan. 18 THE Aliens Bill, which was read a 1 second time by 83 votes to 28 was prompted, as Gen. Hertzog explained, firstly, by the prevailin'* bitterness over the increasing influx of Jews and, secondly, by
    209 words
  • 108 26 SOVIET ACTIVITY IN CZECHOSLOVAKIA. London, Jan. 18 Following the Franco-German detente over Morocco, German press activities are again causing uneasiness about Communist activity in South France, to which the German press gives headings such as “Soviet Rule in Southern France.” There is some perturbation in European
    108 words
  • 56 26 Reuter President Quezon To Visit Washington. Manila Jan. 22 President Quezon is leaving Manila tomorrow en route for Washington, where he will discuss with President Roosevelt mutual trade relations. President Quezon expects to remain in America until April, after which he will visit Europe. He hopes to
    Reuter  -  56 words
  • 68 26 —Reuter. To Be Closed To Foreign Warships Berlin, Jan. 16. The Kiel Canal, a short cut from the North Sea to the Baltic, will in future be closed to foreign warships, according to an announcement in today's Naval Ordinance Gazette. Henceforth permission for the pussage of a warship
    —Reuter.  -  68 words

  • 243 27 —Reuter. Both Sides Reject Proposals Of British Committee foreign volunteers said to NUMBER 72,000. London, Jan. 19. OVFK 40,000 foreigners at pre,e„t are fighting for the Spanish Government and roughly 32,000 for tM1 Franco according to the latest estimates compiled in London. it is
    —Reuter.  -  243 words
  • 70 27 .—Reuter and Wireless. First On Mediterranean Service. Brindisi, Jan. 20. The Imperial Airways flying-boat Centaurus, carrying the first passengers and mails ever flown direct from Britain to countries of the Empire, arrived here after an excellent flight. The Centaurus is carrying nine passengers, five crew and
    .—Reuter and Wireless.  -  70 words
  • 97 27 .—Reuter. Boston, Jan. 20. He was on nothing but a holiday trip and was not commissioned to negotiate a reciprocal trade pact or ciscuss war debts or arrangements for a world monetary conference, declared Mr. Walter Runciman. President of the Board of Trade, on his arrival
    .—Reuter.  -  97 words
  • 34 27 -—Reuter. London, Jan. 20. ,J he D uke of Gloucester is relinquishi?” Sr army career >n order to assist 10 King in his various official func,i,°.n,s engagements, according to ‘I'.inontatlve circles^—Reuter.
    -—Reuter.  -  34 words
  • 63 27 ORDERED TO ENROL FOR SERVICE. Berlin, Jan. 19. For the first time since the introduction of conscription, Hitler has decided to enrol Germans living abroad for military service and the Labour Corps service. The decree instructs German Consuls abroad to enrol the 1917 class. German subjects born
    63 words
  • 78 27 Trade Agreement To Be Continued. London, Jan. 19. The Dominions Secretary announced in the House of Commons, in reply to a question on the relations between the United Kingdom and the Irish Free State Governments that it had been agreed to continue for another year
    78 words
  • 65 27 Reuter. Amsterdam, Jan. 19. The official version of the incident in which the Queen of Holland’s motor-car was involved states that the car stopped on a hill to enable an approaching car to pass, whereupon the wheels of the Royal car sank into the ground at the
    Reuter.  -  65 words
  • 47 27 .—Reuter Wireless. Amsterdam, Jan. 24. Invitations for the ex-Kaiser’s 78th birthday on Jan. 27 have been cancelled. It is stated no anxiety is felt regarding the ex-Kaiser’s health following an attack of influenza, but the step was taken as a wise precaution.—Reuter Wireless.
    .—Reuter Wireless.  -  47 words
  • 148 27 German Italian Determination In Spain. Rome, Jan. 20. The determination of Italy and Germany to oppose at any price the establishment of Bolshevism in Spain was announced by Gen. Goering in a statement to the press yesterday. Gen. Goering said that Italy and Germany had
    148 words
  • 56 27 crowning of her son.—British Wireless. London, Jan. 18. IT is authoritatively stated that H.M. Queen Mary will attend the Coronation of King George and Queen Elizabeth on May 12. It is believed she will be the first Queen Mother in English history to be present
    crowning of her son.—British Wireless.  -  56 words
  • 71 27 —Reuter Wireless. Berlin Jan. 16. The collection of rags, bones and bottles etc. has been put to the whole nation on an official basis by the publication of orders to Nazi leaders for a house-to-Louse collection of these sources of war material. School children and the
    —Reuter Wireless.  -  71 words
  • 36 27 on Apr. 23. St. George’s Day.—British Wireless. London, Jan. 20. The King will unveil a memorial to his father King George V at Windsor on Apr. 23. St. George’s Day.—British
    on Apr. 23. St. George’s Day.—British Wireless.  -  36 words
  • 158 27 No Conscription For Britain In Peace-Time British Wireless. London, Jan. 18. JHE War Secretary, Mr. A. DuffCooper, speaking on recruiting in London today, said he hoped shortly to make an important announcement concerning the conditions of service in the regular army. Recruiting for the Territorial army, he said, had improved,
    British Wireless.  -  158 words
  • 202 27 —British Wireless. £1,500,000 Grant Approved. London, Jan. 19. jy|R. MALCOLM MACDONALD the Dominions Secretary, moved the financial resolution Ln the House ol Ccftnmons this afternoon as a prelude to the introduction of a bill dealing with Empire settlement. The present Act expires at the end of
    .—British Wireless.  -  202 words
  • 181 27 .—British Wireless. GREAT RESPONSE TO APPEAL. London, Jan. 21. The final appeal lor subscriptions to the King George V national memorial fund took the form of a broadcast address by the late King’s physician, Lord Dawson of Penn, last night on the first anniversary of the
    .—British Wireless.  -  181 words
  • 66 27 .—Reuter. “Rather Weaker.” Vatican City, Jan. 22. The Pope’s condition is rather weaker, according to a semi-official statement this morning. His Holiness slept only two hours last night. The doctor visited the Pope at 6.45 a m. for the Pope to hear Mass in his bedroom.
    .—Reuter.  -  66 words

  • 273 28 General Ugaki As New Premier Of Japan. HIROTA CABINET FALLS. T’HE Hirota Cabinet resigned in Tokio’on Saturday and General Kazushifee Cgaki, Governor-General of Korea, was commanded by the Emperor to form a Cabinet. This followed the suspension of the Diet last w r eek, following criticism
    273 words
  • 303 28 Whoever was appointed as new Foreign Minister, said Mr. Gunji. there was not likely to be any change in Japan’s foreign policy. He did not think that either Mr. Hirota, the lormer Premier, or Mr. Arita, the lormer Foreign Minister, would be included in the new
    303 words
  • 238 28 Influence In The Army. Mr. Hirota became Prime Minister after the “February Incident” last year, when an uprising was instigated by young officers. Less than a year after, he has been succeeded by General Ugaki, regarded as one of Japan’s most able statesman. General Ugaki was born
    238 words
  • 331 28 Gaol Inundated: Flood Terrors In U. S. A. Cincinnati, Jan. 22. “THE greatest flood on record” was predicted by the Government meteorologist as the swollen Ohio river rose above the record level of the disastrous 1884 flood. Already In the twelve States attected 125,000 people are
    331 words
  • 47 28 suspected radicals were arrested Sin Chew Jit Poh. Japanese troops co-operated with the police in conducting a series of raids in the suburbs of Tokio. Kyoto and Nagoya on Saturday, according to a belated report. More than 400 suspected radicals were arrested --Sin
    suspected radicals were arrested – Sin Chew Jit Poh.  -  47 words
  • 161 28 Cincinnati, Jan. 22 Eighty thousand people are now homeless in the Ohio Valley owing > floods and thousands of lives are endangered. All industries in the flood area are at a standstill, light and power are unobtainable and the scar* city of drinking water is causing
    161 words
  • 22 28 —Reuter. Hollywood, Jan. 25. Fire partially wrecked the Twentieth Century-Fox studios here last night. The damage is estimated at S200.000.—Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  22 words
  • 271 28 Reuter. Cincinnati, Jan. 24. Fire and explosions were addee to the plight of the flood victims when a Standard Oil refining plant rMiigiit fire this morning. The flames leaped up to a height of 300 ft. and spread rapidly, despite the efforts of the firemen working up
    Reuter.  -  271 words

  • 523 29 R A. F. VICTORS AFTER GRIM BATTLE. DAWSON’S FINE PLAY: SCORES THREE GOALS. (By A Special Correspondent.) C’SGAPORE hockey enthusiasts missed a great hockey thrill last S v «'ek bv the playing of the R.A.F. vs. S.R.C. match at Seletar. The it
    523 words
  • 74 29 The January L.G.U. Medal compe--ion ol the Singapore Golf Club was hayed at Bukit Timah on Monday and suited in a win for Lady Bagnail *h a net score of 70. The following ards were returned: Lady Bagnail 92—22=70 Mrs. E. M. F. Fergusson 95—21
    74 words
  • 161 29 Over A Quarter Million Dollars Paid In Taxation. The report of the Singapore Turf Club for the year ended Dec. 31 last, to be presented at the annual general meeting of ordinary members in the* Singapore Chamber of Commerc:* room at Fullerton Building at 5.15
    161 words
  • 205 29 Results Of First Round Ties. The first round matches in the F.A i Amateur Cup competition, played or. j Jan. 9, were as under The Casuals (holders)* 4 Oxford City 1 Anglo (Purfleet)* 3 Barking 2 Aylesford P. M.* 3 Wimbledon 1 Barnet* 4 Lowestoft Town 2 Bishop
    205 words
  • 26 29 London. Jan. 20. Rugby Union matches played today resulted as follows: Bristol 10. Royal Navy 0. Royal Air Force 11. Cambridge University 3—Reuter.
    26 words
  • 429 29 S.R.C.’ s SECOND DEFEAT IN A WEEK. Midds. Win By A Very Dubious Goal. J-JAV1NG lost their unbeaten certificate for the season at the hands of the R.A.F., the S.R.C.’s senior hockey team were defeated again on their own ground. They were meeting the Middlesex Regiment, who left the field
    429 words
  • 271 29 In the hockey match on the padang the Middlesex Regiment established ascendancy in the first half to get a lead of 3—l. The S.C.C. rallied vigorously in the second half but their attack was held by a good defence and the score remained unchanged.
    271 words
  • 172 29 WINS FOR YORK ACCRINGTON. Soccer cup-ties notoriously furnish surprises and there were two in replayed third round ties in the F. A. Cup competition, when Third Division (North) teams in Accrington and York defeated Second Division opponents in Blackburn Rovers and Bradford City respectively,
    172 words

  • 123 30 Reuter. A CLEAN SPORTING CONTEST. London, Jan. 19. In a fifteen rounds contest at Wembley for the world flyweight championship, before a crowd of 13,5(H), Benny Lynch, of Glasgow, outpointed Small Montana, the Filipino. Lynch, who was previously recognised as world champion by
    Reuter.  -  123 words
  • 12 30 —Straits Times Photograph.
    —Straits Times Photograph.  -  12 words
  • 37 30 —Reuter. London Jan. 21. F A League matches played today resulted as follows: Division III (South). Queen’s Park Rangers 2 Brighton 3 Walsall 0 Aldershot 0 Division III (North). Carlisle 1 Hull 1
    —Reuter.  -  37 words
  • 100 30 DARLING, WARD AND SIEVERS DROPPED. The Australian selectors, says a Reuter cable from Melbourne, have chosen the following team for the fourth Test Match, at Adelaide, beginning on Jan. 29: BRADMAN (capt.). BROWN FINGLETON McCABE McCORMICK O’REILLY OLDFIELD FLEETWOOD-SMITH RIGG CHIPPERFIELD GREGORY. There are three
    100 words
  • 29 30 Reuter. Buffalo (N.Y.), Jan. 21. Perry beat Vines 6 4, 6—8, 6 —2 in a three-set match here. Perry played a more brilliant game than recently. Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  29 words
  • 47 30 The women's monthly medal competition was played at the Garrison Golf Club on Tuesday and Wednesday. The following were the best returns: Mrs D. F Brown 40 6»/ 2 33V 2 Mrs A. O’Grady 45- -lo" =35 Mrs H. C Reilly 47 12 -35
    47 words
  • 48 30 Vines Perry—“To Be Continued.” Reuter. New York, Jan. 19. Vines beat Perry 6 4, 2 6, 6 —3, 5— 7, 7 5. They have now thus won three times each in six matches. Altogether they are booked to meet about forty times in various parts of the country.
    Reuter.  -  48 words
  • 96 30 London 4 Derby 9 9 Match At Millwall. Reuter cables the draw for the fourth round of the F.A. Cup competition—matches to be played on Jan. 30—as follows: West Ham or Bolton vs. Norwich. Everton vs. Sheffield Wednesday. Arsenal vs. Manchester United. Luton or Blackpool
    96 words
  • 22 30 London, Jan. 19 At Southport today. Southport and Darlington drew o—o in a match in Div. 11l < North Reuter
    22 words
  • 360 30 THE last two first-round games in the S.C.C.’s seven-a-side I rugger tournament were played on the padang last week. The Royal Army Medical Corps beat the Third Anti-Aircraft Brigade by three points to nil. The Middlesex A beat Singapore Cricket Club B by II points
    360 words
  • 402 30 'pWO quarter-finals in the Singapore Cricket Club's seven-a-side knockout rugger tournament were also decided last week. Royal Engineers “A” beat a Pulau Brani military team by 15 points to three. The 9th Heavy Brigade (Changi) beat the Middlesex “B” by three points to nil. HOW
    402 words
  • 90 30 Padang Wicket It Look* Very Good.” At the Selangor Club cricket meeting on Wednesday, at which Mr F. W. Palmer presided. Mr R. H. White reierred to the new pitch He said “I can only be optimistic about it and nothing more. It
    90 words
  • 26 30 -Reuter. London. Jan. 23. At Portsmouth today in the amateu international match England boa’ Wales by nine goals to one.—Reuter.
    -Reuter.  -  26 words

  • 460 31 F.M.S. Superior, But S.S. Had A Fine Goalkeeper. Sunday’s hockey match between the S.S. and F.M.S. Police, on the Thomson Road Depot ground, ended in a goalless draw. The isitors were the more impressive side, but could not score—largely because of the brilliance of
    —Straits Times Photograph.  -  460 words
  • 160 31 iFrom Our Own Correspondent! Malacca, Jan. 23. Negri Sembilan beat Malacca 5—3 on the padang today, and thus avenged their last defeat by 3—l Despite a drizzle a large crowd watched the play. In the fifteenth minute Mustapha netted the first goal and two minutes
    160 words
  • 168 31 (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur Jan. 23. Selangor beat Penang 3—o here today. They were much the Detter aide. Koelmeyer opened the scoring with a hard shot from the edge of the circle after receiving a pass from Grenier three minutes after the start: In the
    168 words
  • 410 31 F. M. S. Lose Last Minute Chance Of Victory. r PHE annual rugger match between the police of the F.M.S. and the S.S. was keenly contested at Anson Road stadium on Saturday and the three-al! draw was a good result, though the F.M.S. missed a golden
    410 words
  • 287 31 Adelaide, Jan. 23. The M.C.C. total in their first innings against South Australia was carried to 301. When play closed for the day South Australia had replied with 194 for four wickets. Resuming with their total at 239 for six before a crov/d of 5.000,
    287 words

  • 1482 32 Results of Saturday’s matches in the Home soccer league, as cabled by Reuter, with the league tables up to-date ENGLISH LEAGUE—DIV. I. Arsenal 3 Wolverhampton 0 Birmingham 1 Charlton A. ..2 Bolton W 2 Huddersfield 2 Brentford 3 Sunderland J Leeds U 2 Orimbsy
    1,482 words
  • 416 32 Late Score Gives Victory To The S.C.C. THOUGH heavy rain was falling for the greater part of the rugger match between the S.C.C. and the Air Force on the padang on Saturday good display was witnessed. After scoring a drop goal and leading four-nil at
    416 words
  • 107 32 Reuter Harlequins Beat Cambridge University. London Jan. 23. Rugby Union matches played today resulted as follows: Blackheath 8. Headingley 3. Cambridge Univ. 6. Harlequins 11. Gloucester C, Bristol 0. Guy’s Hospital vs. Coventry scratched. ground unfit. Oxford Univ. 17. London Scottish 15, Richmond 11. Leicester 12. Police Union
    Reuter  -  107 words
  • 177 32 S.S. vs. F.M.S. Match Drawn. Some vigorous, no-quarter boxing was seen at the Thomson Roa Depot in the annual tournament betwten the S.S. an F.M.S. Police, and in the end it wa> a draw—four fights each. Theix were also three special bouts. Of their four wins, the
    177 words
  • 69 32 Reuter. Unlikely To Play Again In Australia. Adelaide. Jan. 23 Play was resumed today before 5.0 spectators in cool, sunny weath?: wicket good It is revealed that Fishlock has fractured a bone in the right har. and is unlikely to play for the rerhainder of the tour.
    Reuter.  -  69 words

    • 1009 1 FRASER COMPANY’S SHARE REPORT. Rubber And Shares A Nervous Market. IlilESSRS. FRASER AND CO., in their weekly share report, issued at the dose of business on Jan 26. write:—I Nothing of particular moment aptars to have happened since our last :-pcrt to flutter the political or finan- .a: dovecots at
      1,009 words
    • 227 1 Singapore, January 27, 12 noon. Buyer Seller Gambiei $6.50 Hamburg Cube 11.00 Java Cune 9.50 Pepper. White Muntok 21.5 C White 21.00 Black 12.00 Copra. Mixed 7.55 Sun Dried 7.80 Tapioca. Small Flake o 40 Fair Flake 4.90 Medium Pearl 5.40 Small Pearl 5 45 Sago Flour. No. 1
      227 words
    • 17 1 Jan. 21 Tin. S pore Price per picul 22 114.37 25 113.87 27 112.87
      17 words
    • 345 1 London, Jan. 26. The following are today’s closing middle orices on the London Stock Exchange: Shares ot £1 denomination unier.s otherwise stated: Y ester- Rise day. or Fall Conversion Loan 5 p.c. 1944-64 116 ■'fc Funding Loan 4 o c. 1960-90 114*4 War Loan 3‘4 p.c. 104*i —m.
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    • 40 1 Bukit Nilai Rubber announces a lurthcr forward contract of 3 tons R.S.S. monthly July/December. 1937, c.i.f. homeward conference port at per pound and 3 tons R.S.S monthly January/June. 1938, c.i.f. homeward conference port at lOd. per pound.
      40 words
    • 44 1 Date Spot Feb.-Mar. Apr.-June July-Sept. Oct.-Dcc. London Jan. 24 36% 36% 36% 36% 36% 10 5/16 22 35% 35 7/16 35% 35% 35% 10 3/16 25 35 35% 35% 35% 35% 10 3/16 27 35% 36 36% 36% 35% 10%
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    • 910 2 Yardage And Production Substantially Increased. A STRIKING rise in profits is reported by Staling Tin Ltd in the directors’ report for the year ended October last which was issued in Ipoh last Thursday. The net profit, after making due allowance for depreciation and property redemption
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    • 55 2 IfUBBER export credits in Malaya unused and cancelled on Dec. 31 last totalled 13,691 lb. Of this amount 2.456 lb. was applicable to the F.M.S.; 104 lb. to Johore; 4 lb. to the Straits Settlements mainland; 11,123 lb. to the Straits Settlements islands; 3 lb. to Kedah
      55 words
    • 59 2 (Prom Our Own Correspondent) Batavia, Jan. 16. According to the Central Bureau of Statistics, the export figures in respect of rubber from Netherlands Indies for December are as follows: Estate rubber from Java and Madura 6,616 tons; Estate rubber from outer possessions 12,412 and native rubber
      59 words
    • 566 2 PROPOSED TOTAL DIVIDEND OF 11 PER CENT. A NET profit of $48,622 for the year ended Oct. 31, is disclosed in the annua! report of Lunas Rubin r Estates Ltd. which was issued on Jan. 20. This profit is some $11,400 more than what
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    • 342 2 strike situation in America.—Straits Times cable. 85 Per Cent. For Third Quarter. London, Jan. 26. The International Rubber Regulation Committee, at its meeting today fixed the exportable quota for the third quarter of the year at 85 per cent. For the first quarter it is 75
      strike situation in America.—Straits Times cable.  -  342 words
    • 30 2 The Renong Tin Dredging Coy., Ltd output of tin ore for last month was as follows: No. 2 Dredge 573.45 pkls, No 3 dredge 308.28 pkls; 381.73 pkls.
      30 words
    • 893 3 Purchase Of 900 Acres In johore And Acquisition Of Pasak Rubber Estate. I/'KM PAS LIMITED is to acquire an estate with a planted acreage oi' K. 7j 9 acres nea y Bekoh Johore, and is also to absorb Pasak Rubber Ltd. which has a planted
      893 words
    • 68 3 her sister ship.—British Wireless. London, Jan. 22. The Cunard-White Star liner Queen Mary has carried over 42,000 passengers to date on her 14 round voyages between Southampton and New York. This information was given by an official who added that the financial results had been
      her sister ship.—British Wireless.  -  68 words
    • 41 3 —Straits Times cable. From Our Own Correspondent) London, Jan. 23. Gordon (Malaya) Rubber Estates Ltd., are acquiring Rompin Palong for £17,271 and shares are being issued as stated in the Straits Times on Jan. 16.—Straits Times cable.
      —Straits Times cable.  -  41 words
    • 381 3 Shareholclers Confirming Approval Obtained. AS was anticipated, shareholders in United Engineers, Ltd., at a meeting on Jan. 25, unanimously confirmed resolutions which were passed at an extraordinary general meeting on Jan. 7, whereby ordin ary shareholders are to receive a bonus of $2.50 per
      381 words
    • 515 3 PRICES DECLINE AND OPERATORS NERVOUS. SPECULATION AS TO I.R.R.C. DECISION, LEWIS AND PEAT (SINGAPORE) LTD. in their weekly report on the rubber market issued on Jan. 22 write:— From the cables coming through from America during the week, the settlement of the labour dispute in toe motor
      515 words
    • 30 3 The Kuala Sidim Rubber Co. Ltd. has effected a forward sale of 88 tons delivery in equal quantities monthly February/December, 1937, at 37*/2 cents per lb. f.o.b. Penang
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    • 537 4 Closing Prices In London On January 15. Allagai (2/) 1/9; Aloi <2/> 3/1; Anglo-Malay 19/3; Ayer (tuning 45/7* Bagan Serai 23/9; Bahru (Sel.) (2/> 3/11; Banteng 25/3; Batang (2/ > 1/344 Batu Caves 26/3; Batu Tlga 41/3; Bekoh «2/> 1/1 ‘i/; Bertam Con. (2/) 4/944; Bulor 40/7
      537 words
    • 163 4 Closing Prices In London On January 15. Ampat 14/) 5/1V*; Anglo-Burma (5/) 17/; Ayer Hitam (5/) 22/6; Bangrln 23/9; Gopeng Cons. 2 7/16; Hongkong (5/) 30/3; Idris (5/) 12/3; Ipoh (16/) 35/; Kampong Lanjut 25/9; Kamuntlng (5/) 15/3; Kepong 25/3; Kinta (5/) 16/; Kinta Kellas (5/) 8/9; Kramat
      163 words
    • 100 4 During the week ending Jan 16. exports of tinned pineapples from Malayan ports amounted to 40.978 cases. M which 36.39** (89 per cent.) cases were to the United Kingdom. 622 (2 per cent.' case** to the Continent ol Europe. 1.780 (4 per cent.) cases to Canada,
      100 words
    • 1229 4 Issued By Fraser And Co., EXCHANGE ANI) STOCK BROKERS. Singapore, January 28. 10 a.m. MINING. Issue Val. Buyers Sellers 4/ Ampat Tin £1 Asam Kumbang 33 6 34 6 £1 Austral Malay 5; Ayer Hltan. 22 9 23 9 1 Ayer Weng I- 75 80 £1 Bangrln
      1,229 words
    • 212 4 FRASER COMPANY. LIST OF CURRANT DIVIDENDS. Total for Books Close financial Company Dividend Dait Ex. Div. y?ai Payable Date to -’ote TIN. Hitam 5', t Int. Jan. 28 To eh 3 Jan. 29 IQ' f K. Lanjuts 6d. (8th) Jan. 20 Jan. 27 Jan 21 12V, Bonus 1/K. Lumpur 1/-
      212 words
    • 138 4 THE Singapore Chamber of Comm Rubber Association held its 13’ auction on Jan. 20 when there we--catalogued 1.170,102 lbs.. 522.37 offered 1.053.163 lbs. 472.40 954,282 lbs 426.02 tons. r Sp,it New York 20-^ Prices Realised. Ribbed smoked sheet cents per lb Standard quality 34 7 8 to
      138 words
    • 130 4 (From Our Own Correspondent.! London. Jan 25 The following are today’s br’ quotations for Fixed Trusts: s d British Empire “A” 24 7» British Empire “B” 11 9 British Empire Cumulative 19 3 3ritish Empire Comprehensive 22 S British General “A” 25 6 British General “B” 21
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