The Straits Budget, 21 January 1937

Total Pages: 38
1 6 The Straits Budget
  • 30 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE STRAITS TIMES [ESTABLISHED NEARLY A CENTURY J No. 411*. SINGAPORE, THURSDAY. JANUARY 21. 1»37. Price 25 cents (S.S. Currency) or 7d.
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  • 988 1 rvfcCLOSURE of a scheme by which U _n it comes to fruition— 4 every young planter who comes to this country and participates in it will, at the time of his retirement at the age of 50 or 55. have a modest competence in addition to
    —Straits Times Photograph.  -  988 words
  • 106 1 OY a vote of 476 to 289 women are not to be admitted to the Singapore Swimming Club before four o'clock on Sundays The questionnaire sent out at the end of Decembei to voting members of the club asked whether members were .n favour of
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  • 40 1 His Majesty the King has been pleased to give directions for the appointment of the Honourable Mr. William Kenneth Horne. Puisne Judge. Kenya, to be a Puisne Judge of the Supreme Court of the Straits Settlements.
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  • The Straits Budget
    • 1130 2 —Straits Times, Jan. 14. Following a recent leading article on the subject of prostitution, we received and published a long letter from Dr. Drummond Shiels, the medical secretary of the British Social Hygiene Council. Dr. Shiels accused us of having made a i highly coloured attack on
      —Straits Times, Jan. 14.  -  1,130 words
    • 705 2 —Straits Times, Jan. 15. Recent events in Malaya have compelled serious thought about relations between capital and labour, or rather between employers and workers (for government departments and municipalities can hardlv be classified as capitalists). In the past there has been little (rouble. Wages have somehow adjusted themselves
      —Straits Times, Jan. 15.  -  705 words
    • 867 2 can only surmise.” —Straits Times, Jan. 16. Just what is Manchukuo worth to Japan That is a question to which most people could give on’ the haziest answer, despite tltf controversy which has centred i* l th( territory since it became a i nanese protectorate. So
      ; can only surmise.”—Straits Times, Jan. 16.  -  867 words
    • 846 3 ing in this city.—Straits Times. Jan. 18. Although a very brief and uninformative document, the first annual report of the Singapore Silver Jubilee Fund, published last week, is not without importance in the social history of the Colony, ft is the first record of organised, permanent relief
      ing in this city.—Straits Times. Jan. 18.  -  846 words
    • 881 3 .—Straits Times. Jan. 19 It is indeed startling news that is published today. Sir Andrew Caldecott, at the age of 53, having served in his first governorship just over a year, has been appointed to the premier governorship in the Ciown Colonies. From Hong Kong
      .—Straits Times. Jan. 19  -  881 words
    • 867 4 —Straits Times, Jan. 20 The Malayan newspaper public must have been agreeably surprised last Saturday to read head-lines announcing that the Incorporated Society of Planters has prepared a scheme whereby its members will be able to look forward to a pension on retirement. No details
      .—Straits Times, Jan. 20  -  867 words

  • 182 4 Malaria Advisory Board Warning. THE Malaria Advisory Board invites the attention of planters to the danger to health likely to arise during the replanting of rub ber, from the breeding of anophelim: mosquitoos in pits left by the uprooting of trees and in holes pre pared for
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  • 39 4 Sir Andrew Caldecott Valued In Hong Kong —Reuter. Hong Kong, Jan. 19. DUBLIC bodies and professional and commercial leaders have reached a decision to petition immediately the Colonial Secretary to retain Sir Andrew Caldecott as Governor of Hong Kong.—Reuter.
    ;.—Reuter.  -  39 words
  • 141 4 Rumours Of German Plan*; Discredited. Cable reports from Europe stating that Italy has offered Germany the use of a landing ground in the Dodecanese Islands, and implying that Germany may shortly start an air service to the East, are not regarded seriously in authoritative circles
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  • 26 4 Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Joynt and tw< children have sailed for Europe in th>* Hector. Mr. Joynt has been acting Treasurer and Financial Adviser F.M.S
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  • NOTES Of The DAY.
    • 226 5 ve a unique experience to describe I today ior I have seen hillmen from the mountains of the main range, deniol primaeval jungle, dancing under the stars in a Singapore suburtas as though we were transported m this bustling port and city at the ot the Peninsula to
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    • 242 5 only their physique but their physical condition was a revelation 3ne had always associated loathsome >kin disease with life in the Jungle, aut the skins of these dancers (and of their womenfolk* were perfectly clear and healthy. I remarked on this to Mr. H. V Noone. the anthropologist who
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    • 219 5 (> dances we saw were v y rea licnal, but we saw one y i!', 1 taugllt us something about v> 1 tr >Tgic, lor it was the dance v 1 tilP medicine-man performs 1 i* wishes to become possessed miliar spirit in order that that familiar may
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    • 508 5 |NSPIRATIONS for this column are; rare, but yesterday I had one. It came like a Aash of lightning. Why shouldn’t the Colony nave its own Poet Laureate? That’s what I asked j myself after reading a charmingly' naive letter written by Mr. A. E.! Lawton, former Derbyshire cricket
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    • 131 5 PLANTERS’ TAILS THE other day an estate manager in Johore had to dismiss a Tamil conductor who had been involved m a feud with another employee, but the conductor succeeded in getting the last word, for when the manager went to his office the next morning he i’ound the following
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    • 246 5 11/HILE my wife and I were walking along the banks of the Mandai reservoir last Sunday afternoon and keeping a close watch to see that our lively infant did not fall into the water, we saw another pair of parents showing even greater solicitude, but they, curiously enough,
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    • 273 5 ARUAN PARENTS I went to the fount of knowledge on fish matters and learnt that what we had seen was a pair of aruan, a species of freshwater fish which is noted for its parental care. Other species in this country have the same characteristic; for example, the gourami builds
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    • 238 5 \I7E hear a good deal about the F.M.S. settlement for sufferers from leprosy at Sungei Buloh, but our own Colony settlement at Pulau Jerejak does not receive as much publicity as it deserves. There are nearly a thousand patients on that island near Penang, and I have just
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    • 217 6 pERHAPS some genulr. unak Sinyapura can enlight n m< a.> o a picture postcard ot Sing ip* re dated 1906 which I have been puzzlin'; ov i It is entitled “Esplanad** ant! Ladies’ Club” and shows a bandstand, with roads radiating out from It. anri a small club-house
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    • 252 6 gINCE Jan. 7 your broad has cost you more. Perhaps you have wondered why. Here is the answer, as given by the Bakery Association ot Singapore in a circular Issued to their customers: “Sir, —It has nearly been a year since the price ol (lour began to rise last
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    • 272 6 j PROPOSE to fill up the remainder of tills column with a yarn of bygone Kedah—not a wildly exciting one but worth telling as an illustration of the Jollity of the small race meetings and gymkhanas which did so much to brighten life in the early days
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    • 287 6 a pity it is that the Ponggci zoo is so far away from Singapore: That is a thought which must occur to cverv parent who is lucky enough tc own a car and thus is able to take his children out to see this remarkably large and
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    • 264 6 'J'HERE are still people in Singapore who remember when Government maintained a zoo for the public. It was in the Botanic Gardens, where the bandstand now is. and lasted until 1905. It wasn’t much to boast about towards the end although tourists always made a point of going
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    • 167 6 YEOMEN members of the Singapore Swimming Club who may be disappointed at the solidity with which the male members have voted against their admission on Sunday mornings should console themselves with the thought that the wheel of history has very nearly turned full circle. The S.S.C. moved into
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    • 253 6 'J’HE news that air-conditioned coaches are to be brought into i service between Penang and Kuala Lumpur by the FM S Railways next I month calls to mind a night three years ago when I crossed the Cali- f ornian desert from Los Angeles by !train The
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    • 255 6 QN Saturday afternoon I stood in garden and listened to the run the play in the Rugby final at K u Lumpur, announced oy my neighbor-" wireless set. I could hear the rcarir. of the crowd almost as clearly though I were on the ground, in previous evening
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    • 225 6 lirHEN one criticises Moors in Spa; one hardly expects reactions Singapore, but the world of Lslatr knows no national boundaries, and 1: the December number of Oenum Islam.” an ably edited monthly mas i zine published in Singapore, no le> than five columns are directed at m unimportant
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  • 48 6 The engagement is announced of Dr John Harral Hudson, Health Officer Central Johore, son of Mr. T. H. Hud son “The Avenue.” Roundhay, Leed* l Yorks, and Nola Elizabeth Gray, second daughter of Mr and Mrs. G. B W Gray of Pelepah Valley Estate. Ko f Tinggi, Johore
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  • 429 7 in Creedon of the M.S.V.R., cap left for Hong Kong on holijpoh. c Brown, of Messrs. J. A. JtcU rmd Co.. Kuala Lumpur, has %ed nom leave. Scott-Ram and two infants y ngers in the Corfu which 'pud Singapore from Marseilles. M S rs Dalgetty, Happer, Elton
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  • 256 7 List Of Members For 1937. Following is the list of members of the Perak State Council for this year: President: His Highness the Sultan of Perak (Paduka Sir Sultan Iskandar Shah, G.C.M.G., K.C.V.O.); Vice-President: The Raja Muda Abdul Aziz ibni nl-Marhum Raja Muda Mussa. C ll.O.).
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  • 87 7 N EW COUNCILLOR. H the usual approval of pi?- K r~ the Hon Mr Khoo Sian TT S been Provisionally apt. ,n Unofficial member of the iW‘ Council for a further period lhree years from Jan. 11. !> n 5an w ho is president cnan 2 Chinese Chamber of C
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  • 150 7 The following appointments are announced in the FM S Government Gazette: With the approval of the Rt Hon. the Secretary of State fo; the Colonies the title of the appointment of Secretary to the General Manager. Federated Malay States Railways, now held by Mr. G L. Miller, has
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  • 148 7 Mr. James McCabe Reay Laid To Rest. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Jan. 11. The funeral of Mr. James McCabe Reay. a former Judge of the F.M.S. whose death occurred In a London nursing home on Jan. 6. took place at Sydenham, on Jan. 9. Among the wreaths
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  • 18 7 Dr. H. T. Skae, of Perak, is a passenger for London in the Hector, which sailed on Tuesday
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  • 381 7 Monday, Jan. 11. Hon. Mr. A. S. Small and Mr. C. A. Willis had luncheon at Government House Tuesday, Jan. 12. H.E. The Governor-General or French Indo China and Mrs. Brevi*, Hon Mr. Justice and Mrs. Adrian Clark. Mr. and Mrs. Nouailhetas. Mr. and Mrs. Rintenbach. Mr. Bienes.
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    • 86 7 BAUGHAN.—At Duns, Scotland, to Wilma, wife of Anthony Baughan, a son on Dec. 30, 1936. DOUGLAS.—At the General Hospital, Singapore, on Jan. 11, to Erica, wife of D. S. S. Douglas, a son. SHUTTE.—On Jan. 3. 1937, to Mary, wife of Dick Shutte, Hilary Cottage, Haslemere Surrey, a son
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    • 81 7 ANDERSON— BELL.—The engagement is announced of Stewart Alexander son of the late Mr. J. A. Anderson and Mrs. Anderson of Edinburgh to Irene Stuart daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O. T. Bell of Singapore and Cheshire. YOONG —POON. —The engagement Is announced of Mr. Yoong Nguen Pow, the youngest
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    • 45 7 1JM —CHIA. —The marriage took place at the United Chinese Library. Armenian Street, between Mr. Lim Yew Hock, eldest son of Mrs. and the Mr. Lim Teck Locke and Miss Chia Kim Neo, 4th daughter of Mr. and the late Mrs. Chia Toon Watt.
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  • 297 7 Leaders— The Ostriches Again 2 Labour Troubles 2 A Safety-Valve For Japan? 2 The Jubilee Dole 3 Sir A. Caldecott In Ceylon 3 A Pension For The Planter 4 Telegrams— Covering past week’s news 25—28 Picture Supplement 17—20 Financial Supplement— Financial and Commercial News to date, following page 32
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  • 100 7 Going On Leave Next Month. Dr. and Mrs. Noel Clarke, are leaving Singapore for England on eight months leave, sailing by the Marnix van St. Aldegonde on Feb. 26. They will be seeing their son, Mr. B. N. D. Clarke who is at Eton, their eldest daughter
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  • 34 7 Mr. A. E. Coope. M.C.S., Controller oi Rubber, left for London in the Hector Mr Coope was the victim of a shooting accident recently and has spent several weeks in hospital in Kuala Lumpur
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  • 57 7 DEATHS JOHNSON —On Tuesday, Jan. 12, 1937 at No. 29. Mandalay Road. Singapore. Margaret Mary fnee van Dort) widow of the late James Johnson of the F.M.S. Rlys., at the age of 80 years. DE ME.ESTER. —On Jan. 3. at Wassenaar. Hohand Karel W dt Meester, late Manager of the
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  • 410 8 Personal Explanation To The Civilian Troops. THEIR DISAPPOINTMENT REALISED. HPHE Straits Times is authorised by His Excellency the General Officer Commandnig* the Troops, Malaya, Major-General W. G. S. Dobbie, to publish a personal statement on the subject of the participation by the Volunteers in the
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  • 405 8 Kuala Lumpur Station’s Fine Record. BUT MORE ASIATIC MEMBERS NEEDED. ■piIE Malayan Amateur Radio Society has a membership of 72, comprising 64 Europeans, six Chinese and two Indians, it is revealed in the annual report of the society, which is to be submitted to the annual meeting,
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  • 198 8 Well-Known Hockey Referee Injured. (From Our Own Correspondent> Malacca, Jan. 18. Five occupants of a motor-car returning from the Malacca-Singapore hockey match on Sunday had a nar row escape from death on Sundav when the car ran into a skid, careereu wildly for a distance
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  • 184 8 Straits Times And Sunday Times. THE Straits Times and Sunday 1 Times, which already possess the most modern printing plant in Malaya, will be abie to make further improvements in their service to advertisers and the public as a result of mechanical changes which have
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  • 405 8 London, Jan. 19, (3.30 a.m.). [T is officially announced that Sir Andrew Caldecott has been appointed Governor of Ceylon in place of Sir Reginald Stubbs who is retiring. Sir Geoffrey StaffordNorthcote succeeds Sir Andrew Caldecott in Hong Kong.—Reuter. From the days in 1909 when as
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  • 63 8 WEAK from exhaustion after three storm-tossed days in the Java Seas, clinging to a half-submerged, capsized prahu, three Malays were rescued by the Netherland Line steamer Tanimbar early last Thursday morning, when the ship was on a voyage from Oosthaven, Sumatra to Singapore.
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  • 31 8 Major and Mrs. C. E. Bone ha' e returned to Malacca after a short holiday in Hongkong Major Bow’ who is Superintendent of Surveys ha s taken over from Mr Barron.
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  • Correspondence.
    • 448 9 Vast Damage Done In Malaya Every Year. T 0 the Editor of the Straits Times, i„ it n ot time that some one sir.— 11 SIt .ps to curb the rat menace In u us besides doing vast damMala, verv year are the carriers of sevag‘‘ c
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    • 453 9 TOO MANY DOCTORS IN MALAYA To the Editor of the Straits Times, Sir.—At the annual re-union dinner vi the King Edward VII College of Medicine held recently at Singapore, the principal of the College is report-; rd to have said Malaya still provides scope for more doctors and den- j
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    • 208 9 Advisers Should Replace Residents In F.M.S. To the Editor of the Straits Times, Sir.—I heartily endorse Senex’s views in your issue of Jan. 4, where he suggests that the British Residents in the F.M.S. should be called British Advisers, as in the U.M.S. In advocating decentralisation at Sri
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    • 483 9 How Proprietory Planters Are Handicapped. To the Editor of the Straits Times, Sir,—I am a proprietary planter on a small scale and have thus had to suffer from under-assessment since the present control scheme was brought into force. I receive no special consideration from the Assessment Committee
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    • 546 9 Strong Protest Against Renominations. To the Editor of the Straits Times, Sir, —The public and the ratepayers of Singapore are bitterly disappointed at the renomination of the bulk of the Commissioners for a further period 01 three years. We strongly hoped and expected that His Excellency would have
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  • 38 9 Mr. Tan Cheng Joo, formerly Chief Clerk of the Police Office, Alor Star, has settled down in Kagoshima, the southernmost city of Kyushu Island, Japan. His son, Robert, was married in the Protestant Church there on Boxing Day.
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  • 56 9 According to the SS. Government Gazette, H.E. the Governor has appointed Mr. E. J. Bennett as a member of the Singapore Municipal Commission in the place of the late Mr. A. E. Thornley Jones. Mr Bennett is a director of Slot and Co.. Ltd., general import, export, shipping
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  • 1937 10 HELPING PLANTER OF FUTURE TO RETIRE. Chairman Defends Technical Education Work. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Jan. 16. IlISCLOSURE of scheme by which—if it comes to fruition every younj;' planter who comes to this country and participates in it wil*. at the time
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  • 156 10 The Roster of Visiting Justices for Penang for this year has been arranged as follows: Chairman. Mr. R. P. Phillips; January Mr. L. D. Wood and Haji Shamsuddin bin Md. Joonoos: February: Hon. Lt.-Col. G. D A Fletcher. M.C., and Mr. C. C. Stewart; March: Mr.
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  • 261 10 Over 300 At Kuala Lumpur Function. (From Our Own Correspondent* Kuala Lumpur, Jan. U Well over 300 prominent resident; of Kuala Lumpur, representing man nationalities were present at the Chinese Assembly Hall this evenin'* on the occasion of an “At Home” j honour of Mr. Loke
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  • 281 11 Miss Flowerdew Weds Police Officer. .From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Jan. 15. Miss Gwendolen Ninia Flowerdew and .j r John Noel Mason Ashplant Nichols walked under an archway of swords held aloft by 12 police officers alter their brilliant wedding at St.
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  • 34 11 At the January meeting of the American Association of Malaya the following officers were elected for the year 1937: President, Felix P. Donnelly; vice-president, H. C. Bu*bee; treasurer R. w. French; secretary, Patrick Mallon.
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  • 325 11 120 Acres Set Aside For Military States Gazette fJREAT Britain’s defence scheme in the Far East is advanced another step by the annoncement that military defence works and barrack* are to be constructed at Penang. The alienation of iand in the north-east and north-west
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  • 39 11 Mr. G. A. de C. de Moubray. Mrs. de Moubray and two children returned from leave by the Corfu which reached Penang on Thursday. It is understood that Mr. de Moubray will assume duty as District Officer. Province Wellesley.
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  • 338 11 tribesmen on their BROADCAST. was not foreign to who /A U Temiar tribesmen Uon thr u h th Singapore sta■ Z n F lday ni ht broadcast the M. r f°" ga of their People. Mus,. um H Noone of the Peral; juiif-ie
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  • 203 11 Fatal Johore Motor Accident. •From Our Own Correspondent) Johore Bahru, Jan. 14. CYCLING along Kota Tinggi Road Ungku Sulaiman b Ibrahim nephew of Ungku Mohamad b Hohamad Khalid, Deputy Mentri Besar. was knocked down by a car driven by N. K. Govindan at the V/ 2
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  • 64 11 Briton Charged In Singapore. Arrested on a warrant, at Raffles Hotel Singapore, for having fraudulently used as genuine a passport on January 11, which he knew to be forged. Jol n Bernard. British. 51 was produced before Mr W G Reeves in the Third Court Bail in
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  • 83 11 Racing Professor M Bids Goodbye To Penang. (From Our Own Correspondent) Penang, Jan. 14. H. Hironka. managing proprietor ol the Miyako Electric Company, alias Racing Professor.” was banished for life on Monday, when he was seen off from Penang by the prison authorities on the Kedah, together with
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  • 144 11 Penang Proposal To Be Considered. £LOSER co-operation between the Singapore and Penang branches of the Straits Settlements Association is foreshadowed by the announcement that the Committee of the Singapore Branch is to consider, at a meeting on Monday, January 25, the Penang proposal for
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  • 176 11 Australian Speculation. Britain’s decision to increase the number of her battleships from 15 to 20 is interpreted by Australian newspapers as the first step in the creation of a permanent battle fleet squadron based on Singapore. “Facilities for a battleship base arc now available at Singapore,
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  • 224 11 The following passengeis for Europe left in the Rajputana, which left Singapore on Friday: Miss D. E. Allen, Mr. A. A. Brown, Mr. C. T. Bingham, A.C., Mr. T. Banhury, Mrs. S. Biddick, Mrs. G. Cropland, Mr. N. R. Corke, Mr. H. B. Crocker, Mrs. A. Donald, Mrs. J.
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  • 236 12 Spending Only Few Hours In Malaya /GENERAL Evangeline Booth, head of the Salvation Army, will spend only a few hours In Malaya, in the course of her world tour which was begun in November last, various factors having made it necessary for her to change
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  • 146 12 Solomon-Shalome. Two Singapore Jewish families were united on Sunday by the marriage of Mr. David Sassoon Solomon and Miss Sophie Elias Shalome at Maghain Aboth Synagogue, Waterloo Street. Mr. Solomon, a clerk in the Municipal Health Office. Singapore, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Solomon
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  • 145 12 Found in the sea off Blakan Mati on Sunday morning, the body of Lance Bombardier William Walsh was brought ashore in the belief that he had met his death by drowning. A subsequent examination, however, revealed gunshot wounds and an inspection was later carried out
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  • 233 12 200 BACK AT WORK. A FULL settlement of the strike among skilled workers at the River Valley Road works of United Engineers Ltd. was announced on Monday. Nearly 200 fitters, moulders, turners, and other artisans reported for work in the morning after more than a month’s
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  • 115 12 Breach Of Trust Of $146. r\ESCRIBED variously as having acted like a father to the students and been blunderingly careless and muddle-headed in dealing with the accounts,” A. da Silva, Secretary to King Edward VII College of Medicine, Singapore, was sentenced to one day’s simple imprisonment and
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  • 105 12 Back To Work After Holidays. It was “Black Monday” for several thousand schoolchildren in Malaya on Jan. 18. The six weeks Christmas and New Year holidays—the end of the final term—were over. Satchels were retrieved from hidden corners, handbags were brushed out and there were hurried
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  • 266 12 Greater Powers For Director. STRICTER CONTROL OF “MUSHROOM” TYPE. II7IDER powers of control over teaching in private schools are vested in the Director of Education under the provisions of an amending bill to the Registration of Schools Ordinance, which is to be introduced in
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  • 172 12 Three Chinese Believed To Be Concerned. Three Chines? are believed to have been concerned in the murder of a Sikh watchman in Singapore on Saturday night. It is the first murder in Singapore this year. They were seen to run away from an empty house in New Market
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  • 109 12 Grass White With Frost. DEPORTS which have reached Straits Times from the Came ron Highlands indicate the remarkable severity of the recent cold snap, which local residents state to in' entirely unprecedented. In the Kiel Valley, parts of which are more than 4,750 ft. above sea
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  • 220 12 Benefit Of Doubt In Murder Case. Grey-bearded Jowand Singh, who stood his trial at the Singapore Assizes, before Mr. Justice Adrian Clark and a special Jury, on a charge of having committed the murder oi a fellow Sikh. Natha Singh, seven years ago in Robinson Road, was
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  • 54 12 (From Our Own Correspondent) Bangkok, Jan. 17. The Siamese Red Cross Society has been joined by group of the rational society which has established blood transfusion as part of the regular activities of the Siamese Society. Siam is the first country outside Europe to institute a
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  • 88 12 Mr. Tan Soo Chong And Mi** Ong Yam Neo. (From Our Own Correspondent' Malacca, Jan. lti. Brilliant scenes were witnessed the dinners which were given in honour of the wedding of Mr. Tan Soo Chons: Malacca’s young Municipal Comnvis sioner to Miss Ong Yam Neo. daught
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  • 857 13 Jules Kutron’s Successful Appeal Against Charge. pf\RING as an amicus curae, Mr. E. M. Tampoe Philips on A 1 h 1 successfully argued the appeal, before Mr. Justice Adrian f iules Kutron, who was convicted of living on the immoral (lark, ot siater an
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  • 168 13 Now Available To Penang F. C. Members. Now that the Penang Flying Club possesses a cabin machine and the VR-SAK has been fitted for nightflying and blind-flying, members now have benefit of instruction as complete as is available to amateurs at any other club, says the Club’s
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  • 45 13 (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur. Jan. 12. The residence of Mr. H. P Yate>. Transportation Department. FM S Railways, was entered on Sunday night and a cigarette case, cuff links and other articles valued at $6O were missing Police are investigating
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  • 108 13 tFrom Our Own Correspondent) Penang, Jan. 13. Penang is to have a new Maternity Hospital after all and the most probable site is Sepoy Lines, near the General Hospital, but wherever it is built the new hospital will be run as a separate entity and private
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  • 81 13 Johore Doctor Fined In Singapore. Dr. G H. Garlick. of the Medical Department. Johore, was fined $15 in the Singapore Fourth Court on Jan 13 on a charge of negligent driving Police evidence was given that as Dr Garlick drove across the Junction ol New Bridge
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  • 104 13 But Clerk Repays Full Amount. 1 From Our Own Correspondent. > Kuala Lumpur, Jan. 12. p. N. Pillai, formerly a clerk employed by Messrs. Sime Darby and Co., Ltd., pleaded guilty to criminal breach of trust in respect of $200.35 which was entrusted to
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  • 232 13 100 Miles South Of Bangkok. DUE TO SHORTAGE OF PETROL. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok, Jan. 14. A night-leading on a white sandy beach was made at Hua Hin, 100 miles south of Bangkok, last night by the west-bound Imperial Airways liner Artemus, which left
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  • 61 13 Johore Nominating Mr. Farquharson. The Johore Planters’ Association are nominating Mr. D. Farquharson ol Negri Sembilan, as President ol the United Planting Association of Malaya, lor this year, and the Hon. Mr. W. Miller Mackay as vice-president. The Association’s committee who came to the decision, are
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  • 339 13 Distribution of relief from the Singapore Silver Jubilee Fund started in April, 1936, when relief was granted to 468 cases representing 915 adults and 1,109 children During the period April to December, 1936. this distribution has continued monthly. 182 new cases beinu added
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  • 699 14 Foremost Cinematograph Explorer. Mr Martin Johnson, the tamouAmerican naturalist and cinematographer. has died following injuries received when a plane, in which h f was Hving with his wife and other pas sengers. crashed in the hills five mile* lrom San Ferando. California, on Jan. 13,
    —Straits Times Photograph.; --Sirnits Times PhoLonranh.  -  699 words
  • 370 14 G. O. C. INSPECTS MEN UNDER CANVAS AT CHANGE A HOLT 350 members. <>t the Malay Regiment, which was form- ed thief vea»-s ago. moved into camp at Selerang, Chan?i, on Jan. 14 to prepare for the grand manoeuvres which will be
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  • 242 14 Well-Known Chinese Families United. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, Jan. 9. 'THERE was a large attendance at the Town Hall, Ipoh, to witness the wedding of Mr. Chang Kwong Kin. the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Chang Chong Siew. of Ipoh. and Miss Chee Klieng Seok,
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  • 70 14 Air-Conditioned Coaches For F.M5. Railways. The Straits Times is informed that the two air-conditioned coaches ordered by the F.M.S. Railways have arrived. After erection and finishing off in the Workshops at Sentul, trials of the equipment will be carried out. The carriages will be put into
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  • 120 14 Methodist Mission To Spend $60,000. An allocation of $60,000 has been approved by the Methodist Mission for the building of a new middle school for tne Anglo-Chinese School. Penan*; The Middle School first opened at Hutton Lane and later moved to tlv main building in
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  • 47 14 On account of the difficulty oi finding suitable instructors, the Radi*' Engineering Class at the Raffles Institution Evening Classes will not commence on January 18. as announced Names of applicants have been registered and these will be inform'd later as to date of opening of the class
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  • 1805 15 piOTING TOPICS. Why Replant On Impoverished Soil When Rich Virgin Land Is Available. By Our Planting Correspondent. 77 article in these columns on An,. >4, last, was devoted to V in a recent issue of the WP 1 1 1 News under the
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  • 320 16 All Regular Units To Take Part. AIR SQUADRONS COMING FROM IRAQ AND INDIA. Considerable interest has been evoked by the announcement t liat combined manoeuvres will be held in the vicinity ot Singapore at the beginning of February. j Thf following official statement was issued by rort Canning
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  • 310 16 Accentuated By Fire On Vessel Round For S’pore. The shortage of cargo space between Singapore and North America has been accentuated by the fire in the 7.000-ton j British motor-vessel Silver Cypress related by Reuter from the Philippines. Rubber and tin shipments are aiTect»»d particularly Tiie
    310 words
  • 61 16 Contrary to an official statement issued on Jan. 13 at Fort Canning some units of the Volunteers will be taking part in the forthcoming grand manoeuvres. “The following units of the Volunteers will take part in the forthcoming combined operations. The Straits Settlements Royal Naval Volunteer
    61 words
  • 93 16 WAGES INCREASES AGREED TO. From Our Own Correspondent) Taiping, Jan. 14. Following negotiations between representatives of the motor mechanics, who struck work on Tuesday, the workshop proprietors and the Protector of Chinese, the strike has been withdrawn and the men resumed work this morning. The
    93 words
  • 123 16 Singapore continues to be by far the healthiest ol the cities of the Far East in regard to plague, cholera and smallpox For the week ending Jan. 9, there were no cases of these three illnesses in Singapore, according to the health bulletin of the
    123 words
  • 140 16 At Blakan Nati. About 400 troops, bearded and turbanned. arrived stealthily in Singapore in the early hours last Monday morning and were taker, in transports to Blakan Mati They were troops of the 1st Battalion 2nd Punjab Regiment who have come to Singapore frcm Taiping to take
    140 words
  • 39 16 An Arabic school will shortly be opened at Kajang. with the aid of public donations. This will be the first of its kind in the Ulu Langat district. The school will be in the vicinity of he Kajang mosque.
    39 words
  • 395 16 Sultan Gives Consent. THE Straits limes nrderstands that His Highness the Sultan of Johore has consented to units of the Johore Militan Forces taking part in the forthcoming grand manoeuvres ir, the vicinity of Singapore. One of the best equipped infantry units in the
    395 words
  • 132 16 (From Our Own Correspondent' Segamat, Jan. l ‘>- Tan Ah Wat alias Kling. a Chines youth, was ordered to receive ten strokes of the rotan by Ungku Ismail bin Abdul Rahman, tht Segamat magistrate yesterday, for the theft o: a hat. Inche Haroun
    132 words
  • 22 16 Che Mohamed Ashad of LimbonKapal and a member of the KedahCivil Service, has been attached the Director of Lands Office, A!' Star.
    22 words

  • 734 17 wedding of Mr. C. W. Webb, M .C.S., and Miss Margaret Eleanor Brodie took place on Dec. 22 at Cpper Sunbury, Middlesex. Left to right Miss Webb; Miss E. Roe: the bridegroom; Mr. K. Morrell; the bride; Miss Pin Mis Crocker: his Highness the Tuan
    (|» Mitci by I' Jitu\, Palnicnlaan, Soerabaia.)  -  734 words

  • 1492 21 jsj 0 f To Blame For Malayan Mems Lost Prestige—Spirited Reply To Criticism. by a special correspondent. IN llis entertaining, but most controversial, book Return to Miuiiya Bruce Lockhart records ! return to a country he had ft ‘>5 years previously and, al•nmi'h he mentions with approval
    1,492 words
  • 336 21 69 Page Judgment In High Court Breach Of Contract Claim Dismissed. JN a judgment which ran into t>9 pages of typed foolscap and which took two hours to deliver, the Chief Justice. Mr. Justice McElwaine, dismissed the claim of Messrs. Stanton Nelson and Co., Ltd., in the case they brought
    336 words
  • 42 21 The Rt. Hon. the Secretary o» State tor the Colonies has been pleased to approve the regrading of the appointment of British Resident. Brunei from Class IV to Class II In' the Malayan Civil Service, with effect from Jan l. 1937, inclusive.
    42 words

  • 128 22 POWERFUL CRAFT. ywo of the most formidable naval units ever launched from Singapore slipways underwent trials last week. They are the two high-power launches constructed for the S.S. Royal Naval Reserve. Each launch is capable oi 20 knots, and Is fully equipped for patrol work on
    128 words
  • 111 22 Chinese Taken To Hospital In Seremban. From Our Own Correspondent» Seremban, Jan. 11. The story ot a motor accident at Sepang reached Seremban today From inquiries made it is learnt that the Assistant District Officer at Sepang was driving to Sungei Pileh when his car is alleged
    111 words
  • 117 22 Collection Exceeds 1935 Figure. Selangor made a generous response to the Poppy Day appeal last year and the statement of receipts which has Just become available lor publication shows that total collections in the State amounted to $12,648.87, which is an increase of $641 on collections in
    117 words
  • 126 22 FLOGGING IN RAPE CASES (From Our Own Correspondent) Sertmban. Jan. 11. An appeal to the Press to give prominence to the fact that he intended to order a flogging for all men guilty of rape or attempted rape was made by Mr. Justice J. H. Pedlou at the Seremban Supreme
    126 words
  • 168 22 Owing To Derailment Of Goods Engine. (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Today. QOME 250 passengers on the Penang mail train approaching Kuala Lumpur last evening had to leave their coaches and travel into the Federal Capital by car because the line was blocked at Segambut
    168 words
  • 121 22 From Our Own Correspondent) Seremban, Jan. 11. A line of $lOO, in default four months r i., was impose’d by the Seremban Magistrate. Mi M J Hayward. today on a Chinese Hee lioh. a rubber tapper, for voluntarily causing hurt to Liau Long, by throwing formic acid at
    121 words
  • 516 22 REFUSED IN HIGH COURT. AMOTION restricting the Registrar of Statistics from renewing a licence for the importation of textiles was refused on Jan. 11, in the High Court, Singapore, by Mr. Justice Adrian Clark, who upheld a preliminary objection raised by Mr. L B. Gibson,
    516 words
  • 41 22 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok, Jan. 14. The Belgian Minister and the Siamese Minister for Foreign Affairs this morning signed an extradition treaty between the two countries. This has been under negotiation for several years.
    41 words
  • 63 22 Dr. J. S Dykes. L D.S. »St. Andrews*, of Hong Kong is. according to the South China Morning Post, shortly coming to Singapore in order to join Dr Harley Clarke in partnership. Dr Dykes, who left Kong Kong on January 9. has been the Government Dental Surgeon since 1928 and
    63 words
  • 445 22 SEQUEL TO COURT DISTURBANCE. “I AM convinced that you deli1 berately interrupted the Assistant Civil District Judge and you were warned several times. I convict you on the first charge. On the second charge you had to be forcibly removed and the
    445 words

  • 2031 23 FLYING DOCTOR’S CASE AGAINST straits times. JUDGE SAYS WAS KIND TO PLAINTIFF. ]\\l. CLYDE CORNWALL FENTON, Australia’s U “Flying Doctor,” was awarded $500 as damages !)v Mr. Justice P. A. McElwaine, the Chief Justice, when he gave judgment on Jan. 15 in the case in which Dr.
    2,031 words
  • 195 23 Faithful Part Played In Malaya. A NOTABLE tribute to the sub- ordinate civil service is paid by His Excellency the Governor Sir Shenton Thomas, in the course of a message to the first issue of the Magazine of the Singapore Junior Civil Service Association.
    195 words
  • 81 23 Chinese Plan To Celebrate Coronation. Chinese in Singapore suggest that their community Should stage a monster lantern procession for the Coronation, similar to that for the Silver Jubilee of King George V —only bigger It is also proposed that Chinese schoolchildren should participate in the celebrations, and
    81 words

  • 242 24 $250,000 To Be Spent In K. Lumpur. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Jan. 14. DLAXS of the new central market which is to go up in Rodgei Street at a cost of a quarter million dollars, which were shown to the Straits Times, give a
    242 words
  • 208 24 Begun In Difficult Days. The thousandth number ot the Sarawak Gazette has just been publish- d and records the changes that have taken place since 1870. when the Gazette first appeared. In those days Sarawak territory extended no further north than Kedurong. “Past this
    208 words
  • 52 24 Mr. Donald St. G. W. Gray, the Negri Sembilan rußger forward, will be proceeding on Home leave shortly. Mr. Gray, who is also a member of the hockey selection committee, wi 1 be badly missed in sporting circles He has had the distinction of representing Negri Sembilan at rugger, cricket
    52 words
  • 193 24 Owing To Increase In Rubber Quata. JOHORE EFFORTS TO GET CHEAPER FARES. l THE importance of obtaining: more Chinese labour on estates in view of the increase in the amount of permissible exoort for 1937 has been stressed to the Johore Planters* Association, which is taking
    193 words
  • 157 24 To Retire To Annam. Mf Chan Wai Chow, former Salt Tax Administrator in Kwangtung and one oi the wealthiest Chinese in the Far East passed through Singapore last week on his way back to Annam after three months’ holiday in Europe. Brother of Gen. Chan Chai
    157 words
  • 238 24 Daughter Of Ceylon Judge Passes. I The funeral took place at Kuala Lumpur on Wednesday (Jan. 13) of Mrs M M Johnson <nee Margaret van Dort), who died at the age of 80 at her residence in Mandalay Road. Singapore, on Tuesday. The cortege left
    238 words
  • 85 24 (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur Jan. 14. Construction of Kuala Lumpur’s $250,000 market will begin in 10 days’ time. The contract has been awarded to a Singapore firm, E. Brizay and Company and will be completed by 1038 The new- Central Market on the
    85 words
  • 273 24 AAORE bitter reproaches are levelled against the Indian Association, and against Mr. Srinivasa Sastri himself, in a leading article in the current issue of the Tamil newspaper Forward.” The article implies that Mr. Sastri’s visit to Singapore was devoted largely to “tea parties,” and
    273 words
  • 113 24 Standard Below That Of India. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Jan. 13. At the Penang Rotary Club luncheon at the E. and O. Ran Bahadur Ramaswami Sivan, retired Principal of the Agricultural College, Coimbatore, said that the Serdang Agricultural College, which he had visited, compared unfavourably with
    113 words
  • 111 24 The death took place at his residence in Hertford Road. Singapore last Tuesday, of Mr. Arthur Cosmc> Pestana. at the age of 61 years. Mr. Pestana had been in the S.S Government service for nearly 25 years and retired in 1924. Prior tc joining
    111 words
  • 155 24 Brief Interruption On Selangor Estate. •From Our Own Correspondent* Kuala Lumpur. Dec. 14 One hundred and sixty Chinese, cor. stituting the entire tapping force c: the Hawthornden Rubber Estate, fivi miles outside Kuala Lumpur, who hav been on strike since yesterday’s dismissal of 10 men. whose services we’
    155 words
  • 61 24 Resigning Post At K.L. Flying Club. Mr. Arthur Newark. Chief Instructor of the Kuala Lumpur Flving Club is resigning his post with thp Club next February, it was officially announced on Jan. 14. It is understood that Mr. Newark wf.’ take up an important position at the
    61 words
  • 27 24 'From Our Own Correspondent’ Bangkok, Jan. 11. The Stra ts and F.M S today declared the port of Bangkok infected on account oi cholera.
    27 words

  • 199 25 —Reuter. Michigan Governor Calls Out National Guard. rHK strike situation in the United States still T continues to divide interest with the Spanish f The news that the Governor of Michigan has I himself obliged to call out the National Guard e t reassuring. On the
    —Reuter.  -  199 words
  • 194 25 Reuter. Understanding And Reconciliation.’ London. Jan. 13. A plea tor international co-operation was made by Mr. Eden in a speech at the dinner ot the Foregn Press Association in London last night. Mr Eden said the Government warmly reciprocated the sentiments expressed by Herr Hitler
    Reuter.  -  194 words
  • 72 25 .—Reuter. ALLEGED DISCOVERY OF DOCUMENTS. London, Jan. 12. Tliue has been a sensational disls,sa* of four dockyard workers from u Pvonport and one from Sheerness, flowing the discovery of certain documents. The Devonport workers, one of whom lon K service, were given their wages 1,1 'd within
    .—Reuter.  -  72 words
  • 146 25 —Reuter. GOVERNMENT ACTION TO BE URGED. London, Jan. 12. Anxiety about the effect on ‘the British cotton and rayon trade of the recent Japanese and Australian commercial agreement was expressed at a meeting of the board of directors of the Manchester Chamber of Commerce yester<Jay. An
    —Reuter.  -  146 words
  • 105 25 Aneta-Trans-Ocean. Troops Left In Palestine. Jerusalem, Jan. 11 Eight battalions of British troops will remain in Palestine until June and will be distributed at strategic points throughout the country. They wi>l thus be in a position to deal promptly with any further disturbances. The Commander-in-Chief.
    Aneta-Trans-Ocean.  -  105 words
  • 73 25 Reuter Wireless. New Delhi. Jan. 11. One hundred men and rifles have been handed as hostages to the Government forces by the Jirga or Council of Headmen of the Tori Khel tribesmen at Mirali in the Khalsore Valley, the scene of recent fighting. This has been done
    Reuter Wireless.  -  73 words
  • 280 25 —Reuter. SIAN REBELS DISCLAIM RESPONSIBILITY. RED ARMY ENCAMPED 30 MILES AWAY. The rebels at Sian, capital of Sian, have issued a notification disclaiming responsibility for the protection of foreigners in the event of hostilities with the Central forces, according to Sin Chew Jit Poh. Shanghai, Jan. 12.
    —Reuter.  -  280 words
  • 73 25 .—Reuter. President Asks For $790,000,000. Washington, Jan. 11. President Roosevelt has asked Congress to appropriate $790,000,000 to j finance work of relief. At least 2.580.000 will be unemployed until the end of June. This figure represents a reduction oi 800.000 lrom March. 1936, but does not
    .—Reuter.  -  73 words
  • 135 25 .—Aneta. Lower Customs Duties. Stockholm, Jan. 11. IN an interview on Saturday the Dutch Premier, Dr. H. Colijn proposed that all countries belonging to the Oslo Convention, that is to say Belgium, Holland and the Scandinavian countries should begin negotiations with the object of lowering the
    .—Aneta.  -  135 words
  • 84 25 —Reuter Wireless. No Alliances With Abyssinians. Rome, Jan. 12. In order to safeguard the purity of the Italian race, the Cabinet has decided to introduce penalties for Italians entering into relations of a conjugal nature with natives in Abyssinia. A decree states that penalties will be
    —Reuter Wireless.  -  84 words
  • 84 25 represented by trade buyers.-Britlsn Wireless. Record Expected This Year. London. Jan. 12. The British Industries Fair to be held in London and Birmingham from Feb. 15 to Feb. 26 will be the biggest yet held. Already the' record area occupied last year has been exceeded by more
    represented by trade buyers.-Britlsn Wireless.  -  84 words

  • 237 26 —Reuter. German Troops In Morocco Myth Exploded. London, Jan. 14. T'HE mischievous stories, probably originating from Spanish government sources, of the preparation of barracks in Spanish Morocco for the reception of expected German troops and even of the actual arrival of some at Ceuta and
    —Reuter.  -  237 words
  • 52 26 A message from Paris states that the French military attache at Tangier, Captain Luiset, has been granted a safe conduct to travel freely in Spanish Morocco including Melilla and Ceuta by Colonel Beigbeder, acting High Commissioner in Spanish Morocco. This decision has given groat satisfaction
    52 words
  • 112 26 London. Jan. 13. Yesterday afternoon the British ship Brahmill of Cardiff, on a voyage from Gibraltar to Bilboa, was flred at oil Cape Tarifa by the Spanish armed trawler Larache and on slowing up was questioned as to destination and cargo. Evidence points to the Bramhill
    112 words
  • 101 26 London, Jan. 13. During a bombardment of Malaga by insurgent aeroplanes and warships a shell exploded outside the J'ritish Consulate and did considerf hie damage to the building, ithough the personnel was unharmed. Six aeroplanes appeared and dropped 100 incendiary bombs, while two cruisers rained
    101 words
  • 79 26 harbour, mostly on the latter.—Britisn Wireless. British Consulate Damaged. London. Jan. 12. During the bombardment of Malaga early on Monday by an insurgent warship a shell exploded outside the British consulate and did considerable damage to the building. The personnel was unharmed. Neutral shipping in the
    harbour, mostly on the latter.—Britisn Wireless.  -  79 words
  • 78 26 Germany for raw materials.-Britisn Wireless. FRANCO-GERMAN TENSION EASED. Berlin, Jan. 13. The ending of the tension between France and Germany is further evidenced by the rtport that Dr. Schacht intends to visit Paris shortly, osten sibly to inspect the German section at the forthcoming Paris exhibition,
    Germany for raw materials.-Britisn Wireless.  -  78 words
  • 76 26 Saturday evening by train—Reuter Wireless. Krynica. Poland Jan. 12. After mystifying the press of the world for two days. Princess Juliana and her husband have been discovered enjoying the skiing at the lovely mountain resort of Krynica in south ern Poland. They are staying at the
    Saturday evening by train—Reuter Wireless.  -  76 words
  • 139 26 —Reuter. SWIFT ACTION IN MATTSON CASE. Grand Fork, Jan. 13. The British Columbia North-west Mounted Police have arrested two heavily-armed men who entered Canada from the United States on Monday and are awaiting word as to whether the men are wanted in connection with the Mattson murder.
    —Reuter.  -  139 words
  • 157 26 .—Reuter. Tacoma, Jan. 15. The police at Sacramento yesterday detained a man for questioning in connection with the Mattson murder, whose description is said to tally wdth that in the police notices posted up throughout the country. The man had had his face scratched and it
    .—Reuter.  -  157 words
  • 57 26 British Wireless. London, Jan. 11. The airman, Mr. H. L. Brook, decided last night to abandon his attempted record flight to the Cape and back. Mr. Brook left Gravesend early yesterday and reached Bari, Italy, shortly after four o’clock in the afternoon, but weather conditions were
    – British Wireless.  -  57 words
  • 53 26 Reuter Wireless. Berlin. Jan. 12. THE first of a series ot 16 new da--1 stroyers claimed to be of the most modern construction will be launched at Kiel on Jan. 14. The destroyers are cf 1.625 -tons. Fifteen others are being launched from various shipyards in
    Reuter Wireless.  -  53 words
  • 160 26 .—Reuter. POSITION REGARDING CORONATION. EFFECT OF RECENT LEGISLATION. )xm-'on, Jan. 15 Following a conference yesterday between Mr. de Valera and Mr. Malcolm MacDonald, the Dominions Minister, lasting 100 minutes, it was ollicially announced informal discussions took place on a number of mater* affecting the relations
    .—Reuter.  -  160 words
  • 100 26 Reuter Wireless. Rome, Jan. 12. It is stated that if no complications intervene, the Pope may be able to get up towards the end of the month and sit in an armchair for a few hours each day. His Holiness transacted a quantity of business th.s morning. Although
    Reuter Wireless.  -  100 words
  • 46 26 Great Improvement In Pope ’s Condition. Reuter. Vatican City, Jan. 13. JHE Pope is so much better that he was able to get up for the first time for six weeks. He was wheeled in a large armchair to the Audience Hall where he received visitors.—
    Reuter.  -  46 words
  • 50 26 —Aneta-Domei. Tokio, Jan. 11. Herr Franz Schneider, a noted German aircraft engineer, accompanied by his wife, has arrived in Tokio to assume the post of adviser to the Japan Diesel Industry Co., Ltd. Herr Schneider told newspapermen that he intend to settle down in Japan.—Aneta-Domei.
    —Aneta-Domei.  -  50 words
  • 112 26 —British Wireless. London. Jan. 14. The experiment designed to eliminate long train journpys across Europe in connection with the Empire air services was completed successfully yesterday when the Imperial Airways flying-boat Centaurus arrived at Southampton. The Centaurus left Alexandria on Tuesday morning with eight
    —British Wireless.  -  112 words

  • 475 27 Mail To Australia Still Opposed. nlFFERENCES between the British and the AusI) tralian Government over the organisation of the Singapore- Australia section of the new Empire message from Sydney sta between Singapore and abinet might not approtes that the Australian th* use of flying-boatsve the
    475 words
  • 240 27 .—Reuter. London, Jan. 15. Mr J. M. Keynes, the celebrated: economist, sets forth in The Times today a possible course for the prevention and cure of slumps in the trade cycle. Basing his arguments on the fact that the right way to avoid a
    .—Reuter.  -  240 words
  • 166 27 Mutual Pledges To Respect Territorial Integrity. Paris, Jan. 11. A DECIDED relaxation in the Franco-German tension is evident following Berlin reports of mutual assurances between Herr Hitler and the French Ambassador, while Colonel Beigbeder’s reply to the French demarche on behalf of the Spanish authorities to the
    166 words
  • 81 27 —Reuter TO TAKE PLACE OFF MOROCCAN COAST. Paris Jan. 12 The French Atlantic squadron which will leave Brest shortly for the annual manoeuvres off the Moroccan coast *s composed of the three battleships Provence. Bretagn- and Lorraine, each ot 22 000 tons and carrying ten 13.4inch guns:
    —Reuter  -  81 words
  • 75 27 the King George 7 *oins.—Reuter Wireless. London. Jan. 14. Th? King approved the designs for the new coinage yesterday when he received Sir Robert Johnson. Deputy Master of the Mint at Buckingham Palace. It is hoped by the Mint authorities that the coins will be issued
    the King George 7 *oins.—Reuter Wireless.  -  75 words
  • 98 27 Aragon Crew Released. London. Jan. 14. The crew of the Spanish ship Aragon, which was seized by the German navy in reprisal for the cargo of the German steamer Palos which was detained as contraband by the Basque authorities, were released today, their ship having been disposed
    98 words
  • 30 27 ,—Reuter Wireless. London, Jan. 1!!. His Majesty the King has signified his intention of assuming the title of Master of the Merchant Navy and Fishing Fleets.—Reuter Wireless.
    ,—Reuter Wireless.  -  30 words
  • 167 27 —Reuter. Volunteers Report “Pure Invention.” Tokio, Jan. 11. The canard of Japanese volunteers going to Spain has struck Tokio as a bolt from the blue for, notwithstanding the Japano-German anti-Comintern accord, the Japanese nation has not shown the slightest desire to intervene, diplomatically or physically, in
    —Reuter.  -  167 words
  • 102 27 —British Wireless. London, Jan. 12. WHE King and Queen, who returned to London from Sandringham yesterday are visiting Buckingham Palace today to inspect the decorations which are in hand in preparation for their Majesties to take up residence there. They return to Sandringham tomorrow. There will be
    —British Wireless.  -  102 words

  • 549 28 —Reuter Wireless. Long Conversations With Mussolini. Berlin, Jan. 17. THE claim that Gen. Goerings visit to Italy is in the nature of a holiday is overthrown by the Ministry of Propaganda and the newspapers art now printing long reports of the conversations which an 1
    —Reuter Wireless.  -  549 words
  • 286 28 Reuter. —Sin Chew Jit Poh. DECISION LEFT TO PARTY MEETING. Nanking, Jan. 17. It is authoritatively stated that a partial settlement of the Sian affair lias been reached whereby Gen. Yang Hu-cheng is pledged to maintain the "status quo” until the third Plenary Session of the
    Reuter.; —Sin Chew Jit Poh.  -  286 words
  • 60 28 Canton, Jan. 17. The Canton-Kowloon express speeding to Canton caught fire near Shihtan station. Many of the Chinese passengers were killed and injured either through burns or jumping from the train. A later message states that so far 85 bodies have been brought to Canion. including 35
    60 words
  • 59 28 Reute r Wireless. Lucknow. Jan. 17. Wails, blowing of native trumpets and clanging of cymbals, drowned the agonizing cries of a Brahmin woman, who performed suttee on her husband’s funeral pyre before a temple a f Agra A large gathering -watched her burn to death before the police
    – Reuter Wireless.  -  59 words
  • 546 28 jo ucmg maae specially available.—British and Reuter Wireless. PRINCESS JULIANA TO ATTEND. London, Jan. 17. A MESSAGE from The Hague states that Princess Juliana and Prince Bernard will attend the Coronation of King George VI. The Princess will represent her mother, the Queen. H.M. the King, on
    ” * * jo ucmg maae specially available.—British and Reuter Wireless.  -  546 words
  • 265 28 K.N.IX..M. and Qantas.—Aneta Trans Ocean. Negotiations Renewed Amsterdam, Jan. ie IXESIRING to extend its present service to Australia the Royal Netherlands Indies Airways recently induced the Dutch Government to approach the British and Australian Governments making tentative proposals. The British Government was asked to consent to the
    K.N.IX..M. and Qantas.—Aneta Trans Ocean.  -  265 words
  • 68 28 —Reuter. An admission of iincreasing Communist activity in Austria is contained in an official communique announcing thr arrest of 26 leaders of an illegal Red relief organisation. The arrested include the supreme leader of the Communists, whose name is kept secret. A large quantity of propaganda material
    —Reuter.  -  68 words
  • 93 28 -Reuter. Amsterdam, Jan. 11. At a meeting today, Netherlands Indian Rubber Growers discussed the present situation of the rubber market and arrived at the conc.usion that -f exports can be raised to the level of the present restriction percentages the present demand for rubber can
    -Reuter.  -  93 words
  • 50 28 Gibraltar, Jan. 17. A further contingent of Italian volunteers, estimated at over 4,000, landed at Cadiz on Jan. 12 according to a reliable British eyewitness just returned from there. He also states that Italians and Moors now far outnumber the Spanish troops at Seville, Jerez and Cadiz.
    50 words

  • 1074 29  -  SPECIAL REPORT BY “STAND-OFF.” Kuala Lumpur, Jan. 16. oY the narrow margin of five points, Selangor D crested victory from the Army in a magnificent Malava Cup rugger final here this
    1,074 words
  • 105 29 The following are the results of all Malaya Cup rugger finals: 1922 Selangor beat Singapore 5—3 1923 Perak beat Negri Sembilan 3—o 1924 Selangor and Singapore (no match, ground unplayable> 1925 Singapore beat Selangor 30—13 1926 Singapore beat Perak 18 —3 1927 Perak beat Negri Sembilan 14—3 1928
    105 words
  • 570 29 Wales Unlucky To Lose A Great Battle. London, Jan. 16. SIXTY-FIVE thousand people saw England beat Wales at Rugby at Twickenham today by four points (one dropped goal) to three points (one try)* The weather was sunny and after early rain the ground was soft.
    570 words
  • 79 29 Th? men’s monthly medal competition was played at the Garrison Golf Club on Saturday and Sunday and resulted in a win for Major L. A. J. Graham with a return of 75—7=68. Both ball sweeps were won by Major Graham, that for the first
    79 words

  • 1384 30 STATEMENT AT THE S.A.F.A. ANNUAL MEETING. HON. Mr. R. WILLIAMSON ELECTED PRESIDENT. the annual meeting of the Singapore Amateur Football Association, held at the Anson Hoad stadium last week, the Hon. Mr. K. Williamson was elected president, in succession to Mr. R. L.
    – Straits Times Photograph  -  1,384 words
  • 62 30 Reuter. London, Jan. 12. ’['HE Royal Colours were carried to victory for the first time in the reign of George VI when Marconi, ridden by Danny Morgan, won the Smethwick Handicap Steeplechase at Birmingham today. Marconi was a 7 to 2 favourite and won comfortably, amid loud
    —Reuter.  -  62 words
  • 90 30 Hold Singapore Attack And Draw. IN the midday heat of a tropical sun Singapore and Malacca played a scoreless draw at hockey on Sunday on the S.R.C. ground. The game was originally billed to take place on the S.C.C. ground on Saturday but the heavy shower
    —Straits Times Photograph.  -  90 words

  • 466 31 Soldiers Could Not Hold A Clever Attack. (BY “NIMROD") Singapore 6; Combined Services 1. "PHIS was a game of hockey of the type one likes I to see. Its calibre came fully up to expectation -scintillating team play, brilliant individualism. In fad. there was sufficient collective
    466 words
  • 50 31 Reuter. Stockholm. Jan. 17. In the international covered courts championship for the King of Sweden’s C up.. the challenge round was won by France, who beat Sweden by four matches to one. The outstanding match was that in which Borotra beat Schr«>eder 3—6. ♦>—2. 6— l. 6—3.
    Reuter.  -  50 words
  • 162 31 American “Decidedly Superior.” Detroit, Jan. 17. VINES scored his second victory over Fred Perry, when he beat him here today in straight sets, 14—12, 6—2, b —1. Pittsburg Jan. 16. Ellsworth Vines beat Fred Perry here today 6 -3. 5—7. 6—4, 6—1. Vines has fully
    162 words
  • 35 31 Sixteen cards were taken out for the Keppel Golf Club's January monthly mixed foursomes competition, which resulted in a win for Mrs. G. E. Kerr and J. E. Farwell, 47—10*2 =36» 2
    35 words
  • 310 31 Yachting. “B.4’s” Good Time In “B” Class Event. Oi; Sunday tlie International six metre class boats of tin Royal Singapore Yacht Club sailed th first race tor the Swan Challenge f’up Ramona skippered by K L Johnson finished first The finishing times and points
    310 words
  • 373 31 DLAYIXG against a strong S.R.C. team on the last week, the Veterans* Hockey Club, with some former local stars among their number, gave an excellent display, and their defeat by two goals to one hardly did them justice. In fact, the Veterans played the more aggressive
    —Straits Times Photograph.  -  373 words
  • 41 31 Reuter. New York, Jan. IS. Mike McTigue. ex-light-heavy world champion, had his teeth kicked out and sustained other injuries when h j v/as attacked by rowdies yesterday. Two suspects have been arrestei Schroeder 3—6. o—2. 6—l. G—3
    Reuter.  -  41 words
  • 154 31 Mr. and Mrs. Fergusson Win With 34 Net. The Singapore Goli Clubs first bimonthly mixed foursomes competition for January was played at Bukit Timah last week and resulted in a win for Mr. and Mrs. E M. F. Fergusson with a net score of 34. Forty-thrK* cards
    154 words

  • 256 32 HEAVY SCORING: 122 GOALS IN 32 GAMES. FIVE DIV. Ill TEAMS IN FOURTH ROUND. /*OALS galore were* scored in the third round ties in the F.A. Cup competition, played on Saturday. They averaged just under four a match. A big surprise was
    256 words
  • 106 32 Rugby Football, Richmond Beat Cambridge University. Results ol matches played at Home on Saturday, as cabled by Reuter: Birkenhead Park 34. Manchester 3 Bristol 11. The Army 5. Richmond 16. Cambridge Univ. 5 Cardiff 3. Bath 0. Coventry 3 Gloucester 8 Leicester 3, Moseley 0. London Scottish 6
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  • 24 32 Reuter London. Jan. 14. In a Rugby Union match at Oxford Oxfordshire beat Kent by 5 points to 3 Reuter
    • Reuter  -  24 words
  • 62 32 'The final table lor the South-Eastern Counties tournament is as follows: W. D. L. For Agst Pts. Kent 3 1 1 48 34 7 Hampshire 3 0 2 61 49 6 Surrey 3 0 2 68 39 6 Middlesex 3 0 2 73 45 6 E Counties 2
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  • 453 32 DIVISION 111 (South Valuable Points For Notts County. Bristol C 2 Watford 2 Clapton O 2 Gillingham 0 Notts Co 3 Newport Co. 1 Torquay U .1 Southend U < Crystal P 2 Swindon 0 P. W. L. D. F. A Pts. Brighton 24 14 6 4 41
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  • 452 32 DIVISION I. Hearts Well Beaten At j Falkirk. Arbroath 4 Albion R 2 Celtic 3 Hamilton A. 3 Dundee 1 Q. of South 3 Dunfermline A. 1 Clyde 3 Falkirk 3 Hearts 0 Hibernian 0 Kilmarnock 0 Motherwell 1 Rangers 4 Partick Th. 1 St. Johnstone 1 St.
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  • 181 32 Gray’s Third Win: Holder Beaten. i The S.C.C. lawn bowls championship was won by Hugh Gray from the holder, G. C. Miller, by 21—11. Miller had held the championship and the McKean Cup for the two previous years. Gray is the only competitor since
    —Straits Times Photograph.  -  181 words
  • 172 32 Launceston, Jan. 12. ONE day match between the M.C.C. and Tasmania played here today resulted in a draw. The tourists batted first and compiled 250 and at close of play the home side had lost five wickets lor 145. The
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    • 944 1 FRASER COMPANY’S SHARE REPORT. Little Market Uneasiness Over International Situation. Messrs. Fraser and Co., in their weekly share report, issued at the close oi business on Jan. 19, write.— j :l r as one can judge from the ♦tie grams no outstanding crisis has orirred in the political world during
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    • 239 1 Singapore, January 20, 12 noon Buyer Seller Gamble! $6 50 Hamburg Cube 11 00 Java Cune 9.50 Pepper. White Muntok 21.50 White 21.00 Black 12.00 Copra. Mixed 9 25 9.25 Sun Dried 9.50 Tapioca Small Flak*. 0.40 Fair Flake 4.90 Medium Pearl 5.40 Small Pearl 5 45 Sago Flour.
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    • 49 1 The duty on tin and tin ore collected by the Malayan Governments during November amounted *o $1,20<,690 compared with $1,526,389 for October. The total duty collected for the 11 months ended November was $12.02 1.401 compared with $8,589,875 tor -he corresponding 11 months of 19.>5
      49 words
    • 342 1 Londc:. Jan. 19. The following are today’s dosing middle prices on the London Stock Exchange: Shares oi £1 denomination unle.vs otherwise stated: Yeater- Rise day. or Fall Conversion Loan 5 p.c. 1944-64 ***** Funding Loan 4 o C. 1960-90 116 Vi War Loan *‘i p.c 105 Com. Union
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    • 20 1 Jail. 14 Tin, S’pore Price $114.12 Vi per picul 15 115.12V6 18 115.50 19 114.50 20 114.00
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    • 56 1 nate Suot Jai Feb.-Mar. Apr.-Junc July -Sept. Oct.-Dco ffi} don 14 37V;. 37% 37% 37% 37% 37% 10% J IS 37% 37% 37Vi 37% 37% 37% 10 11/16 i« 37* 37% 37% mi 37% 37% 10 11/16 19 36 36 36% 36% 36% 36/h 10% 2q
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    • 575 2 STATISTICAL POSITION SOUND. GENERAL FEELING OF CONFIDENCE. LEWIS AND PEAT (SINGAPORE) LTD. in their weekly report on the rubber market Issued on January 15, write:— Strikes in the American motoi industry have developed during the week, but though disturbing they havj not reached serious proportions. The market
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    • 237 2 Off-Set By Decline Of 17,000 Tons In Stocks Afloat. DUBBEK consumption in Amt*rira <lt ring December is reported to have been 49,626 tons a |decrease of about 700 tons on the consumption in November. Stocks in the hands of manufacj Mirers and dea.ers
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    • 79 2 Aneta-Domei. Government Asks For Banks' Co-operation. Tokio, Jan. 16. The Minister of Finance, at a conference with representatives of the Exchange Banks asked for the cooperation of the banks for the successful execution of the Government’s po.icy of nailing the yen exchange to Is. 2d.
      Aneta-Domei.  -  79 words
    • 140 2 THE Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association held its 1,312 th auction on Jan. 13 when there were catalogued 1,328.921 lbs., 593.26 tons: offered 1,218.705 lbs.. 544.06 tons: sold 903.592 lbs. 403.38 tons. Spot London 10%d. New York 22 eta. Prices Realised. Ribbed smoked sheet cents per
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    • 70 2 ISSUE OF ORDINARY SHARES. From Our Own Correspondent! London, Jan. 15 Gordon (Malay) Rubber EstatesLtd. is issuing 257.000 ordinary shares of 2... each to shareholders in the proportion of one new share for every ten shares held on Jan. 18, in order to provide funds for the
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    • 84 2 —Reuter. Detroit. Jan. 19. The Briggs factory, where the police charge took place, reopens on Wednesday. The strike there has been settled and all employees discharged recently will be re-employed —Reuter Washington, Jan. 19 Mr. Murphy conferred with Miss Frances Perkins. Minister of Labour, and
      —Reuter.  -  84 words
    • 144 2 The following outputs of tin ere for December are reported. Piculs Hrs. Yardage of ore P. Cons 4.301 Ipoh Tin <A. Etam' 582 143.800 193 Ipoh Tin <Lahat» 174 104.300 269 Sungei Kinta 657 138.400 725 Temoh Tin 568 112,000 254 Ulu Klang Tin 320 60.800
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    • 70 2 Additional work Is to be put in hand in connection with the Por of London Authority’s £12.000,000 port improvement programme. A contract nas been let for the demolition of the Jetties and the construction of a new quay on the north side of the Royal Victoria Dock.
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    • 51 2 In October last. 183,598 tons ol iron ore was exported from The U.M.S. to Japan 51.531 tons from Johore and 132.067 tons from Trengganu. In November, 115,060 tons of Iron ore were shipped to Japan; 56.520 tons from Johore and 58.540 tons from
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    • 243 2 —British Wireless EXPORTS HIGHEST SINCE 1930. STEEL OUTPUT MAKES NEW RECORD. London, Jan. 14 The pie in:inary returns of overseas trade in December and tht totals tor i936 show an increase in exports last month of £5,598.931, compared with December. 1935, and the highest exports for
      —British Wireless  -  243 words
    • 272 2 The following details oi tin mining opj:vtions during December arr> furnished by tW respective companies:— Hrs. Cu. Yds Pels. Ampat Tin 643 204.000 88' Southern Kinta 3.627 1,011.003 4.4 > Tongkah Harbour 2.583 584.000 1 5'J Anglo-Sianese Tin .1,191 165.003 78; Kiamat Tin 606 347.003 b"
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    • 34 2 The Basset Rubber Co.. Ltd., lias sold forward for delivery in equal monthly quantities from February to December next, 55 tons of rubber at 37 3 /4 cents per lb. f.o.b. Penang.
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    • 233 3 World’s Richest Deposits In Southern Provinces. China has been much In the news; late There is no reason to doubt, L t the endeavours of the Chinese. Government to develop the industries 0( meir country are proving a success. Indeed, the progress which is being! ,de
      233 words
    • 101 3 During the week ending Jan. 9, exi uit.s of tinned pineabples from Malayan ports amounted to 44,547 eases, ot which. 39.227 'B3 per cent.) eases were to the United Kingdom, Nil '—per cent.) cases to the Connent of Europe. i i 65 (3 per cent.) cases
      101 words
    • 141 3 The following dividends have bri proposed or declared:— BATU KAWAN RUBBER. Payment el 8d. per share, equivalent to 3.33 per «ent. KSCOT RUBBER. A dividend of 4 per cent, for the year ended Sept. 30 last has been recommended. The urnual meeting will be held in London on
      141 words
    • 54 3 Riuseh Rubber Estates announces its standard production for 1937 ‘■5 712,990 lb., compared with 668.585 lb. ;n No forward sales were enter'r into during 1936 and none effected :?r 1937. Gold production for three :r mths to December 31. 1936, was 215 making for nine months to
      54 words
    • 157 3 'THE contract for the new Singa- pore Supreme Court, to be erected at the corner of High Street and St. Andrew’s Road on the site the old Europe Hotel, has been awarded to United Engineers, Limited. The amount of the tender Is about $1,500,000
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    • 174 3 The following is a list oi outputs ol rubber from the under-mentioned estates for the month oi December: Total to date of current financial December year for lb m Brunei 30.195 6 mths. 180.247 Bukit Timah 9.026 12 113.295 Changkat 28 183 11 273.686 Haytor 14 854
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    • 61 3 •The Contro ler of Rubber states that the exports of dry rubber, uncollected figures, from the contro led areas in Malaya, Brunei and Labuan for the month of December totalled 31.023 tons. Of this total, 30,397 tons were produced on the mainland; 479 tons n th? Straits
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    • 45 3 Bukit Mertajam Rubber Co., Ltd., to increase its interim dividend from 4 per cent, to 5 per cent., less tax. The Anal dividend last year was 4 per cent. Payment will be made on February 1 to shareholders registered on January 18.
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    • 67 3 T HE domestic production of tin and tin-in-ore, calculated at 75.5 per cent., in Malaya as represented by exports from F.M.S., U.M.S. and Malacca during December, totalled 6,427 tons, bringing the total production for 1936 to 66,806 tons. This total is 24,479 tons above the total production
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    • 75 3 Foodstuff Prices Show Sharp Rise. From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok, Jan. 18. Since the beginning of the year the price of rice per bag t as advanced from 9 1 2 to 13 ticals per bag. Flour and sugar have aloO made sharp advances and
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    • 66 3 IPOH RUBBER ESTATES. A divl aend ot 7 per cent tor th<. year ended Sept 30. has been proposed. KIRBY RUBBER ESTATES. An interim dividend of 2 l 's per cent on account of th? year ending Dec 31. has been declared payable Dec. 31. REMBIA RUBBER.
      66 words
    • 71 3 ’A forward sale of two tons of rubber monthly over the whole ot 1937 a a price of 39'/4 Straits dollar cent. a pound f.o.b. Singapore has oeen mad? by the directors of the Sun Manggis Pubber Co.. Ltd. The Sungala Rubber Estate Ltd. nas sold forward
      71 words
    • 150 3 (From Our Own Correspondent.» London. Jan. 18 The following are today’s ‘bid’ quotations for Fixed Trusts:i d. British Empire ‘A” 24 7*2 B’.tish Empire “B” 11 British Empire Cumulative 19 3 British Finurc Compreh 22 9 British General “A” 25 6 British General “B” 21 3 British
      150 words
    • 426 3 INCOME LAST YEAR INCREASES BY $8,266. EXCESS OF $2,950 OVER EXPENDITURE. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Jan. 17. Reviewing the accounts of the Incorporated Society of Planters at the society’s annual meeting in Kuala Lumpur yesterday, Mr. W. de B Maclaren, chairman of the finance
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    • 66 3 HONG KONG SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. Final Dividend Probably Three Per Cent. The Singapore branch of th Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation has been advised by their Head Office that, subject to audit, the final dividend for the year wili b probably £3 less income tax. The sum of $1,000,000 has
      66 words
    • 440 4 NET PROFIT OF $48,270. CAPITALISATION OF $483 PER ACRE. A profit of $48,270 for the year ended Oct. 81, is disclosed in the report of the directors of Gleneal} Plantations Ltd. which was issued on Jan. 19. The report states that this sum has been
      440 words
    • 166 4 liondon Exchange Prices On January 15. Ampat Tin (4/) 5/1%; Anglo-Burma (5/1 17/6; Anglo-Oriental (5/) 2/3; AngloOriental Pref. 17/; Aramayo (P.Sw. 20) 33/6; Ayer Hitam (5/) 23/3; Bangrln Tin 24/3; Beralt Tin (5/> 7/6; Brit. Tin invert OO/) 21/; E. Pool 8c Agar (1/) E. Pool 6c Agar
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    • 1229 4 Issued By Fraser And Co., EXCHANGE AND STOCK BROKERS. Singapore, January 20,10 ajn MINING. e Vat Buyers Sellers 4 Am,ja: lui 5/1 1 3 5 6 £1 Asam Kumbang 33/6 34'6 £1 Austral Malay 55/- 56'* 5'- Ayer Hitam 23/- 24 1 Ayer Weng 1.80 1.90 £<
      1,229 words
    • 174 4 FRASER COMPANY. LIST OF CURRENT DIVIDENDS. Total for Company Dividend Books Cl>s? financial Date year TIN. Ex. div. date Payable to date Hitam 5p.c. Jan. 28 Feb. 3 io% Kampong Lanjuts 6d. (8th» Jan. 20 Jan. 27 121/,% Bonus I Kuala Lumpur 1/- (30th) Feb. 26 5% Kuchai 20% Tnr.
      174 words
    • 545 4 London Exchange Price* On January 15. i Allagar (2/) 1/94; Alor Pungsu (2, > 3 1 Anglo-Malay 19/6; Ayer Kunlng 46/3; Bu-a, Serai 22/3; Bahru (Sel.) (2/) 3/11; Banten25/74; Batang (2/) 1/4 4; Batu Caves 26/k Batu Tiga 41/104; Bekoh (2/) lp, Bertam Con. (2/) 4/104; Bidor 40/7
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