The Straits Budget, 14 January 1937

Total Pages: 38
1 6 The Straits Budget

  • The Straits Budget
    • 979 2 have been avoided. —Straits Times, Jan. 7. In November last Mr. Charles Abbott, acting manager of the Federated Engineering Company, and Mr. Edward Herbert Glover, the company’s workshop superintendent. were tried at Kuala Lumpur on a charge that they negligently omitted to take such care with
      have been . avoided.—Straits Times, Jan. 7.  -  979 words
    • 899 2 Straits Times, Jan. 8. Although the theme of the article published on this page today is applicable rather to an attitude of mind than to specific policies in the Malay States, it is well worth leading by those who believe that a reaction against idealisation
      Straits Times, Jan. 8.  -  899 words
    • 853 3 Straits Times, Jan. 9. German agriculture is making tremendous efforts to obtain from limited land available the Quantities of food products Q ece ssary to guarantee the nation’s sustenance In spite of the difficulties of imports. We obtain his information from the weekly report of the German
      Straits Times, Jan. 9.  -  853 words
    • 900 3 —Straits Times, Jan. 11. According to the last issue of the Straits Settlements Government Gazette, Messrs. J. A. Elias, R. Tessensohn, G. Parbury, E. A. Brown. Ng Sen Choy, Seow Poh Leng and Dato Mohamed Ghazali bin Mohamed Ariffln have been reappointed Municipal Commissioners for the town
      .—Straits Times, Jan. 11.  -  900 words
    • 930 3 —Straits Times, Jan. 12. When members of the Indian community of Singapore said goodbye to Mr. Srinivasa Sastri yesterday. at the conclusion of his Malayan mission, they did so with mixed feelings. It has been all to the good that so distinguished a representative of India
      —Straits Times, Jan. 12.  -  930 words
    • 833 4 Straits Times, Jan. 13. One may grant that a certain amount of secrecy is essential where defence activities are concerned and still contend that over indulgence in hush-hush tactics can cause far more alarm and do infinitely greater harm than full disclosure of what is being done
      Straits Times, Jan. 13.  -  833 words

  • 163 4 The following were passengers on the N.Y.K. liner Fushimi Maru, which left Singapore on Friday for Europe Miss L. Busse. Mr. and Mrs. G Fuller, Miss J. M. Fuller, Com. and Mrs. J. H. Owen. Sri Mr. R. Paranathari. Mr. V. P. Ponnampalam. Dr. R. Ratnam. Miss H.
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  • 56 4 Steamer Springs Leak Near Bangkok (From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok, Jan. 11. The Straits Steam Ship Co’s s.s. Kamuning sprang a leak after leaving for Singapore last week and had to return to port, discharge cargo and enter dry dock here. The owners are taking advantage of the incident to
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  • 151 4 The death took place at 29. Mandalay Road. Singapore, early on Tuesday of Mrs. M. M. Johnson 1 (nee Margaret van Dort). at th* age of 80 Mrs. Johnson was the widow of Mr James Johnson, who came out to this country from Cardiff and served
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  • NOTES Of The DAY.
    • 178 5 -he fell hand of Mars, having spoilt I the lonely, bracken-covered slopes I Mount Faber, has now seized another of our Singapore beauty spots. people who drive out nowadays to the place known as the “Little Gap” on the East Road are startled to And the former
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    • 150 5 IN our house the kebun is now bring- !ng in baskets oi chikus picked from two trees in the garden. These trees, strangely enough, bear f ruit all tne year round, but there is an unusually large crop at present. It seems odd to be eating homegrown fruit
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    • 186 5 JUNGLE VILLAGERS FRIEND lately introduced me to Leonard Woolf’s A Village in the Jungle, a story of Ceylon which has run into five editions since it first came out in 1913 and is now established as a classic in the literature of the Eastern tropics produced by Europeans. The only
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    • 211 5 p*ROM a Johore planter who has been turning over some old papers comes a cartoon from the Christmas number of Truth, 1925. It shows a crowd ot cheering rubber magnates, dealers, brokers etcetera, standing around one of those Try-Your-Strength devices seen on fairgrounds, the purpose of which is to
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    • 251 5 QO much has been written recently about Mr. Sastri’s reputation as an orator that I for one must confess to having been distinctly on the defensive when he rose to address the Singapore Rotary Club yesterday. Oratory is at a discount in the world of today, which vastly
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    • 249 5 I ISTENING to Mr. Sastri at this luncheon it struck me that his visit to Singapore is going to do a lot of good in an unexpected way. It is going to raise the prestige of India in this city. It is going to give Singapore a timely
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    • 186 5 IT is probable that few of Mr. Sastri’s heaftrs yesterday, other than the Indians, knew just how long and distinguished Mr. Sastri’s experience of public life has been. He has represented India at the Imperial conference, at the League of Nations Assembly and at the Washington Naval Conference. He
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    • 255 5 ■TTIE pineapple should be one of the best dessert fruits *n this country mit it is actually one ot the most unsatisfactory. Nine out of ten pineapples bought in the Singapore market are unripe, which explains why most Europeans declare that they prefer the canned to the fresh
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    • 224 5 MR. H. Gerhold, of the F.M.S. Police, is the fortunate possessor of a print of early Singapore of which only two copies have been discovered It was reproduced in the Christmas number of the Malayan Police Magazine, together with notes written by Mr. F. N. Chasen when
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    • 249 5 PILLION POSTERIOR one who was a keen cyclist at Home, and would be out here If he wasn’t damnfool enough to be afraid of being stared at, I have been reading with gusto the Malayan Law Journal’s report of an appeal in which three judges debated the knotty point oi
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    • 222 6 THANKS to Mr. J. H. M. Robson, who compiled the first exhaustive Malayan bibliography several years ago and has been adding to it ever since, it is now possible to find out quickly and conveniently what has been written about Malaya from the time of the Portuguese
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    • 192 6 |T is unfortunate that so much material which ought to be available for reference in this country has been published in the journals of learned societies elsewhere. Mr. Robson cites papers on Malayan metal work, boat-building, dyeing and weaving at Sitiawan, pottery and the old tin currency
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    • 188 6 LISBON AND GOA Robson lists all the works in the Hakluyt series which throw light on early Malaya, particularly Malacca, but it is not generally known that there is still a great deal of untranslated historical material in Portuguese which deals with this country. I recently inquired as to that
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    • 68 6 AFTER conducting a column like this for a year or so one becomes accustomed to being asked for information on anything from pre-history to birth control. The latest inquiry is from a Kuala Kubu reader who wants to know what Qantas stands for. Answer:—Queensland and Northern Territory Air
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    • 204 6 does the future hold in store for the Indo-Malayans. for those Indians who will be born and bred here, who in all probability witf never cross the Bay of Bengal nor even speak their mother tongue Is this really a good country for an Indian to adopt for
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    • 212 6 'j'AKE Singapore. What does it offer to the youth of the Indian, Chinese and Ceylonese coiijp munities? Practically nothing except sport, cinemas, cabarets and other ways of killing time. Now contrast the vulgarity of this commercial cosmopolis with what is happening in other great cities of the East In
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    • 285 6 ii/HAT can life mean for intelligent. thoughtful, socially conscious youth in such a country? That question can best be answered indirectly by referring the reader to Mrs. Pearl Buck’s introduction to the much-discusscd book by Lin Yutong, My Country and My People, in which she shows what
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    • 173 6 I first saw this name 1 thought it must be a character in a gypsy novel but now I know that it is a spa in Czecho-Slovakia. It has a special interest for readers of this column because it was the spa to which the Sultan of Johore
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    • 145 6 *jpHEN the Sultan asked for a good doctor. To his surprise, that too had been arranged. Two .doctors arrived, a university professor and his assistant. Their fee was a mere $25 for the professor and $l5 for the assistant, for EACH VISIT. Later the Sultan met someone
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    • 197 6 jyjY notes on monkey talk have 4 caught the eye of a retired planter, who tells me that he does not agree that the siamang (the black gibbon) talks very little. He says that when he was on an estate in Perak many years ago the noise
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    • 227 6 CO far as Perak as a whole is concerned, this Malay theory of the distribution of the two species is baseless, but there may be an element of truth in it in the districts familiar to my correspondent, for the reason that the siamang lives in the hills,
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  • 665 7 c stratton Brown will be leaving] cjfngor on a trip to England next nionth. A. McLennan, and InspecIn F P G and Mrs. Minns, have left Singapore on leave. The Raja Muda of Perak Is not enJng good health. He Is at present staying at Kuala Kangsar.
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  • 172 7 New Under-Secretary To Government. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Jan. 8. It is understood that Mr. Hugh Fraser, who is now acting secretary to the High Commissioner, will be appointed Under-Secretary to the Government of the F.M.S. when Mr. S. j W. Jones assumes efflee in
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  • 98 7 Tuan Muda Of Sarawak Gives Away The Bride. The marriage of Miss Margaret Eleanor Brodie, only daughter of the late Mr. J H. Brodie and Mrs. Brodie. of Kuching, Sarawak, to Mr. George William Webb, Malayan Civil Service, only son of Mr. and Mrs. G. Webb, of Sunbury-on-Thames.
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    • 77 7 FOOKS. —On January 8, 1937, at the General Hospital, Singapore, to Jean, wife oi E. A. Fooks a daughter. INNES. —On Jan. 6. at the General Hospital, Johore Bahru, to Edith, wife of M. A. Innes, G L. F. BIRD.—On January 6, at the General Hospital, Johore Bahru, to
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    • 15 7 The engagement is announced of Dr. Lian Futt Seong to Miss Lee Guah Kiang.
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    • 16 7 FERGUSON—TYSON.—At St. Andrews Cathedral Singapore on Jan. 5. 1937. Alan Stewart Ferguson to Violet-Clare Tyson.
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  • 617 7 Tuesday, Dec. 29. In the afternoon His Excellency and Lady Thomas attended by the Personal Staff left Kuala Kangsar for Singapore. Wednesday, Dec. 30. His Excellency presided at a meeting of the Executive Council held at Government House this morning. Friday, Jan. 1. In the mormng Lady Thomas
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  • 278 7 Leaders— The Liability Of Directors 2 Three Acres And A Kerbau 2 Food And Colonies 3 More Face Saving 3 Mr. Sastri’s Three Weeks 3 Masks and Secrecy 4 Telegrams— Covering past week’s news 25—28 Picture Supplement 17—20 Financial Supplement— Financial and Commercial News to date, following page 32
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  • 80 7 The tollowing appomtm-nts are announced in the F.M S Government Gazette Dr. C. Chitty to be a Surgeon. Grade B. Malayan Medical Service. Mr T. R. to act as a Deputy Commissioner Customs and Excise. F.M.S. Mr. H. J. Trevett to act as Running Assistant. F.M.S.R. Mr. G.
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  • 52 7 The Rt. Hon. the Secretary of State ior the Colonies has been pleased to approve the promotion of Mr. C. Wilson, an officer of Class 18, Malayan Civil Service, to be Controller of Labour, Malaya. Class IA. Malayan Civil Service, with effect from Feb. 24,
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  • 549 8 European Women Injured Remarkable Escapes In Car Crash. R/VRS. L. RIDLEY, wife of Squadron Leader Ridley, of the Royal Air Force, Seletar, and Mrs. C. Aitkens. wife of Capt. Aitkens, of the Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers, who were injured in a motor-car collision with a police van on Tanglin Road on
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  • 65 8 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok, Jan. 9. The contract for Siam’s sugar factory machinery has been awarded to the (ontinental firm of Skoda. Its value is over £BO,OOO sterling. A condition of the contract is that the mill shall be working within ten
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  • 309 8 Taking Part In Big Manoeuvres. 'T'HE Malay Regiment, the Empire’s youngest and most remarkable body of troops, will arrive in Singapore this morning and will go under canvas at Selerang (Changi) prior to taking part in combined'manoeuvres with the Garrison troops towards the end of this
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  • 106 8 The following are the members of the Hospitals Board in the Straits Settlements for the year 1937: The Hon the Director of Medical Services, S.S (Chairman); The Hen the Resident Councillor Penang; The Hon. the Resident Councillor. Malacca: The Deputy Treasurer. Straits Settle ments; The Chief Medical
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  • 245 8 Mr. E. J. Venables. BROTHER OFFICERS AS PALLBEARERS. MR. Edwin John Venables, European Warder at the new Convict Prison at Changi, who died on Monday from a gunshot wound sustained when the revolver which he was cleaning went off, was cremated the same afternoon. A funeral
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  • 252 8 Syce’s Reckless Driving. U/ H. W. LITTLE. B.A., European master at the English College. Johore, was convicted and fined $50 in the Singapore Fourth Court on Monday on a charge of being the owner and sole passenger of a car when it was being driven recklessly
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  • 344 8 THE proposal for a merger of the Methodist Episcopal Church with the Methodist Protestant Church and the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, was unanimously approved at Monday morning’s session of the Malaya Annual Conference. It is expected that these three bodies will be united in 1940,
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  • 169 8 Death Of Former Chief Manager. His wide circle of friends in the City —and particularly those with Eastern connections—heard with the deepest regret of the death on December 23 of Mr. J. L. Crcckatt, the late chief manager of the Chartered Bank of India. Australia and
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  • 1183 9 “CATTLE-KING’S” PROPERTY IN FRENCH INDIA. 0 0NA KADER SULTAN, at one time a local cattle-king and a M pvilti-millionarire, but now bankrupt, was unable, owing to ill it ii* to attend the Singapore Bankruptcy Court on Jan. 8, when an DlicTtion was made by the
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  • 73 9 Illuminations Tenders. 'J'HE Coronation of King George VI will be celebrated in Singapore on a scale befitting the importance of the occasion. Preparations tor the decoration of public buildings are well in hand and Singapore will be gay with bunting and illuminations for the great
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  • 87 9 Taiping Plans. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Taiping, Jan. 8. At a public meeting of the Chinese community of Taiping held this week, it was decided to celebrate the Coronation of King George VI on a lavish scale. The meeting agrees:— To distribute rice to the
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  • 143 9 Did It In China, Says Woman In Defence. (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Jan. 8. “I plead guilty. I did not Know it hurts the child so much; this is what we used to do in China” said Loew San, a Cantonese woman, when she
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  • 162 9 Correspondence Language Teachers From Negri Sembilan. To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir. —Can anyone give any information about the Negri Sembilan Malays who were taken to Japan about 30 years ago for the purpose, it is said, of teaching the Japanese the Malay language The
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  • 273 9 Mission To Dispel Suspicion In Malaya. JMPORTANT changes in Japanese policy in the South Seas—a term that is used in Japan to describe an area which includes British Malaya and the Netherlands East Indies —may follow the visit of a high official of the Gaimusho, the Japanese
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  • 249 9 Dutch In Singapore Honour Royal Couple. “A maiden who dreams of a future lull of domestic happiness...” *‘A prince who, a stranger in the Ne therlands only a short time ago, now lias become one of us and one of the very first among us, thanks
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  • 844 10 Lotus Club Speaker’s View. HAS LOCAL ASSOCIATION MONOPOLISED MR. SASTRI? T r HAT there should have been a woman on the Indian delegation to Malaya, which is headed by Mr. Srinivasa Sastri, P.C., C.H., LL.D., was the opinion expressed by Mrs. E. V. Davies, speaking
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  • 216 10 Psychological Novels Most Popular. Mr. H. Shimazaki, one ol Japan’s foremos. novelists and oresident of 'he Japanese Pen Club arrived in Singapore on Sunday on the Haruna Maru returning from Europe after attending an international conference ol Pen Clubs at Buenos Aires. Argentina at which 40 countries
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  • 440 10 YOUNG EUROPEAN CHARGED IN JOHORE. (From Our Own Correspondent) Johore Bahru. Jan. 9. A YOUNG European giving his name as Frank Vincent age 24. was thsi morning charged before the Second Magistrate. Shaik Abdul Bakar b. Yahaya, with the theft of a motor car belonging
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  • 480 10 PROVISION STORE INCURS BAD DEBTS. A 23-year-old English-speaking youth, who inherited two-flfths of his father’s $300,000-estate, getting $65 a month for life, stood in the Singapore Bankruptcy Court before the Chief Justice, Mr. Justice McEwlaine, on Jan. 8 a bankrupt. He described how he had
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  • 193 10 A strong plea for justice for Indians settled in various parts of the British Commonwealth of Nations was made by the Right Hon. Srinivasa Sastri P C., C.H. LLD., the distinguished leader of the Indian Labour Delegation to Malaya, speaking to a gathering of
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  • 284 11 European and Malay. SEVEN FORMER MEMBERS REAPPOINTED. rpWo n :w members will be seen, 1 1( (he half-circle table of the <ineauore Municipal Commissioners at the first meeting of the year on Thev are Mr. E. Gregory-Jones, nominee of the Straits Settlements cmaanore) Association, who Is
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  • 261 11 Fis h e r-McDia rm id. From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang. Jan. 6. Tiie marriage of two popular members of the Government medical staff was solemnised at St. Andrew’s Pres-] bytertan Church. Penang, on Monday when Dr. Oscar Elliott Hsher of the Malayan Medical Service was
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  • 76 11 Lowest Accepted. Tenders fjr ths erection of Ma 1 av and quarters for headmaster two assistant teachers at Monks hill Buklt Timah were received from hie following: Wah Hup $26 GOO. Poh Ghee $28 000 «o!?«e Cers ancl Contractors. Ltd SJ9.«50. Poh Hoe Swe? $32
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  • 95 11 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Jan. 8. WILLIAM KELLITT, a British subject, of Atherton Estate. Siliau, (F.M.S.) has been granted a certificate of registration in respect of United Kingdom patents of an invention entitled Improvements in and relating to apparatus for the treatment
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  • 131 11 Captain A.T.A. Ritchie Arrives In Malaya. Capt. A. T. A. Ritchie O.B.E. M.C., Malaya’s first stipendiary Chiei Game Warden, arrived at Singapore oy the N.Y .K liner Haruna Maru on Sunday afternoon. He wl.l assume duties hitherto performed in an honorary caoacity by Mr. Theodore Hubback Capt.
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  • 54 11 Th° Rev. Nigel Williams has come ,o S r c anore from Ipoh to act as Cathedral chaplain while Archdeacon Graham White is on leave. Mr. Williams is to be married to Miss Nora Castel in St. Andrew’s Cathedral on Feb. 1 Miss Castel will arrive from Heme
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  • 307 11 MR. JUSTICE J. McCABE REAY. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Jan. 8. Mr. Justice J. McCabe Reay who in 22 years rose from a cadetship in the Malayan Civil Service and an appointment as acting Treasurer and Superintendent, Posts and Telegraphs, to the high position
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  • 45 11 The Rt. Hon. the Secretary of State for the Colonies has been pleased tc approve the appointment of Lieutenant William Richardson tc be a Company Officer. Malay Regiment. Federated Malay States with effect from Nov. 26. 1936. inclusive. Lieutenant Richardson arrived on Dec. 19. 1936.
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  • 185 11 SINGAPORE NAZI ‘FAST. Help for Winter Fund. JMORE than 100 loyal Nazis in Singapore joined on Sunday in the voluntary “fast’' which is held on the first Sunday in every month in aid of their unemployed compatriots in Germany. The German community in Singapore, together with loyal Germans at Home
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  • 181 11 Death Of Malayan Engineer Surveyor. Mr. William Deacon Harding, an engineer surveyor with Messrs. Engineers and Contractors Ltd., died in the Genera' Hospital. Singapore, on Saturday at the age ot 68 Mr. Harding arrived in the East in 1901 lor Shell Transport ana Trading Co. and
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  • 196 11 Singapore Night Landings For Flying-Boats Good progress continues to be made with the new civil aerodrome at Kallang. Erection of the two hangars has been completed and the terminal building also has reached an advanced stage. Dredging of the seaplane channel is being pushed ahead and the calling of tenders
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  • 492 12 Early Morning Tragedy. SIKH SERGEANT INJURED AT SAME TIME. L'DMLN'D .John Venanles, European Warder at the new Conu vict Prison at Chanjri, died on Monday from a wound received when a pistol he was cleaning went off and a bullet pierced his chest. A Sikh
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  • 291 12 BISHOP LEE ON METHODIST POLICY. that the Church stands for constructive liberalism, friendly co-operation with all Christian bodies, and a progressive programme, Bishop Edwin F. Leei delivered an address in the Victoria Memorial Hall on Sunday to an audience that filled the hall to capacity. This
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  • 85 12 Singapore Pilot Uninjured. An Aeronca Jap light aeroplane made a forced landing near Seremban about 2 p.m. on Sunday. Mr F C. Cooke, of the Royal Singapore Flying Club, the pilot escaped injury, and the plane was only slightly damaged. Mr. Cooke made a skilful landing
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  • 49 12 Two consignments of birds have just arrived from Australia for the Ponggol Zoo at Singapore. From the Taronga Park Zoo ar Sydney have come golden-shouldered parrakeets and a type of Australian pigeon and the Perth Zoo has provided a number of finches of two different kinds.
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  • 121 12 RAILWAY MAIL CARS ON THE ROAD. The F.M.S. Railways have taken over the conveyance of mails and passengers by road between Kuantan and Jerantut, and have introduced a fleet of fast buses of the latest design for a service twice daily. Previously the contract was let by
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  • 123 12 The Rt. Hon.' Mr. V. S. Sr.nivasa Sastri. P.C.. C.H., accompanied by Rao Sahib Mukundan, The Agent to the Government of India and his party, visited the Ramaknshna Mission premises. Singapore on Sunday. Mr. Sastri was received at the entrance by a few members of
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  • 159 12 (.From Our Own Correspondent) Seremban. Jan. 8. “When funds become available Seremban will ha/e a chlorinated water supply.” said Mr. Hughes.j the British Resident of Negri Sembilan. j in an exclusive interview belore his I departure on retirement. Although the water is not dangerous, residents of Seremban feel
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  • 414 12 Perak Town To Be Miniature Fairyland. EFFORTS TO GET MEMORIAL. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Taiping, Jail. 8. A PROGRAMME which will transform Taiping into a miniature fairyland and will provide several entertainments, extending over five days to commemorate the coronation of King George VI, was drawn
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  • 463 13 Able To Receive New Giant Battleships. ni’iTAIN’S foresight in constructing the new graving-dock at the B nore Naval Base to a size capable of berthing a warship conleribly* larger than the largest battleship afloat appears to have been well exp j r y of the
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  • 54 13 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur. Jan. 8. Three Dutchmen, who constitute Kuala Lumpur’s total of permanent Dutch residents, met at the Station Hotel yesterday afternoon to listen in to the broadcast of the royal wedding. As there were no otherj of their nationality, no other form
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  • 347 13 Mr. S. W. Jones Appointed. (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur Jan. 8. T*HE Straits Times is reliably informed that the Hon Mr. S. W/ Jones Acting Under Secretary to the F.M.S., Government nas been appointed British Resident Selangor Mr. Jones’ appointment will, it is j understood,
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  • 60 13 (From Our Own Correspondent) Bangkok, Jan. 7. The Commander-in-Chief of the French naval forces in the Far East arrived from Saigon on a visit to Bangkok today. He is remaining here till Tuesday next and being entertained by. the Siamese Ministry of Defence in the
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  • 279 13 Government Asked For $5,000 1 1 (From Our Own Correspondent) j Malacca Jan. 7. 1 In response to a circular issued by 1 the Hon. Mr. G. R. Sykes acting Resident Councillor Malacca b public meeting was held in the Drib Hall of the Malacca Volunteer Corps
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  • 145 13 PENANG—K. LUMPUR CHANGES. A revised time table will be introduced on the F.M.S. Railways from Jan. 15. The main alterations are to the night mail trains between Penang and Kuala Lumpur the down mail from Penang will depart at 9.00 p.m. instead of 8.00 p.m. and
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  • 78 13 Malaya’s Opportunity. “I have been struck by the apparent prosperity of Malaya.” said Mr. Tanlchiro Yoshida. a Japanese Foreign Office official who is visiting Singapore at present during a tour of Malaya and the Netherlands Indies, in an interview last week. "Japan needs more and more
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  • 167 13 Distance from the scene of the wedding of Princess Juliana, Crown Princess of Holland, to Prince Bernard zur Lippe-Biester-feld, her German consort, did not diminish the rejoicing of Dutch people—in Singapore and throughout the Netherlands Indies. The modern marvel of radio gave the event
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  • 194 13 120 Homeless At Seletar. OVER 120 Chinese and Indian rubber factory workers, squatters and a few actors and actresses are homeless as a result of a Are which destroyed 11 attap houses, a shop and a Chinese wayang (theatre) at Chua Chu Kang village. Seletar, on
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  • 126 13 Minutes Of Meetings For The Press. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Jan. 6. A suggeston that the press should be supplied with copies of minutes of committee meetings of the Board was made by Major G. M. Kidd at today’s meeting of the Kuala Lumpur Sanitary
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  • 337 14 United Engineers Capital Scheme Approved. LARGE MAJORITY FAVOUR PROPOSALS. The scheme of arrangement proposed by the directors of United Engineers Ltd. details of which were* circulated to shareholders in October last, received the approval of l>oth classes of shareholders at extraordinary meetings in Singapore on Jan. 7. A special meeting
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  • 938 14 Park Discharged At Assizes. OY a majority verdict of five to two a common jury on Jan. 7 found Sidney Archibald Seymour Park, who was charged with causing the death of a Chinese bread-seller by driving his car in a negligent manner, not guilty
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  • 422 14 Civilian Employers Likely To Follow The Example Of Government. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Jan. 6. INTERVIEWS bv a Straits Times representative with official and members of the public in the Federal Capital reflect pleasure at the announcement of restored wages cuts
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  • 226 14 PENANG PROCESSIONS AND ILLUMINATIONS. 1LIALAY celebrations in Penang of the Coronation on May 12 were dedecided at a meeting last week. The provisional programme, on the same lines as the silver Jubilee celebrations, is:— Borea performances on Tuesday nig lit. May 11. at the Dato Kramat
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  • 102 14 British Journal Celebrates Jubilee. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok, Jan. 3. On the afternoon of New Year’s Day His Excellency the British Minister entertained representatives of the Press of Bangkok to tea at the Legation, the occasion being the jubilee of The Bangkok Times, a British newspaper.
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  • 2839 15 Large Acreage Of Budded Rubber Experiments And Replanting Forestry Growths And Mouldy Rot —A Lovely Garden. (By Our Planting Correspondent). KAMUNING estate is one of the oldest and best known rubber plantations in Perak. Situated about 18 miles north of Ipoh on the main trunk
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  • 670 16 Learning Binds World Together, Says Mr. Sastri. GOVERNOR AMONG LARGE GATHERING AT RECEPTION. an appeal for the recognition of Indian university degrees in Malav was made by the Right Hon. Srinivasa Sastri, P.C., C.H i n th course of his speech on Jan. 6 at
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  • 90 16 tt In nes president of the united Planting Association of Malaya), the Hon. Mr. W. S ReeveTucker (vice-president). Mr. C F II Plerrepont and Mr. C. Ward-Jackson. had an Interview on Thursday morning with the Government of India Deputation. and afterwards were the guests of
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  • 144 16 Fifth Magistrate’s Second Retirement. Mr. E. E. Colman, Singapore Fifth Magistrate, has just relinquished his seat on the Bench in favour of Mr. C. L o, Ess formerl y Deputy Registrar of Singapore High Court who will be acting Fifth Magistrate This is Mr. Colman’s “second
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  • 633 17 S l|1 i the guests at the main table during the reception to \i, „ui at Victoria Hall last week. Mr. A. S. Small is sM the centre, with Lady Bagnall on his left and Mr. G. S. Bozman on his right. At the Tamil
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  • 2308 22 4 4 Civilisation For the Native. THERE is, however, a danger inherent in the very nature of Indirect Rule which needs considering—the danger of making too much of a good thing, of making fetish instead of a stepping-stone (if I may mix mv metaphors; of
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  • 220 22 ANOTHER “FLYING FARMER. “It's a shame to hurry a flight like this, there is so much to see on the way said Mr. Colin Kelman, who with his wife arrived at Singapore on Jan. 6 on a leisurely trip by pri vote aeroplane from Engfand to Australia. Mr. Kelman is
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  • 1196 23 American “Bluff” Blamed For Rubber Price Fluctuation. To the Editor of the Straits Times, As far back as in 1932 I wrote witter to the Straits Times in which r iccused the American Rubber ManuI of playing with "fire" and th.t history would repeat Itself, unless
    1,196 words
  • 1147 23 Bark Qualities Not Up To Expectations To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir.— While W W .R’s artic'c. which appeared in the Financial News has been ably reviewed by your Planting Correspondent, I believe that one very important point has beer overlooked I refer
    1,147 words

  • 203 24 Military Attache In Singapore. Japan is not likely to adopt the creed of Fascism, declared General Oshima, Japanese Military Attache in Germany, when he arrived in Singapore on Jan. G aboard the German liner Potsdam, on his way home on holiday. The General was. however, warm
    203 words
  • 150 24 Local Celebrations. DISTRICT COMMITTEES TO BE FORMED. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Seremban, Jan. 4. The following communique has been issued in connection with the Coronation celebrations in Negri Sembilan:— The day of the Coronation, May, 12 1937, has been declared a public holiday. As it is
    150 words
  • 87 24 The Singapore Poppy Day Committee announce that $15,337 was obtained in the 1936 appeal. The details are: Sale of Poppies $6,235.34 Donations 840.00 Car Labels 2,101.50 Church Collections. Presbyterian Church in Singapore 58.52 Tanglin Garrison Church 67.20 St. Andrew's Cathedral 307.68 Changl Garrison Church 12.00
    87 words
  • 476 24 Our “Polyglot Paradise. Through London Eyes. Poker Fiends In Singapore Clubs. Probably few of us realise thai our hard-bitten Colonials will play poker in Singapore Clubs for nothing less than $10 a chip but prefer S100 chips whene\er the petty cash is available! While we remain in ignorance, however. London
    476 words
  • 95 24 Soft are the folds where purple shadows fall Upon the silent beauty of the sea, Gentle the hands that hush the wonder call In silvered temples of serenity. Here is nc tempered dimming of the day, No twilit hour, no lingering call to rest The afterglow comes
    95 words
  • 251 24 figures In K.L. Kidnapping Case. (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Jan. 4. Early in December, a young Cantonese girl, stated to be under 16 years of age, was reported missing from her home in Penang Road, Kuala Lumpur. She was traced to Malim
    251 words
  • 154 24 THE Diocese of Malacca has suffered 1 a loss by the death last Tuesday night of Rev. Father Joseph Sy, Parish Priest of the Church of the Sacred Heart. Tank Road. Singapore and manager of the Malaya Catholic Leader. Father Sy had been in indifferent
    154 words
  • 193 24 MR. WANG CHING-WEI RETURNS. Mr. Wang Ching-wei, China’s ex-Premier and Foreign Minister arrived in Singapore last Wednesday evening on the N.D.L. liner Potsdam on his way back to China from Europe where he has been recovering from the bullet wounds he received during the attempt to
    193 words
  • 62 24 Shanghai. Jan. 6. It is reported that Mr Wang Ching Wei. former Premier, who is now on the way back to Nanking from Europe, will probably be appointed Chairman of the Standing Committee of the Central Political Council in place of Mr. Hu
    62 words
  • 124 24 (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Jan. 4. A further charge was preferred against Simon David, a Tamil, in the Kuala Lumpur Police Court today, when he was produced pending hearing of the case in which he is alleged to have falsely represented to Messrs.
    124 words
  • 156 24 (From Our Own Correspondent) Seremban, Jan. 6. Several cases of planting rubber contrary to the Rubber Regulations Enactment were heard today by the Seremban magistrate, Mr. M. J. Hayward. Haji Rafar bin Haji Mat Yassin and Mariam binti Hussein were summoned for such planting in the
    156 words

  • 595 25 •—Reuter. N c CONSTITUTIONAL CHANGES NEEDED OR ASKED. PRESIDENT Roosevelt, in his first message to I ongress during his second term of office, reviewing the record of his first administration, declared that it was the task of himself and Congress to prove that Democracy could be
    •—Reuter.  -  595 words
  • 59 25 —Reuter. Amsterdam, Jan. (i. All the mutineers of the warship Zeven Provincien, who rebelled when the vessel was in the Dutch Indies in 1933, will benefit by the royal amnesty on the occasion of Princess Juliana's wedding. The amnesty is of the widest nature, including
    —Reuter.  -  59 words
  • 66 25 —Reuter. OPENING OF SPECIAL FACTORY. 0 London, Jan. 6. The Home Office announces that arrangements are being made to give all families individual instruction on fitting and using gas-masks, of which 30.000.000 will shortly be available. Mr. Geoffrey Lloyd is opening the first factory exclusively
    —Reuter.  -  66 words
  • 44 25 British Wireless. London, Jan. 4. A bulletin issued from No. 3 Beigrave Square today says that the Duchess o* Kent is making very good progress and the infant Princess is gaining weight steadily. No further bulletins will be issued.— British Wireless.
    — British Wireless.  -  44 words
  • 33 25 —British Wireless. London, Jan. 5. Queen Marie of Jugoslavia and her 11-year-old son, Prince Tomislav, arrived in London today. The Prince has come to attend school in England.
    —British Wireless.  -  33 words
  • 141 25 —Reuter. EMPLOYERS’ FIRM ATTITUDE. Detroit, Jan. 6. Mr. Homer Martin, president of the United Auto Workers, has pledged cooperation with Government agencies seeking conciliation in the present strikes. The pledge followed a report from Washington that the Minister of Labour. Miss Frances Perkins, had
    —Reuter.  -  141 words
  • 117 25 —British Wireless. SATISFACTION VOICED BY MR. EDEN. London, Jan. 5. The French Foreign Minister has published in Paris a message from the British Foreign Secretary thank-; ing for the statement made by M. Delbos on Saturday regarding the British and Italian declaration on the Mediterranean and in the
    .—British Wireless.  -  117 words
  • 42 25 —Reuter. Paris, Jan. 6. The French government note to the Spanish government protesting against the shooting down of the French Embassy plane reported on Dec. 8 demands the punishment of the guilty airmen and compensation to the l victims—Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  42 words
  • 39 25 .—Reuter. Canton, Jan. G. Mr. Thomas Gordon Paget, a British officer of the Chinese Customs at Kwangchowwan, is reported to have been murdered by smugglers. Mr. Paget was aged 38 and was a native of Bradford.—Reuter.
    .—Reuter.  -  39 words
  • 41 25 —British Wireless. London. Jan. 4. Information has been received in official quarters in London which confirms reports that on New Year’s Day some 4.000 Italians were landed at Cadiz from the Italian transport Lombardia. -British Wireless.
    —British Wireless.  -  41 words
  • 27 25 —British Wireless. London, Jan. 5. The King has assumed appointment as Air Commodore-in-Chief of the squadrons comprising the auxiliary air force.—British Wireless.
    —British Wireless.  -  27 words
  • 161 25 SHOULD RETURN COLONIES TO GERMANY.’ —Aneta-Trans-Ocean. Suggestion By Lord Elibank. The immediate tackling of the colonial problem is demanded by Viscount Elibank, president of the Federation of Chambers cf Commerce of the Empire and president of the West India Committee, in a letter to The Times (London), in which he
    —Aneta-Trans-Ocean.  -  161 words
  • 126 25 that it will suffice our needs.—British Wireless. NOT LIKELY TO COME IN PEACE TIME. London, Jan. 6. The Minister for the Co-ordination of Defence, in a speech in Glasgow, prophesied that Britain would never introduce conscription in peace time and ridiculed the fantastic motions entertained in some
    that it will suffice our needs.—British Wireless.  -  126 words
  • 45 25 —Reuter Detroit. Jan. 8. The strikes in the motor industry have spread to five more factories, following a breakdown In f he negotiations for a settlement. They include sit-down strikes in two factories supplying automobile bodies to the Ford works.—Reuter
    —Reuter  -  45 words
  • 39 25 —British Wireless. London, Dec. 31. The estate in England of the Duke of Buceleuch, father of the Duchess of Gloucester, who died in October last year, has been proved at .£551.294 Scottish estates amounted to £423,188.
    —British Wireless.  -  39 words
  • 80 25 Aneta-Trans-Ocean. London, Jan. 6. The officials of various British ports have been instructed in connection with the recruiting of soldiers for the Government forces in Spain to keep a sharp lookout in order to prevent the enlistment of boys und p r a certain age.
    Aneta-Trans-Ocean.  -  80 words

  • 486 26 —Reuter. Aneta-Trans-Ocean. Pegeantry Of R oval Wedding The Hague, Jan. 7. Everything except the weather is now settled for today’s royal wedding. A howling wind blew throughout Tuesday night followed yesterday by torrents of rain. Many decorations were ruined but others, such as orange electric bulbs and
    —Reuter.; – Aneta-Trans-Ocean.  -  486 words
  • 66 26 —Reuter Wireless. Quarrel With Prince Bernhard Settled. Berlin, Jan. 6. The Nazis have called off the quarrel with Prince Biesterfeld and the German Press prints a statement from Prince Biesterfeld declaring he regards Germany very affectionately and is most anxious for an improvement in German-Dutch relations The Press
    —Reuter Wireless.  -  66 words
  • 769 26 —Reuter. (A Princess Rides In A Golden Coach. HA G UE l VEDDrXG. COR the second time a Dutch Princess in direct succession to the throne has chosen a (ierman as her Prince Consort, and her choice has been enthusiastically approved by the people throughout the
    —Reuter.  -  769 words
  • 97 26 —Aneta-Trans-Ocean. Germany’s Declaration Of War. Paris, Jan. 2. Rumours prevalent here for some time oi the mysterious disappearance of the original document of Germany's declaration of war on France from the archives of the Foreign Office are now confirmed by the Matin. The paper asserts
    —Aneta-Trans-Ocean.  -  97 words

  • 280 27 —Reuter. German And Italian Soldiers in Uniform. alarming reports from SPANISH MOROCCO. THK latest news from Madrid stat«s that amongst the build- j nf;s struck by bombs in the so-called neutral zone is the British Embassy building, two British subjects being wounded. Meanwhile it is
    —Reuter.  -  280 words
  • 58 27 —Reuter. Assassination Said To Be Proved. Brussels. Sensational evidence about the death tj Baron Borchgrave, First Secretary 0 the Belgian Embassy at Madrid, is disclosed in an official communique. Baron Borchgrave recently died near Madrid. The body, when exhumed yesterday, bore revolver wounds. The communique says it
    —Reuter.  -  58 words
  • 51 27 —Reuter. Situation Eased. Istanbul, Jan. 8. genial Ataturk is returning tonight, ‘he Turko-French tension appears owing to the resumption of u ect Rranco-Turkish negotiations, n he the French suggestion for the of the League session ■scheduled for Jan. 18 has also conjoined to the amelioration of the Situation.—
    —Reuter.  -  51 words
  • 25 27 -British Wireless. London, Jan. 8. of Kent, who has been Royal wedding at The **«guc, returned to England by air (day.—British Wireless.
    ■ -British Wireless.  -  25 words
  • 155 27 —Reuter. SENSATION IN PEIPING. Peiping. Jan. 8. I A body, believed to be that oi the 17-year-old daughter. Pamela, of Mr. E T. C. Werner a lawyer and author who was formerly British Consul at Foochow was found by the sub-city wall this morning. It is not
    —Reuter.  -  155 words
  • 121 27 British Explorers’ Fine Achievement. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Calcutta, Jan. 5. Mr. Ronald Kaulback and Mr. N.; J. F. Hanbury-Tracy have reached Calcutta after 20 months spent in i Tibet. They entered that country from Northern Burma in May, 1935. and l emerged at Sadiya on
    121 words
  • 61 27 August and October last year.—Reuter Wireless. Heavy Rewards- For Information. Jerusalem, Jan. 5. Rewards totalling £50,000 are now being offered by the authorities for information concerning those guilty of many murders committed during last year’s disturbances. The authorities have just published a list of 71 murders of British
    August and October last year.—Reuter Wireless.  -  61 words
  • 99 27 FLU EPIDEMIC IN BRITAIN. Reuter. LONDON HOSPITALS FILLED. 1,400 POLICE ON SICK LIST. London, Jan. 7. There are no signs of an abatemen in Britain’s influenza epidemic, which is the worst for many years. The London general hospitals are filled, the more serious cases numbering more than 1,000. A total
    Reuter. .  -  99 words
  • 210 27 —Reuter. CLYDESDALE BANK MURDER. London. Jan. 8 A £5 note passed across the counter of a Glasgow stores in Christmas week led to the solution of a crime which had baffled the police for more than five years. On Aug. 12. 1931. Robert Donald, who was in
    —Reuter.  -  210 words
  • 117 27 Reuter. Nanking, Jan. 10. The radical elements including Communists, have taken over the control of Sian, capital of Shensi, with a “national salvation programme in which anti-Japanism is featured, according to official announcements An American Communist authoress has been very active in the movement frequently
    Reuter.  -  117 words
  • 138 27 for £100 was wrapped—British Wireless. “FERGUSON’S GANG.” London, June 8. The body of anonymous well-wishers of the work of the national trust for the preservation of beauty spots who call themselves Ferguson’s Gang have given to the trust money for the purchase of a further
    for £100 was wrapped—British Wireless.  -  138 words
  • 121 27 Sin Chew Jit Poh 100 TANKS ARRIVE AT SHANTU. Shanghai. Jan. 5. The lull in the Inner Mongolian fighting, which has continued since the Sian coup in December, may be ended momentarily. Chinese reports from SuiyiTan state. It is reported that a company of Japanese regulars
    – Sin Chew Jit Poh  -  121 words

  • 207 28 .—Reuter. Persistent French Accusations. London, Jan. 11. /CONTINUALLY increasing tension is apparent in Franco-German relations and matters have now reached the stage at which a spark may cause an explosion. Reports from Morocco allege both the preparation of barracks for German troops expected
    .—Reuter.  -  207 words
  • 74 28 .—Reuter Wireless. ALPHONSO ENTERTAINS EDWARD. Vienna Jan. 10. The Duke of Windsoi was a guest at luncheon of ex Kin* Alphonso at the Hotel Imperial at which the only other person present was Alphon* so’s son Don Jaime. After a stay of an hour. ex-King Alphonso
    .—Reuter Wireless.  -  74 words
  • 129 28 Vatican City, Jan. 11. The Pope had a comfortable day yesterday with considerably less pain in the leg. He gave two audiences in the morning.—Reuter. Earlier Reuter reports from the Vatican City indicated slight signs of improvement in the condition of the Pope and a lessening of pain.
    129 words
  • 102 28 Reuter Wireless GREAT IMPROVEMENT REPORTED. Paris. Jan. 10. The remarkable charge in the strike situation in France mainly due to the Government’s new Arbitration Act. was strikingly illustrated today by M. Dormoy, Minister for the Interior, who stated there were now only about 6.500 strikers throughout Fiance,
    Reuter Wireless  -  102 words
  • 102 28 —Reuter. Berlin, Jan. 8. The time limit of the German ultimatum to Valencia, regarding the release of thp passenger and cargo of the Palos, has expired without any answer being received. In view of the non-receipt of a Spanish reply, it is concluded that the Spanish
    —Reuter.  -  102 words
  • 73 28 Rabat, Jan. 4. The release of the steamer Aragon is announced in an insurgent broadcast from Tetuan. —Reuter. The Aragon, a Spanish Government steamer, was seized by German warships and it was stated that she would only be released when the passenger and cargo of the
    73 words
  • 274 28 PRESS COMMENTARY Th£ text of the declaration concerning the assurances with regard to Mediterranean which was signed in Rcme on Saturday by Count Ciano, the Italian Foreign Minister, and Sir Eric Drummond, the 3ritish Ambassador, is prominently published together with exchanges of notes between Italy and Britain. In
    274 words
  • 58 28 Reuter. Gibraltar Jan. 11. An informant from Cadiz asserts that preparations are being made at Jerez and Cadiz *or the arrival this week of 5.000 Japanese volunteers Reuter. The Consul-General for Japan ’n Singapore. Mr. K. Gunji, said on Monday that he had no information of the
    Reuter.  -  58 words
  • 69 28 —Reuter. Hong Kong, Jan. 11. Mr. D. L. Campbell, British and a native of Bognor, who was Captain of the Customs cruiser Cheung Kong was shot dead by a cabin boy who went amok this morning while the cruiser was in Hong Kong waters.
    .—Reuter.  -  69 words
  • 82 28 -British Wireless INSURGENTS HOLD n> ANOTHER VESSEL. London, Jan. 4. The British ship Etrib. sailing tr rr Haifa to Liverpool with a carg oranges was stopped by an insur e vessel off Europa Point near GibruVi and asked to show her papers. The master refused to
    -British Wireless  -  82 words
  • 167 28 —Reuter Nanking, Jan. 4. THE State Council today pardone: Gen. Chang Huseh-liang, ringleader of the Sian revolt who heiGen. Chiang Kai-shek captive for two weeks. It is not yet known whether the “Young Marshal” is being reinstated to the command at Sian Reuter. During his trial by
    .—Reuter  -  167 words
  • 56 28 —Reuter. Information Sought By Solicitors. London, Jan. 5. A WEEK’S search has failed to unearth Lady Houston's will and her solicitors have publicly appealed for information. It is estimated that £5,000,000 are involved. Lady Houston was buried yesterday There were hundreds of mourners and the
    .—Reuter.  -  56 words
  • 102 28 .—Reuter. Westminster Abbey Closed To Public. London, Jan 4. The public yesterday paid their last visit to Westminster Abbey for eight months. The doors were closed after the evening service and the Dean and Chapter resigned their control unti’. September to the Crown. The keys in the
    .—Reuter.  -  102 words

  • 555 29  -  By “Stand-Off.” n v it points (two goals, two tries) to nil, the Army beat U Singapore in a game which produced fast, open rugger muler adverse conditions on the padang on Saturday afternoon It is
    —Straits Times Photograph.  -  555 words
  • 117 29 Yorkshire Beaten By Eight Points To Three. In inter-county Rugby Union games on Saturday, cables Reuter, Lancashire beat Yorkshire by 8 points to 3, and Warwickshire beat the North Midlands by 3 points to nil. Results of club games were: Blackheath 6, Harlequins 24 Bristol 15, Royal
    117 words
  • 249 29 PERRY AGAIN BEATS VINES IN “TERRIFIC BATTLE. pOLLOWING his brilliant victory by three sets to one over Vines, in his first match as a professional, in New York, Fred Perry won again when they met a second time at Cleveland (Ohio) on Friday. The match, says Reuter, was the best
    249 words
  • 181 29 —Reuter. Captaincy Faulty: No Support From Vice-Captain. New Delhi, Jan. 10. A FULL meeting of the Board of Control of Cricket in India discussed the report of the Beaumont Committee, and leached the followiiif findings (1) That the vice-captain, Naidu, did not support the captain.
    —Reuter.  -  181 words
  • 103 29 Carries Odds Of 6 To 4. Mas d’Antibes won the Viceroy’s Cup for the second year in succession at Calcutta on Dec. 26, starting at 6—4. The placings were: Nawabzada Yemin-ul-Mulk of Bhopal’s MAS D’ANTIBES. 1 Mr. A. J. Hoyt’s PLAY ON 2 Mr. Eve’s
    103 words
  • 63 29 —Reuter. Philadelphia, Jan. b. John Henry Lewis, the negro boxer, light-heavyweight champion of the world (who defeated Len Harvey in a fight with his title at stake In London recently), was outpointed here today in a ten rounds bout with A1 Ettore (who was badly beaten by Joe
    —Reuter.  -  63 words
  • 85 29 Six Tries Scored In Fast Game. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Jan. 4. ©LAYING their fastest game this season, the Penang team gained a well deserved victory over the Royal Artillery on the esplanade this evening by 18 points (three goals and one try) to
    85 words
  • 40 29 Reuter Wireless. London. Jan. 7. Dr. Alekhine won the international chess tournament at Hastings with a score of eight out of a possible nine points. Reuhenflne. America was second with seven and a half points.—
    Reuter Wireless.  -  40 words

  • 675 30 But They May Play In The Second Division. AT the S.C.C.’s annual soccer meeting last week it was decided again to enter the S.A.F.A. League and Cup competitions, but to leave it to the League Committee to decide whether or not they should
    675 words
  • 183 30 EVERY FOURTH YEAR. Partly due to the mpirvement of the Ipoh wicket and partly to the sound financial position of the Perak Cricket Associaticn. the committee of that Association has been able to negotiate successfully with other States and with Singapore and Penang to
    183 words
  • 69 30 The Welsh rugger team to meet England at Twickenham on Jan 16 has been selected, cables Reuter as follows: Jenkins (London Welsh); Idwal Rees, Claude Davey (Swansea), Wooller (Cardiff) and Clement (Llanelly); Haydn Tanner and Davies (Swansea); Bryn Evans (Llanelly), T. J, Rees (Newport),
    69 words
  • 65 30 The Hose Cup competition was play ed at the Garrison Golf Club last week-end. The following were the best returns:— Capt. St. JC. Hooley 88—22=66 Major L. A. J. Graham 75 7=68 Lt. Col M. F. HammondSmith BG 9=71 Capt C. K. Hamilton 82—10=72
    65 words
  • 717 30  -  By “ECHO.” THE worst fight of the evening at the New World last Friday was that which ought to have been the best—the main event. A 1 Rj Vers and Joe Bautista just mauled each other about the
    717 words
  • 127 30 —Reuter. New York, Jan. 9. A POWERFUL organisation, the Non-Sectarian Anti-Nazi League, announce that they intend to boycott the BraddockSchmeling fight on June 3. The president said: “The League is opposed to German commodities and Schmeling is one. We are trying
    —Reuter.  -  127 words
  • 94 30 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Jan. 9. The choice of Dr. H. O. Hopkins as captain of the All-Malayan side to meet Sir Julien Cahn's team in Singapore in March was approved at a meeting in Kuala Lumpur yesterday of the K.L. and District
    94 words

  • 498 31 Merchants’ Victory Over The Etceteras. EE teams—Merchants, Etceteras, and Public Services and Banks T have tied on results in the S.C.C. rugger tournament. The Tu tn-.m United Services Officers, withdrew after playing and f#U r l\ne match-with the Merchants. ,oMn h g
    498 words
  • 357 31 Preparations For Visit Of Cahn’s Team. JWO trial matches are to be played in Singapore prior to the arrival of Sir Julien Cahn and his cricket team on Mar. 26. The dates proposed for these are Feb. 27 and 28 and March 13 and 14.
    357 words
  • 54 31 GOLDEN MILLER’ S EASY WIN. Miss Paget’s Golden Miller won the Optional Selling Steeplechase by thirty lengths at Wincanton on Dec. 26 Khartoum made the running for three-quarters of the way. but when Golden Miller was asked to make his effort the horse responded well and, without apparent effort, came
    54 words
  • Article, Illustration
    9 31 “appears to have completely regained his confidence.”
    9 words
  • 545 31 AT Melbourne, January 1—7. Australia won by 365 runs. AUSTRALIA.—1st Innings Fingleton c Sims b Robins... 38 Brown c Ames b Voce I Bradman c Robins b Verity 13 Rigg c Verity b Allen 16 McCabe c Worthington b Voce. 63 Darling c Allen b
    545 words
  • 188 31 Hammond and Leyland Head the Batting Lists. The following are the leading averages for both teams in the Test Matches: ENGLAND —BATTING Inn. N.O. T’al. H.S. Aver. Hammond 5 1 339 231* 84.75 Leyland 5 1 329 126 82.25 Barnett 5 186 69 37.2 Allen 5 1 123
    188 words
  • 31 31 Australia's great victory at Melbourne makes the Test Match record “cdl square" once more Details: Matches played 137 England have won 54 Australia have won 54 Drawn 29
    31 words

  • 1506 32 RESULTS of matches in the Home soccer leagues on Saturday, as cabled by Reuter, with the tables up to date ENGLISH LEAGUE —DIV. 1. City Win Local Derby At Manchester. Charlton A. 1 Leeds U 0 Chelsea 1 Middlesbro’ 0 Derby Co 3 Sheffield
    1,506 words
  • 298 32 Hollow Victory In Senior Teams’ Game. THE superiority of the S.R.C. over the S.C.C. at hockey has been well established this season. When the first and second teams met in October they won 7 0 and 5—1. Last week the return clashes occurred. Result:
    —Straits Times Photograph.  -  298 words
  • 37 32 (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Jan. 6. C. C. Goodaway, of Warwickshire has replaced P. Vaulkhard (Notts.) in Sir Julien Cahn’s cricket team, which will arrive in Malays at the end of March.
    37 words
  • 168 32 Winners In Christmas Competitions. The January mixed foursomes of the Selangor Golf Club were won on Monday by Mrs. Cox and Parnell. 34 net. After this competition prizes were distributed to the following:— Class “A” Medal Bogey.—J. Dewar, after the with C. F E Mounsey. Class “B w
    168 words
  • 118 32 The women's January bogey competition of the Singapore Golf Club was played at Bukit Timah last week. The following cards were returned:— “A” DIVISION Mrs. S. N. Kelly 8 2 down Mrs. J. Huggins 11 2 Mrs. W. P. Douglas 17 3 Mrs. W. McMullan
    118 words

    • 985 1 FRASER COMPANY’S SHARE REPORT. Marked Deterioration In Situation On Continent. Messrs. Fraser and Co., in their weekly share report, issued at the close of business on Jan. 12, write:— It does not require a very intimate or profound knowledge of the in:ricacies of European politics to perceive that during the
      985 words
    • 217 1 Singapore January 13, 12 noon. Buyer Seller Gambiei $6.50 Hamburg Cube 11.00 Java Cube 9.50 Pepper. White Muntok 22.00 White 21.50 Black 12.50 Copra. Mixed $10.05 Sun Dried 10.30 Tapioca. Small rlake 5.25 Fair 4.75 Medium Pearl 5.25 Small Pearl 5.30 Sago Flour. No. 1 Lingga 3.60 Fair 3.50
      217 words
    • 370 1 London. Jan. 12. The following are today’s closing middle prices on the London Btock Exchange: Shares of £1 denomination unless otherwise stated: Y ester- Rise day. or Fall Conversion Loan 5 p.c. 1944*64 U7*4 Funding Loan 4 p c. 1960*90 115** War Loan 314 p.c ***** —l4 Com.
      370 words
    • 64 1 Hate SDot Jan. Jan.-Mar. Apr.-June July-Sept. Oct.-Dec. London Jan 7 37% 37*4 37% 37% 37% 37% 10% Spot Jan. Feb.-Mar. Apr.-June July-Sept. Oct.-Dec. London 8 37% 37% 37% 37% 37% 37% 10% 11 37% 37% 38 38% 38% 38% 10 9/18 12 38% 38% 38% 38%
      64 words
    • 711 2 Capital Scheme Approved ARDINARY shareholders in United Engineers Ltd. are soon to receive a bonus dividend of $2.50 per share, following resolutions which werr carried at extraordinary general meetings ol all shareholders, preference shareholders and ordinary shareholders held on Jan. 7. The scheme to reduce
      711 words
    • 145 2 Conditions Of Service. As has been already announced, radio telephonic communication between Malaya and Indo-China has now been established. The Post Office notification states:— The exchanges in Indo-China to which communication will be available are Saigon. Cholon. Giadinh and Pnom-penh. The question of the extension of
      145 words
    • 66 2 (From Our Own Correspondent) London, Jan. 6. Mr. V. A. Lowlnger. one of Malaya’s representatives on the International Tin Committee, has left for Soutn Africa on a two months’ holiday. He expects to return to London on Mar. 8 Mr. Lowinger was one of the delegates of
      66 words
    • 42 2 The secretaries of Ulu Yam Tin Dredging, Ltd., report that the company’s dredge resumed operations towards the end of December, and is now in action with the object of producing the quotas of ore allowed to the company.
      42 words
    • 244 2 Advance Of £46,000, To £144,600. A rise in profits of £46,003 to £144,569 is reported by United Serdang (Sumatra) Rubber Plantations for the year ended Aug. 31 last. After adding interest and deducting directors’ fees’ and London expenses there is a balance of £142,911, which, with
      244 words
    • 121 2 The following crops of rubber were harvested by the respective estates during December. lb. Alor Pongsu Amalgamated 71.754 Bedong Rubber 73.091 Broome Rubber 163.813 Jimah Rubber 31.282 New Scudai 32.500 Punggor Rubber ***** Temer’oh Rubber 23.384 Benta °ubber 60,000 Sandycroft Rubber 19,100 Kuala Kangsar 143.500 Henrietta
      121 words
    • 31 2 —Reuter Wireless. Canberra, Jan. 7. Australian gold production in the ten months to last October totalled 942,646 fine ounces, compared with 719,506 for the corresponding period of 1935.—Reuter Wireless.
      —Reuter Wireless.  -  31 words
    • 645 2 KEEN DEMAND FROM U.S.A. CONTINENT EFFECT OF STRIKE NEWS. I LEWIS AND PEAT (SINGAPORE LTD. in their weekly report on the rub ber market issued on Jan. 8 write With the opening of the New Year the market has become unsettled. Th*high prices reached at the end
      645 words
    • 821 3 RPOR *TeD IN QUEENSLAND. raUB. PAHANG. F.M.S. Jan. 4th 1937 REPORT NO. 515. fte Chairman Director*. The Raub Australian Gold Mining Co., Ud. SINGAPORE- S.S. m S r »h is the Report ot the R»ub Aua„S Gold Mining Co.. Ltd., for the lour
      821 words
    • 747 3 All-In Cost Of 15 Cents Considered High THE fact that 90 tons of rubberoi hundreds and I am sorry to say had been sold forward for the t hey ade qulte a long stay at In Cira&iri. whole of 1937 at 40 cents per
      747 words
    • 124 3 Returns For The Quarter To Dec. 31, 1936. Returns for the quarter to Dec. 31, 1936: Mines Piculs. Gopeng Consolidated 2,922 Tekka Limited 1,341 Tekka Taiplng 3,277 Pongkalen Ltd.: Dredge 2.908. Tribute 11 2,919 Rambutan Limited 777 The Kinta Tin Mines 2,560 Idris Hydraulic Tin 1,469 The
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    • 311 3 For This Year And Next. The following companies have made forward sales of rubber over 1937 and 1938. Including those previously announced as under: SELANGOR RUBBER —1937, 180 tons at 8.29d. per lb., c.i.f. 1938, 132 tons at 8.92d. per lb., c.i.f. The 1937 standard production is
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    • 29 3 The output of Raub Australian Gold Company for the four weeks ended Jan. 2, was 2,055.72 ounces compared with 1,997.05 ounces for the preceding four weeks.
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    • 136 3 THE Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association held its 1,311th auction on Jan. 6 when there were catalogued 978,927 lbs., 437.22 tons; offered 750.395 lbs.; 335.00 tons; sold 690,002 lbs., 308.04 tons. Spot London 10 l|16d. New York 20 11|16 cts. PRICES REALISED Ribbed smoked sheet cents
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    • 36 3 The price of rubber for assessmeni of export duty in the F.M.S. for the I period Jan. 8. 1937, to Jan. 14. 1937. inclusive, has been fixed as 35 13/16 'cents per pound.
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    • 157 4 (From Our Own Correspondent) > Kuala Lumpur. The Malayan Governments have rejected the International Rubber Regulation Committee’s suggestion to credit producers with six month’s export rights and have substituted a decision of their own, which will apply to Malaya. The decision is announced by the Controller of
      157 words
    • 68 4 During the week ending Jan. 2, exports of tinned pineapples from Malayan ports amounted to 49,681 cases, of which: 42,947 (87 per cent.) cases were to the United Kingdom, 2,550 (5 per cent.) cases to the Continent of Europe, 3,000 (6 per cent.) cases to Canada,
      68 words
    • 129 4 (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Jan. 11. The following are today’s ‘bid’ flotations for Fixed Trusts: s. d. British Empire “A” 24 V/ 2 British Empire “B” 11 V/ 2 British Empire Cumulative 19 3 British Empire Comprehensive 22 9 British General “A” 25 6 British General
      129 words
    • 55 4 Forward Sales Arranged. The undermentioned rubber companies announce that they have made lurther forward sales of ribbed smoked sheet in equal monthly quantities during January-December. 1937:— Tons Price per lb. d. Amherst Estates 120 10 Banir 36 10 Escot 48 10 Madingley 36 10. North Hummock 60 9
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    • 39 4 During November 3,013 ounces ot gold were won from the F.M.S. 2.269 ounces from Pahang 706 ounces from Perak and 41 ounces front Selangor. The royalty collected by the Government on this production was 58.553
      39 words
    • 1145 4 Issued By Fraser And Co., EXCHANGE AND STOCK BROKERS. Singapore, January 14, 10 a.m. MINING. Imue VaJ Buyers Sellers 7/- Am pat Tin £1 Asam Kumbang 33/6 34/6 £1 Austral Malay 56/- 56/5/- Ayer Hltam 23/- 24/6 1 Ayer Weng 1.80 1.90 Bangrln Tin 24/9 25/9 1
      1,145 words
    • 70 4 FRASER COMPANY. LIST OF CURRENT DIVIDENDS Company Books close Date Dividend Ex div. date Payable 1111 1/- <30th> Feb. 26 Feb. 26 Kuchai Tin 20% int. Jan. 16 Jan. 25 !0% Jan. 16 Jan. 25 S>uUern Kinta 5 Jan 16 Feb. 4 iw 6d Jan. 25 Jan. 30 Thabawleik 6d.
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    • 481 4 London Exchange Price* On December 31. Allagar* 1/9%; Ang.-Malay 19/6; a Vp Kun 2 5/16; Badenoch 26/3; Bahru* 3/0 Banteng 14; Batang* 1/3; Batu Cav* 1 5/16; Batu Tlga 2 3/32; Bekoh* l/n? Bertam* 4/104; Bidor 2 1/16; Blkam* 3/ Bradwall 1 5/16; Braunston 1 1/lg; Brook' lands*
      481 words
    • 166 4 London Exchange Prices On December 31. Ampat Tin (4/) 5/; Anglo-Burma <5/> 17/9; An«?lo-Oriental (5/) 2/44; AngloOriental Pref. 16/9; Aramayo (F.Sw. 2c 31/3; Ayer Hitam (5/) 23/3; Bangrin Tin 23/6; Beralt Tin (5/) 7/74; Brit. Tin Inves: (10/) 22/; E. Pool Agar (1/) /6; E. Pot*: Agar Pt.
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    • 38 4 London. Jan. 8 The Pepper Sales Control Committee has fixed the new spot price la: Singapore White Muntok pepper 6 3 4 d. for duty paid and 6d. for bond for the limited quantities avail' able.—Reuter.
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    • 19 4 Jan. 7 Tin, S’pore Price $114.50 per picul 8 115 11 114.87*4 12 115 13 114.12%
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    • 259 5 I 3F V' ■m M *>5 V :£^gBH»3Wg»iBa W-'m&ffimam V BR#? -**t',; > v iWw *mr. .Vv •ZP®V *1 i. -asKikuSJ > 4. Y-jLi Ik K3 n V f:.3 nfi t t ti a V0--w t* *y* i •%»>’*. 'JV V>f- v w A AV KBSE H c:ay<h», "tsb *>T%v
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