The Straits Budget, 31 December 1936

Total Pages: 36
1 4 The Straits Budget

  • The Straits Budget
    • 425 2 Christmas to you all.”—Straits Times, Dec. 24. There is ample scope at this season for the cynic who is disposed to hold forth on the insincerity of mankind. He could point to the frenzied activity in armament factories amid all the talk of goodwill; he could hold forth on
      Christmas to you all.”—Straits Times, Dec. 24.  -  425 words
    • 370 2 —Straits Times, Dec. 24. This article will probably cost us two subscribers! Notwithstanding the awful slatings that we received a few .days ago for devoting so much space to the game of cricket when Messrs. Baldwin, Eden, Roosevelt, Hitler, Mussolini. Stalin, Old Uncle Tom Cobley and all, were
      —Straits Times, Dec. 24.  -  370 words
    • 868 2 Straits Times, Dec. 26. Those who indulge in the faintly seditious luxury of honest and critical thinking about colonial administration (fortunately for the bureaucracy there are few such nuisances in Malaya) will find much to interest them in Mr. W. B. Crocker’s book “Nigeria. A Critique of
      Straits Times, Dec. 26.  -  868 words
    • 866 2 —Straits Times. Dec. 28 Singapore, as a garrison town, ha> a special interest in the criticism of Army conditions of service that is now being made at Home, and so far as foreign service is concerned, Singapore knows how well- founded some of that criticism is Officers of
      —Straits Times. Dec. 28  -  866 words
    • 1134 3 Straits Times, Dec. 29. “Cheap rubber and plenty of it has an altruistic, even Christmassy sound, but is sheer ‘gas’ unless you or any other advocate of so unsubstantial a policy (sic) can prove that cheapness will, indubitably, increase consumption to an extent that will more than
      Straits Times, Dec. 29.  -  1,134 words
    • 650 3 —Straits Times, Dec. 30. According to the London Correspondent of the Singapore Free Press, the broadcast address by the Archbishop of Canterbury aftei the Duke of Windsor had left England for the Continent was regarded at Home as unnecessary and unkind.” That is a view which
      —Straits Times, Dec. 30.  -  650 words
    • 422 4 Those who take the trouble to read through the striking statement of the Association of British Malaya, published on this page today, will be in no doubt as to the lessons which must be learnt from the Selangor controversy ii the British protectorate in the Malay States is
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  • 372 4 Committee’s Refusal To Be Reconsidered. rE refusal by the Singapore Municipal Commissioners some years ago to entertain applications by the Ford Motor Company and the General Motors to establish factori es in Singapore, with consequent loss of business activity, was recall ed at the meeting of
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  • 224 4 It was stated at Tuesday’s Municipal meeting that Mr. Lee Chim Tuan has not been reappointed a Commissioner for next year The revelation was made by Mr. John Laycock. who was commenting on the subject o: the election of Commissioners to standing committees for
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  • 192 4 Mr. E. G. Jones Elected. As a result of the ballot taken by the Straits Settlements Association. Mr E. Gregory Jones has been erected as the Association’s nominee on the Singapore Municipa Commission in place of Mr David Frankel who has resigned prior to going on leave
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  • 78 4 Tribute In Municipal Commission. Reference to the death of the Hon. Mr. A. E. Thornley Jones was made >' the meeting of the Municipal Commissioners on Dec. 29 when a vote of condolence was passed in silence. “Mr. Thornlev Jones.” said the President, “served
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  • NOTES Of The DAY.
    • 305 5 REVERTING to the adaptations of Balinese dances that are now being presented in Singapore, I have been interested to find in Mr. R. H. Bruce Lockhart’s book, Return To bialaya, some comments on these dances as seen in Bali. Mr. Lockhart found himself unable to sit through the
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    • 253 5 SANDAKAN correspondent has sent me the patriotic paean punted below. I at first thought of holding it for next Empire Day. but as that’s a long way away I have decided that it will do just as well at Christmas. It is inspired, surprisingly enough, by a Customs
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    • 107 5 gINCE printing G.H.’s verses on the sex appeal of the giant snail I have been told that they are biologically incorrect, in that this snail is an hermaphrodite. That is a term which presents difficulties both of pronounciation and meaning, so I have composed the following aid to
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    • 218 5 OEOPLE who are looking for something out of the ordinary to do during the forthcoming holidays might do worse than take a stroll in Alkali Gardens, which are still not nearly as well known among the European community as they deserve to be. Personally I never go there
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    • 41 5 AS a lover of flowers I feel that 1 must make a personal appeal to Mr. John Laycock to find an easier name for his new orchid Believe it or r.ot. the pundits of the botanical world have christened it.
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    • 107 5 Botanical names are difficult enough at any time but that is a particularly formidable tonguetwister Besides, the temptation to shorten it to Phalaeonopsis Laycocki will be almost irresistible. What we need is a simple, popular name, like Kinta Weed or Moth Orchid Unfortunately botanical names of orchids come
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    • 159 5 JJAVING long believed that the alcoholic lubrication of conversation is overdone in this country, I have been delighted to find in the New Statesman and Nation an essay on a nineteenth-century song-book called Hoyle’s Hymns and Songs for Temperance Societies and Hands of Hope. The writer is “Y.Y.”
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    • 155 5 travellers marooned in Malayan rest-houses, to planters and their wives, to all who will foregather in little clubs surrounded by rubber trees, to white men on coasting steamers moored at unknown wharves in muddy rivers, to bachelors in boarding-houses, to parents whose children are at Home and to children
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    • 404 5 lI7ITH .spots floating before my eyes 'the result of yesterday’s pagan feasting) I peer nervously down a well twentv inches deep, twenty inches of blank white space, and wonder how I am ever going to get to the bottom ot this column today. If mental heaviness will sink me
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    • 228 5 as to the festivities, they were as various as humanity itself, but as I am still not at the bottom of this confounded column I trust I shall b“ excused lor mentioning that in my own bungalow the high light of Christmas morning was provided by a ten-cent. motor-boat
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    • 134 5 So much for post-tiflin exercise. Then in the evening, feeling an urge to fill our lungs with sea air, we went to Telok Ayer, and were very glad that we did so, for a salty breeze was blowing across the harbour, straightening out the smoke from half a dozen funnels
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    • 224 6 •■THE pigeon orchid flowered in Singapore yesterday, and for the first time since I came to Malaya I was able to see with my own eyes this orchid following its well-known habit ol flowering on the same day throughout a particular district. I was returning from Johore Bahru
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    • 230 6 *pHIS decoration of the main road across the island came as an unexpected postscript to thoughts already dwelling upon flowers, for I had just spent an hour in the Istana gardens, Johore Bahru. It is surprising how many Singapore people have never seen those gardens. They are kept
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    • 179 6 '■pHE lily pool in itseli was sufficient reward lor my journey yesterday, lor upon the watery mirror enclosed by its low', creeper-covered wall many blooms were floating, both the pink lilies and the larger species with white petals and yellow centres. Also on this terrace was an
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    • 120 6 PROM the terrace I wandered up to the little Japanese garden among the trees higher up me slope and spent a meditative quarter of an hour on a stone bench from which I could see the Straits, and on my left, glimpsed ’between trees, a glow of rose-pink cannas. ana
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    • 195 6 ONE0 NE thing which misanthropists may be thankful for this week is that il they refuse to go to church or ,o hotel revels next Friday night, radio will not force them to see the New Year in as it forced them to recognise Christmas Eve whether they
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    • 268 6 JN every Singapore suburban home this week there lies a pile of Christmas cards awaiting the dissolution of the Old Year. Has anyone ever discovered a fitting way of using these cards? One does not like to throw away mementoes of friends and yet there is nothing
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    • 104 6 lI7HENEVER I go out .or a drive with mv three-year-old son in Singapore he is deliciously thrilled by tigers —tigers on hoardings, tigers in Neon lights, tigers opening their mouths tigers doing toe-tou :hing exercises (or that’s what it looks like), and numerous others. There are so many
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    • 149 6 /"\F all the respectable family newspapers in the British Empire tineluding the Straits Times) none is more sedate than the Auckland Weekly News. Imagine then my surprise, nay sympathetic distress, on receiving a cutting from a Kedah reader which shows that this New Zealand paper has been led
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  • 91 6  -  C. E. i. Jacobs. I did not know the fairies strewed The lovely lanes with golden lluwers For dainty feet to dance among. Or April days wore golden hours For silver wings to flash along. But as I’ve seen I’ve told. I only knew the April
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  • 94 6 From Our Own Correspondent) Taiping, Dec. 27. H.H. the Yang di per Tuan Besar o) Negri Sembilan. H.H Tengku Ampuan and their suite stopped at Taiping for a short stay on Christmas Day on their return journey from Bangkok. The Royal visitors stayed at the Raja
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  • 370 6 SINGAPORE CALL TO PRAYER. The following circular letter, signed by the Bishop of Singapore and Mr Ernest Tipson. has been circulated to £>11 Christian churches in Singapore. The World’s Evangelical Alliance which organises the Universal Week of Prayer has issued a circular letter signed by the Archbishop
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  • 63 6 Tlie Very Rev. Father L. Robert. Superior General of the Paris Foreign Missions, accompanied by His Lordship the'Bishop of Malacca, Mons. Adrian Devals. visited Seremban on Sunday. At the Church of the Visitation. Seremban. the visitor said Mass and the Bishop preached the sermon At the conclusion
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  • 78 6 The following Johore appointments are gazetted: Mr. P. H. Burgess jof the Excise Department, S.S.. has been seconded for service in the Preventive Branch ot the Trade and Customs Department Johore. Mr. H. B. Langworthy, Deputy Com missioner of Police, F.M.S., who has been seconded for service with
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  • 497 7 Mr. and Mrs. L. J. B. Madden have I returned to Taiping after a holiday 1 at Home Mr. P. P. Marriott, manager of Petaling Tin, has left for Europe in the Antenor on leave. Mr. and Mrs. Mills, of Ipoh Tin Dredging. Ltd., are returning to
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  • 184 7 Monday, Dec. 14. In the afternoon His Excellency and Lady Thomas attended an At Home given by the Consul General of Germany and Mrs. Maenss. His Excellency and Lady Thomas dined with Lieut-Colonel and Mrs. O. H. Tidbury and afterwards attended a Concert at the Victoria Memorial Hall.
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  • 141 7 MR. MA LO KAH—MISS LIM NYUK THYE. (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Dec. 28. Mr. Ma Lo Kah, second son of the Rev .Ma Tham Shun ana Mrs. Ma. was married to Miss Lim Nyuk Thye. thira daughter of Mr. and Mrs Lim Thean Hong,
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  • 98 7 At the Church of the Holy Rosary. Kuala Lumpur. Mr. Lee Ket Voon. third son of Mr. and Mrs Lee Pin Seong. of Ipoh was married to Miss Cheng Su Chin, third daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chong Khoon Lin. The Rev Father
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  • 41 7 Tee H. Singapore, wish to thank all who responded to the Christmas appeal for toys for the Leper Settlement. Trafalgar. Singapore As nearly all the gifts were sent anonymously it was not possible to write to the doners
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  • 28 7 H E the High Commissioner has bien pleased to transfer Lieut. J Chalmers Malayan Volunteer Infantry. to the M V I. Reserve Officers from December 1. 1936. inclusive
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  • 350 7 CONCERT FOR THE PATIENTS. Patients in the General Hospital, Singapore, had their Christmas party on Monday night when, lying in beds, or sitting in bath chairs, they listened to and applauded a concert arranged by Madame Felicia Dietz, who has been responsible for this function for over
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    • 26 7 GREBBY. —On December 26, 1936 at 12 Hyde* Gardens, Eastbourne, to Joyce (nee Venning > wife of Leslie N. Grebby of Singapore a son, John Alexander.
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    • 130 7 The engagement Is announced of Florence Irene, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Especkerrran to David W. Ginsberg of London. The engagement is announced between Louie Therese, eldest daughter of J. G. Warn beck of Penang Harbour Board, and Mrs. J. O Wambcck. and Glenworth Louis Johnson,
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    • 64 7 CRAWFORD-McLEAN. —On Saturday. Dec. 23, 1911. at the Presbyterian Church, Singapore, by the Rev. W Runciman. M A T D.. George Whyte Crawford, M P S., manager. The Pharmacy, r.nd Lecturer in Pharmacy. The Straits and F M S. Medical Ldtool. to Agnes Can pU i* < Lily
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  • 304 7 Leaders— Greetings 2 The M C S. Machine 2 Army Grouses 2 Rubber And Diplomacy 3 A Plea For Silence Telegrams— Covering past week’s news 25—28 Picture Supplement 17—20 Financial Supplement— Financial and Commercial News to date, following page 32 Malayan General News— Week in Malaya 1 Social and
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  • 144 7 The following passengers irom Malaya left lor Europe in the Suwa Maru on Thursday: Mr. F. Jansen, Mr. L. Koster, SubLt. S Ab<*. Count de la Grade, Countess do in Garde, Captain M. Hatao. Mr. Y. Imai, Mr. K. Kato, Prof. M Masuda, Mrs. T. Nagai, Miss S. Okutomi.
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  • 44 7 DEATHS DEWAR At Brompton Hospital, London, on December 10. from meningitis, C. A S. Dewar, late Manager Ulu Puting Estate. Silian. Seremban. OEHLERS —On Sunday, Dec. 20. 1920 at No. 40 Branksome Road, Singapore. Georgians Margaret, tbe Beloved wife of Mr. Jolm F. Oehlers.
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  • 644 8 Did Not Know Of Family Fortune Of $106,000. dramatic phase in the Aroozoo $40,000 crimnial breach of trust case, which was resumed before the Singapore Third Magistrate, Mr. W. G. Reeves, on Dec. 28, was the appearance of accused’s daughter to give evidence for the Crown.
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  • 145 8 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Afuar, Dec. 28. DECAUSE he failed three times to pass his Standard VI examination a 17-year-old Indian schoolboy tried to drown himself last Saturday by jumping into the Muar River. Today D. Narayanan, the adopted son of a mandore in the Johore
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  • 156 8 Because of the fillip Singapore’s new radio station is likely to give the radio trade in the Colony, the Education Department proposes to introduce classes in radio engineering in 1937. The classes will be under the control of Raffles Institution Evening Classes and will be dependent on there
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  • 240 8 War Fears Raise Price Of Rice. of living for Asiatics in Singapore and Malaya is steadily going up. A bowl of rice on each table costs a fraction of a cent more than a week ago. a gantang some two cents. Following the reported increase las'
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  • 88 8 All bin Hassan. a 20-year-old Javanese, pleaded guilty on Tuesday before Mr. J. P. Biddulph the second magistrate. Singapore to having stolen a bag containing $1.04 cents from Mrs. R. G. Wilson in Oxley Road yesterday. Ali admitted having snatched the bag from under Mrs.
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  • 300 8 NEW STATION NOT READY. A LTHOUGH short test transmis- sions of an hour a day will be broadcast from Singapore’s new radio station from Jan. 1, it is not yet known when the normal programmes of four hours a day will begin. Questioned on Monday, the
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  • 379 8 EFFECT OF TIN AND RUBBER BOOM A SPECTACULAR rise in the o*. value of Malaya’s trad November is disclosed in the trad-' returns issued on Monday. The total value for the month $112.006 000. the highest for this year and compares with $96,226,000 ir. o tober
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  • 59 8 SIAMESE ASSEMBLY TIN AGREEMENT. Ratification At A Secret Session. <From Ouif Own Correspondent Bangkok, Dec 28 The People’s Assembly, after a secret session, unanimously ratified the new tin restriction agreement and Government and officials were congratulated by the Assembly on th e satisfactory outcome of the negotiations. The Assembly is
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  • 329 9 Municipal Coolies Pay On Holidays. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca, Dec. 23. of an impending strike among the Malacca Municipal coolies have been causing uneasiness here but I am authoritatively informed that there is no suggestion of a strike here. The incident that gave rice to
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  • 199 9 A Defence And A Tribute. To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,—If “Matelot” really wants to know why the Ranpura was late, he might ring up the P. and O., and he would receive the same courteous explanation as I did. If, moreover, he is
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  • 82 9 Marksmanship (From Our Own Correspondent) Muar, Dec. 23. 'Y'HE annual rifle-shooting at Bukit Treh by the members of the Muar police force was interrupted when the two men in charge of the butt suddenly hoisted red flags and ran out. Investigation revealed that one of the bullets struck a telephone
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  • Correspondence.
    • 257 9 Voting Papers. To the Editor of the Straits Times Sir,—I shall be obliged if you will allow me the courtesy ot your columns to bring to the notice ot the members of the Straits Settlements Association an irregularity which has unfortunately occurred in the voting papers
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    • 169 9 “Losing Place As Premier Unofficial Body.” To the Editor of the Straits Times, Sir,—The Straits Settlements (Singapore) Association seems to be losing its place, morally, as the premier unofficial body in the Settlement. As the only organization through which white British-born subjects can voice their views on public
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    • 167 9 No Strike. To the Editor oi the Straits Times. Sir, —I was somewhat annoyed to read in your issue of Dec. 18 an exaggerated account of a so-called strike among Chinese coolies on this estate. There was no strike among the coolies living on the estate; they
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  • 283 9 -Reuter. RADIO ADDRESS ON WORLD AND RELIGION. The Pope, in a world-wide broadcast from his bedside on Christmas Eve deplored “the many great evils which have fallen like a scourge on humanity, civil society and the Church.” He added that today, more than ever, he felt
    -Reuter.  -  283 words
  • 405 9 Murder Charge Reduced. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Johore Bahru, Dec. 20. with the murder of a seven-year-old girl, Bek Bok Lan, at Hylam Kong on the night of Oct. 26, Lim Hong Hai was today sentenced to ten years’ imprisonment (five years hard labour and five years
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  • 146 9 Accidental Gun-Shot Wounds. (From Our Own Correspondent) Seremban, Dec. 25. A verdict of accidental death was returned by the Seremban magistrate Mr. M J Hayward, at an inquiry into the death of a Chinese. Khoo Ah Beng, who was found dead with several gunshot wounds
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  • 318 10 Crowded Hotels And Cabarets. PFOPLE of ah races in Singapore, united by the common bond of the Christian faith, gave 1936 Christmas traditional observance On Christmas Eve churches were filled with devout midnight worshippers,‘and in the hotels and cabarets merry-mak-ers gave the festival welcome in an
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  • 156 10 On Christmas Eve happy crowds thronged Rallies, the Adelphi and 1 Seaview Hotels, where special de- corations caught the full atmosphere or the festive season. At midnight the singing of Christmas carols carried one’s thoughts to celebrations In other climes. At the Great World and New World
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  • 46 10 ‘From Our Own Correspondent.) Seremban. Dej. 25. For the first time since the opening of the Negri Sembilan Dance Hall, a children’s gala carnival and Christmas tree entertainment was arranged by the new manager. Mr. K. O. F Knowlayne. It was a great success.
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  • 88 10 Light Plane Record. I>7 flying from Singapore to Alor Star and back on Thursday, two Hoyal Air Force pilots, Flight-Lieut. Sarcl and Flight-Lieut. Grace, established a Malayan light aeroplane record. They used a Hornet Moth twoseater cabin machine belonging to the Royal Singapore Flying
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  • 264 10 CHIANG IS FREE.” LOCAL CHINESE CELEBRATE. The national flag of China fluttered proudly and gladly from thousands of mastheads in Singapore on Christmas night, crackers were let-off in the street and in Mandarin. English. Malay and half a dozen dialects the words went round “Gen. Chiang Kai-shek is free.” Although
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  • 498 10 VACILLATING WITNESSES. JUDGE’S REMARKS IN BANKRUPTCY CASE. What was described as a monstrous action was mentioned in the Bankruptcy Court on Thursday before Mr. Justice J. V. G. Mills, on an issue in connection with the bankruptcy of Chop Khoong Hill. The issue before the court was whe ther Lee
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  • 72 10 Malay Driver Unconscious. Two Europeans, Mr. f. G. Harris and Mr. F. Kane, of the Naval Base, were slightly injured when the taxi Hi which they were returning to the Base crashed into a tree in Bukit Tmiah Road early on Friday morning The Malay driver
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  • 369 10 Effect On Export Quota. PRICE RISES. TEMPORARY restriction of output of rubber over and above that imposed by the international control scheme will be forced upon Malaya by a very considerable shortage of latex cups which cannot be remedied until February (reports the Malay Mail). The
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  • 139 10 Awaiting Claim. Thirty-seven articles. found ir* streets or left in shops, which have all found their way to a police station in Singapore, are lying to be claimed “within the next six months” in the office of the Chief Police Officer They include leather purses,
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  • 607 11 How Emigrants May Help To Safeguard Their Welfare. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Dec. 23. DOESTS dealing with the welfare of Indians in Malaya wer; 1 publicly reviewed for the first time by the Rt Hon Mr V S. Srinivasa Sastri. PC..
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  • 234 11 Mr. H. K Hales, dot.or of the Atlantic blue riband trophy is at present visiting Singapore in the course of a tour of the Far East Mr Hales is well-known in Malaya, which he has been visning regularly for the past 20 years, out he
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  • 120 11 Mr. Tay Soo Keng—Miss Ong Nya Lay. Mr. Tay Soo Keng. Asiatic shift engineer, Bungsar Power Station. Kuala Lumpur, who is the son of the Rev. and Mrs. Tay Sek Tin. of Singapore, was married at the Singapore Wesley Church on Saturday morning to Miss Ong
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  • 55 11 From Our Own Correspondent* Seromban, Dec 25. The story of how a Sikh milk seller, being unable to maintain control over his bicycle, ran into a chettiar pedestrian was told the Seromban magistrate yesterday when the Sikh was fined $3 for failing to maintain
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  • 649 11 A Warning That Caused Repugnance To the Editor of the Straits 1'lmes. Sir.—Be good enough to allow an upcountry reader to comment upon your leading article of Dec. 23, and pardon me if anything here said seems personal. As once editor of a serious periodical. I think pertinent
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  • 296 11 Although Ceylon hoped to obtain complete self-government within 20 years, responsible opinion in the Island realised that at present at any rate the country’s safety depended on Britain’s strength, said Mr. Sri Patmanathan. a member of the State Council in Ceylon who is at present
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  • 57 11 Captain A. L. Mark-Wardlaw. former Commodore of II M Naval Establishments at Singapore, has been appointed lo the command of lI.MH, Sheffield. The Sheffield is a newly completed 9,000-ton cruiser She was commissioned about a fortnight ago. Inche Mohamed bln Abdul Jamal. C) C P I)
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  • 1022 12 Motion Before Commission: Comment In The Chinese Press. CONTENDING that hundreds of men will be thrown out of work if the Municipality refuses to grant an omnibus service licence to the Keppel Bus Co., Ltd., the Chinese vernacular press in Singapore again gives prominence to
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  • 82 12 Anti-Communist Raid. (From Our Own Correspondent) Seremban Dec. 25. In the Seremban Police court yesterday, Mr. D. R. L. P Matheson, of the Seremban Police, procfuced Choo Ah Heng on a charge of being found in possession of seditious documents at Kuala Sawah. The accused was
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  • 152 12 Coronation And Eucharistic Congress. Malaya’s tourist trade will benefit early in 1937 by two important world events —the International Eucharistic Congress at Manila from Feb. 3 to 7 and the Coronation of King George VI on May 12 Special trips to Manila are being organised by several
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  • 129 12 To undergo reconstruction at Chatham Dockyard. H.M.S. Kent, which is normally the cruiser flagship of the China Station has arrived in England after nearly two years in the Far East She called at Singapore on her way Home. The Kent will be modernised in the same way
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  • 289 12 CHRISTMAS TREE A TAIPING CLUB. (From Our Own Correspondent) Taiping Dec. 22 European children in this distr. had their first big share of joy ol tl approach of the festive season b evening, when the Christmas tr party and entertainment was held the Perak Club.
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  • 401 12 Advantage Of No Rising Ground. MANY residents of Katong who see one of the world’s greatest airports nearing completion on the borders of their residential suburb have expressed fears that the constant coming and going of airliners. Flying Club, and Volunteer machines will be a
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  • 2804 13 Maintenance Of Malaya’s Ore Reserves Desirable. the eve of the commencement of a new scheme for the control of tin production. The Hon. Sir John Bag nail, Kt. B at the half-yearly meeting of the Straits Trading Company, Ltd., on Dec. 21. took the opportunity to
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  • 737 14 YOUNG Chinese stood in the lounge of the Italian liner Conte Verde in Singapore on Tuesday night (Dee. 22) and brought tears to the eyes of more than 500 people. He was John Sung, the Chinese Evangelist, who was returning to China
    —Straits Times Photograph  -  737 words
  • 130 14 Good Trade Prospects. The Chinese community in Siam received excellent treatment from the Government and Siam’s policy o: equal friendship with all nations is placing her on an excellent footing in the field of international trade. This is the opinion of Mr Ong Thye Ghee, manager
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  • 61 14 Commanaer A. D. Toriesse has been appointed Naval Attache to the British Legation in Bangkok, says Reuter. Commander Torlessc who was foi merly attached to H.M.S. Courageous has been appointed to succeed Commander G. R. G. Allen as Stall Officer in Singapore. In conformance
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  • 174 14 Author In Singapore. Mr. S. I. Hsiung thv young author of “Lady Precious Stream.” the Chinese play which was presented by the Singapore Amateur Dramatic Club in Singapore recently was in Singapore for a few hours on Dec. 22. on his way to Shanghai by the Lloyd
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  • 133 14 (From Our Own Correspondent> Kuala Lumpur. Dec 22. “I have nothing to say.” declared 7ee Moi. a young Hakka woman when pleading guilty before Mr. C. H. Dakers in the Kuala Lumpur police court today to the theft of a gold ring belonging to Mrs. E.
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  • 89 14 Unexpected Return To Malaya (From Our Own Correspondent Bangkok. Dec ‘>3 H H the Yam Tuan of Negri Sembilan. who is on a visit to Siam wit!' t suite of 50 has accelerated hi.; depart ur? by three days and is ltM\i> direct lor Ma’aya this
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  • 1301 16 Into Tamil Labourers' Conditions On Estates. (By Our Planting Correspondent.) AS a manager who has been honoured to receive a visit to his estate from the Indian delegation now visiting Malaya, it may be of interest to other planters to give them a short account of
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  • 275 16 “I Was Put To Much Disgrace.” (From Our Own Correspondent Johore Bahru, Dec. 21. “J ADMIT killing the woman, but I was put to much disgrace,” said Kunji Rahman Nambiar when he was charged before Mr. Justice J. V. G. Mills with the murder ol his employer’s
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  • 102 16 The first of a series of annual Christmas treats for poor children living in the Katong area was given by Mrs E. Hocquardt at the Ritz Theatre. Geylang. on Dee. 23. No fewer than six hundred children were entertained to a free cinema show—thanks to the kindness
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  • 69 16 From Our Own Correspondent. 1 Bangkok. Dec. 23 Sixteen men. using their own cars as transport, went carol singing in Bangkok last evening from seven oclo s till midnight, visiting clubs, notels and private residences where they collected donations totalling €70 sterling in aid ot
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  • 757 17 Mrs. H. R. Arbenz. wife of the Consul for Sweden, who gave a talk on th? arrangement of flowers at a meeting of the Singapore Gardening Society, is seen here photograph?d with some of her flowers in her home. The Czechoslovak Consul in Sire afore,
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  • 605 22 Man Says He Did It Because Of The Life She Was Leading. (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Dec. 22. THAT he had stabbed a woman as he could not see her being persuaded to lead an immoral life was the statement made by a
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  • 272 22 F.M.S. Co-operative Society ‘Decentralised. From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Dec. 21. DECENTRALISATION was introduced in the affairs of the F.M S. Posts and Telegraphs Department Co-opera-tive Thrift and Loan Society at an extraordinary general meeting of members of Pahang and Selangor, held at the Kuala Lumpur Town Hall yesterday
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  • 118 22 O ne day not long ago Abu visited the Kuala Lumpur market for his daily supp'y of fish and bought a fairly largesized Ikan Merah. He took it home and when it was cut and cleaned in its narrow gullet was discovered a shiny
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  • 386 22 Reception At Kuala Lumpur. (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Dec. 22. rIAT Indians in Malaya are happy that the Government of India had chosen as its deputy to study local conditions a man of distinguished ability and record of public service was the
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  • 278 22 Import Quotas. j jyjERCHANTS to whom textile import quotas have been allocated for the period Jan. 1, 1937 to June; 30. 1937 will be exempt from the! provisions of the Textiles (Quotas) Ordinance which require them to import the full balance of their quota not later than
    278 words
  • 140 22 Kidnapping Charge Withdrawn. From Our Own Correspondent) Seremban, Dec. 22. RADIOLOGIST’S report cf a girl’s age resulted In a charge of kidnapping being dismissed here today. “I have received a report from the radiologist that the girl is 18 years or age Hence after due investigation I
    140 words
  • 102 22 Traffic Laws Broken. From Our Own Correspondent* Kuala Lumpur, Dec. 22. A threequarters of an hour “holdup” by the local police of bicyclists infringing the traffic laws resulted in i r > cyclists appearing before Mr; C. H. Dakers in the Kuala Lumpur police court today.
    102 words

  • 715 23 Prominent Journalist’s Views. gOVlET RUSSIA at least partly instigated tl#i capture and imprisonment of General Ch ang Kai-shek, says Mr. William H. Chamberlin, the well-known journalist, who gave an illuminating analysis of Far Eastern politics in an interview on Dec. 24 with the Straits Times.
    715 words
  • 88 23 MR. K. OBRUCA-MISS H. STIBAI.OVA. The Czechoslovak Consul in Singapore. Mr. P. Stransky. gave away Miss Hilda Stibalova. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Stibal, of Czechoslovakia, when she married Mr. Karel Obruca. son of Mr. and Mrs. K. A. Obruca. of Kromeriz. Czechoslovakia, on Dec. 23 at
    88 words
  • 144 23 Plea Of “I Waited For A Long Time.” <From Our Own Correspondent» Muar, Dec. 22. PROOF of two previous offences at Malacca and a further conviction jtndav cn a charge of escaping from custody while awaiting trial for possession of Indian hemp, earned for an
    144 words
  • 99 23 FOUR ARRESTS MADE IN SINGAPORE. Thousands of quarter and half-cent Straits Settlements coins in the pro-; cess of being counterfeited into ten and coins or already manufactured were seized by the Singapore police in a house in Valll Road off Paya Lcbar. last Wednesday night. Four arrests
    99 words
  • 163 23 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Dec. 22. A “Jack-of-all-trades” was sent to prison today for attempting to ply another trade—extortion. Also an actor and a fitter. Wong Yit Pnin. found guilty, was fined $50 or a month’s imprisonment. Wong is serving a term of imprison
    163 words
  • 205 23 Plea Of Youth Who Made False Report. (From Our Own Correspondent! Segamat, Dec. 22. “I was instigated to make that report by an ex-detective.” said Moon Kuan Pong, a Chinese youth who peaded guilty before Ungku Ismail bin Abdul Rahman, the Segamat magistrate, to giving a false
    205 words
  • 213 23 Sino- Japanese War Can Be Avoided. War between China and Japah is not inevitable.” declared Major H. W. V. Temperley. professor of modern history at Cambridge University, when he arrived in Singapore un Dec. 23 from China on his way back to England by way jf Burma and India after
    213 words
  • 44 23 < From Our Own Correspondent* Bangkok, Dec. 22. The commander of the German cruiser Einden and officers were guests at a dinner given by the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy this evening, The cruiser is staying here a full seven days.
    44 words
  • 222 23 Correspondence. Names And Addresses Required. To tile Editor o t the Straits Times Sir, —TI13 Council of the British Empire Service League realise that many members of the E.S A M. will pay a visit to the Homeland next year, in order to be present at
    222 words

  • 546 24 Plans For Mass Air Attack On Rebel City. Shanghai, Dec. 23. CHINESE financial circles in Shanghai, who state that large sums ot money have been sent privately by members of Gen. Cniang Kai-skekV family from Shanghai to Sian, confidently expect the Generalissimo’s release at any
    546 words
  • 132 24 Christmas at Home.—Aneta-Trans-Ocean Copenhagen, Dec. 22. AN insane incendiary gravely endangered the lives of passengers and crew of the Swedish liner Gripsholm, an 18,000 ton oil burning ship, while crossing the Atlantic, according to a report made here. The madman, whose name is not
    Christmas at Home.—Aneta-Trans- Ocean  -  132 words
  • 97 24 Reuter Wireless. FATHER’S TERRIBLE j VENGEANCE. Rio de Janeiro. Dec. 19. Swift and thorough vengeance has been wrought by a Brazilian labourer in the Monte Aprazicel district against Japanese colonists, one of whom cut ofT the hand of the Brazilian’s ten-year-old son because the latter stole
    Reuter Wireless.  -  97 words
  • 44 24 -Reuter. London, Dsc. 22. The Milan Correspondent of the Financial Times wires that it is understood the Chinese Government has appointed Signor Alberto de Siefani, the ex-Italian Finance Minister. as its Financial Adviser. He is pioceeding to China short’y.—Reuter.
    -Reuter.  -  44 words
  • 69 24 ons escaped injury.—Aneta-Trans-Ocean. Jerusalem. Dec. 22. I ORD PEEL, Chairman of the Royal Commission which is at present investigating the recent troubles in Palestine, narrowly escaped capture when bandits ambushed and attacked the Commission’s motor cars. The ambush occurred ten miles outside Jericho, and the bandits attacked
    ons escaped injury.—Aneta-Trans-Ocean.  -  69 words
  • 132 24 An Aneta-Trans-Ocean report states that the Duke of Windsor ex-King Edward > is likely to stay on the Continent for the next six months He is expected to visit England durii g next summer after the Coronation of King George VI and plans to
    132 words
  • 191 24 without mab issue.—Aneta-Trans-Ocean. I'ROPOSEI) BILL ANI) THE SUCCESSION. London. Dec. 23. The British Government, it is expected. will soon introduce a Bill for settling the succession to the Crown. London political circles state that the succession order is by no means clear at the present
    without mab issue.—Aneta-Trans-Ocean.  -  191 words
  • 63 24 —Reuter. Sir Miles L-ampson. who has been High Commissioner for Egypt and the Sudan since 1934. has been appointed the first British Ambassador in Cairo ‘chewing the exchange of the ratifications of the Anglo-Egvptian Treaty. The treaty provides for the establishment ot a
    —Reuter.  -  63 words
  • 168 24 Sensational Reports From France. MALAYANS arriving in Marseilles recently on their way home on leave have been surprised by sensational reports of plans for a Communist mobilisation in the city. One account of the situation in Marseilles appears in Le Jour, the Paris newspaper, and is
    168 words
  • 141 24 —Reuter Wireless. AGREEMENT IN THE MEDITERRANEAN. Rome, Dec. 21. An Anglu-Kalian Mediterranean agreement is expected to be reached before the end of the year which diplomatic circles refer to as a “Christmas present’* for the two Governments. The agreement will probably take the form of an exchange of
    —Reuter Wireless.  -  141 words
  • 105 24 —Reuter and British Wireless. Duke Of Kent To Attend Ceremony. The Hague. Dec. 21. Amid a joyful peal of bel’s Princess Juliana and Prince Bernard zur Lippe Blest-rield signed the marriage ban; at the Town Hall. In accordance with the wish ot Queen Wllhelmlna the ceremony wa>
    —Reuter and British Wireless.  -  105 words

  • 216 25 Washington, Dec. 21. A FAR-REACHING programme to prevent imports of foreign apital from disturbing the United states domestic economy was adoptd by the Treasury Department tolay and published tonight. It is officially announced that gold mrchases will be sterilised in an
    216 words
  • 121 25 —Reuter Wireless. COMMENT ON EX-KING’S ABDICATION London. Dec. 23. The events leading to the ex-King’s abdication are referred. to by the Archbishop of York in a diocesan leaflet. He says the occasion of the exKing’s choice should never have .risen. The harm was done much -arlier than
    —Reuter Wireless.  -  121 words
  • 54 25 Diplomatic Relations Resumed. Monrovia. Dec. 19. Great Britain has resumed diplomatic relations with the republic 'f Liberia after a lapse of five years. Great Britain withdrew diplomatic recognition in 1931 as a result of the revelations of slavery contained in the report of the League Of
    54 words
  • 62 25 or future punishment.—Sin Chew Jit Poh. Nanking. Dec. 21. The Ministry of Justice has ordered the judicial authorities in the provinces around Shensi to investigate all cases of massacre and incendiarism b.V Gen. Chang Hsueh-liang’s rebel forces in that province. It is proposed o
    or future punishment.—Sin Chew Jit Poh.  -  62 words
  • 155 25 to foreign reports, the Duke of Windsor (ex-King Edward) and Mrs. Simpson, the twice-married American woman j whom he hopes to marry when her divorce formalities are complete, "ill hot see each other during the Christmas holidays. Mr. Herman Rogers, who is Mrs. Simpson’s
    155 words
  • 74 25 .—Reuter. ARMY’S STRENGTH TO BE DOUBLED. Cairo. Dec. 24. A sum ot €300,000 sterling has beer budgeted for by the War Minister for the purchase of twelve bombers from Britain to bring up the strength of the air force up to 50 machines. The Minister
    .—Reuter.  -  74 words
  • 104 25 Reuter Wireless. Queen Elizabeth Visits Buckingham Palace. London, Dec. 23. Large crowds gathered at King’s j Cross today and cheered the King and Queen when, accompanied by their daughters, Princess Elizabeth and Princess Margaret Rose, and by Queen Mary they left in the royal train en route
    Reuter Wireless.  -  104 words
  • 53 25 dlrection three times weekly.—Aneta-Trans-Ocean Rome, Dec. 25. Preparatory arrangements for a regular passenger and mail service by air between Rome and Addis Ababa have now been completed and it is officially announced that the services will be inaugurated shortly. The planes will fly regularly in each direction
    dlrection three times weekly.—Aneta- Trans-Ocean  -  53 words
  • 74 25 The first picture to be taken of the Duke of York as King George. He is photographed in his car as he arrived at his home at Piccadilly Just before midnight after dining with his brother at Fort Belvedere after the abdication. King George VI,
    74 words
  • 216 25 BIG CONSIGNMENT FOR THE GOVERNMENT. London, Dec. 22. A consignment of 5,000 gas masks Las been dispatched from Great Britain for the Spanish Government It is understood that as gas masks are used for humanitarian purposes and are not included in the category of arms,
    216 words
  • 21 25 —Reuter. London, Dec. 22. The death took place today of Major-General Sir Frederick Cut bert Poole.—Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  21 words
  • 220 25 —ReuteT. French Governments-British Wirei less. SOVIET AND SINKING OF RUSSIAN STEAMER. Moscow, Dec. 21. Diplomatic action by the Soviet is probable in connection with the Komsomol. the Russian steamer which is believed to have been sunk by a “Spanish Fascist pirate cruiser” on Dec. 14. The alleged
    —ReuteT.; French Governments-British Wirei less.  -  220 words

  • 385 26 —Reuter. STATEMENT ON SIAN CRISIS. Genoa. Dec. 22. The former Chinese D rime Minister and Foreign minister. Mr. Wang I Ching-wei. in a statement before his departure for Shanghai in the Potsdam. said that during the past few years China had been struggling in the
    —Reuter.  -  385 words
  • 130 26 Lord Nuffield Gives Another £2.000 000. —British Wireless. A NOTHER huge gift by Lord Nuffield, who recently endowed medical research at Oxford with a sum of 2,000,000, is announced. He is giving €2.000,000 to be devoted to the distressed areas. A statement issued by Lord Nuffield says he has decided
    —British Wireless.  -  130 words
  • 155 26 (iERMANY TO BUY MORE FROM SOUTH AFRICA. Berlin. Dec. 23. A new trade agreement between Germany and South Africa to tak: effect next year was concluded this week by an xchange of notes between the German representative in Pretoria and the Government of South Africa. Although the
    155 words
  • 125 26 New Company Germany’s Raw Materials. —Aneta-Havas. London, Dec. 23. London correspondent of the Yorkshire Post reports that British financial circles are showing 'considerable interest in a new concern which is being formed to ar- range for the supply to Germany of raw materials from British colonies. The company is backed
    —Aneta-Havas.  -  125 words
  • 172 26 ,—Reuter Wireless. PROVISIONS AGAINST EMERGENCY. Berlin, Dec. 23. As a provision against any emergency. Germany has begun a thorough organisation of her skilled man power Skill.*;- workers such as mechanics and motor-drivers who ar? ineligible for conscription have been circularised ordering them “on the second
    ,—Reuter Wireless.  -  172 words
  • 42 26 -vi mmi ur.imur,. b> Norro, K‘nr r of n Arms y i fure!!ro n<1) to the proclamation of Kins George being read y n,n of Arms In the background can he seen a section of the huge crowd
    42 words
  • 269 26 Baby Princess On Christmas Day. London. Dec. 25. THE Duchess of Kent gave birth to a daughter at 11.20 a.m. today. Both mother and child are doing excellently, says Reuter. This is the second child of the Duke and Duchess of Kent. They were married
    269 words
  • 128 26 MR. LLOYD GEORGE TO E X -KING. —Reuter. London, Dec. 24. Reuter understands that Mr. Lloyd George, who is now in Jamaica, in Christmas greetings to the Duke of Windsor from an old minister of the Crow’i, w’ho holds you in as high esteem as ever and regards you with
    —Reuter.  -  128 words
  • 54 26 London, Dec. 23. H.M. the King has approved the recommendation of the Home Secretary that the order and form of the loyal toast in future at official and public dinners shall be first the King, and second the Queen, Queen Mary and other members
    54 words
  • 52 26 —Reuter. Tokio. Dec. 27. An earthquake was felt in Tokio and other parts of Japan this morning but the only loss of life and damage were to property on Niijima Island, where one was killed, two missing and 10 in jured. while 500 houses
    —Reuter.  -  52 words

  • 405 28 Serious Situation Developing At Bilbao. SEIZURE OF GERMAN STEAMER. London, Dec. 28. A SERIOUS situation threatens to develop over the reported seizure of the German steamer Palos (997 tons) off the coast of Spain. The German news agencies allege that the Palos has been
    405 words
  • 46 28 Reuter. Moscow, Dec. 23. A NOTHER sabotage trial opened in Moscow when four high railway officials, including \ladimir Ryabokon, former Minister of Railways in the Ukrainian Government, were charged with wrecking and sabotage, resulting in serious breakdowns on the Soviet railways.
    Reuter.  -  46 words
  • 20 28 —Reuter. London, Dec. 27. Queen Mary is confined to her room at Sandringham with a slight cold.—Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  20 words
  • 45 28 notably in America.—Aneta-Trans-Ocean. London, Dec. 28. An unfavourable impression has been created in Government circles in London by the fact that ex-King Edward's broadcast farewell speech has been recorded on gramophone discs which are being widely sold, notably in America.—Aneta-Trans-
    notably in America.—Aneta-Trans-Ocean.  -  45 words
  • 31 28 .—Reuter. New York, Dec. 27. Miss Sarah Churchill, daughter of the British statesman, has married the comedian, Vic Oliver. They will spend their honeymoon in England.—Reuter.
    .—Reuter.  -  31 words
  • 769 28 ’—Reuter. PREMIER’S SPEECH IN SIAN. Nanking, Dec. 28. Oen. Chiang Kai-shek did not accept any demands or sign any undertaking during his captivity at Sian, according to a speech by the Generalissimo to the rebel leaders before his departure from Sian for Nanking on Friday.
    ’—Reuter.  -  769 words
  • 68 28 Opium of the People.**—Aneta-Trans-Ocean. Warsaw, Dec. 25. A Christmas thought from Soviet Russia Especially diligent workers in the Godless Movement in Warsaw are to be awarded a medal, according to the Central Council of the Godless Organisation in the Soviet Union. The medal will take the
    Opium of the People.**—Aneta-Trans-Ocean.  -  68 words
  • 109 28 —Reuter. Faizpur, Dec. 28. QANDHI broke a two-years silence with a speech at the Village Industries Exhibition held in con nection with the National Congres Show me the way and I am p<; pared to go back to gaol—prepar- I to be hanged/* he said. 41
    .—Reuter.  -  109 words
  • 26 28 —Reuter. Thirty-four Germans have be arrested in Russia on a charge of espic age and pro-fascist activities and expected shortly to be put on pub trial.—Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  26 words

  • 867 29  -  By “Stand-Off.” N a fast, Dpen game ,-mch produced some spectacular rugger Singapore beat Perak by 28 points (five goals a trvhfn points (one goal, two tries) on the Singapore padang on Satu day afternoon There is no doubt that Singapore
    -Straits Times Photograph.  -  867 words
  • Article, Illustration
    35 29 His inspired cap- taincy. bold batting and brilliant bowling were big factors in England’s great victory in the first Test, at Brisbane. But he sportingly admitted that England had “all the luck.”
    35 words
  • 801 29  - DIAMOND BEATS FERNANDEZ IN PUNISHING FIGHT. Gauder Scores A Good Win Over Gabuco. By Echo.” 'J'HE Batu Pahat negro, Joe Diamond, was a clear winner in his return fight with Ignacio Fernandez at the New World arena on Saturday night; and he very nearly accomplished what would haVe been a
    801 words

  • 569 31 AUSTRALIANS COLLAPSE AFTER GOOD START. ALLEN’S MEN WIN BY AN INNINGS 22 R UNS. i FTER winning the first Test Match at Brisbane by 322 runs, England yesterday annexed the second, at Sydney, by the overwhelming margin of an innings and 22 runs. ii *i,* st,
    569 words
  • 82 31 It is now stated that the chances of K. E. S. Wyatt playing in even one of the Test matches are receding When his broken arm is out of plaster in mid-January it will need massage for a period, and then careful use for some time.
    82 words
  • 17 31 Total Matches played 136 England have won 54 Australia have won 53 Drawn 29
    17 words
  • 162 31 Seventeen Points Margin In One-sided Match. (From Our Own Correspondent) Penang Dec. 19. Penang beat Perak today by 17 points (one goal, four tries) to nil. Penang were superior in almost every department and in the second half Perak were hemmed in their own half. In the
    162 words
  • 358 31 ENGLAND— Ist Innings Barnett b Ward 57 Fagg c Sievers b McCormick 11 Hammond not out 231 Leyland low. b McCabe 42 j Ames c sub. b Ward 29 j Allen ibw. b O’Reilly 9 Hardstaff b McCormick 26 Verity not out I Extras 21 Total tfor
    358 words
  • 173 31 ,—Reuter. Fleetwood Smith And Darling Included. Sydney, Dec. 23. The Australian team for the third Test, at Melbourne, beginning on Jan. 1, will be chosen from Bradman, Badcock, Brown, Darling, Fingleton, McCabe, McCormick, O’Brien, O’Reilly, Oldfield, Fleetwood Smith and Ward.—Reuter. IChipperfleld and Sievers. who played at Sydney,
    ,—Reuter.  -  173 words
  • 135 31 South Johore Skipper Going On Leave. (From Our Own Correspondent) Johore Bahru. Dec. 21 F. W. Saunders, the South Johore rugger captain, proceeds on leave this week, and M H. vander Oucht. the brilliant all-Johorc threequarter. will skipper the side tor the rest of the season The
    135 words
  • 8 31
    8 words

  • 1739 32 Results of Saturday's matches in the Home soccer leagues, as cabled bv Reuter, with the league tables up to date ENGLISH LEAGUE-DIV. I. Bolton W 2 Brentford 2 Charlton A. 1 Grimsby T. 0 Chelsea 2 Leecs U 1 Derby Co 1 W Bromwich A 0
    1,739 words
  • 59 32 Golf. Christmas competitions at Keppel Golf Club resulted as follows: Stapledord: Nineteen cards were taken out. and the winner was E Kent 13 l2+Bl/4=331/4. One Club: Twelve cards were taken out. Winner: G. Pritchett 44 46=90 —11=79. Mixed Foursomes: This competition, arranged for yesterday afterrioon. was cancelled owing
    59 words
  • 158 32 SUBSTITUTED FOR COMMERCIAL CUP COMPETITION. IT is notified that the Council of the S.A.F.A. has decided that the Commercial Cup competition be not held during the coming season on the same conditions as last season, but that there be substituted for a Business Houses’
    158 words
  • 198 32 R. S. Y. C. Beaten On Points Over Two Races. gY a total of 38 \'i point* to 34 l /i in two races, the first of them won by a wider margin than the second one was lost, the Johore Yacht Club defeated
    198 words
  • 32 32 Lawn Tennis. Reuter. Paris, Dec. 27. In the Christmas lawn tennis tournament, Papillon (France) beat the Chinese Davis Cup player. Kho Sin Kie, 8—6. 4—6, 7—5—Reuter.
    — Reuter.  -  32 words

    • 877 1 FRASER COMPANY’S SHARE REPORT. Market Reminiscent Of Brightest Boom Days. Messrs. Fraser and Co., in their weekly share report, issued at the close of business on Dec. 29. write:— With the spirit of Christmas abroad the news of the world during the past week has been relatively free from disturbing
      877 words
    • 186 1 Singapore, December 30, 12 noon. Buyer Seller Gambiei $6.50 Hamburg Cube 10.50 Java Cube 9.50 Pepper. White Muntok 19.00 White 18.50 Black 11.— Copra. Mixed $9.25 Sun Dried 9.50 Tapioca. Small Flake 5.25 Fair Plaice 4.75 Medium Pearl 5.25 Small Pearl 5.30 Sago Flour. No. 1 Lingga 3.27*/ 2
      186 words
    • 175 1 The following dividends have been proposed or declared by the respective companies. KENT TIN DREDGING. An interim of 5 per cent, on account of the year ending Dec. 31, payable Dec. 31. KUALA LUMPUR TIN. A dividend ol Is. per share payable in Australian currency*
      175 words
    • 352 1 London, Dec. 29. The following are today’s closing middle prices on the London Stock Exchange: Shares of £1 denomination unless otherwise stated: Yester- Rise day. or Fall Conversion Loan 5 p.c. 1944-64 117% Funding Loan 4 p c. 1960-90 116 V* War Loan 3% p.c 105% Com. Union
      352 words
    • 40 1 Date Spot Jan Jan.-Mat. Apr.-June July-Sept. Oct -Dec Dec 24 35% 35% 35% 35% 35% 35 s 10 1 16 29 39% 39% 39% 39% 39% 39% 1% 30 39% 39% 39% 39% 39% 39% 10*
      40 words
    • 487 2 TO FINANCE PURCHASE OF 2,342 ACRES. 1,100,000 SHARES OF 2s. AT 2s. iy 2 d. A circular issued by the directors to the shareholders of Gopeng (Perak) Rubber Estates Ltd. states that the Board has entered into an agreement to purchase, on what they consider favourable
      487 words
    • 77 2 Straits Times Cable. 14,000 Tons In Last Twelve Months. (From Our Own Correspondent) London, Dec. 23. According to the Bulletin of the International Tin Research and Development Council the apparent world consumption of tin in the year ended Oct. 31, last, was 153,709 tons, an Increase of
      Straits Times Cable.  -  77 words
    • 363 2 STOUGHTON SUNGEI REYLA. An extra-ordinary meeting of Stoughton (Perak) Rubber Plantations is being held to consider resolutions that the conditional agreement dated Dec. 1, 1936, made between Stoughton Rubber, Sungei Reyla (F.M.S.) Rubber Estate and A. P. Hadow as trustees for a company to be formed, which provides
      363 words
    • 160 2 The following dividends have been proposed or declared. BERTAM CONSOLIDATED RUBBER An Interim of 5 per cent, on account of the year ending March next, payable Jan. 11. BRAUNSTON RUBBER. For the year ended Sept. 30, last a dividend of 4 per cent, has been recommended. CHEMBONG
      160 words
    • 37 2 Amherst Estates (Selangor) Rubber announces a forward sale of ten tons ribbed smoked sheet per month throughout 1937 at 9y 4 d. oer pound c.i.f., equivalent to about 9%d. per pound London landed terms.
      37 words
    • 746 2 DESIRES TO INCREASE ACREAGE. BETTER RESULTS NEXT YEAR. PROPOSING the adoption of the report and accounts at the annual meeting of Malaka Pinda Rubber Estates. Ltd., in Singapore on Dec. 23, Mr. Chang Kang Swi, the chairman, said: The working for the year resulted in a net
      746 words
    • 221 2 Anglo Oriental Amalgamation Plan Passed. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Dec. 23. EXTRAORDINARY general meetings of London Tin Corporation and Anglo-Oriental Mining Corporation were held today to discuss and approve the proposals submitted by the directors for the amalgamation of the two companies. As was anticipated, considerable opposition to the
      221 words
    • 122 2 During the week ending Dec. 19. 1936, exports of tinned pineapples from Malayan ports amounted to 25,558 cases, of which: 18,239 (72 per cent.) cases were to the United Kingdom 965 (four per cent.) cases to the Continent of Europe, 1,824 (seven per cent.) cases to
      122 words
    • 463 3 Hectic Morning For Share Commodity Brokers. SHORTAGE OF “SPOT” IN MALAYA LONDON. mH ™p -x Singapore, Dec. 29. THERE was great excitement in the Singapore rubber market today when business officially reopened after four days holiday. Spot rubber quotations rose sharply to about
      463 words
    • 301 3 (From Our Own Correspondent) London, Dec. 28. Many rubber shares were quoted today at the highest prices since 1927. In view of the serious shortage of spot rubber further rises in prices are likely to occur, more especially when it is remembered that the U.S.A. con-
      301 words
    • 116 3 SOVIET RUSSIA hopes in a few years time to be entirely free from rubber and tin imports. Synthetic rubber plants are being erected in several towns and new tin deposits have been found. A Tass message received today from Khabarovsk states that rich deposits of
      116 words
    • 247 3 —Reuter. IN EMPIRE EUROPEAN COMMERCE. NEW COMPANY FORMED. London, Dec. 26. Compensation Brokers’ Ltd. is the name of a company formed under influential auspices in London to facilitate commerce between the British Dominions and Colonies and European countries whose normal trade is curtailed by exchange
      —Reuter.  -  247 words
    • 138 3 rE Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association held its 1,309 th auction on Dec. 23, when there were catalogued 896,492 lbs., 409.22 tons; offered 833,650 lbs., 372.17 tons; sold 757,566 lbs 338.20 tons. Spot London 9%d. New York 20*4 cts. PRICES REALISED Ribbed smoked sheet cents per
      138 words
    • 75 3 The Unted Serdang (Sumtara) Rubber Plantations, an important member of the Harrisons and Crosfleld group, recommends a dividend of 10 per cent., less tax, for the year ended Aug. 31. This compares with 6 per cent, in each of the two preceding years
      75 words
    • 265 3 DIFFICULTY IN OBTAINING SHIPPING SPACE TO U.S.A. HIGHER PRICES AND FIRM UNDERTONE. LEWIS AND PEAT (SINGAPORE) LTD. in their weekly report on the rubber market issued on Dec. 24. write:— The market this week has been very firm and prices have again reached a new high level
      265 words
    • 153 3 The following dividends have been proposed or declared by the respective companies*:— JITRA RUBBER PLANTATIONS In respect of the year ended September last 7Vi per cent. The annual meeting will be held In London >n Monday. KAMPONG KUANTAN RUBBER. A second Interim of 6 per
      153 words
    • 70 3 Initial Dealings In Shares. First dealings took place on Dec. A in the £1 shares of Badenoch Rubber Estates, of which 175,000 were issued at par a few days ago. The closing price was 22s. lO'/^d. The issue was 14 times subscribed Applicants for up to 1,000
      70 words
    • 591 4 SUBSTANTIAL INCREASE IN PROFITS. CAPITALISATION OF $281 PER ACRE. A NET profit of $85,244 for the year ended Sept. 30, last was earned by Indragiri Rubber Ltd. This compares with $53,519 for the preceding year—an increase of $31,725. This profit has been added to
      591 words
    • 1146 4 Issued By Fraser And Co., EXCHANGE AND STOCK BROKERS. Singapore, Dec. 30, 10 a.m. MINING. I«iue VaL Buyers Sellers 4/- Ampat Tin 8/- 5/74 £1 Asam Kumbang 32 34/£1 Austral Malay 5$/- 56/-xd 5/- Ayer Hitam 23/- 24 6 1 Ayer Weng 1-85 1.95 £1 Bangrin Tin
      1,146 words
    • 31 4 The price of rubber for purpose of assessment of export duty for the period Dec. 25 to Dec. 31. inclusive, has been gazetted as 34 cents, per pound.
      31 words
    • 541 4 London Exchange Prices On December 18. Allagar (2/) 1/10; Alor Pongsu (2/) 3/; Anglo-Malay 19/6; Ayer Kunlng 44/4*4; Bagan Serai 20/9; Bahru (Sel.) (2/) 3/9*4; Banteng 24/4*4; Batang (2/) 1/4; Batu Caves 26/10*4; Batu Tiga 42/6; Bekoh (2/) 1/1; Bertam Con. (2/) 4/10*4; Bldor 40/; Bikani (2/) 2/11*4;
      541 words
    • 172 4 London Exchange Price?* On December 18. Ampat (4/) 4/9: Anglo-Burma (5/) 15 9a Ayer Hitam (5/) 22/6; Bangrin 19/3; Goper:| Cons. 2 5/16; Hongkong (5/) 27/: Idris (5 j 12/9; Ipoh (16/) 37/; Kampong Lanjut 28 1 Kamunting (5/) 14/9; Kepong 26/; Kinta (5/) 14/6; Kinta Kellas (5/)
      172 words
    • 44 4 The directors of the Prudent). Assurance Company. Ltd., have at pointed Messrs. G. Goodman, F. 1.4 and C.W.A. Ray. A.L.A.A.. to be assis ant secretaries, and Messrs. W. J. Fv». ford. F.1.A., and W. E. Hustwitt. F I to be assistant actuaries.
      44 words
    • 15 4 Dec 24 Tin, Spore Price $115.62*4 per picul 29 115.75 30 116
      15 words