The Straits Budget, 24 December 1936

Total Pages: 36
1 4 The Straits Budget
  • 29 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE STRAITS TIMES [ESTABLISHED NEARLY A CENTURY.) No. 4115. SINGAPORE, THURSDAY. DECEMBER 24. 1936. Price 25 cents (S.S. Currency) or 7d.
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  • 1142 1 yyiTH the Christmas spirit very much in the air, civil wars and rumours of wars have been cast aside, z.nd the people of Singapore have £iven themselves up to making tMs year’s festivities the most joyous since 1932. An index of returning piosperity—stores and shops in
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  • 82 1 y//E following telegram has been received by the Governor from the Secretary of State for the Colonies in reply to the telegram of loyalty to the new King: “Your telegram of Dec. 12, has been laid before the King. I am commanded by His Majesty
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  • 76 1 AS from Feb. I. 1937. the quota for Chinese immigrants to Malaya will he increased from—the figure fixed since 1934 to 5.000. This increase of 1.000 was proclaimed in a notification issued by H.E. the Governor on Monday. It is generally anticipated that there will
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  • The Straits Budget
    • 840 2 —Straits Times, Dec. 17. Now that the Tamil strike in Singapore is over, or so nearly over that the municipality is running again on a more or less normal basis, it is time to assess the significance of this mos. serious and unprecedented interruption of the
      .—Straits Times, Dec. 17.  -  840 words
    • 843 2 Straits Times, Dec. 18. At the beginning of next year Netherlands India will adopt a system of individual assessment of its native rubber producers. There was a time, not so long ago, when the publication of that statement in the Straits Times would have savoured
      Straits Times, Dec. 18.  -  843 words
    • 270 2 come into contact—Straits Times Dec. 18. Tomorrow Singapore will say goodbye and bon voyage to the Emden. after a visit which has left the pleasantest impressions in this port, and, we hope, on board the ship as well. This small cruiser, although only a training-ship and long since
      come into contact—Straits Times Dec. 18.  -  270 words
    • 668 3 .—Straits Times, Dec .19. Four years of constitutional government” have produced valuable results in Siam, despite the intervention of “some obstacles—for instance, the (forced) prorogation of the Assembly and the insurrection,” as the Prime Minister naively remarked in his broadcast review a few days ago. Another four years
      .—Straits Times, Dec .19.  -  668 words
    • 853 3 —Straits Times, Dec. 21. Considerable interest was created by the statement made at the annual meeting of Messrs Wearne Brothers regarding that company’s plans for starting an air service in Malaya. Unfortunately, however, there appear to be complications, which only a realistic attitude on the part of
      —Straits Times, Dec. 21.  -  853 words
    • 833 3 —Straits Times, Dec. 22. There is always a danger in announcing publicly irt advance the visit to Malaya of any deputation or commission of inquiry into a matter which even remotely affects a section of the populace. As soon as any such announcement is made, interested parties immediately
      —Straits Times, Dec. 22.  -  833 words
    • 901 4 that way lies disaster.-— Strar, Times. Dec. 23. Producers of rubber and tin, shareholders in Malayan companies and the majority of speculators 1 are rubbing their hands with glee at the moment. The money is rolling in and the lessons of the past are almost, if not entirely, forgotten.
      that way lies disaster.-—Strar, Times. Dec. 23.  -  901 words

  • 276 4 Miss M. L. Kemp And Mr. G. M. Coltart. The wedding was solemnised a 4 S: Martin’s Church. Epsom, on Saturday. Ncv. 28 of Miss Mary Louise Kemp only daughter of the late Capt J. Kemp, formerly of Singapore, ar.a Mrs Kemp, of “Danehurst,” Alexandra Road.
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  • 240 4 Presentation Ceremony. (From Our Own Correspondent) Taiping, Dec. 19. Long service medals were presented today to eleven members of the Taiping Police Force by the Hon the British Resident, Perak, Mr G. fr Cator. The presentation was made m the Esplanade, where Mr. Cator
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  • NOTES Of The DAY.
    • 210 5 IF the Tamil strike in Singapore has 1 had no other good result, it has given us a fuller appreciation of the manner in which our streets are kept in normal times. The contrast between the immaculate —“almost laundered,” as I heard one man put it—appearance of our
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    • 165 5 Singapore is one of the best tourist centres in the world.! most of us spend our entire working lives here without seeing Borobodur or Angkor or Bali or Tcrnate or any of the things that w T e long to see. Having worn a journalistic ball-and-chain in Cecil
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    • 203 5 IJAVING regard to recent complaints about the lack of clocks in Singapore, the following comment on Batavia streets is interesting: “There are plenty of pavements and sidewalks and —excellent feature this—numerous public clocks, all now electrified and therefore showing the same time.” On the other hand, Singapore is
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    • 133 5 LITTLE book of Malayan sketches and verse, some of which have appeared previously in The Planter and Straits Produce, has been published by a writer who conceals his identity behind the initials G. H. The printers fire Kyle, Palmer and Co., Kuala Lumpur. As an amateur gardener I
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    • 273 5 JN order to learn something about 1 Mr T. S. Adams' new appointment and the country to which he is going. 1 have been reading Mr. W. R Crocker’s book. Nigeria: A Critique of Colonial Administration. This was the book, you may remember. which created a
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    • 228 5 ORITISH rule in this vast territory dates back only to the campaigns of Lord Lugard in 1900-03. and the system of indirect administration through the existing Moharnedan rulers which he then established still obtains. M»*. Adams will thus feel at heme in northern Nigeria inasmuch as he will
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    • 226 5 “UNUSUALLY SIMPLE A REA and population are not every- thing, however, and Malaya, with its large towns, its highly organised industries, its English-speaking public and its free discussion of Government policy, presents problems not found in Nigeria. Mr Crocker tells us a good deal about Mr. Adams’ future work in
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    • 272 5 Street has been plunged into gloom by this lew war in China Just as we were beginning to hope that that incomprehensible country was settling down at last, thus leaving us free to deal with intelligible news, the Celestial Land breaks into the headlines again. However, all
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    • 180 5 PROFESSOR In colonial history who was in Singapore the other day asked me whether the local taxpayers did not think that $120,000 a year was too much to spend on Government House and the Oovernor. I replied that that depended on the Governor. There was a time, I
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    • 190 5 S every schoolboy knows. Professor Rosedale lias three thousand rats at the College o f Medicine, living on different diets and e/hibiting every kind of physical condition from chronic dyspepsia to rugged health. I have been much impressed by the possibility of altcrin;, temperament by means of diet
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    • Article, Illustration
      45 5 IS the 002 on this postal franking inscription correct? The Post Olfice intends it to mean two cents, but a reader asks me whether it does not in reality mean one fifth of a cent. Comments froun Senior Wranglers and fibers are invited
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    • 188 6 PEOPLE who have only seen the exterior of Singapore’s ultramodern gaol at Changi will be inclined to be more than a little sceptical about the panegyrics in which a Sunday Times writer indulged last Sunday. How about ventilation? There is a 24-foot wall right round the gaol.
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    • 184 6 JN the light of current events it is sad to read the inscription on a Portuguese coat-of-arms from Malacca which is exhibited in Haffles Museum: Alfonso Henriquez, first King of Portugal, 85. A Prince of the Royal House of Burgundy. Conqueror of the Five Moorish Kings.
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    • 188 6 gINS of ojnission and commission have to be confessed today—omission to consult reference books and commission of bloomers which such consultation would have avoided. You may remember that I recently recommended the use of Minya Kayu Puteh to keep silverflsh out of bookcases, on the advice of a
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    • 122 6 IT is surprising to see how Malays will use dugouts having only an inch or so of freeboard in crocodile-infested rivers. One swirl of a big saurian’s tail, or a sudden rush, and they would capsize. In point of fact it does happen occasionally. Two cases of
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    • 278 6 KUALA Lumpur friend of ours came to visit us the other day and in her company we felt again I something of the thrill that we too used to feel when we lived in Kuala Lumpur and went occasionally to Singapore. i There is something in this city,
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    • 238 6 pROM the Gardens, feeling better already, we drove out to The Gap. and heavens! —what a lightening of the spirits as the bare, clean outlines 01 the hills rose before us! It was dark by then, so we saw nothing of tlit sea. but it was good
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    • 277 6 /\N our way back, at the junction of Fort Road and Grove Road, I saw a group of Chinese youngsters with towels and costumes waiting to catch a bus. They nad been to Katong Park for a dip, and I thought to myself that that was a sight
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    • 180 6 CONTRARY to the general belief, the Dardanella company now performing at the New World contains nearly all the members of the original company which delighted Singapore with its adaptations of Balinese dances at the Capitol theatre two years ago. The show has changed however. The native dances are now
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    • 177 6 npHERE still is some remarkable Balinese and Javanese dancing in the show. One dance, in an otherwise indifferent “Samoan” programme, caused my companion, a man who is familiar with the metropolitan stage in Europe, to exclaim with delight, it was the dance in which three girls, richly costumed,
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    • 209 6 r>UT to my mind the chief interest of the show is the glimpse it gives of the Malaysian world. Here is a company which can go anywhere from Penang to Timor or from Sourabaya to Samarinda. among sixty million people Inhabiting an archipelago as extensive as Europe, and
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    • 86 6 I WAS going to leave it at that. but. having gone to hear the Java Kronrhong Nightingales” and other assorted warblers last night, I think «t only right to warn European readers that they should select a Dardanelia programme in which dancing predominates. not singing. To European ears the
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  • 35 6 Mr.* G. Grubb, Superintendent iJ Customs and Excise, Pahang Co.w. ias sailed for Home on leave. M: Grubb’s place at Kuantan has be* 1 taken by Mr. H. C. Hannigan w* o comes lrom Perak.
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  • 532 7 Mrs. A. E. Thornley Jones left for Home in the Antenor on Tuesday. Dr. Hugh Smith returned to Singapore from leave by the Erria last Thursday. Mr. H. W. Mitchell, of the Posts and Telegraphs. Ipoh. leaves this week for Home on furlough. Mr and Mrs. H.
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  • 141 7 (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Dec. 7. The interment of the Dowager Ranee ol Sarawak took place cn Dec. 5 at South Ascot. Father Aelred, Guardian oi South Ascot Friary, officiated, assisted by Father Jarath and Father Finbar. Among those present were: Mr. J. Brooke
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  • 152 7 Brigadier H.A. Lord Made A Justice Of The Peace. The following appointments are notified in the S.S. Government Gazette Brigadier Herbert A. Lord to be i Justice of the Peace for Singapore. Major H. S. J. Lloyd to be Supervisor of Export Duties In charge of Prai Collection
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  • 79 7 (From Our Own Correspondent) Segamat, Dec. 18. On the occasion of the Hari Raya celebrations, the Hon. Dato Abdullah bin Esa. State Commissioner. Segamat. entertained a large gathering to a Malay “makan.” Amongst those present were Inche Talib bin Haji Taib (Assistant Collector of Land Revenue >. Inche
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  • 60 7 (From Our Own Correspondent) Seremban, Dec. 18. The following Negri Sembilan members of the General Clerical Service have been promoted to Class I of the service: Messrs. A. Neelapillay (N.S Secretariat), S. Kandiah (General Hospital). M. Nadchitram (M SV R office). Bador bin Haji Maisin (Kuala
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  • 91 7 (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Dec. 18 Mr. Oliver Marks the hon. secretary of the Association of British Malaya and a well known Malayan, is critically ill in London with bronchial pneumonia.—Straits Times Cable. Mr. A. G. Macdonald. Warden of Mines, and Mrs. Macdonald, have
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  • 137 7 FUNERAL OF PRINCE PURACHATRA. (From Our Own Correspondent) Bangkok, Dec. 20. The hundredth day funeral ceremony in connection with the death of H.R.H. Prince of Kambaengbetch will be performed at Wat Benjama Borplt under the patronage of H.R.H Princess Petchaburi Sirlnthara in conjunction with other Royalties of
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  • 110 7 Suite Of 50 Arrives. (From Our Own Correspondent) Bangkok, Dec. 20 His Highness the Yang di-Pertuan Besar, Tuanku Abdulrahman ibni Almerhum Tuanku Muhammad, K.C.M.O., of Negri Sembilan with his wife, Her Highness Tengku Ampuan accompanied by a suite of 50 relations and friends arrived by
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  • 64 7 (From Our Own Correspondent) Talping. Dec. 17. The Indian Association entertained their president, Mr. S. K. M. Kotval. and Mrs. Kotval to a tea party, prior to his leaving for India shortly on a holiday trip. It is understood Mrs. Kotval Is
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    • 94 7 WOOD.—At the Penang Sanatarium, on December 14, to Ethel, wife of J. H. Wood, a daughter. WATHERSTON —On Dec. 16, at the General Hospital, Singapore, to Maude, wife of D. C. Watherston, Malayan Civil Service, a daughter. COLES —On Dec. 15, 1936 at the Johore Bahru Government Hospital to
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    • 43 7 Th‘ engagement is announced between p chord. I ''slie only son of Richard P and the late Mrs Pim of Brav. County Wicklow. Irish Free State, and Thora, only daughter of P. J. and Mrs. Hutchison of Sydney, New South Wales. Australia.
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    • 63 7 BROWN —GOODWIN —At Glasgow, on Nov. 26. 1930 *ov the Rev. Andrew Stenhen Robert William Brown. Singapore. S S. to Isobel Aitken. second daughter oi Mr ard Mrs. Robert Goodwin, Kirkintilloch. Dunbartonshire. THOMSON— TAIT.—At the English Church. Miri. Sarawak, on November 29th by the Rev. R M. Synnott, John
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  • 327 7 Leaders— After Thoughts On The Strike 2 Our Debt To The Dutch 2 Slam Progresses 3 Local Air Lines 3 Overdoing It 3 Danger! 4 Telegrams— Covering past week’s news 25—28 Picture Supplement 17 —28 Financial Supplement— Financial and Commercial News to date, following page 32 Malayan General News—
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  • 96 7 A SIAMESE “FIND." fFrom Our Own Correspondent Bangkok. Dec. 19 An extraordinary large precious stone mined in the Kanchanaburi district, close to the Burma border led the M.P. of the district to approach the Director-General of Fine Arttf with a view to his acquiring the
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  • 66 7 DEATH JELANY On Dec. 16. at his residence. 939. Serangoon R''ad, Mr. S. M S, Je.any. 68. Mrs. Shao Li-tze. wile of the Governor of Shensi, was executed by the rebels on Dec. 12, according to people arriving from Sian, states a Reuter message from Nanking The death is announced
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  • 271 8 25 Warships Of China Fleet. ARMY AND R.A.F. *T*HE largest concentration of war- ships at Singapore will take place early in February when 25 units of the China fleet will take part in combined manoeuvres with the Army and Royal *ir Force. Among the visiting warships will
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  • 110 8 The death took place at her residence No. 40. Branksome Road, Singapore, on Sunday afternoon, after a very short illness, of Mrs. Oeorgiana Margaret Oehlers, wife of Mr. John F. Oehlers of Singapore. Mrs. Oehlers was 63 years old on Saturday. Besides her husband,
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  • 121 8 An improvement to the 14th mile waterfall at Cameron Highlands was mentioned at a recent meeting of the Cameron Highlands Society. It was stated that the Forestry Department had cleared the north oank of jungle thus improving the view of the waterfall. The society had suggested to the
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  • 148 8 GOVERNMENT GRANTS HELD INSUFFICIENT. (From Our Own Correspondent.* Malacca, Dec. 22. A proposal that in the Malacca district the Government should take j a smaller proportion of the profits derived from sales of toddy, and leave more money available to lowly paid coolies was made at the annual
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  • 236 8 Christmas Mail For N. Indies. The new K.L M giant airliner Ibis, the largest commercial aircraft yet seen in Singapore, arrived at Seletar on Monday evening on her maiden flight from Amsterdam to Batavia. Many of the Dutch community in Singapore were present to witness the
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  • 227 8 Singapore Lawyer’ s Son Injured. Cambridge Golfers In Car Smash The son of a well-known Singapore lawyer was injured in England last month *n a motor accident in which a Cambridge University undergraduate, who had made his mark as a golfer was killed. Mr. John Francis St. John Eber. of
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  • 105 8 After opening a safe in the office of the Overseas Assurance Corporation, Ltd., in the China bank building Singapore, on Monday night, a thief took out 1,000 Straits Trading Company shares worthover $27,000 —and then left them in the lavatory of the buficing as useless. The
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  • 74 8 (From Our Own Correspondent» Kuala Lumpur, Dec. 21. There was a large attendance at the opening of the Metro Cabaret and Grill, Brickfields, Kuala Lumpur, on Saturday when the new dance floor was opened to the public. The building is well arranged and the grill
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  • 198 8 Sir John Bagnall, managing director of the Straits Trading Company, Ltd, presiding at the general meeting of the company on Monday, was asked questions by a shareholder on the subject of the $100,000 house for the President of the Singapore Municipality. Before congratulating
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  • 123 8 Rice, staple food of millions in Malaya, is becoming dearer day by day. Wholesale prices have risen nearly $2O per 40 piculs during the past week; Tuesday’s price shows an advance of $6. First quality Siam rice is quoted at $220 per 40 piculs
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  • 249 8 Alibi Plea Fails. REMARKING that had he been conevinced beyond any shadow of doubt that it was Gormley who struck Bacha Singh, he would not have hesitated in ordering a flogging. Mr J P. Biddulph. the second magistrate. Singapore, on Tuesday sentenced James Joseph Gormley, a
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  • 150 8 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Dec. 21. I don’t remember committing any of these crimes/’ said J. B Howe, a Eurasian youth, when he appeared before Mr. C. H. Dakers in the Kuala Lumpur Police Court today, charged with six offences. Three were in respect of
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  • 168 9 SHOPS CLOSED FOR HOLIDAYS. (From Our Own Correspondent) Segamat, Dec. 17. A TIMELY step taken by the local authorities averted what might have turned out to be a riot among the opium smokers in Segamat. Tuesday being observed as a holiday. 1 the Government retail
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  • 109 9 MONOPOLY GRANTED TO B.M.B.C. Tiie pioneer Singapore short-wave ladio station ZHI is being put off the air because the British Malayan Broadcasting Corporation’s licence gives it a monopoly of broadcasting on Singapore Island. This is made clear in reply to an inquiry from the Free
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  • 778 9 Routine and Recreations. To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —I have just received a several-months-old copy of the Straits Budget. This paper arrives in Africa regularly, being sent to Mrs. E. F. Howell and then going the round of half a
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  • 286 9 The Times Has Bias Against Ex-King. To the Editor of the Straits Times, Sir.—In yesterday’s issue of the! Straits Times there is a quotation from the London Times dealing with the ex-King’s abdication, part of whlcn runs as follows That amid all his great qualities there was something
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  • 344 9 Responsible Persons ‘Lacking Sense Of Proportion.’ To the Editor of the Straits Times, i Sir, —In viewing a landscape, one sees the sea at a lowest level; around its fringe, one observes wet sand; then it a higher level we have dry sand; then clay and sand; higher
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  • 442 9 Cameron Highlands Not Consulted. /CRITICISM of the manner in which the F.M.S. had enacted legislation to restrict the planting of tea in Malaya was voiced at the last meeting of the Cameron Highlands Society. A member said that the Society should have been consulted by the
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  • 395 10 Accident After Rehearsal. IlilR. T. P. Cromwall, the Singapore fourth magistrate, committed S. A. S. Park, a European, on Saturday to be tried at the next Assizes on a charge of causing the death by a rash act not amounting to culpable homicide of a Chinese, Han
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  • 377 10 ADVICE TO SENIOR SCHOLARS. More than 80 young men. most of whom are going to put aside school books and begin life in earnest, met at dinner at the G H. Cafe in Singapore on Saturday. The Senior Cambridge Dinner of the Anglo-Chinese School. Singapore. Is an annual
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  • 304 10 Postbox Off The Famous Raider. A 23-YEAR-OLD postbox salvaged from the shattered hulk of the famous raider Emden has been returned in Singapore to Captain w Lohmann, commander of the third Emden, in recognition of its sentimental and patriotic value to the German nation. Bearing the name
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  • 24 10 Mr. Hartley, of the Agricultural Department, Teluk Anson, the well* known Rugby player, has gone to Hong Kong where he is to be married.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 30 10 \S o L s V* *e 2S wCaUuni'. s Sco MS*?b <dr*6t/*0u (fount fd/g Via. nrcallui Scots Ulkieky "A MELLOW AND FRIENDLY/PINT" SOLE AGENTS FOR MALAYA THE EASTERN AGENCIES LTD.
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  • 721 11 Chairman Confident Estates Can Produce 100 Per Cent. Proposing the adoption of the report and accounts at the annual meeting of Pa jam Limited, in Singapore, on Tuesday (Dec. 15) Mr. J. M. Sime, the chairman! said:— The profit for the year was $137,913.55, which with
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  • 43 11 THE Controller of Rubber, Malaya, advises that the exports of dry rubber, uncorrected figures. From Malaya, Brunei and Landuan for November were:—mainland 31.168 tons; Straits Settlements islands 270 tons; Brunei 130 tons and Labuan 16 tons—a total of 31,584 tons.
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  • 117 11 (From Our Own Correspondent) London. Dec. JO. Fury, the Zoo’s only Malayan tigress is dead, and no one is very sorry. That sounds harsh, out it is the sad truth that Miriam’s manners were not endearing. When she wasn’t snarling she was generally snapping. When
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  • 61 11 During the recent visit of H.H. the Sultan of Selangor and party to England, Her Majesty Queen Mary graciously consented to accept a pair (■f Malayan fans sent to her by the wife of His Highness. These fans were made in the Astana at Klang. The pattern of the gold
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  • 105 11 NEW MINERS’ ASSOCIATION IN SIAM (From Our Own Correspondent) Bangkok, Dec. 15. According to Siamese press reports, influential merchants in South Siam have combined with certain Assembly members to establish an association of miners. This movement is not surprising as the Siam Chamber of Mines has never been recognised by
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  • 149 11 Unaffected By Recent Crisis. In spite of the uncertainty which has prevailed as to Coronation arrangements, following the recent constitutional crisis in England, local shipping companies and tourist agents report that there have been no cancellations of bookings. On the contrary, the announcement that King George
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  • 136 11 (From Our Own Correspondent) Seremban Dec. 20 Heralded by the firing of crackers, Father Christmas (Mr. C. A. Pinto) arrived today at the children’s Christmas Tree entertainment, organised by the parishoners of the Visitation. Seremban. The church grounds were turned into a veritable toyland. Sweets, cakes and
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  • 74 11 Estate Chinese. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Seremban, Dec. 19. In addition to the strike of Chinese estate labourers on Kubang and Cycle Estates, Negri Sembilan, reported recently in the Straits Times, it is revealed today that the Chinese labour forces on Sungei Mahang Estate. Nilai, and
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  • 258 11 Soldier On Hurt Charge. WATCHMAN’S STORY. ALLEGATIONS that he was attacked, gagged and assaulted by soldiers were made by Bacha Singh, a Sikh watchman, to Mr. J. P. Biddulph, the Singapore second magistrate on Dec. 17, when James Joseph Gormly, a private of the Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers,
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  • 108 11 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Seremban, Dec 18. A tribute to the qualities of their guest of honour was paid by Lieut. Col. W. A Outsell, presiding at last night’s dinner meeting of the Beremban Rotary Club, held In honour of the Hon Mr. J. W. W
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  • 229 11 In accordance with the provisions of Section 67 (3) of the Prisons Ordinance, the Board of Visiting Justices for the Settlement of Singapore for the year 1937 has appointed the following members to be in rotation Visiting Justices of the Prisons for each month
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 26 11 TO LET 98, Robinson Road suitable for office and store. Can be let separately. Immediate Entry Apply Estate Trust Agencies (1927) Limited. 11. Raffles Place. Singapore.
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  • 521 12 TIN CONTROL AND INDUSTRY’ S PROSPERITY. Sir John BagnalVs Views. Addressing shareholders at the annual meeting of Straits Trading Com pany Ltd. in Singapore on Monday Sir John Bagnall said that the general opinion seemed to be that tin control was responsible for the present prosperity of the industry. Northing,
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  • 34 12 A fine of $1 was imposed by Inche Ibrahim bin Ismail on Lee Kek Kiong, a lorry driver who pleaded guilty to ottering a bribe of ten cents to a constable on Dec. 10.
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  • 335 12 SEQUEL TO WEEK-END AFFRAY. A stoekily built Japanese fisherman named Ritcho Yamaniya was brought into a Singapore police court on Monday on an allegation of murdering an elderly compatriot named Taro Ishiro in Victoria Street on Saturday night. On Saturday night a Japanese ran out of
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  • 123 12 Ratepayers’ Advice. It is desirable that the Singapore Improvement Trust should encourage purchases of their property in order that the funds of the Trust be more useiully utilised in Improvement schemes This was a recommendation for a general policy for sale of land
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  • 142 12 EXAMINATION BY RODIOLOGIST. (From Our Own Correspondent) Seremban, Dec. 19. “The parents say that her age is 15 but she was born in China and we will have to ascertain whethei they are correct by having the girl examined by the radiologist.” said Inspector Raja
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  • 255 12 New Rest House, Court And Flats. (From Our Own Correspondent) Segamat, Dec. 19. Segamat is experiencing a minor building boom at the present. A new building for the Malay School and another for the Agricultural Office has been erected at Jementah. while in Segamat itself several
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  • 109 12 Mr. Abdul Manan. interpreter, police courts. Singapore, wa. the guest of honour at a dinner on Sunday which was given by his fellow interpreters on the occasion of his recirement after 34 years of public service Mr. Tan Keng Teow. senior interpreter. referred to Mr Manan’s long
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  • 185 12 (From Our Own Correspondent* Kuala Lumpur, Dec. 17. “He is a pest to society and I ask for the maximum sentence,” said Chief Court Inspector A. E. Jakeman, in the police court today, in a case in which a Tamil, Muttu,
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  • 61 12 Flotilla Leader Bruce. > The British flotilla leader Bruce (Commander E. M. Lolyi arrived in the Outer Roads from Hong Kong yesterday morning on her way to England. She is expected to continue her voyage early next month. The Bruce, which belongs to the tribal
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  • 128 12 For Chinese Colony In Sepang (From Our Own Correspondent.! Seremban, Dee. 20. Several prominent Catholic residents of Seremban travelled to the Mh mile Sepang, today, to witness the blessing of the new chapel, opened to serve the spiritual needs of the little Chinese colony of 400. The Rev.
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  • 112 12 Capt. W. J. Curran-Sharp Promoted To Major. The following promotions in the S.S. Volunteer Force have been ap proved. Second Lieut. A J. Minjoot to the rank of lieutenant. Second Lieut. H. M. de Souza 'Jr > to the rank of lieutenant. Captain (Acting Major) W. J. Cur
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  • 33 12 Haji Abdul Jalil of Ulu Langat has been appointed to be a member of the Ulu Langat District Sanitary Board in place of Syed Bahaldin bin Syed Noh who has left the District.
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  • 563 13 Illuminations, Processions and Sports. (From Our Own Correspondent) i Kuala Lumpur, Dec. 16. The population of Klang is rejoic- ing at the return in very good health of His Highness the Sultan of Selangor to his residence, the Astana Mahkota, after an absence of a
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  • 326 13 MR. N. S. WISE—MISS J. A. KNOX. THE wedding took place on Dec. 17 at St, Andrew’s Cathedral, Singapore. of Mr. Norman Stanly Wise,, Singapore tennis champion, who is the local manager of National, Employers Mutual General Insurance Association. Ltd., and Joan Alice, daughter of Mr. H.
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  • 276 13 Christmas Tree Entertainment (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Dec. 17. I ITTLE Madame Pompadours, Buffalo Bills, Fairies and Gypsies greeted Santa Claus with whoops of delight in the Selangor Club this afternoon. The kindly figure in the red cloak and generous white beard was
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  • 60 13 A Christmas tree entertainment for children will be held at the Cameron Highlands Hotel on Christmas Eve Names and ages of children who will be at Cameron Highlands at the time should be sent to the hotel management. A Christmas dinner and dance will be held
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  • 105 13 Singapore's newest addition to its c:astal and inter-island fleet, the 75ton steamer Pulau Kidjang. built at the Taikoo Dockyard Hong Kong, arrived at Singapore on Friday morning. The vessel is 112 ft. 6in long, 24ft. 6in. wide, with a depth of Bft. 9in. She attained
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  • 40 13 Tanab K A. Fakir Mohantd Sahib, of Klang. left Kuala Lumpur on Dec 17 by the Penang mail train to catch the Rajula and to min at Bombay His Exalted Eminence Maulana Abdul Aleem Siddici on a pilgrimage to Mecca.
    40 words
  • 75 13 R. H. C. Laverton, who was recently examined in the Singapore Bankruptcy Court, appeared on a summons on Friday before Mr. H A. Forrer. Singapore District Judge, charged with obtaining credit from the Radio Service Co. of Malaya 0934) Ltd. by means of fraud, an oflenee under
    75 words
  • 49 13 There was a large attendance of relatives and friends last Tuesday at the funeral of Mrs R B Pereira < Emmy > who died in the Kuala Lumpur General Hospital after a confinement Many wreaths, message of condolence and four envolpes for Requiem Masses were
    49 words
  • 361 13 CONSTABLES FACE ALLEGATIONS OF EXTORTION. Reference to a blood-drlnklng ceremony was made when three Malays, two of them police constables attached to the Pulau Tekong Police, faced preliminary inquiry on Dec. 15 before Mr. J. P. Biddulph in the second court. Singapore. Into an allegation of having extorted
    361 words
  • 159 13 MINERS HOPE TO BE CONSULTED. Hopes that the undertaking given by His Excellency the High Commissioner, to consult the mining industry before signing the proposed new agreement for tin control, would be implemented were expressed by Mr. J. H. Rich, when addressing shareholders at the annual
    159 words
  • 30 13 Mr. J. M Noble, who has returned from leave, has taken up duties as nior Executive Engineer. Muar, in place of Mr J B. Fairchild who has none on leave.
    30 words

  • 606 14 KING’S MESSAGE TO FIGHTING CIVIL SERVICES. Navy: “Imp licit Trust” Army: “Faithful Allegiance” R. A. F. “Efficiency and Zeal” CPECIAL message? have been addressed by His Majesty King George VI to the Royal Navy, Army, Royal Air Force, and the Civil Service, on his accession to the Throne, and have
    606 words
  • 115 14 The official price of petrol in Singapore was reduced last Tuesday from .82 to 77 cents a gallon. Taking into account the usual discount of two cents allowed the motorist will be paying only 75 cents instead of 80. This is the first substantial reduction in
    115 words
  • 311 14 ANNUAL ROTARY CLUB PARTY. A party of 1,200 Singapore children spent three happy hours at the New World Amusement Park on Dec 18. They walked the Crazy House, rode the Ghost Train, were whirled round the Merry-Go-Round, excitedly steered Dodgems, drank aerated water?; saw a performance of
    311 words
  • 936 14 THE following appreciation of the J Ranee Margaret of Sarawak, who died in London on Dec. 1, appeared in The Times: With Margaret Brooke disappears one of the last of those who helped to make the richly coloured pattern of Victorian
    936 words
  • 223 14 Story Of Cakes As Present. I “After eating the cakes which you said my had sent to me, I was > not myself and I went with you.” Sc said a fifteen-year-old Chinese girl, Lee Kah Slaw, in her evidence in a preliminary inquiry held before Mr W.
    223 words

  • 2636 15 Ban On New Planting Unproductive Acreage antastic Claims For Budded Trees Estates Over-Assessed—Maximum Capacity Of 80 Per Cent. By Our Planting Correspondent. another rubber boom on the horizon This is the question asked in an interesting’ article in a recent issue of the Financial News which
    2,636 words

  • 553 16 GROWTH OF INTEREST IN THE CULTIVATION OF FRUIT. (From Our East Coast Correspondent» I/'AMPONG Malays of the Kuantan and Pekan districts are now-a-days to be seen taking more and more advantage ot the encouragement given by the Pahang Government for developing the jungle areas for
    553 words
  • 140 16 Two Settled (From Our Own Correspondent) Seremban, Dec. IT. The strike fever has spread to Negri Sembilan. Seventy Chinese labourers on Kubang Estate. Nilai. Negri Sembilan, yesterday refused to turn out or work unit';' a minimum of 50 cents wages wa-> paid. This morning 40 Chinese
    140 words
  • 126 16 Car Driver Charged After Collision. (From Our Own Correspondent* Johore Bahru, Dec. 1*As a result of a fatal motor accident at the 11/2 mile Jalan Kota Tinggi in which a school boy cyclist Ungku Sulaiman bin Ibrahim, nephew of the Hon. Dato Mohamed bin
    126 words

  • 658 17 Patricia Doherty, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Doherty, of Singapore, whose birthday on Dec. 7 was celebrated by a large party held in the palm court of the Capitol Restaurant. Group taken after the wedding on Dee. 17 at St. Andrew’s Cathedral, of
    —Photo by Nakajima.; Photo by NaJcajima.; —Photo by Kawa Studio.  -  658 words

  • 748 21 Life Among Women Students At Raffles College—Wide Activities And Real Encouragement. rpHE long vacation at Raffles College has begun and soon some Malayan parents ivill be considering whether their daughters who have finished school this year should go to the College. Raffles College is the only institution
    748 words
  • 299 21 Negri Sembilan Club. (From Our Own Correspondent* Seremban Dec. 16. Many fitting tributes were paid to the Hon. Mr. J W W Hughes.: President of the Negri Sembilan Club, at a farewell tea party held in his honour this afternoon Mr. Hughes is going
    299 words
  • 167 21 TAIPING CANTONESE ASSOCIATION. (From Our Own Correspondent) Taiping. Dec. 15. At the annual meeting of the Taiping Cantonese Association several prominent members walked out. following a disagreement with the chairman. During the recording of the votes. several members alleged that more than half of the voting
    167 words
  • 135 21 1937 AWARDS. Mr. Chia Kim Chwee. one ol the two winners of the 1937 S.S. Queen’s Scholarships. most coveted scholastic distinctions in the Colony Both Mr. Chia Kim Chwee. and Mr. him Hong Bee. the other winner of the Queen’s Scholarships fo: the Straits Settlements. ‘937. have
    135 words
  • 102 21 Madam Khoo Choon Teow. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Taiping. I>ec. 13. The death has occurred of Madam Khoo Choon Teow. aged 34. She was one of the oldest residents in Taiping. Madam Khoo was the mother of Mi. Quah Gong Kow, Financial Secretary, State Medical
    102 words
  • 473 21 Disappointment To Listeners Up-country. (From Our Radio Correspondent) CINGAPORK /HI. the pidneer short-wave radio station, will close down at the end of the year. The owners and operators of the station, which has catered for Singapore and up-country radio needs for the past tew years
    473 words
  • 62 21 Tin Scheme For Consideration. From Our Own Correspondent» Bangkok, Dec. 17. The People’s Assembly has convoked a special session to be held on Boxing Day to consider the tin restriction scheme. The Premier Is leaving the capital for a 35-day tour of the Peninsula on Dec.
    62 words

  • 431 22 STRONG APPRECIATION OF RECEPTION. German Community Thanked. DR1TISH sportsmanship was praised by Captain W. Lohmann. commander of the German cruiser Emden, in a special message of thanks given through the Straits Times, to the people of Singapore, for the hospitality accorded the Germar sailors during
    431 words
  • 67 22 international tin agreement.--Straits Times cable. «From Our Own Correspondent.) London. Dec. 18 Mr. V. A. Lowinger. the Malayan Government’s agent in London, is leaving London next month for a two months’ holiday in South Africa. Mr. Lowinger. who is a South African,
    international tin agreement.--Straits Times cable.  -  67 words
  • 241 22 <From Our Own Correspondent! Johore Bahru. Bee. 17. “Any jury would be fully justified in convicting you." commented the Chief Justice. Mr. P. A. McElwaine. sternly to three Chinese who appealed before him and Mr. Justice N. H. P. Whitley and Mr. Justice Adrian Clark,
    241 words
  • 368 22 (From Our Own Correspondent) Penang, Dec. 18. SELDOM has the Penang Town Hall been more crowded than last night when the Rt. Hon. Mr. V. S. Srinivasa Sastri, P.C., C.H., gave a public lecture on education in modern India. In the unavoidable absence
    368 words
  • 340 22 “YOUNG MARSHAL” IS FINISHED IT is not generally known in Singapore that the Chinese ConsulGeneral here, Mr. Kao Ling-pai, who was until recently private secretary to Gen. Chiang Kai-shek, has for many years also been a close friend of Gen. Chang Hsueh-liang, the “Young Marshal” and leader of the Sian
    340 words
  • 129 22 Negri Programme. (From Our Own Correspondent' Seremban, Dec. 17. The Chuah Indian settlement, the pioneer Negri Sembilan Indian colony, will receive a visit from the Rt. Hon. Srinivasa Sastri. PC., C.H.. who is now in Malaya with the Indian deputation Mr. Sastri and his
    129 words
  • 328 22 Mr. B. S. Kinder Miss E. J. Cuthbe. The marriage took place at St. Andrew’s Cathedral. Singapore, on Dec. 18 of Mr. Barnes Steel Kinder son of Mr. and Mrs. F. T. Kinder, of Guildford. Surrey, and formerly of Singapore, and Elizabeth Joan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
    328 words

  • Correspondence.
    • 968 23 The Same Old Jargon On Prostitution. To the Editor of the Straits Times, Sir—Our attention has been called to your issue of Sept. 16 last in which you devoted a leading article to a nighly-coloured attack on Mrs. NevilleRolfe and the British Social Hygiene Council because of their
      968 words
    • 188 23 Chinese View Of The Ex-King. To the Editor of the Straits Times, Sir.—It is with my deepest sympathy and sorrow that 1 wish to express my feelings on our ex-King Edward VIII. I have to say that we must not make a mistake in
      188 words
    • 385 23 ‘Spontaneous WholeHearted Backing.’ To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir.—A big blow has befallen the British Empire, and nothing that we can say in our anguish can undo or even mitigate its severity. But there may be a disposition in our national lament to give to
      385 words
    • 222 23 What Percentage Of Offenders Are Caught To the Editor ol the Straits Times. Sir,—I was very much interested in the article “Malayan Magistrates and Smugglers” appearing in your Issue of Dec. 16 and. in support of the views of the writer, I should like to quote some extracts from
      222 words
    • 455 23 CLOSING OF THE ZHI STATION. To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir.—Our popular short-wave station 1 ZHI announces that they have been given notice to stop broadcasting after the end of the year. This announcement comes as a great shock to every wireless fan not only
      455 words
    • 50 23 To the Editor of the Straits Times, Sir.- To reply to the letter from “One of the Tommies,” under the heading “A Soldier’ View of Appeal to Troops”: Prestige Is accrued from exemplary behaviour and good works rather than what one thinks of oneself.—Yours tic., WALS. Singapore, Dec. 13.
      50 words
    • 64 23 To the Editor of the Straits Times Sir,—I entirely agree with what “A Bondholder” said in his letter published in your issue of Dec. 12. A resume of the activities of Oil Palm Plantations, Ltd, since its inception and your views on its further prospects would greatly
      64 words

  • 528 24 Reuter messages). Tokio Report Says He Is Dead: Nanking Denial. Shanghai, Dec. 16. \[0 confirmation is available, of a Tokio report which reiterates that Gen. Chiang Kai-shek has been executed by the rebels at Sian, Shensi. The mystery surrounding Gen. Chiang’s fate has been
    Reuter messages).  -  528 words
  • 166 24 Calmness Courage In Great Crisis. jyEUTER learns from a reliable source that ex-Kinq Edward's entourage were greatly struck, though hardly surprised, by the calmness and courage displayed by the ex-King throughout the crisis. Despite the nervous stress and deepest anxiety of those around him, he faced the supreme issue of
    166 words
  • 198 24 Reuter. EX-PREMIER IN LONDON Mr. Wang Ching-wei, former Prime Minister and Foreign Minister who is still undergoing treatment in London foi wounds sustained in the assassinalion attempt on him last year, reply- 1 ing to an urgent summons from the Central Government, states that he
    . Reuter.  -  198 words
  • 282 24 Aneta Trans-Ocean. FRENCH PRESS VIEWS ON SIAN REVOLT. Paris. Dec. 15. Soviet Russian activity in China is glorified by the French Communist leader. Senator Marcel Cachin. in an article published in the Communist newspaper “L’Humanite,” which sa>s that French workers must follow the Chinese crisis
    Aneta Trans-Ocean.  -  282 words
  • 387 24 —Aneta Trans-Ocean. May Throw China Into Confusion. Tokio, Dec. 15. Sian revolt has caused great concern in Japan and the arrest of Gen. Chiang: Kai-shek is regarded as a serious blow. The Japanese Navy Minister. Admiral Nagano, has wired to Vice-Admiral Hasegawa, commander of the third
    —Aneta Trans-Ocean.  -  387 words
  • 63 24 MR. EDEN’S STATEMENT Mr. Anthony Eden stated in tli House of Commons on Dec. 16 that the treaties of alliance between Great Britain and Portugal contained specific reference to the defence and protection of Portuguese colonies Portugal’s colonies in the East include Portuguese India < including
    63 words
  • 51 24 .—Reuter. President Lebrun has sent a message to King George expressing deeply th sincere wishes of all French men lor the prosperity of King George’s reign and adds that Paris remains charmed by the memory of the visit of the Duk< and Duchess of York paid to the Colonial Exhibition
    .—Reuter.  -  51 words

  • 216 25 Civil War Flares Up Again After Week’s Lull. London, Dec. 17. i FTER a week’s lull due (o bad weather, the e |v| l war m Spain flared up again last night when Madrid was again bombed by rebel planes It is estimated that,
    216 words
  • 330 25 !.—Anetn Trans-Ocean. London. Dec. 16. IF is estimated that between 1.500 to 2.000 British volunteers are fighting on the side of the Spanish Government in the civil war in Spain, according to a special report featured in the London Communist newspaper, the Daily Worker. The newspaper publishes
    !.—Anetn Trans-Ocean.  -  330 words
  • 70 25 (From Our Own Correspondent) Bangkok. Dec. 16. EN. DENAIN, former French Air Minister and now InspectorGeneral of the French Aerial Forces beyond the seas, is spending two days in Bangkok on his return to France from Indo-China. The General, who is flying a Potez twin-engined plane,
    70 words
  • 211 25 fhlp’ which I valued highly."-Reuter mri British Wireless. London. Dec. 16. The appointment of Lord Wigram as Permanent Lord -in-Waiting to King George VI arouses interest as it reveals a tendency to rely on his lathers old counsellors Lord Wigram was transferred from the Private
    fhlp’ which I valued highly."-Reuter ' mri British Wireless.  -  211 words
  • 108 25 shooting and golfing.—Reuter Wireless. PLANS TO PURCHASE AN ESTATE. Vienna. Dec. 16. The Duke of Windsor is understood to be suffering from a slight chill and headache and is remaining in his room. It is reliably reported that he has rented a house at Kitzbuehel belonging
    shooting and golfing.—Reuter Wireless.  -  108 words
  • 263 25 originally fixed for reassembly.--Bri-tish Wireless. London, Dec. 14. King George VI today celebrated his 41st. birthday but. at his express wish, there has been no official observance ot the occasion. Flags were flying at the mastheads of public and other buildings and at noon the
    originally fixed for reassembly.--British Wireless.  -  263 words
  • 361 25 -Reuter Nanking Orders Punitive Forces Into Action. Nanking Dec. 16. A BRANCH of the Third Internationale, to be its headquarters in China, has been established at Sian, in Shensi, following the arrival there by plane of Communist agents, including several Russians and seven Chinese, says Sin
    -Reuter  -  361 words
  • 30 25 Reuter. Buenos Aires, Dec. l‘t. A resolution repudiating war as an Instrument for the settlement of conflicts was carried unanimously at the Con ference.-■ Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  30 words

  • 122 26 The Constitutional Crisis: Air Mail Pictures CROWDS OUTSIDE BUCKINGHAM PALACE cheering for King Edward. Many people formed into a line and marched past carrying placards indicating their disapproval of the abdication project and stating how popular King Edward tvas with the unemployed. REPORTERS and photographers keeping an all-night vigil outside
    122 words
  • 123 26 .—Aneta Trans-Ocean. London, Dec. 16. TTHE Irish Free State has violated both its own Constitution and the Statute of Westminster, according to well-informed London political observers quoted by the Morning Post, in reference to the new legislation passed in Dublin amending the Constitution on
    .—Aneta Trans-Ocean.  -  123 words
  • 38 26 Router. Calcutta, Dec. 18. Mr. Debbs, the European manager, and 150 miners are believed to have been killed as the result of an explosion in Poidin colliery, near Asansol, on the East Indian Railway.
    Router.  -  38 words
  • 68 26 —Aneta Trans-Ocean. London, Dec. 16. It is understood that Queen Mary will not attend the coronation of King George VI and Queen Elizabeth on May 12. It is stated that in the whole course of British history no mother of a reigning king has
    —Aneta Trans-Ocean.  -  68 words
  • 223 26 London, Dec. 17. jyjAKING an important announcement in the House of Commons on the retention in service of five over-age cruisers, the First Lord of the Admiralty, Sir Samuel Hoare, said: “For some time the Government has been giving serious consideration to the
    223 words
  • 165 26 .—Aneta Trans-Ocean. Arab Rebel Busy In Iraq. London, Dec. 16. yiOLENT anti-British propaganda is being carried on in Iraq by the exiled leader of the Palestine Arab rebels, Fauz J Bey, according to a message from Baghdad published in the Daily Telegraph. The newspaper states that Fauzi Bey,
    .—Aneta Trans-Ocean.  -  165 words
  • 147 26 Reuter. Essential” In View Of Herr Hitler. London, Dec. 16. “The solution of the colonial question is in the interests of everybody in the long run,” emphasised Herr von Ribbentrop, German Ambassador In London, at Grosvenor House in his first public speech to an English audience.
    Reuter.  -  147 words
  • 87 26 Reuter. Another official demand for the return of Germany’s colonies was made by Dr. Schacht, the Finance Minister, in a speech to the Geographical and Statistical Society at Frankfurt. He described Germany’s lack of space as a nightmare and declared that the lack of
    Reuter.  -  87 words

  • 979 27 upon the fabric of the world.”— British Wireless Mr. Eden’s Outline of Policy. London, Dec 14 IMPORTANT aspects of British foreign policy were underlined by the Foreign Secretary, Mr, A. Eden, at Bradford this evening in a speech in which he appealed for a comprehensive settlement
    upon the fabric of the world.”—British Wireless  -  979 words
  • 88 27 Five Years Sleep. The most baffling case of sleeping sickness ever in America, may shortly come to an end when Miss Patricia Maguire pretty 31- > earold typist of Oak Park Hill., U.S.A., wakes up. She fell asleep in February 1932 on her way home in a Railway carriage and
    88 words
  • 310 27 A MESSAGE from King George *“VI was received in both Houses of Parliament on Dec. 14. His Majesty stated: “I have succeeded to the Throne in circumstances which are without precedent and at a moment of great personal distress, but I am resolved to
    310 words
  • 219 27 —Havas. Cordell Hull’s Eight Points. ]U|R. Cordell Hull’s peace programme, as U.S. Secretary of State, is the chief point of discussion at the Pan American conference at Buenos Aires. There are eight points In Mr. Hull's peace programme: First, each country will teach and propagate the
    —Havas.  -  219 words
  • 164 27 .—Reuter Wireless. Christmas Plans. Vienna, Dec. 15. It is officially announced that the Duke of Windsor will remain at Schloss Enzesfeld until after Christmas and “hopes that the tactful understanding so obligingly displayed by the Austrian people on the occasion of his previous visits will be
    .—Reuter Wireless.  -  164 words
  • 59 27 —Reuter. The Duke of Windsor, speaking through his equerry. Colonel Piers Legh. stated he had not decided how long he would stay in Austria and expressed gratltute to the 60 Journalists and photographers travelling in the train that he had not been disturbed “Slipper.”
    —Reuter.  -  59 words
  • 27 27 Reuter Rome, Dec. 17. Ras Imru, the leader of the Abyssinian resistance to the Italians at Gore has been captured, according to a message from Addis Ababa.—
    Reuter  -  27 words

  • 713 28 $300,000,000 Mentioned In German Report. WHY PREMIER WAS NOT RELEASED. Shanghai, Dec. 20. RANKING is prepared to pay a ransom of $300,000,000 for Gen. Chiang’s release, pardon the rebel leader Gen. Chang Hsueh-liang, and m°et other demands aimed at “bettering” the position of
    713 words
  • 160 28 —Aneta Trans-Ocean. Berlin, Dec. 19. The AngrifT correspondent in Moscow reports that the Trans-Siberian railway is blocked by troop and munition trains, and ordinary passengertrains have to wait for hours on sidetracks. From time to time the trainguard of the Trans-Siberian express trains order all screens
    .—Aneta Trans-Ocean.  -  160 words
  • 59 28 London. Dec. 15. IT is learned officially, says Reuter, that King George VI will not broadcast a Christmas message to the Empire thi> year. He is expected, however, to broadcast a Coronation message in May. The King has decided that the publication of the New
    59 words
  • 183 28 Fascist Cruiser Sinks Soviet Ship —Reuter. Moscow Dec. 20. IT is semi-officially stated that a “pirate cruiser belonging to the Spanish Fascists on Dec. 14 fired at and sank the Soviet ship Komsomol. The fate of the crew is being at present ascertained. “The Komsomol left the port of Poti
    —Reuter.  -  183 words
  • 58 28 Reuter. REPLY TO BRITISH PROPOSAL. Washington, Dec. 19. The Navy Department has announced the retention of 59,000 tons of destroyers in excess of the treaty limits. The retention of 40 000 tons was announced previously and the additional 19.000 tons matches the cruiser tonnage which
    Reuter.  -  58 words
  • 356 28 British Wireless. ANCIENT CEREMONI IN LONDON. London, Dec 19 Large crowds assembled at st James's Palace and other points in Westminster and the City of London this afternoon when, with picturesquceremonial, the proclamation “declaring His Majesty’s pleasure touchinHis Royal Coronation and that ot Her Majesty the Queen
    British Wireless.  -  356 words
  • 62 28 .—Reuter. San Francisco, Dec. IS. Mr. Harry Lundeberg. secretary of the Sailors’ Uniji (Pacific), intimated yesterday that agreements had been reached on all major points, including wages and hours, in the discussions for a settlement of the US. shipping strike. The agreements, however, concern only sailors and marine firemen. Mr.
    .—Reuter.  -  62 words
  • 75 28 .—Reuter Wireless. Vienna, Dec. 19. A IX appeals of film and press photographers to the Duke of Windsor were fruitless until today when a joint request was sent to the Duke to pose to enable cameramen to join their families for Christmas. The Duke responded
    .—Reuter Wireless.  -  75 words

  • 487 29 SELANGOR BEATEN BY ODD GOAL OF SEVEN. ON the padang on Saturday the Singapore hockev a themselves and avenged their recent 6—0 druhhimr if”! r f deemed defeating Selangor 4—3 in an encounter full of thrill/ Kua Lumpur At times the excitement affected some
    487 words
  • 70 29 —Reuter. End Of Walthamstow’s Adventures. London Dec. 17. In the postponed match in the second round of the FA. Cup competition, Exeter City beat Walthamstow, the amateur team, on the latter’s ground, 3—2, and will to at home to Oldham Athletic in the third round. In a
    —Reuter.  -  70 words
  • 335 29 .—Reuter. ToumamentRugger At The S. C. C. After being five points in arrears at half-time Public Services and i Banks beat Merchants by eight points (a goal, a try) to five (a goal) in an S.C.C. rugger tournament game on the padang last week
    .—Reuter.  -  335 words
  • 108 29 Yachting On Sunday the Royal Singapore Yacht Club’s international sixmetre class sailed the final race of the series for the Lipton Challenge Cup The wind was light from the north and the tide ebbing. Kathleen 111 skippered by F G. Lundon finished first Finishing times
    108 words
  • 280 29 “Emden Men Lose Keen Races. Crews from the rowing section of the Royal Singapore Yacht Club and the German cruiser Emden engaged in a series of races on Saturday—a four, a pair and a sculler each. The sailors were beaten in every event, but
    —Straits Times Photograph.  -  280 words
  • 120 29 In the final of the S.C.C. straight snooker championship last evening K. C Gillett defeated F. S. Gibson by 164 points to 152 in a match of three frames, and thus became the holder of the Van Cuylenberg Cup. which no player has won twice since it
    120 words
  • 353 29 —Reuter. Severe Defeat For The S.C.C. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Dec. 19. In the .31st match for the trophy for which the teams contend annually, the Selangor Club administered a heavy defeat to the S.C.C., by 2.3 points (four goals and a penalty goal) to
    —Reuter.  -  353 words
  • 147 29 Golf. Net Score Of 132 Over 36 Holes. The Captain’s Prize competition at the Singapore Golf Club, played over 36 holes, resulted In a win for H. D. Robison with a net score of 132. The following were the returns: H. D. Robison 132 B.
    147 words

  • 719 30 MAN DAI'S WIN: PROTEST WAS DISMISSED. MODERATE DIVIDENDS AND SMALL POOL IN BIG SWEEP. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Taiping, Dee. 18. •THERE were no real upsets today, at the opeening of the Skye meet- ing, and dividends were therefore on the moderate side. 1
    719 words
  • 104 30 Cardiff Just Beat The Harlequins. Rugby Union games played at Home on Saturday resulted, says Reuter, as follows:— Probables 12, Possibles 11. Bath 16, Devon. Serv. 3. Bedford 8, Leicester 3. Birkenhead 12, London Scot. 0. Gloucester 8, Newport 22. Harlequins 11. Cardiff 14. Liverpool 17, Guy’s
    104 words
  • 225 30 But It Wasn't In A Test Match! VET another century by Wally Hammond—his fifth of the pre>erit tour in Australia—was the feat ure of the play in the M.C.CVs match with a Queenland Country XI at Ipswich. Hammond hit up 109 in 50 minutes, and
    225 words
  • 269 30 THE soccer team from the German cruiser Emden paid a visit to Seletar to meet the R.A.F., and t hough they struggled gallantly the> found last season’s local league cha. mpions too strong for them. Before the kick off the visitors lined up in the
    269 words
  • 20 30 —Straits Times Photograph.
    —Straits Times Photograph.  -  20 words
  • 129 30 Penang Fail To Turn Up. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Seremban, Saturday. Singapore Asiatics received the AH Blues Cup at Seremban today b> virtue of a walk-over, due to the non-appearance of the Penang Asiatic team on the field of play. Mrs. Briggs, wife of
    129 words

  • 535 31 Players from England, Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa. THE composition of Sii Julien Cahn’s cricket team to visit Ceylon and Malaya next year is now announced. The great Notts, sportsman has got together a really powerful side including four Test Match players, and
    535 words
  • 23 31 —Straits Times Photograph.
    —Straits Times Photograph.  -  23 words
  • 308 31 IN spite of obvious lack of practice, the soccer eleven from the German cruiser Emden gave a creditable display against a team representing the Government Services at the Jalan Besar Stadium last week. They were unlucky to lose, for they displayed superiority throughout the second
    308 words
  • 73 31 Golf. Thirty three cards were taken out for the Keppel Golf Club's December medal competition which resulted In a tic between H Irving Jones, net and J. E. Fforde. 85—13- 72 net. Ball sweeps were won as foHows: Saturday: 1st nine. T. D. Fanrnu 46 loVW 2nd nine.
    73 words
  • 766 31 BUT EMPEROR KUBLAI AND HAPPINESS PAID WELL. FIVE RACES WON BY MALAY RIDERS A FEATURE of the final day’s racing at Taiping on Saturday, bringing the Skye Meeting to a close, was the success of Malay riders, with five firsts and four seconds. Well backed mounts won
    766 words
  • 51 31 Results of replays In the second round of the FA, Cup competition yesterday were, cables Reuter: Crewe A 2. Hartlepools 1 York C. 2, Southend 1 ‘Alter extra time). In the third round on Jan. 1G Crewe are at home to Plymouth Argyle and York visit Bradford
    51 words

  • 1478 32 THE tollowing arc Saturday’s results in the Home soccer leagues, as cabled 5y Reuter, and the league tables up to date ENGLISH LEAGUE. First Division. Arsenal 4 Chelsea 1 Bo!ton W 2 Charlton A 1 Brentford 2 Stoke C 1 Derby Co 0 Mlddlesbro. 2
    1,478 words
  • 530 32  -  By Stand-Off.” By 18 points (three goals and a penalty goal) to 3 points (a penalty goal), the Army, Malaya Cup finalists, defeated the N.S.-Malacca combination at Anson Road stadium on Sunday. The visitors’ team showed one change from Saturday, the reserve Page
    —Straits Times Photograph.  -  530 words
  • 410 32  - No Score In Malaya Cup Rugger Match. R.N. R.A.F. SHOULD HAVE WON. By Stand-Off.” A SCORELESS draw was the result of the Negri SembilanMalacca vs. R.N. and R.A.F. rugger match at the Anson Road stadium on Saturday—the last match of the season in the southern division of the Malaya Cup
    410 words

    • 884 1 FRASER COMPANY’S SHARE REPORT. Scramble For Tin And Rubber Shares. Messrs. Fraser and Co., in their weekly share report, issued at the lose of business on Dec. 22. write:— In the absence of any major politi- ai crisis during the past week to distract or depress the financial news nerve
      884 words
    • 44 1 Date Spot Dec d.n-Mar. Apr.-June Ju.y-Sept. London Dec. 18 34% 34% 34, 346 9 5 16 21 34% ion Mar Apr -June July-Sept. London Spot Jan. Jan-Mai. Apr. 9% 22 34% 34% 34 J], 34’, 9% 23 34% 34% 34’,
      44 words
    • 166 1 Singapore. December 23. 12 noon. Buyer Seller Gambiei $6.00 Hamburg Cube 10.50 Java Cube 9.50 Pepper. White Muntok 18 50 White 18.00 Black 10.50 Copra. Mixed $8.50 Sun Dreid 8 75 Tapioca. Small Flake 5.25 Fair 4.75 Medium Pearl 5.25 Small Pearl 5.30 Sago Flour. No 1 Lingga 3
      166 words
    • 59 1 Exchequer returns snow total ordinary revenue amounts to £428,093.538 compared with £423,675,470 at the corresponding date of last year. The increase in British imports this yer is reflected in the customs yield ot 153.146.000 against £145,155,000 for the same period of last year. Total ordinary expenditure £562.982.522 and
      59 words
    • 1228 1 London, Dec. 21. The Stock Exchange ruled quiet, a pre-holiday market, but there were some good features, notably Cables and Wireless Issues on the record November traffic index. Rubbers were rather dull but textiles reflected the improved labour situation Wheat, after declining on lack of support coupled with
      1,228 words
    • 253 2 'WHOLE PROFITS USED TO PAY DIVIDEND. Proposing the adoption of the report and accounts at the annual meeting of Alor Gajah Rubber Estate Ltd. In Singapore on Tuesday, Dec. 15. Mr. J. M Sime. the chairman said: The profit for the year was $16,996.99. which with the
      253 words
    • 99 2 During the week ending Dec. 12. exports of tinned pineapples from Malayan ports amounted to 57.694 cases, of which: 23.573.(41 percents cases were to the United Kingdom, 9j4 (2 per cent.) cases to the Con- 1 ti lent of Europe, nil (0 per cent.) cases to
      99 words
    • 60 2 The following outputs of tin ore from the respective mines during November are reported: Hrs. C. yds. Pels. Pahang Consolidated 4,301 Ipoh Tin (A. Etam) 182,000 164 Ipoh Tin (Lahat) 566 110,300 376 Sungei Kinta 599 120,200 581 Temoh Tin 656 124,900 324 Sione Tin 393
      60 words
    • 547 2 Payment Of Six Per Cent. Dividend. PROPOSING the adoption of the report and accounts at the annual meeting of the Overseas Assurance Corporation in Singapore on Dec. 18 Dr. S. C. Yin. who presided in the absence of the Hon. S. Q. Wong, said: The
      547 words
    • 273 2 FINAL DIVIDEND OF SIX PER CENT. IT is possible that Kundong Hub1 her Estate will amalgamate with one or more companies in the near future. As soon as a satisfactory scheme is evolved the proposals will be submitted for the approval of shareholders. Proposing the adoption of
      273 words
    • 283 2 Hopes Of An Increase In Assessment. Proposing the adoption of the report and accounts at the annual meeting of Katu Tin Dredging Ltd in Kuala Lumpur on Dec. 14. Mr C. R. Thurstan, alternate director for Mr G. E. Teale. who presided, said: “The accounts are
      283 words
    • 970 3 By $173,000: Dividend Of 20 Per Cent. PROPOSING the adoption of the report and accounts for the year ended June 30 last at the annual meeting of Sungei Way Dredging Ltd. in Kuala Lumpur on Dec. 15 Mr. J. H. Rich, the chairman, said:— It
      970 words
    • 88 3 in shares after hours. Straits Times cable. (From Our Own Correspondent) London, Dec. 18. From all over the country the demand for rubber shares tinues, but the acute shortage of scrip is severely limiting business and resulting in disproportionate rises. The most favoured issues are: Abaco
      in shares after hours. Straits Times cable. .——  -  88 words
    • 82 3 The following forward rubber sales for 1937 have been announced Tenom 15 tons per month, c.i.t., a9d T per pound (previous sale made oi 4 tons per month over first quarter at 8 inch 6 tons per month, fo.b., at jpiid per pound (prtvious sale made 4
      82 words
    • 117 3 Straits Times Cable. QUOTA DECISION CRITICISED. From Our Own Correspondent.) London. Dec. 17. Rubber shares are booming on th Stock Exchange, though there is an acute shortage of sterling shares. The Financial News fears that there will be a shortage of the commodity ai.d sharply criticises the
      Straits Times Cable. •  -  117 words
    • 63 3 heavy profit-taking.—Straits Times Cable. From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Dec. 19. The City anticipates that a severe shortage of rubber will be experienced by the end of April next year. As a result of this expected shortage it is possible that the price will steadily increase. The
      heavy profit-taking.—Straits Times Cable.  -  63 words
    • 77 3 Acquires Estate Of Labuan Bileh. (From Our Own Correspondent). London, Dec. 18. United Sua Betong Rubber Estates Ltd. have acquired the estate of Labuan Bileh Ltd. which is situated near Port Dickson in Negri Sembilan. This estate has an acreage of approximately 570 acres of
      77 words
    • 136 3 rE Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association held its 1,308th auction on Dec. 17 when there were catalogued 720,300 lbs., 321.56 tons; offered 659,624 lbs., 294.48 tons; sold 469,714 lbs., 209.70 tons. Spot London 9%d. New York 20 1,6 cts. PRICES REALISED Ribbed smoked sheet cents per
      136 words
    • 38 3 The price of rubber for assessment o 1 export duty in the F.M.S. for the period Dec. 18 to Dec. 24 inclusive, has been fixed as 33% cents per pound, a decrease of 2,799 tons.
      38 words
    • 605 3 QUOTA DECISION WELL RECEIVED. BACKWARDATION IN PRICE DISAPPEARS. GUTHRIE AND CO. LTD. in thetr weekly report on the rubber market issued on Dec. 18 write: It has once again been possible for he Rubber Regulation Committee to spring a surprise upon the market, for it may safely
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    • 310 4 RANTAU TIN ANNUAL MEETING. BENEFIT TO TIN SHAREHOLDERS. From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Dec. 21. Addressing shareholders at the annual meeting of Rantau Tin Dredging Ltd., here today, Mr. Douglas T. Waring, alternate for Mr. A. A. Heng* geler, chairman, in referring to the renewal of the
      310 words
    • 126 4 I The following were the crops of rubber harvested by the respective estates curing November. ib. Kuala Reman 59,100 Lok Kawi Rubber 30,000 Bruseh Rubber 38,000 Ayer Kuning 86,000 Badek Rubber (Staffleld Estate) 22,580 Bradwall Rubber 51,000 Chersonese Estates 75,000 Dennistown Rubber 35,733 Highlands Lowlands 110,000 Klabang
      126 words
    • 1207 4 Issued By Fraser And Co.,. EXCHANGE AND STOCK BROKERS. Singapore, Dec. 23, 10 a.m. MINING. Issue VftL Buyers Sellers 4/- Ampat Tin 5/- 5/74 £1 Asam Kumbang 31/6 33 o £1 Austral Malay 55/ 1 5€/-xd 5/- Ayer Hitam 23/- 24 IB 1 Ayer Weng 1-90 2.00
      1,207 words
    • 157 4 London Exchange Prices On December 11. Ampat (4/) 4/8; Anglo-Burma (5/1 15/6; Ayer Hitam (5/1 20/6: Bangrin 19/6; Gopeng Cons. 2%; Hongkong (5/) 25/9; Idris (5/) 13/; Ipoh (16/) 37/; Kampong Lanjut 21/14 Kamunting (5/) 14/9: Kepong 24/6; Kinta (5/) 14/6; Kinta Kellas (5/) 6/9; Kramat Pulai (5/)
      157 words
    • 17 4 Dec. 18 Tin, S’pore Price $116.25 per picul 21 116.50 22 115.874 23 116
      17 words
    • 79 4 —Straits Times Cabte Sungei Kahang Acquire Teck Leong San Estate (From Our Own Correspondent) London, Dec. 22. Sungei Kahang Rubber Company Ltd., a new company, has been registered with a nominal capita] 0 f €140,000 in shares of 2s. each. The company is to acquire Teck
      —Straits Times Cabte  -  79 words
    • 78 4 secretaries of both "companies. Strait? Times cable. Kimanis And Sablas Companies. (From Our Own Correspondent > London, Dec. 22 Kimanis Rubber Ltd. proposes acquire Sablas (North Borneo) Rubber Co. Ltd., by discharging the outstanc ing debentures of Sablas Company totalling £59.450. by the allotment the Liquidator of
      secretaries of both "companies. Strait? Times cable.  -  78 words
    • 543 4 London Exchange Prices On December 11. Allagar (2/) 1/94; Alor Pongsu 2/8’.*; Anglo-Malay 18/; Ayer Kuning 41.:. Bagan Serai 20/; Bahru (Sel.) (2/) 3 6V, Banteng 23/14: Batang (2/) 13; Ban; Caves 25/; Batu Tlga 39/44; Bekoh <2'> 1/04; Bertmm Con. (2/) 4/8*4; Bide: 39/44; Bikam (2/) 2/8;
      543 words