The Straits Budget, 17 December 1936

Total Pages: 36
1 4 The Straits Budget
  • 29 1 The Straits Budget being the weekly issue of the straits times (ESTABLISHED NEARLY A CENTURY.] No. 4114. SINGAPORE. THURSDAY. DECEMBER 17. 1936. Price 25 cents (S.S. Currency) or 7d.
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  • 1192 1 yHE proclamation of His Majesty King George VI took place on Saturday, at various centres throughout Malaya. In Singapore the Proclamation was read at noon by H E the Governor Sir Shenton Thomas, and interpreted into Malay. Tamil and Mandarin. About a thousand troops o: the
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  • The Straits Budget
    • 762 2 -Straits Times, Dec. 10. It now seems highly probable that before tomorrow’s edition of the Straits Times is printed King Edward VIII will have abdicated. There is a remote possibility that a solution will yet be found, but the hope is so faint that we must now
      -Straits Times, Dec. 10.  -  762 words
    • 817 2 —Straits Times. Dec. 11. A chapter is closed; a new one opens. The British throne has; withstood the severest possible shock without a tremor, and the nation j is emerging from a tremendous crisis as loyal and as solidly behind the monarchy as at any time
      —Straits Times. Dec. 11.  -  817 words
    • 856 2 Straits Times, Dec. 12. Today the British Empire has a new King. The accession to the Throne of His Majesty King George the Sixth was announced this morning in Singapore from the steps of the Municipal Building, and on Monday we shall celebrate the King’s Birthday, that
      Straits Times, Dec. 12.  -  856 words
    • 913 3 Straits Times, Dec. 14. Three weeks before the end of 1936 there is published the report of the Medical Department of the Straits Settlements for 1935. Inevitable though this delay may be, owing to the numerous branches of the Department and data from rural as well as
      Straits Times, Dec. 14.  -  913 words
    • 915 3 many and Italy admirably—Straits Times, Dec. 15. Were it not for the fact that General Chiang Kai-shek was taken prisoner and his life placed in jeopardy, the Sian revolt would have been a relatively unimportant matter which would have been liquidated swiftly—if not by public opinion, then by the
      many and Italy admirably—Straits Times, Dec. 15.  -  915 words
    • 578 4 couragement.—Straits Times. Dec 16. During the slump Malaya was told lepeatedly that a great deal of the suffering which she was called upon to endure was a consequence of the folly of “putting all her eggs in one basket”—or, at least, in two baskets. Efforts were made
      couragement.—Straits Times. Dec 16.  -  578 words
    • 346 4 —Straits Times, Dec. 16. Further evidence of the vastly improved relations between Great 'Britain and China, to which reference was made in the Straits Times a few days ago, is contained in the latest issue of The People’s Tribune (Shanghai) to which General Chiang Kai-shek is
      —Straits Times, Dec. 16.  -  346 words

  • 127 4 Bishop and Mrs. Edwin F. Lee arrived in Singapore on Tuesday on the Dempo following an absence from Singapore of ten months. After sail*iig from New York on the Queen Marv to Southampton, Bishop Lee made several official calls in London and then travelled by air to
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  • 333 4 Have you any objection to giving evidence against your husband’”“No.” With this preliminary, middle-aged Mrs. Amelia Aroozoo, of 155. Charlton Road, Singapore, began her evidence on Dec. 15 in the case of the Crown against her husband. Laurence Aroozoo. former proprietor of two cinemas. Lim Choo
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  • 154 4 Sikh Officer Retires On Pension. 'From Our Own Correspondents Taiping, Dec. 12. Subedar Bishan Singh, the senior Sikh officer in the 1st Battalion 2nd Punjab Regiment, was seen oil by a crowc including many fellow officers, at the railway station yesterday on his way
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  • 54 4 News has been received in Singapore of the death of the Rev. Andrew Caldecott, father of Sir Andrew Caldecott, former Colonial Secretary. Straits Settlements, and at present Governor of Hong Kong The Rev. Mr Caldecott was 83 years ol age. He died at his
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  • NOTES Of The DAY.
    • 207 5 /''i APT AIN Hashim was given a severe talking-to by the Governor at the October meeting of the Leg. Co. for daring to euggest that a professional educationist would run the Education Department more satisfactorily than an M.C.S. officer. Last Monday’s discussion, however, was more amiable.
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    • 183 5 A SINGAPORE business man tele-j phoned to me the other day, after reading my assertion that I had never been able to And anyone who could confirm the popular belief that the Dutch in Netherlands India enjoy a long siesta in the middle of the business day. This
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    • 182 5 ATHER readers of the Sunday Times article headed “Singapore Train To London'* may nave been puzzled, as I was, by an implication that the railway systems ol Siam and Indo-China were now linden up. The writer spoke of travelling by “Pullman” from Aranya. on the Siamese border, to
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    • 150 5 J AM obliged to a Sourabaya correspondent for passing on yet another method of preserving books from the ravages of silverfish and other insects in this climate. He tells me that he has found it most satisfactory, even with books in open shelves, and, unlike paradichlorbenzene, it
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    • 208 5 TROPIC FEVER A NOVEL of planting life in Sumatra with the title “Tropic Fever” has had a considerable success on the Continent. having been published originally in Hungarian and since translated into Dutch, German and Italian. It is to be published in English this winter, having been translates from the
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    • 173 5 ANEW method of helping Malays living along the banks of rivers is described oy Mr. A. G. Robinson, Adviser on Drainage and Irrigation, in the November number of the Malayan Agricultural Journal. One would expect riverine kainpongs to be ideal for padi cultivation, but actually it is not
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    • 287 5 QOVERNMENT reports, as everybody knows, are the last world in dull, colourless and frigid prose, and anybody who tries to make them more readable is promptly snubbed for his pains. This is even true of the Meteorological Branch, where, if anywhere in Government service, one would expect to
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    • 170 5 CEW people in Singapore remember the visit of that remarkable crusader. Mr. “Pussyfoot” Johnson, some years ago. He did not receive a markedly enthusiastic welcome here. In India he wAs more popular, at any rate among the Indians, and his visit to Madras is recalled by Professor Gilbert
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    • 225 5 AWAKING samsu is not quite so simple as that, but it can easily be done at home. As it is safe to assume that readers of this column either don't drink samsu or prefer the commtr-ial to the bootleg product. I do not think I shall be breaking
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    • 204 5 pOLLOWING up the suggestion that Dr. Tempany's record in the Agricultural Department goes to show that a professional educationist would be better than an M.C.S administrator as Director of Education, I would quote Dr. Tempany’s own comment on his work, made in the last annual report which he
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    • 104 5 HAVE just learnt that the Legion o. Frontiersmen Is represented In Malaya, its organising officer being Mr R J. Stewart, of Butterworth, Province Wellesley. This movement is not widely known but I gather from its magazine that It is organised in squadrons and troops and its members bear
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    • 188 6 “I OOK here, Anak,” said a colleague of mine when he opened his Straits Times yesterday afternoon, “are you torpid or comatose or something? Do you realise that you are probably the only columnist in the world today who hasn’t written about—” “Yes,” I said hastily. “I know
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    • 233 6 MALAY IN A LAB i SOMETHING unprecedented in scientiflc work in Malaya will happen at the College of Medicine next January. when a Malay Assistant Inspector of Schools will spend a week or two in the bio-chemical laboratory of the College. This proposal (as you have doubtless guessed) emanates from
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    • 386 6 *y*HE latest addition to my collection of Malaysian ghost stories is gleaned from Don’s monthly article in The Planter. It would seem to have been told in a conversation inspired by my note on the well-known ghost of Tengilan. British North Borneo. Some years ago there was an
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    • 235 6 EMDEN DANCE the German residents of Singapore who entertained the i officers and crew of the Emden at the Dutch Club on Saturday night were a i few who remembered the old Germania Club when It was in its heyday in the j fine premises now occupied by Goodi wood
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    • 202 6 SIKH MEALS urHY is the Sikh so much bigger and stronger than the Tamil The answer apparently is to be found in diet. The nutritive value ot the custo- mary diets in different parts of India has been carefully studied, and the i conclusions arrived at are summed up by
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    • 274 6 A REMARKABLE combination of a Tamil custom and a Christian service took place on Trong Estate, i Batu Gajah, recently, when the earpiercing of a child was performed at a prayer meeting conducted by an Anglican priest. There were all the usual accompaniments of the Tamil custom—a gathering
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    • 215 6 /\NE hundred and ninety-eight ways of dying are listed by Dr. R. D. Fitzgerald in his 1935 report on health in the Colony. I have been looking through this list, with the kind of horrified fascination which always seizes upon the layman when he reads medical works, and
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    • 201 6 |"VNE place in Malaya where t,v v Asiatic middle-class prejudice against manual work is given short shrift is the School of Agriculture at Serdang. This school has lately started a magazine of its own. in its sixth year and there is a significant confession in a short article
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    • 321 6 IJT VER since palaeolithic man began i to araw the nude on the walls of his cave there have been innumerable variations on the painter’s theme of “Beauty in the Bath,” but an entirely new one is suggested by a letter received from a woman reader
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  • 40 6 The marriage will take place at the Church of the Visitation, Seremban. on Boxing Day. of Dr. J. L. Oorloff, of the Seremban Medical Department, and Miss B. L. Mitchell, daughter of Mr and Mrs. C. W. Mitchell of Singapore.
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  • 510 7 Professor van Stein Callenfels has returned to Singapore after a holiday in Europe. Dr. (Mrs.) M. E. Hopkins has been appointed to be Lady Medical Officer General Hospital, Alor Star. Lady Bagnall opened a bazaar at Bethel Church ol England School. Katong. on Saturday. Mr. Gurdlal Singh
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  • 143 7 Monday, Dec. 7. His Excellency presided at a meeting of the Legislative Council held at the Council Chamber. Government Offices, this morning Hon. Mr. h Wiseman had luncheon at Government House. Tuesday. Dec. g. In the morning Mr. A. Perego, Council for Italy called on His Excellency at
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  • 225 7 The following appointments are announced in the F.M.S. Government Gazette, Major J. D. Wyatt, M.C., to be Staff Officer to Local Forces, Malaya. Mr O. T. Faulkner, C.M.G., to be Director of Agriculture, S.S., and Adviser on Agriculture, Malay States. Mr. L. A. McGowan to act as Revenue
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    • 24 7 P\RBOUR. —Af General Hospital. Singapore on 7lh to Margaret, wife of Geo Bar-bo-r of S’pcre Traction Co., tw Bo\ A Girl. All wall.
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    • 86 7 fir' engagement Is announced b tween Mi 'fan Hue!; Wan eldest m of Mr Mrs. Tan Chong Che-v and Miss Lit. Chin Choo daughter of the late Mr. Lim Mah Seung and Mrs Llm Mah Sean.-. Penan" pape s nlea c e copy WOULFE FI ANAGAN —LOMBARD.-—The engagement Is
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  • 393 7 Indian Labour Deputation. (From Our Own Correspondent) Penang, Dec. 14. YESTERDAY was a memorable 1 day for Indian community ot Malaya when the Rt. Hon. Mr. V. S. Srinivasa Sastri P.C., C.H. arrived in the Karagola accompanied by Mr. G. S. Bozman I.C.S., forming a
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  • 114 7 The following appointments are noticed in the SS. Government Gazette: Mr. C. W. Dawson, M.C.S.. to act as District Judge and First Magistrate, Penang. Mr. V. C. G. Gatrell to act as Superintendent. Government Printing Office, Singapore. Captain G. C. Allen to act as Controller. Posts and Telegraphs.
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  • 59 7 The following Government officers have returned f rom leave: Messrs. H Astin. J. G Watson. A B CobdenRam say. W Laurie C W Dawson. T J. Th;ma:>. D A. Somerville. A Gr m.'s M W F. Tv/eedie. J C. K Marshall. F. R Furrer A. Gilmour. J Hogging M.C, F
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  • 269 7 Leaders— Nearing The End 2 Long Live The King 2 George The Sixth 2 A Healthier Colony 3 Treachery 3 A New Industry 4 Telegrams— Covering past week’s news 25—23 Picture Supplement 17 —20 Financial Supplement— Financial and Commercial News to date, following page 32 Malayan General News— Week
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  • 51 7 Guneratnam Jesudasan. The death of Guneratnam Jesudasan. aged 15. son of the Rev. S. S. Paklanathan took place at noon on Friday In the General Hospital, Singapore of typhoid. Guneratnam was a pupil in the Anglo-Chlnese Seconday School and was much liked by both pupils and
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  • 112 7 Lieut. A. T. Dougal Promoted To Rank Of Captain. The promotion of Lieut. (Acting Captain > A T Dougal. S.S.V.F. to the rank of Captain, has been approved A Commission as second lieutenant In the S S V F. has been granted to Mr F Grainger-Brown A commission
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  • 44 7 DEATH O'* WEE POH. —On Dec. 7 at 149. Oran Read. Madam Wee Cheng Neo alia.s No-v'k urged 30 1 beloved wife of Mr. Oh y/... poh passed away peacefully leaving '1 r. s and 2 daughvua to mourn hu- l>-»v Deeply regret red
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  • 463 8 Views On Federated States: Seremban’s Water Supply. (From Our Own Correspondent) Seremban, Dec. 12. **CEREM BAN'S water supply is not injurious to health. Both Kiang and Port Swettenham have no chlorinated water supply. Of course, in weather such as we are
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  • 233 8 LESS TONNAGE HANDLED. (From Our Own Correspondent) Penang, Dec. 14. A sound financial position is revealed in the accounts of the Penang Harbour Board for the year ended June 30, 1936. After providing for interest $196,240 sinking fund contribution $20,940. and capital repayments $34,545, the income and
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  • 275 8 About 48,000 schoolboys and girls in Singapore will be given a Coronation “treat” at the pictures, together with a Coronation medallion struck specially for the occasion. These plans are now being prepared by the Children’s Coronation Committee, under the chairmanship of the Inspector of Schools,
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  • 318 8 BILL TO INCORPORATE ENGLISH LAW. SUPPLIES LONG FELT DEFICIENCY. iFrom Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur. Dec. 11. A number of the recommendations of the Committee appointed in 1933—to inquire into the jurisdiction of the courts of the Federated Malay States is at last to be carried
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  • 183 8 TAMILS BACK AT WORK. Tamil labour conditions in Singapore Municipal departments returned to normal on Tuesday when all the coolies resumed the work which had been done during the past 13 days by Europeans and a skeleton staff of Chinese, Malays and vagrants from the Civil Prison.
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  • 294 8 UIS Highness the Sultan of Selan- gor, accompanied by his eldest son the Tungku Musa Edin, and members of his royal suite, returned to Singapore on Tuesday by the Rotterdam Lloyd liner Dempo. Their Highnesses the Sultan and Sultanah of Johore returned from Europe by the
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  • 138 8 BOARD’S REPLY TO PETITION. A large number of dockyard employees of the Singapore Harbour Board went on strike on Monday. They comprise Chinese artisans employed directly by the Board. The dispute began over a week before, when the Chinese artisans made requests to the Board for
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  • 77 8 (From Our Own Correspondent) Seremban. Dec. 14. The late Mr. C. A. S Dewar, whose death has taken place in England. was a popular Negri Sembilan planter. He was manager of Dingwall and Bukit Untong Estates. He joined the Sungei Salak Rubber Co Ltd.
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  • Correspondence.
    • 329 9 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,—l read with interest “Practical Co-operator’s” letter and I would like to give him credit for what he states, if. as Mr. Sivapragasam says, committees of co-operative societies should exercise a rigid loan policy.”
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    • 256 9 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir.—After years of waiting for electric light and current, these amenities were given to the greater part ol Tapah on Nov. 3. 1936. It is disappointing to find that the electric light is not supplied up to the end of i.he
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    • 266 9 Will Someone State The Coolies’ Case? To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, The public of Singapore must have read in The Sunday Times the masterly disquisition given by Mr. G. L. Ham regarding the position of the Municipal Commissioners in relation to the strike of Tamil
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    • 159 9 Coolies Pampered And Splendidly Housed.” To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir—With reference to the letter from “Fairplay.” having handled and worked Tamils for over 30 years, it gives me very great pleasure to state their case. Exceptionally low-caste Tamils, drawing from two to four annas a day in
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    • 507 9 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir.—“Fairplay” is indebted to Mr. St. Alban Smith for his most lucid statement of the case for the Tamil coolies. If it is not very enlightening as regards the reasons for the coolies’ strike, it is
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    • 111 9 To the Editor of the Straits Times, Sir. —In view of the fly menace and the attendant possibility of disease, particularly dangerous to infants, breaking out as a consequence of the present municipal labour strike, may suggest that the authorities ask for Volunteers from among
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    • 101 9 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,—May I be allowed to answer your correspondent 44 Wals who suggests raising an appeal for help from the troops to cleanse the town. T know that, owing to the non-clearance of refuse, the health of
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    • 99 9 Meagre Information Given. To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir—It seems fairly obvious from what your Financial Correspondent tells us in your issue of Dec. 9, that Oil Palm Plantations Ltd. bondholders would appreciate more details of the company’s position. It is certain that the meagre information
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    • 361 9 Captain Hashim’s Protest Endorsed. To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,—The Hon. Captain Hashim deserves the thanks of the public for his able portrayal of the situation relating to the increased cost of primary education. Having been intimately connected with the co-operative movement for
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  • 43 9 From Our Own Correspondent.) Seremban. Dec. 9. Mrs. Padmanathan. wife of Mr. Padmanathan of Siliau Estate. Negri Sembilan. died at the Seremban General Hospital last night. The funeral, according to Hindu rites, took place today and was largely attended.
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  • 84 9 The following Government officers have been granted leave: The Hon. Mr. T. S Adams. M.C.S., British Resident, Selangor, The Hon. Mr. J. E Kempe, M.C.S., British Adviser. Trengganu, Lieut. Col. R H L. Fink, O B E.. M.C.. Commandant. S.S.V.F. Lieut.-Col. E. J. Nettlefold. Stall Officer to
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  • 669 10 POIGNANT CEREMONY. German Cruiser Fires A Salute. I1IS Majesty King George VI was ceremonially proclaimed at noon in Singapore on Saturday as “George the Sixth, bv the Grace of God. of Great Britain, Ireland, and the Britisfi Dominions beyond the seas, King, Defender of
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  • 130 10 New Schools, Church And Shophouses. 'From Our Own Correspondent.) Taiping, Dec. 10. Taiping is witnessing a minor building boom. The $70,000 new school building for the Taiping Convent is already half completed. The site is close to the town, just opposite the Hokkien Hoey Kuan building.
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  • 38 10 'From Our Own Correspondent) London, Dec. 10. The death has taken place from meningitis of Mr. C. A. S. Dewar a planter in Negri Sembilan at present on home leave. Straits Times cable.
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  • 435 10 N. I. Rumour “Absurd.” Statement On Japano-German Pact *T*HE rumour that the Japano- German Pact provided for a joint sphere of influence in Netherlands India is described as “sheer absurdity" in a special statement issued on Saturday by the Japanese ConsulGeneral, Mr. K. Gunji, in “explanation of the Japano-German Pact."
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  • 51 10 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Seremban, Dec. 10. The committee members of tne Negri Sembilan Club have issued invitations for a farewell tea party at the Club premises in honour of their retiring President, the Hon. Mr. J. W W. Hughes, on Wednesday. Dec. 16 at
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  • 128 10 FOR SMALL SUMS. With the object of providing a cheap and convenient means of remitting small sums of money locally the Post Office has Introduced Malayan Postal Orders. The denominations of these orders and the commission are as follows:— Denomination: 50c, $1, 1.50, 2.00, 2 50 3.00,
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  • 146 10 Appearing on a summons, before Mr. E. E. Colman in the fifth court on Dec. 10 a European woman named Mrs. K. Booy, who described herself as the wife of a captain of a K.P.M. boat, pleaded guilty to a charge of having failed to furnish the
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  • 109 10 A European, W. D. Wood, of the Naval Base, appeared before Mr. H. A. Forrer in the Criminal District Court on Friday to answer the following charges. That he on Sept. 27 caused grievous hurt to Ami Chand by having driven a motor car rashly at 14th. mile.
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  • 204 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir.—With all due respect to G.B. and John Bull, surely United Kingdom manufacturers are not likely to adver tise other than their own products hut we one and all realise that tne very same manufacturers would be me first to say
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  • 373 11 Raids Follow Murder Of Detective. DOUCE of the Kandang Kerbau division and the Hokkien and Cantonese sub-branches of the Detective Branch s\\ ooped last W ednesday night on houses in various parts of Singapore, occupied by alleged Communists and— Took into detention, 24 Chinese, the
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  • 66 11 MOTOR FATALITY EUROPEAN CHARGED. A Park, a European, ot Singapore, was on Dec. 10 charged before Mr. F. E. Coleman, in the fifth court, with causing the death of Han Chok Fong by driving a motor car rashly in Serangoon Road on Dec. 2. The case was postponed until Dec.
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  • 124 11 Advertised In London. (From Our Own Correspondent) London, Dec. 9. For the past few years the work of the Rubber Research Institute has oeen retarded owing to lack of sufficient European scientific officers. This deficiency is to be remedied in the near future and the
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  • 123 11 (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Dec. 9. By going up alone in a Kuala Lumpur Flying Club machine last month. Inche Mohamed Salleh. District Officer at Kajang, is the third Malay in this State to achieve the distinction of a solo flight. The chief event
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  • 203 11 After several months of delay there is growing public support in Malacca for the immediate construction of an aerodrome. For both strategic and commercial reasons it is desirable that a chain oi airfields should traverse Malaya at intervals of not more than 70 miles. Since
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  • 747 11 In a lengthy speech on Dec. 7 at the meeting of the Legislative Council, Capt. N. M. Hashim stressed once again the desirability of appointing a professional Director of Education. “Is there any reason.” he asked, “why the Education Department should be different
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  • 372 11 A squad of young European men sallied forth with brooms and shovels and rakes last week and astounded the Asiatic population of Singapore by cleaning up the refuse left lying in the Rochore area as a result of the strike among Municipal coolies. This district has
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  • 603 12 All Tamil Coolies Back At Work. SOON after five o’cIock on Monday morning, (Dec. 14) 8,000 Tamil coolies mustered joyfully at Municipal depots to resume work once again alter 13 days of inactivity. The strike of Tamil labour ers came to an end on Sunday afternoon when
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  • 261 12 (From Our Ov/n Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Dec. 12. With strikes occurring with such frequently recently, the F.M.S. Railways evidently believe that “prevention is better than cure.” Mr. Elias, general manager of the railways, has issued the following notice The daily paid employees of the F.M.S.R. who suffered
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  • 143 12 Light aeroplanes will soon take tneir place along the latest car models in the showrooms of Orchard Road Lyons Motors Ltd. announce that they have imported the first light aeroplane for stock in Malaya. It Is a British Aeronca-J.A.P The plane arrived In Singapore on Tuesday.
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  • 1164 12 Chairtnan s Speech To Association. Oicing to a mistake in the office of the secretaries of the Singapore Ratepayers' Association, the copy of the chairman's speech at the special general meeting of the association ihis week sent to the Straits Times was from a previous draft
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  • 1600 13 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,—Due no doubt to the publicity “Shalimar” has received, I have been receiving inqv'ries from would-be orchardists in Malaya which, if properly attended to, would leave me no time to dc anything else. I would request
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  • 98 13 uuu vv/ trading between parties. S‘ rails Times Cable. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London. Dec. 10. A question on the Japanese trade menace in Malaya was asked in the House of Commons last night. Capt. the R’t. Hon. D. Euan WaMace.’ Secretary for Overseas Trade, refused a
    uuu vv/ – trading between parties. S‘ rails Times Cable.  -  98 words
  • 353 13 INFECTED IMMIGRANTS HARD TO DETECT. ACCOMMODATIONS INSUFFICIENT. SINCE modern treatment was introduced. lepers have .sougnt refuge in the existing leprosorla in increasir. numbers and the large number of ap plicants now seeking admission an J j treatment is proving a source of emI barrassment to the
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  • 208 13 Penang’s New Municipal Commissioner The following appointments are notified in the SS. Government Gazette: Mr. J. Dick to be a Municipal Commissioner of George Town, Penang, vice Mr. F. If. Grumitt resigned. Mr. D. K. Walters, Advocate and Solicitor, to be a Deputy to the Public Prosecutor and
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  • 1387 14 Malayan Company’s Project. IN addition to the Malayan air services which Imperial Airways, in conjunction with Alfred Holt and the Straits Steamship Co. Ltd., propose to organise. Wearne Brothers Ltd., a Malayan company, have put a proposition to the Malayan Government. This company has had
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  • 60 14 (From Our Own Correspondent) Bangkok Dec. 11. The British Colony in Bangkok listened to the announcement from London of King Edward’s abdication witn feelings of profound sorrow and agitation. Poignancy was added to the declaration by the fact that with all Siam they had been celebrating the fourth anniversary today
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  • 52 14 rpHE Right Hon. the Secretary of State for the Colonies has been pleased to approve the appointment of the Hon. Mr. Justice A. J. Clark, O B E., Puisne Judge, Straits Settlements, to be Legal Adviser. Federated Malay States, states a communique issued by the F.M
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  • 72 14 Symbol of the new Germany, the cruiser Emden—the first German cruiser buiit after the war—arrived at Singapore at 10 o’clock on Fri. day morning in the course of a six months cruise. She will remain in the Outer Roads until this Saturday. She will spend Christmas at
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  • 67 14 (From Our Own Correspondent• Seremban, Dee. M. Mr. Liew Say Cheong. a well-known footballer, brother of Mr Liew Ah Swee. the Negri Sembilan State soccer full-back, and of Mr. Liew Choon Meow, died at the Seremban General Hospital last night, after a short illness. Mr. Liew.
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  • 26 14 Mr. H. de C Lucy, of Slim River Estate. Perak, has undergone an operation for appendicitis in Bungsar Hospital. Kuala Lumpur, and is making good progress.
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  • 83 14 F. M. S. QUEEN’ S SCHOLARS. On the result of the examination held in October, the Federated Malay States open Queen’s Scholarship has been awarded to Ng Wah Hing. a pupil of the Anglo-Chinese School, Ipoh. and the scholarship confined to Malays has been awarded to Raja Zahar bin Raja
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  • 169 14 Government Buys Valued Orchid Collection A collection of 4,227 orchids specimens. comprising the herbarium of the late Mr. C. E. Carr, who died recently on a botanical expedition to New Guinea. is to be purchased for the Singapore Botanical Gardens. A sum of $2,436 has been fixed as the purchase
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  • 243 14 Information About Bank Theft. On the instructions of Mr. E. N. Taylor, the D.P.P., Kwek Peng Kim was acquitted and discharged by Mr. J. P. Biddulph, the second magistrate, Singapore, after appearing on a proposed charge of failing to give information. He was defended by Mr.
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  • 1583 15 Managers Losing Interest —More Publicity Needed Reports Of Meetings Now Inadequate Dominating Influence Of Proprietors In U.P.A.M. (By Our Planting Correspondent.) IN these days ol a reconstructed I Planters’ Association of Malaya, now known as the United Planting Association of Malaya, one lrequently; hears the
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 142 15 A Grateful Reader. The following is an extract from a letter referring to the weekly planting feature of the Straits Times: “1 should Just like to say how much I appreciate reading your v*ry interesting and instructive planting articles and think they are of invaluable service to the planting industry
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  • 622 16 Goods To Be Imported As “Printed Cotton. The order nisi issued on the Re-gistrar-o jneral of Statistics to show cause wny a prerogative writ of mandamus should not be issued to him commanding him to permit the imponatjv n to Singapore, by Uttamjar.i and Co., of
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  • 49 16 Colony Representative: Sir A. Robinson. A COMMUNIQUE issued on Dec. 8 states that in continuation of the announcement that uas recently made regarding the representation of the Colonial Empire at the Coronation ceremony, the Governor has noniinated Sir Arnold Robinson as the second representative of the Colony.
    49 words
  • 521 16 Daughter Of Late Sir John Anderson. The funeral of Mrs. Wynfreda 1 Dunbar Hogg, only daughter of the late Sir John Anderson, once head of the firm of Guthrie and Co.. Ltd., Singapore, and Lady Anderson, of Eastcote, died at Eastcote on Nov. 15 after
    521 words
  • 249 16 SINGAPORE CHINESE FOR AUCKLAND UNIVERSITY. Mr Chuns Kim Chee, eldest son ol Mr H. W. Chung, the Singapore architect, sailed for New Zealand by the steamer Narbada on Dec. 10 H.* will enter Auckland University College to study architecture. Mr. Chung will probably be the
    249 words
  • 864 16 A PRETTY young Anglo-Indian, Maria Verghese, was granted a decree nisi to be made absolute in three months, on Dec. 9. by Mr. Justice Adrian Clark, on her petition for dissolution of marriage with her husband. William Verghese, a clerk employed at Government House, on
    864 words

  • 699 17 Mrs. Tay Lian Tec*k giving away the nrizcs at Rangoon Road English School. Left (above): Gr*'.up photograph taken ai‘*er the wedding at St. Andrew’s Cathedral, Singapore, of .Mr. John Hamilton (ireig, a marine engineer, and Miss Kate Hunter McQuillan, of Lochrans. Stranraer. Scotland. The Rev.
    699 words

  • 1138 21 Important Discussion In Legislative Council. PIE strong views held by the Government of the Colony against funds being collected in Malaya by Chinese for war purposes in China were emphasised at the Legislative Council meeting on Dec. 7 by the Secretary for Chinese Affairs.
    1,138 words
  • 41 21 As Mr. D. Frankel is due to retire from the Municipal Commission on Dec. 31. the S.S. <S.) Association is inviting nominations oi candidates for membership of the Commission. The nominations must be made by Friday. Dec. 18.
    41 words
  • 360 21 M II7E can definitely tell you that the Chinese Government never have sent, and never will send, agents to Malaya to collect money towards patriotic purposes,” declares a statement issued by the local Chinese Consulate-Gen-eral in response to speeches at Monday’s Legislative Council
    360 words
  • 74 21 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Seremban Dec. 9. rpHE danger to motorists caused by kite flying in the Pudu road area of Kuala Lumpur teas mentioned by a member at a meeting of the committee of the Negri Scmbilan branch of the A.A. of Malaya. The
    74 words
  • 447 21 Claim Against Indian Fails. (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Dec. 5. AN alleged marriage contract ’oe-1 tween a young Malay girl and an Indian was described in a Kuala Lumpur court today as “Immoral j and opposed to public policy.” It was
    447 words

  • 625 22 King’s Message To Parliament. London, Dec. 10. TPHE text of the message from King Edward VIII to both Houses of Parliament, which announced His Majesty's decision to abdicate, read After long and anxious consideration, I have determined to renounce the Throne to which
    625 words
  • 269 22 V 1 AlO —Reuter. Premier’s Ordeal. House of Commons, Dec 10. Never has the House of Commons been so full as it was today when M.P.s awaited the momentous statement by the Prime Minister. All the benches were packed long before the scheduled opening of the House,
    V 1 AlO —Reuter.  -  269 words
  • 107 22 COMMISSIONER TOURS AREA KING VISITED. London, Doc. 9. Special interest was shown in the arrival in South Wales of Sir George Cxillet, the new commissioner for the distressed areas, says Aneta TransOcean. Sir George is touring the same districts as were visited by King Edward a few
    107 words
  • 57 22 The Line of Succession to the Throne is as follotcss 1. Princess Elizabeth. 2. Princess Margaret Rose. 3. Duke of Gloucester. 4. Duke of Kent. 5. Prince Edward. <i. Princess Royal. 7. Lord Lascelles. 8. Hon. Gerald Lascelles. 9. Princess Arthur of Connaught. 10. Earl of MacDufT.
    57 words
  • 301 22 —Reuter. London, Dec. 11. “THE King might have asked almost anything and his people would have given it with both hands. It will be the abiding grief of thousands who loved the King that the one thing he asked for was a marriage which he
    —Reuter.  -  301 words
  • 95 22 Aneta-Trans-Ocean. London, Dec. 8 There is considerable division of opinion in London over the Constitutional crisis. .Some quarters believe that the Cabinet is bringing undue pressure to bear on the King. The Times denies this and says it is also untrue that Mr. Baldwin
    Aneta-Trans-Ocean.  -  95 words

  • 377 23 CROWDS C HEER DUKE OF YORK AFTER KING’S ABDICATION DECISION. -Reuter Empire’s Momentous Day. L OYAL DEMONSTRATIONS London last night when the new King returned ,S P lcc home after the abdication of King Edward. Large crowds completely blocked the roadway. They greeted the new King with rounds of cheers,
    -Reuter  -  377 words
  • 175 23 —Aneta-Havas. MR. BALDWIN PLANNING KING’S ABDICATION. Paris, Dec. 8. The London correspondent of Le Figaro, the Paris newspaper, refers to the danger of forming in England a party supporting the King led by Mr. Churchill, and a Government opposition which has decided *hat the King must
    —Aneta-Havas.  -  175 words
  • 90 23 —Reuter. Dublin. Dec. 10. Mr. de Valera, in a statement with reference to the abdication sa “so far as the Irish Free State is concerned, the abdication will not come effective until the legislation to that purpose will have been enacted by Parliament.” The speaker
    —Reuter.  -  90 words
  • 176 23 London, Dec. 11. Accession Meeting of the Privy Council will be held at St. James Palace tomorrow morning, followed immediately by the Proclamation of the new King. The swearing in of both Houses begins on Saturday and continues on Monday.Parliament on Monday will receive a
    176 words
  • 831 23 ’’—Reuter. London, Dec. 10. pOMPLETE support for Mr. Baldwin’s handling of the crisis was forthcoming tonight when M.P.s began to debate King Edward’s abdication announcement. Mr. C. R. Attlee, the leader of the Labour Opposition, rose amid cordial cheers and said that the occasion
    ’’—Reuter.  -  831 words

  • 2404 24 HOW KING THE PREMIER SOUGHT A WAY OUT. —Reuter. How events before it and since led to the Abdication were described by Mr. Stanley Baldwin on Dec. 10 in one of the most poignant speeches made in the House of Commons by a Prime Minister of Great Britain. It was
    —Reuter.  -  2,404 words

  • 592 26 —Reuter. —Reuter. RADIO MENTION OF “WOMAN I LOVE.” Proclamation Of New Ruler Throughout The Empire. London, Dec. 12. JT is believed that ex-King Edward has left England for the Continent. Last night King George VI, who will be proclaimed today, dined with his elder brother. The
    —Reuter.  -  592 words
  • 182 26 Reuter. QUEEN MARY, in a message to the and Empire, expresses her gratitude for its sympathy in a time of anxiety and speaks of her distress when she thinks how her dear son deemed it his duty to lay down his charge. “I know
    Reuter.  -  182 words
  • 49 26 —Aneta-Trans-Ocean. London. Deg. 8. Whereas the Australian Commonwealth government is supporting the British Cabinet officially in London, messages from Australia show that the Press and public opinion in the Commonwealth is greatly perturbed at the possibility of the King’s abdication and its eventual consequences for the Empire.—Aneta-Trans-Ocean.
    —Aneta-Trans-Ocean.  -  49 words
  • 59 26 -Reuter. Ottawa, Dec. 8. Mr. Baldwin’s statement in the House of Commons, the full text of which was broadcast throughout Canada, has occasioned a distinct feeling of relief among all classes. The clear statement that the Government will not press the King as regards his final decision
    -Reuter.  -  59 words
  • 124 26 Aneta-Havas. Reuter. London. Dec. 8. I have known him since he was a child and I can tell you that you may be perfectly sure that never, either in the letter or spirit, will be a found to act contrary to the British Constitution,”
    Aneta-Havas.; Reuter.  -  124 words
  • 186 26 British Wireless THRONE RENOUNCED BY KING EDWARD. London. Dec. 11 The Abdication Bill, which was passed into law today and becomes an Act of Parliament, consists of a short preamble and three clauses. The Instrument of Abdication is incorporated in the schedule. Clause 1 of the bill
    British Wireless .  -  186 words
  • 195 26 —Reuter. Col. Wedgwood’s Motion And The King. London. Dec 9 Ther was a mild scene in the Hous*" of Commons when Col. J. C. Wedgwood (Independent Labour) rose to ask the Prime Minister if he would give an early opportunity to discuss the notice of
    —Reuter.  -  195 words

  • 529 27 i> ROADCASTING from Windsor Castle on Dec 11 ExD King Edward was introduced as Prince Edward He said: “At long last I am able to sav a ™«i«, I never wanted to withhold anything but unffl 7 k not been constitutionally possible
    529 words
  • 564 27 long and happy life.”—Reuter and British Wireless. London Accession Ceremonies At St. James’ Palace. “I MEET you today in circumstances which are without parallel in the history of our country declared King George VI., whose birthday will be celebrated throughout the Empire today,
    long and happy life.”—Reuter and British Wireless.  -  564 words
  • 58 27 Aneta-Dom?i. Toklo. Dec. 8 The Peiping correspondent of the Nichi-Nlchl Shimbun reports that the wife of Wang Chao Wang, a peasant, near Kalgan, gave birth to a batch of ten babies including one girl on Nov. 16. Five of the boys and the girl have since died, but the mother
    Aneta-Dom?i.  -  58 words
  • 435 27 ARCHBISHOP EX-KING. —Reuter. —Reuter “A Craving For Happiness. 99 “Edward the Eighth received from God a high and sacred trust/' declared the Archbishop of Canterbury in a broadcast address on Sunday night. “With characteristic frankness he told us his motive lor surrendering that trust. "It was a craving for private
    —Reuter.; —Reuter  -  435 words
  • 51 27 IT is announced that the corona- tion of King George VI and Queen Elizabeth will take place on May 12, the date originally fixed for the Coronation of King Edward. There will now be a rush to manufacture Coronation souvenirs bearing the portraits of the new King and
    51 words
  • 63 27 lister in his country—Sin Chew Jit Poh. Canton. Dec. 14. President Quezon, of the Philippines, who is on a visit to Canton, is due to return to Hong Kong en route to Manila today. The President stated that he had abandoned his plans t.
    lister in his country—Sin Chew Jit Poh.  -  63 words
  • 36 27 Reuter. A communique announces that i Republican submarine has been torpedoed and sunk by a submarine that was “evidently foreign” off Malaga Three people have, up to the present, been rescued out ol the 47 aboard.—
    Reuter.  -  36 words

  • 625 28 —Reuter. Execution Ru mours Denied By “Young Marshal.” BIG SHENSI REBELLION. Shanghai, Dec. 14. RUMOURS that Gen. Chiang Kai-shek, prime Minister and Commander-in-Chief of the Central Government forces, had been executed by rebel troops at Sian, capital of Shensi, are believed to be unfounded,
    —Reuter.  -  625 words
  • 108 28 r J*HE mutineers' demands, in return for Gen. Chiang's release, include war against Japan, an alliance with Soviet Russia and the institution of a democratic constitution in place of the dictatorship. The crisis was apparently orecipitated by Gen. Chiang Kai-shek’s appointment of Gen. Chiang Tingwen
    108 words
  • 266 28 —Reuter. Fundamental changes in the constitution of the Irish Free State were made in the bill which Mr. de Valera laid before the special session of the Dail and which was passed. The Saorstat had intimated to the British Government they were unable to agree
    —Reuter.  -  266 words
  • 83 28 —Reuter. London. Dec. 8. The Blue Funnel Line has ordered three more ships for the Far East service of 9.000-10,000 tons, says the Liverpool Journal of Commerce today, which reiterates that an order has been placed for a fourth ship at Dundee. One of the
    .—Reuter.  -  83 words
  • 151 28 —Aneta-Trans-Ocean. Changed Attitude In Palestine. Jerusalem, Dec. 13. yHE Supreme Arab Committee in Palestine decided by an absolute majority to abandon the attitude it has hitherto adopted towards the Royal Commission which is now inquiring into the cause of the recent Arab general strike and the
    —Aneta-Trans-Ocean.  -  151 words
  • 100 28 Reuter. New York. Dec. 8. The Manila-Hong Kong air service, linking China with the United States, will be started in the New Year, according to Mr. Juan Trippe. President of Pan-American Airways. The annual report by the Secretary of the Interior stresses American
    Reuter.  -  100 words
  • 33 28 An insurgent broadcast announces that the insurgent fleet has sunk several Russian boats transporting munitions. some of which are alleged to have been flying the British flag.
    33 words
  • 245 28 “EXOTIC SOCIETY” HARD CORE OF TRADITION. The Times On The Ex-King’s Choice Of Friends. London, Dec. 11. gOTH the monarchy and the Empire have been badly shaken, but they can, and will be restored. And they will be restored all the more rapidly because there is no longer the slightest
    245 words

  • 848 29  - Convincing Defeat Of R. N. R. A. F. CRAWFORD, INTERNATIONAL WINGER, SCORES TWO TRIES By “Stand-Off.” 13 Y lb points (three goals and a penalty goal) to nil, the Army U beat the Royal Navy and Royal Air Force in the Malaya Cup rugger match at the Anson Road Stadium
    848 words
  • 112 29 Blackheath’s Narrow Win Over Leicester. Matches played at home on Saturday resulted, says Reuter, as fol19, Northumberland 13. Cornwall 0, Gloucestershire 11. Devon 6, Somerset 6. Durham 26, Cumberland 0. North Midlands vs. Warwickshire postponed, snow. Yorkshire vs. Lancashire postponed. frost- Blackheath 13, Leicester 12. Guy’s Hospital 8,
    112 words
  • 879 29 OBJECTION TO LARUT NOT SUSTAINED. GREEN MARK GETS HOME IN A THRILLING FINISH. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, Dec. 12. A PROTEST following the fifth race featured the final day’s racing of the Perak Turf Club’s Skye Meeting. Interference was alleged against
    879 words
  • 81 29 Wyatt, who broke a bone in his hand while batting at CUure, has been worried by the pain. An Xray examination has disclosed a slight displacement. The bone was pushed into position again a few days ago, but Wyatt said that it would be another month before he
    81 words

  • 756 30 THE DRAMATIC FINALE AT BRISBANE. ALLEN “PRACTICALLY UNPLAYABLE.” THE Australian selectors, cables Reuter from Brisbane, have selected the same twelve players as for the Test Match just concluded as those from whom they will choose the eleven t( play in the second Tes*, at Sydney,
    756 words
  • 429 30 ENGLAND—Ist Innings Worthington c Oldfield b McCormick 0 Barnett c Oldfield b O’Reilly 69 Fagg c Oldfield b McCormick 4 Hammond c Robinson b McCormick 0 Leyland b Ward 126 Ames c Chipperfield b Ward 24 HardstafT c McCabe b O’Reilly 43 Robins c sub. b O’Reilly
    429 words
  • 101 30 The second round ties in the FA. Cup competition played on Saturday resulted, cables Reuter, as follows: Carlisle 4 Clapton 1 Mansfield 0 Bournemouth 3 Shildon o Dartford 3 Cardiff 2 Swindon 1 Lincoln 2 Oldham 3 Burton i Darlington 2 Ipswich l Spennymoor 2 Walsall
    101 words
  • 28 30 Hockey The SR C. “B” team drew with the 11th A.A Battery. R A., on the padang on Monday, each side scoring one goal
    28 words

  • 877 31 POOR CROWD ON FIRST DA Y OF IPOH SKYE MEETING. MOST OF THE FAVOURITES DISAPPOINT. (From Our Own Correspondent.) 0> L V rZ Sm f a C T d L as S ;mb,ed at th >P“h 'racecourse'today, he .ii r cl c L f
    877 words
  • 200 31 F. and N. Team Well Beaten. The soccer team of the German cruiser Emden gave a capita) display in defeating Fraser and Neave’s Sports Club—who can field quite a useful side—by four goals to one at Anson Road. The going was heavy owing to rain,
    200 words
  • 264 31 High Standard Of Marksmanship. The 1936 “Malayan Roll” rifleshooting competition has now concluded. and has revealed a high standard of marksmanship The prize for the highest score is the silver medal of the National Rifle Association—a much coveted award which can be won only once. Mr. W
    264 words
  • 499 31 R. S. Y. C. Boats Of High Class. Sunday’s racing at the Royal Singapore Yacht Club was of considerable interest, owing to the first appearance in the six metre class, after a considerable period of racing by a limited number of yachts, of two new arrivals of
    499 words
  • 29 31 Reuter London. Dw. 9. Rugby Union matches played today resulted as follows: Kent 3. Sussex 3 At Tonbridge. Surrey 11. Hampshire C At Richmond Reuter
    Reuter  -  29 words

  • 1426 32 SATURDAY’S results in the Home soccer leagues, as cabled by Reuter, and the league tables up to date, are as follows:— ENGLISH LEAGUE (DIV. I). Birmingham 0 Derby Co 1 Charlton A. 2 Everton 0 Chelsea 2 Brentford 1 Grimsby T. 2 Huddersfield T.
    1,426 words
  • 54 32 —Reuter. New York, Dec. 12. Jim Braddock defends his world title against Schmeling on June 3 1 at the Long Island Bowl. The New York State Athletic Commission has stipulated that the boxers can participate in “tuning up” bouts provided they are under fifteen rounds; and with
    —Reuter.  -  54 words
  • 537 32 N. S.-Malacca Put Up A Plucky Show. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Seremban, Dec. 12. Heavy going characterised today’s inter-State rugger match in which Singapore beat Negri Sembilan-Malacca by 6 points (two tries) to 5 points (a goal). Though the game was played in adverse
    537 words
  • 168 32 Golf. Inter-Club Match At Sepoy Lines. The following is the result of the match between the Sepoy Lines GC. and the Garrison G.C., played on j Sunday at Sepoy Lines < Garrison players mentioned first >: Lt.-Col. G. G. Ronaldson and Capt. C. K Hamilton 0. P.
    168 words
  • 184 32 Mrs. Adams And Munro Win With 36 Net. The Singapore Goll Club’s first bimonthly mixed foursomes competition for December was played at Bukit Timah and resulted in a win for Mrs. W.G. Adams and W. Munro with a net score of 36. Forty-five cards were taken out
    184 words

    • 1038 1 FRASER COMPANY’S SHARE REPORT. lin Shares Active: Rubbers Dull: Industrials Appreciate. Messrs. Fraser and Co., in their weekly share report, issued at the close t! business on Dec. 15, write:— It would scarcely have been a matter for surprise had there been a serious setback to trading conditions at home
      1,038 words
    • 165 1 Singapore. December 16. 12 noon Buyer Seller Gambiei $6.50 Hamburg Cube 10.50 Java Cube 9.50 Pepper. Mhite Muntok 18 00 White 17 50 Black 10 00 Copra. Mixed $8 90 Sun Dried 9 20 Tapioca. Small Flake 5.25 Fair Flaxe 4.75 Medium Pearl 5.25 Small Pearl 5.30 Sago Flour.
      165 words
    • 369 1 London, Dec. 15. The following are today’s r lasing middle prices on the London S f ock Exchange: Shares of £T Denomination unless* otherwise stated: if ester- Rise day. or Fall Conversion Loon 5 p.c. 1944-64 117*4 Funding Loan 4 p.c. 1960-90 116% War Loan 3% p.c. 105%
      369 words
    • 52 1 The Rubber Returns of the following Companies for the month of November were: Alor Gajah 18,150 lbs.: Australasia 16.500 lbs.; Ayer Punas 55.000 lbs.; Glenealy 35.000 lbs.; Jalan Kebun 13,300 lbs.; Kluang 20,750 lbs.; Pajam 128.000 lbs.; Port Swettenham 10.700 lbs.; Tambalak 14,000 lbs.; Teluk Anson 39,007 lbs.; Ulu Benut
      52 words
    • 43 1 Late Spot Dec Jan -Mar Apr.-June Julv-Sept. London Dec. 10 32% 32% 32V* 32% 32 11/16 9 1/16 11 32 Vi 32 Vi 32% 32% 32 13/16 9% 15 32’i 32’i 32% 32% 32 13 16 9 1 16
      43 words
    • 475 2 Profits For Half- Year Not Disclosed. •■pHE directors’ report and statement of accounts of the Straits Trading Company Ltd. for the half-year ended Sept. 30. were issued on Saturday. The usual custom has been followed of transferring an amount from internal reserves to make
      475 words
    • 28 2 The estimated total production of rubber on estates in Netherlands India In October was 14,938 tons. Java produced 5,666 tons and Outer Provinces 9,272 tons.
      28 words
    • 89 2 QTOCKS of rubber in the hands of dealers and in Harbour Board and railway godowns in the Straits Settlements at the close of business on Nov. 30, totalled 29,892 tons. Stocks on Oct. 31 were 27,658 and stocks on Nov. 30, 1935, 36J989 tons. Dealers' stocks on
      89 words
    • 134 2 PROPOSED DIVIDEND 10 PER CENT. The report of the directors of Alor Gajah Rubber Estate Ltd. states that the profit for the year ended Sept. 30, last, was $16,997 to which has been added $17,200 brought forward, making $34,195. It is proposed to pay a dividend of
      134 words
    • 141 2 THE Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association held its 1,307 th auction on Dec. 9 when there were catalogued 1,128,887 lbs., 503.97 tons; offered 980,770 lbs., 437.84 tons; sold 801,818 lbs., 357.95 tons. Spot London *9 3|l6d. New York 19 3|16 cts PRICES REALISED Ribbed smoked sheet
      141 words
    • 24 2 The output of gold from Raub Australian Gold Mining Co. Ltd. for the four weeks ended Dec. 5 was 1,997.05 ounces.
      24 words
    • 645 2 INCREASE IN EXPORT QUOTA PROBABLE. LEWIS AND PEAT (SINGAPORE) LTD. in their weekly rubber market report issued on Dec. 11 write:— From the economic outlook the feature of the week has been the amazing stability of all British markets in the face of a crisis unprecedented in
      645 words
    • 354 2 —Reuter. PRESENT COMMITTEE SUGGESTS 100 PER CENT. DRAFT OF NEW SCHEME APPROVED. London, Dec. 11. The International Tin Committee meeting in London today considered that the quota for the first quarter of 1937 should be fixed 100 per cent, of standard tonnages. If tin control
      —Reuter.  -  354 words
    • 87 2 (From Our Own Correspondent) London, Dec. 9. Tronoh Mines Ltd. have declared an interim dividend cf 10 per cent, and a bonus of 21/2 per cent, making a total interim distribution to date of 40 pet cent, on account of the financial yeai ending Dec. 31. Southern
      87 words
    • 98 2 During the week ending Dec. 5j exports of tinned pineapples frora Malayan ports amounted to 65.19, cases, of which: 56,271 (86 per cent.) cases were tc the United Kingdom, 2,270 (4 P? 1 cent.) cases to the Continent Europe, 3,218 (5 per cent.) cases t( Canada,
      98 words
    • 803 3 Company Notes. An Uninformative Document. (By Our Financial Correspondent) ON several occasions in the past few months the paucity of information furnished to shareholders in the accounts and at annual meetings of companies has been the subiect of comment. Another glaring example of an uninformative
      803 words
    • 89 3 The domestic production, as represented by exports from the F.M.S., U.F.S. and Malacca of tin and tin-in-ore at 75.5 per cent, tin content during November, totalled 5,361 tons. Of this amount. 5.175 tons were produced in the F.M.S.; 69 tons in Johore; 31 tons in Kedah;
      89 words
    • 132 3 exceeded liabilities. —<Straits Times copyright). Scheme Receives Court Sanction. From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Dec. 14. In the Chancery Division of the High Court today, Mr. Justice Crossman confirmed the reduction of the capital of Singapore United Rubber Plantations Ltd. from £225,000 to £112.250 by returning
      exceeded liabilities. —<Straits Times copyright).  -  132 words
    • 32 3 rpHE Controller under the Tin and Tin Ore Restriction Enactment notifies that the domestic production Quota for the first quarter of 1937 has been determined at 72 per cent.
      32 words
    • 319 3 INTERIM DIVIDEND MAY BE DELAYED. OUTPUT NOW ABOUT NORMAL. Proposing the adoption of the report and accounts at the annua! meeting of Lukut Tin Dredging Ltd. in Seremban on Nov. 25, Mr. M. L. Phillips, the chairman, said:— You will have seen from the accounts that the
      319 words
    • 120 3 rubber now about ten years old.—(Free Press copyright). TO ACQUIRE MALAYAN ESTATE OF 5,000 ACRES. (Prom Our Own Correspondent) London. Dee. 9. Details of the new company which is being formed by the Straits Rubber group are now available. The company is named Badenoch Rubber Estate Ltd.
      rubber now about ten years old.—(Free Press copyright).  -  120 words
    • 49 3 Straits Times Cable. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Dec. 10. The application lists for Badenoch Rubber Estate Ltd., the new company! which is being floated by the Straits Rubber group, opened today and the first issue of 175,000 £1 shares was oversubscribed by about 20 times.—
      Straits Times Cable.  -  49 words
    • 23 3 .—Reuter Batavia. Dec. 14. The export duty on native rubbc has been raised to 57 guilders per 100 kilogrammes.—Reuter
      .—Reuter  -  23 words
    • 266 3 Reuter. London, Dec. 15. a meeting today, the International Rubber Regulation Committee fixed the production quota for the first three months of 1937 at 75 per cent, and for the second quarter at 80 per cent. The next meeting of the committee will be held on
      Reuter.  -  266 words
    • 131 3 per cent, for the year. -Straits Times cable. TOTAL DIVIDEND OF 80 PER CENT. London, Dec. 9. The accounts for Malayan Tin Dredging Ltd. have Just been issued tor the year ended June last and they disclose profits that are almost double those of the preceding
      per cent, for the year. -Straits Times cable.  -  131 words
    • 74 3 The following companies have each sold forward 60 tons of smoked sheet rubber deliverable in equal monthly quantities during 1937. The figures in parentheses represent the price per pound London landed terms: Braunston (Malay) (8 7 /ad). Harpenden (Selangor) (9d,), Federated (Selangor) OVfed). North Hummock (Selangor) (9'/
      74 words
    • 532 4 London Exchange Prices On December 2. Allagar (2/&gt; l/7Vai Alor Pongsu (2/&gt; 2/6 Vj Anglo-Malay 17/3; Ayer Kuning 40/; Bagan Serai 19/; Bahru (Sel.) (2/&gt; 3/2; Banteng 21/3; Batang (2/) 1/2; Batu Caves 23/; Batu Tig* 38/1*6; Bekoh (2/) 1/Oft; Bertam Con. (2/) 4/6; Bidor 38/9; Bikam (2/)
      532 words
    • 164 4 London Exchange Prices On December 2. Ampat (4/) 4/10 ‘a I Anglo-Burma (5/J 15/6; Ayer Hitam (5/) 20/6; Bangrin 20/; Gopeng Cons. 2**; Hongkong (5/) 22/6, Idris (5/) 13/; Ipoh (16/) 36/9; Kampong Lanjut 21 /10 1 i; Kamunting (5/) 15/3; Kepong 23/; Kinta (5/) 14/9; Klnta Kellas
      164 words
    • 53 4 JOSEPH TRAVERS SONS The old established London House of Joseph Travers and Sons are expanding their Malayan organisation by the establishment of a branch office at Kuala Lumpur on January 1. Messrs Travers already have offices in Singapore and Penang, where they carrying on business as Eastern and general Import
      53 words
    • 16 4 Dec. 10 Tin, S'pore Price $115.75 per picul 11 116.25 15 115 87
      16 words
    • 1732 4 Issued by Fraser and Co. and Lyall and Evatt, Exchange and Stock Brokers. Singapore, December 16, 10 a.m. MINING. Issue Val. Fraser Co. Lyall Evatt I Issue Val. fraser Co. Lyall Evau Buyers Sellers Buyers Sellers Buyers Sellers Buyers Seilers 4'- Amoa. Tin 4 9 VfJ a
      1,732 words