The Straits Budget, 10 December 1936

Total Pages: 36
1 4 The Straits Budget
  • 29 1 The Straits Budget No. 4113. being the weekly issue of the straits times [ESTABLISHED NEARLY A CENTURY.] SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1936. Price 25 cents (S.S. Currency) or 7d.
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  • 1139 1 'J'HE strong views held by the Government of the Colony against funds being collected in Malaya by Chinese for war purposes in China were emphasised at Monday’s Legislative Council meeting by the Secretary lor Chinese Affairs. Mr. A. B Jordan, when he replied to points raised
    —Straits Times Photograph  -  1,139 words

  • The Straits Budget
    • 939 2 —Straits Times, Dec. 3. When such a humble member of the community as the Tamil coolie goes on strike for better conditions of employment he is certain of the sympathy of the general public if he has anything approaching a reasonable case. On many occasions the Straits
      —Straits Times, Dec. 3.  -  939 words
    • 972 2 -Straits Times, Dec. 4. Alter a series of sensational stories printed in American maga- zines and newspapers for a period 1 of more than two months, and r equally startling rumours from Great Britain, where the Press exercised a self-imposed censorship for as long as
      -Straits Times, Dec. 4.  -  972 words
    • 757 3 present misery?—Straits Times, Dec. 5. Mr. Baldwin’s statement to the House of Commons that there is no such thing as a morganatic marriage known in British law, and that the lady whom the King marries necessarily becomes queen, does a great deal to clarify a situation which had become
      present misery?—Straits Times, Dec. 5.  -  757 words
    • 991 3 tained in those quotations.—Straits Times, Dec. 7. Mr. W. Bartley, the President ol the Singapore Municipal Commission. found two very delicate tasks confronting him on his return from leave last week-end. First to engage his attention was the strike of the Tamil coolies. Until that has been
      tained in those quotations.—Straits Times, Dec. 7.  -  991 words
    • 785 3 Straits Times, Dec. 8. There have been two striking developments in the “constitutional crisis” during the past 24 hours, and each has brought to the citizens of the Empire a very considerable measure of relief. The first was Mrs. Simpson’s somewhat belated statement to the effect that
      Straits Times, Dec. 8.  -  785 words
    • 868 4 —Straits Times, Dec. 9. The Straits Settlements (Singapore) Association has done well to obtain from Government a statement of the view which it takes of the position and obligations of persons nominated for service on the Municipal Commission. The question is one of some importance, for the
      —Straits Times, Dec. 9.  -  868 words

  • 186 4 H.E. Promises Action. H E. the Governor, Sir Shenton Thomas, promised at the Legislative Council on Monday that he would take steps to ensure that Government re ports would be out fairly early next year. Lieut.-Col. D. G. A. Fletcher had ad ministered a mild rebuke that
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  • 122 4 Two scholarships for 1937 will be awarded by the committee of management of the Singapore Co-operators* Scholarship Fund. They will be a secondary school scholarship, tenable for two years and open to boys and girls, and a trade school scholarship tenable for three years and open
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  • 96 4 (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Dec. 7. H. Newman, a young Eurasian and former employee of an hotel in Singapore who had been convicted in the Kuala Lumpur police court on a charge of criminal breach of trust in respect of a bicycle, appeared again
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  • 129 4 From Our Own Correspondent.) Muar, Dec. 6. The following will constitute the members of the Town and Licensing Boards for Muar for the ensuing year Town Board: The State Commissioner (president), Assistant Adviser (deputy president), Senior Executive Engineer, Asst. Supdt. of Surveys, The Health Officer,
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  • NOTES Of The DAY.
    • 228 5 CO wide is the gulf and so complete fhe silence which divides British Singapore from Majapahit Singapore that few inhabitants of the modern city ever look back over the intervening six centuries at the town which once stood between Bukit Larangan (the present-day Fort Canning) and ♦he sea.
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    • 225 5 CINGAPORE may also claim the distinction of having given birth; to Malacca, but the details of that! event are obscure, as anyone who looks up the references to Singapore in Sir Richard Winstedt’s recent lecture will quickly find out. In old Malacca, however, the historian reaches much firmer
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    • 152 5 gratifying result of the correction by Mr. Justice Whitley of misplaced zeal in the prosecution ot a Singapore restaurant keeper is its effect upon the coffee-shops. This man was haled into court because he employed an orchestra consisting ot a pianist and two violinists to enliven his patrons.
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    • 78 5 JN a little magazine which is being published in Singapore to give aspirants to literary fame a chance to try their wings, I have come upon the following. He longed to take her in his muscular arms, to bring her close to him, to give her his frank opinion,
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    • 237 5 NOWADAYS we are accustomed to the title ‘‘Ranee of Sarawak” as applied to a white woman, but it did not trip so lightly off the tongue when the late Dowager Ranee arrived in Kuching in 1870 to take up her position as First Lady of the Land. The
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    • 213 5 “CENTRAL’ S” GONG. I TNLESS one were very drunk, or given a chance to win a fabulous sum on a bet, the last place in Singapore in which one would attempt to steal anything would be the Central Police Station. Yet it has been done—and done successfully. The story is
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    • 280 5 of the most remarkable characteristics of Government service in Malaya is the absolute ignorance in the upper strata of what is going on in the lower strata. Take the case of moneylending. Well-meaning European officers have been doing their best to stamp out this evil by providing a
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    • 236 5 JS it not possible, now that an Industrial Boys’ Home is actually in existence in Singapore, to workout a scheme whereby the Home could avail itself of the offer of $50,000 made by Messrs. Aw Boon Haw and Aw Boon Par at the time of the Silver Jubilee?
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    • 271 5 *J*HE Chinese amah, as we ail know, Is a very trying person in some ways, and as a mere male I often wish that she would throw professional etiquette to the winds and give her thoroughly spoilt charges the spanking that they so badly need. However, we
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    • 302 5 will that hoary myth of the Netherlands Indian siesta be scotched? I have asked dozens of people who have lived in the commercial centres of Java and Sumatra, and they all ridicule the suggestion that offices are closed for a snooze in the middle of the day. Indeed,
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    • 197 6 MALAYAN journalism has lost one o? lts best-known personalities by the death, from a stroke, of Mr. J A. S. Jennings yesterday. It was not altogether unexpected, however. Mr. Jennings had been in ill-health for some time and was gravely ill early this year, when he had his
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    • 259 6 MET Mr. Jennings only once. It was at Cameron Highlands, I think in 1932, when he was building his house. It was the second house to be built at Bintang and Mr. Jennings had secured a fine site overlooking the golf-course and was taking great pleasure in the
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    • 313 6 READERS may remember various references that have been made in this column to the Malay Community of Cape Town. Previously 1 have never been able to obtain any very satisfactory information about these Malays, but today I am able to print a letter from Mrs. Ethel (“Aunty Howell,
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    • 195 6 HOME IN LAW. FOLLOWING an inquiry as to domicile of a woman of pure Euro pean descent who was born in Ceylon and is now living in Singapore, several members of the Singapore Bar nave been good enough to threw light on this vexed legal question for the benefit of
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    • 215 6 ANY European who is thinking oi settling down permanently in Malaya, and wants to know what ne must do in order to convince a rourt that that is his genuine intention, is )ikel> to be depressed by part, of this Law Times article which discusses the case of
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    • 265 6 nrURNING to general principles, how ever, the main point ior the layman to get firmly fixed in his mind was stated by “Lex” in the Straits Times last Friday as follows: —“...the acquisition of a new domicile can only be effected by residence in a new territorial area coupled
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    • 50 6 QNE of those annoying people who delight in splitting hairs has written to me about an advertisement in the Straits Times which was worded as follows: “FOUND, one white male dog with black anc. white spots.” How, asks the hair-splitter, can one spot white spots on a white dog?
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    • 158 6 gINGAPORE people are being incredibly careless in supervising the disposal of their domestic rubbish during the strike of the conservancy labourers. I went for a walk along Mount Rosie Road and Malcolm Road yesterday afternoon, and all along the borders of these roads I saw piles of refuse
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    • 230 6 W'HAT does Japan think of European affrirs nowadays? No comment on the constitutional crisis ir. England is yet available, but it is only to» certain that in a country where the Throne is hedged about with mysticism and divinity the news from London must have caused
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    • 202 6 heart goes out to the schoolboy editor of “The Rafflesian.” the magazine of Raffles Institution. He has the right stuff in him. “The life of an editor.” he writes, “is eminently one of great misery; but the editor of ‘The Rafflesian’ appears to be a rare exception. It
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    • 90 6 pR’OM an article by Lady Bland Sutton entitled “The Problem of Your Child’s Future,” which has been sent to the Straits Times by a London agency, I extract the following gem :f sociological wisdom: “To work tor some six, eight or even more h»urs a day at a
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  • 39 6 The resignation of his commission in the S.S.V.F., by Lieut. D. H. K. Lee has been accepted. The resignation of his commission in the S.S. Royal Naval Volunteer Reserv by Lieut. W. D. Brooks, has been accepted.
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  • 736 7 Mr. Nelson Jones. M C M.C.S to be a Deputy Controller of Labour. Mr. W. Bartley. President of the Municipal Commissioners, returned from leave in Europe on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Brash are due back from home leave by the Hakone Maru this week. Mr.
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  • 135 7 Tuesday. Dec. 1. In the morning His Excellency left Penang for Alor Star where he called on H.H. The Regent, and returned in the evening. Wednesday, Dec. 2. In the afternoon His Excellency opened the Radio. Gramophone and Allied Trade Exhibition at the Race Course. Penang. Thursday, Dec.
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  • 205 7 The following passengers from Malaya left for Europe in the Naldera which sailed from Singapore on Friday morning:— Mr. T. S. Adams, Mr. J. M Allan, Mr D A. Alexander. Miss C. Betts, Mr. A R. Bromley, Mr. I. Bramworth, Bro. McGrady Concord, Miss I. M. Denyer, Mrs W.
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    • 51 7 The engagement is announced between Mr. F. B. Elderlng and Miss G. van de Meent. FARRELL —NICOL. —The engagement is announced between Ismene, only daughter of the late Captain J. E. Farrell, Singapore Pilot Association, and James Stevenson, eldest son of Mr. and the late Mrs. Nicol of Paisley,
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    • 45 7 GREIG —McQUILLAN. —On December 5. 1936, at St. Andrew’s Cathedral, John Hamilton, son of the late Mr. Andrew Oreig and of Mrs. Orelg of “Seaview,” Carnoustie. Angos. to Kate Hunter, daughter of the late Mr. John McQuillan and of Mrs. McQuillan of Lochans. Stranraer.
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  • 230 7 Example Of Local Recruitment. ‘T congratulate you very heartily,” remarked H. E. the Governor, Sir Shenton Thomas, shaking hands with Mr. R Pearse, Engineer Surveyor of the Singapore Municipality whom he decorated with the Malayan Certificate of Honour when the Legislative Council met on
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  • 171 7 Governor’s Tribute. A tribute to the late Mr. A. E. Thornley Jones was paid by H.E. the Governor Sir Shenton Thomas, at Monday’s meeting of the Legislative Council in Singapore, and members present stood in silence for a few moments. The Governor said:
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  • 227 7 Leaders— Inciting The Coolie 2 The King And The Man 2 Alternatives 3 Vital Decisions Pending 3 Undignified But Inspiring 3 Our Debt To The Dutch 4 Telegrams— Covering past week’s news 25—28 Picture Supplement 17—20 Financial Supplement— Financial and Commercial News to date, following page 32 Malayan General
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  • 107 7 (From Our Own Correspondent) Seremban, Dec. 4. The following have been appointed Visiting Justices for Seremban for 1937: Officials: The District Officer, the Inspector of Schools, the Btate Treasurer, the Senior Executive Engineer, the Protector of Chinese, the Agricultural Field Officer, the Electrical Engineer. the Superintendent,
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  • 137 7 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Dec. 5. The death took place in Bungsar Hospital. Kuala Lumpur, yesterday of Mrs. “Kit” Fyfe. the young wife of Mr. Norman Fyfe, a well-known Malayan sportsman. Only 24 years of age, Mrs. Fyfe had a host of friends
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  • 45 7 DEATH S. MUTHUSAMY PILLAI—At his residence, 993 Yio Chu Kang Hoad. Singapore, on December 4, 1936, Soona Muthusamy Pillay. late of the Straits Times Press Ltd. Aged 58 years Interment at Bidadarl Hindu Cemetery the same day. F M S. and Penang papers please copy
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  • 578 8 SERIOUS TURN IN LABOUR TROUBLES. 'THERE were further grave developments in the I Singapore strike position on Monday. Fears that the Chinese would join the 13,000 Indian labourers now on strike were realised when about 300 Chinese skilled artisans employed at the River Valley Road
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  • 141 8 The 12 demands of the Tamil strikers are:— 1. A minimum wage of 60 cents a day. 2. An additional 10 cts. a day for skilled workmen. 3. A maximum working of 8 hours. 4. Double pay for overtime. 5. Full pay on days on which work is
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  • 141 8 On opening the safe in his office in St. Andrew’s School, Singapore on Monday (Dec. 7), the Rev. R. K. S. Adams, the headmaster discovered the loss of $668 which had been placed in the safe on Saturday. The safe bore no signs of having been
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  • 398 8 JHE Chinese, Malay and Indian newspapers in Malaya are closely following the present crisis and publish translations of articles from the Straits Times and other English newspapers. Our Chinese Correspondent writes: The King’s desire to marry Mrs. Simpson and the Constitutional crisis that
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  • 156 8 (From Our Own Correspondent) London, Dec. 7. TT is understood that Royal Air Force bases will be established at Penang, Ceylon, Hong Kong, and the Nicobar Islands In the near future. The new air bases, it is further understood, will be brought
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  • 142 8 Annual Improvement Rate. The Legislative Council on Monday approved of the assessing and levying by the Singapore Municipal Commissioners of a 1937 improvement rate of two per cent, on the annual value of all houses, buildings, lands and tenements with the Municipality of Singapore.
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  • 230 8 Relic Kept In Malacca Church. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Muar, Dec. 4. The annual services in commemoration of the death of St. Francis Xavier took place yesterday in the ruins on St. Paul’s Mount and was largely attended The priests included those from Singapore. Negri Sembilan
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  • 66 8 (From Our Own Correspondent) Seremban. Dec. 5. Mr. Donald Farquharson, the Negri Sembilan State Councillor, has returned from home leave, Mr. Chang Seng Long, another member of the Negri State Council, is expeoted shortly from China, where he went on a holiday. The King’s Exequatur empowering
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  • Correspondence.
    • 1021 9 Secret Money lending Clique. To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,—Since the inception of S.S. Government Circular No. 38 it can be safely said that hundreds of clerks, stenographers and peons are at present out of employment due to the rigours of this circular, but
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    • 200 9 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,—With reference to Mr. del Tufo’s letter on this subject which recently appeared in your columns, the following extract from a written memorandum of evidence submitted by Professor G. I. Pinch, M B E., Department of Chemical Technology, Imperial
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    • 470 9 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,—With reference to your paragraph in yesterday’s Notes of the Day,” the Selangor case you mention is not law in the Colony and in the view of most of us it is not likely to be followed here. Domicil (it is
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    • 214 9 Questions Arising Out Of New Ordinance. To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,—I am sure many clerks who are in debt, or have taken out a WageEarner’s Administration Order, will be thankful to Another Observer who, through the medium -t your Journal, has called attention to
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    • 216 9 To the Editor of the Straits Times, Sir, —The minutes of the committee meeting of the Straits Settlements (Singapore) Association held on Nov. 23 have been given prominence in the Press. The minutes dealt with nominees on the Municipal Commission. As a member of the committee
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    • 93 9 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Dec. 2. The Hon Mr. T. S Adams. British Resident, Selangor, bade farewell to the Selangor Boy Scouts yesterday at the Residency when he was presented with the “Thanks Badge” for services he had rendered to the movement
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 26 9 TO LET 98, Robinson Road suitable for office and store. Can be let separately. Immediate Entry Apply Estate Trust Agencies 1927) Limited, 11. Raffles Place. Singapore.
      26 words

  • 1233 10 Case Brought Up So That “Public Might See." rE enormous losses he had to face owing to the failure of big rubber dealers and the payment of compound interest on an overdraft were brought to light in the Bankruptcy Court on Friday, before Mr.
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  • 340 10 Will Direct Film On Sarawak. j«PYLVIA of Sarawak.” as the Ranee has styled herself in her startlingly frank and intimate autobiography, arrived in Singapore on Dec. 4 on the P. and O. liner Rajputana on her way back from Europe to the Kuching Astana. Vital and
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  • 399 10 DOCK REPENTANCE. ‘‘We are all out of employment, why should you work. Come and join us. We are all sons of India, let us unite and demand higher wages. Work has been stopped in all other places. We are all Tamils, why should you work" were
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  • 33 10 The proceeds from the street collections and sale of popples in Singapore for 1936 amounted to $6,235. The Committee wishes to thank all who helped in this collection.
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  • 38 10 Reuter. London, Dec. 4. The Blue Funnel line are ordering a motor liner of 10,000 tons for the Far Eastern service to be built at Dundee. The order has not yet been placed.
    Reuter.  -  38 words
  • 71 10 ACCOMPANIED by H.E. the Governor Sir Shenton Thomas who went to Penang to meet her Lady Thomas returned from England by the P. and O. u ner Rajputana on Dec. 4. Lady Thomcs icas accompanied also by Miss G Thomas, sister of Sir Shenton. Mrs. Jardine. wife
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 66 10 TOYS FOR LEPERS. Have you any toys of any kind, discarded or otherwise, that you could spare for the lepers at the Leper Settlement, Trafalgar. Singapore? A present means a very great deal to these people at Christmas. Mr. Lyne. Secretary Y.M.C.A has given permission for the gifts to be
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  • 2883 11 REORGANISATION OF DEPARTMENTS. Emergency Meeting. CONSIDER it most unwise of the Commissioners to allow Indian Labour to get into some position where, with more successful organisation, they may be able in future to try the strike weapon more successfully,” declared Mr. G. L. Ham,
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  • 276 12 Trade Disturbed. The grave constitutional crisis through which Great Britain and the Empire Is passing was the all-engross ing topic of conversation in Malaya. In every club and cafe discussion centred on the important issues at stake,—a solution to which is being at anxiously awaited in
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  • 201 12 Former Employee Of Straits Times. The death took place on Dec. 4, at his residence, 993, Yio Chu Kang Road. Singapore, of Mr. S. Muthusamy, a former employee of the Straits Times Press. Ltd. Mr. Muthusamy, who was 58 yea.. old, had been ill for
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  • 415 12 Correspondence A Perak Reaction To The Annual. To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir.—The Straits Times Annual tor 1936 is a publication which deserves the highest praise. It is a fine piece of work and a useful book to send home for Christmas. Its contributor
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  • 169 12 Boys do not become “soft” by schoo 1 ing with girls, nor girls become “hard' by schooling with boys. Miss M. D. Gibbs. Headmistress of Serangoon English School, can prove this, and at the annual concert and prize distribution of the school held on Dec.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements

  • 527 13 The first block of Singapore Improvement Trust flats to be built in Tiong Bahru Road became the centre of bustle and activity on Dec. 1. as 11 families moved into occupation. In eight months a second block is expected to be ready, and early in 1937
    —Straits Times Photograph.  -  527 words
  • 321 13 Veeran, a sewerage coolie of the Municipality was fined $6O or in default one month’s imprisonment on Dec. 2 by Mr. A D. York the third magistrate, Singapore, after he was found guilty on a charge of wrongful restraint of seven Municipal coolies
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  • 82 13 (From Our Own Correspondent) Batavia, Nov. 29. Dr. J.P. Graaf van Limburg Stlrum a former Governor-General of Netherlands India and now the Netherlands Ambassador in Berlin is retiring from his post on Dec. 15 and intends to visit Netherlands India again before proceeding to London as
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  • 749 13 Exhibition Opened. (From Our Own Correspondent) Penang, Dec. 2. At the opening today of the Radio Exhibition organised by the Penang Wireless Society it was announced that a Government grant of $2,500 was to be made next year. In making the announcement Mr. M. J.
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  • 161 13 Further Details Awaited. No other appointments for Malaya's Game Departments have been announced apart from that of Capt. A. T. A. Ritchie, Chief Game Warden. Two States in the Federation— Negri Sembilan and Selangor—are still being served freely and without remuneration by honorary Deputy Game Wardens, while
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  • 92 13 About 250 employees of Mr. Goh Hock Huat’s pineapple factory at Klang went on strike on Wednesday last. The proprietor was absent at Penang at the time, but on his return the strike was quickly sett’ed The strike began at the Batu Laut factory, where one-third
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  • 61 13 (From Oui Own Correspondent» Batavia. Nov. 30. The Singapore Base would be a very fine Base when it was ready, said Admiral H.E. Yarnell. Commander-In-Chief of the U.S.A. Asiatic Fleet, in an interview after the American squadron had arrived at Batavia. He avoided discussion of the
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  • 1030 14 Not Asked To Serve Again. (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Dec. 2. ui AM a little disappointed that I have been made to finish my public career as a member of the Sanitary Board and not as one of the
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  • 59 14 At the Islamic Restaurant, Singapore. the Staff of the Colonial Secretary’s Office bade farewell to their colleague, Mr. Clarence D’Souza, who retired after serving Government for 37 years. Mr. D’Souza’s last appointment was Financial Clerk in the Colonial Secretary’s Office and by his retirement the
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  • 36 14 (From Our Own Correspondent) Batavia, Nov. 29. The French cruiser Lamoth Picquet with the tanker Le Leong and the flotilla ship Amiral Channier will pay a visit to the Netherlands Indian waters shortly.
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  • 239 14 Soldiers In Court. Two soldiers of the MidcUesex Regiment. Harry Newberry and A. G. Gardner, were charged on Dec. 1 before Mr. J. P. Biddulph, the second magistrate, Singapore, with the theft of a motor car from Ong Hai Soon on Nov. 17. Both accused
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  • 778 14 Problems of Chinese Education. By Dr. Victor Purcell. (Kegan Paul. 10s. 6d.) Messrs. Kegan Paul claim that this is the first account in English of the far-reaching cultural revolution that has been taking place in China in the last few decades. So far
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  • 261 14 The naming ceremony and trial runs of the new diesel-engined seagoing motor vessel, built and owned by Mr. C. J. Windsor were held at Kuantan on Nov. 22. On the return to the wharf Mr. and Mrs. Windsor entertained the party of friends
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  • 1865 15 Clearing Timber —Covers —Terracing— Manuring—Basket Plants Or Seed At Stake. (By Our Planting Correspondent.) J DO not think there will be much disagreement that in the November issue of The Planter appears one of the most interesting and instructive articles published in this magazine for
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  • 573 16 MR. T. S. ADAMS INTERVIEWED. (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Dec. 2. “■THE fact that these States form 1 part of the community of nations in the British Empire is sometimes forgotten.” said the Hon. Mr. T. S.
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  • 235 16 MORE TROUBLE NEAR KUALA LUMPUR. (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Dec. 2. European police officers sat in a mining hut 11 miles south of Kuala Lumpur last night surrounded by 140 strikers from Thong Sang Mines Ltd.. Serdang. When this unique conference, which was held
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  • 107 16 MINE STRIKE ENDS. 'From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur. Dec. 3. The strike of 280 miners at Thong Sang Mines, Ltd.. Serdang was settled last night. An irritating feature of the Thong Sang strike was that a few strikers admitted that they had been employed
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  • 114 16 <Frum Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Dec. 2. The ‘‘golden calf” surplus of the F.M.S. has gained by another half a million dollars. This is disclosed in the latest statement of F.M.S. revenue and expenditure, which gives the revenue for September as $4,689,160, and expenditure as
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  • 574 16 Loss To Public Life. THE Straits Times regrets to announce the death of Mr. Albert Edward Thornley Jones which took place suddenly at the General Hospital on Wednesday night (Dec. 2). Mr. Thornley Jones returned a few days before from a business trip
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  • 99 16 (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Dec. 1. One of the last echoes of the departure from Malaya a year ago ot that popular officer. Sir Andrew Caldecott, then Colonial Secretary in the Straits Settlements and now Governor of Hong Kong, is to be found in a
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  • 861 17 .Mr. II. I*. Kirwan. the Malayan jockey, and his hrid„\ Miss YV. F. P. King, after their marriage at St. Andrew’s Cathedral, on Monday. Nov. 30. Miss King is tl”* daughter of Chief Inspector F. Cl. King and Mrs. King. of Singapore The pictures on
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  • 740 21 p H E remains of the iate Mr. A. E. Thornley Jones, whose death occurred at the General Hospital on Wednesday nighc. ivere laid to the Bidadari Cemetery, Singapore on rhursday last m the presence of a large gathering His Excelency the Governor
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  • 286 21 Tin Boom. REASONABLE CLAIM FOR INCREASE. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Dec. 4. A tin mine executive said in a special Interview with a representative of the Straits Times today that “the strikes on various mines in Selangor have not come entirely as a surprise to
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  • 53 21 JT is officially announced that His Excellency the High Commissioner for the Malay States has received the agreement of His Highness the Regent of Selangor to the appointment of Mr. W. A. Ward, M.C.S., to act as British Resident Selangor, until His Highness the Sultan of Selangor
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  • 360 21 American Visitor’s Losses. “Very remarkable work” was the comment wirelessed by Mr. B. Sobol, American millionaire, when he was informed on board the s.s. Conte Verde of the loss of various belongings, for the fraudulent possession of which Mohamed Ismail, an Indian Mohamedan, was charged before Mr.
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  • 47 21 Special prayers were offered for the guidance of the King and his advisers and for the good estate of the Empire before Holy Communion Service in St. Andrew's Cathedral, Singapore. on Saturday morning at seven o’clock There was also a recitation of the Litany
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  • 302 21 HONG FATT MINE NEGOTIATIONS. <From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Dec. 3 Sdangor enjoyed only a brief respite irom labour troubles for at 10.30 a m. today the fifth strike in one month broke out. The strike involved 2.200 men of the Hong Fatt Mine, the
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  • 344 21 Singapore Men To Vote On Women Several hundred men in Singapore have been asked to vote for or against women. Actually the problem is not quit* so simple, but that is how women will regard it. The issue at stake is whether or not women should continue to be excluded
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  • 156 21 w SEAQUAKE THEORY DISREGARDED. (From Our Own Correspondent) Batavia, Nov. 29. Investigation by divers has revealed that the Van der Wljck lies on her side in mud 16 ft. deep. The task of raising her will be extremely difficult. The inquiry on the cause of the
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  • 805 22 Former Proprietor Of Times Of Malaya. THE Straits Times regrets to announce the death of Mr. John Arthur Stewart Jennings, O.B.E., J.P., former editor and proprietor of the Times of Malaya, which took place at Batu Gajah Hospital on Dec. 4. Mr. Jennings
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  • 246 22 Maternity Hospital Expansion. COST DECREASES. (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur. Dec. 1. The birth of twins occurred on 30 occasions during the year, says the 1936 report of the committee of management to be presented at the annual meeting of the Kuala Lumpur Chinese Maternity Hospital which
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  • 731 22 Another Remarkable Story Of Moneylenders' Interest. «UOl’ are responsible for the teaching of young children to 1 become good citizens and you are a double bankrupt, head over ears in debt. What moral right have you to sign for anybody! I think it ought to be
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  • 371 22 “When the marriage of any contributor has been annulled or dissolved by the decree of any competent coimt the wife, party to such marriage, shall for all purposes of this ordinance be deemed to have died and the contributor to have become a widower at the
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  • 533 23 The Times On Need For An Official Statement. AMERICAN PRESS RUMOURS ON ROYAL MARRIAGE. rOMMENT on King Edward’s private and public life is made in the British newspapers following i speech by the Bishop of Bradford (Dr. Blunt). The Bishop said he wished
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  • 135 23 —Reuter. The Bishop of Bradford, after reading the newspaper comments on His Diocesan address, told Reuter: “These people make a good deal more of the thing than they have any right to do, as was there only one phrase that could be considered as criticism of the King.
    —Reuter.  -  135 words
  • 167 23 Mrs. Simpson As Duchess Of Cornwall (From Our Own Correspondent,) London, Dec. 3. rumours regarding the abdication of the King and the resignation of the Prime Minister and the Cabinet are current in London. As a climax to a series of conferences at Buckingham Palace between the King, Mr. Stanley
    167 words
  • 530 23 MR. CHURCHILL QUESTIONS PREMIER. Newspaper accounts of the events which are being read very anxiously by the British public stress that consultations have taken place between Mr. Baldwin and the leader of the Opposition in the House of Commons. Mr. Attlee, as well as between
    530 words
  • 270 23 King’s Visit To His Mother. London, Dec. 4. THE sympathy of the Empire at this moment is felt particularly for Queen Mary, the Queen Mother. She is staying at Marlborough House, her home since she left Buckingham Palace, and Court circles state that she is heartbroken at
    270 words
  • 65 23 (From Our Own Correspondent) London. Dec. 3. King Edward’s struggle with the Cabinet has brought imminent the possibility of Mr. Baldwin’s resignation. A Court official said Mr. Baldwin gave King Edward 48 hours to decide his future relations with Mrs. Simpson, or expect Parliament to take
    65 words

  • 1541 24 “The King Monarchy —Reuter. The Throne A Year Ago And Now. London, Dec. 3. THE Times leading article, which is headed The King and Monarchy,” says “The remarkable address by the Bishop of Bradford let loose a flood ot comment yesterday in most of the newspapers in Northern England, not,
    —Reuter.  -  1,541 words
  • 87 24 London Dec. 4. The Daily Telegraph states that King Edward has arranged for Mrs. Simpson, the woman he wishes to marry, to to Paris this morning in the King private plane. The newspaper understands that despite representations by the Cabinet and the Dominions, the
    87 words
  • 345 24 WHO IS TO DECIDE THE NEWS CHRONICLE, i n a headed “The King’s Marriage" r to Mrs. Simpson by name and states is believed it is the King’s desire t marry her in due course The 1 continues: a r “The issue raised is whether t lady is a suitable
    345 words
  • 117 24 .—Rout?:. Impose Extra Duty On Imports. Tientsin, Dec. 2. Foreign oil companies have beer, plunged into a dilemma as the result of an order of the autonomous East Hopei Government requiring the payment of duty on all products imported into East Hopei from Tientsin ir. addition
    .—Rout?:.  -  117 words
  • 72 24 —Reuter. Berlin, Dec. 2. AS a protection to German economic stability the Cabinet has caused a sensation in Berlin by ordaining that the death sentence shall be passed on people convicted of smuggling propert' or maintaining property abroad The Cabinet also passed a lav today stipulating
    —Reuter.  -  72 words

  • 542 25 Latest Development In Big Constitutional Crisis. rpHE thoughts of the Empire are today turned to London where King Edward must make the most tremendous decision of his life—he has to decide w *J®ther he will renounce his proposed marna e to Mrs. Wallis Warfield
    542 words
  • 780 25 (From A Special Correspondent.) COR the past six months the United 1 States newspapers have been publishing reports of King Edward’s friendship with Mrs. Ernest A. Simpson, who was one of His Majesty’s guests aboard the cruising yacht Nahlin during the summer holidays. Mrs.
    780 words
  • 176 25 Duke Of York If The King Abdicates. IF KING EDWARD abdicates the Duke of York will succeed him with the Duchess of York as Queen, Princess Elizabeth would then become heir apparent. The Duke and Duchess of York are exceedingly popular not only in Great Britain but
    176 words
  • 72 25 Reuter. With huge headlines and every corner crammed with photographs of the King, the Duke of York. Mr. Baldwin and Mrs. Simpson, the American papers continue to print every available scrap of information about the British crisis. The highest authorities in Washington deny a rumour
    Reuter.  -  72 words
  • 36 25 Reuter London. Dec. 4. The Archbishop ot Canterbury’s chaplain denies that the Archbishop visited the Kin* An earlier report to this etTect was evidently based on a mistaken identity —Reuter
    Reuter  -  36 words

  • 527 26 “Then Public Opinion Will Favour The Marriage.” London, Dec. 5. AMR. Stanley Baldwin, the Prime Minister, was with King Edward for about one hour last night at His Majesty’s country home at Fort Belvedere. An authoritative message from Reuter’s political correspondent in London states that
    527 words
  • 549 26 The King’s Marriage, She Has Two Divorced Husbands Living. London, Dec. 4. *pHE people’s objection to Mrs. Simpson as the wife of King Edward is that she has been tw T ice divorced—that fact is made clear in a leading
    549 words
  • 392 26 -Reuter. London, Dec. 5. lON DON newspapers today write of the urgent need for a settlement of the crisis. THE DAILY TELEGRAPH, stressing the danger of a delayed decision, declares: “It would be utterably deplorable if what used to be called a “King’s Party” showed even the
    -Reuter.  -  392 words

  • 1300 27 The King*s Marriage. P.euter. Mr. Baldwin Again Consults King Edward. London, Dec. G. i A meeting of ministers began at No. 10 Downing Street at 11 a.m. this morning, including Sir John Simon, Mr. Neville Chamberlain, Sir Samuel Hoare, Mr. Oliver Stanley. Sir Donald
    P.euter.  -  1,300 words
  • 463 27 “ARE WE TO LOSE OUR KING A Way Out Must Be Found. London. Dec. 4. THE growing popular reluctance to see the King abdicate has found expression in several national papers with big circulations This morning the Daily Mall, referring to an Albert Hall meeting last night at which a
    463 words

  • 765 28 —British Wireless. MR. W. CHURCHILL'S MANIFESTO. London, Dec. 7. AN emergency meeting of the Cabinet was held at No. 10 Downing Street last night to discuss the Constitutional situation and the King’s desire to marry Mrs. Simpson. It is unlikely
    —British Wireless.  -  765 words
  • 450 28 Aneta-Trans-Ocean. Staying With Americans. MRS. WALLIS SIMPSON, the woman whom the King v ants to marry, arrived at Cannes, on the French Riviera, on Saturday night and is staying there indefinitely. She is at the Villa Lou Viei, which is the home of two Americans, Mr.
    Aneta-Trans-Ocean.  -  450 words
  • 520 28 Status Of The King’s Wife. London, Dec. 4. A STATEMENT on the Conn stitutional issue which has arisen between the King and his ministers was made by the Prime Minister in the House of Commons today. As soon as it became known that Mr. Baldwin was returning
    520 words

  • 915 29  -  By “Stand-Off.” y PERI u 0R 9 n aH Apartments of the game, Army beat Singa- P° r f 21 rants (three goals, a try, a penalty goal) to 3 ia try) in the decisive match of the southern
    915 words
  • 34 29 —Reuter. London Dec 2. Rugby Union matches played today resulted as follows: Hampshire 14. Eastern Counties 7. At Bournemouth. Kent 6, Middlesex 3. At Blackheath. Aldershot Services 27. Portmouth Services 12.—Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  34 words
  • 165 29 Beats Messer And Hill In Well-Judged Race. On Saturday everting a gathering of enthusiastic supporters followed one of the closest races of the season when L. F. Duncan, N. W G. Hill and J. B. Messer rowed for tne Rodesse Cup —the trophy lor the
    165 words
  • 57 29 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok, Dec. 5. The Bangkok Sports Club golf championship final was played today and resumed in R. H. St. Amory beating W. J. Gibb, former Malayan champion, two and one over 36 holes. After the first eighteen holes, played
    57 words
  • 116 29 —Reuter. Edinburgh Defeated By Glasgow. Rugby games played at Home on Saturday resulted, says Reuter, as fol-ows:— Devonport Services 5, Llanelly 15. Gloucester 14. Blackheath 0. Guy’s Hospital 6. Richmond 18. Harlequins 24, Leicester 5. London Scottish 3, Bath 8. Moseley 3, Northampton 0. Newport 12, Bristol 8.
    —Reuter.  -  116 words
  • 255 29 Ragged Rugger In Malaya Cup Encounter. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Seremban, Dec. 5. Negri Sembilan-Malacca obtained their first Malaya Cup victory here today when Johore were beaten by 11 points (a goal, a try and. a penalty goal) to 5 points (a goal). Play
    255 words
  • 48 29 Reuter. London, Dec. 2. Owing to several difficulties, chiefly relating to the tides, the Ox ford-Cambridge boat race has now been definitely fixed for Wednesday, Mar. 24, at about 11.30 a.m. The last time the race was rowed on a midweek day was in 1921.
    Reuter.  -  48 words
  • 53 29 Hockey. 'From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Dec. 5. Malacca and Pera* drew 2—2 In a thrilling match here today. Malacca with a magnificent defence but a less forceful attack should have won on their territorial advantage. Forbes scored both Malacca’s goals and Yzelman and Rlvaz
    53 words

  • 662 31 POLO PONIES' SCURRY WON BY DAZZLE. (From Our Own Correspondent). Heavy rain marked the earlier staire of Selangor Turf Club Skye meeting* improved and some excellent sport was witnessed by thefair ,rowd present. The draw ior the big sweep resulted as follows: Value: $25,535;
    662 words
  • 245 31 Curley And Robison Top Other Divisions. The December medal competition of tne Singapore Golf Club was played at Bukit Timah on Saturday “A” DIVISION B. Neyland 82 12 70 V. P. Barbat 83 11 72 H. A. Murray 83 10 73 G. O. Cruickshank 80
    245 words
  • 437 31 Rugger Match Won By The Rest XV. being defeated at soccer the previous day, the Scots went down to The Rest in the annua i rugger match on the padang last week by 13 points (two goals, a try) to nil. The Scottish players had
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  • 131 31 Useful Practice For The M.C.C THE M.C.C. had some useful baiting and bowling practice on the last day of their match at Brisbane against Queensland. But,” cables Reuter, “when they had the game ‘in their pockets’ they seemed content to draw out the finish.*'
    131 words
  • 281 31 .—Reuter. Glover’s Couple At Dundee. London. Dec 2. Before a crowd of 25,000 at Dundee, on a sticky surface owing to overnight rain, Wales beat Scotland in the soccer international by two goals *0 one. Wills, of Aberdeen, replaced Napier, of Derby, at inside-left for Scotland, and
    .—Reuter.  -  281 words

  • 1481 32 CATURDAY’S results in the Home soccer leagues, as cabled by Reuter, and the league tables up •5 to date, are as follows: DIVISION I. Arsenal 1 Manchester C. 3 Bolton W 2 Chelsea 1 Brentford 4 Portsmouth 0 Derby C 5 Leeds J 3
    1,481 words
  • 312 32 -Reuter. Rest Score Seven Goals On The Padang. MINE goals were scored in the annual soccer match between Scot111 land and the Rest at the S.C.C. last week.. The Scots only got two of them. They were thoroughly beaten by a much sounder team. Not
    -Reuter.  -  312 words
  • 91 32 Reuter. “Obbles,” Cliff Jones And Wooller. London, Nov. 30. Three of Britain’s most famous rugger players were injured in Saturday’s games. Obolensky, the Oxford and England winger, tore a muscle of his back and thigh and is an unlikely starter in the Varsity match on
    Reuter.  -  91 words
  • 149 32 Reuter. AND THEY DESERVED THEIR VICTORY. London, Dec. 6. At Dublin yesterday, Hungary defeated the Irish Free State by three goals to two. The teams were: Irish Free State: Foley: O’Neill. German: O’Reilly. Turner Moulson; P. Ellis. Donnelly. Davis. Moore. Fallon Hungary: Palinkas: Polgar. Vago;
    Reuter.  -  149 words
  • 111 32 The Malcolm Cup competition which was played at the Garrison Golf Club during November and December, resulted in a win for Captain A.G. Cole and Mr. T.N. Baxter. The semi-final and final results were:— Semi-finals: Commander G R G Allen and Lt. Cdr. H. C. Ainslie beat
    111 words
  • 42 32 Seventeen cards were taken out for the December spoon competition a* the Keppel Golf Club and the followed were the three best scores returned Mrs. R. E. Earle All square Mrs. F. Starr 1 Dow: 1 Miss G. Famell 3
    42 words
  • 106 32 —Reuter. Reports 44 Unauthorised And Untrue.” Bombay, Dec. I. Sir John Beaumont, replying to a telegram from the Maharaj Kumar of Vizianagram regarding reports which have appeared on the Amarnath incident, says: “The reports are entirely unauthorised and untrue.”—Reuter. The reports referred to were the findings of
    —Reuter.  -  106 words

    • 869 1 FRASER COMPANY’S SHARE REPORT. Local Conditions Remain Cheerful. Messrs. Fraser and Co., in their weekly share report, issued at the close oi business on Dec. 8. We certainly live in anxious times z.nd it seems inevitable that no sooner is one spectre laid than another appears. generally from the most
      869 words
    • 190 1 Singapore, December 9, 12 noon. Buyer Seller Gambler $6.50 Hamburg Cube 10.50 Java Cube 9.50 Pepper. White Muntok 19.00 White 18.50 Black 10.50 Copra. Mixed $8.45 Sundrled 8.75 Tapioca. v Small Flake 5.25 Fair Flaxe 4.75 Medium Pearl 5.25 Small Pearl 5.30 Sago Flour. No. 1 3.25 3.25 Lingga
      190 words
    • 77 1 The following are the estimated crops of rubber harvested by the respective companies during November: lb. Penang Rubber Estates 345,500 Sabrang Rubber Estate 77,000 Straits Rubber Co 218,000 Rubana Rubber Estates 94,000 Bagan Serai Rubber 74,100 Tali Ayer Rubber 96,100 Batak RaDit Rubber 34,500 Merchiston Rubber Estate
      77 words
    • 347 1 London, Dec. 8. lhe following are today's closing middle prices on the London Stock Exchange: Shares ol £1 denomination unless otherwise stated: Y ester- Rise day. or Pall Conversion Loon 5 p.c. 1944-64 117% *4 Funding Loan 4 p.c. 1960-90 116 V* War Loan 3% p.c 105% Straits
      347 words
    • 65 1 spot Dec. Jan.-Mar. Apr.-June July-Sept. London JSq 31% 31 9/16 31 11 <16 31 13/16 31% 8 13/16 DeC 4 31 7/16 31% 31 9/16 31 1118 31% 8 13/16 7 32 11/16 32% 32 13/16 32 15/16 33 9 3/16 I 32% 32% 32% 32%
      65 words
    • 145 2 NEW SHARE ISSUE OF £110,000. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Dec. 3. Gopeng (Perak* Rubber Estates Ltd is issuing 1,100.000 new shares of 2s each to shareholders at 2s. l'od. This issue is being made to provide funds with which to finance the purchase of an estate
      145 words
    • 138 2 n? HE ability of Malaya to ship the additional tin quota during this quarter is amply illustrated by the shipments that were made from Malayan ports during November. These shipments totalled 10,236 tons, and although they include tin smelted from foreign imports of ore, there is no
      138 words
    • 103 2 Applications For Licences. Applications for licences to import textiles into the Colony during the period Jan. 1, 1937 to June 30. 1937 are called for by proclamation in an Extraordinary Government 'Gazette. No change of policy or procedure is implied in the wording of the Proclamation,
      103 words
    • 80 2 (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur. Dec. 4. An F.M.S. Government Gazette supplement today calls for applications for 1937 licences to import regulated textiles manufactured in foreign countries. This is done under the Customs Enactment of 1936, and applicants are asked, among other things, to state
      80 words
    • 209 2 INCREASE IN QUOTA EXPECTED. From Our Own Correspondent* London Dec. 5. The Dally Express states that the United States Government is bringing pressure to bear on the International Rubber Committee to raise the quota b> at least 10 per cent. The Financial News expects a further sharp
      209 words
    • 90 2 FOREIGN imports of rubber into the Straits Settlements during November totalled 16.923 tons, compared with 12.960 tons during the preceding month. For the 11 months ended November the total imports were 158,041 tons compared with 167,122 tons in the corresponding period of 1935. Of the November
      90 words
    • 174 2 The following scales adopted for the assessments of rubber untapped on Jan 1. 1933, are announced by the Controller of Rubber, S.S. and F.M.S., in a circular, which replaces the printed circular of Oct. 10, 1934. SEEDLING RUBBER. Allowance per acre Qualifications. Age per annum Stand
      174 words
    • 39 2 The value of Galena ore for the purpose of levying export duty on an ad valorem basis has been fixed in the F.M.S. at $lO per ton with effect from Dec. 1,193 G.
      39 words
    • 128 2 CAPITAL REDUCTION EFFECTED. The report of the directors of Pasak Rubber Estates Ltd. states that *the profit for the year ended Sept. 30. was $5,581 which it is proposed to carry forward to next year. As a result of a capital reduction scheme carried out during the
      128 words
    • 101 2 U'OREIGN imports of tin ore into the Straits Settlements during November totaled 2,396 tons bringing the total imports for the eleven months ended November to 24,355 tons compared with 20.590 tons for the corresponding period of 1935. For October the total imports were 2.589 tons. Of
      101 words
    • 69 2 STRAITS GROUP’S PROPOSED PURCHASE. (From Our Own Correspondent* London. Dec. 5. It is rumoured here that the Straits Rubber group of companies will shortly float a new company with a nominal capital of .€300.000 in €1 shares. It is stated that the object of
      69 words
    • 143 2 THE Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association held its 1.306 th auction on Dec 2. when there were catalogued 1,110,694 lbs.. 495.84 tons: offered 1,033.538 lbs., 461.40 tons: sold 854,992 lbs., 381.69 tons. Spot London 8 13 16d. New York 18 7! 16 cts. PRICES REALISED Ribbed
      143 words
    • 516 2 GOOD TRADE BUYING CONTINUES. STANTON NELSON AND CO. LT|> in their weekly report on the market issued on Dec. 4 write:— After being slightly firmer earlier r the week, the market became Quiet with values just below best. have been well maintained in and New York.
      516 words
    • 56 2 Ocean shipments of rubber, including latex, revertex and concentrated latex, during November from Malayan ports, totalled 47.342 tons compared with 46.399 tons in October. The total shipments for the eleven months ended November were 481,428 tons a decrease of 71,053 tons on the figure of 552.481 tons
      56 words
    • 268 3 COST OF PRODUCTION 14.44 CENTS. The report of the directors of Pajam Limited states that the profit lor the ,year ended Sept. 30. was $137,914, to ‘which has been added $122,411 brought forward, making $260,325. The directors propose payment of a dividend of 10 per cent, which
      268 words
    • 80 3 Mark Of Country Of Origin. pTKTHER safeguards against the use of Japanese flags and bunting during the Coronation celebrations in Malaya are provided in a bill tabled at today’s meeting of the Legislative Council. The bill incorporates regulations similar to those already imposed in the F.M.S., and its
      80 words
    • 80 3 The directors of the Malayan Rubbei boan and Agency Corporation decided to redeem at par the £10.766 ol outstanding 6 per cent. Debenture stock. This decision has been taken in view of the improvement in the rubber producing industry and the resultant increase in the
      80 words
    • 40 3 —Reuter. London, Dec. 7. The pepper sales control committee bas advanced the price of spot Muntok jn bond to 5»/ 4 d. and the duty paid to 6d. Limited quantities are being offered at the above prices.—Reuter.
      —Reuter.  -  40 words
    • 400 3 The Colony expects to spend the sum of $31,951,716 in 1937 and a bill making provision for this will be introduced at the next meeting of the Legislative Council on Monday. This does not include the sums liable under the Widows’ and Orphans’ Pension Ordinance
      400 words
    • 66 3 According to official figures the quota position of the signatory countries and Siam at the end of October was a net under-export of 5,137 tons. Malaya and Siam were the only two to exceed their quota, Malaya being over-exported by 995 tons and Siam by 217 tons.
      66 words
    • 189 3 A decrease of 7 per cent, in the trade handled at Singapore wharves during the year ended June 30, 1936, is revealed in the report and accounts of the Singapore Harbour Hoard. The aggregate figure is 2,633,304 tons. General cargo Inward decreased Dy 82,270 tons,
      189 words
    • 85 3 Contracts For 1937. The undermentioned rubber companies have made contracts for the sale of standard ribbed smoked sheet lor delivery during 1937. The prices given are the approximate equivalent of London landed terms: Price per lb. Tons d. Bagan Serai 88 Vi 8.38 Batak Rabit 47 8.37
      85 words
    • 114 3 report of the directors of Katu Tin Dredging Ltd. for the fifteen months ended June last states that the profit for the period was £14,175 to which has been added £15.006 brought forward, making £29,181. The profit for the year ended March 1935 was £17,282.
      114 words
    • 89 3 The Dunlop Rubber Co., of India. Ltd., has just issued its prospectus showing the company’s authorised capital to be two crores of rupees (£1,500,000). The new money is required for the purpose of financing a factory already erected near Calcutta for the manufacture of pneumatic tyres and
      89 words
    • 295 3 —Reuter. METAL BROKERS SUGGEST 90 PER CENT. ANTICIPATED RISE IN STOCKS. London, Dec. 7. Vivian. Younger and Bond Ltd. a private company of prominent metal trokers, in a circular issued today, state: “We feel that the International Tin Committee having met the outcry from the
      —Reuter.  -  295 words
    • 106 3 PROBLEM OF VOTING RIGHTS SOLVED. London. Dec. 8. Reuter understands that the difficulties regarding the allocation of voting rights in the new tin control scheme have been virtually solved. The International Tin Committee expects to be in a position at its meeting on Friday to fix
      106 words
    • 100 3 During the week ending Nov. 28. exports of tinned pineapples from Malayan ports amounted to 18.158 cases, of which: 12,740 (70 per cent.) cases were to the United Kingdom. 2 240 (12 per cent.) cases to the Continent of Europe. 1,000 6 per cent.) cases to
      100 words
    • 472 4 London Exchange Prices On November 25. AUagar* 1/7*4; Ang.-Malay 16/9; Ayer Kun 1%; Bagan Serai 15/16; Bahru* 3/3, Banteng 1 1/16; Batang* 1/1%; Batu Caves 1%; Batu Ttga 1%; Bekoh* 1/0%; Bertam' 4/4%; Bidor 1 15/16; Bikam* 2/6; Bradwall 1%; Braunston 31/32; Brooklands* 3/7%, Broome* 3/7%; Bukit Cloh*
      472 words
    • 166 4 London Exchange Prices On November 25. Ampat Tin (4/) 4/10*%; Anglo-Burma (5/) 15/9; Anglo-Oriental (5/) 2/9; AngloOriental Pref. 13/6; Aramayo (F.Sw. 20) 25/6; Ayer Hitam (5/) 20/4%; Bangrin Tin 21/6; Beralt Tin (5/) 7/10%; Brit. Tin Invest (10/) 18/4%; E. Pool Agar (1/) /6; E. Pool Agar Pt.
      166 words
    • 27 4 Batavia, Dec. 7. The export duty on native rubber has been raised to 59 guilders per 100 kilograms as from tomorrow.—Reuter.
      27 words
    • 22 4 Dec. 3 Tin, S pore Price $113.87% per picul 113 9* 5 113.50 7 113.62% 8 113.25 8 115.25
      22 words
    • 1307 4 Issued by Fraser and Co. and Lyall and Evatt. Exchange and Stock Brokers Singapore, December 9, 10 a.m. mining. Issue Val. Fraser Co. Lyall Evatt Issue Val. Fraser Co. Lyall tw Buyers Sellers Buyers Sellers Buyers Sellers Buyers sel»4/- Ampaw Tin 4/9 5/6 5/- 5/6 1 Nawng
      1,307 words