The Straits Budget, 3 December 1936

Total Pages: 36
1 4 The Straits Budget
  • 29 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE STRAITS TIMES [ESTABLISHED NEARLY A CENTURY.] No. 4112. SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1936. Price 25 cents (S.S. Currency) or 7d.
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  • 920 1 •"pHEIR Highnesses the Yam Tuan of Negri Sembilan. the Sultan of Pahang, the Sultan of Johore, and the Sultan of Trengganu will be present at King Edward’s Coronation as Royal guests. This is disclosed in a communique issued by the F.M.S. Government. It is also stated
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  • 548 1 (By A Special Correspondent) With the death of the Dowager Ranee Margaret of Sarawak, which was announced on Tuesday, passes one of most remarkable of the many remarkable women of the late Victorian era. The Dowager Ranee died at her home in Albert Road, Regents
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  • The Straits Budget
    • 785 2 —Straits Times, Nov. 26. It is indeed a remarkable and inspiring phase of the history of Johore that we are now seeing. At a time when the Federated Malay States have only just departed from the “care-and-maintenance” basis on to which they were forced during the
      —Straits Times, Nov. 26.  -  785 words
    • 968 2 —Straits Times, Nov. 27. Yesterday the present financial policy of Johore, with its remarkably high proportion of extraordinary to recurrent expenditure, was discussed in this column. Today it is proposed to explore the subject further in order to show how the present scale of expenditure on new works
      —Straits Times, Nov. 27.  -  968 words
    • 915 2 —Straits Times, Nov. 28. Among the many suggestions put forward for dealing with the unemployment problem in Great Britain, has been a strong revival of immigration schemes. with Australia figuring prominently as a part of the Empire which is supposed to contain opportunities for hundreds of
      —Straits Times, Nov. 28.  -  915 words
    • 766 3 Pacific and Indian Oceans.—Straits Times, Nov. 30. What aro the implications of the pact between Germany and Japan? Is it in effect a treaty of alliance directed against Russia? Or is it to be construed in a less alarming sense as a warning to Russia of
      Pacific and Indian Oceans.—Straits Times, Nov. 30.  -  766 words
    • 875 3 —Straits Times, Dec. 1. Evidence of a new force at work in the underworld of Singapore was forthcoming last week, when within the space of five days two institutions of a type entirely new to Singapore were formally opened True, the Women’s Industrial Horn* 1 is
      —Straits Times, Dec. 1.  -  875 words
    • 1017 4 Straits Times. Dec. 2. Next Saturday the most discussed Malayan Civil Servant of his time will leave this country to take up a higher appointment in Nigeria. Whether one agrees or disagrees with certain acts and policies of Mr. T. S. Adams which have been the
      Straits Times. Dec. 2.  -  1,017 words

  • 336 4 Interests Of The Empire. <From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Nov. 23. The following is the text of H.H. the Sultan of Johore’s speech in reply to the toast of his health and that of H.H. the Sultan of Selangor, proposed by Mr. W. A. Ormsby-Gore,
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  • 22 4 Mr. and Mrs. Mills, of Kuala Reman. Estate. Kuantan. are leaving by the Naldera tomorrow. Mr. Mills is not returning to Malaya.
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  • NOTES Of The DAY.
    • 206 5 pOMAN beads up the Johore River, Greek beads of the sixth century B.C. in a Java grave, a bronze drum in Pahang of a type used in Annam nearly two thousand years ago, a cornelian seal engraved in an Indian script of the seventh century A.D. on
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    • 208 5 PADI’S ANTIQUITY T'HOSE who would know more about the dawn of Malayan civilisation and Malayan history will find a valuable summary of present knowledge in a lecture by Sir Richard Winstedt which is to be reproduced in the Straits Times tomorrow. It is not easy reading, for it was compiled
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    • 310 5 JT is sad news that Dr. Waugh Scott, of Sungei Siput. is leaving on retirement. Malaya can ill afford to lose medical men of his quality. When he was elected president of the Malayan branch of the B.M.A. in 1931 he delivered a memorable address. Dr. Waugh
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    • 203 5 McNAIR AND HOOPS |F Major McNair, who held the appointment of “Comptroller or Indian Convicts’’ in bygone Singapore, were alive today he would be gratified to learn that his humane and progressive ideas had been adopted in Kedah more than 60 years after he left this country. This fact is
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    • 207 5 rvR. Hoops copied Major McNair’s U methods in Kedah both in respect of work outside the gaol and in the employment of convict warders. He says: By Imitating this principle in Kedah 1 was able to control, train and employ usefully a body of from 300 to 400
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    • 355 5 MONK’S GHOSTS N eerie experience is related by the Ranee of Sarawak In her recently published autobiography. It happened when she was staying in a house which her father bought in Callander village, Perthshire, and which was known to the family as the Roman Camp. The Ranee writes: “It was
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    • 195 5 WHEN the Dutch naval squadron was here, quite a number of British people in Singapore were Jolted out of their insularity to the extent of looking at a map of the Malay Archipelago and pondering ovei Holland’s problem of defending that enormously extended empire. I was one
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    • 185 5 COLONIAL TROOPS i F IKE Britain in India, Holland keeps i her Netherlands Indian Army quite separate from her Home troops, and the former are said to number about 30,000, exclusive of civilians coming in for ’heir compulsory periods of training One difference between the armies cf British India and
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    • 239 5 A RETIRED planter writes to tell me that he thinks the author of the Nursery Rhyme For Planters” in the Straits Times Annual (first published about 20 years ago* was not George Davidson, as stated by us. but H. E. Davidson. The latter, universally known as George Washington,
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    • 89 5 P*OR the benefit of readers who may have missed a good yarn told by Don In the Straits Times Annual. I should like to repeat It here: “There Is a story of a back-blocks man who once dined at Government House In Borneo. He had nothing to
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    • 268 6 mHE same correspondent who told me about Conrad’s voyages between Singapore and the Bulungan River in Dutch West Borneo has called my attention to a passage in the book, Joseph Conrad: Life and Letters, in which the Conrad characters, Almayer and Willems, are described. I quote the
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    • 156 6 SLAVE AT SEA CO much for the principal character in Conrad’s first novel, Almayer’s Folly. The same author gives the following information about another Conrad novel with a Malaysian background: “On one of these voyages the VIDAR, while clearing the Macassar Strait, encountered a long way from the coast a
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    • 293 6 suitable week-end reading I would like to print a list of rules of “mental hygiene” in Malaya which was recommended by Dr. Waugh Scott in the address to the Malayan branch of the B.M.A. from which I quoted last Wednesday. These rules, which had been selected from a
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    • 176 6 DY way of a contrast to the reports U we have been reading lately of soldiers in the police-courts—a very small but troublesome minority of the Gerrison—l would like to call attention to two anonymous soldiers who were mentioned at the Boys’ Home ceremony on Saturday afternoon.
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    • 232 6 n EADERS may remember a learned disquisition in this column on the fact that a modern Papuan mummy in the Sydney museum reveals the identical embalming technique of ancient Egypt. Today I quote some comments on the people of Nias, an island 150 miles off the Sumatra coast,
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    • 287 6 MOUNT EMILY TRUNKS V AM able to state today, on the most unreliable authority, that the Municipal Commissioners have decided to put to a personal test Mr. David Frankel’s argument that trunks should be permitted at the Mount Emily swimming pool, as being better ior swimming and sun-bathing than full-length
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    • 305 6 WHITE DOMICILE A READER has written to ask what lawyers mean by domicile,” the question having arisen in the case of a woman of pure European descent who was born in Ceylon and is now living in Singapore. Can she claim a domicile in Europe, asks my correspondent The subject
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    • 216 6 *J*HE interesting assertion that many boys are reading one book a week on the average is made in “The Treasure,” the Annual published by the Anglo-Chinese Continuation School, Singapore. This point is worth noting because people outside the Education Department often wonder how far the schools of
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    • 242 6 117E in Malaya know only too well how successful the giant snail has been in its march over southern Asia, but the spread of the Chinese mitten crab through the river systems of Europe is an equally remarkable story. It is related in the New Statesman and Nation
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  • 56 6 The following Government officers have been granted leave The Hon. Mr. M. Rex, Dr. R Walkingshaw and Messrs. P... Molloy, A. Hyde, C.J R Bembroke, E. Tongue. R. E. Wilson. R Nunn. J.L.J. Haxworth, J.F.F. Gregg R E. Ince. O S. Webb, H.R. Baker E.J. Phillips, W.N.C,
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  • 487 7 Dr. C. P. Allen, Anaesthetists, has been seconded for service in Johore. Mr. E. La M. Stowell, European Master, has been seconded for service in Kedah. Mrs. S. Brown, of Sungei Kapar Estate. Kapar. has returned from home The resignation of his commission ir. the S.S.ViF by
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  • 121 7 Leg Amputated After Accident. (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Nov. 30. Mr. A. E. Coope, the Malayan Controller of Rubber, has had his right leg amputated in Bungsar Hospital. Kuala Lumpur, where he has been lying since his shooting accident a fortnight ago. Two blood
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  • 112 7 S.S. Chief Justice Re-elected President The Chief Justice, S.S., the Hon. Mr Justice P. A. McElwaine, was re-elect-ed president of the St. Patrick’s Society at the annual general meeting held at the Adelphi Hotel yesterday evening. It was decided to hold a dinner and ball on St.
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  • 306 7 The following appointments are an- nounced in the F.M.S. Government, Gazette: Dr. W. J. Moir to be an official mem- j ber of the Mejlis Meshuarat Keraja’an j (State Council) of Negri Sembilam for a further period of two years Mr. W. G. Howse and Inche Abdul Aziz
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  • 305 7 Leaders— Johore Goes On Spending 2 Johore Arrears 2 Migration—Lessons Of The Past 2 Berlin. Toklo And Moscow 3 Human Salvage In Singapore 3 Mr. T. S. Adams 4 j Telegrams— Covering past week s news 25—28 Picture Supplement 17—20 Financial Supplement— Financial and Commercial News to date, following
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    • 31 7 ELDRIDGL —On Nov. 10. 1936. at Wirr.borne Dorset to Dorothy Mary <n6e Bourchiei > H-ife of Cecil H. Eldridge. The Hongkong Bank, a daughter, Valerie Rozel. Far Eastern papers please copy.
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    • 67 7 In the London Times of November 11th, the engagement to announced between George FrancD, son of the late Dr O Murphy and Mrs. Russ, of Northwood. Middlesex, and Sheelagh, widow of the late Captain J. W. Wilder Kings Dragoon Guards, and daughter of Major C. H. Delmege. and the
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    • 24 7 POULSEN —DAM.--At the Presbyterian Church. Singapore, on Dec. 1. 1936. Magnus Poulsen of The F.ast Asiatic Co. Ltd Singapore, to Meta Dam, Denmark.
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  • 265 7 Mr. H. P. Kirwan —Mitt W. F. P. King. A large horseshoe in pink ruses placed at the front of the font of St. Andrew’s Cathedral, and a smaller one of orange blossom dangling from the bride’s left wrist, were features of the wedding on Nov. 30
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  • 289 7 Employee Of Coconut Grove. The Singapore Coroner. Mr. W. MacPuarrl*. was satisfied after an inquiry on Nov. 30 that 25-year-old Walter Dias an Eurasian who worked as checker at the Coconut Grove, was accidentally drowned In the sea at Pasir Panjang while swimming on the morning
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  • 18 7 Dowager Ranee Of Sarawak Dead. London, Dec. 1. death is announced of the Dowager Ranee of Sarawak. Reuter.
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  • 492 8 SWIFT ORGANISATION AT LABOUR CENTRES. THE 2,500 Tamil coolies of the Municipal Sewerage Depart- ment, who went on strike on Saturday, struck once again on Tuesday, and downing tools in sympathy with them were the whole of the Municipal Tamil labour force and several hundred others
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  • 73 8 (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Nov. 30. Has the heroic little rodent of the screen lost his popularity in Kuala Lumpur? A notification in the F.M.S. Gazette states that the Registrar of Societies has reason to believe that the “Selangor Mickey Mouse Union,” Kuala
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  • 411 8 Sale Of Land. Strong disapproval is expressed by the Singapore Ratepayers’ Association of the action of the Singapore Improvement Trust in selling land privately and not by public auction. Early last month, the committee of the Association addressed a letter to the chairman of the Trust requesting
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  • 196 8 NORMAL CONDITIONS AT SUNGEI BESI. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Dec. 1. The strike at Sungei Best Tin Mines, Ltd., Selangor, is over. The entire 800 workers late last night declared their willingness to return to work and this morning everything is back to normal. The
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  • 356 8 Klang, Celebrations. (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Nov. 30. OELANGOR is preparing to receive its Sultan, Sir Ala’idin Suleiman Shah, G.C.M.G., on his return from England on Dec. 16. A meeting has been held in the District Office at Klang, with the District Officer,
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  • 228 8 Sir R. Winstedt On His New Work. (From Our Own Correspondent) London, by air mail. JN three years* time the School of Oriental Studies will be housed in the new wing of London University which is being built at Bloomsbury. Sir Richard Winstedt, who since he
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  • 260 8 Son Of Firm’s Founder. News has been received in Singapore from Edinburgh of the death of Mr. Stamford Raffles Robinson, one of the leading figures in the mercantile history of Singapore, and for more than 40 years proprietor and partner in the well-known trading
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  • 22 8 A commission as paymaster sublieutenant, S.S. Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve, has been granted to Mr. El. C Parrott.
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  • Correspondence.
    • 697 9 “Bigger, Better And Brighter,” Says Penang Writer. To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,— Here is indeed a surprise packet the Straits Times Annual for 1936. The pleasantness of t surprise is the greater because it ohe writer who suggested publication of this Annual. ps evidenced
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    • 195 9 BETTER THAN THE B.B.C., ANYWAY! To the Editor of the Radio Supplement. Sir,—There has been a lot of rot written and talked about reception from the Singapore amateur radio station, in consequence of which Madame Dietz—very properly to my mind—sent in her resignation. Certainly Singapore is
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    • 199 9 $12 Not Too Much To Pay For Licence. To the Editor of the Radio Supplement. Dear Sir.—Ii the M.B.C. proves to be what is expected, we shall consider the $12 licence fee paid for our radio a good investment. At the present time we regret
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    • 102 9 RUBBER DEALERS, ESTATES BROKERS. To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —In reply to Balk-La.” We, the company (not firm) in question, are exclusively rubber deal ers as distinct from many dealers who have other varied interests, including estate departments and shipping do partments. As specialists we are interested
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    • 175 9 Thanks From An Unsuccessful Applicant. To the Editor of the Straits Times Sir.—It is very refreshing to itead in i the Straits Times of Nov 24 that an advertiser has intimated to the—un- j doubtedly—many applicants for a recent vacancy as stenographer that the appointment has
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    • 190 9 “MEN MONEY.” Fort Canning And Local Contractors. To the Editor of the Straits Times Sir, —Regarding your leading article of Nov. 18, “Men And Money,” there is a point—and a very big one too—that Fort Canning seems to overlook. Some of the firms here who are employed on contracting work
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    • 129 9 Singapore Ex-Service Man With A Grievance. To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir.—May I as an unemployed exservice Man make a most emphatic protest against the reports given in the local Press concerning what is done for ex-service Men in Singapore? The unfairness in these reports
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  • 236 9 The following article appeared in the Manila newspaper Union of Nov. 15 under the heading "To The Straits Times.” It is a reply to the Straits Times leading article of Nov. 11 entitled “Watch China!” We are going to contradict the Straits Times, of
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  • 106 9 Mr. W. B. Hadley—Miss M. E. M. Adye. (From Our Own Correspondent! Penang, Nov. 28. Mr. Willoughby Bretherton Hadley, of the Asiatic Petroleum Co., (S.S> Ltd., Singapore, was married in Penang yesterday at St. George’s Church, to Miss Mary Eileen Marjorie Adye. of London. The Rev. Colin King
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  • 570 10 FATALITY DESCRIBED BY BOAT COMRADE. An inquiry was held on Nov. 26 by the Singapore Coroner, Mr W. MacQuarrie, into the drowning of First Class Aircraftman Robert John Dutton, of the R.A.F., Seletar, on the night of Nov. 13, in the Straits of Johore. Of the two survivors
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  • 42 10 (From Our Own Correspondent > Seremhan, Nov. 2«. Tne Soremban Sanitary Board which inet yesterday at the state Council Chambers turned down the application of Mr. Ooh Eng Thye for an amusement park on the land next f o his building in Temiang
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  • 340 10 Views Of Former Ex-German Consul At Tientsin. CHINA should not take offence at the anti-Soviet agreement just concluded between Germany and Japan, but should welcome it. This is the opinion of Dr. Heinrich Betz, German ConsulGeneral in Tientsin for the past 14 years, who
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  • 209 10 Python Killed. “There’s a nice big snake in the garden That is what four-year-old Rufus Crompton said on Thursday (Nov. 26) after he had seen a 9 ft. 6 in. python ac Katong Grange, at 75-77 Meyer Road. Katong. The huge reptile, apparently having recently
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  • 425 10 Scots and “furriners” alike enjoyed themselves at the annual St. Andrew’s Night dinner held in Singapore on Friday night. Memories of the land north of the Tweed were brought back by the sprigs of purple heather, the yards of tartan—aye, and the haggis which was
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  • 137 10 Refuge From Evil Temptation Women’s Home. THE fallen woman who wishes to 1 rise; the girl betrayed and forsaken; the criminal type of woman who may be anxious for another chance from Society; the woman or girl, who, owing conditions, is in danger of entering, ignorantly or wilfully, a life
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  • 49 10 Arrives On January 17. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Nov. 30 QAPTA1N A. T. A. Ritchie O.B.E., M.C. t Malaya's first paid Chief Game Warden will arrive on Jan. 17 or 18. He will control the Game Department from an office in Kuala Lumpur.
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  • 187 10 MISUNDERSTANDING. An assurance that their grievances would be considered, on condition that they returned to work, ended the strike on Saturday morning of nearly 2,000 coolies employed on excavation and other work connected with the new municipal sewerage extension scheme adjoining the old course in Singapore. The
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  • 1530 11 An Indian Saga In Ancient And Modem Malaya. Indians In Malaya. A Pageant of Greater India. By R. B. Krishnan. (Malayan Publishers. $1). |N Malaya, where education is only now being given a local bias, the majority of local-born people know much more about the Norman conquest of
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  • 463 11 Great Reception For Mrs Zwaardemaker. Combined Orchestta Concert. A tremendous reception was given m the Victoria Memorial Hall. Singapore, on Sunday to Mrs. Renate Zwarrdemaker who gave her last public performance on the violin in Singapore. Before an audience of several hundred Mrs. Zwaardemaker played two pieces —Largo (Veracini) and
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  • 121 11 Mr. P. H. Battishill. From Our Own Correspondent) Seremban. Nov. 27. (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Nov. 27. Mr. Phillip Henry Battishill, of Messrs. Sisson and Delay, Singapore was admitted to the F.M.S. Bar by the acting Chief Justice Mr. Justice N. H. P. Whitley,
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  • 49 11 It is officially announced that the Right Honourable the Secretary of State for the Colonies has been pleased to appoint Mr. H. C. Wlllan. M.C.. M.C.S., to be Solicitor-General. Kenya Mr. Wlllan will be sailing to Kenya about the middle of December.
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  • 378 12 N. I. Comments On Squadron Commander's Statements. PROMINENCE is given in N.I. newspapers to the Free Press interview with Commander C. E. L. Helfrich, commander of the Netherlands Squadron which visited Singapore recently.. Pointing out that the Dutch Naval authorities had disavowed the interview
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  • 216 12 <From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Nov. 28. Alleged to have falsely represented• to Mary Tan and Loh Ah Kim, an elderly woman, that he was a clerk employed by the Chinese Protectorate, Kuala Lumpur, a man named Chia Yim appeared before Mr. C. H. j
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  • 427 12 ENGLAND SHOULD JOIN PACT. TOKIO PEER’S VIEWS. England must join Germany and Japan in their pact against Communism but Japan itself will never be Fascist China is so big that one man cannot control it; therefore Japan should have part of it. Those are the
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  • 49 12 The following Government officers have returned from leave The Hon. Mr Justice R. C. Cussen, Dr. C. P. Allen, Dr. H. J. Lawson, and Messrs. B. Bunting, J. P. Edwards, F. S. Horslin, P. H. Goss. P. H. Elkins, C. C. Best, and E S. Tideman.
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  • 292 12 SERVES WORLD’ S YOUTH. I Col. Rae Speaks On Rotary. Next to promoting international friendship, Rotary’s most useful service was to youth throughout the world, said the Hon. Col Cecil Rae, responding to the welcome accorded him at the Rotary Club dinner* given at the Adelphi Hotel on Saturday night
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  • 190 12 The following appointments are notified in the S.S. Government Gazette The Hon. Mr. A. B. Jordan, M.C.S., to be a member oi the Standing Advisory Committee on the use of Opium in Malaya vice Mr. J. A. Black, M.C S., with effect from Oct. 26, 1936. inclusive. Bhai
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  • 160 12 Chinese and Two Malays, TTHREE men have been killed by tigers within six weeks in the Kuala Pergau distret of Kelantan. These fatalities are reported in a letter from a Malay received by Mr. \v G, Anderson, of Kota Bahru, a translation of
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  • 240 12 RELEASE OF ARRESTED MEN DEMANDED. (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Nov. 30. Rain kept the 800 miners who are striking on the Sungei Besi Tin Mine indoors for the most part of yesterday and there have been no demonstations since the attempted march on Kuala Lumpur
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  • 143 12 Divers To Investigate. Will the Van der Wijck. the Dutch steamer which sank off the coast of Java with the loss of nearly 50 lives about six weeks ago. ever be raised? An offer by a son-in-law of the late Mr. and Mrs.
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  • 814 13 -Reuter. CONSULS DENY RUMOURS PROTOCOL AFFECTING MALAYSIA. Local Comment On Reported Secret Clauses. DUMOURS of an agreement between Japan and Germany for 11 the establishment of “spheres of economic and political influence in the Netheilands Indies” has caused bewilderment and deep concern in Singapore. Although
    -Reuter.  -  814 words
  • 653 13 The following: statement on the Japano-German Pact emanates from the Japanese Foreign Office in Tokio and explains the treaty from the Japanese viewpoint: Ever since its establishment the Communist International, or the socalled Comintern, with its headquarters at Moscow, for the purpose of destroying the
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  • 115 13 Singapore is coming into line with other big cities of the world in regard to taxi-cab services. The varicoloured cabs of the companies operating in the city are proof of the demand for smarter, cleaner, and brighter transport. Latest recruits to the ranks of
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  • 85 13 Changes which will give the Singapore Golf Club an even finer course than it has today are now being carried out, it was reported on Nov. 25 at the annual meeting of the club. Under the charge of Mr. R. Renton, approximately 1.600 trees of
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  • 114 13 News has been received in Singapore of the death in a London hospital on Monday last of Mr A. M. Hamilton, of the United Engineers. Ltd. Mr. Hamilton, who was about 50 years of age. left Singapore In April. 1935, on sick leave, suffering
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  • 1054 14 Victoria School And The Feeder System. THE possibility of introducing a general knowledge paper into school examinations was mentioned by the headmaster of Victoria School, Captain C. E. Jacobs, in his report given at the prizegiving on Friday morning. “I have been struck, during the
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  • 181 14 Selangor Flag Flown In London iFrom Our Own Correspondent.) London, Nov. 19. For the first time in history, the Selangor State flag has been flown in London. It fluttered gaily from the flag staff of the Malayan Information Agency in Trafalgar Square on Wednesday, Nov. 18, on the occasion of
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  • 231 14 MILITARY R.A.F. DRAFTS LEAVE. TRANSPORT’S MEN ASHORE. MILITARY and Royal Air Force drafts who have done service at Singapore were aboard the new British sea transport, the 11.000-ton Dilwara, when she continued her voyage from China to England from Singapore at 1 o’clock on Nov. 25. The Dilwara is also
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  • 96 14 Among the troops on the troopship Dilwara which passed through Singapore on her way from Far East stations te Europe is Mr. George Markham. a 22-year-o!d British resident of Shanghai, who has the distinction of having been accepted. abroad for enlistment in the Royal Engineers.
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  • 245 14 Poor Children Will Be Remembered. (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Nov. 25. The first practical step towards organising the Coronation celebrations in Kuala Lumpur was taken at a public meeting in the Town Hall tonight, at which a general committee of 48 people was elected. An
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  • 214 14 POLICE WATCH ALL NIGHT. (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Nov. 26. TWEAKING a repetition of the inci- dents which occurred during the Batu Arang miners’ strike, the Kuala Lumpur police took quick action yesterday afternoon when 500 coolies at a Chinese mine in Sungei Besi, a
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  • 61 14 Mr. T. J. Thomas. M.C.. M A Awelon, who. with his wife and daughter, has been spending his leave at Aberayron. Wales, has been appointed headmaster of the Sultan Ab dul Hamid College at Alor Star, Kedah Mrs. Thomas and their infant daughter are spending the winter at Clifton New
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  • 1540 15 Not Condemned by Department Of Agriculture Formula For The Highlands. (By Our Planting Correspondent.) THE article in these columns on Sept. 11 was devoted to a discussion regarding the control of cutworms on the Cameron Highlands by the use of poison baits. In that
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  • 427 15 “Intellectual Austerities. To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,—Lest anyone should misapprehend Mr. Rasmussen's remarks In his letter to you published on Nov. 13. may I remind readers that I have had no right to speak on behalf of the Rubber Research Institute since February, 1934,
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  • 1476 16 CERTAIN TYPES TOO "LAVISHLY PLANNED." 11'THERE is a feeling among the Unofficial Members that present costs are rather high and that certain proposed types of buildings are more lavishly planned than is warranted by the circumstances. We should feel more satisfied if
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  • 42 16 (From Our Oivn Correspondent.) Seremban, Nov. 24 INFORMATION reached Seremban today that five lepers, three Tamils and tico Chinese, absconded from the Leper Settlement at Sungei Buloh, between Nov. 8 and 17. The Seremban Police have been informed.
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  • 176 16 iFrom Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur. Nov. 23 “We have had continual trouble with this area, and I might add that practically every house in the neighbourhood has for some time or other been visited by the Police,” said Mr. R. 0 W M. DavisT Officer in
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  • 61 16 In the Straits Budget of Nov. 26 appeared an account of misappropriation of funds by a clerk at Outram School. Singapore, as recorded by the Auditor, Straits Settlements, in his report for 1935. The Straits Times has been asked to make it clear that the misappropriation
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  • 284 16 The following passengers left Singaport on Nov. 25 in the Yasukuni Maru: For London Mr. T. Abe, Mr. A. Brysse. Mr. E. R. Butcher, Lt. C. Collingwood, Mr. 1. Hasegawa, Mr. J. Hobo. Commander and Mr?. G H. Hopkinson, Mr. R. Hunter, Mr. T. A. Jose, Mr. M. Kakiuchi,
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 48 16 The MERCANTILE BANK of INDIA Limited Authorised Capital £3,000,000 Paid-up Capital £1,050,000 Reserve Fund and Rest £1,249,097 SPECIALISES in the DUTIES o( EXECUTORS ADMINISTRATORS and TRUSTEES AND OFFERS MANY ADVANTAGES. Complete information on request to: Head Office: 15 Cracechurch St., London, E.C.3 Branches and Agencies throughout tho East
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  • 1067 17 Group taken after the wedding on Monday, Nov. 23, at the Cathedral of the Good Shepherd, Singapore, of Mr. A. E. Hughes, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Hughes of Perth, West Australia, and Kathleen, daughter of Mrs. and the late l>r. Lonergan, also
    — (I’hnto by Nakajima).; —Anthony Royer Copyright  -  1,067 words

  • 1304 21 Things You Should Know If You Teach Your Child At Home How To Stimulate Interest And Activity. Interest in the problem of home education of children continues unabated among readers of the Women’s Supplement of the Straits Times, and a further article by Marianne is published below
    —Straits Times Photograph.  -  1,304 words
  • 329 21 $3,000 Fine For Turf Club Member. Commenting that in this case 1 the accused had joined various Turf Clubs in the country and had then proceeded to sell tickets for sweepstakes to non-members, Mr. J. P. Biddulph, the second magistrate, Singapore, fined Natah Singh, a
    329 words
  • 317 21 Seven Weeks Away—Five Weeks In London m Singapore Mans Quick Trip. /j|FTER a flying seven-week visit to England, Mr. W. J. Warin has retnrned to Singapore convinced that a»r travel is the Ideal form of transport tor the business man. “I would never travel to Europe on again by any
    317 words

  • 574 22 Commissioners Praise Mr. G. L. Ham. SINGAPORE Municipal Commissioners bade farewell to Mr. G. L. Ham, the deputy president, at their monthly meeting on Friday, and congratulated him on his promotion to Acting British Resident, Negri Sembilan. Mr. E. A. Brown, on behalf of the
    574 words
  • 654 22 Political Ferment. (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur Nov. 28. Singapore agitators are believed to have caused the trouble at the Sungei Besi Tin Mine, nine miles south of Kuala Lumpur, which led 700 strikers to attempt to march on the Federal capital last night.
    654 words
  • 564 22 Com m issioners 9 Opposition. DECISIONS of a Municipal committee to recommend the granting of an omnibus service licence to the Keppel Bus Co., and disapproving the registration and licensing of pedal tricycle rickshas for public transport in Singapore raised much adverse comment yesterday
    564 words
  • 198 22 Move For Increase Fails. The inability of the Compensation Sub-committee to advise a revision ci the compassionate grants to occupiers of fish ponds in the Kallang Basin previously recommended, was referred to by Mr S. B. Tan at the meeting of the Municipal Commissioners on Friday. He
    198 words
  • 128 22 The vacancy caused in the Municipal Health Department as a result of the resignation of Dr. W. Dawson. Assistant Municipal Health Officer, is to be filled by Dr. A. T. Thomas, whose appointment was approved by the joint decision of Municipal Committees Nos 2 and 7.
    128 words

  • 752 23 Hotel Bill And Chits As Evidence. EORGE Cummings Hide on Nov. 23 petitioned his wife, Clare Madelin, in the High Court, Singapore, for dissolution of marriage on the ground of misconduct with Augustins Henry Lidell Wheeler. The petitioner was granted a decree nisi to be made
    752 words
  • 317 23 A MATTER of considerable importance and interest to Colony textile dealers came before Mr. Justice Adrian Clark in the High Court on Nov. 23 when a motion for an order nisi against the Regisrtrar General of Statistics, S.S. and F.M S., was brought
    317 words
  • 580 23 "LONG-FELT WANT HAS BEEN MET." ■THE “Times of Malaya” office has received numerous messages of congratulations and good wishes on the launching of its first morning issue which reached Penang before 7 a.m. Following are some of the messages: The Hon’ble Colonel Cecil Rae.
    580 words
  • 51 23 —Reuter. London, Nov. 23. In the House of Commons today replying to Mr. R. J. G. Boothby. <ConAberdeen E. >, Mr. W. G. A OrmsbyGore. the Colonial Secretary, said he hoped a telephone service between Malaya and London would be opened within the next
    —Reuter.  -  51 words
  • 68 23 —Reuter. London, Nov. 25. Y'HE Sultans of Selangor and Johore left Victoria Station together to take the Dempo at Marseilles. Interviewed by Reuter, the Sultan of Selangor expressed himseif as fully satisfied with his conversations with Mr. Ormsby-Qore, the Colonial Secretary, on matters relating to Selangor,
    —Reuter.  -  68 words
  • 381 23 Straight Talk To Eurasians. ANOTHER strong appeal for financial assistance from its members in order to help in the education of the younger generation of the Eurasian community was made by the Hon. Mr. H. R. S. Zehnder, presiding at the annual general meeting of the Eurasian Association,
    381 words

    524 words
  • 142 24 Mr. T an Cheng Lock. AAR. Tan Cheng Lock will be one of the representatives of the Colony at the Coronation. This is revealed in a communique issued by the Colonial Secretariat which was similar to the F.M.S. communique. with the exception of the following passage:— “It is
    142 words
  • 683 24 Sultan’s Speech In London. (From Our Own Correspondent) London, Nov. 19. U W E en J oy the P rivile B e of being’ friends of the British Government. We have no other friends, and I hope that the British Government will always treat us
    683 words
  • 88 24 A Traffic Story. This happened at a Singapore street junction. Punjab police constable 404 was to be relieved from traffic duty in Bencoolen Street, and his relief, Malay Police Constable 104, was late. They exchanged a few hot words, and P.C. 404 strided towards a police box
    88 words
  • 83 24 (From Our Own Correspondent) Seremban, Nov. 26. The Seremban Rest House has been leased out for a further period of two years to Mrs. Morrison, of Seremban. The Chairman of the Seremban Sanitary Board, at yesterday’s meeting said that he had received four tenders. Mrs.
    83 words
  • 128 24 (From Our Own Correspondent./ Kuala Lumpur, Nov. bf. iy DANIEL, a Tamil, was fined $30 by Che Osman, third magistrate, in the Kuala Lumpur Police Court yesterday, on three charges under the Wild Life Protection Enactment. Daniel pleaded ignorance. Mr. C. E.
    128 words
  • 107 24 After drifting helplessly in a small fishing vessel, disabled by an engine breakdown, in the China Sea for almost a week. 14 Japanese from Formosa were rescued by the O.S.K cargo ship Argun Manx which arrived at Singapore from Hong Kong or. Friday. The men
    107 words
  • 122 24 Mr. M. C. Hay. Penang District Judge is going to Kuala Lumpur to replac-’ Mr. H. C. Willan as Deputy Legal Adviser. F.M.S.. when the latter goes to Kenya. Mr. Hay came out to Malaya 23 year ago as a cadet, and has since served
    122 words

  • 646 25 TREATY TERMS BETWEEN JAPAN GERMANY. -Reuter. —Aneta Domei. Stalin’s Bold Challenge To Fascism: Moscow Speech. RESPITE the Tokio denials, has been officially revealed in Berlin that Japan ana Germany have concluded an agreement directed against the Communist International. In Moscow n is officially confirmed that the Soviet s first reply
    -Reuter.; —Aneta Domei.  -  646 words
  • 26 25 -Reuter. Italy has refused the invitation to iom France in a collective protest to Germany against the denunciation of the navigation clauses of the Versailles Treaty.—Reuter.
    -Reuter.  -  26 words
  • 60 25 British Wireless. About 20 shipping companies have applied for permission to anchor vessels in the Thames during the Coronation celebrations to act as floating hotels. The ships will be cruising vessels bringing visitors from various parts of the world to attend the festivities and
    British Wireless.  -  60 words
  • 60 25 -Reuter. Berli. Nov. 18 Princess Juliana’s fiance, Prince Bernhard zur Lippe Biesterfeld. is being ceremoniously released from German nationality before his departure to Holland in a ceremony at the Reich Chancellery before Hitler. It is believed this is the first instance of Hitler releasing
    -Reuter.  -  60 words
  • 147 25 ,—Reuter. Suiyuan Victory The Future. Shanghai, Nov. 25. DAILINGMIAO has been captured as a result of a bold strategy on the part of the Suiyuan command, which learned that the invaders were expecting 5,000 reinforcements from Chahar today and decided to attack immediately. The cavalry
    ,—Reuter.  -  147 words
  • 121 25 Reuter and British Wireless. Death Sentence Changed To 10 Years In Prison. Berlin, Nov. 26. The death sentence on Ht-rr Stick I ling, the German engineer who pleaded guilty at the Soviet sabotage trial, has been commuted to ten years’ imprisonment. In addition to Stickling, the death
    Reuter and British Wireless.  -  121 words
  • 133 25 Aneta-Trans-Ocean. Demonstrations In All The Big Towns. Warsaw. Nov. 26. The Polish Colonial League art; staging demonstrations in all the important towns in support of Poland’s claim for colonial expansion. A resolution adopted at all the meetings affirms that the colonial problem is one of the most
    Aneta-Trans-Ocean.  -  133 words
  • 50 25 —Reuter. Washington, Nov. 26. The US. cruiser Raleigh, now in the Mediterranean, has been instructed by radio to arrange for the evacuation of American refugees from Valencia, where Mr. Wendelln, the US. Charge d’AfTaires, and 50 Americans are expected to arrive from Madrid tomorrow.— Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  50 words
  • 291 25 —Sin Chew Jit Poh. Captives Transferred To Kweihua. Shanghai, Nov. 24. QEVERAL Japanese, reported to be officers were taken prisoner by the Chinese in the fighting on the Suiyuan fronts. Gen. Fu Tsoyi, the Suiyuan Governor, has ordered the transfer of these captives to Kweihua. With the
    —Sin Chew Jit Poh.  -  291 words
  • 67 25 DR. Colijn, Dutch Prime Minister, speaking in the Second Chamber at the Hague, said the Government was convinced that neither Communism nor Fascism would ever have any chance of obtaining a real footing in Holland. Consequently, the Government would not forbid the publication of the
    67 words
  • 104 25 BRITAIN AUSTRIA. British Wireless. If Her Integrity Is Menaced. TN a written reply to a Parlia- mentary question, Mr. Eden says the undertaking given by the British Government on Feb. 3 1935 that they consider themselves to be among the powers which will, as provided in the Rome agreement of
    British Wireless.  -  104 words

  • 226 26 LAYING THE FOUNDATIONS OF PEACE PROSPERITY. London, Nov. 25. FOLLOWING an invitation to other countries to 1 join the tri-partite monetary agreement reached on Sept. 25 between Great Britain, France and the United States, it is announced today that Belgium, Switzerland and Holland
    226 words
  • 53 26 —Reuter. than 200,000 persons left Madrid on Friday for Valencia. The refugees include the staff of the United States Embassy. This mass evacuation was effected by means of 239 trains, 25,674 motors and 2.566 motor buses, using over 2,000,0(H) litres of petrol and 795
    —Reuter.  -  53 words
  • 102 26 Rebel Unions’ Suspension To Continue. Tampa, (Florida*, Nov. 24. open split has occurred in the ranks of American labour. The Federation of Labour at its annual convention here has voted a “boycott on mens’ clothing made by members of the Amalgamated Clothing and Workers’ Union which is
    102 words
  • 33 26 —Reuter. Berlin, Nov. 25. A message from Moscow states that the Soviet arrested three more Germans on Saturday. The German Embassy is making inquiries in this connection.—Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  33 words
  • 139 26 —Reuter. TO WIPE OUT SOVIET ENEMIES. Moscow, Nov. 27. “The Red Cossacks are determined to wipe out mercilessly the Japanese, Germans or any other enemy who dares to attack the Cossack Fatherland.” This pledge was made yesterday by the Don Cossack group at the concluding session of
    —Reuter.  -  139 words
  • 76 26 —Reuter. London, Nov. 27. The by-election at Greenock, caused by the death of Bir Godfrey Collins, who was Secretary of State for Scotland resulted as follows: Mr. R. Gibson 'Labour) 20,594. Mr. V. E. Cornelius (Liberal National) 17,990. The result is a Labour gain
    —Reuter.  -  76 words
  • 668 26 SUEZ CANAL EGYPT. -British Wireless. House Of Commons Ratify Treaty. London, Nov. 24. The House of Commons tonight approved the Anglo-Egyptian treaty, without any opposition. The Labour Party supported the treaty. The Foreign Secretary, Mr. A. Eden, said the treaty was the outcome of many years of history and of
    -British Wireless.  -  668 words
  • 117 26 British Statement In Parliament. London, Nov. 23. In the House of Commons, today Mr. Eden, after recapitulating the facts of the Keelung incident, as it emerged from the investigation of the Naval Court of Inquiry at Hong Kong, said a copy of the report of
    117 words
  • 100 26 —Sin Chew Jit Poh. In a circular telegram addressed to the Central Government and the nation, the Militia Headquarters of Kwangsi have offered to place 200.000 men at the disposal of the Central War Council for active service in Sui yuan. Gen. Li Fook-lum.
    —Sin Chew Jit Poh.  -  100 words
  • 147 26 —Reuter Wireless. Peace Prize Award. Berlin, Nov. 25. The award of the Nobel Peace Prize to the pacifist. Carl von Ossietsky. is described by a German news agency as “a shameless Insult to Germany.” The agency declares that ‘‘the fact the Nobel Peace Prize is awarded
    —Reuter Wireless.  -  147 words
  • 39 26 Mr. Ramsay MacDonald, Lord President of the Council, replying to a Commons question yesterday, said the suggestion to make a cinema record of the Coronation and the television of the ceremony is under consideration.
    39 words

  • 596 27 —Reuter. AGREEMENT FOR MUTUAL recognition OF CONQUESTS. Manchukuo And Ethiopia And The Powers. fOLLOWING the “Anti-tommS^pac^kt^een Japan and Germany—believed to contain secret clauses of great political significance—an agreement between Japan and Italy is revealed today. It is semi-officia!ly stated in Tokio that an
    .—Reuter.  -  596 words
  • 94 27 Reuter. BIG CONTRACTS. Canton, Nov. 27. The first evidence of closer SinoBritish economic co-operation, following the exchange of visits between the Governor of Hong Kong, Sir Andrew Caldecott, and the Canton authorities was shown in the signing last night by the Mayor of Canton and representatives of the
    Reuter.  -  94 words
  • 38 27 —Aneta-Trans-Ocean. London, Nov 26. The Negus of Abyssinia has sent a note to the League of Nations protesting against the Austrian and Hungarian recognition of the Italian conquest ot Abyssinia.— Aneta-Trans-Ocean.
    —Aneta-Trans-Ocean.  -  38 words
  • 216 27 MILITARY PACT BETWEEN JAPAN GERMANY —Reuter. RUSSIAN ALLEGATION CAUSES INDIGNATION. Moscow, Nov. 29. Documentary proof is said to be available here of a secret JapaneseGerman pact additional to that already published. The alleged existence of this is arousing increasing indignation in Soviet circles. In a speech at the All-Union Congress
    —Reuter.  -  216 words
  • 189 27 —Reuter MINISTER OF MARINE EXPLAINS HIS VIEWS. Paris, Nov. 29. r£ Government Is making an appropriation of 10,500 millions francs for armaments in 1937, constituting the largest defence budget ever presented in France. The Higher Naval Council in France is being summoned to discuss the
    .—Reuter  -  189 words
  • 31 27 Reuter. London, Nov. 24. Lord Nuffield has donated another £750,000 for medical research at Oxford University, tor which he gave £1 250.000 last month Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  31 words
  • 128 27 Worse Off Than Fortnight Ago. Madrid, Nov. 2$. As the third week of the battle for Madrid draws to a close, the rebels are in a worse position than they were a fortnight ago. This Is the general view of the situation expressed after another 24 hours
    128 words
  • 117 27 SPAIN SUMMONS A SPECIAL SESSION. Geneva, Nov. 27. The Spanish Government has requested the League urgently to convoke a meeting of the League Council. The possibility of the League Council meeting in London is envisaged in Geneva. Senor Rivas Vicuna, the Chilean president of the Council,
    117 words
  • 70 27 Reuter. ToMa, Nov. 23. The War Ministry, having accepted a cut of 102,000,000 Yen and the Navy Ministry a cut of 96,000,000 Yea In the draft estimates, the Finance ll!nLstry will submit to the Cabinet on Friday the Budget for 1937-38, ay* proximating 3,040,000,000
    Reuter.  -  70 words
  • 53 27 .—Reuter. London, Not. 26. The Preston by-ejection caused by the appointment of Mr. Kirkpatrick to represent the Export Credits Department in China resulted as follows Capt. E. C. Cobb (National Government) 32,575. Mr. Bowles (Labour) 30,870 Miss Florence White (Independent) 3,221. Miss White stood for
    .—Reuter.  -  53 words
  • 29 27 -Reuter. An Opposition motion askinR the Free State Government to accord recognition to Gen. Franco’s Government in Spain was defeated in the Dili by 65 vo’es to 44. -Reuter.
    -Reuter.  -  29 words

  • 306 28 Marshal Bluecher Discussing Effect Of Japanese Pact. London, Nov. 30. ANOTHER outburst ot verbal exchanges between the spokes- men of the Fascist atid Communist countries occurred in the political arena during the week-end. Speakers in both Germany and Russia referred to the new Germano-Japanese pact which continues
    306 words
  • 306 28 —Reuter. APPEAL TO FARMERS TO HELP STATE. t Berlin, Nov. 30. GERMANY is not so weak now as when she entered the World War in 1914, declared Gen. Goering, at the National Farmers* Congress at Goslar yesterday. He added that then Germany had a cowardly
    —Reuter.  -  306 words
  • 91 28 —Reuter. “Holy Crusade.” Moscow. Nov. 26. A violent attack on Germany and Japan was made at today’s meeting of the Soviet Congress by M. Lubchenko. the Prime Minister of the Ukrainian Republic, who declared that they were preparing a “holy crusade” aga’ the Soviet Union. "Hitler
    —Reuter.  -  91 words
  • 65 28 Lloyds’ War Risks Increased. a-crown per cent.—Aneta-Trans-Ocean. London. Nov 27. The maritime insurance premiums against war risks at Lloyds have been increased. For the American coasting trade the premium has been raised from 2d to Is. per cent., and for the coasting trade in the Pacific Ocean, or for journeys
    a-crown per cent.—Aneta-Trans- Ocean.  -  65 words
  • 29 28 -Reuter. Kansas City, Nov. 26. The opera singer, Miss Mary McSormic, the former wife of Prince Serge Mdivani. was married yesterday to Mr. Homer V. Johannsen, a Chicago lawyer.—Reuter.
    -Reuter.  -  29 words
  • 211 28 SIR B. ZAHAROFF’S CAREER. Known throughout the world as "the mystery man of Europe.” Sir Basil Zaharoff. the famous armaments magnate and financier, died in Monte Carlo yesterday at the age of 86. 1 states a Reuter message. Sir Basil was born in Turkey of Russian and
    211 words
  • 100 28 —Sin Chew Jit Poh. ALLEGATION BY CHINESE. Shanghai. Nov. 30. Japanese planes, co-operating with the Chahar allies, dropped a number of poison gas bombs on Pingtichuan. on the Peiping-Suiyuan Railway, on Saturday, according to semi-official Chinese reports. More than 40 casualties were suffered by the
    —Sin Chew Jit Poh.  -  100 words
  • 42 28 —Aneta-Trans-Ocean. Berlin. Nov 27. Well informed circles forecast that Dr. Knoll will be appointed as Commissioner for German trade in Manchukuo. Dr. Knoll was a member of the German Economic Mission in the Far East this year.—Aneta-Trans-Ocean.
    —Aneta-Trans-Ocean.  -  42 words
  • 226 28 Sin Chew Jit Poh. MONGOL CAMPAIGN TO CONTINUE. Shanghai. Nov. 29. The Chinese Government’s reply to the Japano-Manchukuo statement o: Saturday, hinting at intervention in Inner Mongolia, is seen in the following remarks by the spokesman of the Nanking Foreign Office today “China is determined
    Sin Chew Jit Poh.  -  226 words
  • 94 28 —Sin Chew Jit Poh. Shanghai. Nov. 29. “I do not believe that the JapanoGerman agreement is other than an anti-Red pact, as Germany does no* entirely disregard the friendship China and other countries.” said Gen Chiang Kai-shek addressing a gathering of military officials
    —Sin Chew Jit Poh.  -  94 words
  • 47 28 —Reuter. Oslo, Nov. 26 The German Minister in Oslo under instructions from Berlin, today protested to the Norwegian Foreign Minister against the award of the Nobel Peace Prize to Carl von Ossietsky the German pacifist whom the Nazis imprisoned —Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  47 words
  • 67 28 —British Wireless. London, Nov. 23. Herr von Ribbentrop. th* 1 new German Ambassador in London, paid a courtesy call on the Prime Minister at No. 10 Downing Street toda.\. This was Herr von Ribbentrop's first visit to th Premier since taking up his duties in
    —British Wireless.  -  67 words
  • 49 28 -Reuter. Nairobi. Nov 24 Optimistic reports published hersuggest an oilfield has been discovered in Kenya large enough to supply all the requirements of British Africa south of the equator. A number of applications for oil concessions have been lodged with the Government authorities.—Reuter.
    -Reuter.  -  49 words

  • 765 29  -  By “Stand-Off.” IUILL Singapore beat the Army in next Saturday’s crucial Malaya Cup game to decide which team will represent the South against Selangor in the final at Kuala Lumpur in January That is the Question rugger enthusiasts are
    765 words
  • 346 29 CONVINCING FORM SHOWN IN DEFEATING PERAK. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, Nov. 28. gY beating Perak here today by 13 points (two goals and a penalty goal) to 3 points (a try), Selangor qualified for the Malaya Cup Anal. Against the run of play, Selangor
    346 words
  • 68 29 I. Reuter. London, Nov. 28. The Cambridge rugger team to meet Oxford at Twickenham on Dec. 8 haa been aelected aa follows: Downea (Rydal); Rawlence (Wellington), Forrest (Strath Allan), Roden (Uppingham), MacDonald Blundell 9 a Kemp Denatone Low Dover) Labor de (Harrow), inglia (Rugby), Young
    I.—Reuter.  -  68 words
  • 370 29 R.N. AND R.A.F. XV WELL BEATEN AT RENGAM. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Rengam, Nov. 28. CC9RING two tries and a penalty goal and keeping their lines intact, Johore beat the Royal Navy and Royal Air Force in a Malaya Cup match at Rengam
    370 words
  • 183 29 Rugby Football. —Reuter. Oxford Decisively Beaten By Gloucester. Matches played at Home on Saturday resulted, says Reuter as follows: Cheshire 12, Yorkshire 21. Cumberland 3, Lancashire 14. Durham 9, Northumberland 4. Bristol 5, Richmond 5. Cambridge Unlv. 22, United Ser. 3. Devonport Serv. 13, Bart’s Hosp. 18. Harlequins
    —Reuter.  -  183 words

  • 1210 30 SOME GOOD DIVIDENDS IN SECOND DAY'S RACING. DELIGHTFUL weather favoured the second day of the Singa- pore Turf Club’s Winter Meeting at Bukit Timah last week, and the attendance was exceptionally good for mid-week. In the third race Rose of Dreams, with Spencer up, was
    —Straits Times Photograph.  -  1,210 words
  • 210 30 S.C.C. Just Beat The Ceylonese. By two goals to one the S C.C. defeated the Ceylon Sports Club in a first team hockey match on the pa dang They should have scored more often, but the forwards were very patchy and missed some good openings
    210 words
  • 61 30 —Reuter. London, Nov. 25. The Scottish team to meet Wales at Dundee on Dec. 2 will be unchanged from that which beat Wales 3—1 at Belfast on Oct. 31. as follows: Dawson (Rangers): Anderson (Hearts), Ancell (Newcastle): Massie (Aston Villa), Simpson (Rangers), Brown (Rangers):
    —Reuter.  -  61 words
  • 236 30 Ley land’s Fighting Century Saves The Day. THE M.C.C. snatched a draw in their match at Sydney, the final scores being M.C.C.: 288 and 245 for 8 wic kets. Australian XI: 544 for 8 wickets, declared. The tourists were thus still 11 runs in arrears
    236 words
  • 41 30 Reuter. Marshall Of Australia Wins The Championship. Johannesburg, Nov 25. The Empire billiards amateur championship tournament resulted as follows: 1st.—Robert Marshall, Australia. 2nd.—Allen Prior, South Africa. 3rd.—Joe Thompson, England. The event was decided on the league system. Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  41 words

  • 1273 31 Ray Welkin Wins In An Exciting Finish. CELDOM (writes “Captain Dash”) has there been a larger crowd at a Winter Meeting in Singapore than that at Bukit Timah on Saturday. In spite of the hesvy going, the racing on Saturday--which closed the turf reason for
    —Straits Times Photograph.  -  1,273 words
  • 267 31 THREE NEW MEN: GRIMMETT OMITTED. The Australian selectors, cables Reuter from Sydney, announce that the team for the first Test match, opening on Dec. 4, at Brisbane, will be chosen from the following twelve players: Bradman (S.A.), Brown (Queensland), Badcock (S.A.), Chipperfield (N.S.W.), Fingleton
    267 words
  • 69 31 Scpoy Lines beat, the Island Club in a women’s match at Sepoy Lines on Wednesday, by 4V 4 points to 2\\. Results (Island Club names first): Mrs. Kelly 0 Miss Hadley 1. Mrs. Phillip 1. Miss Blake 0 Mrs Bateman ’4. Miss Evans 1. Miss N
    69 words
  • 146 31 Reuter. London, Nov. 28. The Manchester November Handicap, run today at Manchester over one mile and four furlongs, resulted as follows: Mr. Boasman’s NEWTOWN FORD (Nevett) 1 Mr. C Gordon’s SEA BEQUEST (E. 8mith) 2 Mr. McKlnlay’s LATOI (Evans) 3 (Winner trained by M.
    Reuter.  -  146 words
  • 216 31 Golf. Flt.-Lt. And Mrs. Jackman Win At Bukit Timah. The second bi-monthly mixed foursomes competition for November played at Bukit Timah resulted in a win for Flt.-Lt. and, Mrs. K. A. Jackman with a net score of 32%. 45 cards were taken out and the following returned:
    216 words
  • 24 31 The Women’s Cup competition foi 1936 at the Sepoy Lines Golf Club was wen by Miss M L Evans. 1 up
    24 words

  • 1390 32 SATURDAY’S results in the Home soccer leagues as cabled by Reuter, and the tables up to date, are as follow I DIVISION I. P. W. L. D. F, A. PtS. Portsmouth 17 8 4 5 27 21 21 Sunderland 16 9 5 2 36 29
    1,390 words
  • 37 32 winter of 1939-40,—Aneta-Domei. Tokyo, Nov. 26. The Rugby Association of Japan is sending an invitation to the British Rugby Union to send a team to Japan in the winter of 1939-40.—Anet a-
    winter of 1939-40,—Aneta-Domei.  -  37 words
  • 426 32 Padang Veterans’ Match Ends In A Draw. of the newly-formed Veterans' Hockey Club made their debut last week when two tea ms representing the S.C.C. and the S.R.C. met on the padang. After 50 minutes of vigorous play on a wet ground, by 22
    426 words
  • 210 32 WATFORD LOSE AT IPSWICH. Bristol Rovers Beat The Corinthians. The results in the first round proper of the F.A. Cup competition on Saturday, cables Reuter were as follows: Shildon 4 Stalybridge C. 2 S. Liverpool 1 Morecambe 0 Lincoln C 1 New Brighton 1 Accrington
    210 words

    • 1037 1 FRASER COMPANY’S SHARE REPORT. An Active Week In All Sections Messrs. Fraser and Co., in their weekly share report, issued at the close of business on Dec. 1. write:— Malaya has rarely enjoyed a simultaneous boom in both rubber and tin shares, but such has been the case during the
      1,037 words
    • 230 1 Singapore, December 2, 12 noon. Bayer Seilei Gambler 5.25 Hamburg Cube 10.50 Java Cube 9.25 White Muntok Pepper 17.25 White Pepper 16.75 Black Pepper 9.00 Mixed Copra 7.85 *Sundried Copra 8.15 Small Flak? Tapioca 5 25 Fair Flake Tapioca 4.75 Mea Pearl Tapioca 5.25 Small Pearl I'aploca 5 30
      230 words
    • 358 1 London, Dec. 1. Ihe following are today's closing middle prices on the London Stock Exchange: Shares oi £1 denomination unless otherwise stated: Yeater- Rise day. or Pall Conversion Loan 5 p.c. 1944-64 117% Funding Loan 4 p.c. 1960-90 117% War Loan 3% p.c. 106% Straits 6 P.C. 1936-51
      358 words
    • 16 1 The outputs of the lalam tin mln-s were September 239.20 picule. October 413.11 piculs.
      16 words
    • 60 1 soot Dec Jan.-Mar. Apr.-June July-Sept. London 31 3/16 31 ‘4 31 Hi 31% 8 11/16 N 07 31% 319/16 31% 31% *****6 8% 11 31 7/16 31% 31 9/16 31 11/16 31% 813 *l6 31 sis 31 5/IJ 31 7/16 3t 9/16 31% 813 16 Dec.
      60 words
    • 873 2 Final Dividend Of Five Per Cent. Passed. COMPANY'S IMPROVED POSITION. A profit of $445,729 for last year and a carry forward of $229,568 was announced at the annual meeting on Friday. Nov. 27 of Kuchai Tin Ltd., held at the offices in Market Street. Singapore,
      873 words
    • 138 2 <From "Our London Staff.) London, Nov. 12. JLAALAYA in general and the pine- j apple trade in particular gained much valuable publicity from an excellent exhibition at the Imperial Fruit Show which was held last week at Liverpool. In addition to a display
      138 words
    • 101 2 —ReuWr. PESSIMISTIC VIEW IN AMSTERDAM. London, Nov. 30. Rumours said to emanate from Amsterdam to the effect that the International Rubber Regulation Committee is not likely to increase the production quota on Dec. 15, since licences for the Netherlands Indies are being sent out on Dec. 17.
      —ReuWr.  -  101 words
    • 159 2 THE Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association held its 1.305 th auction on Nov. 25. when there were catalogued 818.343 lbs.. < 365.33» tons); offered 788.039 lbs.. <351 8C tons); sold 660.635 lbs. <294.93 tons*. Spot London B*^. New York 18 3 16 cts. PRICES REALISED Ribbed
      159 words
    • 776 2 LINGUI TIN MEETING FINAL OF 2V: P.C. AN UNSUCCESSFUL GOLD VENTURE. rfcT the $10,000 venture in the Buffalo Reef Gold Prospecting Company had been unsuccessful and the amount treated as lost was reported by Mr. J. M. Sime, the chairman, when he presided on Friday.
      776 words
    • 245 3 BUT IMPORTS RISE $3,000,000 IN OCTOBER. The gross trade of Malaya showed an increase of approximately $3,000,000 in October over that for the preceding month. The total for the ten months ended October was $931,447,000 compared with $890,063,000 for the corresponding period of 1935. Imports
      245 words
    • 66 3 —Straits Times Cable. (From. Our Own Correspondent.) London, Nov. 27. The Borneo Company Ltd. is reducing its capital by £360,000 sterling, cutting off eight shillings in the pound on ordinary shares. Preference share arrears are to cancelled and the shares converted into ordinary shares. Holders of
      —Straits Times Cable.  -  66 words
    • 122 3 82*4 Per Cent. Standard Export. London. Nov. 30. The International Tea Committee announce that the Governments of India. Ceylon and the Netherlands Indies have accepted the recommendation of the Committee that the regulation figure for the period Apr. 1. 1937, to Mar. 31. 1938. should remain
      122 words
    • 281 3 $505,391 PROFIT. DIVIDEND BONUS RECOMMENDED. A PINAL dividend of 5 per cent. and a bonus of 5 per cent, will be recommended at the annual general meeting of Wearne Bros. Ltd., to be held on Thursday, Dec. 10, at noon. This will absorb a sum of
      281 words
    • 87 3 fFrom Our Own Correspondent) Bangkok, Nov. 30. 'THE annual report issued by the Siamese Customs of the trade of Siam for the year ending March 1936, gives the figures of the tin export during those twelve months. The benefits of restriction are, perhaps best indicated by
      87 words
    • 273 3 Governments 1937 Intentions. In order to afford a measure of relief to the coconut and oil palm industries, the Federated Malay States Government made certain concessions in 1934, 1935 and 1936. It has been decided to grant the same concessions in 1937 as were granted in
      273 words
    • 362 3 Final Dividend Of 2V 2 Per Cent. At the adjourned annual meeting of Sunyside Rubber Co., Ltd., held in Seremban on Nov. 26. the chairman. Mr. M L. Phillips said:— “During the year we made a profit of $10,033.49. which is a considerable increase on the previous
      362 words
    • 496 3 EARLIER LOSS FULLY RECOVERED. STATISTICS FOR OCTOBER. A FTER some slight easiness due to reports indicating the probability of an additional 5 per cent, release for the period January-June 1937, the market rallied and has fully recovered the earlier loss, states Guthrie and Co.’s weekly rubber market
      496 words
    • 97 3 During the week ending Nov. 21. exports from Malayan ports amounted to 21.489 cases, of which 15.370 <7l per cent cases were to the United Kingdom 2,058 <lO per cent.) cases to the Continent of Europe. 2.050 <lO per cent.) cases to Canada, and 2.011 <9
      97 words
    • 468 4 London Exchange Prices On November 20. Allagar* 1/7%: Ang.-Malay 17 6: Kun 1 15/16; Bagan Serai 15/16; Bahru Banteng 1 i/16; Batang* 1/3; Batu Caves BatU Tlg« 1%-. B£koh um 4/6; Bldor 2; Bltam* V. m- Braunston 31/32; BrookUuuU* 3/6. Broome' 3/»; Buklt C.oh* Kajg 114; Buklt Mert
      468 words
    • 165 4 London Exchange Prices On November 20. Ampat Tin (4/) 4/9; Anglo-Burma <5/> 16/; Anglo-Oriental (5/) 2/9; Anglo-Oriental Pref. 14/3; Aramayo (F.Sw. 20) 25/6; Ayer Hitam (5/) 21/; Bangrin Tin 22/; Beralt Tin (5/) 8/1%; Brit. Tin Invest (10/) 18/4%; E. Pool Agar (1/) /6; E. Pool Agar Pt.
      165 words
    • 40 4 Messrs. Boustead and Co.. Ltd.. Penang. have received a telegram from the Secretaries. Messrs. Ed. Boustead and Co.. London, advising the payment of an interim dividend of 3 per cent, payable on Dec. 12
      40 words
    • 19 4 Nov. 26 Tin, S’pore Price $117.50 per picul 27 117.25 30 117 1 115 2 114
      19 words
    • 1565 4 IbciipH hv Fraser and Co. and Lyall and Evatt. Exchange and Stock Brokers. Singapore, Dec. 2, 10 a.m. mining! Issue Val. Fraser Co. Lyall Evatt Issue Val. Buvers Sellers Blivers Buyers Sellers Buyers SeUers Bu y" s Severs Buyers Sellers 4/- Ampat Tin 5/- 5/6 5/3 5/9
      1,565 words