The Straits Budget, 16 July 1936

Total Pages: 36
1 4 The Straits Budget
  • 29 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE STRAITS TIMES [ESTABLISHED NEARLY A CENTURY.] No. 4092- SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, JULY 16, 1936. Price 25 cents (S.S. Currency) or 7d.
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  • 933 1 EUROPEAN cricketers, policemen and motorists rushed into a twisted mass of masonry, girders and woodwork at Kuala Lumpur to rescue 35 Chinese men. women and children who were trapped when the Selangor Club servants’ quarters collapsed with a ta-riflc crash on Sunday morning. 9 AMID the
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  • The Straits Budget
    • 858 2 to protest against it.—Straits Times July 9. A curiously defeatist note was sounded in two letters from planters which were published by the Straits Times last Friday. One of these correspondents almost went so far as to imply that a professional society could be
      to protest against it.—Straits Times July 9.  -  858 words
    • 913 2 industrial counters. —Straits Times. July 10. Many months ago the Straits Times gave expression to views which evoked some ribaldry, a certain amount of horror and extremely little agreement. We suggested that the policy of disarmament was doomed and that general admission of the fact, resulting
      industrial counters.—Straits Times. July 10.  -  913 words
    • 295 2 “HON. GALLANT” —AND STUPID. characteristic of his kind. —Strait Times. July 11. Lieut.-Commander R. T. H. Fletcher. Socialist Member of Parliament for the Nuneaton Division of Warwickshire, is the laughing stock of the moment as a result of bis absurd statements in the House of Commons on Thursday. In an
      characteristic of his kind.—Strait Times. July 11.  -  295 words
    • 422 3 Straits Times, July 11. Imperial Airways announces today rubstantial reductions in passage lares between stations in Malaya. Siam. Burma and India. The adjustment is very welcome, and long overdue. There has been much comment on the difficulty of making people in this part of the world air-minded,
      Straits Times, July 11.  -  422 words
    • 913 3 Malayan public as a whole. —Straits Times, July 13. Although Malaya ls primarily an agricultural country, the vast majority of its educated clasa-ase- not agriculturally minded. That is one of the anomalies which inevitably arise in a country whose European community lives in it only from
      Malayan public as a whole.—Straits Times, July 13.  -  913 words
    • 752 3 PROMISE OF PEACE OR THREAT OF WAR -Straits Times, July 14. Germany and Italy are Jubilant at the conclusion of what is described as a new Austro-German agreement but is, in fact, an agreement between Herr Hitler and Signor Mussolini as to the future of an independent Austria. London opinion
      -Straits Times, July 14.  -  752 words
    • 192 4 been thrust upon him. —Straits Times, July 14. Recent statements regarding the necessity for seeking additional revenue to replace the rapidly dwindling yield from the chandu monopoly in the Straits Settlements call to mind an article printed in The Sunday Times on May 24. A prominent
      been thrust upon him.—Straits Times, July 14.  -  192 words
    • 759 4 decentralisation policy. Straits Times, July 15. On Monday the Tungku Laxamana of Selangor is to be formally installed as Crown Prince of that State. After the ceremony is over the only proper course will be to accept the new dispensation, support unreservedly the declared heir to the
      decentralisation policy. —, Straits Times, July 15.  -  759 words

  • 188 4 Ceremony At Klang Next Monday. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, July 14. It is announced that H. H. the Sultan of Selangor has appointed the installation ceremony of Tungku Alam Shah, Tungku Laxamana of Selangor, as Raja Muda of Selangor, and of Tungku Badar
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  • 146 4 Emergency Meeting Of Federal Council. An emergency meeting of the Federal Council will be held at Kuala Lumpur on Tuesday. July 21, at 10 a.m There will be no ceremonial opening and uniform will not be worn. The object of this meeting is to repeal
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  • 214 4 Police Inquiries About Rasps. (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, July 14. In connection with the Leslie Casson murder the police are anxious to obtain information of importers and retailers of farriers’ rasps made by Pengeot and Co., bearing that name on one side and the words
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  • NOTES Of The DAY.
    • 218 5 headers Of the Clifford stories of R Pahang will remember the Orang Tndera Maharaja Perba of Jelal. Kay known as To’ Raja, the chief “hose word was law In Ulu Pahang. Travellers on the East Coast Railway this chief’s house on the left. Just before the train
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    • 213 5 an appendix to the article published on this page today it may be mentioned that Freemasonry began in Malaya in 1809, when Lodge Neptune was consecrated in Penang, but that lodge only lasted 10 years. The oldest lodge in Singapore dates back to 1845. An interesting innovation In
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    • 250 5 A PECULIARLY serious-minded journahstic mor on has paid me in v < ompbmen t of devoting six correct f SPaCe t 0 my views on thc -at: w r 10 give an Th COUp grace. were 11 views> you may remember. '*mured V t S lemnly recorded when
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    • 194 5 |T is significant that the Singapore Rotary Club is now considering ways and means of supplementing its weekly tiffins with an occasional, more leisurely meeting in the evening. The luncheon meetings, while bringing the members together, and affording a useful platform for talks, are admitted to be somewhat
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    • 185 5 A LITTLE publication called The Sign-Post has reached me from Kuala Lumpur. It is made up of a series of maxims and quotations which th" compiler has jotted down from time to time, including the following advice from Abraham Lincoln: Do not worry—eat three square meals a
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    • 226 5 A tantalising sidelight on the incidence of big game in Malayan jungles before the planter and the sportsman had appeared i 3 given by Mr. W. Linehan in his History of Pahang, in a reference to a hunt organised by the Sultan in 1889. The jungle district mentioned
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    • 118 5 MOW that the Singapore Gardening Society is serving as a much-need-ed focus of gardening enthusiasm in this city, it may not be out of place to call attention to that very -excellent publication, the M.A.H.A. Magazine. This is published quarterly at 20 cents, and its horticultural section, while
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    • 193 5 |F any reader of this column had happened to cross the bridge over the stream at the V/ 2 mile, Yong PengLabis road, on a recent Sunday morning he might have been deeply touched to see his faithful columnist, ever zealous in pursuit of local colour, seated
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    • 245 5 V WOULD never have believed it possible to pass so swiftly from the modern to the primaeval world. We cast off, gathered way in the rush of the current, caught a last glimpse of our car parked beside the bridge, and In a moment were out of
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    • 163 5 r J t HE trip was a remarkable illustration of what roads have done for the Malay Peninsula, for whereas it took us 15 minutes to travel by car from Yong Peng to the bridge where we met the canoe, four hours were required to make
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    • 172 5 JN the jungle above Yong Peng the little river had been so fresh that I had been greatly tempted to bathe in it, but it gradually widened out Into a sluggish, muddy, crocodile-haunted channel, of a type only too familiar on the west coast of Malaga and
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    • 237 5 JP you know a genuine Perak, Kelantan or Patani kris blade when you see it. now is the time to buy, for the art of the kris has died out in the Peninsula. These weapons are no longer made, and will become progressively scarcer and dearer as
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    • 226 6 FURTHER details of the shooting ol a one-horned rhinoceros near Telok Anson in 1924, supplied by a Kuala Lumpur reader who signs himself G.L., show that a Chinese jelu tong tapper had a most unpleasant adventure with this animal, and also that I was wrong in thinking
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    • 41 6 “IJNLESS you are a great master of v phrase you will always get more weight by a mild phrase than a strong one. Moderation is a quality much appreciated in this country"— Arnold Bennett’s Letters To His Nephew.
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    • 207 6 SURAT SUNGEl.” QNE episode in our trip down the Bekoh River for which space could not be found last Friday was a visit to an abandoned Chinese “kangka and I think it is worth describing today, for it recalled a phase of Johore history which deserves tc be better known:
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    • 201 6 MOST of the kangkas have long since been obliterated by the estates which have taken their place. As pepper and gambier land was bought up for rubber in the pre-War boom, so did the memory of the old Chinese settlers fade, but this kangka on the Bekoh River
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    • 171 6 W E landed at this bay and walked J along a well-defined path through secondary jungle a quarter of a mile Inland until we came to something which, in those surroundings, was very remarkable indeed. It was a large, two-storeyed brick house, so tumbledown that only one room
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    • 119 6 THAT kangka was thriving as far back as 1880, when Batu Pahat was a mere kampong and there was not a single road or rubber tree or European in the district. Far up the Bekoh River, receiving its supplies and shipping its produce by little river steamers
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    • 265 6 'THE best description of flying in this country that I have yet read was contributed by Mr H Hughes-Hallett M.C.S.. to the last issue of The Sunday Times. Apart from its literary skill, it was a striking demonstration of the possibilities of air taxis in Malaya. One passage
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    • 183 6 jy|UCH has been written in recent m years about a more receptive attitude towards modern medicine and surgery among the Malays, but it is doubtful whether there really has been much improvement except in the field of infant welfare. One has only to read Dr. P. S.
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    • 175 6 rpELOK Anson will see a novelty this week, in the shape of an exhibition of four kinds of Malayan freshwater fish which the local administration wishes to establish in the Sungei Manik padi area, the model land settlement ot the Peninsula. The most Important of these kinds of
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    • 89 6 A merchant told me the other day that a Japanese import house had quoted him one dollar a pikul (13j pounds) for onions and $1.50 for potatoes, c.i.f. Singapore harbour. Is it not amazing—one cent a kati for onions, to cover cost ot cultivation, handling by
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  • 250 6 O Durian. I landed here a griffin. An unsuspecting, harmless sort of beast. When I had wandered through a useful tiffin. They brought you forth, as though to crown the feast. They gammoned me that you were most delicious. That Fragrance was forgotten in Delight, Of flavour
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  • 56 6 (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, July 7 Mr. R. W. C. Welch, manager of the Kota Tinggi (Johore) Rubber Co., Ltd. died in London on July 4. Mr. Welch, who was aged 47. leaves a widow. He was the younger son oi the late Colonel
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  • 44 6 His Excellency the Officer Administering the Government has appointed Mr. V. W. W. S. Purcell, M.C.S., to be a Municipal Commissioner of Georgetown. Penang, vice Mr. W. L. Blythe, M.C.S.. who has been appointed Deputy President of the Municipal Commissioners.
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  • 564 7 and Mrs. J. L. Hops of Ipoh, arrived backjrom Home. T a Chilcott, Court Chief Inspector: IP° h wIU g 0 H me le Ve shortly. Hnn Mr. Justice Howes is sail- J h C or H Hom7on leave by the Corfu on July l r C
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    • 54 7 MATHESON.-To Kathleen, wife of M. H. Dore GSOn a daughter on Jul V 7, at SingaMaternity Hospital. SingafhL Wed esda y. July 8, to Madge CynShVy'Sul?; c w Oeorge a dttUghter W LuS?,^'~ At Bun «sar Hospital, Kuala Of T P W? 1 Monday July 6. to Joan, Wife
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    • 29 7 SH ’i^f S n? Lt^, HAMMETT Edwar < 1 John. Burgtss Hifi nd c s Mrs w w Shrubshall, of ">»• Sussex, to Mabel Prances. 01 Wembley,^Middlesex. 11 H Hammett
      29 words
    • 40 7 7 ‘'*nvai/iUL St iT 1 H L1 S n June 29 at Ec 3 Rf>rn' rH^nnu^ Leadenhall Street, Norah’(huJlft d T J 10rnett of Fores t Hill to A Pod£oXwm« 0f the late Mr and Mrsoamorc Williams of Singapore.
      40 words
    • 59 7 Vv'Iptxj x WEDDING Africa, Durban, South of Wirth s Anlfr 1 Carl Wirth some time ,R "nnv) ei d A r U l ralla r Circus, to Adcle Willison cirri, c d 5 ugl ter of the late Bert r 0 Tho s Cook P 2 Pr o
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  • 282 7 Acting Protector Of Chinese, Penang. The fallowing appointments are notified in the SS. Government Gazette: Mr. F. Stanley, Superintendent of Excise, to act as Deputy Commissioner of Excise, S.S. Mr. S. G. H. Leyh, Deputy Commissioner of Excise, S.S. to act as Senior Deputy Commissioner of Excise, S.S.
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  • 160 7 British Resident Presents Thanks Badge. (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur. July 8. AS an appreciation of his services to the Selangor Boy Scouts’ Association. Mr. F. L. Shaw, headmaster of the Victoria Institution, Kuala Lumpur, was presented with the Thanks Badge yesterday. The Hon. Mr.
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  • 286 7 Leaders. Depression In More Senses Than One 2 The Price Of Safety 2 “Hon. Gallant’’ And Stupid 2 Dr. Tempany’s Last Report 3 Promise Of Peace* Or Threat Of War? 3 The Selangor Succession 4 Telegrams— Covering past week’s news 25—28 Picture Supplement 17 —20 Financial Supplement— Financial and
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  • 138 7 (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, July 7. THE engagement is announced today between Mr. Roger Boulton Willmot, British Trade Commissioner at Singapore, only surviving son of Mr. Philip Henry Willmot, of Edgbaston, Birmingham, and the late Mrs. Willmot. and Miss Thirza Winifred Mary Hards, only daughter
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  • 126 7 Monday, July 6. His Excellency visited Kuala Lumpur and presided at a meeting of the Tin Committee. Wednesday, July 8. His Excellency and Mrs. Small attended a reception given by the American Consul and Mrs. McEnelly. Thursday, July 9. Sir Wilfred and Lady Woods and Miss Picton-Turbervill arrived
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  • 95 7 Malayan Cricketer And Miss D. Perreau. Mr. G. L. F. Willis, the well-known Singapore cricketer, was married to Miss D. M. Perreau. a prominent member of the Y.W.C.A. Sports Club, on Friday, the ceremony taking place before the third magistrate, Mr. A. D York. Mr. Willis, who
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  • 79 7 Dr. Szeto Eng Kee, M.Bi, B.S., a former pupil of St. Andrew’s School, was entertained to dinner at the Southern Hotel on Saturday evening bv his class-mates. Mr. S. T. Goh and Dr. K. S Tav spoke of Dr. Szeto’s career at school, in the field of
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  • 29 7 LEE-Mr DEATH fu >ly at his awa y peacecn Tuesday j u i v Ce ,tX?* 18> Dublin Road y Ju,y 7 19 36 at the age of 53,
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  • 632 8 Sobs And Shrieks Guided European Rescuers. YOUNG GIRL DEAD; 28 INJURED. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, July 13. DORLORN figures of homeless Chinese men and women picked their way among the ruins of the Selangor Club servants* quarters today in search of
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  • 146 8 Three Gangsters In Street Affray. Three Cantonese gangsters, it is now believed, were involved in the shooting of a Chinese in Trengganu Street. Singapore, on Saturday night. The victim, named Chin*; Ah Tuck, shot in the left shoulder, from behind, is now out of danger. The bullet
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  • 54 8 Mrs. P. Underhill, a European living In a boarding house in Scotts Road, reported to the police on July 6 the loss of a wedding and a diamond ring valued at $3OO The rings were left on a dressing table during the night and were
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  • 269 8 WHAT IS REAL POPULATION OF SINGAPORE? Census Says 490,189 A LTHOUGH the preliminary count of the Census taken on shows the population of Singapore at 490 189 compared with 445.719 in 1931, this is not a true estimate of the population of the city. Many populous areas are
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  • 208 8 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, July 12. jyjRS J. K. Ramsay, wife of the Assistant Superintendent, Survey Department, F.M.S., left Malaya last Christmas Eve to hurry to the bedside of her dying mother in New Zealand. She returned to Malaya some months later, and a few
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  • 184 8 (From Our Own Correspondent) London. July 6. decree nisi with £50 agreed damages against the co-respondent. Mr. Eric Herbert Spriggs, was granted by the president Sir Boyd Merriman. in the Divorce Court today to Mr. George Cecil Miller, assistant sales manager in the
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  • 174 8 MISSING MOTOR CAR STORY. A few hours after a motor-car be- longing to a young German named Otto Narjes had been stolen from outside Capitol Buildings in Stamford Road on Saturday night, it was found in Grange Road. Sleeping inside, it is stated, was a private from
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  • Correspondence.
    • 420 9 THE PLANTER’S STATUS. Tn the Editor of the Straits Times. qi your correspondent W.L.H.. in hls letter published in your valued Tlllv 3. makes statements against the Incorporated Society of Planters and its policy which he would rtnd great difficulty in substantiating. He claims to
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    • 256 9 IS PLANTING WORTH WHILE No Guarantee Of Security. (To the Editor of the Straits Times.) Sir,—In your last Monday’s issue the article on the prospects of the working planter is Interesting, but does it go far enough with regard to planting in the Federated Malay States? The failure in Malaya
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    • 502 9 Petrol Prices In Malaya And In England. To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,—The quoted heading above is taken from a leading article in the Straits Times of May 21, 1928, when the price of petrol was 80 cents a gallon. That is the price
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    • 433 9 The Resignation Of Dr. Dawson. To the Editor of the Straits Times Sir.—Coming at a time when antimalarial work is in full swing, the news of Dr. Dawson’s resignation has been received with not a little surprise. The reason *for nis resignation is not divulged and Dr. Dawson’s
      433 words
    • 700 9 The Pros and Cons Of Estate Life. To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir.-‘* ANAK suguM in hls article heading is Planting Worth vsHn n your lssue ot June 29 *SkS arious questions and then says: Most nee U ativp U d a ready answer
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    • 88 9 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,—At frequent intervals the base of Singapore’s War Memorial is allowed to be disfigured by heaps of withered and dead flowers, and the remains of wreaths which have been destroyed by the sun and rain. This has been the case for
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  • 419 10 CARGO TRAMP ARRIVES TO TAKE 1,000 TONS. Non-Conference Loading At Malayan Ports. A CARCO vessel arrived in Singapore on Saturday on commisA s j on to lift 1,000 tons of rubber for New York at freight rates fixed independently of the freight conference. This confirms recent reports
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  • 102 10 Inspection Of Rubber Estates. Sir Andrew MacFadyean, a director of the British North Borneo (Chartered) Co., the Langkon North Borneo Rubber, Ltd., United Sua Betong Rubber Estates, Ltd., and other companies, arrived In Singapore on Saturday by the Hector from England. Sir Andrew is on a
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  • 104 10 (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, July 10. children come out of test tubes there will be an end to the age-old question “Do children owe a duty to their parents,” for there no longer will be parents. A storm of discussion arose at the first meeting
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  • 88 10 Pilot Does Not Risk Penang Landing. A terrific thunderstorm, accompani- ed by a strong wind, broke over Penang on July 8 shortly before the Europe-bound Imperial Airways plane was due to land. After circling the aerodrome the pilot decided that it would be unwise to attempt
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  • 138 10 PENANG FOR £9; BANGKOK £22. *yO provide cheaper air travel for business men and tourists between stations in Malaya, Burma. Siam and India, Imperial Airways have made substantial reduction* in fares—as much as 36 per cent, in one case. The reductions come into
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  • 438 10 rOR having carried but a “diabolically 1 clever swindle.” Harold Cecil Batten. a Eurasian clerk in the Singapore Harbour Board, was sentenced to two years, rigorous Imprisonment on July 10 by Mr. Justice N.H.P. Whitley, Acting Chief Justice,
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  • 132 10 Good Progress Revealed In Second Balance Sheet (From Our Own Correspondent > Bangkok, July 5. Bangkok’s Brewery, which has now been producing for 21 months, has issued its second balance sheet. The company pays a flat rate of 2.20 pence per litre as excise duty on all the
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  • 285 11 Growers’ Faults In Malaya. PARTING SHOT BY dr. tempany. (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, July 8. THE general organisation of the nineapple industry still leaves m ,ch to be desired.” wrote the Hon. H Tempany in his last report Director of Agriculture. S.S., and Ulviser on
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  • 207 11 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Johore Bahru, July 8. Vr N from Singapore, and not men from Johore, are blamed brif V l rilbber smuggling by Wan bin Uda, Assistant Super,ent of Customs, Preventive gab st U T a heay y sentence S who Yin
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  • 195 11 NEW LAWS ON OCTOBER 1. (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, July 10. tih new legislation passed in the F.M.S. separating the cess from the rubber export duty and amalgamating it into the Malayan Rubber Fund will come into force on October 1. An Advisory Committee will
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  • 161 11 gINGAPORE will figure very largely in the headlines within the next two years,” is the opinion of Capt. L. W. Jennings, jnr., of the United States Navy, who has been stationed in Shanghai for the past 2y 2 years. Capt. Jennings arrived in Singapore
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  • 110 11 11AR. Justice Clark, in the Bankruptcy Court on Friday issued a warran against R. N. Pereira in connection with the bankruptcy of the Malayan United Contractors. He was down for his public examination but efforts to serve notice proved futile. Tungku Muda Mohamed bin
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  • 205 11 Jungle Dash At 60 m. p. h /CARRYING a heavy load of mail bags a highpowered car made a dramatic 60 m.p.h. dash through the Jungle from Penang to Alor Star in an attempt to catch a west-bound Imperial Airways mail plane which had been unable to
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  • 157 11 Singapore Crew Adrift. When their tongkang foundered In a storm, three Chinese drifted in a dinghy in the sea south of Singapore on Thursday until they were picked up an hour later by the local steamer Tong Heng, which was bound from Karimon for Singapore. A member
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  • 99 11 Miss Mjolty B. Paton, daughter of Mrs. A. Paton, of Amber Mansions, Singapore, had her bag snatched by a Chinese on Wednesday night while she was walking in Stamford Road, accompanied by her mother and twin brothers. The alleged bag-snatcher was chased and caught by
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  • 213 11 —Straits Times Cable. Labour M. P.’s Attack. RULER’S LOVE OF PLEASURE. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, July 10. r J*HE Malay sultans were attacked in the House of Commons last night by a Labour M.P. Speaking during the debate on the Colonial Office Estimates LieutCommander R. T. H.
    '—Straits Times Cable.  -  213 words
  • 137 11 BOYANESE IN COURT AT K.L. (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, July 6. A FOURTH Boyanese stable syce, Abdul Wahib bin Suleiman, was charged at the Kuala Lumpur Court today with having taken part in the murder of Mr. Leslie Casson, the Australian racehorse trainer, on June
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  • 66 11 The Mui Tsai Commission returned to Singapore on Thursday night after their Malayan tour and have resumed their investigations before departing for England on July 18. Sir Wilfred Wood, the chairman* Lady Wood. ar c. Miss Picton-Turber-ville are staying at Government House Mr. C! A.
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  • 214 12 SPECIAL shipping arrangements have been made to carry the hundreds of Catholic pilgrims from Singapore who will visit the International Eucharistic Congress which will be held at Manila in the first week of February next year. The majority of pilgrims will travel In the Messagerles Maritlmes
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  • 88 12 (From Our Own Correspondent) Seremban, July 9. At Wesley Church. Seremban. the Rev. J. A. Supramaniam and the Rev. T. M. Kurlen married Dr. D. John Jackson, of Sungel UJong Estate. Rantau. to Miss K. Jebamoney, sister-in-law of Mr. John Devasahayam. of
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  • 260 12 The following passengers for Europe left Singapore In the Patroclus on July 8:— Mr. and Mrs. P. J. R. Waugh, Mr. E. P. Evans, 8ir George A. Weir, K.CJB., Dr. Landor and child, Mrs. Landor and child, Mrs. E. Hitcham, Mr. J. D. Pinkerton, Mr. and Mrs. M.
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  • 201 12 VISITS TO PENANG AND KEDAH. THE following Ls the skeleton programme for H E. the High Commissioner’s tour to Penang. Kedah and j Fraser’s Hill, from July 16 to Aug. 2: THURSDAY, JULY 16 11.00 a m. His Excellency and personal staff leave by s.s.
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  • 145 12 Chinese From Pulau Samboe Acquitted. The case in which Phun Yau Heng was charged with armed robbery on the night of Dec. 24 last was concluded yesterday at the Singapore Assizes before Mr. Justice N. H. P. Whitley. Acting Chief Justice, and a common Jury. The
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  • 103 12 (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, July 10. Sentence of three months rigorous imprisonment to be followed by six months’ police supervision was passed by Mr. J. Calder in the Kuala Lumpur Police court today, on Salleh, a seven-teen-year-old Batavian, who pleaded guilty to stealing
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  • 41 12 The King has approved the appointment of Mr. Cecil Joseph Parker, m.c., to be temporarily an Official Member of the Executive Council of the Straits Settlements curing the absence on leave of the Hon. Major R. L. Nunn, D.S.O.
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  • 331 12 SINGAPORE’S million pound airport has now reached an advanced stage of construction, and the special Straits Times picture (published on this page) of the huge, seaplane slipway and hangar now taking shape reveals to the public for the first time one
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  • 211 12 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, July 7. TWO years ago he was a wander- ing prince in England. He mingled with the mighty in the Colonial Office and on one memorable day he was received by the King and Queen at Buckingham Palace.
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  • 58 12 Dr. Tempany Among New Members. According to the Straits Times’ London Correspondent, new member? elected at a committee meeting of the Association of British Malaya on June 26 included Mrs. H. G. Gillespie, Major W. P. N. Bridges, and Messrs. J- Bennett. C. H. Figg, D. R.
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  • 725 13 •‘ESSENTIAL WEAKNESS’ Of CASE.U.P.A.M. Did Not Submit Promised Figures. CRITICISM of the case for a reduction of quit rents and t ru bber tax presented by the United Planting Association of Malava is expressed in the final letter in the negotiations tween the
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  • 50 13 THE construction of new post offices at Ipoh will begin next year. Other public buildings will, it is understood, be constructed later. The building of the new post offices is regarded as the first step in making Ipoh the State capital of Perak, instead of Taiping.
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  • 490 13 The Legal Status Of The Sultans. Having regard to recent comment on the position of the Malay Rulers, it may be useful to state the findings of the Privy Council in the Pahang Consolidated case (reported in the FM.S. Law Reports, 1931—32). These findings define, conclusively
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  • 250 13 Rapid Strides In Basic English Tuition 200 LEARNING REGULARLY IN SINGAPORE. THE teaching of Basic English has made such progress in Singapore that Mrs. R. Bottrall, helped by the Inspector of Schools and the Assistant Director of Education (Chinese) has now got more than 200 people taking lessons regularly. Great
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  • 388 13 SEVEN YEARS’ GAOL FOR CHINESE. IN passing sentence on Han Kee Toon who was convicted before a common jury at the Assize Court last week of armed robbery Mr. Justice N. H. P. Whitley, Acting Chief Justice, said: “Tell the accused that the Jury by a
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  • 1225 14 SCENIC BEAUTY MOUNTAIN CLIMBS AT CAMERON HIGHLANDS How The Trout Are Progressing. CAMERON Highlands is becoming more and more popular as a holiday resort for Malayans, but not many people realise the excellent opportunities which exist there for walking. Below a Straits Times correspondent describes some short and long walks
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  • 294 14 Mrs. WaddelVs New Book For Children. A new textbook for Malayan schools, entitled “Nature study in the Tropics.’ has earned warm praise from Mr. F N. Chasen, Director of Raffles Museum The book is by Mrs. A. M Waddell. M. A. (Hons.), B.Sc., of the Malayan
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  • 91 14 Forced Landings. rPHREE planes of the Siamese Army have been damaged by forced landings in bad weather. The three planes were flying from Don Muang to Nakon Rajaslma when they ran into heavy clouds and fog. Two of them h%d to make a forced descent
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  • 106 14 Flag Day Collections Amount To. $4,464. The honorary treasurer of Hospital Week has completed the counting of the collections of flag sellers on Saturday last and the total amount received was $4,464.51. T*o fewer than 208 tins were dealt with. Mrs. R. s. Nelson was the organiser. Mr.
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  • 2712 15 Tanah Rata And Bintang—As They Are Today—The Last Three Years —Waiting For The Services. By Our Planting Correspondent. •v the articles on Cameron High1 I'inds that have appeared in the< e columns during the last few have dealt with the Telom Vafe Kenglet, and 3oh
    2,712 words

  • 172 16 The Volunteer Air Force. RAPID expansion of the S.S. Volunteer Air Force will take place as soon as new hangar and staff accommodation is available at Kallang. Enlistment of Malays, Chinese, and other Asiatic recruits for training as pilots and ground-staff will then ome
    172 words
  • 86 16 Mail Car Overturns Into Ravine. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, July 2. At about 10.30 this morning a mail car travelling from Kuala Lumpur to Ipoh overturned Into a ravine at the 71st milestone on the main runk road. Tan Ah Teck, the driver,
    86 words
  • 227 16 CINGAPORE’S new airport will have a garden approach of lawns and flower beds that will make it one of the most picturesque as well as one of the most modern airports in the world. Already the twin roads which form the entrance drive
    227 words
  • 175 16 The sixth arrest in the Dutch Bank robbery of 41,000 guilders was made on Thursday. A. S. P. Fowler and Inspector C. H. Giam arrested a Mohammedan sundry shop coolie named Mohamed Ismail soon after noon at 26. Market Street. On Friday all six
    175 words
  • 62 16 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Seremban, July 6. Mrs. Strutt, wife of S/Sgt I. Strutt of the Malay Regiment, who, with her husband, was involved in a car accident near Segamat on Friday, has been admitted to Seremban Hospital. Mr. Strutt, with C.Q.M.S. Mohamed Noor, was on his way to Singapore
    62 words
  • 109 16 Show Exhibits In Selangor. (From Our Own Correspondent) Sabak Bernam, July 9. High quality tennis nets, badminton nets and racquets are being manufactured by local schoolboys, who exhibited these sports materials at the Agricultural and Horticultural show at Sabak Bernam. Experts were impressed with the
    109 words

  • 717 17 Oll'urrs of the Koyal Naval Volunteer Reserve and Malay ratings stand to attention for the photographer on the wharf with II.M.S. Laburnum, the training ship, as a background. The “rogue” elephant (gajah tung'al) which has been terrorising Kampjng Tiong, a village on the Kuala Kangsar—(Irik
    717 words

  • 977 21 n nERAL DIARY. fjrink And Be Merry—How To Score In Car Tax —Lists Open For F. M. S.' Loan —Dyak Dreamers. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, July 9. PA HIT pundits in the F.M.S. have luid hardly a thought of sympathy for their
    977 words
  • 35 21 The appointment of Tengku Omar ibni al-Marhum al-Sultan Ahmad alMu’adzam Shah as a member of the Pahang State Council with effect from July 1 is gazetted by command of His Highness the Sultan of Pahang.
    35 words
  • 687 21 Playground Of The Rich Is The Drain Amahs Allow Children To Sport In Dust And Dirt —Poor Are Luckier. THE dangers to which amahs subject children in allowing them to play near open drains and in unhealthy places, while the children of the poor take healthy games
    —Straits Times Photograph.—  -  687 words
  • 82 21 (From Our Own Correspondent) Seremban. July 9. The Mui Tsai Commission, which recorded evidence yesterday about the treatment of mui-tsai in the Seremban district, will leave today for Singapore. The members of the commission--Sir Wilfred Woods, Miss Picton-Tuber-vill and Mr. C. A. Willis—would make no
    82 words

  • 1536 22 A MALAYAN BOOKSHELF. Mrs. Innes Corrects Miss Bird. “The Chersonese with the (Hiding Off”. By Emily Innes (Published by Richard Bentley and Son. 1885.) This is a counterb’ast to The Golden Chersonese reviewed last week), written by a lady who had read and admired
    1,536 words
  • 80 22 DOTTLES and plates were flying along the whole of the coolie lines at the new Tengah Aerodrome A Teochiu and a Hengwha coolie quarrelled over the use of a bathroom bucket and set about each other with handy weapons. The fight spread through the lines. When the
    80 words
  • 153 22 The half-yearly meeting of the Kelantan Planters’ Association under the chairmanship of Mr. J. McNicol was held in Kuala Krai. The large attendance included the Hon. Mr. A C. Baker, British Adviser: Mr. J. Macpherson, Deputy Controller of Rubber Mr. F. G. Aplin, Superintendent of
    153 words
  • 75 22 One hundred dollars is being offered for information leading to the recovery of the 36 masonic medals and other masonic jewels stolen from the Singapore lodge on June 23 last. The reward stands for three months. The theft was one of the coolest carried out. It
    75 words

  • 753 23 DIEH ARDS’ GUNS ROAR TO REPULSE LANDING. Mock Battle Tests Defences Of Singapore. AN invading army landed on the south-east coast of Singapore Island under cover of darkness last Monday night and stormed strategic position on the coast. Disembarking from warships, and rowing
    753 words
  • 296 23 “LABURNUM GROVE EXCELLENT character work, and a smoothness of dialogue and production attesting weeks of earnest preparation, enabled the newly formed Singapore Amateur Dramatic Club to score an unqualified success with their first presentation at the Victoria Theatre last week. The play chosen was J. B.
    296 words
  • 25 23 Mr. Charles Edward Wurtzburg, M.C., director of Mansfield and Co., Ltd., Singapore, has Joined the board of the Glen Line Limited.
    25 words
  • 300 23 FINED $90. T. LIM, the wealthy Singapore merchant, who was before the court on four charges of having kept four unregistered mui tsais at Serangoon Road and North Bridge Road on June 18, was fined $30 on each of the first, third and
    300 words
  • 42 23 Tryon, the Postmaster Gerferal stated in the House of Commons on .Tuly 7 that additional equipment is being installed in Malaya to enable a radio telephone service to Britain to be opened at “an early date.”—Straits Times Cable.
    42 words

  • 244 24 .—British Wireless. Anglo-Japanese Complaints. PEIPING TRIAL INDIAN’S ARREST. Tokio, July 7. FE improper attitude oi Japanese officials towards the recent inquiry into the death of a Japanese officer, Sasaki, at Peiping was the subject of representations by the British Ambassador in Tokio, Sir Robert Clive, to the
    .—British Wireless.  -  244 words
  • 125 24 .—Reuter. SPANISH PRINCE’S PETITION. New Yjrk, July 8. Proceedings for the annulment of his marriage were hied yesterday in the Supreme Court. New York by Count Covadonga son of the exKing of Spain on the ground that the Countess, the 27-year-old daughter cf a wealthy Spanish
    .—Reuter.  -  125 words
  • 57 24 —Sin Chew Jit Poh. A consignment of arms and munitions said to have been orderec’ from Finland by Abyssinia before her defeat by Italy is reported to have been bought by the Canton Government. A Canton warship sailed on Sunday for an unknown destination, it is reported, to take delivery
    —Sin Chew Jit Poh.  -  57 words
  • 280 24 —Reuter. Forecast Of New Treaty With Egypt The creation of an important British naval base at Alexandria is believed, on reliable authority, to be one of the terms of the forthcoming Anglo-Egyptian treaty. Cairo, July 6. Anglo-Egyptian negotiations are entering their final stages and are
    —Reuter.  -  280 words
  • 93 24 —Reuter. Details Of New Trade Treaty. London, July 7. The Times’ Berlin correspondent understands from official quarters that the reported Sino-German trade agreement was not directly negotiated by the German Government but by the Klein Consortium, a business amalgamation which handles contracts in China. The agreement
    —Reuter.  -  93 words
  • 141 24 —Reuter. Echo Of Capture Of Mandalay. London, July 7. The death is announced of General Sir Bruce Meade Hamilton.—Reuter. Sir Bruce Hamilton, who was 79, was the second son of the late Lt.-Gen. H. M. Hamilton. He entered the East Yorks Regiment in 1877 and served in
    —Reuter.  -  141 words
  • 82 24 New Scheme To Be Announced. London, July 6. During the last few weeks, consultations have been proceeding at the Dominions Office, with various Australian statesmen visiting England and the Under-Secretary for the Dominions, Lord Hartington, said today that, as a result, there was a real ground for
    82 words
  • 125 24 .—British Wireless. But Still 1,700,000 Out Of Jobs. London, July 7. An increase in the number of persons in employment and a further fall in the number of unemployed are revealed in the June return of the Ministry of Labour. It is estimated that at June
    .—British Wireless.  -  125 words
  • 45 24 —Reuter. It is revealed that Nicaragua’s ww f r reslgn n S from the League is that the questions at present convulsing the League are foreign to the permanent interest of the American countries, and Nicaraguans fear they may be drawn into other people’s wars.—Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  45 words
  • 176 24 —Sin Chew Jit Poh. N. China Agreement Feared. FIVE PROVINCES INVOLVED. Peiping, July 8. WHILE the shadow of civil war hangs over Central and South China, a conference is being held in Peiping between the Japanese military and the leaders of Hopei and Chahar. It is understood that
    —Sin Chew Jit Poh.  -  176 words
  • 67 24 —Sin Chew Jit Poh. New State Raising Big Loan To Buy Arms. Peiping, July 8. Prince Teh, leader of the reported new independent state in Inner Mongolia. has issued loan bonds totalling $30,000,000. it is understood, to buv Japanese arms and munitions. A strong force of
    —Sin Chew Jit Poh.  -  67 words
  • 53 24 —Aneta-Trans-Ocean. WORLD WIDE RANGE. Vatican City, July 6. To keep in touch with Roman Catholics all over the world, the Holy See has ordered a new 50 kilowatt short-wave transmitter with directional aerials and circular antennae to work together with the weaker transmitter already existing in
    —Aneta-Trans-Ocean.  -  53 words
  • 112 24 —Reuter Wireless. No Foreign Adventure Until After Olympiad! London, July 6. Fears of a Nazi coup in Danzig in the near future are discounted in London. Diplomatic circles express the opinion that Berlin is likely to restrain the Nazi elements there owing to the united front
    —Reuter Wireless.  -  112 words

  • 416 25 Five Resolutions Demand War With Japan. Nanking, July 10. i MID a cordon of armed gendarmes nearly 200 A delegates from all over the country assembled this morning at the opening of the plenary session of the Central Executive committee of the Kuomintang (the highest political
    416 words
  • 231 25 “South China Used By The Enemy. Hong Kong, July 9. G EV Li Han-yun, a high mliitary officer in Kwangtung, arrived in Hong Kong yesterday and announced that he had resigned because Gen. Chan Chai-tong, commander-in-chief of Kwangtung’s anti-Japanese national salvation forces,” was being used by the enemy.” KT Gen.
    231 words
  • 104 25 —-Aneta Trans-Ocean. President On The Effect Of New Baltic Port. Warsaw, July 6. “Through building the Baltic port of Gydnia, Poland has become a maritime nation, and nothing or no one will ever drive her from the position she has thus attained,” declared the
    —-Aneta Trans-Ocean.  -  104 words
  • 212 25 .—Reuter. Japanese Protest At Peiping Consular Court’s Verdict. Peiping, July 6. The Japanese Residents Association has approved a manifesto requesting “a just solution" to the Sasaki case in which two British privates, Hunt and Cooke were acquitted, and also has passed a resolution that it
    .—Reuter.  -  212 words
  • 546 25 to adhere to 14-inch guns.—Reuter and British Wireless. R.A.F. Takes £11,600,000 In New Supplementary Estimate. London, July 9. CUPPLEMENTARY estimates to a fotal amount of i'19,359,000 were issued this morning for the Navy, Army and Air Force. The total is made up as follows: NAVY:
    to adhere to 14-inch guns.—Reuter and British Wireless.  -  546 words

  • 330 26 Tokio Revolt Clean-Up: Lengthy Judgment. SEVENTEEN Japanese—13 of them Army officers —were sentenced to death in Tokio for complicity in the Tokio rebellion last February. A 20,000-»vord statement giving the verdict of the Secret court martial which has been trying the accused was published on July
    330 words
  • 202 26 —Reuter. BRITISH ADMIRALTY MOVEMENTS. London, July 10. It Ls understood the cruisers Berwick and Adventure and the submarines Oswald, Osiris, Pandora and Proteus will be released from special duty in the Mediterranean and Four D class destroyers from Aden will immediately rejoin the China Fleet,
    —Reuter.  -  202 words
  • 93 26 1.—Reuter. How Abyssinians Held Up Italian Plane. Four Italian officers were ki’led when an aeroplane, which left Addis Ababa for Jimma Province, was ambushed on landing. An official communique states that the planes were on a reconnaissance flight carrying a minion composed of Gen. Vincenzo
    1.—Reuter.  -  93 words
  • 124 26 —Reuter. Arab Officials’ Petition To Government. Jerusalem, July 9. The suspension of Jewish immigration into Palestine is proposed in an important memorandum submitted to Sir Arthur Wauchope, the High Commissioner, by 137 Arab senior officials with the urgent request that it should be transmitted to Mr.
    —Reuter.  -  124 words
  • 71 26 .—Reuter. —British Wireless. Mr Ramsay MacDonald Presiding Over Committee. The Privy Council Committee, appointed to make the Coronation arrangements, met for the first time at St James’s Palace under the presidency of Mr. Ramsay MacDonald, and discussed the preliminaries.—Reuter. The King has assumed the position of Admiral of
    .—Reuter.; —British Wireless.  -  71 words
  • 93 26 Experts Killed In Accident During An Experiment. THE War office regrets to announce that an explosion occurred in the research department at the Royal Arsenal, Woolwich, vesterday, which caused the death of five persons. The explosion is understood to have occurred while an experiment, was being carried
    93 words
  • 126 26 SHELLS HELD UR About 250 men employed on shell production at Woolwich Arsenal had a three hours’ stay-in strike (says our London correspondent) but resumed work on an assurance *hat the points they had raised would be thoroughly investigated This strike was the first attempt of
    126 words
  • 16 26 .—Reuter. The French Chamber passed a Bill opening a new credit of £6,500,000 tor national defence.—Reuter.
    .—Reuter.  -  16 words
  • 121 26 —Reuter TROOP TRANSPORT DISASTER. Cairo, July 8. An R.A.F. troop carrier plane of 216 Squadron crashed in the desert near Mersa Matruh, this evening, seven or the occupants being killed. The names Oi the dead men. are: Capt. F. E. Barford, Essex Regiment. Capt. H.
    —Reuter  -  121 words
  • 431 26 —British Wireless and Reuter. London, July 8. 'T'HE inspection of the Royal Air Force stations today by the King and accompanied by the Duke of York was the first time that a British monarch has ever made such an aerial tour The King,
    —British Wireless and Reuter.  -  431 words

  • 676 27 —Reuter. diplomatic triumph for MUSSOLINI. Rapprochement Between Rome And Berlin? London, July 13. MANY questions are being asked today regarding the Austro-German agreement which was signed yesterday. The pact recognises Austrian independence and ends German Nazi agitation in Austria. French commentators, says Reuter, are asking
    —Reuter.  -  676 words
  • 98 27 —Reuter. Shanghai, July 11. Vigorous representations in connection with the murder of Mr. Kayau, a Japanese, who was shot by an unidentified assailant in Hongkew yesterday, was made by Mr. Sugihara, acting Japanese Consul-General to Mayor Wu Teh Cheng this morning. The protest was made following a conference
    .—Reuter.  -  98 words
  • 12 27 —Reuter Honduras has notified her withdrawal from the League of Nations. —Reuter.
    —Reuter  -  12 words
  • 306 27 LORD SEMPILL ’S BAD LUCK ON RECORD FLIGHT. Attempt Abandoned At Vienna London, July 11. T'HE Master of Sempill’s daring plan to fly a Britain’s fastest air liner in record time from England to Australia, via Malaya, was abandoned at Vienna last night. Lord Sempill, says Reuter, took off from
    306 words
  • 65 27 ,—Reuter. THREE PETROL TANKS ABLAZE. Willemstad, July 11. A BIG fire is burning at one of the biggest oil factories in Holland. About midnight the alarm was raised at the Royal Dutch Shell refinery at Willemstad and in a few minutes three gasoline tanks were
    ,—Reuter.  -  65 words
  • 54 27 —Reuter. Berlin, July 7. A cordial welcome is being prepared for Mr. Tai Chi Tao, President of the Examination Yuan of Nanking, who is arriving tomorrow. He will be given a luncheon by Gen. von Blomberg and on Friday received by Hitler and be given a luncheon by Bnron von
    —Reuter.  -  54 words
  • 136 27 l. —Reuter. LEAVE FOR ITALIAN SOLDIERS. Rome, July 12. A General Staff order, issued In Addis Ababa, announces the immediate grant of indefinite leave to all soldiers and non-commissioned officers at present in East Africa who have reached the age of 25 and who are able
    l.—Reuter.  -  136 words

  • 1129 29  -  By Leighton.” TTIE first Singapore A.A.A. championship meeting held on the 1 S.C.C. Padang on Saturday must be written down as a very successful affair. Some excellent times and distances were returned in the various events
    . —Straits Times Photograph.  -  1,129 words
  • 37 29 —Reuter. London, July 11. Playing at Noordwyk today O. de Stefani (Italy) won the Dutch lawn tennis championship by defeating Kho Sin Kie (China) in the final 6—1, 6—3, 6—4.—Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  37 words
  • 331 29 American A.A.A. —Reuter. Jesse Owens’ Brilliant Triple At New York. New York, July 11. THE American Amateur Athletic championships were held today and were regarded as trials for the Olympic games. Jesse Owens of Ohio University, a young negro with several fine performances to his
    —Reuter.  -  331 words
  • 54 29 aggregate of the longer range.—Reuter Wireless. London, July 9. The Ashburton Challenge shield, the Public Schools Rifle Shooting trophy, from which eighty teams have been shooting, was won by Brighton College, aggregating 477 points. Denstone College had an equal score but Brighton College was better on the aggregate
    aggregate of the longer range.—Reuter Wireless.  -  54 words
  • 46 29 .—Reuter. Zagreb. July 11. Von Cramm and Henkel beat Mitie and Kukuljevic, 8—6; 4—6; 6—3; 4—6; 6—3. Germany has now won the final of the European Zone by three matches to nil and will meet Australia at Wimbledon on July 18, 20 and 21.—Reuter.
    .—Reuter.  -  46 words
  • 447 29 At The White City: A.G.K. Brown Does 440 In Exceptional Time. London, July 11. new English and British records were set up at the Amateur Athletic Association championships held at the White City today. S. C. Woodcrson triumphed over Jack Lovelock in the mile event, while
    447 words

  • 939 30 Budapest Pays $235 And Tin Pool $100 For Win. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, July 8. APART frem major upsets in the third race, which Budapest won and paid $235, and the seventh race, which Tin Pool won and paid $100, all the other
    939 words
  • 1036 30 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, July 11. •THE Raja Permaisuri ol Perak’s English gelding, Clever Alec, won the Perak Summer cup over 1V 2 miles today by the comfortable margin of four lengths. This was jockey Orme’s first success in a
    1,036 words
  • 51 30 (From Our Own Correspondent) Sydney, July 12 The Grand National Steeplechase run today resulted 1. Santa Casa 9.6 2. Draconic 10.8. 3. Woodlace 10.3. Won by half a length and 15 lengths. Thirteen started. Betting: sto 1. 9 to 2 and 33 to 1 Double Totes:—s237 and
    51 words
  • Page 30 Miscellaneous
    • 32 30 Firs: Second Third BIG SWEEP LIFE BOUY ***** DOUBLE FILE ***** ELEGANCE ***** Starters: Jubilee Star *****; Regiment *****; Starlock *****: Financier *****, Soestdijk *****. Olenarrow *****, Wattle Ash *****; Headford *****.
      32 words
    • 27 30 The Big Sweep The draw on the big sweep, value $57,478, resulted as follows: First: ***** Second: ***** Third: ***** Starters: *****, *****, *****, ***** and *****.
      27 words

  • 16 31 —Straits Times Photograph.
    ,—Straits Times Photograph.  -  16 words
  • 416 31 STRADLING AGAIN IN GOOD FORM. Broome’s Valiant Effort To Score Off Last Ball. (From Our Own Correspondent) Segamat, July 12. rrHE finish of the return match be1 tween Genuang and the S.C.C. at Genuang today was one of the most thrilling ever seen on this ground.
    416 words
  • 361 31 D. E. Forbes Has Another Merry Innings. (From Our Own Correspondent) Segamat. July 6. IN spite of some excellent bowling by I. F. Mackenzie, the Johore State rugger player, who captured eight Genuang wickets at a cost of a little under 9 runs each, Rengam
    361 words
  • 470 31 Yorkshire Trounce Surrey And Are Now Fourth. London, July 7. AS a result of the matches concluded today, several of which were badly interfered with by rain, Derbyshire take the lead in the county championship table from Kent, Nottinghamshire and Yorkshire. Hampshire continue to
    470 words
  • 252 31 Reuter. Yorkshire Notts Lose First Innings Points. London, July 10. A PART from the Essex-Somerse match, which was finished yesterday, not a single one of the county games started on Wednesday reached a definite result thanks to the weather. Yorkshire and Nottinghamshire very surprisingly lost
    Reuter.  -  252 words
  • 173 31 .—Reuter. Light Blues Top Previous Record Total By One. London, July 8. CAMBRIDGE University won the ninety-eighth University match at Lord’s today by eight wickets. The Light Blues have now won 46 matches to Oxford’s 37 with 15 left drawn. The Cambridge total of 432 for nine wickets
    .—Reuter.  -  173 words

    • 1080 1 FRASER COMPANY’S SHARE REPORT. Messrs. Fraser and Co. in their weekil share report issued yesterday write: Quick changes in the European political situation seem nowadays to be matters of common occurrence, but Herr Hitler’s latest move in effecting a compromise with Austria, a development thought to have been engineered largely
      1,080 words
    • 169 1 Singapore, July 15, 12 noon. Buyer. Seller Gambler 4.75 Java Cub. 8.00 Hamburg 10.50 White Muntok Pepper 15.00 Black Pepper 7.75 White Pepper 14.50 •Sundried Copra 5.25 Mixed Copra 4.80 4.80 Sarawak Jelotong 6.25 Mixed Black Pepper Rice Saigon No. 1 $140 Rice. Silgon No. 2 $133 Rice. Saigon
      169 words
    • 324 1 London, July 14. The following are today’s closing middle prices on the London Stock Exchange: Shares of £1 denomination unless otherwise stated: Yea ter- Rise day. or Pall Conversion Loan, o p.c. 1944*64 118% Funding Loan 4 p.c. 1960-90 117% War Loan 3% p.c. 106% Straits 6 p.c.
      324 words
    • 53 1 Date Spot July Aug.-Sept. Oct.-Dec. Jan.-Mar. Apr.-June London 9 27 Vi 27% 27% 27% 27% 27% 7% 10 27% 27% 27% 27% 27% 27% 7% 13 27% 27% 27% 27% 27% 27% 7% 14 27% 27% 27% 27% 27% 27% 7% 15 27% 27% 27% 27%
      53 words
    • 976 2 REDUCED DEBIT CARRY FORWARD. EXISTING CAPITAL SUFFICIENT. Proposing the adoption ol the re- j port and accounts at the annual meeting of Sungei Sepang Limited m Kuala Lumpur, the Hon ble Mr. E. D. Shearn. the chairman, said:— You will .see that the results of the, year
      976 words
    • 63 2 Applications Total $40,000,000. (From Our Own Correspondent > Kuala Lumpur, July 11. In five hours yesterday applications totalling $40,000,000 were received for the three per cent, debentures in tht F M S $15 000.000 loan. This rapid over-subscription surprised the Government treasury officials who had anticipated
      63 words
    • 77 2 The Borneo Company, advise the iollowing outputs for June, 1936: TIN Pahang Consolidated 3,209 Pels.; Ipoh Tin (A. Etam) 215 Pels 111.600 yardage treated 527 hours run: Ipoh Tin (Lahat* 490 Pels.: 93.100 yardage treated 634 hours run: Sungei Kinta Tin 370 Pels.: 129.600 yardage treated
      77 words
    • 42 2 The Controller of Rubber states that the exports of dry rubber, uncorrected figures from Malaya, Brunei and Labuan during the month of June were: tons. Mainland 28,677 Straits Settlements 561 Brunei 9* Labuan M a total of 29,348 tons.
      42 words
    • 165 2 German Demand Declines. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, July 3. At the beginning of the week the Copra market remained firm in London, with a lively trade demand and the prices continued to improve on substantial business. During the last two days, however, an easier tone
      165 words
    • 288 2 The following outputs of tin ore for the month of June are notified: Ampat Tin 1,769 hrs.. 450,000 cu yds., 766 pels Anglo-Siamese Tin.—648 hrs 67,000 cu. yd*., 380 pels Batu Selangor Tin.—504 hrs 113.000 cu. yds., 920 pels Jelapang Tin —585 hrs., 109.000 cu yds., 860
      288 words
    • 56 2 The directors of Kampong Lanjut Tin Dredging Ltd. have declared a dividend of sixpence per share and a bonus of sixpence per share, payable to shareholders on the register at July 22. and the dividend will be paid at the offices of the company at Kuala Lumpur,
      56 words
    • 216 2 .—Reuter. BRIGHTER PROSPECTS OF RENEWAL. London, July 7. The prospects of a renewal of the tin restriction scheme after the end of this year are now distinctly brighter. Yesterday's announcement to the effect that Bolivia has surrendered her right to produce 10,288 tons of tin which she
      .—Reuter.  -  216 words
    • 140 2 THE Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubbei Association held its 1.285th auction on July 8 when there were catalogued 921,261 lbs.; 411.28 tons: offered 895.223 lbs 399.65 tons: sold 701.678 lbs.; 313.25 tons. Spot London 7%d New York 16 7 16 cts PRICES REALISED Ribbed smoked sheet Cents
      140 words
    • 99 2 During the week ending July 4 exports of tinned pineapples from Malayan ports amounted to 111.696 cases, of which: 95,248 (85 per cent) cases were to the United Kingdom. I. (1 per cent) cases to the Continent of Europe, 11. (11 per cent) cases to Canada,
      99 words
    • 29 2 It is notified in the Government Gazette that J. O. Davies and Co., Ltd Penang, was struck off the register of companies on June 13, 1936.
      29 words
    • 365 3 MALAYA SECOND IN THE WORLD. empire conference IN LONDON. (From Our London Staff.) London. June 30. Fruit producers from all parts of the Fmpire are gathered in London for a conference. The Ottawa Agreement. its working over the past four years tiui the position that will arise
      365 words
    • 80 3 STOCKS of rubber in the hands of dealers and at ports in Malaya and Labuan on June 30, were 32.548 tons, which compares with 29.970 on May Z±, 1933, and 56.156 tons a year ago. Dealers’ stocks were distributed as follows; Singapore Island ***** tons:
      80 words
    • 84 3 t Ti l KLANG TIN LTD. The dredge 1 ulu Klang Tin Ltd. worked for 443 ours during June, treated 79,100 cubic J of material and produced 322 picu ls of tin ore. ~ITAM tin LTD. The output of tin trom Hitam Tin mine during June Uas
      84 words
    • 692 3 NO ACTUAL SHORTAGE OF SPOT RUBBER. STANTON NELSON AND CO., LTD. in their weekly review of the rubber market issued on July 10 state:— Prices on balance are a shade above last week with a fair volume of business passing in the nearby positions. This market at
      692 words
    • 124 3 —Reuter. AUSTRALIA’S NEW REGULATIONS. Canberra, July 9. The Australian Government has issued a proclamation to be enforced as from July 18, increasing from 25 ti j 50 per cent, the British contract in cotton, silk, artificial silk or mixtures which is necessary to qualify them for
      .—Reuter.  -  124 words
    • 138 3 Dividend Of 3% Per Cent. The Netherlands Indian Trading Bank the second largest bank in the N.E.I.. has announced a dividend of 3V2 per cent, for 1935. against nil for 1934. In 1935 the outstanding capital was reduced from F1.45,000.000 to FI.27.000,000 by the repayment of 20
      138 words
    • 90 3 During June, the domestic production of tin, as represented by exports, of the Federated Malay States. Unfederated States and Malacca, calculated at a tin content of 75.5 per cent, of ore, totalled 5.187 tons. Of this amount, the Federated Malay States produced 4.985 ions; Johore 84 tons;
      90 words
    • 25 3 The directors of Katu Tin Dredging Ltd., have declared a dividend of 6d. per share payable to shareholders registered on July 31.
      25 words
    • 178 3 .—Reuter. TWO MAIN OBJECTIVES IN SIGHT. SOUND BUYING AND NO SPECULATION. London. July 8 By the beginning of next year the International Rubber Regulation Committee is likely to be within striking distance of one of its two major objectives, says the Financial News in a leading article
      .—Reuter.  -  178 words
    • 193 3 Land Acquired For Gold Mining. The report oY the directors of Bruseh Rubber Estates Ltd. for the year ended Mar. 31. 1936, states that the profit after writing-off £1,070 from capital expenditure on gold account and making provision for depreciation, was £5,741 to which is added
      193 words
    • 65 3 The following are the estimated rubber crops for the month of June from the respective estates:— lb. Malaka Pinda 42,400 Ayer Kuning Rubber 88,500 Badek Rubber (Staffleld Estate) 22,500 Bradwall Rubber Estate 47,000 Chersonese Estates 80,875 Dennistown Rubber (Dennlstown Estate) 45,399 Highlands and Lowlands 160,000 Klabang Rubber
      65 words
    • 47 3 —Reuter. Batavia. July 8. The native rubber duty will be 36 guilders per 100 kilos dry from tomorrow.—Reuter. This duty fluctuates with the price of rubber in order to limit the profits of native growers and thus act as a form of restriction.
      —Reuter.  -  47 words
    • 602 4 London Exchange Price On July 2. Allagar (2/) 1/5; Alor Pongsu <2/> 2/2 V*; Anglo-Malay (£D 12/9; Ayer Kuntag (£1) 31/10Vi; Bagan Serai (£1) 15/9, al1 (2/) 2/9; Banteng (£1) 20/7Vi; Batang 1/OVi; Batu Caves (£1) 22/6; Batu Tlga 29/4Vi; Bckoh (2/) Bertam Con. ($/> 4/2Vi Bldor (£1)
      602 words
    • 174 4 Ixmdon Exchange Price Only July 6. Ampat (4/) 4/1 *i; Auglo-Burma (5/) 14/; Ayer Hltam (5/) 13/6; Bangrin (£1) 15/9; Gopeng Cons (£1) 1 29/32; Hongkong (5/) 14/9; Idris (5/) 6/1 Vi; Ipoh (16/) 28/; Kampong Lanjut (£1) 16/9; Kamuntlng (2/) J2/1 Vi; Kepong (£1) 14/; Kinta (5/)
      174 words
    • 16 4 July 9 Tin, S'pore Price $93 Vi per picul »0% L 93 Va
      16 words
    • 1440 4 issued bv Fraser and Co. and Lyall and Evatt Exchange and Stock Brokers. Singapore, July 15, 10 a.m. MINING. Fraser ti Co. Lyall Bvati issue Val Fraser CO. Lyall It Evatt L3 ue Val Sellers Buyers 8eilers. Buyers 8eUers Buyers Sailers Amnat nn 4/41/2 4/IOV2 4/6 5/3
      1,440 words