The Straits Budget, 9 July 1936

Total Pages: 36
1 3 The Straits Budget
  • 29 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE STRAITS TIMES [ESTABLISHED NEARLY A CENTURY.] No. 1091. SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, JULY 9, 1936. Price 25 cents (S.S. Currency) or 7d.
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  • 448 1 invading army landed on the south-east coast of Singapore Island under cover of darkness last night and stormed strategic positions on the coast. Disembarking from warships, and rowing ashore with muffled oars, the enemy completely surprised the defence forces. of the Singapore Garrison were rushed to
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  • 763 1 End Of Malay State’s Succession Dispute. IN opposition to the wishes of some of the Malay chiefs, Tungku Laxamana, the third son of the Sultan, was on Monday proclaimed Raja Muda and heir apparent to the throne of Selangor. The aged Sultan of Selangor, who in
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  • The Straits Budget
    • 1013 2 the charge. We dare not. —Straits Times, July 2. Today 140 members of the Chinese Olympic Team are passing through Singapore on their way to Berlin, where the stage is set for the greatest Olympiad in history. Some of the teams have already arrived in Berlin,
      the charge. We dare not.—Straits Times, July 2.  -  1,013 words
    • 1194 2 —Straits Times, July 3. In an introductory paragraph in the special Bulletin of the Rubber Growers’ Association which contains the major correspondence exchanged between Sir Shenton Thomas and the association and the Secretary of State for the Colonies and the association regarding taxation of the rubber industry of
      —Straits Times, July 3.  -  1,194 words
    • 663 3 for efficiency and economy.—Straits Times, July 4. t the end of March the raits Settlements surplus was 2 439.488.94. it looks like a race Wl the P.M.S., which has a very Similar Paper balance at the moment, but though there Is that th ar
      for efficiency and economy.—Straits Times, July 4.  -  663 words
    • 284 3 Straits Times, July 4. If Sir Samuel Hoare. the First Lord of the Admiralty, had wished to say that the League of Nations is Great Britain and that the only authority of the League is the authority of the British Government, he could scarcely have said it
      Straits Times, July 4.  -  284 words
    • 921 3 against typhoid.”—Straits Times, July 6. In his annual report for 1935, Dr. P. S. Hunter, the Municipal Health Officer, has quite a lot of things to say about the attitude adopted by local newspapers during last year’s malaria epidemics. He seems to have been a little uncertain as
      against typhoid.”—Straits Times, July 6.  -  921 words
    • 1017 4 that principle is in doubt.—Straits Times, July 7. The proclamation by the Sultan of Selangor of his third son, the Tungku Laxamana, to be his successor is unfortunately not the end of the matter. The sooner it is ended the better, and when it is ended there will
      that principle is in doubt.—Straits Times, July 7.  -  1,017 words
    • 1066 4 straits Times, July 8. There is no longer any room for doubt as to the intentions of the Straits Settlements Government following the resurrection of the Corporations Duties Ordinance. The statement made to the Straits Times by the acting Treasurer, the Hon. Mr. H. Weisberg, puts the
      straits Times, July 8.  -  1,066 words

  • NOTES Of The DAY.
    • 226 5 -here was a mistake in the list 01 1 kniehts published in this column yesterday Mr. Thomas Baker of the Honskong and Shanghai Bank, and f atlier of Mr C J. Baker, of Kuala Lumpur, was not knighted. The assumption that ne was probably arose ut of the
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    • 218 5 117 HEN an elderly Malay was hanged in the Penang gaol a few days ago. lor killing his wife, a local newspaper stated that the execution had been carried out “following the dismissal of his appeal to the Privy Council.” This was puzzling, for until recently no appeal
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    • 267 5 R EADERS may remember various astonkh? nCeS ln this column to the Frank lacility w *th which Mr Malayan T staggerin B through the be ’d it J^ gle with a movie camera fi Khts h,>* ready happens upon pSa de b 3 et T h W W
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    • 230 5 ANY police inspector who ''ould not keep a car in Singapore nowadays would feel extremely sorry for himself, yet we have to go back no farther than 1923 (before the advent of the light car) to recall a time when every inspector in Singapore, except a few of
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    • 198 5 MALAYAN education has passed another milestone with the issue of a little book from the Malaya Publishing House last month called Nature Study in the Tropics. This textbook, which has been written by Mrs. A. M. Waddell, M.A., B.Sc., is actually the first of its kind
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    • 288 5 SUBURBAN PATRIARCH ■JTAKING a census in Singapore Is a process replete with “human interest,” and nowhere more so than in the counting of the harbour and river population in the early hours of the morning, as we were reminded by a Straits Times representative yesterday. But most of us would
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    • 235 5 YESTERDAY a Singapore contemporary published a thrilling story from its Kuala Kangsar correspondent. describing the shooting of an elephant by Mr. D. P. Macnamara, of the F.M.S. Police. We were told how the animal had been trespassing into estates, how a party of hunters was got together to
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    • 211 5 DEADERS may remember a note in this column some time ago on the possibility of keeping bees in Malayan gardens and of improving upon the crude method of keeping wild swarms which is occasionally used in kampongs. I have since heard of two men who have introduced European
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    • 296 5 THOSE who remember the very genuine and practical Interest in the rural Malays taken by Mr. A. S. Haynes when he was in the Malayan Civil Service are glad to see him back again as a member of a League of Nations commission which is studying rural
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    • 185 5 JT’S a sad business, this Anal phase in the extermination of the onehorned rhinoceros in Malaya, and the news that Mr. Martin Stevens has arrived to shoot one of the last three specimens still living in the Peninsula gives a new and melancholy meaning to the phrase
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    • 230 6 IT looks as though the Lesser OneHorned Rhino is doomed to extinction not only in Malaya but in the Eastern tropics generally, although there is still a chance that effective measures to preserve it may be taken in Java. Some years ago an American zoological society published an
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    • 251 6 J AM indebted to L.C.L.. M of Penang. for an interesting note on bankers in Straits politics. “The heads of the local banks,” he writes. used to be nominated to the Legislative Council in the old days, until the head offices, with a narrowness of view that one
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    • 39 6 CENECA Falls, N.Y. celebrated the 117th anniversary of the birth of Amelia Bloomer, who in 1851 became notorious first by advocating, then by wearing on the streets the modified Oriental garment later named for her. —Time (June 8).
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    • 206 6 DROBABLY few people outside the Singapore gaol know who the “Tuan Duablas" are. They are the 12 visiting Justices, the chairmanship of which body has just been taken over by Mr. J. A. Clarke from Mr. H. W. Raper. A roster is worked out whereby two o! the
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    • 189 6 PENANG THUGS this caption does not refer to any residents of contemporary Penang, and if you lave already jumped to that conclusion you shall pay for your uncharitableness with disappointment. The thugs to whom I refer are mentioned in a new book, Bombay in the Days of George IV, in
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    • 222 6 THE SHAW REPORT 11THEN turning up a file about Palestine the other day I came upon a document which everyone seems to have conveniently forgotten during the present troubles in Palestine. This was the report of the royal commission which went to Palestine in 1929, and I mention it here
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    • 63 6 “J.JITHERTO it has not been possible to obtain the bats (‘flying-foxes’) alive: they are shot down as they raid fruit trees in the evening time and are much in demand as an article of food for Indians, and for the preparation of a Chinese ‘medicine’—raw bat’s blood mixed
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    • 252 6 BORED IN BORNEO £>LEASE forgive this crude but irresistible alliteration. It is intended to call attention to the letter reproduced from The Mirage on this page today—a letter which, I think, will start several hares in the lush and neglected pastures of our mental life. To begin with, it seems
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    • 260 6 A NOTHER passage in the mentor’s letter set me thinking about a certain Saturday afternoon, in Sep. tember on my last leave when I was exploring a village church (Early Norman, or something of the sort) in Sussex. While I was there a most enthusiastic old codger
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    • 190 6 IF Mrs. Kathleen Gough knew how much influence her book, A Garden Book for Malaya, has had since its first appearance in 1928 she would be greatly flattered. There were several references to Mrs. Gough’s book at the meeting of the Singapore Gardening Society yesterday, but the lecturer,
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  • 97 6 The following appointments are notified in the S.S. Government Gazette Mr. William Douglas Barron provisionally to be, subject to the approval of the King, temporarily an Official Member of the Legislative Council, in the place of Mr. J. J. Warren, resigned. Mr. T. W. A. Huggins. Inspector of
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  • 426 7 a f Taylor is now in charge of M Wutes Agency of Messrs. Guthrie art o£V- in Kuala Lumpur. Hnn Mr S. W. Jones, acting Thc ‘lnviser Kedah, is proceeding British A is Rawalpindi. Home on leave w tr c Edwardes, of Kuala LumMrS in ari to
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    • 23 7 SH^ L c EWOR TH.~At the Maternity Hos--5wn ßapore t 0 Rowena, wife of H. J. Please copy* 1 50n Upcountry papers
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    • 49 7 W noum? f i N The engagement is anof tho d i.^ t^ een Norman Stanly Wise, son Mrs M rthur W s Wise and and Tnnn Bour nemouth, Hampshire, S?ox S5 Al lc e. danghter of Mr. H. B. a d the late Mrs. Knox of Singapore.
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    • 51 7 took E L M,G ETTIG AN .—The marriage Winter anri ?>r July 3 1936 of Mr H B~nter and Mrs, Winifred McGettigan. CJreJnSich C s°p >D f 0n July 4 1936 ln and Mrs Jarncs Fraser, son of Mr. feo d s ai kt e s r CarUon'Nott^Xm^ 1
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  • 147 7 Monday, June 29. In the afternoon His Excellency presented the C.M.G. to the Hon’ble Ungku Aziz, of Johore, at Government House. Wednesday, July 1. In the morning His Excellency presented the Colonial Police Lonr Service Medal to Subedar Tota Singh at Government House. At noon H.H. The Sultan
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  • 248 7 Leaders. Laurels On Olive Branches 2 Rubber Taxation 2 S.S. and F.M.S.—An Economic Contrast 3 Health Scares 3 Whose Choice? 4 4 Taxes And Opium 4 Telegrams— Covering past week’s news 25 —28 Picture Supplement 17 —30 Financial Supplement— Financial and Commercial News to date, following page 32 Malayan
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  • 82 7 Sydney Smith, Air Officer Commanding the R.A.F., Far East, send a message of condolence to the Australian Government and to Melrose’s relatives in Glenelg, Adelaide, immediately he heard of Melrose’s death. The message was on behalf of all R.A.F. officers in the Far East,” Air-Commodore
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  • 110 7 The last two miles of the road to Kota Tinggi water-falls have been laid, and metalling has begun. This road through the jungle will make the water-falls a popular, and probably much over-crowded, tourist resort. The metalling will be completed soon, and after a
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  • 212 7 NEW FORCE SHAPING WELL. piLOT-Offlcers Whitley, Allen and Hart, of the Straits Settlements Volunteer Air Force, are already flying solo in the new Avro Tutors that were brought from England to train the auxiliary force. Air-Commodore Sydney Smith, Air Officer Commanding the R.A.F., Far East, said that
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  • 295 7 “Liberal, Sympathetic. ASSURANCE TO CLUBS, i I FOLLOWING the widespread opposi- J tion among Singapore clubs to < the revival of a 30-year-old Ordinance which will deprive them of 3 per cent of their “profits,” the Straits Times learns that Government officials have given an unofficial assurance to the clubs
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  • 129 7 State Agricultural Officer, Selangor. The following appointments are notified in the F.M.S. Government Gazette: Brevet-Major R. A. Heard, M.C., to be Assistant Staff Officer, Local Forces, Malaya. Mr. R. Waddell to be an Assistant Engineer, Malayan Public Works Service. Mr. S. J. Fisher to be Composing Room Supervisor,
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  • 2388 8 LAUGHTER TEARS IN WOMEN’S SLANDER CASE. ANNA RAE, VI0L1NISTE, SUES DOCTOR'S WIFE. REBUKE TO CLAPPING WOMEN. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, July 6. FLAPPING, tears, laughter, a threat by the magistrate to v dear you ladies out of court,” mention of the Shah ot Persia and famous musicians such
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  • 638 9 COLONY LAW OF 1906 TO BE ENFORCED. Dismay At Decision To Take 3 Per Cent. Of Profits. SURPRISE and not a little consternation have been caused o aIT1 on£ clubs and societies in the Colony by a decision of the Straits Settlements Government to enforce
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  • 106 9 Said, “I’ll Give It A Go,” And Flew Into Storm. 4 TAIR-HAIRED, 23-year-old Jimmy Melrose, last of Australia’s noted world fliers, has been blown to pieces in mid-air. A Reuter message from Melbourne says that Melrose was flying Lieut.-Col. Campbell, an officer of the
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  • 694 9 IN his new Heston Phoenix 1 high-wing monoplane, in which he passed through Singapore on his way to Australia two months ago, Melrose took off with his passenger, Lieut.-Col. Campbell, and soon disappeared into a cloud-bank. Between Melbourne and Ballarat the Heston “Phoenix” ran into a
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  • 682 10 SLEEPING MEN PROTEST. AMID a chorus of protest, blasts of police whistles and the roar of launch exhausts, the world’s strangest task was accomplished while Singapore slept last week. A carefully organised army of some 200 men, armed with powerful torches, schedules, and
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  • 99 10 Mr. T. W. A. Huggins. Inspector of Police. Straits Settlements, has been appointed Assistant Migration Officer for the Settlement, the Government Gazette announces. The appointment is made by the Officer Administering the Government. Mr. A. S. Small, under the powers conferred on
    • —Straits Times Photograph.  -  99 words
  • 410 10 Flats, Public Buildings, Springing Up. r*IANT steam-shovels, rumbling lorries 9 scientists architects and engineers are working at fever pace in and around Batu Pahat to accomplish the biggest modernisation project ever known in Malaya After years of inactivity forced upon it bv the slump
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  • 44 10 Mrs. David Graham, wife of the proprietor of Cash Chemists, Teluk Anson, celebrated her seventieth birthday on July 1. Mrs. Graham has been more than 40 years in Malaya, which is a record time for a European woman.
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  • 95 10 A VISITING health officer watched a little Chinese girl buy a piece of tenggiri, the local substitute for dried cod, from a hawker as she was leaving church. To satisfy his curiosity about the quality of food sold to Singapore children the
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  • 107 10 BLUE FUNNEL TAKES TO OIL. (From Our Own Correspondent). London, July 3. The Blue Funnel Line is to convert its fleet from coal-burners into oil-burners. On inquiry at the Singapore agents of the line, Messrs. Mansfield and Co., Ltd., the Straits Times was informed that they
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  • 70 10 under consideration.—Straits Times cable. RESTORATION NOW BEING CONSIDERED. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, July 3. Asked in the House of Commons whether, in view of the improvement in Malayan economic and financial conditions, the Colonial Office would consider the restoration of cuts In Malayan Civil Service salaries and
    under consideration.—Straits Times cable.  -  70 words

  • 410 11 MALA YA ’S FIRST R URAL CONCRETE ROADS. Reward Of Eight Years’ Research In Johore. Special to the Straits Times. AFTER eight years ox research into concrete road-building on A swampy foundations between Batu Pahat and Muar, Johore, State engineers are pushing ahead with the construction
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  • 200 11 A LEA lor closer co-operation beri (n ar Eastern countries, par!hose under the British flag ala^Va was made by the AustraOeorgpH'p e'f™ Eternal Affairs (Sir in Melbourne" important with the^recent 8^6 WaS formerl y De’Uinion in AnJ s lng of enlightened •-in th. Stralia which
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  • 95 11 DAMAGES CLAIM DISMISSED. (From Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh, July 1. Mr. Justice Howes delivered Judgment in the suit instituted by Mr. S. Periatamby against Dato Stia. the Territorial Chief of Kuala Kangsar. claiming $1,920 damages as the result of a collision between their motor cars.
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  • 120 11 SINGAPORE INSPECTOR’ S DROWNING ESCAPE. $2,800 Wreck Loss In Port Weld Gale. When their sampan overturned in a gale near Port Weld a Singapore Fisheries Inspector and two Malay boatmen were hurled into the sea, and swam for more than half an hour before they were picked up by a
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  • 319 11 HEREDITARY disease, ignorance, superstition and wrong diet are still taking appalling toll of infant life in Singapore, in spite of the efforts of the Municipal health authorities. The annual report of the Health Department, although It registers a welcome improvement, tells a distressing story of some of
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  • 141 11 High Highness the Sultan of Trengganu paid an official visit to the Singapore Naval Base on Saturday. On his arrival the Sultan was received by the Commander of the Base, Commander H. D. Vaughan Hughes, and senior officers. His Highness was accorded a Royal
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  • 1180 12 Attitude Towards Salary Cuts Crude Threats Of Publicity”—Talk Of Hardship Exaggerated. To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir —Some time ago, in a leading article, the Straits Times criticised those members of the planting community who were reaping the benefits of the activities
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  • 374 12 Criticism Of The F.M.S. Government. To the Editor of the Straits Times Sir,—Referring to the report ot Sir John Bagnall’s speech at the meeting of the Straits Trading Co.. Ltd., and your very thoughtful leading article both of which appear in your issue of June 30, one cannot
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  • 237 12 Malaya Should Prepare For War. To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir. —The Secretary for War has said that the situation in Europe is worse than it was in 1914. That is only too true. In fact, the whole world is feverishly preparing for war. Let
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  • 257 12 Police Question Bengalis At Kuala Lumpur. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, July l. Following the discovery of an iron clamp or bar wrapped in bloodstained Trengganu cloth, which is thought to have been used by the assailant, detectives have intensified the search for the murderer of
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  • 160 12 Mr. M. B. Holland And Miss Lorna Dennett. (From Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh, June 29. The wedding was solemnised at Ail Saints’ Church. Taiping. of Mr. M. B. Holland, of the F.M.S. Customs Department, and Lorna, elder daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Dennett. The parents of
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  • 39 12 (From Our Own Correspondent Johore Bahru, June 27. News has been received in Johore Bahru that Inche Suleiman, son of Dato Abdul Rahman, State Treasurer. Johore, who is studying at Cambridge, has obtained his B.A. degree.
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  • 701 13 Asiatic Unemployment In Selangor. federal council silence. .»THF cost of relief and its administration during last year was $6,625 1 m 'j ow jng to the failure of rubber to justify its expectations, and increasing number of young men leaving school and seeking employJ' nt
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  • 332 13 ‘MUI TSAI’ DETENTION JUSTIFIED. Mr. Justice Adrian Clarke on July 3 dismissed the rule nisi directing Mr, R, P, Bingham, Assistant Protector of Chinese, to “bring the bodies of four girls.” who were taken away by him from the guardianship of Mr. D. T. Lim, a
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  • 55 13 Sea Breeze Instead Of Fans At New Cinema An open air cinema into which sea breezes will blow may be built off the East Coast Road, Singapore. The Rural Board decided at its last meeting to refer to the Chief Police Officer an application to erect an open air cinema
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 105 13 In McCollum's, you hove one of the World s reolly greet whiskies, dis. tmguishcd by thst subtle flevour ond bouquet ossocioted from time immemoriot with Scottish ingredients ond Scottish distilling methods. You could choose no finer brond for your own enioyment nor one thot will do more to enhoncc your
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  • 282 14 Standard Charge Of Eighty Cents A Gallon. A TRUCE has been called in the price war among petrol distrihutors, and it is unlikely that Singapore motorists will be able to obtain further supplies below the standard rate ot 80 cents a gallon cash and 82
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  • 310 14 FOLLOWING closely the criticism by the chairman of Raffles Hotel Ltd. (Mr. J. A. Clarke) of the 44 somewhat unfair competition of the clubs with Singapore hotels, the Singapore Swimming Club announces new social attractions that may have the effect of intensifying club-hotel competition. The
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  • 222 14 No More “Lavish” Town Expenditure. (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, July 1. Conditions for fuller financial control of Kuala Lumpur’s finance by the Sanitary Board were made known by the chairman, Major G. M. Kidd, at today’s meeting of the Sanitary Board. The chairman said
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  • 66 14 S.S. (S.) A. Support For Memorial. A memorial in connection with the Qualifications of judges of the Supreme Court, which it is Intended should be forwarded through the Colonial Secretary to the Secretary of State for the Colonies, was brought before a meeting of the Straits
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  • 473 14 Church Attack In Australia. A scathing attack on the opium traffic in the Straits Settlements” was made by the Rev. F.H. Rayward. a leading Australian cleric, who has returned to Australia after a visit to Singapore.. Drug addiction is the rule rather than the exception throughout the Malay
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  • 333 14 Marble Slabs, Oats And Honey gEFORE sanctions against Italy are lifted Canada wants to capture that big marble slab trade that Italy held in Malaya until her imports were banned. Marble slabs are used extensively in Malaya for table-tops in eating houses because of their
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  • 2267 15 High Yields On Boh Estate—“Very Useful Type Leaf”—How Tea Is Processed.—Ceylon Comparison. By Our Planting Correspondent. From the nurseries I was taken up 5 tf a 60 acre field of tea which has btfen brought into bearing by means system of light pruning at short
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  • 502 16 SIR SHENTON THOMAS AND R.G.A. “If You Can Pay Dividends, You Can Pay Full Rents.” THAT rubber companies have no right to a reduction of quit I rents so long as profits remain at their present level is the standpoint adopted bv Sir Shenton Thomas in
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  • 254 16 Praise For China. Strong admiratici for the manner in which the the Chinese Government had embarked on its programme of economic reconstruction was expressed by Sir Frederick Leith-Ross. Chief Economic Adviser to the British Government. in a special statement issued to The Straits Times on his arrival
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  • 53 16 The Straits Times understands that Dr. W. Dawson, acting Health Officer, Singapore Municipality, has sent in a letter of resignation to Mr. G. L. Ham, the deputy president. No reason was given. Dr. Dawson’s letter will be dis- cussed at a committee meeting to be held
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  • 74 16 (From Our Own Correspondent) Seremban, June 29. Mr. Yeoh Teck Chye, chief clerk to Messrs. Mansergh and Taylor, Seremban, was entertained to a farewell dinner by his colleagues prior to his retirement from the service of the firm. Mr. Teck Chye has been with the firm since
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  • 235 16 Dr. Hunter’s Report On Malaria. he does not agree with everything published about last year’s malaria epidemic. Dr. P. S. Hunter. Chief Municipal Health Officer, in his annual report, thanks the Singapore press for drawing attention to the need for immediate action. Dr. Hunter writes: “Due
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  • 107 16 Man Fires At Pig And Hits Friend. (From Our Own Correspondent) i ipoh, July 1. News comes from Grik, Upper Perak of the death of Mr. Ong Chin Guan who is said to have been shot dead by a friend while pig hunting. Mr. Ching
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  • 539 17 (.1 \i KAL VIEW of the tea party on the final day of the Combined Services sports at Gillnian Barracks, Singapore. 'liss Yeung Sau King, China’s iiumpion swimmer who was in "hiiiapore last week with the Chinese Olympic team. Fine examples of Malay art and
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  • 1414 21 Does Singapore Need A Business Girls’ Club? —Hong, Kon&’s Example—Special Conditions —Y.W.C.A. Work Here —More May Not Be Needed. kTTER published in the A Straits Times Women’s Supplement last week contained some interesting facts regarding a women's club in 0U r sister colony—H o n g Kong.
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  • 553 21 R. N. PETTY-OFFICER CHARGED. Chief Petty Officer Ough, R.N., of the Naval Wireless Station, Singapore, appeared before Mr. E. E. Colman, the Fifth Magistrate, on Thursday to answer a charge of having caused the death by a rash act of Pilot Sergeant J.
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  • 815 22 FEDERAL DIARY. K. L. Gets Prominence Puzzle Of Race Course Murder —Selangor’s Next Ruler —Padang Protests. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, July 3. KUALA Lumpur is undeniably the i town of the moment in Malaya.; Important developments in the 1 accession controversy, and a mur-;
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  • 171 22 Important Step By Rural Board. IMPORTANT measures to increase 1 the water supply to kampongs in the Rural area of Singapore were taken by the Rural Board at its last meeting, according to official minutes. The lack of water in the kampongs and the necessity for drawing
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  • 228 22 Planter Had Rifle Between Legs. CASH DISCREPANCY. (From Our Own Correspondent) Klang, July 2. A VISITING agent’s five-hour search on an estate for a missing planter was described in the Klang Police Court today, when an inquest was held into the death of Mr. Roy
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  • 319 22 £15,300,000 SCHEME OUTLINED. (From Our Own Corresposdent) Bangkok, June 28. The proposed scheme of building highways in Siam is fixed to be completed within 18 years, to cost about 153 million tlcals (£15,300,000) and to provide for 14,900 kilometres (over 9000 miles) of roads. At the
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  • 253 22 "BRING GLORY TO CHINA. pHINESE Republican flags waved by hundreds of hands were part of a scene of great enthusiasm at the Singapore wharf on July 2 when the liner Conte Verde berthed with the main body of China’s star athletes on board, bound
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  • 160 22 Boatswain Caught At Midnight By Ship’s Officer Lai Sum, a Chinese boatswain, who was arrested on board the Benreoch on May 6. on the roads at Singapore Harbour, on a charge of having been connected with the importation of 720 tahils of opium and 700
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  • 1312 23  -  A MALAYAN BOOKSHELF. By J.J. SHEEHAN, M.C.S. The (iolden Chersonese, and the Way Thither. By Isabella K. Bird. Published by John Murray. London. 1883. This book was the most popular work published about the Malay Peninsula
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  • 168 23 Proposal For Captain Light Anniversary. Penang, June 30. One-hundred and fifty years after his memorable landing, Captain Francis Light may be honoured by a permanent monument in the city he founded. At today’s meeting of the Municipal Commissioners, Mr. F. H. Grumitt suggested that a permanent
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  • 89 23 Mr. V. Boyd Weds Miss Ivy Neubronner. Miss Ivy Nilda Florence, daughter cf Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Neubronner, and Mr. Victor G. Boyd, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Boyd, were married at the Cathedral of the Good Shepherd on June 24 The bride
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  • 345 23 Arrest After Plane Dash DRAMATIC MURDER HUNT. (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, T Jy 3. A POLICE plane dash from Kuala Lumpur to Ipoh and the discovery of an eye-witness of the murder of Mr. Leslie Casson, the Australian trainer were dramatic new turns in the case today and
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  • 160 24 SOUTH AFRICAN AND YOUNG SCOTSMAN. TRAMP TO PENANG FROM SINGAPORE. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, June 29. In a desperate attempt to return to South Africa two stowaways tramped from Singapore to Penang. Their story is that they had been aboard the Kan purr on the evening
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  • 165 24 Five Charges Against Fusiliers. The Royal Inniskillings Fusiliers. Robert Kirkpatrick and Neil McCartney. who were alleged to have “borrowed” a car valued at $500 from Mr. D. H. Thomas on the night of May 9. appeared before the Second Magistrate. Singapore, on June 30. Besides a
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  • 157 24 Singapore’s “Reds,” in vulgar parlance have got the wind up! They threw a home-made bomb —the .usual Heath Robinson device of black power in a cigarette tin—through a window into the Immigration office in the Chinese Frotectorate building. The bomb failed to explode and lolled under a
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  • 792 24 Municipal Revenues Grew Last Year. I would like once more to thank Commissioners and the staff for their help and support during the year, and to congratulate the Commissioners on the way in which the Municipality has come through the difficult years which I hope
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  • 244 24 Big Organisation In Preparation. The plans for the protection of the cities in Java from aerial attack appear to be slowly taking shape, says the Batavia Weekly News. The dispute respecting the authority to have charge of the service will probably be settled by the decision
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  • 220 24 COMMISSION’S VISITS IN K. L. (From Our Own Correspondent.) < Kuala Lumpur, June 29. CURPRISE visits to Chinese houses to see for themselves how the muitsai is treated, and how she works and lives, have been made by members 01 the Commission now touring Malaya. The
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  • 181 24 Magistrate Orders Five Rotan Strokes. (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur. June 30. “I think it is only Just that you should know something of the suffering the poor woman had to go through before she died,” remarked Mr. Justlcp Pedlow at the Selangor Assizes today,
    181 words
  • 127 24 Charge Concerning Tin Ore Fails. Capt. Gagglno, who as owner of the motor vessel Kalai, was charged with having failed to deliver to the Registrar of Imports an agent’s manifest for having imported 69 bags of tin-ore estimated to weigh 5V 2 tons, from a place outside
    127 words

  • 254 25 arrest on similar charges.—Sin Chew Jit Poh. —Reuter. Canton General Executed. Hong Kong, June 30. rpH K chief of staff of the Sixth 1 Kwrngtung Division, Gen. \Vu Chong-song, has been executed because of his opposition to civil war. This disclosure Is contained In news king
    arrest on similar charges.—Sin Chew Jit Poh.; —Reuter.  -  254 words
  • 221 25 .-■Reuter. —Reuter. FRIENDLY RECEPTION IN JAPAN. London, June 29. In the House of Commons, replying to Mr. A. c. Moreing, Viscount Cranoorne, Under-Secretary for Foreign nairs, said reports had been received concerning the interviews between Sir rederick Leith-Ross, Chief Economic ch lser to tlie British
    .-■Reuter.; —Reuter.  -  221 words
  • 440 25 —British Wireless. NEGUS DRAMATIC SPEECH. QNE of- the most moving appeals in history was made by The Negus of Abyssinia before the League Assembly in Geneva last week. Afrail dignified figure, he spoke in Amarhic, and complained that he had been let down by the
    —British Wireless.  -  440 words
  • 54 25 —Aneta Domel. Mr. Kazuo Yamagata, a member of the expedition of the Rikkyo University. which plans to negotiate Mount Nandakot of the Himalayas in August sailed from Kobe for Calcutta aboard the Himalaya Maru. Other members of the expedition will sail from Kobe on July 12
    —Aneta Domel.  -  54 words
  • 343 25 .—British Wireless. CIVILISING ETHIOPIA AND LEAGUE. Geneva, July 1. JTALY’S communication to the League Assembly stated that Italy had already shown the Council of the League the situation which existed in Abyssinia, and added that Italy was always willing to consider favourably all the League’s initiatives.
    .—British Wireless.  -  343 words
  • 185 25 Tokio And Chinese Civil War. rpiIE prospect that the Japanese Army will intervene in the threatened civil war between the Central and South China Governments is being discussed in Tokio, according to the semi-official Domei News agency, says Reuter. Japanese political observers express the opinion that the
    185 words
  • 42 25 Reuter. London, June 30. The announcement that the British Embassy in China will be removed from Peiping to Nanking was made in Parliament yesterday. Lord Cranbourne said the Government considered the time had now come for this change.—
    Reuter.  -  42 words
  • 27 25 —Reuter. Geneva, July 3. The Negus has requested the League, under the terms of the Covenant, to grant Abyssinia a loan of 10.000,000.—Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  27 words

  • 137 26 would otherwise be friendly.—AnetaDomei. China’s Reported Arms Contract. Tokio July 1. Both the Foreign Office and War Office circles are paying serious attention to the reported secret loan agreement, whereby Germany will supply China with munitions to the amount of 100 million yuan in. return for supplies of
    would otherwise be friendly.—Aneta-Domei.  -  137 words
  • 52 26 I.—Reuter. The United States Government purchase of anything up to a million head of cattle, left by the drought without nourishment in the North Western prairies was authorised on July 2 by the Secretary for agriculture. The cattle will be slaughtered and packed as food for
    I.—Reuter.  -  52 words
  • 44 26 —Aneta-Trans-Ocean. PANIC IN LAHORE HOUSES DAMAGED. Lahore, July 2. Several earthquake shocks were felt in Lahore. The shocks did not last long, but caused great panic in the town. Several houses were damaged. No personal casualties are so far reported.—Aneta-Trans-Ocean.
    .—Aneta-Trans-Ocean.  -  44 words
  • 139 26 .—Reuter. NO RESIGNATION AND NO ILLNESS. London, July 3. In a speech at a banquet in London l«tst night Mr. Baldwin denied that his resignation was imminent and said that no doctors visited him at Cnequers. Explaining his reasons for raising sanctions, Mr. Baldwin said, “The moment came
    .—Reuter.  -  139 words
  • 588 26 “—British Wireless. Mr. Eden’s Speech To League Assembly. Geneva, July 1. Britain’s attitude towards the vital questions now before the League of Nations at Geneva was defined by the Foreign Secretary. Mr. Anthony Eden, in the Assembly this afternoon. No one present, he said,
    “—British Wireless.  -  588 words
  • 179 26 Napoleon’s own handwriting.—Aneta-Trans-Ocean. DARING ITALIAN SALVAGE PLAN. Rome, July 1. One of the largest diving expeditions on record will shortly leave the Italian port of Spezia with the object of endeavouring to raise the French warships sunk jy British fleet under Lord Nelson at the famous
    Napoleon’s own handwriting.—Aneta-Trans-Ocean.  -  179 words
  • 72 26 —Reuter. MURDER OF ARMY CHIEF IN TOKIO. Tokio, July 2. The War Office announces that Lieut-Col. Alzawa’s appeal has been rejected by the Supreme Court martial, yesterday and the death sentence confirmed. The communique adds the sentence will be carried out shortly.—Reuter. [Col. Aizawa was Interviewing
    .—Reuter.  -  72 words
  • 137 26 .—Reuter. DR. WELLINGTON KOO ON SANCTIONS. Geneva, July 2. At the League Assembly, Dr. Wellington Koo, the Chinese delegate, speaking in the sanctions debate said that the unhappy events of recent months were a natural sequel to the League’s failure in the case of the armed aggression started
    .—Reuter.  -  137 words
  • 216 26 Small Nations Give In. Geneva, July 3. Having previously taken the bit between their teeth and vehemently protested against the abandonment of sanctions, the small nations now accept the inevitable and turned their attention to an immediate and thorough overhaul of the Covenant tnough they are in
    216 words
  • 171 26 AIRMEN PLANES DISAPPEAR. NEW DEFECTIONS IN CANTON. AIR FORCE OFFICERS BEING WATCHED. Hong Kong, July 6. 1WINE planes of the Kwangtung air force are missing following a practice flight on Saturday. Fifty other Cantonese airmen have also vanished from their barracks. Since the announcement of the South-West anti-Japanese movement, the
    171 words
  • 66 26 —Reuter. Frankfurt, July 6. The Zeppelin Hindenburg arrived at 1.20 a.m. British standard time, thus establishing a world record on its return journey by completing the distance from Lakehurst New Jersey in 45 hours and 39 minutes. The total time for the journey to and from
    —Reuter.  -  66 words

  • 191 27 Wealthy Chinese Assassinated. Hong Kong, July 5. T t. CHING, the multiH millionaire and ex-Finance Minister of Canton was assassinated outside his home, alighting from a car. Tiiroe shots were fired into his back bv Chinese, who escaped The motive is believed to be political, says
    191 words
  • 110 27 A SENSATION was caused at Friday’s meeting of the League Assembly at Geneva when a Czechoslovak photographer, Stefan Lux, shot himself in the gallery of the League Assembly hall during the session. Lux died in hospital, states a Reuter message. The session which was interrupted in the
    110 words
  • 133 27 —Reuter. Parliamentary Comment The Estimates. London, July 3. the mw? nS in estimat es of the cost of to ace, nn Hong Kong of barracks referred m ,cl^ te three battalions are Commit 1 the report of the Select mrm ttee oi Estimates. tf the
    —Reuter.  -  133 words
  • 328 27 .—British Wireless. No Secrecy About Plans For Rearming. THE fact that we are able to meet heavy charges for defence with such a slight additional taxation shows an amount of financial strength in the country that is very impressive,” lecided Mr. W. S.
    .—British Wireless.  -  328 words
  • 396 27 of any new proposals.—Reuter and British Wireless. ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION. Geneva, July 5. The League Assembly concluding its special session, yesterday adopted the draft resolution recognising that circumstances had prevented the integral application of the Covenant in the Italo-Abyssinian war and reaffirming the principles
    of any new proposals.—Reuter and British Wireless.  -  396 words
  • 96 27 Reuter. Veteran Empire Builder And S. Africa Pioneer. Cape Town, July 2. The death is announced of Sir Lionel Phillips, one of the builders of modern South Africa, who was sentenced to death in connection with the Jameson Raid. The sentence was subsequently commuted to a
    Reuter.  -  96 words
  • 101 27 WHEAT PRICES BIG JUMP. Duluth, Minnesota, July 3. Prices at the Chicago wheat pit went sky high after reports of the failure of the spring wheat crop in North and South Dakota, Iowa and Montana. Government investigators estimate that this will cause losses of £20,000,000 and will
    Reuter.  -  101 words
  • 133 27 BRITISH SOLDIER AND ASSAULT CHARGE. Peiping, July 4. OERBERT Cooke, a private in the Worcestershire Regiment, was acquitted today in the British Consular Court of assault and causing bodily harm to a Japanese officer named Onishi. The Japanese Residents’ Association is organising an indignation meeting as
    133 words
  • 143 27 SEVERE TEST FOR ITALIANS. Cairo, July 6. The rainy season in Abyssinia, which has just started, is likely severely to test the Italian occupiers, according to Reuter’s special correspondent on arrival from Addis Ababa. Well-armed bandits in many parts are fiercely opposing the Italian punitive
    143 words
  • 52 27 tional Park in Malaya —Straits Times Cable. Replying in the House of Commons on Friday, Mr, Ormsby-Oore undertook to Inquire from Sir Shenton Thomas whether he proposed to allow mining rights, hunting licences and timber concessions In the King George V National Park In Malaya
    tional Park in Malaya —Straits Times Cable.  -  52 words

  • 566 28 British and Reuter Wireless. “IT LOWERED OUR PRESTIGE.” j —Liberals. M.P.8 AND MINISTERS’ INDISCRETIONS. London. June 29. The speeches of Mr. Neville Cham- herlain on June 10 foreshadowing the dropping of sanctions, and of Mr. DufT Cooper in Paris on June 24 wherein he said,
    British and Reuter Wireless.  -  566 words
  • 114 28 —Aneta-Trans-Ocean. Max Schmeling’s Home Ablaze. Beriin, July 2. The Boxer. Max Schmeling and his film actress wife. Anny Ondra, narrowly escaped being burned to death when lightning struck Schmeling’s country home at Saarow. near Berlin, during a terrific thunderstorm, as they were taking afternoon tea. The
    —Aneta-Trans-Ocean.  -  114 words
  • 126 28 examination of conscripts.—Aneta Dome!. SPREAD OF THE REACTIONARIES. Tokio, June 29. Provincial police commissioners are meeting in Tokio regarding measures to maintain peace and order after the lifting of martial law which is expected soon. It is understood the opinion was voiced at the conference that
    examination of conscripts.—Aneta Dome!.  -  126 words
  • 75 28 —Aneta-Havas. Fears Of Renewed Fighting. Paris, July 1. There is now serious danger that hostilities in Abyssinia may be resumed at an early moment according to press reports from Geneva. It is stated that the British Foreign Minister. Mr. A. Eden, attempted to dissuade the
    —Aneta-Havas.  -  75 words
  • 54 28 Aneta-Domei. Agreement To Keep Oil Stores. Tokio, July 1. The three-year-old dispute between the British and American oil interests and the Japanese authorities regarding the enforcement of the Petroleum Law which prescribes obligatory storage of oil by oil companies was settled today, the Anglo-American oil interests
    Aneta-Domei.  -  54 words
  • 349 28 search by these troops.—Sin Chew Jit Poh. SHANTUNG SAID TO BE WILLING. Tientsin, July 3. ITNDER Japanese pressure and persuasion of his followers, Gen. Sun# Che-yuan, chairman of the Hopei-Chahar Political Council, it is understood, has agreed to the creation of an independent regime in North
    search by these troops.—Sin Chew Jit Poh.  -  349 words
  • 137 28 —Reuter. Temporary Setback For Budget. London, July 1. The first quarter’s national accounts reveal a temporary deficit of £72,165,000, which is £15,950,000 above that of last year due to a rise of £8,135,000 in expenditure, cwing to increased defence requirements and a decline in revenue of £7,S15.000.
    —Reuter.  -  137 words
  • 274 28 British Wireless. Rough Trip In Torpedo Boat. ROYAL TOUR AT PORTSMOUTH. IflNG Edward made a trip in one of the new high-speed motor torpedo boats on June 30, when he paid his first visit since his accession to the fleet at Portsmouth. The sea was choppy
    British Wireless.  -  274 words
  • 136 28 —Reuter. War Deserters Asked To Work In Mines. La Paz, June 29. AN attempt to alleviate the Boli- vlan labour stringency which U so seriously embarrassing the tin restriction scheme is contained in the announcement of an amnesty to all who avoided service or deserted in the
    —Reuter.  -  136 words
  • 50 28 The death is announced of Sir Behar Lai Dhingra, Chief Minister. Jind State. Punjab, since 1920. Hwas born in 1873, and was the son of Dr. Saheb Ditta Dhingra. He was educated in Lahore and at University College, London, and was a member of the Royal College of Surgeons.— AnetaHavas.
    50 words

  • 959 29 the mile relay was a SPLENDID RACE. Till; value of efficient performers in field events to a team was never better illustrated than in the Combined Services Athletic championships which were concluded at Gillman Barracks on Saturday. The Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers carried off the Javelin throw,
    959 words
  • 182 29 Iskandar Defeat The Penang Polo Club. Penang. July 1. Iskandar Polo Club won the MacDougall Cup by beating the Penang Polo Club this evening in the final by 4 goals to one. The game was not of high standard, poor hitting being frequent on both sides and Iskandar
    182 words
  • 83 29 Defeat Iskandar To Win Sultan Of Perak’s Cup. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, July 4. In the final for the Sultan of Perak’s Cup played this afternoon the Penang Polo Club gained a convincing victory over the Iskandar Polo Club by four goals to one and thus avenged
    83 words
  • 48 29 —Reuter. London, June 29. Playing at Tunbridge Wells Kent gained an easy victory over Essex today by eight wickets. This was their eighth win and brings their percentage to 62.44. ESSEX: 137 (Watt 7—37) and 126 (Davies 7—20). KENT: 187 and 77 for two wickets
    —Reuter.  -  48 words
  • 235 29 (From Our Own Correspondent) Penang, July 4. WO records were lowered in the Penang A. A. A. championship meeting which was f.eld here today in fine weather. Song Chong Hean, who won the events (shot putt, long Jump and pole vault) was the champion athlete.
    235 words
  • 28 29 —Straits Times Photograph.
    —Straits Times Photograph.  -  28 words
  • 313 29 (From Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh, July 4. WAN Slew Lam ((11 points) won the Perak A.A.A. individual championship today by a margin of one point from Tai Swee Kee and Lee Tong Chin. Two new records were established at the meeting. Tai Swee Kee
    313 words
  • 156 29 (From Our Own correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, July 2. In the all-Japanese final of the first Selangor junior open singles championship which was successfully concluded today. S. Obata, the Y.M.C.A. player, beat A. Amafugi after a gruelling three-set match 7—9. 6—3, 6—2. Several exciting rallies and crisp
    156 words

  • 673 30 Raffles Fail After Having First Innings Lead. IN spite of gaining a lead of 91 runs on the first innings and being 115 ahead at the end of the first day’s play with six of their second innings wickets in hand Raffles College
    673 words
  • 272 30 London, June 30. DAIN was genera] throughout the country and apart from Kent’s victory over Essex yesterday only one other county match was finished that being the game at Neath where Worcestershire gained a thrilling eight run win over Glamorgau. thanks largely to some fine bowling
    272 words
  • 548 30 SPARKLING CENTURY BY PEARSE. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, July 5. THE Singapore Cricket Club gained a decisive victory over the Selangor Club by an innings and three runs in their annual inter-club fixture here on the padang during the
    548 words
  • 334 30 HAMPSHIRE BEATEN AT LAST. Lancashire’s Fourth Lowest Total. London, July 3. 'I’riE Universities concluded their programme today Oxford scoring a nice win over Mr. LevensonGower’s side, while the Light Blues had much the better of a drawn game with the M.C.C. The annual ‘Varsity match commences
    334 words

  • 1110 31 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, July 4. THERE were several surprises at the first day of the Perak 1 Turf Club Summer meeting Rex paying $172, Voyager $97, Baldoyle $59. and Glencar $46. During the day Mr. Lam Looking’s CELESTIAL, ridden by
    —Straits Times Photograph.  -  1,110 words
  • 608 31 Taib Gets Three Goals In Second Half. BY LEIGHTON. Singapore 4; Negri Sembilan 0. QNE of the poorest Malaya Cup v games ever seen at Anson Road Stadium was the general comment after Saturday's match in the Southern section in which Singapore beat the Negri Sembilan
    608 words
  • 257 31 TWO TRIUMPHS FOR ZURICH. Rufli Retains Diamond Sculls Easily. London, July 4. LJENLEY regatta finished in a blaze of glory today. Leander, who were reckoned to be one of the best crews seen on the river for years, were beaten twice by Zurich, the visitors winning
    257 words
  • 40 31 (From Our Own Correspondent) Penang, June 29. W. Anderson won the final of the Penang Sports Club golf championship on Sunday defeating J.P. de Courcy Hamilton by 3 up and 2 to play over 36 holes.
    40 words
  • 271 31 Big Yorkshire Score At Leeds Against Surrey. yHERE is no change at the top of the County championship table as a result of the matches played last week. Middlesex, who did not have a game during the week, move above Yorkshire, Gloucestershire have jumped three
    271 words

  • 656 32 FATE SPOILT A GREAT FINAL MATCH. London, July 3. 17RED TERRY gained the easiest victory ever seen at Wimble- don in the men’s singles final today when he defeated Karon G. Von Cramm of Germany in straight sets with the loss of only two games. Thus Perry
    656 words
  • 102 32 London. July 2. the first time in ten years a Frenchman, Marcel Dallemagne, has won the French open golf championship. Yesterday Dallemagne and Henry Cotton tied over 72 holes at St. Germain with a score of 277. The play off today over 36 holes resulted
    102 words
  • 780 32  -  By “Leighton.” INNISKILLINGS 3; CHINESE 2. *jpHE Inniskilling Fusiliers put themselves a step nearer league championship honours last week at Anson Road Stadium when they beat the Chinese in a First Division match by three goals to
    (International News photo).  -  780 words
  • 72 32 The Men’s Eclectic Competition was played at the Garrison Golf Club from Tune 8 to 30 and resulted as follows: Mr. R E. Black 31—2 i Mr. J. H. H. Salaman 32—3»/ 2 =2Bte Mr. T. M. Calhaem 33—3y 2 =29& Women’s Eclectic Competition best returns were as
    72 words

  • 166 33 Judge Lectures Fusiliers. COMMENTS on the behaviour of British soldiers in Singapore were made by Mr. Justice Whitley. Acting Chief Justice, at the Assize Court on Monday, when he sentenced Leonard Oourlay and Stuart Wilson, two Royal Intniskilling Fusiliers, to three years’ rigorous imprisonment for having robbed
    166 words
  • 82 33 i.—Straits Times Cable. £50 Damages Against Co-Respondent. (From Our Own Correspondent) London, July 6. Mr. Justice Merriman today granted George Cecil Miller a divorce decree nisi and agreed damages of £50 against Eric Herbert Spriggs. Mr. and Mrs. Miller were married in London in 1923 and
    i.—Straits Times Cable.  -  82 words
  • 54 33 The appointment of Captain A. Tarabocchia, of the Lloyd Triestino agency, Singapore, to succeed Signor F Mattoli as Consul General for Italy at Singapore is announced in the S.S. Government Gazette. This appointment was forecast by the Straits Times before Signor Mattoli sailed for Italy
    54 words
  • 220 33 DECAUSE certain roads on Singapore island are of great strategic importance the military authorities are anxious to have them widened. Local government authorities consider that, as these roads are part of the Imperial defence scheme for Singapore, the Imperial Government should contribute. A
    220 words
  • 66 33 (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, July TT is officially announced that in a fortnight's time His Highness the Sultan of Selangor will ceremoniously confer the titles of Raja Muda of Selangor and of Raja Bendahara on Tungku Laxamana and Raja Badar Shah respectively. Tengku
    66 words
  • 158 33 An 18-year-old schoolboy, son of a cricketer Is critically ill in the General Hospital, with his neck and a spine bone broken by a swimming accident a few days ago. The boy is Rex Bartels and h'f father is Mr. H.
    158 words

    • 975 1 FRASER COMPANY’S SHARE REPORT. Messrs. Fraser and Co.’s share report of July 8 states:— As far as actual developments in tlie European political situation are concerned, the one item of outstanding importance during the week was the announcement that sanctions against Italy are to be lifted as from July 15,
      975 words
    • 167 1 Singapore, juiy 8, 12 noon. Boyet Sell*' Gambler 4.75 Java Cube 7.75 Hamburg 10 .00 White Muntok Pepper 14.75 Black Pepper 7.62% White Pepper 14.25 ♦Sundried Copra 5.25 Mixed Copra 4.85 Sarawak Jelotong 6 25 Mixed Black Pepper Rice Saigon No. 1 $l4O Rice. Saigon No. 2 $133 Rice.
      167 words
    • 73 1 MALAYSIAM TIN LTD.—The output of Rambun Tin Mines for June was 373 piculs. LUKUT TIN DREDGING LTD.—The production of Lukut Tin for the month of June was 110 piculs. The dredge was closed down for 11 days owing to a broken tumbler shaft. JELEBU TIN DREDGING LTD.—
      73 words
    • 369 1 Lor don, July 7. rhe following are todays dosing middle prices on the London Stock Exchange: Shares oi £1 denomination unless otherwise stated: Vaster- cum day or p&u Conversion Loan, 5 p.c 1944-64 118% Funding Loan 4 p.c 1960-90 117% War Loan 3% p c 106% Straits 6
      369 words
    • 47 1 °V* Aug.-Sept, Oct.-Dec. Jan -Mar. Apr.-June London 2* a 37* i* 26% 26% 27 27% 27% 27% 7 11/16 7 TIV Vn't 7% 27V4 27,4 27% 7 11/16 27% 27% 27% 27% 27% 28 7% 8 27% 27% 27% 27% 27% 27% 7%
      47 words
    • 499 2 rise in spot price R MAINTAINED. ■..vTnN NELSON AND CO. LTD. I in S t heir weekly report Issued on July 3 The higher prices Indicated last have been fully maintained. I fL has given the lead with good Londoi trade demand, and In K York both
      499 words
    • 67 2 (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, July 2. The Anglo-Metai Company estimates world visible supplies of tin on June 30 at 15.325 tons compared with 17,001 tons on May 31. Straits and Arnhem carry-overs are estimated at 1.673 tons and 515 tons respectively. Deliveries to the United
      Straits Times Cable.  -  67 words
    • 412 2 NO PROPOSAL TO ESTABLISH SMELTER. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok, July 2. The Luang Pradit. Foreign Minister, in an interview said that it was in Siam’s interest to continue as a member of the tin restriction scheme but that a request hac been made for an
      412 words
    • 86 2 FOREIGN shipments of tin, being final shipments on ocean steamers, at all Malayan ports during June totalled 6,543 tons. Of these shipments 105 tons went to the United Kingdom; 4,988 tons to United States of America; 563 tons to the Continent of Europe; 426 tons to British
      86 words
    • 25 2 The directors of Talam Mines Ltd., have declared a second interim dividend of 5 per cent, which will be payable on July 20.
      25 words
    • 94 2 Straits Times Cable. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, July 2. The June bulletin of the International Rubber Regulation Committee estimates world stocks of rubber in unregulated areas on May 31 at 499,116 tons compared with 524,655 tons on Apr. 30 and 652,265 on May 31, 1935. Exports
      Straits Times Cable.  -  94 words
    • 178 2 Reuter. GOOD DEMAND FROM U.S.A. CONTINENT. London, July 2. Substantial demands for rubber from United States of America and the continent of Europe during the past fortnight. much of which has been purchased on c.i.f. terms for direct shipment from the East, has carried the
      Reuter.  -  178 words
    • 151 2 ■T'HE Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association held its 1.204 th. auction on July 1 and there were catalogued 926.013 lbs., 413,40 tons; offered 901,948 lbs.; 402.66 tons; sold 789,609 lbs.; 352.50 tons. Spot London 7 9/16d. New York 16% cts PRICES REALISED Ribbed smoked sheet Cents
      151 words
    • 56 2 Of 1,840,646 acres of tappable rubber on estates of over 100 acres in Malaya, during the month of May 497,373 acres were not tapped "and in addition 136,410 acres had never been tapped. The area out of tapping refers to areas which are resting and is exclusive
      56 words
    • 310 2 SURRENDERED AND REALLOTTED. SHARP RISE IN TIN PRICE. London, July 6. The International Tin Committee met today when it was announced that Bolivia had agreed to surrender her right to produce 10,288 tons of tin being the part of her quota which was under-exported and outstanding at
      310 words
    • 98 2 During the week ending June 27, 1936, exports of tinned pineapples from Malayan ports amounted to 87,873 cases, of which: 74,598 (85 per cent.) cases were to the United Kingdom, 1,400 (2 per cent.) cases to the Continent of Europe, 9,602 (11 per cent.) cases to Canada, and
      98 words
    • 68 2 Ocean shipments of rubber, including latex. Revertex, and concentrated latex, for the month of June from Malayan ports, totalled 40,049 tons, making the total shipments for the six months ending June 30, 246,957 tons. For the same period in 1935 the total shipments were 308,981 tons. June
      68 words
    • 28 2 The following crops of rubber were harvested during the month of June: lb. Alor Pongsu Amalgamated 66,417 Bedong (Malaya) Rubber 54,826 Temerloh Rubber Estates 23,505
      28 words
    • 602 3 London Exchange Prices On June 25. Allagar (*/> 1/5: Alor j Anglo-Malay (£1) 12/9; Ayer Kunlng (£1) 3 wio4- Bagan Serai (£1) 15/9: Bahru 2/il Banteng (£1) 20/7*,; Batang 1/0%; Batu Caves (tl) 22/; Batu T;ga 28/9; Bekoh (2/) W. Bertam Con. <V> 4/0%; Bldor 37/8; Blkam <2/1
      602 words
    • 170 3 London Exchange Prices On June 25. Ampat (4/) 3/10*; Anglo-Burma (5/) 13/; Ayer Hitam (5/) 13/3; Bangrin (£1) 14/6; Gopeng Gons (£1) 1 13/16; Hongkong (5/> 14/1*; Idris (5/) G/; Ipoh (16/) 26/; Kampong Lanjut (£1) 15/9; Kamuntlng (5/) 11/7*; Kepong (£1) 14/; Kinta (5/) 10/; Kinta Kellas
      170 words
    • 19 3 July 2 Tin, 8’pore Price $80% per picul 3 80 0 88% 7 87% 8 88%
      19 words
    • 1478 3 Issued by Fraser and Co. and Lyall and Evatt Exchange and Stock Brokers. Singapore, July 8, 10 a.m. MINING. I, al Fraser Co Lyall Evan issue Val Kraser Co Lyall it Evan 4MUt v Buyers Sellers Buyers Seiler Buyers Sellers Buyers Sellers Ampar Tin 4/4ft 4/10ft 4/6
      1,478 words