The Straits Budget, 4 June 1936

Total Pages: 36
1 4 The Straits Budget
  • 29 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE STRAITS TIMES [ESTABLISHED NEARLY A CENTURY.] No. 4086. SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, JUNE 4, 1936. Price 25 cents (S.S. Currency) or 7d.
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  • 819 1 and control of 1 transport facilities in the Federated Malay States in order to ensure a working compromise in the rivalry of road and rail is intended to folicw the appointment of Mr. S. W. Neison, a member of the Transport Ministry in Britain, as chairman
    tiroslty °piiotswlll be trained in thlepUne-Croum Copyright-Publt.hed by courtesy •/ theAfr cr j‘ Officer Commanding the RAF. ear tasi.  -  819 words

  • The Straits Budget
    • 795 2 might examine closely.—Straits Times, May 28. Malaya has no more loyal community than the Eurasians. And no more unfortunate community. There is a spoon-feeding proMalay policy for the Malays, the so-called “sons of the soil,” and as we have reiterated, nobody challenges it up to a certain
      might examine closely.—Straits Times, May 28.  -  795 words
    • 820 2 a sense of humour !—Straits Times. May 29. From the Rt. Hon. Jimmy (Dress Suit) Thomas to the Rt. Hon. William George Arthur OrmsbyGore; from a former engine-driver and trades union official to the heir to a barony who married into the noble House of Cecil; from England’s
      a sense of humour !—Straits Times. May 29.  -  820 words
    • 709 2 from a branch offlce.—Straits Times, May 30. With control schemes, quotas, imperial preference, customs barriers between the various administrative units that go to build up the country of Malaya, and an intensification of competition that has brought down the merchants’ margin of profit to a very
      from a branch offlce.—Straits Times, May 30.  -  709 words
    • 807 3 —Straits Times, June 1. A suggestion put forward in the Shanghai periodical Oriental Affairs that efforts should be made to establish permanent neutrality for the city of Shanghai has been the subject of considerable comment in a number of Chinese publications. The general impression appears to be
      —Straits Times, June 1.  -  807 words
    • 832 3 -Straits Times. June 2. At the last meeting of the Johore Council of State, the Hon. Dato Roland Braddell made some very interesting and important observations on the constitution of Johore and the powers possessed by the Council. He began by stressing that the correct name for the
      -Straits Times. June 2.  -  832 words
    • 718 4 —Straits Times, June 3. With the announcement that Mr. V. A. Lowinger and another representative of the International Tin Committee are to visit Bangkok to negotiate with the Siamese authorities for a renewal of the tin control scheme, manoeuvring for position has begun in earnest. A telegram from Bangkok
      —Straits Times, June 3.  -  718 words
    • 199 4 Straits Times, June 3. From time to time Malaya is subjected to a flood of advertising pamphlets of a grossly Indecent nature. Such a flood is running strongly at the moment, and it has its origin in Madras. A Arm claiming to have a head office in
      Straits Times, June 3.  -  199 words

  • 258 4 Only Five Months In Malaya. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, June 2. Dr. James Scott Webster, medical officer to the Banting group of estates at Telok Datoh, Selangor, was found dead in his bed on Sunday morning when a friend went to fetch him
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  • 167 4 Death Of Inche Besar Zabedah. The death of Inche Besar Zabedah, mother of H.H. the Sultan of Johore, took place on Monday afternoon at her home in Bukit Japon. Johore Bahru. Inche Besar Zabedah, who was 88 years of age, had been ill for over a month
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  • 210 4 Large Gathering At The Funeral. (From Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh, May 30. There was a large and representative gathering to pay the last tributes to Chin Mee Onn, whose funeral took place this evening at the Conolly Road cemetery, where Goh *in Foo conducted the funeral service.
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  • 71 4 The promotion of Lieutenant (Acting Captain) J. E. A. Clark, S.S.V.F.. to the rank of Captain ,has beer approved. Lieutenant L. V. Taylor, has been appointed to be Acting Captain, whilst commanding “B” Company, Ist Battalion, Straits Settlements Volunteer Force, with effect from the 15th May. 1936. inclusive.
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  • 67 4 Mr. A.S. Small, the Officer Administering the Government, and Mrs Small returned from their tour of Malaya by the Kedah on June 2. The Hon. Mr. S. N. Veerasamy’s younger brother, Muthu, died in the Batu Gajah Hospital on Sunday. Dr. H. O. Hopkins, Malayan Medical
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  • NOTES Of The DAY.
    • 241 5 k VISITOR from Kuala Lumpur was complaining the other day that there was nowhere to go in that town after office, if one wanted a change from the eternal golf or tennis or the cinema. “Now, in Singapore—” he said, and proceeded to reel off a
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    • 224 5 DOTH in Singapore and up-country, people frequently ask me, “Who is Mr. Laurence Henderson? Evidently his frequent letters to the Straits Times, however much they may be criticised on various grounds, have aroused a considerable amount of interest, and indeed there is no denying their forcefulness and versatility.
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    • 245 5 AS is the garden, such is the gardener” runs a Hebrew proverb. I should hate to think it were tiue of my own garden or of many others in Singapore in which skill in cultivaUon, discrimination in selection of plants and taste in layout and design are conspicuous
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    • 217 5 TT remains to be seen whether the 12-foot seam of coal found on the Alexandra Brickworks land at Pasir Panjang is commercially valuable, but this is the first discovery oi the kind on Singapore Island tnat is in the slightest degree promising. There is only one previous
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    • 266 5 MOUNT Sophia, that little-known corner of Singapore which was described in The Sunday Times recently, has associations with Sultan Abdullah of Perak, whose deposition and exile was recalled in Mr. Sheehan’s article yesterday. It was in the house known as Claremont, now a Japanese mess, above Oldham Hall,
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    • 293 5 JT was during the Perak War that a unique episode occurred: the only occasion on which Malays have put a British general to flight, not tactically but personally, and in extreme and undignified haste. This happened at Kota Lama, on the Perak River some miles north of Kuala
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    • 180 5 SULTAN’ S SUBJECTS. AN unusually tolerant and generous view of the non-Malay cuckoo in the Malay nest was taken by Inche Abdul Majid, of Kota Tinggi. in his letter published in the Straits Times on Tuesday. Instead of declaring that Malayaborn Eurasians, Chinese, Indians and Ceylonese should confine themselves to
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    • 222 5 R ECTORS and executives in Singapore who are giving serious thought to the introduction of the English institution of an annual holiday on full pay for all office workers may be interested to know what is done by the three largest employers In this city, the Government. Municipality
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    • 276 5 'J'HE Straits Times commercial correspondent took up this question when it was last discussed in this column, and as he is a practical merchant. and an executive controlling a large stalT, his Intervention In the debate was especially welcome. However, his conclusions, if he will forgive my
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    • 173 6 TANGLIN MUSHROOMS COME friends of mine boldly eat the mushrooms which appear on their tennis court, and they are none the worse for it. They declare that there are certain infallible signs whereby an edible mushroom can be distinguished from a poisonous one. That is certainly true in England, but
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    • 152 6 “UNTO THE HILLS..... DRANCHES of the I.S.P. are being circularised to find out whether they approve of Fraser’s Hill as the venue of their conference this year. Interesting possibilities are thus opened up, for none of the Ma.'ayan hill stations have yet been used tor a professional gathering. Port Dickson
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    • 272 6 •TWENTY-FIVE years ago Miss T Bunoe, with another recruit, landed at Penang to Join the Methodist Mission, and she has been drawing upon her memories for the benefit of St. Andrew’s Outlook. “Two oi our Mission ladies met us,” she writes. “They looked as if they might have
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    • 107 6 riR. A. L. Hoops writes: “Your recent article about Signor Cerruti, ‘King of the Sakai,’ interested me greatly. I am able to add somewhat to your informant’s account. Cerruti spent his last years as manager of two rubber estates, one of them just outside Sungei Patani in Kedah,
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    • 195 6 MOUNT Sophia’s associations with Sultan Abdullah of Perak (who lost his throne after the muider of Mr. Birch) are much more interesting than I thought hey were, for 1 now learn that the exiled ruler actually used to hold a sort of court there. For an account
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    • 225 6 r HE deposed Sultan was given a pension by the Government, and although, as you say, his sons lived at Mount Sophia, they did so only at certain short periods—that is ,o say. when they were on holiday lrom their school at Kuala Kangsar. “The writer met
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    • 233 6 ‘•IT was a kind of At Home of a somewhat severe and fr*g:d nature. The guests shook hands with their host and mumbled something, and were then piloted to chairs, arranged in two rows on one side of the room. “Here they were served with sweet syrup drinks
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    • 249 6 V WAS privileged yesterday to see the completed full-length portrait of Sir Ong Slang Song which has been painted by Mr. Julius Wenstcher. having been commissioned by a committee of Chinese gentlemen on behall of their community for presentation to the Municipality. The artist has caught not only
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    • 198 6 TYPE of craft which used to be common in Singapore harbour but has been completely forgotten is described in Earl’s Quedah. Earl, who first saw Singapore in 1838. noted the Arab vessels, with their remarkably long tapering bows—another type that vanished many years ago—and went on to write:
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    • 266 6 J-JERE is an amusing description of a European couple setting out for a dinner party in Sandakan some 40 years ago: “The gentleman (supposing it is not a Government House dinner, at which black dress is de is arrayed in white duck trousers, short white mess Jacket
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  • 74 6 KOOKABURRA Oh, Sunday .Times! stir not the wrath of Anak Singapura, Provoking verbose verbiage, sufficient to ensure a Constant flow of paragraphs, some pertinent, some vaguer, To iodise his readers, from too mucn Agar-agar. Oh, Sunday Times! withdraw the Jibe, make not a causus belli Of this
    KOOKABURRA  -  74 words
  • 65 6 The following appointments are notified in the S.S. Government Gazette: Dr. Arthur Leslie Sheild to be a Medical Officer, Malayan Medical Service. Mr. Glanfwd Williams to be Master of Music, Education Department, S.S. Mr. M. V. del Tufo, M.C.S. and Mr. W. C. S. Corry, M.C.S, to be
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  • 882 7 Mr. and Mrs. Ian Ogilvie, 0 f Jelapang, are shortly going Home on leave. Mr. R. Holland, who is on leave from his regiment in India, is spending his furlough in Malaya. Mr. W. Adamson, assistant on Jong Landor estate, Tapah, has sailed for Home on leave.
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  • 79 7 The following promotions have been approved by the Secretary of State for the Colonies: Mr. J. G. Watson, Conservator of Forests, Malayan Forest Service, to be Deputy Director of Forestry, S.S., and Deputy Adviser an Forestry, Malay States; Mr. T. A. Strong. Senior Assistant Conservator of Forests, Malayan
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  • 82 7 The Hospitals Board have appointed the following committees to vbit the hospitals in Singapore during 3936: Hospital Visiting Committee: Mrs. R. S. Nelson. Mrs. C. R. Cherry. Dr. W. E Hutchinson, Dr. J. S. Sloper and the Hon. Mr. R. Williamson. Free Maternity Hospital, Kandang Kerbau: Mrs.
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  • 119 7 Tuesday, May 19. His Excellency, attended by the Personal Staff, left Singapore for Kuala Lumpur by the night mail train Thursday, May 21. In the morning H.H. the Sultan of Selangor called on His Excellency at King’s House, Kuala Lumpur. Mrs. Small left Singapore for Penang by the
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  • 190 7 Senior Deputy Customs Commissioners. The following F.M.S. appointments are gazetted Mr. J. Hobbs to be Senior Deputy Commissioner of Customs and Excise. F.M.S. Mr. J. G. Watson to be Deputy Adviser on Forestry, Malay States. Mr. T. A. Strong to be a Conservator of Forests, Malayan Forest Service.
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  • 256 7 The following passengers for Europe left Singapore on May 28 in the Haruna Maru. Mr. W. de Bienne, Mr. T. EfTord, Father B. Fourcade, Prof. M. Fujiwara, Mr. G. Godzinsky, Miss H Goeman, Mr. M. Hash!, Prof. I. Hayashi, Mr. H. H. Heytman, Prof. G. Hirako, Mr. T. Hori,
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  • 239 7 Leaden. A Straits Regiment 2 W.G.A. 0-0 2 A Department of Trade 2 Fears In Shanghai 3 Constitutional Problems 3 Manoeuvring 4 Telegrams— Covering past week’s news 25—28 Picture Supplement 17—28 Financial Supplement— Financial and Commercial News to date, following page 32 Malayan General News— Week In Malaya 1
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  • 62 7 William George Harris, of the Royal Artillery, Singapore. was convicted on a charge of having diahonestly retained stolen property—one safety razor valued at $3 and one tin of toothpaste, valued at 50 cents—at Tanglln Military Hospital. Harris was originally charged with housebreaking and theft, but the charges were
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  • 64 7 Old Welllngtonlans in Malaya will celebrate the anniversary of the battle of Waterloo on Thursday, June 18. with the usual dinner at Arthur’s Restau rant. Captain L. E. C. M. Perowne, of the Royal Engineers, is organising the dinner. It is believed that there are 28 Old Welllngtonlans
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    • 19 7 MENON—To Mrs. M. R. Menon, a son at 207, Marine Parade, Singapore, on May 27. 1938. Both well.
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  • 45 7 DEATHS WEE.—Wee Hean Boon. age 60. on May 25, 1936, at 46. Owen Road. TAN.—Madam Cheng Quec Neo aged 76. wife of the late Mr. Tan Jee Toh parsed away peacefully at her residence No. 15-3 Niven Road on Tuesday, May 26, at 6.30 a.m.
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  • 712 8 One Killed: Four In Hospital. ONE man was killed, three others and one woman seriously injured, and three slightly hurt when an open motor-car in which they were travelling into Singapore from the R.A.F. Base, skidded and overturned in Upper Serangoon Road, near the Bidadari
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  • 97 8 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, May 31. The police have been Informed Df thefts of goods valued at $26,000 from the house of Mr. Solomon Shapiro In Penang Road, Kuala Lumpur The articles, mostly jewellery, are alleged to have been stolen from the house
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  • 53 8 (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, May 29. Sir Walter Greaves-Lord granted a decree nisi today to Mrs. Elizabeth Marie Williams, of Stanhope Gardens, London, with custody of the child, on the ground of the misconduct of her husband, Mr. Cyril Williams, Superintendent of Customs, F.M.S. in a London
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  • 58 8 Middlesex Regiment soldiers from Gillman Barracks helped the Singapore Fire Brigade on Sunday to extinguish a grass fire at Mount Pender. Attracted by the flames, a number of soldiers ran to the scene, and stamped on and beat out the flames with branches and other articles. They were
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  • 1013 8 “No Further Concessions” (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, May 30. THE significant statement th at “Malaya has now reached a point at which she will ma ke no further concessions, permitting the expansion of the p roduction of tin elsewhere to the detriment of
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  • 47 8 Committee No. 5 of the Singapore Municipal Commissioners, at a meeting on May 19, decided to recommend a reduction of the charge for electric current for domestic power purposes from 5 cents to 4 cents per unit, with effect from July meter readings.
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  • Correspondence.
    • 803 9 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir—On the morning of :he Emden’s visit to Penang I was travelling from Alor Star to Penang do meet my wife and second daughter, who were due to arrive by P. and O Intermediate the following
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    • 435 9 Influence Of Stiggins, Chadband And Co. To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir.—It is gratifying to note that the ‘Fi<m War” appears to be over on every front and now that film distributors and theatre managers mav have time for other matters. I suggest that they might
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    • 274 9 Not Wanted As Colonial Secretary. To the Editor of the Straits Times Sir. —Some of us who remember the past will not look forward to the possible appointment of Mr. OrmsbyGore as Colonial Secretary I can well remember his speech at the Perak Chamber of Commerce how he
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    • 72 9 Reader Who Is Annoyed By Church Bells. To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —Much has been written at varying times concerning the noises made by hawkers and motor-cars at night time, but can anybody state a sound reason why residents in the Stamford Road-Victoria Street
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  • 67 9 Renewal Will Mean Stability. k think there is no doubt that with the completion of a new agreement we could look forward to a period of stability in price and regularity which would enable every mining company to plan its future operations in the most economic manner Mr.
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  • 41 9 Mr. V. A. Lowinger, Malayan Agent in London, will sail from Marseilles on the Naldera on June 12 on his mission to Slam on behalf of the International Tin Committee (cables the Straits Times London correspondent.)
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  • 158 9 $2(4 MILLIONS MORE IN MARCH. REVENUE FROM TIN DUTY DOUBLED. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, May 29. REVENUE and expenditure in the F.M.S. during March amounted to $5,575,068 and $3,307,900 respectively, and this balance of $2,267,168 sent the general surplus up to $67,679,537. The revenue
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  • 179 9 Four Bridesmaids In Peach-Pink. (From Our Own Correspondent) London. May 28. Miss Bridget Thomas’s bridal gown for her marriage to Capt. Lot Inga at St. Margaret’s. Westminster, on June 3 will be of pink satin with a pink veil and a wreath of lilies of the
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  • 145 9 Judgment Reserved In Tobin Action. The case was resumed on Thursday before Mr. L. B. Gibson, Criminal District Judge, in which Kavena Ismail Sahib, of the General Lighterage and Transport Co., is charged at the Instance of Mt. W. J. Tobin, late manager of the firm, with writing
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  • 1912 10 On Non-Subsidised Basis.” ASSESSMENT ON VACANT LANDS. The Singapore Municipal Commissioners were again concerned at their meeting on Friday, with the conditions on vvhich the Victoria Theatre is sub-let for cinema purposes. The i latter arose out of the minutes of Committee No 1. The
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  • 107 10 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Seremban, May 28. At yesterday’s meeting of the Seremban Sanitary Board, the chairman. Mr R. L. German, informed the members that he had received a petition from the fish stall holders of the Seremban market asking for a reduction of fees. It was decided
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 39 10 ENGLAND near Guildford eighteenth century cottage, large garden, 2 recept. 4 bed, bath (h.c.) f to let furnished, including plate, linen, rent four guineas weekly or less for year’s let. Apply: Purcell, Magistrate, Ipoh or tel. Park 3837, London.
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  • 365 11 Control And Co-ordination. BOARD WITH CHAIRMAN FROM BRITISH MINISTRY. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, May 28. and control of transport facilities in the ederated Malay States in order to ensure a working compromise in the rivalry of road and rail is intended to
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  • 84 11 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur. May 28 Another tiger was shot on Wardieburn estate yesterday afternoon near the arches at the Bth mile. Klang Gates, near Kuala Lumpur. Raman, a Tamil hunter, who was armed with a single barrel gun ana buck-shot cartridges, was
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  • 33 11 TIN CONTROL TO END The Chinese mining towkays of Ipoh appear to be convinced that tin production control will be abandoned at the end of the present agreement, says the Times of Malaya.
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  • 139 11 The Tengku Mahkota Installed. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Johore Bahru. May 30. There was a large and distinguished gathering at the Dewan thi<* evening at the i nstallation of His Highness Tengku Mahkota as Regent of Johore. following the departure of His Highness the Sultan for Ceylon and
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  • 141 11 Wives Granted Decrees In London. (From Our Own Correspondent) London, May 28. In the Divorce Court today Mr Justice Bucknell granteu a decree nisi, with costs, to Mrs. Betty Alice Child of Chepstow Place, Bayswatei, on the c*ound of tne misconduct of her husband. Mr. Gilbert Child The
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  • 57 11 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, May 28. A plane belonging to the Perak Flying Club was damaged yesterday. It was being used by a pupil flying solo when it undershot the aerodrome. The undercarriage and propeller were damaged. The pupil was not injured. The club planes have
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  • 311 11 F.M.S. Irrigation Report. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, May 28. THE Drainage and Irrigation Department, F.M.S., last year spent $473,556 on the development of rice cultivation. The total expenditure for special services was $763,560, as compared with $495,461 in 1934 and an estimate of $1,054,773.
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  • 142 11 Seremban’s Unenviable Distinction. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Seremban, May 27. “Seiemban is the only town of its size and population in Malaya and perhaps in the whole of the British Empire that is having an unflltered water supply,” said Tuan Sheikh Ahmad bin Sheikh Mustapha J.P.. the Negri
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  • 378 11 A Talk With Reporters. From Our Own Correspondent, By Air Mail. London, May 18. Mrs. Rose Clunies-Ross, wife of Mr. John Sidney CluniesRoss, Tuan Governor of the Cocos Islands, arrived in London this week, and left soon after for Exeter, where she is staying
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  • 93 11 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, May 28. Mr. V. A. Lowinger, Malayan Agent in London, will pay another visit to Malaya next month. He is one of the two delegates to be sent by the International Tin Committee to Bangkok to negotiate with
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  • 289 12 KUOMINTANG SPOKESMAN. Penang Editor Of Pre-War Days Now On His Way To The Olympiad. MR. TAI CHI TAO. President of the Examination Yuan of the National Government of China and one of the leaders of the Chinese delegation to the Berlin Olympiad, was “mobbed”
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  • 177 12 Scales That Had Been Tampered With. A vegetable seller, Teow Hoh, who hit on, a clever way of tampering with his dachlng discovered last week that it was a costly practice to indulge in. He was fined $200 in the fourth magistrate’s court. He was fined
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  • 85 12 Mr. William Newton Cullen, of Penang, died at the General Hospital, Singapore, on May 25 and was buried on May 27. Mr. Cullen, who was 57, was the son o! the late Mr. W. A. B. Cullen, who was editor and proprietor of the
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  • 234 12 Municipal Committee Decisions. At Friday’s meeting of the Municipal Commissioners the Deputy President said that at the last meeting the question was raised whether the minutes of committee meetings were public property. He had asked for an opportunity to look up the reference. The minutes of
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  • 78 12 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca, May 24 The Capitol Dance Hall was last evening declared open by the Resident Councillor (the Hon. Mr. G. W. Bryant). Over 900 guests had been Invited. The building is constructed on modern lines. The dance floor is illuminated by orange and
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  • 278 12 Passengers May Change Over. [MALAYAN travellers who wish to do part of the journey Home by air and part by steamer will benefit by a scheme which has been approved at a conference of British and Netherlands air and shipping companies, which opened at The Hague
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  • 211 12 Johore Rubber Smuggler’s Frank Admission. (From Cur Own Correspondent) Johore Bahru. May 25. Before the First Magistrate, Mr. J. B. Weiss, Ching Ah Kim was this morning charged with being knowingly concerned in conveying prohibited goods—2693 1/3 pounds of sheet rubber valued at $646.40 cts.
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  • 74 12 Miss Diana Wong, who has been chosen to play the lead in a new film for which the author of Lady Precious Stream, Mr. S. I. Hsuing, is now writing the scenario, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. Y. Wong of Ipoh,
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  • 229 12 Dutch Native Rubber. pHAT the Netherlands Indian Government is nearing success in its efforts to solve a problem unique in colonial administration is shown by a Reuter message received from Batavia on May 25. This message states that the special export duty on native rubber, by which
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  • 154 12 Useful Notice Boards In Negri Sembilan. The secretary of the Negri Sembilan branch of the Automobile Association ol Malaya writes to the Straits Times as follows: “Under the heading of Federal Diary’ in your issue of May 22 you made reference to the flooded roads in
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  • 1394 13 Elephants Doing Much Damage. COMPREHENSIVE and as informative and interesting as usual, the annual report of the Johore Planters’ Association, for the year ended March 31 last, is again one of the most useful publications of its kind. It will be presented at a general
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  • 51 13 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, May 28. The Rev. Colin King, who is on the staff of the Penang Free School, is to be ordained priest in Singapore on Trinity Sunday (June 7). Mr. King has acted as deacon of St. George’s Church, Penang, for many
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  • 217 13 A few excerpts, given without comment, from Mr. V. A. Lowinger's “Address to the Mining Community" during his visit to Malaya last year—excerpts indicating the basis on which the Malayan miners were persuaded to approve of the renewal of the Tin Control Agreement at the end
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  • 140 13 Shares Fall After Sharp Rise. When it was known last Wednesday afternoon that coal had been found on the Alexandra Brickworks property at Paslr Panjang. preference shares of Alexandra Brickworks soared from $1 60 to $1.80. The next day sellers could get no Inquiries at $1.75,
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  • 136 13 Chinese Convicted Of Possession/’ Before Mr L. B Gibson. Criminal District Judge, a Chinese named Loh Lam was charged on May 27 with being In possession of a six-chambered revolver and five rounds of ammunition without a licence and going armed In public on May 25. Chief
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  • 2022 14 “Now Being Squeezed Out.” EARNEST APPEAL BY JOHORE COUNCILLOR. CONSIDERABLE extensions of the educational system, with special attention to the training of Malay youths for useful occupations, were urged by the Hon. Inche Onn at the meeting of the Johore Council of State on May 27.
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  • 70 14 Captain Heavily Fined At Bangkok. Bangkok May 25. For having 391 stoic* aways on board the Butter field and Swire steamer Kweiyangj from Swatow the master was today fined 2,000 ticals. Charges against the first and second compradores were dismissed. The case has aroused much interest in shipping
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  • 99 14 Why They Should Join Association. (From Our Own Correspondents Penang, May 21 Mr. R. S. Chantler. speaking at the special meeting of the Kedah Planters’ Association at Sungei Patani last night to encourage Asiatic owners to join the Association, said that a point which was often
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  • 520 15 SPEECHES AT A.B.M. DINNER. President’s Long Reply To Straits Times. (From Our Own Correspondent.) IMPORTANT references to the J&y fa the ‘Federated Malay States were made at the annual dinner of the Association of British Malaya, held in London tonight. The guest of honour was the
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  • 187 15 Alleged Threat With Dummy Pistol. /CHARGES of robbery in a Singapore watch-maker’s shop were made against two uniformed soldiers who appeared in the second police court The accused are Fusiliers Leonard Gourlay and Stuart Wilson, of H. Q. Company. Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers. The prosecutors’ allegations are
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  • 800 15 Protest By Johore State Councillor. THE Hon. Mr. B. J. R. Barton entered a strong but futile protest, at the meeting of the Johore Council of State on May 26, against unduly heavy taxation of motor lorry transport. He was speaking on the
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  • 246 15 May Wait Long, For The Corpse. Port Swettenham was given Its great chance of development by the rubber booms while the flow of tin-ore from Selangor to the Penang smelters aUo provided a steady trade. Its position, writes “Diodes” in the Plnang Gazette, was finally assured by fiscal
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  • 103 15 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca, May 26. The Assistant Controller of Labour, Malacca and Negri Sembilan this noming conducted the prosecution against the managers of four estates on the charge of failing to furnish labour returns for the second quarter of 1936 within the prescribed period. The
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  • 643 16 WHO HAS THE BIGGEST RUBBER TREE SEARCH FOR GIANTS OF THE ESTATE. (By Our Planting Correspondent.) II7HERE is the biggest rubber tree in Malaya This was a question put to me recently I could not answer, but perhaps planters who read this note will give the measurements and locality of
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  • 360 16 Scheme Is “Strangling Smallholders.” To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir. —“Examples of how assessment hits the smallholder have been quoted in the Malayan dailies and out serve to emphasise that, however elastic control may be in some directions, it is too rigid in its application to
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  • 111 16 Suggestion Put To The Branches. At the last meeting of the general purposes committee of the Incorporated Society of Planters in Kuaia Lumpur it was suggested that the next annual conference of the I.S.P. be held either on Fraser’s Hill or at Penang. It was
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  • 120 16 (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, May 18. Mrs. Dorothy Mary Tillyer. of Mount Pleasant. Dawlish. Devon, was granted a decree nisi by Mr. Justice Langton, in the Divorce Court today, because of the adultery of her husband. Mr Harold William Tillyer. an officer of the F.M.S Prisons Department.
    120 words
  • 166 16 Civic Services Of The Late Capt. Tan Soo Hock. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca, May 24. A notification to the Chinese in Malacca was issued a few weeks ago. The object was to hold a public meeting to discuss plans to commemorate in some appropriate manner the services
    166 words
  • 107 16 10,000 Feet Up In S.S.V.A.F Plane. H.H the Sultan of Johore was flown to 10,000 feet in an R A F Hawker Audax last Tuesday by Squadron Leader C. C. Flinn, who has been appointed to the command of the Straits Settlements Volunteer Air Force. The Volunteer
    107 words

  • 827 17 The combined Japanese and Island Golf Club teams taken at the Japanese G.C. on May 24 after the four-ball foursomes match which the Island Club players won by six points to three. The porch of the C athedral of the Ciood Shepherd saw an unusual
    827 words

    • 2073 21 Removal Of F. M. S. Surcharge— Varying Fiscal Policies How Singapore Merchants Are Affected Up-Country Branches Necessary—Keener Freights To Colony Ports. (By Our Commercial Correspondent.) ii/HEN I expressed some apprehension f last week that the removal of the surtax on outward cargo
      2,073 words
  • 105 21 <From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur. May 20. One Malay and four Chinese women were charged before Mr. J. Calder, In the Kuala Lumpur Police Court today, with carrying on mining operations without permission at Petallng They were each fined $10 or ten days* simple Imprisonment.
    105 words

  • 1147 22 FEDERAL DIARY. Flying Club’s Lead —Rally And Competitions —Flood Criticism Tells —Plague Of Initials. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, May 27. COUNTRY’S advancement is now measured largely by its progress in aviation and broadcasting. In the first, though not in the second, Malaya
    1,147 words
  • 786 22 Wanted: An International Club For Women In Singapore—A Wider Outlook —Centres Of Work And Discussion —A Nucleus Exists “The Flame Is There.” AS one looked over a small party of women who were fortunate enough to have the chance of hearing that most eminent woman Mrs. Margaret
    786 words
  • 143 22 Lieut.-Col Eaton Looks Back. (Fro mOur Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur. May 25. Lt.-Col. B. J. Eaton O.B.E., m his last annual report as president of tia* Y.M.C.A., Kuala Lumpur, just issued, recalls how the branch began in a shop, then met in a small wooden building with
    143 words

  • 415 23 PLANTATION MARKETS. Synthetic Rubber “Forced On Us.” 'THROUGH one of its leading dip- lomats and trade experts, Germany pointed out to Malaya on May 28 how the threat of German synthetic rubber production could be ended. In an interview with the Straits Times before he sailed
    415 words
  • 97 23 •From Our Own Correspondent.) Seremban. May 28. The death took place at Seremban this morning of Inche Noh bin Chik, bailiff of the Seremban Supreme Court for the past 25 years. The deceased, who was fifty years of age was a cousin of Inche Mohamed Rouse.
    97 words
  • 204 23 American Girls’ Adventures. Two American girls. Miss La Valeska and Miss Barbara Kjerulf, have arrived in Singapore after having worked their way through Japan, China and the Philippines as dancers, harpists, singers and vaudeville entertainers. They set out from California, wnero they had been radio
    204 words
  • 154 23 ALLEGED ROBBERY IN SINGAPORE. A man who was alleged to have committed armed robbery of Jewellery to the value of $78 in December last year was charged with the offence in the third magistrate’s couurt on Thursday, after having been extradited from the Netherlands Indies The
    154 words
  • 431 23 But The Fight Must Be Unceasing, Says Dr. Russell. «i MUST say that the problem of malaria control has been 1 attacked in the best possible manner in this country. The systems employed here are excellent.” v 1 Tv, r% ♦VionroH/ia' nnH loboi'otori This
    431 words
  • 451 23 The “Good-Hearted White Devil.” (From Our Own Correspondent). London, May 21. A remarkable man once wellknown in Singapore and as a rubber pioneer in Johore died yesterday in Paris, in the person of Col. Edward Bryce, D.S.O. Son of a Devonshire M.P. and a South American
    451 words
  • 135 23 Home Broadcast Talks On Malaya. (From Our Own Correspondent) London. May 18. Dr. I. Jean Thomas, who made many friends In Malaya during her two years’ service In Singapore, has been broadcasting talks on Malaya to schools In the B B C Regional Geography series. Geography Is
    135 words

  • 1343 24  -  A Malayan Bookshelf. BY J.J. SHEEHAN, M.C.S. Camping and Tramping in Malaya. I Fifteen Years’ Pioneering in the Native States of the Malay Peninsula. By Ambrose B. Rathborne F.R.G.S. (Published by Swan Sonnenschein and Co., Ltd. London. 1898.)
    1,343 words
  • 175 24 Tamil's Appeal Dismissed. Remarking that there was ample evidence to support the conviction and that the magistrate had taken a lenient view in the matter of sentence. Mr. Justice Howes dismissed the appeal of Raman Kavandan, a Tamil, who had been found guilty by the Ipoh
    175 words
  • 105 24 The death took place on May 26. at the General Hospital. Singapore, after a short illness, of Mr. Gaspar Bastian Pereira. Senior Land Bailiff of the Land Office in his forty-ninth year The funeral took place at the Bidadri Cemetery on May 28 and was
    105 words
  • 97 24 Committee No. 5 of the Singapore Municipal Commissioners has approved the laying of 6-inch diameter water mains in Kranji Village, outside Municipal limits, at a total estimated cost of $21,000, subject to supplemental provision, and in the reserve road off Holland Road, at an estimated cost of
    97 words
  • 330 24 Accused Man Blames Fellow Convict. Denying that he was the man who stabbed hi s fellow convict in prison on Apr. 2, Ng Sell Poll made charges against a witness for the prosecution on May 27 at the preliminary inquiry in the second magistrate’s court. He asked
    330 words
  • 248 24 St. Andrew’s Celebration As Usual. At the annual general meeting of the Singapore St. Andrew’s Society, held on May 27 at the S.C.C., the Hon. Mr. James Robertson was elected president. Mr. George Marshall was in the chair. Mr. R. F. Lamb, acting secretary. read the minutes of
    248 words

  • 182 25 —Reuter Wireless. Highlanders Vs. Rioters. Jerusalem, May 27. IT is believed that the Arab leaders are ready to call off the strike and check lawlessness if they can find a way out, but the High Commissioner, Lieut-General Sir Arthur Wauchope, is determined 1° lawlessness, before
    —Reuter Wireless.  -  182 words
  • 156 25 No Royal Commission Until Order Restored. The Dominions Secretary (says a British Wireless message) referred in the House of Commons yesterday to the disturbances in Palestine, and said that a state of unrest accompanied by sporadic acts of violence still continued In addition to other measures the High
    156 words
  • 207 25 .—Reuter. “LOOKING NONE THE WORSE.” London, May 25. In the House of Commons replying to Mr. F. S. Cocks (Lab.) Mr. Eden stated that Mr. Edward Bunner was denounced by a Turk as a naturalised Abyssinian and an Abyssinian boy as Capt. Rudolph Brunner. The Italian authorities
    .—Reuter.  -  207 words
  • 103 25 —Reuter. RUSSIA’S ADVICE TO BRITAIN. Moscow, May 26. It is understood the Kremlin is urging a compromise with Italy, believing the German policy entails the greatest threat to European peace Karl Radck. writing in Investia, says an eleventh-hour attempt will be made to organise collective security
    —Reuter.  -  103 words
  • 65 25 --Reuter. Paris, May 31. Virtual agreement has been reached in the metal works strikes Of the 70.000 staying strikers only 3.000 are remaining on guard tonight. The trade unionists claim a victory, though the terms of settlement have not yet been worked out. but they will provide
    --Reuter.  -  65 words
  • 151 25 To Unveil Canadian Memorial. London, May 28. In accordance with a promise made while he was Prince of Wales, King Edward on the invitation of the Canadian Government, will unveil on July 26 the memorial on Vimy Ridge to the Canadians who fell in the
    151 words
  • 146 25 —Reuter. “ONENESS” OF EMPIRE PEOPLES. London, May 26. A UNIFIED scheme for the development and rationalisation of industries and exchange of products throughout the Empire was advocated by Mr. Earle Page, the Australian Minister of Commerce, in a speech at the Royal Empire Society. He said that Australia
    —Reuter.  -  146 words
  • 128 25 -Reuter. BOMB THROWING IN JAFFA. Jerusalem, May 26. A STRATEGIC retreat saved a party of ten British police from annihilation near Mcskha, at the foot of Mount Tabor, n lower Galilee. The police had arrested thre° Arabs for trespassing on Jewish fields and, while taking
    -Reuter.  -  128 words
  • 138 25 —British Wireless. COUNTRYSIDE AND SEA. Whitsun Festival In Open Air. London. May 30 Cool weather Is likely for Whitsun with some rain, but there Is no sign that holidaymakers have been deterred by this not wholly favourable forecast. Heavy holiday traffic is reported by the railways and
    —British Wireless.  -  138 words
  • 121 25 —Router. <k Dense Herd Of Excursionists Is Circulating” Statisticians calculate that t30,000 wheels, representing 43,000 coaches and 14.000 locomotives will be revolving on British railways throughout Whit Monday. Already a dense herd of excursionists is circulating all over the country seeking rest and recreation. Motor-cars on the
    —Router.  -  121 words
  • 152 25 —Reuter. Heralds To Proclaim The Date. London, May 28. The coronation date has been fixed for May 12. 1937.—Reuter. A previous message stated that the King formally approved the date of the coronation when he signed an order In council at a meeting of the Privy
    —Reuter.  -  152 words
  • 63 25 —Reuter Baghdad, May 26. A new customs regulation provides that Japanese piece goods cannot be cleared by Iraqi customs houses unless the Importer can prove the export to Japan of Iraqi produce to the value of 15 per cent, of the Japanese goods he desires to clear.
    —Reuter  -  63 words

  • 228 26 Bridge Blown Up FEELING AMONG THE POPULACE. Shanghai, May 30. A SERIOUS incident, reflecting the feeling aroused by the sight of trainloads of Japanese troops moving inland from the coast, is reported by Reuter from Tientsin this morning. The train service from the port
    228 words
  • 62 26 .—Reuter. Japanese Officer’s Body Found Outside Cabaret. Peiping, May 29. The Chinese authorities are concerned at the possibility of political repercussions following the murder of a Japanese army officer found fatally wounded at midnight on Tuesday outside a cabaret. However, it is understood that the cricumstances point
    .—Reuter.  -  62 words
  • 40 26 •—Reuter. Moscow, May 28. Slmenchuk and Startsev have been executed.—Reuter. Slmenchuk, the director of the Soviet polar station on Wangel Island, was sentenced to death on a charge of murder and political brigandage. Startsev was his accomplice.
    •—Reuter.  -  40 words
  • 26 26 Reuter London, May 30. Royal Aero Club gold medal has been awarded to Amy Mollison in recognition of her many Empire flights.—
    Reuter  -  26 words
  • 133 26 —Reuter The Queen Mary, May 30. The inevitable stowaway ha> been discovered on board—in the engineers’ quarters, with sleeves rolled up, looking like an engineer half starved. He is a Londoner, an unemployed labourer named Frank Gardiner. This escapade may be the turn-ing-point in his life, for
    —Reuter  -  133 words
  • 248 26 al)solute minimum of delay.—British Wireless. RESULT OF BRITISH SPEED-UP. FROM PLANES TO CARS London, May 29. The House of Commons adjourned this afternoon for the Whitsuntide recess. It will meet again on June 9 Replying to a debate raised on the House of Commons adjournment by
    al)solute minimum of delay.—British Wireless.  -  248 words
  • 69 26 Reuter. Results Of Belgian Election. Brussels, May 25. The Anal results of the general election in Belgium are as follows: Socialists 70 seats Catholics 63 Liberals 23 Rexistes 21 Flemish Nationalists 16 Communists 9 The figures show a loss of three seats by the Socialists,
    Reuter.  -  69 words
  • 202 26 MR. ORMSBY-GORE APPOINTED. Mr. W. G. A. Ormsby-Gore has been appointed Secretary of State for the Colonies in succession to Mr. J.H. Thomas, who resigned last Friday. The new Colonial Secretary is exchanging one Cabinet post for another, for he has been First Commissioner of Works since
    202 words
  • 61 26 —Reuter. After a meeting with Mr. J. H. Thomas the election committee at Derby passed a unanimous resolution re-affirming complete confidence and loyalty to him and hoping he will continue to the constituency. Mr. Leslie M. Thomas, son of Mr. J H. Thomas, has
    —Reuter.  -  61 words
  • 69 26 .—Reuter. Competition For The “Flying Clippers.” San Francisco, May 25. A Trans-paciflc airship service from Tokio to Vancouver is being planned by Eastern Hemisphere Airways, a company organised by Japan, according to the San Francisco Chronicle. The company will purchase two Zeppelins from Germany and will make
    .—Reuter.  -  69 words
  • 24 26 Sin Chew Jit Poh. Shanghai, June 1 Sir Frederick Leith-Ross, economic adviser to the British Government, left Shanghai for Tokio yesterday.—
    Sin Chew Jit Poh.  -  24 words
  • 166 26 —British Wireless DAY OF CAPITAL SHIP NOT YET OVER. Rapid Replacement Of British Fleet. London, May 27. A debate on the supplementary estimated of £10,300,000 ofr the new programmes of naval construe tion took place in the House of Commons tonight. Lord Stanley, Parliamentary Secretary to the
    —British Wireless  -  166 words
  • 182 26 —Reuter. Threat Of Civil War In Austria. Vienna, May 27. The outcome of a protracted, secret conference of all provincial leaders has proved that the Heimwehr is not going to be extinguished without a serious struggle. A laconic communique issued by the conference announced that the Heimwehr
    .—Reuter.  -  182 words
  • 78 26 —Reuter. Untouchables Say It is Their ‘‘Only Chance.” Bombay, May 31 The Depressed Classes’ Conference passed a resolution that to change their religion was the only chance of the untouchables’ emancipation The delegates affirmed their readiness to change their religion and. as a first step, decided to
    —Reuter.  -  78 words

  • 92 27 —Reuter. Significant Overtures In Nanking. QUOTING the Chinese proverb lasts a century,” the Foreign Minister, Mr. Chang Chun, held out the olive branch to Japan in an address here in which he appealed for immediate discussions to readjust Smo-Japanese relations on a friendly basis. He emphasised
    —Reuter.  -  92 words
  • 359 27 Spreading Drug Traffic. Breaking Down The Customs. Geneva, May 28. AT the meeting of the Opium Committee, with reference to narcotics in China, Mr. Fuller, the U.S. delegate, urged the Japanese Government, whose subjects are more widely and more closely connected than those of any
    359 words
  • 59 27 —Sin Chew Jit Poh. Tientsin, May 27. The Japanese North China Command has applied to the Tientsin Municipality for permission to extend the foun dary of the Japanese Concession. “This is necessitated.” the Japanese state, “to accommodate the sur P Japanese residents in the city. The Chinese
    —Sin Chew Jit Poh.  -  59 words
  • 150 27 —British Radio. Preventive Officers Who Are Impotent London, May 27. Mr. Anthony Eden, the Foreign Secretary, answered a number of questions in the House of Commons on smuggling in North China. Referring to various suggestions for Improving the position put forward in questions, he said
    —British Radio.  -  150 words
  • 130 27 EmpText Six Million Members Of “Black Legion?” Detroit, May 26. A cowardly attack on another relief worker Is attributed to the Black Legion. The victim was carried off stripped and flogged, allegedly because he refused to join the cult. Warrants have been issued for the
    EmpText  -  130 words
  • 304 27 —Reuter. NO DECISION RE QUOTA OR RENEWAL. London, May 26. In view of the difficulties of estimating the probable exports from Bolivia, the International Tin Committee have decided that the quota for the third quarter of 1936 shall be considered at their meeting in June says a
    .—Reuter.  -  304 words
  • 151 27 Reuter. FIRST TWO YEARS OF CONTROL. London, May 29. IT would seem to be in the interests of both producers and consumers that the policy of the International Rubber Regulation Committee should be designed to secure a rise in consumption rather than in prices is the conclusion
    Reuter.  -  151 words
  • 66 27 —Reuter. British Shipping Affected. Hong Kong, June 1* QFFICIALS of the China Navigation Co., prominent British operators, have announced the withdrawal of seven ships from the Hong Kong-Canton-Shanghai-Tientsin service owing to the “depressed state of coast commerce, the underlying cause of the depression being the gigantic smuggling operations
    —Reuter.  -  66 words
  • 186 27 JAPANESE GARRISON ON RAILWAY? Tientsin, June 1 A demand has been made to the Chinese authorities by Lleut.-Gen. Tashlro, commandant of the Japanese garrison in North China, for the arrest and handing over by Tuesday of those persons responsible for the bombing attempt on the Japanese troop
    186 words
  • 92 27 ,—Reuter. Tientsin, June 1. Gen. Hsiao Cheng-yln, Mayor of Tientsin, has arrived back from Peiping in defiance of the Japanese military authorities who have demanded his resignation. The next move of the Japanese military is awaited with the gravest anxiety.—Reuter. The Mayor’s return is in compliance with
    ,—Reuter.  -  92 words
  • 33 27 British Wireless. London. May 27 Col. Lindbergh and his wife were among the guests at the Derby night dinner party given by the King at St. James’s Palace /yesterday
    British Wireless.  -  33 words

  • 399 28 Mary on her first call. —British Wireless. Quarter Of Million People Bid Her Bon Voyage. London, May 27. /'LEAR, sunny and dry weather favoured an afternoon thi l leading events of which—the departure of the Cunard White Star liner, the Queen Mary, on
    Mary on her first call.—British Wireless.  -  399 words
  • 311 28 Passenger List Like Page Of Debrett. (From Reuter’s Special Correspondent) The Queen Mary, May 27. I never imagined there could be so much happiness among 3,000 people all at once as there Is tonight among the passengers and crew of this ship. The crew are openly jubilant
    311 words
  • 161 28 —Reuter. CHERRIES AT CHURT. EX-PREMIER OPENS AS GREENGROCER. London, May 29. MR. Lloyd George has given a splendid opportunity for cartoonists as the statesman is shortly opening a roomy greengrocer’s shop opposite the hide of the Valley Inn at Churt, where he resides recalling the “rare
    —Reuter.  -  161 words
  • 56 28 .—Sin Chew Jit Poh. Canton, May 29. It is understood that, in accordance with the wishes of the widow and daughter of Mr. Hu Han-min that the veteran statesman be buried in Kwangtung, plans for the State burial of Mr. Hu in Nanking
    .—Sin Chew Jit Poh.  -  56 words
  • 252 28 —Reuter. BOLIVIA’S ARREARS CAN BE MADE UP? MR. LOWINGER FOR SIAM. London, May 27. 'pHE International Tin Committee’s postponement of the July-Sep-tember quota decision until within a week of it becoming operative is generally criticised as handicapping producers and involving the market in a further month’s uncertainty,
    —Reuter.  -  252 words
  • 148 28 —Reuter. Verdict In Tientsin Poison Trial. Tientsin. May 26. JOHN COLBERT has been acquitted on the charge of poisoning his wife and assaulting her with intent to commit murder, by the United States Court for China. Judge Helmick said the court entertained strong suspicions of gufft
    —Reuter.  -  148 words
  • 88 28 —Reuter. Objection Taken To League Estimates. Geneva, May 25. The League Secretariat has withdrawn the opium sections of the report published at the end of last week in which it was estimated that there were two million drug addicts in the world. The number in Britain
    —Reuter.  -  88 words
  • 229 28 MALAYA DOES NOT WANT HIM! (From Our Own Correspondent). London, May 26. CTARTLINGLY outspoken comments on the unsuitability of the Rt. Hon. Mr. W. G. A. OrmsbvGore, P.C., for the Secretaryship of the Colonies (in succession to Mr. J. H. Thomas), are made by the Evening Standard this
    229 words
  • 214 28 —Aneta-Trans-Ocean. Assurances Given At Geneva. Geneva, May 30. The Portuguese delegate, Sennor de Vasconcellos, speaking to the league of Nations Opium Committet?. insisted that the Japanese, delegate should appeal again to the Japanese Government to take efficient measures against the drug traffic. The Japanese delegate
    —Aneta-Trans-Ocean.  -  214 words

  • 1389 29  -  By Leighton. SINGAPORE 6; JOHORE 0. CINGAPORE cleared her first hurdle in the Malaya j U L c T p^^ 0 n no uncertain manner at Anson Road Stadium on b riday d efeating Johore by
    —Straits Times Photograph.  -  1,389 words
  • 147 29 Annual Report Shows Profit Of $310. The fifteenth annual report of the Selangor Golf Club to be presented at the annual general meeting on Thursday shows that the club has made a nett profit for the year of $310.65, a decrease of $422.35 as compared with the previous
    147 words
  • 420 29 Sinclair And HovilShine For Losers. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, May 31. gCORING 28 points to the F.M.S. 6 points, with one match to be decided tomorrow, the Colony gained an overwhelming victory in the annual F.M.S.-Colony lawn tennis match for the Guillemard
    420 words

  • 808 30 Europeans Beaten By Rest In Clarke Cu p Match. ALTHOUGH the wicket at the S.C.C. was perfect throughout bowlers held the upper hand in the annual Clarke Cup match which was won by The Rest by 76 runs. The Rest have to thank Muthucumaru for being
    —Straits Times Photograph.  -  808 words
  • 72 30 IW|R. and Mrs. R. F. Smith won the S.C.C. mixed doubles cham pionship by beating J. S. Nathan and Miss P. Coleman 6 —l; 6 —3 in the Anal match of the Club tournament yesterday. The Smiths were the superior pair throughout their placing and
    72 words
  • 500 30 English Cricket. Fishlock Amarnath Get Two Centuries Each. London, May 29. I B. Fishlock, the young Surrey left-hander, and Amarnath, one of the Indian star batsmen, both scored two centuries in the matches completed today. Fishlock get 131 and 100 not out in each innings against
    500 words
  • 75 30 London, May 28. Middlesex and Derbyshire scored very easy victories today over Somerset and Gloucestershire respectively. The scores are cabled by Reuter as follows: AT LORD’S. Middlesex beat Somerset by an innings and 99 runs. SOMERSET: 145 and 152. MIDDLESEX: 396 (Hendren 134). AT BRISTOL.
    75 words
  • 197 30 WORST OF DRAW WITH SELANGOR. Merry Knock By Hunter —Keeper Bowls. (From Our Own Correspondent) Penang, June 2. pENANG managed to draw with 1 Selangor today being 58 runs in arrears at the close with three wickeds in hand. The scores were as follows:— SELANGOR. 1st Inns:
    197 words
  • 126 30 Gorbex Singh In Deadly Form With Ball. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca, June 1. Gorbex Singh and Dickson bowled with such deadly effect this afternoon that Malacca were put out in their second innings for a meagre 60 runs and Selangor thus triumphed by 126 runs. The scores
    126 words
  • 106 30 Robin Goodfellow. (Straits Times* Copyright). (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, May 28. The Coronation Cup was run at Epsom today over a distance of I*4 miles and five yards. The going was hard and there were only nine runners. The result was as follows: 1. Lord Derby’s PLASSY
    Robin Goodfellow. (Straits Times* Copyright).  -  106 words

  • 1572 31 Dt» Tull s 25“ Year-Old Pony Makes His Farewell. gUKIT Timah was favoured by brilliant weather and good rii.h*°Summer S Sk U v rday the flrst day of the Singapore Turf SlnH attT^Hanr» ky u^ ee tln f and there was an exceptionally good
    —Straits Times Photograph.  -  1,572 words
  • 376 31 AGREEMENT MADE BY SELANGOR G.C. Surcharge On Caddies Fees To Stop. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, May 28. AN agreement with Government not to hold regular dances or cabarets at the Selangor Golf Club swimming pool when It was finished was referred to by
    376 words
  • 183 31 Jack Crawford Took Risks And Won. Philadelphia, June 1. USTRALIA won the final of the American Zone in the Davis Cup Competition today defeating America by three matches to two. Jack Crawford made the match safe for Australia by winning his singles against Allison, who was
    183 words

  • 652 32 SMIRKE SAID HE HAD A WONDERFUL RIDE. London, May 27. WITH the going hard at Epsom today it was not surprising that the Derby—the greatest test for any racehorse in the world —was won in record time (2 min. 33-4/5 sec.). The
    652 words
  • 266 32 Another “Hat-Trick” And Gets Eight For 14. Segamat, May 26. ’T'lIANKS to some amazing bowling by H. Lockhart, who took eight wickets for 14 runs in 18 overs, 11 of which were maidens, the Genuang Cricket Club were able to register another victory on Sunday, over the
    266 words
  • 347 32 CELANGOR’S victory over Penang by a goal to nil in the Northern section of the Malaya Cup competition at Penang on Saturday makes them almost sure of being finalists again this year for they should be able to defeat Perak at home and are almost certain
    347 words
  • 87 32 —Reuter. London, June 1. DARON Gottfried von Cramm, the German lawn tennis ace, achieved the greatest triumph of his career at Auteuil today in the final of the French Championships by defeating Fred Perry, the holder of the title, 6—0, 2—6, 6—2, 2 6, 6-
    —Reuter.  -  87 words
  • 74 32 London, May 25. The British Walker Cup team to meet the United States at Pine Valley on Sept. 2 and 3 is as follows: H. G. Bentley, J.D.A. Langley, J.B. Lucas. Jack McLean, Hector Thomson, D.R.T (capt.). The remainder will be selected later —Reuter. At Blakan Mati
    74 words
  • 409 32 Yachting Sixth Successive Win Against Port Dickson. THE Royal Singapore Yacht Club 4 won the Inter-port Challenge Cup in competition with Port Dickson for the sixth time in succession with a win in the final race yesterday and thus maintained her unbroken series of victories since
    409 words
  • 50 32 Indianapolis, May 30. Louis Meyer, driving a Ringfree special. won the 500 miles Indianapolis Grand Prix. Meyer is the first to win the Grand Prix thrice. He established the record time of 4 hours 53 minutes and 3 39/100 secs., an average speed of 109.069 miles per hour.
    50 words

    • 851 1 7/3, Pungahs 18/3- 17/9 cum. dlv and Ampats at 4/9 with further shares offered at 4/6 cum. div. Amongst dollar shares, Sungei Luas made $1.37% and now have sellers at $1.34. Talams $1.50—$1.46, Ulu Klangs $1.13 sellers now asking $1.10, Rahman Hydraulics 95 cts.—93 cents Hong Fatts
      851 words
    • 28 1 The output of New Scudai Ltd. amounts to 29 100 lb. for the month of April, being the first month of the current financial year.
      28 words
    • 46 1 n&t* Spot June July-Sept. Oct.-Dec .Jan.-Mar. Apr.-June London 28 25% 25% 26% 26% 26% 26% 7% 29 25% 25% 26% 26% 26% 26% 7 5/16 2 25% 25% 26 26% 26% 26% 15 9/16 3 25% 25% 26% 26% 26% 27 7%
      46 words
    • 172 1 Singapore, Jane 3, 12 noon. Buyer. Seller Gambler 5.25 Java Cube 8.50 Hamburg 10 50 White Muntok Pepper 16.50 Black Pepper 8.25 White Pepper 16.00 •Sundried Copra 4.90 Mixed Copra 4.65 Sarawak Jelotong 6.00 Mixed Black Pepper Saigon A 1 $152 Rice, Saigon No. 1 $l4O Rice, Saigon No.
      172 words
    • 152 1 $500,000 Reserved For Doubtful Debts. Mr. Chee Swee Cheng, the chairman of the Bank, in addressing the annual meeting of shareholders on Wednesday last emphasised the desirability of the Bank building up reserves to meet possible contingencies, and asked for the forbearance of shareholders whilst pursuing this
      152 words
    • 332 1 London, June 2. The following are today's closing middle prices on the London Stock Exchange: Shares of £1 denomination unless otherwise stated. Taster- Rise day. or Pall Conversion Loan, 5 p.c. 1944-04 117% Pun din* Loan 4 d.c. 1960-90 110% War Loan 3% p.c 105% Straits 6 p.c.
      332 words
    • 51 1 The amount of duty on tin and tin ore collected by the Malayan Government for the month of April was $1,213,423, making a total for the four months ending April of $4,435,933. For the corresponding four months In 1935 the amount of duty collected was $2
      51 words
    • 23 1 The output of Raub Australian Gold Mining Co. Ltd., for the four weeks ended May 23. amounted to 2.001.54 ois.
      23 words
    • 1282 2 Gammon (Malaya) To Float New Company. The possibilities of using rubber in roadways and of extending the company's business to Hong Kong were referred to by Mr. H. Elphick when addressing shareholders of Gammon (Malaya) Ltd. on May 29. Mr. Elphick stated that a company was
      1,282 words
    • 71 2 —Straits Times Cable. (From Our Own Correspondent) London, May 30. 'THE International Rubber Regulation Statistical Bulletin estimates that icorld stocks in unregulated areas on Apr. 30, 1936, were 524,655 tons, compared with 539,417 tons on Mar. 31, 1936. and 652,471 tons on Apr. 30, 1935. World absorption
      —Straits Times Cable.  -  71 words
    • 134 2 THE Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association held its 1.279 th auction on Mya 27 when there was catalogued 326.05 tons; offered 318.68 tons; sold 243.02 tons. Spot London 7%d. New York 15.9116 cts. PRICES REALISED Ribbed smoked sheet cents per lb. Standard Quality 25% (A few
      134 words
    • 97 2 During the week ending May 23, exports of tinned pineapples from Malayan ports amounted to 49,712 cases, of which: 43,549 (87 per cent) cases were to the United Kingdom, 283 (1 per cent) cases to the Continent of Europe, 1,756 (4 per cent) cases to Canada,
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    • 237 2 POTENTIAL OUTPUT ABOUT 25,000 TONS. (From Our Own Correspondent) Bangkok, May 30 The yearly output for Siam under the present restriction scheme is 9aoo tons per annum, which amount represents approximately 50 per cent of her assessed capacity, and about 35 per cent, of her known
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    • 55 2 The crop figures for the month of April for the respective estates were:— Crops For Month Rubber: Ankola Estates Bajoe Kldoel Co. 53.893 6 Kgs. DJaslnga 55.871 TJikastntoe 20.420 Langen 33.549 Donowarie 19.725 Tea: Ankola 54.216 Pasir Madanr; 37.182 Coffee: Estates Bajoe Kidoel Co 291 pic. Cltronella Oil:
      55 words
    • 102 2 The Acting Secretary of Austral Malay Tin. Ltd., reports the following outputs of associated companies for the first half of May. KAMPONG KAMUNTING TIN (Karan*an| Hours run 326 cubic yards treated 70.000 total piculs 330. nett value 520.460/-. ASAM KUMBANO TIN: Hours run 314. cubic yards treated
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    • 64 2 Boustead ana Co. Ltd., Penang, has received telegraphic advice from the secretaries of Malakoff Rubber Estates Ltd., to the effect that the directors are recommending a dividend of 4 per cent for the year ending Dec. SI 1935 which, it approved, tv ill be payable on
      64 words
    • 46 2 The local agents have received advice to the effect that the directors have recommended a final dividend of five per cent., making ten per cent, for the year, payable on June 12. The carry forward Is £60.380, subject to audit and usual adjustment.
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    • 25 2 The rubber crop of Ayer Molek Rubber Co Ltd. for April was 9.882 lb. The total for 6 months Is 68.458 lb.
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    • 1310 3 Acquisition Of New Areas In Larut And Siam. That the completion of a new agreement for the restriction of the production of tin would ensure a period of price stability and regularity ot pioduction whicn would enable every mining company to plan its future operations in
      1,310 words
    • 384 3 INTERIM DIVIDEND FOR CURRENT YEAR. The annual general meeting of the Sungei Tukang Rubber Co. Ltd. was held in Penang on May 27 Mr. F. H. Grumitt, the chairman of the company, presiding. In proposing the adoption of the report and accounts for the year ended
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    • 282 3 DREDGE TO BE RECONSTRUCTED. The annual general meeting of shareholders of Jelapang Tin Dredging Limited was held In Kuala Lumpur, on Friday. Mr. A. A. Henggeler presided and. In proposing the adoption of the directors’ report and the accounts for the year ended Dec. 31, 1935, said
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    • 45 3 repaid on Dec. 1.—Straits Time, cable. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, May 30. The Crown Agents for the Colonies announce that the principal of the Straits Settlements 6 Per Cent. Loan, 1936-51, is being repaid on Dec. I.—Straits Times
      repaid on Dec. 1.—Straits Time, cable.  -  45 words
    • 172 3 Siam’s Smaller Quota Release. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, May 27. The annual meeting of Renong Consolidated Tin Dredging Co. Ltd., was held here this morning. Mr C. R Thurstan. the chairman, presiding. In proposing the adoption of the report and accounts for the year
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    • 603 4 London Exchange Prices On May 21. Allagar (2/) 1/5: Alor Pongsu (2/t 2/1 tt; Anglo-Malay «1> 13/6: Ayer Kunlng (£1 31/10*4; Bagan Serai (£1) 15/9; Bahru (Sel.) (2/) 2/11; Banteng (£1) 20 3; Batang (2/) 1/04; Batu Caves (£1) 21/9; Batu Tiga (£1) 28/9; Bekoh (2/) /114; Bertam
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    • 166 4 London Exchange Prices On May 21. Ampat (4/) 5/3; Anglo-Burma (5/) 14/3; Ayer Hitam (5 14/; (£1) 16 6; Gopeng Cons. (£1) 1 31/22; Hongkong (5 15/3; Idris (5/) (£1) fl/4*4; Ipoh (16/) 304; Kampong Lanjut 17/; Kamuntlng (5/) li/lOVa; Kepong 15/; Kinta <5') (£1) 11/6; Kinta Kellas
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    • 18 4 May 28 Tin, S pore Price $99 H per picul l® 91 June 3 *4^4
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    • 1474 4 Issued by Fraser and Co. and Lyall and Evatt Exchange and Stock Brokers. Singapore, June 3, 10 a.m. MINING. val Fraser Co. Lyall Evau issue Val. ftaset Co. Lyali Evatt Buyers 8ellers Buyers Seilers Buyers 8ellers Buyers Sellers 4/- Ampat Tin 4/- 5/-cd 5/- 5/6cd 3/- Pahang
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