The Straits Budget, 20 February 1936

Total Pages: 36
1 4 The Straits Budget

  • The Straits Budget
    • 750 2 Straits Times, Feb. 13. Mr. Malcolm MacDonald, Secretary of State lor the Dominions, has at last got back to the House of Commons. The Ross and Cromarty constituency has returned him by a substantial majority after a contest which has brought the British electoral system
      Straits Times, Feb. 13.  -  750 words
    • 233 2 Commonwealth oi Nations -Straits Times. Feb 13. Sir Shenton Thomas has transmitted to the Colonial Office a very large number of Malayan expressions of condolence with the royal family on the death of King George, but none can have given him more gratification than the simply-worded
      Commonwealth oi Nations -Straits Times. Feb 13.  -  233 words
    • 726 2 Straits Times, Feb. 14. At next Monday’s meeting of the Legislative Council the Singapore Jubilee Fund Bill will be taken •through all its stages and brought into force retrospective as from Jan. 1 last. The Penang Jubilee Fund (Amendment) Bill is also on the agenda and it
      Straits Times, Feb. 14.  -  726 words
    • 746 2 with motoring offences.—Straits Times. Feb. 15. This article is particularly appropriate for a Saturday. It is intended to conjure up visions oi tomorrow morning’s gin slings, o; the can of ale at the nineteenth, of the odd gin that proceeds the curry—and of prison! Think of it,
      with motoring offences.—Straits Times. Feb. 15.  -  746 words
    • 926 3 —Straits Times. Feb. 17. With his head full of HoreBelisha road safety rules, it was perhaps not surprising that Captain H. J. Ratcliffe, of the Royal Automobile Club, should have felt a little uncomfortable about Singapore traffic when he arrived here fresh from England. He was
      —Straits Times. Feb. 17.  -  926 words
    • 942 3 Straits Times, Feb. 18 If a visitor from the Mother of Parliaments had attended the meeting of the Straits Settlements Legislative Council in Singapore yesterday he might have formed a very poor opinion of Colonial legislatures. He would have found a body of men representing official and unofficial
      Straits Times, Feb. 18  -  942 words
    • 699 4 Straits Times, Feb. 19. From one angle, restriction is for lubber planters just a breathingspace before battle is joined on the All-in Costs issue. Countries now co-operating in the attempt to keep surplus supplies of the commodity off the market will be engaged later on in strenuous competition
      Straits Times, Feb. 19.  -  699 words

  • 81 4 Friday, Feb. 14. At ntx>n His Excellency and Lady Thomas and Miss Thomas attended by the Personal Staff returned to Singapore by the s.y. “Sea Belle” from the West Coast Tour. Saturday, Feb. 15. Mr. D. J. Jardine arrived to stay at Government House. Sunday, Feb. 16. Major
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  • 65 4 The engagement hac been announced and the marriage will take place in the near future of Inche Abdul Jamil, Assistant District Officer, Port Dickson, and Che’ Nurhimah, daughter of Tuan Haji Abdul Halid, of the Koran Office, Kuala Kangsar. B0I11 are members of wellknown families in Perak. Tuan S.ved Mohamed
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  • 316 4 Jubilee Fund Distribution. j START SOON. JHE Committee of Management of The Singapore Silver Jubilee Fund, as appointed, are:— i Ven. Archdeacon Graham White 1 (chairman), Brigadier Herbert A. Lora Hon. Mr. R. H. Onraet, Hon. Dr N oe L. Clarke. Hon. Dr. Lim Han Hoe. Hop
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  • 126 4 Mr. C. G. R. Phillips Leaves Malacca. (From Our Own Corresponded Malacca, Feb. IT. Yesterday evening at the Cheong Society’s premises, the stall of the Engineering Dept., Post Office. Malacca, entertained Mr. C. G. R. Phillips, Engineer, Post and Telegraphs, Malacca and Negri Sembilan South,
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  • 44 4 That Penang had considerably mo; Scouts of all kinds In 1935 than ar-> other Association in Malaya was re vealed In the District Commissioner annual report of the Boy Scout Mov" ment there, read at the annual nice 1 ing of the local Assertion.
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  • NOTES Of The DAY.
    • 201 5 XHE pipers of the Royal Inniskilllng I Fusiliers brought the house down Anson Road on Saturday, when they -nadu their first public appearance in Singapore. Since those of our readers who do t follow Rugby may have missed Leighton’s report. I will quote my description: "Dark blue bonnets,
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    • 153 5 I AST Thursday, the 117th. anniversaiv of the founding of Singapore. passed almost unnoticed, for the usual reminder—the dressing of ships in the roads—was missing. Nowadays there is universal acceptance of February 6 as the true date oi the anniversary, but it was not always 'O. Our predecessors
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    • 121 5 LABOUR’ S LOSS. "Y’HE planters will not be pleased at the impending transfer of Mr. Ahearne lrom the Labour Department. become the first Federal Secretary, tor he is not only a specialist in Indian labour affairs but an officer of ’tire lorce. diplomacy and foresight. His tenure of office as
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    • 230 5 jjow turtle doves are snared in Trengeanu by means of decoy birds is described by Mr. C. C. Brown, M.C.S., in his new book Trenyyanu Malay. "The snarer" Mr. Brown writes in a footnote, "sets out with the decoy bird, which is carried in the low, round and
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    • 210 5 are reaping the rice harvest in Malacca now The wide expanses of yellowing grain, bounded by low rubber-covered hills, variegated with the rusty tints of the wintering season. are dotted with men and women wearing broad-brimmed conical hats to protect them from the sun. Along the bunds between
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    • 264 5 IT is all the more necessary, there- fore, that Singapore folk should flee to the hinterland whenever they can But it is not enough to go through at thirty miles per hour, as so many people do. To know the true spirit of harvest in Malaya you
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    • 271 5 B UT one cannot help wondering how much of the rice-held ritual survives today? How can the Malacca peasant, seeing motor-cars stream past his fields every day of his life, believe wholeheartedly in the animist magic which satisfied his forefathers? And what is the influence of the i
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    • 188 5 SINCE writing my note on the Inni skillings’ pipers I have been shown j a list of regiments stationed in Singa- I pore since 1871 which answers all nr:' three questions. No kilted regiment has ever been seen here. The Gordon Highlanders (then the 75th Foot» were here
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    • 207 5 |T would be a sad but Instructive task to compile a list of European graves in Malaya which lie In unhallowed ground. Most pathetic of all. perhaps, would be that of a baby, nine months old. who was burled in the compound of the Bukit Tambun police station.
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    • 195 5 UNDER RUBBER must be many more such graves in the Peninsula, especially in districts which were opened up before roads were put through Batu Pahat. for example, was completely isolated except by sea at the time when the two interments mentioned above took place. The site chosen was apparently at
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    • 83 5 TRENGGANU SPEECH jo .Show how much difference there is between colloquial Malay as spoken in Trengganu, and the standard Malay, 1 take the following example from Mr. C. C. Brown’s new book: English What was the trouble, Saleh? You’re for ever having rows with her. No good’ll come of that.
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    • 180 5 KEPONG ECHOES pROM my private file on the Great Bicycle Question, which has reached vast dimensions and reveals a polemical talent that I had not suspected in our senior planters. I select an t*x- tract which Throws an interesting sidelight on estate life in tin* past “The best estate coolies
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    • 169 6 IIfORKERS in Fullerton Building are disappointed because the cherry trees opposite that building have not vanished during "he recent reconstruction of the pavement and re-erection of the railing along the sea wall. These trees were planted, not by the Municipality but by taxi drivers, who wanted a shady
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    • 178 6 WfARNING has been given that from July 1 of this year tuba fishing will be banned in Sarawak A similar law has been in force in Malaya for a long time. This Sarawak decision is a sign of the times. With the coming of law and order and
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    • 184 6 JT has been remarked more than once In this column that Singapore, relying foi its defence upon a fleet 8,000 miles away, has no reason to applaud the idea’lsm which is diverting that fi et to irrelevant and danger i cus functions. Ttv* following note from the Straits
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    • 226 6 WROTE last week of the ritual el the rice-fielci and of the impact upon it of modern influences. This ritual is very, very old. How far back it goes may be judged from the invocation which the Malay magician utters as he walks around the fields on
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    • 214 6 “W HEN Innlskillings were stationed in Singapore in 1882-85. Sir Archibald Murray, who went over to France as Chief of Staff to Sir John French and afterwards commanded in Egypt, was a subaltern in the regiment.” “You ought to know that the Glasgow Highlanders are the 9th Battalion
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    • 295 6 TN the jungles of Borneo the Kooka--4 burra bird has been heard again. This time it has been trilling a new song. ThaiTks to my prompting, it has decided to give up light verse and go in for classical stuff. “I am beginning to take to it,” says
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    • 238 6 J7VERYONE who has motored over the trunk road north of Kuala Lumpur will remember the great tooth of limestone which sticks up on the farther side of the mines in the Kanching valley. Still more clearly will people who have picnicked in that loveliest of forest haunts, the
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    • 241 6 £»URRENT alterations in the pol:riCamachinery of the F.M.S intended to do various things, but thing which they are emphatically not intended to do is to restore tN personal, arbitrary power oi the Sultans Yet this fallacious sumption is common, as witnes.s the following quotation from \y art Malaya:
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    • 86 6 VESTERDAY wo had occasion tu look up the Birth Control file in the office library. In it we wrie surprised to find cuttings and pictures relating to the Dionne quintuplets. The librarian is being called upon fo** an explanation. A joke’s a joke, but Mr. Dionn. has suffered
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  • 141 6  -  KOOKABURA (Inspired by a report In tiie Dally Mail, contributed by its Singapore correspondent, that gangs of coolies armed with swatters are patrolling Malayan rubber estates.) {Spare a thought, for the cheerful Ludlowi. As he croons in exuberant glee, Whilst he waits for the unwary tapper. ’Neath
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  • 85 6 At a parade of the M.S.V.R. held at Sitiawan. Sergeant A. T Edgar was presented with a silver salver, suital >lv engraved as a wedding present from members of his platoon. Making tiv presentation, Lieut. H. W. Steele ask. d Scrg. Edgar to accept the gift as i token of
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  • 960 7 miner “Andy” Norman is lying critically ill at Penang. Mr B D. Miles, late of Siam, is o-.v with Jelapang Tin Mines. Mr and Mrs. J. Bagnall arrived from H ong Kong by the Chitral on Feb. 12 It is understood that Mr. R. S. rh mtler
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    • 19 7 OGGIER. —At the Maternity Hospital. Singapore on Feb. 12, to Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Oggier, a daughter.
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    • 37 7 PALMER—SAVAGE-BAILEY—A marriage has been arranged between Donald Horsley eldest son of Mr. Mrs. R. E. Palmer of Bournemouth and Rosamund Claudia Clulow eldest daughter of the late Mr. A Savage-Bailey. C.B.E. and Mrs. SavageBailey of Singapore
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    • 65 7 CHEE-ANG:—The engagement is announced between Mr. Chee Teck Swee youngest son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Chee Kim Leong and nephew of Mr. Chee Gim Teng of Messrs. Thye Choon Rubber Merchant to Miss Ang Kiam Keng (teacher of the Straits Chinese Mandarin School) eldest daughter of Mr.
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  • 127 7 Leaders. A Loss To The Colonies 2 The Jubilee Funds 2 Not A Spot! 2 Traffic Conditions In Singapore 3 43 Minutes 3 Replanting Days 4 Telegrams— Covering past week’s news 24—28 Picture Supplement 17 —20 Financial Supplement— Financial and Commercial News to date, following page 32 Malayan General
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  • 138 7 Farewell Party By Marine Department. One hundred and twenty members oi the Marine Department at Singapore—officers, boarding officers, clerks, engineers, serangs. lascars, launch crews and lighthouse crews—gave a farewell tea party in the Sailors’ Institute on Feb. 16 to their retiring chief, Capt. Geoffrey H. Freyberg,
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  • 144 7 DIRECTOR-GENERAL, POSTS TELEGRAPHS. Substantive Appointment For Mr. T. P. Coe. The substantive appointment of Mr. T. P. Coe. M.C.. M.C.S.. to the post of Director-General, Posts and Telegraphs. Malaya, Is announced in the Colonial Service list of recent appointments and promotions. Other appointments are: Capt. H. W. Chattaway as Aviation
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  • 455 7 The Bankruptcy department was granted $3OO supplementary estimate tor postage on dividends in old cases. M Authority is given for an increase of $ll,OOO in the Government Contribution to the Tan Tock Seng Hospital to meet the anticipated deficit on the working of the hospital
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  • 72 7 Mr. E T. Williams, appointed to act temporarily as British Resident, Perak, in addition to his own duties as Secretary to Resident, Perak, with effect from Saturday last, following the departure on leave cf the Hon. Mr. O. E. Cator. It is understood that the Hon. Mr. M.
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  • 40 7 DEATH TEO. —Teo Kim Seng, managing director of Gaw Bros. Ltd., S’porc. passed away peacefully at his residence 160. Neil Rd. on Monday, aged 42. Hie death has taken place in Paris s Lebargy, the famous French ct0r states Reuter.
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  • 140 8 COUNCIL APPROVES CONTRIBUTION. Moving the approval of the payment by the Government ol a contribution of $.100,000 to the Ptnang and Province Wellesley Jubilee Fund, the acting Treasurer, Hon. Mr. G. L Ham said that at the last meeting of the on Monday, said that
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  • 62 8 'From Our Own Correspondent.) Sercmban, Feb. 17. A verdict of death bp misadventure was returned by the Scrembav magistrate at an inquiry held into the death of an elderly Chinese. Tok Onn, who died after being stung by hornets. The man was slung while walking
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  • 104 8 Additional Vote For Penanjr Launches. That Malaya is now paying lor the economy introduced in the slump is shown by a vote of $.'1,800 made lor the additional maintenance of steam launches belonging to the Marine Department. Penang. It is stated that owing to the strict
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  • 109 8 From Our Own Correspondent.> Seremban. Feb. 17. The Hon. Mr. J. W. W. Hughes, British Resident, Negri Sembilan, presided at the annual meeting of St. Mark’s Church, Seremban, in the absence ol a resident chaplain. The election ol church officials for 1936 resulted: President. The Chaplain;
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  • 12 8 Dr. and Mrs J S. Sloper, ol Singapore. have returned from leave
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  • 291 8 AFRAID TO WORK AFTER RIOT LAST MONTH. Eight Charged With Murder On Japanese Property. 'T'lIIRTEEN hundred Southern Chinese mine labourers are in a state of terror and are afraid to return to work, following the riot between Southern and Northern Chinese on the
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  • 286 8 ANOTHER step forward, in the cautious but steady progress of the Straits Settlements Civil Service, was announced in the Gazette on Friday. Two more probationers are to be appointed to this Service during the current year, thus bringing the personnel up to eight. Since
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  • 68 8 Clan Clash. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur. Feb. 13. 1>HE court hearing of the Batu Koad ricksha coolies aiTray ended today before Mr. J. Calder. when seven accused belonging to the Tan clan were sentenced to three months’ rigorous imprisonment. The others were acquitted on a
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  • 67 8 Prince Don Juan of Spain, the youngest son of ex-King Alfonso, and Heir-Presumptive to the throne, returned to Singapore with his wife, the Princess of Bourbon, from Batavia on Monday. The couple, who are accompanied by the Viscount Rocamore embarked for Ceylon in the
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  • 99 8 The death took place at her residence No. 533-C, Balestier Road, Singapore, on Saturday morning of Mrs. Rose Mary Donough, wife of Mr. H. W. Donough of Singapore. She had been il for several months. Mrs. Donough was 51 years of age and is
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  • Correspondence.
    • 201 8 Position Of Imperial Airways Explained. To tile Editor of the otr.uts Times Sir,—I wish to correct an erroneous impression which may be caused by the statement made n your issue of Saturday, Feb. 8. where, under the caption “Flying Boats for Hong Kong Singapore Route.” it
      201 words
    • 170 8 Reply To “Anak Singapura.” To the Editor of the Straits Times Sir,—In reply to “Anak Singapura’s' inquiry. I may state that no kilted regiment has been stationed in the Straits since the transfer of these Settlement to the Crown in 1867; nor has Singa pore ever seen
      170 words
  • 73 8 Radio Telephone. The radio telephone service fromMalaya to the Philippines was specially opened on the night of Feb. 17 to enable Mrs. Quezon to speak to her husband. President Quezon. Speech came through very clearly. Earlier in the day efforts to get through to Manila
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  • 1591 9 governor and the g.o. c. TELL COUNCIL $500,000 Contribution Made Unanimously. That a $500,000 voluntary gift from the Colony to the T uienal Government for defence would constitute no precedent. even though it was being given for the third year in -accession, was emphasised by
    1,591 words
  • 191 9 Distinguished Church Layman. Sir Charles Marston, J.P., F.S.A., a member of the House oi Laity of the Church Assembly, arrived in Singapore on Monday from Bangkok by the K P M steamer Barentsz. He is on a holiday in the East. Sir Charles came ashore
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  • 31 9 An Indian detective was hit in the thigh by a bullet accidentally lirect from a revolver at his quarters at Kandang Kerbau on Friday. He was taken t hospital by ambulance.
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  • 106 9 AT the Legislative Council meet- ing on Monday reference was made to the death of Klis Majesty King George V. The Acting Colonial Secretary the Hon. Mr. A. S. Small, moved: “That the Members of this Council humbly desire to express their loyal and profound
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  • 202 10 Land In Paya Lebar. Steps are being taken by the Singapor< Municipality to alter the limits of their boundaries by the Inclusion ot a piece ol land situated in Paya Lebar which n«.w belongs to the Rural Board and which is inhabited by hundreds of Malay
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  • 71 10 Japanese Fined. Reich i Sato, the Japanese welterweight boxer, teas charged before Mr. Norman Grice last week with causing hurt to a ricksha puller at the junction of Bras Basah Road and North Bridge Road. Singapore. Sato pleaded guilty and offered $5 compensation. The puller was
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  • 70 10 (From Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh, Feb. 13 Chu Sam Foong, formerly cashier with the Borneo Co. who absconded in 1934 when a warrant was issued in respect of a charge of cheating his employers of the sum of $1,575, and who was recently arrested at
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  • 140 10 At the annual meeting of the Chinese Association on Saturday the following were elected office-bearers tor 1936. Patron Dr. Philip K. C. Tyau j president Dr. Loh Poon Lip vicepresidents G. H. Kiat, Wong Puck Sham, H. W. Chung, Khoo Choon Hoe hon. secretary Loh Ah Fong
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  • 962 10  - A WOMAN’S NOTE-BOOK. Singapore Mornings Long Ago An A dive Life Goat “Mutton” Bicycles Sewing Parties. Bv Victoria Allen. W I1ATEVER did you do in the days before there were such things as bridge and mah jong, is a question I am often asked. The answer is that we did
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  • 532 10 Rev. J. G. Hall, Sefangor. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Feb. 13. taking his leave from June, the Rev. J. G. Hall will return to the Chaplaincy of Selangor. This is the first time that a chap lain has served here for a second period.
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  • 650 11 Gandhi’s Views Conflict With Mrs Sanger’s. ADVICE TO MALAYA ON PRESSURE OF POPULATIONS. STANDING room only on Singapore Island will result if the birth rate and Indian and Chinese migration continue as at present. Continence between married people is difficult enough anywhere, and certainly
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  • 120 11 Fleury-Bodestyne. Mr. William Alexander Fleury of the Singapore Municipality, was married to Christina Lizzie, third daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Bodestyne of Singapore, at the Cathedral of the Good Shepherd on Saturday morning. The Rev. N. Maury carried out the oeremony. Miss Li.ian Bodestyne. sister
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  • 64 11 The following office-bearers were elected at the annual general meeting of St. Barnabas’ Tamil Church, Klang, on Sunday: Chairman, the Rev. S. Charles: vice-chairman, Mr. J. C. Sam; hon. secretary, Mr. David Anugraham; hon. treasurer, Mr. V. A. Sinniah; committee members, Messrs. S. Aseervatham. G C. Proctor. D. R. Daniels,
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 128 11 FOUR MEN DRINK A ft u r.T-r r* I V t L i s, y 5r> T Vr\ r to y 9 V n<c i-'4 o Sr Cv V (P 6 <^cP V M C CALLIIMS Wh isky TODAY FOR EVERY ONE MAN THAT DRAN K IT TWO YEARS i
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  • 1372 12 Tatham—Murison: Speeches At Reception. rviAKA Elizabeth Lilly, only daughter of Sir William Murison. formerly Chief Justice of the Straits Settlements, and Lady Murison. was married at St. Andrew’s Cathedral, Singapore, on Saturday, to Mr. George Edmund Tatham, son of the late Mr. Charles
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  • 76 12 Nearly 500 dentists a v e registered under the Registration of Dentists Ordinance 1933. and their names and qualifications appear in the current issue of the Government Gazette. Of these only 21 are credited with University degrees indicating training as dental surgeons in British. Singa” pore. American
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  • 139 12 16 Years Service At Taiping. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Taiping, Feb. l;>. The 2nd Battalion 20th Burma Rifles entrained for Prai en route to Mandalay (Burma) at 2 a.m. today. A large and representative crowd was present at the railway station last night to bid farewell to
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  • 176 12 Dimock —Jacobs Wedding. Two well-known farming families of Cambridgeshire were united ii Singapore on Saturday when Mr. Eric John Dimock, son of Mrs. Dimock, and the late Mr. Dimock, was married to Constance Ethel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Jacobs, in St. Andrew's Cathedral. Both families are
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  • 87 12 Luang 1‘radit Becomes Foreign Minister. iFrom Our Own Correspondent) Bangkok, Feb. 13 It is officially announced that tl.c resignations of the Ministers of Foreim Affairs, Agriculture. Justice, Economies and the acting head of the Finance Ministry have been accepted. Luang Pradit is the new Minister *'i
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  • 48 12 •From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur. Feb. 15. The adjourned annual general meet ing of the Incorporated Society of Planters will be held at 10 a.m. on Saturday, Feb. 29. at the headquarter in Kuala Lumpur. Following it, ;< meeting of the Council will tak« place.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 538 12 Reveals Secret of Personal Influence Simple Method that Anyone Can Use to Develop the Powers of Personal Magnetism, Memory, Concentration, Will-Power and to rorrect Undesirable Habits through llic wonder-science of Suggestion. KO page Book Fully Describing this Unique Method and a Psycho-Analysis Character Delineation FREE to all who write at
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  • 2134 13 MAN’S $2,300 CLAIM FAILS. Chief Justice On “Old Time Gretna Green Elopement.” (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Feb. 12. N action for breach of promise with the man as the plaintiff A ma( e an unusual case before the Chief Justice, Sir
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  • 153 13 —Reuter. Treatment Of Planters In Malaya. London. Feb 12. In the House oi Commons Mr Banfteld fLab., Wednesbury) enquired i whether the Colonial Secretary, Mr. J. H. Thomas, would ask tne OovemI ments of Malaya to investigate the treatment of European planters employed by companies which
    —Reuter.  -  153 words

  • 250 14 Police Officer, Pekan. MR M. Foster, Officer-in-Charge. Pr lice District, Pekan, who died early on Sunday morning, was burled in the Christian burial ground at Pekan, with Mr. C. H. Bansom, Commissioner of Police, F.M.S., as chief mourner. The pall-bearers were Mr. W A C
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  • 176 14 Losses By Harbour Board Officials. The person responsible for the series <>i thefts committed at the bungalows f-: European officers of the Singapore Harbour Board. a$ reported when the matter was mentioned before the second magistrate recently was the motor car driver of Mr. J. L. Wells,
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  • 73 14 Japanese Journalist As Staff Correspondent. Th*- Osaka Mainichi and the Toklo N;chi Niclii. which are th? foremost, newspapers of the Osaka Mainehl group in Janan. have sent one of their leading journalists, Mr. Shigenori Yanagi. as stall correspondent, in Singapor< This is the tlrst time
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  • 745 14 BRIGHTER PLANTING AT “ANJING BOREK. Great Success Of Ball At Selangor Club. (From A Special Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Feb. 10. A very successful Planters’ Ball was held on Saturday night at the Selangor Club. Kuala Lumpur. The dance hall was transformed into the Anjing Borek estate which one approached through
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  • 308 14 The wedding took place on Feb. 12 in St. Andrew’s Cathedral, Singapore of Vera Elizabeth only daughter of the late Mr. Edwin Fox and Mrs. Fox. of Christchurch, New Zealand, and Reginald Bird M.C.S., son of Mr. Edward Bird. Sheffield, Yorkshire, England. Miss Fox,
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  • 103 14 K.L.M. Has To Refuse Many Seats. The K.L.M. air *1" to Europe has had such a rush oi bookings that it h s had to refuse accommodation to many passengers. In the plane which left Singapore for Amsterdam on Feb 12 six people had to
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  • 90 14 Reported Loss In K.L Hotel (From Our Own Correspondent* Kuala Lumpur. Feb. 12 A report of the loss of a pair of gold culf-links belonging to Mr. G Marriott, of Messrs. Caldbeck MacGregor. Singapore, while he was staying at a local hotel on Sunday night,
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  • 197 14 Drank From Fatal Cup, A dimunitive black clothed figure sat on a bench in the Coroner’s Court and gave evidence. He was eight-year-old Ong Mah Chee and described what happened to his mother Tan Ah Kow when the inquiry into hei death from caustic soda
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  • 188 14 (From Our Own Correspondent* Ipoh. Feb. 12. In recognition of the keen interest the Hon. Mr. G. E. Cator. British Resident of Perak has taken in the Perak Battalion of the F.M.S.V.F.. officers of the Volunteers entertained Mr. Cator to a farewell dinner at the
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  • 2787 15 A Guthrie Success Klang Planters’ Idea Another Lowland Property— In Selangor. By Our Planting Correspondent. AST month I recorded some facts concerning a small tea enterpi ix- in Perak, that had successfully brought 50 acres to the producing stage on what might be termed Cottage Industry
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  • 545 16 Hope For Aviations Future. THE plight of Chinese smallholders in British North Borneo who arc suffering from the incidence of rubber restriction on the territory was described by Mr. D. J. Jardine, C.M.G., the Governor, in nn exclusive interview with the Straits Times in Singapore.
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  • 100 16 Four Malayan Towns Affected. 'From Our Own Correspondent t Ipoh, Feb. 13. rpHE fitters and other workmen in Chinese foundries in Ipoh who downed tools last iceek were still out yesterday. The employers offered slightly better terms to induce the men to return to work but the
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  • 154 16 “Crooked Mouth” Khinjt Murder. THREE Singapore men sentenced to death for murder have been given leave to appeal. They are the three Hengwha Chinese Ong Choon Kheng. Tay Ah Tonand Goh Ah Pey, who at the January Assizes were sentenced to death by Mr. Justice a’Beckett
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  • 103 16 Eames—Van der Straaten. The wedding of Mr. Frederick Rob< r: Benn Eames. of Southampton, Hamp shire, and Miss Wilhelmina van der Straaten, daughter of Mr. and Mrs P E. van der Straaten, of Kuala Lumpin', took place at St. Malay Church. KuaL. Lumpur. The Rev. J.
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  • 692 17 TATHAM-MURISON WEDDING. (•roup taken at the wedding of Mr. (i. E. Tatliam and Miss Diana Murison in Singapore on Saturday. Left to right: Hon. Mr. Justice N. 11. I*. Whitley, Lady Murison, Miss Joy Lo'sdale, the bride, the bridegroom, Mr. I). 11. Palmer (best ma
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    • 1832 21 Value Of Reichmarks In Foreign Countries— Import Prohibited—Another Plea For A Department Of Trade—New Rules For Exports To China. By Our Commercial Correspondent. npo be in possession of a nice, fat roll of banknotes does not appear j b t the worst that can
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  • 151 21 Director Of .Many Rubber Companies. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Feb. 12. The death occurred yesterday of the Hon. Everard Feildim,, once a prominent personality v. Malayan rubber circles. Mr. Feilding lirst visited the F.MS. in 1896 with Mr. M. S. Parry and Captain
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  • 91 22 Mr. Teo Kim Seng, a well-known Singapore business man, died in Singapore at his residence In Neil Roaa on Friday. Mr. Teo was managing director o: Messrs Gaw Brothers. Ltd., general merchants, with whom he was associated since the start of the Arm in
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  • 1614 22 The Federal Secretary —A Council Problem Flight Over K. L. —Seremban Branch Of Flying Club —Ho w To Popularise Planting—Golf Course Views (From Our Own Correspondent.) j Kuala Lumpur, Feb. 13. •J*HE Federal Secretaryship falls to Mr. Ahearne, which ends speculation on one point; when he
    1,614 words

  • 897 23 Perak Council Without Information. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, Feb. 11. a t the meeting of the Perak State Council held today, the Hon. Mr. Seenivasagam referred to the reply given to his request at the last meeting that the State Council should be
    897 words
  • 196 23 M i l Is —B radfi eld. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Feb. 2. MR. Christopher Mills, of Kuala Lumpur, was married in St. Mark’s Church, North Audiey Street, yesterday to Miss Patricia Bradfield, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Brad- field, of Muswell Hill, London.
    196 words
  • 245 23 Mission To Orient. |£MPI1ASIS on the fact that despite the White Australia policy, special provision has been made in the immigration laws for Asiatics to enter Australia for education, was laid by Dr. A. C. V. Melbourne, of the Queensland University, when interviewed at Raffles Hotel.
    245 words
  • 75 23 H.M.S. Kent, flying the flag of H.E. the Commander-in-Chief, China Station, Vice-Admiral Sir C. J. C. Little. K.C.8., left Manila on Feb. 9 bound for the Borneo coast and Singapore. The Kent will proceed to the Naval Base on arrival at Singapore on Feb. 21 and
    75 words
  • 41 23 Work has started on the erection of the Memorial Clock Tower at Sungei Patani which Towkay Lim Lean Teng. the well-known local millionaire, Is presenting to the town in commemoration of the Silver Jubilee of the reign of King George V.
    41 words
  • 173 23 Plant Assembled At Singapore. MALAYS’ SKILL. IN an effort to establish a gemcutting industry at Singapore, Mr. Prosper Ralston, who arrived from Australia recently with opals that he valued at £50,000, has assembled a complete cutting and polishing plant at premises in Waterloo Street. Mr. Ralston said that
    173 words
  • 66 23 District Court Martial. At a District Court Martial held in Singapore. Gunner John William Lorkin. of the 9th Heavy Brigade, Royal Artillery, was found guilty on a charge of committing a civil offence— common assault—ajid was sentenced to undergo detention for 28 days. The finding and
    66 words
  • 98 23 After being oil the Singapore—Java —Australia run for four months, the KP.M, twin screw vessel Niruw Zeeland rejoined her sister ship the Nieuw Holland on the service when she sailed from Singapore for Australian ports on Feb. 18 The vessel has been home to Holland to be
    98 words

  • 226 24 Sin Chew Jit Poh. Japan’s Hardening Attitude. Shanghai, Feb. 13. IT is reliably reported that the Japanese Government may abandon its present conciliatory attitude towards China in favour of a stronger policy. Mr. Arita, the new Ambassador, is said to have joined forces with the military
    Sin Chew Jit Poh.  -  226 words
  • 224 24 Reuter Heavy Fighting In Abyssinia. Addis Ababa. Feb. 12. The Abyssinians, after a sharp fight, i have succeeded ir« iriving the Italians from Curati, many miles to the south east of Sasa Baneh, according to an official message from Harar. It is re-! ported that there were
    Reuter  -  224 words
  • 519 24 Reuter. FOILED BY CHINESE. Prosecution View In London Trial. London, Feb. 11. A distinguished array of counsel was present when the trial opened at the Old Bailey today of Bishirgian, lloweson, and Hardy. The accused pleaded not guilty. Bishirgian is charged with having, on Sept.
    Reuter.  -  519 words
  • 71 24 ,—Reuter. British Government’s Declaration. London, Feb. 12. In the House of Commons, replying to Sir Henry Page Croft (Con.) and Mr. Geoffrey Le M. Mander (Lib.), Mr. J. H. Thomas, Secretary of State for the Colonies, announced that the Government was not considering handing over
    ,—Reuter.  -  71 words
  • 290 24 —British Radio London, Feb. 11. The plan for the settling of Assyrians in the Ghab district in Syria was the subject of a debate in the House of Lords this afternoon initiated by the Archbishop of Canterbury. He pointed out that when contributions already
    —British Radio  -  290 words
  • 142 24 Ross And Cromarty Result. LIBERAL AT FOOT OF POLL. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Feb. 11. The Dominion Secretary, Mr Malcolm MacDonald, who failed to secure his return to Parliament in the General Election when he was defeated as National Labour candidate at Bassetlaw. was today elected
    142 words
  • 88 24 .—Reuter. NAVY AND R.A.F. CO-OPERATE. London, Feb. 11. Speaking in the defence debate in the House of Lords today, Lord Monsell said the Navy and Ait Force had lately participated in numerous large-scale experiments ir connection with capital ships with a view to enabling adequate preparations
    .—Reuter.  -  88 words
  • 55 24 Sin Chew Jit Poh. Sails For Hong Kong From Shanghai. Shanghai, Feb. 13. Sir Frederick Leith-Ross, economic adviser to the British Government, sailed for Hong Kong from Shanghai yesterday. He has completed an exhaustive economic and financial survey in China and is expected shortly to proceed to
    Sin Chew Jit Poh.  -  55 words

  • 353 25 —Reuter. “Losses In Neighbourhood Of £1,000,000” London, Feb. 12. Losses in the neighbourhood of £1.000,000 were mentioned at the Old Bailey today when a chartered accountant, Mr. Duncan McKellar, gave evidence for the prosecution in the pepper case. The accused are Bishirgian, Howeson, and Hardy.
    —Reuter.  -  353 words
  • 35 25 Reuter. London, Feb. 11. A resolution in the House of Commons for the continuance in 1936 of the £2.000,000 subsidy for British tramp shipping was carried today by 205 votes to 134.
    Reuter.  -  35 words
  • 56 25 —Reuter. Colonel Frank Fox Is Nominated. Boston, Feb. 12. p 1^ca 80 publisher, Colonel Frank ls standing as Republican can'"('atc .for .the Presidency. Im f),n [Hation papers have been filled P on his behalf at Springfield, Illinois, i, P lacin K his name on the ballot
    —Reuter.  -  56 words
  • 148 25 British Wireless. TO RIDE AT HEAD OF HIS TROOPS. London, Feb. 14. The ceremony of the Trooping of the Colour will take place on King Edward’s birthday, June 23. The ceremony will take place as usual on Horse Guards Parade, and the King will then, for the
    British Wireless.  -  148 words
  • 44 25 .—Sin Chew Jit Poh. Peiping, Feb. 17. The German Trade Mission arrived in Peiping from Nanking yesterday. The members will be entertained at a reception today given by General Sung Che-yuan, head rf the Hopei-Chahar Council.—Sin Chew Jit Poh.
    .—Sin Chew Jit Poh.  -  44 words
  • 389 25 —British Wireless. Described As "A Wonderful Thing. London, Feb. 14. In the House of Commons this afternoon the President of Board of Education, Mr. Oliver Stanley, moved the second reading of the Education Bill the principal object of which is raising of the schoolleaving age
    —British Wireless.  -  389 words
  • 61 25 —Reuter. Shanghai. Feb. 13. Inaugurating a weekly f ino-French air mail service, an airliner of the China National Aviation Corporation left here this morning for Hanoi. Indo- China. There the mail will be transferred to Air France to be delivered in Paris on Feb. 24.
    .—Reuter.  -  61 words
  • 48 25 —Reuter. Berlin, Feb. 17. The verdict of experts on synthetic rubber to which Herr Hitler referred enthusiastically at the opening of the motor exhibition on Feb. 15 is that the product is good but five times more expensive than the natural, raw material.—Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  48 words
  • 163 25 .—Reuter. London, Feb. 13. In consequence of French objections to German participation. It is practically certain neither Russia nor Germany will be invited to assist in the final deliberations of the Naval Conference. Britain, however, is reluctant to sign a treaty that excludes Germany and will propose
    .—Reuter.  -  163 words
  • 350 25 culty and at greater expense.—British Wireless and Reuter. Geneva, Feb. 13. In the event ot all the League members employing an oil embargo, it would be effective if the United States limits its exports to Italy to the normal, is
    culty and at greater expense.—British Wireless and Reuter. !  -  350 words

  • 375 26 Pkpper Trial. —Reuter. Pool Disclosure By Accountant. DISTURBING ELEMENT IN MARKET. London. Feb. 111. At tlu* resumed hearing of the pepper trial at the Old Hailey today, an expert stated that the tact that black pepper could be converted into white pepper played an important part in
    —Reuter.  -  375 words
  • 75 26 —Reuter. 30 Passengers Presumed Safe. Madrid, Feb. 14. The air liner mystery has been cleared 4 U P by the German airline, the Lufthansa, which reports that one of their machines asked for help but has now reached the Azores. According to a previous message rom
    —Reuter.  -  75 words
  • 356 26 Sin Chew Jit Poh. Prepared To Resist Any Attempt At Invasion. Shanghai, Feb. 14. Coincident with the renewed Russo-Japanese tension arising from the increasing number of clashes on the Manchu-kuo-Siberian and Manchukuo-Outer Mongolian frontier during the past few days, comes the rejection by the Soviet of
    Sin Chew Jit Poh.  -  356 words
  • 338 26 .—Reuter. Tientsin, Feb. 15. THE invasion of Outer Mongolia by Japanese and Manchukuo armies has begun, according to the semi-official Soviet news-agency Tass. Tasa adds that the offensive was launched on Thursday, and that fighting: is under way. Since Feb. 1 strong Japanese and Manchu iorces
    .—Reuter.  -  338 words
  • 68 26 Wireless nomcK Kenyon.—British London. Feb. 15. The King has approved the appointment of Lieutenant Leonard Charles Hill, Master of the Royal Researcn ship Discovery, to be an officer of Civil Division of the Order of the British Empire in recognition of his services in connection with
    Wireless nomcK Kenyon.—British  -  68 words
  • 176 26 —British Radio ANGLO-EGYPTIAN TALKS. London, Feb. 14. With the exchange of notes last night between Ali Maher Pasha, the Premier, and Sir Miles Lampson, the High Commissioner, the way is being prepared for the opening ot the Anglo-Egyptian conversations. In the course of Sir Miles’ reply
    —British Radio  -  176 words
  • 45 26 —Reuter. Washington. Feb. 15. A German-American agreement has been signed whereby the two Governments will grant reciprocal facilities for a projected trans-Atlantic air line between Germany and the United States. The agreement is similar to that recently concluded with Imperial Airways.—Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  45 words
  • 95 26 —Reuter. Serious Situation In Venezuela. Caracas, <Ven.>. Feb 15 Six were killed and many were wounded in disturbances yesterday following the declaration of a generai strike as a protest against a decree establishing a Press censorship. The city throughout the day was controlled by a mob
    —Reuter.  -  95 words
  • 92 26 —Sin Chew Jit Poh. Government Campaign To Be Intensified. Nanking, Feb. 15. The Communist influence is expanding in northern Shensi, it is learned from official circles in Nanking. General Chang Hsueh-liang, who i> in charge of the anti-Red campaign in the North-West, paid a visit
    —Sin Chew Jit Poh.  -  92 words

  • 418 27 fteuter Fiery Outburst In U. S. Senate. Washington, Feb. 10. Addressing the senate today Senator Pittman, chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee, castiated Japanese policy in the Far Fast and declared that Japan intends to close the door of China against America, even if war
    fteuter  -  418 words
  • 50 27 -Reuter. Washington. Feb. 11. n r or dell Hull, in an interview, ’vith o Wed res P° n sibility in connection t i,? ator Pittman’s speech, declarer’ !‘i u there had been no consultation o. n Jllab °ration between himself and nator Pittman about tt-Reuter.
    -Reuter.  -  50 words
  • 113 27 Significance Of New Japanese Demands. Tientsin, Feb. 11. 1 he Japanese military authorities in North China are reported to have demanded the inclusion of the districts of Changping, Yenching and Cheeheng into the area controlled by the East Hopei Autonomous Government. If this demand is
    113 words
  • 52 27 The King has approved the appointment of Commander the Hon. Archibald Douglas Cochrane to succeed Sir Hugh Stephenson ns Governor of Burma. Commander Cochrane retired from the Royal Navy in 1922. His appointment will make necessary a by-election in Dumbartonshire which he has represented in Parliament
    52 words
  • 81 27 —Reuter. SIR C. BONHAMCARTER. London, Feb. 17. It is announced today that Sir Charles Bonham-Carter has been appointed Governor and Com-mander-in-Chief of Malta in succession to Gen. Sir David Campbell, who has been permitted to relinquish has post for reasons of health. —Reuter. Sir Charles has
    —Reuter.  -  81 words
  • 139 27 Night Attacks Demoralise Italian Troops the northern mountains.—Reuter Wireless. Dessic. Feb. 7. The night terror of the war in Tembien area is vividly described by a neutral observer recently returned from the northern front. He says that following the recent big victory the Abyssinians occupy a dominating position and the
    the northern mountains.—Reuter Wireless.  -  139 words
  • 213 27 —Reuter. WAR RUMOURS IN JAPAN. Shanghai, Feb. 10. Rumours regarding the immin- ont outbreak of hostilities between the Soviet and Japan persist in Tokio and Harbin. j It is rumoured in Japan that Britain and the United States have decided to take joint action to prevent
    —Reuter.  -  213 words
  • 98 27 ;.—Reuter. London, Feb. 10 The Conference of British Missionary Societies, which is a standing body in London watching over all missionary interests, in a letter to the presL voices an urgent appeal for contributions for relief of the China flood areas. The letter emphasises
    ;.—Reuter.  -  98 words
  • 65 27 —Reuter. £750,000 Worth Of Films Saved From Flames. The damage in the big fire at Elstree is officially estimated at £450,000 but films worth .£750,000 were saved and the interruption of work is expected to be very brief.—Reuter. A British Radio message adds that the most
    .—Reuter.  -  65 words
  • 108 27 —Reuter. Currency Frauds Ip Italy. Genoa, Keb. 11. PINES ranging, from 3,440,000 lire to 10,000 lire have been imposed as a result of the discovery of the biggest currency trafficking organisation hitherto brought to light in Italy. The chief persons involved are certain pursers and officers
    .—Reuter.  -  108 words
  • 37 27 —Reuter. Johannesburg, Feb. 10. The south-bound Imperial Airways liner Artemis crashed on leaving Petersburg today. The two pilots, Heckman and Captain Stafford, sustained broken legs. AH the passengers escaped with bruises.—Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  37 words
  • 210 27 —Reuter Proposed Diversion Of Customs Revenues. London, Feb 10. In the House of Commons, Mr. A. C. Moreing (Un.. Preston) inquired what steps were being taken on behalf of the Tientsin-Pukow Railway bondholders in view of the railway’s profits of over $500 000 a month.
    —Reuter  -  210 words
  • 47 27 S»r Chew Jit Poh. Shanghai, Feb. 11. The third wharf at Tsingtao, Shantung, construction ol which has taken three years at a cost of $4,000,000, was formally opened yesterday. Admiral Shen Hung-lleh, the mayor, officiated at the ceremony.- S»n Chew Jit Poh.
    – S»r Chew Jit Poh.  -  47 words

  • 569 28 British Wireless. Ministry Of Defence Should Be Set Up. APPEAL IN COMMONS TO GOVERNMENT. London, Feb. 14. onsiderable interest was aroused today by the second reading debate in the House of Commons on a piivate member’s bill designed to subordinate the three fighting sei vices to
    British Wireless.  -  569 words
  • 443 28 —Reuter. 5,000 Abyssinians Killed In Big Action. Rome, Feb. 17. Italian troops on the Eritrean front began an offensive on Feb. 11. They have been engaged in a big battle southward of Makale since dawn of Feb. 15, states an official communique. [This battle has now
    .—Reuter.  -  443 words
  • 122 28 British Wireless. GREAT DISLOCATION OF TRAFFIC. London, Feb. 16. The severe cold of the last few days has given way to milder weather. Fog descended on London this morning and by mid-day was thick over a wide area. There was great dislocation of traffic, and home-going crowds
    British Wireless.  -  122 words
  • 139 28 Dessie, Feb. 16. The British Red Cross ambulance camp narrowly escaped damage in an Italian air raid yesterday A single Italian war plane flew over the open village of Waldla, on the northern front, the centre or which was recently subjected to bombing activities and
    139 words
  • 232 28 —Sin Chew Jit Poh. Martial Law At Vladivostok. Shanghai, Feb. 17. order to be prepared for general mobilisation has been issued to the Soviet Far Eastern Army by the Soviet headquarters at Chita, strategic town on the Trans-Siberian Railway. This action follows reports of growing
    —Sin Chew Jit Poh.  -  232 words
  • 55 28 —Reuter. London, Feb. 17. Following the cases of attempted sabotage in the battleship Royal Oak and in the Submarine Oberon at Devonport last December, the Admiralty today stated that a case of sabotage had occurred in the British cruiser Cumberland at present being refitted at Chatham.
    .—Reuter.  -  55 words
  • 47 28 Sin Chew Jit Poh Nanking, Feb. 17 At a meeting of the Anti-Opium anc: Emigration Councils of the Foreign Ministry, It was resolved to appeal t r various foreign governments to hoi; n preventing Chines? labourers fron smoking opium.—Sin Chew Jit Poh
    — Sin Chew Jit Poh  -  47 words

  • 949 31 Mountain Stream's Successful Run In New Colours. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, Feb. 15. "THE third and last day of the Perak Turf Club February 1 meeting was the Club*s best meeting for many years. There was almost a record attendance and the tote
    949 words
  • 42 31 —Router. Rotorua Feb. 15. In a one-day cricket match the MCC. beat Bay of Plenty by nine wickets, but play continued and the scores were: Bay of Plenty 99 (Sims 5 for 2G>: M.C.C. 291 for six (Human 107).—Reuter.
    —Router.  -  42 words
  • 329 31 Kathleen Registers Good Win In Light Wind. III won the first race of a series for the Dodo Challenge Cup at the Royal Singapore Yacht Club on Sunday. The wind was light and variable and the sea smooth. Paddy was first in the B class event
    329 words
  • 557 31 NEWCASTLE ARSENAL SHARE SIX GOALS. Derby Just Scrape Through. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Feb. 16. NEWCASTLE’S ground advantage did not help them to qualify for the sixth round of the F.A. Cup competition when they clashed with Arsenal and the Gunners should be able to clinch the Issue in
    557 words

  • 598 32  - THE CLUB VERANDAH Taiping School’s Proud Rugby Record The L. B. W. Deadlock Promising Player For Penang Conducted by •LEIGHTON. •TTHE North and South match m Saturday certainly provided a tit ting finale to an extremely interesting rugger season. In spite of the weeks that elapsed between the last game
    598 words
  • 108 32 Unanimous Decision To Use New L.B.W. Rule. A mooting of all cricket clubs in Singapore was held at the S.C.C, on Monday for the purpose of arranging fixtures. Before this business was attended to the meeting was asked to show whether they favoured the new Ibw rule or
    108 words
  • 57 32 Frankie Weber announced on Tuesday that he is giving up boxing and that he will not appear in any further fights. In an interview he explained that his heart has never been in the game since the Thunderface affair and that he has now decided
    57 words
  • 235 32 Smaller Bullseye Means Lower Scores. 'From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Feb. 14. The 1936 activities of the Kuala Lumpur Rifle Club are now in full swing. Practices are being held at 7 30 each Sunday morning, and arter breakfast members practise with the revolver. On the last
    235 words
  • 278 32 Mrs S.N. Kelly And Mrs H. B. Sym Win. 'T’HE S.G C. women’s foursomes competition was played at Bukit Timah last Wednesday and resulted in a win for Mrs. S.N. Kelly and Mrs. H. B. Sym with a net score of 75. The following tards were returned.
    278 words
  • 104 32 <From Our Own Correspondent') Kuala Lumpur. Feb. 10. The draw for the first round of the Selangor Golf Club championship, to be played on or before next Saturday, is as follows: Maling vs. Spower*. Mavor vs. Borneman. Elkins vs. Davidson. Scoular vs. Hutton. The second round
    104 words
  • 72 32 Thirty cards were taken out for the Keppel G.C. February Medal (Stroke) and the following were the three best scores returnd F. Bedford 84—16=68 net W. Jones 83—13=70 J. E. Fforde 91—20=71 Ball sweeps were won on Saturday by J. E. Fforde (first nine) 46—10=36 and by
    72 words
  • 31 32 (From Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh, Feb. 13. Battling Guillermo was beaten on points here last night by Nai Boon Mah after a very lively scrap over ten three-minute roundj.
    31 words
  • 282 32 R. A. Ahworth Shines With Bat Ball. From Our Own Correspondent Kuala Lumpur, Feb. lb. THE Selangor Club opened their cricket season with a home and home fixture on the padang today when Mr. White’s XI defeated Mr. Foster’s side by 10 runs. Features of
    282 words
  • 100 32 A golf match between fully representative sides from Malacca Golf Club and Jasin Club was played last Sunday, over the Jasin course. The match resulted in a tie each side scoring two points. The scores, Jasin players mentioned first were as follows: Porter J. A. St. C.
    100 words
  • 44 32 From Our pwn Correspondent^ Kuala Lumpur, Feb. 17 In the Selangor O.C. championship today, first round results were: Maling beat Spowers 4 and 2. Mavor beat Borneman 5 and 4. Elkins beat Davidson 4 and 3. Scoular beat Hutton 4 and 3.
    44 words

    • 404 1 Trade Commissioner On Growing Market. iUR C. E. Critchley, the Australian Trade Commissioner in Batavia, who has been visiting Singapore to study market prospects, sees great possibilities for increased trade’ between Malaya and Australia. Mr. Critchley said that Australia, which now had its own motor
      404 words
    • 111 1 —Reuter RUBBER BECOMES FIRMER. London, Feb. 12. The feature of today’s rubber dealings in Mining Lane has been the steady flow of buying orders from New York despite a holiday in the United States. This demand coupled by buying by the home trade and the Continent
      ,—Reuter  -  111 words
    • 108 1 Tne following information has been received from the Chief of the Central Bureau oi Statistics. Batavia. Production on estates converted to long tons of 2.240 lb. drv weight. Total December Territory 1934. 1935. java 77.429 3.181 Outer Provinces 104,695 5.8-4 Netherlands Tndies 182,124 9,005 Notes-—1. This
      108 words
    • 517 1 A CRITIC IN THE ASSEMBLY. At an extraordinary session of the Siamese Assembly at Bangkok early this month there was criticism of the method in which the Government had converted the six per cent. Loan on the London market. Phra Binich Dhanakorn of Cheng mai expressed surprise
      517 words
    • 116 1 GERMANY MORE SOVIET TRADE. —Reuter. OFFER ON A NEW CREDIT PLAN. Berlin, Feb. 17. Germany is seeking to grant substantial new credits to Russia in the hope of securing orders from the Soviet. Credit of 200 million marks was granted to the Soviet last for purchases from Germany and this
      —Reuter.  -  116 words
    • 97 1 The following outputs are for January, and figures In brackets denote the corresponding period of last year. Brunei.—(38,500 lb.), 30,912 lb. Buklt Tlmah. (10,294 lb.), 11,166 lb. Changkat.—(30,000 lb.). 25,996 lb. Haytor.—(14,521) 11,000 lb. Indraglrl.—(89,601 lb.), 53,237 lb. Lunas. (39,500 lb.), 32.820 lb. Nyalas.—(34.200 lb.). 30.750 lb. Tapali.—(60,696
      97 words
    • 98 1 During the week ending Feb. 8, 1936, exports from Malayan ports amounted to 51,121 cases, of which: 43,394 (85 per cent) cases were to the United Kingdom, 5,639 (11 per cent) cases to the Continent of Europe. 515 (1 per cent) cases to Canada, and i,573
      98 words
    • 50 1 HARRISONS CROSFIELD GROUP. Crop figures for the month of Jan ;a y. 1936. Rubber. Ankola.—Nil. Estate Baloe Kidoel C 0.—54 682.1 kgs DJasinga.—49.l3o.4 kgs. TJikasintoe—l9,774 kgs. Langer.—3s.l42 kgs. Donowarle. —15,500 kgs Tea. Ank01a.—70,139 hk# Pasir Madang.—42,9s9 hks Coffee. Estates Bajoe Kidoel Co. —230 pels. Cttronella Oil. Estates Baloe Kidoel Co.—Nil.
      50 words
    • 118 2 —Reuter. Rubber Dealers Elated. London, Feb. 13. MINCING Lane is elated at shipments of rubber to New York. It is rumoured that at least 2,000 tons have been engaged for shipment at the shortest notice, while some quarters place the total at nearer 0,000 and suggest
      —Reuter.  -  118 words
    • 203 2 Malayan Fears Proved Groundless. In the East, writes Mr. J. Guthrie Oliver in the Crown Colonist, there were many who felt that the application of the textile quota system in Malaya would be detrimental to the “entrepot” trade. So far these fears appear to have been groundless,
      203 words
    • 150 2 1264th Auction, February 12, 1936. lbs. tons Catalogued 822,489 367.18 Offered 782,067 349.14 Sold 765.094 341.56 Spot London 7 4d. New York 15% cts. PRICES REALISED. Ribbed Smoked Sheet. Cents per lb. Standard Quality 25‘A to 25% (1 lot 25%) Good Average Quality 25 to
      150 words
    • 20 2 Stone Tin (F.M S.) output for the month was 6 .2? t>cl*-i yardage worked 126.700, hrs. run 572.
      20 words
    • 182 2 —Reuter. Appreciation Of Tin Prices. London, Feb. 11. The further appreciation in tin prices today as a result of the continuance of the periodical squeeze in the cash position is causing Metal Exchange operators some disquietude in view of past hopes that United Kingdom stocks by
      —Reuter.  -  182 words
    • 169 2 Reuter. Should Find Freer Market Overseas. London Feb. 12. British recovery may be more vigorously assisted in the present year by the growing revival in international trade, says J. Henry Schroder’s Quarterly Review. This points out that Britain is by no means the only country to be
      Reuter.  -  169 words
    • 85 2 Capital Reconstruction Approved. <From Our Own Correspondent) London, Feb. 12. Kimanis Rubber capital reconstruction by a reduction from £200.000 to £122.000 by the cancellation of ten shillings of each 156,000 issued one pound shares and the subdivision of the remaining capital into two shilling shares and the creation
      85 words
    • 21 2 Renong Tin Dredging Interim dividend ol five per cent, in respect of this financial year, payable on Feb. 25
      21 words
    • 211 2 CURRENT YEAR’S CROP PROSPECTS. The annual report of one of the leading Dutch pepper merchants contains valuable information regarding the pepper situation. The London pool, the report states, during 1935 liquidated about 7.000 tons of its enormous holdings, which reached their peak in January. 1935 At
      211 words
    • 228 2 Raised To New High Level Of 32 Guilders. (From Our Own Correspondent) Batavia. Feb. 12. From tomorrow the export duty on Netherlands Indies native rubber will be 32 guilders per 100 kilograms dry. —Aneta copyright. The recently issued twenty-fourth official report of the Netherlands
      228 words
    • 34 2 Ayer Kuning.—74,500 lb. Badek (Staff ield Estate).—25.000 lb Bradwall.—40,000 lb. Chersonese.—68,000 lb. Dennlstown (Dennistown Est.) —33 000 lb High Low.—116,000 lb. Klabang.—108,300 lb. Krian.—64,100 lb. Sungei Krian.—117,000 lb Sungel Way —53,600 lb.
      34 words
    • 571 2 HEAVY REDUCTION IN STOCKS. Stanton Nelson Co., Ltd. in their report dated February 14 state: ah markets have shown continued activity this week and prices have everywhere made a considerable advance. The principal demand is still by the trade for physical rubber in the nearby positions,
      571 words
    • 22 2 the Nanking Finance Ministry— Sin Chew Jit Poh. The $340,000,000 reconstruction will fear 6 per cent, interest, announces the Nanking Finance Ministry—S:n
      the Nanking Finance Ministry—*Sin Chew Jit Poh.  -  22 words
    • 63 3 .—Straits Times Cable. higher consumption IN JANUARY. (From Our Own Correspondent.* London, Feb. 17. Tlu* U.S. rubber questionnaire statists for January, 1936. are compared b»*iow with those tor December. 1935, and January, 1935. (all tons). Arrivals 31,292, 34,5496, 42,059 Consumption 48,506, 42,942, 47,103. Stocks 276,372, 295,438, 346,084. Afloat
      .—Straits Times Cable.  -  63 words
    • 388 3 Sew High Record For War Loan. London. Feb. 18. The tone of the stock markets was <r 0 od. Internationals were firm, and German and French bonds were steady. British funds were harder. War Loan after being 106 13/16 closing at a new high level of 107. There
      388 words
    • 890 3 FRASER CO.’S SHARE REPORT. Welcome Revival Of Interest In Rubbers. Nothing ol starTing importance has occurred during the past few days to influence the trend of markets either locally or at home, (write Messrs. Fraser and Co. in their report dated Feb. 18) and with trading conditions practically unchanged, our
      890 words
    • 203 3 Singapore, February 19, 12 noon. Buyer. Seller Gambler 6.00 Java Cube 9.25 Hamburg 10.75 White Muntok Pepper 17.25 Black Pepper 9.00 Fair Flake Tapioca 4.20 Med Pearl Tapioca 5.10 Small Pearl Tapioca 5.20 Lingga Sago Flour 26 2*/ 2 Palembang Jelotong 8.00 Banja Jelotong 7.50 Sarawak Sago Flour 24
      203 words
    • 6 3 Output for Jan.—10,354 lb.
      6 words
    • 111 3 Market Waiting: In Britain. (From Our Own Correspondent) London Feb. 4 That a market awaits charcoal manufactured from British North Borneo cocoanut-shells is disclosed la the annual report of the Imperial Institute, published tills morning. Samples of the charcoal were submitted to the Mineral Research D*partment of
      111 words
    • 112 3 —Reuter. Tin Prices Weaken. London, Feb. 18. After yesterday’s firmness, tin developed appreciable weakness today at the latest advices from Holland appear to indicate that Dutch producers are unlikely to favour a cut in the production quota at the coming meeting. On the other
      —Reuter.  -  112 words
    • 53 3 —Straits Times cable. Offer To Existing Shareholders. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Feb. 17. Trolak Estates have completed arrangements for the acquisition of Sungei Bil and are now offering shareholders 61,010 2s. shares at par. The issued capital is now .€58.999 out of which £14.000 represents payments to
      —Straits Times cable.  -  53 words
    • 35 3 Exports of dry rubber uncorrected figures from Malaya, Brunei and Labuan for the month of January, 1936 were Mainland 31,537 tons, Straits Settlements islands 217 tons. Brunei 118 tons. Labuan 12 tons.
      35 words
    • 15 3 Indragiri Rubber output for the month of January 1930 amounted t* 84,638 lb.
      15 words
    • 23 3 The Ranb Australian Gold Mining Company. Limited, have declared a third interim dividend of 4d. per share, payable on March 14.
      23 words
    • 39 3 cent, bonus, payable March 11.— Straits Times Cable. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Feb. 14. Rawang Tin is paying an Interim dividend of 2 l 2 per cent, plus 2Vi per cent, bonus, payable March 11.— Straits
      cent, bonus, payable March 11.—Straits Times Cable.  -  39 words
    • 34 3 Output of Malaka Pin da Rubber Estate* for the month of Jan., 1936 amounts to 40,1*0 lb. making a total of 201,200 lb. for tft» five months of the current financial year.
      34 words
    • 53 3 Spot Peb. March Apr.-June July-Sept, F°b* 13 25% 26 26% 26% 26% 7% I 4 25% 26% 26% 26% 26% 7% 17 28% 26% 26% 26% 27% 7 7/U 18 26 26% 26% 26% 27 7 7/16 19 25 11/16 25% 26 1/16 26 5/16 26
      53 words
    • 646 4 London Exchange Prices On Feb. 10. Allag*r (2/) 1/9 1 Alor Pongsu (2/) 2/5]4; Anglo-Malay (£1» 15/3; Ayer Kunlng (£1) :<3/«; Bagan Serai <£1» 16 3; Bahru (Bel.) 2D 3/3H; Banteng (£1) 22/6; Batang (2/) 1/2: Batu Caves (£1) 23/; Batu T1«a (£1) 30/; Bekoh (2/) 1/ltt; Bertam
      646 words
    • 168 4 London Exchange Prices On Feb. 9. Ampat <4 5 6; Anglo-Burma 1 5/) 14/9; Ayer Hitam <5/) 15/; Bangrin (£1) 17 9; Gopeng Cons. <£1) l 29/32; Hongkong (5/) 14 Idris (5 5/7Mt: Ipoh <16 31/3; Kampong Lanjut <£1) 18/; Kamunting (5/) 12 3; Kepong (£1) 13/; Kinta
      168 words
    • 21 4 Ftb. 13 Tin, 8‘pore Price $102 per picul »4 iorv, 17 102 37 4 18 102.25 19 101.75
      21 words
    • 23 4 Output of Ayer Wen# .or the month of Jan 1936 was 181 pels Total for 4 months 539 pels, of tin.
      23 words
    • 1501 4 —w w Issued by Fraser and Co. and Lyal) and Evatt Exchange and Stock Brokers. Singapore, February 19, 10 a.m. MINING. Issue Val. Fraser Co. Lyall Evatt issue Val. Fraser Co. Lyall Ev a t t Buyers Sellers Buyers Sellers Buyers Sellers Euyers Sellers 4/- Ampat Tin
      1,501 words