The Straits Budget, 6 February 1936

Total Pages: 36
1 4 The Straits Budget
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  • 852 1 TEAVY leather flying suits, fur-. lined caps and thick woollen underwear, which have never been .seen in Singapore previously, are being loaded on to H.M.S. Cornwall, the 10.000-ton cruiser, which leaves its 1 anchorage in roads tor Hong Kong, on Saturday. The warm clothes will be
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  • 46 1 Hint Fdward VIII with his brothers, the Duke of York, the Duke of Giouccster, and the Duke of Kent with other mourners following the cortege at Horse Duards Parade.—Copyright by Sport and General. —Copyright by Sport and (leneral.
    —Copyright by Sport and (leneral.  -  46 words

  • The Straits Budget
    • 739 2 —Straits Times, Jan. 30. Laymen are taking more interest in malaria statistics than ever before. The Ceylon epidemic has given all other tropical countries a thorough scare, and in Malaya the recent warnings of a probable upward trend in the malaria cycle have not passed unheeded, while the
      —Straits Times, Jan. 30.  -  739 words
    • 300 2 the ravell’d sleave of care.”—Straits Times, Jan. 30. Rules of life were all very well in an age that scorned individualism and aspired to the utopian “greatest good for the greatest number.” but psychology has emphasised the eqo in man and would apply a specialised treat- j ment
      the ravell’d sleave of care.”—Straits Times, Jan. 30.  -  300 words
    • 913 2 will soon be heard.—Straits Times, Jan. 31. Henceforth it is going to be extremely difficult for any man in the Straits Settlements to marry a modern-minded Chinese or Indian girl except under a clear-cut and legally binding pledge of monogamy,. To a girl of that type
      will soon be heard.—Straits Times, Jan. 31. ,  -  913 words
    • 775 3 —Straits Times, Feb. 1. Although Japanese political propagandists persist in silly fictions regarding the independence ci Manchukuo, their folly is not •hared by the economists. Official and semi-official analyses of trade between Japan and the territory that was formerly Manchuria refer freely to the Japan-Manchukuo economic bloc.” It
      —Straits Times, Feb. 1.  -  775 words
    • 709 3 —Straits Times, Feb. 3. In his article published in the Straits Times on Thursday last, the Commercial Correspondent discussed a new angle of a subject that is of considerable general interest to the whole of Malaya and of vital importance to a large section ol the populace. Referring
      —Straits Times, Feb. 3.  -  709 words
    • 1062 3 —Straits Times. Feb. 4. In the summer of last year Professor Gilbert Murray, who has been Regius Professor of Greek at Oxford University since 1908, delivered the Romanes Lecture in the Sheldonian Theatre. He dealt with the changes of the last 50 years. Except on very rare
      —Straits Times. Feb. 4.  -  1,062 words
    • 725 4 and agency spheres.—Straits Time Feb. 5. First of all. is rubber planting a profession or merely an oc- i cupation While some may consider the answer to that question of importance, others will hold it to be quite immaterial so long as the planter is assured of
      and agency spheres.—Straits Time Feb. 5.  -  725 words

  • 211 4 Hodgkinson —A n ley The marriage took place at s* Andrews Cathedral. Singapore, on Monday of Mr John L. Hodgkinson M.C S.. and Miss Peggie* Worsley Russell Anley. daughter of Surgeon Capttin F E. Anley. R.N (retd and Mrs. Anley. of Alverstone. Hampshire The bridegroom, who is
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  • 41 4 Ships Not To Dress. in view of tiie death of His Late Majesty King George V, the shipping community has been requested by the Master Attendant not to dress “ships" today, the anniversary of the Settlement of Singapore
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  • 49 4 The following were elected members of the Association of British Malaya at the committee meeting last month Mr. C. E. Collinge, Mr. J. B. David and Mr. H. A. Mason, also Messrs. Hadfields. Ltd., < of Sheffield) and Messrs. Francis Shaw and Co.. Ltd., (ol Manchester).
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  • 83 4 The Acting Chief Justice, Mr. Just i Whitley, has kindly agreed that the arrangements made before the departure of Sir Walter Huggard for the wedding of Mr. G. E. Tatham and Mis* Diana Munson on Feb. 15 shall stand. The wedding will be in St. Andrew’s Cathedral and
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  • NOTES Of The DAY.
    • 232 5 kin one. whether republican or rationN aiist or anything else antipathetic t in-, things for which the service soM)d. could fail to have been deeply i oV fd in the Cathedral compound mi* Tuesday afternoon. Wry rarely does Singapore, a city ;.niost totally without historical backJound and atmosphere,
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    • 239 5 T'HK t' nal quality of the music, as heard from the loud speakers, was imperfect when the organ was approaching its full volume; there was oo much vibration. But the anthem came through beautifully, and so did h*» instrumental music for the most Part, and it was
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    • 214 5 days ago I queried the term tf British Malaya,” as used by Mr. 11 M R °bson in the title of his Mulahthliography. This term became popular alter Sir Frank Swettenham adopted it as the title of his standard work, but the only value it could then have
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    • 161 5 'JpHE Swimming Club lust Friday afternoon looked exactly like Frinton-on-Sea Why? Because there were no amahs. It was Chinese New Year, and these squawky but amiable and useful persons were taking their one and on.y holiday of the year. Consequently the mothers on the plage (Mr. Vaughan Jones
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    • 218 5 COR the first time since I invested my all in Penawats in 1929 1 felt realty cheerful about the tin situation a few days ago, when I read that article in the Sunday Times about canned beei in America. What G. K. Chesterton would say, if
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    • 140 5 *I*HE nme one <tud.*\s he banana in its varmus aspects the more fascinating it becomes. Various notes on recent researcli have appeared in this column in recent months, and now have a new fact to add—viz., that bananas are now being sold by the inen in Italy.
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    • 170 5 Dear Anak Slngapura.—You invite comments from men who know the Malayan jungles on The Times’ review of Mr. Frank Huik’s new book. I have wandered about in these jungles off and on for twenty-live years, and If it were not that it is dangerous to make any general
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    • 40 5 «JN Singapore it is easy to recognise the tourist because he is the only person there who drinks gin slings.”— American newspaper. This traveller must have been here when rubber was under twopence. We are more cheerful now.
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    • 144 5 WHEN the Royal Inniskilling Fusili- ers arrive ln Singapore tomorrow, there will be tw f o changes In their arrangements as compared with their last transfer to this station ln 1882. First of all, they will not send one company to Penang and another to Malacca, as they
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    • 157 5 “CPECIAL attention was paid to the various public houses and taverns.’ said the Straits Times of that date, “but the whole of the streets were promenaded; and great was the curiosity and consternation displayed in the Kling bazaars. China Town and similar interested quarters. where those whom
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    • 169 5 JN vlew r of the report that ah available stocks ol rhinoceros horn in London have been taken up by Chinese buyers, for manufacture in Hong Kong and re-export to Abyssinia, it U a relief to know that this animal Is no longer hunted in Malaya. It was
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    • 267 5 WRATHFUL RAJAH THINK it only fair that 1 should print the following castigation of myself Dear Anak Slngapuru, Wli} don't you stick to writing about things In general of which you have some knowledge or experience Hitherto I have been extremely interested In your “Notes of the Day” but when
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    • 189 5 YOUNG AUSTRALIA 'jpwo boys belonging to the Young Australia League party were guests in our house 'ast week, and we thoroughly enjoyed their stay they were '.try nice youngsters, full of urn and energy It is difficult. 1 suppose, for anyone wno is not a schoolmaster or otherwise comes into
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    • 198 6 pOR another reason our entertain1 m« nt of these youngsters made us think about things which are usually best lorgotten, with conditions as they arc apparently unalterable and unescapab.e— in life in the East To have a 13-year-old and a 17-year old boy in the house was to rea.’ise
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    • 157 6 fJ>HE Jambu Laut is flowering a!) over Singapore just now. Years ago this was the only tree that was plant ect along the rural roads of the island but road-widening schemes have swept many of them away. Cavanagh Hoad is one road in which they ar»still to be
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    • 168 6 reference to my note last Wednesday, It may not be generally known that the term “Malaya first became fashionable In 1878. when it was officially endorsed by the Straits branch of the Royal Asiatic Society At the inaugural meeting of the branch in that year Archdeacon Hose said: "No
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    • 215 6 EUROPEAN ORBIT jyjANY people at the Rotary dinner on j Saturday night must have been grateful for the opportunity which it gave them of taking a wider view of j Singapore than is possible in everyday) ,We Various influences nowadays arc; breaking down the locul associations of the European—shorter agreements,
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    • 229 6 J7ROM a correspondent who signs him- self Highlander I have received a mysterious note reading as follows: Can you tell me if there is any truth in the suggestion that there are redhaired Tamils at X—. and if so. whether they really do speak Malay with a Scotch
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    • 298 6 A PEEVISH woman in Tanglin has written to ask why I invariably associate amahs with squawks. She says I must have a complex about them She is quite right: Ido have a complex, although not a Freudian ore. The sad story goes back to an evening in London
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    • 179 6 OFFICE ARCHIVES 'Jf'HANKS to good work during the last five years the Straits Times now possesses the only newspaper library worthy of the name in this country and also the only full-time newspaper librarian. If John Cameron, Arnot Reid and A W. Still, outstanding editors of this newspaper in the
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    • 181 6 A GAIN, there Is a good deal of material to which reference might have been made when the history iof Malayan exploration was under discussion some weeks ago. I give a list below: Geography of the Malay Peninsula and Surrounding Countries. Edited by A. M Skinner. 1884.
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    • 195 6 TN the last issue oi The Sunday Tim > A there was an advertisement of Dal;.“the finest hill station in the Far Ea>* This is the first time that an attem has been made to interest residents Malaya in Indo-China’s hill station About 200 miles north of Saigon a;
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    • 151 6 IF WE FIGHT 'J'HERE was a passage in our London Letter. published last week, which the pro-League and ant: Italy school of thougnt in Malav would do well to ponder. Our coi respondent, reporting well-informed comment on the recent danger of v with Italy— not yet averted—wrote Our victory would
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  • 68 6 Captain GeoiTrey Freyberg. Master Attendant, S.S., who has been patient in the General HosDlta 1 Singapore, for the past week. Is shortly returning to duty, and wi’i sail for England on retirement Feb.. 19, when he rejoins Mrs. Frc v berg at their London home, 73,
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  • 36 6 Mr. O. E. Venables, It is said, is lik» i\ to succeed Mr. P. 8. Williams as Distr)< Officer, Kuala Kangsar, when the lat: proceeds on Home leave in the cour of the next few weeks.
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  • 1642 7 n, uui Mrs. Green have returned to K„ ‘la Lumpur from leave. Ml and Mrs. J. L. Hope, of Ipoh, i sailed for Home on leave Mis B C. Handy lias returned to Miiuapore from a holiday at Batu Pali at.. Ml d Wills, Police Magistrate, p
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  • 127 7 Mr. H. P. Bryson, Of Segamat. Segamat, Jan. 30. A farewell tea party for Mr IH. P. Bryson, the British Assistant Adviser, and Mrs. Bryson, on their departure on transfer to Kedah next week, was held at the Segamat Club last week. About 75 guests were present.
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  • 57 7 A cable has been received from Kudat, British North Borneo, reporting the death of Mr. Lee Yun Fook, a cocoanut plantation owner. Mr. Lee was 92 years of age and is the father-in-law of Mr. Wong Yin Sim, Singapore. He leaves two sons, one daughter and
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    • 38 7 BROOKS.— January 31. 1936. at the Maternity Hospital, Penang, to Rachel, wife ol A. C. Brooks, a daughter. WHITTS.—At the General Hospital. Singapore on FYb. 3. 1936. to Mr. Se Mrs. J. C. S. White, a son.
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    • 38 7 UM —CHIA.—The engagement Is announced between Mr. Urn Yew Hock, eldest son of ihe late Mr. and Mrs. Llm Teck Locke and MLss Chia Kim Neo, fourth daughter of Mr. and the late Mrs. Chia Toon Whatt.
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    • 97 7 HOLT— GUNNERY—At Christ’* Chapel oi Alleyn's College of God's Gift. Dulwich Village S.E. on January 25. 193G Philip William Holt of Guthrie A: Co. Singapore, to Irene Gunnery daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. Ounnerv. FLETCHER— ROWE.—On Thursday. January 30. 1936, at The Churrh of St. George The Martyr.
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  • 117 7 Leaders. Colony Malaria 2 The Modem 8traits Bride 2 Pure Altruism 3 Unhappy Youth 3 A Striking Message 3 The Planting Profession 4 Telegrams— Covering past week’s news 24—28 Picture Supplement 17 —20 Financial Supplement— Financial and Commercial News to date, folowing page 32 Malayan General News— Week In
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  • 47 7 DEATH EBER.—< n January 31, 1936, at the Ocneral Hospital, Singapore, Harold Stamford Ebcr. 47 years, late of the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation, Singapore. I/.* deaths have occurred in London "n 1, s,r Charles Cameron Shute, v* Professor William Biair Bell, the 1 x Pert.—Reuter Wireless.
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  • 366 8 Captain Ratcliffe’s Traffic Criticism Refuted. Worse Driving Conditions In Parts Of England. LORJi Nuflield, the great English car manuiacturer, who left in the Marella on Monday to begin his tour of Java, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa, is coming back to Singapore
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  • 75 8 Personnel Of Committee Confirmed. The Singapore Municipal Commissioners, at a general committee meeting held early in January, elected five members, one of whom is a nonMunicipal Commissioner, to sit on the committee of management of the Silver Jubilee Fund. This action was confirmed at the meeting of
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  • 341 8 COMPLAINANT’S CASE DISMISSED. A COLLISION near the Hong Kong Bank, involving two car.? driven by Europeans had a sequel in the fifth magistrate’s court on Friday when Mr. T. H. Holyoak appeared on a summons issued at the instance of Mr. A. E. Lambert. The complainant
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  • 14 8 Scouts gave considerable assistance to the Police at a smoke-house fire at Bruas recently.
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  • 126 8 RECRUITING EFFORTS. yillS year will see big changes in the Permanent Staff of the Straits Settlement Volunteer Forces, which resumed training on Monday after an interval of three months. The following officers are due to j complete their tour of duty:— Colonel R. H. L. Fink,
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  • 140 8 —Reuter. Singapore-Australia Route Improvement. Sydney, Feb. 2.~~ Mr. Parkhlll, Federal Minister for Defence, has announced that the Federal Government is duplicating the Singapore to Austral!; air service within the next few months. It is jnderstood that larger and faster land planes will be used and
    —Reuter.  -  140 words
  • 159 8 The death took place at the General Hospital. Singapore, on Friday night of Mr. Harold Stamford Eber, at the age of 47 years. Mr. Eber’s death was unexpected He caught a severe chill five days before. He was a popular member of the Eurasian community.
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  • 30 8 His Highness the Su’tan of Johore appointed Dr. Q. h. Oarlick to be i member of the Council of State, with iffect from Jan. 1, 1936.
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  • 63 8 China Merchants Revive Scheme. Shanghai, Feb. The scheme for the opening of steamship service between Shangh.* and Singapore has been revived by China Merchants’ Steamship Navitv: tion Co The company has approach* ci t nBritish Boxer Fund committee lor loan of €150.000 for the buildinc tw'o
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 548 8 Reveals Secret of Personal Influence VtmpW MrVh'vJ lb** \nyon«* Fuji IV r.. Develop the Powers of Personal lb|RH* Km, Memory, Concentration, Will-Power and to correct Undesirable Habits through the wonder-science of Sunestion, KO pace Book Folly Describing this Unique Method and a Psycho-Analysts Character IMin«ation FRKK to all who write
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  • 240 9 INNIS KILLINGS ARRIVE. Wiltshires Sorry To Leave “Best Foreign Station.” THE Royal Inniskillings, known as the “Skins” who built up a reputation for pluck and lighting qualities on many famous battlefields, disembarked at Singapore on Saturday from the troopship Dorsetshire, which arrived from Hong Kong.
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  • 79 9 Pupil Who Was Caned. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Taiping, Feb. 1. A pupil of a Malay vernacular school in Jalan Bendahara, after being caned at school went home and complained to his mother. The mother became infuriated, went to the school, seized a cane and thrashed the
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  • 18 9 Mr. M. V. Del Tufo, M.C.S., has been appointed to officiate as Assistant to the Attorney-General, S. S.
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  • 153 9 Countess In Ship That Bears His Name. AN interesting personality among the passengers of the Oneisenau, on her maiden voyage to the Far East, is the Countess Neithardt von Gneisenau. She is a granddaughter of the German field marshal v. hose name the 1<?,000-ton ship
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  • 93 9 tho le f °N°wlng are the members of r )jr Hospital Board for 1936: The ,r h T? r of Medical Services. S. S. Pen !n rman); the Residen t Councillor, Miin the Resident Councillor, the Ch?J# Deput y Treasurer, S. S.: the ohiL edlcal Officer, Singapore; Chief
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  • 201 9 Decree Made Absolute. The decree nisi granted to Mr. Merton Holland Brown, w ho petitioned the court for dissolution ot marriage with Mrs. Violet E. Brown, was made absolute on Friday by Mr. Justice N.H. j P. Whitley. Acting Chief Justice. Mr. G. M. Coltart,
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  • Correspondence.
    • 227 9 Mr. H. C. W. Allen’s Fine Work Recalled. To the Editor of the Straits Times Sir,-—An article written by Mr. E. A. Brown in a magazine called The Chorus" has just come to my notice. In this article Mr. Brown makes a slighting reference to Mr. H. C.
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    • 213 9 Smallholders Bearing Brunt Of Restriction. To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —We quote from Rubber Statistics I. published by the Registrar General of Statistics, S.S. and F.M.S. Production of Rubber S.S. and F.M.S. Estates Under Estates over 100 acres 100 acres 1930 2U089 236,775 1931 195,422
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  • 54 9 Peiping, Jan. 29. Mr. Monett Davis, acting U.S. ConsulGeneral in Shanghai, has been transferred to Singapore as Consul-General [Mr. Wilbur Keblinger, the present US Consul-General for Singapore, who is now on leave in the United States, has been transferred to Victoria, British Columbia, in the
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  • 20 9 Mr. T. P M. Lewis formerly of the Anderson School, Ipoh, and wellknown rugger player has returned from Home leave.
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  • 259 9 Heavy Sentences For Rubber Smugglers. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Johore Bahru. Jan. 29. Fines amounting to $10,000 were imposed by Mr. J. B. Weiss, First Magistrate, Johore Bahru, this morning, on six rubber smugglers. Tan Ah San, Chong Yoong, Phang Kooi Sin and Ali bin Jobll who
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  • 95 9 “Last Post” Played At Taiping. An Impressive ceremony was witnessed on the Esplanade at Taiplng last Tuesday morning when large crowds gathered to hear the bagpipes and drums of the 2/20th Burma Rifles play “Flowers of the Forest.” The band marched up and down the field playing the
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  • 176 9 Her Master First Here In 1893 The reserve ship of the Norddeutscher Lloyd, the Stuttgart, left Singapore on Sunday morning and will probably not be seen here again. Originally on the North Atlantic run, this 13,000-ton liner called at Singapore on the outward run to the Far East
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  • 1430 10 Flooded Fish Ponds: $20,000 Damage Estimation. ClXiaAI'OItK Municipal Commissioncrs ar<* still undecided whether they should secure the services of Dr. Mary Tan for the post of assistant Lady Medical Officer, Infant Welfare Department, or not stand in the way of the Penan# Municipality engaging her. This
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  • 263 10 Selangor Chaplain Sermon. (From Our Own Correspondent Kuala Lumpur, Jan. 27 -The millions who are today mourn, ing King George mourn not a symbol bqt a man. So fur from reproducing in his own person the characteristic temper of the past two and a half decades,
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 186 10 tli fjHt ■t-f-f-f-t-'I-t f tt M! hi! n T r M rf 4-1 f 4-f-vm i~ ON the seven seas; In famous bars of famous ports; In clubs, moss-rooms, manor houses, from pole to pole and around the equator—you will find McCollum’s a symbol of civilisation: the companion of leaders
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  • 1163 11 30 MILES PER HOUR. Amendment To Include All V ehicles Defeated. foVKHNMENT is to be asked to prescribe a 30 miles per 0 hour speed limit on all motor lorries operating within the Settlement of Singapore, a resolution to that effect having been :'asset!
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  • 237 11 CHRIST CHURCH ‘From Our Own Correspondent > Malacca. Jan. 28. A memorial service to His late Majesty King George V was held at the century-old Christ Church at 10 a.m. today The Rev. L. St. George Petter. the Colonial Chaplain, conducted the service. There were present the
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  • 142 11 Telegram To Governor. The following telegram has been received by the Governor from the Secretary of State for the Colonies dated Jan. 27. 1936: “I have laid before the King your telegram of condolence with His Majesty and Queen Mary and the members of the Royal
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  • 50 11 The S.S Government has awarded the contract for the supply ot lubricating oil and grease in Singapore to Messrs. Scotia Lubrication Oil Co. Other tenders were received from Asiatic Petroleum Co.. Ltd.. Slme, Darby and Co., Ltd.. Standard Vacuum Oil Co., United Engineers, Ltd., ana C. C. Wakefield and Co.
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  • 221 11 SELANGOR CLUB CHANGES RULE Fraser’s Hill Fee For Visiting Members. (From Our Own Correspondent.; Kuala Lumpur. Jan. 30. A resolution which will benefit visiting members of the Selangor Club was passed at the general meeting of the Selangor Club this evening. Rule 18 (a) will now read: “Any man temporarily
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  • 201 11 German Describes New World Incident. Tlu* charge of criminal intimidation which had been originally preferred against H. Hannke the 70-year-old German, was amended on the instructions of the D.P.P. on Monday before Mr. M. H. Blacker, in the Third Court, Singapore, to one of drunk and
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  • 96 11 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Jan. 30. Mr. H I S Kanwar. the youngest Asiatic pilot In Malaya, flew from Kuala Lumpur to Singapore this morning in a local Flying Club plane. He left Kuala Lumpur at 8.10 a.m.. and a telegram was received about 12.30
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  • 345 12 Small Detachment To Remain On Island. Another Chapter In History Of F or tif ications. (By Our Military Correspondent.) It was officially announced on Saturday that for reasons of convenience/’ it has been decided to concentrate the bulk of the Royal Engineers at
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  • 150 12 Case Postponed. (From Our Own Correspondent) Talping, Feb. i. Lee Leong Sin, the Taiping representative of the Union Times Press, Singapore, is suing Dr Saw Ah Choy J.P., for voluntarily causing him hurt on the night of Jan. 11 on the premises of the
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  • 24 12 The engagement is announced and the marriage will shortly take place between Dr. J. J. Samuel and Miss R. Phillips, both of Telok Anson.
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  • 257 12 VyORKING her way round the world with a typewriter is a young American woman exHollywood “cosmetologist,” secretary and writer. Looking for the odd things which the world has to offer in various countries, she has arrived in Singapore, for the second time, on her
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  • 36 12 The Straits Settlements (Singapore) Association’s annual dinner which was to have been held on Feb 14 has been cancelled because of the death of King George. A large number of applications for tickets had been received.
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  • 85 12 Alleged Affray With EurasiansAs a result of an affray near the Great World, Singaopre, early on Sunday morning, two Europeans were taken to the General Hospital. The Europeans are Mr. H. Cromarty, of Messrs. Henry Waugh and Co., and Mr. Charles Thorp, of Messrs. Topham Railton, Ltd. It
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  • 138 12 Claim Ship Crushed Their Craft. Three Malay boatmen narrowly escaped being crushed by a ship at Pulau Bukom last week. According to Bakar bin Kassim. boatman in charge of a kotak belonging to the A. PC., two other men were with him in the kotak
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  • 388 12 Telegram Of Loyalty To King. IK a supplement to the F.M.S. Gov ernment Gazette appear the following;: Telegram dispatched by the High Commissioner to the Secretary of State for the Colonies: "Jan. 25. I have been asked by the Rulers of the Malay States to convey to you
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  • 243 12 Qantas Airways Decision. I AM reliably informed (writes the Straits Times' Aviation Correspondent) that the Qantas Empire Airways service which operates between Singapore and Brisbane, will be duplicated within three months. This decision has been taken to cope with the increasingly heavy volume of traffic. The
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  • 133 12 Philippines And U.S.A. Bishop and Mrs. Edwin F. Lee sailed from Singapore on Friday in the Gneisenau for the Philippines where they expect to spend February. They plan to sail from Manila on Mar. 2 on the Empress of Japan which gives them expected arrival
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  • 68 12 A Tamil named Salleh was arrested by a detective in a pawnshop in Singapore on Sunday, when it is alleged, he was about to pawn a bundle of jewel’ery. These articles were later identified as belonging to Mr. P. J. Crawley, of the Singapore Harbour Board, whose
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  • 394 13 Honeymoon Brings Him To Singapore. EXILED PRINCE DON JUAN. Princt Don Juan, Heir-Presumptive to the Throne of Spain, who is in Singapore after having toured America, Japan, China, Manchukuo an( j I'iniu-'i Indo-China on his honeymoon, would not discuss
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  • 150 13 MR. W. A. N. DAVIES. After 15 years as Registrar ot the Supreme Court, Singapore, Mr. W. A. N. Davies left for England in the Rajputana on Friday on four months leav e prior to retirement. Mr. Davies was in the Sierra Leone Government, from 1908
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  • 74 13 )y 11 tlle Sultan of Selangor on Jan. Alfred all his family and entour:°rr° mourning for the late George V, i.e., to wear a white I'ound the cap (known as twwkong), t 7', 11a m when the gun was at Klang, His Highness and his st0
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  • 163 13 PRINCE PURCHATRA VISITS N. I. (From Our Batavia Correspondent) Prince Purachatra of Siam, paid a flying visit recently to Java and Bah. In an informal Rotary meeting the Simpang Club in Soerabaya. the Prince was presented with the flag ol the Soerabaya Rotary Club as a
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  • 82 13 Two New Torpedo Boats To Be Sent Out. (From Our Batavia Correspondent) The Netherlands Indies Naval Squadron is to be reinforced by two torpedo boats. The squadron, which at present comprises the cruiser Sumatra, the torpedo boats Witte de With. Van Galen. Eversten
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  • 410 13 Fletcher Rowe. (From Our Own Correspondent) Penang, Jan. 30. CT. GEORGE’S Church was the scene of three fashionable weddings this morning. The first was that of Lieut.Col. George Douglas Alexander Fletcher, manager of Harrisons Barker Ltd., officer commanding the Penang and Province Wellesley Volunteers and a member
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  • 509 13 Open Verdict At Inquest. Suspicious circumstances were referred to by the Singapore Coroner, Mr. W. G. Porter, when he returned an open verdict last week at the conclusion of the inquest held in connection with the death of Gunner E. II. Woodcock at Changi Barracks on the
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  • 854 14 OPAL KING HAS £50,000 IN HOTEL BEDROOM. Will Establish Cutting Industry Here, KUOGKD Canadian, with a shock of black hair, white U <am’shoes and a jewel-studded harp, walked ashore from, Uic Marella at Singapore last week carrying in his pockets and trunks opals which lie
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  • 52 14 In the S.S.V.F. church parade a prominent part was taken by the Rev. Stephen Band. Presbyterian chaplain. Mr. Band, in point of fact, was the only one of the Volunteer chaplains who was on parade. Mr. Band also took part in the memorial service at the Cathedral in
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  • 347 14 Plane Stuck In Mud. (From Our Own Correspondent). Penan#* Jan. 80. THK tragedy which occurred on Jan. 1*5 when a Penang Flying Club plane crashed into tlie sea two miles south west of Bayar Lepas aerodrome was recalled yesterday afternoon when Mr. H.
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  • 166 14 A goodwill dinner was given last Wednesday at Tamagawa Gardens by prominent Japanese residents of Singapore to Air-Commodore Sydney Smith and the R.A.F. officers who will accompany him on the goodwill flight to Japan next month. The guests were Air-Cjmmodorc Smith, Commodore W P. Mark-Ward-law, Captain
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  • 172 14 FELL OVER GANGWAY To be on a holiday tour of the world, and to lose personal jewel lery and trunk keys at practical!the first port of call is not a pl( a 'sant experience. This happened to Miss Ht i* i> Weihen, one of the two
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  • 24 14 The Hon. Mr. Marcus Rex, actii Chief Secretary to Government, F.M c is indisposed and will be confined to bfor the next few days.
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  • 1843 15 Mr. Akhurst’s Review —Ten Estate Trials —Cost Factor —Killing Out Bracken And Stagmoss. (By Our Planting Correspondent.) wa s in September. 1933, that 1 t irst directed attention in these rutl s to the possibility of weedj!;. !(1| s such as sodium chlorate made more use
    1,843 words
  • 54 15 This plant which soon makes its appearance when weeding stops, is anathema to the rubber planter. Its botanical name is Lycopodium Cernum, and it is known to the Malays as “akar ru. M “ribu ribu." "daun ribu" and "rumput seranl.” —Photo by courtesy of
    54 words

  • 844 16 Alleged Infidelity Of Wife. THE story of his wife’s alleged infidelity when he was serving a term of imprisonment fo r an offence under the Bankruptcy Ordinance, was told in the High Court. Singapore, last week, before Mr. Justice N. II. P.
    844 words
  • 218 16 The following note was omitted from our planting corresnondeivVs article las.t week owing to lack of space: WOW a word on Axonopus Compressus, more commonly known as cattle grass. After clean-weeding was stopped during the slump this tufted grass made very considerable headway on many estates, particularly in
    218 words
  • 40 16 The first meeting of the recently- j formed gramophone society was held last week at the recording studio of the Gramophone Company, 147 Kllliney Road, when about 25 people thoroughly enjoyed a recital of some of the works of Bach
    40 words
  • 550 16 IMPRESSIVE SCENE IN ST. MARY’S. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Jan. 23. TTHE memorial service of His late Majesty King George V was i held at St. Mary’s Church this morning and was most impressive. There was a large attendance which included the British Resident of
    550 words
  • 45 16 In addition to the distribution of over $3,000 to poor Chinese families in Penang, the Penang Buddhist Association gave $892 to the inmates of the Leper Asylum at Pualau Jerejak and the female lepers at Jelutong to enable them to celebrate the Chinese New Year.
    45 words
  • 223 16 PROTECTORATE INQUIRY. AN officer of the Chinese Protec. torate left Singapore by steamer at midnight last Trursday for Treng. ganu to investigate the causes of a riot on the big Japanese Dungun mine in which eight were killed and many wounded, when coolie gangs fought. From
    223 words
  • 40 16 (From Our Own Correspondent j Ipoh, Jan. 29 The death occurred last night at the Batu Gajah hospital of Mrs. I. W. Blelloch, wife of the Deputy Public Prosecutor, Ipoh, following a short illness.
    40 words

  • 399 17 GARRISON CHANGEOVER. The troopship Dorsetshire brought ‘>4 ollieers. nine warrant ollicers and 8rtr> non-commissioned officers and men of the Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers from Shanghai last Saturday. The 1st Battalion of the Wiltshire Regiment embarked hv the same vessel for Bangalore. Immediately above; The Colours of
    399 words

    • 1700 21 Equal Opportunities In Business Life Responsible Posts Held With Distinction —Invaluable Experience. by our commercial correspondent. IN the final paragraphs of my last j i art i C i e I dealt with the question whether more scope might not be ui V ep.
      1,700 words
  • 241 21 Left Home 22 Months Ago. Adventures on the high seas, ethnology and big-game fishing are the interests of 14 people, Including two women, who form the crew and passengers of the yacht La Korrigane at Singapore. La Korrigane flies the Tricolour. She left Marseilles
    241 words
  • 119 21 STORE SHOPHOUSES BURNED DOWN. Fire Engine Driver Dies. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Jan. 27. There was. a spectacular blaze last night in Penang Road when a children’s novelty store owned by a Japanese jvas gutted at about 11.45. The whole building and two other shophouses were burned down and
    119 words

  • 1294 22 Memorial Services —Topics For Federal Council —An Athletic Sultan —Official House Numbers —Autogiros For Safety —Indians Unite (From Our Own Correspondent). Kuala Lumpur Jan. 30. At St. Mary’s, St. Andrew’s, Wesley Church and other places of worship many residents of Kuala Lumpur assembled on Tuesday for
    1,294 words
  • 121 22 Sister Of Dr. Loke Yew: Funeral. (From Out Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Jan. 29. The death has taken place at her re idence in Imbl Road. Kuala Lumpur, of Mrs. Lee Slew Hong, second sister ol the late D, Loke Yew C.M.G., and the
    121 words
  • 193 22 i Appeal Dismissed, And Sentence Increased. From Our Own Correspondent.) Johore Bahru. Jan. 27 “I think magistrates should considei 1 inflicting sentences without the option 'cl fines in cases of illicit selling m samsu. “It seems to me that the State wilt i be
    193 words
  • 172 22 Jewellery Theft In Holland Road. A sequel to the theft oi $6,090 worn ot jewellery from the house of Mr. R i Reiser, a Czechoslovak, in Hollano i Road on the night of Jan. 15 last, is an offer of a reward made last week The reward is
    172 words

  • 711 23 Sew Wing To Double Accommodation. new wing Which will cost nnroximutcly $130,000 to build and mm will be added to the Union Jack r b it Singapore, to nearly double r» urommodation, owing to enormous increase in attendances by members of •lie Navy. Army,
    711 words
  • 344 23 Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Jan. 27. SENTENCE of 18 months’ rigorous imprisonment was passed by V 1 Justice Pedlow, at the Selangor ‘Si/cs t0( toy, on a Chinese named Lai Huat who pleaded guilty charge of voluntarily causing klu is hurt to Low Cheng
    344 words
  • 37 23 According to Aneta, the KNILM Air line Soerabaya Bandjarmasin Balik Papan will be inaugurated on February 8. The return voyage will take place on February 10. It is not known when the regular service will be opened
    37 words
  • 599 23 MALAYAN DECISION AT CONFERENCE. (From Our Own Correspondent.) i Kuala Lumpur, Jan. 27. A MALAYAN Indian Association i to be formed following a con ference held at Kuald Lumpur last, week, attended by representatives, from all over Malaya. The Hon. Mr. S Vt crasumy. the! Indian representative
    599 words
  • 25 23 —Straits Times Photograph.
    —Straits Times Photograph.  -  25 words
  • 172 23 Resolutions Passed. A public meetln» ot Indians resident at Kuala Trengganu was held at the Crown Grammar School. Kuala Trengganu last week, lor the purpose of expressing their do*, p regret at the death ot His M ajesty King-Emperor George V. The following resolutions were unanimously passed.
    172 words
  • 124 23 12 Years Good Reeord. Ali bin Salim, a postman wilt: a record of twelve years good service was charged before Mr. M H. Blacker in the third jourt Singapore, with the theft of a postal article on Jan. 21. Outlining the case Court Inspector D. R
    124 words

  • 2378 24 KING EDWARD IN NAVAL UNIFORM. Big Ben Tolls As Cortege Leaves Westminster Hall. THROUGH streets crowded with the people of a sorrowing nation and followed hy six kings and royal mourners from all parts of Europe the body of King George V was carried to its last
    2,378 words
  • 174 24 —Reuter. THE mourners at the royal funeral, which was simultaneously broadcast to 20 countries included: The King of Norway, the King of the Belgians, the King of Denmark, the King of Bulgaria, the King of Rumania, while other foreign Royalties included the Queen and Crown Prince
    —Reuter.  -  174 words

  • 332 26 “NATION’S SYMPATHY IN MY SORROW." I “With All My Heart I Thank You.’ AUEEN Mary in a message from Buckingham h Palace issued last week, and cabled by Reuter, says: “I must send to you, the people of this nation and Empire, my very
    332 words
  • 33 26 Above are seen the Kin*. with the Duke of York and the nuke of Gloucester followed by the fluke of Kent and the Earl of InShV’flVj, Wolfcrton
    33 words
  • 425 26 5,000 Abyssinians Reported Dead. A DENIAL FROM DESSIE. Rome, Jan. 26. A great victory is claimed by Marshal Radoglio in the three-day battle ftom Tuesday to Thursday last in which 25 Italian officers were killed and 19 wounded, 389 soldiers killed and wounded and 310 Eritreans
    425 words
  • 26 26 —Reuter. London. Feb. 1. The North Atlantic Slopping Conference has adjourned. Meanwhile the Cunurd’s resignation from the Conferenee has been held over.—Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  26 words
  • 108 26 Reuter. Perturbed By Sanctions. Cairo, Jan. 30. Italy has addressed a Note to the Egyptian Government complaining ot i the application of sanctions by Egypt, holding the Egyptian Government res- ponsible for the measures adopted and reserving the right to demand an indemnity for the moral
    — Reuter.  -  108 words
  • 103 26 arrested the crew' of the boat. —Anet* Trans-Ocean I*ort Said Incident. Port Said, Jan. 30. An Italian steamer, the Sardinia, ei; route for East Africa was fired on from I a small boat outside Port Said Aci cording to reports received twenty or thirty shots were
    arrested the crew' of the boat.—Anet* Trans-Ocean  -  103 words

  • 107 27 (•u.trded by officers of the Grenadier Guards, with heads bowed over their drawn swords, the body of King George V lay in state in historic Westminster llall from Jan. 23 to Jan. 27. The Imperial Crown and Sceptre lay on the coffin together with a wreath of
    107 words
  • 115 27 —Reuter. SENSATIONAL LETTER TO POLICE CHIEF. Trenton, Jan. 30. The investigation into the kid- j napping of the Lindbergh baby has been virtually re-opened by a sensational letter addressed to Colonel Schwartzkof, head of the New Tersev police, by Governor Hoffman who reiterates his opinion that the
    —Reuter.  -  115 words
  • 144 27 Rescued In North Japan Sea. Tokio, Jan. 26. Ai >: drifting in the ship’s boats all ion crew 35 of eurntr Forthbridge, 4,510 tons gross, ,f) abandoned ship last night as the f?"* were consuming her, were U P by three motor-boats and »V :i T°
    —Reuter,  -  144 words
  • 122 27 —Reuter. Washington, Jan. 24. The quantity production of aviator.! j and aeroplanes to enable the United States to keep pace with the air defence plans of foreign powers is urged upon Congress by Mr. Eugene Vidal/ ichief of the Air Commerce Bureau. Mr. Vidal told Military
    —Reuter.  -  122 words
  • 103 27 -Reuter Morro Castle Trial: A Conviction. New York Jan. 26. The three defendants in the Morro Castle trial have been convicted of criminal negligence. They are: Wibiam F Warms, acting captain, E. S Abbott, chief engineer. and Henr>' E Cabaud, executive vice-president ot the New YorkCuba Mail
    -Reuter  -  103 words
  • 71 27 destroyer.— Reuter and British Wireless messages. King Carol of Rumania visited the exhibition of Chinese art in London last Thursday and was received by Doctor Cheng and other members of the executive committee King Carol displayed a special interest in the jades of which he has
    destroyer.—Reuter and British Wireless messages.  -  71 words
  • 122 27 BANDITS’ WAY WITH A MISSIONARY. Hankow, Jan. 25. Villagers relate that the kidnapped missionary, Mr. Rudolf Bosshardt, of Manchester, Is too 111 to walk so his hands and feet are bound and he is siung on a bamboo pole. He was seen in Chihkiang, in southwest
    122 words
  • 72 27 na laucriy .—Reuter Death Of Alexander Zoubkoff. j Luxembourg, Jan. 29. The death occurred here yesterday, at the age of 35, of the Russian re- 1 fugee, Alexander Zoubkoff, who marri i ed the ex-Kaiser’s late slst< r, Princess Viktoria of Prussia, in 1927, and left
    na laucriy .—Reuter  -  72 words
  • 55 27 .—Reuter Rome, Jan. 30. Signor Mussolini has informed I the Cabinet that 50,000 workmen are being despatched to the war zone to ensure the functioning of lines of communication during the summer rains. It is pointed out that the 100.000 soldiers in East Africa suffered negligible
    .—Reuter  -  55 words
  • 300 27 —British Wireless. NEW ACCORD ON THE DANZIG QUESTION. London, Jan. 25. i Agreement has been reached at j Geneva on the Danzig question, the President of the Danzig Senate agreeing to modify the two decrees passed by the Senate which were rejgarded by the League as
    —British Wireless.  -  300 words
  • 228 27 The Council had considered the outspoken report of Mr. Sean Lester, the High Commissioner, concerning <says Reuter) the Nazis’ treatment of minorities in Danzig. Mr. Eden as rapporteur, declared it was deplorable that the Council was obliged again to devote attention to the violation of the
    228 words

  • 308 28 Reuter. Manchukuo territory —Sin Chew Jit Poh. Army Of 10,000 On Manchu Frontier. RISING IN SOUTH HOPEI. Canton, Jan. 31. The Government forces have completed an encircling movement around the Communist attackers in the area between Kaiyang and Kweiyang, capital of Kweichow, states a Government communique. A
    Reuter.; Manchukuo territory —Sin Chew Jit Poh.  -  308 words
  • 104 28 SCALES TURNED AT £25,000. His Highness the Aga Khan was weighed in the scales against a heap of gold. The treasure needed to balance him weighed 16 stone, worth about £25,000. Part of it will be distributed to the poor. This ceremony was part
    104 words
  • 63 28 revolution broke out.—Sin Chew Jit Poh. Shanghai, Jan. 24. It is persistently rumoured in Shanghai and Nanking that the Japanese are making elaborate arrangements to place Henry Pu Yi, Emperor Kang Ten of Manchukuo, on the Throne in Peiping from which he was
    revolution broke out.—Sin Chew Jit Poh.  -  63 words
  • 43 28 -Reuter. London, Jan. 30. Reuter understands that no sugges tion for an Empire tour by the King after his coronation has been made in responsible quarters and the sugges tions of the Daily Herald are regarded as entirely premature. -Reuter.
    -Reuter.  -  43 words
  • 163 28 —Reuter. AEROPLANE BROUGHT DOWN IN FLAMES. Dessie, Jan. 30. COMMUNIQUE issued last night by the Abyssinian Northern Army Headquarters says that a squadron of Italian aeroplanes bombing Abbi-Addi in the Tembien district, burned down two churches. The Abyssinians opened fire with rifles and brought down one
    —Reuter.  -  163 words
  • 83 28 and Prince Seid of Iraq.—British Wireless. Distinguished Foreign Statesmen. London, Jan. 30. The King today continued a series of audiences which he has given to distinguished foreign statesmen who have been in London for the funeral of King George. Among those whom His Majesty saw were
    and Prince Seid of Iraq.—British Wireless.  -  83 words
  • 46 28 With a brilliant cavalcade through the London streets and centuries old ritual Edward VIIl was publicly proclaimed Kin*. Ten thousand troops lined the streets, The photo shows: trumpeters blowing a fanfare at the Koyal Exchange announcing the accession of Edward VIII.
    46 words
  • 215 28 —Reuter. BUCKINGHAM PALACE ANNOUNCEMENT. ENTERTAINMENTS DINNERS. London, Jan. 31. A N official announcement from Buckingham Palace today states that some misunderstanding appears to have arisen in connection with the cancellation of engagements which were due to take place before the expiry of Court mourning. It is
    —Reuter.  -  215 words
  • 119 28 M. LAVAL WITHOUT A POST. Paris Jan. 24. M. Sarraut has completed the new Cabinet, which is essentially a Sarraut Flandin combination. The former stands for a 100 per cent. League policy and M. Flandin is strongly pro-British. M. Laval, the former Prime Minister and Foreign Secretary,
    119 words
  • 66 28 -Sin Chew Jit Poh. Serious Developments Feared. Peiping, Feb. 3. It is revealed that the Peiping office of the Inner Mongolian Political Council has not received any replies to urgent telegrams dispatched to the headquarters at Pellingmiao, Suiyuan since Saturday. Serious developments at Pellingmiao are feared owing
    -Sin Chew Jit Poh.  -  66 words

  • 753 29 Clancy’s Two Goals —Left Wing Was Weak. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Feb. 1. F.M.S 3; C OLONY 2. a MOST thrilling and fitting climax to this year’s hockey season was witnessed on the Padang today when the F.M.S. scored their
    753 words
  • 17 29 Straits Time a Photograph
    – Straits Time a Photograph  -  17 words
  • 874 29 MR. R. WHITAKER TAKES HONOURS. (From Our Gun Correspondent.) Taiping, Feb. 1. M R H. WHITAKER, who rode lour winners and two places on Friday, scored another win and four places today and Is champion rider for the meeting. The attendance was good and
    874 words
  • 105 29 The annual cross country run, ori ganised by the Royal Air Force, was held at Selctar on Thursday. The event, attracted nearly a hundred runners. The course of the three miles was over varied country, consisting or the aerodrome and rubber plantations terminating on a
    105 words
  • 53 29 -Reuter. Johannesburg. Jan. 27 I The Australians beat Transvaal by i an Innings and 29 runs, scoring 346 j Flngleton made 110, Darling 70 and Sievers 72. Langton took 4 wickets for 81. Transvaal scored 160 and 157. McCormick taking four wickets for 24 \n the
    -Reuter.  -  53 words

  • 815 30 Rush Mayo Disqualified In The Second Round. TTIOL'GII not quite up to the high standard of the last pro- gramme staged there the boxing at the Olympic Stadium last Friday was full of incident and provided good entertainment for the large crowd which
    815 words
  • 145 30 The Army Get The Better Of Blackheath. London, Feb. 1. UAMPSHIKE reached the final of the County Rugby Champion* ship today by defeating Cornwall at Southampton in the semi-final by two tries (6 points) to nil. The results of today’s games, as cabled by Reuter, were
    145 words
  • 687 30 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Taiping. Jan. 31. FINE weather favoured the first day of the Taiping Turf Club r skye meeting today. The attendance was fair, and included H.H. the Sultan of Perak. Mr. K. Whitaker had a successful afternoon, winning four races,
    687 words
  • 260 30 Sheffield United Defeat Preston In Replay. London. Jan. 29 Reuter cables the results of matches played today as follows:— F A Cup (4th Round). Bradford 1 W Bromwich i Leeds 3 Bury Cup Replays. Manchester U. 0 Stoke City Newcastle 3 Sheffield Wed 1 Sheffield
    260 words
  • 52 30 -Reutei Two changes are made in the English Rugby XV to meet Ireland at Dublin on Feb. 8 from the side which beat New Zealand 13—0 and drew 0—<> with Wales. Both changes are in the pack Wheatly (Coventry) replacing Nicholson as hooker and Hodgson (Northern) replacing
    -Reutei  -  52 words

  • 595 31 Lighter Hermes Forwards Did Better Than Expected. R.A. (Blakan Mat!) 3 pts.; H.M.S. Hermes nil. rilE second S.C.C. open seven-a-side Rugby tournament was concluded on the Padang on Friday afternoon, the R.A. (Blakan Mati) defeating the Hermes “A” by a try (3 points) io nil. It
    595 words
  • 135 31 Persistent Attacks Too Much For Scots. Murrayfield, Feb. 1. |Y|°RL than 50.000, including 15,000 Welshmen, crowded here today "ales beat Scotland by two i s and a try (13 points) to a trv < points). Scottish forwards were better scrums but Wales were perslst'neir attacks and Wooller
    135 words
  • 19 31 Club have notified the S.C.C. r U J (y adopt the new Ibw r nls season.
    19 words
  • 84 31 Challenge Cup Presented By H.M.S. Cornwall. The new green at the S.C.C which will accommodate five rinks has been j constructed and the grass planted and it is hoped to open it for plav before June. The Captain, Officers and Ship’s; Company of H.M.S. Cornwall have; presented
    84 words
  • 31 31 The Penang Cricket Club have advised the Singapore C.C. that they do not propose to adopt the experimental leg before wicket rule this season
    31 words
  • 30 31 The Army have notified the SC.C. that they are adopting the new lbw rule. They are following the lead given by the Army Cricket Association at home.
    30 words
  • 25 31 The mystery Singapore soccer team who brought nothing but discredit on Singapore soccer at Saigon in December. See article below.
    25 words
  • 189 31 MYSTERY SOCCER XI REVEALED. I j Team Which Disgusted Saigon Enthusiasts. Jan. 8 we printed the translation of an article from a Saigon newspaper. La Depeche d’lndo-Chine, regarding a football team from Singapore, which brought nothing hut discredit to the Colony's i soccer. The Singapore Amateur
    189 words
  • 382 31 (From Our Own C orrespondent.) London. Feb. 2. JHE meeting of Chelsea and Sunderland at Koker Park was one of the most unpleasant matches of the season being full of ugly incidents, which culminated in (he Chelsea right half, Mitchell, being sent off. SCOTTISH CUP.
    382 words
  • 60 31 Reuter New Plymouth. Jan. 29 Taranaki Just managed to force draw with the M C.C touring team The scores were as follows:— M.C.C.: 221 and 214 for 5 wkts. dec. ‘HurdstafT 109 not out). TARANAKI: 06 (Baxter 4 for 1 and Sims 5 for 19> and 138
    — Reuter  -  60 words

    • 245 1 British Wireless. Britain Leads The World In Trade Revival. London, Feb. 3. 4 MODFSTLY optimistic view of economic conditions in Lieut Britain is taken by the great joint stock banks who have just held their annual meetings. All are agreed in testifying to tin* improvement which has
      – British Wireless.  -  245 words
    • 126 1 j for this rise.—British Wire- 1% Increase Over Previous Year. T| London, Feb. 3. lf transport Ministry census of Ve 1L^es shows that the number of lun ically propelled vehicles in use thi. 19^5, —the P eak period of 1M no t ar Was 2,581,027,
      j for this rise.—British Wire-  -  126 words
    • 74 1 U.S. Supplanted. Great Britain has displaced the j United States from the Canadian tin j and steel place industry. Before the Ottawa Conference, the i United States sold nearly twice as much tinplate in Canada as Britain. Today, aided by substantial tariil preference granted under
      74 words
    • 102 1 Foreign exports ol tin, being final shipments on ocean-steamers at all Malayan ports during the month of Jan. 1936. Destination. Tons. United Kingdom 530 United States of America 3.430 Continent of Europe 1.032 British Possessions 423 Japan 79 The Netherlands Indies 0 Other Foreign Countries 21 Total
      102 words
    • 118 1 During the week ending Jan. 25. 1936, exports from Malayan ports j amounted to 52.899 cases, of which 46.693 <88 per cent.) cases were to the United Kingdom. 971 (2 per cent.) cases to the Continent of Europe, 2.800 (5 per cent.) cases to Canada, and
      118 words
    • 185 1 Reuter. Britain Declines To Act. London, Jan. 30. Prospects of an international sugar conference appear to oe receding to a distant future. It was generally expected the Brit- ish Government would have already issued world-wide invitations to attend 2 meeting either in February or March, j and
      Reuter.  -  185 words
    • 154 1 1262nd Auction. January 30, 1936. lbs. tons Catalogued 740,815 330.72 Offered 711,115 317.46 Sold 662.351 295.69 Spot London 6 15/lGd. New York l 47 CAPRICES REALISED. Ribbed Smoked Sheet. Cents per lb. Standard Quality 24's to 24'» Good Average Quality 23 i to 24 Fair
      154 words
    • 48 1 —British Wireless Figures now available from the balance sheets of the “Big Five” banks for last year show that aggregate dej posits increased during the year by over a hundred million pounds to £1,874.614,975. This figure i.s without precedent in the history of the banks.
      —British Wireless  -  48 words
    • 166 1 —Reuter. British Banker And U. S. London, Jan. 30. THU United States Govern- ment’s monetary policy was attacked by Mr. Colin Campbell i at the annual meeting of the National Provincial Bank, when he mentioned the serious international repercussions of the recent silver developments. He pointed out
      —Reuter.  -  166 words
    • 81 1 machinery arrives from Europe.—Sin Chew Jit Poh. Chinese Subscribe Half Of Capital. Hong Kong, Feb. 2. 1 It is reported that Japanese and j Chinese interests have formed a syndicate to develop the mining resources of the province of Kwangsi. The proposed capital is
      machinery arrives from Europe.—Sin : Chew Jit Poh.  -  81 words
    • 101 1 Tlie following telegrams have been received from the mines For January. Dredge Takuapa No. 1. 525 hours 120.000 cubic yards. 487 piculs. Dredge Takuapa No. 2. 537 hours 130,000 cubic yards, 672 piculs. Estimated value of output $68,250. Mine working costs $27,400. Dredge Takuapa No. 3.
      101 words
    • 1054 2 (INCORPORATED IN QUEENSLAND) RAUB. PAHANG. F.M.S. January 29th 1936. REPORT NO. 503. The Chairman Directors. The Raub Australian Gold Mining Co., Ltd. SINGAPORE S.S. Dear Sirs, —Herewith Is the Report of The Ruub Australian Gold Mining Co.. ktd. for the four weeks ending
      1,054 words
    • 197 2 Three To Be Built For K.P.M. MEW fast motor ships will link Singapore with South Africa when the K.P.M. building programme is completed next year. The programme was launched a fortnight ago. the keels of three luxurious liners, each of 12,000 tons deadi
      197 words
    • 23 2 Taiping Rubber Plantations Ltd.—Annual accounts show a profit of £9.327. A dividend of 3 per cent, is recommended, carrying forward £20,377.
      23 words
    • 21 2 January dredging operations of Setul. Hrs. run 480 hrs., yardage treated 114.000 cu. yds., output in Dels. 439.37.
      21 words
    • 32 2 Results of operations during the month of Dec., 1935. —Tribute output 58.63 pels., value of tribute output $3,869.36, cost of quota $703.56, cost of tribute ore $1,055,.34. mine expenses $795.90
      32 words
    • 498 2 RUBBER MARKET EASIER. Stanton Nelson and Co., Ltd., in i their report dated Jan. 31 state: The closing of markets on four occasions since we last reported has as usual tended to lack of movement in prices. Nevertheless the London spot price has. during the period,
      498 words
    • 18 2 January dredging operations Hours run 3b 1 hrs., yardage treated 50.000 cu yds.,
      18 words
    • 23 2 Operations for the month of January 1936 nm P 6 t l| 8 hrs PCh Vd *****0 cu vas hrs
      23 words
    • 566 2 DIVIDEND MAKING 10 PER CENT. I The annual general meeting of Glenealy Plantations was held at Hong Kong Bank Chambers on Saturday, Mr. H. C. Atkin-Berry presiding. The Chairman said: The profit on the year’s working amounts to $41,813.16 which although less than the previous year may.
      566 words
    • 15 2 The output of Rambun Mines, Tar. Rambutan for January. 1936. was 335 p
      15 words
    • 233 3 Malsy® s 1935 Increase. Malayan trade during 1935 made further improvement upon the remarkable recovery of 1934 upon the previous year. me totals for the three years were: 1 ,o 33 $778,052,000 q34 $1,039,922,000 Jg 35 $1,062,910,000 Figures issued by the RegistrarGeneral of Statistics disclose thp geographical
      233 words
    • 205 3 Singapore, February 5, 12 noon. Buyer. Seller Gambler 6 00 Java Cube 9 00 Hamburg 10 75 White Muntok Pepper 17 75 Black Pepper 9.75 Fair Flake Tapioca 4.15 Med Pearl Tapioca 5.10 Small Pearl Tapioca 5 20 Lingua Sago Flour Sarawak Sago Flour Palembang Jelotong 8.00 B.ima Jelotong
      205 words
    • 845 3 Fraser And Co’s Review. Nothing of outstanding importance has occurred during the past week to ruffle the surface of either local or home markets, write Messrs. Fraser and Co., in their report dated Feb. 4 Quotations on the Londn Stock Exchange as wired day
      845 words
    • 106 3 —Sin Chew Jit Poh Tightening Control Of Currency. Shanghai, Feb. 3. A new financial scheme which will have far-reaching effects on the future economic conditions of China will be announced by Dr. H. H. Kung, the Minister of Finance, shortly. A leading feature of
      —Sin Chew Jit Poh  -  106 words
    • 32 3 Dredge statistics for the month of January. 1036, hrs. run 416, cu. yds. treated 118,000, tin ore won pels. 358, estimated cost $12,300, cost per cu. yd 10.42 cts.
      32 words
    • 71 3 FLOTATION TO WORK N. Z. PROPERTY. The secretary of Austral Malay Tin Ltd. advises that options have been exercised over a large area of auriferous alluvial ground on the Clutha River, near Cromwell, Central Otago, New Zealand. The intention is to float a company to work the
      71 words
    • 418 3 Good Features Among: Industrials. London, Feb. 4. Markets were again very quiet with War Loan unchanged at 106% and transactions reported stightly below that figure. Most fluctuations in industrials were trivial, though strength was displayed by Guest Keen, Austin Motors and Hawker Aircraft. De Havilland, which were half
      418 words
    • 56 3 Date Spot Feb.-Mar. Apr.-June July-Sept. London Jan. 30 24% 24% 24% 25*4 6 1&/16 31 24*4 24% 24% 25 6 19LA16 Spot Feb. March Apr.-June July-Sept. London Feb 3 24% 24% 24 13-'16 25 25% 6 15*16 4 24 11/16 24% 24% 25% 25% 7 5
      56 words
    • 701 4 London Exchange Prices On Jan. 27. Allagar <2 > 1/11; Alor Pongsu <° > 2 6 Anglo-Malav <£1> 1ft 6; Ayer Kumng dli 35/; Bagan Serai 11» 16 3; Bahru <Sel.) (20 J 3'{»; Ban ten p <fl> 23 6; Batting <2/> 1 2V4: Batu Cave?, <i’l> 23
      701 words
    • 160 4 London Exchange Prices On Jan. 27. Ampat <4 5/7’L*; Anglo-Burma (5/) 14/6; Ayer Hitam (9 15r’; Bangrin (£1) 18/3; Gopeng Cons. <£l» 1 31/32; Hongkong OS/) 13/1 Vi; Idris (SO 6/; Ipoh (16 31/6: Kampong Lanjut <£li 18/; Kamunting (50 12/3; Kepong «El > 13 3; Kinta (5/)
      160 words
    • 19 4 Jan. 30 Tin. S’pore Price $100'- per picul, 31 100\ Fob 3 101 lOO's, r > 100':*,
      19 words
    • 30 4 &tfttlstic for the month of January, 1936, hrs run 354, cu. yds. treated 74,000 Un ore won pels. 672, estimated cost $13!ooo’ coat per cu. yd 17.56 cents,
      30 words
    • 1605 4 Issued hy Fraser and Co. and Lyall and Evatt Exchange and Stock Brokers. Singapore, February 5, 10 a.m. MINING. issue V'il Maser Co L>ali Evatt issue Val. Fraser Co. Lyall Evatt Buyers Sellers Buyers Sellers Buyers Sellers Buyers Sellers 4/- Anipat Hu 5 9 6 3 5
      1,605 words