The Straits Budget, 12 December 1935

Total Pages: 35
1 4 The Straits Budget
  • 31 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE STRAITS TIMES I established nearly a century, j No. 4061. SINGAPORE. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1935. Price 25 cents (S.S. Currency) or 7d.
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  • 1262 1 yHROUGH the Straits Times. Sir Andrew who left the Colony on Saturday to take over the higher post of Governor of Hong Kong, has issued a stirring farewell to all citizens of Malaya, which, after 28 years’ residence here, he has come to regard as his
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  • The Straits Budget
    • 809 2 —Straits Times, Dec. 5. Recent disturbances in Cairo. and the violent anti-British declaration ol Nahas Pasha, the j leader of the Egyptian Wald.) provided a real shock for those who hoped that the anti-British fetish of the Egyptian extremists was weakening. The immediate cause of'the disturbances was the increase
      —Straits Times, Dec. 5.  -  809 words
    • 640 2 reasonable idea.—Straits Times Dec. 6. Tin provides the F.M.S. Government with a direct revenue from export duty of over eight million dollars a year, at current production and prices. There is a further and substantial indirect revenue from taxes paid by the forty odd thousand individuals employed
      reasonable idea.—Straits Times Dec. 6.  -  640 words
    • 903 2 New Year optimism.- Straits Times, Dec. 7. The London Stock Exchange is something more than a happy hunting ground for speculators, something more than a mirror of immediate industrial conditions; its face is ever turned toward tin* future. At the moment, it wears a smiling expression. There is
      New Year optimism.- Straits Times, Dec. 7.  -  903 words
    • 847 3 Straits Times, Dec. 9. Malaya is still the Golden Chersonese of searchers for employment. Although relief funds exist in the three principal towns of this country, and although many members of the clerical class are out of work, the unemployed of other Eastern countries are allowed to
      Straits Times, Dec. 9.  -  847 words
    • 821 3 and for 1929 $9.45.—Straits Times, Dec. 10. About this time last year there was considerable satisfaction in Malaya because it had become apparent that the gross trade of the country would exceed one thousand million dollars tor the first time since the advent of the slump. Today,
      and for 1929 $9.45.—Straits Times, Dec. 10.  -  821 words
    • 881 4 be necessary.”—Straits Times Dec. 11. The Singapore Ratepayers’ Association, which represents property owners rather than ratepayers, made a good point in the Legislative Council yesterday when it criticised the composition of the Board of the Improvement Trust. “There should be direct representation of house owners and property
      be necessary.”—Straits Times Dec. 11.  -  881 words

  • 164 4 Mr. Cowgill As Dir.-General Of Posts And Telegraphs. The following appointments are notified in the F.M.S. Government Gazette Messrs. J. B. MacLachlan and G. R. Percy, M.C., to be Senior Executive Engineers, Malayan Public Works Service. Lieut. C. J. M. Watts to be an Adjutant, Volunteer Forces, Malaya.
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  • 304 4 SIX CHINESE WITH STICKS. 44 REASON.” AN attack on a stoker from tne Hermes in Owen Road. Singapore, about 8.30 on Saturday n-gnt led to the appearance in the rhircourt on Monday of a neatly dressed young Chinese on a charge of having voluntarily causing grievous hurt
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  • 97 4 Prizegiving At Rangoon Road School. According to the headmaster of Rangoon Road Government English School, Mr. E. V. Davis. th e gramophone played an important part in teaching English and in speech training. Mr. Davies, who was addressing pupils and parents, at the annual prize-giving,
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  • 40 4 His Excellency the Governor has been pleased to approve the promotion of Captain (Acting Major) P. T. Hutchings, Straits Settlements Volunteer Force, to the > ank of Major, with effect from Nov. 25. 1935. states aC S.S. Government Gazette.
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  • 144 5 pROM a medical friend up-country who has been dipping into some ruminations of mine written in 1932. a time when the Malay peasant seemed t< be one of the few persons on earth who was certain that his world wasn't going to collapse underneath him: ••I
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  • 158 5 A FTER reading that letter I turn to a speech made by Mr. L. J. C. Edwards in the Selangor State Council a few days ago. If you are squeamish, read no farther: “In the villages the well is often situated in the backgarden, next to the latrine.
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  • 149 5 out of the Adelphi at about 11 o’clock the other night. I was surprised to hear a lively chattering in the trees of the Cathedral compound. The starlings had not yet gone to bed or perhaps they had been awakened by the exodus from the hotel after an
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  • 131 5 DEFORE Sir Andrew Caldecott was diverted into secretariat paths he was a keen student 01 Mer.angkabau customs and traditions. as existing in Negri Sembilan. and 1 have just come upon an achievement of his which tevV people remember. It consists oi a translation ot Jeleou customary ..ongs and sayings
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  • 100 5 kind of a son-in-law are you? It may assist you to answer if I .ell you the categories recognised in Jelebu: Sons-in-law are of five kinds First the mere son-in-law; Secondly the father of children for •the tribe Thirdly, the green fly that leaves his sting (and deserts
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  • 176 5 WITH the single exception of the late Will Rogers’ visit, Sir Andrew Caldecott’s farewell speech to the Singapore Rotary Club yesterday drew the largest attendance that has ever been seen at a Rotary lunch in this country. Sir Andrew was noticeably hoarse, doubtless as a result of
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  • 164 5 LONG LEAVES npWINGES of jealousy are likely to be felt by the average business man who peruses the Leave" section ot the Colony or F.M.S. Gazette. Hero arc periods of leave granted to Straits officers and published last Friday Nine months' leave on full pay. Eleven months’ leave on full
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  • 134 5 IT seems 'imetimes as though the seed scattered by the Agricultural Department, in its various propaganda activities, is falling on stony ground. Yet there was an encouraging little story in the “Singapore Merchant’s Notebook” yesterday which shows that better results are being obtained than may appear on the
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  • 154 5 LONDON correspondent writes to me as follows: “A Bellsha Beacon in the garden of a Singapore resident was featured in the Press this week as an important news item, even though it was only erected to revive memories of Home.” The lighthearted young man who brought this globe
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  • 73 5 'J'HIS y ear changes have been made in the Singapore commercial lanscape by three firms, Firestone, Kelly and Walsh and the Cold Storage, and in each case there has emerged a welcome cleanness of line and economy of decoration, as compared with the older business buildings. The
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  • 174 5 J7VERYONE will agree with Air Commodore Smith’s opinion, pub’ished in the last issue of The Sunday Times, that there should be strict official control oi distance flights in this part of the world. The Kingsiord-Smith tragedy for so it must now be described—has presented the spectacle oi
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  • 164 5 who nave strolled through Government House grounds ar.d in the vicinity of Mount Emily daring the last few days may have noticed certain trees which have been almost stripped of leaves and twigs by marauding youngsters. This is the Pokok Salam. a relative of the jambu. and it
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  • 177 5 *J*HE usual sniffs and snorts about the philistinism of Singapore have been evoked by the poor attendance at the Marechal concerts. I was among those who did not go. and I don’t know whether I am echoing the opinions of my fellow-philistlnes or not. in what I am
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  • 169 5 pERSISTENT attacks art* being made upon Reuter by the Ita’ian official wireless service, ana as the Straits Times subscribes to the Reuter service if may be as well to state the truth ol the matter News gathering in Abyssinia is extraordinarily difficult at present. The communications between
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  • 202 5 HPHERE has been no farewell in recent years in this country which could be compared, in universality and sincerity. with that given to Sir Andrew Caldecott this morning What is the explanation? Why Is it that Sir Andrew, while exhibiting high efficiency, has been the most popular 'Government officer
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  • 169 6 feature of Sir Andrew’s Malayan career on which stress should be laid is his entire avoidance of sarcasm in dealing with Asiatic unofficial spokesmen. There is no more fatal mistake in colonial administration, especially in the Far East, than the use of that polemical weapon, and by
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  • 134 6 TYPICAL example of the nonMalay “Malayan” Is Mr. Cheah Cheang Lim, who celebrated his sixtieth birthday yesterday. Head of a family whose traditions go back to the East India Company period of Penang; son of a pioneer miner and p’an ter in Larut; bom and educated in
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  • 172 6 JJEFORE the War Connaught Drive presented the finest avenue ol angsana trees in the country, but only the older residents remember thai corridor of green foliage and golden, sweet-scented blossom. The epidemic which destroyed it. and most of the other angsana trees on Singapore island, is described by
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  • 169 6 LIFE ON THE EQUATOR 11THERE in the world could one see Rugby football in a pleasanter setting than that in which the SingaporeSer vices game was staged on Saturday It was a glorious afternoon, sunny and breezy, and the bold colouring of the Anson Road hoardings gave bravura rather than
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  • 178 6 AST Friday, when I found myself among a crowd of parents, relatives, brothers and youthful swains at the annual concert of a girls’ school I thought how unfortunate it was that the European community does not see more of the schools. A few parents have children at
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  • 170 6 CHINESE MAIDENS *JVHE school which I visited last week is attended almost entirely by Straits-born Chinese girls, who are sent there for an English education. One could not but be struck by the way in which these girls, with their dainty pyjama costumes, slim figures and perfect carriage, lent themselves
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  • 201 6 lITE who live on the edge of the Far Eastern arena have good reason for cynicism in viewing current happenings in Europe and the embarrassment that will befall the sanctionists if China suggests, as she may do in the near future, that she deserves help from the
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  • 170 6 M R Tay Lian Teck was pulled up by the Governor in the Legislative Council yesterday for reading a speech, instead of delivering it extempore or from memory It is certainly a Council rule that speeches should not be read, and 1 have a faint recollection of
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  • 181 6 JT is interesting to see that Malayan towns are gradually being forced to divert motor traffic around their out skirts by means of bypass roads, as has been done in hundreds of places on the main roads of Grea. Britain in the last decade The Johore Government has
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  • 168 6 is it that Singapore is the only town in the country that has an up-to-date dairy? In fact, we haw two dairies, each of which is selling every pint of milk it can produce Surely there is an opening for int,-i ligent use of idle capital in the
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  • 111 6 pVEN Achin is peaceable nowadays. and the adventurous days of Malay sian administration seem to have passed for ever. But not altogether, as the following extract from the Sarawak Gazette of December 2, 1935, shows: The Assistant District Officer returned tn Oct. 20 from S. Oa’at, where
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  • 65 6 117HEN I quoted from Sir Andrew Caldecott's collection of Jelebn songs and sayings the other day I had no space to print one short but sage piece of advice. It is too good to be missed, so I give it now: If you enter a byre, low; If
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  • 78 6 Mr. Charles Edward Wurtzburg. M.C.. has been provisionally appointed to be temporarily a nominated unofficial member of the Legislative Council oi the Straits Settlements during the absence on leave of the Hon. Mr James Robertson. The chairman of the Kuala Lumpur Sanitary Board (Major G. M. Kidd), the District Officer
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  • 1161 7 Mr. and Mrs. L. Felkin have moved IO st. John’s House, Chichester, Sussex. Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Elisor have left Kuala Lumpur for Tasmania. Mr. H. P. Clarke, Secretary to the Municipality, Malacca, will shortly be ioinK to England on furlough. Mr. and Mrs. David Graham,
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  • 48 7 Major J. E. Statley, M.C., manager of Bernham Estate, Teluk Anson, has been appointed second in command of the Perak Battalion of the F.M.S.V.F. Major Statley is an old resident of Lower Perak and lias been Commandant of the local volunteer units for many years.
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  • 51 7 In the last issue of the Straits Buuget there appeared photographs of Mr. A. Braddon, of Jelubu. and of Mrs. Marion Braddon, wife of Dr. W. L praddon of Seremban. The caption under the photographs stated that they were Mr. and Mrs. A. Braddon. The error is
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  • 121 7 Secretary For Chinese Affairs. The following appointments art* notified in the S.S. Government Gazette Mr. R. W. I. Band. M.C.S.. to act as District Officer. Christmas Island. Mr. J. A. Black. M.C.S, to act as Secretary for Chinese AlTairs. Mr. D. Gray. M.C.S to act as Extra Assistant
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  • 150 7 Authorised To Visit The Singapore Gaol. The Colonial Secretary has appointed the iollowing Justices of the Peace to be members of the Board of Visiting Justices for the Settlement of Singapore for 1930: The Hon. Mr. W. A. Fell. Dr. Lim Eng Hae, Dr. H. S. Moonshi. Shaikh
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  • 52 7 Wednesday, Dec. 4. Major The Hon. L. H Cripps and Mrs Cripps, Wing Commander and Mrs. H S. Kerby, Commander E. H. Hopkmson. R.N. Mr. C. E. Wurtzburg, Miss Olllett] Miss Wiseman, Mr. O. Goldsmith, Mr J. L. R. Huelin and Flying Officer M. D. Thunder dined at
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  • 151 7 The Colonial Seretary has appointed the following Justices of the Peace to be members bf the Board of Visiting Justices under the Prison’s Ordinance lor the Settlement of Penang for 1936: Messrs. R. P. Phillips. D. Benson, H. O. Maas, W. E Hunt. R. Forbes. J.
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  • 134 7 leaders Egypt A Mining Grievance 2 Investment Problems 2 The Open Door i Why The Pessimism? 3 Improvement Trust Improvements 4 Telegrams— Covering past week's news 24—28 Picture Supplement 17—20 Financial SupplementFinancial and Commercial News to date, following page 32 Malayan General News— Week In Malaya 1 Social and
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    • 38 7 VINK. At the Maternity Hospital, Singapore. on December 8. 1935. to Edith, wife oi F. H. Vine, a daughter. MACFARLANE. -On Dec. 4. at the Maternity Hospital. Singa|>oro to Mr. and Mrs. J. Stewart Macfarlane, a son.
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    • 34 7 JOHNSON-HrLL--DROOQLEEV£K—Thceti-Kagemcnt is announced between Kenelm Clifton, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. K. John.son-Hill of Northlands. Crunbrook Kent, and Aida Louisa, only dauRhter of Mrs. D. Fortuyn DrooKlecver. «»f lf>2. Oakwood Court. Kensington.
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    • 116 7 PETRIE —COLEMAN. —At Land! Kotal. India on Dee. 7. Margaret Maty, youngest daughter of Mr. Hruce Petrie oi Hun Yan*r Plantations, Johore, to Cyril Coleman, 2Bn The Welch Regiment. MACNAB —MII.ROY. —At the Presbyterian Church. Spore on Sat. 7 Dec. by the Rev. Stephen Band. B A. Robert Macnab.
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  • 2342 8 Acting Colonial Secretary’s Assurance. DEFECTS in the Singapore Trust Ordinance were referred to by the Hon. Mr. Tav Lian Teck, in speaking on the adjournment at the Legislative Council meeting on Monday. He asked that a committee be appointed to consider amendments.
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  • 37 8 H. H. Sir Tunku Mahamud. C.M.G K.8.E., Regent of Kedah accompanied by his wife and children and Ch<’ Mohamed Deli has left for Suma f ra f< a few weeks holiday.
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  • Correspondence.
    • 148 9 “Encouragement Of Nationalism.” To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir.—A dangerous principle is involved in the suggestion in a letter to the Straits Times yesterday that club lor people from the Dominions should be established in Singapore. Why create a division between British citizens from
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    • 243 9 What Is Truth About The IJ.S. Holding? To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir.—I am informea that the rubber stocks in the U.S.A. at the end ot October were 317.900 American tons oi 2.000 lb. This is equivalent to 279.752 British tons of 2.240 lb. or an
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    • 115 9 Circulars On The Subject Of Assessment. To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —Last month the Controller ot Rubber issued a circular to all estates having young areas who claim assessment for such areas in 1936. In this circular were given particulars of how measurements were to
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    • 508 9 Smallholders Who Have Been Successful. To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir.—The Director of Agriculture’s report on the agricultural possibilities ol the Cameron Highlands, submitted t( the Federal Council in November, does not meet with the approval of the smallholders and other agriculturists settled in the Highlands.
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    • 98 9 Cne Thing Which Is Lacking In Singapore. To the Editor of the Straits Times Sir.— May 1. through the medium of your widely read paper, appeal to New Zealanders. Australians, South Africans to form a club, principally a social one where we can get together read our Home
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    • 279 9 “Refreshing: Change In Social Life.” To the Editor of the Straits Times Sir.—The peculiar social structure of Singapore makes it necessary that a Dominions Club, as' proposed by a correspondent of the Straits Times yesterday, should be formed so soon as practicable. The influx of Dominions people to
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    • 417 9 Clauses Which Should be Deleted. To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —I understand there is some hope of the Architects Ordinance being amended, and with this end in view I believe a questionnaire has been circulated to architects for their comments. This is an ideal opportunity
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    • 496 9 A Doctor’s Views On “Mercy Kilim*.” To the Editor of the Straits Times Sir.—In this materialistic age. wo are hearing a good deal of euthanasia or. as the papers call it. mercy killing! There is now a movement on foot to legalise the killing of people suffering from so-called
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    • 45 9 The following Government officers have returned from leave: Major H S. Paterson, Miss G. Farnell. Messrs. T. M. Hussey, G. C. Stubbs. A. B. Walton. B. J. Freeman, N. C. E Miller, V. C. G. Gatrell. J. H. Spowers. J. G. Ciawford.
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  • 880 10 Should Demand Admission To M. M. S. COLLEGE OF MEDICINE DINNER. REPLYING to the toast of the College at the third annual reunion dinner of the King Edward VII College of Medicine at the Adelphi Hotel on Saturday night Dr. G. V. Allen, the principal,
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  • 106 10 Improved Results In F.M.S.V.F. In a letter published in the December Orders Major F. C. Yeo, Brigade Major, F.M.S V.F., writes The Commandant has noted with much satisfaction the very marked improvement in weapon training results throughout the F.M.S.V.F., during the past year. He considers these reflect great
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  • 197 10 Macnab Milroy. Mr. Robert Macnab. of the United Engineers. Singapore, was married at the Presbyterian Church. Singapore, on Saturday, to Miss Jenny Milroy, young er daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Milroy. of Easdale. Troon. Scotland. The Rev Stephen Band, conducted the ceremony. and Mr. J. Todd
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  • 302 10 “Lulled Into False Sense Of Security.” To the Editor of the Straits Times Sir.—It is stated in a bulletin from Reuter’s London office, published in this morning's issue of your contemporary. that the increase in the N.E.l rubber quota for the first six months of 1936 at 60
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  • 95 10 The two hangars to be built at the Civil Aerodrome, Singapore, will embody the most ideas in hangar construction, and will be among the largest in the Orient. Thev will be 300 feet long and 150 feet wide with a doorway height of 35 feet. After being
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    • 141 10 -Jllj j; H•j j i Mil ifSSpgl (^Gillum's] IE it 1 ifjpßiiJ jti ♦tijir {T-tni■ ON the seven seas 1 •f j -i-I in famous bars of 1 v^s.; l fif! famous ports; in clubs. fJrL. mess-rooms. manor 7# houses, from pole to wt-df pole and around the --1 i
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  • 239 11 Many Friends At Docks. glU Andrew Caldecott, former Colonial Secretary of the Straits Settlements and resident of Malaya for years, left in the Carthage at noon on Saturday to become the new Governor of Hong Kong, Life-long friends, representatives of the Services, local business and professional men.
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  • 126 11 Notable Passengers In Carthage. Two generals and two of the most senior members of the Malayan judi clary’ were prominent passengers arriving at Singapore in the P. andO liner Carthage from Europe on Friday They are Major-General Doboie Major-General Bartholomew. Sir Walter Huggard and Mr.
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  • 102 11 apt. G. H. Goh’s Appointment At Penang. “This testifies to the great confidence which the authorities have in our people. They are following the policy of promoting local people to the higher appointments of the public services and I think this is a very good indication of
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  • 419 11 Owed $5,000 For 12 Years. RELATIVE PAYS HALF. T*H S s a rase of a young man v\ho found the opportunity for signing chits in Singapore greater than his will power to resist them or his financial resources to meet them.” said Mr. E.
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  • 421 11 SEREMBAN INQUEST ON MR. A. H. JONES. 1 From Oiir Own Correspondent Sercnibun. Dec <; “There is insufficient evidence to charge him with rash driving, although he has been punished fop driving with out a certificate of competency,” saiu the Seremban magistrate, today, in recording a verdict
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  • 302 11 POPULO 1)1 ROME (Sept 13). —SINGAPORE FREE PRESS ‘Today) HARSH, unscrupulous and INCENDIARY.” ITALIAN PUBLICISTS COMMENT. t .AN newspapers are vigorously attacked by Signor (Jayda the eminent Italian publicist, in an article published last week. l lut theme oi Signor Guydu's article esays Reuter* is the accusation
    POPULO 1)1 ROME (Sept 13).; —SINGAPORE FREE PRESS ‘Today)  -  302 words
  • 253 11 Husband Three Women Acquitted. <From Our Own Correspondent Kuala Lumpur, Dee. 5. The ease in which Chin Kim and three women, Ah How, Soon See Moi and Chen Lam, were charged with wrongfully constraining the wife of the first accused, and using criminal force was concluded yesterday
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  • 612 12 Further Steps For Relief Of Aliens Envisaged. THE Legislative Council, at a meeting held on Monday—the last for the year— approved of a contribution by Government of $750,000’ to the Singapore Jubilee Fund. This was on a motion by the Hon. Mr. A. S. Small,
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  • 365 12 14 PARTNERS—ONLY ONE IN SINGAPORE. How a 53-year-old piecegoods shop had found itself unable to meet its liabilities was related in the Bankruptcy Court on Friday when Hoon Moo Hee, managing partner of Chop Eng Kiat. was publicly examined before Mr. Justice Gordon-Smith. Replying to
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  • 126 12 $1,121 Cheque For Pensioner. (From Our Oxen Correspondent.) Johore Bahru, Dec. 7. Inche Abdullah bin Omar, a clerk employed in the Treasury, Johore Bahru, uas charged before Shaikh Abu Baker bin Yahya, Second Magistrate. Johore Bahru, with having committed forgery and criminal misappropriation in respect
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  • 340 12 “There Is Ample Scope.” (From Our Own Correspondent. Kuala Lumpur, Dec. 4. 1\ZI ALAYA alone among countries of the Empire of its size and importance, has at present no air services other than those of the main trunk lines passing through it. This is to
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  • 471 12 Shown At Savoy Dinner. GUTHRIE CO. From Our Own Correspondent.) London. Nov. 26 HPHE directors of Guthrie and Co. entertained a distinguished gathering of Malayan and other guests at dinner at the Savoy Hotel last night. Mr. J. U Hay presided, and seated with him at
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  • 85 12 Alleged Smuggling In Johore. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Johore Bahru. Dec. 7. A seizure of 2 200 lb. of rubber allegedly being smuggled from Johore territory to Pulau Tikong. Singapore, was made by officers of the Johore Preventive Service. Three Chinese were arrested and charged
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  • 704 13 Ticket Bought And Sold By Member. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Seremban, Dec. 3. T»K judgment oi Mr. Justice R. Cussen. in an interesting lottery case, was read today in the Seremban Supreme Court. In this case Benjamin claimed from a Bombay merchant, K.
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  • 95 13 Search For Missing Boy Ends. From Our Own Correspondent.* Ipoh. Dec. 5. Having disappeared since Tuesday, a Chinese boy, 11 years of age. was found coad last night, in the public bathing pool behind the Tronoh police staticii. Earlier in the day
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  • 61 13 Prince Svasti. father of the ex-Queen oi Siam, is seriously ill in his residence in Burma Road, Penang. The Prince who is 70 years old has been ill tor some time but appeared t be on the way to recovery when visited recently by Prince Purachatra. A telegram
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  • 47 13 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Batavia, Dec 4. A Mr. Veraart of Java claims to be able to make rain and he has been experimenting in East Java on estates. So far, however, his efforts have not been successful, according to the Soerbaiasch Handelsblad.
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  • 117 13 Police Arrest Young Man In Johore. At ter two week’s investigations, the Singapore police have made an arrest in connection with the latal shooting of a 34-year-old Shanghai Chinese named Chung Siew-chow outside a colTee shop at the junction ol Syed Alwi Road and Jalan Besar
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  • 279 13 “No Information —New Chairman. (Front Our Own Correspondent). Kuala Lumpur, Dec. 4. At today’s meeting of the Kuala Lumpur Sanitary Hoard Mr. John Hands, M.C.H.. asked the following questions: 1. Has tlic Government accepted the Board's resolution to take steps to convert tlu Kuala Lumpur Sanitary Board
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  • 25 13 The State Council ol Pahang has passed the Pahang Supply Bill. 193 C. tor thi* total sum ol 53.377.5 M
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  • 325 13 Duplication Of Imperial Airways Services. IMPERIAL Airways wili run extra planes between Singapore and London this month to carry the heavy weight of Christmas mail. Arrangements have already been completed for a duplicated service from Singapore on Dec 15. because one outward plane will not
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  • 74 13 Reuter QUESTION ASKED IN PARLIAMENT. London, Dec. 5. Up to Oct .'II. €5.113.800 had been expended under the Navy votes on the construction and equipment of the Singapore Naval Base, said Mr Kenneth Lindsay. Civil Lord ol the Aamir alty, in a reply to Mr
    Reuter  -  74 words
  • 78 13 Plans For Service To Batavia. The giant K.L.M. Fokker F36. whichr is one of the biggest planes in th<world. may visit Singapore soon. Plans to operate this liner on th» regular bi-weekly "ervice between Amsterdam and Batavia are now under consideration. It was recently
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  • 586 14 Golf Club Scheme Approved. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Dec. 2. Without a single adverse vote— though there had been a minority opposition in response to the questionnaire—the members of the Selangor Golf Club decided this evening in favour of the scheme to build
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  • 80 14 Employees Reported Missing. The Singapore detective branch are investigating an alleged $32,000 absconding case revealed in a report by a prominent Chinese merchant made to the police last week. The merchant, Mr. Eng Cheng Chuan. of 10 Solomon Street, stated that two storekeepers and two cashiers in
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  • 298 14 Ceremony At Memorial Church. Tne foundation stone ol the Harry Oehlers Memorial Church at the 6th mile. Upper Serangoon Road, w-as laid bv Sir Andrew Caldecott. Colonial Secretary last week. The Bishop of Singapore, the Right Rev. B C. Roberts, assisted by the Ven. Archdeacon Graham
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  • 39 14 < From Our Own Correspondent* Bangkok. Dec. ft. The Premier, Phya Bohol, has applied lor two months extension of sick leave ar from yesterday. His application has heel granted by the Council of Regency.
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  • 618 14 Accused Men Not Guilty, But “Acted Foolishly.” A dramatic ending marked the trial of Loh Hong Kit and Leong Ah Keng, partner and clerk respectively of the piecegoods business of Chop Chong Fart, at the Singapore Assizes on Dec. 3, before Mr. Justice Gordon-Smith
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  • 293 14 HALF TON LOT COST £2,000. (From Our Own Correspondent) 3angkok, Nov. 30. Opium is coming dow" all the from the Shan States. It is compar ativel.v easy to get it to the railway though it is a long way. over two hundred miles, over a good
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  • 126 14 Enquiry Sent To Government. At the annual meeting of the Cameron Highlands Society the honorary secretary informed the meeting that letter had been written to Government asking it any assistance would .be extended by the Government to a pri vate practitioner setting up in the Highlands.
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  • 2028 15 Report For 1934—Assessment Anomalies—Revision Still Necessary—Old Estates Favoured. By Our Planting Correspondent. IN attempting a review of the report on the working of rubber regulation in the F.M.S. during 1934, which was laid before the Federal Council recently, I propose first to quote extracts of interest from
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  • 91 15 In this young clearing, which is being cultivated under “forestry” conditions, the jungle was felled in 1932 and left to grow up again. When restriction was seen to be imminent no time was left for holing before planting, so rentices were cut through the undergrow
    Photo by courtesy of Mr. F O Rasmussen.  -  91 words

  • 91 16 He Killed 13 People And Fired His Home. From Our Own Correspondent.) Batavia, Dec. 4. A Balinese, at Ampenan who had been provoked by his wife, became so wild that he ran amok and killed his wife and two children, and afterwards set his house on fire which
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  • 601 16 “MALAYA NOT OFF RADIO MAP. Governor Opens Exhibition At Penang. 500 SEE STALLS. T*HE relayed speech from Govern1 ment House with which His Excellency the Governor, Sir Shenton Thomas, opened the. Penang wireless exhibition last Thursday was clearly heard by listeners-in at Singapore as it was being broadcast from Penang.
    601 words
  • 321 16 Scenes At New Pier Once again, the Malayan Services are under a new command Major General William George Shedden Dobbie. CB. C.M.G.. D.S.O.. the new General Officer Commanding the Troops. Malaya, arrived in Singapore on Friday in the Carthage, and hall-an hour later received an official welcome
    321 words
  • 130 16 From Our Own Correspondent. > Johore Bahru, Dec. 6. The Hon Dr. M. Mootatamby. who was recently appointed an unofficial member of the Johore State Council and who has in the last fortnight been entertained to dinners by the Indian and Ceylonese Communities in
    130 words
  • 257 16 Cave-Penney Combi. Miss Yolande Combi, oi Singapore was married at St. Andrew’s Cathedral on Friday to Mr. Frank Lindl-v Cave-Penney. son of the late Mr and Mrs. F Cave-Penney, of the Asiatic Petroleum Company. Miss Combi, who is a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. A.
    257 words
  • 122 16 Luxury Yacht In Singapore A ONE-DAY visit to Singapore was made by the Arrterican luxury yacht Iolanda. owned by Mrs. Moses E Taylor, of New York. Gleaming white with her smart lines, the Iolanda entered port last Tuesday afternoon with her fashionabh dressed owner and seven
    122 words
  • 146 16 Cooley—Seymour. <From Our Own Correspondent' Penang, Dec 6 The wedding was solemnised yesterday at the Church of the Assumption of Mr. John Norman Cooley, of the Eastern Smelting Company. Penang and Miss Frances Elizabeth Ann Seymour. third daughter of Mr. and Mrs Joseph William Seymour, of High Gate
    146 words

    • 1691 21 Profiteering, Or Bad Production And Marketing Methods? —An Opening For Capital—And For The Straits-Born Chinese. BY OUR COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. |N his Notes oi the Day of Nov. 29. Anak Singapuia" draws attention to the high pitch of efficiency to which the cold storage business has
      1,691 words

  • 1366 22 MamWm \Jm r zm*mm Puzzle For Jalan Raja —What Happens To Mr. Rex? —Unemployment Problems- Golf Club To Have Swimming Pool —Mi ners 9 PI ain t. (From Our Own Correspondent). Kuala Lumpur, Dec. 5. /")NK of the initial problems arising from the prospective abolition of the Ch*ef Secretaryship and
    1,366 words
  • 105 22 RECENT EXPERIENCES IN A TYPHOON. CAPTAIN T. Hackett, master of the Silver liner Silvercypress, has just been nominated a pilot at Singapore. He left his ship before she continued her round-the-world voyage from here on Nov. 25. but his appointment will not be confirmed until December. Meanwhile.
    105 words

  • 469 23 I Air Commodore On Official Visit. 7,000 MILES OCEAN FLYING 4 IR-Commodore Sidney W. Smith, Air Officer Commanding: the R.A.F., Far East, will make an official flight to Japan in February with the squadron of Singapore III, (lying boats stationed at Singapore. The flight
    469 words
  • 206 23 I Bankruptcy Ordinance Conviction. A Eurasian Government pensioner, Godwin Ambrose Phillips, was fined $200, in default three months’ rigorous imprisonment, by Mr. H. A. Forrer, the i Singapore criminal district judge, last week on an unsual charge. Phillips had appeared on a summons under the
    206 words
  • 178 23 Sir Andrew Caldecott Tells Rotarians. The routine of official life in Malaya is by no means so devoid of amusing incidents as an outside perusal of reports and minute papers might suggest. This was revealed by Sir Andrew Caldecott, the Governor-elect of Hong Kong, in
    178 words
  • 617 23 Sanitary Board Unofficials’ Decision. UNEMPLOYED. fFrom Our Own Correspondent). Kuala Lumpur, Dec. 4. today’s meeting of the Kuala I .uni pur Sanitary Board Mr. John Hands, M.C.H.. moved the following resolution: “That this Board is unable to accept sole responsibility for the relief of
    617 words
  • 201 23 VIRWS OF SPANISH AMBASSADOR. C HINA as facecl niany crises throughout her history, and none o! them have proved too great for her,” said His Excellency Senor Juste Garrido y Cisneros. Spanish Ambassador to China, who arrived in Singapore in the Potsdam on his way to
    201 words
  • 97 23 Shoes Found On Third Floor Verandah. Lim Joo Heng aged 40. a elerk in tin* Water Department «>1 the Singapore Municipality, was found ded on Thursday morning after he had fallen from a side verandah on the third Moor of the Municipal building Joo Heng
    97 words
  • 81 23 II E the High Commissioner. Sir Shenton Thomas, accompanied by lii> A DC Mr W J Parks, arrived at Bahau by special train last Wednesday. They were met and accompanied by the Hon Mr G Wiseman and Mr Carey ol the Dunlop Plantations. Malacca, and
    81 words

  • 222 24 petitions in favour ol autonomy —Sin Chew Jit Poh REPORTED THREAT BY JAPANESE. Shanghai, Dec. 3. The Peiping and Tientsin area now presents a scene reminiscent of the eve of the Mukden Incident in 1931. This description of the alarm now being felt among the
    petitions in favour ol autonomy —Sin Chew Jit Poh  -  222 words
  • 62 24 —Reuter. Asmara, Dec. 4. What is regarded as pr<H>f that Italian political penetration is hearing fruit is contained in the official announcement that Colonel Gheremedinhagos of Ghire. who represents Tigre in the Abyssinian Parliament, has arrived at Adowa to make submission to the Political Commissioner
    ’.—Reuter.  -  62 words
  • 64 24 .—Reuter. Two Fatally Injured Near Tientsin. Peiping, Dec. 2. Villagers of Tawangchang. to the east of Tientsin, are reported to have manhandled and fatally injured two Japanese who had gathered them together on Saturday and harangued them on the subject of autonomy. The story has been confirmed
    .—Reuter.  -  64 words
  • 44 24 —Reuter Wireless. New Under-Secretaries Appointed. New British Government undersecretaries include: Dominions, Mr. Douglas Hacking. Parliamentary Secretary to the Admiralty, Lord Stanley. Financial Secretary to the War Office, Sir Victor Warrender. Secretary for Overseas Trade, Captain Euan Wallace.—Reuter Wireless.
    —Reuter Wireless.  -  44 words
  • 51 24 Aneta-Trans-Ocean. Tokio, No. 30. The population oi Japan is almost 100.000,000 according to the census of Oct. 1, first which gives the number of inhabitants of the Japanese Empire proper Including the leased territory of Kwantung as 99,453.619. This represents an increase of 8.1 per cent, since 1930
    Aneta-Trans-Ocean.  -  51 words
  • 202 24 Paris. Dec. 3. 1»HE gale sweeping across France played tw r o remarkable pranks last night. Firstly, the famous great arch ol the Trocadero Palace, erected lor the 187H Exhibition, collapsed w’ith a terrific din. A quantity of dynamite was recent l.v assembled
    202 words
  • 198 24 SIR SAMUEL HOARE’S REPLY. London, Dec. 3. Mr. Quo Tai-chi. the Chinese Ambassador, called on Sir Samuel Hoare, the British Foreign Minister, and in a long conversation Mr. Quo called attention to the Japanese violation of China's sovereign rights in North China. No information us available
    198 words
  • 225 24 .—Reuter. ATTITUDE TOWARDS JAPAN. London. Dec. 3. On the eve ot the naval conference it has become increasingly clear that the Americans will insist n n the elimlnation of political questions, while Japan wishes to include them declares the New York correspondent of the Manchester Guardian. Behind
    .—Reuter.  -  225 words
  • 157 24 —Reuter. BRITISH CABINET TO SUPPORT BAN. News that the British Cabinet lias agreed in principle in favour ot an embargo on petroleum supplies to Italy, ii no pacific settlement of the Abyssinian was. is in sight on Dec. 12. has created no surprise in well-in-formed circles
    —Reuter.  -  157 words
  • 124 24 —Reuter. FAMOUS GltiL ATHLETE BECOMES A MAN. Prague, Dec. 3. Miss Zdenka Koubkove. the famous Czechoslovak holder of the women’s world 800 metres record, established last year at the World Games in London, will shortly become Mr. Zdenek Koubka. Doctors informed Miss Koubkova that she had the
    .—Reuter.  -  124 words
  • 542 24 FOREIGN HOME AFFAIRS. —British Wireless. PRIME MINISTER ON ABYSSINIA. London Dec 3 In accordance with precedent the Houses ot Parliament adjourned alter hearing the King’s Speech and. on reassembling later, the Address in reply to the speech in which the Government programmes lor the eomins session was sot out. was
    —British Wireless.  -  542 words
  • 50 24 The Portuguese Government is reported to hove authorised the Macao authorities to sign a contract with Pan-Amcrlcan Air was for the establishment of the terminal of their trans-Paciflc air service. Mr Bixbv. of th Pan-American Airways will shortly leto r Manila for Macao.—Sin Chew Jit Poll. —Sin Chew Jit Poll
    —Sin Chew Jit Poll  -  50 words

  • 74 25 PRINCESS VICTORIA’S SUDDEN ILLNESS. The Straits Times regrets to announce the death in London on Dec. 3 of Princess Victoria, the King’s sister. She was 67. The following bulletin was issued last Monday night. “Princess Victoria had an acute and severe haemorrhage from the stomach yesterday evening.
    74 words
  • 610 25 DEFICIENCIES IN DEFENCE FORCES TO BE MADE GOOD. pOLLOW ING the death of Princess 1 Helena Victoria, the new Par-! liament was! opened on Dec*. .‘1 in the 1 absence of His Majesty, and the King’s speech was read on his behalf by the Lord Chancellor in
    610 words
  • 186 25 ’—British Wireless. London, Dec. 4. In both Houses of Parliament today party leaders joined in an expression of deep sympathy with the King and the royal family on the death of Princess Helena Victoria, the King's sister, and addresses of condolence were unanimously passed. In the Commons the
    ’—British Wireless.  -  186 words
  • 91 25 —Reuter. Three Kings Mourn At Windsor. London. Dec. 7. With simple dignity Princess Victoria was buried in the Royal Vault in St. George’s Chapel. Windsor, this morning, the coffin resting near those of King Edward and Queen Alexandra. The King and Queen of England, the King and
    .—Reuter.  -  91 words
  • 44 25 Reuter. London. Dec. 7. The Miners’ Federation last night decided to call a national ‘conference on Dec. 18 to decide their future action on the demand for increased wages, following the past fortnight’s inconclusive negotiations with the Mines Secretary, Capt. Crookshank and the owners.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  44 words
  • 178 25 .—Reuter. Marseilles, Dec. 3. A SUDDEN happy ending to the French Lindbergh Case whipped the population into frantic demonstrations outside the police station, shouts of joy mingling with imprecations against the kidnappers, now safely locked up within. Claude, the 18-months son of a locally respected
    .—Reuter.  -  178 words
  • 57 25 —Reuter. The Tutenkhamen curse Is recalled in connection with the death in New York of I'* James Henry, one of the discoverers of the famous tomb who died from a mysterious illness with which he was stricken a week ago while aboard the steamer Conte D’lsovoia
    —Reuter.  -  57 words
  • 92 25 -Aneta-Trans-Ocean. All Foreign Customs Are Taboo. Rome, Nov. 5. The appearance of large and small towns in Italy has completely changed. All foreign literature is banned in bookstalls and anyone seen reading a foreign newspaper is suspected of lack of patriotism. Wine shops and
    -Aneta-Trans-Ocean.  -  92 words
  • 133 25 A WV VM 1.-- Reuter. FREE STATE AND INDEPENDENCE. Dublin, Doc. 4. RKSOLUTION demanding that the Irish Free State Government should claim from the League of Nations recognition of Ireland’s independence and. it n »t accorded, the Free State should withdraw from Geneva, was heavily defeated at
    A • WV VM » 1.-- Reuter.  -  133 words
  • 124 25 More About The Bangkok Service. The Tokio Ministry oi Communications will realize a ten-year plan for developing civil aviation at a cost of 13,700,000 yet. of which 1,920,000 yeti for the first-year plan was approv'd by the budgetary Cabinet Council on Saturday. The plan Includes regular
    124 words
  • 80 25 Reuter. Malayan Question In Parliament. London, Dec. 5. In the House ol Commons today Mr. J H Thomas, answering his first question as Colonial Secretary about mui tsai in Hong Kong and Malaya, said the report ol the Hong Kong committee had already been published in
    Reuter.  -  80 words
  • 17 25 The death is announced of A. H. Behrend, the composer of the famous song 'Daddy."— Reuter Wireless.
    17 words

  • 276 26 -Sin Chew Jit Poll. But War Preparations Continue. Shanghai, Dec. 5. OINO-JAPANESE talks are proceeding in Peiping for a settlement of the North China question, hut the situation remains serious and Chinese military preparations continue. Meanwhile, the rebel East Hopei regime is consolidating its position in the
    -Sin Chew Jit Poll.  -  276 words
  • 112 26 .—Reuter. Labour Fears Of A “Bloody Conflict.” London, Dec. 7. On the resumption of the debate on the King’s Speech, Mr D. R. Grenfell (Labour) moved the Opposition amendment, regretting the Government’s failure to indicate any effective policy for the restoration and maintenance of
    .—Reuter.  -  112 words
  • 64 26 e.—Reuter. Million Lire Fine For Currency Offence. Rome, Dec. 6. A vast organisation for trafficking in currencies ha~ been discovered and the head of a Rome bank who was charged with complicity was yesterday fined a million lire and banished to the Lipari Islands. Sixteen members
    e.—Reuter.  -  64 words
  • 299 26 British Oil Companies Not Exploiting Situation. London, Dec. b. f CIK Samuel Hoare, the Foreign Minister, speaking in the Foreign Affairs debate in the House of Commons last night, made important references to four international topics ABYSSINIA: It may prove impossible to reconcile the divergent aims
    299 words
  • 164 26 endeavour.’’—Reuter and British Wireless A FINE RECORD OF PIONEERING. M f Canberra. Dec. 8 It is now assumed that Sir Charles Kingsford-Smlth and his co-pilot Capt. Pethybridge are dead and the Commonwealth Government has recorded its high appreciation of Sir Charles’ unique services for civil aviation.
    endeavour.’’—Reuter and British Wireless .  -  164 words
  • 83 26 —Reuter. How France Will Deal With Fascist Leagues. Paris, Dec. 7. The Chamber voted their confidence in M. Laval’s Government last night by 351 votes to 219 Surprise action was taken by M. Laval on the reassembling of the Chamber of tabling three Bills aimed
    —Reuter.  -  83 words
  • 189 26 Italy Abyssinia. France Delays Her Reply. Paris, Dec. 5. jjT is understood that the British government has submitted, through Mr. Maurice Peterson, the Foreign Office Abyssinian expert, for the approval of the French Government, new proposals for peace in Abyssinia. Three factors have so far prevented the
    189 words
  • 270 26 North China Crisis. —Reuter. Treaties Must Be Respected. Washington, Dec. M R CORDELL HULL U.S Secretary of State, gave notice to the world tonight that the United States does not look with equanimity upon the autonomy movement in North China, and calls on all nations to respect
    —Reuter.  -  270 words
  • 106 26 -Sin Chew Jit Poh. The Chinese Government while cxs tensibly sending General Ho Ying-chir to Peiping to attempt to settle the North China situation, has instructed its diplomats abroad to accuse Japan of oppression and to suggest the convocation of a conference of
    -Sin Chew Jit Poh.  -  106 words
  • 69 26 —Reuter Monarchist Demonstration In Crete. Athens, Dec. 4. Three bomb outrages took place ear iy today outside the residence of tht air force officers, Lieut.-Gen. Hatzisarantou and Col. Ceconomou and tht printing offices of the Venizelist news paper Neo Kosmos and the anti Venizelist organ Helleniconmelon
    —Reuter  -  69 words

  • 202 27 —Reuter. Royal Palace Hit By Bombs. dessie hospital DAMAGED. Dessie, Dec. 5. •t»HK Crown Prince of Abyssinia’s palace was bombed and partially burned in an air raid yesterday morning by nine Italian planes on Dessie. The American hospital was hit and some hospital tents burned. :Y>
    —Reuter.  -  202 words
  • 56 27 —Reuter. British Ship To Help Find Ellsworth. The British Government has ordered the Royal Research ship Discovery n, now proceeding on its fourth visit to the Antarctic, to alter its course and proceed with all possible dispatch to a convenient Australian port in order to co-operate
    —Reuter.  -  56 words
  • 67 27 —Reuter 2,400 MILES IN 17 HOURS. Alameda, Dec. 6. The China Clipper arrived back tonight at the conclusion of its return journey across the Pacific and covered the 2,400 miles from Honolulu in the record time of 17 hours 1 minu e. The machine’s total flying
    —Reuter  -  67 words
  • 365 27 Sin Chew Jit Poh. JAPAN’S MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS. I Tokio. Dec. 6. A Tientsin message to the Tokio Asahi Shimbun states that the Japan(st officials in North China are absolutely opposed to a solution of North China issues based on Nanking’s initiative. It is reported that .Major-General
    Sin Chew Jit Poh.  -  365 words
  • 32 27 —Reuter. Peiping, Dec. 7. The constantly changing North China barometer registers optimism again today, as a result of a report that Sino-Japanese negotiations in Peiping are continuing smodthly—Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  32 words
  • 207 27 Reuter. JAPANESE HINT OF REPRISALS. London. Dec. Reuter understands that China is considering an appeal to the League against the Japanese actions in North China on the basis of violation ol the Nine-Power Treaty. China is anxious first, as far as possible, to make sure of
    – Reuter.  -  207 words
  • 155 27 SANCTIONS MORE SANCTIONS. -Reuter OIL EMBARGO FOR NEW YEAR? Paris, Dec. 8. It is believed that Sir Samuel Hoare and M. Laval today decided that an oil embargo as from Jan. 1 shall be recommended to the Geneva meeting on Thursday by Britain and France, in the event of an
    -Reuter  -  155 words
  • 46 27 —British Wireless Road, rail and river traffic was much hampered by a dense fog which covered the London area on Saturday. Visibility was particularly bad in partj of Kent and a fog service of trains was in operation over all south-eastern England.—British Wireless.
    .—British Wireless  -  46 words
  • 98 27 .—Reuter. Hamburg. Dec. 7. Flood-hoarders grumblers, Churchmen, reactionaries and the foreign press were castigated by Gen. Goering in a two-hour speech justifying German rearmament in the interests of world peace. Once we were the anvil for a hundred hammers ”he declared Now we are the hammer A
    .—Reuter.  -  98 words
  • 266 27 Reuter. “LEITH-ROSS’S LACK OF FRANKNESS.” Tokio, Dec. 6. The Japanese Foreign Office spokesman considers that Sir Samuel Hoare’s speech does not call for comment as it is merely a description of the recent development of British relations with China. The spokesman remarked that it
    Reuter.  -  266 words
  • 36 27 -Reuter Wireless. l/ondon, Dec. 4. jiiK London Gazette announces that Sir Philip CunlifTeLister has taken the title of Viscount Swinton of Masham and Sir Kolton Lyres-Monsell that of Viscount Monsell of Evesham.—Reuter Wireless.
    -Reuter Wireless.  -  36 words
  • 133 27 Reuter Determination To Fight Sanctions. Rome. Dec. 8. Patriotic songs echoed through the Chamber of Deputies here yesterday prior to the opening of he autumn session with an important speech by Signor Mussolini. There was Indescribable applause when II Duce entered. Everybody rosr shouting “il Duce!
    " Reuter  -  133 words

  • 669 28 North China Crisis. Peiping—Mukden Railway.—Sin Chew Jit Poh. —Reuter. Protest Against New Regime. Peiping, Dee. 9. APPOSITION to the arrange- ment for the new administration of Hopei and Charhar provinces is seen in the action of General Shang Chen, Governor of Hopei, who in a message to the
    Peiping—Mukden Railway.—Sin Chew Jit Poh.; —Reuter.  -  669 words
  • 458 28 —Reuter. FRANCO-BRITISH PEACE PLAN. II Duce Offered Land For li Million Colonists. London, Dec. 9. ATRLMENDOUS Franco-British effort for peace in Abyssinia was made during the week end, when Sir Samuel Hoare, the Foreign Secretary, met M. Laval, the French Premier, in Paris. Reuter says that
    —Reuter.  -  458 words
  • 421 28 —Reuter. Bombing Of Dessie Town Hospital. Addis Ababa, Dec. 9. There is intense indignation in Abyssinia at the Italian bombings of Dessie. The Abyssinian Government denies the Italian statement that the town itself is the centre of troop cjncentrations and military preparations and declares no soldiers are
    —Reuter.  -  421 words
  • 55 28 London, Dec. 9. “If no new agreement is reached before the London and Washington treaties expire at the end of 1936. the wjrld will be exposed afresh to the danger of unrestricted competition in naval armaments. with all its calamitous effects on national budgets and international
    55 words

  • 441 31 (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Dec. 7 elr hth h °">e victory today at the e *P ense of Bo,to Wanderers in such conclusive fashion that they are now freely tipped to succeed the Arsenal as league champions. i„* !?r^™« re n,K. Sunder,and s
    441 words
  • 6 31
    6 words
  • 714 31 AFTER LEADING BY HALF A MILE. the R.S.Y.C. on Sunday tin* six-metres sailed the first race for the Black Swan Challenge Cup. This cup was presented in 1929 by Mr. C. F. F. Wearne to celebrate the completion of his world tour in
    714 words
  • 226 31 Johore Take Wooden Spoon” In South. (From Our Own Correspondent) Genuang, Dec. 7. Negri-Malacca 3 pts. Johore nil 1UFGRI-MALACCA beat Johore in Malaya Cup match at Genuanf today by a penalty goal (three points) to nil. The Combined States were the better side throughout and thoroughly deserved
    226 words
  • 361 31 C. R. MARTIN DOES “HAT-TRICK” Negri Sembilan Defence Was Outplayed. iFrom Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Dec. 7. Selangor. .3: Negri S...0. SELANGOR defeated Negri Sembilan in the return inter-State hockey fixture on the Padang today by three goal* to nil, C.R Martin, Jr. doing the hat
    361 words
  • 153 31 S. N. Kelly Sets Up New Course Record. The following is the result of the qualifying round of 36 holes for the Captain’s Prize at the Island Club. xE. Yean Bee 68 69=137 xY. Kaneko 69 70=139 xR. Haxworth 67 73=140 FL L. H. Stewart
    153 words

    • 1088 1 FRASER CO’S SHARE REPORT. Dividends Fail To Stimulate Tin Market. Nothing of outstanding Importance has occurred during the past week to affect markets generally, and if one can judge from the quotations of the London and New York Stock Exchanges the undertone of both markets appears to be distinctly better,
      1,088 words
    • 185 1 RUBBER EXPORT QUOTA UNALTERED. London, Dec. 3. The International Rubber Regulation Committee today confirmed an increase in the Netherlands Indies basic quotas by 57,000 tons in 1936, by 53,000 tons in 1937, and by 52,000 tons m 1938. The permissible exportable percentage for the first six
      185 words
    • 40 1 Outputs for the month of November. 1935: North Talplng.—Pels. 700. hrs. 607. cu. yds. 121.000. Klang River.—Pels. 977. hrs. 407. cu. yds. 44.000. Rantau.—Pels. 605. hrs. 565. cu. yds. 96.000. Batu Selangor.—Pels. 554. hrs. 638. cu. yds. 131.000.
      40 words
    • 12 1 The output for the month of November was pels. 215.
      12 words
    • 351 1 USUAL DIVIDEND OF 75 CENTS. The report of the Directors of the Straits Trading Co., Ltd., for the half year ended Sept. 30, states: After writing off depreciation, making provision for bad and doubtful debts, and including a transfer from Internal reserves, the balance amounts to $675,868.75
      351 words
    • 32 1 Estimated rubber crops for November Penang.— lb. Sabrang.—B2,ooo lb. Btralts —187.500 lb. Rubena. —89.000 lb. Bagan Serai.—67.loo lb. Tall Ayer —Bl.OOO lb. Batak Rablt.— lb Merchlston. —34,800 lb Mountloy.—56.000 lb.
      32 words
    • 32 1 Dredge statistics for the month of Nov.. 1935 —Hrs. run 496. cu. yds. treated 149,000. tin ore won pels. 337. estimated cost $13,500. cost per cu. yd. 9.06 cents.
      32 words
    • 949 2 < Incorporated in Queensland) RAUB. PAHANG. F.M.S. December 6th 1935 REPORT NO. 501. The Chairman Directors, The Ranh Australian Gold Mining Co., Ltd. SINGAPORE S.S. Gentlemen, —Herewith Is the Report ol Operations of the Raub Australian Gold Mining Co Ltd., for the four
      949 words
    • 173 2 LONDON VIEW OF QUOTAS CHANGE. London, Dec. 4. Rubber operators, after the first shock of the allotment of the large increased basic quota to Netherlands India without a corresponding reduction in the permissible exportable allowance, now realise that the additional supplies were probably a mere bagatelle
      173 words
    • 148 2 1255th Auction. December 4. 1935. lbs. ton" Catalogued 976.383 435 88 Offered 902.053 402.70 Sold 812.276 362 62 Spot London 6 3 16d. New York 12% ct.s. PRICES REALISED. Ribbed Smoked Sheet. Cents per lb. Standard Quality 21 A few lots 21% Good Average Quality
      148 words
    • 31 2 Dredge statistics for the month of Nov., ’93s.—Hrs. run 669 cu. yds. treated 318.000. f, in ore won pels. 247. estimated cost 513.000, cost per cu. yd. 4.09 cts.
      31 words
    • 744 2 ENTREPOT FOR DUTCH NATIVE RUBBER. Lewis and Peat (Singapore) Ltd., in their report dated Singapore, Dec. 6, state: The long awaited announcement by the International Rubber Committee came as a great disappointment to Malaya generally as. although some concession to the N.E.I. was expected, the magnanimity of
      744 words
    • 184 2 PRODUCTION QUOTA RAISED 10 PER CENT. The Hague, Dec. 6. The International Tin Committee today raised the production quota by ten per cent, to 90 per cent, for the first quarter of 1936. Since no mention is made regarding the extension iA the restriction scheme after
      184 words
    • 131 2 Foreign Imports of Tin Ore during rl»e nouth of November. 1935. Country of Origin Ton.' 1. Alaska 58 2. Burma 392 3. The Netherlands Indies:— Banka Billiton Singkep Other Places 9 4. French Indo-China 277 5. Japan 6. Siam 872 7. Tanganyika 14 Union of South Africu
      131 words
    • 99 3 $280,000 TO RESERVES. Wearne Brothers, Ltd. report a net profit for the year ended Sept. 30 of $637,772 and $123,688 was brought in. A final dividend of 5 per cent, making 10 per cent., and a bonus of 5 per cent, are recommended, transferring $100,000 to general
      99 words
    • 99 3 Operations for the month of November:— Ampat.—Hrs. 1.830, cu. yds. 407.000. pels. 1.094. Kampong Lanjut.—Hrs. 1,192, cu. yds. 525.000. pels. 1.075. Kamunting.—Hrs. 2.299, cu. yds. 615.000. pels. 3.030. Kramat. —Hrs. 633. cu. yds. 285.000. pels. 1.400. Kuala Kampar.—Hrs. 1,240. cu. vds. 593.000. pels. 1,745. Larut. —Hrs. 603. cu.
      99 words
    • 97 3 During the week ending Nov. 30, 1935, exports from Malayan p>rts amounted to 27.090 cases, of which: 14,584 (54 per cent.) cases were to the United Kingdom, 5.635 (21 per rent.) coses to the Continent of Europe, 4.555 (17 per cent.) cases to Canada, and 2.316
      97 words
    • 107 3 The Secretary of Austral Malav Tin, Ltd., reports the following outputs cf its associated companies for the month of November. 1935. Kampong Kamunting Tin Dredging. Ltd. (Karangan).—Hrs. run 641, cu. yds. treated 130.000, total pels. 270, net value £lB 090. Asam Kumbang Tin Dredging, Ltd.—Hrs. run 537,
      107 words
    • 16 3 November outputs.— Malayan Tin Dredging.—2.soo per.. Southern Malayan.—2.soo ncls. Southern Perak. —1,150 pels.
      16 words
    • 28 3 Operations for the month of 1935.—Output 471 pels., yardage 142 000 eu yds., hrs. run 659 hrs., Remarks -am over completed shut down for overhaul
      28 words
    • 42 3 Results of the working of Kucliai I in Bucket Dredge for November are as 101iows: Actual running time 629 hrs. inintime lost 90 hrs. 7 min., average ciicpnR depth 48.3 feet, ore won 726.44 pels., vara:‘ge treated 136.600 cu. yds.
      42 words
    • 17 3 November operations: —Hrs. run 380 hr. yardage treated 53.000 eu.yds.. output pels.
      17 words
    • 72 3 —Straits Times copyright cable Unpleasant Shock For Shareholders. 1 rum Our Own Correspondent. London, D«c. 9. Piang Besar Rubber Estate proposes a capital reduction from £200.000 to £115,500 “by the cancellation of paici up capital lost or unrepresented bv assets to the extent of ten
      —Straits Times copyright cable  -  72 words
    • 190 3 Singapore. December 11, 12 noon. Buyer. Seller Gambier 6.50 Java Cube 9.25 Hamburg 9.50 White Montok Pepper 17.2 b Black Pepper 9.25 Fair Flake Tapioca 4.35 Med Pearl Tapioca 5.20 Small Pearl Tapioca 5.20 Lingga Sago Flour Sarawak Sago Flour Palembang Jelotong 10.50 Banja Jelotong 10.25 Sarawak Sago Flour
      190 words
    • 99 3 Tire following are crop figures for Nov., and the brackets are those for the corresponding period of last year. 8enta.—(56,500 lb.) 47,000 lb. Sandycroft.—(l7,ooo lb.), 21,800 lb Kuala Kangsar.—(l7s,loo lb.), 126 000 .b. Pelepah Valley.—(64,ooo lb.), 45,000 lb. Kota Tinggi.—(4l,ooo lb.), 49,000 lb. Sigiilting.—(22,ooo lb.), 20,000 lb. Clovellv.—(19,000
      99 words
    • 53 3 Outputs of rubber for the month of November from the following estates:— United Patani.—239,Bl9 lb. Malakotr.—l23.93o lb Taiping.— 97,s2l lb. Sungei Batu. —56,000 lb Windsor.—23.249 lb. Foothills.— 2s.Boo ID. Bertam Cons. —182,555 lb Kuala Muda. —194.000 lb Val Dor. —34,500 lb. Gadek.—24,soo lb. Kuala Sidim. —82 457 lb.
      53 words
    • 39 3 Renong Tin Dredging Company s output of -»re for the month of November 1935 is. To. 2 Dredge 361.30 pels. No 3 Dredge 2 Th" output for the month of November. 1934 was:—No. 3 Dredge 518.00 pels.
      39 words
    • 440 3 Tins An Exception In Weak Market. London, Dec. 11. The stock and share markets give i the appearance of having undergone a byut of profit-taking now that the upward swing, for the time being at all events, has been arrested. Funds were inactive and unchanged on balance, though
      440 words
    • 20 3 The Raub Australian Gild Mining Company’s output for the four weeks ended Nov. 30. amounted to 1.609.09 ozs.
      20 words
    • 108 3 TIN PRICE NOT TOO HIGH .-—Reuter. Mr. John Howeson Defends Buffer Stock. London, Dec. 10. The desirability and necessity of a tin buffer stock was stressed by Mr. John Howeson, chairman, at the meeting of Kamunting Tin Dredging when ho pointed out that supplies were at least three months distant
      .-—Reuter.  -  108 words
    • 77 3 —Reuter. Exasperation At Policy Of I.R.R.C. Sandakan <B.N Borneo), Dec. tt Public feeling here is exasperated by news that, whereas the Netherlands Indies rubber quota has been Increased, the International Committee has refused to adjust the “grave admitted mistake in the assessment of the British North
      —Reuter.  -  77 words
    • 47 3 Outputs for the month of November. Alor Amal. Estates. —43,003 lb. Bedong (Ma1aya).—47.399 lb. Temerloh.—2l.7oo lb. Kamra Tin Dredging.—No work during tin- month on account of restriction. Pattani Tin Ltd.—Dredging output 115 pcb.. yardage treated 50.000 cu. vds.. hrs. workwi 165 hr*. Hydraullclng.—74 pels.
      47 words
    • 14 3 Outputs for the month of November, 1935. amounted to 280 nch.
      14 words
    • 28 3 Summary or company’s dredging operation at Kalumpang for the month of November. 1935. No. 2 Dredge hrs run 319. yds. treated 53.000. outnut 286 pels.
      28 words
    • 19 3 Output for the month of Nov.. 1935. was 603 pels., yardage worked 148,000 und brs. run 594.
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    • 16 3 November operations:—Hrs. run 582 hrs.. yardage treated 135,000 cu. yds., output 772 pels.
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    • 34 3 The following telegram has been received from the mine: For November Dredge Takuapa No. 3 509 hrs., 108.000. cu. yds.. 328 pels. Estimated value of output $22,300 Mine working costs $13,500.
      34 words
    • 13 3 Output for the month of November, 1935, was 912 pels.
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    • 18 3 Output from Lukut Tin Dredging mine for the month of November amounted to 250 pels.
      18 words
    • 15 3 The output of Rambun Mines, Tan Jong Rambutan. for November was 347 Dels
      15 words
    • 58 3 n* tr Spot Dec. Jan.-Mar. Apr -June JuJy-Sept. Loudon tv? c 21% 22 22', 22\ 23«, 6> 4 21 22 22', 22** 23*4 0 5 9 21 13/16 21‘; 22 'i 22*, 23'< 5 18 !0 21 13 2122' 22 7 23 8 8* 16 J,
      58 words
    • 621 4 London Exchange Prices On Nov. 27. Allagar (l/ 1 1/3 V*; Alor Pongsu (2/) 1/10V*; Anglo-Malay (£1) 12/3; Ayer Kuning (£1) 28/1V4; Bagan Serai (£1) 15/; Bahru (Sel.) (2/) 2/8; Banteng (£1) 18/; Batang (2/) /10‘* Batu Caves (£1) 20/6; Batu Tlga (£1) 24/4V*; Bekoh (2/) /IIVi; Bertam
      621 words
    • 149 4 London Exchange Prices On Nov. 27. Ampat (4/) 5/9; Anglo-Burma (5/) 15/3; Ayer Hltam (5/) 14/9; Bangrin (£1) 20/; Gopeng Cons. (£1) 1%; Hongkong (5/) 14/7V* Idris (5/) 5/19; Ipoh (16/) 26/9; Kampong Lanjut (fil) lft/3; Kamunting (5/) Kepong (fll) 10/9; Kinta (5/) 10/; Kinta Kellas (5/) 5/6;
      149 words
    • 16 4 Dec. 5 Tin, S’pore Price $lOB% per picul ***** 107% 107 11 106%
      16 words
    • 1458 4 Issued by Fraser and Co. and Lyall and Evatt Exchange and Stock Brokers. Singapore, December 11, 10 a.m. MINING. Issue Val. Fraser Co. Lyall Evatt issue Val. Fraser Co. Lyall Evatt Buyers Sellers Buyers Sellers Buyers Sellers Buyers Sellers 4/- Ampat Tin 5/9 0/3cd 5/9 6/3 5/-
      1,458 words