The Straits Budget, 19 September 1935

Total Pages: 36
1 4 The Straits Budget
  • 29 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE STRAITS TIMES (ESTABLISHED NEARLY A CENTURY.] No. 1019. SINGAPORE. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1935. Price 25 cents (S.S. Currency) or 7d.
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  • 350 1 'THE British naval force at Singapore will be strengthened during the coming week. H.M.S. Cornwall, the 9 750-ton cruiser, is at present at the man-of-war anchorage in the outer harbour and four destroyers from Hon*.* Kong are due within a few days. V is stnted that
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  • 260 1 BIRTHDAY ADDRESS IN SELANGOR (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Sept. 12. The following is an English translation of extracts from the address from all communities, read in Malay by Mr. J. S. Vethavanam, I.S.M., M.S.C., on the occasion of the celebrations at Klang yesterday of
    —Straits Times Photograph.  -  260 words
  • 574 1 JOHORE’S GREAT DAY. (From Our Special Correspondent.) Johore Bahru, Sept. 17. THE Royal Air Force provided a spectacular finale to the ceremonial parade at Johore Bahru this morning. The fighting aircraft came from the east, twenty of them, diving steeply out of the sun, six trios
    —Straits Tunes Photograph.  -  574 words
  • 61 1 Negri Sembilan Battalion Inspected. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Seremban, Sept. 17. The Negri Sembilan battalion of volunteers was inspected by the G.O.C Malaya. Major General E. O. Lewin, on Sunday when various tactical exercises were held At night Major General Lewin was the guest of honour at
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  • The Straits Budget
    • 1198 2 to displeasure.—Straits Times. Sept. 12. France has been so much in the International limelight in recent months that very little has appeared in the Press regarding her internal political developments. One particularly striking and highly significant movement has grown with extraordinary rapidity dining the past year. It
      to displeasure.—Straits Times. Sept. 12.  -  1,198 words
    • 772 2 Straits Times, Sept. 13. Somewhere in a pigeon hole in one of the government offices in Singapore, there reposes a Good Idea—that is, if it was not lost en route to the last resting place of so many Good Ideas. This particular plan cannot have been
      Straits Times, Sept. 13.  -  772 words
    • 286 3 Straits Times, Sept. 13. In an editorial which appeared on Monday last, under the heading oi ••Justice,” we quoted several passages from an article which appears in the current issue of the Malayan Law Journal. The subject ol the article was a trial which took place recently in the
      Straits Times, Sept. 13.  -  286 words
    • 826 3 -Straits Times. Sept. 14. An important suggestion was put forward by Mr. Roland Braddell in two excellent articles on ameron Highlands which he contributed to the Straits Times (~,n tly. Mr. Braddell stressed a handicap in the development ot the highlands which must be apparent
      -Straits Times. Sept. 14.  -  826 words
    • 846 3 --Strait Times, Sept. 16. Relations between Singapore and Johore have always been peculiarly close and friendly, and today, as in the past, they are without parallel elsewhere in Malaya. Naturally the other Settlements which are contiguous with Malay States take a special interest in those States, but it
      --Strait Times, Sept. 16.  -  846 words
    • 780 4 —Straits Times, Sept. 17. In his recent interview with the Straits Times, Mr. Eric Macfadyen remarked on the revolutionary changes in rubber estate practice, since he was a working planter in Malaya. Some of these changes remain subjects of heated controversy, and it would appear that planters can
      —Straits Times, Sept. 17.  -  780 words
    • 774 4 peared on Wednesday last. Straits Times, Sept. 18. We gather that the Straits Times is not exactly popular in the vicinity of Raffles College. To put the position very mildly, last Wednesday’s leading article I was received with pained surprise by certain members of the administrative staff. We
      peared on Wednesday last.—Straits Times, Sept. 18.  -  774 words

  • 74 4 WATERHOUSE.—At Cairn Holm on Sept 9 to Gwen, v/ife of F. L. Waterhouse —a s f> n BARBOUR—On Sept. 11, 1935. at the Maternity Hospital, Singapore, to Margaret wile of George Barbour—a son. Both well. TAYLOR—On Sept. 13, at Maternity Hospital, Singapore, to Dorothy, wife of L. v Taylor,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 87 4 NOTICE. All communications for both the Straus Times and the Straits Budget should be addressed to the Head Office, Cecil and Stanley Streets, Singapore, Straits Settlements. The post free price of the Straits Times to the United Kingdom and foreign countries is $48 a year. The post free price of
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  • 142 5 A FORMER member of the Malayan A civil Service. Mr. L. D. Gammans, ,poured in the Paramount news reel >lloWll at the Capitol, at the weekend. Mr Gammans. who spoke with his usual clarity and force (he was one 01 best speakers in Malaya during his
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  • 109 5 IT is a noteworthy coincidence that the Sultan of Johoro has granted Colours to his volunteer Infantry in the thirty-first year of their history, a* he did in the case of his regular troops. The Johore Military Forces received their Colours in 1916, having been founded by Sultan
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  • 154 5 IJOVV much longer is the F.M.S. Government going to permit the wholesale slaughter of one of Malaya’s most beautiful animals, the sambhur deer Mr. K. P. Reynolds’ article in the Straits Times yesterday was an appalling revelation of how quickly sambhur can be exterminated in a Riven urea,
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  • 178 5 jJOW docs one have a nervous breakdown For years I have been 'rying to have one. From all 1 can gather, it is a disease which is entirely painless and yet incapacitates tlie victim for work, while earning nim a vast amount of sympathy and a sea voyage
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  • 183 5 last Monday the longed-for breakdown, with its consequent medical prescription of nourishing diet and no work, seemed farther away than ever. I was getting thoroughly discouraged, while my efforts to bring about a spectacular collapse were trying my colleagues’ patience quite appreciably, but on Monday. I read in
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  • 132 5 is Chinatown more alluring and cheerful than at the time of the Moon Festival, which reaches Its climax tonight. To Europeans the sight of the pastry-shops piled high with “mooncakes” of all sizes is reminiscent ol Blaster, while the display of new lanterns and toys for the children,
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  • 141 5 IT is believed that this festival origi- nated in primitive man’s worship ol the moon, and the principal day falls on the fifteenth day of the eighth moon, which is sometimes in September and sometimes in Octobei. The Man-In-The-Moon legend which is told to children in Europe is replaced
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  • 101 5 MOON-worshlp is by no means dead among civilised mankind, although It now takes the form of aesthetic emotion and cosmic awe rather than superstition. Thus Ben Jonson: Queen and huntress, chaste and fair, Noic the sun is laid to sleep, Seated in thy wonted chair, State in wonted
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  • 117 5 HOUSE OF PALMS.” THEN there is Fauconnler’s memor- able description of the “House ol Palms” by moonlight: "We stood at the edge of an open space, and I saw a Malayan house, quite small and completely overshadowed by two great trees: a ‘kompas’ with a stem so straight and tall
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  • 159 5 ONE0 NE of the largest restaurants in Singapore, and one under European management, refused to accept a starred 50-cent piece from me yesterday. I was sufficiently interested to approach the manager, who admitted that the coin was not counterfeit and was legal tender, but upheld his clerk’s refusal
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  • 71 5 J7ROM the New York cables relatmg 1 to the death of Senator Huey Long, published in the Straits Times on Tuesday: “This spirit of violence is not American and has no place in the consideration of public affairs (President Roosevelt.) “The police commander (at Baton Rouge) states that
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  • 124 5 QUESTS at the ceremonies in Johore Bahru on September 17 will probably notice the comparative rarity of Malay costume among the throng of Malay officials. Adaptations of the white uniform worn by British colonial civil servants exist in most of the Malay States for certain ranks and occasions,
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  • 111 5 A good story is told of the first occasion on which this uniform was worn by the present Sultan’s father. This happened in the late forties. when Prince Abu-Dakar fas he then was) was a young man of twenty-five or so. His lather. Temenggong Ibrahim, who was a
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  • 129 5 gTATE occasions are not ’quite so picturesque in Johore Bahru, now that guests from Singapore whizz across the Causeway in cars and pass through the town before the populace knows what is happening. In the old days, on the occasion of a visit from a Governor or
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  • 104 5 *J»HE Sunday Times has published two remarkably interesting articles by an unemployed European rubber planter. This planter, who lost his job in the last slump, is living in a disused estate bungalow in a certain district of Negri Sembllan. To fill in his empty days he has
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  • 205 5 GUN-FIRE ECHOES AiIORE unrealistic nonsense has been written about British pacification of the Malay States than about any other part of the Empire. Consider the following statement, made by Prof. A. P. Newton in the Saturday Revicxc: “The noticeable example of peaceful and successful penetration Ls to be found
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  • 122 5 COLOURFUL SCENE OIR Shenton Thomas can have seen few more picturesque spectacles in his official cart or than that which greeted him on Ills arrival at Kuching last month. The Bea Re.le was escorted by decorated launches carrying Malay orches tras, as she made her way up the river, and
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  • 164 6 OIR Shenton then inspected repre sentatives of a colonial force which few peop.e outside Borneo have seen, the Sarawak constabulary, who pr*' vidod a guard of honour. Also on parade was a party of Sea Dyaks in full war kit, and the leader of this party was presented
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  • 117 6 OAKAWAK receives a Straits Gover* nor not ns a Governor on an official visit but as a ?;ersonal representative of the King. Accordingly the salute which announced the arrival of the Sea Belle consisted of 21 guns, not the 18 w'hich are His Excellency’s due in Malaya. This
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  • 133 6 KALLANG JOY-RIDES AN attractive possibility was mentioned by Birdman in his monthly article on Malayan aviation l*i the Sunday Times last week. He recalled the extraordinary demand for joy-rides that was experienced at the Royal Air Force display at Seletar, particularly from the Asiatic spectators, and added It is now
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  • 140 6 CAR THEFTS •THREE cars having been stolen in Singapore in the last fortnight, those owners who do not employ syces will have to be more careful. The objective of the thieves is apparently not the car itself but the tyres. In the cars so far recovered, the accessories have been
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  • 97 6 I AST week I asked what action can bo taken by a customer of a shop or restaurant if he tenders a silver coin bearing the star under the King’s head and the shopkeeper refuses to accept it. I have since been told the answer. The customer should
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  • 174 6 “CANNOT BE UNDONE AN amusing comparison between British and American consulates, written from an Oriental point of view, is contributed by Mr. Ziro Tuzi to the current issue of Contemporary Japan In the American consulate In Tokio, one gathers, a mysterious Hell Hitler gesture is required. The innocent Japanese is
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  • 151 6 THE viseing procedure is much simpler at a British consulate.” this writer continues. 44 The only difficulty is to hear what the official says through his pipe. Not that this matters much, but it is convenient to catch the grunted ‘Morning* which indicates that the business is
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  • 203 6 ARMY BRAINS COME of our Service friends will be displeased with a passage in “Tallow’s” article published in Saturday’s Straits Times. Yet that article was written by a former staff officer at Fort Canning, and the statements quoted in it were made by a man with 27 years’ service as
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  • 152 6 1 WONDER whether other people have as much trouble with wrong calls on their domestic telephones as I do with mine. My number happens to be one removed from that of an important Chinese firm, and at least once a day, on an average, people ring up my
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  • 155 6 MALAYAN magistrates will be interested in a curious case which is reported in the Sarawak Gazette as follows “In the District Court, Lubok Antu, Chandu (f) and her family were charged by Penghulu Ramba with the offence of insulting him and Ills family by calling him an uhiii
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  • 127 6 SIR S. HOARE’ SPEECH 0N Saturday the Straits Times rev ceived from the Colonial Secretariat a verbatim report of Sir Samuel Hoare’s statement on the subject ot colonial raw materials made at Geneva the previous Wednesday. This statement had been sent as an ordinary cabled message to the local Government
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  • 162 6 ISLAND ORCHID QNE of the prettiest and least-known of Singapore wild flowers is described by Mr. R. E. Holttum in the current number of the Malayan Oichid Review. This is a ground orchid which is not uncommon in grassy or bushy places on the island. Its flowers are very shortlived,
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  • 115 6 name of this orchid, Bromiieadia Finlaysonia, is derived in part from a surgeon In the service ot the East India Company, Dr. O. Finlayson It appears that Dr. Finlayson collected a specimen in Singapore when he passed through i n 1821, in his capacity as naturalist
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  • 175 6 THE Journal. Contemporary Japan, to 1 which I referred yesterday is a remarkable production. It Is doubriul whether there is a finer periodical in the English language published anywhere in the non-English-spoaktng world. Published quarterly by the Foreign Affairs Association of Japan, and sold at three shillings,
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  • 132 6 HONG KONG SQUABBLES grievance.”— The Times March 1859. Kong is always connected with some discreditable Internal squabble. Every official’s hand is there against his neighbour. The Governor has run away to seek health or quiet elsewhere. “The newspaper proprietors were, of late, all more or less in prison or going
    grievance.”—The Times, March 1859.  -  132 words

  • 961 7 Mr H. G. Sarwar has returned from India' after a four months’ absence trom Penang. Mrs. Gwyther. wife of Mr. T. H oiyther, of the Chartered Bank, Ipoh. n is arrived back from Home. i;r. R E. Anderson, Health Officer, i i.N i>een appointed to officiate as
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  • 116 7 Senior Superintendent Of Survey Dept., Perak. The following promotions have been approved by the Secretary of State for the Colonies: Mr. A. R. White, Superintendent, Survey Department, M.S. and S.S., to be Senior Superintendent. Perak. Mr. L. D. Meyer, Senior Assistant Superintendent, Kinta, to be a Superintendent, Survey Department,
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  • 313 7 Wednesday, Sept. 11. His Excellency presided at a meetIng of the Executive Council held at Government House this morning. Thursday, Sept. 12. H.H. the Sultan of Perak, Major and Mrs. K. S. Morgan, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Langworthy, Mrs Sturgess, Mr. J. P. PennefatherEvans, Major Lindsay Vears
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  • 125 7 Leaders— Croix De Feu 2 Lost, Stolen or Strayed 2 Justice 3 The Colony and The Highlands. 3 Johore Today 3 Planters’ Problems 4 Raffles College 4 Telegrams— Covering past week's news 24—28 Picture Supplement 17—20 Finaucial Supplement— Financial and Commercial news to date, following page 32 Malayan General
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  • 272 7 Rice Research Officer For Agricultural Department. The following appointments are notified in the F.M.S. Government Gazette: Mr. H. T. Pagden to be Rice Research Entomologist, Agricutural Department, S.S. and F.M.S. Sergeant F. Hardman to be a Company Sergeant-Major and Instructor. Volunteer Forces, Malaya. Drs. G. M. Graham, J.
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  • 294 7 OBITUARY: MR. H. C. DE SOUZA. The funeral of Mr. H C deSouza took place on Monday afternoon at the Bldadarl Cemetery, Singapore it was preceded by a choral service at the Cathedral of the Good Shepherd, which was very largely attended by relatives and friends. The Rev. Father Dubois
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  • 412 8 Sultan’s Reply To Addresses. At nine o’clock a short religious ceremonv was held at the Dewan a' which His Highness the Tunku Mahkota was accompanied by the acting General Adviser and the Judge in full robes. Arranged about the dais were all the principal officials of
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  • 541 8 FAMOUS FILM “HUNTERS IN SINGAPORE. Mrs. Martin Johnson Speaks For The Party TWO weeks in Singapore and then 12 months among the wild men and wilder animals of the interior of Borneo. Those are the plans of three cinematograph explorers—two men and a woman—who reached Singapore on Monday in a
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  • 128 8 Grants By Singapore Board. QPPOSITION to the Cafe Wien, in Orchard Road, being granted a iirst-class liquor licence, was made by Mr. Herbert A. McKnight, the proprietor ol the Calitornia Sandwiche Shoppe, in Orchard Road, at the session of the Board of Licensing Justices. Mr.
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  • 110 8 Tender Accepted For Singapore Work. Municipal Committee No. 3 at a meeting has accepted th e tender of K V. Nathan, at $5,314.26, for the construction of the road, drain and culvert at Still Road, from East Coast Road to Joo Chiat Place, Singapore.
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  • 151 8 —Reuter. Importance Of Penang To Hong Kong Link. London, Sept. 1G A further stage towards a regular air service between London and New York in an easterly direction was begun today when the Imperial Airways liner Dorado, piloted by Captain W. Armstrong, accompanied by Flight Officer
    —Reuter.  -  151 words
  • 151 8 HOAT-HOUSES AM) PAVILIONS. CHINESE SUPPORT. <By Our Chinese Correspondent .> A scheme for more recreation ,i amenities at the Alkaff gardens. Slnoaporc, will be started shortly. A well-known Chinese merchant has completed arrangements for the building of a number of boat-houses somewhat similar to those on th*>
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  • 247 8 Straits Chinese Reading Club Concert. ”1 think the gathering tonight is one of the largest we have ever had” Tills was spoken by the Hon. Dr Lim Han Hoe to about 400 people at the variety entertainment organised by the Straits Chinese Reading Club, branch
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  • Correspondence.
    • 427 9 A NAK SINGAPURA’S SUGGESTION SUPPORTED. T„ the Editor of the Straits Times sir The citizens of Malaya anti tiuir descendants should be very tlumkiul to “Anak Singapura” for the allowing suggestion:— ought not an effort to be made in lhl jubilee Year to get a Charter for
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    • 61 9 The death took took place suddenly at Kuala Lumpur, early on Saturday morning, of Mrs. R. Madge. Mrs. Madge was for some years secretary of the Kuala Lumpur Book Club, an appointment which she relinquished last year on her marriage to Mr. Raymond Madge. The
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    • 708 9 Continued Muddling And Playing With Figures.” To the Editor of the Straits Times Sir,—When rubber restriction was introduced, you very wisely suggested that it should be given peace in which to work. I believe that, apart from complaints about unjust methods of assessment, the producers have carried out their
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    • 70 9 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Java. Sept. 9 Two of the four Chinese schoolboys, who were out rowing in a boat, lost) their lives on the night of the great aquatic festivities organised in Soerabaya on the occasion of the Queen’s birthday. It appears that the boys, while frolicking,
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 57 9 ((TTGiUunrs^ jp||j|l| in famous bars of Lii'-H j mess-rooms, manor pole and around the j fW equator—you will And *SUN A6ENCIJjv> 1I r] McCallum’s a symbol Ft 1 it]} m Mh. I uine Scots* Whisky {lll AAp/% t If distilled In a halo of I I L f I 1
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  • 676 10 A Vain Search For Rhinocerous Sondaicus. NATURALISTS RETURN TO INDIA. Hard Going In The Krau Reserve. From Our Ow n Correspondent* Calcutta, Sept. 14. A Malayan expedition in search of Uhinocerous Sondaicus has returned to India after a vain search of tin* Malayan jungle. In
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  • 298 10 Reuter. SENT FROM HONG KONG. Secret Orders To The China Fleet. THK Hritish naval force at Singapore will he strengthened during tin* coming week. H.M.S. Cornwall, the 9,750 tons cruiser, is at present at he man-of-war anchorage in the outer harbour and four destroyers from
    – Reuter.  -  298 words
  • 73 10 -Reuter. Shanghai. Sept. 16. In response to inquiries, the Hritish \aval Office here significantly stated: “All movements of warships in the China Station are removed from the public list.” This message also refers to II.M.S. Cornwell, which is at present at anchor off Singapore. It is stated
    -Reuter.  -  73 words
  • 72 10 Marine police constables on sampan patrol in the Singapore River on Sunday afternoon went to the rescue of a man in the water. They picked him out and found him to be a Chinese coolie. He was semi-conscious. but artificial respiration revived him. The man’s
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  • 31 10 Mr. Khouw Ke Hien, who is flying his own plane from Java to Holland landed at Seletar at on Monday morning, and later took oIT for Alor Star.
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  • 132 10 I COMMITTEE TO RELIKVk DISTRESS. •pHE directors of Rotary have ;ip pointed a sub-committee to o,. a! with the problem of relieving the existing distress and the following an undertaking an active part in this work. Ven. Archdeacon Graham White chairman. Brigadier Herbert R. lord 'Salvation
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  • 204 10 “A Day In Camp” Before Singapore Audience. An enthusiastic audience assembled in Rallies Institute Hall, Singapore, last week to see the 5th annual display of the 1st Singapore Company of thBoys’ Brigade. The company paraded in full, and novel programme, in the form of "A Day in
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  • 45 10 Col. A. B. Hearle, D. 5.0., C.R.A., China Command, who disembarked from the Admiralty oil tanker Pearleat on Sept. 11 for temporary duty in Malaya, will be returning to Hong Kong in a few days, it was stated at Fort Canning today.
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  • 178 10 36 Rivals For Queen’s Scholarships This years Queen’s Scholarship examinations will be held in Singapore and other centres from Oct. 7 to Oct. 10. There are sixteen entrants for the two scholarships awarded in the Colony and 20 for the P.M.S. awards. The two Colony scholarships are open to all
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  • 438 11 Negri Branch Of A. A. Hold First Combined Gymkhana (From Our Own Correspondent.) Seremban, Sept. 15. VKSTKKDAY Seremban residents became air-minded, when, I a result of the enterprise of the Negri Sembilan branch t* the Automobile Association of Malaya the first flying and Visitor gymkhana
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  • 58 11 The fallowing telegram has been received by HE. the Governor Sir Shenton Thomas, from the Secretary of Slate for the Colonies “Please convey to His Highness the Sultan of Johore my hearty congratulations and best wishes on the occasion of the fortieth anniversary of his
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  • 90 11 Director To Tour Malay Archipelago. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Batavia. Sept. 6. The United Press wires irom Tokio that a diector of the Nanyo Kyokai (which is known as South Sea Association. and in wiiich the Japanese Government and the representatives ol Japanese commerce participate) Mr. Lidum. is
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  • 101 11 The marriage took place at the All Saints’ Church. Taiping recently of Miss M. J Curtiss to Mr. V. W Powell-Evans, Assistant Commissioner of Police. Kulim. The bridegroom was lormerly stationed at Taiping and was a popular officer and well-known rugger player. The bride was given away
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  • 840 11 Raffles College Expense Too High, Says Resident. “So far from raising the status of Raffles College to that of a University. 1 would emphatically urge that this College should be scrapped,” said one prominent public man when interviewed by the Straits Times on Saturday on
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  • 132 11 Representations For A Higher Quota. A letter from the Government Secretary was read at a committee meeting of the North Borneo Chamber ot Commerce informing the Chamber that His Excellency the Governor had already made the strongest possible representations in the proper quarter with a view to a
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  • 349 12 ALOR STAR SCHOOL LIBRARY. ASSEMBLY HALL NEEDED. •pH IS is a school we are proud oi, and it urgently requires a hall. As long as we are without one, tradition will be seriously hampered in this large state college. “Wt* have no place where
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  • 113 12 The sale of Jubilee stamps in the Colony goes on apace. The demand is unprecedented but the Post Office has been able to cope with It. Sales of stamps in Singapore from May 6 to Aug. 31, including sales to Malacca Post Office have been
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  • 55 12 Toklo. Mr. K, Ano, the pilot who succeeded in making a solo flight from London to Toklo despite a series of misfortunes, was rewarded for his efforts by a special medal and a gift of Y. 1,000 at a presentation ceremony held at the Aviation Hall
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  • 383 12 It is sold at 5s. a pound.—Straits Times Copyright. -Reuter Mincing Lane Unalarmed At German Discovery. (From Our Own Correspondent) London. Sept. 13. Mincing Lane is not alarmed by the Berlin synthetic rubber announce- j ment as it is known that the cost of! manufacture
    It is sold at 5s. a pound.—Straits Times Copyright.; -Reuter  -  383 words
  • 175 12 The Meteorologiail Service. Malaya's Meteorological Service Is last becoming one of the best organised in the East. The decision of the Meteorological Branch to engage a further batch of apprentices to be trained as meteorological assistants under the scheme instituted in 1927 is an indication of
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  • 132 12 -Reuter. Sir Francis Voules On The Outlook. London, Sept 13 Disappointment with the rubber restriction scheme was expressed by Sir Francis Voules at yesterday’s meeting ot Kuala Muda Rubber Estates. He emphasised his regret at the working of the scheme which had not operated as quickly as
    -Reuter.  -  132 words
  • 90 12 Charred Letter Returned To Kuala Lumpur. From Our Own Correspondent Kuala Lumpur. Sept. 13 An air mail letter sent to London by the ill-fated Dutch Air Mail, which crashed at Basra recently was returned by the authorities to its sender. Mr J. A. Riddell, of Kuala Lumpur.
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  • 291 12 The Case For Their Reinstatement. To the Editor of the Straits Times Sir.—Several trainers and owners have informed me that between 25 and 30 bookmakers were betting at the last Penang race meeting. It is about time that the Government, and also the turf clubs, woke up to the
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  • 499 13 DEMAND FOR AN INQUIRY. Trade Commission Inaction. THE threat of the Netherlands Indies to the trade of Singapore is causing serious alarm among Malayan trading interests. Action must be taken soon if our entrepot trade is to be saved,” said a member of the
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  • 202 13 Air Service Next Month. planes to fly FROM LONDON. London, Sept. 14. IMPERIAL Airways will begin a series of six experimental return flights from Penang to Hong Kong on Oct. 2 with a view of the eventual linking of Hong Kong with the Imperial air route.
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  • 197 13 Hiding In Calcutta Official Distrusts Bankrupt. QN the motion of Mr. C. O. Lim. Assistant Official Assignee, Mr. Justice Gordon-Smith issued a warrant on Friday, in the Bankruptcy Court, Singapore, for the urrest of Mohamed Ali. Mr. Lim said that receiving and adjudication orders were issued against the bankrupt in
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  • 273 13 OVER $9,000 IN LAST HALF-YEAR. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Sept. 13. TTIE half-yearly meeting of the Selangor Club will be held on Saturday, Sept. 28, at 6.30 p.m. when the accounts for the first six months of this year will be presented. The accounts show
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  • 194 13 pore immediately.—Straits Times Copy, right. MALAYAN IN LONDON POLICE COURT. (From Our Own Correspondent> London, Sept. 12. How a Malayan student in London is alleged to have squandered £318 in six months on an English girl with whom he was living was told in a
    pore immediately.—Straits Times Copy, right.  -  194 words
  • 239 13 COPRA OIL CHINESE. Should Replace Groundnut Extract. BIG MARKET. J7FFORTS to persuade Europe and the United States to use vegetable margarine to help the copra grower have so far had no discernible effect on the demand for the Malayan product. “As a matter of fact said a Singapore merchant. with
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  • 57 13 “It appears to the Governor in Council that “The Singapore British Malay Football Club” is being used for unlawful purposes and for purposes incompatible with the objects and rules of the Society; therefore it is ordered that the club be dissolved” This notice appears in
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  • 116 13 Retired Financial Assistant Entertained. iFrom Ouu Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Sept. 11. Mr. Wong Peng Wah, Financial Assistant. F.M.S. Customs and Excise Service. Kuala Lumpur, who retired a short while ago, on medical grounds, was entertained to a tea party by the officers and subordinate stalT of
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  • 258 14 Selangor’s “Spotted Dog. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London. Sept 2. pROM tinu* to time*, the gossip writers ol the London evening newspapers write lar from welllnlormed references to Malayan matters or all airs. This w'*ek. tin "Evening News” columnist lass lallen back on the Selangor Club as
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  • 124 14 ‘•Visitors to Singapore are generally impressed by the beauty of our vegetation. They admire the beautifully green and well-kept lawns all over the town, the shady alleys and gardens of our residential quarters, and when they come to the Botanical Gardens they are delighted to see
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  • 1272 14 Storage Of Eggs On Ship: Breach Of Contract. MU. Justice a’Beckett Terrell delivered judgment last week granting the Fresh Food and Refrigerating Company damages in .$!»!),K7K.75, less handling charges which they were saved, the amount to he ascertained by the Registrar, in the case
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  • 373 14 CASE BEFORE WARDEN OF MINES. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, Sept. li. RH. Justice Hooves, at the Perak Supreme Court yesterday, disallowed two applications relating to a case pending in the Court 0 f the Warden of Mines. The applications were supported bv Mr. J. Dunford
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  • 162 14 Airman On Singapore’s Asset. “You here in Singapore are remarkably fortunate in the construction of your civil aerodrome; I think when this is completed you will have the finest commercial airport in the world.” said Capt. L. J. Brain at the Rotary luncheon at the Adelphi Hotel
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  • Malayan Planting Topics.
    • 2681 15 Experiments In Malayan Forests—And On Rubber Estates—A New Line Of Research—May Mean Economy In Replanting Schemes I. S. P. Conference Those Salary Cuts Replanting Programmes Misunderstood Criticism —But Discussion Is Helpful. (By Our Planting Correspondent.) QEFORE now in these notes I have uiued that planters
      2,681 words

  • 856 16 Peace And Prosperity To Be Achieved. LOYALTY SHOWN IN CEREMONIES AT KLANG. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Sept. 11. With feelings of loyalty, affection and gratitude a large gathering of his subjects assembled at Klang today, to give their warmest greetings to His
    856 words
  • 117 16 H.M.S. Adventure Leaves: Cornwall Arrives. (By Our Services Correspondent) The visit to Singapore of H.M.S. Adventure, minelayer, has been curtailed. The Adventure was to have stayed a month on trials but left after a few days’ stay. She received orders to leave Singapore on the evening of
    117 words
  • 400 16 ITALY BUYS RUBBER AND TIN. gHOULD. in the event of Italy declaring war on Abyssinia, the League of Nations apply sanctions against that “Covenant-breaking state,” Malayan intercourse with Italy would be completely severed. Article XVI of the League’s Covenant means that there would be: 1.
    400 words
  • 82 16 Mr. S. Ponnampalam, of Batu Pahat, the oldest resident among the Ceylonese in the State of Johore. sent more than 1,000 invitations to all Indians and Ceylonese to a curry tiffin at Chettiar Temple, Jalan Jonang. Batu Pahat on Tuesday, in honour of the
    82 words

    • 1786 21 Trade Commission Suggestion Recalled The Overworked Statistics Office —Prolonging Life Of The Colony Report. BY OUR COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT 1 A LITTLE more than a year ago the Commission appointed by His Excellency Sir Cecil Clemcnti, then Governor of the Straits Settlements to inquire
      1,786 words
  • 79 21 Anniversary Observed At Kuala Lumpur. <From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Sept. 10. The twentieth anniversary of the Tamil Volunteer Corps, whic’ is now known as No. 1 Platoon, Malayan Volunteer Infantry, was celebrated yesterday with an “at home” at the Hotel Majestic. The Commandant (Lt.-Col. R. H.
    79 words
  • 62 21 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, Sept. 10. While walking behind her mother, who went to a well to draw water, a Chinese girl aged 3 fell in a stream and was carried away. The mother, attracted by the cries, tried to pull out her
    62 words

  • 1234 22 fl'he Sultan’s llirthday—A Beloved Ruler f.M.S. Finances —Matter For Federal CouncilAbolition Of The Chief Secretaryship— The Symphony Orchestra's Brilliant Debut. From Our Own Correspondent Kuala Lumpur. Sept. 12. YESTERDAY Selangor rejoiced in the 72nd birthday ol a beloved Ruler. His Highness Sir Ali Eddln Suleiman Shah. G.C.M.G.. is
    1,234 words
  • 223 22 MEETING OF BOARD AT K.I.. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur. Sept. l*i. At the meeting of the Kuala Lumpur Licensing Board held this morning it was announced that no application had been received for the renewal of the liquor licence which led to the controversy con-1
    223 words
  • 218 22 Visit By Agent Of New Malayan Company. (From Our Own Correspondent Kuala Lumpur. Sept. 12. Belore his departure to China as the representative of the newly-formed Malayan Industrial Company *F.M.S.) Towkay Leong Sin Nam. M.S.C.. J.P. of Ipoh. was entertained by the Selangor Chinese at the Assembly
    218 words
  • 493 22 400 Guests At Kuala Lumpur. (From Our Own Correspondent.. Kuala Lumpur. Sept u> More than 400 distinguished guest consisting of high officials of the Gov eminent Departments and officers of the Malayan Civil Service prominent members of all communities and their wives, attended the garden party
    493 words
  • 58 22 Anzen Ikihara, a deck hand on the local Japanese fishing boat Taifuku Maru, was killed by a shark while “muro ami” fishing. On Thursday the Taifuku Maru's skipper Captain Yashuzo. related the incident at the Coroner’s inquiry before Mr. W. G. Porter at Singapore and a
    58 words
  • 76 22 The police have circularised a description of a gunner of the 7th AntiAircraft Battery, R.A., stationed at Changi, Singapore, who is being sought for alleged desertion on Sent 7. His name is Lionel George Hectoi Walker, aged 25 years and nine months. His height is
    76 words

  • 1212 23 Owners Jealous Of Their Reputation. MANTUA AN EXCEPTION. (By Our Shipping Correspondent.) Last week the Mantua called at Singpore on her last voyage, and it was very appropriate that she should be assigned u> Section No. 10," which was the P. and 0. Wharf of
    1,212 words
  • 540 23 From Our -Own Correspondent. > London. Sept. 2. Many people in Selangor will be glad 10 hear that Mr. H. Kendall, formerly member of the F.M.S. Town Planning Department, has been appointed Government Town Planner, Palestine. Mr Kendall, who left Malaya about ’wo years ago, was
    540 words
  • 243 23 Eating Shop With Unregistered Waitress. The story of a (jirl who was the cause of a riot in a Singapore coffeeshop was told in the police courts last week. Goh Her Cheow. the Chinese licensee ol an eating shop in Victoria Street was summonsed before the third
    243 words
  • 70 23 Clerk Absconds With $550. 'From Our Own Correspondent.> Kuala Lumpur, Sept. 13. Yap Hick Thong, formerly employed as a clerk In the Police mess, who pleaded guilty, before Che Maarof, in the Kuala Lumpur Police Court yesterday. to a charge of criminal breach of trust in
    70 words

  • 136 24 -Reuter. Gunmen Attack A Truck. Shanghai, Sept. 10. Post Office robbers in Shanghai yesterday got away with $91,000 in cash and stamps The robbers were a gang of Chinese gunmen, and when they were attacked by the guards of the truck when they attempted to
    -Reuter.  -  136 words
  • 263 24 -Reuter. SIGNIFICANT MOVE BY ITALY. Berlin, Sept. 9. A new Italian bid for German friendship is how diplomatic circles regard the unexpectedly early presentation of his credentials by the new Italian Ambassador. Signor Attolice. to Herr Hitler yesterday, the announcement of which was kept secret until
    -Reuter.  -  263 words
  • 56 24 —Ren go. Japanese Pamphlet On World Politics. Tokio, Sept. 8. The War Office Press bureau has issued a new pamphlet entitled “International situation at turning point versus Japan,” declaring that Japan’s very existence will be menaced if the national defence be neglected, and that Asia
    —Ren go.  -  56 words
  • 325 24 To Kill Luang Pradit And Arrest Prime Minister. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok, Sept. 10. IT is now possible to give details of the plot to cause insurrection and national destruction which was unearthed in Siam last month. It is understood today that the special court
    325 words
  • 194 24 Reuter. While Cabinet Meets At Midnight. REPUBLICAN LEADER INJURED. Athens, Sept. 10. A fierce clash occurred at midnight in Athens between Republican officers, led by General Panayo Takos and Monarchist guards on the threshold of the building where a cabinet meeting was being held to consider
    Reuter.  -  194 words
  • 28 24 —Reuter. Rome, Sept. 10. P e °pl e were killed and 50 injured in a head-on collision last night between two trains, near Padua. Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  28 words
  • 258 24 London-Darling ton Non-Stop! L.N.E.R.’S STREAMLINED EXPRESS. Malayans who are going to England on leave shortly will be able to travel in some of the world’s fastest and most comfortable trains. London, Sept 11. Railway time tables which will come into operation in England at the
    258 words
  • 83 24 end of September. Reuter Wireless. Scepticism is expressed in Rome political circles regarding the possibility of Geneva reaching a solution of the Abyssinian problem. When questioned regarding the Addis Ababa report that the Emperor has fixed Sept. 24 as the zero hour, officials shrugged their shoulders and
    end of September. — Reuter Wireless.  -  83 words
  • 51 24 Reuter. Port Said, Sept. 9. When Mr. F. W. Rickett arived at Suez on the French liner, Porthos, he declined to answer questions regarding the Abyssinian oil concession, but is reported to have assured one interviewer that the concession would be worker, despite the American
    Reuter.  -  51 words

  • 870 25 COLONIAL RAW MATERIALS WAR THREAT. Britain’s Offer To League Assembly. SIR SAMUEL HOARE’S FIGHTING SPEECH. A NEW COLONIAL POLICY njft Samuel Hoare’s speech before the League Assembly at on Sept. 11 has opened a new approach to the ItaloAbyssinian difficulties. He discussed what he believed was the underlying cause of
    870 words
  • 132 25 —Sin Chew Jit Poh. A Further Japanese Protest. Nanking, Sept. 12. Japanese rights in Shantung Province have not been infringed by the British loan ($10,000,000) contracted by the Ministry of Industry. This assurance was made to Mr. Suma, Japanese consul-general in Nanking, by Mr. Chen Kung-po.
    —Sin Chew Jit Poh.  -  132 words
  • 70 25 Japanese Application For Lease. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Batavia, Sept. 6. The Nieuws van den Dag learns that a Japanese concern has applied to the N.I. Government for the lease of 10,000 acres of land in Dutch New Guinea, near Momi and Sarmi, for the
    70 words
  • 97 25 CABINET MEETS THE TECHNICAL ADVISERS London, Sept. U. Mr. Stanley Baldwin, the Prime Minister, presided today at a meeting of Cabinet Ministers and Army, Navy and Air Force experts. Among those present (says Reuter) were the technical advisers from the three defence services, the First
    97 words
  • 215 25 -Reuter. BRITAIN’S ULTERIOR MOTIVES. Rome, Sept. 13. Although it is understood that tomorrow the Italian Press will cease their attacks on Great Britain as a result of orders from higher quarters,’* an attack of almost unprecedented violence in the Populo di Roma this morning. It says that
    -Reuter.  -  215 words
  • 72 25 U.S. Coastguards And Illicit Liquor. Washington, Sept. 9. The capture of the British schooner, Popocatapelt, ofT Cape May (New Jersey), with allegedly £40,000 worth of liquor aboard was accomplished today after four years chase, state coast guard officers. Aeroplanes, cutters and patrol boats were employed to catch
    72 words

  • 355 26 .—Reuter. Assassination Of Dictator. i New York, Sept. 10. Horror and sorrow is expressed throughout the United States at the assassination of Senator Huey Long, deep seated political differences being sunk before the tragic spectacle of death by violence. Huey Long who was
    .—Reuter.  -  355 words
  • 113 26 -Reuter. Infantry Garrison To Be Strengthened. London, Sept. 11. The War Office announced today that in view ol the international situation it had been decided to strengthen the infantry garrison at Malta. The Second Lincolnshire Regiment, the South Wales Borderers and the First King’s Own Scottish
    -Reuter.  -  113 words
  • 173 26 Reuter Wireless. MUNITIONS MOVED FROM CAPITAL TO SAFETY ZONE. War material in Arsenals near Addis Ababa is being transferred to various points west of the capital as a precautionary measure against air attacks, according to a high Abyssinian army officer, who states the Italians will be
    Reuter Wireless.  -  173 words
  • 298 26 Reuter. Washington, Sept. 12. A new appeal to Italy and Abyssinia not to go to war is made tonight by Mr. Cordell Hull, Secretary of State, In a statement which emphasises the peace-! ful ideals of the United States and calls on all signatories of the Kellogg
    Reuter.  -  298 words
  • 122 26 Reuter. 15 Dead 7 Injured In Yorkshire. London, Sept. 13. Fifteen miners were killed last night and seven injured in an explosion in a colliery near Barnsley (Yorkshire). The explosion was at the North Uuwber mine at Mapplewell and oc curred 450 feet below the ground. It
    Reuter.  -  122 words
  • 111 26 -Sin Chew Jit Poll. Not To Buy Munitions, He Asserts. Shanghai. Sept. 12 After some difficulty with Chines* passport authorities, an Abyssinian official named Tabipil was finally permitted to land in Shanghai. This arose out of the fact that Abyssinia has no diplomatic relations with
    -Sin Chew Jit Poll.  -  111 words
  • 78 26 ITALY’S BIG RUBBER PURCHASES -Reutei. Colombo, Sept. VI. Customs figures show that Italy bought almost three times as much Ceylon rubber in August as in July.—Reutei. Exports of Malayan rubbei to Italy tor the half year ending July totalled 10.487 tons. This is about half th( total exports for 1934
    -Reutei.  -  78 words
  • 72 26 ling in a theatre crowd.—Reuter Wireless Hanged Himself After Capture. Tony Cugino. “America’s “cruellest criminal” and Philadelphia’s “Public enemy No. 1,” has hanged himself. He was charged with seven murders including the stabbing of two girls, who were his accomplices because hi feared they might betray
    ling in a theatre crowd.—Reuter Wireless  -  72 words
  • 46 26 -Sin Chew Jit Poh “The Most Efficient Force In China.” Peiping, Sept. 13. The Peiping police administration is the most efficient in China in the opinion of the Canton police commission which has just completed a study of the local system.—Sin Chew Jit Poh
    -Sin Chew Jit Poh  -  46 words
  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 44 26 The poster for next year’s British Industries Fair which opens in London and Birmingham on February 17 has already been put in hand for issue to 84 countries. The design, by Tom Purvis, is in two colours and the poster is in four sizes.
      44 words

  • 773 27 FRANCE SUPPORTS BRITAIN. Nations Rally To Support Of League Covenant. Geneva, Sept. 14. IF Italy rejects the report now being prepared by the League 1 Committee of Five, the Council will have no other course (says Reuter) than to proceed under Article XV which
    773 words
  • 51 27 Duke ’s Home In Surrey. Reuter. London, Sept. 14. It is understood that the Duke of Gloucester and his bride will live in a fairly small house near Camberley, Surrey, in order to enable the Duke to fulfil his duties at the Staff College, Camberley, to which he was recently
    Reuter.  -  51 words
  • 38 27 “The synthetic product is likely to remain a mere bogey throughout the world until the price of natural rubber exceeds* two shillings.” declared a leading authority to the Straits Times in London on Friday.
    38 words
  • 115 27 —Reuter. TO APPLY SANCTIONS IF LEAGUE AGREES. Geneva, Sept. 14. South Africa will not hesitate, in the event of a breach of the Covenant to stand by the Covenant of the League, to the extent of applying sanctions should members decide unanimously on this course. Mr.
    —Reuter.  -  115 words
  • 137 27 —Sin Chew Jit Poh. Pitiable Plight Of The Sufferers. Shanghai. Sept. 14 More than 700 villages in the Hua district to the north of Kaifeng. Honan, have been submerged by the Yellow River floods. About 300,000 people are affected. During the height of the storm >n
    —Sin Chew Jit Poh.  -  137 words
  • 101 27 'From Our Own Correspondent) Batavia. Sept. b. The United Press learns that the aerodromes in Babo 'North New Guinea) and Boela 'near Ceram) which were constructed lately for the New Guinea expedition, have just been passed by the Inspector of Aviation. Prehistoric Cave. The United
    101 words
  • 181 27 —Reuter. BEFORE REGAINING COUNCIL SEAT. Geneva, Sept. 14. The League council held a secret meeting tonight when they discussed China’s application for a seat on the council. No decision was reached and it was decided that the matter required further consideration It will be discussed
    —Reuter.  -  181 words
  • 171 27 P. O. CHAIRMAN’S APPEAL. -Reuter Australasian Lines May Be Withdrawn. London, Sept. 14. The Hon. Alexander Shaw chairman of the P. and O. Company, speaking at a dinner at Liverpool in the Company’s new liner, Strathmore. last night emphasised the menace to British shipping from State-aided foreign competition and declared
    -Reuter  -  171 words

  • 264 28 Reuter TROOPS TRAINED BY BELGIANS Addis Ababa, Sept. 13. WAR fever and military preparations are spreading throughout the country. In Ogadcn tens ol thousands ol Somalis are rallying to the Abyssinian colours Armed with ancient rittes ~nd swords they are gathering round Daghpur One
    Reuter  -  264 words
  • 147 28 Reuter. But Government Will Certify It. Simla, Sept. 12. The Government of India’s Criminal I Law Amendment Bill, which was designed to deal with terrorist outrages,, was rejected in the Assembly by 71 votes to 61. It is understood that the Government will certify the Bill. Nripendra
    Reuter.  -  147 words
  • 43 28 -Reuter New York, Sept. 13. Miss L;.ura Engell the American airwoman, broke the transcontinental air record today, flying from Los Angeles to New York i 13 hours 50 minutes. < Mrs Amelia Earhart’s time was 17 hours 10 minutes —Reuter
    -Reuter  -  43 words
  • 8 28 Helen Vinson, the film star
    8 words
  • 215 28 -Reuter. NO COMPROMISE IS POSSIBLE. Rome. Sept. 14. The Italian Cabinet, which met today, lias examined the circumstances under which Italy’s continued mem bership of the League would be rendered impossible, states a communique issued at the close of the meeting. The communique adds that the Ministers feel
    -Reuter.  -  215 words
  • 83 28 —Reuter. Dairen, Sept. IS. It is reliably reported that Taudien, Westermann and Muller (Germans) and Cautchi (Swiss), who were sentenced to death in conection with the piracy of the Chinese steamer Shengan in June, 1933, were strangulated in prison at Port Arthur on Sept. 10. The fifth
    —Reuter.  -  83 words
  • 70 28 Reuter. FRED PERRY WEDS A FILM STAR. Harrison. New York, Sept. 13. Fred Perry, world’s tennis champion, married the film star, Miss Helen Vinson, just before midnight. The ceremony was performed by a Justice of the Peace. Miss Vinson, is aged 27. The marriage statement revealed she
    Reuter.  -  70 words
  • 102 28 -Reuter Rescue From Burning U.S. Warship. Hong Kong. Sept. 15. Mr. Rqbert Richardson, third engineer of the steamer Tsinan who exhibited rare skill and bravery in assisting in the rescue of the crew of the U.S.S. Fulton when she was on fire in Bias Bay on
    -Reuter  -  102 words
  • 28 28 New laws promulgated in Germany on Sunday make the swastika the German national flag. Marriages between Germans and Jews are forbidden, and other restrictions on Jews are imposed.
    28 words
  • 92 28 -Reuter. Admiral Forbes Meets The Premier In Cairo. Cairo, Sept. 15. The Premier, Nessim Pasha, issued a statement today, following conversations with Admiral. Sir Charles Forbes. second-in-command, British Mediterranean Fleet, on the subject of measures for the protection of Egypt in the event of
    -Reuter.  -  92 words
  • 40 28 She was 86 years old.—British Wireless. London. Sept. 14. The death was announced today of Dame Madge Kendal the famous English actress, who made her debut in London in 1865. She was 86 years old.—British
    She was 86 years old.—British Wireless.  -  40 words
  • 29 28 actress. Mss Toby Wing.—R'euter Wireless. Hollywood, Sept. 14. The film star, Jackie Coogan, has announced his engagement to the film actress. Mss Toby Wing.—R'euter Wire-
    actress. Mss Toby Wing.—R'euter Wireless.  -  29 words
  • 150 28 -Reuter. Market Forecasts Were Right. London, Sept. 11. THE International Tin Committee at its meeting in Brussels today decided to fix the production quota for the last quarter at 65 per cent. This corresponds to the quota for the present quarter, which was fixed at the special
    -Reuter.  -  150 words
  • 278 28 -Reuter Twenty Six Vessels Now In The Harbour. Despite the normal exterior calmness in Alexandria, there are subtle indications of the tenseness of the international situation. Cabarets and cinemas are very gay owing to the presence in the harbour of 26 warships whose personnel swell the
    -Reuter  -  278 words
  • 54 28 —British Wireless. London, Sept. 13. The King and Queen have sent a telegram of sympathy to the relatives of the miners killed and injured > n the explosion which occurred in a colliery near Barnsley last night. Sixteen men were killed, and eigl> 1 injured, of
    —British Wireless.  -  54 words

  • 71 30 -Reuter. The Hague, Sept. 16. The two-day cricket fixture between the South Africans and an All Holland XI at the Hague resulted in a win for the tourists by an innings and 128 runs. All Holland XI: 99 (Crisp 4 for 25» and 92 (Crisp 4 for 19).
    – -Reuter.  -  71 words
  • 59 30 —Reuter. New York, Sept. 15. Lawson Little retained the American amateur golf championship today by defeating W. Emery, of Oklahoma, 4 up and 2. over 36 holes. Little thus becomes the first player to win the British and American titles two years in succession. He was three
    —Reuter.  -  59 words
  • 24 30 —Straits Times Photograph.
    —Straits Times Photograph.  -  24 words
  • 358 30 Disappoint At Highbury. The meeting between the Arsenal and Sheffield Wednesday was one of the most disappointing games of football in the First Division for some time and only flashes of individual brilliance by Beasley. Crayston and Palethorpe enlivened a very dull gam.?.! Drake and Milne
    358 words
  • 591 30 Plenty Of Talent Available Both Forward And Outside. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Seremban, Sept. 15. VESTERDAY’S rugger trial at Seremban, when the Colours defeated the Whites, by 24 points (3 goals and 3 tries) to 11 (a goal and 2 tries) revealed that Negri-Malacca will once
    591 words
  • 75 30 London, Sept. 14. Rugby games played today resulted as follows: Blackheath 3; Rosslyn Park 3. London Irish 6; Portsmouth Ser. 0 Old Paulines 20; Guy’s Hospital 9 Wasps 12; Harlequins 31. Bedford 26; Bath 8. Cardiff 11; Bridgend 6. Coventry 14; Rugby 0. Gloucester 21; Lydney 3. Leicester
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  • 281 30 Stoke Complete Double Over Chelsea. London, Sept. 11. In the Third Division (North) Wrexham lost their unbeaten record to Mansfield Town and as Stockport County also dropped a point yesterday no single club of the 88 taking part in the four leagues has got the maximum number
    281 words

  • 1265 32  -  (By Leighton.) RIEVER have I seen a more enthusiastic audience at a fight in Singapore than that which packed the Olympic Stadium on Saturday night for the 15-round fight between Gunboat Jack and Young Frisco, which will go
    1,265 words
  • 520 32  -  (By Leighton.) Board Admit A Mistake And Alter Result To A Draw. /VN T Saturday night the judges at the Frisco-Gunboat Jack light were unanimous in awarding the decision to Young Frisco. On Monday* however, the Singapore Boxing Board of Control made a sensational announcement in
    520 words

    • 1190 1 Satisfactory Condition Of The Property. The annual general meeting of Brunei United Plantations, Ltd., was held on Monday at the registered offices of the company, French Bank Building, Singapore, Mr. Lee Chim Tuan, the chairman, presiding. Moving the adoption of the report and accounts for
      1,190 words
    • 77 1 RUBBER QUOTAS REVISION —Copyright by the Straits Times IN FAVOUR OF DUTCH INTERESTS. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Sept. 16. Mr. F. J. Tompsett, chairman of the Rubber Shareholders’ Association, declares he has been In close touch with the chairman of the International Rubber Regulation Committee chairman. He believes a
      —Copyright by the Straits Times  -  77 words
    • 22 1 Output of the Raub Australian Gold Mining Co., Ltd., for the four weeks ended Sept. 7, amounted to 1,654.51 ozs.
      22 words
    • 351 1 IMPROVED FINANCIAL POSITION. The annual general meeting of the Bukit K.B. Rubber Co., Ltd., was held at the Registered Office, 4, Fort Road, Malacca on Saturday, Sept. 7, 1935 with Mr. D. Anderson (chairman of the company) presiding. In moving the adoption of the accounts the
      351 words
    • 47 1 The figures in brackets denote the corresponding period of last year. Pahang Cons. (3,830 pels.), 3,007 pels. Ipoh. (590 pels.), 2,160 pels., 133,200 yds. treated 580 hrs. run. Sungel Kinta. —(470 pels.), 510 pels., 112,800 yds. treated, 614 hrs. run. Temoh. (583 pels.) quota produced.
      47 words
    • 39 1 The figures in brackets denote the corresponding period of last year. United Malacca.—so,334 lb. Total for 4 months 204,276 lb. Kuala Reman. —(100.000 lb 107.000 lb. Lok Kawi. —(36.000 lb.), 13.000 lb. Bniseh —(42,000 lb.). 36,000 lb.
      39 words
    • 556 2 [AWAITING R.H.C. MEETING ON SEPT. 24. r SATISFACTORY U.S. CONSUMPTION. f Stanton Nc!.::m and Co., Ltd. In Itheir report dated Sept. 13 state During the work under review the jrubber market has achieved a degree of dulness remarkable even in the present period It Is not considered
      556 words
    • 525 2 “PERFECT CONDITION” OF THE ESTATES. DIVIDEND MAKING 11 PER ENT. The nineteenth annual general meeting of shareholders of Amalgamated Malay Estates, Ltd., was held at the registered office oi the company, No. 1 Embankment, Kuala Lumpur, on Tuesday, Sept. 10. Mr. R. C. Russell presided. After notice convening
      525 words
    • 33 2 Langkapoera Sumatra Rubber Estate, Ltd., is paying a dividend of 4 per cent, on the Ordinary shares, against 3 per cent, lor 1933-34. Payment will be made on September 24.
      33 words
    • 1532 2 (Incorporated in Queensland) RAUB, PAHANG. F.M.S. September 13th 1935, REPORT NO. 498 The Chairman Directors, The Raub Australian Gold Minin; Co., Ltd. SINGAPORE S.S. Gentlemen. —Herewith is the Report of Operations of the Raub Australian Go'd Mining Co., Ltd., for the four weeks
      1,532 words
    • 57 2 Bantam (Java) Rubber Estates bas declared a dividend of 5 per cent., less tax, for the year to June 30 last, payable on Sept. 24. This compares with 10 per cent, paid a year ago. No distribution was made on account of the four previous years. The
      57 words
    • 794 3 FRASER CO.’s SHARE REPORT. Markets Uncertain And Neglected. •Passing the Buck’ and ‘Carrying the giby' may be two amusing forms of recreation when played for private entertainment, but when played by the Chancelleries of Europe with Peace or War as the stake, there is an element ot danger in the
      794 words
    • 152 3 1243rd Auction, Sept. 11, 1935. lb. tons. Catalogued 1,196.648 534 22 1.175,619 524.83 SOM* 1,113,310 497.01 j Spot London 5 7/16d New York n 9 16 cUs PRICES REALISED. Ribbed Smoked Sheet. Cents per lb Standard Quality ig% to 19 (A few lots realised 19%
      152 words
    • 219 3 Domestic Production, as represented by exports from Federated Malay States, Unfederated Malay States, and Straits Settlements (Settlement of Malacca>, of tin and tin-in-ore at 75.5 per cent., during ihc month of Aug., 1935. Tons Tons Federated Malay States 3.506 Unfederated Malay States: Johore 56 Kedah 5 Perlis
      219 words
    • 135 3 Dividend Of 3 l 2 Per Cent. Recommended. The report of the Beaufort Borneo Rubber Company. Ltd., for the year ended April 30. shows a credit balance for the year of €5,692 to which has to be added the balance brought for ward from the previous year of
      135 words
    • 264 3 Singapore, Sept. 18. 12 noon. Buyer. Seller. Gambier 5.50 Java Cube 9.50 Hamburg Cube 9.75 White Muntok Pepper 17.25 Black Pepper 9.25 Mixed Black Pepper Copra, sundried 3.95 Copra, mixed 3.50. Fair Flake Tapioca 3.80 Small Flake 4.30 Med. Pearl Tapioca 5.60 Small Pearl Tapioca 5.50 Lingga Sago Flour
      264 words
    • 20 3 Seletar Plantations. Ltd. Loss for 21 months to March 31 £937 increasing the debit balance forward to £15.339.
      20 words
    • 287 3 Closing Prices In Ixmdon Last Night. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Sept. 17. Closing quotations today ot the principal British stocks are given below. The rise or fall is in relation to the price of Sept. 12 GOVERNMENT STOCKS. BRITISH. Rise or Pal) Conversion Loan 5%
      287 words
    • 97 3 During the week ending Sept. 7, 1935, exports from Malayan ports amounted to 43,600 cases, of which 26,570 (61 per cent) cases were to the United Kingdom, 2,373 (5 per cent) cases to the Continent of Europe, 11,385 (26 per cent) cases to Canada, and 3,272
      97 words
    • 43 3 The directors of Seaport < Selangor) Rubber Estate have declared a dividend of 4 per cent., less tax. for the year to June 30 last. A year ago 5 per cent, was pe i. compared with nil for the previ four years.
      43 words
    • 51 3 Date Spot Sept. Oet.-Dcr. Jan.-Mar Apr.-June London Sept. 12 19'* 19's 19’< 20'* 2l>\ 13 18 n 1 8 i 19’, 19 20S 5 7 \b 17 18 7 16 18’.> 18 19 20', 5 5 i« 18 18'j 18 9 16 18 T I9'j 20'»
      51 words
    • 606 4 London Exchange Prices On Sept. 9. Allagar (2D I/3V2; Alor Pongsu (2/) 1 '7%; Anglo-Malay (£1) 10/6; Ayer Kuning (£1) 27/; Bagan Serai (£1) 10 '6; Bahru (Sel.) (2/) 2/11; Banteng (£1) 18 Batang (2/) /8%; Batu Caves <£1 > 19/4%; Batu Tiga (£1) 24/4%; Bckoh (2/) 8%;
      606 words
    • 164 4 London Exchange Prices On Sept. 9. Ampat (4/) 4/; Anglo-Burma (5/) 13/9; Ayer Hitam (5/) 13/3; Bangrin (£1) 18/3; Coasd. of Burma (£1» 7/6; Gopeng Cons. (£1) 1 13/16; Hongkong (5/) 12 3; Idris (5/) 5/9; Ipoh (16/) 24/9; Kampong Lanjut (£1) 15; Kamunting (5/) 12/9; Kepong (£1)
      164 words
    • 16 4 Sept. 12 Tin. Spore Price $107% 1 per picul 108% 17 109% 109
      16 words
    • 1552 4 Issued by Fraser and Co. and Lyall and Evatt Exchange and Stock Brokers. Singapore, Sept. 18, 10 a.m. MINING. issue Vai. Fraser Co. Lyall Evatt Issue Val. Eraser Co. Lyall Evmi Buyers Sellers Buyers Sellers buyers Sellers Buyers Seller* 4/- Ampat Tin 4/- 4/6 4/lVfe 4 5/
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