The Straits Budget, 29 August 1935

Total Pages: 36
1 4 The Straits Budget
  • 29 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE STRAITS TIMES [ESTABLISHED NEARLY A CENTURY.] No. 4046. SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, AUGUST 29, 1935. Price 25 cents (S.S. Currency) or 7d.
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  • 539 1 ills Excellency the Governor, Sir 1 Shenton Thomas, Lady Thomas and Miss Thomas, and their personal staff, returned to Singapore from their tour of Sarawak and British North Borneo on Friday. The party left Singapore on Aug. 6, and followed an itinerary of considerable interest, th
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  • 24 1 —Straits Times Photograph
    —Straits Times Photograph.  -  24 words
  • 150 1 Big Malayan Venture Next Year. INTERNAL SERVICE BY LOCAL COMPANY. Straits Steamships, the biggest Malayan shipping company, is planning to start a Singapore-Penang air service next year. This Is revealed in the following statement issued from the office of Mansfield and Co. Ltd., Singapore, on Saturday: Inquiry
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  • 248 1 Chamber Of Mines Resolution. THE following resolution on the Malayan mining attitude to the renewal of the tin restriction agreement was unanimously passed at a meeting of the Council of the F.M.S. Chamber of Mines at Ipoh last week. “In view of the strong and unanimous
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  • 238 1 The Negri Celebrates Ruler’ s Birthday. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Seremban, Aug. 25. '■‘HE birthday of His Highness Tuanku Sir Abdul Rahman, the Yang di Pertuan Besar of Negri Sembilan, was celebrated here yesterday. All government offices were closed and flags were flown everywhere. In the morning a large crowd
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  • The Straits Budget
    • 809 2 -Straits Times. Aug. 22. Are the directors of those rubber companies which still appear reluctant to give fair play to their estate staffs risking the lowering of the standard of the personnel employed in the industry Mr. Leggatt, chairman of the J.S.P., declares that they are, ana
      -Straits Times. Aug. 22.  -  809 words
    • 1107 2 -Straits Times, Aug. 23. An upcountry reader wrote to the Straits Times a few days ago .asking if we knew anything of a scheme under which clerks and conductors in his district were being invited to purchase by instalments bonds in a tung oil undertaking in New
      -Straits Times, Aug. 23.  -  1,107 words
    • 753 3 Straits Times. Aug. 24. Concurrently with the intensive rioi'ts of politicians and others l() preserve the world’s peace, scientists and engineers are striving incessantly to perfect aircraft as a means of hurtling d( at h and destruction upon an enemy. We do not wish to stress this
      Straits Times. Aug. 24.  -  753 words
    • 997 3 Straits Times. Aug. 26. Malaya as a country where there are thousands of jobs available, where opportunities are “a vital reality,” and where there are wonderful possibilities for the right type of youth: this is the glowing picture which is oeing accepted by a number of wellmeaning
      Straits Times. Aug. 26.  -  997 words
    • 777 3 —Straits Times, Aug. 27. Volunteer training in Malaya is essentially practical. That is. it is less concerned with parade ground evolutions than with the actual operations which the men might one day be called upon to undertake. That might has no alarmist purpose, but is just simple recognition
      —Straits Times, Aug. 27.  -  777 words
    • 811 4 -Straits Times, Aug. 28. Certain movements which are taking place in the money markets of the world at the moment indicate that there are powerful interests not only convinced ot the inevitability of war between Italy and Abyssinia, but fearful that other Powers will be involved in
      -Straits Times, Aug. 28.  -  811 words

  • 170 4 NIGHT LETTER SCHEME. REPLY TO AIR MAIL COMPETITION. A PROMPT reply has been made by the Eastern Extension lelegraph Co. to the rapid acceleration of air mail services to and from the Far East and Europe. As from Sunday next. Sept. 1. a deferred letter-telegram service offering
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  • 96 4 CRAIK.—At the Maternity Hospital. Penang, on Aug. 20. to Dorothy, wife of R. Craik. a daughter. ALFRED.—To Daphne, wife of Mr. R A Alfred of Batu Pahat, Johore, a son on Friday, August 23, 1935. at the Bungsar Hosoital. Kuala Lumpur. NIVEN.—At the Oeneral Hospital. Singapore, on August 26,
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  • 176 4 SMART.—van der Klink.— On Friday. Aug. 23 at the Cathedral of the Good Shepherd Singapore, John W. G. Smart, younger son of Mrs. B. Smart, of Singapore, to Barbara van der Klink. only daughter of Mr. ana Mrs. van der Klink. Sourabaya. DEATHS ROZARIO.—On August 21, 1935, at No.
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  • 141 5 if/HEN Mr. F. Staples, who left the W straits Times in 1923. walked into this office again yesterday, he could hardly iind his way about. Twelve years is not a long time in tho lih ol the Straits Times, which is nearin- its centenary, but those
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  • 142 5 NOWHERE has there been a greater change than in the snorts pages, which were somewhat cursorily treate<{ in the days ot a very small stall. T day the Straits Times employs a mil-time sports editor, and claims, quite unblushingly, that its sports p.ojcs are the most accurate and
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  • 143 5 p*FW people know how the functions oi tlu* Chinese Protectorates in this country have changed during the present century. An otllcer of the Chinese department retired thirty years ago would be very much at sea if he returned today, as tlu* following extract from the Malayan Police
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  • 162 5 weather has been much cooler this week, thank heaven, but the of Cecil Street newshawks 0 ->an to moult during the recent flr ought. Hence I quote the following advertisement Vou can have sound, restful sleep—•ight in your own office, merely by pitching on the X—Air Conditioner. !l,
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  • 156 5 readers will no doubt be as pleased as I am to learn that profound research has been conducted in America with the object of deodorising persons addicted to garlic. Dr. Haggard, of Yale, ate one twentieth of an ounce of garlic and then exhaled into a glass tube. He
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  • 119 5 IN the Taiping Weekly Record there is a thought-provoking analysis of a rumoured plan to close the port of Telok Kertang in the interests of the F M.S Railways. About 1.700 tons ol goods, chiefly rice, are landed at this little port every month, and distributed to Taiping.
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  • 113 5 Now," says this Taiping mathematician. “what is the Government’s share from this lorry enterprise The licence fees on 28 lorries per month are $B4O. The government tax on 5,264 gallons of petrol is $1,842. I arrive at a very useful total of $2,682 as net profit to the
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  • 124 5 J now learn that I was incorrect in saying that Andrew’s Church, Kuala Lumpur, receives an annual subsidy, in the form of pew rents, from the Government of Selangor. I have received a letter to that el r ect from the honorary secretary of the Malaya Field
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  • 108 5 TPHE Smell Society has just been formed in London to educate the public in good smells. Commenting on this a correspondent in the Observer recalls that a few years ago Sir Ernest Shackleton and some other travellers gave their impressions of the prevailing smells in different countries and towns
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  • 126 5 A CORRESPONDENT writes: Storytelling is not a monopoly of the Chinese professional literate. It survives among,Straits and East Indiesborn Chinese, particularly among the womenfolk, who take little interest in purely current politics and economics. The stories, as related, bear a striking similarity to the fantasies of Anderson
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  • 118 5 *J*HAT in Malaysia at all events, the art of entertaining and being entertained in the home is not dead is to be welcomed in a day when the public of more advanced countries are relying almost exclusively upon the radio, the cinema and the printed page for their
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  • 192 5 wonders when some member of the Malayan Civil Service will do for his service what Mr. J R. Toussaint has done for the Ceylon Civil Service in a book published recently. I quote from the review of the Croicn Colonist: —“Mr. Toussaint has traced the origin
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  • 165 5 TO some extent a Civil Service history written in Malaya would cover the same ground, as wo have gone through all the stages traced by Mr. Toussalnt. As a matter of fact, the wheel has turned full circle. Before the ora of competitive examinations young men were selected
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  • 185 5 A MIXED GRILL i THOSE schools do produce tie* best type ol officer for district work, but in modern Malaya we need more than one element in the Civil Service a dash oi democracy, lor one thing, such as can only be provided by cadets from the smaller schools, and
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  • 176 5 JN Germany. I read. Berliners may ring up the telephone exchange and ask to be reminded, days later, of the fact that it is the wife’s birthday or that income-tax forms must be sent oil In England you can ring up to find out what the weather will
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  • 182 5 MAJOR TOMMY LOWE the Straits Times commences publication of a series entitled “When The Harness Is Unbuckled.” the purpose of which is to show how British oflicers who have retired from Eastern colonies have settled down to life at Home. The author oi this series is an old contributor to
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  • 164 6 lIE now writes film scenarios, lilm criticisms, interviews, goes ‘‘on the air” at the B BC., and is military correspondent to an Indian journal. But to give him his lull title— Major T A Lowe, D. 5.0., M.C got hold ol a good idea when he thought
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  • 126 6 iollowlng extract irom an official report, covering the lirst Quarter of 1935, shows some of the difficulties with whicli the Dutch are confronted in administering rubber control: “With the price relationships the same as they were a year ago, and belore then, the impulse to produce on the
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  • 154 6 r J I HE translation is not good, but the point is clear. A steady and not unremunerative price is bringing into tapping those vast reserve areas of native rubber which were temporarily neutralised by the depression. Sixpence a pound, or its gold equivalent, may not mean much
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  • 110 6 SOME people attribute sinister motives to the Japanese rubber companies which have taken up land in south Johore. These scaremongers will be inter ested to know that Japanese planters came to Johore long before anyone dreamt of a naval base -still less an air base in the Tebrau
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  • 149 6 POURING the air display on Saturday U one’s eyes kept turning to the straits, dreaming in the haze beyond the aerodrome, a dull silver between dull-green hills. Only ten years ago the shy Orang Laut were still seen occasionally on the coast ol Seletar. gathering crabs and
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  • 143 6 HUMAN BIRD small monoplane cutting the uncleanly in glorious loops and dives -that is one ol the most satisfying memories of tin* display on Saturday. The biplane which was in the air at the same time was performing stunts no less spectacular, but the bird-like shape of the other machine
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  • 148 6 •pHE new flying boats. Viking ships oi the air with curved and gleaming hulls, looked magnificent in the flypast. with engines sounding a deeper note than those of the land aircraft. Another thing that interested people was the line of flying club machines eleven of them in a
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  • 158 6 NOT the least of the afternoon’s adventures was getting home. Speaking for myself, I arrived at the air base at two p.m.. agog with curiosity, and returned to my dwelling at eight p.m., thoroughly deflated. It took us an hour to get out of the aerodrome. Considerably more
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  • 151 6 iifATCHING the display would have been less tiring had the turf been dry enough to sit on. As it was. mem bers of the Straits Times editorial stall', who had ;pent strenuous hours in turning out that day’s paper, were mortified to see it soiling in hundreds -to
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  • 110 6 TPHE Astana Besar at Johore Bahru will be the scene of great festivities next month, when Sir Ibrahim will celebrate his 62nd. birthday and the 40th. anniversary of his accession to the throne. No one seems to know the year ;ii which His Highness’s father moved from Telok
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  • 88 6 TTHE ceremony referred to above was the opening of the Dewan. or Council Chamber, which was combined with an official welcome to Governor Jervois Ancient ceremonial was used, including the breaking of an egg on the door of the Dewan and the presentation of various forms of
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  • 105 6 'J’HINGS were done more picturesquely in those days. There was no dull reading of addresses, and the presentation of those addresses in silver scrolls and what-not. The Chinese towkays approached the Maharajah in 1875 in a long procession, which wound its way through the streets to the accompaniment
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  • 148 6 IIiIAXWELL’S Hill, the charming litt e hill station above Taiping, is on* of the wettest places in the world. It has an average rainfall ot 263 inches, and a writer in the Taiping Weekly Record who has been looking up statistics can find only three oth r
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  • 162 6 JIifANY people take a cynical view oi treatment for opium addicts, but some of the letters received by the Singapore Anti-Opium Society, and displayed for anyone to inspect at the society’s clinic, are certainly grateful enough. Here is a specimen: "I packed up and boarded a train lor the
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  • 147 6 /COMMENTING on the trip ut Mr. and Mrs. Cromwell in the Sea Belle, and Sir Shenton Thomas's decision to put the yacht into commission again. the Evening Standard says: “It is an axiorg of colonial life that when times are bad every Governor is criticised. Times are now
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 25 6 —WEST KENSINGTON Furnished ted sitting Rooms and Flatlets (service if required). Convenient for buses, trams, tubes. 15 minutes city west end—5 Matheson Road, London, W.14.
      25 words

  • 1584 7 nr I Miss j. c. Mathews, the new M.-dicul Officer. has arrived in Malacca. Mi and Mrs. E. G. Spall, of Batu Ai ul u. will b? going Home on leave shortly. Mi Cedric Carver has been appoint ti i member oi the Malacca Bar Committee, in
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  • 114 7 Friday, Aug. 23 In the afternoon His Excellency and Lady Thomas and Miss Thomas attended by the personal staff returned to Singapore. Saturday. Aug. 24. In the afternoon His Excellency and Lady Thomas and Miss Thomas attended the R A F. Pageant at the Air Base, Seletar. Monday,
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  • 58 7 To Visit England For Health Reasons. The Siamese Council of Regency have approved of H.R.H. the Princess of Bejrapuri’s application to leave Siam for reasons of health. Her Royal Highness Is proceeding to England. The Princess and her party are leaving by the N. L. Johan
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  • 84 7 The wedding took place on Saturday. Aug. 17, at the Church of Corpus Christ!. Labuan. when Miss Antoinette de Souza, daughter of the late Dr. C. T. de Souza and Mrs. A. A. de Souza, was married to Mr. Austin Zehnder. of the P.W.D. Labuan, and formerly of
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  • 137 7 Leaders— The Planter’s Pay 2 Tung Oil Bonds 2 The Air Peril 3 A Cruel Blunder 3 Malaya’s Defenders 3 War And Money 4 Telegrams— Covering past week’s news ...24—28 Picture Supplement 17—20 Financial Supplement— Financial and Commercial news to date, following page 32 Malayan General News— Week in
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  • Page 7 Advertisements

  • 299 8 Singapore Roads Cost $600 A Mile. NEARLY Sd,01)0,0(1(1 was spent by the Straits Settlements P.w!l). last year, according to thi report signed by Major K. L. Nunn w hich was laid on the table of the Legislative Council on Monday. O! this $.3 Ii7f> 000
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  • 47 8 <l rom Our Own Correspondent.) Penang. Aug. 27. A bunch of coconuts, in the compound of a house in Burma Koad fell on a Eurasian who was a pupil at St. Xavier's Institute. lie was taken to hospital, but died 12 hours after admission.
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  • 107 8 P. O. MANTUA ON LAST VOYAGE. Conditional Sale To Chinese Shipbreakers. The P. and O. liner Mantua, now outward bound to China and intermediate ports with a full complement of passengers, has been sold to Chinese shipbreakers. She will be handed over to them on completion of her present passage,
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  • 194 8 SEGAMAT EVENTS IN ANNIVERSARY WEEK. (From Our Own Correspondent.’ Segamat. Aug 24 Elaborate celebrations were decided upon by the committee which met this week at the State Commissioner's Office. Segamat. in connection with the jsixty-third birthday and fortieth anniversary oi reign of H.H. The Sultan of
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  • 92 8 From Our Own Correspondent.) Muar, Aug. 24. It has been decided to decorate the village of Parit Jawa on the occasion, of the birthday and anniversary celebrations of the Sultan of Johore from Sept. 17 to Sept. 20. It also has been suggested that Parit
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  • 196 8 Committee Formed In Muar. ‘From Our Own Correspondent.) Muar. Aug. 22. His Highness Tunku Ahmad. State Commissioner. Muar. presiding over a representative meeting of the leaders of the various communities resident in Muar said that the suggestion made at the last meeting for a public
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  • 156 8 < From a Special Correspondent» Ipoh. Aug. 24. The Jubilee Bell ordered by Mr. A. C. J. Towers from Croydon for the Jubilee Porch presented by Mr. and Mrs. Towers to St. vohn's Church. Ipoh. has arrived. It has a beautiful deep ringing tone and wdll be
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  • 131 8 Special Sitting Of Court At Seremban. From Our Own Correspondents Seremban. Aug 25. At about 11 p.m. jn Friday a Chinese ran amok on the Seremban-Labu road, and is alleged to have killed one and wounded two other Chinese. Inquiries made today reveal that the two men
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  • 103 8 Mr A.G. MacDonald To Act For Two Months. (From Our OiC7i Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur. Aug. 26. Mr. G. T. Holford. acting Senior Warden of Mines, F.M.S.. leaves for Home on retirement this week, by the P. and O. Ranchi. Mr. A. G. Macdonald. Warden of
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  • 79 8 <From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Aug. 24. It is understood that Mr. J. V. Cowgill, at present chairman of the Kuala Lumpur Sanitary Board, is in the near future proceeding to Pahang to act as British Resident in place of the Hon. Mr. C. C. Brown, who
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  • 234 8 Cameron Highlands’ Great Need. i REPRESENTATIONS TO GOVERNMENT. The urgent need for a medical officer at Cameron Hjo-K lands was expressed in a resolution of th». Cameron Hi^ f I lands Society at their general meeting. Mr. H Gordon Graham, who presided. said the provision of
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  • 110 8 The lonely people on Christmas Island, who are to be visited by H.E. the Governor, Sir Shenton Thomas, next month are to have a rifle club And its present cost to the Straits Settlements Governmerit is $550. Of this sum, $300 is to
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  • 111 8 The following officers have passed th*. prescribed examination in Law which was held on July 15 and 16. Mr. H. R. Hughes-Hallett, Mr. H Watson, Mr. S. T. Stewart, Mr. T. 1 Tan, Mr. P. H. Burgess, Mr. K. Hellrich, Mr. J. C. W. Kemp, Mr. F.
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  • 560 9 CROYDON” OF THE ORIENT. Singapore Impressed By Memorable R. A. FPageant |j\ our Aviation Correspondent.) ALAKCK cosmopolitan crowd .md nearly 60 Service and civil made Malaya’s first air aM t —the Jubilee Celebrations V, e U.A.F.. Singapore, at Seletar Satinri on Saturday memorable' <•( ca»n. In its variety of colour,
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  • 308 9 TWO DAYS IN MASSAWA. Prince Purachatra who returned to Singapore on Sunday from a four months’ world tour has vivid impressions of the massing of Italian troops in Eritrea in preparation for possible war with Abyssinia. The Prince was in Massawa. the principal port 01 Erltra,
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  • 48 9 Extract from a letter ivritten to the Editor of the Straits Times by a Malayan tin miner “I take this opportunity of thanking you and your staff for practically all the information worth having in connection with the tin mining industry during the past four years."
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  • Correspondence.
    • 837 9 Injustice, Inequality. Evasion.” To the Editor ol the Straits Times Sir, —In your leader of Aug. 16 it is stated that Mr. Lowingcr’s reply to the many criticisms of the rubber restriction scheme was contained in ms words that “sixpence a pound is twice threepence a pound.” It is
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    • 287 9 Caustic Comments By An Old-Timer. r>* the Editor ol the Straits Times. Sir. Ii “Truth” really wants a six* c ‘*iy working week, by mere human psychology he should set about his Ms k. revolutionary for the East, by demanding a seven-day working week 'or everybody, including all
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    • 184 9 To the Editor ol the Straits Times Sir.—We thank you for contradicting the insinuation ol your correspondent. Mr. Hua Tai Faik <in your issue of August 16» which is of course quite groundless. In support we have only to mention that the experiment referred to Is situated on
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  • 749 10 Bill Passed By Legislative Council. MOTIONS and new bills followed rapidly at meeting of the Legislative Council in Singapore on Monday. In half an hour, the Council had disposed of six motions and had read 15 new bills for the first time. The most interesting of
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  • 168 10 To Hunt Big Game In Malaya U. S. Airmen In Singapore. HTWO member of the United States Air Corps in Manila arrived in Singapore on Saturday by the President Harrison bound for Pahang on a months’ big game hunt. They are Capt. Richard D. Reeve and Lieut. Austin A. Straubel.
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  • 358 10 Brisk Battle At Batu Tiga. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Aug. 25. ACCORDING to plan, an enemy landed on the Selangor coast this morning and marched on Kuala Lumpur. Defending forces, dispatched from the Federal Capital, intercepted the raiders at Batu Tiga, and an engagement followed, lasting
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  • 101 10 Two prominent Singapore residents, a Chinese and a Eurasian, Mr. Lim Boon Thin and Mr. R. Tessensohn, who received Certificates of Honour on the Kings’s Birthday, were present at the Legislative Council on Monday to receive their decorations. Mr. Lim Boon Thin, who is VicePresident of the
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  • 90 10 Detective Chief’s Big Transport Allowance. “Special work in connection with estate duties” by Mr. E. Tongue, head of the Detective branch is mentioned in a Legislative Council paper on Monday. Provision for $1,200 is made to pay transport allowance at the rate of $200 per
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  • 322 10 Imperial Government’s First Report. INCREASED BRITISH TRADE. Where Plan Was “Fraught With Difficulties.” The Imperial Government’s first report on the working of the Colonial textile quota scheme was submitted to the Legislative Council on Monday. It is stated that there can be no doubt that
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  • 114 10 Americans’ Fast Boats Canning Factory. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Batavia, Aug .20. The Sourabaya Handelsblad states that two fast motor boats, the Defender (199 tons) and the Delmontc (93 tons), belonging to the Philippine Packing Corporation Ltd. (a branch of the well-known Delmonte Packing Corporation)
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  • 738 11 When Re-Planting Is Necessary. 1934 REPORT OF RUBBER RESEARCH INSTITUTE. ADVICE to rubber planters on the question of manuring and re-planting is given by the Director of the Rubber Research Institute of Malaya in the 1934 report just issued. The Director draws attention to the damage
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  • 204 11 After Two Years Of A Three-Year Experiment. The Rev. W. Shelley, C.R.. who has been In Singapore this month returned to Kuching on Saturday. He and two other Anglican priests from the Community of the Resurrection at Mirfleld (Yorkshire) are responsible for an important missionary development
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  • 40 11 Tunku Muda Mohamed, wno was charged with criminal breach of trust in respect of two brilliants valued at $9OO, was discharged Thursday by Mr. C. Whitton, Third Police Magistrate, Singapore, on instructions from the D.
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  • 80 11 “QENERALLY speak ing, women are the worst peopie in the world for selecting or desiging a home. If it were not so the architectural profession would be full of them. One*s wife may argue that she has to live in the place all day—but that is no
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  • 84 11 “The general opinion expressed in reports is that the economic position of the small-holder remains sound although his coupon allowance has been reduced. The sale of coupons without rubber affords a certain income and leaves the small-holder free to augment it with work on other crops.” This
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  • 159 11 69,000 INCREASE OVER 1933. JNDIAN immigration in Malaya increased substantially last year. The statistics in the annual report of the Hon. Mr. C. D. Ahearne, Controller of Labour, show that:— 89,829 immigrants landed at Penang, compared with 20,242 in 1933; Departures totalled 28,068, as against 32,738.
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  • 135 11 Rubber Small Holdings Benefit. The Asiatic rubber instructors, says the Malayan Agricultural Journal, have been actively engaged in instructional and propaganda work, especially in connection with the preparation of good quality smoked sheet. In their work they have been assisted by the propaganda work performed through the
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  • 110 11 Perak Land Rule To Apply. The Resident of Perak, with the approval of the Chief Secretary to Government, has amended the Land Rules, 1930, by adding the following new paragraph to rule 22 “The provisions of this rule shall apply to land in* the Dindings which was, before
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  • 42 11 (From Our Own Correspondent) Batavia, Aug. 20. As from Aug. 10 the importation into Netherlands Indies of toilet (perfumed or otherwise) and washing soap is limited to 850.000 kg. and 2.000.000 respectively for the next ten months.
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  • 344 11 Successful Tour Of Borneo. H E Governor Sir Shenton Thomas, Lady Thomas and Miss Thomas, and their personal staff, returned to Singapore from their tour of Sarawak and British Borneo on Friday. Sir Shenton, returning from his 17 days’ tour of Sarawak and British Borneo, looked
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  • 732 12 His Visit To The Ex-King Of Siam. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Aug. 2.J. DRINCE Purachatra, first Governor of the Rotary district of .Malaya and Siam arrived in Penang today after a round the world tour. He told me 1 saw the ex-Kin# of Siam and
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  • 99 12 Governor’s A. D. C. To Wed Miss K. A. Pierrepont. The engagement is announced of H. G. Beverley, Assistant Commissioner of Police, F.M.S., Aide-de-camp to His Excellency the Governor, and Kathleen Audrey, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Pierrepont of Singapore. Miss
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  • 836 12 A Progressive Policy Announced —Time To Think Of Forgotten Plans, Says The Residen t Volunteers Toeing The Line Intensive Practical Training (From a Special Correspondent.) Ipoh, Aug. 22. TTIE annual report of the British Resident of Perak for last year contains much that should hearten those who
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  • 126 12 FURTHER INCREASE EXPECTED. 'From Our Own Correspondent. 1 Ipoh. Aug. 22 It is understood that the recent increase in the Malayan tin quota is likely to be extended for the next period. The council of the F.M.S. Chamber of Mines met yesterday, the proceedings being kept strictly
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  • 64 12 The premium offered by the Malayan Association of the Institution <>: Civil Engineers for the best paper rceived during 1934 was awarded to Mr N. H. Taylor for "The Alleviation «>f Flooding in Singapore A similar premium valued at $lOO i> offered for the best paper received
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  • 633 13 p,jo Increase In Correspondence. MALAYA’S P T IN 1934. RECEIPTS and payments at post offices within the Malayan Postal Union last year totalled $73,126,471. The estimated number of letters, postcards, newspapers, and other packets and parcels posted, delivered and in transit during the year was
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  • 116 13 Explosion At Naval Base. INQUIRIES by the police into the explosion in a house near the Naval Base on July 25 have not been completed yet, and another man is to he arrested in connection with the affair. This was stated in the Third Magistarte‘s Court. Singapore,
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  • 59 13 The cost of the F.M.S. Survey Department shows a progressive decrease. In 1934 the gross expenditure was $765,073, as compared with $901,029 in 1933 and $1,687,137 in 1931. After deducting reimbursements and revenue, the net expenditure in 1934 was $454,479 The comparative figure in 1931 was $1,341,497. or
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  • 76 13 Chinese Sent To Prison. From Our Own Correspondent. > Seremban. Aug. 21. At the Negri Sembilan Assizes today. Lee Seng Song was sentence three years* imprisonment for being found in possession of four moulds used for counterfeiting king’s coins. The Chinese denied the charge. He
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  • 20 13 K. L.’ s New Bank. Aii architect's drawing of the new Kwong Yik Rank now under construction at Kuala Lumpur.
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  • 185 13 RETIRED IN 1923: MR A. STAPLES. Mr. A. Staples, one time member ol the journalistic staff of the Straits Times and well-known in Malaya for his journalistic activities, has come back to this country on six months “leave.” Mr. Staples retired from Malaya in 1923, and
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  • 117 13 Government’s Delay Over Promised Tax. (By Our Motoring Correspondent.) Several big orders for diesel-engine vehicles are being held up pending information as to the form which the proposed Malayan tax on such vehicles will take. Government revealed in an oillcial communique issued more than a month
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  • 282 13 WILL O’ THE WISH FOR BREAKING UP. CAME TO MALAYA IN 1886. The Will o' the Wisp, one ol the oldest steamers alloat in Singapore waters today, Is soon to go to her doom in the ship breakers’ yards—it tenders lor the purchase ot the vessel,
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  • 86 13 The Dead Letter Office oj the Malayan Postal Administration dealt with 205,440 articles, including 1,199 registered articles, but excluding parcels, during 1934, as compared with 193,872 in 1933. Enclosures to the value of $5£35 were found in undeliverabfc correspondence. Many of the articles which found
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  • 130 13 Hanging In Singapore House. An unemployed engineer Frank Schoinz, a 34-year-old Austrian was found hanging in his room at a house in Pasir Panjang Road. Singapore early on Thursday. Schoinz lived In the house with a Eurasian woman and her little daughter. The previous day. the property
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  • 966 14 Need For More Men Under 30 Years Of Age. LARGE PROPORTION OF FORCE ARMED WITH MACHINE-GUNS. The enhanced value of the F.M.S. Volunteer Force as a defence force as a result of the rearming of a large proportion of the M.S.V.R. with machineguns is referred to
    966 words
  • 556 14 this is still the weakest point in the Volunteer Force. Attention will again be concentrated on this subject next year. The Lewis gun training in the Malayan Volunteer Infantry has shown great improvement, though in ;>ne or two units the handling and knowledge of the gun are
    556 words
  • 127 14 “Due To Worry And Caustic Criticism.” STATEMENT IN THF ASSEMBLY. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok, Aug. 21 IT was announced in the k Assembly last night that the death of Prince Anuvatana Chaturonta, chairman of the Regency Council, was due to suicide. The police believe the
    127 words
  • 65 14 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok, Aug. 21. The new member of the Regency Council is Chao Phya Bijayendra Yodhin. He is a general in the army and was formerly chief Aide-de-Camp General Prince Aditya succeeds to the chairmanship of the Council in succession to Prince Anuvatana
    65 words
  • 85 14 Routes Prescribed Under Enactment. The President oi the State Council. Kedah, issues the following Air Navigation Direction: Aircraft flying through Malaya shall during their passage over the Stare follow the established air route i.e. the track connecting Bangkok. Alor Star. Sungei Patani and Taiping. except in the
    85 words
  • 94 14 Mrs. Ada Johnston, widow of Thomas Johnston of Liverpool and mother of Mrs. Airlie, wife of Mr. J. Airlie, Engineer Superintendent, Singapore Harbour Board, died in the General Hospital last Wednesday after a brief illness The late Mrs. Johnston was 61 years of age. She
    94 words

  • 250 15 How Malaya Takes Poison. A suitable departmental motto (if, indeed such a picturesque idea were ver contemplated officially) might t lirly be Nihil Alieniur’ which mi be translated in this context •We’ll try anything once.’ said Mr. M. Jamieson. Government Analyst in the course of
    250 words
  • 67 15 The Singapore agents cf the Lloyd Triestino line, the only Italian shipping company with a cgular service to the Straits, stated last neek that the Abyssinian dispute does not in any nay affect 4 heir service. Several Lloyd Triestino vessels have been cojnmissioned for the transportation
    67 words
  • 130 15 hinese Traders On Quota Restrictions. A a meeting of representatives of Singapore Chinese Trading Association held .last Wednesday at the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce the situation arising out of the introduction by the Netherlands Indies government of the Crisis (Import) Ordinance, 1933, was discussed. New quota restrictions
    130 words
  • 428 15 Supplying Great Need In Negri Sembilan. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Seremban, Aug. 19. Mr. Aw Boon Haw, I have dreamed of this hospital for ten years and now you have made my dream come true,” said the Dato Wong Yick Tong, J.P., M.S.C.; C.H. after Mr.
    428 words
  • 305 15 VOLUNTEERS IN ACTION. (From Our Own Correspondent) Penang, Aug. 20. Planes that dropped bombs and messages, machar.ised transport, antiaircraft and Lewis guns, dispatch riaers on motor cycles and intelligence men in cars gave a touch of realism to war manoeuvres in Province Wellesley yesterday Major-General
    305 words
  • 125 15 Half The Country Now Covered. Besides a wide range of general maps designed to meet the needs of the motorist, the traveller, the administrator and the general public, the Photo-Litho. Section of the F.M.S. Survey Department has now published standard one inch to a a mile topographical sheets
    125 words
  • 144 15 VIEWS OF ITALIANS IN SINGAPORE. JTALIANS in Singapore are keeping in close touch with developments in Abyssinia and support for Mussolini’s policy is general. Many claim Italy is simply following the example of Great Britain, France, Holland and Spain before, l.e., acquiring Colonies by force of arms when
    144 words
  • 312 15 SCHEME SANCTIONED BY COURT. > (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Aug. 14. A scheme of arrangement and a reduction of the capital of the Perak River Hydro-Electric Power Co., Ltd. were sanctioned by Mr. Justice Hilberg in the Vacation Court today. Mr. J. Millard Tucker, K.C.,
    312 words

  • Malayan Planting Topics.
    • 2202 16 Mr. Lowinger On Restriction —The Price Outlook Hope vs. “BeliefRubber Research—Plan For Two Institutions Importance Of Replanting Providing For The Future. (By Our Planting Correspondent.) Mr LOWINGER S lucid address on Restriction has doubtless been read by all who are interested, actively or financially, in
      2,202 words

    • 2078 21 Latest Notification Not Understood—Will Prudent Dealers Be Penalised?—Mr. Lowinger’s Addresses—Complete Mastery Of His Subjects. (BY OUR COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT.) THERE are one or two points in connection with the change in the Textile* regulations announced on Monday which have created a considerable amount of uncertainty
      2,078 words
  • 94 21 Acting Chief Secretary Presents Medal. 'From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Aug. 23. The acting Chief Secretary, the Hon. Mr. Marcus Rex. attended a parade this morning at the police depot to make a presentation of a meritorious service medal to Sub-Inspector All Bin Tuah. who
    94 words

  • 1063 22 The Market Problem A Personal Inspection Figures And Reflections That “Hush! Hush!" Memorandum —It Should Be Published. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Aug. 22. r\OES Kuala Lumpur really want a new Central Market? Perhaps the affirmative opinion of the members of the Sanitary Board men who know
    1,063 words
  • 138 22 Singapore Japanese Charged. Dynamite has been stolen from Changi and elsewhere it was stated in the Singapore third magistrate's court on Thursday when a Japanese named Michiya Kawano was charged before Mr. C. H. Whitton with possessing without a permit 200 sticks of dynamite, 100 detonators and
    138 words
  • 50 22 Death Of Mrs. Lim Koh Seng. The death took place on Thursday at the age of 76, of Mrs. Lim Koh Seng, at her residence 115 Koon Seng Road, off Joo Chiat Road, Singapore. She leaves six sons. 2 daughters. 44 grand children, and 2 great grand children.
    50 words
  • 195 22 EXTENSION OF TRUNK SYSTEM. The number of telephone subscribers steadily increased throughout 1534 and at the end of the year totalled 8,692, compared wtih 7,901 twelve months previously, states the Posi s and Telegraph Department. Malaya The net revenue derived from telephones for 1934 was $1,371,316.
    195 words
  • 154 22 Major R.V.M. Garry. (By Our Services Correspondent* An interesting visitor to Singapore at the moment is Major R V. M. Garry, a senior Royal Artillery officer, from Colombo. Major Garry, who first arrived in Singapore some days ago, returned today by the Plancius from Medan where
    154 words
  • 173 22 Senior Professor At Raffles College. Raffles College, Singapore, has lost the services of one of its senior professors Dr. E. Madgwick, who left for England via the United States on Thursday. Dr. Madgwick entered Durham University in 1913, where he studied, with a four years intermission,
    173 words

  • A Harbour Log.
  • 48 23 Ransomes, Sims and JefTeries. Ltd Ipswich, have recently received a fourth order for electric trolley dus chassis from the Tramways Department of the Municipality of Georgetown. Penang. The chassis are to b~* fitted with .}4-seater single-deck saloon bodies of the Tramways Department’s own construction.
    48 words
  • 201 23 NEED FOR EXPANSION OF ASSOCIATION. At a general meeting of the Estate Asiatic Staffs’ Association, Negri Sembllan. Mr. C. R. Menon said that it was gratifying to see a membership of 142, but there was room for expansion. He asked all estate Asiatic staffs who had not
    201 words
  • 95 23 Planned For Volunteers In September. (From Our Own Correspondent! Ipoh, Aug. 20. Major-Gen. E. O. Lewin is enpected to carry out the annual inspection of the Volunteer forces on Sept. 21 and Sept. 22. The Inspection this year will take the form of a test mobilisation.
    95 words
  • 82 23 Fifteen Cases In Singapore In One Week. One fatal case of smallpox was reported in Singapore during the week ended Aug. 17. There was a total of 202 deaths from all causes compared with 218 in the preceding week. The chief causes of mortality were phthisis 26. pneumonia 25.
    82 words
  • 120 23 (From a Special Correspondent.) Muar. Aug. 19. F publication of the proceedings at a meeting cf community leaders at Muar for the purpose of hearing suggestions as to the most appropriate manner in which the town should celebrate the Sultan’s birthday. Inche Hassan has asked me to
    120 words

  • 1003 24 Aneta-Trans-Oeean Cheap Orators Criticised. IMPORTANT SPEECH BY DR. SCHACHT. Koenigs Ik* rtf, Aug. 20. A speech of the great significance on the German economic situation was made yesterday by the Reichsbank President and Minister of Economics, Dr. Schacht, at the opening of the German eastern trade fair
    Aneta-Trans-Oeean  -  1,003 words
  • 61 24 Reuter. Washington, Aug. 20. The Washington Post today says that Vice-President Garner and a party of 48 Congressmen, including the leaders of the house of Representatives and of the Senate will visit Japan at the end of October, after a visit to the Phillipines to
    —Reuter.  -  61 words
  • Article, Illustration
    31 24 A new picture of Ilaile Selassie, the Emperor of Abyssinia, who declares that he will himself lead his men to defend their countr> if Italy begins her threatened invasion.
    31 words
  • 249 24 —Reuter BRITISH CRITICISM OF ITALY’S ACTION. London, Aug. 20 “Treason is precisely the word for describing the action of Mussolini treason towards the allies of the Great War, towards post-War friends and helpmates, and above all to that civilisation which stands or falls with the present
    —Reuter  -  249 words
  • 153 24 bordering on Abyssinia.—Aneta-Trans-Ocean. Precautionary Measures In Event Of War. All high officials and officers in British Somaliland Protectorate have been called to Hargesa by the governor for a conference cn the measures to be taken for the protection of the colony in the event of war
    bordering on Abyssinia.—Aneta-Trans-Ocean.  -  153 words
  • 164 24 Mystery Of Huge Blaze. HEROIC RESCUES FROM TOWER. Berlin, Aug:. 20. 'pHIRTY casualties are reported in an extensive fire last night at Berlin’s great radio exhibition—the German rival of Radiolympia. How the fir* started a mystery. The flames spread rapidly from the main hall
    164 words
  • 45 24 —Reuter. Moscow, Aug. 19. The most sensational event of the national air meeting occurred today when ISO people made simultaneous parachute jumps from six bombing planes All landed safely. Trained dogs thrown from aeroplanes also alighted safely by means of special parachutes.—Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  45 words
  • 106 24 -Reuter. Appeal To Archbishop Of Canterbury. London, Aug 19. Allegations of persecution of members of the German Orthodox Church are made in an appeal to the Archbishop of Canterbury by friends of the Orthodox community who declare Dr. Schmucker. the Orthodox Metropolitan arrested In 1933, was
    -Reuter.  -  106 words
  • 27 24 -Sin Chew Jit Poh. Signor Mussolini’s gift plane was received in person by Gen. Chiang Kai shek at a ceremony at Ruling on Saturday.—Sin Chew Jit Poh.
    -Sin Chew Jit Poh.  -  27 words

  • 258 25 -Reuter. accident while hunting. London, Aug. 23. WHILE the British Cabinet was in session at No. 10, Downing Street yesterday considering the Italo-Abyssinian dispute, a v *able reached London that Baron Falconi, Italian Consul at Debracos, about 120 miles from the Abyssinian capital, had been found
    -Reuter.  -  258 words
  • 112 25 the Earl of Harewood.—British Wireless. His Majesty Arrives In Highland Dress. London, Aug. 21. The King, who left Sandringham by special train for Scotland last night, irrived in Aberdeen early this morning. During a brief halt before proceeding to Ballater en route for Balmoral Castle.
    the Earl of Harewood.—British Wireless.  -  112 words
  • 97 25 U .S. NEUTRALITY RESOLUTION. —Reuter. Washington, Aug. 21. Hie United States Senate today passed without voting the neutrality resolution introduced by Senator Pittman, chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee. Lhis would prevent shipments of 11 ms and munitions to any belligerents, ioi bid American citizens to travel in belligerent ships,
    —Reuter.  -  97 words
  • 70 25 M*. HAYDN TAYLOR, a dentist of Cleethorpes (Lincolnshire) on Friday swam the English Channel from Cap Gris Nez to Shakespeare Cliff Dover, in 14 hours 50 minutes. Taylor is the first to swim the Channel this year The record time is II hours 5 minutes by
    70 words
  • 87 25 —Reuter Wireless. A New Champion Of Cause Of Abyssinia. London, Aug. 20. Abyssinia has found a new champion in Mr. De Valera who has decided to go to Geneva in September for the meeting of the League of Nations Council. He will express his Government’s
    —Reuter Wireless.  -  87 words
  • 296 25 —Reuter. The Times On Sanctions Against Italy. London, Aug. 22. The Times in a leading article today says that the British Government and nation must face the question of what sanctions they will be prepared to carry out if the League Council on Sept. 4 or at
    —Reuter.  -  296 words
  • 346 25 —Reuter BRITISH HOPES OF SETTLEMENT. London. Aug. 22. No official statement of today’:; Cabinet proceedings was Issued, but it Is learnt that the Cabinet strongly endorsed the decision reached by the British and French governments in Paris to keep on constant touch and. until the
    —Reuter  -  346 words
  • 118 25 ese relations figured prominently.--Sin Kuo Min. Other Ministers Follow His Lead. C.K.C. DISCUSSIONS KEPT SECRET. Nanking, Aug. 23. Mr. Wang Ching-wei; Premier and acting Foreign Minister, has withdrawn his resignation. This was officially announced by Dr. H. H. Kung, acting Premier, at yesterday’s meeting of the
    ese relations figured prominently.--Sin Kuo Min.  -  118 words
  • 117 25 British Wireless. Ninety Degrees Recorded At Greenwich. London, Aug. 23. Temperatures in London yesterday equalled those on July 14 which so far has been the warmest day of the year. From 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. the reading on the rool of the Air
    British Wireless.  -  117 words
  • 42 25 Aneta-Trans-Ocean Vienna. Aug. 20. The trial of the ex-prefect of police Stelnhausl. who held office at the time of the assassination of Dolfuss. has been fixed for Aug. 28 before a military tribunal. He is charged with high treason.
    Aneta-Trans-Ocean  -  42 words
  • 45 25 leader, are the sponsors.—Sin Chew Jit Poh A special bureau for the relief of returned unemployed overseas Chinese is to be opened in Shanghai. Messrs. Hu Shi-ying and Siao Chih-san and Gen. Fa-kwel. famous “Ironsidts” leader, are the sponsors.—Sin Chew
    leader, are the sponsors.—Sin Chew Jit Poh  -  45 words
  • 29 25 Sin Kuo Min. Messrs. Liang Yu-chiao and Yun Ming-teh, Chinese delegates on the Yunan-Burma boundary commission, are leaving Nanking on Sept. 10 for Yunan. Sin Kuo Min.
    Sin Kuo Min.  -  29 words
  • 35 25 Aneta-Havas. Tokio, Aug. 21. Rengo announces that a fleet of more than 70 warships will leave Okosuka for an unnamed destination to take part In Pacific manoeuvres lasting two months.- Aneta-Havas.
    Aneta-Havas.  -  35 words
  • 54 25 Sin Chew Jit Poh. British Wireless. Nanking, Aug. 22. The elevation of the American and Chinese legations to embassies takes place today. Sin Chew Jit Poh. Admiral Sir Roger Backhouse, formerly second-in-command of the Mediterranean fleet has succeeded the Earl of Cork as Commander-in-Chief of the
    Sin Chew Jit Poh.; British Wireless.  -  54 words

  • 208 26 base preparations.—Reuter and AnetaHavas. From New Naval Conference. PARITY DEMAND IN DOUBT. JAPAN may decline to resume the multi-lateral naval talks. This is made clear from a Tokio message It Is learned that Great Britain recently sounded Japan on the question resumption of the multi-lateral naval
    base preparations.—Reuter and Aneta-Havas.  -  208 words
  • 185 26 pressure in the north.—Sin Chew Jit Poh. Senseless,” Retorts Chinese Spokesman. Peiping, Aug. 21. A Chinese organisation called the Patriotic Volunteer Union, whose object is to organise activities against Japan and Manchukuo, has been in existence since February and is receiving monetary support from the
    pressure in the north.—Sin Chew Jit Poh.  -  185 words
  • 53 26 -Sin Kuo Min. Peiping, Aug. 20. Mr. Tao Shang-min, member of the Peiping Political Council who has been deta ned at the Japanese Embassy in 8 n S e the Luanc how incident, was released yesterday. .J, he Luan c how assassins have so far eluded capture
    -Sin Kuo Min.  -  53 words
  • 45 26 Reuter. Shanghai, Aug. 22. r PHE Italian cruiser Quarto, flagship of Commodore Brivonesi, Italian naval com• mander•in-chief in the Far East, has been ordered to Shanghai immediately from Peitaiho It is believed the Quarto will leave for Europe very short• ly. Reuter.
    ■Reuter.  -  45 words
  • 104 26 —Aneta-Havas. If Britain Makes A Stand At Geneva. Paris, Aug. 21. Le Petit Parisien, l’Oeuvre, and the Echo de Paris express great pessimism at the postponement of the threepowers conference and believe war in Abyssinia to be inevitable. The Petit Parisien fears that Italy may
    —Aneta-Havas.  -  104 words
  • 91 26 UNREASONABLE.” —Sin Chew Jit Poh. Japanese Reply To Fresh Chinese Protest. Peiping, Aug. 19. Replying to a Chinese protest against the flight of Japanese planes over Peiping and Tientsin, Major Takahashi, military attache to the Japanese Embassy declared that the protest was unreasonable as such flights are in accordance with
    —Sin Chew Jit Poh.  -  91 words
  • 100 26 shore to wave a sad farewell.—Reuter Wireless. Some Say He Died Worth Six Million Dollars. Wide estimates are being made in America of Will Roger’s estate varying between $2,500,000 and $6,000,000. The property consists of real estate in California and Okhlahoma, and Government bonds and life policies
    shore to wave a sad farewell.—Reuter Wireless.  -  100 words
  • 162 26 —Reuter. very likely be decided upon.—Sin Kuo Min and Sin Chew Jit Poh. Reported Result Of Chiang’s Appeal. VITAL PARLEY IN NANKING. Nanking, Aug. 22. It is authoritatively stated that Mr. Wang Ching-wei, Premier and acting Foreign Minister, has definitely agreed to withdraw his resignation following his
    —Reuter.; very likely be decided upon.—Sin Kuo Min and Sin Chew Jit Poh.  -  162 words
  • 114 26 —Reuter. Nazi French Officers Arrested At Metz. Pa* is, Aug. 20. A peculiar camera able to project narcotic strong enough to put anyone to sleep in one hour wa i found in the possession of a 25-year-old man named Louis Philippe Altmeyer who was arrested
    —Reuter.  -  114 words
  • 76 26 —Reuter Wireless. —Reuter. When the new register for parliamentary electors comes into force on October 15 there will be more than 31,000,000 voters in Britain and Northern Ireland which is the highest ever recorded. Women will be in the majority.—Reuter Wireless. Washington, Aug. 22. The
    —Reuter Wireless.; —Reuter.  -  76 words
  • 159 26 owv* JJ1CV.C U -Aneta-Trans-Ocean. Madrid, Aug. 22. The police of Pampoluna have found most of the treasure stolen from the Cathedral of Pampoluna after a nine-days search. The chief gems of the collection were the famous “Golden Crown of the Holy Virgin” which was enriched
    — owv* JJ1CV.C U -Aneta-Trans-Ocean.  -  159 words
  • 115 26 —Reuter. Fear Of Closing Suez Canal. Rome, Aug. 23. The tremendous increase this week in the number of ships leaving Naples for East Africa is believed to be due to the Italian authorities pushing on preparations as rapidly as possible in view of the possibility of
    —Reuter.  -  115 words
  • 55 26 —Reuter. Not Allowed To Enter Without Permit. Batavia, Aug. 23. The ordinance issued yesterday for the restriction of employment of foreigners in Java will come into force tomorrow. It provides that foreigners entering the country cannot be employed without the consent of the Director Justice. It
    —Reuter.  -  55 words
  • 130 26 —Sin Kuo Min. Gen. Chiang Kai-shek Returns To Szechuan. Nanking, Aug. 24. Dr. H. H. Kung, Finance Minister, yesterday formally relinquished his post as acting Premier to Mr. Wang Ching-wei, who in a public statement announced that he has resumed his duties as Premier and Foreign Minister.
    —Sin Kuo Min.  -  130 words
  • 94 26 —Sin Kuo Min. Peiping, Aug. 23. A memorial service for Mr. Gareth Jones, the Welsh journalist who was murdered by Charhar bandits recently, was held at the British Embassy yesterday.—Sin Kuo Min. ARMS FROM JAPAN. Daba Berrou, a leading Abyssinian, is being sent to Japan
    —Sin Kuo Min.  -  94 words

  • 265 27 —Reuter. MUSSOLINI SPEAKS HIS MIND. Interference May Result In World Wide War. -IF SANCTIONS are voted against Italy at Geneva, she will immediately leave the League and whoever applies the sanctions against Italy will be met by Italy’s armed hostility.” Signor Mussolini on Sunday made this
    —Reuter.  -  265 words
  • 410 27 —Reuter. Troops May Occupy Lake Tsana Area. Cairo, Aug. 24. The Abyssinian question has brought new limelight to bear on Britain s sDecial position in Egypt and the Sudan Two possibilities have been envisaged here by local opinion: First, Egypt's position vis-a-vis England in case
    —Reuter.  -  410 words
  • 48 27 -Reuter Wireless. The British Cabinet is believed to be divided on the issue of sanctions against Italy. Those favouring sanctions believe they can be imposed without involving very grave consequences. Others believe that Britain*s efforts should be confined to restricting the conflict to Africa.—Reuter Wireless.
    -Reuter Wireless.  -  48 words
  • 19 27 —Reuter. Batavia, Aug. 23. An ordinance was issued yesterday restricting the employment of foreigners in Java.—Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  19 words
  • 165 27 —Aneta-Trans-Ocean. MUSLIM APPOINTED COMMANDER. General mehmet behib pasha, who commanded the Turkish Army Corps during the world war and won distinction in the defence of the Dardanelles has been appointed by the Emperor of Abyssinia to take command in the south. He has already left for Ual
    —Aneta-Trans-Ocean.  -  165 words
  • 129 27 —Reuter. IF WAR BROKE OUT. London, Aug. 25. In view of the threat of an ItaloAbyssinian war all the Powers concerned in the Mediterranean are taking precautions to prevent undesirable incidents and to protect their interests. The closest secrecy prevails, and it is almost impossible to obtain the
    —Reuter.  -  129 words
  • 35 27 Slr Aldo Castellani has been appointed chief health consultant to the civil and military population in Italian African colonies. He is the father-in-law of the Egyptian High Commissioner, Sir Miles Lampson.—Reuter Wireless.
    35 words
  • 106 27 -Reuter. Interference With Home Affairs. MOSCOW MEETING OF COMMUNISTS. Washington, Aug. 25. The United States has protested strongly to the Soviet Government against activities involving interference with the internal affairs of the United States in connection with the seventh congress of the Communist International in Moscow.
    -Reuter.  -  106 words
  • 93 27 tion of the map of Africa.—Aneta Havas. “No Fear Of A General Native Rising.” Lisbon. Aug. 20. Nothing that takes place in Africa can be ignored by Portugal with her large African colonies” declared the Foreign Minister. Armindo Montiero in an interview. Although he thinks that there
    tion of the map of Africa.—Aneta Havas.  -  93 words
  • 63 27 Reuter. Washington, Aug. 23. The House of Representatives today passed the mandatory Neutrality Bill. The Bill is virtually identical to that adopted by the Senate. While the mandatory or non-dis-cretionary embargo on shipments of arms and munitions to belligerents expires in February next, the establishment of a licensing
    Reuter.  -  63 words

  • 1164 28 Mr. H. W. Thomson Elected President. THE annual meeting ol the Association of British Malaya was held on July 24, in the offices of the Rubber Growers’ Association. London. Mr. T. J. Gumming, the refiling president, was in the chair. Mr. Cummin# in moving
    1,164 words
  • 122 28 Managers To Attend In Future. From Our Own Correspondent.* Ipoh, Aug. 23. As a result of representations made by the F.M.S., Chamber of Mines to the Government, in future when any fatal accident takes place the mine manager or his nominee will be asked to attend the
    122 words
  • 62 28 (From Our Own Correspondent) Batavia Aug. 20. According to the Sumatra Post a coolie in the estate of Perlanaan had eaten a large quantity of durians and had to be taken to the hospital on July 25. The man died on the same day. It
    62 words
  • 384 28 Experiment Not Proved A Success. SMALL DEMAND BY LABOURERS. Will Indians of the agricultural class, given the opportunity, settle’ permanently in Malaya Experience thus tar gives rise to serious doubts, which are hinted at b\ the Hon. Mr. C. D. Ahearne. Controller of Labour, Malaya, in
    384 words
  • 124 28 News has been received in Singapore of the death on Thursday in St Nicholas Hospital. Kent, of Mr. T. H Huggins, father of Mr. T. W. A Huggins, of the Immigration Office Singapore. The late Mr. Huggins, who was <1 years of age, was
    124 words

  • 1148 29 S.C.C. Batsmen Fail At Tanglin Against Bond’s Bowling. 'THE S.C.C. suffered two defeats on Sunday being beaten at Tanglin by the United Services by 134 runs and by Rengam on the padang by two wickets. In the Tanglin match Fahy, who plays soccer
    1,148 words
  • 692 29 Caldwell Lavers Will Be Missed Some New Men Of Promise. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca. Aug. 24. recent arrivals to Malacca will certainly swell the local rugger ranks J .W. Russell, who has come to work at Dunlops. was a good rugby man when at Stony hurst. R.
    692 words
  • 93 29 —Reuter. Allison Van Ryn Win U.S.A. Doubles Title. Brook lines, Aug. 2G. W. Allison and J. H. Van Ryn, who were runners-up Iasi year, won the American doubles championship today defeating D. Budge and (a. Mako in the final ti 4.(5 —2, 3—6, 2—6, 6 1. Allison
    —Reuter.  -  93 words

    • 1359 1 Chairman’s Review Of The Position. The annual general meeting of the Raub Australian Gold Mining Co. Ltd. was held on Tuesday in Brisbane, Mr. De Burgh B. B. Persse presiding. The chairman said: The year just past has been a very anxious and strenuous period for
      1,359 words
    • 190 1 for June, 1934. —Straits Times copyright. Up 14 Per Cent For Half Year. MALAYA’S PART IN PRODUCTION. Hague Statistical Office Report From Our Own Correspondent London, Aug. 22. The Hague Statistical Office reports world tin production for the first six months of 1935 at 51,071 tons
      for June, 1934.—Straits Times copyright.  -  190 words
    • 97 1 During the week ending Aug. 17. 1935, exports from Malayan ports amounted to 51,755 cases, of which: 10,485 (20 per cent.) cases were to the United Kingdom, 1,950 (4 per cent.) cases to the Continent of Europe, 8,213 (16 per cent.) cases to Canada, and 31,107 (60
      97 words
    • 273 2 Growth Of Brunei’s Industry. OUTPUT DOUBLED IN TWO YEARS. Oilfields in Brunei continue to provide increasing supplies of crude oil. Last year 371,591 tons of crude oil worth $2,371,6<xi was exported from the state. This is almost 100.000 tons more than In 1933 and it
      273 words
    • 142 2 1240th Auction, Auk 21. 1935. lb. tons. Catalogued 951.205 424.65 Offered 923.507 412.28 Sold 817,669 365.03 London 5%d. New York 11 13/16 cto. PRICES REALISED. Ribbed Smaked Sheet. Cents per lb. Standard Quality 19 to 194 Good Average Quality 18% to 184 Fair Average Quality
      142 words
    • 100 2 The Secretary of Austral Malay Tin. Ltd., reports the following outputs of its assoeiated companies for the half month of Aug. 1935. Kampong Kamunting Tin Dredging. Ltd (Kjrangan.)—Hrs. run 310, cu. yds. treated 56,000, total pels. 69. net value $4,800, Asam Kumbang Tin Dredging. Ltd. —Hrs 11#
      100 words
    • 225 2 DIVIDEND OF 5 PER CENT. RECOMMENDED. 1 The directors of the Nylas Rubber Estates, Ltd. in their report to shareholders for the year ended May 31, for presentation at the annual meeting to be held at Singapore on Friday, Aug. 30, j state: The net profit
      225 words
    • 170 2 The following information has been received from the Rubber Growers’ Association. through the Malayan Information Agency. London. Jan.-Dec. June July 1934. 1935. 1935. Tons Tons Tons A. Net Exports. 1. Ceylon 78.068 3.525 M.IQG 2. Other Countries than Ceylon. Malaya and the Netherlands Indies (partly estimated > 91.285
      170 words
    • 189 2 GOODS IN EXCESS OF QUOTA ALLOWANCES. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Batavia, Aug. 20. Since the introduction of the imports quota system, licences have been granted on the basis of a firm’s five years average imports, i.e. those between 1929 and 1933. The authorities have been rather
      189 words
    • 234 2 Trade Recovery Indicated By New Registrations. Last year 26 companies, with a nominal capital of $6,090,000. were incorporated and registered in the F.M.S. These figures showed a substantial advance on 1933, with only 15 such companies having an aggregate capital of no more than $2,648,000, and affords evidence
      234 words
    • 137 2 Considerable apprehension has arisen among British rubber shippers in Singapore at the competition being experienced on shipments of rubber between Straits and Pacific ports and Straits ports and New York. The export manager of Mitsui Bussan Kaisha, Ltd., one of the largest shippers of rubber
      137 words
    • 518 2 OPERATIONS SECURED FOR 25 YEARS. DIVIDEND OF 75 CENTS APPROVED. The annual general meeting 0 f W. Hammer and Co., Ltd., was held at the registered offices of the company, Hong Kong Bank Chambers Singapore, on Saturday. The chairman announced the terms of the new agreement
      518 words
    • 36 2 The amount of $7,711,658 is invested by depositors in the Straits Settlements Post Office Savings Bank. In additioi $198,870 is invested in fixed deposi’ accounts. Singapore depositors have more tha; $5,000,000 to their credit.
      36 words
    • 438 3 persistent trade DEMAND. bi t little outside INTEREST. Lewis and Peat (S.) Ltd. in their report dated Singapore. Aug. 23. state: The uncertainty regarding the European political situation caused a certain amount of liquidation by nervous holders earlier in the week but offerings at the lower rates
      438 words
    • 62 3 si 00,000 New Rubber Company. Pahang Rubber Selections has been 1 'Mistered as a public company, with a capital of €100.000 in 2s. shares. Jhe objects are to acquire the under•uins and all or part of the assets of r Selections, to acquire and deal 1 b shares,
      62 words
    • 866 3 FRASER CO.’s SHARE REPORT. Investment In Sterling. Industrials. With the Italian-Abyssinian dispute and all the dangerous possibilities which are liable to arise from it still monopolising public attention the world over, there Is little wonder hat a certain amount of hesitation for market support should be In evidence at the
      866 words
    • 184 3 Singapore, Aug. 28, 12 noon. Buyer. Seller. Gambler 5.50 Java Cube 9.50 Hamburg Cube 9.50 White Muntok Pepper 17.50 Black Pepper 9.50 Mixed Black Pepper Copra, sundried 3.80 Copra, mixed 3.35 Fair Flake Tapioca 3.80 Small Flake 4.30 Med. Pearl Tapioca 5.60 Small Pearl Tapioca 5.50 Lingga Sago Flour
      184 words
    • 303 3 Closing: Prices In London On Aug. 26. <From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Aug. 26. Closing quotations today of the principal British stocks are given below. The rise or fall is in relation to the price of Aug. 22. GOVERNMENT STOCKS. BRITISR. Rise or Fail Conversion Loan
      303 words
    • 81 3 Drought Impeding Work On Ranjah Sirang Mill. Messrs. George McBain. General Agents of MaatschappiJ tot Mijn-Bonsch-en Landbouwexploltatle In Langkat, have received telepraphlc Information from their Borneo Agent that the total production for the 24 days from July 8 to July 31. was 435 cants of diamonds
      81 words
    • 56 3 Date Spot Sept. Oct.-Dec. Jan -Mai Apr -June London Aug 22 19*2 19% 20*4 20" s 21 5 11 16 23 19% 19 7 k 20% 21 21 3 5% 26 19% 19*4 20 20% 21% 27 19% 19*4 20 20*4 21 5 11 16 28
      56 words
    • 607 4 London Exchange Prices On Aug. 19. Allagar (2D 1/6‘A; Alor Pongsu (2/) 1/10% Anglo-Malay (£1) 11/9; Ayer Kuning (£1) 27/; Bagan Serai (£1) 10/6; Bahru (Sel.) (2/) 3/5; Banteng (£1) 18/; Batang (2/) '/9%; Batu Caves (£1) 19/44; Batu Tlga (LI) 27/6; Bekoh (2/) /10; Bertam Con. (2/)
      607 words
    • 156 4 London Exchange Prices On Aug. 19. Ampat (4/) 4/; Anglo-Burma (5/) 14/9; Ayer Hitam (5/) 13/; Bangrln (£1) 19/3; Consd. of Burma (£1) 7/3; Gopeng Cons. G*l) 37/6; Hongkong (5/) 13/; Idris (5/) 5/3; Ipoh (16 24/; Kampong Lanjut (£1) I5/4Vi; KamunUng (5/) 12/4Vi; Kepong (£l) 8/6; Kinta
      156 words
    • 20 4 August 22 Tin, S pore Price $111 per picul 23 108% 2® 108 2 ios 28 109
      20 words
    • 1371 4 Issued by Fraser and Co. and Lyall and Evatt Exchange and Stock Brokers. Singapore, Aug. 28, 10 a.m. MINING. issue Val. Fraser Co. Lyall h Evact Issue Val.. b'uvms ‘‘seUere Buy!™* c E n 1U Buyers Sellers Buyers Sellers Buyers SelleK Buyers Sellers 4/- Ampat Tin 4/3
      1,371 words