The Straits Budget, 25 July 1935

Total Pages: 36
1 4 The Straits Budget

  • The Straits Budget
    • 689 2 become monotonous.—Straits Times, July 18. With the approach of another Malayan Exhibition, that fascinating mirror of the life of the country which is staged every year in the Federal capital, attention may be called to an attractive possibility that lies ahead. The Federation of British Industries has
      become monotonous.—Straits Times, July 18.  -  689 words
    • 727 2 world chaos.—Straits Times, July 19. Events and tendencies pregnant with peril to world peace find only too much space in newspapers nowadays, even in those newspapers which deliberately avoid taking an alarmist view. Not one but a dozen nations are implicated in the several contentions of the
      world chaos.—Straits Times, July 19.  -  727 words
    • 662 2 —Straits Times. July 20. The best news which has come out of Japan for a long time is that the War Ministry is determinedly re-asserting its authority over the Kwantung army, which, during recent months, has openly flouted the Foreign Office of its own country and has
      —Straits Times. July 20.  -  662 words
    • 237 3 have to be reconsidered.-Straits Times, July 20. For a number of reasons, chiefly connected with the position of the Malayan peasant under the international rubber scheme and the probability that the boom-slump alternation will recur in Malaya’s export markets, it is satisfactory to learn that special attention
      have to be reconsidered.-Straits Times, July 20.  -  237 words
    • 732 3 —Straits Times. July 22. A highly optimistic—and, some would say, unrealistic —view of affairs in Siam was taken by Mr. T. Sivaram in an address before the Hu Yew Seah, of Penang, a few days ago. Mr. Sivaram, who has had exceptional opportunities of studying Siamese politics
      —Straits Times. July 22.  -  732 words
    • 904 3 afforded by Trengganu. Straits Times, July 23. Those who are wont to make an affectation of cynicism, by placing the word progress in inverted commas when speaking of the modernisation of a Malay State, may be invited to study the administrative report of Trengganu for the year
      afforded by Trengganu. Straits Times, July 23.  -  904 words
    • 692 4 it or not. lias begun.—Straits Times, July 24 To those who remember the Malayan Agency in London when it was housed in the stuffy little rooms in Cannon Street, the slgnificance of Mr. V. A. Lowinger’s visit to this country goes lar beyond the negotiation of a new
      it or not. lias begun.—Straits Times, July 24  -  692 words
    • 217 4 into a state of false security.—Straits Times. July 24 There is a remarkable discrepancy In the llgures ol tin production in hlna published by the International lin Committee, if another set of figures supplied to the Straits Times by a responsible and extremely wellinformed correspondent is to
      into a state of false security.—Straits Times. July 24  -  217 words

  • 68 4 The supplement to the 3ritish Medical Journal gives news of the sign'd success attained by AloysiusV Pestana. a young first-year doctor attached to the Anatomy Department of the Singapore College of Medicine Dr. Pestana has won one of the group prizes awarded by the British Medical
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  • 94 4 Kuching, on July 14. to Phyllis Bengtsson. wife of Thomas Corson. Senior Forest Officer. Sarawak, a daughter. KERR.—At the Maternity Hospital. Singapore on the 19th inst. to Helen, wife of W. L. Kerr, a daughter. GUNSTONE.— On Saturday. July 20. at the Maternity Hospital. Singapore, to Helen, wife of
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  • 38 4 GOH—TEO—The engagement is announced between Mr. Goh Heng Chong third son of Mi. and Mrs. Goh Boon Koh of Pemne a ?°n,r Miss Teo Tct se cond daughter p| )n Mr alKl Mrs En Hock of Siiv-a-
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  • 26 4 LC i^y EE Th <; marri age took place In Singapore, on July 13. 1935. of Mr. Lo or sSap“, a Mad m< W "eo, bo°h
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  • 105 4 Mr. Lim Peng Han Discharged. Mr. Lim Peng Han. who Was charged with having caused the death o Miss Nancy Wong by driving a motor-car in a rash and negiigent manner along Buoni Vista Road appeared again before Mr. E e Colman. the Singapore Fifth Magis
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  • 453 4 Passengers By The Carthage. The following passengers are proceeding by the Carthage which Singapore on Friday for Penang. Colombo Bombay and Europe. Mr. Harrison. Mr. G E Turner. Eng. Comdr. Casley. Mr. J H Johnston. Mr. H H. Cook. Miss A W Hislop. Mr and Mrs G C
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 87 4 NOTICE All communications for both the Straits Times and the Straits Budget should be addressed to the Head Office. Cecil and Stanley Streets. Singapore. Straits Settlements. The post free price of the Straits Times to the United Kingdom and foreign countries is $48 a year. The post free price of
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  • 90 4 DEATHS LIM—Tin, death has occurred of Mr Lim h lin R Q J I0 of x tllc LUmqui Trading Co at ‘V s les W(nee No. (J Hullet Road IIAT T T, u «uuei Koad. c r‘T At tho Ctcncral Hospital early on Saturday morning. Catherine, wife of Mr. a
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  • 113 5 OLCENT news about the Chinese K warships in Hong Kong has recall(J t0 a writer in the Straits Echo that lh S aw the Hai Chi and Hai Ying anchored oil Penang thirty years ago. That was the last occasion on which warships of the Chinese
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  • 123 5 ONE 01 tne most varied Straits careers I have ever heard of is described in the June issue of the Shell Magazine Mr. J. Y. Kennedy, who died in Surra v in May at the age of eighty-two, was at one time the leading exchange bri
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  • 124 5 this note is not about a misnamed part of Africa, as you might hastily suppose. It is about the buried continent to which Malaya belongs. I will quote from a newly published book. "Biological Processes in Tropical SoiLv," by Dr. A. S. Corbet, late of the R.R.I "Tile wide
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  • 100 5 theory stated by Dr. Corbet is that “at no very distant lime the present Malay Peninsula was <’ut off from the mainland of Asia by the sea.” He adds: “The flora and fauna show f hat Malaya was separated from Siam and south Burma in south Kedah, the
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  • 137 5 J HAD a most refreshing talk yesterday with a man who is a copra enthusiast, who really believes that there is a bright future for this uulustry in Malaya if only growers and business men will seize the opportunities that lie before them. A hard white cooking fat,
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  • 119 5 'T'HEN there is the possibility of bottling the milk of young coconuts and placing it on the world market as a soft drink. Why not? It is technically possible, I believe, and think what an amazing amount of free publicity such a drink would have had before the
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  • 149 5 speeches or lectures are rare in Singapore, but yesterday I was; lucky enough to hear two in one day. There was Mr. Adrian Clark at the 1 Rotary luncheon—a really excellent effort, polished, urbane, amusing and done with that smooth and apparently effortless flow of language which
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  • 138 5 HPO make a humorous speech success1 fully under such handicaps is no mean feat, and Mr. Clark deserves full marks for having captured his audience so completely yesterday. More of his legal yarns would have been welcome, for there is no more amusing type of story than that
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  • 145 5 *pHE other address which I heard yesterday was on Malta, delivered by Archdeacon Graham White, and it was equally good in a different way. The Archdeacon speaks in a conversational, disjointed style, but he is extremely easy to listen to, and when, as in this case, he
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  • 125 5 »T»HREE specimens of the Balinese crested duck, a pure white bird with a quaint top-knot, on the back of its head, have been placed in the lake in the Botanic Gardens. Singapore. The birds are great favourites with visitors and as yet show no signs ot indigestion caused
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  • 165 5 DF.OPLE who would like to know more about the flowers and trees of Singapore. more especially those which are useful in gardens, may welcome a feature which is to be inaugurated on this page of the Straits Times tomorrow. It Is proposed to publish every Friday short
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  • 106 5 AT the Singapore Swimming Cluo last Sunday morning, when the members were considering whether they should spend $250,000 or not. my mind went back to the terrific rumpus that occurred some years ago over the proposal to build a factory next-door. General Motors, il you remember, wanted
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  • 97 5 •pHE Swimming Club fought it quite naturally, but selfishly from th" standpoint of Singapore as a whole. The club’s opposition, however, was only one factor, and a minor one at that, in causing the municipal commissioners to turn down General Motors’ offer. What really decided the
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  • 126 5 PROM a purely selfish point of view. as a member of the S.S.C., I am thankful that the American invasion was repelled. Admittedly General Motors promised faithfully not to pour any nasty oil Into the sea, make noises in their factory or create other nuisances, but could they
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  • 137 5 r T*HE Singapore Y.M.C.A. is arranging a lecture once a month, and the series was inaugurated last month by Professor Bottrall. of Raffles College, in a provocative and erudite study of modern novelists. There was a remarkably large audience but it was composed almost entirely of Asiatics. That
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  • 159 5 J AST Wednesday someone else made the effort for me, and afterwards I was grateful, for Archdeacon Graham White’s lecture on the history of Malta was an Intellectual pleasure of no mean order. Why will we not turn out lor that sort of thing here, when we used
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  • 88 5 AS a confirmed talkie addict I uttered a loud hear-hear when I read the following letter in an American magazine: Sirs.—“Tim**” publish*** th»* most trustworthy of all movie* guides, but why don’t you do something about Metro-Goldwyn-Mnyer’s belching lion. I heartily agree with Mr. Humphreys. I hate the
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  • 180 6 117 HAT must it be like to live 111ty- one years continuously in the same Malayan town? That Is the thought which must come to any European who reads the story of the life of Dr. Saw Ail Choy. of Taiping. This fine old gentleman first
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  • 211 6 T\R Saw Ah Choy nas not oeen lortunate enough to visit other conti nutts very three or lour years, but his native town of Taiping and its townsfolk must mean a great deal more to him than Singapore does to most of its citizens. It would be possible to
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  • 180 6 Dr. Saw All Ciioy looks back on his many years in the pleasant town of Talping, scented with the blossom of old angsana trees and shadowed by the green heights of the Ijau range, he has solid grounds for satisfaction. Beginning as an apprentice dresser at ten
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  • 216 6 J HEARD It suggested the other day that big-game photography in Malaya's national park—that spacious region of mountain, river and jungle in which visitors are permitted to carry nothing more dangerous than a camera would be too risky except from a machan over a salt-lick or water-hole. Since keen
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  • 156 6 f have just made a discovery: to wit. 4 that Malaya possesses what is believed to be the only wholly Irish com-, pany east of Suez and the only Malayan rubber company registered in the Emerald Isle. This is the Yam Seng Rubber Company. ol Larut.
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  • 122 6 IN the last two or three years Straitsborn Chinese housewives and mothers in Singapore have been showing a surprising amount of 1 interest in European food. That is one reason why the Y.W.C.A. Cookery Book was originally produced and why a second edition, enlarged and revised, has just
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  • 155 6 J HAVE been following with great m interest a series entitled “An Intimate History of Taipeng which is running in the Taipeng Weekly Record. This series, I understand, is based in Part upon a study of the early State papers in the archives at Taiping and as
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  • 150 6 I ARUT only comes into the picture because the disputes, between its factions of Chinese miners alarmed the Straits Government and because its wealthy Malay governor, by siding with Abdullah’s rivals, prolonged the internal strife which was one of the causes of the Pangkor treaty. The wealth of
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  • 158 6 •*r\EAR AnaK Singapura," writes a reader, “may I record my most complete agreement with Mr. Humphreys and your good self anent the M.G.M. belcher? It is surely more than high time that this unfortunate beast was gassed, shot, pensioned oil or retired to the nearest zoo. Film producers
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  • 136 6 ANGSANA AVENUES recent decision to cut out more than a hundred old angsana trees in the shophouse area of Taiping makes one wonder how long it will be before avenues of this tree disappear altogether from Malaya. The fine angsana avenues once possessed by Singapore and Malacca have disappeared, but
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  • 138 6 JUDGING bv the roadside planting programmes now being carried out in Singapore and elsewhere, the angsana has no future in Malava except in parks and gardens. For several reasons it is not a suitable liree for roadside shade, despite its beauty. There is always the possibility of annt
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  • 149 6 A CONTRIBUTOR to our women's pages slipped up the other day when she spoke of the avocado pear, sometimes called the alligator pear, as being abundantly grown i n Malaya. A reader now writes from Tronoh to ask where this delicacy can be obtained. I have not tasted
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  • 137 6 PINEAPPLE juice canned by Ameri- can growers in Hawaii is making its appearance on the Malayan market and is enjoying good sales. It deserves to do so too, for it is anexcellent drink. But why cannot we buy Malayan pineapple juice? Not a single local brand is on
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  • 222 6 117HEN the decision to lease the Vic* toria Theatre to a local company for talkie performances was announced. there was some doubt as to whether the acoustics would be satisfactory. I missed Lorna Doone,” the first talkie to be shown under the new arrangement, but went to see
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  • 1543 7 Mr. J. Cook, oi Miri. is visiting Singapore. Mr H Kingdon-Rowe has returned" to Ipoh from Australia. The Hon. Mr. J. D. Hall. British Adviser, Kedah, will be going on leave in the near future. Mr and Mrs. J. Holland and son, of Lumpur, are proceeding Home
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  • 284 7 Tuesday, July 16. In the morning His Excellency visited St. Andrew’s Hospital. Wednesday. July 17. His Excellency presided at a meeting of the Executive Council held at Government House this morning. Thursday. July 18. In the afternoon His Excellency visited Tan Tock Seng Hospital. In the afternoon Lady
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  • 191 7 Leaders— F B I. and F.M.S 2 A Greater War? 2 A Runaway Army 2 Fascism In Siam 3 Poor But Happy? 3 -4 Malaya’s Agent 4 Telegrams— Covering past week’s news 24- 28 Picture Supplement 17—20 Financial Supplement— Financial and Commercial news to date, following page 32 Malayan
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  • 1899 8 OUTSPOKEN CRITICISMS BY MR. MUNGO PARK. WHEN INDUSTRY WILL SPEAK WITH ONE VOICE. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, July 22. Some very frank comments on Tin Restriction topics were made by Mr. Mungo Park in a speech here on Saturday. He alluded to the fact
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  • 52 8 News has been received by air mail of the sudden death in Normandy of Mr. A. Letondu, father of Mr. P. Letondu, of Singapore, who has been in the Far East for 20 years. Mr. A. Letondu was an Officer ot Public Instruction and a retired Government
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 478 8 REVEALS SECRET OF PERSONAL INFLUENCE Simple Mrlhixl that Anyone Can IV to Drvelopr the Towers of Personal Magi.vtism. Memory, Concentration, Will-Power and to corrrrt Cndesirahle Habits through the wonder-science of Suggestion. 80 page Rook Fully Describing this Unique Method and a Psycho-Analysis Character Delineation FREE to all who write at
      478 words

  • Correspondence.
    • 368 9 Way To Encourage Owners. To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir.— I quite agree with what Owner” has to say in his letter which appeared in your issue of the 16th. Bookmakers have many friends in Singapore, Penang and the F.M S and one
      368 words
    • 221 9 Market Hostility Towards Tin Control. To the Editor of the Straits Times. Si*”-—I am sending you a copy of Facts about T s n Control in case you have not already got one. It appears To he a moderate, tair and just analysis. and I hope you will
      221 words
    • 415 9 Owners’ View Of Tote System. To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir. —It is now about 21 years since bookmaking was abolished by law in this country, and the question as to whether the time has come to consider the repeal of this law has been
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    • 212 9 Mr. Chamberlain In Merry Mood. To the Editor of the Straits Times Sir.—Apropos of the new tax on Diesel-engined vehicles in Malaya, the following extract from Parliamentary Reports may be of interest to those or your readers directly concerned, along with the comments anent same published in
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    • 193 9 How Movement Might Be Encouraged. To the Editor of the Straits Times Sir, —A suggestion has been made to encourage volunteering and, if carried out. there should be a very marked increase in the Volunteer ranks. The idea is that every Volunteer should be known as a Volunteer-employee
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    • 267 9 Figures Which Lord Elibank Should Study. To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir. —Lord Elibank writes you on the subject of production of “restricting” and “non-restricting” countries and quotes figures designed to show that the production of non-restricting countries is on the decrease. Of course it is.
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    • 118 9 To the Editor of the Straits Times Sir.—I had occasion recently to go to the Malacca Municipality to pay certain rates. I made payment at 2.05 p.m. and had to wait for my receipt until 3 p.m. Some ratepayers live as far as one mile from the
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  • 126 9 DEATH OF PROMINENT PENANG MOSLEM. (From Our Own Correspondent) Penang, July 19. The death took place yesterday after about a fortnight’s Illness of Mr. K. A. Naina Mohamed, one of the leaders of the local Mohammedan community. Mr. Naina Mohamed was 62 years old and
    126 words
  • 168 9 A Bill intituled an ordinance to amend Ordinance No. 130 (Pcrts) is about to oe introduced into the Legislative Council. Its objects and reasons are This Bill propose.' to substitute a superannuation scheme for the superannuation fund contemplated in section 22 of the Ports Ordinance, but which does
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  • 54 9 The Bishop of Singapore expects to visit Kuala Lumpur from Thursday. Aug. 1 to Tuesday Aug 6 Among.his engagements will be the unveiling of t tablet in St. Mary’s Church to th; memory of the late Mr. A. Savage Bailey. This will take place
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  • 180 9 Seven-Branched Tree Seen In Kelantan. To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,—The interesting photograph :n the Straits Times of July 13 of a coconut tree with five branches at Tanlong Bungah. Penang, and especially the iootnote. It is said to be the only one of its kind,'
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  • 101 10 SEAMEN CHARGED IN SINGAPORE. Thirty-three Bengali seamen 'lascars) in the British steamship Baron Belhaven are being charged in the Singapore Marine Police Court that on the morning ol July 2 they “combined as members of the crew to disobey the lawful commands if the captain,
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  • 78 10 First Ofllccr E Esmonde. of the Imperial Airways liner Aurora which arrived in Singapore lrom London recently, states in his voyage report: “On the journey from Karachi 10 Singapore shortly alter leaving Jodhpur and whilst in the course of checking the ship’s papers, a snake was killed,
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  • 296 10 No (J round For Refund Of Assessment.” .From Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh. July 20. At a meeting of the Kinta Sanitary Board, the chairman stated with rei gard to the questior. of relundlng asI sessment on vacant buildings where there had been actuu hardship the matter had
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  • 306 10 Applications By Estate Mangaers. (From Our Own Correspondent) Johore Bahru. July 18. An extraordinary meeting of the Licensing Board. Johore Bahru, was held in the First Magistrate’s chambers early this week in pursuance of the resolution passed at the last meet ing of the Board concerning late
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  • 735 10 OFFICIAL REGULATIONS PUBLISHED. ASSESSMENT ANI) APPEAL. Ministerial regulations providing ior the control of rubber production and export from Siam are published. In conformity with Section t>3 0 f. the Siamese Rubber Restriction Act of B. E. 2477, the State Councillor in charge of the Ministry of Agriculture
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 176 10 UTT t M t IjTl X; M I I 1 (TFChUums Scots tflhisky ON the seven seas in famous bars of famous |>orts; In clubs, mess-rooms, manor houses, from pole to pole and around the equator—you will find McCallum’s a symbol of rivilLsatlon the companion of leaders in high adventure
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  • 272 12 iWSSENCER RUNS AMOK. SKIPPER GRAPPLES WITH HIM. <F rom Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, July 22. Passengers and crew aboard the Straits Steamship vessel, Ipoh had an exciting time on Saturday night when a Chinese deck passenger ran amok and stabbed a fellow passenger and a member of
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  • 96 12 Death Of Former Partner In Penang Firm. The death occurred at St. Leonards on Sea on July 2 of Mr. Edward Lees, for many years a partner and director of Messrs. Pritchard and Co., Ltd., of Penang and Ipoh. Mr. Lees left Malaya about 20 years ago.
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  • 95 12 New Penang European Member Of Council. At a special meeting of members of the Penang Chamber of Commerce on Tuesday, presided over by Mr. F. H Grumitt, Mr. H. S. Russell, of Messrs Slme Darby and Co.. Ltd., the only member nominated, was unanimously elected by
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  • 42 12 Mr. Bernard Scott, Master Mariner, has been nominated under Section 359 of Ordinance No. 125 (Merchant Shipping), as a person entitled to be examined for a licence as a pitot in the Pilotage District oi Penang on Aug 1.
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  • 65 12 To Be Most Modern In Far East. 'From Our Own Correspondent). Bangkok, July 19. A contract for automatic equipment for Bangkok’s two telephone exenanges was awarded today to the General Electric Company of London. It Is hoped that the change-over will be effected by the middle
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  • 363 12 Contractor Who Tricked Sir William Taylor. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, July 17. An amusing story of “Carcosa in Sir William Taylor’s days was told by Mr. Francis F. Cooray today, in the course of his address on Ceylon to the Kuala Lumpur Rotary Club.
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  • 110 12 The funeral of Mrs. Hall, wife of Mr. Alexander Hall, of the editorial stalT °1 the Singapore Free Press, took place at Bldadari Cemetery. Singapore on Saturday afternoon. The Rev. W. Murray officiated. I Mr s- Hall died in the General Hospital on Saturday morning
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  • 554 12 Archdeacon And Jubilee Fund. Subscriptions are being called for the re-building oT St. Andrew’s School, one of the premier schools of Slngapore. On Saturday, another Indian dinner in aid of the fund, and attended ov the stall' and old boys of the School, was held at
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  • 46 12 In exercise of the powers coriierred upon him under Section 48 of the Liquors Revenue Ordinance, 1927. His Excellency the Governor has appointed Mr. J. E. MacLaughlin to be secretary to the Board of Licensing Justices, Penang, vice Mr. F. Stanley.
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  • 226 12 Good Standards Of The Past Maintained. (From Our Own Correspondent.* Malacca, July 21 This year’s annual flower show which was held under the auspices of the Malacca Horticultural Show at the City Park yesterday and today was a very successful affair. The president Mr. G. Beatty, and
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  • 111 12 conditions suggested.—Straits Times copyright. Not To Be Bound Up With Salary Levels. (From Our Own Correspondent* London, July 20 In the House of Commons yesterday Sir 3. Hamilton inquired whether the Colonia. Secretary would consider recommending to the authorities concerned that when considering the question of a reduction
    conditions suggested.—Straits Times copyright.  -  111 words
  • 165 12 Constable Commended By Magistrate. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur. July 19. “I do not wish to say anything at all,” declared Chan Fook, who appear ed before Mr. F. K. Wilson, in the Kuala Lumpur Police Court, charged with the theft of a hand-bag. valued at
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  • 1047 13 Chinese Christian’s Dilemma. FATHER’S FEAR OF EXCOMMUNICATION. a [{OMAN Catholic priest’s refusal to marry two Chinese Christians —the girl a Roman Catholic and the intended bridegroom a Presbyterian—and the fears of the girl’s father that he would be excommunicated from the Church if he allowed the
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  • 207 13 MALAYAN MAILS DESTROYED. About forty pounds of Malayan air mail, homeward bound to Europe, was lost when the K.L.M. Dutch air mail liner, Marabou, PHAKM, crashed on leaving Busihre last Wednesday. The machine was destroyed by fire. The passengers and crew escaped, but all mail and
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  • 288 13 Said To Have Pushed A Policeman. (From Our Own Correspondent) Seremban, July 17. A well-known Singapore lawyer, Philip Hoalim, and two Malays appeared before the Seremban magistrate, Mr. J. Calder. here this afternoon. Hoalim was charged with driving an unlicensed car last evening on Rahang Road. Seremban, and
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  • 224 13 Debentures ar*- concerned.—Straits Times Copyright. Debenture Holders Protest In London. HOW RECONSTRUCTION AFFECTS THEM. London. July 16 Perak River Hydro El ctrlc debenture holders are complaining in the London financial newspapers of the “unfair reconstruction proposals.” Under the scheme which will be submitted to separate meetings
    Debentures ar*- concerned.—Straits Times Copyright.  -  224 words
  • 252 13 Opened By The Sultan Of Selangor. (From a Correspondent) Kling, July 15. The Kuala Langat branch of the Malayan Agrl-Hortlcultural Association held its annual Show on Sunday in the precincts of the district office. Teluk Datoh. His Highness the Sultan, who is one of the patrons and who
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  • 517 14 Future Of The Diesel Engine. (From Our Motoring Correspondent.) APPREHENSION is felt in Malayan motor transport circles that the Government communique foreshadowing a discriminating tax on dieselengined vehicles in Malaya may in effect w ipe out all advantages to be gained in adopting the newer
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  • 71 14 The following official communique was issued in Singapore:— “Present users and intending purchasers of motor vehicles fitted with Cl (compression ignition) engines or with producer-gas attachments are warned that Government intends their special taxation at an early date; whether by an excise on the heavy oil consumed
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  • 268 14 No Definite Plans Made Yet. TO CONSULT FIRST WITH GOVERNOR ON TIN CONTROL POSITION. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, July 19. Mr. V. A. Lowinger, senior Malayan representative on the International Tin Committee, arrived at Penang yesterday by the Ranchi en route to Singapore.
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  • 207 14 Chinese Bound Over At Kuala Lumpur. From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, July 17. In the Kuala Lumpur Police Court before Che Maarof, second magistrate. Lee Kim Chee was charged with fail- ing to give a satisfactory account of himself when apprehended at 3 a m. on
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  • 361 14 EXPANSION OF THE TIMBER TRADE. His Excellency the Governor visited two Chinese swamills on Friday morning. He first visited the sawmill of the Siong Lim Sawmill Company where he was met by Mr. J. P. Mead, the Director of Forestry, S.S. and F.M.S., Mr. J. P. Edwards,
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  • 184 14 FUTURE OF WIRELESS IN THIS COUNTRY. VIEWS OF MR. J FORD. (Straits Times Special.) Mr. J. Ford, president of the Malayan Amateur Radio Society. Kuala Lumpur left Singapore on home leave by th« P. and O. Carthage on Friday Interviewed, he said he was not sanguine about the
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  • 258 14 Record Camp At Siglap. From A Correspondent.) It is rare that the Johore Volunteers have the opportunity of meeting as a body, for the reason that the majority of the members are planters, scattered over estates throughout the State. But the camp which concluded at Siglap
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  • Malayan Planting Topics.
    • 2901 15 Research Work At Jealott’s Hill— Extension To Malaya—Comprehensive Experiments—Manurial Problems —Twenty Rubber Tests. (By Our Planting Correspondent.) f|OW many of my planting readers can say in what way Jealott’s Hill is connected with Malaya or tell anything of its history? Very few, I am
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  • 654 16 27 YEARS IN MALAYA. (Special to the Straits Times.) The man who trained two platoons of English and American residents in Singapore during two War years to hold themselves in readiness for any emergency; and who helped to bring the traffic control system in Penang to
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  • 128 16 Sultan And Sultanah Also Present. H.E. the Governor saw his first circus show in Singapore last Thursday night, when he visited Franz Isako'.s Circus at Kallang, accompanied bv Lady Thomas. Miss Bridget Thomas. Sir Andrew Caldecott and others from Government House. The Sultan and Sultanah
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  • Page 16 Advertisements

    • 2174 21 A Chinese Gives A Lead —Milk Importers’ Agreement—Japanese Competition—Some LongView Reflections. By OUR COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. To open and go through your mail n the morning, to visit your business triends in Kuala Lumpur between 11 and 3 p.m. (with lunch ‘thrown in”), and to be
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  • 996 22 End Of Freight War—How Ships And ’Planes Co-operate. (By Our Shipping Correspondent.) It was recently announced that a group of steamship companies operating passenger; lines in the Far Fast had come; to an agreement with Imperial] Airways and the K.L.M. (Royal Dutch Air Lines) to facilitate co-operation between
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  • 724 22 BIG CAMPAIGN TO BRING REVIVAL OF COCONUT INDUSTRY. 'From Our Own Correspondent* Kuala Lumpur. July 13. Coconuts were once known as the Consols of the East. Producers made good profits copra was in large de- j mand for many uses, particularly for 1 soap manufacture. World
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  • 119 22 PLOT TO REVIVE PERAK SECRET SOCIETIES. YEAR’S GAOL FOR TWO MALAYS. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, July 17. The magistrate of the Kuala Kangsar court passed judgment today in the case against Haji Mohamed bin Abdullah and Ngahlati, who stood charged with assisting the management of an unlawful
    119 words
  • 223 22 New Members Of The A.B.M. (From Our Own Correspondent) London. July 9. The Association of British Malaya, which retained its large membership remarkably well during even the depth of the depression, is now, like every other Malayan institution, benefiting by better times, and its membership
    223 words
  • 68 22 A two months’ intensive course oi instruction to newly-appointed Asiatic Rubber Instructors terminated at the end of June. The course was held partly at the School of Agriculture. Malaya, at Serdang and partly at the Rubbei Research Institute of Malaya at Kuala Lumpur and on the Institute’s rubber
    68 words

  • 962 23 \lr. Lowinger’s Visit —Conference In K. L. Next Week —The Malayan Exhibition Mr. Douglas’s Work For The M.A.H.A. Mr. Cowgill’s Promotion —Young Indian Flyer’s Distinction. From Our Own Correspondent. Kuala Lumpur, July 18. «ip lt LOWINGER arrives at Penang today, and the next few days should be full
    962 words
  • 51 23 The Hon. Dr. H. A. Tempany, C.8.E., Adviser on Agriculture, visited Johore in June for the purpose of inspecting and reporting on the position in relation to sites for the projected Central Experiment Station in that State. He also visited Malacca on his return to Kuala Lumpur from
    51 words
  • 956 23 Tin Topics—Rare Meetings Of State Council —Ipoh Or Taiping Customs Grouses. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, July 17. •pHE scribe who gives himself the task of retailing weekly the affairs of Kinta often finds himself at a loss to avoid encroaching on ground already trodden by other
    956 words
  • 113 23 THREE CHEMISTS DUE HERE SOON. <From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur. July 17. The technical staff of the Rubber Research Institute of Malaya is to be strengthened within the next few weeks. Three new appointments have been made. Mr J. H. Plddlesden, who arrives tomorrow, is
    113 words

  • 146 24 EMPEROR OF ABYSSINIA AND RAILWAY ZONE DEMAND. IN no circumstances will we accept a railway or other zone through Ethiopia administered and policed by Italy. History teaches that the creation of such zones inevitably is followed by annexation. We shall continue our peaceful efforts
    146 words
  • 229 24 —Reuter Wireless. ITALY’S RIGHTS TO BE SAFEGUARDED. Rome, July 16. QWING to the increased momentum of Abyssinian military preparations, says a communique, Signor Mussolini has decided on fresh mobilisation measures. The Sila Division has been called up for service under the command of General Bertini.
    —Reuter Wireless.  -  229 words
  • 68 24 t.—Reuter Wireless. Emperor’s Cousin On Plans To Resist Attack. New York. July 16 The Emperor Abyssinia has been preparing for wa- for the past six years, according to his cousin, Princess Heshlatamanya who is studying here Among carefully prepared measures to resist the Italian attack are munitions
    t.—Reuter Wireless.  -  68 words
  • 125 24 Reuter. Appalling Conditions In Devastated Area. HEAT-WAVE PLAGUE ADD TO SUFFERING. Shanghai. July 16. With devastation and floods along the Yangtse. Yellow and other rivers extending. a blistering heat-wave has descended on Shanghai and Nanking and cholera has broken out at Hsuchowfu. North Klangsu.
    Reuter.  -  125 words
  • 48 24 i.—Reuter. Berlin. July 16. Several cafes from which supposed Jews were hauled out. were wrecked during riots last night arising from Nazi reprisals against Jewish resentment against a new anti-Semitic film. Apart from several Jews taken into protective custody, there have been no arrests.—Reuter.
    i.—Reuter.  -  48 words
  • 276 24 “ITALY IS BEHIND HER SONS.” The full report of Mussolini’s fighting speech at Eboli, near Salerno, whither the Duce flew to review troops about to sail to East Africa, has arrived in Singapore by air mail. After the inspection he suddenly leapt on to the gun-carriage, and.
    276 words
  • 103 24 t. Reuter. London, July 15. The latest development in the I talo-Abyssinian dispute is the submission by the Italians of four demands: Frontier rectification, economic concessions, a railway between Eritrea and Somaliland, and the appointment of Italian advisers in Ethiopia on the British analogy in Egypt. Private
    t.—Reuter.  -  103 words
  • 376 24 s.—Reuter. Big Prosperity Loan. PLANS CABINET REJECTED. London, July 15. Vast proposals for national reconstruction are contained in Mr. Lloyd George's new deal n memorandum which was recently submitted to the Cabinet, and rejected by the Government. The main features are a prosperity loan of £250.000,000
    s.—Reuter.  -  376 words
  • 59 24 Aneta Trans Ocean. Guest Of Honour At London Embassy. For the first time since the world war the Prince of Wales visited the German Embassy last week when the Ambassador, Herr von Hoesch gave a dinner in honour of the heir to the British throne.
    Aneta Trans Ocean.  -  59 words

  • 145 25 fine Spectacle Off Spit head. Portsmouth, July 17. Last night 157 ships of the j{ 0 val Navy, as well as vessels of the Merchant Navy and fishing fleets, anchored in the review area off Spithead were illuminated at the conclusion of
    145 words
  • 81 25 H.M.S Rodney, one of the world’s biggest battleships, followed by the aircraft carriers. Courageous and Furious and other warships, which took part in yesterday’s Royal Review of the Navy off Spithead. No fewer than 160 warships of the Royal Navy took part in t most impressive
    81 words
  • 146 25 MERCHANT NAVY THE KING. Three Sailor Princes On The Royal Yacht. As the Royal Yacht steamed from harbour for the Review, the King saw the long lines 01 warships and also the great merchant vessels. Before starting the review the King assumed command of the fleet. His three sailor sons,
    146 words
  • 183 25 British Wireless and Reuter. Greatest Naval Assembly Since Coronation. 0ne hundred and sixty warships thundered a salute as the King, aboard the Royal yacht Victoria and Albert hi; Portsmouth early yesterday to review the greatest naval assemblage since the Coronation. The King, who was accompanied by the
    British Wireless and Reuter.  -  183 words
  • 56 25 -Reuter. 126 Degrees In Death Valley, California. Los .mgeles, July 17. The temperature today reached 12G degrees in Death Valley. California. which is said to be the hottest place on earth and where it Is almost impossible to exist in summer. Eight people have succumbed to
    -Reuter.  -  56 words
  • 48 25 allocated for the scheme.—Sin Kuo Min. Nanking. July 1G. The Nanking Education 'Ministry announces that a total of 48.93G free schools will be established in the various provinces during the coming year, and that $20,000,000 has been allocated for the scheme.--Sin Kuo
    allocated for the scheme.—Sin Kuo Min.  -  48 words
  • 41 25 LIVING BUDDHA OF TIBET. Sin Kuo vlin. The Panchan Lama, “Living Buddha” of Tibet who has been living in China in virtual exile since 1923. will leave Kansu Province early in August on ms way back to Tibet.- Sin Kuo vlin.
    Sin Kuo vlin.  -  41 words
  • 131 25 General Staff Officer Dismissed. Tokio, July If*. A sensation has been caused by a War Office announcement that Gen. Jinzaburo Mazaki, inspector-general of military training, one of the highest posts ih the General Staff, has been relieved of his duties after refusing to resign. This drastic action
    131 words
  • 77 25 An ambitious schedule of record breaking flights had been prepared for the near future by Campbell Black, from England to Cape town and back, a single hop across the Atlantic from Ireland to Newfoundland and from London to Hong Kong in a special Comet racing plane similar
    77 words
  • 248 25 -Reuter. Sir Shenton Thomas* Former Colony. SOME OF THE WORLD’S RICHEST MINES. London, July 16. The Gold Coast Colony where Sir Shenton Thomas was Governor before he came to Malaya, may in the near future rival even South Africa as a gold producer, declares
    -Reuter.  -  248 words
  • 81 25 .—Reuter Wireless. Reductions In American Tariffs. Moscow, July 13. Under the terms of the new trade agreement, the United States grants the U.S.S.R. the benefits of trade agreements already concluded with certain countries and the benefits of pacts to be concluded with other countries. One of the
    .—Reuter Wireless.  -  81 words
  • 58 25 ’’—Reuter. London, July 10. One of Lawrence of Arabia’s most valuable anonymous benefactions was revealed last night, namely to the education fund for children of killed or wounded Royal Air Force Officers. The funct has expended £4,000 since 1928 from an endowment fund from receipts of
    ’’—Reuter.  -  58 words
  • 48 25 The British Legion delegates, who were enthusiastically welcomed by German veterans <n their arrival in Berlin laid a wreath of Flanders’ poppies on the Tomb of the Unknown Warrior. Afterwards, there was a surprise Item on the programme when the delegates visited Herr Hitler.
    48 words

  • 436 26 collections of my Jubilee.”—British Wireless. “Two Happy Days With You At Sea.” His Majesty London, July IKSkies were grey, but the weather forecast gave promise of bright periods with light to moderate south-west winds over the English Channel when the King, from the royal
    collections of my Jubilee.”—British Wireless.  -  436 words
  • 46 26 -Reuter. London, July 17 The London newspapers draw attention to the dismissal of General Mazaki, the Japanese Inspector-General of military Training, as a victory for the moderate elements in the Japanese army foreshadmuing other d isci pi in ary me a sures. Reuter.
    -Reuter.  -  46 words
  • 109 26 .—Reuter. No Hope Of Great Powers Intervention. ABYSSINIA has virtually abandoned all hope of intervention A h v the great powers in’the dispute with Italy. Intervention, is the only means of averting a war, according to a high Abyssinian official in London. This official
    .—Reuter.  -  109 words
  • 69 26 —Reuter. If Egypt allowed Italian military aircraft to cross Egyptian territory he would consider it an unfriendly act, states the Emperor of Ethiopia in an interview published in the Cairo newspaper Ali Ahram yesterday. Such facilities, the Emperor, adds, would facilitate Italy’s activities against Abyssinia. His country,
    —Reuter.  -  69 words
  • 68 26 —Reuter. Hong Kong, July IS. Ratsutaro A no, the Japanese aviator, who is attempting a London-Tokio flight by a new route, arrived here at noon today from Fort Bayard, Indochina. Ano was several hours overdue, which fact caused some anxiety. It is now learned that
    .—Reuter.  -  68 words
  • 81 26 —Reuter Wireless. L.C.C. Remove Ban On Teachers Doctors. London, July 17. The London County Council which now has a Labour majority decided yesterday by 7(1 votes to 37 that marriage shall no longer be a bar to employment in the Council’s sendee of women doctors and teachers.
    —Reuter Wireless.  -  81 words
  • 58 26 Sin Kuo Min Outside Aid For China’s Red Armies Tientsin, July 17. Suspicion that the Chinese Reds in Sichuan is receiving outside assistance in replenishing their munition supplies has been heightened by the flight ol a number of unidentified planes across Shensi toward the west yesterday. The planes
    Sin Kuo Min  -  58 words
  • 74 26 James Lin. the son of the President of China, Mr. Lin Sen, was married last week (says Reuter) to Miss Viola Brown, an assistant at a ten cent, store in America. He met her when he lost his pocket book which the girl found on the
    74 words
  • 115 26 MR. LIN SEN HIS SON’S MARRIAGE. .—Reuter. SAYS JAMES LIN IS ALREADY MARRIED. Columbus <Ohio» July 18. An official statement from Nanking that he is already married in China not stopped James Lin the student son of China’s President, from staying at a boarding house with his shop-girl bride whom
    .—Reuter.  -  115 words
  • 53 26 acres awaiting planting.-—British Wireless The annual report of the Forestry Commissioners just issued shows that increasing attention has been given to the utilization of home grown timber. The total area of plantations in Great Britain on September 30, 1934 was 316.000 acres, and there are 228,000 acres
    acres awaiting planting.-—British Wireless  -  53 words
  • 188 26 54.9 per cent, of deposits.—British Wireless. Sin Kuo Min. Bank Deposits Higher Than In 1929. NEW LOW LEVEL OF ADVANCES. London, July 18. Returns for June of ten London clearing banks show that deposits have risen to the unprecedented figure of <£2,003,451,000, which represents an
    54.9 per cent, of deposits.—British Wireless.; Sin Kuo Min.  -  188 words
  • 27 26 —Reuter. Shanghai, July IX. A Chinese report from Ilankou states that 14.000 bodies have been recovered at Yochiakow and Changchich. the Yangtse towns i Hupeh.—Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  27 words
  • 56 26 Investigating Alleged Discrimination. A Chinese commission is being sent to Siam in August to investigate into the alleged Anti-Chinese movement in that country. The commission includes representathe alleged anti-Chinese movement in dustry. Foreign Affairs and Finance and two members of the Central Overseas Committee, in
    56 words
  • 56 26 London, July 19In view of the imminent departure of Sir Frederick Leith-Ross to China, it is advisable to await his leport before considering the question of sending an industrial mission to Canton, said Col. Colville (Department of Overseas Trade > in the House of Commons today
    56 words
  • 36 26 .—Reuter. London. July 16. Labour gained a seat in the byelection today at West Toxeth (Liverpool). Result: Gibbins (Labour) 14.908; Cremlyn (Conservative), 9,565 The Conservative majority in thelast election was 5,600. —Reuter.
    .—Reuter.  -  36 words
  • 26 26 British Wireless. London, July 18. The death occurred last night at Bournemouth of George Russell, aged 68, the Irish poet, artist, and oatriot.
    British Wireless.  -  26 words

  • 217 27 Straits Times copyright. plight From Plymouth To Malaya. f r „m Our Own Correspondent. London, July 19. An R.A.F. Singapore III flyin,,- boat, under the command 0 f Squadron-Leader W. N. Plenderleith will leave Mountbatten, Plymouth, on July 27 in an attempt to
    Straits Times copyright.  -  217 words
  • 44 27 Reuter. Horne, July 19. Seventy deaths from sunstroke and the invaliding home of 2JD00 labourers from Italian eolonics from a total of 23.000 is reported by the Azione Colonagli which is reyarded as semi-official for matters concerning the Italian colonies.—Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  44 words
  • 438 27 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Batavia. July 15. THE outstanding new’s of the week was the arrival of the Dutch submarine K-XVIII on the roads of Soerabaya on Thursday morning after a round-the-w r orld trip of nearly 23.000 sea miles. This is a world record of which the
    438 words
  • 68 27 Reuter. Restoration Prospects Now Brighter. Athens, July 19. After a lengthy meeting the reorganisation of the Greek cabinet was completed with M. Tsaldaris as PreIWer and M. Kondylis as vice-Premier Minister war. M. Maximos is F °reign Minister. retention of M. m the aoinet is
    – Reuter.  -  68 words
  • 58 27 Min Far Eastern trade.—Sin Kuo Shanghai. July 19. The Australian Trade Commissioner. 1> appointed by the Federal hk 1 mcn t in Canberra, will establish Aup° es in Shanghai at the end of has 1 Tile Aus tralian Government tim r C( ntly been
    Min Far Eastern trade.—Sin Kuo  -  58 words
  • 88 27 Router Sequel To An Alleged Assault. Hong Kong, July 20. Cyril Crompton and George Chapman privates in the Lincolnshires, were charged in the civil court today with the manslaughter of an Indian last night. The original charge was assault on which the men were arrested
    . Router  -  88 words
  • 36 27 ,—Reuter. Cairo, July 18. 11. L. Brook, the Yorkshire airman, who is attempting a record London-Cape Town solo flight crashed at Mersamatruh. He was uninjured, but his machine was completely wrecked.—Reuter.
    ,—Reuter.  -  36 words
  • 92 27 Coast and to Sierra Leone. British Wireless. Linking Up Nigeria With African Route. London, July 19. Speaking in London last night. Lord Plymouth (Parliamentary Undersecretary for the Colonies) said that through the enterprise and initiative of Elders Colonial Airways Ltd., together with Imperial Airways, it was
    Coast and to Sierra Leone. British Wireless.  -  92 words
  • 235 27 —Reuter. fugees total over 1.000.000. Sin Kuo Min. Shanghai, Juty 18. A Hankow report states that the death-roll in the floods in Hupeh Province is unofficially estimated by Chinese quarters at between 50,000 and 100.0000. One Chinese report states that 100,000 people perished in the
    —Reuter.; fugees total over 1.000.000. Sin Kuo Min.  -  235 words
  • 74 27 .—Reuter. 1,000 ARRESTS MADE BY THE POLICE. Paris, July 20 A demonstration by thousands of civil servants, in the neighbourhood of the Place de I’Opera against the new pay cuts ended without any grave incident, but 1,000 arrests were made by the police. 6,000 police were
    .—Reuter.  -  74 words
  • 69 27 —Reuter. Over The Alps On An Elephant. Berne, July 19. Emulating; Hannibal, the American writer Mr. Richard Halliburton today set out mounted on an elephant, for the great St. Bernard Pass. After covering 55 miles across the Alps from Berne to Aosta, Mr. Halliburton proposes to push
    —Reuter.  -  69 words
  • 153 27 Reuter Bribes Of Sugar On Pilgrimage. Berne. July 21. Mr. -tichard Halliburton’s Transalpine pilgrimage Is meeting with difficulties. The party arrived at the Hospice of St. Bernard at two o’clock. The last few kilometres "/ere the ost difficult, the elephant several times refusing to
    Reuter  -  153 words
  • 91 27 Reuter. Echo Of Recent Shanghai Incident. Shanghai. July 21. The second branch of the Kungsu High Court nas dismissed the appeal of Tu Cluing-yuan, editor and puo isher j! tlie “New Life*' weekly, on t.he ground That no appeal is allowed for offences committed under
    Reuter.  -  91 words

  • 491 28 the Abyssinian highlands.—Reuter Wireless. —8ln Chew Jit Poh. “ABYSSINIA WILL STRUGGLE TO LAST MAN.” “COLDIERS follow the example of your warrior ancestors and yountf and old unite in the face of the invader. Your Sovereign will be among you and will not hesitate to
    the Abyssinian highlands.—Reuter Wireless.; —8ln Chew Jit Poh.  -  491 words
  • 340 28 Reuter. Military Compelled To Fire On Mob. Lahore. July 20. Altogether ten persons were killed and many were injured in riots here today. The whole area is strewn with bricks and stones with which the mub, kept up a barrage. Fifty police, including five British< were
    Reuter.  -  340 words
  • 159 28 13 Killed On Swiss Mountain Nine passengers and the crew of four were killed when a Douglas aeroplane belonging to the K.L.M. which was proceeding from Milan to Frankfurt crashed near Mesocco, in Switzerland, on Sunday morning, (says Reuter). Inquiries revealed that a violent A'pine storm
    159 words
  • 48 28 —Reuter Wireless. London, July 17. A new British crack fighter aeroplane showing her paces in competition with foreign planes, at Brussels crashed today and the pilot, Lieut. Trower, was killed. The machine ws specially 1 demon started before the King of the Belgians yesterday.—Reuter Wireless.
    .—Reuter Wireless.  -  48 words
  • 23 28 .—Reuter. Hankow, July 22. The Chinese authorities estimate the losses from the floods in Hupeh alone at $200,000,000.—Reuter.
    .—Reuter.  -  23 words
  • 164 28 —Reuter. Radicals And A Police Appointment. London, July 20. Li#ht on the appointment of Count Helldorf as Police President of Berlin is shed by the Berlin correspondent of the Manchester Guardian. He says that the conference at Heiligedamm where Herr Goebbels was staying, after which the
    —Reuter.  -  164 words
  • 483 28 —Reuter. Weak Points Of New Deal Plan. GOVERNMENT’S EXPLANATION. I The Government’s reasons for rejecting Mr. Lloyd George’s New Deal are given in detail in a 16,000-word statement giving their considered reply to all points. The statement, issued in London on Sunday, describes Mr.
    —Reuter.  -  483 words

  • 578 30 T. Leijssius Celebrates His Return To S. R. C. 1st XI. *T*HK F.M.K. Police managed to bring a strong side to Singa- pore over the week-end and, although they were led bj the United Services on the first innings, had little difficulty in
    578 words
  • 501 30 Hammond Bats Well Just When Runs Are Wanted. Leeds, July 16. Needing 340 runs for victory when they commenced their second innings the South Africans deliberately played for a draw today, and achieved their purpose being 145 runs behind at the close with five wickets
    501 words
  • 258 30 Wyatt-Smith Oliver In Century Partnership. From Our Own Correspondent > Kuala Lumpur. July 15. The annual cricket match between the Wanderers and the Selangor Club, which was played on Sunday on the Padang. resulted in a victory of the Club by three wickets. THE WANDERERS.
    258 words
  • 119 30 Will The Bowling Prove Strong Enough 'JTHE Colony team to meet the F.M.S. at Singapore on Aug. 3, 4 and 5 has been selected as follows J. Andres (Penang). R. A. Ashworth (Singapore). H. A. F. Brooke (Penang). S. De Silva (Singapore). T. A. D. Hcwan
    119 words
  • 356 30 Europeans Draw With Rest At Penang. From Our Own Correspondent) Penang. July 21. The annual match between the Europeans and Rest for the De Silva cup was drawn. A splendid fifth wicket partnership by L. J. Thompson and H. O. Hopkins put the Europeans in a
    356 words
  • 68 30 The Welding cup was played lor at Katong G.C. on Saturday and Sunday and resulted in a win for W Walters with a nett score of 59 The following cards were returned:—W. Walters 59. A. J Frink 60. C. E. Hall 63, A. J. Newby 63. E.
    68 words

  • 23 31 —Straits Times Photograph.
    —Straits Times Photograph.  -  23 words
  • 370 31 Malacca Well Beaten At Home By Johore. From Our Own Correspondent) Malacca. July 20 Johore belt Malacca by three goals t< iv today in a Malaya Cup mtach. Johore won the toss and Malacca kicked oil towards the tennis courts A tine forward
    370 words
  • 629 31 Royal Singapore Yacht Club At Home TARBET LOSES HER MAST. A fresh breeze and excellent racing lent joy and thrills to the 16th annual At Home the Royal Singapore Yacht Club on Saturday. Among the many guests were H.E. the Governor, Sir Shenton Thomas, Lady Thomas, Miss Bridget Thomas, Sir
    629 words
  • 250 31 Good Score By Lt. Mrs. Bond In Oldfield Cup. The match between the Garrison Golf Club and Sepoy Lines Golf Club played at the Garrison Golf Course on Sunday, resulted in a win fcr the Garrison Golf Club by 5 r 2 points
    250 words
  • 374 31 W. Walters’ Success At Katong G. C. Keppel Golf Club lost to the Island Club on Sunday morning over the Island course by two mitches to five. The results. Keppel players mentioned first, were as follows: H. Irving Jones (7) 0 vs. S N Kelly
    374 words
  • 454 31 Selangor Win Game Of Many Infringements. (From Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh, July 20. A drab game in which the standard of soccer was unworthy of a Malaya Cup match was the general opinion of today’s key match in the northern section of the Malaya Cup
    454 words

    • 809 1 fuller details of SCHEME. GENERAL CONSENT NECESSARY. Below is published an advance copy of a circular letter which has been sent by the Perak River Hydro-Electric Power Company. Ltd., to all the parties mentioned in the letter, but which probably will not arrive in Malaya until
      809 words
    • 40 1 The following telegram has been received from the mine of the Takuapa Valley Tin Dredging: first half of July dredge No. 1 258 hrs., 70.000 cu. yds.. 38(i pels. Dredge No. 2—267 hrs. 75,000 cu. yds.. 252 pels.
      40 words
    • 735 1 OUTPUTS ALREADY EXCESSIVE. Lewis and Peat Ltd. in their i dated July 19 state: Lack of orders from the consuming markets a*.a little interest from outside operators have combined to keep the market very dead throughout the week. Yesterday values dropped sharply owing to selling from up-country
      735 words
    • 159 1 GOODS FROM JAPAN THROUGH MALAYA. In its May report the Chamber of Commerce of Medan publishes some very interesting figures concerning the trade between Sumatra’s East Coast and Java on the one side and with Straits Settlements on the other side. These statistics show that the
      159 words
    • 111 2 Straits Times copyright. Results For 10 Months To Last April. LONDON TIN CLEARS DIVIDEND ARREARS. From Our Own Correspondent. London, July 19. The Antflo-Oriental Mining Corporation reports a loss for the ten months ended April 30, of £17,9iil against a profit of £62,233 for the previous sixteen months.
      Straits Times copyright.  -  111 words
    • 159 2 Companies Act 1929 Straits Times Parliamentary Question On Legal Proceedings. From Our Own Correspondent> London. July 18. Another question concerning the failure of Messrs. James and Shakspeare following the pepper pool crash was asked In the House of Commons last night. Mr. David Grenfell asked
      Companies Act 1929 – Straits Times  -  159 words
    • 38 2 The output of The Raub Australian Gold Mining Co., Ltd., for the four weeks ended July 13, amounted to 2,030.55 ozs. The output for the four weeks ended June 15. 1935, amounted to 1,749.75 ozs.
      38 words
    • 142 2 The Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association held their 1235th auction, on July 17, at which there was catalogued 1,251.978 lb. (558.91 tuns); offered 1.217,245 lb. (543.41 tons) and sold 1,042,060 lb. (465.20 tons >. Prices realised were ns follows:— Ribbed Smoked Sheet. Cents per lb. Standard quality
      142 words
    • 152 2 RUMOUR OF DOMESTIC INCREASE. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur. July 18. In today’s Malay Mail appears the following under the heading Malayan Rubber Quota Increase Likely It is generally anticipated in rubber circles that Malaya’s domestic release quota will be raised by five per cent, to
      152 words
    • 181 2 Singapore, July 24, 12 noon. Buyer. Seller Gambler 6.00 Java Cube 10.50 Hamburg Cube 10.50 White Pepper 19.50 White Muntok Pepper 20.50 Black Pepper 10.50 Mixed Black Pepper Copra, sundried 3.95 Copra, mixed 3.50 Fair Flake Tapioca 3.80 Small Flake 4.30 Med. Pearl tapioca 5.60 Small Pearl Tapioca 5.50
      181 words
    • 309 2 (Straits Times copyright.) Closing Prices In London Last Night. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, July 23. Closing quotations today of the principal British stocks are given below. The rise or fall is in relation to the price of July 18. GOVERNMENT STOCKS. BRITISH. Rise or Fall
      (Straits Times copyright.)  -  309 words
    • 54 2 At a meeting of the North Borneo Chamber of Commerce on July 3 a letter Irom the Government Secretary was tabled stating that a draft new Labour Ordinance will shortly be considered by the Labour Advisory Board, and that the Chamber will be given the opportunity of scrutinising
      54 words
    • 295 2 SOME LEADING CAPITALISATIONS. Sir, —Anent, the article headed Budded Rubber Estates,” which appeared in your yesterdays issue: The list “compiled by a prominent London Stock Exchange firm is, to say the least of it, very incomplete and inaccurate. For instance, Dunlop Plantations Ltd. have tl large area
      295 words
    • 109 2 —Reuter. 22 GUILDERS A 100 KILOGRAMES. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Batavia, July 20. The Netherlands Indies export duty on native rubber is reduced from July 22 to twenty guilders a hundred kilograms dry.—Aneta copyright. The previous change in the duty was on June 29 when expressed
      —Reuter.  -  109 words
    • 195 2 The following information has been received from the Chief c« the Central Bureau of Statistics, Batavia. Acreages of tappable rubber not tapped on Rubber Estates, for the month ending May 31, 1935. Acreage of tappable rubber not tapped Area of Tappable Acreage of On estates which
      195 words
    • 1364 3 (Incorporated In Queensland) RAUB. PAHANG. F.M.S. July 19th 1935. REPORT NO. 496. The Chairman Director*, The Raub Australian Gold Mining Co., Ltd. SINGAPORE S.S. rpntlemen— Herewith is the Report of nOration of the Raub Australian Gold Mir0P. Co Ltd., for the four weeks
      1,364 words
    • 103 3 RUBBER MARKET U. S. CONSUMPTION. LONDON DEALERS ARE DISAPPOINTED. From Our Own Correspondent. London, July 17. The rubber market is weak following dealers’ disappointment at the U.S.A. Questionnaire figures for June. The full figures below are compared with those for May, 1935 and June 1934. June, 1935 May. 1935 June,
      103 words
    • 710 3 FRASER CO.’s SHARE REPORT. Italian Developments Unsettle Markets. The past week, as lar as the local share market is concerned, has again proved a period of insignificant happenings and small operating interest states Fraser and Co.’s report dated July 23 Inactive markets, however, seem to prevail everywhere and even the
      710 words
    • 100 3 ish Government Securites.—Straits Times Copright. CAPITAL REDUCTION CONFIRMED. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, July 22. Mr. Justice Eve in the Chancery Division today confirmed the reduction of the capital of the Straits Rubber Company from £1,050,000 to £787,500. Counsel for the company said It was proposed to
      ish Government Securites.—Straits Times Copright.  -  100 words
    • 108 3 The following Information has been received from the Chief of the Central Bureau of Statistics, Batavia. Production on Estates converted to long tons of 11,240 lb. dry weight, Territory Total May 1034. 1935. Java 77,429 6 445 Outer Provinces 104,605 8,278 Netherlands Indies 182,124 14,728 Notes:—1.
      108 words
    • 20 3 July 18 Tin. S pore Price $115.14 per picul. 19 115>{, 22 116.00 23 115.75 24 115.50
      20 words
    • 14 3 Rubber crop, for June 53,465 lbs Total for two months 103,416 lb.
      14 words
    • 52 3 Date Spot Aug.-Sept. Oct.-Dec. Jan.-Mar. L*don Spot c. c. c. c. d. July 18 19% 20% 20% 21% 5 13 16 y 19 19% 20 20% 21% 5 13 18 22 19 9'16 19% 20% 21% 23 19% 19% 20 20 5% 24 19% 19% 19%
      52 words
    • 693 4 London Exchange Prices On July 16. Allagar <2 > 1 I'y Alor Pongsn <2 2 13/3; Ijayang <2/i O'g; Ledang <18 pd> Anglo-Malay <£l» 12 3; Ayer Kuning <£1» 291/; BaRan Serai <:i» 12 Bahru <S«- (3/» 3/5; Banteng (U. 19 Batang <2 > i/10'i; Batu Cave. (Eli
      693 words
    • 64 4 —Reuter. Effect Of New Duty On Blankets.” Batavia July 18. In the first half of July 3,i00 tons ot native rubber were exported compared with the monthly qucta o 7,200 tons. The bulk of this consists of “blankets.” on which an increased export duty has applied
      —Reuter.  -  64 words
    • 96 4 During the week ending July 13. exports from Malayan ports amounted *o 30,90 7 cases, of wrich 19,852 <64 per cent.) cases were to the United Kingdom, 1,300 (4 per cent.) cases to the Continent of Europe. 7.669 (25 per cent.) cases to Canada, and 2,146 <7
      96 words
    • 1581 4 Issued by Fraser and Co. hange and Stock Brokers, and Lyall and Evatt Exc Singapore, July 24, 10 a.m. MINING. Issue Val. Fraser Co. Lyall Evatt Issue Val. Fraser Co. Lyall Eva't Buyers Sellers Buyers Sellers I Buyers Sellers Buyers Sellers 4 Am pat Tin 3/6 4/Ufr
      1,581 words