The Straits Budget, 18 July 1935

Total Pages: 36
1 4 The Straits Budget
  • 30 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE STRAITS TIMES (ESTABLISHED NEARLY A CENTURY. 1 No. -1040. SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, JULY 18, 1935. Price 25 cents (S.S. Currency) or 7d.
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  • 1003 1 ris understood that no special significance need be attached to His Excellency’s visit to Kuala Lumpur, from July 23 to Aug. 4. It is just a routine visit as High Commissioner. It may, however, be noted as not without interest that it coincides with the arrival
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  • 174 1 AIR ROUTES SARAWAK. FOUR-DAY TOUR. IMMEDIATE action over the 4 creating of aeroplane landing grounds in Sarawak and Borneo is likely to follow a four-day aerial survey of the locality by Air Commodore S. YV. Smith, Officer Commanding, R.A.F., Far East. The Air Commodore left Seletar for Kuching in a
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  • 114 1 RESOLUTION BY PLANTERS. Following the agitation in Malaya regarding quit rents, planters in British North Borneo are now asking for a revision of present conditions. At a recent meeting of the >orth Borneo Planter’s Association, the following proposal was carried unanimously That the honorary secretary be
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  • The Straits Budget
    • 779 2 P. T. Geography. offered to the public. Straits Times. July 11. Those who remember the postal services of Malaya as they were ten years ago, with entirely separate departments In the Colony, Federation and Unfederated States, will not fail to mark the significance of the report which has just been
      offered to the public. — Straits Times. July 11.  -  779 words
    • 585 2 Straits Times, July 12. The Pacific cruise of two Singapore 111 flying boats at the end of last month, involving as it did 700-mile flights over open water, has served to direct public attention once again to the potentialities of marine aircraft in this part ot the
      Straits Times, July 12.  -  585 words
    • 781 2 Straits Times, July 13. A member of the House of Lords has sought to link up the Singapore naval base with the recently completed Anglo-German naval agreement, which acknowledges Germany’s right to possess a navy and at the same time limits that navy on both a tonnage and
      Straits Times, July 13.  -  781 words
    • 734 3 —Straits Times, July 15. According to the Chinese Chamber of Commerce, Malacca, “it is estimated that the increase of living costs at present in the Federated Malay States amounts to one dollar per head per month.” It is unfortunate that that statement, which clearly has a bearing
      ’—Straits Times, July 15.  -  734 words
    • 947 3 Straits Times, July 16. As was anticipated, the transition from small bus to large bus in Singapore is not proving an easy one. A spate of letters has been received by the Straits Times in the last few days, and while the possibility of inspiration by interested parties, notably
      Straits Times, July 16.  -  947 words
    • 825 4 the negative.—Straits Times. July An agitation is proceeding for the transfer of Cameron Highlands from the authority of Pahang to that of the Federation. The meagre' financial resources of Pahang, it is' argued, coupled with the difficulty ol administering an area which can only be reached from Kuala
      the negative.—Straits Times. July  -  825 words

  • 34 4 Areas ol kimi totalling over 87 acres m Kuala Lumpur have been declared by the Resident of Selangor to be a reserve for the purpose of a railway and goods v ml
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  • 499 4 LINER STRUCK BY GIANT FISH. The- strange story oi a fish 40 icet Iouk striking his ship was told by Captain B Matsukura. master ol the N Y K liner Katori Maru. The experience that befell the ship live days Delore her arrival at Sln^a-
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  • 82 4 Recent Appointments And Promotions. First Appointment.—Miss E G Dickson. Nursing Sister. Milaya. Colonial Administrative Service I 5 1 M B E.. (Supernumeri SMfi°nm el C i? s f 1A Supernumerary Mr < ln "T.Malayan Civil Service; rL, E Pypys 'Commissioner o( Customs and Excise. Straits Settlements and Federated
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  • 187 4 Commander G.R.G. Allen Appointed. BRITISH INTEREST IN SIAM SITUATION. I From Our Own Correspondent. Bangkok, July 16. It is announced today that Commander George R. G. Allen who is Staff Officer (0) attached to the Naval Office in Singapore has been appointed Naval Attache to the
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  • 96 4 A cablegram has been received b> Mr. E. S. Manasseh informing him of the death, in London on Saturday, of his younger brother. Mr Adrian Manasseh. Mr Adrian Manasseh was 52 years old and cime to Singapore about nine years ago to visit his brother. He was
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  • 156 4 B^pH'i,o Si’^a» loH,r '~T At tlu> Maternity Hosoflß ap i ore n Julv IQ to Valerie. v'U ROOK! n?,T ton a daughter. ln n July 10 at thc Maternity Hospital Singapore, to Margaret, wife ol Rr lklt? dge. a son. dau^htm TO n Dr a nd Mrs J G
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 86 4 NOTICE. A!1 communications for both the Straits Times and the Strait> Budget should be addressed to the Head Office. Cecil and Stanley Streets. Singapore. Straits Settlements. The post free price of the Straits Times to the United Kingdom and foreign countries i-s $48 a year. The post free price of
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  • 37 4 DEATHS M Julv E U) ZI ?q« AI r, the eneral Hospital, on sr" 1 bi ovcd t,c 1VI h^.H^ EH fT^ drlan Manasseh. in London. 1( r °i Mr. E S. Manassch. of Singapote, (By cablet.
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  • 141 5 NOT many people in the Straits remember Mr. Walter Fox, who was employed in the Gardens Department irom 1879 to 1910 and died in England last year. Mr. Fox’s career is reviewed in the 1935 journal of the Kew Guild, the author evidently being someone who
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  • 166 5 THERE was a good deal to be said tor the merchants’ attitude, for they were concerned only with the collecting trade of Singapore and had no conception of the potential agricultural wealth of the Peninsula, then only just emerging from the Dark Ages. The botanists had a
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  • 143 5 gUFFERERS from asthma in this country may take courage from Mr. Fox’s example, for although he retired from the Gardens Department in 1910 owing to this disease, he did a great deal of useful work after that and died at the ripe old age of 76. Soon after
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  • 145 5 SIXTY M. P. H jyjV Pasir Panjang correspondent writes:—Those who live on Singapore’s southern coast-line were awak’'imd early yesterday morning by an m. usually fierce Sumatra. The wind, which a nautical friend hiter in the day told me reached a Velocity of sixty miles per hour, entireh- hanged the early
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  • 167 5 117 E hear a great deal about the inscrutability of the Chinese. I often wonder why. The normal Chinese is at least as industrious, as lawabiding and as honest as a European of a corresponding class. There is nothing inscrutable about a hard-work-ing Chinese farmer. 44 But the Chinese
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  • 197 5 tc LLOW me,” says a fair correspon- dent, “on behalf of my sex, to voice a strong protest against the unsatisfactory conditions obtaining in the Singapore Traction Co.’s omnibuses at present. 44 The men are getting quite fed-up with having to give up their seats to
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  • 171 5 IT is good news that the civic authori- ties in Kuala Lumpur—who apparently may or may not be synonymous with the Sanitary Commissioners—are thinking of creating a very large recreation ground beyond the Selangor Golf Club course. An 18-hole public golf course is talked of, and also
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  • 183 5 IIiIALAYANS frequently take up civic work of one kind and another when they settle down at Home, and nowadays they are likely to have some odd experiences if they do so, as a letter in this month's Cathedral Courier shows: 44 On Jubilee Day,” writes an exMalayan
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  • 231 5 PEOPLE who have lived in Malaya for some years without seeing anything more exciting than an occasional snake on their drives through the country will envy the luck of a Straits Times reader who writes as follows: 44 When I was driving up the Gap road (over the
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  • 149 5 •TOE latest news about the Perak 1 Hydro-Electric company sends my mind back to an occasion in 1927 or thereabouts, when I met Sir Montagu Barlow in Kuala Lumpur. Sir Montagu was then negotiating the terms of the company’s agreement with the F. M. S. Government, and
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  • 149 5 provides one of the few really convincing instances of the possibility of reviving the art of the handloom in Malay villages. Most people who have given any attention to the problem are persuaded that it is hopeless to expect the kampong weaver to hold his own agalnafe Manchester
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  • 155 5 POLICE CAREERS pUBLIC-school boys are Joining the London police as constables nowadays. with the intention of working up to the higher ranks, and one wonders why more boys from the English schools of Malaya do not do the same thing. The June number of the Malayan Police Magazine contains a
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  • 177 5 APPARENTLY opinions still differ among legal luminaries as to whether wigs should or should not be worn in the tropical climate of the Straits Settlements. The late Chief Justice. Sir William Murison, preferred to settle knotty legal problems without this stuffy but dignified headgear, but with his departure
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  • 105 5 •yo the records of the Silver Jubilee in Malaysia I should like to add one last paragraph, from the Sarawak Gazette: The Court Writer, Kapit, reports that Jubilee Day was celebrated In Kapit by one gun being fired from the fort. This does not, perhaps, come up
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  • 131 5 COUTHERN Klnta Consolidated is conducting a referendum among Its shareholders on the renewal ot tin restriction, for the guidance ot the directors. Shareholders are being asked to say whether they approve or disapprove ol the principle of tin control.” I Imagine that there are very tew people In
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  • 130 6 an event of more than personal or professional significance is the decision of Mr. Ong Kee Yearn to practise as a dentist in Penang. Readers will naturally wonder why I give such prominence to an apparently ordinary item of news. The explanation is simply this: that
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  • 124 6 |UST to show how ultra-modern education is becoming in Malayan out-stations 1 may mention that a number of Chinese have clubbed together to equip the Anglo-Chinese School at Kampar witli a radio. A gramophone has also been bought, together with a complete set of records of nursery rhymes
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  • 160 6 IINTIL it was announced last wt*ek that Taiping had decided to abolish the 15 m.p.h. speed limit with* in its boundaries, few motorists were aware that there was any town in Malaya which still clung to this device. We are not told, however, whether the speed limit was
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  • 209 6 JN view of the disastrous malaria outbreak in Ceylon this year, the following extract irom “Ancient Irrigation Works in Ceylon.” by Mr. R L. Brohier. is topical. "It is indeed intriguing to speculate cn the causes which have diverted the march ol civilisation and left these regions,
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  • 131 6 TpHERE was published in the Straits Times on Saturday the most important announcement in connection with the Singapore Jubilee Fund that has been made since the Governor s inaugural speech. At a meeting held at the Chinese Secretariat it was decided to organise a systematic collection for the
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  • 142 6 'T'HE most gratifying aspect of tiK fund as it stands at present i* that it represents a gn at number oi small donations from lolk of the makan (/aji order. Already tht fund may be looked upon as a genuine corporate ellort. .t getting-together of Singapore citizens
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  • 160 6 piGS are slaughtered in Singapore after being rendered unconscious by an electrical shock, but sheep and cattle are brought to the knife in a state of full consciousness. The obstacle, of course, lies in the religious beliefs of the Muslim and Jewish communities. and opinion diiTers in
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  • 139 6 QHORTLY after a note about the solitary Jubilee gun at Kaplt. Sarawak, appeared in this column 1 met a man who had just come from that station, far up the Rejang river. Having always believed that headhunting was a thing of the past in Sarawak I was startled
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  • 163 6 DY a curious coincidence, on t lie day after the Straits Times reproduceu from the Malayan Police Magazine a translation of the Malay verses de scribing the great fire which occurreo in Singapore at Chinese New Year. 1930, the Free Press resurrected from its file of
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  • 144 6 IT was surprising to read in a stimulating article on this page yesterday an argument that planters do not exchange information and experience as much as they should do. I had thought that there was no profession in this country more addicted to the delightful pastime of talking
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  • 145 6 P* VERY member of the Singapore Swimming Club will endorse Mr Lcwick’s remarks last Sunday on the much improved condition of the water in the pool. ‘I should like,” said Mr. Lowick, “to pay a special tribute to Mr. Fred Hill, whose untiring efforts in getting a crystal-clear
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  • 166 6 BUDDING PROFITS CINCE a number of budded estates are now coming into tapping j n Malaya, an estimate of earnings by Mr. Eric Macfadyen is worth quoting. According to the Financial News Mr. Macfadyen has calculated that an estate working under average Malayan conditions, capable of yielding 525 lb. per
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  • 166 6 CEW people were aware of a feature of Malacca’s retail trade which is brought out by the Chinese Chamber of Commerce of that Settlement in its report on the customs union scheme. About 4.00 C fishermen come to Malacca twice a month from Sumatra, says the Chamber. They
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  • 132 6 A LTHOUGH tin has been exported from the Malay Peninsula from time immemorial, it is a curious fact that the discovery of the mine-fields around Kuala Lumpur and Taiping is comparatively recent and the approximate dates are known. It was in the early sixties that a party
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  • 51 6 (From Our Own Correspondent) Bangkok, July 13. The Privy Purse has subscribed £lO.OOO towards the capital in the new* company which with the Government support is being floated to cultivate sugar cane in the lands at the head ol the Gulf of Siam within easy reach of the
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  • 1415 7 \i r K. Killit, of Atherton Estate, Seremoan. has proceeded on leave to England. The death has occurred at Ipoh of Mr Lo Ban Hock, a well-known and popular miner of former days. Mr J. H. Ho. eldest son of Mr. Ho KimTeik. left by the Aramis
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  • 139 7 Mr. R. Irvine Promoted To Class II, M.C.S. It is notified in the F.M.S Government Gazette that Mr. R. Irvine, MC has been appointed an officer of Class II.. M.C.S. Other appointments announced areSergeant D. Stewart to be a Company Sergeant-Major and Instructor. Volunteer Forces, Malaya. Dr. (Miss)
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  • 166 7 Wednesday. July 10. In the morning His Excellency visited the Opium Packing Factory at Pasir Panjang Thursday. July 11. In the morning His Excellency visited the Immigration Depot at Tanjong Pagar. Saturday, July 13. Dr. Reford had luncheon at Government House. In the afternoon His Excellency and Lady
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  • 76 7 (Jovernment And The P.W1). Inquiry. It is understood that discussions on the system of awarding tenders for public works are still in progress. Until these are completed it cannot be said whether a report will be published Government held a private two-day inquiry upon this subject, which
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  • 170 7 Leaders— P. and T. Geography 2 An Air Lesson 2 Naval Bargains 2 A Better ’ole 3 Strap-Hangers 3—4 Pahang Highlands 4 Notes of the Day 5—6 Telegram*— Covering past week’s news 24—28 Picture Supplement 17—20 Financial Supplement— Financial and Commercial news to date, following page 32 Malayan General
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  • 177 8 WINS TROPHY FOR LANDING. AN “A” LICENCE AT 17. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, July 15. A landing competition for holders of A Licences was held at the Kuala Lumpur Flying Club yesterday. There were eight entiants Miss Wong Chiew Wan and Messrs. Loke Yaik Foo,
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  • 102 8 Admitted To Practise In Supreme Court. From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, July 15. In the Supreme Court this morning Mr Justice Whitley admitted into practice as advocate and solicitor in the Straits Settlements. Gurchurn Singh who is a locally qualified lawyer. In admitting the applicant. Mr. Justice
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  • 147 8 Damage To New Padi Areas. From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, Juty 13. A medium sized bull elephant, probably a member ol the famous Chikus herd, was shot dead by a Javanese padi planter near Teluk Anson. The animal had done considerable damage at Bendang. It is reported
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  • 47 8 Ti le Resident of Selangor has authorised Mr. A T. Edgar, of Suilolk estate, Sitiawan, to collect for scienti he purposes, until Jan 1. 19:16 anv species of wild birds or their nests or eggs which may be found in the State of Selangrr
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  • 364 8 AN M.O. FOR THE HIGHLANDS i “ESSENTIAL AND URGENT.” Does Cameron Highlands need in M O.? The Cameron Highlands Society thinks so The committee had before them, at their recent meeting on July 7. this report: The Government is of opinion that 5 1 the time has not yet arrived
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  • 157 8 Arrival In Bangkok Last Night i From Our Own Correspondent. > Bangkok, July 16. Mr Katsutaro Ano. the Japanese airman, who left London on May 12 lor a 10.000 mile flight to Tokio arrived in Bangkok yesterday. Mr. Ano who took up aviation in Japan
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  • 93 8 Mr. and Mrs. Tan Cheng Lock, of Malacca, are passengers to Venice by the Conte Rosso which sailed on Tuesday afternoon. Mr. Tan Cheng Lock represented the interests of Malacca Chinese in the Legislative Council for a number of years and is taking a holiday after
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  • 52 8 Swimming Pool Project Fades Out. In the F.M.S. Government Gazette appear notifications that, no cause having been shown to the contrary, three Kuala Lumpur companies are struck off the register and dissolved. They are The Federal Finance Co.. Ltd. The Kuala Swimming Pool. Ltd. The Great Eastern
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  • 433 8 (From Our Own Correspondent.) London. July 10. The marriage took place on July 8 of Mr. Charles Mitchell, only son of Mr. and Mrs. John Mitchell, of Purley, Surrey, and well-known throughout Malaya, and Miss Joan Rocke, the only daughter of Mr. C. H. Rocke
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  • 289 8 NEGOTIATIONS PROCEEDING. MR. E. V. HARVEY IN SINGAPORE. (By Our Aviation Correspondent.) Mr. E. V. Harvey, general manager of the Far East Aviation Co Ltd., Hong Kong, passed through Singapore on his way home to England. Interviewed, Mr. Harvey said negotiations for the establishment of a
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  • 196 8 Production Not Affected. (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, July 15 The latest report received regarding the fire at Malayan Collieries states that all precautionary measures have been completed and there is no further danger and that the sealed in fire will burn itself out. The dead labourer
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  • Correspondence.
    • 628 9 OVERDUE REFORM ON ESTATES. T he Editor of the Straits Times j sir. At the risk of again being dub- i (i a busybody (which, incidentally. |Vl s me extraordinarily cold) by some niiudly busybody who has been about! v or possibly ten minutes, in the j
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    • 221 9 Percentage Rising, Says Lord Elibank. To the Editor of the Straits Times Sir,—In my speech at the annual general meeting of Malaysiam Tin Ltd., I stated that the output from nonrestricting tin producing countries had increased from 11,000 tons in 1931 to 20.000 tons in 1934. In connection
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    • 693 9 An Opponent Of Restriction. To the Editor of the Straits Times Sir. —Several of your correspondents on the above question make the assertion that the “industry” asked for restriction, without giving any authority for the statement or even stating what is meant by the “industry.” It is correct
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    • 63 9 To the Editor of the Straits Times Sir, —Sometime back through the medium of your paper I drew the attention of the Customs authorities to their women officers stopping ownerdriven cars without any recognised uniform. This has been remedied and I am sure the general public and myself
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    • 426 9 Why Not An Appeal Committee To the Editor of the Straits Times Sir,—I beg to refer to “Truth’s" letter in your issue of July 4. He writes: “Before crying for help they (the rubber producers) should make some real, genuine effort to help restriction themselves first by ins’stlng on
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  • 244 9 27,000 Acres Controlled By One Company. T*i> the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —In your issue of Friday, June 28. your planting correspondent dealt •with a visit he paid to Pegoh Estate to inspect certain manurial experiments which have been ln progress for some time. The
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  • 1108 10 Festivities At Night. EDUCATING THE KAMPONGS. (From Our Special orrespondcnt.) Muar, July 12. THE Johore State agricultural show on the Muar Club Padang is meeting with tremendous success. Between 22,000 and 23,000 Malays from all districts entered the grounds yesterday, representing a record attendance. Further crowds are
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  • 42 10 The investiture of the Bandar Central School, Muar, (Johore.) Scout Troop took place last Tuesday in the presence of H.H. Tungku Ahmad. State-Commissioner. Mr. W. Linehan Assistant Adviser, and Inche Azman representing Mr. J D. Joseph, the District Commissioner, Muar
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  • 24 10 H.R.H. Prince Anuvatana Chaturonta. Chairman of the Siam Council Of Regency, has been advised by his doctors to take a further fortnight’s
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  • 342 10 ADMINISTRATIONS 0\ I PRUSSIAN MODEL. HERR JAENICKE ON WAY HOME. Two years of reform work for th e civil service administration of China lie behind Herr Wolfgang Jaenicke who is returning to Germany in the Scharnhorst. Formerly governor of the Prussian districts of Middle Silesia and
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  • 167 10 May Make Filins In The Far East. Prince Purchatra, Malaya’s Rotary chief, who is presenting the district at the Rotary International Convention in Mexico, arrived in San Francisco in cold weather (says the Bangkok Times) and flew the same day to Los Angeles. From there he
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  • 1141 11 “A Building In Keeping With Wonderful Pool.” boon to women members. special general meeting of members of the Singapore Swimming Club on Sunday a ve authority for the erection ,f a new clubhouse, costing $27*i.OOO, to be proceeded with. "There was only one dissentient, Mr
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  • 573 11 When Malayan Planters Call On Each Other. Without constant observation and exchange of ideas, it is impossible to keep abreast of current developments. whatever our profession. Planters in general are far too shy about goiug round to see how other estates are doing things, or discussing their everyday
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  • 178 11 Kuala Lumpur Man Dons The Yellow Robe. An event, unique in the annals of the Buddhist Temple at Assam Kumbang. Taiping. took place on July 9, when Hannkee, a Eurasian, of Kuala Lumpur. donned the yellow robe and was admitted into the priesthood of the
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  • 239 11 (From Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh, July 14. On instructions received from the Deputy Public Prosecutor, further evidence was recorded in the magistrate’s court, Batu Gajah, when the inquest was re-opened on Rene Vallette, a French mining engineer, who died suddenly at Kampar last month. Chin Tai,
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  • 107 12 In I hr O.B.fc. conferred on him hy His Majesty the Km* the Rev. Hi Ham h, tea on Saturday afternoon hy the Straits Chinese Church, the Chinese Presbyterian Churches in Smyapore. Joliore B.ihrit. Muar and Batu Pahat the Chinese
    —Straits Times Photograph.  -  107 words
  • 455 12 EXAGGERATION OF HARDSHIPS. Important statements regarding the alleged deficiencies of Singa-: pore’s transport services were made on Saturday. The Hon. Mr. Tay Lian Teck said: “I have received many letters of j complaint myself md I have asked more than one clerk who has written to me to
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  • 66 12 In Commonwealth Liners. Mansfield and Co.. Ltd., agents for Qanlus Empire Airways, announce that arrangements have been made for the company’s four-engined Commonwealth Class” air liners to be available for charter for local flights at short notice. This facility provides an opportunity for residents of Singapore and
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  • 109 12 Military Honours At Funeral. 'From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh. July 12. While recuperating at the Cameron Highlands. Mr. A Jex. an assistant of Gammon «Malaya). Ltd., stationed at Butterworth. had a relapse and was sent to hospital at Batu Gajah where he died shortly after admission.
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  • 82 12 New Member Of Singapore Harbour Board. The following appointments are notified In the SS. Government Gazette: Mr. C. E. Courtenay to be a member of the committee appointed to advise the Registrar for the purpose of the Pineapple Industry Ordinance vice Mr. R. W. McKerrow resigned. Mr. C.
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  • 144 12 THREE EUROPEANS GASSED. From Our Own Correspondent. Kuala Lumpur, July 15. A tire occurred during the week-end in a small section of the underground working of the Malayan Collieries at Batu A rang The affected area has been sealed off and the fire will burn itself out and
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  • 155 12 Municipal Committees’ Proceedings. The following report of proceedings ol Singapore Municipality committees is issued Committee No. 1 disapproved application for extension of time before enforcing payment of tax on motor-cars owned by officers and officials of H*s Majesty’s Services, in respect of whicn allowances are not
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  • 280 12 UNDER FEDERAL CONTROL DEFINITE ACTION CALLED FOR. An important statement regarding the future of Cameron Highlands is contained in a report ot a committee meeting of the Cameron Highlands Society, held on July It is as follows: “Arising from the minutes 01 the last meeting: “The
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  • 182 12 “A VERY GREAT DRAWBACK.” (From Our Own Correspondent Scremban, July 14. The serious shortage of clergy in Malaya is referred to in the current issue of the parish magazine of St. Mark’s Church, Seremban, which states:— “At the time of writing, the Chaplain has no news of
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  • Page 12 Advertisements

  • 551 13 LITTLE’S MANAGER LOOKS BACK. ONLY COMPLAINTSANITATION. British Imperial policy finds an enthusiastic supporter in Mr. A. E. Bond, managing director ot John Little and Co., Ltd., the Malayan department store proprietors, look-: ing back over 23 years’ business experience in this country. Mr Bond left Singapore
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  • 521 13 F.M.S. DEPARTMENT COLLECT $133,000,000 IN 5 YEARS. During the five years, 1930 to 1934, the F.M.S. Customs and Excise Department collected sums totalling $133 millions —roughly half ot the aggregate revenues of the Federation. This fact was brought out in an address given yesterday
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  • 285 13 Ross Institute Director’s Malayan Experiences. Malaria is a disease which can be controlled if you go the right way about it.” This was an encouraging phrase from an address delivered in Nairobi by one of the greatest authorities in the world —Sir Malcolm Watson. Director of the
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  • 298 13 APPOINTMENT OF MR. W. D. REEVE. PREDECESSOR ILL FROM OVERWORK. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok, July 6. Mr. W. D. Reeve, at present Adviser to the Excise Department, will in future act as Adviser to both H.M.’s Customs and the Excise Department. This position has always been
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  • 256 13 Interesting Point Of Law Raised. An interesting question as to the admission of evidence by way of an affidavit on appeal when such evidence was available at the trial, was settled by Mr. Justice Burton, Acting Chief Justice, in a judgment in which he remarked that no case
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  • 647 14 (Straits Times Special able.) Drastic Reconstruction Plan Announced In London. From Our London Correspondent. London. July 9 Tlu? Perak Hydro-Electric Kero istruction ptopo.sals arc made known today. They involve writing oil £1,633,11‘» The directors propose to reduce the capital from a million to £501.884 uy
    (Straits Times Special ( able.)  -  647 words
  • 181 14 Drink Of Milk At Initiation. <FTom Our Own Correspondent Kuala Kangsar, July 10 Past and present members of the secret society known as Kongsi Glap Mel .yu gave evidence yesterday before Che Othman in the case in which two Malays. Haji Mohamed bin Aodullah and Ngah Latl. are
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  • 268 14 Sentence On Hylam Youth. I From Our Own Correspondent,* Kuala Lumpur. July 8. At tlu* Selangor Assizes, before Chief Justice <Sir Samuel Thomas), a 28 year old Hylam youth. Suah Kou Huah. was charged, on three separate counts, with being found in possession oi seditious
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  • 73 14 K.I/.M. Airways Room. Heavily increased traffic is reported by the K.L.M. airways since the service between Amsterdam and Batavia V’as doubled. Mails despatched from Europe to the Far East, and from the Netherlands Indies and Singapore to Europe, contributed to the results, while passeng
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  • 95 14 VISIT TO KUALA LUMPUR. (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, July li. I understand that no special significance need be attached to His Excellency’s visit to Kuala Lumpur, from July 23 to Aug. 4. It is just a routine visit as High, Commissioner. It may, however, be
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  • 161 14 Successful Rally In Kuala Lumpur. From Our Own Correspon nt Kuala _umpur, July U A rally of toe local branch of the Girl Guides Association was held la evening at Guide House. Btifield Road, in honour 01 the Commissioner tor Malaya. Mrs. L. A. Thomas. o‘‘ Ipoh. The
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  • 67 14 In exercise of the powers conferred on him by Section 70 of the Cour's Ordinance. His Excellency the Governor has appointed each of the persons for the time being performing the duties of the following offices to be ex-officio Coroner for Singapore District judge and first magistrate second,
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  • 335 14 Must A Man Marry To Eat To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir. —The special Food Section of the Sunday Times, while doubtless of immense interest to folk in Singapore, is unfortunately of little value in the Federal Capital, where the arrival of a boat from America or Australia
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  • Malayan Planting Topics.
    • 2245 15 “Ecology Is The Right Word —Critic Of Dr. Haines How He Erred. (By Our Planting Correspondent.) i\ February there appeared in the periodical Nature an artiele under the initials of A.G.T. i those, I am told, of Professor Tansley), headed beology and u bber Growing.” The
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  • 490 16 60 MILES IJP THE REJANG RIVER. (From A Correspondent.) For 32 years the late Rev. James M. Hoover worked up and down on the great Rejang River in Sarawak, helping the Foochow colonists to settle and make of the jungle a fertile prosperous land. As
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  • 298 16 JAPAN’S MISTAKE ABOUT OIL. Mr James A Moffat. United States Housing Commissioner, who will be in Singapore till the end ol the month, is full of pnise for this city "It is one of the finest in the, Orient." he said. Mr. Moffat is interested in
    Straits Times Photograph.  -  298 words
  • 76 16 The death occurred last Wednesday at the Singapore General Hospital of Caroline, wife of Mr. Donald Mackenzie. manager of Messrs. Carreras. Ltd., Singapore. The burial took place at Bidadari the same day. Mrs. Mackenzie came from Inverness, Scotland, where her children are now at school. She had been
    76 words
  • 268 16 or.e look so surprised."—Straits Times copyright. From Singapore In R.A.K Seaplane. From Our Own Correspondent, j London, July 12. The Rajah of Sarawak is: leaving Marseilles today on the j liner Naldera for Singapore. It is being arranged for him to lly in one
    or.e look so surprised."—Straits Times copyright.  -  268 words
  • 95 16 Mr. Gan Say Hong Appointed In Singapore. It is notified in the S.S Government Gazette that on the nomination of the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce His Excellency the Governor has appointed Mr Gar Say Hong to be a member of the Chinese Advisory Board vice Mr. Lim
    95 words
  • 66 16 An official of the Malayan Information Agency recently broadcast from London a five minute talk on the Pineapple Industry, in which he mentioned that the agency would be glad to suggest methods of using pineapples in cooking. By the first post on the following day
    66 words
  • 290 16 CROMWELLS SAY FAREWELL. MAY BE USED FOR H.E.’s TRIP. The Sea Belle II., the S.S. Government’s yacht conveying Doris Duke, the world’s richest girl, and her husband, Mr. J. H. R. Cromwell, on a honeymoon tour, arrived at Manila on Thursday morning, it is understood.
    290 words
  • 207 16 ALSO VISITS PACKING PLANT. H.E. the Governor, Lady Thomas and Miss Thomas, together with the A.D.C. (Mr. H. G. Beverley) visited the opium factory at Telok Blangah and the opium packing plant at Pasir Panjang last Wednesday. At the factory, accompanied by Mr. J. J. Warren,
    207 words

  • 507 17 Miss F. N. Seth, who left for Furone by the Seharnhorst with her mother and brother. Sir Stamford Raffles looks down from Empress Place at the activity of the roads converging upon Anderson Bridge where an ever-increasing stream of traffic —motor-cars, rickshas, trolley-buses—carries thousands daily
    507 words

    • 1259 21 Has Scheme Been Dropped?— Threats To Our Trade Interests —Dollar Slump. By OUR COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT, 11/HAT has become of the proposed European Importers’ Association it is almost six months since a meeting was held bv local importers and a resolution passed to form such an association. Surely
      1,259 words
    • 582 21 Planters Want Bigger Penalties. The inadequate penalties f or the sale of illicit samsu were referred to at a meeting of the committee of the Johore Planters’ Association, held in Singapore on June 28. A letter from the General Adviser regarding Chinese labour, and dated May 26. was
      582 words

    • 893 22 A Scharnhorst War Memento Safe Travel In China. By Our Shipping Correspondent. Homeward hound on her maiden voyage, the Scharnhorst looks a much happier ship. Hut Captain Walter Stein has not forgotten tin* trouble at Suez. While his ship was at Shanghai the boiler tubes were replaced, and when she
      893 words
    • 388 22 Death Of Planter’s Wife. From Our Own Correspondent.* Kuala Lumpur. July 11. A verdict of “accidental death” was returned today by Mr. F.K. Wilson, sitting as Coroner in the Kuala Lumpur Police Court, at an inquiry into the circumstances leading to the death of Mrs. E.
      388 words
  • 124 22 Major McLeod In Command Of Second Battalion. Tin* following appointments in the S.S.V.F. are notified in the S.S. Government Gazette Captain P. T. Hutchings to bo acting major and Major D. O. MacLeod. O.B.E.. to be acting lie utenant-colonei whilst in command of the 2nd Battalion, vice Lieut.
    124 words
  • 582 22 BALANCE OF FLOOD RELIEF FUND. From Our Own Correspondent i Kuala Lumpur. July n Tiie disastrous Malayan floods oi December, 1926. are rec died by an held in the Town Hall. Kuala Lumpur. on July 80. From the allMalayan relief fund which was organised to
    582 words

  • 1079 23 Government And Sanitary Board —The Markets Controversy -Important Issues That “Surplus" —New Recreation Area Plan- Kuala Lumpur, July 11. HAS there been an astonishing 1 misunderstanding over the affair of the Government and the Sanitary Board and the new market scheme it has been suggested to me that
    1,079 words
  • 1157 23 More Padi Land The Sanitary Board’s Status. Ipoh. July 10. POST-WAR experiment in ricemilling under Government control is recalled by the recent purchase by Government of a second mill in the Krian District bordering Kedah. This is the largest ricegrowing area in Malaya on which much attention
    1,157 words

  • 223 24 Admiration Of The World. London, July 10. TTlIi; spirit and steadiness of the British people, by rejecting wild experiments and encouraging well conceived efforts for further improvements, is bringing the country step by step through very difficult times, and has made its progress towards recovery the
    223 words
  • 35 24 Reuter. Shanghai. July 10. Fifteen people arc reported to have been killed in an earthquake at Yuanling, 200 miles to the west of Changsha, provincial capital of Hunan. No details arc available.
    Reuter.  -  35 words
  • 147 24 Ueut< r. 2,000 Families To Be Helped In England. It, was annunced last nigh that 2,000 families will be settled on the land in groups of forty each in Northumberland. Cumberland, the Midlands and the South country. This is part of the Government's scheme for relieving
    Ueut< r.  -  147 words
  • 133 24 .—Reuter. Chinese Ambassador At The Palace. London, July 10. The King received Mr. Quo Tai-chi yesterday on his elevation to the status of ambassador. As is cutomary lor ambassadors—ministers provide their own convey-ance-three royal carriages, each drawn by a pair of bays, with coachmen and
    .—Reuter.  -  133 words
  • 52 24 —Reuter. Greece Assembly Cheers Ex-King George. Athens. July 10. The Assembly by a large majority today voted for a plebiscite on the question of the restoration of the monarchy. Then, with cheers for King George tin Assembly adjourned until October The plebiscite will be neld before
    —Reuter.  -  52 words
  • 209 24 —Reuter MUSSOLINI’S PLANS FOR AUTUMN. The Hague, July 9. The Italo-Abyssinian Conciliation Commission today suspended its sittings indefinitely and the members have communicated their views to the Governments concerned. This news has caused little surprise and still less disappointment in Italy, where it is generally believed that no
    —Reuter  -  209 words
  • 107 24 opened for the homeless.—Reuter Wireless. Hindu Temple Muslim Mosque Destroyed. Nathiagali &lt;N.W. Frontier), July 5. The entire Indian quarter of the town of Abbottabad has been gutted by a fire which raged for seven hours owing to the shortage of water and the absence of a
    opened for the homeless.—Reuter Wireless.  -  107 words
  • 89 24 locating special danger spots.—Reuter Wireless. CURFEW PROCLAIMED IN LAHORE. Lahore, July 8. A curfew has been proclaimed British troops have been called up and the Governor of the Punjab. Sir Herbert Emerson, has arrived to take charge of a menacing situation. A dispute about a disused Moslem mosque
    locating special danger spots.—Reuter Wireless.  -  89 words
  • 214 24 Shanghai. July 9. There was an amazing scene in the packed Kiangsu High Court as the judge pronounced sentence of 14 months’ imprisonment on Tu Chungyuan. editor and publisher of the New Life magazine following his conviction on a charge of publishing propaganda contrary to
    214 words
  • 81 24 —Aneta Trans-Ocean Abyssinian Denials Of Royal Death. Rome, July 6. The Abyssinian charge d’affaires has protested against Press attacks charging the Ethiopian Emperor with poisoning the Empress Woizero Sihn, the Emperor’s mother-in-law. The protest explains that the Empress’s death was natural, but was pre- cipitated by
    —Aneta Trans-Ocean  -  81 words
  • 80 24 —Reuter. Hong Kong. July 9. The rebel cruisers slipped out quietly from Hong Kong odav. presumably northward bound. Admiral Chan Chak, Nanking’s representative, is aboard the Hal Chi and is conducting the vessels to Nanking. The mutineers still apparently fear an attack from Canton, before leaving southern
    —Reuter.  -  80 words
  • 169 24 assent of Parliament.—British Wireless. “Britain Will Not Break Its Pledge.” London, July 9. The statement issued by the India Government last week to correct the impression that the constitutional provisions based on what is commonly known as the “communal award” were subject to alteration by the British
    assent of Parliament.—British Wireless.  -  169 words

  • 285 25 H. G. WELLS UNDERSTAND THE CHINESE. Reuter. Time Past For Generalisations. •not strangers BUT BROTHERS.” T*HERE are differences be1 tween us in language and thought. Therefore, we must set to work to understand them If I had several lives I should devote one to the translation of Chinese philosophy. MR.
    Reuter.  -  285 words
  • 145 25 Replacement Plan To Begin In 1937. A United States battleship replacement programme will be launched in January, 1937, unless new inter national agreements are reached before then states a Washington message). It is proposed in that year to lay down one battleship of 35,000 tons,
    145 words
  • 104 25 “EARTHQUAKE FELT IN SCOTLAND Reuter. Merely Practice Firing ff it li 12 Inch (,nns. London. July 10 All day long yesterday the topic among holiday-makers and residents on the Ayrshire coast was “last night’s earthquake.” The people who were awakened by the rattling of windows and violent earth rumblings, leaped
    Reuter.  -  104 words
  • 173 25 Reuter Wireless Major Attlee Offends An Italian. Major C. R. Attlee, M.P., for Limehouse and on Oxford man, who is Deputy Leader of the Labour Party in the House of Commons, has been challenged to a duel by an Italian, Capt. Fanelli, editor of the
    .- Reuter Wireless  -  173 words
  • 62 25 British Wireless. 80 Degrees Registered In London. London, ul&gt; 10. London is being visited by another heat wave and today is the hottest day this month. The temperature reached 80 degrees, three degree: higher than yesterday. The nonnal night temperature for the time of the
    British Wireless.  -  62 words
  • 400 25 MR. HOWESON PEPPER SPECULATION. —8tralt8 Times copyright OFFICIAL RECEIVER’S COMMENT. 'From Our Own Correspondent.) London. July 10. The full story of Messrs. James and Shakspeare’s failure is revealed in the Senior Official Receiver’s report published today. It is stated that liabilities totalled £8G0,173 (ranking for dividend €755.520) and net assets
    —8tralt8 Times copyright  -  400 words
  • 36 25 N. I. Coastguards Reinforced. the famous volcano on an island between Sumatra and Java, is in eruption (wires our Katavia correspondent). The volcano service and coastguards are standing by in case of emergency.
    36 words
  • 190 25 -Aneta Copyright. Batavia July 12 Krakatoa is showing increased activity and some fear is expressed that the eruptions may become serious Earlier this week the captain of a Dutch K.P.M. steamer reported that Krakatoa was erupting every two minutes—with smoke, ash, steam and sand showers rising more
    -Aneta Copyright.  -  190 words
  • 136 25 .—Reuter. Suppression Of All Propaganda. Shanghai, July 8. The Japanese Embassy spokesman, interviewed by Reuter, expressed entire satisfaction at the measures announcel by the Kuomlntang to meet the Japanese requirements arising out of the lese majeste incident, stating: “The Kuomintang has assumed complete responsibility for suppressing anti-Japanese
    .—Reuter.  -  136 words
  • 34 25 Reuter New York. July 8 Mrs Grahim Fair Vanderbilt, exwlfe of Mr. W. K Vanderbilt, from whom she was divorced after 28 years of marriage, has died from pneumonia.—Reuter
    .- Reuter  -  34 words

  • 82 26 The British Legation in China was recently elevated to an Embassy. (Left) Sir Alexander Cadogan. the British Ambassador, is seen presenting his credentials on June 15- (Right! A group photograph was taken, after the ceremony—Mr. Lin Sen. President of China, is seen in the middle,
    82 words
  • 270 26 2 Dead And 40 Injured. Belfast, July 13. Battle of the Boyne celebrations in Belfast last night culminated in furious street fighting between rival factions in one district, where stones were thrown and shots fired. Two people are dead and 40 injured. Police reinforcements were rushed up
    270 words
  • 24 26 London, July 12. Arrangements are now complete for the Jubilee review of the Army by the King at, Aldershot tomorrow.
    24 words
  • 40 26 Toklo, July 11. A severe earthquake occurred at 5.25 p m In Shizuoka district, 100 miles south-west of Toklo. Communications have oeen interrupted. Ihe earthquake was more lightly felt In Toklo where no 'amage lias been caused.
    40 words
  • 254 26 .—Reuter. d’ANNUNZIO*S APPEAL TO VOLUNTEERS. The war momentum is gathering force in Italy and reports from Rome state that the war propaganda is having an ellect all over the country, which today reads a war message from the soldier-poet, Gabriele d'Annunzio. who, addressing himself to the volunteers
    .—Reuter.  -  254 words
  • 143 26 AIR TRIP FROM CALCUTTA. Field-Marshal Sir Philip Chetwode, Commander-in-Chief, Indian Army, and Lady Chetwode will arrive in Java on July 15, by air from Calcutta (writes our Batavia Correspondent). Sir Philip, who is on the outward K.L.M. plane due in Singapore on Sunday, is to retire
    143 words
  • 241 26 British Wireless. London. July 12. A circular Issued yesterday by the Home Office on the subject of the precautions which the Government consider necessary for safeguarding the civil population against air raids has been sent to local authorities. It makes it clear that the need
    – British Wireless.  -  241 words
  • 203 26 Contraband List For Neutrals. FIXING A POLICY IN ADVANCE. Washington, July 12. It is reliably reported that one of the primary purposes of the conferences between Mr. Cordell Hull, the American Secretary of State, and the British, French and Italian Ambassadors was to express American
    203 words
  • 107 26 STEPS TO SECURE REDUCTION. Batavia, July 13. The Civil Service Department intimated today measures they are taking for a considerable reduction in native rubber exports during the second half of 1935. The authorities are also considering a means to rectify the existing excess of exports.—Reuter. Siam And
    107 words
  • 102 26 —British Wireless. Where Men Exchange Their Own Commodities. London, July 9. The Duchess of York visited a village near Wigan yesterday to inspect an experiment organised by a body of social workers to enable unemployed men to produce commodities for their own use, thus improving their
    —British Wireless.  -  102 words

  • 88 27 -Reuter. Reported Paris Decision. Paris, July 14. Le Matin says the Ministries of Marine and Colonies have agreed upon the establishment of seaplane bases in the Pacific. It is stated one will be located at Papeete in Tahiti, and another later at Noumea, fn New Caledonia.
    -Reuter.  -  88 words
  • 174 27 Echo Of A Famous Treason Case. FRENCHMAN WHO WAS PUBLICLY DEGRADED. Paris, July 13. The death is announced today in his 76th year of Colonel Alfred Dreyfus, hero of the famous Dreyfus case of the nineties (says Reuter). Alfred Dreyfus—then a captain—was arrested in Oct. 1891. tried
    174 words
  • 215 27 KIANGSU PROVINCE NOW THREATENED. Shanghai. July 14. Chinese reports state that a 100,000 are homeless in the Yellow River floods in West Shantung. A Hankow message says numerous bodies and wreckage are floating down the Yangtse and Han Rivers. Gen. Chang Hsueh-liang, in an interview. said he
    215 words
  • 291 27 Mr. Malcolm MacDonald £5,000 Post. MR. LANSBURY ASKS ABOUT CABINET. An attack on several recent ministerial changes, esuecially the appointment of two National Labour members to Cabinet posts was launched by Mr. George Lansbury (leader of the opposition in the House of Commons) He said
    291 words
  • 162 27 I Reuter. Two Britons Among The Killed. GIANT PLANE’S CRASH AT AERODROME. Two British passengers and four members of the crew were killed on Sunday when disaster i overtook a K.L.M. Dutch air liner at the Schiphol Aerodrome I in Holland, where it crashed
    I Reuter.  -  162 words
  • 119 27 —Reuter. Reported New Japanese “Positive” Policy. Tokio. July 14. Declaring that Japan’s diplomacy from May 1933 to January 1935 was chiefly directed towards restraining foreign influences in Eastern Asia, in which connection she showed marked disfavour to foreign loans and technic il assistance to China,
    —Reuter.  -  119 words
  • 133 27 —Reuter. Rioting And Looting For Three Days. Belfast, July 14. The death roll In the Belfast riots Is now five, owing to the death of a wounded man. All was quiet in the city early this morning. 73 people are in hospital with injuries
    —Reuter.  -  133 words
  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 484 27 REVEALS SECRET OF PERSONAL INFLUENCE Simple Method thaf Anyone Can Vse to Develop the Powers of Personal Magnet ism. Memory, Concentration. Will-Power and to correct Cndesirable Habits through the wonder-science of Suggestion. 80 page Hook Fully Describing this Unique Method and a Psycho-Analysis Character Delineation FREE to all who write
      484 words

  • 817 28 —Reuter. (Reuter Wireless Messages) Abyssinia’s “Provocative Truculence.” ITALY could not remain at the mercy of Abyssinian disorderliness and provocative truculence,” declared Signor Mussolini when addressing black shirt officers on the eve of their departure to Africa. II Duce emphasised that Italy was determined to
    —Reuter.; (Reuter Wireless Messages).  -  817 words
  • 100 28 In a speech, which no Italian paper has been allowed to report, to troops whom he reviewed at Eboli, near Salerno before they sailed .for Africa Signor Mussolini left no doubt of his intentions to attack Abyssinia and made it clear he will attack the moment he
    (Picture by air mail).  -  100 words
  • 133 28 wXf f r ***** 'Spectators.—British 19,000 Troops At The Jubilee Parade. The King and Queen motored from Buckingham Palace to Aldershot on Saturday for the Jubilee Review of the Army at Rushnioor arena. When the King, accompained by the Prince of Wales and the Duke of
    wXf f°r 70000 'Spectators.—British  -  133 words
  • 28 28 Adm. Chan Chak ha iead?ng J th y e rebel Canton cruisers Hal Chi and Hal th, W sung "«sSe! Bftanghal, th mor nlnß -Sin Kuo
    28 words
  • 281 28 —Reuter Wireless. League Machinery Discredited.” SIR A. CHAMBERLAIN’S RETORT. The Foreign Affairs debate in the House of Commons was remarkable for the spirited intervention of Mr. Lloyd George in defence of the framers of the Peace Treaty. He said the harshest conditions oi the Treaty
    —Reuter Wireless.  -  281 words
  • 26 28 -Reuter. Ichang (Hupeh), July 15. The loss of life caused by the fiood&gt; in the Ichang area is unofficial!* estimated at 12,000.—Reuter
    -Reuter.  -  26 words

  • 638 29 H. L. WARD CAPTURES 8 WICKETS FOR 18. Skipper Plays Big Part In Their Success. /"VN Sunday at the padang the Public Services, Law and Services beat the Etceteras by five wickets and thus won the S.C.C. cricket tournament for the second
    /AMI W Ml lII « lit ■%. —Straits Times Photograph.  -  638 words
  • 178 29 COMBINED RENGAM KLUANG XI LOSE. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Segamat, July 10. Playing at home at Genuang on Sunday Genuang Club defeated a combined Rengam and Kluang XI by 46 runs. Genuang Club: Stradling b Pratt 30, Brand c Anderson b Pratt 24. Willacy b Roden 11, Williamson b Roden
    178 words
  • 564 29 Raffles Make Great Effort But Lose By 14 Runs T HE Medical College succeeded in winning the annual InterCollege match on Sunday for the fourth year in succession and are thus the first to have their names on the new cun presented hv Sir
    564 words

  • 548 30 S.R.C Defence Inclined To Play Man Instead Of Ball. (By Our Football Correspondent.) R.A. 3; S.R.C. 1. T7IIF Gunners have been without a victory in the First Division for just over two months, but last week they were successful at Anson Road
    —Straits Times Photograph.  -  548 words
  • 152 30 A women’s match between the Island Golf Club and the Garrison Golf Club was played on Sunday al the Island Golf Club and resulted in a victory for the Garrison G C by 5 1 j points to 3 1 .j points. The following are the results. G.G
    152 words
  • 724 30 (By Our Boxing Correspondent.) has there been a larger crowd at the Great World Stadium than on Friday when Gunboat Jack, holder of the Indian welter, middle and light-weight titles, beat Young Aide on points over twelve three-minute rounds. That Jack won was almost entirely
    724 words
  • 346 30 Lawn Tennis. Beats Goon Kok Ying In Straight Sets At Ipoh. Cl Poll, July 15 IIIN Kce Onn, the Malayan lawn tennis champion, settled beyond dispute his claims to the Malayan title by defeating Goon Kok Ying. the Penang champion, in straight sets. The first
    346 words
  • 134 30 Success Of Mrs. Cameron And J. H. Beeton. The Navy Challenge Cup competition of the Singapore Golf Club was played at Bukit Timah on Sundav afternoon and resulted in a win foi Mrs. A. P. Cameron and J. H. Beeton (S.G.C.) with a score
    134 words

  • 971 31 Wiltshire Regiment Take The Championship. THE First Battalion the Wiltshire Regiment, with 116 points, won the Inter-Unit Challenge Cup at the tinils of the Combined Services \thletic Championships held at Tanglin in the presence of a huge irowd on Saturday afternoon. The sports were the most brilliant -en
    —Straits Times Photograph.  -  971 words
  • 612 31 MR. WHITAKER’S TWO WINNERS. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, July 13. 'J'HE Perak Turf Club Skye meeting today was favoured by good weather, and the going was good. Field were on the small side but dividends were quite fair. RACE 1. Ponies,
    612 words
  • 205 31 Mrs. S. N. Kelly’s (food Card In July Bogey. The women’s July bogey competition wus played at Bukit rimah last week and resulted in a win in “A” division for Mrs. S. N Kelly with a score of 4 up. in a win in “B' division for Mrs.
    205 words
  • 521 31  -  Lawn Tennis. (BY “ECHO.”) Kuala Lumpur, July 12. A GKEA1 disappointme was provided today when it was learned that owing to an injured ankle Ong Ee Kong had scratched in the final of the Selangor men's singles champion ship,
    521 words

  • 1115 32  - THE CLUB VERANDAH Non-Benders At Home. —Ceylon Sports Club The Champions. —Singapore A.A.A. To Be Formed At Last. —Our Governor's Rival. Conducted by "LEIGHTON pVERYONE was sorry to see the NonBenders batsmen fare so badly on Sunday morning on a wicket which gave considerable help to the bowlers, but in
    —Straits Times Photograph.  -  1,115 words
  • 700 32 Loon Cheong Proves Far Too Good For Choon Leong ROY SMITH had shown such good form in the earlier rounds of the Singapore championship singles that he wfcs expected to give Bong Soo a very close fight in the semi-final on Thursday- He
    700 words
  • 69 32 The “B” Class aggregate race over 50 metres at the Singapore Swimming Club on Sunday resulted as follows: 1. Ketwick. 2. Sidebottom and 3. Erickson. Next Sunday’s race is at 11 a.m. (100 metres handicap* for the Guillemard Cup. Members are reminded that next Sunday is a
    69 words

    • 1153 1 Extension Programme Without Raising Fresh Capital. The seventh ordinary general meet- J nii ot the Kinta Electrical Distribu-, tion Co. Ltd. was held at Ipoh. on, July a the Hon Col. Cecil Rae pre- sidinu The Chairman said A&gt; indicated in the directois report it &lt;ptcted that
      1,153 words
    • 169 1 s tin-ln-Ore at 75 per cent., during the month of June Tona 1.329 Federated Malay Stans Unfederated Malay States. Johore Kedah PerlLs x?j] Keiantan 9,* Trengganu H Strains Settlements 1.433 Malnra S l M 51 A K v. SS Total Cumulative Tota. TTM 1935 1934 Tons Toas
      169 words
    • 81 1 DIVIDEND RAISED TO 9 PER CENT. Ulu Klang Tin Ltd. secured a net profit for the year ended Mar. 31 of $100.9G9 and $8,857 was brought in. The 5 per cent, dividend paid during the year absorbed $45,000. The directors recommend transferring $10,000 to general reserve,
      81 words
    • 88 1 Shares To Be Converted Into Stock. The Port Qickson-Lukut &lt;F.M.S.» Rubber Estates' profit lor the year ended March 31 was £13.628. This compares with £7.192 for the previous year. As already announced, a dividend of 5 per cent, is proposed (against Id. per sharei. carrying forward £27.513 compared
      88 words
    • 544 2 HIDDEN RESERVES SHRINKING. TRUE STOCKS NOT DISCLOSED. July is not as a rule famed lor market activity, but the present state of stagnation equals anything we have known in recent years (writes Messrs. Lewis and Peat in their report, dated Singapore, July 12). The cause is assumed
      544 words
    • 71 2 OTTAWA DECLINES TO REMOVE THEM. Shanghai, July 11 A Tokio report states that according to the latest report submitted by Mr. Kato, Japanese Minister in Canada, the Canadian Government has absolutely refused to reduce the recently imposed taxes on Japanese textiles and other goods. The Commercial
      71 words
    • 148 2 Net Decrease In June Of 2,907 Tons. According to the tin statistics for June, issued by A. Strauss and Co., the visible supply totals 13.541 tons, a decrease of 2.473 tons, and the carryover in Straits Settlements totals 842 tons, a decrease of 434 tons. The net
      148 words
    • 136 2 Monthly return of dealers’ and port stocks, Straits Settlements, at close of business, June 30. 1935. as declared in dry tons. V DEALERS’ STOCKS. Dry Rubber Total all Total Grades Singapore Island 31.071 35.319 Penang Island 7.353 8.547 Province Wellesley 1.945 1.951 Malacca 2.182 2.405 Labuan 07
      136 words
    • 44 2 •«n I nnn d S. 1 nK "T? &gt;Ut t? Ut 8(i pcI s V ard «KC treated JOjOOO cu. yds., lirs worked 104 hrs. Piittunl Tin —Dredging output 110 pels.. 90 hr!s r lrcatrd ***** (U yds., hrs worked Hydraullcing.—83 pels.
      44 words
    • 63 2 PROPOSED TERMS OF DISTRIBUTION. A circular to shareholders proposes the distribution of the assets of the Malaya Consolidated Tin Dredging, now in voluntary liquidation. Shareholders will be entitled to seven fully paid 5s. shares each in Southern Kinta Consolidated for every hundred dollar shares held and a
      63 words
    • 30 2 To Increase Capital By £500,000. From Our Own Correspondent.) Lf ndon, July 11. Anglo-Dutch Plantations propose to increase the capital to 3.000.000 by the creation of 500.000 £1 shares.
      30 words
    • 254 2 From Our Own Correspondent) Bangkok, July 13. At the annual meeting of the Claude Neon Lights (Oriental), Ltd held at the company's offices in Bangkok on i Thursday, the Directors reported that ;he factory was duly opened in Singapore in order to work the territory allotted to the
      254 words
    • 79 2 Deficit Converted Into Surplus. Report for 1934 states total revenue in North Borneo amounted to £311.543 (against £275,652); total revenue for year £331,761 (against £294,681); expenditure £236.071 (against £233.764), included in Borneo expenditure is £28,837 depreciation, railway renewals, contingencies, etc.; balance brought in £15,237; surplus for
      79 words
    • 26 2 Ayer Wens? (Rahman) Development Az Pn.sp.TUnu-Omuut for May and Jon* 1935 were: May 117 pels., June 267 pcis Total for 9 months 1.621 pels.
      26 words
    • 163 2 REDUCTION NOT GREAT SURPRISE. UNWELCOME but not really surprising is the general verdict in London on the Hong Kong and Shanghai Hanking Corporation interim dividend of £2 10s. per share. This interim dividend, payable* on Aug. 12, is 10s. less than the half yearly dividends which
      163 words
    • 172 2 Some writers in London fsays Reuter) point to the heavy marking down of the Bank’s shares as evidence that the market was not for a reduction. The Times emphasises that the increased difficulties of Chinas trade have been aggravated by the cuire c\ crises in Shanghai, due to
      172 words
    • 144 2 The Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association held their 1234th auction, on July 10, at which there was catalogued 1.548.494 lb. (691.29 tons): offered 1.470.347 lb. (656.40 tons) and sold 1.195.451 lb. &lt;533.68 tons). Prices realised were as follows: Ribbed Smoked Sheet. Cents per lb. Standard quality 19%
      144 words
    • 153 3 are nearly £30.000 000 lower—British Wireless further increase in JUNE. UIVERSE BALANCE REDUCED. London, July 15. Overseas trade returns for June show slight working day average increases in imports and exports as compared wit h the figures for the preceding month and with those for June 1934.
      are nearly £30.000 000 lower—British Wireless ___  -  153 words
    • 302 3 Extraordinary General Meeting. An extraordinary general meeting of Rattles Hotel. Ltd was held on Tuesday at the registered office, the French Bank Buildings. Singapore, at which was confirmed a resolution regarding the cancellation of paragraph t a t of sub-clause (1&gt; of Article 80 of
      302 words
    • 43 3 Harrisons And Crosfield Ltd. Group. Rubber. Ankola.— 486.8 kgs. Baioe Kidoel. —39.426.4 Kgs. r&gt;jaslii£»a. —69.617 kgs. Tjikp.sintoe.—19,750 kcs. kdigen.—44.648 kgs. Honowarie. —23 094 kgs. Bnlomblssle. —11,924 kgs. Tea. Ankola— 23.721 hks. Madang.—33.311 hks. oiler. g-»ioe Kidoel.—2,996 :i i pns. Bulangriri.—229 pels.
      43 words
    • 760 3 FRASER CO.’s SHARE REPORT. Market Conditions 1 Inactive. Market conditions locally show no change since our last issue and the absence of interest in dealing which we commented on a week ago remains the prevailing feature of the market today. News from London seems to indicate a very steady share
      760 words
    • 322 3 (Straits Times copyright.) Closing Prices In London Last Night. (From Our Own Correspondent.) I/ondon, July 16. Closing quotations today of the principal British stocks are given below. The rise or fall is in relation to the price of July 11. GOVERNMENT SI OCRS. BRITISH. Rise or
      (Straits Times copyright.)  -  322 words
    • 234 3 SHARES WRITTEN DOWN TO $4.25 Resolutions passed at an extraordinary general meeting of Devon Estates (Malacca). Limited, were confirmed at a further extraordinary meeting on Saturday at the registered offices of the Company. French Bank Buildings. Singapore Mr. J A Clarke presided and moved the resolution which
      234 words
    • 201 3 The figures in brackets denote the corresponding period of last year. Ayer Kunlng.—93,soo lb. Badek. (Staffield Estate) 26,700 lb. Bradwall (F.M.5.)—54.000 lb. Chersonese (F.M.S.) —72 000 lb. Dennistown (DennLstown Estate).— ID Highlands Lowlands —145,500 lb. Klabang.—l27,soo lb. K1ran.—55,600 lb. Sungel Kr1an.—134,500 lb Sungei Wav (Selangor).—66,ooo lb. Benta. —(43.000
      201 words
    • 42 3 The figures m bracket denote the ’orresponding period of last year). Pananc Uonso &lt;1,082 pels.), 1,714 pel*. Temoh. (561 pels.), 764 pels, 56.100 yy&s.. treated 401 hrs. run. Sune.el Kinta. &lt;6OO pels), 176 pels., *****0 yds, treated 587 hr.s, run.
      42 words
    • 20 3 July 11 Tin Spore Prire $115.00 per picul. 12 114.87 15 114.50 16 114 75 17 115.00
      20 words
    • 50 3 Date Spot Aug.-Sept Oct.-Dee. Jan.-Mur L'don Spot c. c. c. c. d July 11 19% 20 21' 21 5 15 16 12 19% 20% 21 21 5% If, 20% 20 21', 22% 16 20 20% 21% 22 5 15 16 17 19% 20% 20% 21% 513/16
      50 words
    • 642 4 Ixmdon Exchange Prices On July 2. Alkigai *2 i 1 9'Alor Pongsu &lt;2 &gt; 2 2'., Anglo-Muluy (£1) 12/7Vi; Ayrr Kuning (£1» 30 fi; BaRHii Serai &lt;£1) 12/; Bahru (Sol.) 2/&gt; 3 8; Bant cm: &lt;E1&gt; 21/3; Batang (2 /ll'»: Batn Cave.s (111 22/6; Batu Tiga &lt;£1&gt; 30/;
      642 words
    • 177 4 ’Hie following Information h;us been re-1 reived from the Chief of the Central Bureau of Statlsticx, Batavia. Export:, ol rubber from 1 the Netherlands Indies during the month of j June, 1935. converted to long tons oi 2.240 lb. dry weight Total Netherlands Indies Ttoin June
      177 words
    • 1491 4 Issued by Fraser and Co, and Lyall and Evatt Exchange and Stock Brokers, Singapore, July 17, 10 a.m. MINING. Issue val Fraser Co Lyall Evatt issue Val. Fraser Co. Lyall Lvatt 1 u Btiyers Sellers Buyers Sellers Buyers Sellers Buyers Sellers 4 Ampul Mu 3.6 4 1-0
      1,491 words