The Straits Budget, 11 July 1935

Total Pages: 35
1 4 The Straits Budget
  • 29 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE STRAITS TIMES [ESTABLISHED NEARLY A CENTURY.] No. 4039. SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, JULY 11, 1935. Price 25 cents (S.S. Currency) or 7d.
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  • 607 1 Ills Excellency the Governor, Sir 1 Shenton Thomas, will be away from Singapore from July 22 to Aug. 4, on a visit to Kuala Lumpur. The time of Sir Shenton’s tour of Sarawak and British North Borneo has not been finally settled. tiUCH improved in health
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  • 19 1 *ho fan dance, a spectacular item in Monday’s Spotlight Revue at the Victoria Theatre.
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  • 681 1 In Wireless And Electricity. From Our Malacca Correspondent. “JN two things Malacca is deplorably behind the times —wireless and electric lighting. Every village in Japan is better off in this respect than Malacca. Mr. E. C. Martin, President of the Straits Settlements (Malacca) Association, made
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  • The Straits Budget
    • 864 2 fully available.—Straits Times July 4. The High Commissioner is to be congratulated on his action in calling for full information in connection with the proposal to convert the Kuala Lumpur Sanitary Hoard into a municipality. The chairman, Mr. J. V. Cowgill, has been asked to prepare a
      fully available.—Straits Times July 4.  -  864 words
    • 739 2 —Straits Times, July 5. With more money available, the Malayan governments can now leasonably be expected to pay more attention to their responsibilities in respect of education than has been possible during the years of depression, and in this connection the speech made by Sir Shenton Thomas
      —Straits Times, July 5.  -  739 words
    • 731 2 Staits Times, July 6. The present position of the Malayan copra industry is distressing, but the situation would appear not to be hopeless. The parlous state of the industry was fully recognised by the Vegetable Oil* Committee which sat last year to investigate and report on the present
      Staits Times, July 6.  -  731 words
    • 667 3 —Straits Times, July 8. The population of the State consists almost entirely of Malay peasantry. They maintain themselves on their own small holdings and they are accustomed to settle their own difficulties. In a community such as this there is no necessity for orphanages or for Government to
      —Straits Times, July 8.  -  667 words
    • 810 3 Straits Times, July 9. The silver jubilee of the Malay volunteer company in Singapore, celebrated last Sunday, is something more than a volunteering episode. It has a civil as well as a military meaning, for it recalls a deliberate effort made twenty-five years ago to help the Malay
      Straits Times, July 9.  -  810 words
    • 940 4 mainland union ?—Straits Times. July 10. There is an impression in Malacca that the Government intends to force that Settlement into a mainland customs union. If that impression is unfounded the Government will do well to say so, and thus put an end to much unsettling speculation.
      mainland union ?—Straits Times. July 10.  -  940 words

  • 141 4 DR. J. W. SCHARFF APPOINTED. Dr. J. W. Scharff. Senior Health Officer. Penang, has been appointed to succeed the late Dr. F. R. Sayers as Chief Health Officer, Singapore. He will arrive here on Tuesday next by the Kedah. Dr Scharff joined the Malayan Medical Service in
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  • 243 4 Sailing By The S.S. Hector. The following passengers sail by the Hector, on July 10 lor Colombo Marseilles and London: Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Mangin, Mr. G. F. Snell, Miss M. Burkhardt, Mr. L. A. Allen, O.B.E., Mr. D. Murphy, Mrs. L A. Allen, Lt. Col. V.
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  • 138 4 “Millions Want More To Eat.” Siam’s economic difficulties were referred to again in a broadcast to the nation of the Minister of Economic Affairs. He pointed out (says the Bangkok Times) that in the provinces th? people generally did not have enough money to spend. Millions
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  • 166 4 Serembart Institution For Chinese Mothers. (From Our Own Correspondent Seremban. July 8 In a quiet corner of Seremban has sprung up a neat little building which will from this month house the Seremban Chinese Maternity Hospital. On a hillock overlooking the Kuai.-Lumpur-Seremban trunk road one s» the
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  • 30 4 HAAS. —At Cairnholm Private Hospital Cairnhill Road, on July 3, to Mrs. L. C Haas, wife of the Singapore representative of the K.L.M. (Royal Dutch Air Lines), a son.
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  • 40 4 EL—CHIA.—The engagement is announced between Mr. Robert Eu Eng Wah youngest son of the late Mr. Eu Boon Teo, and Mrs. Eu Boon Teo. and Miss Phyllis Chia Cheng Lee eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chia Yee Soh.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 87 4 NOTICE. All communications for both the Strait? Times and the Straits Budget should lx addressed to the Head Office. Cecil ana Stanley Streets. Singapore. Straits Settlements. The post free price of the Straits Times to the United Kingdom and foreign countries is $48 a year. The post free price of
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  • 78 4 DEATHS TAN. —Madam Tan Leng Choo alias Wak Leng Choo (Mrs. Kow Eng Watt), aged 81. passed away peacefully at her residence 99A, Killiney Road, on Saturday last. WONG.—At the General Hospital, Singapore, July 5, as the result of a motor accident Nancy, beloved daughter of Mr. and Mrs S.
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  • 151 5 Here is Penang’s reply to my query as to what sort of an almshouse .m be established for $37,500: One point forgotten is that the ad for this Home, an area of over :V. acres, has been donated. This removes what would have been a major
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  • 134 5 A KUALA LUMPUR resident signing himself A Parent" makes a good point in the correspondence columns of a contemporary. He has been trying recently to get his son into one of the English elementary schools, of which there are two maintained by Government in Kuala Lumpur. At
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  • 140 5 0 N tlie pat 1 in front of their verandah a little European boy was playing. Behind him walked his listloss Babu. monotonously forbidding him tc do whatever he happened to be doing. ‘Don’t it isn’t allowed.’ The child took not the slightest notice, but once when his
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  • 176 5 J FIND that I was not quite fair in my thirst-inspired comments last Monday on the shortage of boys in the Memorial Hall bar— comments borne of experience at the Rubenstein concert. I’here actually were fourteen boys on duty that night, I learn, but most of them were
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  • 138 5 PJID you notice my shipping colleague’s comments last Saturday or. the bullock that lives on Pulau Pisang? Pulau Pisang is an islet 44 miles south-west of Singapore on which there is a light station, maintained by the Straits Government. There this unfortunate bullock is marooned, with no friends,
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  • 134 5 •THE revenue and number of sub- scribers of Raffles Library have nearly trebled since 1920—“ a sign.’ Mr. J. Johnston rightly says. that the library is yearly taking a greater part in the lives of the local community.” This increase from 580 to 1566 subscribers in a 14-year
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  • 145 5 support given to Raffles Library 1 does not look impressive when presented in the form of a fraction: 500,000 divided by 1566. But, after all, the China-born and India-born proportion of Singapore's population is overwhelming, and even among the remainder the first generation of English-educated persons is still
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  • 150 5 'T'HE boys show up much better than the girls in the junior library, 843 as against 159, and Raffles Institution easily heads the list of schools with over 300 subscribers. It must be remembered, of course, that Raffles Institution is the only school in Singapore which is composed
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  • 123 5 jUIR. F. N. Chasen, director of Raffles 1 Museum and Library, states in his annual report that a most important acquisition to the reference collections was the H. C. Abraham collection of Malaysian spiders. This collection (Mr. Chasen adds), which is now well known in Europe and is
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  • 171 5 *<ll7E have no doubt,” says the Malay Mail. that we shall have officers of the Malayan Medical Service with us when we express the hope that it will be found possible, if not to appoint a resident officer, at least to add the Cameron’s to the roster at
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  • 136 5 117 HEN Sir Shenton Thomas goes to Borneo next month he will don a new mantle: that of British Agent. In relation to Sarawak and British North Borneo His Excellency is neither a governor nor a high commissioner, for these territories are autonomous in their internal administration
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  • 142 5 QINCE the Governor of the Straits Settlements, in his capacity ol British Agent, usually does not pay more than one visit in three years to Borneo, that supervision is of a very cursory description. Nothing more is necessary, however, with a governor of B. N. B. appointed irom
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  • 160 5 J.JOUSEHOLDERS who are pestered by beggars coming to their houses with trained monkeys, decked out in patheticaily tawdry garments, should take warning from a recent happening at Telok Anson. A monkey belonging to a Tamil beggar broke loose and ran up the steps of a nearby house. The
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  • 155 5 the front page of the Sunday Times last Sunday there appeared a horrid apparition, snapped by an extraordinarily alert and intrepid photographer. That ghost is emphatically not my pigeon, if you understand me, but a Kedah reader appears to think it is. for he has written to me
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  • 148 5 lIIS many friends will be glad to hear that the Pulau Pisang bullock, whose lonely life I described two days ago, is making rapid recovery from an operation. Whether he was bitten by a snake or stung by a noxious insect is not known, but he developed a
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  • 167 5 /"VNE must sympathise with the Malay v woman who was summoned In Kuala Lumpur this week for keeping an unlicensed dog, the dog being an unclean animal according to Islamic teaching. The lady handed up a pungent letter to the magistrate. «The dog shooter Is also a Malay,”
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  • 199 6 •ITHE damage wrought to the trade of Malacca by the rice tax and the rubber regulation scheme would appear t > amount to between six and seven thousand tons of rubber a year in addition to an unknown quantity of rice. This Is the conclusion to be drawn
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  • 196 6 IN the not very distant past Kedah was considered to be the State which above all others In the Peninsula adopted an extreme and uncom-, promising attitude towards non-Malays who had settled down within Its borders. Lately a more friendly, considerate and helpiul spirit has been prevalent, and
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  • 195 6 •JpHIS is what Capt. Geoffrey Freyberg has to say about the Seamen’s Mission in his foreword to the Rev. A. V. Wardlote annual report: Those of you who live in large, comfortable bungalows and modern flats of this gateway of the Far East, pause for a moment the
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  • 157 6 CEW residents of Malaya have so de- lightful a place in which to entertain their friends as Mr. Ng Sen Choy. who invited a large party to his house at Tanah Merah last Friday to meet Mr. William Teeling, ol the Overseas League. The situation of
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  • 160 6 II7ITHIN the last month the Muni- cipal water mains have reached Tanah Merah, thanks to the extension necessitated by the new gaol, and municipal electricity became available in this district nearly a year ago. so that seaside residents are now provided with two major conveniences. Formerly it was
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  • 158 6 'J'HE outlook from the Tanah Merah clifls was well described in a recent Rotary address by Mr. John Laycock. who is one of the regular weekenders in that locality. “At my house at Tanah Merah Bt sar,” said Mr. Laycock. I can sit on my terrace and look
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  • 137 6 “THE TRUTH...... SEVERAL weeks ago it was remarked in this column that Straits juries were reluctant to send accused persons to the gallows on circumstantial evidence when that evidence was tendered by witnesses of the coolie class. A writer in the Malayan Police Magazine replies: “Any one who has experience
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  • 120 6 “DOZING MENTALLY. UCEW magistrates in the F.M.S.” this writer goes on, have any knowledge of Chinese, and it is only when there is a Chinese scholar such as Mr. N. A. Worley on the Bench that discrepancies and mistakes are noticed. To sit all day in court and interpret Question
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  • 111 6 RAFFLES MUSEUM IT is estimated tha* 200,000 persons. a number equivalent to two fifths of the population of Singapore, visited Raffles Museum last year. This Ls a truly remarkable figure and shows the high educational value of a museum in an Eastern city. It is extremely doubtful whether the aggregate
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  • 166 6 yHE twisty section of the Changi Road between Geylang and Bedoh is becoming nearly as notorious as the old Woodlands road used to be. Just as one used to count the wrecks on that hair-raising stretch of road which wound among the hills to the east of the
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  • 148 6 MUNUSAMY’S COW POR sheer impudence I have never seen anything to beat the suit brought against Mr. H. S. Brown, of Ainsdale Estate, Negri Sembilan, last week. While walking through his estate Mr. Brown was attacked by a cow owned by one Munusamy. He was knocked down and butted about
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  • 156 6 A PENANG VETERAN lyiß. D. M. Craik, of Penang, is the oldest practising architect in the Straits Settlements, having resided in the Colony 33 years, with only one spell at Home—during the war. For this information I am indebted to the Malayan Architect, which also says of Mr. Craik: ”He
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  • 169 6 THE REAL ENGLAND useful service which the Overseas League can render to Malaya, and one which Mr. Teeling will perhaps bring to the notice of that organisation, is the giving of assistance to Asiatics going from this country to Great Britain. That the British people have something to learn from
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  • 80 6 News has been received by cable that Mr. Goh Cheow Choon has passed the final Bar exannnaiion held in London last month. He was educated at the Anglo-Chinese School, Ipoh, and was for several years a teacher in the Anglo-Chinese School, Kampar. He is the third son
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  • 1730 7 Mr P L. MIU, of Jugra estate, Banting has left for Home on furlough. The Rev. Bro. James. 0.8. E., Visitor. Christian Brother’s Schools, is on a visit to Taiplng. rhe Abdul Jamil bin Abdul Rais has been appointed Magistrate of the First Class in Negri Sembilan.
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  • 372 7 Tuesday, July 2. The following were the guests at a dinner given by His Excellency and Lady Thomas at Government House this evening:— Hon. Mr. P. A. McElwalne and Mrs. McElwalne, Mr and Mrs. O. P. Griffith-Jones, Mr. and Mrs. LC. L. Margoliouth, Mr. and Mrs. T. G.
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  • 75 7 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Seremban. July 4. Tungku Leng, the regent of Tampln. who recently left for a small town four miles from Kajang to pay the customary homage, has returned to her residence. She was accompanied by her son-in-law and daughter. Since the death of the
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  • 1293 8 Hopeful Views Expressed At Annual Luncheon Of I. S. P. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, July 2. Confident belief that the rubber regulation scheme now in operation would restore the present unbalanced position and, at the same time, maintain an equitable steady price level
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  • 72 8 From Our Own Correspondent) Seremban, July 7. The hearing was concluded in the magistrate’s court at Seremban, before Mr. J. Calder, sitting as coroner of the inquiry into the death of a Japanese, Matsumoto, who was found hanging from the branch of a rubber tree on Staffleld Estate
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  • 443 8 HP/fF friction which occurred in A Kedah shortly after that State accepted British protection and advice is recalled by extracts reproduced by the Malay Mail from its files of 1910. Mr. George Maxwell (afterwards knighted) was appointed the first British Adviser in Kedah, and the
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  • 313 8 VIEW OF CHINESE DISTRIBUTOR. Since the inception of Universal Pictures. Singapore, in 1915, Mr. K. H. Tann has been the manager. So next month he completes 20 years’ service with this company. To commemorate the anniversary of the company, a big percentage of Universal pictures will
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  • 80 8 Celebrates Twentieth Anniversary. From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, July 8. The Lok Lam Club, premier Chinese social institution in Perak, celebrated its twentieth anniversary yesterday. The premises and grounds were illuminated last night, when a banquet was held to celebrate the event. Mr T?* ng Sin Nam
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  • 256 9 I \P \NESE TRAWLERS MOVING SOUTH. ,Hv Our Shipping Correspondent) There is every likelihood that Singapore will in the near future be made tlu transhipment centre for the large number of trawlers operating in Malaysia. In the “Harbour Log” appearing in W Saturday’s Straits Times
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  • 175 9 Malacca Literary Club Debate. <From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca. Saturday. The Malacca Literary Club held a debate at the Seng Clieong Society premises on the important question of whether or not Malacca should join a customs union with the mainland of Malaya. Mr. Loh Kim Swi, J.P.,
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  • 24 9 Mrs. Kow Eng Watt passed away at her residence. 99 a. Killiney Road Singapore on Saturday. She was aged 81.
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  • 183 9 Mr. S. L. Pollitt’s Application. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, July 5. Before the Chief Justice an application was made today by Mr. T. ltajendra, on behalf of Mr. S. L. Pollitt, for leave to appeal to His Majesty the King in Council
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  • 260 9 IDENTITY OF MR. “X” REVEALED. Mr. Justice Burton (acting Chi'*! Justice) and Mr. Justice a’Beckett Ter- 1 rell delivered judgment on Monday holding that Mr. T. Talukda. an ad 1 vocate and solicitor (hitherto referred to as Mr. “X”) was guilty of miscon duct, and their lordships
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  • 133 9 Singapore Chemist Pleads Guilty. Chong Fook Loy. managing partner of the United Pharmacy. North Bridge Road, pleaded guilty to two charges in the Singapore police court on Saturday after his arrest In possession of Perak Turf Club sweepstake tickets. The counts against him were < 1
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  • 157 9 WOMEN IN REFORM ASSOCIATION. The fact that women are able to join the Tamils’ Reform Association on a footing of equality was stressed at a function on Saturday evening, when the new premises of the Association in Singapore were formally declared open by Mrs. Meenambal. The Association’s
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  • 435 9 Passengers By The Mantua. The following passengers are proceeding by the Mantua which sailed last week for Penang. Colombo. Bombay and Europe. Mr. and Mrs. Richer. Mr. Prasad. Mr. E. P. Kidby. Lt. Bryant. Lt. Wetheral, Mrs. and Miss Allen. Miss Harrison. Miss O'Malley. Miss J. D. Scott.
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  • 286 9 IMPORTS ANI) EXPORTS BOTH INCREASE. Malayan gross trade for the first five months of this year approached within measurable distance of the trade for the .first six months of 1934. The improvement has been steady and consistent, imports and experts participating equally. During May this year, imports
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  • 81 9 Rubber Production Affected In Southern Siam. The present immigration laws have, writes a rubber planter in Southern Siam, resulted in a particularly unfavourable position as regards tne supply of labour. There are many small estates in South Siam on which tapping has entirely ceased through tappers being
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  • Page 9 Advertisements

  • 530 10 Conviction For Assault Quashed. THE COMPLAINANT A "HOOLIGAN.” In the Court of Appeal, Johore Bahru, on Saturday, Mr. Justice Mills allowed the appeal of Mr. J. Tolmie, Custonls officer, Johore, from the finding of the magistrate convicting him of assault and sentencing him to a
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  • 344 10 25 STUDENTS TO START WITH. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, July 6. It has been announced that a Farm School is to be opened at Malacca in September. It will be at the Sungei Udang Agricultural Station, on the Masjid Tanah Road, about 13
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  • 132 10 Saves Five Miles For Motor Lorries. A pontoon ferry service across Prii River was inaugurated on Tuesday. Hitherto local traders had felt the lack of such a service. This pontoon or hauled wire ferry was built under the supervision of Mr. A. N. G. Andrews. Superintendent of
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  • 44 10 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, July 6. At the Rotary dinner at the Hotel Majestic yesterday evening Mr. Khoo Tei Kee was installed president and Colonel Eaton vice-president. It was an enjoyable function and there was a large and representative attendance.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 126 10 <ZVr) c 9 > L *VT R \n r~7> 2? j. ■--jv s b* I >e J >0* >s 9 l S' in* :6> O’ > /\y .> A MELLOW C- FRIENDLY SPIRIT v. FOUR MEN DRINK H C CAI1UM!5 Perfection Whisky TODAY... FOR EVERY ONE MAN THAT DRAN K
      126 words

  • 1013 11 Twenty-Fifth Anniversary\ the governor at CELEBRATIONS. Like all the other guests, H.E. the Governor attended the Drill Hall celebration on Sunday evening of the 25th anniversary of the formation of “F”' (Malay) Co., 2nd. Bn. S.S.V.F., in mufti. But Sir Shenton Thomas’s choice of attire was
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  • 131 11 Return After Convalescence At Fraser’s Hill. Air-Commodore S. W. Smith, Commanding Officer, R.A.F. Far East, returned to Singapore from Fraser’s Hill on Monday, flying from Kuala Lumpur in one of three VUdebeeste torpedo bombers which returned to the station from the Federal Capital. A sudden attack of
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  • 506 11 Correspondence. YET NO DIFFICULTY IN FILLING QUOTA. To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —It is interesting and rather amusing to hear the varying comments on Siam’s potential output of rubber. The export of rubber from Siam to Singapore during the month of May was
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  • 344 11 the question to the considered also. It Is generally known by now that the majority of large estates have been over-assessed. This over-assessment has enabled most of these estates to pay dividends, which would not have been possible to the same extent, had they been properly assessed. Thus
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  • 241 11 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,— Every shareholder in rubber companies will no doubt endorse the views expressed in your leader Rubber Rents" in the Straits Times of June 28. The same views have also been ably put forward at company meetings by
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  • 56 11 K.L.’ S NEW CINEMA. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, July 5. The Kupla Lumpur Sanitary Board has approved the site plan for a cinematograph theatre to be erected at the corner of Bxtu Road and Campbell Road on land belonging to Mr. Loke Wan Yat The site is at
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  • 291 12 Authority to proceed with the erection of a new $275,000 clul> 1 1< >ii e will be .sought at a special general meeting ol the Singa pore Swimming Club to be held on July 14. The proposal new club house is a completely ir-rontalned building
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  • 808 12 THE GOVERNOR’S SPEECH. need for fuel SUPPORT. The club serves a genuine need and deserves the fullest support and encouragement from all who are interested in the welfare of His Majesty’s Forces,” said H E. the Governor. Sir Shenton Thomas, in the course of his presidential address
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  • 251 12 METHODIST PROBLEM IN MALAYA. Criticism of missionary work in Malaysia by Mr. I rank T. Cartwright, a high official of the Methodist Episcopal Church, New York, who was recently in this country, is made in the new issue of Malaysia Message. Mr.*Cartwright comments on “the sadly disproportionate
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  • 140 12 Government Issues A Warning. The following official announcement is made The public is reminded that under Section 20 1 > »b> of the Rubber Regulation Ordinance. 1934. it is an offence for any person other than an owner of a rubber holding or a dealer or a
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  • 151 12 IWV.I). Official In Dindings For Twenty Y ears. The death of Mr M J Seaton, of the Public Works Department. Dindings. took place last Sunday Mr Seaton, who was stationed in the north of the Dindings. was admitted in the General Hospital. Penang on
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  • 388 12 SENSATION IN MALACCA. RESOLUTION BY CHETTIARS Straits Times Special. A sensation has ';een caused in Malacca by a resolution, passed on June 30 by the Chettiars’ Chamber of Commerce. This resolution had to do with tlie Straits Settlements Moneylenders Ordinance, which was due to come into force on
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  • 276 13 VEHICLE OVERTURNS IN DRAIN. BEAUTIFUL AND CLEVER GIRL. Miss Nancy Wong, third of the four daughters of Mr. and Mrs. S. Q. Wong, died in the General Hospital early Friday morning, from injuries received in a motor-car accident in Singapore the previous
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  • 228 13 Death Of Pioneer Malayan Planter. The death took place at Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada, on May 30. after an operation, of Mr. Cecil Clinton Facy-Crowther, son of the late Lieut. Richard Facy-Crowther. of Kandy, Ceylon. Mr. Crowther began his planting career as a creeper in Ceylon.
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  • 231 13 -Reuter. Conference With Governor On Mui Tsai. London, July 3. In the House of Commons the Colonial Secretary, Mr. Malcolm MacDonald, promised to consult Sir Shenton Thomas regarding the suggestion by Mr. W. Lunn (Lab., Rothwell) that he consider the importance of appointing a
    -Reuter.  -  231 words
  • 747 13 PROOF OF MARRIAGE REQUIRED. Maria Verghese, nee George, was a petitioner for divorce before Mr. Justice A. K. a’Beckett "errell in the Singapore Supreme Court last week, on grounds of alleged adultery and desertion, against William Verghese, described as a clerk employed at Government House. The
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  • 235 13 SIGHTED CLINGING TO UPTURNED PRAU. (From Our Shipping Correspondent.) The rescue at sea of three Malay fishermen in the Sibu Channel is described in a report made by Captain J. Philips, master of the Chinese coasttrade steamer Hong Ho, 96 tons, net, on his arrival in
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  • 327 13 Lecture At Rantau Club. The Rantau-Port Dickson branch of the Incorporated Society of Planters held a meeting in the Rantau Club on June 28, when 40 members were present, including several visitors from the Nilai Branch Mr. C. E. T. Mann, of the Rubber Research Institute, delivered a
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  • 610 14 Ambassador On Japan’s Aims. RESPONSIBILITIES IN THE ORIENT. Japan welcomes the co-operation of the other Powers for the realisation of h<*r most important mission —a stabilised China. This simple but significant statement upon Pacific relations ol tomorrow was made by Ambassador Hajime Matsushima, the Japanese diplomat,
    – Straits Times Photograph.  -  610 words
  • 1057 14 TRAVELLING DISPENSARY PROVES POPULAR. Alluvial gold is found very widely distributed throughout the Estate but seldom in paying quantities over a sufficient area to justify mining by modern methods. The travelling dispensary continued to be very popular. Patients sometimes show reluctance to go to
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  • 207 14 Mr. Eric Miller.—Copyright by the Straits Times. An appeal to young men on lonely rubber plantations to marry girls from England was made by the Bishop of London at a luncheon of the Incorporated Society of Planters held in London, last week. 1
    Mr. Eric Miller.—Copyright by the Straits Times.  -  207 words

  • 806 15 Question Of Municipality For Kuala Lumpur. SANITARY BOARD MEETING. (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur. July 3. AT the meeting of the Kuala Lumpur Sanitary Board this morning a letter was read from the Secretary to Resident, dated June 29, regarding the Board’s resolution in January
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  • 159 15 Progress With Health Schemes. (From Our Own Correspondent) Segamat. June 28. Mr. K. M. Nayagam, clerk. Paya Lang Estate, was the victim of a motorcycle accident on the Gemas Road and is at present undergoing treatment at the District Hospital. Segamat. An Indian rubber tapper employed on the
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  • 218 15 (Straits Times Special.) Ban On Cattle May Be Lifted. (Straits Times Special.) Every eiTort is being made by the oia. ese Government to radicate riderpest amongst cattle in Siam, in the hope that Malaya will shortly lift the embargo placed on the importation of cattle from Siam
    (Straits Times Special.); —Straits Times Photograph.  -  218 words
  • 222 15 Production From The Alcohol Plant. The directors of Nipah Distilleries oi Malaya, which owns estates near Kuala Selangor, in a progress report, state that the distillery commenced working during last week of February. The outputs obtained were 6.890 gallons in March. 8.020 gallons in April, and 8.976 gallons
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  • 345 15 COW CHARGES MANAGER. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Seremban, July 2. Mr. H. S. Brown, manager of Ainsdale Estate, Tirol, was the plaintiff in the Seremban Police Court before Mr. J. Calder today when he claimed $500 and costs from Munisamy, a rubber tapper, for injuries caused
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  • 225 15 Pahang Council Discussion. A meeting of the State Council ot Pahang was held at the Istana Sen Terentang. Pekan. Before the meeting began the acting British Resident. Mr. C. C. Brown, and Tengku Mohimed took the oath. After the minutes of the former meeting had been
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  • Malayan Planting Topics.
    • 2271 16 Momaties Or Forks? —borks Best Ju Long R un —“If I Were Rubber Dictator Teachings Of Experience The Forestry Question Views Of Leading Visiting Agent. (By Our Planting Correspondent.) IffHAT Is the best and most economi- cal method of eradicating bracken and stagmoss which has got
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    • 1514 21 Interests Of The Shipping Companies —A Further Column For Steamer Names —Avoiding Confusion. By OUR COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. COMMENTING on the possibility of improving the Daily Imports and Exports list, as suggested in these columns two weeks ago, “Shipper” from Penang points out in an
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  • 78 21 Bought By The Perak Government. <From Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh, July 3. The Perak Government has acquired a large rice mill owned by a Chinese at Parit Buntar for the purpose of extending the activities of the Government rice mill at Bagan Serai. Both mills will be
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  • Article, Illustration
    863 22 By Our Shipping Corresponden t. Cheating The Sailor. rrHKR K are 129 pedlars’ bum- boats pulling about in Singapore harbour. To most seamen in ships at anchor they are a necessary evil.” What prompts me to describe them in such uncomplimentary terms is that many of the bumboat
    863 words
  • 407 22 Opened By Johore Prime Minister. From Our Own Correspondent» Mersing, July 4 THE third annual Agri-Horticural Show opened here this morning on the padang between the military quarters and the District Hospital. The show this year is said to be the best yet held and is the second
    407 words
  • 374 22 TWENTY-EIGHT YEARS IN MALAYA. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London. June 26. Malayans in London learned with deep sorrow of the death on June 24 of Lady Watson, wife of Sir Malcolm Watson. Director of the Ross Institute of Tropical Hygiene, formerly of Klang, F.M.S. Lady
    374 words
  • 256 22 SHOOTING INSTEAD OF DECAPITATION. (From Our Own Correspondent) Bangkok. June 29. For some time since the coup d’etat of 1932. old customs have been under process of being modernised, and now, according to a recent decision, the execution of those sentenced to death has been entrusted to
    256 words

  • 822 23 F.M.S. Reserve Fund —Hoarding In A Hurry H. E. And A Municipality Brief History Of The Controversy—The Exhibition- From Our Own Correspondent. Kuala Lumpur, July 4. MAY I intervene in this discussion, gradually growing heated, of Federal finances and the Scroogian official policy thereanent Thrift and provision for
    822 words
  • 717 23 Agricultural Show For Perak Kinta Being Outstripped By Taiping—A Reproach To Ipoh —Malay Cottage Industries. (From Our own Correspondent.) Ipoh, July 3. r J*HAT native arts and crafts can always benefit from encouragement and organisation was shown at Taiping during the week-end. when a varied display of
    717 words
  • 140 23 $5,000 Damages For Mr. D. S. Fraser. (From Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh. July 3. A settlement regarding the amount ol damages has been announced in the Supreme Court case in which Mr. D. S. Fraser, export manager of Riley Coventry Ltd obtained Judgment with costs against Mr. Johnson,
    140 words
  • 101 23 Bathing In Mining Pool At Taiping. ‘From Our Own Correspondent> Ipoh, July 4 Josephine Jeremiah an 18-year-old Eurasian girl, lost her life by drowning today at Taiping. She had gone out to bathe in a mining pool with two friends, Mrs. Poulier and Miss Danasamy. Josephine was the
    101 words

  • 667 24 —Reuter. ANXIETY FOR BRITISH INTERESTS. QUESTIONS IN HOUSE OF COMMONS. London, July 1. Anxiety for British interests in North China following the virtual surrender to Japan, and recent developments in Mongolia led to several Questions in the House ot j Commons today. i An estimate
    —Reuter.  -  667 words
  • 480 24 —British Wireless. Great Britain’s Peace Sacrifice. London, July 1. IN an effort to prevent war between Italy and Abyssinia, 1 Great Britain had offered to sacrifice a strip of territory m Somaliland so that Abyssinia would have access to tne sea, and Italy in return could
    —British Wireless.  -  480 words
  • 72 24 —Reuter. Passengers Suffer Injuries. London, July 1. A Railway Air Services passenger plane crashed at Ronaldsway Aerodrome on the Isle of Man when taking otT for Liverpool at noon today. It was reported at first that all six passengers had been incinerated, but this
    —Reuter.  -  72 words
  • 197 24 —Reuter. BELIEVED INVOLVED IN PEIPING REVOLT. Peiping, July 1. Five Japanese, allegedly concerned in the Fengtai revolt, were rounded up today by the local Chinese militia at Manchuchiao, 20 miles south-east of Peiping. At the time of their capture the prisoners were accompanied by a large group
    —Reuter.  -  197 words
  • 309 24 British Wireless. MISTRUST DEPLORED BY PREMIER. NAVAL AGREEMENT AS PEACE AID. London, July 1. The Prime Minister, Mr. Stanley Baldwin, addressing a political mass meeting at the week-end described the Anglo-German naval agreement as the first-real practical move in disarmament that had been accomplished since the
    British Wireless.  -  309 words
  • 112 24 U.S. Navy Programme Begins In 1937. Washington, July 1. A battleship replacement programme, starting in 1937, has been definitely projected, and will be begun if no new international agreement is reached in the meantime. The decision according to the New York Herald-Tribune, follows a study of the position
    .—Reuter.  -  112 words

  • 290 25 Reuter. Moscow. July 2. A strongly worded Note protesting against the alleged violation of the Soviet frontier on the Amur River on June 27 by Manchurian gunboats has been handed to Mr. Hirota. Foreig 1 Minister, by the Soviet Ambassador The Note declares the Manchu
    – Reuter.  -  290 words
  • 174 25 Mongolia. Sin Kuo Min and Sin Chew Jit Poll. Tension Over Amur Incident. Tientsin, July 3. THK Soviet Consul at Harbin is reported to have instructed I a jj Soviet citizens in Manchukuo to return to Russia at the latent by August 24, following
    Mongolia. Sin Kuo Min and Sin Chew Jit Poll.  -  174 words
  • 113 25 Reuter Wireless. Premier Will Support Restoration. BILL BEFORE NATIONAL ASSEMBLY. Athens. July 1. The projected restoration ol exKing George to the throne was the dominant issue at the formal inauguration of the National Assembly today. Reuter is reliably informed that before the forthcoming plebiscite on
    Reuter Wireless.  -  113 words
  • 57 25 J?, e collision took place.—Reuter Wireless. Rome. July V members of the crews were kilk'd and seven slightly injured when the Italian naval scouts Nicolozeno. Lanzerotto and Malocello collided during night-time manoeuvres oft' raranto. Phe damaged warships reached faranto without assistance. Phe ships had all
    J?,e collision took place.—Reuter Wireless.  -  57 words
  • 81 25 deceased as compensation.—Sin Chew Jit Poh. Stabbing Of Chinese By Formosan. Foochow, July 2. Contrary tc earlier reports, it now transpires that a Formosan had stab bod a Chinese soldier to death. The Japanese consul yesterda.v formally apologised t»# the Chinese authorities in connection with the crime, adding
    deceased as compensation.—Sin Chew Jit Poh.  -  81 words
  • 118 25 -Reuter Wireless. Officer’s Lone Stand Against 200. INDIAN TRADERS FLEE FROM SHOPS. Nairobi, July 1. Facing single-handed a war-mad-dened crowd of 200 Masai warriors at the week-end. District Commissioner C. E. N. Buxton drove them from his camp near Narok and saved his wife and
    -Reuter Wireless.  -  118 words
  • 83 25 Reuter Wireless. Bellanca Planes To Span Ocean In 8 Weeks. London. July 1. The Bellanca Aircraft Corporation announces it has practically completed plans for a regular Trans-Atlantic aeroplane service. The first machine is scheduled to fly in eight weeks' time Irom Floyd Bennet Field. New York,
    Reuter Wireless.  -  83 words
  • 204 25 —Reuter. Capital For Iron, Coal And Oil. ARMY TO BACK NEW ENTERPRISE. Tokio, July 2. The Osaka Mainichi features a special message from llsinking (Changchun) announcing that the South Manchuria Railway, with the support of the Kwantung Army, plans to establish and capitalise a huge
    —Reuter.  -  204 words
  • 42 25 —Sin Kuo Min. Tientsin, July 3. Gen. lian Fu-chu, Governor of Shantung, has rejected a Japanese military “request” to garrison the f'hiaotsi (Tsinan—Tsingtao) Railway with Japanese forces, and fresh trouble is now feared in Shantung —Sin Kuo Min.
    —Sin Kuo Min.  -  42 words
  • 401 25 forecast.—Sin Kuo Min and Sin Chew Jit Poh. Japan Will Also Go South Of Huang ho. Shanghai. July 3. According to a reliable source, the so-called Japanese advisers to be engaged by the North China provincial governments on the recommendation of the Japanese Kwantung Command will
    forecast.—Sin Kuo Min and Sin Chew Jit Poh.  -  401 words

  • 238 26 Reuter Wireless Forms Council Of Action Against Government. ATTACKS EXPENDITURE ON ARMS. London, July 3. Mr. Lloyd George announced his return to politics in a speech at a meeting in London yesterday where a resolution moved by Mr. Lloyd George was passed in favour of
    Reuter Wireless  -  238 words
  • 60 26 R<*Uter Severe Nazi Espionage Penalties. Berlin. July 3. Two men. Bn no Llndenau. aged 63. and Egon Bresz, of vVelhelmshaven. were sentenced to death by the People’s Tribunal under the Nazi law providing the supreme penalty for military espionage. They were beheaded in Berlin this morning A
    R<*Uter  -  60 words
  • 104 26 WAVs* A aoui^ Reuter. Japanese Commercial Advance Succeeds. Panama. July 3. The arrival of two representatives ot the Yokohama Specie Bank here today marks the commenrem *nt of a minute survey in Latin America of financial conditions with a view to opening Japanese banks throughout
    WAVs* A aoui^ Reuter.  -  104 words
  • 45 26 —Reuter. London, July 6. The engagement is announed today of Elizabeth Frances, only daughter of Sir Meyrlck Hewlett. British ConsulOeneral in Hankow, and Mr. John Fraser Miller, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Miller, formerly of Bombay and Shanghai.—Reuter.
    .—Reuter.  -  45 words
  • 236 26 —Reuter. Dramatic Rescue Scene As One Sinks In Few Minutes. Tokio, July 3. THE Osaka Shoshen Kaisha an1 miunce that there were 166 passengers and 62 crew on aboard the Midori Maru. which was sunk in a collision at 1 a.m. today.
    —Reuter.  -  236 words
  • 143 26 —Reuter. Survivor’s Account Of How Ship Sank. A survivor named Watanabe vividly relates At three minutes past one o’clock this morning. I felt and heard a terrific crash amidships on the starboard side. The Midori Maru lights went out. I jumped out of bed and rushed
    —Reuter.  -  143 words
  • 137 26 Reuter. BAN ON HAPSBURGS REMOVED. Vienna. July 4. The Austrian Cabinet has decided to abolish the law whereby the Hapsburgs are banished from! Austria. A Bill has been drafted giving effect to the Cabinet’s decision. Approval of the Bill by the Bundestag is a mere formality, and
    Reuter.  -  137 words
  • 93 26 —Sin Chew Jit Poh. Action Unfounded And MalicioUvS.’* Tientsin. July 5. Russo-Japanese relations, following the strong Moscow protest in connection with the Amur River incident, have further been strained by counterallegations by the spokesman of thKwantung Command. The Russian allegations are unfounded and malicious, the
    —Sin Chew Jit Poh.  -  93 words
  • 182 26 JAPANESE THREAT TO N. I. vised by the Dutch Government.—Sin !Chew Jit Poh. FORCING DUTCH TO GRANT CONCESSIONS. Shanghai. July 4 A message from Tokio states that representatives of the Nippon Yushen Kaisha. Osaka Shoshen Kaisha and two other large Japanese shipping firms held a joint meeting in Tokio yesterday
    vised by the Dutch Government.—Sin !Chew Jit Poh.  -  182 words
  • 66 26 Britlsh Wireless. Mr. Lawrence Whistler Honoured. London, July 4. me i dal given by the King for the best volume of verse published Jast year has been presented to Mr. Walls*” 06 Whistler for hls volume “Four The presentation was made by the Poet-Laureate, Mr.
    Britlsh Wireless.  -  66 words
  • 211 26 —Reuter. “Roll-Call’’ To Disclose Names Of Voters. PRESS SAY MOTIVE IS PERSONAL VENOM Washington, July 2. The House of Representatives will now go ahead with a modified version of President Roosevelt’s Public Utilities Bill, which was defeated by 216 votes to 146. Contrary to the President’s
    —Reuter.  -  211 words
  • 65 26 .—Reuter. Hsitiking (Changchun), July 5. It is reported that a detachment of the Twenty-ninth Army of Gen. Sung Che-yuan, deposed Charhar Governor, crossed the Jehol Border early this morning to the south of Kuyuan and attacked and looted a Manchukuo frontier guard post Two Manchukuo troops were
    .—Reuter.  -  65 words
  • 57 26 pared with the last few years.—British Wireless £7,000,000 Scheme For Dock Extension. London, July 4. An important scheme of dock development, likely to cost £7,000,000, ha* been approved by the Clyde Navigation Trust. The annual financial report shows that shipping trade on Clydeside has made very substantial
    pared with the last few years.—British Wireless  -  57 words
  • 73 26 ful, the spokesman added—Sin Chew Jit Poh. No Protest Received By Nanking. Nanking, July 6. A spokesman of the Nanking Foreign Office revealed yesterday that no representations had been made by the Siamese Government in connection with the Chinese boycott on Siamese rice. The Chinese Government's efforts to
    ful, the spokesman added—Sin Chew Jit Poh.  -  73 words

  • 35 27 Miss Ya Chine Lee is an aviation student in Francisco. While flying over the bay recently, she was thrown out, falling nearly a thousand feet before she was able to release her parachute.
    35 words
    REUTER.; -British Wireless.  -  571 words
  • 129 27 —Reuter Wireless. England’s Offer Would Not Help. The British proposals do not in any way solve the two points regarded by Italy as essential, namely, a guarantee against Abyssinian aggression and the addition of fertile territory, declares Gayda writing in Giornale d’ Italia. The conflict
    —Reuter Wireless.  -  129 words
  • 55 27 -Reuter Wireless. Scheveningen, July 3. The Italian-Abyssinian Commission finished the study of documents connected with the Italian-Abyssinian dispute at the plenary session yesterday and will start hearing statements of agents from both countries and witnesses of incidents tomorrow. Professor Gaston Jeze. of Paris University, who is acting agent
    -Reuter Wireless.  -  55 words
  • 179 27 Reuter ARMS EMBARGO? CARGO INSPECTION AT SUEZ CANAL. London, July 5. It is understood that the legal aspect of ithe question |of closing the Suez Canal, as a measure of pressure against Italy, has been examined by inter- j national jurists at Geneva where it
    Reuter  -  179 words
  • 255 27 -Reuter. To Application Of Sanctions. London, July 5. Several morning newspapers, giving prominence to the Abyssinian dispute, today declare that France is not likely to agree to any application of sanctions against Italy because of the recently signed treaty with Italy, with 1 a protocol attached
    -Reuter.  -  255 words
  • 47 27 Sin Chew Jit Poh. Shanghai, July 6. The Rubber Association of Shanghai has petitioned the Nanking Ministry of Industries to bring about restriction of production in rubber manufactures tJ relieve the glut of such goods in the local market —Sin Chew Jit Poh.
    —Sin Chew Jit Poh.  -  47 words
  • 195 27 -Reuter. HOPE FOR PACIFIC SETTLEMENT. The United States has in effect, rejected the Emperor of Ethiopia’s plea to invoke the Kellogg Pact. The note in reply says that the United States is gratified that the League of Nations has given attention to the controversy, and adds that
    -Reuter.  -  195 words
  • 96 27 Rome, July 6. After a secret meeting of admirals, presided over by Signor Mussolini, it was officially announced last night measures were decided upon to increase the power and strength of the Italian naval forces—Reuter. The official communique is extremely vague. It is learned that
    —Reuter.  -  96 words
  • 57 27 -Reuter. Tokio, July 6 Soviet Russia yesterday Informed the Japanese Foreign Minister, Mr. K. Hirota, that the Soviet accepts Japan’s proposal for the organisation of a joint Soviet-Manchukuo-Japanese frontier commission to endeavour to terminate the present irritation from frequent frontier incidents. It is learned that details of the
    -Reuter.  -  57 words
  • 52 27 Reuter Wireless. The Soviet has decided to build 16 aeroplanes of the same size and capacity as the Maxim Gorky which crashed recently, killing nearly 50 people. The Government has announced voluntary collections among the working population to replace the wrecked liner already total
    Reuter Wireless.  -  52 words
  • 47 27 -Reuter.* London, July 4. News was received in London today that Mrs. E. E. Bryant, a missionary of the London Missionary Society in China, died and was buried at sea between Bombay and \den while being invalided home aboard the liner Rajputana Reuter
    -Reuter.*  -  47 words

  • 389 28 -Reuter Five Demands By Ambassador. Nanking, July 5. IT is understood thal a settlement has been reached between the Chinese and Japanese authorities in connection with the publication by the “New Life Weekly” in Shanghai of an article alleged to be derogatory to the Japanese Emperor.
    -Reuter  -  389 words
  • 68 28 Reuter Wireless. A deputy. M Moschoulas. has deposited villi the Greece Assembly a proposal to pay 112.000 to anyone carrying out the death sentence passed In abstentia on Venizelos. If one of the escaped rebels who was condemned to death In abstentia carries out the proposal,
    Reuter Wireless.  -  68 words
  • 184 28 British Wireless. In R.A.F. Uniform For First Time. HUNDREDS OF PLANES IN FLY PAST. Brilliant weather favoured the Royal Air Force -Jubilee review at Mildenhal: and Duxford on Saturday. The King wore for the first tore the blue Service uniform of Marshal of the
    British Wireless.  -  184 words
  • 47 28 British Wireless. Sir J. Siddeley’s Gift To Cambridge. London. July 8 The Viee-Ch ncellor of Cambridge University has received from Sir John Siddelcy a gift of £10,000 spread over seven years to help the development ol aeronautical research in the university British Wireless.
    British Wireless.  -  47 words
  • 186 28 gouan territory —Sin Ki&gt;' Min. Peace Talks At Manchuli Hreak Down. Tientsin. July 8. The Manchukuo-Outei Mongolian eonlerence at Manchuli 'Manchukuo border town on the westtrn terminus oi tiu- Chinese Eastern Kailway&gt; to settle tne Buirnor Lake and other bolder disputes, has broken down, according
    gouan territory —Sin Ki>' Min.  -  186 words
  • 457 28 —British Wireless. Chancellor On The Future. London, July 6. Fortunately the outlook remains persistently and doggedly cheerful/* declared Mr. Neville Chamberlain, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, in the House of Commons last night when he moved the third reading of the Finance Bill. Mr. Chamberlain, said that
    —British Wireless.  -  457 words
  • 54 28 Reu er Wireless. At the inquest on the victims of the Welwyn train disaster when 14 people were killed, a verdict was returned of accidental death owing to a temporary lapse of memory and error of judgment on the part of the signalman.— n Pll
    Reu er Wireless.  -  54 words
  • 352 28 river.—Sin Chew Jit p&lt; n an 1 Sin Kuo Min. Level Higher Than 1931. SEVERE FLOODING FEARED. Shanghai, July 8. THE Yangtse River has risen alarmingly and in many sections the level is now higher than the 1931 level when the entire valley was overwhelmed bv
    river.—Sin Chew Jit p< n an 1 Sin Kuo Min.  -  352 words
  • 47 28 Reuter. Rebel Cruisers And Nanking Admiral. Hong Kong, July 8. Admiral Chan Chak. representing Nanking, yesterday took over command of the rebel cruisers, Hai Chi and Hai Shen, and announced their departure for Shanghai next Saturday. “The uhole situation is note settled.” declared Admiral Chan.
    Reuter.  -  47 words
  • 58 28 .—Reuter. Rome, July 6. Signor Mussolini has acceded to the earnest requests of his sons Vittorio and Bruno, aged 19 and 17, to allow them to volunteer for service in the colonies. They are leaving shortly for Africa in a Black Shirt Division. Bruno is believed
    .—Reuter.  -  58 words

  • 805 29 Non-Benders Fail Badly On A Drying Pitch HAVING defeated the S.R.C. twice this season, the Ceylon Sports Club proved themselves the leading Singapore Club side for 1935 on Saturday by defeating the S.C.C. on the padang by four wickets, the winning hit
    805 words
  • 93 29 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, July 5. The F.M.S. cricket team to meet the Colony at Singapore on Aug. 3. 4 and 5 has been chosen as follows:—C. H. Miller (Negri Sembilan) (capt.), L. de Silva (Pahang), R. Whittaker (Perak). T. Cl. D. A. Cooper, A.
    93 words
  • 403 29 Sukumaren In Deadly Form With Ball. (From Our Own Corr°spo dent.) Malacca, July 7. Negri Sembilan concluded their Inter-State cricket fixture by beating Malacca by an innings and nine runs Malacca started fairly well, but Sukumaren played N avoc among the tail and finished up
    403 words
  • 195 29 Low Scoring At Hong Lim Green gUNDAY’S match at Hong Lira Green between the S.C.R.C. and an S.C.C. XI resulted in a win for the Chinese by four wickets. Missed catches had a lot to do with the home side winning. S.C.C. A. F. Hunter
    195 words
  • 343 29 S.R.C. Successful At Tanglin By 8 Wickets. r fHE two-day cricket match played at Tanglin on Saturday and Sunday between United Services and the S.R.C. resulted in a win for the S.R.C. by eight wickets. 11. Services: C. F. G. Bond c Ross b Sullivan 34. J. P.
    343 words

  • 1243 30 MALACCA SKIPPER PL A YS A FINE GAME. Piquant Position At The Top Of Southern Section. (By Our Football Correspondent.) SINGAPORE 7; MALACCA 1. CINGAFORE beat Malacca easily enough by seven goals to one in the Malaya Cup competition at Anson Road Stadium on
    1,243 words
  • 549 30  -  (By Leighton). DLAYING better tennis than have seen him do for a long while Roy Smith defeated Lieut. Chestnutt in the men’s singles with the loss of only three games. Both men drove with plenty of power
    —Straits Times Photograph.  -  549 words
  • 90 30 English Cricket. —Reuter Glamorgan Amateur Is Invited To Attend. London, July 7. ■"THE following thirteen players have been invited to be present at Leeds on July 13 for the Third Test match against South Africa. Mr. R. E. S. Wyatt (Warwickshire) &lt;capt.). Mr. J. C.
    —Reuter  -  90 words

  • 1484 31 —Reuter. Riding Honours For New Jockey. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, July 6. THE thiid day of the Perak Turf Club summer meeting was run in fine, cool weather. There was a very large attendance. Brady, a new jockey to Malaya, rode three
    —Reuter.  -  1,484 words
  • 508 31 Peter George Badly Knocked About By Fighting Cornejo. RAPHAEL gained yet another victory on Friday when he beat Ignacio Fernandez very easily on points over twelve rounds at the New World Stadium. Fernandez had to concede a stone to the Frenchman but put up a plucky
    508 words
  • 249 31 July Bogey Competition At Singapore G.C. The July bogey competition of the Singapore Golf Club was played at Bukit Timah on Saturday and Sunday and resulted in r win in A division for H. L. Marshall witl a score of 1 up, in a win in
    249 words

  • 631 32 CENTURY PARTNERSHIP BY MITCHELL LANGTON. England Batting Fails Again In Second Innings London, July 2. SOUTH AFRICA made cricket history today when she defeated England at Lord’s by 157 runs and thus recorded her first victory in a T«st match on
    631 words
  • 212 32 Mixed Doubles Title For Great Britain. Wimbledon, July 6. DY defeating Miss Helen Jacobs in the final of the women’s singles today 6—3. .1—6, 7—5 Mrs. Helen Moody not only confounded all the critics by making a most wonderful come back to regain the first place in
    212 words
  • 753 32 S. R. C. DEFENCE CRACKS IN SECOND HALF. R.E 5; S.R.C 3. Plenty of excitement was provided at the Anson Road Stadium last week, in the First Division match between the Royal Engineers and S.R.C., the Sappers emerging victorious by five goals to three, after the S.R.C.
    —Straits Times Photograph.  -  753 words

    • 905 1 CONSUMPTION NOT SHOWN STATISTICALLY. IMPROVED POSITION PROBABLE. Messrs. Symington and Wilson’s weekly market report dated London, June 26. states: Since our last report the rubber market has been dull and inactive with prices trending slowly downward. Business was done in ribbed smoked sheet on the spot
      905 words
    • 65 1 paying a 10 per cent, dividend —Straits Times copyright. Kramat Pulai’s Proposed Distribution. &lt;From Our Own Correspondent.) London, July 4. Kramat Pulai, Ltd. recommends a final dividend of 25 making 90 per cent, against per cent. The issued capital is £100,000. The directors are entitled to 5
      paying a 10 per cent, dividend —Straits Times copyright.  -  65 words
    • 669 1 FRASER CO.’s SHARE REPORT. Considerable Dealing In Loans. Nothing has happened during the last week which can be said to have brightened the montony of the local share market, and with every one apparently convinced that share dealing just now is not a profitable occupation, it would require a Mark
      669 words
    • 73 1 —Straits Times Copyright. REORGANISATION SCHEME PROPOSED. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London,, July 8. Malayan Rubber, Loan and Agency Corporation, Ltd. propose to raise further capital and as a preliminary are reducing the present capital to a figure more in accord with the present value of the
      —Straits Times Copyright.  -  73 words
    • 150 1 The Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association held their 1233rd auction, on July 3, at which there was catalogued 1.029,089 lb. (459.41 tons); offered 984.366 lb. (439.45 tons) and sold 668,778 lb. 298 56 tons). Prices realised were as follows: Ribbed Smoked Sheet. Cent* per lb. Standard quality
      150 words
    • 488 2 RUBBER OPERATORS VERY CAUTIOUS. EFFECT OF CHINA SEA FREIGHT WAR. Messrs. Lewis and Peat in their report dated Singapore July 5 state: The liquidation of the July holdings has been the chief feature ol the week and has caused an appieciub»» set-back in values. At these
      488 words
    • 110 2 Straits Times Copyright. Revenue Surplus For Last Year. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London. July 4 The British North Borneo Company in 1924 secured revenue in Borneo amounting to .£311.548 and total revenue for the year of .£331,761 Expenditure was £236.071. giving a surplus for the year oi
      Straits Times Copyright.  -  110 words
    • 89 2 shares, fully paid.—Straits Times copyright 2s. SHARES TO BE CONSOLIDATED. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London. July 6. Port Dickson-Lukut (F. M.S.) Rubber Estates secured a protit during 1934-35 of £13,628 wliici compares with a profit of j.7.192 lor 1933-34. As announced in the Straits Times yesterday, a
      shares, fully paid.—Straits Times copyright  -  89 words
    • 120 2 Foreign Imports of Tin ore during the month of June. 1935. Country of Origin Tens 1- Alaska 2 ni 3. The Netherlands Indies: Banka Billiton Singkep Other places 4. French Indo-China 197 5. Japan 6. Siam 544 7. Tanganyika 8 8. Union of South Africa 121 9.
      120 words
    • 281 2 COMPETITION FROM PHILIPPINES. HEAVY SELLING BY N.I. (From Our Market Correspondent i After reaching $5 a picvi recently, the price of copra nas receded to S4. The outlook for this Malayan industry is by no means bright. Reports of damage in the Philippines during the
      281 words
    • 223 2 Foreign imports jf rubber during the month of June, 1935, In dry tons D R Y RUBBER WET RUBBER (estimated dry weight) TOTAL Country of Origin Smoked Dry Unsmoked Estate Remill Crepes, Blanket Wet Scrap. Lump Sheet Sheet Crepes Crepes. Native Bark Sheet and Bark (all grades)
      223 words
    • 344 3 TRADERS RISK heavy 1 LOSSES. VIRTUAL EXTINCTION’ OF MARKET. London. June 28 v result of the policy pursued by lh( International Tin Committee, the j/indon Metal Exchange fears virtual extinction as a world market for tin vs the Evening Standard, a strong opponent of the
      344 words
    • 159 3 JUNE TIN OUTPUTS Ampat Tin Dredging.—Hrs. 576, cu. yds. 222.000. pels. 354. Tin Syndicate.—Hrs. 99, cu yds. 17,000. pels. 61. Patch Tin Dredging.—Hrs. 319, cu. yds. 2&lt;.0U0, pels. 86, Southern Kinta Con.—Hrs. 1.243, cu. Jds 549,000. pels. 2,847. Kramat Tin Dredging.—Hrs. 622, cu. yds. 311-000. pels. 865. ani P°ng Lanjut
      159 words
    • 31 3 month or ?P an y’s output of ore for the 1 Wn J o Un e 1935 is: No. 2 Dredge 154.68 Wo 3 dredge 431.61 pcls. 586.29.
      31 words
    • 309 3 Closing Prices In London Last Night. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, July 9. Closing quotations today of the principal British stocks are given below. The rise or fall is in relation to the price of July 4. GOVERNMENT STOCKS. BRITISH. Rise or Fail Conversion Loan 5%
      309 words
    • 131 3 Outputs for month of June, and the figures in brackets denote the corresponding period of previous year. Pelepah Valley.—(4o, 500 lb.), 50,000 lb. Kota Tinggi.—( lb.), 51.000 lb. Slgintlng.—(26,7oo lb.). 24.000 lb. Clovelly.—(20,000 lb.), 17,400 lb. Kuala Kepis.—(24,looo lb.), 29,500 lb. Tangkok.—(22,ooo lb.), 17,000 lb. Tanjong Labu.
      131 words
    • 431 3 Labour Shortage No Longer Felt. How Rubber Restriction had helped to solve the labour problems of the miners was mentioned at the fourth annual general meeting of the Dredging Association, Southern Malaya, held in Kuala Lumpur on June 29. Mr. J. S. Whittaker, vice-president, took the chair
      431 words
    • 55 3 Austral Malay Tin, Ltd., outputs of its associated companies for June. Kampong Kamuntlng.—Hrs. run 348, cu yds. treated 58,000, total pcls 148.20, net value $lO,BOO. Asam Kumbang.—Hrs. run 200, cu. yds. treated 78,000. total pcls 494.81, net value $34,400. Thabawlelk.—Hrs. run 552, cu. yds. treated 193,000, total
      55 words
    • 26 3 —Reuter. New York, July 9. The Treasury’s $500,000,000 note issue in connection with the work of the Relief Programme was over-sub-scribed threefold today.—Reuter.
      —Reuter.  -  26 words
    • 210 3 —British Wireless. .—Reuter. VS. BUYING CHECKS DECLINE. REPERCUSSION ON THE DOLLAR. London, July 9. There was an exceptionally big market in silver today, some fifteen million ounces being dealt in. India, China and speculators sold and although America came in a large buyer at the lower
      —British Wireless.; .—Reuter.  -  210 words
    • 197 3 Prospecting Activities Continuing. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur. July 4. The annual general meeting of Burma-Malay Tin, Ltd., was held here today. The Hon. Mr. O. Eric Teale presided, and Mr. J. Ford attended on behalf of the secretaries, Messrs. Evait and Co., and as attorney for
      197 words
    • 18 3 A final dividend of 5 per cent, is recommended: carrying £2,000 to reserve and £15,596 forward.
      18 words
    • 54 3 Date Spot July Aug.-Sept. Oct.-Dec. Jan.-Mar. L’don Spot c. c. c. c. c. d July 4 19% 20 20% 21% 22 5% 5 20 20% 20% 21% 22% 5% 8 19% 20% 20% 21 21% 9 19 13/16 20 20% 21 21% 5% 10 20 20
      54 words
    • 661 4 London Exchange Prices On June 28. A’lngar (2/) 1 /1# Alor Pongsu (2/) 2/3; /.:&lt;( lo-Malaiy (41) 12/2; Ay«r Kuning (£1) Sb 6; Bag an Serai (Cl) 12/; Bahru (Sel.) (2/) 2/8; Banteng (£1) 21/2; BaUnf (2/) Bate Caves (£1) 22/8; Batu Tig* (£1) 30 Bekoh (2/) 1/;
      661 words
    • 69 4 To Pay Dividend Of V/i Per Cent. Him &lt; Malacca &gt; Rubber Estates—Profits for year ended March 31, £6,361 &lt; against .£2,547 for 1933-34 and a loss for each of the preceding three years); dividend 4t 2 making l l 2 per cent. &lt;against nil) £8,411 forward (against
      69 words
    • 20 4 July 4 Tin, Spore Price $114.62per picul 114 6 114 K 8 114 25 H4\ 10 114?,
      20 words
    • 1420 4 Issued by Fraser and Co. and Lyall and Evatt Exchange and Stock Brokers. Singapore, July 10» 10 a* 111 MINING. sss £55 SKASg sri, zzssf ST t? £1 Austral Malay 58/6 60/6 59/- 61/ j pealing Tin 6 00 6.10 5.95 6.10 5 l’ Ayer Wen? SAM
      1,420 words