The Straits Budget, 4 July 1935

Total Pages: 35
1 4 The Straits Budget
  • 29 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE STRAITS TIMES [ESTABLISHED NEARLY A CENTURY.] o. 4038. SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, JULY 4, 1935. Price 25 cents (S.S. Currency) or 7d.
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  • 328 1 (ON EVE OF RETIREMENT FROM PUBLIC SERVICE. Dr. Frederick Richardson Sayers, Chief Health Officer, Singapore, died in the General Hospital on Sunday night after a bi#f illness. His remains were H c remfted gt the Japanese Crematorium in Yuo Chu Kang Road after a
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  • 871 1 —Straits Times Photograph. I H s Excellency the Governor, Sir I Shenton Thomas, will visit Sarawak. Labuan and British North Borneo shortly. He hopes to be able to make the trip in August. 'J'HE Government yacht, Sea Belle II, now under charter with Mr. James Cromwell
    —Straits Times Photograph.  -  871 words

  • The Straits Budget
    • 975 2 store for him.—Straits Times, June 27 Time was when the attitude ol China towards opium was of great; importance to Malaya, for prohibition in this and other countries subscribing to the Geneva policy was dependent upon the control of sources of supply. In other words,!
      store for him.—Straits Times, June 27  -  975 words
    • 844 2 Straits Times, June 28. Some of the recent comments on j the rubber rents problem have been i curiously unfriendly. There are apparently people in this country who want Government to soak" the rubber industry for all it is worth, irrespective of the condi- tions under which that
      Straits Times, June 28.  -  844 words
    • 892 2 Metal Exchange.—Straits Times, June 29 When Mr. John Bagnall cffscitsses tin control, in his capacity of managing director of the Straits Trading Company, there is a familiar reflex action in those circles which are accustomed to put their fingers in their ears whenever a critical word is
      Metal Exchange.—Straits Times, June 29  -  892 words
    • 836 3 on the streets.—Straits Times, July 1. Last December seven cases of typhoid occurred among children living in Killiney Road. Cavenagh Road and Emerald Hill Road. Three of those children died. As one of the seven was below school age, and the others attended different schools, they could
      on the streets.—Straits Times, July 1.  -  836 words
    • 861 3 -Straits Times, July 2. A slightly more cheerful note is sounded by Dr. P. S. Hunter in his comments on tuberculosis in his 1934 report. In previous years the Municipal Health Officer has laid great stress on the relation between Singapore slums and the high death rate from
      -Straits Times, July 2.  -  861 words
    • 752 4 Federal Council.—Straits Times, July 3. Taxpayers in the Federated Malay States are becoming restive at the incidence of taxation, and not without reason, for their government is raking in money at a rate which will bring it twenty millions a year over and above its expenditure, assuming
      Federal Council.—Straits Times, July 3.  -  752 words

  • 67 4 The Governor has made the following appointments: The person for the time being performing the duties of Public Trustee. F. M. S.. to be Public Trustee. S. S., and the person for the time being performing the duties of Registrar, Supreme Court, Singapore, to be an
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  • 156 4 TO BE PUT ON RUN TO AUSTRALIA. (By Our Shipping Correspondent.) The Merkur, a 6.000-ton motor vessel which was purchased by the Burns Philp Line, in March, arrived at Singapore on her first visit on Sunday. Her owners have taken out a Singapore registry for her.
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  • 34 4 In this week’s “Malayan Planting Topics” on Page 16, Col. 1, the first component of the Ayer P’abas Mixture should read: “Nitrate of soda, 75 parts,” instead of mixture’ of soda 75 parts.
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  • 18 4 Mr. F. Dorrington Ward. F.RJ.B.A., has been appointed to be of the Board of Architects.
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  • 107 4 RAYNEY.—On June 25. to Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Rayney, twins, (both sons). Mother and children doing well. BARRON.—At Maternity Hospital, Singapore on 26th inst. to Nell, wife of W. Barron a son. DFBIEZ.—At, Maternity Hospital. Singapore, on June 26. 1935. to Louisa, wife of Mr. P Dtibicz. Jr.,
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  • 37 4 SMITH—BAKER—On June 25. 1935 at St. Andrews Cathedral. Singapore. Eric Donald only son of Mr. and Mrs. T. Smith of Leyton. Essex to Dorothy Beatrice, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Baker of Finedon. Northants.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 87 4 NOTICE. All communications for both the Straits Times and the Straits Budget should be addressed to the Head Office. Cecil and Stanley Streets. Singapore. Straits Settlements. The past free price of the Straits Times to the United Kingdom and foreign countries is $48 a year. The post free price of
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  • 91 4 DEATHS WALKER.—On June 26. at Melbourne Herbert Hopson Walker late of Kleng’ Federated Malay States. Mr. Low Peng Hong passed awav peacefully at No. 9-A. Rambai Road, off Koon Seng Road on Friday, the 28th inst. at the age of 53. OLHLERS.—On June 29. 1935. at No. 52-A St. Patrick’s
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  • 132 5 Most people, when they read in their newspapers this week that eight Chinese warships had assembled in Hong Kong harbour, were surprised to learn that the Chinese navy could muster as many eight ships. Actually that navy is quite impressive numerically—but only numerically! It comprises seven
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  • 130 5 ✓XNE sees queer old cruisers built in the nineties, looking more like adapted liners than fighting ships, and little 90-ton torpedo boats recalling a forgotten phase of naval design. Not all the vessels are obsolete, however. Several of them are of post-war design and look quite business-like, notably
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  • 144 5 U I£INDNESS to Animals in Islam is the title of a short essav which has been written by one of the leading members of the Arab community in Singapore This essay, which is phrased in simple language for school children, has been printed in English and Jawi
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  • 173 5 HTHE judgment delivered by the Chief Justice of the F.M.S. in the appeal of Mr. Lionel O’Hara Hickson, of Bhutan Estate, Selangor, is of importance to all Europeans who may be thinking of settling in this country. Mr. O’Hara Hickson failed to convince the lower court that he
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  • 160 5 THERE are about 400 Europeans in Singapore who are eligible for volunteer service but have not joined up. Lieut.-Col. R. H. Fink comments as follows: Of this number almost 50 per cent, have had previous war experience or have at one time or another, served in the
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  • 136 5 that enlightened Chinese parents are trying to bring about a wider understanding of the modern attitude towards the child is shown by Dr. Lim Eng Hae’s address to the Singapore Rotary Club.* That attitude, briefly, is that the child’s individuality must be respected, that he must be allowed
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  • 146 5 IT has always seemed to me that the Malay method of bringing up children is as near the ideal as one could hope to find. The Malay child is never nagged with everlasting “don’ts” and fussy supervision; yet he has perfect manners and poise; and his environment of
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  • 152 5 THE Pacific Area of the World Coun- cil of Youth has invited the Straits Times to send a delegate to the Pacific Area Student Conference to be held at Baguio from July 30 to August 6. If expenses were paid, we might be interested, as we have several
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  • 132 5 •THOSE who remember the stream of motor cycles which used to pour down Orchard Road during the rush hour ten years ago will be interested to know that these noisy but exhilarating steeds are now so rare in Singapore as to create difficulties in the SS.V.F. In
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  • 188 5 A NEW law was passed in 1934 pro- hibiting a person from making a noise to the annoyance of his neighbours,” writes a Straits Times correspondent who lives next door to a loudspeaker. Alas, that is not quite what happened. The amendments to the Minor Offences Ordinance passed
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  • 137 5 A NEW CRAZE 'THOSE who have succumbed to the Singapore craze for home aquariums should not fail to visit the hobbies and handicrafts exhibition now in progress at the Y.W.C.A., Raffles Quay. One particularly striking exhibit is a small, circular aquarium, apparently made out of a drum, which is placed
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  • 140 5 IT is too much to hope that one day Singapore will have its own aquarium society, holding a show every year? Imagine a thousand of these little glass tanks in one hall, with separate classes for different kinds of goldfish, fancy fish and Malayan freshwater fish, and
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  • 157 5 ¥%0 you know that hornbllls "have the peculiar habit of firmly fastening up the nesting female in a tree, leaving an aperture just large enough for her to push out her head in order to receive the food brought to her by six or seven other birds? That
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  • 129 5 •THEN there is the plant life, notably 1 the wealth of orchids on Mount Kinabalu. The Chartered Company's handbook mentions a remarkable plant in the following passage: 44 There are ferns of filmy beauty, orchids of curious structure and vivid colours, graceful palms and flowering shrubs. 44 The
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  • 151 5 BUSINESS GIRLS /"MRLS who earn their own living, more particularly in shops and offices, are to have a departmenv to themselves in the Sunday Times in future. These girls, who have invaded Raffles Place and its environs in such surprising numbers in recent years, always manage to look delightfully fresh
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  • 145 5 “JAVA NOTES. DISHOP Roberts Is now in the company of one of the liveliest contrl- butors to his diocesan magazine, the British chaplain in Java I have Just been reading tin* "Java Notes" in the May number of the magazine, and they contain some amusing comments on what the author,
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  • 137 6 SOMETHING else happened in this conversation with the tea merchant which is well worth repeating. The merchant, who had been an official ol the Chaplaincy Fund in Java for many years, came to give the new candidate tlu* once-over." As he stepped trom his car I met him at
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  • 149 6 A LTHOUGH it seems foolish, on the lace of it. that the police should wish to prevent girls earning a living in Singapore by working as waitresses, as they do in China and Japan, there are good reasons for this attitude. Mr. H. Falrburn. in his last annual
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  • 157 6 THE astonishing number of 120,000' rats were killed in a campaign organised on the estate of Perak Oil Palms, Ltd. last year, to say nothing of the thousands that must have died in their holes and so were not accounted for. The rats came over in hordes from
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  • 153 6 THE centenary number ol the Mining Journal reproduces on its cover a facsimile of the front page of its issue ol August 29. 1835. This, occupied solely by advertisements. bears a surprisingly close resemblance to some ol the more staid newspapers ol today. The type, as reproduced.
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  • 104 6 117HAT an extraordinary job Mr. J. C. Cowap has! If variety is the spice of life, he certainly has it. As Government Analyst in Singapore Mr. Cowap spends his time examining viscera, stomach washings, urine, rubber latex, water, milk. ghee, blood, drugs, soaps, medicines and dental alloys. But
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  • 119 6 IN his annual report, which has led me to utter these exclamations of astonishment and awe. Mr. Cowap tells ol two curious attempts to poison wells at Malacca last year. The circumstances pointed to witchcraft rather than poisoning.” he says. ”In the first case a bag containing human
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  • 149 6 MR COWAP calls attention to the frequency with which caustic soda is now being used in suicides. Curiously enough, exactly the same trend has been noticed in so distant a colony as Cyprus, where caustic soda is now a scheduled poison, and Mr. Cowap says that a recommendation
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  • 124 6 N application in respect of a bur at the Victoria Theatre and Memorial Hall was granted by the licensing jusj tices last week. Let us hope that one result will be I the employment of a sufficient number 1 of boys,” so as to eliminate the scrum around
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  • 130 6 A WEIRD denizen of Malayan seas figures in a yarn told by Anak Pulau Pinang in the Straits Echo. While two fishermen were returning with their catch after fishing in the sea oif Kelawei,” says this writer, “a large julong julong, the fish with n sharp, pointed beak,
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  • 132 6 A SINGAPORE motorist writes:- When shall we see a really intensive and effective campaign of trafficeducation conducted in this Colony? I am prompted to ask this question by an experience of mine the other day. I was about to pass a stationary tram when a young Chinese suddenly
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  • 156 6 'I'HE extent to which Malaya’s food supplies could be augmented if an emergency ever arose, as for example in war-time, is shown by experiments which have been made recently by the Department of Agriculture. The object was to find out whether vegetables could be grown on padi
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  • 162 6 IN present-day Malaya the chiefs take no part in the administration of justice in the kampongs, and one wonders whether this country has not something to learn from British North Borneo in this respect. There is an elaborate system of native law administered by the Native Courts,” says
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  • 132 6 pOR writing about daflodils and wistaria, and generally giving way to nostalgia last Saturday, I have hauled over the coals. Vain for me to plead that I quite olten say nice things about this country and its climate, and that only last Friday I was burbling about a
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  • 149 6 AS a matter of fact, so far from being homesick at the time of my Saturday lapse, I was actually experiencing an acute desire to Malayanise myself a bit more. What I wanted to do was to board cne of those little ships which we sec from Collyer
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  • 139 6 ANYWAY, a quiet Saturday night supper in a road-house miles from anywhere, and a Sunday afternoon picnic in a cove at Tanah Merah, have put matters right, and just to complete the process I am going to relapse ii to sheer tropical tantusy Do you know Osbert Sitwell’s On
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 26 6 “2500 COLLECTORS wish to exchange STAMPS. ILLUSTRATED POSTCARDS, etc. with correspondents. Ask for free English booklet to: EXCHANGE-REGISTER. 51 Passage du Bureau, Paris, 142 Prance, France.
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  • 1802 7 Mr M. B. Lynch, of the Penang Bar. lor Home on Saturday. Mr S J. W. Gooch. State Engineer. lViak. is expected back from home this month. Mr Peter Robertson who has been! iway' on a business trip to Penang for j fortnight returned on Saturday. Mr.
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  • 155 7 Friday. June 28 In the morning His Excellency .arrived at Singapore from Seremban The following were the guests at a dinner given by His Excellency and Lady Thomas at Government Hous«* this evening Hon. Mr. A. S. Small. Sir David Galloway. Brigadier and Mrs. A T. Shakespear. Mr
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  • 110 7 Ipoh Youth’s Death In England. News was received by cable on Saturday morning of the death in London of William Arthur Skelchy. aged 17. eldest son of Mr. R. R. Skelchy, of the P.W.D.. Ipoh. ..nd Mrs. Skelchy. who. with her other children, is in England
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  • 715 8 PLANES MEET “WALL OF WATER COMMERCIAL VALUE OF TRIP(Ily Our Aviation Correspondent) The Pacific cruise of the two Singapore flying boats of No. 205 (F.B.) Squadron, K.A.K, Singapore, which ended on Monday, has underlined the suitability of one commercial air route between Singapore and
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  • 82 8 AFTER EIGHT AND A HALF HOURS. ONE TREE ISLAND MISHAP. The round-the-world cargo liner Silverbeech (5.300 tons) which went aground at One Tree Island. 15 miles south of Singapore, was refloated on Monday after being aground for 8 l 2 hours. 10.03 A M.—FULL AHEAD. 10.07 A
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  • 549 8 ASHES SCATTERED ON THE SEA OFF ST. JOHN’S ISLAND. In the presence of his widow and I personal friends, the ashes ol the late Dr. F. R. Sayers, the Chief Health Officer, who died on Sunday night and whose remains were cremated the following afternnon, were
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  • 628 8 MR. PAT Z1LWA RETIRES. 30 YEARS WITH BANK. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, June 28 Tomorrow sees the conclusion of Mr Pat Zilwa’s long and honourable service with the Chartered Bank in Kuala Lumpur. For over twenty-six years has he been on the bank’s staff
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  • Page 8 Advertisements

  • Correspondence.
    • 332 9 I nofficial Defence Of The Present-Day M.C.S. To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,—After reading the article in vo'ii issue of June 18. headed “Sir F:ank Swettenham gives some advice to Malaya,” and especially that part which you thought necessary to print in heavy type, I
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    • 284 9 How Young Estates Are Penalised. To the Editor ot the Straits Times. Sir,—Your Planting Correspondent is. I expect. not far otr the mark, when he recently stated that there may be more estates who nave been unfortunately 'that was. I believe the word he used) assessed than he was
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    • 388 9 Mould, Not Mouldy Rot, On Trees. To the Editor of the Straits Times Sir.—I beg to congratulate your Planting Correspondent on the fair and sound reasoning with which he deals with the question of forestry methods in your issue of June 21. I must, however, ask for
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    • 187 9 Ninepenny Rubber This Summer To the Editor of the Straits Times Sir. —In spite of restriction at 70 per cent, rubber 'today is 20', cents local. 6 1 16d. London and 12 3 N.Y. The following are a few of the many explanations which have been given
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    • 451 9 ,j “All Rot!” Asserts A Planter. To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir.—Without wishing to be drawn into any acrimonious newspaper dis- cussion with Mr. Rasmussen, it would I appear lrom the letter in your issue of the 26th inst. that your planting correspondent does not know
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  • 64 9 Malaya last year.—Straits Times copyright. Decree For Mr. L. S. Harland. From Our Own Correspondent) London. June 28. In the divorce court today Sir Boyd Merriman granted a decree nisi to Mr Lionel Stanley Harland, of Alor Gajah, against Ellaline Marjorie Harland on the ground of her
    Malaya last year.—Straits Times copyright.  -  64 words
  • 46 9 (From Our Own Correspondent). Bangkok, June 25. A cable from London yesterda* reports that the last operation on Sir Josiah Crosby, who recently left Bangkok on sick leave, was successful. The Minister hopes to return to Siam at the end of the year.
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  • 222 9 MRS. ROPER BARRETT INTERVIEWED. I Mrs. Roper Barrett, wife of the chairman of the Davis Cup selec- tion committee of the English Lawn j Tennis Association and non-playing j captain, arrived in Singapore on Saturday by the President Van Buren in the course of a
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  • 111 9 Aerial Business Visit To Europe. Mr. J. Dupontet, managing director of Messrs. Engineers and Contractors. Ltd., Singapore, left for Europe by the K.L.M. plane yesterday. He hopes to return to Singapore in a month’s time. The Straits Times understands that Mr. Dupontet’s trip is in connection with
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  • 115 9 Former Klang Lawyer’s Death In Melbourne. Mr. Herbert Hopson Walker, the former Klang lawyer, died in Melbourne on Wednesday. He had been in failing health for some years. Mr. Walker came to Malaya from his native country. New Zealand, in 1910. and after working for a year
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  • 71 9 The R.A.F. reconnaissance planes which have been operating from the Asam Kumbang aerodrome at Taiping. have carried out several flights over Cameron Highlands during the past week or so. The flights are a direct result of the visit of Air-Commodore Sydney Smith to the Highlands a
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  • 1090 10 Reassuring Statement By t he President. A REASSURIN'!; statement regarding the smallpox situation A was made l>v Mr. W. Hartley, the president, at the meeting of the Singapore Municipal Commissioners on Friday. Although the outbreak had lasted three months, it had not reached epidemic proportions,
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  • 112 10 Date Of Return To Malaya May He Accelerated. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Johore Bahru. June 27. There were rumours in Johore Bahru today that H.H. the Sultan will return earlier than expected accompanied by Her Highness the Sultanah. It was originally planned that they would return
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  • 157 10 His Majesty’s Thanks For Address Of Loyalty. The following letter his been received by Admiral of the Fleet. Earl oi Jellicoe. I am commanded by the King to acquaint Your Lordship of the pleasure which it has given His Majesty to receive the loyal and dutitul
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  • 302 10 COMING VISIT BY MR. MACFADYEN. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London. June 21. JlilANY people in Malaya will be glad to hear that Mr. Eric Macfadyen a director of Harrisons and Crosfield Ltd., and one of th? most tar-sighted leaders oi the rubber .ndustr.v. is about to revisit
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  • 397 10 PROPORTIONS OF MALAYAN CONTRIBUTIONS. A number of important subjects were discussed at a meeting of the Agricultural Advisory Committee held at the Department of Agriculture, Kuala Lumpur. A resume of the more important points dealt with is given in the Malayan Agricultural Journal. Further examination was made of
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  • 161 11 MR. EDWIN TONGUE IN CHARGE AGAIN. Mr Edwin Tongue, A.S.P., formerly in charge of the Detective Branch, Singapore, who was seconded for special duty as Deputy Commissioner for Estate Duty purposes last year, resumed duty as officer in charge of the Detective Branch on Monday. Mr. R.
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  • 78 11 Mr. Sydney Bacon Palmer. The following official communique was issued on Friday:— “In virtue of the powers conferred upon him by the Agreement for the reconstitution of the Federal Council, 1927. Hij Excellency the High sCommissioner hr«s been pleased to appoint provisionally Mr. Sydney Bacon Palmer to
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  • 227 11 New Office-Btarers Elected. From Our Own Correspondent.) Johore Bahru. June 26. Sheikh Abu Bakar bin Yahya, the retiring President of the Johore Club, presided at the annual general meetini: of the club this afternoon. The minutes of the ast meeting were read and confirmed as was also the
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  • 782 11 Week-Ends At Mersing Now Practicable. Week-end holidays on the East Coast of Johore, at the delightful little seaside resort of Mersing, are now practicable, with the opening on Friday of a new road which reduces considerably its distance from Singapore. Mersing is brought within 81 miles
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  • 176 11 Deputy Commissioner Leaves. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Johore Bahru, June 25. The members of the Muar Club entertained Wan Idris bin Ibrahim, the Deputy Commissioner of Trade and Customs. Muar, to a farewell dinner last night at the club house on the eve of his departure to
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  • 65 11 Well-Known Engineer Dies At Cape Town. News has been received of the death at Cape Town at the age of 74 of Sir Henry Cracroft Trollope. 12th Baronet. His successor is his brother, Lieut-enant-Colonel Arthur Grant Trollope, who lives in Natal and has a daughter living in
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  • 603 11 MISS MACLEAY AND MAJOR CRAIG. At St. Andrew’s Cathedral on Saturday Miss Ann Esther Lloyd MacLeay. daughter of the late Rev. K. A. MacLeay and Mrs Lloyd MacLeay of West Worthing. Sussex, was married to Major W. J. F. Craig, M B., R.A.M.C., son of the late
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  • 80 11 It is notified in the F.M.S. Government Gazette that Regulation 2 of the Regulations for the Queen’s Scholarships is amended by deleting paragraph (c> and substituting therefor the following paragraph: “(c) a competitor must have obtained a Cambridge School Certificate, giving its holder exemption from Responsions at
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  • 169 12 OPERATION OF MEASERE DELAYEI! SIN MONTHS. HKI’HKSKNTATIONS BY HKTTIAK FIRMS. THE Si ini its Settlements Moneylenders Ordinanc ifl not conn* into force oil Monday. It has been postponed six months. In a Government Gazette Extraordinary issued on Saturday afternoon —some 36 hours befor** the bill was due
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  • 139 12 From Our Own Correspondent.! Johore Bahru. Saturday. before the Hon. Mr. Justice J. V. Mills this afternoon at the Johore Bahru Supreme Court. Mr. K. P Kashava Men on moved the application for admission to practise in the Supreme Courts ol Johore ol Mr. Arthur Leslie
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  • 624 12 (From Our Own Correspondent.! Kuala immpur. June 28. •Sec Malaya by Rail!” is a good .slogan, but it means travelling by day. And for obvious reasons, especially heat, most people prefer to do their 1 journeying by night’ mall. From next year, however, there
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  • 180 12 Appointment Of Mr. David Frankel. Mr. David Frankel, who < as brielly stated in the Straits Times on .-iday> lias been nominated by the Straits Settlements (Singapore) Association as a Municipal Commissioner in the place ol Mr. L. W Geddes who resigned on going on leave, is
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  • 302 12 Mr. Birse And Mr. Jomaron In Class 11. It is notified in the F.M.S. Government Gizette that Messrs. A. L. Birse and A C. Jomaron have been promoted irom Class III to Class II of the Malayan Civil Service. Among appointments announced are the following: Mr. L. A.
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  • 297 12 COMPENSATION CLAIM CHALLENGED. iFrom Our Own Correspondent). Kuala Lumpur, June 28. The appeal against the decision of the Controller of Labour, Raub. in I awarding compensation to an employee of the Raub Rubber Estate, Ltd., under the Workmen’s Compensation Enactment, 1929, was heard today by Mr. Justice
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  • 138 12 Passengers On The Meonia. Passengers on the m.s. Meonia whicn left Singapore for Europe last Wednesday included Mrs. M. G. Bijlaard. Mr. J. B Dudgeon. Mrs. J. B. Dudgeon. Mr. J. Gouw«\ Mrs. J Gouwe. Miss Henrieth Gouwe. Miss Gerda Gouwe. Mr. Cleveland Harington. Mrs. Harington. Mrs. C
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  • 49 12 Largo Attendance At Funeral The funeral of Mr. Charles Christian Oehlers who died at his residence m St. Partick’s Road, Singapore, early on Saturday morning, took place the same afternoon at the Bidadari Cemetery and was very largely attended. The Ven. Archdeacon Graham White officiated.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements

  • 109 13 Straits Times copyright. Decree For An ExHarbourmaster. From Our Own Correspondent. London, June 26. In the Divorce Court yesterday, Mr. Justice Bucknill granted a decree nisi, with costs against the co-respondent, to Mr. Joseph perrick, of Penang, formerly Harbourmaster at Malacca, on the grounds his wife
    Straits Times copyright.  -  109 words
  • 323 13 We Could Send Timber To China. (By Our .Chinese Correspondent.* “Malaya supplies less than six per cent, of China’s timber requirements at present, and owing to a lack of an organised selling agency in China. Malaya has failed on several occasions to secure big contracts for the supply
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  • 508 13 Still Much Scope For Profitable Investigation. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca, June 22. The belief that there were still many sights of historical value in Malacca which might be investigated, was expressed by the Rev. Father Francois when he presided at the annual general meeting of
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  • 291 13 Four Cantonese gunmen, alleged to be members of a secret society, were ambushed at Seletar last Tuesday by members of the Detective Branch. Two were shot by detectives as they drew their weapons and aimed at Mr N. G. Morris, A.S.P., who with Mr. D.
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  • 102 13 A Town Which Is Well Catered For. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Seremban, June 25. Seremban, where formerly entertainments were few and far between, is well catered for today and there is to be an additional theatre hall shortly. At the moment there are four cinemas in
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  • 533 13 source of revenue by way of entrance fees and subscriptions. Semi-Permanent Organisation. The strongest of the Cantonese organisations are the “Hong” and “Khuin" groups, each with their several sections or Tranches Of the two. the latter is probably the more powerful and dangerous, and it was
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  • 51 13 News has been received that rubber and other estates near Bandoeng have suffered slight damage owing to frost at night. In the estates of Malabar, Tanara and Wansoeka the temperature on June 18, was just above freezing point, whereas in Kertasari it dropped to one degree below
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  • 1648 14 Johore Councillor Appeals For All-Round Reduction. GOVERNMENT PROMISES TO CONSIDER MATTER. AM() N’<; matters discussed at the meeting ot the Joliore state Council last week were <|iiit rents. It was suggested that this impost ho re unfairly <>n agriculture m Johore where tew estates are
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  • 127 14 MR. J. LOVETT’S APPEAL SUCCEEDS. i From Our Own Correspondent. > Kuala Lumpur. June 24. Judgment was giv»n this morning in the Kuala Lumpur Supreme Court for Mr. J. Lovett, who appealed against the decision of the Chief Justice ‘Sir Samuel Thomas) in the suit
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  • 409 14 H.E. Congratulates The Committee. The following letter has been received by Mr. F H. Grumitt. Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Penang and P. W. Jubilee Fund, from the Hon. the Resident Councillor “I am directed by His Excellency the Governor to convey to the chairman
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  • Malayan Planting Topics.
    • 4117 15 Experiments In Manuring—Some Facts And Figures—Yields Much Increased Replanting On Poor Land Methods Which Pay. (By Our Planting Correspondent.) I \ST week I told of my visit to Cetor L* estate, describing what I saw and indicating what I considered were the lessons to be
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    • 39 16 On left A row of seedlings, 14 months old, in the bush cover area. On right The same row in the ere eping cover area. Both trees and covers have been adequately manured in both areas.
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  • 37 15 LEGUMINOUS FORESTR Y. Thc trials seen by our Planting Correspondent. On left Six months after planting. On right: Eighteen months after planting. (Note the great improvement in head cover in the same trees in exactly one year.)
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    • 1839 21 A Few Advantages—Importers Of Perishable Goods Benefit Allocation Of Textile Quotas A Suggested Scheme. By OUR COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. rrHE Scharnhorst has come and gone, and will be coming and going again at frequent and rather shorter intervals than we are accustomed to in this part
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  • 213 21 Prof. Hawes Honoured By Medical Students. “The future of this school lies entirely in your hands. No school is judged or gains its reputation either by the fame of its teachers or by the brilliance of a few of its students, but the reputation is
    213 words

  • Article, Illustration
    1372 22 By Our Shipping Corresponden t. Big Increase In Tonnage—Life In A Light Station Canaries As Ship’s Pets. The annual report of the Marine Department of the Straits Settlement/ for the year 1!KM, which lias just Ikhmi issued, is a valuable statement to all those interested in the development
    1,372 words
  • 457 22 (From Our Own Correspondent! Seremban, June 26. Kenaboi, seventeen miles from the little town of Jelebu, the home ol the veteran Dato Abdullah bin Penglima Muda. Dato Penghulu (Undang) of Jelebu, was en fete today for the visit of the High Commissioner (Sir Shenton Thomas)
    457 words
  • 94 22 To Seat Twelve Hundred People. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, June 27. The Federal Capital now has three cinemas. Early next year it will have a fourth, of the super variety. Situated at the corner of Pudu Road and Bukit Bintang Road, it will
    94 words
  • 109 22 Fees For Stamping Foreign Passports. The Chinese Consulate-General received instructions from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs at Nanking to the effect that on and from July 1, a fee of $10 Chinese national currency, payable in local currency at a rate to be fixed by the Ministry every
    109 words

  • 1065 23 Next Week's Sanitary Board Meeting—fireworks Probable Miners And Mr. Lowinger’s Visit Big Rubber Factory A t Klang. —More Industries For Selangor? I Yom Our Own Correspondent. Kuala Lumpur, June 27. \[KXT Wednesday s meeting II of the Kuala Lumpur Sanitary Board, I gather, is likely to prove unusually
    1,065 words
  • 1074 23 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, June 26. v WITHOUT overdoing the de1 centralisation” idea, the proxi5 mity of Cameron Highlands to s Perak is beginning to exercise the minds of Volunteers as to the chances of holding the annual 5 camp. l An ex-member ol the Ceylon
    1,074 words
  • 46 23 U'l'om Our own i orresponaent». Ipoh, June 27 It is rumoured that when the presen: battalion oi Burma Rifles, stationed in Taiping. return to Curma towards the eno of the year they are likely to be succeeded uy a Punjabi Regiment
    46 words

  • 92 24 prosperity.—St raits Times copyright. “HELP TO RESTORK PROSPERITY” Reduction In Cess Announced. From Our Own Correspondent. London. June 24. In the House ot Commons this week Mr. F. A. Macquisten (Conservative, Argyll) will address a question to the Colonial Secretary, Mr. Malcolm MacOonald, regardine the alleged
    prosperity.—St raits Times copyright.  -  92 words
  • 84 24 New Rate Effective From July 1. The imposition is announced of a ccss or 0.7 cent a pound of dry rubber t.o lx* levied on rubber grown in the Colony and the F.M.S. and sold or exported under the provisions of the Rubber Regulation Ordinance, with ellect from
    84 words
  • 111 24 British Wireless. On Show At Hendon Last Week. Britain possesses the lirst entirely ropot aeroplane in the world. It Mies without a pilot at more than ldd will rise to more than 1.000 leet is operated entirely by radio, and lias a range ol about
    British Wireless.  -  111 words
  • 452 24 Germany Will Control Submarine Uses. THRMANY has undertaken never again to resort to unrestricted submarine warfare. This important fact was made known in the House of Commons last week by the First Lord of the Admiralty, Sir Holton Eyres-Monsell/ when replying to a question asked by
    452 words
  • 70 24 .Sin Chew Jit Poll Piece-goods Exempted From Duty. Shanghai. Jun 20. Tiie revised export tariil. announced today, exempts eight kinds of goods including matches, cotton goods an 1 sea products, from customs dues In addition the duty on 50 kinds ol goods, including porcelains and vegetable
    .Sin Chew Jit Poll  -  70 words
  • 161 24 Immediately Washington Treaty Expires. Paris. June 24. The speeding up of construction of the 35.000-ton battleship already on the slips and the laying down of another on Jan. 1 1937. immediately the Washington Treaty expires will be urged by several members when the Minister for
    161 words
  • 43 24 —Sin Cheic Jit Poh. Peiping, June 26. Gen. Ting Hai, hero of the SinoFrench war of 1882-1885, fought in Kwangsi and in Indo-Chinese territory, died yesterday afternoon at his residence in Peiping. He was aged 97.—Sin Chew Jit Poh.
    —Sin Cheic Jit Poh.  -  43 words
  • 157 24 Renter Wireless. Declares, I Will Go To Heaven.” Bastia, June 24. Andre Spada. the bandit, was today guillotined in the public square which was giiarded by a strong force of troops. Thousands ol people from all parts of Franc o and Corsica waited for hours to watch Spada
    Renter Wireless.  -  157 words
  • 191 24 I V I (UVUV .—Reuter I SUPPRESSION IN FIVE YEARS TIME. London, June 25. MR. Hoo Chih Tsai (Mr. Victor Hoo), the Chinese delegate to the League of Nations Opium Advisory Committee, has written a letter to The Times answering Mr. J. 0. P. Bland's charges of
    I V I (UVUV ; .—Reuter  -  191 words
  • 153 24 -Router Wireless. “Situation Has Gone From Had To Worse.” Geneva. June 20. “Since the Ethiopian Governments appeal to the League of Nations the situation has gone fro n bad to worse and aggression upon the independence and integrity of Ethiopia seems imminent.* says the Abyssinian
    -Router Wireless.  -  153 words
  • 51 24 Reuter. Fire Damage Estimated At A Million Dollars. Fort Lauderdale < Florida», June 24. Seventy yachts, including the Scimitar II.. owned by Mr. Gar Wood, the speed boat ace. were destroyed by a tire which has swept Pilkington yacht basin. The damage is estimated at one milli
    Reuter.  -  51 words
  • 30 24 the French Government.—Sin Chew Jit Poh. Nanking. June 26. The new Sino-Annamite Treaty will h*' announced simultaneously in Nanking and Paris on ratification by the French Government.—Sin Chew
    the French Government.—Sin Chew Jit Poh.  -  30 words

  • 184 25 lleuter. U. S. Forges Ahead With Naval Programme. Washington, June 26. Swift advantage is being taken of President Roosevelt's »signature of the Peacetime Navy Appropriation Bill. Senator Swanson states that bids will open on July 7 for xhe construction of 13 of the 24
    lleuter.  -  184 words
  • 141 25 Reuter. ITS CONTINUANCE ENDANGERED. London, June 27. Dissatisfaction with the working of tin restriction was expressed by Sir Charles Barrie at the general meeting of Metal Traders, Ltd., of which he is chairman. Sir Charles stated that the London Metal Exchange for many years had been
    – Reuter.  -  141 words
  • 45 25 Sin Chew Jit Poh. 1.000 Deaths In Two Months. Hong Kong, June 27. Bubonic plague has taken a toll )i more than 1.000 lives in the Wei-An district, Fukien, during the oast two months, says an Amoy •eport.—Sin Chew Jit Poh.
    Sin Chew Jit Poh.  -  45 words
  • 42 25 the nursing home.—British Wireless. London. June 27. The Princess Royal, who underwent an operation for treatment of the thyroid gland on June 4. has made such satisfactory progress that she was able today to leave the nursing home.—British Wire-
    the nursing home.—British Wireless.  -  42 words
  • 56 25 Straits Times conyright. Exportable Allowance Exceeded. From Our Own Correspondent.* London. June 27. According to the International Committee's Statistical Bulletin, 1 world shipments of rubber from controlled countries, except Siam, in May totalled 78,425 tons, or an exi cess of 15.833 tons over the permissible exportable
    .— Straits Times conyright.  -  56 words
  • 223 25 Withdrawing to Miao District—Sin Kuo Min. Their Army Forced Hack By Aborigines. Chengtu 'Szcchuam. June 27. Failing to gain a foothold in Sikair? province, the Red armies, totalling more than 100 000 men. have been attempting to effect a junction in Sze■huan. preparatory to advancing westward
    Withdrawing to Miao District—Sin Kuo Min.  -  223 words
  • 490 25 Reuter. London. June 27. > In view of Signor Mussolini’s radical demands for a comprehensive and lasting settlement of the Italo-Abyssi-nian dispute, the morning papers generally apprehend that when Mr. Anthony Eden and M. Laval meet in Paris they will find themselves
    Reuter.  -  490 words
  • 296 25 British WL< less DUKE OF KENT DEPUTISES AT COURT. London, June 26. The Duke of Kent escorted the Queen to throne in the ballroom at Buckingham Palace when last night she held the third Court. This was the first occasion on which the Duke of
    British WL< less  -  296 words
  • 156 25 Reuter. Canton Fiery Speech. Canton, June 24 Addressing a gathering of high officials at a meeting here today, Mr. Chow Lu, Chancellor of the Chungshan University and one of Canton’s elder statesmen, declared that Japan, the League of Nations and Nanking were guilty of actions
    Reuter.  -  156 words

  • 225 26 Reuter. Ill Millions Vote. London, June 27. Representatives (A all the chief political parties, also the ('hinose Ambassador, Mr. Quo Tai Chi, and several other foreign diplomats, sat on the same platform at an Albert Hall mass meeting of the League of Nation Union tonight to
    Reuter.  -  225 words
  • 154 26 Reuter. {{sinking &lt; M;inchukuo&gt;. June 20. The Kwantung Army Command has ordered Gen. .,1 Shou H sin's Manchu kuo brigade Irom Jehol to Tushikow immediately to liquidate the situation j arising out oi tin clash ot 500 Charhar soldiers and SO Manchukuo frontier patrol troops last night
    Reuter.  -  154 words
  • 58 26 \4 V* 4 UJ (Straits Times copyright.) 'From Out Own Correspondent.) London. June 25. The death occurred yesterday of Lady Watson, wife of oi Maicolm Watson, the famous malariolugist. The tuneral will take place on Thursday at Wimbledon. Lady Watson was the eldest daughter ol the
    ' » • \4 V* 4 UJ (Straits Times copyright.)  -  58 words
  • 56 26 Greta Garbo, the film actress, whose determination “to be alone” forces her to adopt many ruses to avoid her “fans,”—has arrived in Gotenburg aboard the liner Kungsholni on a visit to her native Sweden. She travelled under the masculine nom-de-plume of Karl Lund. She is
    56 words
  • 147 26 —Reuter. Changpei Incident Settled. JAPANESE MILITARY ANNOUNCEMENT. Peiping, June 27. The Japanese authorites announce that the Nanking Government has accepted all demands arising out of the Changpei incident on June 12. when four special Japanese servicemen in Charhar were detained by the Chinese authorities.—Reuter. The Japanese military
    —Reuter.  -  147 words
  • 40 26 Reuter Paris, June 25. The Naval Committee of the Chamber of Deputies, unanimously resolved today that France reserves freedom of action in naval matters on the (/round that the AngloGerman Agreement disregards the Versailles Peace Treaty. Reuter.
    -Reuter.  -  40 words
  • 88 26 -Reuter. TWO PLANES COLLIDE IN STORM. Panama, June 25. t KV K NT K KN people, incluclL ini»- the Argentine tenor and dim star,. Carlos (Jardel, were killer! in an aeroplane collision at Medellin airport. Seiior Gardel was cn route* to Panama with a troupe
    -Reuter.  -  88 words
  • 69 26 -Reuter. SUGGESTED BY BRITAIN. Paris, June 25. A brief British reply to the French Government s Note on the Anglo-German agreement has been received at the Quai (V Or say. The British Note suggests the usefulness of a Naval Conference before the end of the year
    -Reuter.  -  69 words
  • 64 26 -Reuter. Secrecy Surrounds Berlin Scandal. Berlin June 24. The famous runner. Peltzer. has been sentenced to 18 months’ imprisonment for unnatural vice, against which the Secret Police are making a strong campaign. Peltzer was sentenced several days ago but the news was only learnt when journalists were making
    -Reuter.  -  64 words
  • 31 26 -Reuter. Alameda (California), June 22. The Flying Clipper arrived at San r rancisco Bay today 18 hours and 59 minutes after leaving Honolulu, a distance of 2.000 miles.—Reuter.
    -Reuter.  -  31 words
  • 209 26 warning.—Sin Kuo Min and Sin Chew Jit Poh. BAN ON SUN YAT-SEN SCHOOL BOOKS. Peiping, June 25. Gen. Doihara, acting on behalf of the Kwantung Army, has presented a fresh series of demands, over and above the previous ones, to the Peiping (Hopei) administration, as follows:
    warning.—Sin Kuo Min and Sin Chew Jit Poh.  -  209 words
  • 70 26 Final Curtain On A Murder Trial. London, June 25. The Appeal Court having rejected an appeal yesterday, the Home Secretary today announced that the death sentence against Stoner is commuted to a life sentence with penal servitude. Stoner was found guilty of the murder of Mr.
    70 words
  • 138 26 British Radio. Lord Mayor Of London’s Fund For Victims. London. June 24. The Lord Mayor of London has called a meeting for today in support of the fund for the relief of the Quetta eartnquake victims. The magnitude of that disaster is only now being fully realised and
    British Radio.  -  138 words
  • 54 26 London, June 27. Hundreds of holidaymakers on the Sussex coast today saw a Royal Air Force machine strike the sea and sink off Selsey Bill. The local lifeboat was launched and recovered the body of Pilot Officer N. D. Ashton, the onlv i occupant. The machine belonged to
    54 words

  • 393 27 modify or even abolish them.—British Wireless. Plan To Rationalise World Shipping 4 RATIONALISATION scheme for shipping was discussed A hv Lord Essendon, the well-known British shipowner, in a speech before the International Chamber of Commerce in Paris last week. The scheme as drafted by
    modify or even abolish them.—British Wireless.  -  393 words
  • 95 27 -Reuter. NEW ENDURANCE RECORD. Meridian (Mississippi). June 27 he brothers Fred and A1 Key tobeat the worlds air endurance ‘ord. staying aloft 23 days. 1 hr.. i! min. 30 sec. I heir feat was tumultously acclaimby 25.000, spectators who gathered 'he aerodrome here to watch
    -Reuter.  -  95 words
  • 90 27 Reuter. Borotra And Sports Writer. The famous tennis player. Jean Borotra at present playing at Wimbledon. has accepted a challenge to a duel, sent to him oy M. Poulain. a Paris writer on tennis The cause s a letter which Borotra wrote, expressing resentment at
    Reuter.  -  90 words
  • 201 27 —Reuter $20,000 Reward Offered For Leader's Capture. Shanghai. July 1. According to reports from Peiping about 70 rebels were surrounded and disarmed near Tungchow. whither they were conveyed to await trial Attempts are being m.\de to round up their scattered comrades. Reward Offered. Peiping. June
    —Reuter  -  201 words
  • 191 27 Reuter. MR. CHURCHILL’S VIEWS. London. June 27. A national defence loan, “to enable us to pull up to our proper position in the world and put ourselves abreast of our great responsibilities,” was advocated by Mr. Winston Churchill in a speech at a dinner of the
    Reuter.  -  191 words
  • 65 27 Reuter. Increase Since Japan’s Intervention. London, June 25. A comparison of the British exports to Manchuria today and belore the intervention of Japan, requested by a questioner in the House o* Commons, was given by Mr. W. Runciman as follows: Total exports 1931 €336.000, 1934 £625.000.
    Reuter.  -  65 words
  • 45 27 .—British Wireless. Warm Welcome In London. London, June 28. His Majsety the King, who has greatly benefited by his rest at Sandringham. was warmly welcomed by the public on his return this morning to Buckingham Palace where he joined the Queen.—British Wireless.
    .—British Wireless.  -  45 words
  • 65 27 chang. secretary-general.—Sin Kuo Min. New Members Approved By Nanking. Nanking. June 29. The Executive Yuan has approved the reorganisation of the Hopei Government. The new provincial government members are: Gen. Shang Chen, governor; Messrs. Li Pui-chi, Li Tsukyong. Liu Han and Ho Hung-chi, respectively civil, finance, construction and
    chang. secretary-general.—Sin Kuo Min.  -  65 words
  • 74 27 Reuter Wireless London, oune 28. The Parliamentary by-election in Scottish Universities caused by the appointment of Mr. John Buchan, now Lord Tweedsmuir. as Governor-General of Canada, resulted as follows: Professor Graham Kerr (Cons.) 20.507 Mr. Mitchison (Lab.) 4.293 Conservative Majority 16.214. London. June 24. Sir Allan Garrett Anderson, conservative.
    Reuter Wireless  -  74 words
  • 248 27 Reuter. CITY SHELLED BY REBELS. An attempt by rebel troops to capture Peiping was foiled on Friday, the ringleaders being taken prisoner. Peiping, June 28. Martial law was lifted at noon when the rebel leaders were made prisoner. It appears that the rebel Chinese troops occupied Fengtai
    Reuter.  -  248 words
  • 187 27 should remain at Addis Ababa. Reuter Wireless. ABYSSINIAN PLANS REVEALED. Rome, June 20. Before Mr. Eden departed for Paris it is believed that Mussolini outlined to him Italy’s aims with regard to Abyssinia as follows The right for peaceful possession of Italy’s colonies; The right to go
    should remain at Addis Ababa. Reuter Wireless.  -  187 words
  • 56 27 Reuter. Washington, June 27. A $50,000,000 programme lor training young men and women between the ages of 10 and 25 in higher education or finding them Jobs has been announced by President Roosevelt who is confident the yield on the investment will be high and lead to the
    Reuter.  -  56 words

  • 196 28 Manchukuo. Sin Kuo Min and Sin Chew Jit Poh. Japanese Advisers For N. China. Shanghai, July 1* The provincial govprnmpnts of Hopei, Shantung Shansi and Charhar. it is au‘noi*itativoly stated in Nanking ’■i) 1 pngage ♦Japanese political, militar\ and economic advisors )*econinieudcd by the .Japanese Kwantimg
    Manchukuo. Sin Kuo Min and Sin Chew Jit Poh.  -  196 words
  • 112 28 Reuter. Lou Tseng Tsiang Now Benedictine Monk. Brussels, June 30. The flags of the Papal State, the Chinese Republic and Belgium were flown from the Abbey of St. Andre, near Bruges, for the ordination as priest of Lou Tseng Tsiang, who in 191B was president
    Reuter.  -  112 words
  • 67 28 ol the issue and its repayment -Sin Chew Jit poh. For Rehabilitation Of Szc -an. Nanking, June 29. The Legislative Yuan has approved ol a $70,000,000 bond issue by the Szechuan Government, the funds to be used lor the rehabilitation of the province. The bonds will bear G
    ol the issue and its repayment -Sin Chew Jit poh.  -  67 words
  • 412 28 Reuter. CITIES LASHED BY RAIN AND STORM. Tokio, July 1. WITH rain still falling over Central Japan, there has been little relief from the distress and havoc that followed vesterdav’s floods. A death-roll of more than 60, landslides, mine disasters, ruin in industrial areas and residential aieaa are
    Reuter.  -  412 words
  • 125 28 supported the suggestion.- Sin Chew Jit Poh. Co-operation With Japan Decided. Shanghai. July 1 Mr. Wang Ching-wei has again entered a private German sanatorium in Shanghai for treatment of a longstanding ailment which is reported to have become worse owing to overwork. He will remain there for
    supported the suggestion.- Sin Chew Jit Poh.  -  125 words
  • 107 28 -Reuter Wireless. Moratorium Follows Foreign Exchange Setback Berlin, June 26. Because Germany’s foreign exchange situation has become worse instead ol improving Dr. Schacht has declared a complete moratorium lor the year Irom July 1, on all maturities arising from medium and long term obligations to the United States
    -Reuter Wireless.  -  107 words
  • 51 28 —Reuter. Death Expected For Peiping Attack. Peiping. July 1. Tuang Chun Chih. commander of the armoured train which attacked Peiping on Friday, was captured by the police near Tungchow. He is being brought to Peiping for trial. It is expected that he will be sentenced to
    —Reuter.  -  51 words
  • 108 28 Reuter. Guards Besieged In Office. Galena. &lt; Kansas &gt;. June 30. Two detachments of Kansas National Guards are rushing to Galena owing to an outbreak of violence arising out of a strike at the lead and zinc mines. Twelve mine guards are at present besieged in the ofllce
    Reuter.  -  108 words
  • 29 28 Reuter. Manila. June 29. Sentences anging from two to seventeen years were passed on eighty-seven Sakdalistas lor having taken part in the Philippines revolt on May 5.—
    Reuter.  -  29 words
  • 221 28 1 tl V V«* t t V British Wireless British Concessions Begin Today. INDUSTRIAL WAGES INCREASE. London, June e0. Two concessions made in this year’s budget come into effect tomorrow (July 1), and will benefit by salary restoration and wage increases more than *3,000.000
    1 tl V V«* t t * » • » ' V » British Wireless  -  221 words
  • 170 28 —Reuter Wireless British Delegates Agree It Is Beneficial. Paris. June 26. The agreement ot Britisl and Japanese spokesmen that Japanese competition in the world market was beneficial and not harmful, provided the chief interest at the opening day of the Congress of International Chambers of Commerce attended by
    —Reuter Wireless  -  170 words
  • 46 28 N.E.I. Export Duty Reduced. From Our Own Correspondent.) Batavia, June 29 The Netherlands Indies export duty on native rubber has now been fixed at 10i/ 2 cents a half kilogram (dry). This is a reduction of half a cent on the rate fixed recently.
    46 words

  • 1834 29 MALAYA CUP VICTORIES FOR SELANGOR KEDAH. SERVICES, Selangor Defence Collapses In The Closing Stages. —Forwards Please. r PHREE Malaya Cup matches were played on Saturday, two in the Northern section where Selangor and Kedah got the better of Penang and the Burma Rifles respectively, and one in the South, the
    _Straits Times Photograph.; —Straits Times Photograph.  -  1,834 words

  • 1045 30 BUT ARE BEATEN BY THE SAPPERS. (By Our Football Correspondent.) NEVER this season have the S.C.C. played up better and given a team a harder fight than they did against the Sappers at Anson Road St idimn on Wednesday in a First
    1,045 words
  • 395 30 TTIE Volunteers staged an Inter-Company soccer match on the S.C.C. packing last week—the first to be played for many years—and after a keen and amusing game “B Company, who are Champion Company of the Ist Battalion S.S.V.F., defeated A Gun) Company by three goals
    -Straits Times Photograph.  -  395 words
  • 248 30 Alfred Perry’s Record Round At Muirfield. Muirfield, Jump 29. Last year Henry Cotton broke the mn of American successes, which had continued for ten years, in the British Open golf championship when he won at Sandwich with a score of 2815. which equalled the record for
    248 words
  • 121 30 D. Budge Scores An Easy Victory Over Boussus. Wimbledon, June 29. yWO seeded placers were eliminated at Wimbledon today when Donald Budge (V.S.A.) beat C. Boussus France) in the men’s singles 6—3, 6—2, 3—6, 6—0 and Mrs. Fearnley Whittingstall beat Miss M. Scriven
    121 words

  • 1115 31 H. Gibson Carries His Bat Against The Chinese. GLORIOUS weather prevailed over the week-end and some interesting cricket was seen on various grounds. The Merchants fielded a very weak side on the padang uid were beaten again in the S.C.C. tournament by
    1,115 words
  • 68 31 MAYO RIDES TWO WINNERS. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, June 29. 'I'HE Perak Summer Meeting opened in fine, hot weather today. The course was in excellent condition and there was a good attendance including many outstation visitors. The two opening events provided the
    68 words
  • 254 31 S.C.C. XI Draws with Medical College. An S.C.C. eleven, playing out time, drew with the Medical College Union on the latter’s ground on Saturday. The College, by rather dull cricket scored 132 runs (B. R. O. Willis 33), and the Club, who were given »ust over an
    254 words
  • 982 31 Beaten By Police By Seven Wickets. The Police be t an S.C.C. very easily by seven wickets on the padang on Saturday. The Club had to bat on a difficult wicket and in poor light on Friday and lost six wickets for 23. They never recovered from this
    982 words

  • 640 31  - THE CLUB VERANDAH. “Panjang” Ashworth’s Century. S.R.C.’s Cheerful Fight. Like Old Times. Mr. Hastie’s Capable Deputy. Conducted by "LEIGHTON." /CONGRATULATIONS to R. A Ash worth on being the first S.C.C. cricketer to get a century this season. Panjang was let oil once when in the thirties but otherwise played a
    Straits Times Photograph.  -  640 words
  • 104 31 Wins Newbury Cup. London. June 27. The Newbury Summer Cup over a distance of l*/ 2 miles was run at Newbury this afternoon and resuted as follows:— 1. Mr. W. Woodward’s BLACK DEVIL (J. Richards) 7.10 2. Capt, S. Wilson’s JOHN JAMES (T. Weston) 8.4 3. Mr.
    104 words
  • 617 31 Yachting. Miss Minns Wins On Aggregate Time* Saturday afternoon the final race for the Santry Cup was sailed by the women. Miss L. Minns (Betsy), who had sailed very consistently throughout the series carried off the cup. The finish of this race was one of
    617 words
  • 597 31 Kid Wahid Has To Retire With A Damaged Hand. FRIDAY night’s fights at the New World Stadium certainly provided plenty of entertainment for the large crowd, the preliminaries being every bit as exciting to watch as the two main events. Young Johnson was given the
    597 words

    • 1201 1 IMPROVEMENTS MADE TO THE BUILDING. INCREASING TOURIST TRAFFIC. The Annual General Meeting of Rallies Hotel, Ltd., was held at the registered office of the Company, French Bank Buildings, Singapore, on Saturday, the 29th June, 1935 Mr. j a. Clarke presiding. The chairman, in moving the adoption
      1,201 words
    • 401 1 Arrears Of Work Taken In Hand. Presiding at the twenty-fifth annual general meeting of Punggor Rubber Estates. Limited, at the registered offices of the company in Fullerton Building on Friday. Mr. Renton said The accounts have been in your hands for the requisite period and with your permission
      401 words
    • 230 1 TAKEN OVER BY LONDON FIRM. London, June 27. The London business of Messrs. Adamson, Gilfillan and Co., Ltd., is being transferred to Messrs. Elyth, Greene and Jourdain Co., Ltd., who are also acquiring Adamson, Gilfillan and Co.’s interests in Messrs. Harper, Gilfillan and Co., Ltd., as from
      230 words
    • 1876 2 Devon Estates Chairman Renews A Protest. Qmt rent at $4 an acre coupled with the rubber cess and under their restriction allowance is (4111 valent to over 14 per cent, o 1 the selling price in tn&lt; case «&gt;i the Devon property and to 38
      1,876 words
    • 336 2 'Straits Times copyright.) l 1 (From Our Own Correspondent i London, July 2 11 Closing quotations today oi j r principal British stocks are give n l below. The rise jr tall is in relation" 11 the price of June 27. GOVERNMENT STOCKS. KRITIsil. Rise or
      'Straits Times copyright.)  -  336 words
    • 89 2 Ocean Shipments of Rubber. mchaiir dmin' h Pvertex aad Concentrated La*cx durin a the month ol June. 1935 I Name Of Port Grand Toto! Singapore Grand Total Port Swcttenham ||11 5 .604 49.751 SUMMARY. Gross Exports Cumulative Total 1935. 1934. PpK 56,720 55.055 Mar 107 110 112,922
      89 words
    • 621 3 THE prospects of DIVIDENDS. SETTLED MARKET FIRST. Tlv eleventh annual general meetoi Perak Oil Palms. Ltd., was held t t Ue registered offices of the company. Holland Road. Kuala Lumpur, on Saturday. Hu. chairman, in the course of his« id dress, said. large sum under factory and,
      621 words
    • 884 3 DULL WEEK IN THE SHARE MARKET. It can safely be said that the past week has contributed nothing of outstanding interest to either the share or commodity markets, and the halfyear closes as far as the local share market is concerned, in rather a des-1 pondent
      884 words
    • 122 3 Foreign export* or tin. being nnal shipments on ocean-steamers at all Malayan ports during the month of June, 1935. Destination Tons. United Kingdom no U.S.A 1,585 Continent of Europe 751 British Possessions 394 Japan 177 The Netherlands Indies 2 other Foreign countries 1 j&gt; Total 3,097 SUMMARY.
      122 words
    • 46 3 Messrs Evatt and Co., the Ipoh agents, have received telegraphic advice from the Secretary in London that an interim dividend of 2*2 per cent, lias been declared payable on July 8 in respect of the financial year ending Oct 31. 1935
      46 words
    • 559 3 I DISAPPOINTMENT AT EXCESS EXPORTS. Once ag .in we have to report a week ol dull conditions with values showing a further slight decline. s„ate Messrs. Lewis and Peat in their report dated June 28. Reports have been received from America that consumption in
      559 words
    • 68 3 Malaysiam Tin Limited.—The output of Rambun Mines. Tanjong Ram* butan. for June was 210 piculs. Nawng Pet- Report lor June. Quota completed. Lode. A further 2 feet has been sunk and the or*? body is still showing strong. Total depth sunk to date 14 feet. There are
      68 words
    • 59 3 Spot July July-Sopt. Oct.-Doc. Jan.-Mar. L’don Spot c. c. c. c. c. d. June 27 19 15/16 20% 20% 21 22 5 15/16 28 20 3/16 20% 20% 21% 22% 5 11/16 July l 20 5/16 20% 20?m 21% 22% 2 20% 20% 20% 21% 22%
      59 words
    • 684 4 Iiondon Exchange Prices On June 21. A linear &lt;2 &gt; 1/9*4; A lor Pongsu &lt;2 2 2'-; Aru'lo-Malay &lt;£li 12/9, Ayer Kuning &lt;£1 &gt; 30/6; Dugan Serai «£1 &gt; 12/; Bahru &lt;SH.i (2 i 3£G '/j Ban ten k &lt;11» 21 3; Batang &lt;2'&gt; 1/; Batu Caves &lt;£1&gt;
      684 words
    • 95 4 During the week ending June 22. exports from Malayan ports amounted to 56,961 cases, of which: 49,657 &lt;87 per cent.) cases were to the United Kingdom, 390 &lt;1 per cent.) eases to the Continent of Europe. 6.010 &lt;10 per cent.) cases to Canada, and 904 &lt;2
      95 words
    • 32 4 From Our Own Correspondent) London, June 28 British Borneo Timber records a prolit ol .li7,381 lor 1934 A dividend of 4 p&lt;*r cent. Is recommended, carrying forward U7.872
      32 words
    • 25 4 June 27 Tin, Spore I*ii e $114 50 per picul 28 113.50 29 113.50 July 1 113.50 2 114.12 '4 |V 114%
      25 words
    • 1574 4 Issued by Fraser and Co. and Lyall and Evatt Exchange and Stock Brokers. Singapore, July 3, 10 a.m. MINING. Issue Vai Fraser Co. Lyall Evatt Issue Val. Fraser Co Lyall Evatt Buyers Sellers Buyers Sellers I Buyers Sellers Buyers Sellers 4 Ampat Tin 3 10*2 4 3
      1,574 words