The Straits Budget, 27 June 1935

Total Pages: 35
1 4 The Straits Budget
  • 29 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE STRAITS TIMES (ESTABLISHED NEARLY A CENTURY.] No. 4037. SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, JUNE 27, 1935. Price 25 cents (S.S. Currency) or 7d.
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  • 445 1 HIGH COMMISSIONER PRESENTS INSIGNIA. «From Our Own Correspondent.) Sercmban. June 25. Jelebu. one of the major states of the Negri Sembilan confederacy, will declare Thursday a holiday and put on u stive garb, the occasion being the visit ot His Excellency the High Commissioner. Sir Shenton Thomas,
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  • 915 1 QVER one thousand acres of swamp land in Malacca will be available for padi planting in the next few months. This has been made possible by the completion of two extensive drainage and irrigation works—the Parit China controlled drainage scheme and the Sungei Putat irrigation scheme.
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  • 16 1 —Straits Times Photograph,
    —Straits Times Photograph,  -  16 words

  • The Straits Budget
    • 768 2 -Straits Times. June 20. Tiie main proDlem com routing those who are concerned about the distress arising from unemployment among domiciled residents of, Singapore is finance. That is a platitude, but a painfully persistent and unescapable one, and at i the moment it must be left in
      -Straits Times. June 20.  -  768 words
    • 285 2 mation sea frontage. -Straits Times, June 20. Much satisfaction is expressed by sawmill owners at the manner in which the Government has solved the problem arising out of the development of the Kallang area as a basin tor seaplanes and the consequent impossibility of allowing the beaches in
      mation sea frontage. -Straits Times, June 20.  -  285 words
    • 739 2 —Straits Times, June 21. Can any part of the British colonial empire put up a better showing from a volunteering standpoint than the Straits Settlements? That query is prompted by the annual reports of Major-General Lewin and Lieut.-Col. Fink, laid on the table of the Legislative Council
      —Straits Times, June 21.  -  739 words
    • 920 2 in Singapore.—Straits Times. June 22. It was suggested in this column last Thursday that there was a need for co-ordination of relief work m Singapore. One reason then P forward for this opinion was that a certain revenue from the Fund would be forthcoming- a though perhaps not
      in Singapore.—Straits Times. June 22.  -  920 words
    • 815 3 the light of experience. Straits Times. June 24. While not challenging the truth of the principles reiterated by Sir Frank Swettenham at the A.B.M. dinner in London three weeks ago,, thoughtful people who read that speech in Malaya wondered whether the veteran administrator had said; quite
      the light of experience. Straits Times. June 24.  -  815 words
    • 897 3 Straits Times. June 25. It is exceedingly good news that Malaya. Netherlands India. Boliviu and Nigeria are to form a united front during the forthcoming negotiations relating to tin- renewal of tin control. These countries make up the Big Four which rightly claims that it has hitherto
      Straits Times. June 25.  -  897 words
    • 871 4 by the slump.—Straits Times. June 26. A very well-behaved populace is the description applied to the people of the Colony by Mr. H. Fairburn in the last annual report signed by him as Inspector-General of Police. Mr. Fairburn brings forward ample evidence to justify his compliment. The
      by the slump.—Straits Times. June 26.  -  871 words

  • 260 4 Enthusiasm And Keenness Outstanding." Special praise is accorded the Penang and Province Wellesley Volunteer Corps by Lieut.-Col. r. H. L. Fink, Commandant, S.S.V.F in his annual report. This battalion, he says, under the forceful command of Lieut.-Colonel G. D. A. Fletcher. M.C.. has made greet progress
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  • 116 4 Mr. Wm. Jack, A Former Colony Soccer Player. (.From Our Own Correspondent J Penang. June 22 News has been received of the death which occurred last mouth at OfTord. Kent, of Mr. Wiliam Jack who retired in 1930 from the management of Lubok Segintah Estate, Kuala
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  • 45 4 HUGHES—At Bungsar Hospital. Kuala Lumpur, on June 22. to Muriel wife of Hugo W. Hughes a son. MILLS—At the Maternity Hospital. Singapore. on Sunday. June 23, to Annie, wife of R. T Mills. New Labu Estate. Labu. h daughter. Mother and child doing well
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  • 17 4 DEATH MYRAM.-On June 10, 1935 at Cambcrl* y. Surrey, Robert Myram late of Ipoh. F M S.
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  • 162 5 “lIKE many others,” said Mr. John Laycock in a reminiscent talk the other day. I had always heard that life in the East was spent under a punkah, on a verandah, drinking a stengah. To my surprise I found that I had to work about three
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  • 155 5 I HAD to do a month’s work in Lon- don last summer, for the first time since I left England as a youth, and I was very much struck by the length c.l the Londoner’s working day. There is no tennis or golf at five p.m. for him.
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  • 169 5 IT is true, of course, that the quall- fications of subordinate employees at Home, in all professions requiring long and thorough apprenticeship, are higher than in Malaya, and the burden of responsibility is consequently better distributed. On the other hand, competition is very much keener at Home, where
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  • 155 5 lli|OST of the senior men in Malaya today remember England as it was twenty years ago. It is very different today, with wave after wave of brilliant young people pouring out of the universities and not nearly enough work for them. Moreover, these senior men, when they foregather
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  • 125 5 jyjALAYS are now copying the Chinese practice of rearing carp in ponds, as an addition to their food supply and also as a means of raising a little ready cash in the markets. The May number of the Malayan Agricultural Journal states: “As a result of the
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  • 113 5 fact which stuck in my mind after hearing Mr. Lester Goodman’s address at the Rotary luncheon yesterday was that America spent $2O millions more on buying Malayan tin and rubber during the first quarter of this year than she did during the corresponding period of last year.
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  • 140 5 ILJ|R. Goodman struck a very cheerful note in his talk, and I for one digested my tiffin all the better for hearing his prediction that 1936 is going see a marked return of pros perity. Prosperity the word has a faintly archaic sound, like antimacassars, warming pans,
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  • 172 5 PERHAPS no incident in recent years has revealed the M.C.S in a more unusual, and some would say, inappropriate light than the dispute between the British Resident of Selangor and the Selangor Golf Club. The Resident, by preventing the club from constructing a swimming pool independently
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  • 164 5 A MALAY police officer in Negri Sembilan who proved the guilt of a suspect by taking footprints instead of finger prints, and a Kuala Lumpur golf caddie who frequently used his feet to move a golf ball in play into a good lie, were the subject of
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  • 126 5 JJROM time to time Malaya gets con- slderable publicity in the Home newspapers; but it is not usually about our major industries, rubber, tin and canned pineapples. The new Johore 8-cent postage stamps, showing portraits of the Sultan and Sultana, have evidently appealed to the popular imagination at
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  • 109 5 STRAITS-BORN CHINESE T*HE experiment of appointing Straits Chinese consultative committees seems to be working well in Singapore, not so well in Penang and not at all in Malacca. That conclusion is suggested by details given in the 1934 report of the Secretary for Chinese AfTairs. The Singapore committee held three
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  • 117 5 APPARENTLY the movement to establish monogamy in modern China has gone farther in the Straits than I thought when I wrote a note on this subject the other day. for both the Singapore and Penang committees discussed a draft Monogamous Marriage Ordinance last year. The Singapore agenda, as
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  • 169 5 TPHOSE of my readers wno ha\e passed through the Suez Canal may care to compare their Impressions with those of D. H. Lawrence, recorded In a letter to his German mother-in-law. He is banal at the beginning and brilliant at the end. The Canal is eighty-five miles
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  • 172 5 ••npHEN again only sand, gold-pink and sharp little sand hills, so sharp and defined and clear, not like reality but a dream. 44 Solemn evening came, and we so still, one thought we did not move any more. Seagulls flew about like a sandstorm, and a great black
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  • 181 5 THE RED SEA morning we were in the Red Sea. There stands Mount Sinai, red like old dried blood, naked like a knife and so sharp, like a dagger that has been dipped in blood and has dried long ago and Is a bit rusty and is always there like
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  • 168 5 AAAJOR-GENERAL Lewln suggests in his annual report that the new volunteer camp, which is so badly needed by the Singapore corps, is likely to be at Scletur, near the naval base. This will be a splendid locality for training purposes but it may not be so good
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  • 165 6 •■THOSE who have watched t lie re- damation in lront of the Malacca icst-houst gradually advance seawards during the last nine years w’ere perhaps surprised to read, in the Straits Times last Tuesday, that this scheme will add ns much ns thirty acres to the sea front. An
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  • 139 6 ]Li|R. Jose Ozamis, alter conducting a Filipino football team through Java, has returned to his native land tilled with astonishment at the load of taxation which the people of Java are bearing. “There are five ordinary taxes in Java.” he told an interviewer on his return, the personal
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  • 173 6 IN the address by Mr. Laycock to 1 which I referred the other flay there was a reference to the manner in which Singapore bathing beaches had deteriorated as a result of carelessness and indifference in the past. I asked Mr. Laycock subsequently what he had in mind,
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  • 115 6 A PASSENGER who disembarked from the Scharnhorst in Singapore tells me that that ship had a terrific grilling in the Red Sea, the heat being said to be the worst recorded in that region for ten years. June is, of course, one of the worst months in which
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  • 163 6 T WAVING been in London when Men of Aran” was shown List autumn I was beginning to fear that it had not been booked for Malaya owing to a possible lack of appeal for Asiatics. Whether it will in fact prove be too mrange and unfamiliar for
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  • 131 6 A WARNING DEOPLE should be warned, however. what to expect. If they seek entertainment in the ordinary sense. “Men of Aran” will disappoint them. It has no plot, and its theme is simply the everlasting battle of the islanders with the sea. Even those who know the natuure of the
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  • 138 6 VARIETY PROFITS IF it really is profitable lor companies of the size ol the revue company nou at the Capitol to tour the Fni East, we may expect much more varied entertainment, in Singapore in future. A show on this scale, with forty perlormers and a very large equipment c,;
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  • 149 6 piNERO returned to the Singapore stage last week, when the Scene Shifters gave a private performance oi “The Schoolmistress.” This farce was first performed in lti96 or thereabouts. I believe, and is rather unsatisfying fare today, although the Scene Shifters were able *r» carry it ofT, thanks mainly
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  • 170 6 CAID an explosive person after reading our leader on the S.S.V.F. last week: “When will the Straits Times learn that there is no such thing as the Singapore Volunteer Corps? There are only the first and second battalions. S.S.V.F.” Well, with respect, there is such a thing as
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  • 129 6 QO Penang is to have its almshouse after all. It was suggested oy the Straits Times that that contentious and problematical scheme was being tacitly dropped, but a Penang contemporary corrects us Of the 5150.000 subscribed to the Jubilee tund in that Settlement 50 per cent, is
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  • 114 6 J7VERY Singapore motorist will endorse the plea made by a Straits Times' reader for improvement of the Changi Road. With a large establishment ol Gunners and Engineers at the end of the road, and more barracks going up. the bus and lorry traffic on the Changi Road calls
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  • 109 6 AM indebted to the Malay Mail tor 1 particulars of a British family which is one of the very few to send three generations to Malaya. Mr. Harvey Caidicott came r.» Malaya from the Ceylon P.W.D. in and became tin* first State Engineer «»t tlie Negr. Sembilan confederacy
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  • 134 6 RUBBER control has created positively arcadian conditions for tlv Malay peasant, who now can earn .is much money by letting his trees untapped as by tapping them. In explanation of this cryptic utterance I quote the Malayan Agriculture Journal, which, after enumerating three causes of an increase in
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  • 124 6 TF it pays to bring poultry and all tlie way from Siam. Indo-Chtn t and China surely it should pay to pr> dueo them in this country. Malaya spends about one and a half million dollars a year on importing poultry produce, mostly from the three countries
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  • 114 6 'T'HE average Malayan hen lays only about 100 eggs a year, which :s sheer laziness. And what eggs Still, one can hardly blame her, to** she gets little encouragement. “Underfed. badly housed, if housed at all mongrel to a degree, the vast majority obtain a livelihood by a process
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  • 52 6 The engagement is announced between Mr. G. C. C. Blakstad, Depart ment of Excise, S.S. younger son of Mr and Mrs. Bj6m Blakstad. 57. Clifton Avenue, West Hartlepool, and Alice, only child of the late Mr. and Mrs t McGrath of 3. Ardoch, Dandenoi.u Road. East St
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  • 1544 7 The Hon. Raja Muda of Perak has returned to Teluk Anson after a visit' to Kuala Kangsar. The Raja ot Perils, who is at present i away on a holiday, is due back in Perils at the week-end. A visitors’ 3ook is now being kept!, at the
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  • 88 7 Tuesday. June 18. In the morning His Excellency visited the Leper Asylum. In the afternoon His Excellency attended the ceremony ot handing over H M S. Laburnum to the Straits Settlements Government Wednesday. June 19. His Excellency presided at a meeting ol the Executive Council held at Government
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  • 470 7 Passengers On The Rajputana. The following passengers are proceeding by s.s. Rajputana from Singapore for Penang. Colombo, Bombay and Europe. Mr. C. H. Short. Mr. W. S. G. Edgecumbe, Mr. R. D. Bingley, Mr. Dobbie. Mrs. P. T. Ingham. Mrs. M. J. Ellison. Miss V. McKenzie, Mrs. Dobbie.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements

  • 572 8 FORMER I.G.P. GIVES A WARNING. Despite the appreciable decrease in the crime figures over the last few years (as described in the Straits Times on Monday), a grave warning is given by the former Inspector-General of Police, Mr. H. Fairburn, C.M.G., reviewing in his report drastic
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  • 443 8 Petition Heard In Kuala Lumpur. (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur. June 24, THE petition brought by Mr. George Lionel O’Hara Hickson, for the dissolution of the marriage and custody of the child, against Mrs. Irma O’Hara Hickson as respondent and Levas Levinsonas as co-respondent,
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  • 85 8 Business was disposed of rapidly and smoothly at the quarterly session of the Board of Licensing Justices held in the Singapore Police Courts on Monday. Mr. H. A. Forrer presided. With the exception of an application for a new licence for a bar at the Victoria Theatre
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  • 390 8 AND PLUMES FOR AIR COMMODORE. (By Our Services Correspondent.) A new form of mess dress for officers of the R.A.F. and a new pattern of helmet for air officers commanding in the tropics (at Singapore, Air Commodore S. W. Smith) are prescribed in a set
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  • 70 8 Recommendation To The Commissioners. Municipal Committee No. 5 recommends an extension of the schedule of charges for the supply of gas by provision, for consumption of over 700,000 cubic feet during one month, of the charge of $1.80 per 1,000 cubic feet. It is understood that
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  • 90 8 (From Our Own CorresDondent) Johore Bahru, June 20. On the eve of his departure for Europe. Dr. Mohamed Salleh of the General Hospital. Johore Bahru, was entertained to a farewell dinner last night by the dressers of the hospital with Inche Omar, the Apothecary of the
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  • 549 8 SELANGOR BODY “NOT A TRADE UNION.” EIGHTH ANNUAL MEETING. From Our Own Correspondent. Kuala Lumpur, June 24. MATTERS of interest to estates and estate employees throughout the country were discussed at the eighth annual general meeting of the Estate Asiatic Staffs’ Association at the Town Hall last
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  • 601 9 Ex a m i n a t i o n Of Estate Finance. In the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir.—The address by Mr. J. G Hay. chairman of the United Sua* Retong Company. Ltd was of particular interest to tin* Malayan rubbei industry in that it revealed
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  • 187 9 Welcome Decision By The Salvation Army. To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir.- The announcement in your columns and those of your contemporaries that Brigadier Lord, ol the Salvation Army, is to undertake the relief work previously done by the Rotary Club will. I hope, bring home
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  • 200 9 A (iminor Who t lot A Cool Reception. (To the Editor of the Straits Times). Sir—I fully endorse the sentiments expressed by "In Oriente Primus" in his letter of June 12. The presumption in your editorial 'ommcni should also apply to other matters with which Herr Jensen was
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  • 394 9 RUBBER FACTORY IN KLANG. With machinery which formerly belonged to Messrs. Tan Kah Kee, Ltd., now in voluntary liquidation, a rubber factory has started at Klang. A correspondent describes below a visit to the works. <From a Correspondent J The Mai ,yan Rubber Works. Klang. is
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  • 173 9 Plea lor A (Jovprnment Sanatorium. (To the Editor of the Straits Times). Sir. It is gratifying to note that tin authorities are tackling the slum clearance problem energetically A vast, sum. i.e. ten million dollars, will be spent lor that purpose and it will help reduce the
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  • 171 9 ALL-NIGHT BATTLE AGAINST N.-W. GALE. The Shubont*t\ a large* oil tanker, has arrived in Singapore for repairs after a severe all-night ordeal in a north-west gale at Cape Town A couple of thousand rivets and three plates are being iamoved from her side above the water
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  • 152 9 Mr. Mrs. G. E. Vickers Entertained At K.L. <From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpui June 20 Seven years ot /cry enthusiastic service to the Gardens Golt Club were fittingly recognised at a pp.v function in the club-house last evening, when Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Vickers were entertained
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  • 95 9 Two IVnanj* I'cachers Honoured. Superseale appointments have been awarded to two Penang teachers-Mr Chung Po Jung, ol St Xavier’s Institution. and Mr. Zalnul bldin. ol th* Penang Free School. Mr Chung Po Jung has an excellent record at St. Xavier’s. Prior to taking u > teaching he sat
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  • 71 9 New Advocate And Solicitor Admitted. Mr. Ivor Lewis was admitted as an advocate and solicitor in the Colony. Pillowing an application on Monday before tile acting Chtet Justice <Mr. Justice Button*. Mr. J. C. Cobbett appeared lor the petitioner. Mr N A. Worley lor the Attorney General,
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  • 391 10 RESULTS OF ACTION AFTER POPE JOY MURDER. Crime apparently is now a profession which does not pay in the Colony. There were appreciable decreases in all seizable crime, last year, states the report of the Straits Settlements Police. The most noteworthy reductions are in
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  • 82 10 Reuter Wireless. SINGAPORE LINK WITH DARWIN. A co-ordinated Imperial defence scheme is foreshadowed by the meeting of the Australian Commonwealtn Defence Council which, it is believed, broached a plan for new Australian defence measures in close co-operation with Britain and other Dominions and Colonies, including a
    Reuter Wireless.  -  82 words
  • 336 10 Economy Scheme At Malacca. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca. June 22. A lesson learned during the slump, the advantage of amalgamating smaller rubber estates into larger units in order to reduce costs, is, I understand, to be applied to Malacca’s three European clubs the Malacca Club,
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  • 60 10 The appeal of Mr. J. W. R. Bloom, against the finding of Mr. Justice W. Burton, in the matter of the suit brought by Mrs. T. M. E. D’Cruz, In respect of certain property and Jewellery, was dismissed by the Court of Appeal, except for an item of
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  • 281 10 ALIVE TO NEED FOR REORGANISATION. Recent numbers of the Malayan Agricultural Journal have contained information concerning present-day fruit canning methods and trade in the United Kingdom. This survey ot the industry is concluded by the inclusion in the June issue ot an article by the Hon. Dr. Tempauy
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  • 98 10 Becomes Hector Of A Suffolk Parish. The Rev. G. Nevill Stevens, has been appointed to the Rectory of Redgrave with Botesdale, near Diss, Suffolk, in the Diocese of S. Edmundsbury and Ipswich. He was instituted on May (state the Singapore Auxiliary Diocesan Association Quarterly Notes' The
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  • 111 10 Death Of Former Ipoh Business Man. (From Our Own Correspondent.* Ipoh. June 24 News has been received of the death of Mr. Garland, one of the pioneer European business men of Ipoh where he founded the Arm of Aylesbury and Garland vihich later merging with the firm of
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 146 10 (T) Gallums (fa Scots tf IKisky nr 1 i i ft 11 *4 *-4 4-' f 4 t* ttl i: m m rti--ittnxt± 4-4- m nf pa *4 i-4 •t-4*H-t4 -?~t- 4—• $Ste t-f-4* U T0 a $TEUN AGENCttS x* <*»* <«**“ -I t 11 i-uj i. <& fD c
      146 words

  • 617 11 NEW HEADQUARTERS FOR R.N.V.R. CEREMONY AT TELOK AYER. THE Singapore K.N.V.R.’s new training ship-head-quarters, the British sloop, H.M.S. Laburnum, was handed over to the unit at the Telok Ayer wharf, alongside which she is berthed, with fitting ceremonial last week. H.E. the Governor, Sir Shenton Thomas,
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  • 200 11 SECOND MARRIAGE ALLEGED. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur. June 17. ’J'HE divorce petition by Muriel Florence O’Hara for the dissolution of marriage with Grenville O’Hara, formerly attached to the Forest Department. Rawang, was heard today by Mr. Justice Cussen in the Kuala Lumpur Supreme Court. Mr.
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  • 196 11 To Be Shown Throughout Great Britain. Mr. A. Powell Hutchison, a member of the staff of Nestle and Anglo-Swiss Condensed Milk Co., left Singapore for Europe via America by the Blue Funnel steamer. Aeneas. Mr. Hutchison’s departure alter two to three years in Malaya is keenly
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  • 221 11 Mr. C. Brooker And Miss Edna Trenker. The wedding took place at St Andrew's Cathedral last week. of Miss Edna Trenker. youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs Trenker. of Melbourne, and Mr Charles J. Brooker. of Messrs. Dobb and Co., son of Mr. and the late Mrs.
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  • 60 11 York and San Francisco —British Wireless. London June 17. At Canterbury Cathedral yesterday the Primate (Dr. Lang > dedicated 92 pieces of cathedral stone bearing bronze replicas of Canterbury which are to be distributed to every Anglican cathedral within the Empire including Singapore Cathedral, as well
    York and San Francisco —British Wireless.  -  60 words
  • 32 11 From Oi r Own Correspondent.) Bangkok, June 17. A lire in the bazaar quarter yesterday was brought under control insid" 45 minutes but damage amounting to £25.000 w'as done.
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  • 698 11 Bouleva rd Planned. (Straits Times Special.) Malacca. June 16. A beautiful boulevard may line Malacca’s sea-front within a few years. It may rival Singapore’s Esplanade. About threequarters of a mile in length, it will front Banda Hilir Road from a point opposite the Rest House
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  • 642 12 Food Supplies Assured. I Mr. W. Lirtwi. Te. Director of Fisheries, is optimistic regarding the prosptvls of the Cair.eron Highlands l.out. A com ancient of tlie Straits, Times wri;l.:; lrom London, Mr. C. R. Ferrers, once a planter in the Kajang district, said that as rainbow trout
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  • 83 12 'From Our Own Corre>pondcnt.> Ipoh. June *O. Important developments are «>- petted as the result of a raid i irried out by .Mr. J. B. J. Birch, Assistant Commissioner of Police. North Perak, on Friday at ChangKat Jering. In a house that was searched, it
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  • 64 12 TWENTY CASES IN TWO MONTHS. Seven deaths have occurred in Singapore from smallpox since Apr. 11. Cases (20 altogether) have been reported in Cuff' Road. French Road. Oxford Road. Ban San Street. Rangoon Road. Racecourse Road and Mackenzie Road. This is not an epidemic and there is
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  • 92 12 Funeral Of Seaman From H.M.S. Suffolk. The death took place at the General Hospital. Singapore, last Wednesday night of Seymour William Badham. aged 18. a seaman from H.M.S. Sullolk. The funeral took place at the Bidadari Cemetery on Thursday with full naval honours. The Rev. A.V.
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  • 132 12 New Committees Are Elected. •From Our Own Correspondent) Seremban. June 19 The following are the new officers oi the Seremban Rotary Club: President, the Hon Mr. J. W. W. Hughes (re-elected>; vice-president, Mr. Arthur Edmonds J.P.; C.H.; hon. secretary, Mr. S. S. Chelvanayagnm (re-elected); hon treasurer, Mr. K.
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  • 313 12 ECHO OF HANOI TAXI FATALITY Remarking that there was no evidence of common intention to commit the offences, Mr. N. Grice, the second magistrate, on Friday acquitted Gunners J. H. Pitcher and A. Farringdon. oi' the Royal Artillery, on charges of robbery of a motor-car and mischiei
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  • 188 12 Kcdah s Ruling House Is Pro-Cambridge. When His Excellency Sir Shenton Thomas visits Alor Star next week, he will <says the Straits Echo* have a better opportunity of getting acquaint od with members of the Royal Family and other public men in Kedah. Although the present Raja
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  • 46 12 A Straits Settlements Government Gazette Extraordinary notifies the acquisition of a piece of land in the District of South Seletar and containing 98 acres 2 roods and 0 poles or thereabouts for the purpose of an extension to the Royal Air Force Base.
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  • 577 12 VERDICT OF DKATH BY MISADVENTURE. UNCLE DESCRIBES ACCIDENT. A VERDICT of death hy misadventure was returned by the jury at the conclusion of the inquest on Friday, on Beatrice Dorothy, the 14-year-old daughter of Mr. and*Mrs. A. A. Pnipps, of Sea Avenue, K a tong. The
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  • 297 13 On H.M.S. Suffolk On Her Way To England. GUARDING PRICELESS COLLECTION. Guarded as jealously as the honour of the British Navy which has them in its charge, millions oi dollars worth of Chinese art treas. es, some of them more than 3,000 years old, lie
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  • 172 13 Malayan Reductions Announced. Cheaper telephone trunk calls in Malaya during the night are announced by the Post Office. From July 1. telephone trunk calls demanded between 9 p.m. and a.m. daily will be charged for at one quarter of the standard “day” rates, instead sf one
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  • 82 13 35.7 Per Cent. Fixed By Committee. It is announced that the Central committee, appointed under the Tin and Tin Ore Restriction Rules, have determined the domestic qu.ra tor the Federated Malay States at i ,,er cent of Assessments lor quota period July-September. The increase is from
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  • 714 13 (Straits Times Special.) Extensive Irrigation And Drainage Works Completed. QVER one thousand acres of swamp land in Malacca will be available for padi planting in the next few months. This has been made possible by the completion of two extensive drainage and irrigation works—the Parit China
    (Straits Times Special.)  -  714 words
  • 215 13 State To Celebrate A Double Event. (From Our Own Correspondent) Johore Bahru, June IB. There was a meeting in the office or the Hon. the Mentri Besar of Johore (Unku Abdul Aziz) this morning at 9.30 when an invitation was issued to the various members of
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  • 45 13 native output. Straits Times Copyright. (From Our Oum Correspondent.) London, June 18. The rubber price improvement is attributed to sustained factory buying from the Continent and America, and continued evidence of the Netherlands Indies Government’s determination to control native output. Straits Times
    native output. — Straits Times Copyright.  -  45 words
  • 114 13 VIEWS AT PERAK MEETING. i From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, June 18 Presiding at the annual meeting of the Perak Mining and Planting Association. yesterday. Mr. Leong Sin Nam. referring to the Mining Enactment Amendment, stated that the Introduction of the new section Number 77, requiring
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  • 204 13 Sultan’s Attitude. From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur June 18. The Kuala Lumpur Licensing Board today decided to renew for three months only in view of the possi bllity of a change In the law a licence to sell liquor sought by Naina Mohammed, who
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  • 121 13 Clerk Of Works To New Johore Scheme. Mr W. A B. Ooodall. presently of pul.ui Serimbun, Lim Chu Kan*;. has been appointed clerk o! works to the Johore Government on the new Lunatic asylum, Jalan Tampol, Johore Bahru. The new asylum is an ambitious scheme
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  • 760 14 Indication Of Deterioration In Public Health. A SLIGHT increase in the death-rate for the whole population and a considerable increase in intant mortality in all States and affecting* all races, Malays especially, is recorded in the annual report of the Registrar-General ot Births and Deaths.
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  • 183 14 MR. LAMBERT HELD TO BE AN OFFICER. Mr. Justice a Beckett Terrell delivered judgment in the Supreme Court last week in the matter of the two summonses argued before him in connection with the pending suit in which Mr. Phillip Hoalim is suing Amalgamated Theatres Ltd.
    183 words
  • 323 14 ANXIYERSAY OF LATE SULTAN'S FUNERAL. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Johore Bahru. June 19. Today the State of Johore is observing a holiday, the occasion being the anniversary of the funeral of the late Sultan of Johore. father of the present Sultan. Today at Johore Bahru
    323 words
  • 89 14 Appointment Of Mr. John Aitkin. His Majesty the King given directions for the appointment of the Hon. Mr. J. Aitkin. Puisne Judge. Gold Coast, to be a Puisne Judge of the Supreme Court of the Straits Settlements. Mr. John Aitkin was educated at Giggleswick College and
    89 words
  • 468 14 NO DEEP-WATER PLAN—YET PRESENT STRUCTURE TO BE SUPERSEDED. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, June i:». Some conjecture has been aroused ;l>y the publication of an advertisement calling for tenders for tin construction of a sea-wall at hagai Knar. Prai. The explanation i> simple, and there
    468 words
  • 56 14 The following Old dined in Singapore last Tuesday even ing to commemorate Waterloo Day H. A. J. Woodfall Major R. C. M Raikes. Capt. G. A Fenton, R. H. C Liverton. Capt R A. Laurence. J Grant. Capt. L E C M. Perownr J. H. Parsons, C.
    56 words

  • Malayan Planting Topics.
    • 2919 15 Three Schools Of Thought Controlled And Uncontrolled Growth —Some Objections—Pit, Bud Or Slash. (By Our Planting (’orrespondent.) more than one occasion since I returned from leave have I in these notes endeavoured, when discussing the subject, to maintain an open mind as to the merits claimed
      2,919 words

  • 752 16 Inducements To Recruiting. Further hospital concessions, as well as shipping and railway concessions and a reduction in car and motor-cycle tax arc suggested as an inducement to recruiting by Lt.-Col. R. H. L. Fink. Commandant, in his annual report on the progress of the Straits Settlements
    752 words
  • 109 16 Degree Of Doctor Of Philosophy. The Rev. R. L. Archer. Superinten dent of the Singapore District Metho dist Mission. B.A. University of Pittsburg, M. A. Drew University, has been awarded his degree ol Doctor of Philosophy by the Hartford Seminary Fou’ dntion, U.S A at the
    109 words
  • 318 16 CREW GOES HOME BY P. AN!) O. i From Our Shipping Correspondent) When the P. and O. liner Rajputana arrived in Singapore from Japan and China last Wednesday, she carried the entire white crew of the 5.000-ton tramp ship Cape Verde. The Cape Verde was sold mm
    318 words
  • 174 16 Graduates’ Dinner In Singapore. The annual Trinity College. Dublin, dinner took plao? in the Adelphi hotel cn Trinity Monday and was attended by sixteen passed Trinity men. Col. E. Gibbon O B E being the senior graduate present, occupied the chair and the others present were Mr
    174 words

    • 1911 21 By OUR COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. Suggested Revision Of Imports And Exports List—Hint To Chambers Of Commerce. 1VHLN desciibing, in my last weeks article, the Singapore Imports and Exports List as the most individual record of the daily business transactions of this port, I
      1,911 words
  • 156 21 Articles In alphabets Date Country of Importer Quantity cal order Arrival Origin ‘if so desired m future lists i 4 es Acetylene generator 15 May Japan Far East Oxygen Acetylene Co 3471 galls. Arrack 20 Java Edgar Bros. Ltd 4500 yds. Art Silk H *-ng TOye Hang
    156 words

  • 1415 22 Harbour Log. The N. Y. K. Reductions Round-The-World Is The Cheapest Way To And From Europe M. M. Developments —The Day Of Luxury And Speed. (By Our Shipping Correspondent.) •J*HE announcement by the N.Y.K last week oi a £10 reduction in their fares to Europe was received
    1,415 words
  • 10 22 ihe Jean Latiorde, showing the peculiar square-topped tunnels.
    10 words
  • 31 22 Singapore has been declared an infected area owing to the existence of rinderpest among cattle here. The export ot cattle, sheep, goats and swine is accordingly prohibited until further notice.
    31 words

  • 1189 23 Jubilee Fund —Near Six Figures— Government Should Help—Community's Responsibility For The Distressed—Quit Rents Planters Disappointed. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, June 20. r T'HF past few days have been i rather quiet in the Federal Capital, with no important meetings and no social or sporting events of
    1,189 words
  • 1066 23 The Annual Budget-Framing Period Some Advocates Of A Progressive Policy Perak’s List Of Wants —A Five-Year Programme Still In Oblivion. 'From Our Own Correspondent* Inoh. June 19. ALTHOUGH not generally realised this is the period of the year when heads »u departments in th*FM.S. arc engrossed in
    1,066 words

  • 552 24 —British Wireless. AGREEMENT FOUND IN LONDON. London, June 19. Agreement readied as a result of the Anglo-German naval conversations, undertaken with th i primary purpose of preparing the way for a general conference the limitation of Naval armaments, is embodied in an exchange of Notes between th. two
    —British Wireless.  -  552 words
  • 496 24 -Reuter “THOROUGH UNDERSTANDING.” Essential For Stability In Asia W orld Peace. London. June 19 Sir Samuel Hoare. the British Foreign Secretary speaking tonight at a dinner of the Japan Society >n honour of Mr. Matsudaira, Japanese Ambassador in London, and Mrs. Matsudaira said that
    -Reuter  -  496 words
  • 59 24 And Back To London For Dinner. London. June 17. Capt. Percival. the aircraft designer, flew his Percival Gull light airplane early today from Gravesend to Oran on the North African coast. 1.400 miles, in 7 hours 10 minutes. He flew back and was in
    59 words
  • 46 24 -Reuter. Berlin June 19. The agreement is greeted with a chorus of jubilation by the Nazi press t> the first agreement on armaments I mitation between any two nations of world, while the Koelmische 7eitung says the ice in the disarmament question is broken.—Reuter.
    -Reuter.  -  46 words
  • 172 24 Lord of the Admiralty.—British Wireless. -Reuter Wireless. National Government Reconstruction. London. June 19 The first meeting of the recently reconstructed Cabinet took place at Downing Street today when Mr. Stanley Baldwin presided. The appointment was announced of seven junior ministers: Captain Crookshank. formerly Par liamentary Under-Secretary at
    Lord of the Admiralty.—British Wireless.; -Reuter Wireless.  -  172 words
  • 169 24 -Reuter. Views Of France And Italy. London, June 17. French and Italian replies to the British communication in regard to the Anglo-German naval conversations have now been despatched to London. The French reply will be delivered tomorrow. In view of the fact that M. Laval received
    -Reuter.  -  169 words
  • 122 24 V M VA -Reuter. British Interest And The Monopoly. London, June 17. In the House of Commons replying to Mr. Peter MacDonald. Sir Samuel Hoare said no reply had been received from Japan to the British protest against the establishment of an oil monopoly in
    » V M VA -Reuter.  -  122 words
  • 128 24 .—Sin Kuo Min. Outlaw Hordes Leaving Sikang Province. Yunnanfu. June 18 The Chinese Reds’ attempt to gain a foothold in Sikang Province, preparatory to setting up a Soviet Republic have apparently failed. The Reds have evacuated Kanchi and Chenchiashan, Sikang border towns and are
    .—Sin Kuo Min.  -  128 words
  • 53 24 Reuter. In Hands Of Bandits For A Month. Peiping. June 17 A message from Kaiying says that Father Henry J Bush, an American Roman Catholic priest, has been rescued by Chinese troops at Huangpi on the border of Kiangsi and Kwangtung after a month in the
    Reuter.  -  53 words

  • 241 25 MALAYA TIN CONTROL. Reuter Conditions For Renewal. London, dune 20. The recent sevei e criticism blaming the Butter Pool for its failure to ease tre extraordinary shortage of spot tin by releasing supplies caused Reuter to enquire today trom circles in the closest contact with the poo. It is pointed
    Reuter  -  241 words
  • 38 25 From Our London Correspondent. Mr. Harry Roy. the London dance band leader who is to marry *he Dayanp Elizabeth on Aug. S. in London, has written a song "Sarajeaki” as a serenade to Miss Brooke.
    38 words
  • 143 25 —Reuter. How Nanking May Balance Losses In North. Hong Kong. June 19 The rebel seamen disclose that fighting broke out among the crew themselves aboard the Hai Chi alter the escape from Canton Some seamen opposed desertion from Canton, fearing Nanking had not forgotten their
    —Reuter.  -  143 words
  • 158 25 Reuter. CH ARHAR PEOPLE ARE NOW BANDITS! Tokio. June 17 The Japanese Press features belated! reports of two incidents on the «eholCharhar border It appears that last week as Manehukuo officers inspecting the oorder area live miles to the north ot i'ushikuw between 2U and JO
    Reuter.  -  158 words
  • 81 25 ReUt<T Kwantung Arnij And Border Incident. Shangnai. June 18. The Kwantung Army is reported to be taking a grave view 1 the two incidents. of which headquarters in Changchun have just learned. Tlu* first occurred on June 11. when a group of 15 or 16 troops are alleged
    ReUt<T  -  81 words
  • 14 25 lIF.RR VON fUBRF.NTROP,
    14 words
  • 75 25 RECOGNITION OF MANCHUKUO recognition of ManchukiiL—Sin Kuo Min. Nanking. June 21. Mr. Tan Yu-jen, Vice-Foreign Minister, this morning asserted that the Central Government has not appealed to the United States and Great Britain concerning the North China situation. It is authoritatively stated in the capital today that the Japanese have
    recognition of ManchukiiL—Sin Kuo Min.  -  75 words
  • 424 25 Mr. J. H. Thomas On Their New Role. London, .ho &lt;* 20. The Dominions Secretary, Mr. J. H. Thomas, speaking in the House of Commons tonight when the Dominions Office Vote was taken, said the Statute of Westmin -Ter created an entirely new situation
    424 words
  • 61 25 Shanghai, June 21. “Great Britain and the Cnited States are powerless to •interfere’ in China under the terms of the Kellogg Pact, which has heroine invalid since tie .Manchurian Incident of 1931." This statement, which is expected to have serious repercussions was made by the spokesman
    61 words
  • 153 25 Reuter WHAT KWANTUNG ARMY K\I*K('TS. Changchun. June 18 The Japanese Kwantun« Army has accepted tin* terms of uie Charhar settlement laid down by Col. Matsut, Japanese military representative at Kalgan In announcinu tin decision whic.i was reached alter a live-hour conl’erenee. Lieut Gen Pa.'aki assistant Chiel-oi-Stall indicated
    Reuter  -  153 words
  • 73 25 Sm Chew Jit Poll Hin Ship-HuiUlinu onf rad. Shanghai. Juno 1H. Tin* Soviet Government has opened negotiations with the Japanese Gov eminent lor the building ol 21 steam ers. several ol 0 000 tons displacement., tor the Soviet merchant marine, savs a Tokio report The Soviets
    Sm Chew Jit Poll  -  73 words
  • 98 25 ReUter. Important l)c*al I id ween l .S. And llritish Interests. San Francisco. June 20 The possibility ol Empire wide television is revealed by Mr. McCargar. president ot the Farnsworth Television Company, who untioum **d today the coinpleton ot a deal wit it Baird Television Ltd..
    ReUter.  -  98 words

  • 206 26 -Reuter. Bigger Singapore Air Base. London, June 21. The Air Ministry is energetically undertaking the enlargement and improvement of the R.A.F. as decided upon by Parliament last month. The Daily Telegraph aviation correspondent says today that several orders have been recently placed, two of
    -Reuter.  -  206 words
  • 38 26 —Reuter. Peiping. June 21 General Doihara. \the Japanese military chief, unexpectedly arrived at Tientsin last night. Interviewed he said he had no special mission and just wished to investigate Me situation on the spot.—Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  38 words
  • 81 26 -Router. Sequel To Weyerhauser Charges. Sentence of 45 years’ imprisonment was passed on Harmon Waley last week at Tacoma 'USA) when he pleaded guilty to charges of kidnapping and extortion in connection with Weyerhauser son of the U S lumber king. The judge refused to
    -Router.  -  81 words
  • 51 26 tired on bv a Japanese warship —Sin Kuo Min Japanese Warship Fires On Customs Cruiser. Amoy June 20. Sir Frederic Maze. InspectorGeneral of the Chinese Maritime Customs, has arrived at Amoy, reportedly to investigate an incident in which a Chinese customs cruiser was tired on by a Japanese
    tired on bv a Japanese warship —Sin Kuo Min  -  51 words
  • 218 26 Router. CANTON REVOLT PLOT SEQUEL. Canton. June 18. A first class sensation has been caused by the sudden execution today of Gen. Tsai Teng-hui. commander of the anti-piracy troops at Bias Bay. and his chief-of-stail. Yang Chi-suan. It is alleged that they secretly pos sessed a vast
    Router.  -  218 words
  • 114 26 .—Reuter. Hauptmann’s Counsel And The Trial. Trenton 'New Jersey). June 20. In a calm legal atmosphere, a striking contrast to the emotional scenes at Flemington. Hauptmann’s lawyers today presented to the court of appeal a lengthy brief in support of their contention that a retrial is justified.
    .—Reuter.  -  114 words
  • 134 26 “during the present ’crisis.’’—Sin Kuo Min Rumours Of Anti-Nanking Revolt Denied. Hong Kong. June 22. i Col Kita. representative of the Japanese Kwantung Arn.y. left Hong Kong for Canton yesterday. He declined to make any comment. Col. Kita’s mission is to “observe! conditions in
    “during the present ’crisis.’’—Sin Kuo Min  -  134 words
  • 196 26 —Reuter. Recruitment For Road Schemes. Hong Kong, June 21. According to Chinese circles here the Italian Government s conducting an intensive labour recruiting campaign in Chiu-chow District in Kvvangtung Province. It is understood 7.000 labourers are required for work on road-making in Italian Somailand. It is
    —Reuter.  -  196 words
  • 87 26 —Reuter PMping June 21. Communists have sacked the mission at Yenchang. North Shensi, and taken possession of several towns. Round Yenan Bishop Ibane and nine other Franciscan Drests taking refuge at Yen\n are gravely endangered —Reuter Recently Gen He Ying-chin. Wai Minister, uttertd a
    —Reuter  -  87 words
  • 41 26 .—Reuter. Peiping. June 19. The Communist forces at Tatsienlu. border district in Szechuan, have captured two Franciscan missionaries. Rev. Father E.. Pegorara. Italian, and Rev. Father Nadal. Spanish. Government forces are hot in pursuit of the Rods.—Reuter.
    .—Reuter.  -  41 words
  • 63 26 boycott of Siam rice.—Sin Chew Jit Poh. Shanghai. June 21. After petitioning the Central Government to take steps for the relief of Chinese in Siam, who it is alleged are discriminated against, a delegation of representatives of the various public bodies in Shanghai is now planning to
    boycott of Siam rice.—Sin Chew Jit Poh.  -  63 words
  • 40 26 Reuter. London. June 22 "It is not proposed to iticreasi the British garrison in Northern China," said Mr. Douglas Hackino iFinancial Secretary to the War Office) in a written reply yesterdaj to a Parliamentary question
    Reuter.  -  40 words
  • 461 26 .—Reuter First Lord On AngloGerman Pact London, Juno 21. The reasons that impelled Britain to reach a naval agreement with Germany were presented in the House of Commons today by the First Lord of the Admiralty, Sir Bolton Eyres-Monsell. He said Britain at
    .—Reuter  -  461 words

  • 167 27 .—Reuter. Huey Long And The President. OFFER OF SUPPORT. Washington, June 22. While anxiously waiting for President Roosevelt to decide whether he would ask for immediate legislation for his new taxation proposals, Congress saw a surprise development on the Hoor of the Senate in
    .—Reuter.  -  167 words
  • 45 27 The Duchess oj Kent has cancelled her forthcoming engagements and she is not undertaking any further functions this summer. —British Wireless. Our London correspondent cabled a few weeks ago that the Duchess of Kent is expecting a happy event in September.
    45 words
  • 645 27 Reuter NANKING VESSEL FIRES ON REBEL CANTON CRUISERS. Hong Kong, June 22. Tlie rebel Chinese cruisers sailed out 1 from Hong Kong about 4.30 p.m. yes- tei day. but that was not the end of 1 their adventures. When they reached a point opposite Waglan Lighthouse.
    Reuter  -  645 words
  • 184 27 Labour Objects To Disfranchisation. London, June 23 The question of creating a special non-territorial constituency for the Speaker of the House of Commons is likely to be considered at an early Cabinet meeting as a result of tin Labour Party's official decision to oppose Capt. Fitzroy
    184 words
  • 90 27 .—Reuter. liian k Kai-shek And Anti-Japan Movement. Ti.klo, June 21 The Nichi-Nichi gives prominence today to a photograph of a Chinese document, allegedly signed by Gen Ho Ying Ching. on behalf ol Chiang Kal Shek The Nielli Nielli claims that it shows that Chiang Kai Shek was
    .—Reuter.  -  90 words
  • 77 27 Reuter Wife’s Thanks Donation To Naval Fund. An echo of the rescue from pirates in June last year of Mr Graeme Nieholls. a Shanghai insurance agent, (formerly resident in Singapore) is contained in Admiralty Fleet orders las night which announce a donation o! 4:50 to the
    Reuter  -  77 words
  • 78 27 Reuter. Invited To Five In Austrian Tyrol. Innsbruck. June 2'S Cheering and singing oi the old Imperial national anthem in the streets ol Hall, the second largest Tyrolean town, greeted the announcement that the Municipality have invited the Archduke Otto and the exEmpress Zita to live there
    Reuter.  -  78 words
  • 77 27 “TrJJkeTTimera purpTsTbiplane tltnxtol Pe*MU.i «n* ne). I his R p am the existence of which is now officially revealed R.A.F. aer p 0 withstand the enormous stresses imposed was specially a morc than 300 m.p.h. Performance details*may 1 not* yet ‘be K ivcn, but
    77 words
  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 277 27 UO’i.3, rwM i u«i keii ■M iim». JftoJo* bar* I tutl hi m ;h» ja iKUWI !r ycu an ibcrt and. ona iM to* I araoafjl, WllloWf muck idmi red IliLW IT ■fori or &lt;unr t« baaltk ibUtr la atolTM. ao4 ikanaaada af Mteoaiili froai aitaota of a»ary »f» wf
      277 words

  • 238 28 Reuter “PART OF CHINESE FORCES.” Are Canton Ships Seeking Japanese Protection? Hour Kong, Juiu* -~k UNLESS the British Government is informed by un Nanking f Government that the Chinese warships at Hoiiu &lt; j ,ng “jn rebel ships, Reuter learns that the British iHithouties i
    Reuter  -  238 words
  • 88 28 .-Reuter. THE CRUISERS AS MEDIATORS. Nanking. June 23. A report that the warships content plate a blockade of Canton is authoritatively denied It is believed that ‘.he Government's position is merely th t r 'l mediator in a dispute between the local authorities and the cruisers,
    .-Reuter.  -  88 words
  • 150 28 GEN. DOIHARA’S HINT TO NANKING. Peiping, Saturday. 'TWENTY thousand Japanese troops are stationed along the Great Wall, watching to see if China fulfils her promises,” declared Gen. Doihara, representative of tie Kwantung Army, in an interview with pressmen this afternoon. •*I am satisfied with the existing situation
    150 words
  • 24 28 Sin Kuo Mir Canton June 24. The hoods in the '.Vest River valley are assuming serious proportion? Samshui city being inundated yesterday.—
    Sin Kuo Mir  -  24 words
  • 101 28 Talks Between Rebels And Nanking. Hong Kong. June 24. The Hong Kong Government today issued an official denial ol Chinese reports that an ultimatum had been made to the two rebel Canton cruisers Hai Slien and Hai Chi to leave Hong Kong waters. Discussions between Vice-Adm. Chen
    101 words
  • 18 28 Survivors of the terrible earthquake at Quetta in one of the hospitals in Sind.
    18 words
  • 155 28 “A! Haj” Who Visited Mecca. London. June 22 The death occurred today, says Reuter. of Lord Headley, famous civil engineer and president ot the British Moslem Society. Lord Headley, who was the only Moslem peer and the most celebrated English convert to Mohammedanism, in 1923
    155 words
  • 90 28 Sin Chew Jit Poh. Slantu. June 24. Alter carrying out an extensive survey of the north-west region, with a view to find a suitable site for new settlers. Gen. Fung Yong. former volunteer leader in Manchukuo. arrived by plane in Sianfu, Shensi, yesterday on his
    Sin Chew Jit Poh.  -  90 words
  • 21 28 The Bolivian Congress has ratified j the Peace Protocol that ends the Gran Chaco war (says Reuter*.
    21 words
  • 151 28 NON AGGRESSION IN CHINA IF Sin Chew Jit Poh Mr. H i rota K n u merates His Conditions. IMPORTANT TALKS TO BEGIN IN TOKIO? Shanghai June 24. Important Sint*- Japanese talks will take place this week, says a Tokio message. Mr Hirota. Japanese Foreign Mini ster. who will meet
    — Sin Chew Jit Poh  -  151 words
  • 100 28 .—Sin Kuo Min. Peiping. June 24 Mr. Chin Teh-shun. Civil Commissioner of Charhar who was appointed to succeed Gen. Sung Che-yuan. dismissed Governor, .has cabled t( Nanking tendering his resignation. Mr. Chin merely states that he desires to follow Gen. Sung, his ehiel into retirement. Mr.
    .—Sin Kuo Min.  -  100 words

  • 1076 30 Wahab Rides Three Winners And A Second. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur. June 21. THE first day of the Selangor Turf Club Summer Skye was favoured with ideal weather but the sport was marred by some nasty accidents in the seventh and eighth
    1,076 words
  • 1212 30 Heavy Going For Last Day Of K. L. Skye Meeting MRS. WILKINSON WINS THE SCURRY. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, June 23. T HK Selangor Turf Club Summer race meeting was con- eluded yesterday with the second day of the Skye meeting. Rain earlier in the day had made
    1,212 words
  • 67 30 Beats Hamilton In Island Golf Championship. M M Paterson on Sunday won the Island Golf championship at Bukit Timah by beating J P de C Hamilton 5 and 4. Paterson was '1 up at the ninth mo 7 up at the 18th but was hack to
    —Straits Times Photograph  -  67 words

  • 1071 31 BUT DEFENCE WAS NOT VERY IMPRESSIVE. (By Our Football Correspondent.) SINGAPORE H; JOHORE Gil Singapore won her second Malaya Cup game by defeating Johore at Alison Road Stadium on Friday by eight gt&gt;als to nil their play, especially in defence, left a lot
    Sira its Times Photograph.  -  1,071 words
  • 39 31 The Hose Cun was won by Mr. A H. L. Wheeler. On June 3 Dr. E W. Mart indell did the second hole in one. Unfortunately there were only -1 members present in the club house.
    39 words
  • 476 31 GUILLERMO'S PLUCKY DISPLAY. (From Our lloxing Correspondent.) IT reallv looks as it Young Frisco will have to gi\e up lighting as a welter-weight and train to beat some of the bigger fellows, lie is an extraordinarily well built youth himself and
    476 words
  • 281 31 (I i oiii Our On ii urrespondrnt.) I'rium Junr 22. t7l(\\KIK Weber Rained the verdict over lie Altaian on points last night. The judges disagreed and the referee gave his easting vote In favour of Welter This decision came as a complete surprise to
    281 words

    • 1670 1 STRAITS TRADERS MEETING. MR. J. BAGNALL FAVOURS LOWER PRICE. A comprehensive review of the tin situation was given at the half-yearly meeting of The Straits Trading Co., Ltd., held at the company's oftices, Ocean Building on Monday. Mr. J. Bagnall. managing director, oresided and others present
      1,670 words
    • 40 1 Auk. 31 inclusive—Straits Times copyright. To Close On Saturdays Till End Of August (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, June 20. Tlu* London rubber market will be closed on Saturdays from June 22 to Auk. 31 inclusive—Straits Times
      Auk. 31 inclusive—Straits Times copyright.  -  40 words
    • 95 1 The following Information has been received from the Rubber Growers’ Association, London. Nel Kvportv April May 1935. 1935tons. tons. Ceylon 3.263 4.544 Other countries than Ceylon, Malaya and the N.I. (partly estimated) 9.281 9.8(H) Absorption. U S A. 44.714 41 568 United Kingdom 8.522 9,817 Other countries 28.631
      95 words
    • 67 1 Austral Malay Tin, Ltd., reports the following outputs of associated companies for the half month of June: Kampong Kamuntlng.—Hrs. run 328, ru. vds. treated 55.000, U)tal pels. 125, net valu« $8,500. As am Kumbang.— Hrs. run 87, ru. yds. treated 30.000, total pels. 210 92, net va!u« $15,000.
      67 words
    • 1457 2 (Incorporated in Queensland) RAUB. PAHANG. F.M.S. June 21st 1935. REPORT NO. 495 Tke Chairman Directors, The Raub Australian Gold Mining Co., Ltd. i SINGAPORE S.S. Gentlemen. —Herewith is the Rei&gt;ort of Operations of the Raub Australian Gold Mining Co., Ltd. for the fqur
      1,457 words
    • 150 2 Tlie Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association held their 1231 th auction, on June 19. at which there was catalogued 1.052.450 lb. (469.84 tons*; offered 1,037,724 lb. (463.27 tons) and sold 791,168 lb. (353.20 tons). Prices realised w*ere as follows: Ribbed Smoked Sheet. Cents per lb. Standard quality
      150 words
    • 255 2 Reserve Fund Now At £35,000. 'From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur. June 18. The annual meeting ot the Renong Consolidated Tin Dredging Co.. Ltd., was held today, the Hon. Mr G. Eric Teale presiding. In proposing the adoption ot the report and accounts for the year ended Dec.
      255 words
    • 517 2 SINGAPORE MARKET REPORTS. MANUFACTURERS’ RESERVES. The weekly rubber market report ot Mesrs. Lewis and Peat, ot Singapore issued on Friday, states: The week has been one of little interest and prices generally have foli lowed a downward trend Spasmodic ally rubber has oliered fairly freely but
      517 words
    • 175 2 Exports of rubber from the Netherlands Indies during May converted to lone ton* of 2,240 lb. dry weight.— Estate Rubber: Java &lt;fc Madura Outer Protinces Total (1) Latex 14 589 e 603 (ii) Sprayed Rubber 641 041 (iii) Dry Rubber 6.533 6.389 12.922 Total Estate Rubber 6.547
      175 words
    • 800 3 MUNICIPAL LOAN SCARCE. w I Messrs. FTaser and Co.’s weekly share [report, dated June 25, statse: Nothing has happened during the [past week to disturb the serene indifference of the Singapore shary market, and, although telegrams wuWd seem to indicate that the London Stock Exchange is enjoying
      800 words
    • 51 3 Harrisons and Cimiteld report the toll«*wing crops for May;— Rubber. Ankoia. —1,084 kgs. Ha joe Kidoel. —53.098.7 kgs Dja.dnga. —70.494 kgs. Tjtkaslntoe. 28.564 kcl.angcn. —43.606 k^s. Donowarie.*—22.s9l kgs. BalombLssle 10.400 kps fra. Anaoln 33 668 hks. Paslr Madang -37.217 hi:*Coffee. Ha joe Kldocl.- 181 t&gt;D* Balnmiiri -3d
      51 words
    • 238 3 To Be Opened In September. An increasing appreciation of banking facilities by the Chinese commercial community has prompted a number of business men. including Mr. Wee Keng Chiang, of Sarawak, and Mr. Chionh Ke Hu, of the Bing Seng Rubber Works, to form a banking
      238 words
    • 277 3 IMPORTS FOR .MAY THE HIGHEST THIS YEAR. The Malayan trade statistics for May show- increases on April iwith one day less) in both export and imports. Imports, at 545.549.000. an* the, highest in any month this year so lar. Gross trade ’or May amounted to* $94,714,000 compared
      277 words
    • 102 3 During Iho work ending June 15, exports of tinned pineapples from Malayan ports amounted to *&gt;1.553 cases, of which: 46,581 '76 per cent cases were to the United Kingdom 2 880 &lt;5 per cent.&gt; cases to the Continent of Europe, 7.800 &lt;12 per cent.* cases Canada, and 4.202
      102 words
    • 333 3 Closing 1 Prices In Mindon Last Night. from Our Own Correspondent.) London. June 25. Closing quotations today of the principal British stocks are given below. I he rise &gt;r fall is in relation to tbe price of June 20. OOVKKWIKN'T SI04KS. ItlUTlSH. Rise or Fall Conversion
      333 words
    • 59 3 General Motors 33 2 Standard Oil »x. iki 112 1 4 no change II S steel ex. Pd. 33 1 1 »I*4 National City Bard 23'.-.* i General Electric 20 1 Union Parlllr 11 »5 &gt; j *2 American Totxiern It f»2'* -r 1 American Can 141 U
      59 words
    • 61 3 for til* year end* d Mar. 31 Straits Tnnt’s rnpuricfit From Our Own (’orrespondent. 1 London. June 24 Vallambrosa Rubber Company, Ltd. declares a dividend of 15 per cent., makinu 22 per cent, for the year TVekoy Rubber Estate, Ltd, declares a final dividend *&gt;1 5 per
      for til* year end* d Mar. 31 Straits Tnnt’s rnpuricfit  -  61 words
    • 45 3 Spol Jul&gt; Juiy-Hept Ol.-I&gt; f .Ian -Mur 1 don Spot •lun-2# .:i 2* &gt;1 &gt;0 JO 21 22 ‘*2 h 22 20 710 21 22 22 0 110 04 '’0 1 *0 K* 21 22 *6 20 20 1 21 20
      45 words
    • 724 4 London Exchange Prices On June 14. Allagar &lt;2 1 9 1 a; Alor Pongsu (£1) 2 l' a Anglo-Malay &lt; t'l) 12 Ayer Kuning &lt; £1 &gt; 31 Bagan Serai &lt;£1) 12/; Bahru (Sel.) &lt;2 &gt; 3 &lt;i 1 j: Banteng t£li 21 3; Batang &lt;2 11 Batu
      724 words
    • 63 4 would be completed shortly.—Straits Times copyright. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London. June 20. Mr. E. L. Burgin, Parliamentary Secretary to the Board of Trade, stated in the House of Commons last night that the investigations into the affairs of Messrs. James and Shakspeare, metal and produce brokers,
      would be completed shortly.—Straits Times copyright.  -  63 words
    • 23 4 The output of Raub Australian Gold Mining Co., Ltd., for the four weeks ended June 15 amounted to 1,749.75 ounces.
      23 words
    • 18 4 Rubber crops for May:— Maluka Pinda.—41.200 lb. Perak River Valley.—32,401 lb Juru Estates.—30,000 lb. Semanggol.—21.500 lb.
      18 words
    • 23 4 June 20 Tin. S pore Price $114.00 per picul. 21 113.50 22 113% 24 113.50 2 r &gt; 113% 26 113.50
      23 words
    • 1564 4 Issued by Fraser and Co. and Lyall and Evatt, Exchange and Stock Brokers. Singapore, June 26. 10 a.m. MINING. issue Val Buyers Sellers Buyers Sellers Issue Val. Buyers Sellers Buyers Seiieio issue vai Fraser Co. Lyall Evatt Fraser Co. Lyall Evat; 4/. Amoat Tin 4/- 4/6 4/44
      1,564 words