The Straits Budget, 13 June 1935

Total Pages: 36
1 4 The Straits Budget
  • 29 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE STRAITS TIMES (ESTABLISHED NEARLY A CENTURY. 1 No. i»:w. SINGAPORE. THI'RSDAY. JI NK Price 2~> cents (S.S. Currency) or 7d.
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  • 492 1 Visit Of Goodyear President. Jabber's futu e l- bright. Thai is the opinion of Mr. P. W. Litchfield, president of tlu* Goodyear Company, the woi’M’s largest tyre and rubber u'M’iG manufacturing concern. H was interviewed on arrival from .lava on Monday by a Straits Times reporter. Mr
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  • 782 1 14 E. the Governor, Sri Shentan Thomas, addressing students ol Panics Institution last Thursday at the annual celebration oi Founder’s Day, mentioned the possibility of a new building for the Institution. “I lu pe.’ he said, “that before I leave this country we shall see something,
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  • 53 1 Military ac tivities in North China, Troops with their bulky luggage awaiting transportation South from Peiping Note the soft shoes This photograph which arrived in Singapore yesterday, was taken hv a Taining resident who has been on a holiday in China—Copy- who has been on a holiday
    who has been on a holiday in China—Copyright photograph  -  53 words

  • The Straits Budget
    • 807 2 Straits Times. June 6. There is a growing ieeling in this country, more particularly among th:» Asiatic public, that the rules governing the allocation of honours might advantageously be amended in one respect. Of late years it has become clear that the C B E. is
      Straits Times. June 6.  -  807 words
    • 685 2 the volunteer movement.—Straits Times. June 7. If an emergency arises which involves Hong Kong, will Malaya be immune? The question is prompted by a remarkable speech delivered by Major-General Borrett. at a meeting held in the sister colony recently for the purpose of discussing the present apathy
      the volunteer movement.—Straits Times. June 7.  -  685 words
    • 714 2 Straits Times. June 8. It was from Kuala Lumpur that the news was forthcoming the other day that official approval has been given to the formation of the Colonial Empire’s first auxiliary air squadron in Singapore. That fact suggests the possibility of the announcement having been slightly
      Straits Times. June 8.  -  714 words
    • 920 3 Straits Times, June 10 Secrets are hard to keep in this country, especially when they afl'ect auoortant interests. Accordingly it n r.ot surprising to learn that al•uh no' oilicial announcement been made, the planting com11 *nity already knows that the *■•'•iii Commissioner has reached a C'oiMon adverse
      Straits Times, June 10  -  920 words
    • 757 3 —Straits Times, June 11. While the importance of Rotary in this country has sometimes been greatly over-estimated, partly because newspaper men who arc members of the movement tend to lose their professional perspective, its value as a nucleus of cosmopolitanism continues to be unassailable. No fairminded person can
      —Straits Times, June 11.  -  757 words
    • 918 4 Straits Times, June 12. The past twelve months have seen three important developments in Malaya’s air communications. The reduction to 25 cents per half ounce for mail carried to Great Britain by Imperial Airways has done much to popularise the air mail; the all-round cheapening of
      Straits Times, June 12.  -  918 words

  • 22 4 Hr. A. Dutta, «f Malacca, a recipient of the order of the Companion ot Honour in the recent Honours.
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  • 94 4 FRESH SET OF CHARGES. i From Our Special Correspondent» Malacca. June 11. There were fresh developments in the case against Inspector Richard Nunn, mentioned before Mr. Justice Mills at the Malacca Assizes today. fresh set of charges was preferred against Mr. Nunn, the first being culpable homicide not
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  • 18 4 EDWARDS. —At the General Hospital on June 4. to Lucy, wife of C. P. Edwards, a daughter.
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  • 43 4 BRETT—NAISH-GRAY—The engagement is announced between J. G. Hume. Brett.. Straits Settlements Police, only son of Mr and Mrs George Henry Brett. 22. Herbert Park. Dublin, and Betty, elder daughter ol Mrs. and the late Malcolm Naish-Gray 37. St. Helen’s Gardens, W. 10.
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  • 44 4 ROL'ERTSON-PEARSE —At St. Georges. Penang, on Friday. June 7. 1935. Duncan Robertson, son of the late Mr. F. Robertson and of Mrs. Robertson, of Stockport. England. and New York, to Jean Pearse. widow of the late Dr. W. W. Pearse, of Hong Kong.
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  • 230 4 SHOWED SIGNS OF MENTAL DISORDER. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Seremban, June 11 The circumstances in which the body of Regimental Sgt. Major Gallacher of the Malay Regiment was found was told the Port Dickson coroner at the inquest here today. The Deputy Public Prosecutor Negri Sembilan and
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  • 109 4 A Tribute To Work Of l)r. A. L. Hoops. Dr. Paul F Russell of the Rockefeller Foundation who was in Penang in 1927 directing a rural sanitation campaign, visited the Settlement again recently and addressed Penang Rotarians. He h;d travelled 1 airly extensively in the Far and Middle
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  • 87 4 From Our Own Correspondent > Johore Bahru, June 10. The Hon. Mr. Justice J. V. Mills Judge of the Supreme Courts ol Johore who is now at Malacca, is expected back in Johore Bahru on Saturday and will proceed to Muu after a
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  • 99 4 The following officers have retuinu from Home leave Mr. T. E. Murp hchief inspector of police. S.S.. P. Purcell. European master. Malawi Educational Service; Dr. R. B invt b professor of medicine. King Ldw a VII. College of Medicine. Mr. E. H > Bretherton. European master. Mala;.a--Educational
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 87 4 NOTICE All communications for both the Straits Times and the Straits Budget should be addressed to the Head Office. Cecil and Stanley Streers. Singapore. Straits Settlements. The post free price of the Straits Times to the United Kingdom and foreign countries is $48 a year. The post free price of
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  • 122 4 DEATHS CHARTER.—On June 7. at sea Robert Charter, Kuala Lumpur, age 74 from pm umonia By cable. SPODE.—On June 7 at Auburn. Melbourne. Dorothy Marsland. beloved wife of Ivin G. Spode and mother of Audrey and Jefl. in her 43rd year. KWEK.—Mrs. Kwek Theam Chye passed away peacefully at 19.
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  • 147 5 r T*HE Straits Times suggested the other day that it would be necessary to i back to pre-Federation days to find u instance, prior to the bestowal ol i knighthood on Dr. Winstedt. of an M C.S. officer being knighted before he t id risen to
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  • 134 5 INEAR Anak Singapura. Re your in today’s issue about how to avoid that sleepy feeling after tiffin, why not try my method of doing without the tiffin. This will keep your mental faculties alert in the afternoon, save you money smd prevent any unseemly increase in your waist-line.
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  • 154 5 TTHIS semi-consciousness induced by a beefsteak on a hot day is bad enough in the office, but when one has to work in the law courts it can lead to most embarrassing situations I remember one drowsy afternoon in Mr Justice Barrett-Lennard's court, when I and my
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  • 158 5 DARTS of the old Kanun ol Johorr. framed prior to European influence. v ere published in the Malayan Police ''layazine recently. These laws are s ‘tid to have been first translated by s *r Thomas Braddell about 1850. It is amusing to find that in old nne Johore
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  • 183 5 PRE-BRITISH LAWS reference to yesterday’s remarks about Malay laws provid h*g lor the extenuation of murder by a cash payment, this aspect of the udut per pa'eh of Negri Sembilan is exi Plained by Wilkinson as follows: Treason, incest, robbery, arson, tnett. cheating, poisoning and stabbing these summed up the
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  • 140 5 G. P. Bradney. head ol the Government audit staff in the Colony and F. M. S.. made a comment in a Straits Times interview last week which deserves all possible prominence. Referring to his African service. Mr. Bradney said: "There was nothing in my time to
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  • 144 5 LIAS it ever occurred to advocates of that brilliant slump panacea, a holiday road up Penang Hill, that such a road would mean the end of the funicular railway? If my memory serves, the capital cost of that railway, constructed in Sir Laurence Guillemard’s time, was a
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  • 143 5 IN announcing the conferment ol the C.M.G. upon the Tengku Besar ol Sri Menanti. the Straits Times stated that this prince was one of the tour ruling chiefs of Negri Sembilan. This was incorrect. The ruling chiefs, or Undang, are the Dato Klana Petra of Sungei Ujong.
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  • 142 5 •THE Tengku Besar ranks as the second royal personage after the Yam Tuan and is the senior of the four princes, or Petra Yajui Ampat. of Sri Menanti. It was accordingly natural that the Undang should elect him to act as Yam Tuan when His Highness was
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  • 103 5 /"\NE ol the pleasantest innovations I have heard ol recently is a luncheon for business girls once a month ai the Y.W.C.A. building on Rallies Quay. A short talk is usually given alter luncheon, in real Rotary iashlon, and girls who earn their living in shops and
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  • 91 5 CHINA “SQUADRON K'J'HE fact is that the term squadron’ has lost all signilance as a naval classification.” says Truth. In bygone days it meant two divisions of four ships apiece, and down to tlie Dreadnought era battleships and cruisers were commonly built in classes of eight to conform to this
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  • 145 5 pROMPTED by Mr. Hermann Jessen’s letter on the escape of the German prisoners of war from Singapore Island. I have looked up another account of this episode in Raffles Library. This appears in Lauterbach of the China Seas.” by an American. Lowell Thomas. Lauterbach was an officer of
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  • 160 5 I AUTERBACH openly states, through his American mouthpiece, that he did his best to foment trouble in the Filth Light Infantry, which sometimes supplied the guards for the prisoner-of-war camp He do«*s not say. however, that any other prisoner took part in this propaganda. nor need we assume
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  • 150 5 'J'IIF Orang Kuya-Kaya Stia Bijaya Diraja, who received the 1.8.0. In. the last honours list, ranks high in the nobility ol Perak. He is one of the eight major chiefs who in bygom times took precedence i*tter the four high officers of State, the Bcndahuru. the Orang
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  • 160 5 DATO SAGU R. r T'HK chid who has just been honour* ed occupies a position which rank(C seventh In the old-time Eight. Formerly that position was held by a territorial chid who was commonly known as the Dato Sagur, ids domain I cing a stretch of the Perak River on
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  • 140 5 IJAPPENING to dip into a book by “Tallrail” about the British destioyer service during the war, I came across a tact which shows how much naval theory has changed in the last two decades. When the war broke out then was only one destroyer attached to the China
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  • 154 5 uin a city tiie size of Georgetown it is entirely feasible and desirable to d<stroy all mosquitoes, whether ano pi iene or not. No progressive city tod. v tolerates any mosquitoes at all.’ After reading those remarks, uttered by Ur. Paul F. Russell, of the Rockefeller Foundation, at
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  • 135 6 the hill on which I live, however. the blame for tin' mosquito nuisance lies with lazy householders rather than health oflieers. There is not a stream, pond or marsh within a mile ol us. and yet we are invariably attacked as soon as we arise in the morning
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  • 158 6 T\R. Russell’s statement is surprising. for I had supposed, from remarks made at medical gatherings in recent years, that the ideal ol making Malayan towns entirely mosquito-free had h( on given up as impracticable. Possibly Penang is more favourably situated than Singapore, where we have extensive swamps actually
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  • 140 6 IJOLLYWOOD has never tackled a more difficult task than the adaptation of Dickens for the screen, mani- i tested in David Copperfleld.” showing at the 'Capitol this week. One could not ask lor a more painstaking, ambitious, and, one might almost say. reverent approach to the novel.
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  • 139 6 FROM a lecture on ‘‘Vergil and Milton,” delivered by Mr. L. A. S. Jermyn before the Malacca Literary Club, and reported in The Roda. I take the following Tennysonian quotation: Me. rather, all that bowery loneliness The brooks of Eden mazily murmuring. And bloom profuse, and ccdar-arehcs.
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  • 139 6 OY writing “Blang, My Tiger,” pub- lished in Arrowsmith's “Library of Animal Friends.” Mr. V. W. Ryves has added a most engaging animal study to Malayan literature. Blang was a decidedly formidable pet by the time Mr. Ryves parted w’ith him, nearly six feet from head to
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  • 177 6 OOMEHOW. one thinks about tigers quite differently alter spending some months with Blang. through the medium oi Mr. Ryves* book. I had always looked upon the tiger as the embodiment oi repellent, ruthless. animal ferocity, but now I feel much more sympathetic with the small minority in
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  • 132 6 \I7HEN the European motorist whlz- zes by a kampong he sometimes wonders what the Malays sitting on the bench outside the coffee shop an* taking about. Haji Abdul Majid, in The Malayan Kaleidoscope.” suggests one subject. These Malay Wahabis < members of a modernist Islamic movement) stiil fight
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  • 162 6 ThlE Kaum Tua, or Old Party (this writer continues'*. from among whom have been recruited the religious officials of the country, try to Insinuate in revenge that the Kaum Muda are undesirable Communists, which they decidedly are not. Islam in any form is essentially opposed to Communism, though
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  • 123 6 IIiIOST of Haji Abdul Majid's chapters originally appeared in the Malayan Police Magazine and they are remarkably good both in style and matter. How suggestive they are, and how illustrative of a different point of view, may be gathered from some of the titles—“ Malay Sentiment Vs.
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  • 132 6 ’’THE wailing music of Scottish glens and highlands was heard on a green Malayan padang last Saturday afternoon. Outside the Royal Johore International Club, an equivalent of Rotary in the realm ol sport, four Malay pipers marched up and down, with the accompanying drums. They played very well,
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  • 149 6 ■yHE only other Asiatic performers on the bagpipes in this country are two northern Indian members of the police band in Kuala Lumpur. They decorate their instruments rather more colourfully than the Malays do. Another band which we ought to be allowed to cheer in Singapore before long
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  • 173 6 r J HIS talk of military pageantry leads me on to ask why we see so little? of the Straits Police in ceremonial guise in Singapore? It is very different in Kuala Lumpur where the Malay police swing alonJalan Raja every Friday morning on their way to mosque
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  • 126 6 A REMARKABLE photograph is reproduced in the Jubilee number of the Malayan Police Magazine, by permission of Mr. J. A. S. Jennings, 0.8. E. In this photograph we see a detachment of the Straits Settlements Police marching past the National Gallery in Trafalgar Square at the time
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  • 149 6 I FIND that I was very wide of the mark when I suggested the other day, in connection with the new language classes at the Malayan Sch ol of Agriculture, that it was almost unknown for a Malay to be able to speak Tamil. I have met Malays
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  • 84 6 News has reached Kuala Lumpur <>: me death at sea of Mr. Robert Char ter. aged 75. who had been in Malaya since 1890. He was Clerk of Works. P.W.D. for many years and retired on pension 1 > years ago, but until a short while age
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  • 1553 7 Mr A. H. Mortimer manager of Beverlac estate. Klar.g. has gone on leave. Major and Mrs. Evelyn-Smith left ,n Japan on May 31 and will be away until July 23. Ur. and Mrs. Barclay Barrowman mi child have arrived back in Klang irom Home. Mr. V. C.
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  • 293 7 Saturday, June 1. In the morning His Excellency and Lady Thomas and Miss Thomas arrived at Singapore lrom Eraser** Hill. HFI Major General E. O. Lewin had luncheon at Government House. The Following wt re the guests at a dinner given by His Excellency and Lady Thomas at
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  • 251 7 Royal Portraits For Milford Hospital. Five splendid mezzo-lints ol members ol the Royal Family have been presented to the Mlliotd Hospital by Mrs. Noel Trotter, wife o! Mr. Noel Trotter. President of tie* hospital. Mr Noel Trotter was Postmaster General. S.S lor over 20 years. He retired In
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  • 252 8 <By Our Aviation Correspondent.) Advantage was taken of the Whitsun rally in Singapore to hold a second conference of Malayan Hying cluhs. I Ins was held at the Royal Singapore Flying Club on Sunday evening and important discussions took place regarding the standardisation of machines for training
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  • 172 8 Farewell Function Out ram School. Mr. E. V. Davies was entertained by his colleagues of Outram Road last Sunday, at the residence of one of the masters, at Pasir Panjang. on the eve of his transfer, on promotion as headmaster. to Rangoon Road School
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  • 87 8 Mr. Murray Robertson’s Examination Closed. f 'From Our Own Correspondent' i Kuala Lumpur. Juno 7. The public examination in bankruptcy of Mr. F. R. Murray Robertson was closed before Mr Justice R. C. Cussen in Kuala Lumpur Supreme Court this morning. It was stated that a composition had
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  • 161 8 CorrvsitomTrnrr. Need For Immediate Relief In Singapore. To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir. The numerous letters which have recently appeared in the loc.,1 press all point one and the same thing, i.e. temporary relief must be instituted without further delay until such time as the Jubilee
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  • 209 8 Useless To Address Government Direct. To the Editor of the Straits 'rimes. i Sir. —In your issue oi May 31.1 a correspondent suggested that the U.P.A.M. should ask D.P.A.s to call j meetings to discuss the quit rent question. Apparently circular No. 6 ot the' U.P.A.M.
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  • 150 8 To the Editor of the Straits Times Sir.—Your issue of Tuesday last contained an article on pineapples written by your commercial corres pondent. To one having made a close study since 1930 of the uses to which pines may be put. and the many byproducts derived therefrom, it
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  • 101 8 Master V. S. Charry. the only son of Mr. P. V. Charry, M.A.. an advocate and solicitor of Johore Bahru, will sail for Europe on June 27. He will be the iirst Indian student from Johore to study in Europe. Charry. who is only 15. will have
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  • 250 8 MAN WHO WAS TO BE QUESTIONED. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca, June 8. An inquest into the death oi Chemat bin Baba. Registrar. High' Court. Kelantan. who died as a result of a wound on the neck, was held before Mr. A. Williams, in the 1 District
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  • 129 8 PROF. J. A. MALLlNSOVs ADDRESS. TRIBUTE TO IXK’AI TEACHERS. (1) Practise scales every day (2) Do not hurry in vnur playing. (’D In practising little studies play them as if plavinsomething really poetical. (4) Discriminate between tint,, and rythm. (o) Let your playing express your
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  • 107 8 First (J over nor Of Rotary In Malaya. H. R. H. Prince Purachatra will shortly become the first Governor oi the Rotary district of Malaya and Siam. His present title is honorary commissioner of Rotary in this region, and the change will come about in consequence of a
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  • 106 8 New Honorary A.D.C. To The Governor. Lieut. C. F. Hutt. Royal Artillery, has been appointed to be an honorary aide-de-camp to His Excellency the Governor Mr. P. H. Elkins has been appointed to act as a deputy commissioner of excise. S.S. Mr. F. P. H. Pearse has been
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  • 78 8 .Mr. L. I). E. Cullen Appointed C.P.O. For Kota Tinggi. The completion of the Jemaloiv-. Mersing roads has facilitated the 1 opening of the police circle comprisinthe police districts of Kota TingyPengerang and Mawai with the add: tion of Mersing. Mr. L. D E. Cullen, of Kuala -St
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  • 40 8 <From Our Own Correspondent. 1 Bangkok, June 6 Ex-King Praehatipok has presented the Post and Telegraph Departmen with two wireless telegraph installations belonging to him. The Premier on behalf of the Government ha.expressed high appreciation ol tb* gifts.
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  • 838 9 new important discoveries DISCLOSED IN SINGAPORE. An effective blow is struck in the light against malaria by a discovery described to graduates to the second international course in malanology now being held in Singapore. Minute differences in the anatomy of the anopheline mosquito have been
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  • 335 9 Correspondence. Danger Of Spoiling A Seaside Resort. To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir.—It is only a few short months since H M. the King gave back to H.H the Sultan cf Perak that stri, oi territory known as the Dindings. which for some sixty years had
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  • 110 9 “The Extra Ten Pounds Is Of Importance.” To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir.—In my letter dated 24th inst for which you were good enough to find space in your columns, you represent hie as advocating a basic price for the metal of £150 per ton.
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  • 727 9 Facing A Furious Polar Bear. Exciting adventures in the Arctic Regions were described by Mr. Gordon Burt, of the Asiatic Petroleum Co.. Ltd., at Wednesday s luncheon meeting of the Rotary Club of Singapore, at the Adelphi Hotel. Mr. Burt was a member of the
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  • Page 9 Advertisements

  • 317 10 Indication Of Prosperity. TH E increased commercial activity of Singapore is reflected nowhere more vividly than in the working of the Vehicles Registration Department. During 1034 gross revenue of the Department amounted to $1,003,327, being $122,127 more than the estimated income and an increase of
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  • 305 10 F.M.S. Chamber Of Mines Letter. The F.M.S. Chamber of Mines has obtained from Lon. don important observations on a tin report from the Daily Express cabled to the Straits Times on April 12. The Daily Express alleged that the Belgian Congo had demanded a umg tin
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  • 119 10 Congratulations On Birthday Parade. The following extract from a letter addressed to the General Officer Commanding. Malaya, by His Excellency the Governor and Commander-in-Chief. dated 4th June. 1935. is pub lished in Command orders I have great pleasure in ottering to your Excellency and to all
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  • 49 10 < From Our Own Correspondent Ipoh, June 7. It is understood Government is ap proving the expenditure of $50,000 t< t the golf course at Cameron Highland and providing 530.000 to be spent the current year. The balance will included in the estimates for 1936
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 140 10 FOUR MEN DRINK 5i.. r X r. V t ¥i T !jr > C v\r l; n X A V f f S 3 i 3 3 n<‘ >V* </a t O (S' V MELLOW "RIENDLY SPIRIT A V rl <*> e 6^ k v M C CALLUMS Perfection Whisky
      140 words

  • 544 11 Declines To Discuss 4t Personal Matters.” MU Douglas Fairbanks, accompanied by Lady Ash lev and Miss Mauieen Carew, arrived from Sourabava by air on Friday afternoon. Upon arrival Mr. Fairbanks received a cable which contained very disturbing news” and he had to tid stiaight back
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  • 132 11 Douglas Fairbanks on Saturday morning explained the reason for his sudden dash hack to America The “very disturbing cable” to which he referred on his arrival was one informing him that the chairman of the Board of Directors of United Artists’ Corporation (with which company Fairbanks is connected»
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  • 262 11 Correspondence* Agency Houses Which Are Not Helpful. To the Editor ol the Straits Times. Sir.- It seems to me that jobs are only obtained through influence. At least, this h .s been my experience. As a senior man asking for a Junior appointment with the object of starting
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  • 7 11 Col. Cecil Rae. Prince Purachatra.
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  • 284 11 District Conference Opens A striking tribute to the Rotary movement was paid by Mr. W Bartley. President of the Singapore Municipality, in his address of welcome to over 40 delegates to the sixth annual conference of the Malaya and Siam district on Saturday. The conference opened at
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  • 260 11 AIR COMMODORE SMITH’S SEARCH FOR SITE. MR. JOHN IRVINE AS GUIDE. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Cameron Highlands, June 6. Air Commodore Sydney Smith and Mrs. Smith and the Air Commodore’s A. D. G\, Flight-Lieut. Bladen, arrived at Bin tang yesterday afternoon. They will stay until Friday
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  • 41 11 Mr. R. J. Farrer Awarded $350 Damages. 'From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, June 7 Mr R J Farrer was today awarded $350 damages lor libel against the Straits Echo with costs in the Supreme Court on the lower scale.
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  • 172 11 Two Occupants Hurt. < From Our Own Correspondent* i Penang, June 8. The R A F. Hawker Horsley bombers landed at Penang this morning from Alor Star One machine, with Fit,-Lieut. Addison and L. A C. Gough, undershot the landing marks and came into contact with a
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 26 11 WEST KENSINGTON.— Furnished bed sitting Rooms and Flatlets (service if required>. Convenient for buses, trams, tubes. 15 minutes city west end 5 Matheson Road. London. W.14
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  • 885 12 SIR A. CALDECOTT’S SPEECH AT ANNUAL CONFERENCE. Rotary means peace on earth among men of goodwill.” THIS was the striking phrase used by Sir Andrew Caldecott at Saturday’s dinner held in connection with the sixth annual conference of Rotary for the
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  • 174 12 DINNER TO MR. BRADNEY AT KUALA T TJMPUR. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, June 4. Nearly two hundred members of tlie Selangor Government Servants* Co-operative Thrift and Loan Society attended the dinner last night at the Hotel Majestic, in honour of Mr. G. P. Bradney, Auditor
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  • 385 12 BAGPIPES AND TARTAN. (From a Correspondent i Cameron Highlands was en fete on Thursday when the wedding was solemnised of Miss Patricia Lacey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Everard Lacey, of Malacca, and Brooklands.” Renglet. and Mr Robert Brown, manager of the Boh Plantations, the tea
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  • 151 12 On tneir way home to England from China. Mrs. and Dr. M. IL Lawrence, mother and elder brother of the late Col. T. E. Lawrence (“Lawrence oi Arabia”), arrived in Singapore aboard the s.s. An! nor on Sunday. Dr. Lawrence has been engn ’d in
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  • 1900 13 SIR SHENTON’S ADVICE TO RISING GENERATION. II h. tho Lo\einoi, Sii Shenton 1 honias, addressing students of Raffles Institution last week at the annual celebration oi I* oundei s Day, mentioned the possibility of a new building for the Institution. I hope,” he
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  • 293 13 SUDDEN DEATH OF GROCK II. Grock II. the well-known clown, who. with his partner Bobby,” has been bringing joy to the hearts of over 20,000 children in Singapore, is dead. Paul Emmanuel (which was his real name) died at the General Hospital last Thursday morning
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  • 102 13 The construction of the new $1,500,000 Supreme Court for Singapore will not be concluded until three years hence. At the present time, the Public Works Department is busy carrying out exploratory work in the strata of the site to discover the underground formation prior to calling
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  • Correspondence.
    • 859 14 REPLY TO PLANTING CORRESPONDENT. T lhe Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,-—I shall be obliged if you will allow me to reply to some oi your Planting Correspondent’s remarks in your issue of 1st May. First of all I would remark that I have always realised the invidious position
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    • 154 14 No Awards In Province Wellesley. To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir.—The recent correspond nee discloses some regrettable anomalies in the distribution of these, and one of the most glaring is in die Northern Settlement. Province Wellesley is i nored. as it sa often is.
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  • 207 14 17 Estate Labourers Bound Over. 'From Our Own Correspondent) Johore Bahru. June 4. Seventeen estate labourers appeared before Sheikh Abu Bakar bin Yahya. second magistrate. Johore Bahru, this morning on charges of rioting and assaulting Mr. E. Kjar of the Orient section of Mount Austin <Johore' Rubber Estates.
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  • 228 14 Government’s Thanks An Assurance. London, June 4. Johore's magnificent Jubilee gift of £500,000 sterling (about Straits $4,230,000 for the acceleration of work on the Singapore naval base was mentioned in the House of Commons last night. The Prime Minister. Mr. J Ramsay MacDonald, gave
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  • 297 14 Verdict Of Death By Misadventure. A verdict of death by misadventure was the verdict returned by the Singapore Coroner (Mr. W. G. Porter* lollowing an inquiry into the death of Mr. William Vaughan, chiet steward of the s.s. Agapenor. from injuries following a fall. On the
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  • 355 14 A LINK WITH TH1 ’SEVENTIES. The funeral of Mrs. On? Sum Leong took place to the ’ burial ground from Bukit Rose last Sunday. The cortege took ovo- tw, hours to cover the distance ot j es% than two miles. Several hundred wreaths were
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  • 118 14 Negotiations Are Stiil Going On. London June 6 In the House of Commons tcda Mr. W. Nunn »Con Whitehaven asked whether there was any like:; hood ol establishing a British air service to China eia Singapore. Sir Philip Sassoon replied: T.; question of an experimental serv;e to
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  • 55 14 Bahrain’s Victory In The Derby. As a result of Bahram’s victory in Derby. Mr. J. A. Clarke, of Evatt e Co.. Singapore gains approximat £23,000 from the winning ticket in Calcutta Sweepstake. Mr. Clarke v offered £8.000 for a halt share ai the other
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  • Malayan Planting Topics.
    • 2672 15 Mr. Westrop Relates Some Facts Proofs Of Improved Productivity The Cost Factor How It Should Be Calculated The Rubber Research Institute Proposed Removal To Kuala Lumpur: The Pros And Cons Should The U. P. A .M. Be Consulted? (By Our Planting Correspondent.) SOME weeks ago I
      2,672 words

  • 672 16 THE DRONGO: COMMON IN MALAYA. (By Our Planting Correspondent.) That sort of starling whose exploits I have recorded in recent weeks has been identified. Mr. C. Eldon Scott, of Permas estate, reveals that it is the Rac-quet-tailed Drongo (Malay: bitrong che-chawi) of the Dicrurirae family. On
    672 words
  • 372 16 SOME BIOGRAPHICAL DETAILS. The following have been appointed Justices of the Peace for the Settlement of Malacca. Mr. Francis Albert de WUt. Haji Abu bin Ujang, and Mr. Edward Cecil Martin M.C. Mr. F. A. de Witt comes ol a wellknown Eurasian tamil.v. being a nephew of
    372 words
  • 59 16 On and from June 17 next the range of communication by radio telephone from Malaya will be extended to include North Sumatra (telephone exchanges served via Medan) and Macassar <lsle oi Celebes). For these services the Kuala Lumpur—Bandoeng radio link will be used, speech being relayed from Bandoeng
    59 words

    • 2215 21 Price Factor Not The Only One —Waste Products That Are Wasted. By OUR COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT. FOLLOWING up my last week's comments concerning the Malayan pineapple industry I would today deal with some other aspects of tin* matter and first refer to Dr. Tempany’s suggestions
      2,215 words

  • 83 22 Mr. T. P. (’rawlord And Miss Dora E'.icas. •From Our Own Correspondent) Sen mban. June 5. The marriage took place on June 1 at the Presbyterian Church. Singapore. of Donald Torrance Patterson Crawford of Third Mile Estate. Seremban. the well-known Negri Sembilan sportsman, and Miss Dora Edith
    83 words
  • Article, Illustration
    1103 22 Harbour Log. A Permanently Anchored Vessel —Life Two And A Half Miles Off Shore A Lonely Existence —Harbour Limits. (By Our Shipping Correspondent) ANY day of the year, if one looks over Singapore’s well-populated harbour from any of the tall buildings along the waterfront, one will notice
    1,103 words
  • 260 22 STUDYING LOG HEALTH SERVICES! A Cantonese woman doctor is impressed by Singapore. Dr. Wu Chi Moy, who was sent bv the Municipality of Canton r 0 investigate the public health and sanitation questions in the Malasia Kuiope and America, arrived in Singapore on Tuesday. Through Dr.
    260 words

  • 336 23 British Wireless. The King’s 70th birthday was celebiated in all parts of the British Empire on June 3. His Majesty had suflieiently recovered from a slight chill irom which he had sullered last week the magnificent ceremony of tii- trooolng of the coljur
    British Wireless.  -  336 words
  • 348 23 Reuter Wireless. SLEEPERS TRAPPED IN THEIR BEDS. rYE-WITN ESS accounts of J the earthquake disaster are oiven by survivors who reached Karachi by train. One Karachi business man said he and four friends were seated on a mat in front of the house when they
    Reuter Wireless.  -  348 words
  • 167 23 “HEAVEN-BORN” FLYING HOME. NO DECISION YET ON REPORT. |N the House of Commons, Mr. 1 Hall-Caine asked the Secretary of State tor the olonies whether any Colonial administrations have yet decided to adopt the recommendation contained in the report on leave and passage conditions in the Colonial service that Colonial
    167 words
  • 318 23 A NEW PUPPET STATE transferred to another post Sin Kuo Min and Sin Chew Jit Poll. SOVIET PRESS ACCUSES JAPAN. Shanghai. June 5. Japanese agents arc working for the separation from China of Churhar and Suiyuan provinces with a view to setting up a second so-called independent Mongolian State. This
    transferred to another post Sin Kuo Min and Sin Chew Jit Poll.  -  318 words
  • 117 23 Reuter. Chief Points Evaded. NIPPON MILITARY NOT SATISFIED. Tokio, June Tlu* Asahi Shimhun declares that the Japanese Army authorities wen not satisfied with (Ion. Ho Yinpf Chins second reply which was uhmitled in Peipine- yesterday durinji' an interview with the Japanese Chi *t ot Stall
    Reuter.  -  117 words
  • 101 23 Tlu* Princess Is IJX British Wireless London, dune 4. The Princess Royal, the only daughter ol* the King and Queen, underwent a slight operation which was successfully performed in a London nursing home today. An official bulletin st .ted that the Princess lias !or some
    Tlu* Princess Is IJX British Wireless .  -  101 words
  • 34 23 Unsuitable Hutments For barracks. London. June 4 Asked whether, when eonsid ring plans lor rebuilding the Armv hurraed at Hong Kong he would consider tli necessity tor providing accommod. ti
    34 words
  • 94 23 niy temporary accommodation Reuter. New York. Juw The Normandie arrived off Ambrose Lightship today »n H>> hours, .13 minutes, thus bee the Bremen's record Her nr crane sliced u as J'J > knots an hour Renter in Shanghai less imlitticl t»::*n th** present hutments lnr habita’imi
    ( niy temporary accommodation Reuter.  -  94 words
  • 67 23 $6, 000,000 FOR CHINA RECONSTRUCTION. Sin Chew *lt Poll Estimates tor the n* xt year’s working ot the National Economic Council have been fixed a* $6,000 000. representing halt of last year’s expenses. The funds are derived trom the US wheat and cotton loan contracted by Mr T. V. Soong.
    Sin Chew *lt Poll  -  67 words

  • 255 24 —Reuter M. BOUISSON RESIGNS AFTER FIVE DAYS AS PREMIER. Paris, June 5. M BOUISSON resigned last night after live days as Prime Minister of France. His administration faced the Chamber for the first time yesterday and on the Plenary Powers Bill, which caused the downfall of
    —Reuter  -  255 words
  • 64 24 —Reuter. After the resignation of M. Bouisson, revision of *he votes in the Chamber revealed that the Government, instead of being defeated, really had a majority of 12, hence President Lebrun's invitation to M. Bouisson to resume the premiership which, however, was declined.—Reuter. M. Laval, Foreign Minister
    —Reuter.  -  64 words
  • 37 24 French President The Franc. speech at Rheims.—Reuter Wireless. France is prepared to engage in an international monetary conference but is not prepared to discuss devaluation of the franc, declared President Lebrun in a speech at Rheims.—Reuter Wire-
    speech at Rheims.—Reuter Wireless.  -  37 words
  • 87 24 —Reuter. RESTRICTED BASIS. Washington. June 4. President Roosevelt and, his cabinet today agreed to submit to Congress an emergency legislative programme, restoring the defunct National Recovery Act on a restricted basis. This legislative action will retain the N.R.A.. machinery, but will not attempt to enforce
    —Reuter.  -  87 words
  • 118 24 450 TONS LESS THAN AT APRIL 30. From Our Own Correspondent.» London. June 3. Messrs. W. H. Gartsen and Co. estimate the world *dsible supply of tin at May 31 to be 15,831 tons, compared with 16.287 tons at the end ot April. These figures, it
    118 words
  • 108 24 -Reuter. Exciting Incident Near Hong Kong. Hong Kong, June 5. H.M.S. Cicala, with Lt. Com. E. R. Comber, drove off five boat loads of pirates who were attacking a cargo vessel loaded with munitions in West river last night. The Cicala opened fire with machine
    -Reuter.  -  108 words
  • 72 24 in the boycott movement. -Sin Chew Jit Poh. Canton. June 5. A fresh impetus was given to the movement to boycott Siam rice yesterday by the South-West Council which voice its support of the plan as a retaliatory measure against alleged illtreatment of Chinese in Siam.
    in the boycott movement. -Sin Chew Jit Poh.  -  72 words
  • 155 24 Sir Charles Madden’s 55 Years In Navy. London. June 6 The death occurred yesterday < says Reuter' or Admiral Sir Charles Mad den. who recently underwent a serious operation and hau been unconscious since Tuesday morning. Sir Charles served in the Battle >f Jutland. From
    155 words
  • 79 24 NETHERLANDS THE GOLD STANDARD. .—Reuter. Minister Of Economics Decides To Resign. The Hague, June 3. Dr. M. P. L. Steenberghe, Minister of Economics, has resigned following disagreement with the Premier and other members of the Cabinet over the devaluation issue.—Reuter. Dr. Steenberghe was a supporter of devaluation, and he believed
    .—Reuter.  -  79 words
  • 151 24 More Are Likely To Follow. Karachi, June 4. ANOTHER earthquake shock of moderate intensity shook Quetta yesterday splitting a large distant hill which is a landmark of the district After clouds of pulverised earth had disappeared it was found that where the hill had stood
    151 words
  • 91 24 British Wireless. 56,000 Death Roll In Whole Area. Quetta June 6 Further earth tremor.' have been experienced at Quetta and in the surrounding area. but these have mostly been slight, and no further casualties or damage are reported The enormous task of relief is proceeding effectively.
    British Wireless.  -  91 words
  • 99 24 out regard to local boundaries.— Brit i> 1 Wireless. Fire Brigades In All Farts To Co-operate. London, June 5. The Home Secretary, in the House ot Commons today, said that 1 connection with the preparations national defence and possible dangc of incendiary attacks from
    out regard to local boundaries.—Brit i>1 Wireless.  -  99 words

  • 638 25 British Wireless MR. STANLEY BALDWIN NOW PRIME MINISTER. COMPLETE CABINET RESHUFFLE. London, June 8. Mr. Ramsay MacDonald, in company with the King’s Private Secretary. Sir (/live Wigram. last night drove trom the Prime Minister’s official residence :n Downing Street to Buckingham Palace and was
    British Wireless  -  638 words
  • 225 25 .—Reuter. Prime Minister and First Lord of the Treasury Mr. Stanley Baldwin. Lord President of the Council.. Mr. Ramsay MacDonald. Secretary of State for Home Affairs Sir John Simon. Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs Sir Samuel Hoare. Secretary for State for the Dominions Mr. J. H.
    .—Reuter.  -  225 words
  • 72 25 lie m r. Successful Appeal In London Court. London. June. 5. Th*» Court ol Criminal Appeal tod.iy cpcidied the conviction analnst the I)i;l;e oi Manchester. •j Duk:« oi Manchester wus sentenced to is,.. months' imprisonment at the ON i,i month ror obtaining an advance 'iho frem
    lie m r.  -  72 words
  • 27 25 Sin Ku i Min h ,nuhai. June 0 p itv-lour couples were married it M. third mass marriafp eeremon conducted in Shanuhai yesterdav.
    Sin Ku i Min  -  27 words
  • 93 25 Pewter SHOTS AT MONTH VIDKO KKCKPTIOX, Monte V ideo, June Senor Term, P-esident ol was wounded in an attempt to assassinate him, while attending a lecej lion at the Hippodrome lit 1 re in hon ur of the JJrazilian IT* iderJ.. A political opponent and
    Pewter  -  93 words
  • 43 25 Sin Chew .lit Poh. Miss Butferlly Wti, famous Chinese him star, and Mr (’how Chien-yim have arrived at Oeneva. l ie* St ir him Company, whom 11 1 Chinese visitors P'pr -sent. will make three him:; there,
    Sin Chew .lit Poh.  -  43 words

  • 219 26 QUETTA CITY OF THE DEAD. British Wireless. COMPLETELY EVACUATED AND GUARDED BY MILITARY. Karachi, June *5. MO living soul remains in Quetta today. The capital of British Baluchistan which just a week ago was striken by the worst earthquake in India's history, is now a city of the (lead. Thousands
    British Wireless.  -  219 words
  • 163 26 Sin Chew Jit Poh Liable To Be Drafted Into Army. Shanghai. June 6 The Rice Merchants Association of Canton held a meeting yesterday and decided to launch a boycott campaign against rice from Siam The measure is reported to be a retaliation for unfair treatment met,-d
    Sin Chew Jit Poh  -  163 words
  • 103 26 open tin and other mines Sin Chew Jit Poh. Big Boat!-Building Plan For The Province. Yunnanfu. June 6. An oillcial announcement of the Yunnan Government states that arrangements have been completed for he building ol 6.000 miles of motor ro,ids within the next two
    open tin and other mines Sin Chew Jit Poh.  -  103 words
  • 28 26 The death occurred in London last Thursday (says Reuter > of Lord Byng of Vimy, He died after a serious operation in a London nursing home
    28 words
  • 120 26 —Keutei. Ex-Premier As Minister Without Portfolio. Paris. June 7 M. Laval, the new Prime Minister of Fiance, who has succeeded M. Bouisson, has formed a Cabinet as f Dilows: M. Laval: Premier and Foreign Minister. M. Marcel Regnler. Finance Minister. M Pietri. Marine Minister Col.
    —Keutei.  -  120 words
  • 46 26 villages being destroyed.—Reuter Wireless. A tornado has swept Nebraska and left, an appalling wake of death and destruction and a cloud burst and floods have added to the disaster. The death roll Is estimated at 250. two villages being destroyed.- -Reuter Wire-
    villages being destroyed.—Reuter Wireless.  -  46 words
  • 30 26 Sir Philip Game has been appointed to succeed L< rd Trenehard at Scotland Yard as Commissioner ol the Metropolit m Police, says a British Wireless message.
    30 words
  • 257 26 -Reuter. London. Juno 5 Mrs. Rattenbury who wr. acquitted at the Old Bailey. London last week on a charge of murder was found drowned near Bournemouth last night. Her body was found in the River Avon at Christchurch, near Bournemouth. Mrs. Rattenbury was charged,
    -Reuter.  -  257 words
  • 217 26 Reuter. Thirty Italian Subjects Killed. Romo, June 3. Thirty Italian subjects in Eritrea were killed in the Pankali region on May 31 when an Italian native police outpost was attacked by Abyssinians. According to an official communique some thousands o: head of c ittle were also
    Reuter.  -  217 words
  • 38 26 Sin Chew Jit Poh. Shanghai. June 6. The Chinese art treasures for the London exhibition have been packed in 93 cases and loaded aboard the H.M.S. Suffolk which is sailing tomorrow.
    Sin Chew Jit Poh.  -  38 words
  • 100 26 —Reuter. London. June 7. A verdict of Suicide while Unsound Mind was returned at the in quest today on Mrs. Rattenburg who was acquitted last week on a ehari ol murdering her husband. The Coroner read extracts from letters including one addressed to th.> Governor
    —Reuter.  -  100 words
  • 188 26 Reuter. Rights Of Canada And Irish Free State London, June 7. The Lord Chancellor (Lord Sankeyl yesterday delivered two very important judgments in the Privy Council, the effect of which is that Canada has the right to abolish appeals to the Privy Council in
    Reuter.  -  188 words
  • 45 26 -Reuter. Washington, June <> The House of Rcprescyitativcs ye.sterday approved a Bit! authorising the construction of six key Artnu and air bases to defend Alaska and the frontiers of the Panama Canal. The Bill was sent to the Senate.— Reuter.
    -Reuter.  -  45 words

  • 605 27 —Reuter. NANKING AGREES. 1 lie North China situation appears to have heen relieved by the provincial authorities’ willingness to agree to the .Japanese demands, and by a lokio decision to withhold any fresh ultimatum. The National Government is reported also to have accepted in full
    —Reuter.  -  605 words
  • 42 27 .—Sin Chew Jit Poh. Compulsory education for the masses ivill begin at the next school term. All provincal governments and municipalities have been ordered by Nanking to allocate funds for the opening of free classes.—Sin Chew Jit Poh.
    .—Sin Chew Jit Poh.  -  42 words
  • 72 27 Wife In Netherlands Indies Now. Capt. Henry John Francis Hunter. R A F., at present in Irak, vs. Mrs. Una Claire Hunter and Mr. John Brian Ramsav Davies. Capt. Hunter gave his evidence by affidavit. He alleged that his wife suddenly collected her things, and he never saw
    72 words
  • 252 27 New Premier’s First Speech. The reconstruction of the British Cabinet under Mr. Stanley Baldwin was effected with remarkable expedition and a minimum of excitement. Mora Members. Owing to the inclusion in the new Cabinet ot two ministers without portfolios— Mr. Anthony Eden am. Lord
    252 words
  • 39 27 Sin Kuo Min. Foochow. June 10. Gen. Chiang Kai-shek has cabled to Gen. Chiang Ting-wen. Fukien com-mander-ln-chief. ordering the execution ot Chu Chiu-pei. important Communist leader recently arrested at Lungyen. Fukien. Sin Kuo Min.
    Sin Kuo Min.  -  39 words
  • 51 27 Reuter. London, June 7. Practically all illicit drug factories in Europe are now abolished, but there is still a large source of supply in the Far East and Manchukuo which is a very difficult problem.” said Russell Pasha while in London today en-route from Geneva for
    Reuter.  -  51 words
  • 240 27 British Wireless. LORD Zetland has issued the following statement on taking office as Secretary for India: “I am gratified at the opportunity of being associated once more in so intimate a manner with the destinies oi India. I realise that the future constitution is
    British Wireless.  -  240 words
  • 190 27 AFTER THREE YEARS HOSTILITIES. A FT hit three years of hostilities, an agreement was reached during tin* week-end for the settlement < f the (Iran Chaco dispute. The armistice is the result ct matracted negotiations by a commii of the South American Powers \vh:> tv-*
    190 words
  • 139 27 TWO P. O. LINERS SOLD FOR SCRAP. MANTUA BOUGHT BY SHIPBR KAKLRS. Within the past few days two P. and 0. liners have been sold for scrap. These are the Ballarat, which has been bought by Messrs. Thos. W Warn Ltd., of Sheffield, for about C23.250 and the Mantua, which
    139 words
  • 99 27 return to London on Wednesday. British Wireless. After Last Jubilee Drive In London Suburbs. The last of the four Royal Jubilee drives took place on Saturday when the King and Queen made a seml-State tour of West London The enthusiasm of the crowds who
    return to London on Wednesday. British Wireless.  -  99 words

  • 1636 30  -  (By Leighton) JANSEN GETS SIX WICKETS IN 4.2 OVERS FOR FOUR RUNS. CINCa.APORE were in a strong position when stumps were drawn oil Sunday, the second day of the Negri Sembilan-Singapore State match, as with only eight wickets in hand the visitors are
    Straits Times Photograph  -  1,636 words
  • 55 30 Selangor Win Leong Sin Nam (’up By One Point. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoli. June 11. Amid great excitement yesterday afternoon Selangor won the Leong Sin Nam Cup for men in Che triangular Badminton tournament between Selangor, Penang and Perak. The Permaisuri’s Cup for women resulted in a
    55 words
  • 217 30 Ponniah In Deadly Form With The Ball. A little over an hour sufficed th Colony P W D to get their colleague' from the F M S and the U M S out yesterday morning for a meagr* 89 runs in the annual cricket mate!,
    217 words

  • 878 31 E. Donnelly Takes Riding Honours With Two Wins. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, June 9. Except for thin drizzle conditions for the opening day of the Selangor Turf Club Summer meeting were quite pleasant and some excellent sport was witnessed. F As a mark
    878 words
  • 536 31 Guillemard McCabe Reay Cups For Malay States. THE Malay States on Monday achieved the double distinction of winning the Guillemard Cup and the McCabe Reay Cup in their match against the Straits Settlements. This is the first time they have won the two events together. Scoring 20 points to the
    536 words
  • 928 31 Big Dividends On Snowlass And Bintang Tujoh. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, June 10. ££L ILL1AN1 weather tavoured the second day of the Selangor Turf Club summer meeting, and there was a large holiday crowd present. Both cash sweeps and totes were
    928 words

  • 689 32 Visiting Forwards Handicapped By Sodden Pitch. (from Our Own Correspondent.) Seremban. June 0. I neventfill soccer that seldom rose above mediocre w is seen in the Negri Scmbilan-Singaporc Malaya Cup match yesterday, which resulted in a win for the visitors by
    689 words
  • 581 32 (By Our Football Correspondent.) The Combined Services gained their second victory in this season’s Malaya Cup competition at Anson Road Stadium on Friday afternoon when they beat Johore by three goals to nil, after leading by a goal to nil at the interval. Several times the
    581 words
  • 621 32 Raphael Earns Verdict Over Frisco In Poor Fight FERNANDEZ BEATS MONTANES. (By Our Boxing Correspondent. AMIE RAPHAEL regained some of his prestige at the New World Stadium on Friday when he beat Young Frisco on points over 12 three-minute rounds. It was an extremely poor fight from the spectators* point
    621 words
  • 112 32 BATAVIA WIN BOA] RACE BY 2V2 LENGTHS. The interport yachting races betterthe Royal Singapore Yacht Club the Royal Batavia Yacht Club sailed on Saturday afternoon ai Sunday morning and afternoon. Batavia, and resulted in a wm Singapore by 39 points to 24 1 pou\ Saturday’s
    112 words

    • 337 1 Figures For April. MALAYAN trade continues to expand. Gross trade during April amounted to $88,433,000 compared with $78,454,000 in April last year. Trade for the first four months of this year has totalled $364,380,000 compared with only $294,894,000 in the first four months of 1934. In
      337 words
    • 18 1 June Tin. Spore Price $114.50 per picul. 7 112.00 8 112.00 11 112.87 1 •_> 112.00
      18 words
    • 25 1 N,, w Studai. Ltd. Crop 'or 21.074 .b nakinu a total of 51.074 lb. for the *"o months of the current financial year.
      25 words
    • 195 1 SMALL NET LOSS FOR 1934-35. The report of Rallies Hotel. Ltd. for the 14 months ended Feb 28. shows that after providing ioi the loss sustained by its subsidiary, the trading profit of the company for the period to Feb. 28. 1935 amounts to $111,502.25. against which
      195 words
    • 101 1 During the week ending June 1, 19.<5, exports of tinned pineapples lrom Malayan ports amounted to 82.662 cases of which: 63,548 <77 per cent.) cases’ were to the United Kingdom. 4 507 <5 per cent cases to the Continent of Europe. 7,125 <9 per cent 1 ea.v s
      101 words
    • 136 1 Straits Times copyright. WILL TIN QUOTAS BF RAISED? From Our Own Go.’respondent. London, dune 5. The Financial Times correspondent in Amsterdam understands that neootiat ions for tin* amalgamation of the Banka and Billiton tin groups have been held up, because of the conditions laid down
      Straits Times copyright.  -  136 words
    • 617 1 VIKW OK LEWIS AM) PEAT. i TOO LONG NOTICE GIVEN.” Criticism of the manner in which I the increase in the Netherlands Indies’ export tax was effected, is i made in the* weekly rubber report, 1 issued yesterday, of Messrs. Lewis i and Peat, of Singapore.
      617 words
    • 101 2 MEETING OF l.T.C. INCREASE OF OR 10 PER CENT? (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, June 11. The City anticipates that at tomorrow’s meeting oi the Inteinational Tin Council it will he decided either to: Increase the tin quota by 10 per cent, for the whole of the
      101 words
    • 492 2 Satisfactory Year In Face Of Reduced Quotas. The annual meeting of Renong Consolidated Tin Dredging Co.. Ltd., will be held in Kuala Lumpur on June 19. j The directors’ report states Financial. The accounts disclose a profit oi $205,516.29 (£23,976.13.1) as compared with $348,886.88 <€40.703., 9.4.>
      492 words
    • 351 2 Recent Speeches At Company Meetings. Many references have been m \dc recently by chairman oi lubber companies and others to the burden oi taxation on Malaya’s rubber industry. Following is a selection: Mr. James Fairburn. retiring chairman of the R G A at the annual meeting
      351 words
    • 76 2 Imports into Malaya of rubber during the month of May, in dry tons:— Country of origin. Total t ail grades'. Sumatra 12.173 Dutch Borneo 5,335 Java other Dutch islands 273 Total for N.I. 17,781 Brunei 107 j Burma 170 French Indo-China 127 North Borneo 404 Sarawak 2.373 Siam
      76 words
    • 427 2 STOPPING DISHONEST! PRACTICES. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur. Ju ,v G. THERE appeared in the F. M. S. Government Gazette of May 31, an announcement cancelling the sugar duties imposed in July last and substituting another schedule. This has been misunderstood by some people and
      427 words
    • 55 2 Destination of ocean shipments of rubber, including concentrated latex, latex and revertex. being final shipments on ocean steamers at all Malayan ports during the month of May. 1935. in long tons. Destination tons. United Kingdom 9.959 U.S. A. 30.452 Continent of Europe 6.490 British possessions 1.733 Japan 2.010
      55 words
    • 60 2 ‘From Our Own Correspondent> London. June 11. Today’s dosing prices on the London pepper market were as follows: White Muntok. unchanged at in bond. Black Lampong. spot. 3' H d. buyers The market was steady. Stocks: White. 19,058 tons: black 2.189 tons. This compares with 19.178 tons and
      60 words
    • 361 2 Rubber Planters Disappointed. SIR S. THOMAS AND RECENT APPEALS. THK Straits understands that the appeal of the planting community for quit rents on rubber land to be reduced to. a iower level has ft iled. Sir Shenton Thomas, it is stated ii the planting
      361 words
    • 64 2 Foreign imports of tin ore into Mala < during the month of May. 1935. Country of origin Alaska Burma Netherlands Indies: Banka <fc Billiton Singkep Other places French Indo-China Japan Siam Tanganyika JL3 South Africa Uganda Australia China Total L 479 SUMMARY. Cumulative Total 1935 1934 Tons Tens
      64 words
    • 827 3 JU'KBERS RALLY AFTER WEAKNESS. LOCAL INDUSTRIALS QUIET. Messrs. Fraser and Co.’s weekly Singapore share market report, issued run 11, states: It can scarcely be gainsaid that any strength in the local market these days is largely dependent on such support as may be forthcoming from l.ondon and.
      827 words
    • 434 3 EXCHANGE RATES. Singapore. Juno 12. SELLING. London. 4 months’ sight g 4 1 l.ondon. 3 months’ .sight >' 4 London, 60 days’ siuht 2 i 31 ei London. 30 days’ siyht 2 '3 15 Hi London, demand •> 3 >g <•> London, 1 l. g u '*9
      434 words
    • 336 3 'Straits Times copyright.) (losing Prices In London Last Nij?ht. (From Our Own Corn* ondent.i London, June 11. Closing quotations today ol the principal British stocks arc given below. The rise or fall is in relation 'o •he price of June G. GOVERNMENT STOCKS. BRITISH. Rise or
      'Straits Times copyright.)  -  336 words
    • 112 3 Tin* carry-forward is £3,578. Straits Times copyright. North Hummock Pays Three Per (’ent. From Our Own Correspondent* London. June 11 Eastern Plantations Finance Co.. Ltd., report a profit for the year ended Mar. 31 of L 5,961 and a dividend ol 2L» per cent, is recommended. The carry-forward
      Tin* carry-forward is £3,578. Straits Times copyright.  -  112 words
    • 131 3 A CONCESSION FOR GOODYEAR’S (From Our Own Correspondent.) London. June 11. The Republic of Panama has granted to the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co. a concession of rubbergrowing land. The company will shortly start planting an experimental area of 30.000 trees. Straits Times copyright. riie Goodyear Company
      131 words
    • 389 3 Following arc tin outputs for May;~Kurhal Tin.—Results of working bucket dredge: Actual running time 267 lirs. 10 mln. t time lost 44 lir.s. .'»0 min., tiovernment quota restriction scheme 432 lir.s., average digging depth 47.12 It., ore won 209 83 pels yurdage treated 59,000 cu. yds. Rahman Uvdraulic
      389 words
    • 62 3 Spot June .July-S' pt. Oft-Dec Jan-Mar. I,'don Spot c. < r. d. Juiif 6 20 1 20 >4 21 22 'h 23 0 7 20 JO 20'4 21' 22'h 23', I! H 20 ft 1G 20'4 21', 22 1 23', 6 1 1 20 20 21
      62 words
    • 752 4 London Exchange Prices On May 31. Allagar <2 1 9‘*; Alor Pongsu (2 2 2',; Anglo-Malay <Cl 12 6: Ayer Kuning (£1» 30 6; Hagan Serai < Cl» 11 9: Bahru (Sci 12 3 6 1 j Banteng C1 > 21 104; Batang <2 1 Batu Caves <£
      752 words
    • 200 4 Following arc rubber crops for May: United Malacca Rubber Estates 49.951 lb Henrietta Rubber Estate 66,800 lb. Sungei Matang Rubber Estate 38,000 lb. Benta Rubber Estates 55.000 lb. Sandycroft Rubber 19.500 lb. Kuala Kangsar Plantations 132,400 lb Pelepah Valiev Estate 43.000 lb. Kota Tinggi Estate 46.000 lb. Siginting
      200 words
    • 1645 4 Issued by Fraser and Co. and Lyall and Evatt, Exchange and Stock Brokers. Singapore, June 12, 10 a.m. MINING. Issue Val. Buyers Sellers Buyers Sellers ssue Val. Buyers Sellers Buyers Sellers Fraser Co. Lyall Eva it Fraser Co. Lyall Evatt 4 Ampat Tin 4 3 4 6xri
      1,645 words