The Straits Budget, 20 September 1934

Total Pages: 36
1 4 The Straits Budget
  • 29 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE STRAITS TIMES [ESTABLISHED NEARLY A CENTURY.] No. :*W7. SINGAPORE, THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 20, 193-1. Price 25 cents (S.S. Currencyf or 7d.
    29 words
  • 331 1 i.k\j>h;s—il Punishment 3 Credit y to Animals 3 nisod Hypocrisy" 3-4 Where Malaya Lags 4 ■ssion of Ignorance 4-5 Ti:: Consumption 5 Pictures a F. Flight to Australia 17 Group Capt. R. F. Saul 17 H.M.S. Capetown 17 Schoolchildren 17 -rl. Ruler’s Birthday 17 iesole" Wins Gold Cup Race
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  • 513 1 1 the annual general meeting of r Chinese Funeral Assofl.’ ,,n Tuesday, the following were Ch', ,,a offlee-bearers:— President, Mr Cl" n u n ong vice-president, lvlr (> e Hye Son S- hon secretary. Mr Kit. asst. Tan Tlam Gong, usurer. Mr. Lim Kee I3eng, Uclitor Mr.
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  • 281 1 From Burning Yacht. DRAMA IN SINGAPORE HARBOUR. Two Europeans had to leap into the sea and swim to safety when the yacht Ribut caught tire in the East Lagoon on Tuesday. The lire float Klip Klip of the Singapore Harbour Board Fire Brigade, rushed to the
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  • 174 1 The treacherous sandbanks olT Port Swettenham were responsible lor another steamer going aground, fortunately without serious damage, a few days ago. The steamship Nortn noor, owned by Moor Line Ltd., of which Walter Runciman and Co. Ltd. are managers, on the way from Safaga, a Red Sea port,
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  • 141 1 Expected In Malaya On Nov. 8. The Straits Budget understands that Sir Shenton Thomas, the new Governor and High Commissioner, will arrive in Malaya on November S. Provisional reservations have been made in his name for the P. and Ranpura, leaving London on Oct. 12. Selangor Welcome.
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  • 199 1 Pahang Leases. CAPITAL OF $200,000 PROVIDED. <From Our Own Correspondent.! I poh. Sept. 13. Application has been made to the Registrar of Companies, F.M.S., for the incorporation of a private company to be named Foo Brothers lly draulic Gold Mine Limited, which is to acquire, equip
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  • 52 1 <Fror. Our Own Correspondent > Ipoh, Sept. 17. Swaml. who was convictec 1 of culpable homicide not amounting to mur der by causing the death of Mr. Wigley and sentenced to ten years’ imprisonment at the Ipoh assizes on September 5. today filed notice of appeal against
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  • 308 2 SEAPLANES HAZARDOUS FLIGHT. Across India In Rainstorm. CHIPPED WINGS. Carrying, besides their crews, rations sufficient ‘or seven days—and a cook—three machines of No. 203 (F.It.) Squadron, R A.F. arrived at Seletar from Basrah on Monday afternoon. The Flight is on its way to Melbourne to attend the Centenary celebrations. ('hipped
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  • 438 2 An unobtrusive visitor to the Outer Roads of the Singapore Harbour is the Giyuwani Maru, a brigantine type of sailing ship of 178 tons, which has carried a party of Japanese sea-scouts from Japan. Out of the 4.000 sea-scouts in Japan, 27 youngsters (whose
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  • 124 2 Celluloid Toys Ablaze Ipoh, Sept. 18. K is understood that goods to the value of $100,000 and 23 shophouses were destroyed by lire at Lumut, Dindings, on Sunday evening. it appears that boys were playing with matches on the pavement in front of
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  • 194 2 Penang Case. Jl'DGE PLEASED AT SETTLEMENT. (From Our Own Correspondent. Penang. Sept. 18. 1 am really glad that you have been able to arrange with Mr. Simpson a. settlement in this ease. It seems to me, from what I have seen of the papers and
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  • 56 2 Three Indians In Court. Four Indians. Mohamed Mustapha. Muthusamy. Suppiah and Syea. claimed trial before Mr. H A Forrer. the criminal district judge, on charges of housebreaking by night and voluntarily causing hurt with dangerous weapons. The accused were allowed bail in $200 each until Oct 31. The
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  • 59 2 Pandit Vishva-Bandhu Shastri. who recently went to Japan as Indian representative of the second Pan-PariFc Buddhist Conference at Tokio. arrived in Singapore by the Fushimi Maru. Pandit Shastri is a well-known Indian scholar. During his stay here he will probab'.’ deliver a series of lectures. for which
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  • 89 2 (From Our Own Correspondent.) ioerabaja. Sept. 10. Capital must be killed.” was written in Javanese characters in a letter found after a fire in a sugar cane plantation on the H.V.A. plantation. Garoem. near Blitar. It is thought, the letter was not written by communists. but
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  • 629 2 Should Be An Inquiry” Says Counsel. Counsel alleged “deliberate p Pr jury was committed by a senior police officer in a court case bet ore Mr. .1. M. Blander, third magistrate, on Monday. Dr. C. H Withers-Payne, appearing tor the defence of Ibranim bin Tamby. an
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  • The Straits Budget
    • 1133 3 Straits Times, September 13. I rc js ample evidence of a growing on the part of Juries In (i;vat Britain and in countries under Bri is j 1 rule to bring in a verdict whicn <iivalves the passing of the death m ntence. The reason for this
      Straits Times, September 13.  -  1,133 words
    • 753 3 for the present state of affairs --Straits Times. September 14 The Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals has been called upon by the Government to furnish proof of its existence. That such action should be necessary is deplorable. and the circumstance constitutes an indictment of the
      for the present state of affairs --Straits Times. September 14  -  753 words
    • 823 3 advantage ot civilisation —Straits Times. September 15. At long last opposition is developing to the proposal to admit the Soviet to the League of Nations, and the only cause for surprise is that It should have been so long delayed. It is Impossible not to sympathise with the
      advantage ot civilisation ?—Straits Times. September 15.  -  823 words
    • 806 4 Straits Times. September 17. Civil aviation advanced a step further in Netherlands India yesterday with the official opening ol the new aerodrome at Brastugi This aerodrome being 4.500 feet above sea level, is among the world’s highest and 10 planes were expected to fly hlgn up into
      Straits Times. September 17.  -  806 words
    • 1036 4 contracts in Malaya.—Straits Times, September 18. It is announced that the tender of tlm firm of Woh Hup for the erection of quarters for an Asiatic chief warder and nine blocks of quarters for Asiatic warders, kebuns. overseers and wiremen at the site of the new convict
      contracts in Malaya.—Straits Times, September 18.  -  1,036 words
    • 996 5 claim it to be !—Straits Times, September 19. I here appear to be many ways of| interpreting the figures relating to thej consumption of tin. Several corres- j pondents have written In reply to editorial comment on this subject, pointing out that it is useless for us to
      claim it to be !—Straits Times, September 19.  -  996 words

  • 115 5 BALASINGHAM.—At the General Hospital, Singapore, on Sept. 11 at 8 a.m. to Dr. and Mrs. T Falasingham. a daughter. (F.M.S. papers please copy). SCOULAR—To Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Scoular at Malacca General Hospital, on September 12, a '.on. SANSOM.—At Bungsar Hospital, Kuala Lumpur, on Sept. 12. to Doreen,
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  • 45 5 The engagement is announced between Oeorge Cowan Macaulay of Kuala Lumpur, son of the late Provost T. S. Macaulay, O B E. and Mrs. Macaulay of Dumfries, Scotland, and Eleanor Florence, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Upton of Auckland, New Zealand.
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  • 18 5 DENNE—GARROW —In I-onaon on September 4, 1934. Horace Alwyn Denrve to Mary Garrow, both late of Singapore.
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  • 294 5 Four Accidents This Year. A “fated’* motor car, which hat figured in four road crashes since the beginning of this year, was referred to in a police court case on Monday before Mr. C. II. Whitton, when a young, well-dressed Japanese. T. Kaniada, was tried on charges
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  • 56 5 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Sept. 17. Mr. Pan Thong Ho, of Ratu Gajah, was admitted as an advocate and solicitor in the F.M S. Bar, by the Chief Justice (Mr. Justice Thomas). Mr. T. Rajendra made the application, and Mr. E. A. S. Wagner stated
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  • 125 5 Planter’s Ambitious Scheme. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Medan, Sept 13. Oranges will grow on the Sumatra Highlands If Mr. Konijn, an unemployed rubber planter, succeeds In his eirort to establish an orange cultivation near the SI laboeng Mountain. Experts, who have visited his estate, predict that the scheme
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 88 5 NOTICE. All communications for both the Straits 'rimes and the Straits Budget should be addressed to the Head Office, Cecil and Stanley Streets, Singapore, Straits Settlements. The post free price of the Straits Times to the United Kingdom and foreign countries Is $48 a year. The post free price of
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  • 32 5 DEATH VAN CUYLENBURG —On August 24, 1334, at Barisal. East Bengat, Florence Main (Dot>, dearly loved daughter of Mrs H. Van Cuylenburg and of the late L. P. Van Cuylenburg of Singapore.
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    • 347 6 little more peaceful —Straits Times. September 13. Our comments on the introduction ol “zones ot silence” in London, printed in this column a lew days ago, have revived interest in th<* old. old question of the noises ol Singapore. First of ail. Mr. R. J. Farrer wrote suggesting local
      * little more peaceful —Straits Times. September 13.  -  347 words
    • 170 6 SINGAPORE ENDEAVOUR. —Straits Times. September 13. Mr. Gerald Penny, brother of Sir j George Penny, M.P., and at one time head of Fraser and Co., Singapore is j sailing In Endeavour as one of Mr. T. O. M. Sopwith’s right hand men. It is stated that he will be in
      —Straits Times. September 13.  -  170 words
    • 81 6 —Straits Times. September 13 “Tiu* RMS. Comorin, with mails lrom Europe, is expected to arrive at Penang at 4 p.m. today. The mails are expected to reach Singapore and will be dealt with on Saturday morning.” Thus the Post Oilice Daily List. In other words, the outward P.
      —Straits Times. September 13  -  81 words
    • 171 6 understand.”—Straits Times. September 13. A delightful account of a performance of the Hamlet story by a Mala} repertory company is contributed to the current issue oi the Cornhill Magazine by Mr. C. S. Durst. It took place 18 years ago, but he suggests that perhaps it may
      understand.”—Straits Times. September 13.  -  171 words
    • 117 6 -Straits Times. September 14. People living in the Tanglin district have written to the Straits Times in their millions—more or less—complaining of one very serious oversight in the list of noise nuisances printed in this column yesterday. They demand, wrathfully, that something should be said about the aeroplanes that
      -Straits Times. September 14.  -  117 words
    • 418 6 ANOTHER REFORM WANTED -Straits Times. September 14. We suggested in yesterday’s leading article that the time had arrived for the substitution in the F.M.S. of a jury for the two assessors who sit at present as judges of fact in murder trials. In the Colony, too. there is a system
      -Straits Times. September 14.  -  418 words
    • 221 6 Straits Times, September 14. Is there a place in England which has a greater average rainfall than the general average in Malaya Most people called upon to answer this question on the instant would give an emphatic negative, but according to tables appearing in the current issue of The
      – Straits Times, September 14.  -  221 words
    • 109 6 Straits Times. September 15 Although His Highness the Sultan of Johore is still in Europe, his 61st birthday, which occurs on Monday, will be celebrated throughout the State. At Johore Bahru a programme of sea sports has been arranged in the evening there will be a state
      Straits Times. September 15  -  109 words
    • 87 6 ALMOST Straits Times. September 15 We have received from the Japanese Consul-General an admirably produced volume entitled “The Fourth Report on Progress in Manchuria." We canno* pretend for one moment that we agree with the attitude adopted by the compilers of this volume, but we cannot forbear to compliment them
      Straits Times. September 15  -  87 words
    • 338 6 ing in Papua.—Straits Times, September 15. Of late New Guinea has come into the public eye a great deal owing chiefly to the Bulolo gold mines, said to contain the richest alluvial gold deposit in the world. When we speal of New Guinea, what is meant is the
      ing in Papua.—Straits Times, September 15.  -  338 words
    • 194 6 tiguro. or old basis. 15 —Straits Times, September 15. It is customary in Malaya to that the days of booms are over rt anv one of us had had the hey 11 J •ourase a year ago to put our last (l( llar into rubber shares well. It
      tiguro. or old basis. 15 —Straits Times, September 15.  -  194 words
    • 173 7 Straits Times. September 17. A ray of hope— albeit faint—was held out to coconut growers by the Hon Mr. F W. South, acting Director of Agriculture, in a paper read before the I S P. conference. The drought in the United States has resulted In great slaughter
      Straits Times. September 17.  -  173 words
    • 130 7 closed down.- straits Times. September 17 The Malaria Advisory Board, F.M.S., ls inviting attention to the vital importance of maintaining in a state ut efficiency all drainage, antimalarial oiling etc., especially in view 01 a probable influx of labour and its Sequent movement throughout Malaya Economies in anti-malarial
      closed down.- straits Times. September 17  -  130 words
    • 112 7 Malaya in the same year.—Straits Times. September 17. A correspondent writing as a personal lr‘?nd of Mr. H. F. Cardwell M.C.. a notice of whose death appeared in our issue of Sept. 11. points out that we omitted to make any reference to the War
      Malaya in the same year.—Straits Times. September 17.  -  112 words
    • 126 7 —Straits Times. September 17. Once again we have ample justiflca tion for directing attention to the apathetic attitude of the local governments on the subject of the preservation of wild life. In Sumatra, where destruction has not been carried on to anything approaching the extent to which it
      —Straits Times. September 17.  -  126 words
    • 173 7 Great Britain and America.—Straits Times. September 18. Three years ago tonight took place the Mukden “incident” which, thougli it passed almost unnoticed at the time, was destined to change the history of the Far East and to sound the deathknell of the already effete League of Nations. The
      Great Britain and America.—Straits Times. September 18.  -  173 words
    • 195 7 Straits Times. September 18. It is an ironic coincidence that today, the Mukden anniversary, the newspapers should record the final act of indifference of a body which has done so little for China. Pledges have been broken, and China, almost the sole representative of the millions of Asia, has
      Straits Times. September 18.  -  195 words
    • 180 7 -Straits Times. September 18. Further evidence of the Improved conditions prevailing in Great Britain is to be found in the figures quoted at the British Association meeting a tew days ago relating to entertainment tax revenue. It was stated that the British public paid more than
      -Straits Times. September 18.  -  180 words
    • 216 7 —Straits Times. September 19 Reference was made a few days ago to the careless distribution of surats to servants. It was suggested that these testimonials had a definite market value, and frequently fell into the hands of people other than those for w r hom they were written.
      —Straits Times. September 19  -  216 words
    • 170 7 SAFETY FIRST of greater public concern.—Straits Times. September 19. It was revealed In the Singapore police court yesterday that a motor bus driver who was lined $20 for rash and negligent driving had been convicted for a similar otTence only four months ago. The magistrate suspended his driving licence for
      of greater public concern.—Straits Times. September 19.  -  170 words
    • 179 7 angling society in the country.—Straits Times, September 19. An angler has told the story about his catch—and in establishing one record has lost another! It happened this way: A member of the Becontree Angling Society was fishing in the club’s waters at Dagenham. Essex, when he landed
      angling society in the country.—Straits Times, September 19.  -  179 words
    • 162 7 ment would be required. -Straits Times. September 19 We are glad to notice men at work on the steps of the New Pier, which apparently are to be provided with some form of hand railing in the near future. While on the subject o! the pier, we
      ment would be required. -Straits Times. September 19  -  162 words

  • 234 8 At Birthday Party. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Sept. 12. A garden party to over 300 people was given at the Residency this afternoon, in honour of the seventyfirst birthday of llis Highness the Sultan of Selangor. Although rain fell earlier in the afternoon, it
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  • 122 8 The Sultan of Selangor, in his birthday speech, said “It lias been a source of great pleasure to me to b -hold that during the Recent tim.'s of difficulty, nothing ever occurred to cause any anxiety in this State, and I hope that the peace ot Hie
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  • 122 8 Police Drive To Clear Area Of Civilians. From Our Own Correspondent.* Kuala Lumpur. Sept. 18. 1 A machine gun held firing scheme in the presence of the O.O.C., Malaya, will take place in the region of Sungei Best, on Sunday Sept. 23. and arrangements are being made
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  • 329 8 It was stated that two thousand eggs were smashed in a road crash between a mo'o’ bus and a hawker’s tricycle which was inquired into by the fourth magis- > trate, Mr. C. II. Whitton, on Tues- day. The eggs were thrown on to the road when the
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  • 208 8 Ladies Committee Appointed. A meeting to organise the collection of this year’s Poppy Day Funds was held at the Raffles Hotel on Friday. Lady Huggard. wife of the Chiei Justice, presided and there were seventeen other ladies present besides Dr. Webster A committee comprising Mrs. Fair burn. Mrs.
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  • 298 8 Returning From Visit To Chinese Government. Baron Emmanuel J nssen. Special Ambassador of His Majesty the Kink I ot the Belgians to the Chinese I Government. arrived in Singapore on Monday by the Conte Rosso on his way home. He is accompanied by Baroness Janssen. M.
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  • 137 8 A verdict of death b. misadventure was returned on Tuesday by Mr. W G. Porter, the Singapore Corone:. at the inquiry into the death of a 32-year-old Hokien, Ts’ng Guan who was found dead in the sea off Clyde Terrace on Sept. 13. The deceased was accidentally drowned
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  • 93 8 Not Guilty Of Breach Of Trust. Nagutha Naina Mohamed Maricar, well-known in the local Indian business community, was acquitted by Mr. J. M. Brander in the police court today on the charge of criminal breach of trust in respect of $600 on which he was on trial
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  • 309 8 Coroner And Fatal Delay. LORRY DRIVER NOT DRUNK. «From Our Own Correspondent.. Kuala Lumpur. Sept, p, Stern comments on the conduct«! a Chinese mother were made by \p J- P- Biddulph. the Coroner, whenht returned a verdict of "death h* misadventure’’ at an inquirt the death
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  • 205 8 May Not Be Used For Supreme Court. There is still a possibility that tin* old Europe Hotel site may not be used for building the new Supreme C’ouit. for which plans have already been drawn up. Seen by the Straits Times. prominent Government official said that Government
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  • 1013 9 Novel Experiment By Selangor Headmaster. (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur. Sept. 13. An attempt to enlist the sympathy and co-operation of parents m the education of their children and gradually to lead the way to the formation of parent-teacher associations, is being made
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  • 81 9 Directors’ Pessimistic Circular. Pulau Kamiri shares were nominal today, one firm of brokers stating there were no buyers even at 20 cents. The quotation yesterday was 1.40 —1.50. sterday morning shareholders and brokers received a circular from the secretaries, Messrs. Gibson, Anderson, Butler and Co., in
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  • 407 9 Bride And Bridegroom’s Jewelled Decorations. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Sept. 17. Two well-known Chinese families were united when the marriage took place yesterday of Mr. Law Joo Kool. fourth son of Mr. and Mrs. Law Yew Swee, and Miss Khoo Puay Neo. daughter of the
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  • 429 9 Refuses To Say Why At Death-Bed Interview. From Our Own Correspondent.) Seremban, Sept. 16. "1 have rut my throat with a razor. I was angry. I do not want to tell the reason." This was all that Wong Yuen Wong, a schoolmaster at the Government English
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  • 1828 10 Well-Known Planter Fined For False Statement. (Prom Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Sept. 13. 1 think it is of tlie highest importance that the administrators of the Rubber Restriction Enactment should Ik assisted in getting scrupulously ac c urate details in all applications for assessment.* This is
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  • 266 10 “But He Was Not Insane" Says Judge. “Taking the evidence as a whom am satisfied that testator was not if,/ fering from general paralysis oi the in sane at the time he made the will’ said Mr. Justice Prichard, giving U d g ment in
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  • 36 10 (From Our Own Correspondent (l Batavia, Sept. lj. The National Council rejected with 26 votes to 12 the draft of a bill proposing the introduction of a wage tax in Netherlands India.
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  • 105 10 Wounded Man In Court. Charged with murdering CM Singh, a Sikh. Bhan Shi. a Bengal: Brahmin, appeared before Mr. J. M Brander on Sept. 13 wearing a blood stained loin cloth. He also had an ugly wound in his shorn head. Bhan Shi, it is alleged, killed the
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  • 49 10 “Various negotiations ensued between the Chamber and Government resulting in improved mail tacilities and similarly modifications were made in the Customs Regulations, which i is hoped will prove satisfactory to the trading community.” Statement madi at the annual meeting of the North Borneo Chamber of Commerce.
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  • Letters To The Straits Times.
    • 59 11 ST —A few days ago. while I was ••untng from the Singapore Golf Vsaw about 20 men shooting o.joxes on the road leading to -‘V, Brown. I think it is time the n i took steps 10 put a stop to this. I.* uiting should not be allowed
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    • 867 11 Sir —Your able leader appearing in Tuesday's issue under the heading Tlu > white Elephant” is certainly of .Merest to the ratepapers of this city. The grounds you have advanced in nvoiir of demolition seem most logi•\l but allow me the liberty of point,nY out that there
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    • 26 11 STRANGE Sir.—We have not heard Mr. Laurence Henderson’s views on the reaction of body-line bowling on the soul.—Yours, etc.. Yours etc SOTTO VOCE. Perak. Sept. 14.
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    • 2704 11 Sir,—Generations come and generations pass away, and well may we thank God for this mercy, when we contemplate the follies introduced into the world by man; for herein lies assurance to us that all follies will not be perpetuated without a break for ever, but that there
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    • 81 12 A JOKE Sir, —While passing across Jalan Resar in a mosquito bus I perceived a stationary ricksha occupied by two Malay women with its shafts pointing toward the sky and the puller- clinging on to them in mid-air Net more than five yards away a Malay policeman was standing and
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    • 226 12 Sir.—l understand that people have been complaining of the nuisance arising from noises made by motor-car horns, hawkers beating two pieces of wood, aeroplanes and. even, boats with out-board motors. Yet all these noises are transitory, since the offenders only make noise when travelling. My complaint lies in the
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  • 66 12 (From Our Own Correspondent.* Medan. Sept. 10 The residents report that sharp meapongs. Sumatra, have asked the G eminent to reserve extensive districts of south west Sumatra for wild game, which it is feared will become extinct Tite Residents report that sharp measures ought to
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  • 254 12 New Drain To Keppel Harbour. Action taken at a meeting of Committee No. 2 held on Sept. 7. agreed to closure, subject to certain exceptions and to confirmation by the Governor-in-Council under Section 257 <2> of Ordinance No. 135 (Municipal', of Sell “Lim" and “Gan” burial ground at
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  • 190 12 Diamond And Golden Jubilees. Two events of interest to the Roman Catholic community of Malaya take place this week. On Wednesday Rev. Father J. M. Bolliot. Vicar of St. Joseph’s Church. Bukit Timah. celebrates his diamond jubilee as a priest, and on Thursday Bishop Barillon. who retired from
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  • 351 12 Injured Warder. JUDGE AND DRIVERS CARELESSNESS. Sir Walter Huggard. the Chle* Justice, on Tuesday awarded JohV O'Regan $5,000 damages and costs the case in which he sued Frederick Cator for $30,000, as damages lor injuries suffered by him by reason of thdefendant’s negligent driving ot motor-car.
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  • 242 12 Gay And Brilliant Scene At Johore. In the absence of T.H. the Sultan and Sultana of Johore. who are in Europe. H.H. Tungku Mahkota. Regent. and Ungku Amina, his wile, received the guests at the Sultan's birthday ball at the Istana Besar on Monday night. Over 400
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  • 2038 13 Assets Will Not Last More Than Three Years. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Sept. 14. That the Incorporated Society of Planters has reached a financial t rivis was revealed at the half-yearly general meeting this morning. statement on the financial affairs was made
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  • 186 13 New Member Of Federal Council. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Seremban, Sept. 14. It is announced that the High Commissioner has to appointed Dr. Sree Kadha Krishnan to he an Cnofficial Member of the Federal Council during the absence on leave of the Hon. Mr. S. N. Veerasamv, commencing
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  • 42 13 The death occurred at Harrow, on Aug. 31. of Dr. John Tertius Clarke, at the age of 69. Dr. Clarke was appointed acting Residency Surgeon, Negri Sembilan. in 1896. and he left the service in 1919.
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  • 1715 14 Claim Of Planters For Increased Pay. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Sept. 14. In the course of his opening speech at the tenth annual conference of the Incorporated Society or' I*laliters this morning the Hon. Mr. M. B. Shelley, the Chief Secretary,
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  • 169 14 Informal Visit. MALAY DRESS WORN AT PARTY. His Highness Sultan Ameer-ud hi* Shah, of Deli-Medan. Samatra £5 his younger son. Tungku Bendahar* Ameer-ud-din Shah, were entertained at a tea party at the residence in Bal moral Road of Mr. Sardar Bahadui Balwant Singh Judge, Chief Inspector
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  • 208 14 Singapore Tourists And Colonisation. A party of Parisians, led by Mens. R Favre le Bret, of the staff of Le Temps arrived in Singapore on Friday by th* Dutch motor ship Baloeran, after a tour of Netherlands India organised by Le Temps. The tour w’as inspired
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  • 107 14 Decisions At Local S.S. Meeting. A number of ways for improving Malacca were suggested at a committee meeting of the Straits Settlements (Malacca) Association. The committee recommended that the authorities should improve the lighting in Gajah Berang, Koon Cheng Road, Mata Kuching Road, Semabos Road, Bukit China
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  • 285 15 Property Owners. Protest To Sanitary Board. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, Sept. 11. For some months past the Kinta Sanitary Board have received protests from owners of private houses in the Board’s area that the F.M.S. Railways have entered into unfair competition with them. I*
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  • 537 15 Two Offences. CHINESE WHO WOULD NOT REPLY. A witness in a police case on Sept. 12 was ordered to pay two fines of S20 each, with the alternative of two months’ imprisonment, for contempt of court by Mr. C. II. Whitton. The fourth magistrate. The man,
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  • 453 15 Mines Reached Only By Air. Australia has gone gold mad. .Vlth the present price of the metal interest in every other form of mining is practically nil while millions are being spent on gold mining and prospecting. So said a well-known Australian miner who is at present
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  • 226 15 They Had An Argument In Empress Place. This is the story of Tanggavelu and Marappan icho had a little argument just as the sun ivas rising on Empress Place, Singapore. It teas told in the police court on Sept. 12. Marappan was going his early morning rounds,
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  • 668 15 Surgeon’s Evidence. JUDGMENT RESERVED IN $30,000 SUIT. Evidence in the case in which John O’Regan formerly a warder in the Johore Prison Department sued Frederick Cator lor $3U.00C damages as the result of a motor-car accident near the Johore causeway on Oct. 31, 1933,
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  • 1686 16 History For Planters —A Century Of Rubber—From Scarcity To Surplus —The First Control Scheme —“A New Era.” (By Out Planting Correspondent.) LAST mon" the Financial T ews published a 28-page supplement devoted entirely to rubber. This publication is piobably unique of its kind, in that the articles
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  • 235 16 The record of service of Towkay Low Leong Gan. read at the Sultan’s birthday celebration, was as follows “Towkay Low Leong Gan, one of the leading members oi the Hokkien community in Selangor has rendered notable service to the StaU in the following capacities “As
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  • 196 16 Sourabaya Flier In j Malaya. Two members of the Sourabaya i Flying Club on their way by air to the opening of the new aerodrome at j Brastagi have arrived in Singapore. Each is ft ’lng a machine solo. They are Messrs. Kravenhoff and Beck. Mr. KrayenhofT is
    196 words

  • PAST WEEK’S IMPERIAL AND GENERAL NEWS. Contained in Reuter, British Imperial Radio and Special Telegrams.
    • 489 21 SENSATIONAL ALLEGATIONS. Germany Manufacturing Powerful Explosives. Five Governments have protested to the U.S. State Department against the allegations made at the U.S. Armaments Inquiry, as a result of which censorship is being imposed on some phases of the investigation. The chairman of the inquiry committee, however, asserted
      489 words
    • 146 21 —Reuter. Washington. Sept. 11 letter to Mr. Miranda, president ’he American Armament Corp. Ltd., from Mr. John Ball. r,( r of the Soley Armament Co London, which was read at the hi inquiry into the munitions also declared that the Amori Government might, by selling hh> chine-guns
      —Reuter.  -  146 words
    • 130 21 —British Wireless. Why Human Skins Turn Brown. Rugby, Sept. 8. In an address on Vitamin C. or Absorbic Acid, at the British Association meeting at Aberdeen. Professor Szcnt Gyorgyi described how he became interested in the properties of the adrenal gland near the kidneys, defects in which cause
      —British Wireless.  -  130 words
    • 333 21 —Reuter. Tibetan Manoeuvre. DANGER OF RENEWAL OF DISCORD. Simla, Sept, 13. Messages from Lhasa describe a picturesque manoeuvre by Gen. Huang Mu-sung, head of the ollicial Nanking mission to Tibet, to reassert Chinese sovereignty over Tibet, which has caused much fluttering at Lhasa. Gen. Huang Mu-sung announced
      —Reuter.  -  333 words
    • 65 21 negotiations impossible.-Aneta Copyright. Japan Refuses To Execute Orders. DUTCH ATTITUDE. Further Negotiations Impossible. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Batavia, Sept. 14. With the refusal of several Japanese industrialists to execute Netherlands Indian orders and the Japanese delegation's refusal to discuss shipping questions, the Japano-I)utch trade conference here
      negotiations impossible.-Aneta Copyright.  -  65 words
    • 94 21 Reuter. New Method Of Conversion To Dry Basis. Batavia, Sept. 13. The export duty on native rubber from Oct. 1 has been fixed at 20 guilders per hundred kilograms of dry rubber. Duties for other assortments range from 15 to IStfe guilders. The dry rubber group consists of
      Reuter.  -  94 words
    • 136 21 ,—Reuter. Sorry Plight Of Women. Geneva, Sept. 13. The condition to which Russian women refugees in Shanghai are reduced can only be stated m the dfs* creet pages of an official document, says a report to the League of the Nansen International Office for Refugees. Russian women in
      ,—Reuter.  -  136 words
    • 87 21 —Aneta-Trans-Ocean. Bombshell In Cancer Controversy. Paris, Sept. 8. The French scientist, Louis Revelta, dropped a bombshell into the worldwide controversy now raging about Dr. von Brchmcr’s alleged discovery of cancer bacillus by asserting that he (Revelis) discovered cancer bacillus before Professor Brehmer. The French scientist declares he sent
      —Aneta-Trans-Ocean.  -  87 words
    • 91 21 .—British Wireless. Rugby, Sept. 13. Before leaving London last evening to visit the King and Queen at Balmoral Castle, Prince George visited a London jewellers and bought the engagement ring which he will give to Princess Marina when she arrives in England on Sunday with
      .—British Wireless.  -  91 words
    • 1481 22 —Reuter Wireless. Morro Castle Witnesses’ Serious Allegations. WARRANTS SERVED. Grand Jury Investigation To Be Held. New Y'ork, Sept. 11. Following the sensational evidence at the Morro Castle inquiry, Acting Captain Warms and the first and second officers have been summoned to appear before a Federal
      —Reuter Wireless.  -  1,481 words
    • 57 22 Passenger’s Story Of Shooting. New York, Sept. 12. It appears that Alagna. the second radio officer of the Morro Castle, has been arrested and will be arraigned today when the question of bail will be decided. Several other members of the crew are being held in custody on
      57 words
    • 357 22 —Reuter. New York. Sep*:. 13. I believe more lives could have been saved had the boats of tiie President Cleveland been put out sooner.” declared Harold Peterson, third officer of the President Cleveland, giving evidence at the Morro Castle inquiry. Peterson said he did not
      —Reuter.  -  357 words
    • 230 22 Aneta-Trans-Ocean. Balbo Flees From Anm Yugoslav Crowd. Belgrade. Sept, n Hooted at by crowds of a ntm Yugoslavs. Air Marshal Balbo of Libya and his party left Split in stampede yesterday, and took on tiie Air Marshal’s yacht which uin the harbour. Balbo arrived at Split In
      Aneta-Trans-Ocean.  -  230 words
    • 111 22 —British Wireless. North Atlantic Route Survey. Rugby. Sept. 11. Two large flying boats are preparing to leave Mountbatten, Plymouth, tomorrow on a training cruise to Greenland. The first stage of the flight will carry the flying boats via Oban to the Faroes. 500 miles. On the second day
      —British Wireless.  -  111 words
    • 561 23 poverty, Not Brigandage, China’s Problem. CURRENCY DECISION. \o Embargo On Silver Likely. London. Sept. 13. Eastern banking circles in ondon do not anticipate important limitation of activities of foreign banks in Shanghai as a result of the Chinese Government’s order of Sept. 9, declares The Times. Tiiere
      561 words
    • 74 23 Reuter. Premier To Restrict Deputies’ Power. Paris, Sept. 14. An important constitutional reform has fructified in the mind of the Prime Minister, M. Doumergue, during his holiday at Tournefeuille. He is returning on Thursday with a plan to restrict the power of deputies to overthrow and
      Reuter.  -  74 words
    • 138 23 -British Wireless. British Graham Land Expedition. Rugby, Sept. 10. The British Graham Land expedition, under .he leadership of Mr. John Rywall, left St. Catherine Dock, London, in the schooner Pendola today. The Prince of Wales is patron of the expedition, which is being undertaken with assistance from the
      -British Wireless.  -  138 words
    • 115 23 —Reuter Wireless. New Preventive For Cholera. Shillong, (Assam), Sept. 10. A greatly improved preventive for cholera which, it is claimed has already been successfully used, has been evolved by the Director for the Pasteur Institute, Lieut.-Col. Morison. The preventive is known as bacteriophaga and alfects growing bacteria so as
      —Reuter Wireless.  -  115 words
    • 96 23 .—Reuter Wireless. Must Obey The Primate’s Orders. Berlin, Sept. 6. The nominal union of the evangelical churches in Germany was accomplished when Dr. Jaeger, the juridical member of Reichsbishop Mueller’s ecclesiastical cabinet, decreed that the churches in Bavaria and Wurttembcrg ceased to be independent and their legal power
      .—Reuter Wireless.  -  96 words
    • 40 23 Bailey court since 1922.—British Wireless. Rugby, Sept. 13. Sir Ernest Wild died today at the age of 85. As Recorder of London he had been the presiding judge at the famous Old Bailey court since 1922.—British Wire-
      Bailey court since 1922.—British Wireless.  -  40 words
    • 535 23 troops in farming work. —Sin Kuo Min and Sin Chew Jit Poh Chinese Assaulted By Moji Police. Shanghai. Sept 12. Mr. Ariyoshi. Japanese Minister to China, held a lengthy discussion *n Nanking last night with Mr Wang Ching-wei, the Prime Minister. The discussions are expected to be
      troops in farming work.—Sin Kuo Min and Sin Chew Jit Poh  -  535 words
    • 370 23 —Reuter. Mediation Fails. OUTSIDE SUPPORT FOR THE WORKERS. Saylesville. ‘Rhode Is Sept. 11. A total of 142 persons, including 18 militiamen, were injured in desperate rioting round the mills today. A crowd broke the cordon with shout* of “Let’s get at the militia.” They
      —Reuter.  -  370 words
    • 72 23 Reuter Wireless. Five Killed In Glasgow Collision. London, Sept 7. Tlie engine-driver, the lire man and three others, including two women, were killed and more than 40 injured in the train smash on the London, Midland and Scottish railway near Glasgow Central Station. Both trains were completely wrecked
      Reuter Wireless.  -  72 words
    • 57 23 three possible results—Reuter Wireless. Geneva, Sept. In order to give voters in the Baar a clear perception of the consequences of their acts, the League Council hat decided to appoint a committee of three to examine and make clear the consequences, political, economic and financial of the plebiscite,
      three possible results—Reuter Wireless.  -  57 words
    • 849 24 —Reuter. Siam’s Case For A Larger Quota. GOVERNMENT RESIGNS Effect In N.I. Of Any Concession. The Siamese Government has resigned, refusing to ratify the international rubber agreement. While London and local opinion is agreed that Siam has a legitimate case for a reconsideration of her quota,
      —Reuter.  -  849 words
    • 243 24 Looting By U.S. Textile Strikers. Washington, Sept. 13. Speculation is rife as to whether President Roosevelt will now intervene directly in the textile dispute. No further meetings have oeen ananged between the employers and the arbitration board who are now reporting to Mr. Roosevelt. Meanwhile both sides
      243 words
    • 340 24 Rt uter Wireless. Eventual Modification Of Status. Paris, Sept. 5. That France is perfectly willing that the Saar shall return to Germany later if the plebiscite does not decide this in January, is the effect of the 1 reference in the memorandum to the!
      Rt uter Wireless.  -  340 words
    • 151 24 —Reuter Wireless Heavy Decline Since The War. London. Sept. 6 Encouragement of large-tcale Empire migration should be avoided in the present state of overseas’ markets and also general advances of capital for land settlement should be discontinued, according to the report of the inter-departmental committee on migration under
      .—Reuter Wireless  -  151 words
    • 55 24 Reuter Wireless. Madrid. Sept. 9. Eight people were killed and 45 injured in fighting between strikers and police, a sequel to the 24-hour general strike declared on Sept. 8. as a protest against the Catalan landowners’ opposition to the land law. Three hundred persons were arrested but 100
      Reuter Wireless.  -  55 words
    • 258 24 —Reuter. Method Of Handling Arms Inquiry. “SORT OF APOLOGY.” Opinions Not Necessarily Those Of Committee. London, Sept. 12. The fact that the British Ambassador in Washington has protested at the method of handling evidence at the arms’ inquiry is confirmed in London and similar representations have
      —Reuter.  -  258 words
    • 193 24 .—Reuter. —Sin Chew Jit Poh Assisting Conversion Operations. London, Sept. 11 Operations of the American control have been mostly carried out in the Paris market and have resulted in a further appreciation of the dollar in terms of the franc. The intention of the American authorities, it
      .—Reuter.; —Sin Chew Jit Poh  -  193 words
    • 362 25 —Reuter. Chinese Delegates On Assembly Vote. Geneva. Sept. 17. (hina only obtained 21 votes out of 52 for election to the League Council and Ls therefore ineligible. This clears ,f u way for the election of Turkey. At this afternoon’s Assembly meeting. Chile.
      .—Reuter.  -  362 words
    • 58 25 —Reuter. Geneva, Sept. 15. (omplete agreement has been reached with Soviet representatives regarding the procedure for the Soviet entry into the League, and the formalities in this connection are expected to be completed early next week. 1 hose States which did not accept the first
      —Reuter.  -  58 words
    • 137 25 .—Reuter. London, Sept. 11. Lord Charnwood, in a letter The Times, says the admission of the Soviet to the eague will be an open abanonment of the principles and <is Pirations of the League’s w nders which, if not avowed- lv religious, were in all cases strongly
      .—Reuter.  -  137 words
    • 145 25 —Reuter. Justice Of Chinese Claim For Seat. Nanking. Sept. 12. Chinese public and official circles are very anxious over China’s re-election to the League Council, being of the opinion that the failure of China’s reelection would have deplorable consequences. The leading Chinese dailies argue that after Japan’s
      —Reuter.  -  145 words
    • 88 25 tation to the Soviet to join.—Reuter Wireless. Unanimous Invitation To The Soviets. Geneva. Sept. 10. A surprising development when the Bureau Assembly was elected was the exclusion of Switzerland which for a decade had regularly been chosen as Vice-President d’Honneur. The exclusion is bound to displease Switzerland and
      tation to the Soviet to join.—Reuter Wireless.  -  88 words
    • 374 25 —Reuter. —Sin Chew Jit Poh. Embarrassment Over Soviet Invitation. “DELICATE PROBLEM.”! Sub-Committee Examining Tangle. Geneva, Sept. 12. Mr. de Valera’s candid utterance in the League Assembly demanding more limelight on the discussions relating to the Soviet’s admission has embarrassed the powers dealing with this delicate problem.
      —Reuter.; —Sin Chew Jit Poh.  -  374 words
    • 362 25 Reuter To Be Given Permanent Seat On Council. Geneva. Sept. lf». Soviet Russia has warmly accepted the invitation to Join the League of Nations. The invitation was signed by 30 members. and four Scandinavian States sent a separate note stating that their governments would inform Moscow
      Reuter  -  362 words
    • 665 25 —Reuter. Mr. Quo’s Warning. SUFFICIENT PROMISES TO DEFEAT CHINA’S HOPE Geneva. Sept. 11 Turkish quarters claim they are sure to gain a seat on the League Council. They allege they have more than sufficient promises to defeat China’s hope of securing a vote of re-eligibility. League's
      —Reuter.  -  665 words
    • 182 26 ‘—P.outcr i U.S. Treasury Demands To Mr. Andrew Mellon. Washington. Sept 16. The quarrel between the Treasury and Mr. Andrew Mellon, former Secretary to the Treasury and Ambassacor in London, was renewed at the week-end when the Government filed before the Tax Appeal Board claims
      ‘—P.outcr i  -  182 words
    • 65 26 Government’s Disbelief Of Mellon’s Story. Washington. Sept. 17. The U S. Treasury s claim yesterday against Mr. Andrew W. Mellon, exAmbassador to Great Britain, for $3,000,000 includes $1,000,000 as a 50 per cent, penalty for alleged fraud. Mr. Mellon contends that he lost $6,500,000 on sales of stock,
      65 words
    • 74 26 —Reuter. Java Planters Abandon Discussions. The Hague, Sept. 17. A threat to the continuance of the Chadbourne Plan is contained in the news from Java that sugar planters have abandoned the discussions concerning possible methods of halving production and have left the matter in the hands of the
      —Reuter.  -  74 words
    • 27 26 —Reuter. Chicago, Sept. 13. Dr. Berthold Laufer, well-known orientalist, died today as the result of a fall from the eighth floor of a hotel.
      —Reuter.  -  27 words
    • 325 26 Protection Of Minorities. 1 ACTION CENSURED BY THREE POWERS. London, Sept. M At the League of Naitons Assemolv meeting this morning the announcement made by the Polish Foreign Secretary. Col. Beck, that Poland refuses any longer to co-operate with international organisations (which are taken to include
      325 words
    • 402 26 —Reuter Wireless. Outbreaks Of Violence. DANGER OF UNREST SPREADING. Charlotte iN. Carolina), Sept. 17. The strike leader. Mr. Gorman, has Issued an ultimatum that ah remaining branches of the textile industry will be called r ut unless the textile strike is settled this week. Mr. Gorman’s
      —Reuter Wireless.  -  402 words
    • 40 26 .—Reuter Wireless. Washington. Sept. 14. Exports of gold from the United States during August were valued at $14,556,000 of which $11,681,000 went to France, announces the Department of Commerce. Exports of silver were valued a’ $1,741,000.—Reuter Wireless.
      .—Reuter Wireless.  -  40 words
    • 42 26 spontaneous combustion.—Reuter Wireless. Loosduinen (Holland), Sept. 14. Fire destroyed half a rubber factory at Vredestein. The full extent of the damage is not yet known but is believed to be extremely heavy. It is attributed to spontaneous combustion.—Reuter Wire-
      spontaneous combustion.—Reuter Wireless.  -  42 words
    • 235 26 —Reuter. Jovial Remark That Led T„ A Serious One. Paris. Sept ig “I am quite a good manicurist Won, I you trust your hands to me?” T jovial remark by Princess Marini Prince George led to the happv nouncement of their engagement cording to the Greek
      —Reuter.  -  235 words
    • 126 26 wedding arrangements.—Reuter Wireless. London. Sept 17 Huge crowds enthusiastically welcomed Princess Marina, fiancee ol Prince George, when she arrived here, accompanied by her parents. They were met at Victoria station by Prince George. They drove to York House and later departed for Balmoral to visit
      wedding arrangements.—Reuter Wireless.  -  126 words
    • 114 26 laughter from the crowd. -R<' l,,t r Wireless. Paris. Sept. 11 Prince George and Princess Manna have arrived here from Munich. The crowd, infected with the happing radiating from the Royal couple, soon lost its first slight reserve and mingle with the royal party as if
      laughter from the crowd.-R<'l,,t’r Wireless.  -  114 words
    • 34 26 —Reuter. Batavia. Sept. L The Dutch Government has &lt; ridden the proposal of the Nether Indian People’s Council to lev'* export duty of two cents per pound on dry estate rubber.— R”
      —Reuter.  -  34 words
    • 442 27 Possible Plebiscite In Ten Years. In 10 years time South Africa may no longer be a mem;Hr of the British Commonwealth of Nations This outcome of the passing of the new Status Bill by the Union Parliament is seen by Mr. T. C. Visser,
      442 words
    • 207 27 3r,f ish Wireless. Poland Refuses Further Collaboration. Rugby, Sept. 13. Tne annoui.cement that Poland refuses any longer to collabor wte with the League’s international organs for thi protection of minorities in Poland was made by the Polish Foreign Minister. Colonel Beck, at the League of Nations’ Assembly
      3r,fish Wireless.  -  207 words
    • 55 27 —Reuter Wireless. Berlin, Sept. 3. r A.: insurance schemes in connecUni w *th newspaper subscriptions «‘ust cease from Jan. 1. 1935, acp0rd“'8 to an order issued by the esident of the Reich Press Chamber, n e onl V exception being a few Sunday apers and weeklies regarded
      —Reuter Wireless.  -  55 words
    • 229 27 .—Reuter. Mr. Lyons’ Party Gains Most Support. Melbourne, Sept. 16. The election of the House of Representatives has resulted as follows United Australia Party (Rt. Hon. J A. Lyon z) 28. Federal Labour Party (Mr. Scullin) 16. Country Party (Mr. Page) 14. Lang Labour Party (Mr. Lang) 8.
      .—Reuter.  -  229 words
    • 441 27 —British Wireless. Trade Problems. FRESH AGREEMENT MAY BE NECESSARY. London, Sept. 15. The Foreign Office announces that it. has been agreed between His Majesty’s Government in the United Kingdom and the German Government that a delegation, headed by Sir Frederick Leith-Ross, chief economic adviser to His Majesty’s
      —British Wireless.  -  441 words
    • 85 27 —Reuter Wireless. First Transatlantic Air Passenger. Brooklyn, Sept. 12. Charles Levine was found unconscious in a friend’s house near an open gas jet. A note was discovered indicating he had attempted suicide but Levine revived and is expected to recover. Levine v/as ine first passenger to fly the
      —Reuter Wireless.  -  85 words
    • 173 27 —Aneta-Trans-Ocean. Six Airmen Out Of Competition. Algiers, Sept. 11. The majority of the airmen taking part in the “all round Europe” air race arrived at Algiers on Sunday afternoon, and spent Monday resting. They were due tj start for Tunis via Biskra, a distance of 775 kilometres,
      —Aneta-Trans-Ocean.  -  173 words
    • 191 27 -Reuter. Threaten Downfall Of Tokio Cabinet Tokio, Sept. 13. Tokio is faced with the possibility of the resignation of the War Minister, Gen. Senjuro Hayashi, and the consequent downfall of the Government 11 the Army’s demands for settlement of the so-called trinity imbroglio in Manchuria are not accepted.
      -Reuter.  -  191 words
    • 71 27 Pressed To Resume The Premiership. (From Our Own Correspondent) Bangkok, Sept. 17. After a great deal of anxious waiting the King of Siam has replied to the cables from the Assembly approving the State Council’s resignation and also approving the Assembly recommendation that Col. Phya Bahol should resume
      71 words
    • 74 27 British Wireless Rugby. Sept. 14. A second squadron of new Avro military biplanes for the Egyptian Army Air Force will be flown to Cairo on Monday from Lympne to supplement the existing squadron and a flight of Moth aeroplanes in use to detect the smuggling of drugs
      British Wireless  -  74 words
    • 468 28 —Reuter T 'reless Effort To Save Passengers. New York, Sept. 11. At the Morro Castle inquiry, an oiler named Antonio Georgeo. gave evidence that he threw several women lrom the ship in an ellort to save them. He left the ship in a lifeboat In
      —Reuter '*T'reless  -  468 words
    • 71 28 Reuter Wireless. Arrest Of 50 Alleged Communists. Berlin, Sept. 6. Fifty alleged Communists have been arrested by Gen. Goering’s police in tho Schoeneberg district of Berlin. The raids, which followed long and careful observation on certain houses and people are continuing and are creating much excitement. It is
      Reuter Wireless.  -  71 words
    • 342 28 .—Reuter Wireless. .—British Wireless. Black Shirts And AntiBlack Shirts In Hyde Park. London. Sept. 10 Extraordinary police precautions were taken on the occasion of rival demonstrations in Hyde Park yesterday of Black Shirts and anti-Black Shirts. The former came from many parts of the country to hear Sir
      .—Reuter Wireless.; .—British Wireless.  -  342 words
    • 41 28 (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Sept. 17. Selangor River Rubber Estates propose to capitalise £7,115 standing at the credit of profit and loss account by crediting 6d. each to the 284,611 £1 shares not 18s. 6d. paid up.
      41 words
    • 96 28 —Reuter Wireless. Dutch Bank To Resume Sales To United States. The Hague. Sept. 13. The Bank of the Netherlands announces the Dutch ban on exports of gold to the United States, which has been in force since March 1933, has been lifted. The Bank will resume sales
      —Reuter Wireless.  -  96 words
    • 95 28 —Reuter. Attempt On Life Of Sir John Anderson. Darjeeling. Sept. 12. Three accused persons concerned in the attempt on the life of Sir John Anderson. Governor of Bengal, on May 8, have been sentenced to death, two others to 14 years’ rigorous imprisonment. and another to 12
      —Reuter.  -  95 words
    • 114 28 —Reuter Wireless. Government Crisis Expected. Madrid, Sept. 11. The Daily Press generally anticipates a Government crisis before the week-end. The attack against the Government comes both from the Right and Left and the Government Is considered too weak to last until the Cortes reassembles. It is reported the
      —Reuter Wireless.  -  114 words
    • 77 28 with small deck-guns.—Reuter Wireless. Japanese Boat Chased By U.S. Cutters. Manila. Sept. 14. Two United States revenue cutters are pursuing the Japanese fishing ooat, Hayun Maru following a complaint of three Filipino police who boarded her to inspect her nets and were attacked, robbed and tossed overboard by
      with small deck-guns.—Reuter Wireless.  -  77 words
    • 44 28 —Reuter. Manchester Agreement On U.S. Yarns. London, Sept. 14. It is announced that a Manchester agreement providing for the control of prices of coarse American yarns has been signed, and that there are only a few firms still outside the agreement.
      —Reuter.  -  44 words
    • 60 28 not yet been completed.—Reuter Wireless. State Of Emergency In Estonia. Reval, Sept 4. The state of emergency recently proclaimed in Estonia and due to expire on Sept. 12 has been prolonged for 12 months. Official circles state that although the country is quiet, the preparations for a
      not yet been completed.—Reuter Wireless.  -  60 words
    • 44 28 Reuter Wireless. Sir C. 'lingsford-Smith’s Preparations. Perth, Sept. 8. Sir Charles Kingsford-Smith flew nonstop from Melbourne to h'erth. 1.929 miles, at an average speed of I86V2 miles an hour in order to test his new racer for the Centenary Air Race.
      Reuter Wireless.  -  44 words
    • 118 28 heard for the past five years—Aneta Trans-Ocean. Startling Discovery. CONVERSATIONS HE\Rn FOR FIVE YEARS w P! r ‘s. Sept. 14 Many a mystery that has baffled th. police for several years may be clears up through the startling discover, made by electricians when carrvin. out repairs at
      heard for the past five years—Aneta Trans-Ocean.  -  118 words
    • 129 28 .—Reuter Wireless. Wiley Post Will Not Compete. Oklahoma City, Sept. 14. Wi'ey Post has been forced to abandon his plan to compete in the London-Melbourne Air Race as his machine has been damaged in a recent flight towards the stratosphere. Post hoped to fly in the
      .—Reuter Wireless.  -  129 words
    • 86 28 a stronghold of peace.— Reuter Wireless. Hitler And His Plans For Germany. Berlin, Sept. 12. The Diplomatic Corps today assembled at the Presidential Palace which was opened for the first time since the death of President Hindenburg tc enable them to tender congratulations to Hitler on the
      a stronghold of peace.—Reuter Wireless.  -  86 words
    • 91 28 £20 on work and materials.—' Wireless. Number In London To He Increased. London. Sept. 13 The Minister of Transport has decided to increase the number of P* de trian crossings in London as one of t measures aimed at reducing the ri of street accidents. There are at
      £20 on work and materials.—' Wireless.  -  91 words
    • 27 28 —Reuter Wireless. Nuremberg. Sep: Four unnamed but reliabh specially selected party member been officially commissioned :i e a new history of the German 0
      —Reuter Wireless.  -  27 words

  • 1542 29 —Reuter. [Soiton And Millwall The Only Clubs With Full Points. ijYoin Our Own Correspondent.) London. Sept. 15. U(&gt;st Bromwich Albion, who have (1WilVS been Arsenal’s bogey team, havinu won four and drawn one of the last live games played between »n gave the champion a
    —Reuter.  -  1,542 words
  • 110 29 Blackheath’s Narrow Win Over Rosslyn Park. London. Sept. 15. There was high scoring in several of the rugby matches played today--notably at Bradford, where 42 points v/ere registered and the home side defeated Manchester 26—16. Blackheath won a hard match against Rosslyn Park by eight points to four,
    110 words
  • 60 29 —Reuter. Great Britain Too Good For Canada. Toronto, Sept. 15. The women’s International mated! between Canada and Great Britain ended in a victory for the latter oy seven matches to two. Three matches were halved. Great Britain won the foursomes by three matches to one and the singles
    —Reuter.  -  60 words
  • 71 29 —Reuter Lancashire Fight Hard At The Oval. London. Sept. 17. The Rest declared their first Innings closed at their overnight total of 385 for nine wickets. Lancashire, who scored 206 In their first Innings, made 298 for nine wickets before stumps were drawn for the day Iddon compiled
    —Reuter  -  71 words
  • 501 29 On Sunday morning six yachts turned out for the Sea View Race. There was a splendid breeze from the S.W. and when the gun went all yachts were well up to the line. Spinnakers were at once set for the run
    501 words
  • 69 29 Reuter. World Welterweight Title Changes Hands. New York, Sepi. 17. Jimmy McLarnh secured the world w-elterw ‘flit championship today when he defeated Barney Ross, the holder, on points in a 15-round contest. Both boxers were badly battered. McLarnin finished with his left eye completely closed, while Ross had both
    Reuter.  -  69 words

  • 2233 30 Marines In S.A. F. A. Cup Semi-Final. Marine Dept. F.C. 3; S.1C. After one of the most amazing games of football ever witnessed i Singapore the Marine Department I C. defeated the Singapore C ricke Club in the second round of the S.A.F.A. cup at
    2,233 words
  • 185 30 Tiberius Runs A Game Race. London, Sept. 12 The St. Leger stakes run at Doncaster today over a distance of one mile, six furlongs and 132 yards resulted v tollowos: Mr. M. H. Benson’s WINDSOR LAD (C. Smirke) 1. Sir A. Bailey’s TIBERIUS (Jones)
    185 words

  • 3612 31 All Sweep And Tote Records Smashed. MANY SURPRISE RESULTS ON LAST DAY OF MEETING. r, that every succeeding day is B. rds go by the board at the Turf Club headquarters. Bet another one was broken on Sept. 12 Bi' n i:rth
    3,612 words

  • 90 32 .—Reuter. London. Sept. 17. The following players have been invited by the M.C.C. to tour the West [ndies R. E. S. Wyatt (Warwickshire. Captain), E. R. T. Holmas (Surrey). C. Walters (Worcestershire), k Para s Essex), Hammond (Gloucestershire), Hendren (Middlesex), Ames .Kent)! (Lancashire). Smith
    .—Reuter.  -  90 words
  • 1137 32 THE AMERICA’S CUP. —Reuter. Amateur Crew Shows Great Improvement. Mr. T. O. M. Sopwith's Endeavour won the second race for the m rica’s cup by the narrow margin of 50 seconds after a very fi ne exciting race in which she led throughout, with the exception
    —Reuter.  -  1,137 words

    • 2104 1 Vlr, Mungo Park’s Outspoken Restriction Comments. ondemnation of the “distressing political controversy” which is proving “inimical to the tin industry,” and a renewed attach on the tin restriction scheme in general were features of the speech by Mr. Mungo Park at the annual meeting of
      2,104 words
    • 87 2 First Fight Months Shows Increase. From Our Own Correspondent.* London, Sept. 18. United States rubber consumption I or August was 33.810 tons, compared with 32.647 tons in July and 44.939 tons in August 1933 Other comparative figures are Aug. 1934 willy 1934 Aug. 1933 I Arrivals
      87 words
    • 227 2 Kamuning Final Dividend Of 5 Per Cent. From Our Own Correspondent.) London. Aug. 13. Ironoh Mines.—Interim dividend. 2*2 per cent. Idris Hydraulic.—Interim dividend. 2 2 per cent. Kinta Tin.—Interim dividend. 2‘ 2 per cent. Kamuning (Perak) Rubber and Tin —Final dividend. 5 per cent, for year ended June
      227 words
    • 68 2 The Directors of the Eastern Bank Ltd. have declared an interim dividend at the rate of 3s. per share, less income tax at the rate of 4s 6d. per Dominion income tax not ascertained as yet, but subject to adjustment in final dividend. The dividend is payable
      68 words
    • 910 2 Directors’ Report To Annual Meeting. The annual meeting of Katu Tin Dredging Ltd., was held at Kuala Lumpur, on Wednesday. The directors’ report says: The accounts disc.ose a profit of $155,214 £18.108* as compared with $125,626 £14.656) for the year ended 31st March. 1933. This is
      910 words
    • 275 2 Six Per Cent. Dividend. Sungei Bagan Rubber Co.. Lt'i. will hold their annual meeting In Slnjjai pore. September 25. i The Directors annual report states Acreage.— The acreage is now 3,162 acres. Sungei Durian Estate, which was acquired in accordance with the cir cular to shareholders
      275 words
    • 679 2 NCORPORATED IN QUE EN S L a Nd RAUB. Pahang, wTsept ember. J9lf MINING REPORT NO. 4 8 4 The Chairman and Directors. The Rath Australian Gold Minin? SINGAPORE, S.S. 1 Gentlemen. I beg to forward the reno* the mining operations for the
      679 words
    • 294 3 8 \li Outstanding Loans I Repaid. BmVIPKNDS RESUMED. 8ot;i! Reserves Of (Quarter 8 Of A Million. |B; (;IV o»ir Own Correspondent.) London, Sept. 17. The Anglo-Oriental Mining Corporation Ltd., realised net HprofiN during the sixteen Hm nth-: ended June 30, of vti-.-'i'J compared with £*27,915 for the
      294 words
    • 61 3 I Singapore Official Quotations. 8 QOOUUOOS 8 Forward Contract* g Spot Seller Price* I d 8 &gt; Bv&gt;».. t Octv- Jan KpJ Ldon S’pore Spot Dec. Mar. I4 I? 25&gt; 4 25 9/16 26% 27% Ml 7 25% 25 26% 27% 80 f 1 08 25% 25% 26%
      61 words
    • 25 3 ■opt. 4 7 111 s i )or e Price $113.12 per picul. ■5 113.25 7 113.25 8 113-25 B't 113.37% f 113.50
      25 words
    • 34 3 F&gt;r °ni Our Own Correspondent.) 1 London. Sept. 15 l ive OIder8 of Tai Tak Plantations a PP r oved a reorganisation ot ■‘i-tros r m ei44 974 to £90.448 in 2s.
      34 words
    • 824 3 FRASER CO.’S SHARE REPORT. Industrials And Tin Idle: Rubbers Offered. Fraser and Co's., share report, dated Sept. 13, states Even allowing lor the detractions and excitements of race week, the record of the local share market during the past few days is scarcely one to be proud of. a few
      824 words
    • 240 3 Slight Increase In First Six Months Of 1934. The world consumption of tin during the first six months of 1934 is slightly above the same period in 1933, the respective figures being 58,774 tons compared with 58,394 tons— a considerable Increase over 1932 when the first six months’
      240 words
    • 308 3 Company Report. MENGLEMBU LODE AND DIFFICULT WORK. The annual meeting of Menglembu Lode Mining Co. Ltd., was held at Penang, on Sept. 19. The directors’ report states: Mine Working.—During the financial year under review the mine was worked on tribute as heretofore, and during the greater
      308 words
    • 49 3 Return Of Capital Approved. Shareholders of Paterson, Simons Co. have approved a reduction of capital by the return of £46,250 to Preference Shareholders and £151,500 to Ordinary Shareholders, leaving £326,497 still in the business of which £197,750 Is In shares and £128,747 in reserves and undivided profit.
      49 words
    • 53 3 The Directors of the Eastern United Assurance Corporation have decided to recommend to shareholders at the forthcoming annual meeting a payment of final dividend of 5 per cent, and a special bonus of 50 cts. to be aplied against a call of 50 cts. making the
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    • 34 3 The Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China have declared an interim dividend for the past half year at the rate of 14 pel cent, per annum subject to income tax.
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    • 39 3 Kamuning (Perak) Rubber and Tin Co. Ltd. have recommended payment on Oct. 12 of a final dividend of 5 per cent, in respect of last financial year £29,563 will be carried forward subject to the usual adjustments.
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    • 809 4 Fraser And Co’s Quotations. Singapore, Sept 19 Mining. Issue Val. Pd Buyers. Sellers. £1 £1 Aasm Kumbang 37/6 40 cd. £1 £1 Austral Malay 50 52/6 £1 £1 Bangrin Tin 26 27/1 1 Batnng Padang 0.38 0.31 1 1 Batu Caves 0.92 0 96 1 1 Buklt
      809 words
    • 424 4 EXCHANGE RATES. Singapore, Sept 19 SELLING. London. 4 months’ sight 2 4 7 32 London. 3 months’ sight 2 4 13 64 London, 60 days’ sight 2/4 3 16 London. 30 days' sight 2/4 5 32 L/ondon, demand 2/4** London. T.T. 2 4 3 32 Lyons and
      424 words
    • 282 4 Last Night’s London Quotations. (Prom Our Own Correspondent.) London, Sept. 18. Closing quotations today oi the principal British stocks are given below The rise or fall ts in relation to the price of SeDt. 13. GOVERNMENT STOCKS. BRITISH Rise or Fall Conversion Loan 5% 119% -4
      282 words
      • 674 4 Allagar (2 i 2,2; Alor Pongsu (2') 2 10; Anglo-Malay (£1) 17/; Ayer Kuning (£1) 35 6; Bagan Serai (£l&gt; 14 9; Bahru &lt;Sel.) (2 0 3 11; Banteng (£1) 28 G; Batang (2 &gt; 1 4Vi; Batu Caves (£1) 24 Batu Tiga (£l&gt; 38
        674 words
      • 689 4 Panital Issue Closing Prices Paid Up Value Dividends yall Company Co. Evatt. 454 175 1 3DC for year ended 28-2-34 AUenby 1 1.90 2.00 1.90 u) 216 779 NU fi yST 30-9-33 Alor Gajah ($l. 1.55 1.65 160 IT. 439 125 1 Nil for
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