The Straits Budget, 13 September 1934

Total Pages: 36
1 4 The Straits Budget
  • 29 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE STKAITS TIMES [ESTABLISHED NEARLY A CENTURY.] No. 3996. SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1934. Price 25 cents (S.S. CurrencyT or 7d.
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  • 335 1 LEADERS— Crime 3 Hong Kong’s Plight 3 Interlingua 3-4 Silver Fallacies 4 The White Elephant 4-5 N E.I. Trade Trends 5 Occasional Notes 6-7 Pictures Ir.ter-Port Rowing Next Week 17 Gala Day at P.C.S.C. 17 Marine Police at Drill 17 Flying Club’s Gypsy Moth 17 More Singapore Racing 18
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  • 854 1 Mr. Ferozuddin left for Calcutta by the Imperial Airways on Saturday. Mrs. M. R. Goldring nee Woodford, and her son. sailed on Fridav. by the Suwa Maru for London, where she will reside. His Excellency the Officer Adminis- tering the Government of the Straits Settlements has provisionally
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  • 143 1 Chettiar Killed. COLLISION ON BUKIT TIMAH ROAD. A fatal crash between a motor lorry and a car containing a party of Chettlars. on Buklt Timan Road on Monday night, had a sequel in the police court on Wednesday when Satepram, the Indian lorry driver, appeared belore Mr.
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  • 94 1 Pistol Hold-Up. MIDNIGHT ROBBERY AT SINGAPORE. Four Cantonese committed an armed robbery at midnight on Friday when they held up a shopkeeper at the third mile, Thompson Road. It is reported that the gangster* aroused the occupants of the shop. ,and one man, it is said,
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  • 105 1 First Case Under U. K. Ordinance. Sir Walter Huggard on Monday ordered Chop Kai Loong to pay $650 to the Calico Printers Association, Ltd lor selling artificial silk goods which oore the registered design of the Calic) Printers Association. Chop K ii Loong were also ordered to perpetually
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  • 37 1 Medan, Sept. 8. Next week two French warships. Admiral Charmer and Rigault de Genouilly will visit Java and Bail. The warships are coming from Saigon and are expected to stay a week in Batavia Harbour.
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  • 627 2 71st Birthday Of Loved Ruler. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Sept. 11. It was with manifestations of loyalty and esteem that Klaus today celebrated the seventy-first birthday of Selangor’s ruler, llis Highness Sultan Sir Ala’idin Sulaiman Shah, (l.C.M.G. True, the ceremonies were simile but they were
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  • 317 2 Magistrate Acquits Accused Indians. There was an abrupt ending yesterday to the case in which two Indian Mohamedans. both named Gulan Hadir were asked to shew cause why they should not execute a bond to keerj the peace. Mr. Victor J. Mendis defending the first
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  • 46 2 J. Hunter, of the Wiltshire Regiment, sustained two lacerated scalp wounds when the cycle he was riding came into collision with a motor-car at the junction of Bras Basah Road and Bencoolen Street Hunter was conscious when removed to hospital but was bleeding severely.
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  • 177 2 DRUIDING TO PAY 700 FINE. Not To Drive For Twelve Months. Philip Druiding. European manager of Messrs. Louis Dreyfus and Co., was fined $700 on Tuesday by Mr. II. A. Forrer, the Criminal District Judge, for causing death hv u rash act. The alternative to th«* fine was four months’
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  • 104 2 Unusual Charges Against Chinese. Tan Yow Hong, a 56-year-old Chir ese. of Havelock Road was charge u the police court on Monday with steal ing over 10.000 gallons of water irnm the Municipality of Singapore He was charged with stealing lo.-yv, gallons between March 14 and }ri 13.
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  • 85 2 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur. Sept. 6. A verdict of “suicide due to toxaemia poisoning” was returned at an inquest today on a Chinese woman who died alter taking caustic soda. It was stated that the woman had probably committed suicide through wcirying over a summons case
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  • 272 2 From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Sept. 10. Last year, the system of rewards for rats killed—at the rate of one cent for four rats—was maintained in Malacca. It was recorded that 007.194 rats were destroyed, therefore the cost must have been 51.517.
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  • 301 2 Remarks At Printers Society Meeting. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Sept. 6. The question of dual membership and bigger subscriptions were dealt with at the first half-yearly general meeting of the F.M.S. Government Printing Department Co-operative Thrift and Loan Society, Ltd., held yesterday, with Mr. H. T.
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  • The Straits Budget
    • 917 3 and painful process—Straits Times, September 6. Tl lk to an American and invariably tne conversation will get round to the subject of crime. It used to be prohibition. Today it is gunmen, nngsters and kidnapping. The American will usually agree that iuTe i s an unhealthy measure of rrime
      and painful process—Straits Times, September 6.  -  917 words
    • 773 3 per cent, at $138.871 —Straits Times, September 7. A couple of years ago, when Milaya was in the depths of the depression, stories which came from Hong Kong made us pale with envy. We heard of the one spot in the world which had escaped the slump,
      per cent, at $138.871 —Straits Times, September 7.  -  773 words
    • 883 3 llcity than it deserves.—Straits Times September 8. English remains the nearest that the world possesses to an International language. It may be that French >s the language of diplomacy, but for getting about In a strange land a little English goes a long way. Nevertheless, language barriers continue to
      llcity than it deserves.—Straits Times September 8.  -  883 words
    • 968 4 —Straits Times, September 10. Business people are always more notable tor their grasp ot the situation immediately at hand than lor tneir understanding of broad principles The fallacious arguments which have been based on President Roosevelt’s latest decree for silver suggest that some speculators and manufacturers are going
      —Straits Times, September 10.  -  968 words
    • 1042 4 Straits Times. September 11 What is to happen to the Victoria Theatre and Memorial Hall? Coming into being after years of bitter controversy and to the accompaniment of derisive comment from a number of citizens, the building has since formed the subject of repeated attacks on those
      Straits Times. September 11  -  1,042 words
    • 926 5 —Straits Times. September 12. anyone who is inclined to f Miat undue stress has been -on the entrepot trade of SingaIuri21 K the customs union and 1 1 'mtroversies of the last three may be advised to stud> the annual report of the British a 1 o:
      —Straits Times. September 12.  -  926 words

  • 224 5 Van Driver To Pay $70. After swerving to a/old a traffic policeman in North Bridge Road. Sidik bin Ali, who was driving a van belonging to the Singapore Cold Storage Co., knocked down a cyclist. The boy. who was riding the cycle, was thrown clear but his
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  • 139 5 Race Winnings. .MONEY TAKEN FROM WARDROBE. Six hundred dollars, believed to be mostly in one dollar notes—a lucky European’s race winnings on Saturday —is reported missing. It is stated that a European, employed by a mercantile hrm. won handsomely at the races on Saturday, mainly through
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  • 391 5 Arson Allegation In Singapore Fire. I Allegations against the Government of arson and misappropriation of the Bukit Ho Swee Fire Relief funds were contained in pamphlets shown in the police court on Saturday when a 16-year-old Hylam boy was produced before Mr. J. M. Brander
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    • 307 6 accident occurred !—Straits Times, September 6. Arising out of yesterday’s leading •rticle, in which reference was made to the risks attendant upon using 'he steps of the New Pier, we have now received from the Association oi P'ngl neers. Singapore, copies of correspondence showing that these dangers
      accident occurred !—Straits Times, September 6.  -  307 words
    • 157 6 Straits Times, September 6. There has been a steady increase in taxation in the Dutch East Indies in the post-War years, and it is difficult to see how any business or industrial profits are possible at all. The Britiso Chamber oi Commerce tor the Nether lands
      Straits Times, September 6.  -  157 words
    • 195 6 it has lost a promising recruit.— Straits Times, September 6. How discourse*ng it must be to those responsible for training police recruits to find a young constable pleading guilty to a charge of accepting bribes within a few weeks of fils passing out. The case before the
      it has lost a promising recruit.— Straits Times, September 6.  -  195 words
    • 223 6 Straits Times, September 7. The argument is on The Public Works Department appears anxious to wash its hands of any responsibility for the dangers of the New Pier and asserts that it has had nothing to do with the pier since the day it was formally opened and
      Straits Times, September 7.  -  223 words
    • 76 6 than their thinner comrades.—Straits Times, September 7. According to The Lancet, a study carried out by the Royal Air ?orce as to the relative resistance to disease of underweight and overweight men is wholly favourable of the big fellow. It has. been discovered that overweight men
      than their thinner comrades.—Straits Times, September 7.  -  76 words
    • 330 6 Straits Times, September 7. Here Is another Incident showing the extraordinary backwardness oi Malaya in its policy with regard to wild life. Let It be emphasised immediately that in this country it is Impossible to get anything like adequate funds for even superficial con servatlon of wild life.
      Straits Times, September 7.  -  330 words
    • 174 6 tour next month.—Straits Times, September 7. Malaya may well become the most air-minded country in the world. Many of the big local news stories have a link with aviation, whether they be interviews with distinguished visitors like Lady Louis Mountbatten. or an account of some new R.A.F. exploit.
      tour next month.—Straits Times, September 7.  -  174 words
    • 176 6 in America.—Straits Times. September 8. About a fortnight ago the Straits Times published a cabled summary of the views of The Index, the monthly Journal of the New York Trust Company. on the rubber regulation scheme A fuller summary of this article nas now been received by air
      in America.—Straits Times. September 8.  -  176 words
    • 193 6 —Straits Times, September 8. At the same time The Index suggests that rubber producers have nothing to fear from the United States if only they will be reasonable and moderate, and operate the control scheme in the spirit in which it was conceived. This Journal makes no secret
      —Straits Times, September 8.  -  193 words
    • 167 6 —Straits Times, September 8. It has already been pointed out by a Dutch business man, in a letter published in the Straits Times some months ago. that the quota method of meeting Japanese piece goods competition has proved a failure in the Netherlands Indies, in that the poorer
      —Straits Times, September 8.  -  167 words
    • 254 6 respectively.— Straits Times. September 10. A reader in Sumatra writes to tell us that recent leading articles on th** subject of planters’ wages have been wit h great interest and sympathy rea that country, where many men are 111 ire ated in a manner which can turdly
      respectively.—Straits Times. September 10.  -  254 words
    • 151 7 —Straits Times, September 10. Life is full of complications. Czechoslovakia. in a sudden awakening of geographical conscientiousness, is adding to them. After the end of the year, telegrams addressed to the famous spa of Karlsbad will be sent back marked “not known.” Correspondents must address their caoles “Karlovy
      —Straits Times, September 10.  -  151 words
    • 233 7 the Saar question !—Straits Times. September 10. Hitter in power has ever been a taster of contradictions, or alterna* an exponent of the doubleentendre. He preached the cause ol peace when u\f rations- ot secret German armament building were being made ln every European country and nuw
      the Saar question !—Straits Times. September 10.  -  233 words
    • 118 7 simple—and very old.—Straits Times. September 11. Why this fuss about the establish ment of silence zones in London, wherein motor drivers are forbidden to sound their horns after a certain hour at night The idea has now spread to Madrid and there, too, it appears to be regarded
      simple—and very old.—Straits Times. September 11.  -  118 words
    • 278 7 tion Whither Germany.’'—Straits Times, September 11. The film Whither Germany nas brought back to mind the strange paradox in this country where members of the ex-Royal family still five in idleness and pageantry, as in tne days before the establishment of the Republic. There Is little really
      tion “ Whither Germany.’'—Straits Times, September 11.  -  278 words
    • 307 7 engine trouble are impossible.—Straits Times, September 11. Within a year or two Singapore is going to be much emptier at week ends than Is the case at present, i Many of us will be rushing from offief soon after noon on Saturdays, stepping into our private aeroplanes—and going
      engine trouble are impossible.—Straits Times, September 11.  -  307 words
    • 120 7 —Straits Times, September 12. Officials of the F.M.S. Railways arc certainly doing their utmost to encourage the use of the system. A number of advertising ventures have been launched in recent months, and now envelopes have been pressed Into service to carry an additional message On the
      —Straits Times, September 12.  -  120 words
    • 214 7 —Straits Times. September 12. In its issue dated Aug. 4, the Literary Digest quotes figures issued officially in the United States showing that American business had been on the upgrade during ten months of the preceding sixteen months and had shown a net gain of 44 per
      —Straits Times. September 12.  -  214 words
    • 181 7 w— -W w w g— man of that country.”—Straits Times, September 12. A Japanese newspaper in English prints the following: “We have just been shown a bottle of sauce made by the well-known firm of Kurisu and Co., of ‘Lonponn,’ which seems at first sight a clever imitation of
      w— — -W w w — g— — —' — man of that country.”—Straits Times, September 12.  -  181 words

  • 86 7 BROOKMAN.—On Sept. 6, 1934 at Batu Oajah, P.M.S., to Kathleen Muriel, wife of Captain J. Brookman, 2nd Battalion. 20th Burma Rifles, a daughter. ROBERTSON.—At the General Hospital, S pore, on September 6, 1934, to Alleen, wife of Kenneth A. Robertson of The Mercantile Bank of India. Ltd., Singapore, a
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  • 52 7 O ENTRY—MANSFIELD.— The engagement Is announced between Albert Arthur, only son of Mr. and Mrs. George Gentry of Linton, Kent. England and Roma Bernadette. "Idest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Mansfield of Mount Lawley, Western Australia. HARRISON—LEFEVRE.—The engagement is announced of Mr. Robert H. Harrison and Miss Louie
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  • 28 7 WOODFORD —VON KRIEOENBERGH.— On September 11, 1934 at Sainarang, Java. Donald O. C. Woodford to Ella. M. von KriegenberRh both of Semarang, Java. (Penang papers please copy).
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  • 27 7 LOPEZ—DINIZ. On September. 8. 1909, at St. Joseph’s Church, Singapore, by the Rev. Father Manuel Cardozo at 8 am. Maximilian Lopez to M. Luiza Dinlz.
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  • 30 7 DEATH TEO. —Mis. Teo Choon Ilian, age 68. passed uuay iwacefully on Sept. 7 ut 4 30 am. at 109, Waterloo Street. (Sarawak Gazette, Hongkong and F.M.S. papers please copy).
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  • 884 8 Phenomenally Rapid And Uneven.” “The agricultural development of Malaya has been phe -omenally rapid, and it is hardly surprising that, in many respects, it has been to an extent, uneven. The world depression has brought into prominence the defects of the existing state of affairs, and led
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  • 67 8 Workmen’s Compensation Measure In Johore. The Workmen’s Compensation Enactment. 1934. is about to be introduced into the Johore State Council. The object is to provide legislation on the lines of the workmen’s compensation enactments in force in other countries. The bill follow: the Federated Malay States Enactment with
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  • 44 8 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Medan, Sept. 8. There are ab:?ut 15,000 unemployed ii Netherlands India, including 3788 Europeans and 1,050 Chinese. This is revealed in a report of the Labour Office, which emphasises the necessity of sending unemployed Europeans to Holland.
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  • 361 8 A GREAT-GREAT-GRAND-DAUGHTER. Married To M.C.S. Officer. The marriage took place at St. Michael’s Warfield, Berkshire, on Aug. 9 of Mr. Christopher W. Shorland. Malayan Civil Service, elder son of Rev. M. A. and Mrs. Shorland of Norton Mabeward. Somerset, and Miss Eileen Herschel. eldest daughter of the late Mr. and
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  • 317 8 The marriage took place at the Singapore Registry on Sept. 9 of Mr. P. Dubiez, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dubiez, of Holland, and Miss Louise Ellison, third daughter of the late Mr. 1. Ellison and of Mrs. Ellison, of Singapore. The bride,
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  • 90 8 Civil Servants As Plane Pilots. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Medan, Sept. 8. The Governor of the East Coast has proposed a scheme to the Government in Batavia to equip civil servants in Sumatra and Borneo with small planes for inspection visits ta districts difficult to reach. Hitherto
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  • 273 8 Oath On Koran. COUNSEL CHALLENGES WITNESS. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Sept. 6. During an Indian Mohammedan’s evidence in the Supreme Court yes terday, counsel for the plaintiff challenged the witness to take an oath in the Mosque that his evid cnee was true. If
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  • 43 8 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Seremban, Sept. 11. News has reached here of an alleged murder on Sangala Estate Pengalen Kempas. It is reported that -arly yesterday morning a Kheh Chinese, Liau Hong, was murdered by another Chinese who. however, escaped arrest.
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  • Letters To The Straits Times.
    • 960 9 <. y Birkemose’s methods of r b r forestry have udw been offii Uv* approved, silt pitting having C1 condemned and the importance 0 la n selection confirmed in the PPI Bulletin No. 6: “Uses and Con- 0 f Natural Undergrowth on Rub“7 Estates”. I ask permission, in
      960 words
    • 2514 9 Sir, —And so I am a life-saver! We'l, I congratulate “D.C.” both on his “complete restoration” and his happy emergence, two events that are the more welcome for his jolly assumption, expressed in your issue of Sept. 3. that for the moment “we are all in agreement” on
      2,514 words
    • 537 10 Sir.—What an Intriguing title! But what a surprise to find tinder it a letter that argues by way of questions to which it gives no answers. However. Deiore coming to the, questions, there is ui assertion in the hrst paragraph that must he refuted in order to prevent
      537 words
    • 296 10 THE ALUMINIUM BOGEY.” Sir,—After the somewhat gruelling time holders of local tin shares have been receiving at the hands of your correspondent at Home, perhaps you would like to give them a happy interlude by quoting the following extract from the Mining Journal of Aug. 11. which arrived b> mail
      296 words
    • 408 10 Sir,—Writing as a Chinese and .is a Chinese scholar, but not as a Chinese Christian, may I point out that for over two thousand years the three great religions acknowledged in China and tolerated by Governments of successive dynasties down to the (Manchu) Ta Tsing, are Ju, Shih
      408 words

  • 67 10 The following appointments are announced. Mr. C. S. Sergei to be a Surveyor. Land and Survey Department. Mr. C. E. Gascoigne to be an Assistant Treasurer. Mr. C. E. L. Blagg to act as a Judg«? of the Supreme Court. Mr. A. R. Snelus. Gadet, to do duty
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    • 295 11 Death Of Former F.M.S. Agriculturalist. me death took place recently in Rridoort Hospital of Mr. Cyril Benonl Holman- Hunt, a well-known personae in West Dorset, who was the eld- son ,t Mr. Holman Hunt, O.M., the famous artist, pain'ei ol ‘The Light o' t t wond” Mr. HJman-fJunt
      295 words
    • 197 11 From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur. Sept. 10. Tlu* death took place yesterday at the Bungsar Hospital, of Mr. H. F. Cardwell, manager of the Diamond Jubilee Estate. Malacca. Bv his death, the London Asiatic Rubber and Produce Company. Ltd., have lost a trusted servant, and
      197 words
    • 181 11 News of the death of Capt. Stovell, a 1 ormer member of the Pilot Association, while bathing at Jersey, annei Islands, has been received ,n Singapore. pt. Stovell, it is learned, was ,K°.^ ncd in si *ht of his wife and nldren. Fuller details of the
      181 words
  • 256 11 Traveller Fined In Singapore. A German, Ludwig von Hornsteln, was charged before Mr. H. A. Forrer in the Singapore police court on Saturday with the possession of an automatic pistol and 22 rounds of ammunition. Pleadinc guilty he was fined $25 in respect of the pistol and
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  • 124 11 To Serious Charge Against Driver. The case against a Bengali Islam taxi-driver, Hadji Zula, who is on a charge of giving false information to the Rochore police on Aug. 8 was mentioned before Mr. Norman Grice, the second magistrate, on Monday. The subject matter of the charge was
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  • 90 11 Extreme caution was exercised by the Penang harbour authorities when the Barjora. plying between India, Burma and Malaya, was reported to have a case of plague. The local Port Health Officer was Informed by the port authorities in Tavoy that there was a case of plague on
    90 words
  • 192 11 Chinese Who Was Scratching Himself. I was just scratching myself,” was the novel defence offered to a charge of attempted housebreaking before Mr. H. A. Forrer, the criminal district judge on Wednesday by Yew Ah Cheok. an elderly Chinese. His explanation of the prosecution story
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  • 93 11 “Because I was arrested by an Inspector and not by a mere constable I thought that I should automatically plead guilty,” was the naive explanation of an Indian milk vendor who was summoned for not possessing a licence. Mr. Norman Grice (the second magistrate): Do you still plead
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  • 200 11 Failure To Register Drugs. Dr. Raghunathan. one of the two Singapore medical practitioners to be charged with offences under the Deleterious Drugs Ordinance. pleaded guilty on Wednesday before Mr. H. A. Forrer, the criminal district Judge. The charges were that certain dru.'s had not been entered in
    200 words
  • 246 11 Further Details. SIAMESE PRINCESS OUT OF DANGER. (from Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, Sept. 8. Despite a bad shaking and more or less serious injuries, Prince aid Princess Svastia, parents of the Qu of Siam, are progressing f vourably after their motoring accident near Ipoh on
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  • 234 11 Distinguished Guests At H. Q. Dinner. Officers of the Singapore Volunteer Corps held a dinner on Friday at their headquarters and the following were amongst those who accepted invitations to be present: H E. Mr. A. Caldecott, C.M.G., C.B.E., H E. Major General E. O. Lewln.
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  • 409 12 Chinese Beaten In Street Affray. ROBBED OF DATS EARNINGS Privates T. Hudson, F. Greathead and J. T. Peacock, of the 1st Battalion, the Wiltshire Regiment were, on Friday, each sentenced to a total of three months’ rigorous imprisonment by !Mr. J. M. Itrander in the police
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  • 64 12 It was announced in the S.S. Gazette that whereas the Registrar of Societies. Singapore, has reason to believe that the “Society for ,ne Prevention of Cruelty to Animals” has ceased to exist this socle‘y is called upon to furnish proo* oi it* existence to the Registrar of Societies.
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  • 122 12 The Rev. A V Wurdell. the new chaplain of the Missions to Seamen, arrived in Singapore on Sunday by the s. s. Glencleach. Mr. Wardell. who was for three years curate of Petersfleld, Hampshire, prior to coming to Singapore was met on arrival by Capt. Freybcrg. Master
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  • 252 12 Frivolous Charge Against Chinese. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca. Sept. 5. A Sikh constable was ordered to pay $iC compensation to a Chinese for bringing a “frivolous charge” against him in the police court here. The Chinese, Ng Kum, was charged with obstructing the
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  • 114 12 Sikh Charged With Attempted Murder. Without hearing the defence a juiy at the Singapore Assizes on Sept. 11 found Inder Singh not guilty on a charge of attempting to murder another Sikh, Ujugan Singh. A number of witnesses were called and when the case for the prosecution was
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  • 141 12 Body Wrapped In Blanket. (From Our Own Correspondent Kuala Lumpur. Sept. 7. Another murder mystery confronts the local police following the gruesome discovery of the decomposed body of a Chinese, wrapped in r blanket, which was found buried in the ground. i A Chinese woman reported
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  • 366 12 August Professional Examinations. The following have passed the final professional examination and have been awarded the Diploma of the College. L.M.S. (Singapore). Awang bin Hassan. L. W. Jayesuria. W. J. Jesudason. Lip Seng Chiew. Low Thean Loy. Mias G. A. da Silva. Tan Kheng Teong. Tan Kim
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  • 29 12 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Medar, Sept. 8. Sixty Americans are expected in Buitenzorg next month in connection with the establishment of the new Goodyear tyre factory.
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  • 203 12 Six Bombers. OPENING OF NEW AERODROME. Six Hawkcr-Horsley combers 0 f No. 36 Squadron will represent tie R.A.F., Singapore, at the opening jf the new aerodrome at Brasta-l (Sumatra) o* Sunda- week. The flight will leave the previous day, returning to Seletar on Monday Squadron-Leader
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  • 90 12 The expenditure for the year 1933 having, on certain of the items detailed in the Straits Settlements Supply Ordinance, 1932, exceeded the provision made to the total extent of $380,673. A Bill has been prepared with the object of giving sanction to the excesses. The schedule to
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  • 183 12 Company Reduces Capital. (From Our Own Correspondent.» Ipoh, Sept. 11. The Supreme Court at Ipoh yesterday approved an application made by the Grand Hotel Limited to reduce the capital of the Company. It was agreed that the capital of the company should be reduced from $500,000, divided into
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  • 2531 13 POLICEMAN’S ALLEGATIONS Theatre Crowd Scenes Described In Court. Who are you to detain me? I will punch you once and your will come out.” This statement was alleged to have been uade to a policeman by Mr. Philip Hoahlim, 33-year-old Cantonese .solicitor practising in Singapore,
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  • 228 14 Car Collides With Lorry And Overturns. PRINCESS SERIOUSLY INJURED. Prince and Princess Svastia*, parents of the Queen of Siam, were injured when i motor car, in ’ich they were driving from the Cameron Highlands to Penang, collided with a
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  • 171 14 Poisoning Suspected. ONE IN CRITICAL CONDITION. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Sept. 7. Two girls, believed to be suffering from caustic soda poisoning, were brought to the General Hospital yesterday, and while the condition of ome is not so serious, the other is reported to
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  • 58 14 A mosquito ’bus. coming into town, went off the road and overturned in Jalan Eunos, shortly after noon on Thursday. There were five passengers, besides the driver and the conductor, but only three of the passengers received slight-injuries. Two of these, a Malay teacher and a
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  • 250 14 European’s Part In Accident. Mr. G. von Daggenhausen. a European employee of the Straits Java Vrtding Co., N.V., who was involved in p motor crash with a iorr.> at Prinsep Street Junction last June, appeared on Tuesday before Mr. J. M. Brander In the Singapore police court
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  • 101 14 Shopkeeper Held By Throat (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur Sept. 7. Three Malays dressed »n black, tv.o having part of their f i* e covered with a white cloth, armed with parangs and sticks, are alleged to have robbed a Chinese shop situated at the
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  • 161 14 Mr. Lim Kok Beng And Miss Tan Joo Quee. Before Dr. Philip K. C. Tyau, (Counsel General for China in Singapore), the wedding took place on Sunday of Mr. Lim Kok Beng, third son of Mr. and Mrs. Lim Kim Tian and Miss Tan Joo Quee, fourth daughter
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  • 66 14 August Arrivals From Madias. During August. 4,388 adults, 1,015 minors and 691 infants, state-aided passengers, arrived from the Madras Presidency, and other arrivals were 2.597, 202 and 125 respectively. Departures were 1.907 adults and 111 minors Of 1,691 labourers who arrived at Penang by the Rohna on Thursday.
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  • 173 14 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang. Sept. 7. Yet another case in which a man had killed his wife was dealt with by Mr. Justice Whitley at the Assizes here yesterday. Accused was an Indian, Palayan, and he was alleged to have fatally stabbed his wife on June
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  • 112 14 Coming Visit To Singapore. Mr. Seow Chuah Sam, at one time a well-known F.M.S. Chinese resident, and now one of the principal advisers of Marshal Chiang Kai-shek regarding Chinese conditions in Malaya, is expected in Singapore in a fortnight’s time Mr. Seow is a member of
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  • 51 14 It is announced In the S.S. Gazette that His Majesty the King has been pleased to approve the appointment of Mr. G. E. London to b temporarily an Official Member ot the Legislative Council of the Straits Settlements during the absence on leave of Mr. W. E.
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  • 381 14 “Career Ruined.” "HO OF FATAL LORRY ACCIDENT For making a false statement at an inquest Chan Singh, a local Sikh constable, was fined $200 by Mr. H A. Forrer, the Criminal District Judge. Mr. K. K. O’Connor appeared on Chan Singh’s behalf to plead for mitigation of
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  • 186 14 Sentence of four years’ rigorous imprisonment was passed by Mr. Justice Terrell on Friday at the Singapore Assizes an Abdullah Khan, a police constable for killing Swee Teck, a local Chinese. Abdullah Khan was tried on a murder charge but the jury unanimously returned a verdict
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  • 1700 15 A Difficult I.S.P. Test Book-keeping —Theory Without Practice—A Way Out—Keep Your Oim Accounts (By Out Planting Correspondent.) *r I think, an admitted fact that 1 1 0 ‘j'” t he various subjects set in the; T cp technical education scheme the i ‘n that the young planter
    1,700 words
  • 239 15 Selangor Fund. ♦IB. HANDS’ INTERESTING OBSERVATIONS. <From Our Own Correspondents Kuala Lumpur, Sept. r>. Two interesting observations are made by Mr. John Hands, M.C.H.. the hon. secretary and treasurer of the Selangor Asiatic Unemployment Committee, in his report for July and August “After this unique experience
    239 words
  • 189 15 Passenger Fined In Singapore. Two employees of the Singapore Traction Company who came to blows in a trolley bus in New Bridge Road were produced in the Singapore police court before Mr. J. M. Brander on Wednesday on a charge of disorderly conduct by fighting in public.
    189 words

  • 509 16 COUNSEL AND PROVOCATION. Ten Years’ Imprisonment For Culpable Homicide. (From Our Own nrropondeul. > Ipoll. Sept. 5 Sentence of ten years’ rigorous imprisonment wa** passed today at Ipoh assizes on Swami. a Malabari Hralimin. who was lound guilty of the culpable homicide not amounting
    509 words
  • 212 16 Tungku Ahmad Shah. PILOT’S CERTIFICATE SHORTLY. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Sept. 5. His Highness, Tungku Ahmad Shah son of His Highness the Sultan of ?langor. and a member of the Kuala impur Flying Club, successfully issed his tests and flew solo on Frily last.
    212 words
  • 95 16 Magistrate Often Sees It. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Taiping. Sept. 4. When ordered by a traffic constable to stop, a lorry driver. Yar Liew, threw down a 20 cent, piece. As a result. Yap Liew made his appearance before the Taiping magistrate who commenting on the
    95 words
  • 87 16 Distillers Pay The Price. From Our Own Correspondent.) Seremban, Sept. 6. Several cases of illicit distilling of Chinese samsu came up for hearing today, before the Port Dickson magistrate. Fong Hong and Wong Chick, who were caught in the act on Labuan Blleh estate, were each fined $75,
    87 words
  • 312 16 Wife Murdered. FOUND MOANING RESIDE BODY. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang. Sept. 5. At the Assizes, beiore Mr. Justice Whitley and a special jury, trial comI menced this morning oi a T. nr who was charged with causing 'he death oi his wile on Pangkor Islana
    312 words
  • 57 16 At the Assizes on Sept. 6 a witness complained about the interpretation of his evidence, and began t.. speak in Malay. Tile interpreter saiu he understood every word the man was saying, and he could not understand why witness should make a complaint. Mr. Justice Terrell ordered the
    57 words
  • 102 16 Singapore Planes At Opening Ceremony. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Medan, Sept. 3. Nineteen planes are arriving on Sept. 16 to celebrate the opening of the world’s highest aerodrome at Brastagi, about 4.500 feet above sea level. It is definitely decided now that six planes of the Netherlands Indian
    102 words
  • 666 16 Tea Merchants. CHIEF JUSTICE GRANTS APPLICATION. Sir Walter Huggard. the Chiei Justice, awarded Tjoa Guan Kiat. trad, ing as T. G. Kiat and Co., an injunctior in the Supreme Court, on Sept. 5 restraining Haroon bin All. his servants workmen and agents from using or causing
    666 words

  • PAST WEEK’S IMPERIAL AND GENERAL NEWS. Contained in Reuter, British Imperial Radio and Special Telegrams.
    • 727 21 recently, he concluded.—Sin Quo Min and Sin Chew Jit Poh. .—Reuter. ANTI-NAZI COMBINATION. Anglo-Japanese Alliance Rumours Revived. Keports of an Italo-French rapprochement, capable of forming the most powerful political combination in Europe, though denied in Paris and Rome, have startled the European chancelleries. Italy’s fears of the
      recently, he concluded.—Sin Quo Min and Sin Chew Jit Poh.; .—Reuter.  -  727 words
    • 47 21 —Reuter. Lieut.-Col. H. C. Harrison’s New Post. London. Sept. 7. Lieut.-Col. H. C. Harrison, officer commanding the First Battalion of the Green Howards, has been appointed to be General Staff Officer, first grade, of the British troops in China The appointment is effective next March.—Reuter
      —Reuter.  -  47 words
    • 245 21 -Reuter Rejected By T.U.C. ‘BETRAYAL OF WORKING CLASS.” I London, Sept. 7. j By an overwhelming majority the Tracies Unions Congress, meeting at Weymouth, rejected the decision for an immediate general strike if war was threatened, which the Labour Party Congress of 1933 adoptee. The majority of
      -Reuter  -  245 words
    • 134 21 —Reuter. More Highly Coloured Disclosures.” Washington, Sept. 7. The allegation that a British armaments firm used women entertainers of a “doubtful character” to promote the sale of arms to Turkey is made .n a letter read before the Senate committee of inquiry into the munitions industry. The
      —Reuter.  -  134 words
    • 75 21 Reuter Wireless Favourable Balance For July. Wasnington. Sept. 4 An improvement »n United States trade is shown In the review of the United States Chamber of Commerce showing exports in July totalled $161,000,000 compared with $144,000,000 in July last year, and imports $127,000,000 compared with $142,000,000. Exports for
      Reuter Wireless  -  75 words
    • 236 21 —Reuter. Sweeping Currency Reforms. LEGACY OF THE WAR. Capitalists To Pay Share Of Nation’s Debts. London, Sept. 7. IVIr. J. B. A. Kessler, the well-known oil magnate, in a series of articles in The Times, entitled “Forged Money,” attributes the world economic crisis to mishandling of
      —Reuter.  -  236 words
    • 108 21 Reuter Soviet-U.S. Debt Negotiations. Washington. Sept. 7. A deadlock has been reached in the Soviet debt negotiations. It is authoritatively learned that it is due to the Soviet demanding a further loan before settling outstanding claims. President Roosevelt is reported to bo agreeable to provide credit facilities for American
      Reuter  -  108 words
    • 35 21 -British Wireless. Anglo-Norwegian Conference. Rugby. Sept. 5. The Norwegian Government have agreed to send representatives to London early in October to negotiate arrangements for settling claims between British and Norwegian fishertv n—British Wireless.
      -British Wireless.  -  35 words
    • 221 22 Exercises To Last For A Week. CANTON SCHEME. Erection Of Big Steel Foundry. Shanghai, Sept. 6. The first and second Japanese squadrons, comprising more than 50 warships, will hold combined manoeuvres off the North China coast beginning on Sept. 18 and to be continued for one
      221 words
    • 51 22 —Sin Kuo Min. Shanghai, Scot. 6. The Russo-Manchukuo water boundary agreement involving the mutual recognitioi of the soviet and Manchu sections of the River Amur, a" formally signed > esterday at Jehol. Thi: is regarded b/ the Tapanese Gov' nment as tantamount to Soviet recognition of Manchukuo.—Sin
      —Sin Kuo Min.  -  51 words
    • 128 22 National Economic Council.--Sin Kuo Min and Sin Chew Jit Poh. Big New Steel Foundry For Canton. Negotiations for the erection ot a steel foundry, costing $13,000,000, at Canton are proceeding between the Kwangtung Government and an American machinery firm. The Canton authorities, it is under stood, have offered
      National Economic Council.--Sin Kuo Min and Sin Chew Jit Poh.  -  128 words
    • 137 22 —Sin Chew Jit Poh. —Sin Kuo Min. I Nanking Orders Envoy To Investigate. Shanghai, Sept,. 5. According to a statement made by the Chinese who have been expelled fr».m Japan, the Japanese Government nas confiscated all their immovable and movable proparties in Japan. Their cash is reported to
      —Sin Chew Jit Poh.; —Sin Kuo Min.  -  137 words
    • 145 22 —Union Times Guarded By Japanese Troops. Shanghai, Sept. 5. A number of motor lorries carrying 300,000 taels of prepared opium, in ..250 packets, from Jehol were attacked by a band of Chinese volunteers in the District of Hsinglung last night. Japanese guards who were escorting the illicit drug
      —Union Times  -  145 words
    • 110 22 Reuter Wireless. Machinery For Raw Materials. New York, Sept. 4. Bartering proposals are again proceeding in American exporting and manufacturing circles and the announcement of the formation of a large bartering group is expected in the middle of October. Tentative discussions so far have been chiefly with suppliers of
      Reuter Wireless.  -  110 words
    • 73 22 .—Reuter. Split Between Gandhi And Other Leaders. Madras. Sept. 4. Mr. Gandhi has decided to withdraw from active leadership of Congress owing to differences with Maiaviya and other leaders, according to the Wardha correspondent of the newspaper. Mr. Gandhi will announce his decision at the next meeting of
      .—Reuter.  -  73 words
    • 154 22 —Reuter. Recent Russo-Japanese Discords. London, Sept. 5. If two Western governments oegan to register hatred with such fervour and publicity, the peace of Europe would be exposed to obvious and imminent danger, says The Times in a leader thU morning on Russo-Japanese discords. Recent incidents have
      —Reuter.  -  154 words
    • 260 22 —British Wireless. Hope Of Ultimate Solution. Rugby. Sept. 4. The third international locust conference will meet in London on Sept. 11. Invitations have been issued to the Governments of locust-infested countries in Africa and western Asia, and leading experts on the question of locust research and
      —British Wireless.  -  260 words
    • 42 22 —Reuter Wireless. A New British Altitude Record. London, Sept. 4. A new British altitude gliding record of approximately 7,000 feet was established today by Geoffrey M. Buxton of the R.A.F. at the National Gliding Meeting at Sutton Bank, Yorkshire.—Reuter Wireless.
      —Reuter Wireless.  -  42 words
    • 38 22 —Reuter Wireless. Asuncioi, Sept. 3. Since the Gran Chaco war began, Paraguay claims to have recovered 70.000 square kilometres of territory allegedly wrongfully appropriated by Eolivia and also that the Bolivian losses total 40,000.—Reuter Wireless.
      —Reuter Wireless.  -  38 words
    • 152 22 Turkey’s Candidature. JUSTICE OF CLAIM FOR RE-ELECTION. Geneva. Sept The question of the re-election cf China to the Council of the League is seriously concerning friends 0 f China, who would like to see her remain on the council in view of the
      152 words
    • 144 22 Reuter. Why China Should Remain On The Council. Geneva. Sept. 6 China has decided to stand for reelection to the Council of League, said Mr. Quo Tai-chi. Chinese Minister in London and concurrently delegate to the League, in a statement here today. China, he said, has a
      Reuter.  -  144 words
    • 165 22 Reuter Wireless. General Eva Booth And Proposed Reforms. London, Sept. 5 Gen. Eva Booth made a big hit when she received pressmen at Army Headquarters and replied with untiring humour to a barrage of questions ranging from high policy to whether army and officers should wear silk stocking
      Reuter Wireless.  -  165 words
    • 45 22 —British Wireless. Rugby, Sept. 6. The London, Midland and Scott is Railway, although they have thei own works, have decided to P lril orders for an additional 150 locomotives with Armstrong, Whitworth au Newcastle and the Vulcan Foundry to. in Lancashire. —British Wireless.
      —British Wireless.  -  45 words
    • 230 23 Expulsion Of Chinese From Japan Continues. Shanghai, Sept. 10. Gen. Nishikari, commander-in-chief of the Japanese Kwant ung Command and ambassador to Manchukuo, it is reported, will shortly resign his posts on the ground of illheaJth. (ien. Minami, former War Minister in the Tokio Cabinet, is
      230 words
    • 56 23 —Sin Chew Jit Poh. Hong Kong, Sept. 10. The towns of Chantihang and Tsoukiashan, in Ningyang District. Fukien, were looted by a force of several thousand Heds. according to the local magistrate, who has appealed for reinforcements. A brigade of troops is being hurried
      —Sin Chew Jit Poh.  -  56 words
    • 129 23 Echo Of Recent Luantung Outrage. A number of Japanese desperadoes took part in a bandit raid on Sept 1 n a vi Hage in the Chienan district, uantung. according to a report of the ca l magistrate to Mr. Tao Shangmn. the Luantung administrator. 1 he magistrate alleges
      129 words
    • 121 23 Sin Kuo Min. Economic Co-operation With China. on^s Janssen the Bei glan envoy who Son »r Urday presented Messrs. Lin w ang Ching-wei and Hsu Me each with a medal conferred on tnem by the King of the Belgians, granted his first interview to press representatives yesterday. I
      — Sin Kuo Min.  -  121 words
    • 191 23 South-West Leaders’ Proposals. Shanghai, Sept. 9. Under the leadership of Mr. Hu Han-min. the head of the veteran section of the Kuomintang. the Executive Council of the Government of the South-West has wired to Nanking. strongly criticising the proposals made by Nanking in connection with the Fifth Plenary
      191 words
    • 108 23 —Union Times. Growing Support For The “Yellow Lotus.’ Shanghai. Sept. 9. The influence of the “Yellow Lotus Doctrine” is steadily spreading in the four provinces in the Manchukuo. Its influence has spread to North China, particularly the Province of Hopeh, where hundreds have become followers of the new creed
      —Union Times.  -  108 words
    • 191 23 of Amoy for shelter.—Sin Chew lit Poh. Proposed By Russia. Shanghai, Sept. B. Russo-Japanese negotiations, initiated by the Soviet Government with a view to reducing the possibilities of war in the Far East, have been proceeding at Moscow since last Friday, according to a
      of Amoy for shelter.—Sin Chew lit Poh.  -  191 words
    • 179 23 To Meet Japanese Minister Today. Shanghai, Sep r 7. Gen. Huang Fu, chairman of the Peiping Branch Political Council, arrived in Shanghai yesterday. He put oir press interviewers by promising to give them a reception today. Chinese Minister to Italy. Mr. Liu Wen-tao. Chinese Minister in
      179 words
    • 67 23 —Aneta Trans-Ocean. Switzerland To Vote Against Entry. Berne, Sept. 5. The Federal Council on Tuesday voiced in no uncertain terms Switzerland's objection to the proposed admittance of Soviet Russia to the League of Nations. The Swiss Foreign Office’s firmly worded declaration last wpek end was accepted. As
      —Aneta Trans-Ocean.  -  67 words
    • 175 23 Among Most Stable In The World. BRITISH VIEW. Rebuttals Of German Banker’s Speech. London, Sept. 6. With reference to the (ier 7 man Asiatic Rank president’s criticisms, dealers here specialising in China I ns consider that such sweeping assertions need modification. They point out that Chinese Customs
      175 words
    • 37 23 —Reuter. London, Sept. 7. The engine-driver and fireman were killed and more than 40 people were injured in a collision between two passenger trains at a junction two miles from St. Enochs Station, Glasgow.—Reuter.
      —Reuter.  -  37 words
    • 141 23 "—Reuter. More Allegations At U.S. Arms Inquiry. Washington. Sept. 6. Evidence that the British Government gave Japan the design for the K type submarine was given today before the Senate committee ol inuuiry Into the American munitions industry. Letters from Mr. Carse, president of the Electric Boat Co.,
      "—Reuter.  -  141 words
    • 32 23 Bank, took place today.—Reuter Wireless. Death Of Noted English Banker. London, Sept. 5. The death of Mr. Frederick Craufurd Goodenough, chairman of Barclays Bank, took place today.—Reuter Wire-
      Bank, took place today.—Reuter Wireless.  -  32 words
    • 171 24 —Reuter. U.S. Company And Vickers Divide The World.” SIR BASIL ZAHAROFF. Commission On Work For Spanish Government. Washington, Sept. 4. Striking revelations with regard to the building of submarines were made by Mr. Henry Carse, president of the Electric Boat Co., giving evidence before the Senate
      .—Reuter.  -  171 words
    • 215 24 —Reuter. Further Revelations By Mr. Carse. Washington. Sept. 5. Betore the Senate committee of inquiry into the relations between United States armament manufacturers and large loreign firms, Mr. Henry Carse, president of the Electric Boat Co., today testified that during the Leticia dispute, his firm had sold
      ’—Reuter.  -  215 words
    • 73 24 cf payment are forbidden.—Reuter Export Of Currency To Germany Banned. Rome, Sept. 3 Following Germany’s denunciation oi the Italo-German convention regulating commercial payments, Italy Las taken action to prevent the export of currency. Future payments for imports from Germany must be made in reichsmarks to be obtained from
      cf payment are forbidden.—Reuter  -  73 words
    • 316 24 economic co-operation.—Reuter Wireless. New Lithuanian Move. EARIA' RATIFICATION OF BALTIC ENTENTE. Riga, Aug. 30. The Latvian press hails the accord, concluded last night, between the three Baltic States oi Latvia. Estonia and Lithuania as the forerunner to the federation ol the Baltic States. Close foreign political collaboration
      economic co-operation.—Reuter Wireless.  -  316 words
    • 109 24 KliV ill VV 1 —Reuter. Monopolistic Aspirations In China.” Berlin, Sept. 4. Chinese state loans must generally be regarded as being in distress.” declared Herr Franz Urbig. president of the German Asiatic Bank, speaking at a general meeting of the institution The greatest control must, thereiore. be observed
      KliV ill VV 1 —Reuter.  -  109 words
    • 69 24 —Reuter Wireless. 742 Liberated From The Concentration Camps. Berlin, Sept. 1 Gen. Goering has ordered the release of 742 prisoners, mostly former members of the Social-Democrat and Communist parties from concentration camps today. Thus half the prisoners in the Prussian concentration camps have now been liberated. In future
      —Reuter Wireless.  -  69 words
    • 277 24 British Wireless. Departs From London For Australia. London, Sept. 4. The Duke of Gloucester has left for Marseilles en route to Australia to attend the Melbourne Centenary celebrations.—Reuter. Programme For Return Journey. London, Sep 1. The Duke ol Gloucester arrived in London early this morning from Balmoral
      British Wireless.  -  277 words
    • 126 24 —Reuter. Death Of War-Time Food Controller. London. Sept. 5. The death has occurred at the age of 78 of Lord Devonport.—Reuter. Lord Devonport. first Viscount of Wittington. Bucks, was the chairman of the Port of London Authority from 1909 to 1925. Born on Sept. 1. 1856. son of
      —Reuter.  -  126 words
    • 105 24 —Reuter. i Paving Way For Tashi Lama’s Return. Simla. Sept. 5. The Chinese official mission to Tibet, headed by Gen. Huang Mu-sung, arrived at Lhasa on Aug. 26 bringing a staggering load of valuable gifts for I the Tibetan authorities as a special J mark of Chinese
      —Reuter.  -  105 words
    • 175 24 -Reuter Wireless. High Degree Of Safety. PASSENGER TRAFFIC TREBLED. London. Sept. 4 Civil Aviation is making remarkable slides in Great Britain, according to tne report of progress of civil aviation in 1933 issued by the Air Ministry It shows that 83,100 passengers were carried by air transport
      -Reuter Wireless.  -  175 words
    • 134 24 —Aneta-Trans-Ocean. Expected “Come Back” For Salvation Army. London. Sept. The election of Evangeline Booth as the new Salvation Arm} general to succeed General Higgins is hailed by the British Press as an event ot the first magnitude. It is pointed out that this is
      —Aneta-Trans-Ocean.  -  134 words
    • 143 24 Serious Illness Of Mr. Maurice Maude. From Our Own Correspondent.* London. Aug. 27. Mr. Maurice Maude, the pioneer planter who founded Cicely Estate, in Perak, and who has prominently identified himself with the movement for a Sunday tapping holiday as a means of correcting over-production of rubber,
      143 words
    • 17 24 .—Reuter London. Sept 9 The death has taken place of Com Sir John Moncreiffe.—Reuter
      .—Reuter  -  17 words
    • 337 25 .—Reuter. morro castle INQUIRY. Remarkable Rumours Circulating. CREW’S COWARDICE. Passengers’ Appeals For Help Ignored. New York, Sept. 10. Acting Captain Warms, the first witness at the Morro Castle inquiry, testified that he suspected incendiarism. The Federal inquiry into the Morro Castle disaster, which opened this
      .—Reuter.  -  337 words
    • 44 25 cent, of their loot.—Union Times. Shanghai, Sept. 10. A report from Chinwangtao states that Chinese bandits who have been plundering the villages in North China, have been financed and armed by •Japanese who receive 40 per cent, of their loot.—Union
      cent, of their loot.—Union Times.  -  44 words
    • 1088 25 —Reuter. New York, Sept. 9. The official total of the survivors of the ill-fated Morro Castle is 408, passengers and crew, leaving 150 persons still unaccounted for, according to the Ward Line, the owners. The owners add that there are 228 survivors among the passengers,
      —Reuter.  -  1,088 words
    • 106 25 Fleet as may be required.—British Wireless. To Be Replaced By New Sloop Bittern. London, Sept. 7. The Admiralty announces that It has been decided to pay off H.M.S Enchantress and place her on the sale list. She is over 30 years old and considerible expenditure would be required
      Fleet as may be required.—British Wireless.  -  106 words
    • 53 25 —Reuter. The Hague, Sept. 6. By order of the Colijn Government, Netherlands India has appointed a committee to prepare the way for the amalgamation of the Billiton Mining Co., of The Hague, and the Government's Banka Tin Works. This proposal is regarded as of great importance for the
      —Reuter.  -  53 words
    • 131 25 —Reuter. Edison’s Contribution Of £3,000,000,000. London, Sept. 6. A total of £3,000,000,000 sterling h.'.s been added to the world’s wealth by Edison’s inventions, according to Sir James Jeans, who in a brilliant pi evidential address to the British Association at Aberdeen admitted the need for a
      —Reuter.  -  131 words
    • 156 25 —Reuter. “Complete Agreement” In Japan. Tokio, Sept. 6. The Prime Minister, Adm. Okada. the Navy Minister, Adm. Asuml, and tne Foreign Minister, Mr. Hirota. are completely agreed on the draft instructions which the Cabinet is exacted to approve tomorrow, and which Rear-Adm. Yamamoto, who leaves aboard the Hakozaki
      —Reuter.  -  156 words
    • 84 25 Reuter." U.S. Army Only Fraction Of Popu'ation Raritan Arsenal. (New Jerseyl, Sept. 6. The United States needs a larger pnd better equipped army.” said the War Secretary, Mr. Dorn, on his arrival to attend the four-day manoeuvres. 1 would like the army increased to 165.000. as advocated
      ,- Reuter."  -  84 words
    • 322 26 —Reuter Serious Situation. KRINK OF GRAVE CRISIS. New York. Sept. 4. Minor outbreaks of violence occurred today in several strike areas, particularly in South Carolina where loriy loads of deputy sherifls were rushed to Greer following reports that tickets were overrunning the National Guard. Mr. George
      —Reuter  -  322 words
    • 207 26 interpreted by the employees—Reuter Wireless. Series Of Demands By The Workers. New York, Sept. 1. It is estimated that at least 1,000.000 workers will be directly or indirectly affected by the strike which begins at 11 00 p.m., including 15,000 workers in the woollen and worsted industries centred
      interpreted by the employees—Reuter Wireless.  -  207 words
    • 219 26 Effectiveness Of Workers’ Action. New York, Sept. 3. Capital and labour are drawing sharpiy divergent conclusions with regard to the effectiveness of the textile strike. Mr. George Sloan stated the reports from Southern States which did not participate in Labour Day celebrations indicated 90 per cent of employees
      219 words
    • 134 26 Reuter Wireless. Keeping In Close Touch With Situation. New York. Sept. 2. The National Labour holiday tomorrow overshadow’s the gloom cast by ♦he titanic textile strike but the situation is viewed with the gravest apprehension. While remaining in close touch with the situation, President Roosevelt is keeping his
      Reuter Wireless.  -  134 words
    • 273 26 —Reuter. Washington, Sept. 10. The textile strike committee have extended their offer to submit to arbitration for another 24 hours in view of today’s meeting between the Mediation Board and representatives of the manufacturers, at which the board thinks a settlement is possible.—Reuter. Washington. Sept.
      —Reuter.  -  273 words
    • 168 26 Reuter. London To Karachi Nonstop. London, Sept. 7. A nonstop fight from Portsmouth to Karachi in 48 hours, refuelling In midair. is projected on Sept. 21 by Sir Alan Cobham and Squadron Leader Helmore. one of the R.A.F.’s leading technical experts, according to the Daily Mail The
      Reuter.  -  168 words
    • 97 26 —Reuter Wireless. Concluded By Near East Countries. London. Sept. 10. “In the name of God the Compassionate and the Merciful.” is the rare opening of a White Paper giving the text of the treaty of “friendship and bon voisinage” between Transjordania. Saudi and Arabia. The treaty provides
      —Reuter Wireless.  -  97 words
    • 177 26 —Reuter. New York. Sept. 9. The hosiery workers have called a strike to begin on Wednesday. It will affect 85,000 workers in 12 States. It Is predicted that the walk-out will begin tomorrow. The substitution of the mediation board for an arbitration board has been
      —Reuter.  -  177 words
    • 234 26 —Reuter. Offered Permanent Seat On Council. Geneva, Sept iq At a private meeting of the Leaga*> Council, it was unanimously decided to offer the Soviets a permanent se.o the Council. 11 The fourteenth session of the League Assembly has been opened to deal with Dr. Benes
      —Reuter.  -  234 words
    • 36 26 ‘Actinium Isolated For First Time. Reuter. Cleveland (Ohio), Sept. 10. The American Chemical Society today learned that "actinium,” the rarest metal on earth which is worth $1,000,000 an ounce, has been isolated for (he first time.—
      Reuter.  -  36 words
    • 86 26 —Reuter. Active Canvassing For Signatures. Geneva, Sept. 10. British. French and Italian Foreign Office experts on League matters met last evening to discuss procedure in connection with the Soviet s admission to the league, on which question a final decision will be taken at a secret
      —Reuter.  -  86 words
    • 74 26 —British Wireless. Advised To Stay At Balmoral Castle. Rugby, Sept. 6 The Queen, accompanied by the Duke and Duchess of York and their daughters. attended the Highland Games at Braemar this afternoon. The King remained at Balmoral Castle, his medical advisers deeming it imprudent that he should
      —British Wireless.  -  74 words
    • 181 27 —Reuter. Kfl’ect Of Chinese Sales Embargo. RETALIATION. Foreign Banks Adopt Waiting Attitude. Shanghai, Sept. 10. Following the Government’s exchange order the market today opened nominal there being sellers of sterling at 17'/ 8 d. Tin* rate then dropped rapidly to c j hut no business was done
      —Reuter.  -  181 words
    • 230 27 —Reuter. Retaliation Against America. London, Sept. 10. Financiers are undecidea as regards the eilect of Chinese restriction of dealings in silver which is being widely discussed in the city. All agree that it is a retaliatory measure again? 1 America. Until now it was believed that China was
      —Reuter.  -  230 words
    • 164 27 —Reuter Wireless. Silver Purchases Abroad Cease. New York, Sept. 9. support of the dollar. H'h is reported to be by the stabilis- n flJ hd. is considered in many cir1 s to be a step to prepare a favourable Ption for forthcoming Treasury sih| inClng arran gements
      —Reuter Wireless.  -  164 words
    • 305 27 new State. —Sin Kuo Min and Sin Chew Jit Poh. Canton May Protest. VOLUNTEER LEADERS EXECUTED. Shanghai, Sept. u. i A Japanese warship paid surprise visits to Pakhoi and Kongmoon. Kwangtung, on Sept. 8, when blue- I Jackets were landed, says a Canton I message. The
      new State.—Sin Kuo Min and Sin Chew Jit Poh.  -  305 words
    • 162 27 mines In Saar territority Itself.—Reuter Wireless. French Proposal To The League. Paris, Sept. 4. The establishment of an arbitral tribunal of mixed nationality for a period of 15 years in the event of the Saar voting in favour of return to Germany is advocated in an
      mines In Saar territority Itself.—Reuter Wireless.  -  162 words
    • 397 27 —Aneta-Trans-Ocean. Controversy Started. GERMAN DOCTOR’S OFFER TO DEMONSTRATE. Berlin, Sept. 5. I The report of the discovery of the. cancer b iCillus by the German bacteriologist. Dr von Brehmer. di rector i of the anatomical laboratoiy ;t the. Reich Biological Research Institute at: Dahlam, near Berlin,
      —Aneta-Trans-Ocean.  -  397 words
    • 128 27 —Reuter. Berlin, Sept. 4. A claim to the discovery of th« cancer bacillus is made by Dr. von Brehmer, of the State Institute at Dahlen. Dr. Brehmer declares that he made it visible under the microscope and cultivated and injected it Into animals, which subsequently showed
      —Reuter.  -  128 words
    • 425 27 —Reuter. Trouble Feared At Big Fascist Rally. MR. CITRINE’S SPEECH. Nazi-ism Through Socialist Eyes. London, Sept. 5. “Wherever Fascism is instituted,” said Mr. Walter M. Citrine, general secretary, at the Trades Union Congress at Weymouth, “trades unionism and social democracy have been ruthlessly suppressed, the standard of
      —Reuter.  -  425 words
    • 34 27 —Sin Kuo Min. Hong Kong. Sept 8. The Eurasia Aviation Corporation’s ne* 18-seater aeroplane, which took IT from Dessau, Germany, on Sept. 1 for Shanghai, landed yesterday at Canton.—Sin Kuo Min.
      —Sin Kuo Min.  -  34 words
    • 258 28 Reuter Wireless. But Franco-Italian Agreement Denied. Paris, Sept 7. “Totally incorrect.” is M. Barthous description ol the reports ot a Franco Italian agreement. It is stated here that there is no question of any specilic Franco-Italian agreements. It and when the time comes to discuss
      Reuter Wireless.  -  258 words
    • 204 28 .—Reuter. —British Wireless. Alleged Sales To Latin America. Washington, Sept 10 A letter to Mr. Miranda, president of the American Armament Corp.. (1933) Ltd. from Mr. John Ball, director oi the Soley Armament Co., Ltd., London was read before the Senate inquiry into the munitions industry, stating that
      .—Reuter.; .—British Wireless.  -  204 words
    • 63 28 —Reuter. Shirt Demonstration In Hyde Park. London, Sept. 9. The rival Black Shirt and antiBlack Shirt demonstrations at Hyde Park today ended in no serious disorder. thanks to the police precautions. Sixteen arrests were made after the demonstration. A score of people were overcome in the crush, some
      —Reuter.  -  63 words
    • 88 28 Reuter Wireless. Seven Chicago Citizens Arrested. Washington. Sept. 1. The Department of Justice has I announced he arrest ot seven Chicago I citizens, including Louis B. Piquett, a lawyer and ex-City prosecutor, and two doctors. Wilhelm Loeser and Harold B Cassidy, on charges oi harbouring Dlllinger and other
      Reuter Wireless.  -  88 words
    • 95 28 Reuter Wireless. Flying Visit To Cairo. Port Said. Sept. 9. The Duke of Gloucester arrived in H M.S. Sussex after a sunny voyage from Marseilles. He was welcomed with an Egyptian gun salute and also by the flagship Queen Elizabeth v/hich was gaily dressed in bunting and
      .- Reuter Wireless.  -  95 words
    • 82 28 —British Wirt less. Visit To Munich With Fiancee. Rugby. Sept. 8. Prince George and his fiancee. Princess Marina of Greece, left Bled, in Yugoslavia, .ast night for Munich, accompanied by Prince Paul and Pnncess Olga of Yugoslavia. They will leave for Paris on Monday, where Princess Marina will
      .—British Wirt less.  -  82 words
    • 54 28 .—Reuter. Japan Making Prince George Badges. Kobe, Sept. 6. Osaka manufacturers are making hundreds of thousands of Prince George and Princess Marina badges for export in anticipation of their demand at the forthcoming wedding. Recently these manufacturers shipped quantities of buntings and flags to Australia in readiness for the
      .—Reuter.  -  54 words
    • 172 28 .—Reuter Wireless. New Salvation Army Chief’s Message. London, Sept. 3. Miss Eva Booth, the new General of the Salvation Army, was a candidate for the position when General Higgins was elected eight years ago. She has been the head of the Salvation Army in the United
      .—Reuter Wireless.  -  172 words
    • 177 28 —Reuter Wireless. Now Completely Under State Control. Berlin, Sept. 7. German trade and industry is r.ow governed by 25 State control oflices. Not. a single article of daily consumption or industrial production is omitted liom official control and even the smallest piece of raw material is not to
      —Reuter Wireless.  -  177 words
    • 166 28 the Red Army.—Sin Kuo Min and Sin Chew Jit Poh. Joint Japano-Manchu Administration. Shanghai. Sept. 11. What is regarded as another stop towards the annexation of Manchukuo by Japan is seen in the draft of the Japano-Manchukuo “postal alliance pact.” w-hich provides for a unified postal administration and
      the Red Army.—Sin Kuo Min and Sin Chew Jit Poh.  -  166 words
    • 114 28 —Reuter. Drug Smugglers Revenge On Sailor. New York. Sept. 4. A sensational story of the kidnapping and torturing of French sailor, William Rosen, has been revealed by the Federal detectives who arrested the alleged kidnappers. It appears that Rosen was kidnapped from the French liner Champlain on Aug.
      —Reuter.  -  114 words
    • 53 28 .—Reuter. Saylesville (Rhode Island), Sept. 11. Two men and one woman were shot during a strike riot in which a crowd rushed the gate of a mill and demolished the watchman’s house. There are 2.000 police now guarding the mill, and 200 national guards are being rushed
      .—Reuter.  -  53 words
    • 98 28 —Reuter. Death Of Well-Knmvn Musician. London. Sept io The death has taken place of q George Henschel, founder of the Lon don Symphony Concerts.—Reuter n Sir George, who was 84 years oi was of Polish descent, being naturalise a British subject in 1890. He mad! his first
      —Reuter.  -  98 words
    • 121 28 Union Times. For Drug Addicts In North China. Shanghai. Sept, li Further drastic steps will soon be taken against opium addicts and i opium smugglers. according to arrangements made by the Chinese authorities in North China with the jJapanese Tientsin Command, j Opium addicts who have shown no
      Union Times.  -  121 words
    • 106 28 —Reuter. Scheme For Dealing With $1,724,758,500. Washington. Sept. 10 The Treasury has announced a giant refunding of $1,200,000,000 Fourth Liberty Bonds bearing 4*4 per cent interest, due on Oct. 15. and $524,758,500 certificates of Indebtedness due on Sept. 15. The certificates will be convertible into two-year notes bearing
      —Reuter.  -  106 words
    • 77 28 —Reuter. Death In London At Age Of 68. London, Sept. 10. The death has occurred of Mi. Roger E. Fry, the well-known artist.—Reuter. Mr. Fry, who was 68 years old. studied at Clifton and at King’s College, Cambridge. After taking a degree in science, he devoted
      —Reuter.  -  77 words
    • 59 28 —Reuter. Gladly Cultivate British Friendship.” Wardha (Central Provinces). Sept. 11. At the conclusion of a three-da> session, the Indian Congress working committee passed a resolution reaffirming their aim of complete independence. The resolution added that the Indian Congress would gladly cultivate friendship with the British but must strain
      ”—Reuter.  -  59 words

  • 3190 29 Only Three Win Dividends Below Fifty Dollars. I exactly 103 horses facing the B, ur ter eight races it was not unex- "ted that there woulc be several up- s-etson i he second day of the oingapore j ur f club Gold
    3,190 words

  • 486 30 Singapore Turf Club Arrangements For Next Year Two new cups are being put up by the Singapore Turf Club at the Spring (Governor’s Cup) meeting next year. One of these is the Anniversary Cup which will mark the anniversary of the opening of the new course in May 1933. and
    486 words
  • 41 30 —Reuter. Holder’s Easy Victory Over American. Toronto, Sept. 5. H. R. Pearse (Canada), the holder of the world’s sculling championship, successfully defended his title by debating *.‘'ller (U.S.A.) by 15 lengths over a three mile course on Lake Ontario.—Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  41 words
  • 265 30 Sa tu rday s Tie Awarded To The Malays. After a meeting of the S A.F.A Challenge Cup Committee held on Tuesday it was announced that the result of the match between the Ma’ays and the Straits Cattle Trading S.C.. played on Saturday last and won by
    265 words
  • 126 30 Full Results Of N.S. Club Tournament. (From Our Own Correspondent). Seremban, Sept. 7. S. M. Raju of Kuala Pilah, who won the Negri Sembllan Club lawn tennis tournament singles handicap won the handicap doubles in partnership with Dr. S. S. Rajanayagam defeating P. D. Nair and M. P.
    126 words
  • 55 30 —Reuter. Amateur Golf Championship. New York, ei in The American amateur golf cham pionship started today at Brooklin* Massachusetts. There was a sensation in ►hr firs* round when an 18 year old fchoolbov Bobby Jones of Birmingham. Michigan beat the American Wa ker Cup captain
    —Reuter.  -  55 words
  • 181 30 Trix Wins “C” Class Event. The “C” Class turned out on Sunday for the second race for a trophy presented by Mr. E. W\ Slight. The race started at 9.50 and skippers received a sharp reminder as to the necessity of reading their newspaper as all seemed to imagine
    181 words
  • 99 30 New General Secretary Appointed. The Malaya Football Association held a council meeting on Friday when the I resignations of the honorary general secretary, Mr. Syed Hussein bin Ali Alsagoff, and assistant honorary general secretary, Mr. Mohd Yusof bin Ishak, were accepted with much regret. A vote of
    99 words
  • 237 30 (From Our Own Correspondent). Kuala Lumpur, Sept. 6. A dour struggle was witnessed this afternoon when Ong Ee Kong, the Selangor champion, and Leong Hoe Yeng fought for the Y.M.C.A. singles tennis title, which the former has held for the last nine years.
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  • 3010 31 Wiltshires Win Replay Against Government Services MALAYS BEATEN ON SATURDAY. Wiltshire l 2: Govt. Services 0. The Government Services put up a j re it right against the S.A.F.A. cup holders in the replay at Anson Read on Sunday but had to acknowledge defeat
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  • 65 32 Suarez And Fernandez Draw. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Sept. 10. Arthur Suares and Fernandez, who were to have met at the Great World last week, drew in a 15 three-minutes rounds contest at Penang last night. Fernandez forced the pate throughout hut Suares fought back well.
    65 words
  • 213 32 N.S. Wins Singles Title. (From Qur Own Correspondent.) I Klang. Sept. 11. The following we* the results of the finals of the Kampong Kuantan Tt\? Valli tennis tournament. Men’s Singles, Open: N. S Wise beat H. J. Sinclair. G 0. 9 7. Men’s Doubles. Open:—C. H.
    213 words
  • 83 32 —Reuter Wireless. Heavy Wagering Taking Place. New York, Sept. 1. The selection of Rainbow' to deiend America’s Cup i generally acclaimed in yachting circles and it is predicted that although the present betting stands for Endeavour at 5/7, the boats are likely to start at evens or
    —Reuter Wireless.  -  83 words
  • 206 32 —Reuter. London. Sept. 10. Jack Petersen, who regained the British heavyweight title by defeating Len Harvey, won the British Empire heavyweight championship at thi White City this evening by defeating Larry Gains of Canada. Gains retired at the end of the thirteenth round. The
    .—Reuter.  -  206 words
  • 893 32 Aston Villa Crash At Leicester. As usual with the weather warm and grounds hard some of the better known teams tailed to do well, the most notable being Derby County, who were beaten at home by Stoke City. 1 who scored both their goals in
    893 words
  • 132 32 —Reuter The following were the results oi English league football matches placed on Sept. 5 First Division. Arsenal 4. Blackburn R Derby County 4. Huddersfield T. i. Liverpool 2. Manchester City 1 Portsmouth 1. Middlesbrough Sunderland 3. Grimsby 0 Second Division. Brentford 1. Fulham Third
    —Reuter  -  132 words

    • 1485 1 Dividends Resumed: Favourable Position Of Company. The twenty-fourth annual ordinary general meeting of the Uinted Malacca Rubber Estates, Ltd., was held at Malaga. on Sept. 7, the Hon. Mr. Tan Cheng Lock, the chairman of the company. presiding. There were aloO present Messrs, Kang Swi *.P„
      1,485 words
    • 46 1 (From Our Own Correspondent.)! Batavia, Sept. 3. Official statistics show that at the end of June, 151 estates in Java and Madura totalling 14.852 hectares had partly or entire y stopped rubber production. The figures for Sumatra are 157 estates, totalling 36.507 hectares.
      46 words
    • 174 1 Burma Corporation. —Final of 2 x 2 annas per share (free of Indian and British taxes). This equals 1 9-16 per cent, and makes a total of 5 annas, or 3'a per cent, (tax free) for the twelve months. For the previous year the dividend was 3'/ 8
      174 words
    • 106 1 Referring to the announcement appearing in our issue of September 5 to the effect that a further dividend of 5% will be paid by Southern Klnta Consolidated Ltd. on September 11, we are asked to state that this is not a further dividend, but that a
      106 words
    • 84 1 Latest buyers’ prices, received by Messrs. Guthrie and Co. by cable on Thursday, for Malayan Palm OH and Palm Kernels, are as follows Palm Oil in Bulk c.l.f. landed weight Haiti ax (Nova Scotia) 2.80 centr (U.S. currency) per lb. c.l.f. landed weight Liverpool HoUand Hamburg £l2
      84 words
    • 79 1 During the week ending Sept. 1 exports of tinned pineapple from Malayan ports amounted to 18.264 cas»s. of which 11,005 cases were to the United Kingdom. 700 cases to tiie Continent of Europe, 5.380 cases to Canada, and 1,179 cases elsewhere. Total exports for th~ period January 1
      79 words
    • 1236 2 McAlister And Co’s Expansion Programme. Mr. J. W. de Piro presided at the annual meeting of McAlister and Co, Ltd., in Singapore on Monday. Mr. de Piro said that although some important Industries in Malaya wre still in a most depressed state, he believed that trading
      1,236 words
    • 420 2 Considerable Expenses In Reorganisation. The first annual meeting of Lithographers Ltd. was held on Monday, in Singapore. The following shareholders attended:—Messrs. K. C. Eu (Chairman), W. MeMullan. Wong Tien Choh, Khoo Wee Tong, J. Israel, (Directors), Yong Loon Chong Lum Kai Poh and F. R. Martens
      420 words
    • 37 2 (From Our Own Correspondent.) London. Sept. 7. Hevea (Johore) Rubber Plantations have made a new issue of 422.000 Ordinary shares of 2s. offered at 2s. 6d This has been fully taken up by existing shareholders.
      37 words
    • 578 2 General Meeting. FINAL DIVIDEND OF 7i CENTS A SHARE. The eleventh ordinary general meet ing of Messrs. W. Hammer and Co Ltd., was held at the Hongkong Bank Chambers. Mr. S. H. Moss, who was in *he chair said The report and accounts have be<n
      578 words
    • 759 3 Rubber Shareholders Taking Profits. Fr st r and Co.’s share report, dated g e pt. 11 states There is very little that calls for thusiastic comment In the some,u dr at conditions prevailing at the nH n t in the local share market. Airnoueh taken
      759 words
    • 218 3 Domestic production, us represented by exports from Federated Malay States. Unfederated Malay States, and Straits Settlements (Settlement of Malacca), of tin. and tin-in-ore at 75.5 per cent., during the month of August. Tons Tons Federated Malay States 3.215 Unfederated Malay States. Johore 26 Kedah 17 Perils 24
      218 words
    • 227 3 Kluang And Tambalak Rubber Estates. The annual meeting r>i the Kluang Ru ’•»r ’omvany, Ltd., y M be held at Hongkong Bank Chamber Singapore. on Friday. September 21. In the directors report and statement of accounts for the year ended 30th June, 1934, it is stated. The profit
      227 words
    • 167 3 The annual meeting of Tambalak Rubber Estates, Limited., will be held at Hongkong Bank Chambers, Singapore, on Saturday. September 22. The directors’ report and statement of accounts for the year ended 30th June, 1934 says: The result of the year under review shows a profit of $10,877 which
      167 words
    • 56 3 •From Our Own Correspondent.) London. Sept. 6. Malayan Tin Dredging.—lnterim dividend. 7 2 per cent., less tax, payable Sept. 17. Southern Malayan Tin Dredging.— Interim dividend. 5 per cent., less tax, payable Sept. 15. Kratnai Pulai.—lnterim dividend. 20 per cent., less tax. payable Sept. 18. Kuala Kampar Tin
      56 words
    • 43 3 I From Our Own Correspondent.) London. Sept. 7. Ranteng (Selangor) Rubbt Estates. —Final dividend. 2*/ 2 per cent, less tax. London, Sept. 11. Seaport (Selangor). —Final dividend, 5 per cent, less tax. Beaufort Borneo. —Final dividend, 2*2 per cent, less tax.
      43 words
    • 26 3 <From Our Own Correspondent) London Sept. 10. Ulu Klang Tin has declared an Interim dividend of five per cent, payable on Sept. 16
      26 words
    • 47 3 Singapore Official Quotations. Quotations Forward Contracts Spot Seller Prices d. Of tv- Jan Date L’don S’pore Spot Doc. Mar. Sept 6 7 9/16 25 26 26% 26 7 7% 25% 26 26 26% 9 25% 25% 26% 27% 10 7 9/16 25% 257k 26% 27%
      47 words
    • 25 3 Sept 6 Tin, S pore Pr cc $113.50 per picul 7 113 25 8 113 00 9 *****% 10 ***** 1 *****
      25 words
    • 820 4 Fraser And (Vs Quotations. Singapore, Sept. 12 Miniuf Issue Val. Pd. Buyers. Sellers. £1 £1 Ansm Rumbain' 37 6 40 ed. £1 £1 Austral Malay 50 52 6 xd. £1 £1 Ban"rin Tin 26/- 27/1 1 Batang Pudang 0.38 0 31 1 1 Batu Caves 0 92
      820 words
    • 440 4 EXCHANGE RATES. Singapore. Sept 12. SELLING. I/>ndon. 4 months' sight 2 4 7 32 Iiondon, 3 months' sight 2 4 13/04 London, 60 days’ sight 2 4 3/16 London, 30 days’ sight 2. 4 5 32 I/ondon, demand 2 4's London. T.T. 2 '4 3 32 I
      440 words
    • 285 4 Last Night’s London Quotations. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Sept. 11. Closing quotations today of the principal British stocky are given below The rise or fall Is In relation to the price of Sept. G. GOVERNMENT STOCKS. BRITISH. Rise or Fall Conversion Loan 5% 119 7/16
      285 words
      • 714 4 Allagar (2 2 2; Alor Pongsu (2') 2 10;-Anplo-Mala.v dl> 17 (>; Ayer Kunlng dlt 3.') Ba:a:i S rai (1*1) 15 Baliru (Sul.) (2 3 11; Batneng dl > 29 Batang (2 1,5; Batu Caves (lit 21 3; Batu Tiga (lit 38 9; Bekoh (2
        714 words
      • 694 4 Capital Issue Closing Prices Paid Up Value Dividends Fraser Lvall Company Co. Evatt. 454,175 1 3 p.c. for year ended 28-2-34 Allenby < $1» 1.95 2.05 180 190 216.779 l Nil for year 30-9-33 ..AlorGajali (Sit 1.60 1.70 1.60 165 439.125 1 Nil for
        694 words