The Straits Budget, 24 May 1934

Total Pages: 38
1 5 The Straits Budget
  • 29 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE STRAITS TIMES [ESTABLISHED NEARLY A CENTURY.] No. 3980. SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, MAY 24, 1934. Price 25 cents (S.S. Currency) or 7d.
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  • 292 1 I EADKRS—7*ie New Life 3 Budded Rubber 3 "he Planter’s Status 3-4 Changing Russia 4 How Control Will Work 4-5 Monroe Doctrine for Asia 5 Occasional Notes 6-7 F.ctures for Charity’s Sake 17 Mr. and Mrs. Caldecott 17 Kuala Queen 18 Anti-Opium Clinic 18 Bukit Timah Fashions 18 Happy
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  • 499 1 Hie wedding t.jok place on April (3 Christ Church, Turnham Green. London, of M'ss Doris Foreman, of Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Fore1 i'h of Chiswick, to Mr. Eric Lionel tram Sanders, son of Mrs. and the ltc Mr. T. Sanders, of Greenfard, and /•merly of Messrs.
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  • 307 1 Police Press For Heavier Fine. It was stated in a gambling prosecution on Wednesday in the third magistrate’s court after the police had lett the premises after a raid other people continued to gamble there. Ten Chinese, inepjdinj one woman, the wife of a sailor were
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  • 57 1 Investigator Returns To Japan. A former Davis Cup player. Masaosuke Fukuda, who was Instructed by the Japanese Lawn Tennis Association to proceed to Singapore to investigate the death of Jiroh Satoh. who was lost overboard in the Straits of Malacca, when on his way to Europe to play
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  • 36 1 Three New Members Affirmed. (From Our Own Correspondent Kuala Lumpur, May 21. At the Federal Council meeting on Saturday, Mr L. Rayman. Mr. V. Mackie and Mr. J. O. Sanders were aflirmed new members.
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  • 186 1 Gunman Theory Discounted. Mystery surrounds the death of the Cantonese who was shot in a coffeeshop at the junction of Armenian Street and Loke Yew Street on Saturday night and died later from his wounds. The man. whose name is given as Hong Wan Sang, was
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  • 270 1 Johore Planters And Immigration Laws. Now that restriction has been adopted the Johore Planters' Association are of the opinion that the shortage of labour, caused by the Government’s attitude towards immigration into the country, will be a great handicap to many estates. At a recent committee meeting of
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  • 707 2 Alleged (’heating. CHINESE PHYSICIAN CHARGED. A young married woman who declared that she had been cheated out of large sums of money and gold, and a Cantonese physician, who alleged that the woman asked him to elope with her, were the leading figures in a
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  • 513 2 Higher Prices Follow Greater Demand. Details of the present position in the timber trade were given by a member oi the Singapore Chinese Timber I Merchants’ Association, in an interview w f ith a Straits Times reporter on May 16. Hv said that there has been a
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  • 30 2 Siam Rice For India. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok, May 22. Notwithstanding Indian protests 30.000 tons of Siam rice have been booked for shipment to India in June.
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  • 242 2 First Full Dress Parade Of M.S.V.R. Camel on Highlands May 13. For the first time in Cameron Highnnds. a full dress parade by members a the M.S.V.R. was held near the Halting Bungalow, at Tana Rata Among those attending were, Col. Hcrnidge. M-Col. R.H.A.D. Love. Major
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  • 191 2 Rotary Speech Suggestion. Attract the tourists, and do not l**t the country depend so much on tin and rulher for its subsistence This the suggestion which Mr. H. O. Waser made when he addressed the Singapore Rotary Club on Wednesday. To carry out his idea.
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  • 107 2 Malayan Tiger For London Zoo. A tiger cub, captured In the jungles of north east Negri Sembilan by a party of Jakun hunters, left Singapore on Wednesday on the Blue Funnel liner Achilles. He is to be presented to the London Zee for Whipsnade Park. Blang. as the
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  • 293 2 “Betting Slips Found Everywhere.” I (From Our Own Correspondent, Penang, May 22 As a result of a raid on premise, t Beach Street, four Malay? n charged with assisting ln a eora Z gaming house. The accused Mohamed All. Ahamad. Mustapha an another, who subsequently was d
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  • 201 2 Accused Again In Court. May 30 was fixed by the second magistrate <Mr. N. Grice) on Wednesday for the final day of the preliminary inquiry into three charges of forgery against a Singapore clerk, Tan Tee Hai. alias Francis Tay. The accused is alleged to have written
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  • 52 2 His Excellency the Governor has appointed the Collector of Land Revenue Malacca, to be Controller for th*‘ Settlement of Malacca. His Excellency has also appointed the Controller, Government Monopoli* Department, Malacca, and all Senior Revenue Officers stationed In Malacca, to be officers under the Tin and Tir. ore
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  • The Straits Budget
    • 838 3 -Straits Times. May 17. Chinese newspapers are devoting a considerable amount of space to advocacy of the “new life movement,” launched recently by Marshal Chiang Kai-shek. Apparently “new life” is nuking astonishing strides in all parts oi the country, and although there have been in one or
      -Straits Times. May 17.  -  838 words
    • 800 3 -Straits Times, May 18. A mild newspaper correspondence is developing on the subject of the proposed legislation to implement the agreement for the control of rubber production. Included among the discontented ones are people who were, and are. enthusiasts for restriction and fully conscious that any attempt to
      -Straits Times, May 18.  -  800 words
    • 963 3 gm'TUily known. -Straits Times. May 10. It is clear lrom the correspondence between the Incorporated Society of Planters and the Rubber Growers’ Association, published in the current issue of The Planter and reproduced in the Straits Times yesterday, that planters are going to have a very hard
      ' gm'TUily known. -Straits Times. May 10.  -  963 words
    • 1072 4 has been mitigated— Straits Times' May 21. Politics and trade have, for betti r or tor worse, oeconie closely intertwined, and in the case of Russia a review m foreign commercial developments unrelated to politics is almost meaningless in the Soviet Union s association with foreign Powers trade
      has been mitigated—Straits Times' May 21.  -  1,072 words
    • 996 4 slightest foundation.—Straits Times. May 22. One point was stressed during debate on the Rubber Reg UilUil Enactment in the Federal Council on Saturday which provides u compicte answer to those who u a <n condemned the measure on m ground that it involves a groan. degree
      slightest foundation.—Straits Times. May 22.  -  996 words
    • 851 5 Straits Times, May 23. So many fire-eating statements have been made by leading Japanese regarding the role that their nation is to play in the future of Asia that a moderate and clearly reasoned review of the Far Eastern .position by a Japanese is an
      Straits Times, May 23.  -  851 words

  • 44 5 Mr. J. Innes Miller’s Appointment. Following the appointment of the hon. Mr. Marcus Rex, as Controller ol Rubber, Malaya, it is announced that Mr. J. Innes Miller, M.C.S., has been appointed Superintendent of Rubber Control for the Islands of Singapore and Penang.
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  • 37 5 (From Our Own Correspondent.) London. May 16. Mr. P. A. McElwaine, the AttorneyGeneral. who is at present on leave, was called to the Inner Bar of Northern Ireland at Belfast on May 11.
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    • 110 5 “The Queen”—the right. Straits Times, May 17. A reader of tlie Straits Times Is very anxious to obtain a ruling on the accepted position of honour of a male guest at a dinner party. She has always taken it to be on the left or the hostess,
      “The Queen”—the right. Straits Times, May 17.  -  110 words
    • 126 5 Straits Times. May 17. With two air mall services running regularly to Singapore, it should oe possible to make arrangements whereby letters may be sent by air to a number of places other than those on the direct routes of the K. L. M. and Imperial Airways. For
      Straits Times. May 17.  -  126 words
    • 158 5 ROADS IN CHINA Straits Times. May 17. So much depends upon the development of communications in China, both from the point of view of China herself and for manufacturers of many nations who are waiting for the opening up of vast markets at present inaccessible. that news of work actually
      Straits Times. May 17.  -  158 words
    • 162 5 Straits Times. May 17. In the Honolulu Advertiser of April 20. there Is a picture of Their Highnesses the Sultan and Sultanah ol Johore. The Sultanah Is wearing several leis, the bestowal of which is part of the Hawaiian greeting. The Sultan, however. Is not so decorated
      Straits Times. May 17.  -  162 words
    • 161 6 RUBBER MILLING —Straits Times. May 18. The first announcement ol the restriction scheme caused alarm among local rubber millers, and the possibility ol the trade being diverted was envisaged. The Singapore Rubber Millers’ Association cabled to the Secretary of State for the Colonies, pointing out that in the absence of
      —Straits Times. May 18.  -  161 words
    • 100 6 —Straits Times. May 18. Hsi Shih, one of the figures at the charity cabaret now being held in aid o! the Children’s Aid Society, was a tragic though heroic character, and one well beloved In Chinese mythology For many years she sacrificed love, honour and happiness in order
      —Straits Times. May 18.  -  100 words
    • 68 6 free railway tickets—615.”—Straits Times. May 18. From the current issue of The Countryman The profound interest which so many members of the House of Commons take in education is seen in the number of legislators who crowded to vote on the Bill to extend the school age to fifteen
      free railway tickets—615.”—Straits Times. May 18.  -  68 words
    • 185 6 ship of any nations.—Straits Times. May 18. There recently arrived in New York harbour the steamship Kim the first Russian ship to enter that port since 1917. American newspapers give considerable prominence to the fact that each Soviet seaman on the “Kim’ has an airy outside cabin, painted
      ship of any nations.—Straits Times. May 18.  -  185 words
    • 300 6 -Straits Times. May 19. A man formerly well known in Singapore and now living in L:ncon sends us a cutting irom a London newspaper and in his covering letter makes this regretful remark I one. 1 lived in Singapore myself, but none ot the curious things I now
      -Straits Times. May 19.  -  300 words
    • 201 6 i Young movement Straits Times. May 19. The Bright Young Things of T oday come in for severe strictures at the hands of a correspondent signing himself Crusted whose letter is published on another page. Crusted's letter is an almost territying indictment, but though we cannot
      i Young movement !— Straits Times. May 19.  -  201 words
    • 112 6 with known quotas.—Straits Time's. May 19. A warning note was struck bv th» j chairman of Mentakab Rubber Company Ltd. in his speech at the annual general meeting, when he direct eo attention to the fixing of the percentage of the basic quota which ma\ bv exported
      with known quotas.—Straits Time's. May 19.  -  112 words
    • 56 6 decreased greatly of late.—Straits Times. May 19. Another outbreak of lead poisoning following the use of a certain kina of powder is reported from Netherlands India. Lead powder was formerly usee in large quantities in Malaya ?> a cosmetic and as a cooling powder, out judging from observation
      decreased greatly of late.—Straits Times. May 19.  -  56 words
    • 111 6 Straits Times. May 21. If readers of this column care f.'r a little mental gymnastics, here is he material. The following question is propounded A geometrical point is placed on a surface two feet from the edge. The point moves directly f o wards the end. covering
      Straits Times. May 21.  -  111 words
    • 227 6 Indian community in Malaya.-Strait. Times. May 21. A vision of the Chettiar community as Malayan business magnates is conjured up by the appeal recently made by the Agent of the Governmem of India to Natukkottai Chettiars to take a more active part in local business affairs, besides
      Indian community in Malaya.-Strait. Times. May 21.  -  227 words
    • 134 6 —Straits Times. May 21. Here is a chart. taKen trom L teiary Digest, which shows POs sibit- distributions of 13 cirds into stilts, and :i*t total cumber different hands possiole in eim distribution, arranged m order o: s vartous distributions Distri- Number oi button different hanas 4-3-3-3
      —Straits Times. May 21.  -  134 words
    • 43 6 —Straits Times. May Dr. Joshua Sherman of Pennsylvania treats sea-sickness by electricity During a recent South American cruise by members of the Pan-American Medical Association. Dr Shprir.a--cured 18 women and tour mer. applying electrodes to certain nerv of the neck.—Straits Times. May
      —Straits Times. May ~  -  43 words
    • 271 6 ETIQUETTE Stralts Times. May 22. A correspondent writes in referen to a recent Note on the subj ’Ct where the male guest o honour shou* be "'•'ced at a dinner party and send? us a letter written to her by the Ecu in Chief of The Queen. That newspaper having
      Stralts Times. May 22.  -  271 words
    • 262 7 Straits Times, May 22. the last mn” we received copies two newspapers published in Lyons tlvm it is recorded that among y. candidates who presented them ior the diploma of the advanced •tion oi the Criminalistic Institute Lyons was Mr. William Stirling inerly ot the Malayan Civil Service Mr
      Straits Times, May 22.  -  262 words
    • 131 7 Straits Times. May 23. Whilst Marshal Chiang Kai-shek the champions of China’s “new :c movement” may rail against the isms” that pass for modern government. there is evidence that many of le country’s leaders have shown a -towing respect and perhaps sympathy r the principles of II Duce.
      Straits Times. May 23.  -  131 words
    • 233 7 should be effective.—Straits Times. May 23. The giant snail is a source for considerable annoyance to Malayan gardenerst but the harm done by this pest can be avoided if adequate car** is taken. The May issue of the Malayan Agricultural Journal contains a short account of the
      should be effective.—Straits Times. May 23.  -  233 words
    • 234 7 “DEVIL” INSECTS which pass the salt ?—Straits Times. May 23. Those people who have seen the film Devil Tiger may also have seen the actors in the flesh when they were staying at the Sea View Hotel. It is possible they also saw something of the filming oi the picture
      which pass the salt ?—Straits Times. May 23.  -  234 words
    • 127 7 Straits Times. May 23. Having devoted Considerable space to criticism of methods of traffic con- trol in Singapore, we gladly give prominence to this letter iron, a Chinese reader who signs himself Non-Motorist “Last night at 8.15 I witnessed a kindly act on the part ol a
      Straits Times. May 23.  -  127 words

  • 132 7 Mr. H. J. Fougere Before Magistrate. Charged with criminal breach o’ trust of $10,000, Mr. H. J. Fougere, honorary treasurer of the Children’s Ain Society was brought before the Third Magistrate <Mr. J. Brander) in the Police Court late on Saturday morn ing. Mr. E Tongue, of the
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  • 82 7 The engagement Is announced between Willson S. C. Leech, eldest son of Mr. J. W. Leech M.P. and Mrs. Leech of Newcastle-upon-Tyne. and Margaret Luckham. tides' daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Luckham of Salisbury. The engagement is announced between Donald O. C. Woodford of Semarang, Java and
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  • 68 7 BURDETT—'WORKMAN.—On May 5. 1934 at Holy Trinity Church. Northwood by WingCommander the Rev. G. H Collier. M A R A F., assisted b the Rev. C. G. C Walker M.A., Scott Langshaw Burdett. eldest son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Josiah Burdett of 28. Mapesbury Road. N.W. and
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  • 23 7 FAIRCHILD—At Batu Gajah Hospital. Perak, on May 15, 1934, to Mr. and Mrs. J. B. W. Fairchild. PW.D.. Cameron Highlands, a son.
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  • 279 7 Correspondence. To the Editor ot the Straits Times. Sir. Lancashire’s answer to “SUii SmuU Voice shuld be signed V’- ie* of Despair." Despair screams all through it. “We are fighting lor the livelihood The competition we are facing is beyond description.’ We cannot survive.” We are BEGGING
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  • 80 7 People Of Batavia To Buy Cruiser. The people of Batavia have started a fund to build a new cruiser which they Intend to offer as a present to the Queen. They call It the “National Cruiser Fund.” The Java Bode welcome the Idea as an expression of
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  • 77 7 Chinese Charged With Breach Of Trust. An English speaking Chinese, Lee Eng Hock, came before the third magistrate on Tuesday charged with criminal breach of trust in espect of $1,200, on board the s.s. Marudu. Court Inspector Cowie appealing for a postponement, said the ship had sailed from
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  • 45 7 Alleged Criminal Misappropriation. A Tamil, V. Sarny Rau. appeared before the third magistrate on Tuesday on a charge of criminal misappropriation of 10,000 francs. French currency. He claimed trial and the case was postponed until May 29. Accused was allowed ball in $100
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 88 7 NOTICE. All communications for both the Straits Times and the Straits Budget should be addressed to the Head Office, Cecil and 8tanley Streets, Singapore, Straits Settle* ments. The post free price of the Straits Times to the United Kingdom and foreign countries Is $48 a year. The post free price
      88 words
  • 90 7 DEATHS ONG. —Mr. Ons Thik, father of Ong Song Quee, Ong Boon Chwee and Ong Hock Chuan, passed away peacefully at his residence No. 334-A (8th milestone) Ea i t Coast Rond, at 4 a.tu. on Friday, May 18, at the age of 73. PARKER.—On Apr. 24. 1934. In a
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  • 683 8 Fear That In dustry Would Be Diverted. Apprehensive lest the operation of the control scheme should interfere with the extensive milling indu* try of Singapore, the Singapore Rubber .Miller. Association. whieh claims to represent over 90 per cent, of the industry here, cabled the
    683 words
  • 107 8 To Assure Better Control In Outer Possessions. •From Our Own Correspondent.) Batavia, May 8. The special session of the People? Council commenced today to discus; regulations which are necessary t< comply with the rubber restrictior agreement. The main points in th< discussions are the export duty and
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  • 98 8 Section For Cattle Show. The Malayan Exhibition, to be held in Kuala Lumpur on June 2. 3 anc: 4 will include for the first time a section for cattle. The section will be in the nature of an experiment and will comprise the following classes —Bulls. European pure
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  • 37 8 35 Per Cent. Off In Java And Madura. The Government has decided to decrease the land tax by 35 per cent in Java and Madura during the present year, states the Bataviaasch Nieuwsblad.
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  • 368 8 NEW R.A.F. AERODROME. Expected To Be Ready By End Of Next Year. Certain details are now available of the new aerodrome which is being laid out for the Royal Air Force behind a screen id' jungle oil Chu Cilia Kang Road. Work was begun
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  • 214 8 149 Entertainments Given Last Year. An appeal is made to the public r o assist the work of the Missions to Seamen in Singapore by donations m cash or kind Donations may be sent to Mr. R. F. W. Leonard, c o Messrs. Mansfield Co., and books,
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  • 248 8 $1,430 Involved. BLOTTING PAD LE\DS TO ARREST. (From Our Own Correspondent.! Kuala Lumpur. Mi 17 Traces of signatures on a blotting pad were said to have led to the arrest of a Chartered Bank elerk on charge, of forging four cheques amounting to S1.430 when
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  • 69 8 Extension Of Hospital Quarters. The following were the tenderers fo: the extension of nurses’ quarters Kandang Kerbau Hospital. Singapore —Chan Soon $24,500. Messrs Brossar 1 and Mopin $28,900, Chan Hoon W« $29,000. Goh Kim Choon $29,500. Wo Mon Chew $29,900, Tiong Guan an Co. $31,900, United Engineers Ltd
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  • 42 8 Return To Singapore From Penang. The Singapore Flying Club’s Cutty Sark which was chartered on W 1 nesday by Mr. J. Innes-Miller, Registry of Statistics, to convey him Penang, returned today. The journ* *> from Penang occupied five hours ten minutes.
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  • 1674 9 ft)r. Chen Su Lan’s Message Of I Hope To The Afflicted. ri.c Singapore Anti-Opium Clinic in 1C imping Java Road was declared jpen on Saturday afternoon, by the Chinese Consul-General in Singapore. Dr Philip K C Tyau. There was a large assembly ol Chinese present. Among
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  • 210 9 Observations In (-handu Case. 'From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur. May 18. T myself possess six pipes but I provide no facilities for tobaccosmoking lor remuneration,” said Mr F. K. Wilson, tho first magistrate today in inflicting on a Chinese fruit-dealer. Yew Peng, a fine of
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  • 123 9 Fined $100 For Stealing. •From Our Own Correspondent Kuala Lumpur, May 18 It is obvious that the accused ha* taken articles from the shop from time to time without the knowledge of the owner, to lead a lilu ol pleasure—pictures, a motor-car and two mistresses -but,
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  • 444 9 Annual Report Of S.S.A. The activities of the Straits Settlements (Singapore) Association during the past year are reviewed in the Committee’s report which will be presented at the annual meeting on May 28 The report states: We report with much regret the resignation of Mr. J. W.
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  • 1659 10 Coolies Down Tools And Join Rubber Estates (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur. May Is. An outcry against the shortage of labour in the mining industry was made by Mr. II. S. Lee, president of the Selangor Miners* Association, at the annual general meeting
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  • 62 10 (From Our Own Correspondent* Taiping, May 18. A woman was walking along a road here when she was attacked and bitten by a dog. The dog ran to the home of Noordin a Trong Malay, and today Noordin was fined $4.25 and ordered to pay the costs
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  • 314 10 A Day Ahead. MISS BATTEN BE ATI V AMY. Miss Jean Batten, the New Zealand flyer is well on th road to establishing a new uonw! record flight from England t„ tralia. Us She had leit Rangoon on Fr*da» evening, and progressed as j J Victoria
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  • 64 10 -Aneta Copyright. Leaves Kupang For Port Darwin. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Batavia. May 23. Miss Jean Batten, flying from England to Australia, reached kupang yesterday evening and took uY for Port Darwin at 5.45 a.m. (local time). So far Miss Batten ha> taken Mi days on the journey
    -Aneta Copyright.  -  64 words
  • 61 10 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, May 21. Alor Star was en fete yesterday when Tunku Mohamed, the eldest surviving son of the Sultan of Kedah, was installed as heir apparent to tn f (hrone with the tit 1 of Raja Muck. This title has remained in
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  • 47 10 (From Our Own Correspondent Medan. May 14 The number of settlers, tourists ana others who entered Netherlands IndU last year was 78.638. Of this total r’-87J were Dutch, 4,810 British, and 1 0S9 Americans. Over 50,000 of the total number o’ new arrivals were Chinese.
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  • 2504 11 1,000 Sweep Tickets Not Paid For. How a Singapore clerk, Tay Tee Hui alias Francis Tay, was alleged to have obtained over 1,000 sweep tickets from the Perak, Selangor and Penang Turt C lubs without payment by forging the signatures of well-known members
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  • 713 12 Siam’s Minister To Japan Interviewed. Before he proceeded on to Japan on the Katori .Maru on Mondav Ills Excellency Phra Mudan Mitra an Raksha. the recently appointed Siamese Minister td Japan, gave a special interview to a Straits limes representative. His Excellency spoke
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  • 164 12 Prof. Matsubara Going Home. Among the passengers who passed through Singapore this week on the Katori Maru. was Professor K. Matsubara. of the Imperial University of Tckio. who is returning to Japan after attending the eleventh conference of the International Union of Chemistrv. and the Eleventh Congress of
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  • 109 12 Chettiar Extradited From India. Extradited on a warrant issued in Singapore, an elderly Chettiar M. R. Letchiman. appeared the Third Magistrate's court on Tuesday on a charge of cdiminal breach of trust in respect of $5,500. Accused was arrested in India. Mr. Tampoe-Philips, for the accused, said he
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  • 365 12 Presentation By The G.O.C. i From Our Own or 'spondent.i Penang. Mav 21 1 The presentation of colours to the Penang anti Province Wellesley Volunteer Corps took place in the presence 01 a large crowd on the Polo ground this morning by General C. B. Lewin.
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  • 155 12 Municipal Committee’s Decisions. Municipal Committee No: 4, at a meeting on May 11 disapproved a proposal to erect a two-siorey rubber smoke house at Lorong 3, Geylang. which is outside the rubber factory area: approved transfer to another name, of rubber factory licence at No. 801, Lorong 3,
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  • 56 12 On the nomination of the Straits Chinese British Association His Excel lency tht Officer Administering the Government has appointed Mr. S. B Tan a member of the Chinese Advi sory Board vice Dr. Cheong Chee Hai resigned. The Officer Administering the Government has appointed Mr. N. Coulson. M.C.S..
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  • 122 12 Narrow Escape. POLICE BOX KNOCKED OFF BASE From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, May 20 Lieut.-Col. B. J. Eaton, director of the Rubber Research Institute with friends and his syce, had a escape from Injury last night vhZ the car he was driving crashed into
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  • 240 12 Rates Of Pay At Sentul. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur. May 21 Following the recent strike of railway employees on the grounds c! inadequate salary, it is of interest to know what wages are being paid to the daily paid staff. Through information obtained from, an official
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  • 192 12 St. Andrew’s Boy Scouts watched an mteresting display of firefighting in .he yard of the Central Brigade station on Whit Monday. A party under Mr. E. A. Brown also attended The spectators were shown how tm/Urntable escape (which had been rushed to a fire only 18 hours
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  • 2434 13 Budding Rumours —Fears lJnjustified —Necessity For Proved Clones But Agriculturalists Shy Of Short Cuts. By Our Planting Correspondent. I>OR some weeks there have been 1 rumours in circulation both at home and out here that all was not e ll with the policy of budding, particularly as
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  • 221 14 Commission’s Visit To Europe. Although China has 100.000 miles ot railway communications and himdrec s «f thousands of miles of road.,, her communications are far from ad.quate, and with a view to developing means of communication throughout the country on modern lines a special commmission has been sent
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  • 222 14 Indian Steals Labourer’s f Savings. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Taipitig. May 16. Kataraian. a young Indian coolie, who stole a fellow labourer’s savings of $9, was today sentenced to three i months rigorous imprisonment by the Taiping magistrate, to be followed by 12 months police supervision. Katarian
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  • 844 14 Plaintiff’s Story. JUDGE SAYS IT IS NONSENSE. A suggestion that certain books could, not be produced because they hud been eaten by white ants was made in a case which came before Mr. Justice Prichard, in the Supreme Court on May 16 The suit was
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  • 280 14 Probable Change Of Chinese System. A hint that China may adopt the British system of trial by jury and assizes was given by Mr. Tan Chen, vice-president of the Judicial Yuan of Nanking, when he was interviewed by a Straits Times reporter on his arrival at Singapore.
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  • 59 14 'From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur. May 17. Two “shows” were given at the Selangor Club last night of the film taken by Mr. Sonderman, of Malayan Services. Ltd., on the night of the Movie Ball. Taken merely as an experiment with the latest camera, and under
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  • 45 14 <From Our Own Correspondent.) Medan, May 14. According to the Java Bode, prepa rations are being made to transform the K.N.I.L.M. into a branch of the K.L.M. to obtain a real basis for an extension of the services to ttm Far East.
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  • 602 14 Charity Show. WESTERN AND EASTFKv PICTURES. The main attraction at the cabaret on behalf of the Children’s Aid Societ* at Raffles Hotel—the first performance of which took place on May 16 before a large audience which included the acting Governor Mr. A. Caldecott Mr* Caldecott and
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  • 4647 15 Mackie On Smallholders* Right To Appeal. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, May 19. A long speech by the Hon. Mr. V. Mackie who had been affirmed new member, on the rights of appeal by smallholders and the protection afforded to Government, was the feature
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  • 237 16 Locally Caught. SHIPPED IN SPECIM TANKS. Two thousand five hundred Maiyan fish, comprising some very rare specimens, are being taken back tn Australia in the Blue Funnel h nC r Gorgon, which left Singapore yes‘er day afternoon, by Messrs. Aid} Ansoia and Marcus Moggs who
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  • PAST WEEK’S IMPERIAL AND GENERAL NEWS. Contained in Reuter, British Imperial Radio and Special Telegrams.
    • 801 21 -Reuter Alter a series of wild rumours owing to the suspension of communications it is now known that an army coup has resulted in a new government in Bulgaria. London. May 19. Wild rumours concerning Bulgaria ir circulating in various European capitals in
      -Reuter  -  801 words
    • 122 21 -Reuter. Scandal In Japan Over Rayon Shares. Tokio, May 19. A serious Cabinet crisis is threatened as a result of the scandal relating to the shares of the Imperial Rayon Co., which advanced from 40 f o 150*yen a :c which, it is alleged, c-rtain highly-placed persons obtained
      -Reuter.  -  122 words
    • 122 21 British Wireless. Order Removing Time Limit On Duties. I London, May 18. The order removing the time limit on iron and steel duties, which were due to expire next October and making these duties chargeable without any limit of period, has been welcomed by the newly formed
      British Wireless.  -  122 words
    • 109 21 -Reuter. Arrested Bookmaker Acquitted. London, May 19. Oliver Edwards, a Deptford bookmaker, charged with being in possession of two letters of credit for £1.600 on the Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank, belonging to the King of Siam, if being reasonable to suspect that they were stolen or
      -Reuter.  -  109 words
    • 76 21 —Reuter Australians Welcomed At Osaka. Osaka. May 20. Mr. Latham, the deputy Australian Prime Minister, and other members oi the goodwill mission arrived here from Nara at 3 p.m. today. They viewed the Osaka Castle, where the Mayor of Osaka and military officers entertained them to tea. In
      —Reuter  -  76 words
    • 59 21 Reuter Lower Interest Rate On Export Credits. Lonlm, May 16. It is learned that the Export Credits Guarantees Department has decided to reduce the rate of interest on export credit guarantees for trade with Russia by one-third. So far, the rate was ao:.ut 10 pei- cent. p
      Reuter  -  59 words
    • 31 21 totals 57.000,000 marks —Reuter Wireless Berlin, May 17. Last year’s loss by the General Electric Co. amounted to 26.500.000 marks and the accumulate.! loss totals 57.000,000 marks.— Reuter Wire-
      totals 57.000,000 marks —Reuter Wireless  -  31 words
    • 202 21 -Reuter. Meaning Of Statement In Commons. London, May 19 Great Britain is prepared to double her air force and leap from fifth to first place as if by pressing a button. This is the meaning of Mr. Baldwin’s statement in Parliament, which has aroused
      -Reuter.  -  202 words
    • 74 21 -Reuter. Proposed Curtailment Of Production In U.S. Washington, May 1'. It is rumoured that the textile code authority is proposing the N.R.A. 25 per cent, curtailment of current production during summer months with a view to preventing further piling up of stocks in the face of the slowing
      -Reuter.  -  74 words
    • 57 21 -Reuter. U.S. Military Favour Restriction. Washington, May 18. The House of Representatives Military Affairs Committee has decided to recommend favourable action on the Faddls Bill, which restricts the exportation of tin scrap from the United States This decision followed reports that Japan was purchasing tin-plate scrap and
      -Reuter.  -  57 words
    • 57 21 synovitis ol the left knee. British Wireless. To Remain In Bed After Taxi Accident. London. May 18 As a result of his taxi accident on Wednesday night Sir Austen Chamberlain will have to remain in bed for some days. Although his general condition is satisfactory he has
      synovitis ol the left knee.—British Wireless.  -  57 words
    • 44 21 Reuter. Paris. May 18. The Chamber of Deputies pa3s.*a a vote of confidence in the Government by .'ICO votes to 205 votes and adjourned the debate on decree laws and general policy upon which the Socialists demanded an immediate debate.— Reuter.
      Reuter.  -  44 words
    • 200 22 -Reuter. ROOSEVELT’S MESSAGE. Isolated Action Of Any One Country Useless. Washington. May IS. The Administration has asked Congress to declare an embargo on arms shipments to Holivia and Paraguay. President Roosevelt has sent a message to the Senate asking for the ratification of the 1925
      -Reuter.  -  200 words
    • 108 22 —Reuter. British Workers Going To Shanghai. London, May 18. Twelve cotton operatives, including one married woman and two girls, are being sent by the Calico Printers’ Association to the new mill being built In Shanghai with the object of instructing the Chinese workpeople. The men have agreed
      —Reuter.  -  108 words
    • 64 22 -Reuter. Further Unexplained Disappearance. New York, May 18. A further unexplained disappearance of monetary gold, amounting this week to $6,772,000 and for the past three weeks of over $22,000,000, is disclosed in a Federal Reservt statement. Wall Street believes that this reflects the gold transfers by the Treasury
      -Reuter.  -  64 words
    • 58 22 —Reuter. Code Revision Almost Completed. Washington, May 18. Gen. "ohnson, the Recovery Administrator, rtates that the N.R.A. and lc”' rs if the steel industry have practically agreed to the terms the revision of the stte 1 code. The result will be announced before May 31. the date
      —Reuter.  -  58 words
    • 242 22 Reuter. Rest Of World Hardly Able To Follow. London. May 18. Commenting on the Washington I silver developments. the Financial Times points out that silver at present forms 12 per cent, of the metallic re- serve of American currency. It is not yet stated how much currency
      Reuter.  -  242 words
    • 142 22 APPALLING.” —Reuter. Misgovernment In Liberia. Geneva, May 18. An appalling example of mis-govern-ment was the description applied by Capt. Anthony Eden to the situation in Liberia in the course of a speech to the League Council. Liberia’s gross failure to observe her obligations to the League justified her expulsion but
      —Reuter.  -  142 words
    • 114 22 —Reuter Air Defences. NOT A SINGLE i)AY r 15EING LOST. London M iv Hi. Parliament was adjourned until May 29. after Mr. Stanley Baldwin, winding up the foreign affairs deba*e had revealed that the Government was taking time by the torelocK with regard to air
      —Reuter  -  114 words
    • 159 22 -Reuter. League Report Not Yet Issued. London. May 13. Sir John Simon in the House of Commons informed Mr. David R Grenfell 'Lab.. Gower> that the Opium Committee of the League had not issued its report on the official opium monopoly established in the northI eastern
      -Reuter.  -  159 words
    • 147 22 Committee Completely Deadlocked." FINANCE QUESTION Negotiations Broken Off By Bolivians. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, May is. The Daily Express declares that the International Tin Committee, which met in Paris yesterday, is completely deadlocked over the ouestion of the proposed buffer tin pool. The Bolivians have refused
      147 words
    • 99 22 -Reuter. Free State Gesture To Great Britain. Dublin. May If. A statement by Mr. McEntee in the Daily today is regarded in competent quarters as an important gesture to Great Britain. Mr. McEntee said the Free State had many good things to offer if good relations
      -Reuter.  -  99 words
    • 431 22 —Reuter. London. May 18. In the House of Commons an attack on Japanese policy in the Far East was launched by Sir Stafford Cripps (Lab., E. Bristol), who maintained that Japan nad embarked on imperialistic expansion and her two alternatives were either Russia or
      —Reuter.  -  431 words
    • 140 23 Reuter. PRICE SAFEGUARD WANTED. “But Plan Has The Soundest Basis Yet Produced.” Sir Eric (ieddes, speaking at the annual meeting of the Dunlop Rubber Company, criticised the rubber restriction scheme. He said Indo-China, Sarawak and Siam received terms out of all proportion to the
      Reuter.  -  140 words
    • 115 23 —Reuter. Why Manchukuo Vessel Was Fired On. Moscow. May 17 7i;e Soviet account of the recent oi'. the Manchukuo steamer in tht* R.ver Amur says that a party on board were making a photo0:apl... survey of the Soviet shore and ignored requests to desist, whereupon the frontier guards
      —Reuter.  -  115 words
    • 68 23 Reuter Wireless. King: Ibn Saud’s Peace Conditions. Cairo. May > King Ibn Saud’s peace conditions to the Imam of Yemen are understood to Include definitt surrender of Tehama and Nejran. reparations equal to the expenditure caused by the war. the safety ot those Yemeni who joined th; Saudi
      Reuter Wireless.  -  68 words
    • 80 23 -Reuter. British Firms Invited To Submit Tenders. London, May 17. The Chinese Government Purchasing Commission is inviting tenders for 14 of the most powerful freight and passenger engines, two shunting engines and 170 steel 40-ton wagons for the Canton-Hankow Railway, also four of the largest size and
      -Reuter.  -  80 words
    • 46 23 Reuter. Larger Transactions Likely. New k, May 16. The Socony-Vacuum Corp. has contracted with the Soviet for the purchase o* 500.000 barrels of oil products for distribution in the Near East. Oil circles believe the deal is the forerunner of larger transactions 'oon.
      Reuter.  -  46 words
    • 134 23 Reuter. Confused Directional Beam Blamed. New’ York, May 16. The Nantucket disaster, in w’hich the Olympic rammed and cut in half th»lightship ofl Nantucket Isla .d < resulting in the death of seven members of the lightship’s crew of eleven!, is ascribed to a vagary of the fog
      Reuter.  -  134 words
    • 92 23 Reuter. Soviet’s Big Increase In 1933. Moscow. May 16. Soviet gold production during 1933 increased 142 per cent, as compared with the previous year, according to the hitherto Jealously guarded figures announced today. Pro luction was valued at 100.000.000 roubles for 1933. and 41.000.000 roubles for 1932. Production
      Reuter.  -  92 words
    • 48 23 -Reuter. Japanese Delegation Now In Osaka. Osaka, Ma 18. The Japanese Government delegates to the Dutch-Japanese conference, arrived at Osaka at 8.56 a.m. today. They will confer with cotton manufacturers and traders here prior to their departure to Batavia on May 19 by the Santos Maru.—Reuter.
      -Reuter.  -  48 words
    • 27 23 Reuter Toklo, May 18. The N.Y.K. Harura Maru, which stranded in a dense fog near Shimonoseki yesterday, was refloated at 9 o’clock this morning, undamaged
      Reuter  -  27 words
    • 192 23 -Trans-Ocean. Shanghai. May 17. Nanking grants totalling Mex. $500,000 arc annually to be allowed to oversea Chinese schools by the Central Government. Distribution is to be made through the Central Overseas Affairs Committee. The Central Political Council decided to grant these subsidies only to Chinese
      -Trans-Ocean.  -  192 words
    • 204 23 Reuter. pprit.v in the Dominions. —British Wireless. London, May 17. It is understood that a lormal message has been sent to the Dominions and Colonial Governments, drawing attention to the 1935 celebrations of the King’s accession to th» throne and hinting that overseas Prime Ministers
      Reuter.; pprit.v in the Dominions.—British Wireless.  -  204 words
    • 107 23 was appointed 15 years ago—British Wireless. New Bishop Of Falkland Islands. Rugby, May 16. The Rev. J. R Weller, who has been appointed Bishop of tP|' Falkland Islands, will have a See 4.000 miles long, including Falkland Islands, Tier ra del Fuego, Chile, Peru. Bolivia, except
      was appointed 15 years ago—British Wireless.  -  107 words
    • 52 23 THE FLIGHT TAX.” —Reuter. Heavy Impost On German Emigrants. Berlin. May 16. The so-called Reich flight tax has been drastically stiffened to provide a heavy, though at pri sent unspecified Impost on persons leaving the country permanently. The new measure affects everybody possessing 50.000 marks or enjoying an Income of
      —Reuter.  -  52 words
    • 90 23 —Reuter. Statement By Japanese Cotton Delegates. Osaka. May 18. Mr. Okada and lour members of the Japanese cotton delegation to London, who arrived here at 7.35 p.m. today by train, made a statement regretting the ruptur*. of the negotiations due to a very wide divergence in the*
      —Reuter.  -  90 words
    • 108 23 -Reuter. Life Sentence For Three U.S. Kidnappers. Los Angeles, May 16. Three of the men who pleaded guilty to the kidnapping of Mr. William Oettle, American oil nllllonalre. have been sentenced to life Imprisonment. Because Oettle testified that they did not Inflict any grievous bodily harm on
      -Reuter.  -  108 words
    • 79 23 British Wireelss. Informal Three-Day Visit Of The Prince. Rugby, May 16. The Prince of Wales, who travelled to North Wales during the night, today began a three days’ tour during which, as patron of the National Council of Social Service, he is visiting 20 towns and villages
      British Wireelss.  -  79 words
    • 53 23 British Wireless Two Pilots’ Escape From Death. Rugby. May ltt. When six Royal Air Force singleseater planes of the Northumberland Squadron were looping the loop la close formation today two machine# collided and crashed. Both pilots. Fllght-Lieut. Brookes and Sergt Wilhs. jumped and landed safely by para
      British Wireless  -  53 words
    • 754 24 —Sin Kuo Min and Sin Chew Jit Poh. Two Japanese Hurt In Riot At Chungking. The statement that Malanyu District, the burial ground 0 f the Manchu Emperors, will shortly be retroceded to China was made yesterday by a spokesman of the Japanese Legation at
      —Sin Kuo Min and Sin Chew Jit Poh.  -  754 words
    • 30 24 Sin Kuo Min. Hundreds Wiped Out At Sanchiatse. Shanghai, May 18. Several hundred Chinese Volunteers were wiped out when Japanese forces reoccupied the town of Sanchiatse, in Manchukuo.—
      Sin Kuo Min.  -  30 words
    • 47 24 —Sin iuo Min. Manchukuo War Minister Seriously Wounded. Shanghai, May 18. Gen. Chang Ching-hui, Manchukuo Minister of Defence, was seriously wounded in the chest in an assassination attempt at Changchun. Two shots were fired by an unknown person, who made good his escape.—Sin iuo Min.
      —Sin iuo Min.  -  47 words
    • 308 24 Interest In Coming Negotiations. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Medan, May 14. Considerable interest is being shown in Netherlands India in the coming negotiations with Japan, which begin on June 4. All kinds of rumours are current, and it is a long time since public opinion has
      308 words
    • 119 24 Tiger Attacks Hiding Place. 'From Our Own Correspondent.) Medan. Two assistants on the Holland Ametican Plantation Company’s estate thought of a good idea for killing a tiger which had been causing considerable trouble in the district. They laid a dead pig mi the ground, ar.d only five
      119 words
    • 51 24 -Reuter. Studying Fascism In Italy. Rome, May 17. Gen. Tsai Ting-kai, former commander oi the now defunct 19th Route Army interviewed by Reuter said he is visiting Italy to study at first hand Fascist institutions and the work of Signor Mussolini, who exercises a powerful attraction for
      -Reuter.  -  51 words
    • 49 24 —Reuter. London, Mev 16. The Admiralty announces that Mr. A. L. Arderson, who has several times visited the Singapore naval base on inspection, has been selected to succeed Mr. T. B. Hunter as Civil Engi-neer-in-Chief at the Admiralty. Mr. Hunter is retiring on Nov. 2.—Reuter.
      —Reuter.  -  49 words
    • 84 24 -Reuter Thinks Malaya Shoulrf Pay More 1 AGREEMENT REACHED Money For Stabilisation Fund. Paris. May 17. The International Tin Committee has reached agreement in principle concerning the proposed buffer tin pool plan The details were criticised by tv. Bolivians, who insisted that Malay* Netherlands India
      -Reuter  -  84 words
    • 158 24 Europeans Badly Wounded. *From Our Own Correspondent) Medan. May 14 A European has been seriously hurt and another badly wounded in an attack that was made on them by ait Achinese, in Achen. The tw'o men, who were formerly non-commissioned officers the Achen Army, were returning from a
      158 words
    • 91 24 Chinese Victims In N.I. (From Our Own Correspondent Medan. May 14 An outbreak of lead poisonin'- occurred among Chinese women nd children in Netherlands India. p e poisoning is caused bv the use o. a powder containing white A few* days ago a child died a:
      91 words
    • 46 24 —Reuter. Offer Said To Have Been Made To U.S. Washington. May IS Sir Ronald Lindsay, the Briu*-* Ambassador, had an hour’s conitrp'• list night with President Rouse y after which it was reported that 'p; Britain had made an offer the war debts.—Reuter.
      —Reuter.  -  46 words
    • 46 24 Sin Chew Jit Poh. Singapore Man’s Fund 1° Relieve Distress. Hong Kong, May Mr. Aw Boon Haw, of Singapore, na. donated a fund for the relief of suue ers in the Hong Kong gasworks sion and subsequent conflagrate Each family affected will receive
      Sin Chew Jit Poh.  -  46 words
    • 273 25 provinces next month. —Sin Kuo Min ■iPd Sin Chew Jit Poll. More Friendly Policy To China Expected. Shanghai, May 22. Mr. Siao Fat-cheng. chairman of the South-West Executive Council, in an Interview with press representatives vesterday. stated that there were indications that the Japanese
      provinces next month.—Sin Kuo Min ■iPd Sin Chew Jit Poll.  -  273 words
    • 56 25 dence at Tientsin.—Sin Kuo Min. Suicide Of Nonni River Hero’s Son. Shanghai, May 22. \Ia Chan-kwui, the son of (icn. Ma Chan-shan, the former Heilungkiang Volunteer leader and hero of the Nonni River battle against the Japanese committed suicide on Sunday night by jumping from the second storey
      dence at Tientsin.—Sin Kuo Min.  -  56 words
    • 377 25 —Union Times. Price For Recognition Of Manchukuo. Shanghai, May 21. I'he Japanese Foreign Aifairs Committee held an important meeting at the Foreign Office yesterday when it was decided to change the policy towards China. The decisions were: To maintain peace in the Far East, To invite China to
      —Union Times.  -  377 words
    • 98 25 —Reuter. Many Big Buildings Destroyed. Chicago. May 21. Among the principal buildings destroyed by the fire, which broke out here yesterday, are the hall, stockyards and amphitheatre of the Percheron Society of America the Brokers’ National Bank, the Stockyard Inn. the haunt of Chicago’s millionaires, built like an
      —Reuter.  -  98 words
    • 52 25 —Reuter. Shanghai Likely To Lose Its Distincton. New York. May 21. Shanghais claim to possess the longest bar in the worlc. will be superseded by the Commodore Hotel bar, 125 feet long, which is specially designed to cope with “vertical drinking” which was re-legalised today, despite strenuous
      —Reuter.  -  52 words
    • 32 25 .—Reuter. Flint 'Michigan), May 17. The strikers at the Fisher motor-car body works have decided to return to work. Their attitude will considerably affect the other motor-car factories, especially Ford's.—Reuter.
      .—Reuter.  -  32 words
    • 206 25 The N.R.A. Issue. HARROW’S FOLLOWERS BLAMED. Washington, May 21. The exchange of verbal brickbats over the N.R.A. issue was resumed to- i day when Mr. Darrow’s board, replying to Gen. Johnson’s “infuriated clamours,“ declared that it-, conclusions remained unanswered. Remarking that when monopolists and profiteers were uncovered
      206 words
    • 252 25 —Reuter. Mr. Darrow As “An American Lenin.” New' York. May 21. The suggestion that Mr. Darrow was expected to soothe the N.R.A. dispute into somnolence and instead has exploded a bombshell is made by the Herald-Tribune, which declares that one cannot help feeling that burled somewhere In the
      —Reuter.  -  252 words
    • 31 25 -Reuter. Tokio, May 18. The Japanese delegation to the Japanese-Dutch trade conference at Batavia will embark at Kobe for Batavia in the Santos Maru on May 19 via Singapore.—Reuter.
      -Reuter.  -  31 words
    • 141 25 Aneta-Trans-Ocean. Completion Of Frontier Fortification. MILLIARDS OF FRANCS Additions To Aerial Fighting Forces. Paris, May 18. Concrete figures concerning the sums France intends to spend on national defence were brought to light by the conversation between the Finance Minister, M. Cermain-Martin and the War Minister, Marshal
      Aneta-Trans-Ocean.  -  141 words
    • 252 25 N.I. Council And Ordinances. From Our Own Correspondent.) Medan, May 19. Several important proposals are contained in the six draft ordinances in connection with the restriction on rubber which are now being discussed in the Peoples’ Council. The most vital of these proposals Is concerned with the restriction
      252 words
    • 58 25 Reuter Far-Reaching Effect Of Developments. London, May 21. Sir Frederick Maze. Inspector-Gen-eral of the Chinese Maritime Customs since 1929. arrived today in Southampton on leave until October. Interviewed by Reuter, he declined to discuss political questions, but remarked on the great industrial developments in China which were bound
      Reuter  -  58 words
    • 331 26 10,000 Killed In Clash in Uan District. The Chinese peasant population in the Sungari River region, Munch ukuo, has risen in revolt against the Japanese military. Despite heavy losses, estimated at 10,000, the farmers have succeeded in driving hack a combined Japanese and Manchukuo force, says
      331 words
    • 42 26 Sin Kuo Min. Counterfeiting Gang Rounded Up. Hong Kong, May 19. Revenue officers co-ope-rating with the police raided three premises in Canton yesterday when a huge quantity of forged stamps and bank-notes were seized. Many persons were put under arrest.—
      Sin Kuo Min.  -  42 words
    • 219 26 Traitors In Control Of Chinwangtao. Travellers from Chinwangtao. in the Luantung near Shanhaikwan. reveal the serious situation in the port as a result of the activities of pro-Japanese [elements, who are i.ow virtually in control of the entire port. Various acts ot oppression by the Chinese traitors" are
      219 words
    • 63 26 -Reuter. Agreement Said To Have Been Reached. Geneva. May 19. M. Barthou (French Foreign Minister) in an interview today stated that agreement has been reached on the Saar question and would be communicated to the League Council immediately M. Barthou declined to specify, however. whether Germany's acquiescence had
      -Reuter.  -  63 words
    • 80 26 -Reuter. Machine Crashes Into Fence In Forced Landing. London, May 19. The second accident within a week involving an Air France liner occurred at Croydon today. The liner was nearly over the aerodrome when the engine failed and the plane was forced to land in a field, and
      -Reuter.  -  80 words
    • 57 26 -Reuter. Recognised By A South American State. Tokio, May 21. The Consul-General of Salvador has formally notified Mr. Tin Shih-yuan. the Manchukuo Minister to Tokio. that Salvador recognised Manchukuo on Mar. 3.—Reuter. Salvador is the smallest and most densely populated of the Central American States, with an area of
      -Reuter.  -  57 words
    • 30 26 Reuter. Osaka, May 21. Mr. Latham, deputy Australian Prime Minister, and his goodwill delegation sailed for home from Nagasaki aboard the Kitano Maru at 4 p.m. today.—
      Reuter.  -  30 words
    • 106 26 —Reuter. U.S. Airmen’s Narrow Escape. London. May 16. The American airmen. Sabelli and Pond, who were llying trom New York to Ronu, are accounted extremely lucky to have landed in Ireland. They were forced to descend owing to a defect in the petrel supply. They imagined
      —Reuter.  -  106 words
    • 52 26 Reuter. Committee Maintaining Utmost Secrecy. Paris, May 17. The International Tin Committee, meeting to discuss the hufier stock scheme, is maintaining the utmost secrecy. It is rumoured the meeting agreed to the buffer pool together with the necessary increase in the quota, but the truth is at
      Reuter.  -  52 words
    • 66 26 Reuter. Unique OpportunityNext Year. London. May 16. The likelihood of an Empire Conference next year is broached by The Times, in calling attention to the fact that the Dominions and Colonies and Protectorates will all be represented at the celebrations of the 25th anniversary of the King’s accesrion.
      Reuter.  -  66 words
    • 56 26 -Reuter. Sir Austen Chamberlain Injured. London, May 16. Sir Austen Chamberlain was severely shaken and bruised when the taxicab in which he was riding overturned in a collision. Lord Dawson of Penn, the King’s physician, happened to be passing and took Sir Austen home. Sir Austen complains of
      -Reuter.  -  56 words
    • 49 26 —Reuter. Building To Begin On 20 Warships. Washington, May 16. Two flotilla leaders, twelve destroyers and six submarines will be constructed immediately with funds available from the $1,322,000,000 President Roosevelt has asked for public works, according to the Secretary of the Navy. Mr. Claude A. Swanson.—Reuter.
      —Reuter.  -  49 words
    • 43 26 -Re.iter. Appointed Principal A.D.C. To The King. Lon ’on, May 21. Admiral Sir John Kelly has been appointed first and principal A.D.C. t. > H M. the King in succession to Admiral Sir Reginald Yorke Tyrwhitt, to date frcm July 31.—Re iter.
      -Re.iter.  -  43 words
    • 531 26 -Reuter. Thousands Homeless i„ Chicago. 1,500 INJURED. Sporadic Outbreaks Continuing. Damage estimated at tween $10,000,000 to $23 0(10 000 has been caused in a terrible fire in Chicago, where 1,500 persons are receiving treatment for injuries, sporadic outbreaks are still‘eontinning. Chicago. Ma 20 A fierce fire has
      -Reuter.  -  531 words
    • 691 27 areas.—Sin Kuo Min and Sin Chew Tit Poh. Nanking Remains Firm On Manchurian Issue. Shanghai May 23. Mf Tan Yu-jen. prominent Nankin*' di‘.. an and member of the Legislative V.un interviewed at the capital in r.ection with the Sino-Japanesc situation, stated that the Central Government,
      areas.—Sin Kuo Min and Sin Chew Tit Poh.  -  691 words
    • 75 27 Chinese Discovery To Be Exploited. Shanghai, May 22 A Hunanese chemist has invented a process for the manufacture of a new form of spirit which will take the place of petrol, according to a Government communique from Changsha, capital of the province, which says that the Government
      75 words
    • 34 27 Reuter. No Que tions On Agenda Yet Disposed Of. Geneva, May 19. The League Council has adjourned until May 30. None of the questions on the agenda has yet been disposed of.—
      Reuter.  -  34 words
    • 27 27 —Reuter. London, May 21. The death has occurred of Mr Frederick Marcus Wood, for many years secretary of the China Inland Mission
      —Reuter.  -  27 words
    • 223 27 —Reuter. London, May 20. The Observers Washington correspondent says the agitation on the arms embargo issue has revived discussion of sanctions in regard to which the Senate attitude months ago lrustrated Mr. Roosevelt’s desire to enlist the United States bedside the European sanctionists. As regards
      —Reuter.  -  223 words
    • 187 27 Intention To Keep Within Treaty Limits. Tokio. May 22. Seemingly explainli.g reports fnn Washington that Manchukuo is embarking or. a programme oi navoi construction enabling Japan to exceed her treaty ratio. Reuter learns from a very authoritative source that Marichukuo on Jan. 10 contracted tor the construction
      187 words
    • 157 27 Officials Arrested In Japan. Tokic May 21. Teiji Okubo, Director oi Banking Affairs in the Bureau of the Finance Ministry and three other high officials in the same Bureau have been arrested in connection with the share-dealing scandal.—Reuter. A message from Tokio dated May 19 stated A serious
      157 words
    • 23 27 —Reuter. Montreal. May 21. Trebltsch Lincoln, accompanied bv his disciples, has entrained for Vancouver, from where he Is returning to China.
      —Reuter.  -  23 words
    • 88 27 Reuter. Japanese Propaganda Attacked. LABOUR COST. The Vital Factor In Manufacture. London, May 17. “It is ridiculous to say that the Japanese textile manufacturers are more efficient than Lancashire,” according to Mr. John Grey, chairman of the Cotton-Spinners’ and Manufacturers’ Association, who declared that if the labour
      Reuter.  -  88 words
    • 56 27 —Reuter. Stranded At Midnight In Dense Fog. Tokio, May 17. A message from Shimonoseki says that the N.Y.K. liner Haruna Muru. with the Japanese textile conference delegates aboard, stranded at the entrance of the Shimonoseki straits at midnight in a dense fog. Salvage tugs are expected to tow
      —Reuter.  -  56 words
    • 45 27 passed in Netherlands India —Sin Chew Jit Poh. Chinese Foreign Office Lodges Protest. Shanghai. May 22. The Chinese Foreign Office has lodged a protest with the Dutch Minister in China against certain antiChinese immigration laws recently passed in Netherlands India —Sin Chew
      passed in Netherlands India —Sin Chew Jit Poh.  -  45 words
    • 30 27 Reuter. 11 Killed And 20 Injured Near Barcelona. Barcelona, May 22. Eleven people were killed and 20 injured in a collision between two trains 15 miles Irom Barcelona.—
      Reuter.  -  30 words
    • 28 27 On Inspection V'isit In England. London. May 22. Five Chinese air experts, headed by General Wont? Kontf-yuo. arrived here today to inspect British aircraft.— Reuter
      Reuter  -  28 words
    • 92 28 the animals were recaptured.—Reuter Wireless. Paris, May 18. A two-houi hunt h i three fullgrown Hons enlivened the Vaugirard quarter of Paris today. Panic and pandemonium arose when the lions escaped from a menagerie van and ran leaping and snarling through the streets
      the animals were recaptured.—Reuter Wireless.  -  92 words
    • 269 28 Roosevelt’s Scheme. AUTHORITY TO BUY ABROAD. Washington. May 22 Mandatory legislation during the present session to make silver onefourth the metallic base of currency has been recommended by President Roosevelt in a message to Congress. Legislation should declare it is the policy of the United States
      269 words
    • 53 28 Reuter. Water Tank Crashes Through Chicago Building. Chicago, May 22. Another disaster quickly following the big fire occurred when a huge water tank with a capacity of 40,000 gallons crashed through a seven-storey building. Four people were killed and twenty injured. It is believed there are several bodies
      Reuter.  -  53 words
    • 247 28 RETREAT PREPARED.” national co-operation and has prepared a way of retreat for himself. The preparatory commission of experts before the monetary committee of the World Economic Conference had pointed out that the bimetallic standard which presupposes a fixed relation between the value of gold and silver, must be regarded as
      247 words
    • 327 28 -Reuter. How Will China React To Rise In Silver London. May 22. Silver circles in London do not anticipate that President Roosevelt will make any sensational statement today interpreting his surrender to the sil- 1 ver advocates as a political sop, his aim being the greatest political good
      -Reuter.  -  327 words
    • 347 28 -Reuter VIEW OF LEAGUE JURISTS. Deemed To Have Adhered To Resolution. When the League Special Assembly on Mar. 11. 1932. passed a resolution with regard to the non-recognition of Manchukuo. only one power. Siam, abstained from voting. As Salvador, which attended all the meetings but neither
      -Reuter  -  347 words
    • 107 28 Death Sentences On Two Men Altered. Lahore. May 21. The High Court has altered the death sentences on two brothers, who tried to blow up the Viceregal train in 1929, to acquittal in one case and transportation in the other. The terms of imprisonment
      107 words
    • 66 28 -Reuter. Sequel To Retrial Of Cpl. Osman. Colon. (Panama*. May 22. Corporal Robert Osman has been re-tried at a second court-martial and acquitted.—Reuter. Osman was tried by court-martial last August for being in illegal possession of military secrets. He was sentenced to be dishonourably discharged from the service
      -Reuter.  -  66 words
    • 41 28 agamai, in.iuu ui nit Aneta-Trans-Ocean. Paris. May 21. According to figures just published there was a considerable decline in the French birth race last year. The excess of births totalled only 21.600 against 61.400 in the preceding year.—
      agamai, in.iuu ui nit Aneta-Trans-Ocean.  -  41 words
    • 126 28 Rumour That Agreement Was Signed Secretly. MR. JOHN HOYVESON. City Interpretation Of His Statement. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London. May 22. Speaking at the annual general meeting of the London 'iin Corporation, Mr. John Howeson, the chairman, declared that the clouds of depression were clearing off
      126 words
    • 35 28 signed a several years com* i the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Co Trans-Ocean. Berlin, May Dispatches from New Yont that Fraulein Mady Christian s known German film actres*-. signed a several years’ contr.u the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Co
      signed a several years com* – ,i. the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Co Trans-Ocean.  -  35 words

  • 1869 29 Flushed Causes Biggest Upset For Years. M whit Monday proved a fitting climax ■<> one of the most successful meetings l>cl m Malaya for many years. only was the Malayan record for mile broken by Kuala Queen in ■pinning the Governor’s Cup,
    1,869 words
  • 70 29 Time For Mile Better Than Colombo’s Kuala Queen's time of 1 38 4/5 for the mile in winning the Governor’s Cun was one-fifth of a second better than that of Colombo, the favourite for the Derby, in the Craven Stakes. It is also interesting to note that the
    70 words
  • 180 29 The Navy Cup competition was played at FJukit Timah on Bunday and resulted in a win for Mr. and Mrs. R. Craik, representing Singapore Goli Club, with a score of 84. The following are the scores Mr. and Mrs. R. Craik (8.G.C.) 84 Mrs. 8.
    180 words
  • 31 29 The play-oil in the tie between O. G. Wilson and E. Kent for the Keppn Golf Club May monthly medal resultf in a win for G G. Wilson.
    31 words

  • 1273 30 Military Team Fail To Impress. i inmund 1; Johore 0. tie first >me on the Southern sec- m of the Malaya Cup was played at Anson Road Stadium on Friday tnd ended in an easy victory for the Malaya Command over Johore by t our gaals
    1,273 words
  • 496 30 Full Results Of Annual Trophy Matches. The Colon* beat the Mai. y S tr.tes in the annual tenni. -latch for the Guiliemard Cup (men) by M points to 5. but lost the McCabe ?*ea Cup (women) by 17 pts. to 10. j colony Malay
    496 words
  • 154 30 London. May 21. Maurice Nichol. the Worcester cricketer. was found dead in bed in ms hotel this morning. He was fielding against Sussex on Saturday and golfing only yesterday. Route Maurice Nichol had a spell on the Oval ground stall some years ago. out returned to
    154 words
  • 210 30 The Island Club beat the Garrison Golf Club by 9‘ 4 Pts. to 1‘ 2 in a match played yesterday morning over the Island course. Results iG.GC players mentioned first): Sq.-Ldr. A. E. Barr Sim and P. Wilson. 0; J. T. Smith and K.
    210 words
  • 70 30 Bangkok, May WA further split in the committee the Royal Turf Club of Siam has lea to the resignation of the chairman 0 the committee, the secretary, and tw other members. The present trouble has arisen y the desire of some of the comn it M members headed
    70 words

  • 2107 31 Home Team Fail In Fight Against Time. From OUi Own Correspondent.) Seremban, May 21. The Negri Sembilan-Singapore ncket fixture ended in draw here toay. Negri Sembilan had fifty minutes to ollect 89 runs for a win, due to a very porting declaration by Singapore, but rhen
    2,107 words
  • 55 31 Reuter. Beaten By Boussus In Paris. Paris, May 21. During the meeting of the International Clubs of Fr *r.ce and Great Britain. Christian Boussus, the French Davis Cup player, beat F, J. Perry, 6—I. 2—6, 7—5. Boussus showed fine control and deserved to win. Peiry lacked sting
    Reuter.  -  55 words
  • 60 31 Penang heat Selangor at Penang bv 185 runs. Scores: PKNANG (1st Innings): 154 (Ku Cheow Teik 33, Bostock-lfill, 6 for 41). SELANGOR (1st Innings): 46 (Saravaitamutta 5 for 21, Reutens 3 for 8). PKNANG (2nd Inning*): 15)7 (Dr. II. O. Hopkins 73. Rostock-Hill, four for 47). SELANGOR (2nd Innings): 120
    60 words

  • 933 32 Nineteen Centuries In Nine Matches. London. May 22. Lord’s: Middlesex took first inning points irom Sussex. Middlesex haJ first use oi the wicket and ran up a score of 399. Hendren making 112. Sussex replied with 204. The hom< county declared their second innings closed
    933 words
  • 188 32 The final inter-port practice was held on the Bukit Timah Range on Whit Monday commencing at 8.30 a m. conditions were very trying, particularly the heat, and the ten best scores totalled only 941, as against 960 last week. The final will be fired next unday on Bukit
    188 words
  • 454 32 From Our Own Correspondent.) Taiping, May 2;. Thrilling tennis was witnessed at all the finals played at the Kempe Ciuo Courts this evening in the North Perak tennis championships tournament. The weather was ideal and a large crowd was present including the District Officer (Mr. N.
    454 words
  • 186 32 Tourists Defeat Essex —Reuter. London. May 18. The Australian Tourists beat Essex at Chelmsford today by an innings and 93 runs. Essex batted all day on Wednesday to score 220 of which Nichols contributed 62 not out. The Australians occupied the crease practically the whole of yesterday scoring 438. A.
    —Reuter.  -  186 words
  • 70 32 -Reut Porthcawl. May 17. At the Royal Porthcawl course South Wales today Mrs. Andrew Holm, a former Scottish champion, won thBritish women’s open golf championship. beating Miss Pamela Barton, the seventeen-j'ear-old rre.> girl. 6 and u in the *inal Miss Barton, who is the
    -Reut  -  70 words
  • 240 32 —Reuter. Paterson Beaten By Rex Hartley. The only surprising result ol the first round was defeat of Stout the former English champion, by ou (Liverpool) two up. In the Second round Jonny and Fischer America beat Moreland (America*. 3 and J. Dunlap. Westland, Tolley McLean.
    —Reuter.  -  240 words
  • 35 32 The Misses Barton are nieces o Hon. Mr. B. J. R. Barton of Jl aor R Their mother is the sister of M 1 Espent, a former director of 1 1,1 Works in the F.M.S.
    35 words

  • 1411 33 Leading Owners, T rainers Jockeys and Horses. s .•tistics for the six-day profesd\ meeting at the Singapore Turf ;t) which was concluded on Mjnwill he found below I all 5G0 horses faced the starter 34 races, and 115 obtained one or lor e of the 162 places.
    1,411 words
  • 31 33 —Reuter. Prague, May 1(>. Before a crowd of 30,000 here today Czechoslovakia defeated England by 2—1 in an Association football match. At half-time the score was 1—1.—Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  31 words
  • 224 33 Sepoy Lines G.C. Beat Keppel. Sepoy Lines Golf Club beat Keppel G.C. in a match at Sepoy Lines yester day by IV2 Pts. to 4 3 /4. Sym <6) a* Savl (12). H. Jackson (8> and Irving Jones (6) V/4. Elkins G7) and Burtt <23 1. 1; R.
    224 words
  • 606 33 (From our Own Correspondence.) Kuala Lumpur, May 21. Mr. D. f*. Hutton won the F.M.S championship at Jhe Central Ritle Meeting organised by the F.M.S. Volunteer Force R.fie Association, which concluded today. Features ot the meeting were the excellent shooting >1 the Hurma Rifles team
    606 words

    • Correspondence.
      • 1432 1 To the Editor ol the Siraits Times. Sir.—Time and space will not permit adequate criticism oi that nasty piece of legislation, tlie Rubber R*‘gu lation Bill. The Bill is full of delects lor there are enactments which contradict some ol the clauses. Which law is the planter to
        1,432 words
      • 340 1 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir. Seldom have we been treated to such ignominious counsels of despair a: we read in your columns yesterday in the lament of a Lancashire cotton manufacturer He alone views Japanese competition in its true perspective. It overshadows his world and
        340 words
      • 386 1 To the Fditcr of the Straits Ti m s Sir.—Although I do not believe in artificial restriction. I have to cong ra tulate the R G.A. in bringing about a practicable scheme which is to come into torce on June 1. I am impressed by the present method of
        386 words
      • 44 1 <From Our Own Correspondent.) London. May n United States rubber consumption for April was 44.947 tons, with 47.6!4 tons in March, and 1 tons in April 1933. Stocks decline 1.757 tons to 349,306 tons, and ruooer afloat increased 1.529 tons to tons.
        44 words
      • 48 1 Singapore Official Quotations. Quotations Forward Contrac Spot SeUer^Pnces^ d. S July- Date L'<ion S’pore June Sept. May 17 6% 21 21 21% 1 18 6 1/16 21 21% 21% 19 6 3/16 21 21% 21% 22 London 21% 21% 21% closed «,> 23 6% 20% 20% 20%
        48 words
      • 898 2 Ipraser And Company’s I Weekly Report. Fraser and Co.’s report, dated Ma; 5 p.m.. states: All sections of both share and comBi'dity markets have been singularly Kvoid of incident during the past ■evk and under the influence of holittys and other attractions the attenK>n of would-be operators has
        898 words
      • 178 2 Domestic Production, as represented by exports lrom Federated Malay States. Unfederated Malay States, and Straits Settlements, of Tin. and Tin-In-Ore at 72'.'c. during the month of April. 1934. Tons Tons Federated Malay States 2,577 L’nfederated Malay States. Johore 36 Kedah 17 Perils 22 Kelantan Trengganu 14 89
        178 words
      • 30 2 »From Our Own Correspondent.) London, May 18. Gadek Rubber Estate. Ltd., is raising 'capital for the redemption of £39.100 7 per cent, twelve-year converti M e I notes.
        30 words
      • 76 2 May 17 Tin. Span; Price $115.00 per picul. 18 115.25 19 114.75 22 114.25 23 114.37 Vi Tree scrap 6 12^ Brown and dark crept* 12* 4 17 '4 Bark crepe (earth rubber* 9V'2 12 Virgin lump 7V2 —ll Today’s cable from our London correspondents gives: Steady
        76 words
      • 92 2 Buyers’ prices, received by cable on May 17 by Guthrie and Co., for Malayan palm oil and palm kernels: Palm Oil In Bulk: c.i.f landed weights New York Philadelphia 2.15 cents <U.S. currency) per lb. c.i.f. landed weights USA Pacific Ports 2.10 cents (US. currency) per lb.
        92 words
      • 67 2 A circular to the lolders of the Gold Coast Selection Trust states th it. the authorised capit £500.000 n 2.000.000 shares of ss. each. There In Issued £499.866 in 1. ''9,464 shares fully-paid. With the exception of 530 shares, the whole of the options granted over 600.000
        67 words
      • 174 2 Remhau Jelei Dividend Of 21/2 Per Cent. London, May 21. Rembau Jelei.- Profit tor 1933. £5.850; dividend. 2% per cent. forward. £22.349. Windsor.—Profit. £446; forward £4.187. Sungei liatu. Profit. £2.384; dividend. 4 per cent. forward. £13.293. Linggi.- Profit. £5.283; forward. £10.682. Rambutan.—Loss. £1.601; forward debit. £16.346. Cronilix.—Loss.
        174 words
      • 269 2 Eastern Markets Well Supported. Lewis and Peat (Singapore) Ltd. state in their rubber report dated May 18:— Although the market has been irregular during the past week, prices are inclined to settle around the present level. A wave of selling in London and New York brought values down
        269 words
    • 839 3 p rys(‘r \nd Cos Quotations. > re. May 23 Mining. W V l. )\i Bayers. Sellen> i I f.l Aiai.;. .‘Cum bung 37.6 40!i Malav 43 6 45 Ayer Hit tin Tin 15/- 16/- i 3.1 liangrin Tin 34 9 35/6 1 1 Batang Padanc 0.28
      839 words
    • 458 3 EXCHANGE RATES. 3inj tuure May 2J SELLING London. 4 mom its’ sight 2 4 ll 64 London. 3 months’ sight 2 4 5 32 London 60 j 4 9 64 London 1 da? s* sight 3 '44 London, demand 2 4 7 64 1 ondon, T T.
      458 words
    • 296 3 j Closing Quotations In London. (From Our Own Correspondent.! London. May 22. Closing quotations today of the principal British stocks are given below The rise or fall is In relation to the price of May 17. GOVERNMENT STOCKS. BRITISH. Rise or Fall Conversion Loan 5~ 116
      296 words
      • 663 3 Allagar (2 > 16; Alor Pongsu (2/) 1/5; Anglo-Maluy <i'l> 15 6; Ayer Kuning (€1> 25 Bagan Serai u’l* 13 3; Bahru <Sel.) <2 3 14; Banteng < 1 > 18 3; Batting (2 1 Batu Caves <£1» 20 Batu Tiga <£1» 24 Bekch <2
        663 words
      • 703 3 Capital Issue Closing Prices Pu*d Up Value Dividends Fraser Ijau Company Co Ev a p 454.175 l 3 p.c. for year ended 28-2-34 Allenby (sl> 1.65 l 85cd 170 1 80c: 216.779 1 Nil for year 30-9-33 ..Alor Gajah <sii 1.05 M 5 l’oo
        703 words

  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 285 4 •or MllL 1 Kd a aid DIABETES INSIPIDUS Rogfrkol W-' contain the Effective Ingredient# of a number of Medicinal Herbs, thev jure free from Substances Injurious to Health. reduce Sugar and Acetone in the urine. the abnormal Feeling of Thirst unger. the Discharge of Urine and stop the Micturition. RtllyM
      285 words
    • 976 4 \7 X;r READ and ENJOYED a 4 OlJ vT* f N jP?*; :> v f r .‘S''throughout the length and w breadth of MALAYA. k l>k. 2 I* V kiC'a^' r m MMM j *&,yvwy'y^^‘wg-* vt *,f*. v jrY rgl*? "W THE SUNDAY TIMES riiliATvi’ 10 ewrti. ahlAfifts'JL ft,;.**,-' V
      976 words

  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 188 5 GOODWOOD PARK ■I HOTEL v. .--r -lit I Pf lir*m '■.mm SCOTTS ROAD, SINGAPORE. Phone 6490. Telegram: Goodwood. 4 The Most Charmingly Situated Hotel in the Island. 9 Ideal for Permanent Residents. 4 10 Acres, 14 Tennis Courts. 4 Magnificent Dining and Dance Hall. 9 65 Rooms with Verandah and
      188 words
    • 37 5 of Copies of the Local Photographs appearing in this issue <‘an be obtained from the Manager, STRAITS BUDGET. At 50 cents a copy including postage. y V* r 5 H f •> iT^'- *•*;> Please enclose remittance when ordering
      37 words