The Straits Budget, 10 May 1934

Total Pages: 38
1 6 The Straits Budget
  • 29 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE STRAITS TIMES [ESTABLISHED NEARLY A CENTURY.] No. 3978. SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, MAY 10. 1934. Price 25 cents (S.S. Currency) or 7d.
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  • 249 1 leaders More Tin—And Why 3 A Little Known Work 3 How Control Will Work 3-4 The Other Side 4 Is It Bluff? 4-5 Plus 13.645 Tons! 5 Occasional Notes 6-7 Pictures Buy British” 17 Mr. E. C. Tidy 17 Miss Phyllis Thomson 17 Hard Up Wins 18 V. Kandiah
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  • 47 1 'From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca, May 4. At a meeting of the executive of the Malacca Asiatic Unemployment Fund yesterday it was decided to stop the relief automatically when the funds n °w in hand are exhausted. This will be about July or August.
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  • 467 1 Mr. J. W. Cailan, Secretary of the Penang Club, returned from home leave by the Benarty. Mr. M. S. Menon. of the Y.M.C.A School of Commerce, has been elected an Associate of fthe Faculty of Teachers in Commerce, London. Mr. E. E. F. Pretty, M.C.S., Secretary to
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  • 204 1 Consul’s Appeal For Anti-Opium Society. In an appeal to the Chinese com-; munity of Malaya to supi ort the work of the Singapore Opium Society, Dr. Philip K.C. Tyau. Consul-General for China, says: I have no hesitation in responding to the request of the Singapore Anti-Opium Society
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  • 140 1 Ceremony At Church Of SS. Peter And Paul. At the Church of S.S Peter and Paul on Sunday over 200 Chinese received the Sacrament of Confirmation administered by the Right Revd. Mgr. Adrian Devals. the newly consecrated Bishop of Diocese of Malacca The Bishop was assisted by the
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  • 113 1 The village Industries section of the Malayan Exhibition at Kuala Lumpur on June 2, 3 and 4 will be larger than in previous years and will be housed in a big attap building adjoining the main permanent building. In addition to the usual competitive sections. Selangor and Kelantan
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  • 200 1 Government To Spend Another $15,000 From Our Own Correspondent.) Cameron Highlands, Apr. 30. The British Resident. Pahang. Mr H. G. R. Leonard, Is on an official visit to Cameron Highlands. He was met at Renglet by the Assistant District Officer, Mr. Creer, who escorted him to
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  • 197 1 Brother Rescued By Malays. (From Oiii Own Correspondent.) Ipoh. May 3 A schoolboys’ sampan ride ended .atally when one of a party was drowned at Batu Gajah. A number of schoolboys from Batu jrajah Government English School vent to a disused mining pool and embarked on a
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  • 877 2 Accused Alleges ‘A Certain Amount Of Grudge C. E. E. Edlin appeared belore the district judge, Mr. H. A. Forrer, on Tuesday. The charges against Edlin are that in September and October 1932 he incurred liability to the United Motor Works, ol Orchard Hoad, for $213.
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  • 157 2 Arrangements For Annual Parade. The Birthday of His Majesty the King will be celebrated on Monday, i June 4. The customary Ceremonial Parade.! at which His Excellency the Officer Administering the Government will attend, will take place on the Esplanade at 7.35 a.m. Seating accommodation in the enclosures
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  • 48 2 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Medan, May 6. Java is now being visited by Mr. G. Samuel, phyto-pathologist of the well-known Rotham experimental station in Australia, headed by Mr. John Russell. Mr. Samuel is visiting various institutes to discuss the common problems of Netherlands India and Australia.
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  • 348 2 Delegates To League Conference. Led by Mr. Kitaoka. the Japanese Government delegate. Mr. R. Mori* a the employers’ delegate and Mr. T. Kikukawa. the labour unions' delegate, the Japanese Delegation to the League of Nations International Labour Conference passed through Singapore on the N.Y.K. liner Fushitni
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  • 247 2 Correspondence. To the Fditor of the Straits Times Sir.—We hear a great deal in these days about birth control. Without entering into any discussion as to the merits or demerits of such a scheme as applied to human beings, surely any lover of animals must stand aghast
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  • 262 2 Mr. Ong Ee Lim. MACHINE CLUB DID NOT PURCHASE. (From Our Own Correspondent i Kuala Lumpur, May 3 Owing to unforeseen circumstance the Kuala Lumpur Flying Club have not purchased the aeroplane abour which there was so much discussion -it their annual meeting last Sunday The
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  • 114 2 Tourist Trade Committee Formed. The following have accepted the in vitation to become members of the Tourist Trade Committee whose task is to act as publicity agents for Penang. Messrs. H. W. Esson. Lim Lay. P. N. Knight, H. MacNeice. J. A McEvoy. C. G. Barnes. M. Saravanamuttu.
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  • 124 2 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —The quotas w’hich Mr. Rur.eiman io expected to announce, are necessary to protect the interests ol Great Britain, net of The Port. Is “the freedom of the port” to stand in the way? Quotas are no more difficult to
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  • The Straits Budget
    • 1054 3 -Straits Times. May 3. London may. as reported, place a bearish interpretation on the decision 0 t the International Tin Committee tr allow an increase of ten per cent hi exportable allowances, out the n *ws will be received in Malaya with considerable relief. London, presumably Is
      -Straits Times. May 3.  -  1,054 words
    • 1048 3 --Straits Times, May 4. People who live in the Colony and are concerned largely with commercial matters have very few thoughts to spare for the work of developing the natural resources of Malaya. Any scheme for the launching of a new industry, or any new discovery
      --Straits Times, May 4.  -  1,048 words
    • 1030 3 —Straits Times. May 5. It i.s clear from the terms ol the Rubber Regulation Enactment. r.*34. published on Thursday as a supplement to the FM.S. Gazette, that the governments ol this country retain very clear recollection of the difllculties with which they were faced while the
      —Straits Times. May 5.  -  1,030 words
    • 1012 4 absence of plots against it— Straits Times. May 7. To what extent is Manchukuo a ‘puppet State,” of which the norrmai ruler is a tool in the hands of Japan, and to what extent was Tokio re soon sible tor the establishment ot the monarchy The great
      absence of plots against it—Straits Times. May 7.  -  1,012 words
    • 1152 4 IS IT BLUFF Straits Times, May 8. Japan thinks that Mr. Runcimans announcement in the House Commons regarding the intention v the Home Government to invite tv governments of the Colonies introduce import quotas in respect c* all foreign imports ot cotton and rayoi goods is bluff. Tokio believes tnc*i
      Straits Times, May 8.  -  1,152 words
    • 894 5 PLUS 13,645 TONS Straits Times, May 9. After all, the forecast of the London Daily Express as to the extent to which the output of rubber is to be controlled during the current year, thought by many to indicate a degree of restriction which would make very little Impression on
      Straits Times, May 9.  -  894 words

  • 47 5 Marchese Marconi, who passed 'hrough Singapore recently on his return from his tour of the Orient, and Sir Malcolm Campbell have accepted invitations to attend the Meibourno centenary celebrations. The Indian Association. Singapore, acknowledges donations of $643.09 which lias been remitted to the Viceroy’s fund.
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  • 54 5 SEE7T Sc CHEE.—The engagement has been announced between Mr Seet King Inn, Interpreter of the Assistant Adviser's Office, Batu Pahat. Johore, the eldest Non of Mrs. Seet Chee Yee and Miss Chee Sim Neo, the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs Chee Boon Hean of No. 27, I>orong M.
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  • 21 5 LOCK.—On May 7. 1934. at the Maternity Hospital, Singapore, to Muriel, wife of J. T. Look, a daughter (Sylvia Margaret).
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 87 5 NOTICE. All communications for both the Straits Times and the Straits Budget should be addressed to the Head Office, Cecil and Stanley Streets, Singapore, Straits Settlements. The post free price of the Straits Times to the United Kingdom and foreign countries is $48 a year. The post free price of
      87 words
  • 36 5 OKA Til PESTANA —On May 2, 1934. at No. 210-1 Queen Street. Singapore. Margaret Regina Pestana, 50 years, widow of th late Mr. P O Pe tana one time employed with the P C A Singaj>ore.
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    • 288 6 trade improvement permits—Straits Times. May 3. The railway strike has collapsed without much inconvenience to the railway administration or the public. The men's demands were extravagant, and could not have been conceded, no matter how threatening the situation had become*. Fortunately, the men escaped ‘he full consequences of their
      trade improvement permits—Straits Times. May 3.  -  288 words
    • 176 6 Straits Times, May 3. One aspect of the strike which is of particular interest to the newspapers, and for which we wish to express our gratitude, is the freedom with which news of the various developments was given out. Official communiques, unlike those which are issued
      Straits Times, May 3.  -  176 words
    • 355 6 Straits Times. May 3. Kuala Lumpur is not the only place which provides Justification for critic- ism of the facilities which it otters as it regular calling place for commercial aircraft There is difficulty in Smgapore. too. a difficulty which has developed since the advent of the Imperial
      Straits Times. May 3.  -  355 words
    • 219 6 THE TIN QUOTA —Straits Times, May 4. With the announcement issued yes- terday from the office of the Senior Warden of Mines it becomes possible to compute the exact amount of tin which may be produced in Malaya between now and the end of October. The domestic quota is to
      —Straits Times, May 4.  -  219 words
    • 233 6 day over a period of 28 years.—Straits Times. May 4. According to the monthly bulletin issued by the Travel and Industrial Development Association of Great Britain and Ireland, large shipments of Lancashire machinery are being made to China. At the end of March, a thousand tons of
      day over a period of 28 years.—Straits Times. May 4.  -  233 words
    • 150 6 Straits Times. May 4. Without pretending to understand the implications of most-favoured-nation treatment, w 7 e fall to see any great cause for rejoicing in the conclusion of the Indo-Japanese cotton agreement. British interests had much to lose and gain, but the net result ci the recent
      Straits Times. May 4.  -  150 words
    • 39 6 Alan. Amy and Smithy !—Straits Times. May 5. Bernard Rubin’s arrival in England in record time irom Port Darwin is recorded casually in the wireless news. Shades of the Smith brothers Sir Alan. Amy and Smithy Straits
      Alan. Amy and Smithy !—Straits Times. May 5.  -  39 words
    • 169 6 PROPAGANDA as beautiful as the picture stra.ts Times. May 5. We received yesterday a copy of the April-June number of a publication called the American Illustrated News which is described in its sub-title as The Bridge over the Atlantic Berlin —London—New York.” It is published in Berlin and is full
      as beautiful as the picture stra.ts Times. May 5.  -  169 words
    • 325 6 i Straits Times. May 5. In the issue of The Field dund Apr.l 21. Malaya is severely rebuked c Mr John C. Phillips, chairman the American committee of the International Wild Life Protection Association. Mr. Phillips begins by expressing the hope that he will not appear n dc
      i Straits Times. May 5.  -  325 words
    • 178 6 -Straits Times. May 5 Mr. Phillips asks what pan: ular elements in the population of Malaya are opposed to constructive Sana measures and, if there is any rt a opposing block, what is the basis >'• 1 s opposition. There is no question, says, that national
      -Straits Times. May 5  -  178 words
    • 248 7 “NOT TRANSFERABLE. ended the problem.—Straits Times. May 7. The buyer oi a railway ticket enters into a contract with tho railway rgamsation. The railway undertakes n carry the purchaser over the journey paid for, but in the case oi return tickets the return halt is net transterable. Not only may
      ended the problem.—Straits Times. May 7.  -  248 words
    • 213 7 —Straits Times. May 7. According to the quarterly statistics relating to unemployment publishea by the International Labour Office at Geneva, the improvement in the world situation was even more marked in the hist quarter of 1933 than that shown in the return published in January It the present position
      .—Straits Times. May 7.  -  213 words
    • 170 7 —Straits Times. May 7. Messrs. A. V. Roe and Co.. Manchester. who have acquired trum Cierva Autogiro Co., the sole British rights for the manufacture, use and sale of the autogiro are about to make the first attempt to place this new type of aeroplane on the British market
      —Straits Times. May 7.  -  170 words
    • 160 7 ways is resumed.—Straits Times. May 8. An announcement was issued yesterday by Imperial Airways. Limited, to the effect that the scheduled calls at Penang by outward and nomeward bound Imperial Airway's planes are to be suspended temporarily. This decision has been taken m consequence oi a declaration
      ways is resumed.—Straits Times. May 8.  -  160 words
    • 176 7 THE OLD STAGERS Straits Times. May 8. Elsewhere In this issue we print a letter from Major E. A. Brown (retd.) appealing for the support of former members of the Singapore Volunteer Corps in arranging that there shall oc as full a parade as possible of the old stagers" at
      Straits Times. May 8.  -  176 words
    • 149 7 -Straits Times. May 8. An interesting experiment is taking Place in Shanghai where a Christlar radio station has been installed. The money tor the installation and its operation has been provided locally a* the result of the efforts of a number ot business men, both Chinese anc
      -Straits Times. May 8.  -  149 words
    • 92 7 —Straits Times, May 8. According to an American newspaper. the Chinese Government nas recently purchased trom the United States more than a hundred pursuit, observation and training aeroplanes in addition to nearly a thousand aero plane engines. Lieut.-Com. Frank Hawkes, the holder ot many air speed records,
      —Straits Times, May 8.  -  92 words
    • 73 7 —Straits Times, May 9. Our London correspondent records the death at Lingfleld. Surrey, of Mi. Leonard Powney Ebden. a former puisne judge in the Straits Settlements. His Malayan career began ra 1889 when he was appointed ac’.ing secretary to the Resident. Selangor. Most of his service was
      —Straits Times, May 9.  -  73 words
    • 106 7 BUYING BRITISH valued at £345,000.—Straits Times, May 9. The British Trade Fair now open in Singapore continues as an unqualified success. Nightly the stalls are visited by thousands of potential buyers and the stall-holders report good orders and inquiries. This is only a small instance of the world-wide appreciation of
      valued at £345,000.—Straits Times, May 9.  -  106 words
    • 381 7 —Straits Times. May 9. The late Powell Robinson, who will be remembered mainly for his connection with the Jelai Concession, used t(. tell a good story of the first hat ne wore in Malaya. He arrived In Singapore in the early years of this century to Join Katz Brothers,
      —Straits Times. May 9.  -  381 words
    • 148 7 Straits Times, May 9 No sooner had the wanderings ol Samuel Insull been brought to an *nd by his extradition Irom Turkey to the United States than Trotsky was tound living quietly in France, and immediately hounded Irom place to olace. When he was expelled from Russia some years
      Straits Times, May 9  -  148 words

  • 75 7 Afternoon Flying In Siam. (From Our Own Correspondent Bam .cok. May 8. The Government Meteorological Service has issued a warning reminding pilots who are passing through Siam to arrange their Rights so as to arrive at aerodromes before three in the afternoon, and not to leave after
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  • 2297 8 Reuter Wireless The following official communique was issued by His Kxccllencv the Officer Administering the (Government on Tuesday concerning the announcement by the President of the Hoard of Trade in the House of Commons on Monday of a system of quota restrictions for protection of British
    Reuter Wireless  -  2,297 words

  • 406 9 Gradual Decrease To 70 Per Cent. In December. London, May 9. At its inaugural meeting the International Rubber Regulation Committee fixed the exportable amount of the basic quota of each territory as follows: June 100 per cent. Oct. 80 per cent. July 100 per cent.
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  • 125 9 Fate Of Scout From Amoy. An inquest on Chan Seng Lin. a 21-year-old member of a troop of boy scouts from Amoy, who was found floating in the sea off Pasir Panjang was held before the Singapore Coroner. Mr. W. G. Porter, on Monday. Evidence was to
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  • 152 9 Thousands Line Route In Pouring Rain. <From Our Own Correspondent > Penang. May 2. In spite of torrential rain, thousands from all communities lined the route along which the two mile cortege of the Regent of Kedah passed on Tuesday afternoon from the Istan.i Anak
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  • 216 9 Eurasian Surrenders To Police. A 19-year-old Eurasian Clifford Hogan, was charged before Mr. J. M. Brander on Thursday with fraudulently and dishonestly inducing Miss Mabel Wickwar, of the French Convent, to deliver $1,005 in cash on the representation that the money would be lent out on interest.
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  • 1071 9 “BERSANDING CEREMONY AT KLANG. ROYAL WEDDING. Ancient Malay Traditions Honoured. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur. May 7. Brilliant scenes were witnessed at the Astana Mahkota, Klang, last night, during the bersanding < sitting-in-state > ceremony of the wedding oi a daughter of H.H, the Sultan of Sel-1 angor to
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  • 6742 10 Counsel On “The Gravest Task A Citizen Can Perform” At the commencement of the seventh dav’s hearing of the Popejviy murder trial on Wednesday, Mr. V. D. Knowles, counsel for the defence, began his address to the jury. The accused, Mak Wing Chung, alias
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  • 241 12 Alleged Counterfeiting Of King’s Coins. Norman Albert Jansen, a Government pensioner and ex-steward of Tan Tock Seng’s Hospital, was produced before Mr. N. Grice in the police court on Friday together with two Hylams on charges relating to counterfeit coins. The Chmese accused are Pang Teng Pin and
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  • 532 12 Mr. Khoo Boo Gay n( i Mr. Khoo Wee Torj;. By a judgment given by M r Prichard in the Supreme Tuesday Mr. Khoo Boo Gay knowm local Chinese, and Mr VT Wee Tong were removed from th trusteeship of the Leong San Tong A V sociation
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  • 99 12 The following donations to the tressed European Fund. Singapon n April was acknowledged. J. D. Pierrepont Esq. $lO. MeanHall, Ltd. $lO, Muar Ctvil Service Clu $2O, C. C Brown Esq. $2O. A. E. ba Esq. $lO, Singapore Cold Storage s■' Singapore Swimming Club $112.76. Tj Royal Singapore Yacht
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  • 2797 13 Are Brokers Necessary? —A Bishop Echo—A Manuring Failure Dunlopillo —First Reactions To Restriction News. By Our Planting Correspondent. AHE brokers to a large extent superfluous? This question formed part of a caption in large print in a local newspaper a little while ago, when, arising out of
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  • 106 14 Telegram Of Sympathy From The King. The following telegrams have been i received by His Exce.iency the High Commissioner from the Secretary oi State for the Colonics, dated. London 1 May 3. His Majesty the King commands me to inform you he has heard with much regret
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  • 1013 14 Majority Of Demands Refused. OFFICIAL ATTITUDE FRIENDLY. From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, May 4. The Government’s decision n reply to the “fourteen points” put forward by the F.M.S. Railways’ strikers last week, will be simultaneously conveyed early tomorrow morning to all employees who were
    1,013 words
  • 49 14 As from Tuesday, May 22 intlusive the third and fourth police courts will be held in the old Chinese Protectorate in Havelock Road. Bishop Edwin F. Lee, M.A., D.D. has associated himself with the AntiOpium Movement by joining the Singapore Anti-Opium Society as a sustaining member.
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  • 314 14 130 Now Training. RECTIFYING SERIOUS SHORTAGE. The women of Singapore have ral lied to the call for the establishment of a body of trained first aid workers to join forces with an efficient corns of men under the banner of St John Ambulance Association
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  • 302 14 Improvement Trust Polity Criticised. At a recent meeting of the committee of the Singapore Ratepayers Association a series of resolutions criticising the procedure adopted by the Singapore Improvement Trust in the payment of compensation for properties taken over were adopted. The resolutions are to be sent to
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  • 1048 15 Empire In The Van In Race For Recovery. 'lhis year's British Trade lair, which His Excellency, Major General E. Lewin. General Officer Commanding opened at the Great World on Frida} promises to he an unqualified success. Few among the 150 stalls are extravagantly decorative.
    1,048 words
  • 55 15 Governor’s Consultative Committee. The following have been appointed members of the Governor's Straits Chinese Consultative Committee for Malacca the Hon. Mr. Tan Cheng Lock. Dr. H K Lung, Mr. Loh Kim Swee, Mr. Tan Chong Lek, Dr. Tan Seng Tee. Dr. B H. Ong, Mr. Tan Soo Hock,
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  • 70 15 Five Men 111 After Meal Of Curry. At 2.30 on Monday five BengaliMuslim hawkers returned to their homes in Owen Road and took a meal of curry wiiich had been prepared overnight. At eight o’clock they were all found to be very ill and a doctor was called.
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  • 113 15 Summoned For Alleged Defamation. Mrs. Jeni Woelz, a local business woman, summoned the manager of Franz Isako’s Circus, Jacob Blecker. before Mr. C. H. Whitton in the police court on Saturday for alleged defamaation of character. A similar charge was made against Mrs. Jacob Blecker. Mr. Blecker instituted
    113 words
  • 95 15 N.I. Expert To Visit New York And London. <From Our Own Correspondent.) Batavia, May 5. The Government Adviser for Tin Aifar who leaves here with the Director for Agriculture by aeroplane on May 23 for The Hague to discuss with the Colonial Department ffu* economic situation and
    95 words
  • 60 15 French Consul-General In Batavia. <From Our Own Correspondent.' Batavia. May 5. The French Consul-General here, M. Gerardin. who was expected to go on leave on May 12, has received a cablegram from France to postpone his departure for several months to await the result of the reforms in
    60 words
  • 91 15 List of donations received In April: Incorporated Society of Planters $83.34, Clubs $835.40. Mr. F. J. Hussey $l5. Mr. J. A. Harvey $5. Mr. W. G A Smith $5. Mr. W. J. Corney $2. Malayan Collieries Ltd. $250, Messrs. Osborne and Chappel $2O. Mr. H. d’Est>:rro Darby
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  • 274 15 Insurance Company To Appeal. 'from Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur. May 5. •L.u.'inent !<<r pla aliU with costs was awarded this morning by the Chief Justice, the Hon. Mr. S. J. Thomas, in the case in which the Public Trustee as administrator of the estates
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  • 115 15 Eurasian Remanded In Custody. Cllirord Hogan, the young Eurasian who is charged with cheating Miss Mabel Wiekmar, of the French Convent, was produced again ii the police court on Friday. Det.-Inspr. Tolmle told the court that he had seen the D P P and he applied lor a
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  • 131 15 Fatal Road Accident At Aldershot. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Seremban, May 4. News has been received of the death in England of Sgt. Major J. R. Carlisle of the Welch Regiment. It appears that that while Mr. Carlisle was riding a cycle at Aldershot he was knocked down
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  • 1984 16 MR. MARCUS REX IN CHARGE. Provision For Estates Which Cut Or Stopped Tapping. Extracts from the hill to be introduced at the next meeting of the Federal Council to implement the agreement for the regulation of rubber production and export are given below. The bill
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  • 78 16 Three Chinese Granted Bail. Three Chinese were charged Mr. N. Grice in the police court Monday with possession of arms in form of daggers, one of which. >*.i allegedly been shaped from a edged file. T The accused were Phun Cheong. Sing Chai and Hoh Wing Yow. I"'
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  • PAST WEEK’S IMPERIAL AND GENERAL NEWS. Contained in Reuter, British Imperial Radio and Special Telegrams.
    • 241 21 facturer. held. He was born in Pennsylvania in 1868. During his business career he built up a reputation for conservatism which discouraged unsound fiscal experiments and his resignation occurred at a time when Mr. Roosevelt’s monetary, experiments were first taking shape. He was a Republican
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    • 70 21 Reuter. Codos And Rossi. \TTE.MPT TO BEAT OWN WORLD RECORD. Marseilles. May 4. The airmen Codos and Rossi will start from Le Bourgct at the end of this month on a non-stop flight to Tokio in the aeroplane “Joseph Le- crix" in an attempt to beat
      Reuter.  -  70 words
    • 85 21 l'lie Senior Warden of Mines >t.ites officially: In view of the increase of ten per cent, in the quota made by the International Tin Committee, the Malayan Central Committee has decided that the domestic quota for the current period in the T.M.S. be 37.5 per cent, of asNessment,
      85 words
    • 97 21 h cuter. Views Of Two Leading U.S. Merchants. Washington, May 2. Varied opinions of the New Deal *v to expressed at the annual Chamber of Commerce Convention. Mr. Harryman, the President, delared that the first year of the New Beal had resulted in brightened hori ns everywhere,
      h cuter.  -  97 words
    • 21 21 -Reuter. Madrid, May 3. By 217 votes to 47, the Cortes today its confidence in the Samper Government.—Reuter.
      -Reuter.  -  21 words
    • 96 21 .—Reuter. Death Of Tobacco Magnate. London. May 7. The death has occurred of Sir Louis Bernhard Baron, the chairman and managing director of Carreras. Ltd. the well-known tobacco and cigarette manufacturers.—Reuter. Sir Louis Baron was born on Oct. 19. 1876. He was associated with his lather's
      .—Reuter.  -  96 words
    • 81 21 -Reuter. Commissioners For The Far East. Shanghai. May 6. On the eve of his departure for Japan tomorrow. Mr. Latham. Deputy Australian Premier who is on a goodwill mission to the Far East, announc ed that it was Australia’s decision to appoint trade commissioners to theBar East, but
      -Reuter.  -  81 words
    • 66 21 —Reuter. East Africa Agrees To Inclusion. Nairobi, (East Africa), May 3. The tea planters have reached an agreement on the proposals of the International Tea Committee for the inclusion of East Africa in the restriction scheme. The sugar industry is also prepared to join a similar scheme. The
      —Reuter.  -  66 words
    • 30 21 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Medan. Apr. 30. Messrs. Huxley and Arbuthnot. representatives of the Ceylon Tea Association, have arrived in Java to discuss measures for international tea propropaganda.
      30 words
    • 135 21 New York. May 5. The elusive desperado. John Dillinger. (“The Killer”) is believed to have been a participant in a bank robbery at Fostoria. Ohio, in which five people were wounded. Two men. with machine-guns under their coats, entered the bank, held up the staff
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    • 146 21 —Reuter. Killer Thought To Have Fled The Country. London. May 5. A new Dillinger sensation has been created by a Belfast report that the local police have been instructed to search the Canadian-Pacific liner Duchess of York when she arrives at Belfast at midnight from Canada as
      —Reuter.  -  146 words
    • 87 21 —Reuter. $2,000,000 Claim Against Mr. Andrew Mellon. Pittsburgh, May 5. Mr. Andrew Mellon disclosed today that the United States Government is seeking to collect $1,319,080 additional tax on his income for 1931. also a penalty of $659,540. —Reuter. I It was announced in March that the Department
      —Reuter.  -  87 words
    • 50 21 -Reuter. To Launch New (Jiant Cunarder. London, May 6. It is announced that King George and Queen Mary hope to visit Glasgow at the end of September for the purpose of launching the new giant Cunarder, No. 534. The Queen will perform the actual ceremony of launching. -Reuter.
      -Reuter.  -  50 words
    • 31 21 —Reuter. London. May 5 The death occurred suddenly at Bristol of the Rev. Francis John Griffith, who had spent all his active life in China since 1884.—Reuter.
      —Reuter.  -  31 words
    • 144 21 .—Reuter. Banquet Incident. R.A. “VERY (JLAI)” HE WAS DISCOURTEOUS. London. May 6. The Council of the Royal Academy has written to the octogenarian Mr. Adrian Stokes rebuking him lor interrupting Mr. MacDonald's speech at the banquet on Thursday. The President of the Council has written an
      .—Reuter.  -  144 words
    • 129 21 -Reuter. Economic Betterment Of India. Simla. May 5. Far-reaching proposals initiating a co-ordinated policy lor the economic betterment of the country were issued by the Government of India today. Steps already decided include: The appointment, of central and provincial marketing officers: The inauguration oi provincial marketing surveys: and
      -Reuter.  -  129 words
    • 139 21 Percentages Not Yet Disclosed. London. May 4. The tanker pool is now operating but the percentages payable to the pool have not yet been disclosed. —Reuter. The main features of the plan which was presented to tanker owners on Mar. (i were the lormation ol an association the
      139 words
    • 147 22 Paris, Muv 2. Rioting broke out in the class district at midnight, when demonstrators attacked taxi-cab drivers taking out their cabs for night service. The police were summoned anti the demonstrators took refuge in a large btock of buildings whence they hurled missiles
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    • 62 22 Burning Of Stadium In (iermany. Augsburg. May 2. A reward ot 10.000 marks has oeici offered tor the apprehension of malefactors who set lire to a wooden stadium yesterday when it had been specially prepared for the Nazi Labour Day festivities. The stadium, which could accommodate 10.000
      62 words
    • 190 22 -Reuter. and skirts and khaki blouses.—Reuter Wireless. Biggest Parade In Histon Of New York. New York. Ma> The biggest May Day parade in V .York’s history was completely from disorders, being marked b> hilarity, smiles and songs, though red flags were in profusion and banners galore denouncing
      -Reuter.; and skirts and khaki blouses.—Reuter Wireless.  -  190 words
    • 101 22 Reuter. Deadlock Said To Have Been Averted. Washington. May 1. There are indications that a deadlock in Americo-Soviet debt claims negotiations was averted by a conference between President Roosevelt and the Soviet Ambassador. M. Troyanovsky. and Mr. Cordell Hull at which M. Troyanovsky delivered a letter to Mr.
      Reuter.  -  101 words
    • 103 22 Reuter. Points Of Election Programme. Ranchi (Bihar Province), May 3. A meeting oi the leaders of the Swaraj Party, consisting ol members of the National Congress who favour contesting the elections to the Indian Legislature this autumn, has decided that the main points of the Party’s programme should
      Reuter.  -  103 words
    • 57 22 —Reuter. Plane Of H.M.S. Eagle Sinks Off Hong Kong. Hong Kong. May 3. A Fairy 3F machine from H.M.S. Eagle overshot the ship’s landingstage outside Hong Kong and crashed Into the sea. As far as can be ascertained the pilot and observer, whose names are not divulged,
      —Reuter.  -  57 words
    • 96 22 Reuter. Lord Newton Condemns League Policy. Sat. Francisco. May 2. League policy wdth regard to Manchukuo was vigorously condemned by Lord Newton on his arrival from the Far East en route to Geneva for the League session with data regarding the Manchurian question. He said the League’s recommendations were
      Reuter.  -  96 words
    • 72 22 -Reuter. Free State Government Defeated In I)ail. Dublin. May 3. The Government was defeated in the Dail for the first time since it came into power 18 months ago, an Opposition amendment being carried by 50 votes to 48 in the Redistribution of Seats Bill. The clause concerned
      -Reuter.  -  72 words
    • 73 22 -Reuter. 27,000.000 Sacks Already Destroyed. Rio de Janeiro, May 3. The fact that 27,000,000 sacks of surplus coffee had already been destroyed was mentioned yesterday by the president of the National Coffee Department at a luncheon to European coffee importers visiting Brazil. He said the surplus was being
      -Reuter.  -  73 words
    • 176 22 -Reuter. Saudi-Yemen war in Arabia —Reuter Wireless. FOREIGN RESIDENTS EVACUATED. British And Italian Warships Arrive At Hodeidah. British and Italian warships have evacuated foreign residents from certain Red Sea towns following Ibn Saud’s \j t torious march with his troops along the coast. Ibn
      -Reuter.; Saudi-Yemen war in Arabia —Reuter Wireless.  -  176 words
    • 266 22 DOMINATES ARABIA.” Reuter Wireless Foreign Residents Put On Kataran Island. Aden. May 4 Apart Irom a lew minor Sultanates. King Ibn Saud now practically dominates .Arabia in consequence of the victorious march oi his troops along the Red Sea coast. There are now Italian and British wai ships at Hodeidah
      Reuter Wireless  -  266 words
    • 181 22 MILITARISM MUST BE CURBED” Reuter. Mr. Hull’s Warning. DANGER OF IT LEADING TO WAR. Washington. May 6. A warning oi the danger that the militarism which is sweeping many parts 01 the world might lead to war unless curbed by international co-opera-tion to promote peace, understanding and friendship was uttered
      Reuter.  -  181 words
    • 27 22 —Reuter. Geneva. May 5. Mexico has notified the League of Nations of the rescission of the notice of withdrawal given on Dec 3. 1932.
      —Reuter.  -  27 words
    • 169 22 —Reuter. Prof. Warburg Attacks Silver Advocates. New York. May b. The gold bullion standard instead of the gold coin standard and the middle course between complete economic nationalism and internationalism are advocated by Professor Warburg, an adviser to the American delegation to the World Economic Conference in
      —Reuter.  -  169 words
    • 46 22 _Reu< Mr. S. L. Burdett Married At Northwood. London. May f > Mr. Scott L. Burdett. of the con sular service in China was mar: today to Miss Eileen Workman Northwood, Middlesex. They are 1- av ing for China in the autumn Reu f
      _Reu< •  -  46 words
    • 504 23 Reuter. LONDON NEGOTIATIONS. Action In The Colonies Against Japan. Following the failure to find a basis for an understanding on Japanese trade competition, it is believed in London that Mr. Walter Runciman, President of the Board of Trade, will announce measures to protect Great Britain's
      Reuter.  -  504 words
    • 296 23 -Reuter. Generally Expected To Be Introduced. London, May 3 •Enough official circles are mainthe greatest reticence as rc- gards the interview' between Mr. Matsudaira. the Japanese Ambassador, and Mr. W. Runciman. President of the Board of Trade. Reuter understands that Mr. Runciman explained that any protective action
      -Reuter.  -  296 words
    • 726 23 -Reuter. Washington. May 2. Mr. Cordell Hull’s Far Eastern policy statement is regarded in high official circles as representing a general statement ol United States principles regarding international relations applicable to any situation involving treaty rights or obligations. They do not consider it an
      -Reuter.  -  726 words
    • 93 23 —Reuter. Eggs And Unground Peppercorns. London, May 4. The following specific rates of duty for the existing general ad valorem duty of 10 per cent, have been substituted on eggs not in shell to take effect as from May 8: Liquid or frozen including glycerinated, ‘/od. a lb.,
      —Reuter.  -  93 words
    • 78 23 .—Reuter. Dr. Schacht On Danger To Industry. Berlin, May 4. A renewed declaration t*- '.t ti. j no question of dev^’nation of the reichsmark was given by Dr. president the Reichsbank. 'n an interview with the Westdeutscher Beobachtjr. He said devaluation would carry unrest into trade and industry,
      .—Reuter.  -  78 words
    • 53 23 Reuter. Brooklyn’s Worst Fire In Twenty Years. New York, May 4. Fifteen longshoremen are missing following Brooklyn’s worst Are in 20 years which destroyed the pier of the Barber Shipping Lines. The Are started during the unloading of a cargo of kapok and rubber from a freighter
      – Reuter.  -  53 words
    • 41 23 —Reuter. The Albert Ballin Grounds On Craven Shoals. New York. May 3. Assisted by tugs, the 21.000-ton Hamburg-Amerika liner Albert Ballin, which ran aground on the Craven Shoals, has been refloated and is continuing its interrupted journey to Hamburg.—Reuter.
      —Reuter.  -  41 words
    • 333 24 —Reuter. Sir John Campbell. POSITION OF LOCAL EXI*ORThRS. (From Our Own Correspondent.) L f ndon, May 2 1 learn from a usually reliable source that Sir John Campbell, Economic and Financial Adviser to the Colonial Office and chairman of the International Tin Committee, will be chairman of
      —Reuter.  -  333 words
    • 163 24 —Reuter. Death Of Scholar And Historian. London. May 2. The death has occurred of Mr., Charles Robert Leslie Fletcher. M.A., the well-known scholar and historian. —Reuter. Mr. Fletcher, who was 77 years ol age. was formerly a Fellow of All Souls and of Magdalen College.
      —Reuter.  -  163 words
    • 17 24 Washington, May 4. The House of Representatives has passed the Stock Exchange Control Bill.
      17 words
    • 345 24 Reuter tend the conference.—Aneta Copyright. Hurried Decision. i STRONG PRESSURE BY CONSUMERS.” The International Tin Committee has decided to increase the output quota by ten per cent, as from Apr. 1 for a period of six months. The Corpmittee points out that tin required lor any
      Reuter; tend the conference.—Aneta Copyright.  -  345 words
    • 120 24 Reuter. Three Poles Put In English Prison. London, May 3. Three Poles were convicted today at the Old Bailey on charges of being in possession of 619.000 forged British health and insurance stamps to the value of £44,000. I. J. Najmak. the first accused, was sentenced to four
      Reuter.  -  120 words
    • 37 24 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Medan, Apr. 30. The Algemeen Indisch Dagblad states that the eldest daughter of the Governor-General is to be attached to the Department of Economic Affairs. She will not receive any salary.
      37 words
    • 117 24 —Reuter. Over-Production And Under-Consumption. Geneva, May, 3. The annual report of the director of the International Labour Office emphasises that no national action can suffice to solve the problem of over production and under-consumption. Analysing the situation in the various countries, the report says that the
      —Reuter.  -  117 words
    • 153 24 —Reuter. 60 Countries At London Conference. London, May 2. Delegates from 60 countries assembled in the famous Locarno Room in the Foreign Office this morning when Mr. W. Runciman, President o: the Board of Trade, opened the international conference for the protection of industrial property. After His
      —Reuter.  -  153 words
    • 96 24 Scheme Being: Considered For Cameron Highlands. Cameron Highlands, Apr 30. Some time ago a visitor to Cameron Highlands came across several varieties of fish at the first lily pond in the Government recreation area. It is now proposed to introduce a trout Ashing stream near this area. The
      96 words
    • 41 24 —Reuter. Applies For Admission To Irish Free State. London, May 2. In view of the order to leave France tomorrow. Leon Trotsky (says the Daily Herlad) has applied for admission to the Irish Free State as a political refugee.—Reuter.
      —Reuter.  -  41 words
    • 36 24 -Reuter. Dr. Ansari Elected President. Ranchi (Bihar Province), May 3. Dr. Ansari, the ex-Presidenl of Congress, was today elected President ft the Swaraj Party. A resolution rejecting the White Paper proposals was passed unanimously.—Reuter.
      -Reuter.  -  36 words
    • 289 24 Reuter. Consumers’ Interests! ESSENTIAL ALL HP I TREATED ALIKE I London. M* av J g. In the House of Commons this ft I noon Mr. J. C. M. Guy iCor burgh) asked the Minister I Colonies whether he was;*V.iJB uncertainty as regards the futuVe
      – Reuter.  -  289 words
    • 121 24 —Reuter. Nazis Impose DrasticPenalties. Berlin. May 2 Notice of the imposition of drastic penalties with the object of checkin? Communism, published today, include a minimum of two years’ penal servitude for circulating treasonable propaganda in writing or by wireless or for attempting to impair the efficiency of
      —Reuter.  -  121 words
    • 60 24 Ancient Implements Found In Netherlands India. (From Our Own Corresponded Medan. Apr Dr. Von Koningswald and Hi 1 Haar. of the Department ol Mohave discovered ancient implement' the same strata as Heer Oppen'*[• discovered iis famous Ngandon According to the best estimates y tools are 40.000 years
      60 words
    • 26 24 AIR MAIL CONTRA CTS. Mr. run -Reuter Washington. Ma.v Fifteen temporary air mail con" have been awarded to private ators, according to Mr. Farley Postmaster-General —Reuter
      Mr. run -Reuter  -  26 words
    • 325 25 ■Japanese Seek Lease Of Land I In Neutral Zone. Shanghai, May 8 Ti. Nanking Government is said to a ve rejected a Japanese request *or n» lease of 3,000 mow of land in the ,uan region for the purpose of cotton ■uitivation Secret information received at
      325 words
    • 158 25 of the monetary systems adopted by the various leading countries. Urge-Scale Anti-Volunteer Drive In Manchukuo. The Japanese Kwantung Command has issued general mobilisation orders to the Japanese and Manchukuo forces throughout the new State in an effort to cope with the steadily spreading Volunteer activities Manchukuo has been
      158 words
    • 226 25 Member Of South-West Council. Mr. Tsan Shiao-fong, a member of the South-West Executive Council, is due shortly to leave Canton for the Southern Sea countri s, including Malaya, to investigate trade conditions obtaining there. Special attention will also be paid to the economic condltior of the overseas
      226 words
    • 139 25 taken toward this objective.—Sin Kuo Min and Sin Chew Jit Poh. “To Build Up Sino-Japanese Friendship/' At a reception to prominent Japanese in Tckio. Mr. Wang Yi-tang. a retired Chinese Government official who is on a visit to Japan with a view to improving Sino-Japanese cultural relations, stated
      taken toward this objective.—Sin Kuo Min and Sin Chew Jit Poh.  -  139 words
    • 76 25 Reuter Bank Note Coverage Of Tne Keichsbank. Berlin. May. 3. The German creditors’ meeting, at its sixth day’s discussion of debts, were confronted by the disquieting announcement that the Reichsbank coverage had fallen to the low record af 5.8 per cent by the end of April, due
      Reuter  -  76 words
    • 223 25 -Reuter. London, May 5. Lioeral terms ;or a united front with L-.bour were laid down by Sir Herbert Samuel in a speech at a Liberal demonstration at Bournemouth He said he was prepared to co-oper-ate with anyone who would join in resisting attacks cn freedom
      -Reuter.  -  223 words
    • 108 25 -Reuter Oil Co’s Appeal Against Hague Court Decision. Amsterdam, May 5 The committee of the Amsterdam Stockbrokers’ Association announced that the Royal Dutch Oil Co. and its subsidiaries have notified an appeal against the decision of the Hague Court with regard to the Association’s claim that the company
      -Reuter  -  108 words
    • 55 25 -Reuter Dunlop Rubber Co. has A Good Year London, May 5 The Dunlop Rubber Co profits during 1933 totalled £2.346,644, an increase of €652.789, An 8 per cent dividend is recommended on the ordinary shares and the carry-forward i‘ increased by £136,207 to £578,415 Total assets figure in
      -Reuter  -  55 words
    • 44 25 .—Reuter Portion Of Soviet Mine Caves In. Moscow, May C. Six important Soviet engineers perished today in a mining disaster in the Krivoirog Basin when a portion of a mine caved in during their experiments to achieve increases in produc tion.—Reuter
      .—Reuter  -  44 words
    • 45 25 Reuter Trebitsch Lincoln To Be Deported. London, May 6. Trebitseh Lincoln has been detained at Liverpool and will be deported to Canada and the Far East aboard the Duchess of York when the liner returns from Antwerp, whither Lincoln declined to proceed.—Reuter
      Reuter  -  45 words
    • 59 25 Reuter. Controversial! Section Defeated. Washington, May 3. A proposal to reduce the margin requirements in the Stock Exchange Control Bill from 45 to 40 per cent, was today overwhelmingly defeated in the House of Representatives, thus disposing cf the controversial section of the Bill. The final approval
      — Reuter.  -  59 words
    • 263 25 Reuter More Vigour Wanted. DISARMAMENT AND THE FAR EAST. London, May 7 A resolution urging the Government to adopt a more vigorous foreign policy. particularly in regard to the Far East and disarmament, was moved by the Labour peer. Lord Ponsonby in the House of Lords tonight.
      Reuter  -  263 words
    • 65 25 -Reuler Wireless. Royal Air Force Planes In Collision. London, May 1. Two Royal Air Force officers and two cadets were killed today when two aeroplanes collided over Cranwell aerodrome, Lincolnshire. The victims were FlightLieut. J. S. Tanner, Flying Officer J. G. Doughwaite, Flight Cadet J. Askell-Ruther-ford and Flight
      -Reuler Wireless.  -  65 words
    • 916 26 —Reuter. MAY BE EXTENDED. Tokio Receives Announcement Unusually Calmly. London. May 7. Mr. Runciman. President of the Board of Trade, told the house of Commons this evening that he had imoimed Mr Matsudaira. Japanese Ambassador, that Great Britain was resuming liberty of action in order
      —Reuter.  -  916 words
    • 48 26 —Reuter. Five Bombs Thrown Into Police Station. Calcutta, May o. Five bombs were thrown m quick succession at Shif'p police station, seven miles trom Calcutta, by two young Bengalis at two o’clock this morning. Two Bengalis and u. constable were Injured and the assailants were captured.—Reuter.
      —Reuter.  -  48 words
    • 31 26 -Reuter Home, May C. The official Gazette states that there has been a readjustment In the Budget, whereby 480.000.000 lire is now provided to build more ships.—Reuter
      -Reuter  -  31 words
    • 552 26 Reply To Conscription In Manchukuo. Shanghai. May 7 Under the protection of the Japanese garrison, it is reported, work has been started on the laying out ol a new aerodrome on the site of the Nankins University at Tientsin. The Peiping Political Council nas instructed
      552 words
    • 307 26 Speculation In l .S. ATTORNEY-GEN ER U RULING. Washington. May 7. Speculation on the question ot war debts has again been aroused by the I ruling of the Attorney-Genera! Mr Homer S. Cummings, that Britain is not a defaulter under the Johnson Act coupled with
      307 words
    • 138 26 -Reuter. U.S. Attitude Remains Unchanged. London. May 7 Little has so far transpired as to progress of the German debts cod ence, which has been meeting in 1 in since Apr. 27 and the first oin intimation of progress is contained in a statement issued by the content
      -Reuter.  -  138 words
    • 181 27 Position Of Dominions And Colonies. •INTENSELY LOYAL.” Anxious To Improve Their Own Trade. May 2. The House of Lords today debated a common Empire maritime policy. Lord Mottistone regretted South Africa subsidising an Italian Line aht-n in the event of trouble the Biitish fleet would have to
      181 words
    • 87 27 Reuter Wireless. “Freedom From International Leading Strings.” London. May 2. T: e Mercantile Marine Service Association is opposing the recently mooted scheme to improve the shipping industry by an international agreement to buy up tonnage. It argues that the channels of trade are becoming unnavigable through artificial restrictions.
      Reuter Wireless.  -  87 words
    • 81 27 Reuter. Further Revision Urged By Industrialists. Washington. May 7. Twenty-eight industrialists, including Messrs. W. B. Bell, Rolland J. Hamilton. T. M. Girdler and E A Merrick, have sent a letter te the sponsors of the Stock Exchange Control Bill, urging further revision on the ground that “many
      Reuter.  -  81 words
    • 49 27 Reuter New York. May 7. s imuel Insull (the American flnanwho was extradited from Turkey) aroused from bed at 5.30 a.m. on l h«' arrival of the Exilona and trans- rrcd to a Government cutter outride N&gt; w York Harbour preparatory to Warding a train for Chicago.—Reuter
      Reuter  -  49 words
    • 27 27 Reuter. Vienna. May 6. Rombs were exploded today at two !w ay stations, where considerable *mage was done. The perpetrators b(‘lieved to be Nazis.—Reuter.
      Reuter.  -  27 words
    • 446 27 aggression.—Sin Kuo Min and Sin Chew Jit Poh. Japan Pressing For Direct Negotiations Shanghai. May 9. Mr. Hirota. the Japanese Foreign Minister, through the Japanese consul at Nanking, is reported to have communicated the following proposals to Mr. Wang Ching-wei. the Nanking Prime Minister. Firstly,
      aggression.—Sin Kuo Min and Sin Chew Jit Poh.  -  446 words
    • 241 27 yang Lake last week. Nanyang Siang Pau Death Penalty For Traffickers. Shanghai, May 8. Marshal Chiang has circularised a telegram to the dilTerent provincial authorities instructing them to impose the death penalty on those caught smuggling opium and similar drugs into China. H&lt;* also urges strong measures
      yang Lake last week. Nanyang Siang Pau  -  241 words
    • 68 27 -Reuter Objection To Being ('ailed A Defaulter. Washington. May 7. The Soviet Ambassador has protested to the State Department against Mr Cummings’ ruling that the Soviet Union is in default in war debt payment. The Ambassador declares that he outlined to Mr. Moore. Assistant Secretary for State, the
      -Reuter  -  68 words
    • 22 27 British Wireless. Rugby. May 1. The Duke of Connaught, uncle of the King, today celebrated his 84th birthday.—British Wireless.
      – British Wireless.  -  22 words
    • 37 27 -Rtutcr Signed In London By All Participants. London, May 7 The inter-governmental agreement to implement the rubber regulation scheme was signed at the Foreign Olllce today by Great Britain. France India, Holland and Siam —Reuter
      -Rtutcr  -  37 words
    • 263 27 Questions In The House Of Commons. U.S. PERTURBED. Shares Still Rapidly Appreciating. London. .May 7. Various points regarding the rubber agreement were raised in the House of Commons at Question time today. Sir Philip Cunlitl'e-Lister. Secretary ol State for the Colonies. said consuming interests would be invited
      263 words
    • 150 27 Representation Wanted On The Committee. London. May 7. The Financial News publishes a New York message to the elTect that the State Department is showing considerable anxiety over the rubber plan, and is attempting to secure American representation oil the International Committee. It is said that the American
      150 words
    • 127 27 How Popular Issues Are Rapidly Rising. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, May 7 Rubbei shares are still rising rapid ly. many issues improving by 9d. or Is. Present prices &lt;in brackets prices on Apr. 2D among the more popular issues are: Allied Sumatra, IDs. (id. (l(is. (id.) Anglo-Dutch,
      127 words
    • 276 28 -Reuter. Roosevelt’s Two-Way Programme. SATISFACTORY.” Final Agreement Not Yet Reached. Washington. Ma&gt; N. President Roosevelt today outlined to silver advocates a two-way programme, involving the nationalisation of silver and a 2."&gt; per cent, silver basis for the monetary system. Eight persons attended the conference. The President
      -Reuter.  -  276 words
    • 212 28 -Reuter Wireless. Murder Allegation A Horrible Lie.” London. May 5 Intense indignation has been aroused in Belgium by the allegation made by Col. Graham Scton Hutchinson. D.S.O., m a speech at Nottingham, that King Albert was not killed accidentally but “was tapped on the back of the
      -Reuter Wireless.  -  212 words
    • 111 28 —Reuter Wireless. Relieved Broken Up By American Police. Chicago, May 5. The conviction of Dr. Valentine Burtan, ex-representative of the New York Amtorg &lt;Soviet) Trading Co., on a charge ot disposing of S100.000 ot counterfeit money is expected to have important consequences. The authoritie believe they have partially
      —Reuter Wireless.  -  111 words
    • 215 28 continue the advance immediately to Sanaa. If the Emir Feisal occupies Sanaa it is expected that King Ibn Saud will allow him to proclaim himself King of Yemen. It is reported from Mecca that telegrams of congratulation to Ibn Saud on his victory are pouring in
      215 words
    • 114 28 probable in Saudi circles.—Reuter Wireless. Regarded As Improbable In Saudi Circles. Cairo, May 7. The Emir Feisal has won a further victory in the advance towards Sanaa while Emir Ahmed El-Showeir, commanding another Saudi army, has captured an entire caravan of camels and a large quantity of ammunition
      probable in Saudi circles.—Reuter , Wireless.  -  114 words
    • 117 28 Reuter. Police Recruitment In The Saar. Geneva. May 8 The danger ol a German coup-de-main in the Saar was brought to the attention ot the League Council by Mr Knox, president of the Saar governing body, who refers to the political character oi the resolution recently
      Reuter.  -  117 words
    • 169 28 -Reuter Wireless. 9‘» Per Cent. Of Electorate Pro-German." Saarbruecken. May 6. Eighty thousand people crossed the frontier from the Saar into Germany this afternoon to demonstrate their intention to vote for the return of the Saar to Germany next year, when the Saar plebiscite will be held. Dr.
      -Reuter Wireless.  -  169 words
    • 72 28 -Reuter. No New Construction Known. ondon. May 8. Asked in the House of Commons by Mr. W. Nunn (Un., Whitehaven) what new barrack accommodation was being erected In Shanghai for housing the international forces there. Mr. A. Duff Cooper. Financial Secretary to the War Office, said he was
      -Reuter.  -  72 words
    • 71 28 Rapid Spread Owing T„ Prolonged Drought. Bucharest May 9. Campulung. one of the most nirtur esque towns in Rumania, is reputed t be in names following a fitv V hirh broke out in a hospital. On,, hurd rod houses have been destroyed casualties are unknown
      71 words
    • 89 28 -Reuter Greater Freedom Of Action. Berlin. May 8. The German press will be given “greater freedom of action” by new instructions issued by Dr. Goebbels the Propaganda Minister, whereby newspapers in future will be allowed to do their own reporting of public events “unless reasons necessitate a different
      -Reuter  -  89 words
    • 56 28 Reuter Wireless Prussian Secret Police Bans Youth Organisation. Berlin. I T The Prussian secret police have banned the youth organisation called German God Believers because its activities are similar to the Tannenburg League, which teaches pagan faith in Thor and other Germanic deities. The Tannenburg League has
      Reuter Wireless  -  56 words
    • 47 28 -Reuter. Wedding To Take Place In London Washington. Mr- 8 Provided Far East conditions permit the Chinese Minister and Mrs. Sze will leave for London in June for their son’s wedding to Miss Bessie Y. Li. the engagement of whom was annoimcec last October.—Reuter.
      -Reuter.  -  47 words
    • 50 28 -Reuter Wireless. Berlin. May 5 One teacher and seven children were killed when an old school building collapsed in the village of Winterbach. near Stuttgart, burying the occupant, beneath the wreckage. Seventeen others were injured, five seriously, cavation work near the school i a si the collapse.—Reuter Wireless.
      -Reuter Wireless.  -  50 words
    • 181 28 -Reuter Darjeeling. May 8. During a local race meeting two Bengalis fired revolvers at Sir John Anderson, the Governor of Bengal. He was not hit and the two Bengalis were arrested. An eye-witness states that no sooner was Sir John Anderson seated than a
      -Reuter  -  181 words

  • 2113 29 Vi ALA YAN CRICKET. Merchants’ Bright Batting In S.C. C. Tournament Game. Wht-n the Public Services took the ►Id &gt;n Sunday they found the wicket ,sulutely lifeless and their bowlers ere unable to make the ball do anyniui In spite of this, the Merchants
    2,113 words
  • 236 29 On Baturduy afternoon the :&gt;ccond race of a series of three for the Denis Santry Women’s challenge Cup was sailed under Ideal conditions. A light and steady off-shore wind left the harbour waters pleasantly calm, wliicti was appreciated by the feminine pers. Six boats
    236 words
  • 30 29 Reuter Hunslet Win Cup Final At Wembley. London, 'ay 5. At Won hley today ir. the Rugby League Cup final Hunslet beat Wldnes by 11 points to 5—Reuter.
    — Reuter  -  30 words

  • 1054 30 R.E.S. Wyatt, Leyland And Robins In Form. Both Sussex and Essex, who did wel' m the county championship last summer, opened their programmes with victories, the latter accounting for Kent, who finished just ahe ad of them last season. The feature oi the matches just concluded
    1,054 words
  • 1123 30 PRESTON AND BARNSLE Y GAIN PROMOTION. —Reuter. i From Our Own Correspond ;nt. &gt; London. May 5 English League football ended this afternoon. There were only three **end-of-the-season" questions to be decided, and these resulted in Preston North End returning to the First Division, alter many years in the Second.
    —Reuter.  -  1,123 words
  • 63 30 I.C.F.A. Not To Withdraw From First Division. The Straits Times is officially ’nformed by the Indo-Ceylonese F.A. that they have no intention whatever of withdrawing from the First Division of the S.A.F..V League. They conceded a walk-over on May 2 to the R.A. owing to the fact that
    63 words
  • 59 30 .—Reuter. London, May Alfred Padgham, the Sunbricig* Park professional, won the Dui V Southport £1.600 professional tournament with a aggregate &lt; y which is one of the lowest aggrr- on record for first-class goli ovn 1 72-hole course. His rounds were: 70-70-68-71 Henry Cotton was
    .—Reuter.  -  59 words

  • 1670 31 Four Hot Favourites Justify Backers’ Confidence. «$384), 740; third ($192). 913; starters ($27) 833, 768. 897, 969, 934. 278 and 835. THE PONY PLATE. Value $1,300. Class 1, Ponies, Division 2. Distance, live and-a-half furlongs. L. Bowden’s b. a .n ISLE
    1,670 words
  • 218 31 —Reuter. London, May 4. Tilt* Austialiun cricketers won tfie first match of their tour at Worcester today when they defeated Worcestershire by an innings and 297 runs. Batting first, the county could score only 112. C. V. Grimmett taking five wickets for 53 runs. The Australians
    —Reuter.  -  218 words
  • 295 31 Reuter. London. May 2. The 2.000 guineas stakes was won at Newmarket today by Lord Glanely’s Colombo, the favourite, who won by a length in a held of twelve Result: Lord Glanely’s COLOMBO Johnstone) 1 Mi R B. Strassburger’s EASTON ‘Semblatt* 2 HH. the Aga
    Reuter.  -  295 words
  • 137 31 The May Bogey competition of the Singapore Golf Club was played at Uul'ii Timah on Saturday and Sunday end resulted in a tie between J. B. Carr. W. McMullan and G. Finlay in “A” division with a score ot 1 down and in a win tor
    137 words
  • 66 31 Results ()t Women’s Medal. The women’s May bogey competition was played at Bukit Timah on Monday and resulted in a win for Mrs Oke in “A” division with a score of “all square”, in a win for Miss Lucas in “B” division with a score of “all square”
    66 words

  • 843 32 S.C.C. Meet W ith First Defeat Of Season. Chines** 3 S.C.C’. 1 If was unfortunate that the S.C.C should not be at full strength lor their biggest test ol the season their fixture with the Chinese and consequently M was not surprisingly that they were deleated.
    843 words
  • 76 32 The Navy Cup competition at the Garrison Golf Club was won by Major L. A. J. Graham and Major F C. R. Austin «R A.M.C. &gt; who beat Lieut. J. R A Slee and Lieut. C. F G. Bond at the 19th hole in
    76 words
  • 82 32 Mr. R. H. McGregor Elected Captain. i From Our Own Correspondent. &gt; Seremban. Apr. 30. Excellent progress was reported at the annual meeting of the Seremban Golf Club yesterday at which Mr. A. B. S. Morton presided. The accounts, which showed a profit of $122.63, were passed. The
    82 words
  • 30 32 The final of the S.C.C. Volunteer Snooker tournament will be played on Monday between P. H. Romney and R. S. Wilson and P. Carmichael and F R. Jones
    30 words
  • 453 32 Hie second race ior the Lemberger i Cup was re-sailcd by tfie B Class yachts oi the Royal Singapore Yacht Club on Sunday as the result of two mrthei retirements due to mishaps, only Merlin and Punai appear to have any serious interest in the ultimate
    453 words
  • 251 32 —Reuter. Crawford Beaten At Bournemouth. London, May 5. Fred Perry, Britain’s No. 1 iwn 1 tennis player, began the season well today by defeating Jack Crawford. Australia’s No. 1 and holder of the Wimbledon title, in the final of the British hard-courts championship at Bournemouth,
    —Reuter.  -  251 words
  • 223 32 Sgt. J. McLaughlin. R.AF. put up ‘.he exceptionally fine score of 101 out of a possible 105 in the practice for the inter-port shoot at Bukit Timah on Sunday morning. The shooting of the team as a whole was very good under somewhat difficult conditions,
    223 words
  • 51 32 Secretary And Treasure 1 Appointed. The council of the Malaya Football Association have appointed the hollowing acting officials, as from today. Acting hon. secretary, Mr. Syca Hussain bun AlsagofT. Acting hon. treasurer. Dr Syefl Hussain bin AlsagofT. The appointments will stand unul confirmed by the annual, meetin :n
    51 words

    • 5613 1 FINANCIAL position f EXPLAINED. TRADING PROFIT OF $67,899 BUT NET LOSS OF $8,637. The financial position of Raffles Hotel. Ltd., was explained at the Annual General Meeting held at the Registered Office of the Company, French Bank Building, Singapore, on Thursday. Apr. 26, at 12 noon. The
      5,613 words
    • 58 3 Singapore Official Quotations. Quotations Forward Contracts Spot Seller Prices &lt;*• %il r y, July- !,iv L^on S’pore May June S:pt. !i 23 V* 23 N 23% 23 *k 3 lb 23' H 23 Vj 23\ 23\ 24»i 25 24% 25% &gt; 16 24% 24 11/16 24% 24% i
      58 words
    • 1072 3 Fraser And Company’s Weekly Report. Fraser and Co ’s report, dated May 8. 5 p.m.. states: With a distinctly bullish sentiment prevailing throughout the local share market, helped by strong outside inquiry for shares, a state of considerable excitement has existed in all sections of the market during
      1,072 words
    • 23 3 May 3 Tin. Spore Price $117.25 per picul. 4 116.00 5 116.37 7 116.62 Si 8 116 00 9 116.00
      23 words
    • 27 3 The Aarhus &lt; Denmark) Gas Works have purchased 66,000 tons of British coal, comprising 24.000 tons from Durlam. 15,000 from Yorkshire ard 27.000 irom Scotland.
      27 words
    • 750 3 Slight Increase In Net Profit. A net profit of $4,768.31, representing a slight Increase over that for the preceding year, was reported at the Annual General Meeting of Haytor Rubber Estates. Ltd., held at the Registered Office of the Company. French Bank Building. Singapore, on Saturday. A dividend
      750 words
    • 812 4 Eraser And Co’s Quotations. Singapore, May 9. Mining. issue Vai. Pd. Buyers. Sellers. LI £1 Asain Kumbang 37/6 40/tl £1 Austral Malay 43 6 45A» &lt;&gt; 5 Ayer Hitam Tin 14/9 15/6 11 £1 Bangrln Tin 34/9 35/6 1 1 Batang Padang 0.28 0.31 1 1 Batu
      812 words
    • 438 4 EXCHANGE RATES. Singapore, May 9 SELLING. London, 4 months’ sight 2 4 11 64 London, 3 months’ sight 2 4 5 32 London, 60 days’ sight 2 4 9 64 London, 30 days’ sight 2 4 4 London, demand 2 4 7 64 Iicndon, T.T. 2 4
      438 words
    • 290 4 Closing Quotations In London. &lt;From Our Own Correspondent.) London. May 8. Closing Quotations today 01 tne principal British stocks are given below:— The rise or fall is in relation to the price of May 3. GOVERNMENT STOCKS. BRITISH. Rise or Pal) Conversion Loan 5% 116 9
      290 words
      • 636 4 Allagor (2 1 T Alor Pongsu (2/&gt; 1 6; Anglc-Malay (£l* 15 6; Ay:r Kuning (£1) 25 Eagan Ser.-i &lt;l'l&gt; 13 3; Bahru (Sel.) (2 2, 11; Ban tong «5.1) 18 Batang (2 1 Batu Caves (tl) 20 Batu Tiga (£l* 24 Bt’krh (2 11;
        636 words
      • 746 4 Cn.iMn: tout Closlne Price? Lp Value Dividends Fraser Lyall Ompanv a? pa p? 454.175 l Nil for year 29-2-33 Allenbr ($l&gt; I TO 1 90 1 90 2*00 216.779 1 Nil for year 30-9-33 Alor Oajah «S1&gt; 103 l 10 1 C'S 1H 439.125
        746 words

  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 292 5 ""TW 1 rfor glyko DIABETES MELLITUS w» -i ni DIABETES IMSIPIDUS Regtykol CapavlM Regtykol Capsules Regtykol Capsules r S .y r ry*X iJtf 1'jv “'V^JwWT Regtykol Capsules Regtykol Capsules Regtykol Capsules Regtykol Capsules Regtykol Capsules Reglykol Capsules contain the Effective Ingredients of a number of MedicinO Herbs, they .are free
      292 words
    • 578 5 READ and ENJOYED &lt; &gt; &lt;r rw V-' A* f?3Jra|jr#t 'V*7* t* y J -fc' lfc&gt; Mr j throughout the length and V uiiP^';**~'' ’&gt;: 5^8® breadth of MALAYA. t A vt"Jw7 v&lt; |g$ THE W, &gt;sjri.? 10 cents. Obtainable at the following agencies »*■«**-i '-m i ■:&gt;4rr v.-- 1
      578 words
    • 393 5 MALACCA. Hong ffln dc Co., 14, First Cross Stress. Lank* Stores, 28, The Riverside. GEMAS. Rly. Refreshment Room, (Urn He* Say). SERE MBAN. Lee Kee dc Co., 28, Birch Road. Seremban store, 45, Birch Road. Federal Rubber Stamp Co, Rly. static* Bookstall. Plaza Book Store, 112, Paul Street. KLANG. Federal
      393 words

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 130 6 I HOTEL l| SCOTTS ROAD, SINGAPORE. PhonA 6490. Telegram: Goodwood. 4 The Most Charmingly Situated Hotel in the Island. •f *4, A* 9 Ideal for Permanent Residents. 9 10 Acres, 14 Tennis Courts. &lt;1 Magnificent Dining and Dance Hall. 9 65 Rooms with Verandah and Bath. Lock Up Garages. ALL
      130 words