The Straits Budget, 19 October 1933

Total Pages: 36
1 4 The Straits Budget
  • 30 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE STRAITS TIMES [ESTABLISHED NEARLY A CENTURY.] No. 3,949 SINGAPORE, THURSD AY, OCTOBER 19, 1933. Price 25 cents (S.S. Currency) or 7d
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  • 338 1 LEADERS— Paw Lotteries J A Bad Example 3 The Trend of Prices 3-4 A Blessing in Disguise? 4 Another Local Opportunity 4-5 The Mission Schools 5 Occasional Notes 5-7 Pictures— Happy Mui Tsai JJ A Cup Final JJ Lady Clement! Sir Cecil Clementi 17 Prince Carl Filling Magazine of
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  • 990 1 Mr. and Mrs. C. Alma Baker were passengers by the Corfu. Mr. F. Keir, Assistant Engineer, Jasin. is going home on leave about Nov. 24. Mr. F. C. Hoskins, of Singapore, is now at Damansara Estate, Batu Tiga. Capt. J. M. R. Ditmas, of the Royal Army
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  • 139 1 Four Months For Thief At Hong Fatt Mine. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur. Oct. 16. Today the first magistrate sentenced a Chinese coolie to four months’ rigorous Imprisonment for stealing about half a flour sack full of tin ore from the Hong Fatt mine in Sungel
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  • 79 1 Penang Asiatic Fund Short Of Cash. Our Own Correspondent) Penang, Oct. 10. Although monthly receipts have dropped considerably Penang Asiatic Unemployment Committee Is regulatfy helping hundreds of poor people. Ih the month of September 767 families were helped. The fund originally paid school fees and house rents In
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  • 56 1 'From Our Own Correspondent) Medan. Oct. 13. According to the Locomotiel, the Council of Netherlands India, presided over by the Governor-General, has proposed a budget of Os 340,(K;0.000 for 1935, and for 1936 and the follow ing years of Os. 300.000,000 The genera) financial situation of Netherlands India
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  • 462 2 Little Sleep. TO ALOR STAR IN UNDER 6 DAYS. Abandoning all thought of sleep, Mr. Charles lllm, who Is out to wrest the new Eng- land-Australia air record—4>arely a week old—from his old colleague, Air Commodore Sir Charles Kingsford Smith, reached Alor Star on Wedneseiy a
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  • Correspondence.
    • 173 2 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,—You wrote with strange prescience in a recent leader when you said that the ultimate achievement of the object aimed at by the rice tax proposal was very doubtful Indeed. Later newr from Kuala Lumpur giving details of the far-reaching
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    • 191 2 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,—l have read with interest Mr. Eric Macfadyen’s letter in the Straits Times of yesterday. His estimate of the utility of the Malayan Planters’ Provident Fund is a correct one, and his tributes to the Incorporated Society of Planters
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    • 188 2 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —In the “Town and Country Column” of your issue of Oct. 12, you refer to an article which appeared in the “Malacca Guardian.” That article ended with the sentence: “I shall be glad to hear of the first big firm
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  • 240 2 Coroner’s Advice To Young Chinese. “This ought to be a lesson to you now that it is dangerous to go into a large pond without knowing how to swim. If you want to learn there Is a proper pool at Mount Emily where there are
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  • 157 2 Mr. Treeby’s Assailants Sentenced. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, Oct. 10. Before Mr. Watherston in the Sungei Siput magistrate’s court today. Raman and Muttupillay appeared for the further hearing of the case in which they were charged with assaulting Mr. Treeby of Rembau Hydraulic Ltd., at
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  • 109 2 Mr. Justice Thomas And Sir Walter Huggard. (From Our Own Correspondent) Penang. Oct. 12. The outward bound P. O. Comorin, arriving this morning, brought Mr. Justice Thomas, the new Chief Justice, F.M.S. Arrangements were made for His Lordship to travel to Kuala Lumpur by the night mail but
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  • 571 2 Supreme Court Rulj ng CRIMINAL PROCEDURP CODE SANCTIONS Judgment was delivered bv h Supreme Court consisting of the Justice. Sir Walter Huggard t Justice Gerahty and Mr. Justice Min.' on Saturday, concerning the powers S the Deputy Public Prosecutor in sane tioning prosecutions under certain sections
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  • Page 2 Advertisements

  • The Straits Budget
    • 846 3 —Straits Times, Oct 12. Although we do not subscribe to the vieW that any form of lottery must necessarily bring much evil In Its train, we certainly consider that some legislation and official vigilance are necessary to protect the general public from a flood of invitations to indulge in
      —Straits Times, Oct 12.  -  846 words
    • 841 3 —Straits Times, Oct 13. We are prompted to refer again to the decision of the F.M.S. Governmenr to place an import tax on rice by important developments which are taking place in China. In previous comments on this matter we have expressed a number of fears as
      —Straits Times, Oct 13.  -  841 words
    • 785 3 —Straits Times. Oct. 14. Prices are definitely on the up grade. The movement is slow, and thm remains a possibility of temporary setbacks in regard to several commodities, but it appears safe to assume that the disastrously low levels of a few months ago will not
      —Straits Times. Oct. 14.  -  785 words
    • 926 4 A BLESSING IN DISGUISE blessing in disguise.—Straits Times, Oct. 16. Germany’s decision to leave the Disarmament Conference and withdraw from the League of Nations has evoked a great deal of surprised comment in Europe. It is difficult to believe that much of the surprise is not feigned, for ever since
      blessing in disguise.—Straits Times, Oct. 16.  -  926 words
    • 905 4 —Straits Times, Oct. 17. A vast amount has been spoken and written in Malaya during the past two years on the subject of encouraging local agriculture. Strenuous efforts have been made, and are being made, to improve the standard of locally bred poultry at Fraser’s Hill we
      —Straits Times, Oct. 17.  -  905 words
    • 1019 5 —Straits Times. Oct. 18. yn, Government decision to cut the ai.iiies which it pays to missionary rnuchers in aided schools has elicited Tn il very long and indignant letters t( the Straits Times from Mr. Lawrence Henderson, and has also been criticised bv the Hon. Mr. F.
      —Straits Times. Oct. 18.  -  1,019 words

    • 101 5 to Java Is concerned Straits Times. Oct. 12. Radio telephony on a commercial basis has now been established between Manila and Australia. The messages are relayed via Bandoeng as there is no direct connection between the Philippines and Australia. A service with Europe, also through the Bandoeng station,
      to Java Is concerned !— Straits Times. Oct. 12.  -  101 words
    • 181 5 nature unspecified.—Straits Times. Oct. 12. The Chinese herbalist is not so well known to non-Chinese as he deserves to be. We have yet to hear the faculty express an opinion as to the efficacy of his wares, but genuine testimony is forthcoming in the shape of
      nature unspecified.—Straits Times. Oct. 12.  -  181 words
    • 245 5 .—Straits Times, Oct. 12. Would that some of the human understanding and the ability to see the humorous side of life as they exist in London could replace the portentious solemnity that pervades our court-houses in Malaya. Laughter in English courts is no new thing, for Dickens
      .—Straits Times, Oct. 12.  -  245 words
    • 218 5 come to our aid —Straits Times, Oct. 13. A Bangkok firm of clockmakers his been publishing as an advertisement a series of photographs of clocks It has Installed in the Siamese capital A linn of clockmakers here would have difficulty in publishing an advertisement on similar lines,
      come to our aid —Straits Times, Oct. 13.  -  218 words
    • 224 5 CRAZY FINANCE i. —Straits Times. Oct. 13 Those Europeans In Malaya who try to keep in touch with events at Home by reading the London newspapers received by each mail will be fully aware of the Insane war for huge circulations which has been in progress for many months between
      i.—Straits Times. Oct. 13  -  224 words
    • 210 5 —Straits Times, Oct. 13 A fault common to amateur shows everywhere is criticised in a Pinang Gazette notice of Mr. Cari Lawson's latest production. Amateur love scenes,” says this critic, are so frequently spoiled by timidity and a lack of abandonment. Why will people, who proiess intense love
      —Straits Times, Oct. 13  -  210 words
    • 233 6 upper deck, and a bridge deck.—Straits Times, Oct. 14. Under the heading which is used lor this Note the London Dally Telegraph enlarges upon the announcement that the 8. Y. Sea Belle II. the 1,000-ton yacht built specially five years ago for the use of the Governor
      upper deck, and a bridge deck.—Straits Times, Oct. 14.  -  233 words
    • 243 6 Straits Times. Oct. 14. It is stated that the F.M.S. Government has issued a circular demanding to know the birth-place of clerks In Its service, and a Malay Mall correspondent rightly says that this can only be for the purpose of retrenchment. This correspondent also makes
      – Straits Times. Oct. 14.  -  243 words
    • 289 6 Straits Times. Oct. 14. Having congratulated ourselves generally on our enterprise in turning to good account our pineapple plantations, which came into being almost by acciI dent, it is something of a shock to hear an English canning expert assert that our methods of both growing
      Straits Times. Oct. 14.  -  289 words
    • 133 6 -Straits Times. Oct. 16. Information supplied by the Malayan meteorological service shows that the towns on the western coast of Malaya had the heaviest rainfall in the country in September, Malacca and Port Dickson heading the list with 12.25 and 12.40 inches. Penang came next witn
      -Straits Times. Oct. 16.  -  133 words
    • 252 6 this case demands explanation. -Straits Times, Oct. 16. A happy issue was the outcome 01 a case in one of our police courts the other day in which a destitute mother was charged with abandoning the body oi her child without reporting his death to the police.
      this case demands explanation. -Straits Times, Oct. 16.  -  252 words
    • 217 6 recruit to this country.—Straits Times, Oct. 16. Those who assured Sir Samuel Wilson during his Malayan tour that all was not well with the Public Works Department, owing to the decentralisation measures that had been carried out, will find no support in the 1932 report on
      recruit to this country.—Straits Times, Oct. 16.  -  217 words
    • 94 6 GARRISON GOSSIP Straits Times, Oct. 17. Today the Straits Times publishes a new feature—Garrison Gossip. Its particular appeal will be to the many Service men in Malaya, but it will treat of Service matters in a way that should appeal to all. The writer, who chooses to be known as
      Straits Times, Oct. 17.  -  94 words
    • 245 6 will become inevitable.” Straits Time.v Oct. 17. The cut of well over a million made in expenditure on F.M.s. S.S. roads last year was one of the most spectacular achievements ot retrenchment period. The average cost of maintenance was brought d j* c to $577 per mile, as
      will become inevitable.”—Straits Time.v Oct. 17.  -  245 words
    • 231 6 registration of cancer deaths.”—St Times, Oct. 17. Only 185 deaths from cancer, in a population of 1,622,903, were registered in the F.M.S. last year, which seems to support the theory that this is mainly a disease of highly civilised peoples eating preserved and ill-balanced food*. The Asiatic labouring
      registration of cancer deaths.”—St Times, Oct. 17.  -  231 words
    • 109 7 sign of prejudice there!—Straits Times. Oct. 18. Occasionally one hears complaints British Aims do not get a square leal” in the United States, that loyalty o Hollywood is allowed to influence udgments to the pronounced detriment ,f non-American pictures. The charge oeen denied vigorously, and is now iisproved
      sign of prejudice there!—Straits Times. Oct. 18.  -  109 words
    • 141 7 Straits Times, Oct. 18. un Sept. 11 there appeared in this •olumn a Note protesting against nisuse of the word definitely.” )n Friday last another Note touching upon the shortage of public clocks in Singapore contained the following sentence But in Singapore one definitely does, but the average individual
      Straits Times, Oct. 18.  -  141 words
    • 179 7 SIAM’S GROWING PAINS y faits Times. Oct. 18. The fourth revolution—this time by r.o means bloodless—within little over a year constitutes a cynical commentary on the blessings of democracy ar applied to the previously prosperous and peaceful Siam under an absolute monarchy. What is the reason for all this bother
      yfaits Times. Oct. 18.  -  179 words
    • 284 7 ,—Straits Times, Oct. 18. renewed hopes of restriction run high in Amsterdam and else*htro. less has been heard of the nesity for discovering new uses for 1 This side of the industry’s delipment, however, has not been forby those whose business it is to convince the world that
      ,—Straits Times, Oct. 18.  -  284 words

  • 96 7 At B&ngsar Hospital. Kuala Lumpur, on Oct. 15, 1933, to Maad, wife of L V. Browne, Kuala Lumpur, a son. CAMERON.—At the General Hospital, on October 14, 1933, to Jean, wife of A. R. Cameron, a son. EDMONDS.—On October 15, at the Maternity Hospital, Malacca, to Mr. and Mrs.
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  • 31 7 DUDGEON—KILBURN. —On Oct. 11, 1933, Mr. W. J. Dudgeon and Mrs. Dudgeon, of Loth, Sutherland, Scotland, to Doris Isabel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. Kilburn of Muswell Hill, London.
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  • 53 7 European Driver In Skid. A European, Mr. E. S. Williams, was driving through Yeo Chu Kang Road at 10.30 p.m. on Saturday, when his car skidded and crashed into a drain. Mr. Williams was badly cut in the forehead and had two teeth broken. He was removed to
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  • 170 7 Unexpected Catch Near Swimming Club. Fisherman dragging a net near the Swimming Club discovered a tiger shark over ten feet long within its meshes. The catch was made close to the house of Dr. Yap Yeow Chin; between the club and the marine police station,
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  • 145 7 European Warder In Court. Frank M. Love, a European warder claimed trial in the first magistrate's court before Mr. H. A. Forrer on Thursday when he was charged with causing grievous hurt to a Chinese ’bus passenger by driving his car in a rash and negligent manner
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  • 85 7 Several People Believed Killed. <From Our Own Correspondent.) Medan, Oct. 13. It is officially stated that as a result of an accident which occurred near Sungei Pinang in the Bukit Assam coal mines, a lift and the telegraph apparatus were destroyed, the telegraph operator being killed instantaneously. Another
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  • 94 7 European Motorist Acquitted. A. M. McLennan, a European motorist, was on Thursday acquitted by Mr, H. A. Forrer, the First Magistrate, when he was informed that the D.P.P. had instructed that no evidence be offered against the accused, who was under a charge of causing grievous hurt by
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  • 513 7 Rash Driving Charge. JUDGMENT RESERVED UNTIL SATURDAY. ‘Prom Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Oct. 17. The hearing of th" case In which R. P. Thomson, a European planter of Sun-r gel Buloh, Is charged with negligent and rash driving of his motor-car so as to cause
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  • 74 7 Big Increase Of Production In Sumatra. <From Our Own Correspondent Medan, Oct. 16.’ There has been a big Increase In the production of palm oil in Sumatra in recent years and millions of extra' capital have been invested in th<’ industry. However, latterly, even this industry' has suffered
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 87 7 NOTICE. All communications for both the Straits Times and the Straits Budget should be addressed to the Head Office, Cecil and Stanley Streets, Singapore, Straits Settlements. The post free price of the Straits Times to the United Kingdom and foreign countries Is $48 a year. The post free price of
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  • 81 7 DEATHS MEADOWS —Thomas Gerald Meadows, Master Mariner. Member Singapore Pilot Association, died suddenly on arrival London Oct. 13 after proceeding on leave by Dutch Air Mail. New Zealand papers please copy. plV(*OV OLIVEIRO —At his residence No. 90, Race Course Road, S’pore. on Oct. 13, 1933, Charles Ferdinand Oliveiro passed
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  • 4597 8 General Surplus Of Over $36,000,000 NEW TAXATION NOT TO BE TOLERATED. At Tuesday’s meeting of the Johore State Council, presided over by the Mentn Besar, the hon. Dato Abdul Hamid bin Yusof, the budget was passed. Dato S. Q. Wong, congratulating the state on the position
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  • 92 9 Jut before dawn on Thandaj when the u. Klang was passing Palau Plsanf on her way to Singapore, cries for help were heard. The vessel was turned round and a middleafed Chinese was located swimming feebly In the sea A boat was lowered and the man picked
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  • 74 9 Rumour Of Prohibition Of Foreign Imports. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok. Oct. II. The rice market was perturbed today by rumours, that the Japanese Government was totally prohibiting the import of foreign rice for an indefinite period effective from tomorrow. The Japanese Legation was unable to confirm
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  • 272 10 Serious Allegations By Dutch Newspaper iFrom Our Own Correspondent.! Medan, Oct. 13. As time goes on It is clear that the problem of evolving a workable scheme of rubber restriction in the Netherlands India is becoming more difficult. Indeed, as things are shaping the
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  • 433 10 Singapore “Landmark” Removed. The Shenandoah in, probably the! most wonderful private yacht in the world, which since Mar 4 last year, has 1 a anchored in Singapore waters off th Swimming Cli.’-, has left rringapore for Hong Kong, with her owner, Mr. Fahnestock, well-known Amer- ican
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  • 164 10 Alleged Negligent Driving. From Our Own Correspondent.) Seremban. Oct. 16. The hearing was continued in the Seremban magistrate court, today, before Raja Kamaralzamar. bin Raja Mansur, in the case in which Dr. S. C. Howard, an estate medical practitioner. answers a summons for alleged negligent driving. Mr. C.
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  • 108 10 Evidence On Economic Council And Customs Union. The 68th. and 69th. meetings of the Trade Commision were held in Singapore on Oct. 10 and 11. Evidence was taken from Mr. A. P. Cameron, managing director of Messrs. Paterson. Simons and -Co., Ltd., regarding the question of a customs
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  • 518 10 Bursting Balloons And Ring-Spearing. (From Our Own Correspondents Kuala Lumpur. Oct. 14 A Chinese lady leaning out o: an ujtra-modern motor-car and brandishing a mediaeval spear was the curious version of the knightly Jousts ol old that was seen this afternoon at the hrst motor gymkhana
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  • 56 10 A notification hi the Johore State Government Gazette states that Mr. T. R. Hubback has been appointed honorary advisory game warden for the State of Johore. Mr. Hubback has already been appointed honorary chief game warden of the Straits Settlements and F.M.S., and honorary advisory game
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  • 497 10 Aerial Pioneer. FIRST AUSTRALIAN FLIGHT RECALLED. Sir Keith Smith. who. with his ;jlher.the late Sir Ross Smith, blazed ;h? aerial trail between England and Australia fjurteen years ago. arrived Jn Singapore by the Centaur on Tueday on his way to Europe. “Yes. it was on
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  • 72 10 Ship’s Engineer Seriously Injured. Mr. William George Smith, engines in the A.P.C. tanker Volsella. met a serious accident when the vessel lying at Pulau Ubin on Saturday nig-' 1 He fell twelve feet in the ship a.. was picked up in a semi-conscu' 1 condition. He had
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  • 729 11 Little Girl’s Story. ACTION under mui-tsai ORDINANCE. pathetic story of ill-‘reatment and Hardship was relcted to the four..! magistrate on Thursday by a 7-year-old Chinese girl who appeared as the chief irtness in t\e prosecution of a man who was accused of keeping her as
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  • 223 11 Notification Of Royal Approval. Royal permission has been accorded to the Straits Settlements Volunteer Force to carry Colours. In a letter from the local headquarters we are informed that a communication has been received from the Secretary of State that H.M. the King has been graciously
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  • 75 11 (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Oct. 12. Mr. E. E. F. Pretty, of the Malayan Civil Service, was fined £20 at Reading for dangerous driving. Mr. Pretty was involved in a fatal accident at a crossroads near Warfield in which a motor-cyclist lost his life.
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  • 90 11 Fondling Of Nationalist Leaders Alleged. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Medan, Oct. 9. Discussing the Pacific problem, the Algemeen Indisch Dagblad calls attention to the fact that Japan, striving tor the formation of an Asiatic bloc, is “fondling” the prominent nationalists in Netherlands India. It is pointed out
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  • 620 11 Amendment Of Code. MATTER FOR UNOFFICALS OF COUNCIL. Replying to the complaints set out by Brother James, visitor, Christian Brothers Schools, in the correspondence columns of the Straits Times in connection with grants-ln-aid, Mr. F. J. Morten, acting Director of Education, interviewed, said he agreed that
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  • 396 11 Official Assignee On Office Practice. “My chief clerk made me sign as surety for a loan,” said a bankrupt on Friday before the Chief Justice, Sir Walter Huggard, In answer to a question as to the cause of his Indebtedness. He was Lee Thlam Puah, 22 years old
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 176 11 HAD RHEUMATISM FOR 20 YEARS But None Since 1930 This man must have something like a record for sutTering. He says:— “Since 1910 up to 1930—that is 20 years—1 have been a great sufferer with rheumatism. 1 am pleased to say that since 1930 up to date. I have been
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  • 2251 12 Need Of Cheap Food For Mining Coolies. (From Our Own Correspondent > Kuala Lumpur. Oct. 15. The new rice tax was discussed for two hours this afternoon at a public meeting convened by the Selangor Chinese Chamber of Commerce and attended by representatives of
    2,251 words
  • 122 12 Planters’ Association Council Decision. The report of the R.R.I. commi* sion of inquiry has been accepted bv the Planters* Association of Malaya This announcement is mice in the following statement issued to tie press; A special meeting of the Council 0 f the Planters’ Association of Makm
    122 words
  • 71 12 Two Malays Sit At Taiping Centre. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Taiping. Oct. 14. Six candidates from Perak sat tor the Queen’s Scholar* »p examination which was held at Taiping this week Mr. A. Kier. the inspector of schools Perak, was the presiding examiner Two Malays were among the
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  • 2572 13 Notes On Kirby Estates Five-Year-Old Forestry— Results On Steep Land——Rentices And Bunds—No Oidium Or Mouldy Rot. (By Our Planting Correspondent.) aS t August Mr. D. Farquharson. j general manager of Kirby Estates, ddrcssed the Kuala Lumpur Rotary ub on rubber forestry from an estate laiuigor's point of
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  • 2880 14 4 Saturday Itinerary —The Badminton Fimds—Youth On The Court —An Indian Scrum Half—Jazzy Kuala Lumpur. <By Our Kuala Lumpur Correspondeat > HOW Ions will it be belore the sun saps the vitality of the Asiatic immigrant races settled in this country? Last Saturday afternoon,
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  • 74 15 Experiments With Variety From China. A reference to the cultivation of mushrooms in Malaya is made in the annual report of the Agricultural Department. The report says that attempts to cultivate mushrooms from imported spawn of the European mushroom Agaricus* were unsuccessful, probably owing to the higher temperature
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  • 63 15 Mr. E. E. F. Pretty And Miss M. J. Bouch-Hissey. ‘From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Oct. 4. The engagement is announced ot Eric Ernest Falk Pretty, M.C.S., second son of Mr. Herbert Pretty and the late Mrs. Pretty, of Elmhurst, Reading, and Merrall Josephine Bouch-Hissey, only daughter of Mrs.
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  • 112 15 Opening Next Month. SINGAPORE, F.M.S. AND KEDAH LINKED. Direct telephonic communication between Singapore and the F.M.S. systems and North Malaya will be established on Nov. l when the present F.M.S. trunk system will be extended to Kedah and Perils. At long last, it will be
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  • 151 15 Dishonest Servant Pleads Guilty. A European who had on several occasions missed small sums of money from his room in the Goodwood Park Hotel decided to set a trap for the culprit whom he correctly suspected to be his own servant “boy.” He noted the numbers of
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  • 97 15 Perak Chinese To Petition The Sultan. The Chinese community of Perak has decided to send a petition to the Sultan of Perak protesting against the rice duty which comes into force on Oct. 17. The petition points out that the population as a whole is not encouraged
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  • 99 15 Pneumonia Claims Most Victims. 1 Singapore’s death rate tell in the week ended Oct. 7 o mille per annum compared with in the preceding week and 20.57 in tne corresponding week of last year. Of the 153 deaths recorded seven were in f to npople who had been
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  • 593 15 Mr. Weir As Agricultural Adviser. Mr. J. R. Weir, one time attached to the Rubber Research Institute and until recently in charge of the research branch of the Goodyear estates in Sumatra, is now Henry Ford’s adviser on agricultural matters. Mr. Weir arrived in Singapore again last
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  • 431 15 Prince Carl Of Sweden. ON TOUR OF AMERICA AND FAR EAST. Singapore had a royal visitor on FrU day in Prince Carl of Sweden, ft nephew of the King of Sweden, who Is on his way home after a tour of America and the Far East which
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  • 77 15 Mr. m R. Hubback's New Appointment. Mr T. R. Hubback. who has already been appointed honorary chief game warden. Straits Settlements and Federated Malay States, has been appointed honorary adviser in the matter of wild life preservation in Kedah, with effect from Sept. 4. says the Kedah
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  • 580 16 Machine Flies Two Days Late To Singapore None the worse lor nis adventure Flight. Lieut. S. H. Potter, the Royal Singapore Flying Club’s chief instructor. and p!!o‘. of the Cutty Sari; which was stranded on an island some distance up the coast, returned to Singapore
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  • 479 16 Singapore Base. j VISIT BY CIVIL LORD OF ADMIRALTY. I Captain Euan Wallace. M.C., M.P. lor Hornsey and Civil Lord of the Admir- i alty. arrived from Rangoon on Thursday in an R.A.F, flying-boat. Capt. Wallace said the C( mpletion ol the base was an obligation
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  • 155 16 Mr. J. Khaliffa. PASSENGER ON GEORGES PHILIPPAR. The deatn oi Mr. J. Khalil*a. the well-known Jewish merchant of Malacca Street, occurred at his house in Marine Parade. Katong, on Oct. 10. Last year Mr.. Mrs. and Miss KhalitTa were among the passengers who boarded the ill-fated
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  • 174 16 Judge's Criticism Of Legal Document. Fr m Our Own Correspondent) Penang. Oct. 11. Severe strictures upon a solicitor and advocate were made by Mr. Justice Cobbett in a judgment in the Supreme Court. The matter concerned an indenture dated May 1. 1922. made by Tan Ah Ee.
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  • 91 16 Municipality Refuses To Take It Over. <From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Oct. 11. The Penang Municipal Commissioners are unwilling to take over the management of the Penang Library which the Government wish them to do. By a majority of ten to one the Commissioners rejected the proposal that
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  • 58 16 Not Offered Directorship Of R.R.I. (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Oct. 11. Asked today whether he could confirm the report published here this afternoon that he is to be offered the Directorship of the Rubber Research Institute Dr. Tempany, Director of Agriculture, replied: “As far as I
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  • 158 16 On Arrival In London. TAKEN ILL IN A TAXI-CAB. •<—■— From Our Own Correspondent.) i London, Oct. 13 Captain Thomas Gerald Meadows a well-known Singapore pilot W h 0 journeyed home by the Dutch air mail died yesterday afternoon within an hour of arriving in
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  • 134 16 Maharajah Of Baroda In Singapore. Another royal visitor arrived in Singapore on Monday. He was His Highness the Maharajah of Baroda. v hose territory is one of the largest British Protectorate States in Western India. His highness, who is passing thmugh on the s.s. Conte Rosso, on his
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  • 132 16 Cheap Living In Java. From Our Own Correspondent.) Medan. Oct. 10 Some time ago the director of the department of administration made the suggestion that, in certain districts of Java, it was possible for a Javanese to live on 2.5 cents per day. This statement gave
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  • 55 16 Prom Our Own Correspondent.) Medan. Oct. 9. The Locrmotief is informed that at the one' of August there were 2.94• European men and 581 women registered as, unemployed in the labour ex changes of Netherlands India. In the last few weeks there has been a considerable increase of
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  • PAST WEEK’S IMPERIAL AND GENERAL NEWS Contained in Reuter, British Imperial Radio and Special Telegrams.
    • 192 21 —Reuter. Forecast Of Details Of New Agreement. THREE YEAR PERIOD. od Per Cent. By April If Consumption Good. The Hague, Oct. 12. Steps to amend the present international tin restriction agreement in ’trtain instances were taken at an unofficial meeting of the Tin Committee. though
      —Reuter.  -  192 words
    • 191 21 Not Owner Of Tin Held In Singapore. -From Our Own Correspondent.) London. Oct. 12. The Financial Times Amsterdam •orrespondent reports that the Billiton Company has replied denying the allegation that it is the owner of 3,000 tons of tin lying with the Straits Trading Co. in Singapore
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    • 121 21 —Reuter. Meeting Of Harrisons And Crosfield. London. Oct. 12. Hie rubber, commodity and share markets this morning reflected interest •n the meeting of Harrisons and Cros•icld. Ltd., at which the chairman, H. Eric Miller, declared that experience clearly demonstrated that in *he absence of a rubber restriction cheme and
      —Reuter.  -  121 words
    • 184 21 .—Reuter. Threat Of Hollywood Film Guilds. Washington. Oct. 13. The strike scourge is being checked, especially In the coal industry in Alabama and Oklahoma, while the Ford plant at Chester has resumed partial operation. On the other hand, bituminous coal production over the week-end from Oct.
      .—Reuter.  -  184 words
    • 163 21 .—Reuter. Gangster And His Wife Get Life Terms. Oklahoma City, Oct. 12. The notorious gangster “Machinegun Kelly.” and his wife have been convicted and sentenced to life imprisonment for the kidnapping of the millionaire. Mr. Urschell. —Reuter. Part Of Ransom Recovered. Memphis. Tex.. Sept. 28. Further developments have
      .—Reuter.  -  163 words
    • 32 21 —Reuter Story Of Expulsion From Russia Untrue. Moscow. Oct. 15. The reported deportation ot German engineers employed by the Soviet Government and their replacement by French engineers is untrue. —Reuter.
      —Reuter  -  32 words
    • 35 21 OUUIU I closed within five minutes.—British Wireless. Rugby. Oct. 12. Lists for cash application in connection with the issue of the Union ol South Africa 3>/z per cent, loan were closed within five minutes.—British
      OUUIU I -- closed within five minutes.—British Wireless.  -  35 words
    • 151 21 Reuter. Sir Frederick Whyte Appointed. Washington, Oct 12 The Chinese Legation here announces that Sir Frederick Whyte has beer, reappointed an adviser to the Chinese I National Government.— Reuter. Sir Alexander Frederick Whyte nad been a political adviser to the Chinese Government from 1929-1932. He is 50
      – Reuter.  -  151 words
    • 337 21 —Reuter. His Return To Tokio From Europe. Tokio, Oct. 6. "America would not be silly enough to follow ihe path of destruction taken 1 by the Russian Imperial Fleet in 1905,” said Viscount Ishii, in the course of an interview on his return to Tokio from Europe today.
      —Reuter.  -  337 words
    • 45 21 been transferred to Sofia.—British Wireless. Rugby, Oct. 9. The King has approved the appointment of Mr. Courtenay Forbes, Counsellor at the Madrid Embassy, to be Minister in Lima and Quito in succession to Mr. C. H Bentinck, who has been transferred to Sofia.—British
      been transferred to Sofia.—British Wireless.  -  45 words
    • 91 21 —Reuter. Orderly Liquidation Of Frozen Assets. Washington, Oct. 16 President Roosevelt has announced the Immediate creation of a Deposit Liquidation Board in order to assist depositors of closed banks by lending them about $1,000,000,000, also to ensure a more orderly liquidation of the frozen assets of
      .—Reuter.  -  91 words
    • 345 21 —Reuter Wireless. President Roosevelt On U.S. Policy. Washington, Sept. 14. The United States is overwhelmingly against engaging in war and has never sought to annex Canada, Mexico or Cuba or any part thereof, declared President Roosevelt in a wireless message to the New York conference on current ailairs.
      —Reuter Wireless.  -  345 words
    • 2227 22 U.S. Fear If Arms Talks Are Abandoned. GERMAN POSITION. French Government In Danger Of Falling. Geneva. Oct. 15. The outcome of the meeting ol the great powers will be that Mr. Arthur Henderson tomorrow will recommend that the General Commission of the Disarmament Conference adjourn for
      2,227 words
    • 1304 23 COMMUNICATIONS PARALYSED. Conservatives’ Counter-Thrust Against Modernists. prince BovaraaeJ, a member of the Royal family, is reported to be marching on Bangkok at the head of an nrmed force. Communications are paralysed and a censorship has been established. The Government has issued a communique stating its
      1,304 words
    • 80 23 —Reuter Reorganisation In Lancashire. London. Oct. 13. A radical reorganisation of the Lancashire cotton trade is being planned. Representatives of the Federation of Master Cotton Spinner it is understood. have submitted to the Board of Trade a scheme under which 10.000 000 redundant spindles and 100.000 looms will
      —Reuter  -  80 words
    • 643 23 Japanese To Evacuate Soviet Port. WAR PREPARATIONS. Critical Stage In C.E.R. Dispute. Shanghai. Oct. 13. The tension between Japan and Soviet Russia has reached such a critical stage that the Japanese population of the Soviet port of Vladivostok. numbering over 5.000 persons, have been ordered by their
      643 words
    • 532 24 reorganising the Chamber. -Sin Kuo Min and Sin Chew Jit Poh. National Mines As Security. SINKIANG INTRIGUE? Japanese Arrested At (’hiang’s Order. Shanghai. Oct. 14. Pledging China’s mines as security Mr. T V. Soong. the Finance Minister is reported to have concluded negotiations with a certain
      reorganising the Chamber. -Sin Kuo Min and Sin Chew Jit Poh.  -  532 words
    • 56 24 —Keuter. For Gangsters, Racketeers And Kidnappers. Washington. Oct. 12. That the Department of Justice has selected Alcatraz Island, a desolate spot near San Francisco, as a penal colony for gangsters, racketeers and kidnappers was revealed in a speech by Mr. George H. Cummings, the Attorney-Gene-ral. This new
      .—Keuter.  -  56 words
    • 165 24 Reuter. Rolling-Stock Seized By Russia. London, Oct. 13. Though the newspapers carry no editorials on the matter, the C E.R. dispute is given prominence in all journals and those connected with the Far East are gravely impressed. It is pointed out that Russian accusations that Japan is
      – Reuter.  -  165 words
    • 203 24 —S‘n Chew Jit Poh. Expulsion Of Tass Agents As First Step Shanghai. O 13. The Japanese envoy in Manchuria has made a statement regarding the allegations made against Japan by Moscow. Tlie allegations, he said, had either been created or exaggerated by the Russians. To clarity the
      —S‘n Chew Jit Poh.  -  203 words
    • 61 24 Another Japanese Fishing Vessel Detained. Medan, Oct. 10. Another Japanese fishing vessel, the Tukuyu Maru, has been detained in the neighbourhood of Bidool, in the north coast of the Celebes. It is alleged that the vessel was fishing within the three-mile limit which s expressly forbidden. The
      61 words
    • 254 24 .—Reuter. Dr. Sze Stresses Need For Action. London. Oct. 11. Dr. Alfred Sze. interviewed by Reuter on the eve of his departure for Washington to take up his post of Chinese Minister, dwelt on the pressing importance of Far Eastern affairs throughout the world. Dr. Sze
      .—Reuter.  -  254 words
    • 58 24 —Keuter. Record Reduced By 40 Hours. Wyndham, Oct. 11. Air Commodore Sir Charles Kingsford Smith arrived here at 5.12 p.m. local time, thus heating the record for a flight from England to Australia by 40 hours. The previous record was held by Mr. C. W. A. Scott whose
      .—Keuter.  -  58 words
    • 139 24 —Reuter. Regulation Wanted For Japanese Imports. London. Oct. 11. A suggestion that the British Government should take steps immediately to regulate the imports of Japanese silk goods by quota or. if necessary, by total prohibition. was made by the Joint Industrial Council on the Silk Industry after a
      —Reuter.  -  139 words
    • 32 24 —Reuter. Jacksonville, Oct. 11. Florida has voted 4 to 1 against prohibition.—Reuter. Florida is the 33rd out of 36 States required to vote wet in order to end prohibition
      —Reuter.  -  32 words
    • 326 24 Refunding Call. ANNOUNCEMENT OF NEW ISSUE. Washington. Oct 19 The Treasury has Issued a refimn ing call for $1,875,000,000 ol the standing $6,000,000,000 issue ,,t T Fourth Liberty bonds. the The Tr a S Ury has simultaneously announced the new Issue of 12 !S. bonds to
      326 words
    • 171 24 Reuter. Being Subjected To Crucial Test. Washington. Oct, 11. A warning to the minority, both in industry and labour, who he said wcra threatening the recovery enterprise, was I the gravamen of General Johnson’s address to the convention of the American Federation of Labour today He expressed
      Reuter.  -  171 words
    • 1464 25 Hospitals Filling With Casualties I To Government Forces. News from Siam concerning the revolution is still meagre owing to the strict censorship. According to our Bangkok correspondent firing could be heard all day on Monday and casualties were seen being taken to
      1,464 words
    • 46 25 Consuls Message From Bangkok. The Siamese Consul-General in Singapore states that according to a message from Bangkok the Government troops are advancing steadily while the rebels, who lack supplies, are deserting en masse. It is reported, says Reuter. Prince Bovoradej has fled by aeroplane.
      46 words
    • 40 25 were killed instantly.—Aneta-Trans-Ocean. Amsterdam, Oct. 13. Two Dutch military aeroplanes crashed near the village of Kesteren after colliding in the air during a practice flight. The four occupants, two lieutenants and two sergeants, were killed instantly.—Aneta-
      were killed instantly.—Aneta-Trans-Ocean.  -  40 words
    • 404 25 Rebel Chiefs Trapped. BOMBING HAVOC IN NEUTRAL ZONE. Shanghai. Oct. 17. A sensational development has occurred in the situation caused by the revolt of the Charhar malcontents under Gen. Fang Chen-wu and Oen Chi Hung-chang. latest reports stating that the two rebel leaders were trapped and
      404 words
    • 48 25 Relit'*! Ilrilish Air Attache To Live In Shanghai. London. Oct 10 Wing-Commandor R P. Willock Air Attache to China. sailin'-: on Nov. 11. has decided to live in Shanghai and not at Peiping Aviation firms took objection to ids belne stationed elsewhere than In Shanghai Reutet
      Relit'*!  -  48 words
    • 1037 26 .—Reuter. —Reuter Wireless. Reuter. Sir John Simon’s Speech On German Action. Any nation which made disarmament impossible would not have a friend in the world, declared Sir John Simon, the Foreign Minister, in a broadcast speech concerning Germany’s withdrawal from the Disarmament Conference and
      .—Reuter.; —Reuter Wireless.; Reuter.  -  1,037 words
    • 158 26 —Reuter. Exact Conditions. WITNESSES ACT THEIR EVIDENCE. Berlin. Oct. 13/ A dramatic reconstruction of part of the procedure adopted in the firing of thfe Reichstag, as seen by witnesses, was enacted this evening in the presence of thousands of spectators who were cordoned off by chains
      —Reuter.  -  158 words
    • 91 26 (From-Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Oct. 14 Dr. H. W. Jack. M.B.E., B.A.. D.Sc., of the Department of Agriculture, has been offered and has accepted the appointment of Director of Agriculture in the Fiji Islands. He will probably leave Malaya in March. Dr. Jack
      91 words
    • 125 26 —Reuter. Precautionary Measures In Manchukuo. Tokio, Oct. 15. It is reliably reported that troops are concentrating at Mukden. Hslnking, and Harbin, apparently as a precautionary measure, but ostensibly preparatory to a bandit drive.—Reuter. C.E.R. Not Real Cause? London. Oct. 15. There is unmistakingly the appearance of a Russo-Japanese
      —Reuter.  -  125 words
    • 376 26 Agreement With J apai NEGOTIATIONS TO H( RESUMED. 1 Shanghai. Oct. ij Slno-Japanese relations have am* improved as a result of the chant policy of Japan, which is endeavor to effect a rapprochement wi China. 1 Startling developments are expecu in the Sino-Japanese negotiations wit*
      376 words
    • 112 26 Nanking Ministry To Make $60,000,000 Loan. Shanghai. Oct. 15 A semi-official report from states that the Chinese Ministry has concluded negotw with the Hong Kong and Bank for a loan of $60,000,000 r completion of the Canton-Ha Railway. Securities offered are sai be the returned portion of the
      112 words
    • 533 27 Fighting In North. TERRIBLE DROUGHT IN SZECHUAN. Shanghai, Oct. 16. Japanese infantry forces launched an attack on the Charhar rebels on the afternoon of Oct. 14 at Yamungchueng following an attempt by the rebels to penetrate further into the neutral Zone. Heavy casualties were suffered by the
      533 words
    • 73 27 —Reuter High Army Officers Arrested. Vienna. Ocv. 17. A Nazi coup in Linz was forestalled when the police raided a house known as a Nazi meeting-place and arrested an acting Lieutenant in the Austrian Army and a number of higher officers and civilians, who
      .—Reuter  -  73 words
    • 142 27 —Reuter $250,000,000 Allocated For Cotton Loans. Washington. Oct. 16 The Recovery Finance Corporation has allocated $250,000,000 to the Commodity Credit Corporation for cotton loans.—Reuter Petroleum Prices. Washington. Oct. 17. Mr. Harold L. Ickes. Secretary of the Interior, has Axed minimum prices for petroleum and its products to become
      —Reuter  -  142 words
    • 31 27 The Tin Pool will be exhausted by Nov. 1, but control will continue on the present terms until the new agreement comes into force on Jan. 1. 1934.
      31 words
    • 51 27 Drop In Consumption In America. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London. Oct. 17. United States rubber consumption last September was 35,700 tons, a decrease of 9,200 tons compared with the previous month. Details show Arrivals, 47,400 tons. Consumption, 35,700 tons. Stocks, 334,600 tons. Afloat, 54,500 tons. Consumption of reclaimed, 7,700
      51 words
    • 87 27 Sin Chew Jit Poh. Death Of Local Resident Who Went To Nankins. Nanking. Oct. 16 The death has taken place here Of Mr. Huang Chl-hsin, a member of the Central Executive Council. Mr. Huang was formerly a resident ot Singapore. —Sin Chew Jit Poh. Mr Huang ,,r
      – Sin Chew Jit Poh.  -  87 words
    • 244 27 —Reuter. Big Increase Compared With Last Year. ‘From Our Own Cchy*spondem.• London. Oct. 13. The Board of Trade return., of tin exports from Great Britain to America during September 1933 give 2.526 tons compared with old ton* in the fame month in 1932 Exports for the
      —Reuter.  -  244 words
    • 88 27 Secret Orders For Manchukuo. Shanghai, Oct. 11. To be ready for any emergency that may arise on account of the dispute over the C.E.R.. the Japanese Com-mander-in-Chief in Manchuria has ordered several brigades of troops now stationed in Suichung, Chinchow and Shanhaikwan to proceed to North Manchuria. Other
      88 words
    • 54 27 Sin Chew Jit Poh. Tokio. Oct. 10. The Governor-General of Formosa was given an audience in the Imperial Palace yesterday when the Governor reported on the conditions in the island. The Japanese Emperor is reported to have inquired about the inter-racial marriage system that Is in existence there.-
      – Sin Chew Jit Poh.  -  54 words
    • 109 27 Reuter. Seven Victims Trapped In Wall Of Fire. Chesterton, ‘Indiana). Oct. 11. An airliner exploded in mid-air and crashed in Aames near a farm. Four passengers, bound to Chicago from New York, the pilot, co-pilot and stewardess, are reported killed. The total number of victims is seven. Three
      – Reuter.  -  109 words
    • 220 27 Reuter. Chairman's Huge “Fees” Despite Losses. Washington. Oct. 17. One thousand three hundred an l seventy-11 v* members of the New York Stock Exchange will be sub-poenaed to appear before the 8enate Banking Commission qulrlng Into Stock Exchange transactions following the refusal of the Board of Governors to
      Reuter.  -  220 words
    • 142 27 —Reuter. New Costing Method To Raise Prices. London, Oct. 12. The movement among the spinners ol Egyptian yarns to prevent cut-throat competition has undergone an important development by the Bolton Master Cotton-8plnners’ Association balloting on a scheme based on a new costing method. It is believed that practically
      —Reuter.  -  142 words
    • 75 27 Reuter. Rocket To Cross Atlantic In 50 Minutes. Berlin, Oct. 11. Einhold Tilling, Inventor of the rocket aeroplane, was blown up and killed by his own rocket today, and two assistants. including a woman, were seriously injured. The disaster occurred when the party wap charging the apparatus in
      .— Reuter.  -  75 words
    • 49 27 Reuter. 620,000 People Kind Work In September. Washington, Oct. 17 Over 620.000 people were re-employ-ed In September according to statistics ol 17 leading Industrial and business concerns. Bond Issue Over-Subscribed. Washington. Oct. 17 The Treasury announces that the new Issue of 12-year bonds has been well over-subscribed—Reuter.
      – Reuter.  -  49 words
    • 477 28 —Router. Cabinet Member’s View Of German Action. “PEACE OR WAR.” IJ.S. I-eaves Europe To Decide. London, Oct. 16. The first British Cabinet member to comment on German>’s withdrawal from the Disarmament Conference was Mr. Neville Chamberlain, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, who In a jpeech at Nottingham
      —Router.  -  477 words
    • 432 28 Conciliation Policy Advocated. London. Oct. 16. Germany’s secession from the League and the Disarmament Conference is discussed at length In leaders In all the morning papers, which, while admitting that the League has suffered a serious ■setback deprecate any alarmist agitation. and appeal to cool and calm appreciation
      432 words
    • 143 28 Nanking: Anxious For Future Of League. Nanking. Oct. 16. Chinese circles regard Germany’s withdrawal from the League as another j proof of the growing conviction that j the world is sitting on top of a volcano and the action signifies to them that| there is as much
      143 words
    • 59 28 —British Wireless. Sir Herbert Palmer Appointed. Rugby, Oct. 11. The King has approved the appointment of Mr. Eugene Millington Drake, counsellor at the British Embassy at Buenos Aires, to be Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary at Monte Video. Sir Herbert Palmer has been appointed Governor and Commander-In-Chief
      —British Wireless.  -  59 words
    • 167 28 —Reuter. Letter Written To Fire Trial Counsel. Berlin. Oct. 14. I Four foreign lawyers. Mr Leo Gallagher (United States*. M. Willard (France* and M. DetchefT and M. Gregoroif (Bulgaria*, who were attending the Reichstag lire trial, were summoned to leave the court by detectives during a brief interval
      —Reuter.  -  167 words
    • 119 28 .—Reuter. Mr. Henderson Insulted At Geneva. I Geneva. Oct. 17. A German Journalist representing Nazi newspapers publicly insulted Mr. Arthur Henderson. President of the Disarmament Conference, in front of the disarmament building this morning. He parked his car in the place reserved for Mr. Henderson and refused to
      .—Reuter.  -  119 words
    • 102 28 —Reuter A Decided Swing To Labour. Oslo. Oct. 18. A decided swing toward Labour was a feature of the elections yesterday. I Labour has hitherto gained 22 seats doubtless owing to Labours extensive programme of unemployment relief. I The Conservatives who lost ten I seats) proposed to lighten
      —Reuter  -  102 words
    • 87 28 .—Reuter. False Story Of Attempt At Assassination. Bucharest. Oct. 12. A scare was created by a newspaper f.tory of how would-be assassins had fired on the Bucharest express near Targoviste believing that King Carol was aboard. The King, however, had taken an earlier train. Inquiries reveal that the
      .—Reuter.  -  87 words
    • 157 28 —Reuter. j To Bid For New Record On Flight To Post. I Rome. Oct 16 The famous airman. Signor Bernar di. has been appointed aviation ad viser to the Chinese Government Signor Bernardi is shortly n y i nK China accompanied by a pilot sign*! Mazzarlni, who
      .—Reuter.  -  157 words
    • 124 28 Disastrous Effect On Australian Trade. Melbourne, Oct. 13. Since the announcement of America's Intention to subsidise the export of wheat flour to China and Japan Australia’s Far Eastern trade has practically ceased. In view of the Important pan America played in negotiating the wheat agreement the Prime
      124 words
    • 120 28 Reuter. How “Mutiny” Story Originated. London, Oct. 16 The reports of the rumoured “unrest’ among the crew of H.M.S. Hood are amusingly exploded by the story of a local Scots misinterpretation of naval training exercise in which marines masqueraded as pirates at Invergordon. Vice-Admiral James on the arrival
      Reuter.  -  120 words
    • 90 28 Existing Contract* W itSingapore. <From Our Own Correspondent Medan. Oct. 10 With regard to the Governmen order that the East Coast of Sumatr must consume at least 1.000 tons oJava rice per month considerable culty has been experienced at tnn initial stage since it has been t°
      90 words

  • 1769 29 Sixteen Teams Triumph Away From Home. London, Oct. 14. Driving rain whipped by a vicious gale hampered the players and upset form in the home soccer matches all over the country. Tottenham Hotspur were the luckiest of teams to win their highly
    1,769 words
  • 213 29 Penang Too Good For Combined Side. (From Our Own Correspondent) Penang, Oct. 15. In the State trial match Penang defeated Kedah and Province Wellesley combined by 16 points, (two goals, one penalty goal, one try) to five points (one goal). The forwards got through a lot of solid
    213 words
  • 654 29 Excellent Play In The Semi-Finals. J. T. Smith and S. N. Kelly are the finalists for the Singapore Oolf Club Championship which will be played off next week-end. Smith beat Cralk by 2 up and 1 to play, on Saturday, while Kelly, playing very
    654 words
  • 44 29 .—Reuter. Richards’ Winners Now Total 229. London. Oct. 13. The champion Jockey. Gordon Richards again rode three winners at Newmarket to-day bringing his total to 229 for the season. He now needs 17 more to equal the record of Fred Archer.—Reuter.
    .—Reuter.  -  44 words

  • 1179 30 Malay Stars Baffled By A Wonderful Defence. Wiltshire* 5: Malays I 3. Before a crowd that taxed the grounds capacity, the Wiltshire Regiment I won the S.A.F.A Cup in their first year oi competition at Anson Road Stadium on Saturday when they beat the
    1,179 words
  • 479 30 Perak Beaten In Hard Game. From Our Own Correspondent.) Seremban, Oct. 14. The coveted Farleigh-Robertson Trophy was won by Negri Sembilan today when they defeated Perak on home grounds by 17 points <2 goals, a dropped goals and a try) to 11 points (2 dropped
    479 words
  • 65 30 —Reuter. Opening Match Drawn At Karachi. Karachi, Oct. 16. The M.C.C. team opened the Indian tour with a two day match against Major C. B. Ruble’s eleven. The M.C.C. scored 292 (Walter 71, Barnett 62, Valentine 59» and 70 for four declared. Major Ruble’s side made 99 (Townsend
    —Reuter.  -  65 words
  • 245 30 —Reuter Varsities Start Season Well. London. Oct. 14 The county Rugby tournament, which opened during thf week with the victory of Durhair 1 transferred from the Northern to Midlands Group) over Leicestershire was continued to-day. Leicestershire encountering their second defeat at Birmingham, where North Midlands won by
    —Reuter  -  245 words
  • 67 30 .—Reuter. New Australian Meeting Next Month. Sydney. Oct. 14 The Queensland members of the Australian Board of Control are not satisfied with the M.C.C.’s reply to the Board’s cable demanding that “body line bowling” should be prohibited. A special meeting of the Board will be held in November to
    .—Reuter.  -  67 words
  • 46 30 Result Of The Mixed Foursomes. The monthly mixed foursomes competition was played at Bukit Timah on Friday and resulted in a win foi Mrs. W. McMullan and R. J. Isherwood with a net score of 33 x 4. Forty-sever cards were taken out.
    46 words
  • 103 30 October Medal (Stroke). Forty-seven cards were taken on: for the Keppel Golf Club October Medal and the following were the net scores returned:— J. H. Addis 87 17 70 net M. M. Paterson 71 Scr. 71 J. L. Elmer 91 20 71 A. J. Donald 89 17
    103 words

  • 1291 31 Club Overwhelmed By Fast Attack. s.r.c. is S.M.C.A. 3. Displaying superiority in aiJ depart-nu-nts. the Y.M.C.A. beat the S.C.C. in hockey match on the Padang on Mon- 1 day by three goals to one. Although the S.C.C. players tried hard they were unable to
    1,291 words
  • 318 31 F Company’s Ninth “Bisley.” The ninth annual “Bisley” meeting of the F (Malay* Company of the Singapore Volunter Corns was held at Buklt Timah range on Sunday. The meeting was a success in every way. 80 com- i petltors taking part in the individual I events and
    318 words
  • 97 31 —Reuter. Larwood And Duckworth Protest. i Sydney. Oct. 12. Outbursts oy Larwood and Duck- worth, the former saying he would I continue to bowl with a packed leg I trap unless expressly forbidden, which is most unlikely and the latter saying that the M.C.C. has not been
    —Reuter.  -  97 words
  • 153 31 there were many minor injuries.—Reuter. Three Nil Victory At Belfast. London: Oct. 14. At Windsor Park. Belfast, to-day 40,000 people saw England easily defeat Ireland in the international soccer tournament by 3 goals to nil. Ireland were badly handicapped in losing their centre-forward, Martin, in the first
    there were many minor injuries.—Reuter.  -  153 words
  • 104 31 Feret beat Cooper 6—2, 6—3, —Reuter Wireless. Beats England In Tennis “International.” London, Oct. 14. At Queen’s Club to-day the International Club of Prance beat the International Club of Britain by eight matches to seven in the two days lawn tennis tournament. To-day’s result were as follows:— Roper
    Feret beat Cooper 6—2, 6—3,—Reuter Wireless.  -  104 words
  • 146 31 “I Shall Play In Tourneys Next Year.” San Francisco. Oct. 18. Mrs. Helen Wills-Moody today announced her Intention of returning to competitive tennis. In an interview with Reuter’s correspondent, she said: “I shall play tennis again and I shall play in tournaments." It’s good to walk again
    146 words
  • 35 31 Opens U.S. Tour With Win Over Perron i. New York. Oct. 10 Don McCorklndale, the South African heavy-weight, opened his American tour by defeating Patsy Perronl New York* on points in a ten-round contest.
    35 words

  • 330 32 —Reuter. Seminole Triumphs By Two Lengths London. Oct. 11. Mr. J. E. Widener’s Seminole, trained by Captain Boyd-Rochfort, won the Cesarewitch Stakes (two miles and a quarter) at Newmarket to-day. Mr. J. E. Widener’s SEMINOLE »4> 8.0 1 Mr. P. Johnson’s LOOSESTRIFE (4) 7.10 2 Mr.
    '.—Reuter.  -  330 words
  • 471 32 19 Points Victory For Perak. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Seremban, Oct. 15. Perak defeated Johore in an inter state rugger fixture at Seremban today by 19 points (2 goal.> and three tries* to nil. Of those who played against Negri yesterday, Birch, R. A. Cessford and
    471 words
  • 169 32 A Game Of Hard Tackling. S.V.C. 8 pts.. Public Services 5 pts. The Volunteers were rather fortunate to win their match on the padang against the Public Services on Tuesday The margin of the victory was a narrow one, there being only a try in it, but
    169 words
  • 1043 32 Good Sport In Moderate Weather. The B Class of the Royal Singapore Yacht Club sailed a team race between the Vice-Commodore's and the Rear Commodore’s team on Sunday. The former's side consisted of Prima Donna, Harlequin. Columbine, Betsy, and Punai. and their opponents
    1,043 words
  • 82 32 G. Thomson Wins Coaler Cup. The members of the Association of Malaya rounded their annual meeting and dinner Kuala Lumpur during the weeK by a most enjoyable 18 holes on day morning. The Selangor Club kindly gave facilities for the competition for the Coales Cup 0 competed for
    82 words

    • 676 1 Difficult Labour Situation. A meeting of the committee of the ihore Planters’ Association was held the offices of Rennie Lowick Co. Oct. 11 when there were present, Mr. W E. Adams (Chairman) In the hair and Messrs. C. Bradbery, H. J. tocker. B. J. R. Barton, K.
      676 words
    • 88 1 Bangrin Resumes Payment The Bangrin Tin Dredging Company Is resuming payments with an interim dividend of 10 per cent. (2s per share), less tax. This is the first distribution since the 10 per cent. Interim dividend paid in respect of 1928. The company, whicl has a capital of
      88 words
    • 89 1 Report of Banteng (Selangor) Rubber to April 30 states that the hope expressed in last report that production costs would show a saving has been realised. Conservative tapping policy was maintained and crop was 730.296 lb. (agst. 851,188). Proceeds £6,956 (£10,229), plus sundry receipts £630 (£625), estate
      89 words
    • 84 1 The Siamese Tin Jyndicate h paying an interim of 15 per cent. (9d. per share), less tax. comparing wi h 10per cent, for the whole of the previous year and nothing in resrect of 1931. The syndicate owns, inter alia, a tin area at Ngow, where operations with
      84 words
    • 467 1 Final Dividend Making Five Per Cent. The report, of Lukut Tin Dredging Limited, for the year ended Aug. 31, 1933 shows a profit for the year of $21,907 and to this has to be added $23,783 brought in from the previous year, making a total of
      467 words
    • 67 1 The Ayer Hitam Tin Dredging has declared an interim dividend of 2V2 per cent., less tax, in respect of the profits for the year ending June 30. 1934. payable Oct. 6. to holders registered Sept. 21. This is at the usual quarterly rate on the £180.000 of paid-up
      67 words
    • 461 1 Profit Of $124,076 For The Year. The 10th annual general meeting of the Klnta Tin Dredging Company will be held In the Hongkong Bank Chambers on Oct. 24. Following Is the report of the directors. Accounts.—The profit for the year amounts to $124,076.54 which added to the
      461 words
    • 30 1 Sengat Rubber Estate Ltd 'FM.S.I reports a profit for the year ended June 30, 1933. of £1.143. An amount of £5.790 has been carried forward to credit
      30 words
    • 749 2 Annual Meeting. SIR DAVID GALLOWAY’S REVIEW. The annual general meeting of the British Malaya Trustee and Executor Co., Ltd. was held on Friday In the Exchange Room, Fullerton Building, with Sir David Galloway In the chair. Others present were Messrs. W. E. Rayner. Gaw Khek Khiam,
      749 words
    • 306 2 Closing Quotations In London. (From Our Own Correspondent). London, Oct. 18. Closing quotations today of the principal British stocks are given below: The rise or fall is in n lation to the price of Oct. 12. GOA f RNMENT S I OCRS BRITISH Rj. or Fall
      306 words
    • Correspondence.
      • 716 2 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,—In your issue of Oct. 7 you give a review of Dr. Braddon’s letter to the Investor’s Chronicle and in the Notes of the Day in the same issue you draw attention to the discrepan cies between Dr. Braddon’s eulogies on
        716 words
      • 617 2 FORDLANDIA.” To the Editor of the Straits Tim* Sir.-Your issue of Oct. 7 corSB a letter from I.N.B. on the subject M Fordlandia and he asked for un'tfl date particulars of this enterprise M one keenly interested in rubber statfl tics, all vital figures having been ccmB piled by me
        617 words
    • 812 3 To Mr. Howeson. iMELTER PRODUCTION EXCESS EXPLAINED. In A> Strauss *1 Co.’s review of the ma rket some months ago, the curbing fact was pointed out that e Straits smelter production exceedtbe ore supply during the preced- few months by about 4,430 tons. The following letter
      812 words
    • 93 3 'luthrie and Co’s, weekly report, o; latest buyers, prices, for Malayan palm oil, dated Sept. 12, states: Palm Oil In Eulk: c.l.f. landed weights N e v Y o k-Philadelphia 2.70 S. per lb. c.i.f. land: v tights U.S.A. Pacific Po*t 2 65 cents (U. curit-r..; per
      93 words
    • 28 3 Layang Rubber Plantations Ltd., report a profit of £1,346 for the year ended June 30. An amount of 14.898 has been carried forward to credit
      28 words
    • 703 3 Fraser And Co.’s Weekly Report Fraser and Co.’s weekly report states: A general decline In commodity prices has been registered throughout the past week and a certain amount cf nervous sentiment continues In evidence in the local markets based on the somewhat disturbing turn of events which has
      703 words
    • 36 3 <From Our Own Correspondent,.* London. Oct. 13. Pant-Bruas (Malay) Rubber Company Ltd., reports a loss of £318 for the year ended June 30. An amount of £13C has been brought In to credit.
      36 words
    • 130 3 Exports of tinned pineapples during the week ending Oct. 7, 1933 from Malayan ports amounted to 20.593 cases, of which 15,395 cases were to the United Kingdom, 1,080 cases to the Continent of Europe. 2,575 cases to Canada and 1,537 cases elsewhere. Total exports for the period, Jan.
      130 words
    • 63 3 Singapore Official Quotations. Quotations 7orvr»rd Contracts Soot Sailer Prices d. I r~ 1 s Date L'don 8'pore Oct. Oct.- Jan.Dee. Mar Oct. 12 3 31/32 13'v 13V, 13% 13% 13 3 31/32 13% 13% 13 3/16 13% 14 3 31/32 13% 13% 13 3/16 13% 16 3 31/32
      63 words
    • 19 3 Oct. 13 Tin, 8‘pore Price $113.37% per picul. 13 112.75 14 112.50 16 112.37% 17 112.50
      19 words
    • 284 3 BORNEO CJStLON. INDIA BURMA. MALAYA NETHERLANDS FAST INDIES MISCELLANEOUS TOTAL. Java Sumatra (26 Companies) UO* Companies) (21 Companies) (238 Companies; (60 Companies) (60 Companies, (8 Companies; (615 Companies, Tons. Index. Tona. Index. Tons Index Tons. Index. Tons. Index. Tons.
      284 words
    • 676 4 Annual Meeting. DIV IDEND OF 5 PER CENT. DECLARED. The 31st annual general meeting of the Singapore Cold Storage Co.. Ltd was held on Tuesday at the offices of Boustead and Co., Ltd., Coliyer Quay Mr. H. O. Maas presided and others present were Messrs. W. H.
      676 words
    • 394 4 EXCHANGE RATES. Singapore, Oct. 17. SELLING. London, 4 months’ sight 2/4 5/32 London, 3 months’ sight 2/* London, 60 days’ sight 2/4 7/64 London, 30 days’ sight 2/4 3/32 London, demand 2/4 1/16 London, T.T. 2/4 1/32 Lyons and Paris, demand ®2| r Hamburg, demand New York,
      394 words
    • 180 4 Results Of The Year’s Operations. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London. Oct. 17. Tebrau Rubber Estates Ltd., report a profit of £2,420 for the year ended June 30. A dividend of 2V2 per cent, has been declared and £6.905 has been carried forward to credit. Chimpul (F.M.S.) Rubber Estates
      180 words
    • 774 4 Capital Issue Closing prw- B Paid Up Value Dividends Fra*er T B Company Co. iw 4 W 454,175 1 Nil for year 29-2-33 Allenby ($1) 0.85 0.95 0 7sV I 216,779 1 Nil for year 30-9-32 Alor Gajah ($1) 0.60 0 70 B 439,125
      774 words
    • 797 4 Fraser And Co’s Quotations. Singapore, Oct. 18. Mining. Issue Val. Pd. Buyers. Sellers. £1 £1 Asam Kumbang 30/- 31/£1 £1 Austral Malay 34/- 36/5/- 5/- Ayer Hitam Tin 14/3 15/3 £1 £1 Bangrin Tin 32'- 33/1 1 Batang Pa dang 0.21 0.25 1 1 Batu Caves 0.90
      797 words
    • 28 4 Dividend Of 2*4 Pc r (>n Announced. < Ulu Klang Tin Ltd., has an interim dividend of 2 1 /s P el payable on Oct. 25.
      28 words