The Straits Budget, 5 October 1933

Total Pages: 36
1 4 The Straits Budget
  • 29 1 The Straits Budget THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE STRAITS TIMES l ESTABLISHED NEARLY A CENTURY.] w :i." > SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1933. Price 25 cents (S.S. Currency) or 7&
    29 words
  • 236 1 j,\||>KKS Xh' Outlook 3 Wa:w revels ,J The Hoarders! 3-4 A School Bogey 4 CU aring the Air 4-5 A Victory 5 occasional Notes 5-7 ►ir lures Sir Cecil Clement! 17 Major-Gen. L. C. L. Oldfield 17 Armoured Car Section 17 Mrs. Pearl Buck 18 officers of 1st Btn.,
    236 words
  • 1302 1 Kev A. J. Amery, who was head- r of one of the English schools some years ago, and prior at in Ipoh. Is now settled near r »1. He does a great deal of “subion work” in the neighbourhood !lis preaching is said to be as »us
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  • 82 1 Clerical Union Adds Voice In Protest. The council of the Clerical Union having decided to protest against the proposed increase of school fees and, thinking it expedient to join forces with other representative associations in the City, have sent delegates from the union to join a protest committee.
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  • 102 1 H.H. the Sultan of Selangor has already greatly benefited by his trip to Java. He has visited the gardens and museum at Buitenzorg and a volcano near Bandoeng, also the radio station at Malabar (whence he spoke on the wireless telephone to his Istana at Klang). His Highness
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  • 256 2 Burden Of Proof. GAMING CONVICTION UPHELD. Mr. Justice Gerahty on Sept. 27 dismissed the appeal of the Singapore British Malaya Football Club, represented by its president and secretary, against a conviction under the Common Gaming Houses Ordinance. The charge on which the appellants had been convicted
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  • 118 2 Discharge Of Russian Who Was Wanted In Bombay. Hermann Wollnski, a Russian, made his fourth appearance before Mr. H. A Forrer, the Criminal District Judge, on Saturday when there was to have been an application for the return of the prisoner to India under section 14 of the
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  • 44 2 First Chinese Consul At Kuala Lumpur. It is understood that a Chinese consulate will be shortly established in the Federated Malay States. Mr. Lu Tze-Chin. the acting Chinese Consul at Penang, has been appointed the first Chinese Consul at Kuala Lumpur.
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  • 96 2 A $2 TOTE.” CorrmMpondmnf. To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,—I was delighted to see “Lmba’s” letter in your paper the other day. It was very much to the point, and in the matter of the $2 tote, voiced the opinion of most of my race going acquaintances, many
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  • 723 2 Dust On Man’s Feet As Evidence Of Guilt. Evidence that Singapore is not lagging: behind in the matter of scientific crime detection was forthcoming in a case heard before the criminal district judge on Friday.. It was stated that the Government analyst by using a
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  • 189 2 Death From Heart Failure. The death occurred on Frida* irom heart failure of Mr. Royalist Burrows He was a son of the late Captain William Burrows who came to the East; in 1860 and who later became Chiel Pilot for the Port of Singapore. Mr Royalist Burrows
    189 words
  • 191 2 Visit By Engineering Association. A large number ot members and friends of the Singapore section of the Engineering Association of Malaya, spent an interesting morning inspecting the Pelepah Dredge, No. 1. belonging to Tronoh Mines, Ltd., at Kota Tinggi, last Sunday. Following the visit. Mr. G. Heron, the
    191 words
  • 250 2 Keppel Road rash. MOTOil CAR SMASHPii TO PIECES. There were miraculous es serious injury by six people u J r< accident at the junction Kcad with Telok Blangah R u ld «k PW iy after ten o’clock on Sunday 2 when a two-seater motor-car company-owned motor-bus
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  • 334 2 Another 30,000 Ticals Missing. Bangkok. Sept, -c Another bank note robbery was revealed today when 30.00u ticals remitted by the Mercantile Bank by yesterday’s International Express failed to reach its destination. The same train carried shipments ol 10.000 ticals to Haad Yai and GO.OO ticals to Penang. It
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  • The Straits Budget
    • 879 3 ful cannot be restricted.”—Straits Times. Sept. 28. For the first time for many months a of the Singapore Chamber oi Commerce has felt able to speak in strain of unmistakable if restrained optimism in reviewing local trading conditions. Since Mr. T!. C. H. Chariwood delivered his address on
      ful cannot be restricted.”—Straits Times. Sept. 28.  -  879 words
    • 832 3 -Straits Times, Sept. 29. Mr. Ramsay MacDonald, in appealing for continued unity in support ot the National Government, pointed to the rise which has taken place in wholesale prices in Great Britain and described this as one of the most scientific ways of increasing both the demand for
      -Straits Times, Sept. 29.  -  832 words
    • 949 3 separate Issues. Straits Times. Sept. 30 Having been badgered for many months with demands for rigid economy, the Government of the Straits Settlements is now being attacked on the ground that it is accumulating funds to an extent far greater than any possible future need j It does
      separate Issues. Straits Times. Sept. 30  -  949 words
    • 887 4 Malayan classrooms. —Straits Times. Oct 2. It is not necessary to be either a schoolmaster or a schoolboy to applaud the condemnation of examinations that was uttered the other day by Professor Amon. of Raffles College. Anyone who has ever attended a school at wh’ch the Cambridge
      Malayan classrooms.—Straits Times. Oct 2.  -  887 words
    • 824 4 -Straits Times, Oct. 3. Of the many highly important subjects dealt with at yesterdays meeting of the Legislative Council that of rubber restriction undoubtedly affects directly the greatest number ot people, and for that reason we propose to deal with it first and to postpone comment on
      -Straits Times, Oct. 3.  -  824 words
    • 1011 5 intended to be used sparingly.—Straits Times. Oct. 4. There is every reason to hope that '*t are on the eve cf a satisfactory settlement of the controversy regarding the defence contribution which has troubled this Colony for many years. At Monday’s meeting of the Legislat‘d
      intended to be used sparingly.—Straits Times. Oct. 4.  -  1,011 words

  • 405 5 Morning Collision With Ricksha. From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur. Oct. 3. R. P. Thomson, a European planter, of Sungel Buloh, was charged before the first magistrate today with rash and negligent driving of his car so as to injure a Chinese ricksha puller at 3.15
    405 words
    • 147 5 -Straits Times. Sept. 28. Singapore Is noted for its good roads, and our distinction in thil respect has been by no means lessened by the elimination of railway level crossings. Apart from some temporary lines laid in connection with the construction of the aerodrome, there Is only one railway
      -Straits Times. Sept. 28.  -  147 words
    • 253 5 the eflluxlon of time.—Straits Times, Sept. 28. Over forty pages of the last issue of the Straits Settlements Gazette arc occupied with lists of undischarged bankrupts in the Settlement of Singapore. A government gazette is not a publication in which one might expect to find material for what the
      the eflluxlon of time.—Straits Times, Sept. 28.  -  253 words
    • 346 5 -Straits Times, Sept. 28. The most spectacular rise seen lr the Malayan share market for several years has been caused by the news that the Pulau Kamlri company, in corporated last year, has been success tul in persuading the Perak Govern ment to convert Its agricultural title Into
      -Straits Times, Sept. 28.  -  346 words
    • 196 6 EXPRESS BUDDING Straits Times, Sept. 29. An article which will probably cause a considerable amount of discussion among planters appears in the Straits Times today. Its author claims to have worked out a method whereby budded rubber trees can be brought into commercial tapping within three years, as against five
      Straits Times, Sept. 29.  -  196 words
    • 274 6 only tolerate, but welcome.—Straits Times. Sept. 29. A surprisingly hostile attitude towards cabarets in general was revealed by the Chief Police Officer •»t Singapore last week. Isolated cabarets like the intended Palais do Danse should not be allowed.’ he told the licensing Justices. “My fear is that abarets, it
      only tolerate, but welcome.—Straits Times. Sept. 29.  -  274 words
    • 353 6 lul occupations.- Straits Times, Sept. 29. The rubber situation is not without a touch of irony. Having previously grown lat at our expense, and now being hard put to it for a variety o; reasons, our friends oi Netherlands India seem to be determined to try and
      lul occupations.- Straits Times, Sept. 29.  -  353 words
    • 419 6 UNFORTUNATE PLANTERS a shareholder to inquire Straits Times. Sept. 30. By the last mail we received cuttings lrom the Edinburgh Evening Dispatch containing references to the plight ol men previously employed in Malaya, who have returned to their homes and have been unable to And work. One cutting consisted of
      a shareholder to inquire ? Straits Times. Sept. 30.  -  419 words
    • 223 6 study of oral English.-Straits limes. Sept. 30. The criticisms of the headmaster ol the Alor Star Grammar School on the unsuitability of many pupils for assimilating English may well resolve themselves into a boomerang which will fall back on the educational system in this country. It
      study of oral English.-Straits limes. Sept. 30.  -  223 words
    • 165 6 than they have been hitherto. Straits Times. Oct. 2. Another year is rapidly drawn, ro a close and although these last months have seen a decided chanso tor the better in the general out loos must not be forgotten that there is stin much distress and widespread
      than they have been hitherto. Straits Times. Oct. 2.  -  165 words
    • 256 6 uve administration.—Straits Times. •> t 2. The policy of administering the rural districts of the Malay States wit!* Malay officers is making much iaster progress than many people realise lr» Selangor there are Malay D.Os *’r A.D.O.s in the Kuala Selangor. KualaLangat. Ulu Langat and Kuala Lumpur
      uve administration.—Straits Times. •> t 2.  -  256 words
    • 252 7 to be held in South Africa.—Straits Times. Oct. 2. very interesting and informative i>w of the development and prots of the Malayan pineapple astry has reached us—from South U r: a It has been prepared by the Mh African Food Canners’ Council should have the effect of increase the
      to be held in South Africa.—Straits Times. Oct. 2.  -  252 words
    • 128 7 traits Times, Oct. 3. There is something pleasantly oldlashioned and Dickensian about the proposal to pack and market hampers ot Malayan produce for Christmas tfitts. Does the Jolly custom of sending a well-stocked Christmas hamper still survive in Merrie England To be really popular with the younger generation
      traits Times, Oct. 3.  -  128 words
    • 270 7 •Straits Times. Oct. 3. ®*nce the renewal of the daylight saving legislation at the end of 1933 Spends upon the opinions of the re,orm expressed by the public, it Is '■••essary that those who are now 1 lng to deprive office workers of a >, ry
      •Straits Times. Oct. 3.  -  270 words
    • 287 7 off the other debt.”—Straits Times. Oct. 3. It has been asked many times in relation to the controversy concerning the need for legislation to control moneylending why an Individual In regular employment should so often fall into the clutches of moneylenders. Here is a concrete case, which shows
      off the other debt.”—Straits Times. Oct. 3.  -  287 words
    • 182 7 performances altogether.—S traits Times. Oct. 4. An attraction at one of the Kuala Lumpur amusement parks is an acrobatic performance on high trapezes by a Chinese young man and a small bov. The boy looks about twelve years old, 11 that, and last Saturday night he was
      performances altogether.—S traits Times. Oct. 4.  -  182 words
    • 509 7 Straits Times, Oct. 4. Few more interesting documents emanate from the Government presses than those Reports of Proceedings of the Finance Committee. In them taxpayers and others are able to trace where the money goes and while some items doubtless give rise to wrathful protest in
      Straits Times, Oct. 4.  -  509 words

  • 270 7 Adjoining Petrol Depot. FIREMEN STRUCK BY FALLING BEAM. I Shortly after three o’clock on Friday I morning, the Are brigade were called on to deal with the first big outbreak i for weeks when they were summoned to |TanJong Rhu. Two engines, from Central station
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  • 17 7 ERICKSON.—At Maternity Hospital. Singapore on Sept. 28. to Mr. and Mrs. 8 T Erickson, a son.
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  • 52 7 WEE—TAN.—The engagement is announced of Mr. Wee Bit Chay, only son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Wee Kay Swee to Miss Ton Hong Neo, third daughter of Mr. Tan Hoor Slang and the late Mrs. Tan Hoon Slang The marriage has been fixed to take pla'-c on Dec.
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  • 99 7 VALLENDER. —HALL.—At St. Marks, Sereihban. on August 31, John Henry, only son of Mr. Henry Vallender and the late Mrs. Henry Vallender of Cheltenham. Gloucestershire, to Mary Barbara fourth daughter of the late Mr and Mrs John Hall of Worcester. DOCKER—LEBEDEV.—September 30, Conrad Eley Docker, of The Eastern Extension
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  • 60 7 DEATHS BURROWS.—/ 924-B Flower Road. Singapore, of heart failure on September 29, 1933, Royalist Burrows, aged 81. BONO —Mrs. Bong Khl 8am (nee Leow Khul Moi) passed away peacefully in her 78th year at her residence, 88 Stevens Road, at 8.10 p.m. on Thursday. C-'ptember 28. 1933, TEOH.—At Penang on
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  • 10387 8 Strong Opposition To Railway Amendment Bill. In the Legislative Council on Monday the Railway Amendment Bill introduced by the Attorney-General was read a second time by IS votes to se\en after unofficial members had expressed their views. Considerable opposition to the measure was forthcoming.
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  • 1375 12 Proposal To Form Select Committee. At Tuesday's meeting of the Johore State Council, there was lively criticism of the State's educational policy, Dato S. l Wong suggesting the formation of a Select Committee to inquire into the existing system. The acting General Adviser, replying, said he
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  • 336 12 His Excellency Proposes Principal Toast. H. E. the Governor, Lady Clement and their two daughters were umon those who attended the faShionubl > wedding of Miss Gillian Brendon i Pearse to Mr. John Forbes Hannyngton M.C.S. A.D.O., Ipoh, at St. Andrew’s Cathedral, Singapore, on Saturday. Miss
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  • 138 12 The proposals for a tax on bicycles and an increased tax on tricycles were rejected by the Singapore Municipal Commissioners on Friday after lengthy discussion. The necessity for stricter control of tricycles and for some measure of control of bicycles was recognised, but the Commissioners were
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  • 4635 13 GOVERNOR’S IMPORTANT SPEECH. Restriction Dependent On France And Belgium. A most important speech was made in the Legislative Council on Monday by H.E. the Governor, Sir Cecil dementi. After referring to the defence contribution, which controversy he hoped would at long last be fairly and
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  • 425 14 Changi Foreshore To He Acquired. The stretch of foreshore at Changi which for years has enjoyed widt popularity as a holiday and bathing I resort, is aoout to be taken uvur bv the military authorities Confined in a comparatively small area and used mainly for exercises and as
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  • 3131 15 Into The Country—A Malay Market—From Office To Kamjxmg—The Tongue-tied Townsman—A Model Penghulu —Happy Valleys. (By Our Kuala Lumpur Correspondent wn a Friday morning, when the slaves (1 of Mammon were toiling away in da Lumpur. I had the good fortune with certain Government officers
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  • 116 16 Penang Chinese Oppose Continuance. <From Our Own Correspondent) Penang, Sept. 2G. At todays meeting of the Municipal Commissioners, the President <Mr. Boyd) said the Government had sought their opinion as to whether tin* Daylight Saving Bill, which was Introduced for one year, should be continued or not. Other
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  • 1856 16 “Agriculturist's” Article —Ideas For Budding Research—More R*RJ» Views Director s 1\ew Powers—Con t rol f roru London. (By Our Planting Correspondent.) IN the Straits Times on Thursday there was a remarkable article by a planter who claims to have worked out a method whereby budded rubber I
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  • PAST WEEK’S IMPERIAL AND GENERAL NEWS Contained in Reuter, British Imperial Radio and Special Telegrams.
    • 425 21 i, ,-(’hina’s Adhesion Toj Scheme Expected. SHARES JUMP. i K.ii.A. Analysis Of Crop 1 Returns. 1 rom Our Own Correspondent.) London, Sept. 21). The Financial Times underhand* that negotiations for the inclusion in a rubber restriciion scheme of countries other than (ireat Britain and the Netherlands, have
      425 words
    • 302 21 .—Reuter. Nanchang- Officer’s Bids For Freedom. Hong Kong. Sept. 27. The Nanchang captive, Mr. W. E. Hargrave, is slowly recovering from his oideal. Interviewed, he revealed that he was wounded in the arm in ottering resistance to the pirates who boarded the ship. He spent weeks
      .—Reuter.  -  302 words
    • 186 21 Reuter. U.S. Congress To Study British Proposals. New York. Sept. 28. The National Industrial Recovery Association monetary problems, now intermingled with war debt talks, are in the forefront of the problems having the attention of President Roosevelt’s Administration, while the nation locks on anxiously. The New York Times
      – Reuter.  -  186 words
    • 35 21 Reuter Tampico (Mexico*. Sept. 28. The Mexican Eagle Oil Co., Ltd., estimates that storm and flood loss in the recent hurricane totals $1,500,000 including damage to its own refinery and other buildings. -Reuter
      Reuter  -  35 words
    • 225 21 Temptation For War-Like Power. From Our Own Correspondent Medan, Sept. 23. Drawing attention to the numerous oil deposits in Netherlands India, the Sumatra Bode states that should there ever be war in the Pacific the N.E.I.. was bound to be involved because oi these deposits. The
      225 words
    • 158 21 Aneta-Trans-Ocean. Death Of Former Reich Minister. Berlin. Sept. 27. The former Reichs Minister. Dr. Franz Bracht. died on Tuesday at the age of 56. after a long Illness. Dr. Bracht was Mayor of Essen when in July. 1932. Chancellor von Papen appointed him Reich Commissary for the
      Aneta-Trans-Ocean.  -  158 words
    • 112 21 ici.y, tuv i —Reuter “Desperate Need” For Recruits. London. Sept. 2h. The “almost desperate need" for recruits for missionary work in the Far East and other parts of the world was stressed by Sir Robert Williams the chairman, and the Rev. W. W. Cush, the general secretary, both oi
      ici.y, tuv i —Reuter  -  112 words
    • 260 21 —Reuter Deputation Of Six To <i« To The Netherlands. LONDON TALKS. Secretary For Colonies And Dr. Colijn. London. Sept. 28. The Rubber Growers’ Association announces that a rubber regulation committee of 14 has been appointed by the council of the association. The committee includes: Mr W. J.
      —Reuter  -  260 words
    • 90 21 —Reuter. British Warships’ Visit To Japan. Toklo, Sept. 28. Learning that the Moji water-pollc# had informed the press that H.M.fiL Medway had been observed photographing a fortified area while traversing the Moji Straits. Admiral Dreyer, who arrived at Toklo this morning on an official visit with H.M.S. Kent
      —Reuter.  -  90 words
    • 64 21 l uu Reuter. Wing-Coin. R. P. Willock To Go To Peiping. London, Sept. 28. Reuter learns that It has been decided that Wing-Commander R P. Willock. the newly-appointed Air Attache to China, shall reside at Peiping. Leading aircraft manufacturers strongly criticise Peiping, where (they contend) he
      l uu Reuter.  -  64 words
    • 499 22 Reuter Appeals To President To Intervene. FACTORY STORMED. Alleged Profiteering And Code Violation. New York, Sept 29. Tempers arc shortening and the threat of violence is serious today with strikes extending irom coast to roast, and the National Recovery Associati mi anxious to help but seeming
      Reuter  -  499 words
    • 618 22 cm campaign in 1927.- Sin Kuo Mil. and Sin Chew Jit Poh. 17,000 People Massacred By Reds In Fukien. Shanghai, Sept. 28. Acting in concert, the Japanese anil Central forces launched a drive against the Charhar rebels on the night of Sept. 26. severe fighting tak
      cm campaign in 1927.- Sin Kuo Mil. and Sin Chew Jit Poh.  -  618 words
    • 169 22 Sin Chew Jit Poh. Why Mr. Soong Is Not Going To North China. Shanghai. Sept. 26 Mr. T. V Soong, Finance Minister, made an important statement yesterday when he interviewed foreign and Chinese pressmen. Four points were explained. They were: Cotton from the United States, which forms part
      Sin Chew Jit Poh.  -  169 words
    • 60 22 Reuter rhinese Charge cTAflfaires To Czechoslovakia. i Berlin. Sept 28. The Chinese Counsellor to the Chin -1 ese Legation, Mr. Liang Lung, Is leav-! ing for Prague as Charge d’Aflatres at the end of October. This is the first time China has been represented In Czechoslovakia. The
      — Reuter  -  60 words
    • 173 22 Civil Lord Of Admiralty To Visit Singapore. London. Sept. 24. Captain Euan Wallace is hoping to cover 20.000 miles in 51 days when he departs on an official visit to eastern naval stations on Sept. 30. He will travel from England to Rangoon by Imperial Airways, then
      173 words
    • 64 22 Reuter. Extension Of Trade Convention Desired By Tokio. Tokio, Sept. 27. Following receipt oi the British notification of a decision to postpone the termination of the Indo-Japanese trade convention for one month to lNov. 10. the Japanese Foreign Office has instructed Mr. Tsueno Matsudaira. I the Japanese Ambassador
      Reuter.  -  64 words
    • 375 22 -Reuter Wireless “Natural Forces To R t Left To Emerge.’' GRAVE SITUATION Decline Shown In Real Earnings. Washington. Sept The realisation is growing th National Recovery Administratis apparently reached the end accomplishments and a wides feeling is springing up that the* al forces of recovery must m
      -Reuter Wireless  -  375 words
    • 43 22 Increase Of Consumption In The Straits. From Our Own Correspondent Medan. Sept 1 According to the Locomotief. si. ping in the Straits Settlements consuming more and more coal :r the N.E.I., especially from the L* tang mines. Prices have risen recently.
      43 words
    • 45 22 Mr. Wang Tjin Arrives: In Medan <From Our Oyrn Correspondin'' Medan. Sept. The new Chinese Consul. Mr V Tjin, has arrived in Medan act panied by Mrs. Wang Tjin. He welcomed by many prominent Ch, Mr. Wang Tjin is only 28 years o’d
      45 words
    • 272 23 .>711(1,000,000 Available For Destitute In U.S. 10 AVOID INFLATION? liitr Drive To Energise Industry. Washington. Oct. 1. o;!.< ial activities today are of an encouraging character. P i,, i to the departure tor Chicago rfdrcss the convention of the American Legion. President Roosevelt t vt orders that
      272 words
    • 101 23 Router Gorman Delegate To Consult Hitler. Geneva, Sept. 29. ''i’ll ttie departure of Baron von N -arath, the German delegate to the Liv r.nament Conference, for Berlin t" Herr Hitler, and the Italian Oimate. for Rome, it is reported that s -r John Simon is leaving for London tomorrow.
      Router  -  101 words
    • 96 23 Porter Three Killed In Crash In Kent. London. Oct. 1. '•mall private ae’*oplane returning t,j v.ondon from the dedication cere11 n of the R 101 memorial at Beauvcrashed at Hawkhurst, Kent, and tr Hiree occupants were killed. 'ey were Capt. Styran, the pilot, Ir Ian MacOilchrist, chairman of
      Porter  -  96 words
    • 322 23 (MUU/Ull —Reuter. Mr. Phillip K. C. Tyau Appointed. w Nanking, Sept 29. Mr. Phillip Tyau has been appointed Consul-General In Singapore. An official announcement Is expected shortly.—Reuter. No knowledge of an impending change in the Consular service in Singapore has been expected, the Straits Times
      (MUU/Ull .—Reuter.  -  322 words
    • 67 23 —Sin Chew Jit Poh. Shanghai, Oct. 2. The Foreign Ministry at Nanking has ordered that Mr. Tong Lao, the Chinese ConsulGeneral in Singapore, is to be transferred to Calcutta, as acting Consul-General. Mr. Philip Tyan is to be acting Consul-General in Singapore. with the power of supervising and
      —Sin Chew Jit Poh.  -  67 words
    • 48 23 —Reuter Sequel To Russo-German Press Dispute. Berlin. Sept. 30. As a sequel to the Russo-German press dispute the Soviet newspapers Izvestia and Pravda have been banned in Germany. Six Russian correspondents are leaving Berlin tonight and nine German newspapermen are returning to Berlin from Russia.—Reuter.
      —Reuter  -  48 words
    • 45 23 Aneta-Trans-O an. To Go To World’s Fair At Chicago. Friedrichshafen, Sept. 27. The airship Graf Zeppelin returned on Tuesday afternoon fEom this year s seventh trip to South Americanext Journey will be to Chicago lor th World Fair, by way of Buenos Aires.—
      Aneta-Trans-O an.  -  45 words
    • 693 23 Canton merchants.—Sin Kuo Ifln Mid Sin Chew Jit Poh. Independence Move. ANTI-NANKING MEETING IN CANTON. Shanghai, Oct 2. j A powerful Mongol leader. Prince Teh Huang, who recently started a movement for the independence of Inner and Outer Mongolia, declares that no recognition will be accorded
      Canton merchants.—Sin Kuo Ifln Mid Sin Chew Jit Poh.  -  693 words
    • 247 23 Reuter. —Sin Chew Jit Poh. Tokio Plot. MURDER OF CABINET MEMBERS. Tokio. Sept. 28. Charged with attempted murder and incendiarism, six members of the Patriotic Labour Party, who were arrested in connection with a plot to 'urder the members of the Cabinet on July 11. were
      Reuter.; .—Sin Chew Jit Poh.  -  247 words
    • 147 23 Reuter. Death Of A Well-Known Writer On China. London. Sept. 30. The death is announced of Mrs. George Crichton Miln. the authoress.— Reuter. Mrs. Miln. the well-kl.own authoress, was 69 years of age at the time of her death. Her writings were chiefly about the Orient,
      Reuter.  -  147 words
    • 492 24 Rebel Leaders Offer To Surrender. CANTON’S WARNING. Kuomintang Congress Postponed. Shanghai. Sept. 29. The South-West Political Council has wired to Gen. Ho Ying-chlng. the War Minister, demanding that no action be taken against Gen. Fang Chen-wu. the rebel leader. The telegram repeats its previous warning to the
      492 words
    • 83 24 —Union Times. Japanese Minister To China To Be Replaced Shanghai, Sept. 27. An official cable from Toklo states that the Japanese Foreign Office Is withdrawing the present Japanese Minister in China. Mr. Ariyoshi. A strong disciple of Baron Tanaka, former Premier of Japan and the author of the
      —Union Times.  -  83 words
    • 19 24 Reuter. Tallin <Esthonia). Sept. 30. Col. Charles Lindbergh and his wife have arrived here from Moscow.— Reuter.
      Reuter.  -  19 words
    • 364 24 Reuter. Distinguished Career Of Governor Of Ceylon. Aedn, Sept. 29. Sir Graeme Thomson, who was dls I embarked feeling ill from the P. and O. liner Carthage while on his way home, died here of cerebral embolism. He was buried with full military honours.-
      – Reuter.  -  364 words
    • 104 24 Union Times. Would Play Into Hands Of Japanese Militarists.” Shanghai, Sept. 27. The Mongolian princes held another meeting at Peillngmlau, In Inner Mongolia, on Sunday to discuss measures for the organisation of an Independent government in Outer and Inner Mongolia. The Central Government is proposing to send
      — Union Times.  -  104 words
    • 215 24 —Reuter. Adjournment Wanted. NAVAL BUILDING RACE THREATENED. Geneva, Sept. 27. Disarmament negotiations are, apparently, something like deadlocked, and it is persistently reported that an attempt will be made to adjourn the 1 meeting of the General Commission at least for a fortnight. Waste Of Tonnage. Washington.
      —Reuter.  -  215 words
    • 39 24 Reuter. Beaten By Loughran In Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Sept. 28. Tommy Loughran outpointed Jack Sharkey, ex-heavy-weight champion of the world, over 15 rounds here tonight.— Reuter. This is Sharkey's second defeat since he lost his title to Camera.
      Reuter.  -  39 words
    • 104 24 —Reuter. Spends Busy Ten Days In Germany. Berlin. Sept. 26. Marshal Chang Hsueh-liang yesterday left for Copenhagen after a busy ten days in Germany, where he held conversations with General Goering and General Blomberg, attended several official dinners, and inspected infantry, artillery and air schools and numerous industries,
      —Reuter.  -  104 words
    • 63 24 —Reuter. Police And Republicans In Pitched Battle. Dublin, Sept. 27. Fifteen men with damaged heads are in hospital after a pitched battle between police and Republicans in connection with the English beer boycott. Several thousand people surged around the premises of Bass. RatclifTe and Gretton, stoning the windows.
      —Reuter.  -  63 words
    • 169 24 —Reuter. Disarmament. THREE PRINCIPAI POINTS. Geneva, Sept After a period of apparent stag* t tion there were important disar ment developments today, culm- lt ing in the meeting of Baron ,n n Neurath, the German Foreign m ;Ii ster, and M. Paul-Boncour, the Fr« u-h Foreign Minister,
      —Reuter.  -  169 words
    • 191 24 —Reuter. Two Kings Attend A Conference. London. Sept .V. Events likely to shape the d» >*my of Central Europe have been moving uncommonly quickly during the few days. Z he question of disarmament t is hitherto defied solution, but u luiderstood U is being tackled on v defined
      —Reuter.  -  191 words
    • 89 24 stock will begin tomorrow. B Wireless. Allotments Posted l- 11 1 Night. Rugby, Sept Yesterday was the last day for ’J lodging of conversion application' the Commonwealth of Australia :,n of approximately £21,000,000 though details are not yet obtain .aw The Times says it is possible to >nn<
      stock will begin tomorrow. B Wireless.  -  89 words
    • 29 24 —British Wireless. Rugby. Sept Flying Officer Norman Styche Leading Aircraftsman Maurice were the men killed when a bon returning from manoeuvres cm in a fog.—British Wireless.
      —British Wireless.  -  29 words
    • 156 25 —Reuter. Scepticism In Business Hampers Recovery. I I.OUR HELD UP. p, mand For 5-Day Week At 6-Day Wage. New York. Oct. 2. I increasing strikes are so serious! ie menace New York's food sup pi The impasse in the coal Industry j scepticism in the business world
      —Reuter.  -  156 words
    • 138 25 RED COUP FEARED —Reuter Cuban Troops To Shoot On Sight. Havana. Oct. 1. H r Communists have suddenly gone tt irth as a result of the vigorous way the Government authorities ve.. relay checked the wild demonstrati* MS. Infuriated by Communists sniping trem the roof-tops, soldiers launched furious onslaught and
      —Reuter  -  138 words
    • 88 25 W Dead And 40 Missing Off Japan Coast. Tokio. Oct. 2. Ta:rty-three bodies have now been recovered and 40 are still missing o.d reared drowned in the pleasure s bip disaster.—Reuter. A previous message had stated that persons were known to have been drowned and over 100 were
      88 words
    • 63 25 —Reuter. 380,000 Stricken With Malaria. Nanking. Oct. 1. daria has taken a terrible toll of Pingkiang district in Hunan. a population of 400,000. 95 per Is stricken and over 50.000 are Ported to have succumbed to the '-use. is difficult to fine men to bury dead.
      —Reuter.  -  63 words
    • 49 25 Ad Valorem Export Duty On Rubber. Batavia, Oct. 2. A meeting at Bandjermasin of European, Japanese and native rubber producers, Chinese exporters and government officers unanimously rejected the suggestion of an ad valorem export duty for native rubber, preferring a system of licences and restriction of potential production.
      49 words
    • 259 25 .—Aneta-Trans-Ucv an. Anti-German Storm. DISTURBERS EJECTED BY THE POLICE. London, Sept. 29. A noisy demonstration lasting several hours was made against Germany on Thursday evening at the first night of Gerhardt Hauptmann's “Before Sunset,” in which the well-known German actor, Werner Krauss, plays j the leading
      .—Aneta-Trans-Ucv an.  -  259 words
    • 64 25 —Reuter. Cartel Agreement To Be Renewed. Brussels. Oct. 2. The Zinc Cartel has decided to renew the cartel agreement with modifications regarding the method of fines to be levied for excess production above the quotas, thus satisfying the Belgian group.—Reuter. It was previously reported that the Zinc Cartel
      —Reuter.  -  64 words
    • 55 25 Reuter. 22 Drowned And 100 Missing. Tokio Oct. 2. Twenty-two persons are known to have been drowned and over 100 art* missing as a result of the capsizing ol a pleasure steamer yesterday afternoon off the coast of KumamoV>, due to the high seas and overloading Only 40
      Reuter.  -  55 words
    • 33 25 —Reuter Washington, Oct. 3. The Senate Banking Inquiry Committee resumes its hearing today when four partners in Dillom. Read and Co. will be questioned concerning bond loans floated by the firm.—Reuter
      —Reuter  -  33 words
    • 163 25 —Reuter. The Conditions. GERMANY MUST AGREE TO ARMS PROPOSAIS. Paris. Oct. 2. Interest in the Disarmament Conference has been revived by a report in L' Echo de Paris that Sir John Simon told Baron von Neurath, the German delegate, that France would agree to reduce her
      —Reuter.  -  163 words
    • 184 25 —Reuter America Begins Its Campaign. New York, Oct. 1. A most auspicious beginning has been made to the Government’s determined campaign to rid the country of kidnappers. Seven out of ten persons charged with the kidnapping last July of Mr. C. F. Urschel. the oil millionaire, who
      —Reuter  -  184 words
    • 40 25 Reuter. Stockholms. Oct. 2. Marshal Chang Hsueh-liang was received in audience by the King and had luncheon with the Princes yesterday. The “Young Marshal” is visiting the industries today and tomorrow, and will leave for London on Wednesday.—
      Reuter.  -  40 words
    • 638 25 for two days. -Sin Kuo Min and Sin Chew Jit Poh. Two Planes “Sold” To Outlaw Chief. PEITAIHO CAPTURED, Chinese Reinforcements Held Up. Shanghai, Oct. 3. The bandit situation in the neutral zone has developed to an alarming extent, allegedly as a result of direct Japanese aid
      for two days. -Sin Kuo Min and Sin Chew Jit Poh.  -  638 words
    • 185 26 .—Reuter Chancellor’s Hopes For The Future. DKFINITK PROGRESS. Advance “No Mere Flash In The Pan.” London. Oct. 4. Great Britain will probably return to the gold standard, eventually, but the requisite state of affairs was not yet existing, declared Mr. Neville Chamberlain Chancellor of the Exchequer,
      .—Reuter  -  185 words
    • 164 26 Reuter. Assailant Believed To Be German Nazi. Vienna. Oct. 4. Dr. Dollluss. the Austrian Prime Minister, was shot and wounded in the arm and chest, but not seriously, when attending a meeting of the Christian Social Club in the Parliament Building. His assailant, a young
      Reuter.  -  164 words
    • 156 26 —Reuter Resigns Editorship Of News Chronicle. London, Oct. 3. Mr Tom Clarke has resigned the e ditorship of the London News Chroni- cle owing to a divergence of views with the directors.—Reuter. Mr. Clarke is one ol the best known j journalists in Fleet Street. He was
      —Reuter  -  156 words
    • 278 26 Banka Ore For Holland. A .MOVE THAT WAS NOT UNEXPECTED. From Our Own Correspondent.» Batavia. Oct 4. The Java Bode reports that the Banka tin ore which has hitherto been smelted in Singapore will in future be sent to the smelting works of the Billiton Company
      278 words
    • 108 26 Reuter. Young Airwoman’s New Adventure. Paris, Oct. 3. The airwoman. Mile. Maryse Hiltz, took off at 12.44 a.m. today on a flight to Tokio and bacK. The first stop will be at Athens. She is using a Breguet plane, single engine 650 horsepower, and is
      Reuter.  -  108 words
    • 98 26 —Reuter. Bechuanaland Inquiry Sequel. London. Sept. 29. His Majesty has decided to reinstate Tshekedl as the acting chief of the Bamangwato tribe as soon as possible, and has withdrawn tne order requiring him to reside in tlv Tati district Tshekcdi had previously abandoned any right to deal in
      —Reuter.  -  98 words
    • 26 26 Reuter. Havana. Sept. 28. Chinese Consular reports from Santiago de Cuba state that six Chinese business establishments have been raided by armed youths.—Reuter.
      Reuter.  -  26 words
    • 215 26 —Reuter. Record Consumption In U.S. Next Year? (From Our Own Correspondents London. Oct. 3. Tins are again very strong following the publication of what are considered as most favourable statistics for the end of September. Visible supplies at Sept. 30 totalled 35.795 tons, including the Straits and
      —Reuter.  -  215 words
    • 119 26 Damaging Itself To Help Foreign Planters.” From Our Own Correspondent.* Medan. Sept, 29. According to the Java Bode the French Government is prepared *o co-operate with the governments of other rubber-producing countries towards a restriction scheme in that it will prohibit the planting of rubber trees. The newspaper
      119 words
    • 63 26 $100,000 Stock Listed At $36,000,000. Washington. Oct. 4 The evidence in the hearings of tne Senate Banking Inquiry <in which the four partners of the Dillon, Read Co are being questioned concerning bond loans floated by the Arm) revealed Utat the company, in organising an investment trust in
      63 words
    • 59 26 —Reuter. Received By King Of Sweden In Stockholm. Stockholm, Oct. 1. Marshal Chang Hsueh-liang on his arrival here today was received by the King and afterwards lunched with Gustaf Adolf, the son of the Crown Prince. His foreign adviser, Mr. MacDonald, says that Chang Hsueh-liang is interested to
      —Reuter.  -  59 words
    • 401 26 —Reuter. Monetary Problems SPEEDY DEVELOPMK\ SUGGESTED. New York. Oct A speedy development in the l t and monetary situation is sugu, s by the fact that as soon as he rived from Chicago. President )< velt conferred with Gen. Him s Johnson, the recovery adminisir r
      .—Reuter.  -  401 words
    • 54 26 —Aneta. Villages In Danger Zone Evacuated. Batavia. Sept. Oct Merapi volcano in Mid-Java sudcU <v erupted on Sunday afternoon, emitt smoke clouds. Then there were heavy rumb!!’i after which a red-hot cloud of s;n. and small stones shot out of the r.-:r* All villages in the danger
      —Aneta.  -  54 words
    • 42 26 Egyptian Committee Tourin The East. 'From Our Own Correspondent./ Medan, Sept. An Egyptian committee of tin has arrived in Batavia, on a tour the East studying agricultural pr< lems. They are receiving the official operation of The Netherlands Xnri!; Government.
      42 words
    • 421 27 v urs Sin Kuo Min and Sin Chew Jit Poh. I {audit Republic In Neutral Zone. 0< KADE OF CHINA. lapan’s Offer To Give Up Extrahty. Shanghai, Oct. 4. lolloping the capture of Peitaiho by bandit hordes, the outlaws have set up an independent government in the neutral
      , v' urs- Sin Kuo Min and Sin Chew Jit Poh.  -  421 words
    • 75 27 'hiu ii wir r Wireless. Hoard Ceases Its Existence. London. Sept. 30. Empire Marketing Board ceases istence today. The Government ion to abolish it was attacked in f Quarters, the Government’s debeing that since the Dominions ci to contribute to the expense of Pkeep. it was unfair to
      'hiu ii wir • r Wireless.  -  75 words
    • 196 27 —Reuter. Mounting Death Roll. HAN l) GRENADES HURLED AT SOLDIERS. Havana, Oct. 3. With today's death roll already at 39 persons killed and 59 wounded, fighting broke out afresh at nightfall, firing being clearly audible throughout the city. The fighting was initiated when soldiers fired into
      —Reuter.  -  196 words
    • 183 27 Reuter. China Handicapped By Lowness Of Silver. London, Sept. 27. Sir George Burton Hunter, in a letter to The Times, stresses the disastrous results, economically and politically. due»to China’s inability to absorb her share of the world’s products owing to the lowness of silver. While he does not
      — Reuter.  -  183 words
    • 123 27 —Reuter. Malta, Sept. 30. Tne 2nd. Battalion of the Worcestershire Regiment embarked for Shanghai today.—Reuter. The total British forces in China are: Tientsin and Peiping tin the North): 42 officers and 1,110 men. Shanghai: 37 officers and 1,731 men: Hong Kong: 1st Bn. the South Wales Borderers, 1st
      —Reuter.  -  123 words
    • 70 27 —Reuter. Armaments Endangered FIREMEN DELAYED BY LACK OF WATER. Hong Kong. Sept. 29. Bluejackets from H.M.S. Suffolk and H.M.S. Tamar, and from destroyers lying in harbour, turned out during the night to assist in combatting a fire in the naval dockyard which gutted a packing store and
      —Reuter.  -  70 words
    • 162 27 Reuter. Heated Debate In Dail > Ends In Uproar. Dublin, Sept. 29. The Dail by 80 votes to 65 rejected the Opposition motion of censure. The Labour Party supported the Government. The debate reached fever heat and ended in uproar when President de Valera accused Gen.
      Reuter.  -  162 words
    • 87 27 —Reuter. Austria To Follow French Example. London. Sept. 30. It is becoming fashionable for countries in Europe to improve their budgets by State lotteries. Encouraged by the success that attended the French State lottery, Dr. Dollfuss, the Austrian Chancellor, has announced the impending issue of a lottery loan
      —Reuter.  -  87 words
    • 86 27 it will be entirely incidental.—Reuter Wireless. Australian Airman On Return Flight. London, Oct. 1. Commodore Sir Charles Klngsford Smith, who arrived in England by air from Australia a fortnight ago. will probably leave tomorrow to fly to Australia via Brindisi. Baghdad. Karachi. Calcutta, Alor Star, Sourabaya and Java.
      it will be entirely incidental.—Reuter Wireless.  -  86 words
    • 36 27 .—Reuter Madrid, Oct. 3. The Cortes by 181 votes to 91 gave a vote of non-confidence in the Government. The Premier. Senor Lerroux, has resigned, and his resignation has been accepted by the President.—Reuter.
      .—Reuter  -  36 words
    • 186 27 No Offers Yet. LITTLE LIKELIHOOD OF A BUYER. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Sept. 28 It is learned that the Crown Agents for the Colonies are offering the Sea 7 Belle II for sale by private treaty. This message was confirmed In Singapore on
      186 words
    • 142 27 Relations Established On Firmer Basis. Rugby, Sept. 28. The newspapers generally express satisfaction at the conclusion of the Anglo-Argentine agreement which was signed on Tuesday as a supplement to the trade treaty concluded in May and hopes are expressed that the mutual concessions granted in this agreement and
      142 words
    • 100 27 British Wireless. Return From Holiday In Scotland. London. Sept. T9. The King and Queen arrived In London by special train from Scotland this morning. Their Majesties looked remarkably well, having enjoyed exceptionally fine weather during their stay at Balmoral. They will stay at Buckingham Palace for. a
      British Wireless.  -  100 words
    • 68 27 Reuter President Going To Washington. Panama, Oct. 4 President Arias has left for Washington to see Pret'lent Roosevelt with regard to certain difficulties from which Panama feels she has suffered since the termination of the Taft Agreement of 1924. Questions at issue Include the nonpayment of rates and
      Reuter  -  68 words
    • 822 28 Knemy Repulsed. (i.O.C.’s ANNUAL INSPECTION Singapore was saved from a fierce •attack” by the Sumatra Victory Corps on Sunday a counter-attack on Seng Piang Hill by the defence forces routing the enemy after they had made an unopposed landing at Sunge Tuar and were on their way
      822 words
    • 430 28 Five Accused Remanded In Custody. Following the sensational allegations to the Kuala Lumpur police recently by a Siamese Buddhist priest of the Singapore Tiger Temple in Racecourse Road that he had been kidnapped from this town by a group of people, five persons were
      430 words
    • 115 28 Penang Aerodrome Preferable To Alor Star. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang. Oct. 1 In connection with the views expressed sometime ago by a Dutch inspector that Penang aerodrome might not be suitable as a landing place at all times on account of mist on the surrounding hills, a
      115 words
    • 161 28 Law-Abiding People* NO CRIMINAL CASE FOR ASSIZES. •From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca, Oct. 2. For the second time in two years a session of the Malacca Assizes has come round without any criminal cases on the calendar. Last year Mr. Justice N. H. P. Whitley
      161 words
    • 53 28 Authorities Defeat Demonstrators. 'From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok. Sept. 30 The authorities met the Kuala oil Paknam and at once conveyed the Luang Pradit up-river, whence he was taken to interview the authorities. This method of arrival defeated completely the demonstrations arranged for the arrival of the steamer
      53 words
    • 159 28 Mr. R. W. E. Harper And Miss Mary Finch. The marriage took place at St Mary’s Church, Kuala Lumpur, on Saturday of Mr. R. W. E. Harper. Assistant Commissioner of Police. Kuala Kubu, and Miss Mary Finch daughter of the late Mr. Finch and Mrs. Finch, who arrived
      159 words
    • 224 28 Office-Bearers For Current Year. 'From Our Own Correspondent Malacca. Sept. 30 At the annual general meet inyesterday the following were elected to serve on the committee durine 11 year President, Dr. A. L. Hoops; vice-president Mi*. Tan Eng Chye; hon. secretary. Mr S G. Pillay (re-elected); hon.
      224 words

  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 212 28 HER HAND WENT DEAD Helplets With Rheumatim, At one time she thought she V n lose the use of her right hand r when she started the “little daily d Ut of Kruschen, it soon put her r “I was sure in a bad state h writes. “In fact. I
      212 words

  • 730 29 —Reuter. Helps New Side To Swamp Middlesbrough. j lllu s Dunne, the Sheffield United lorwarii. who last year scored 26 goals sen ior matches has been transu.rreci to the Arsenal at a fee of £7 000 Du niu' made his initial appearance r his new club
    —Reuter.  -  730 words
  • 133 29 Result Of S.G.C. October Competition. The Women’s October Medal competition was played at Bukit Timah on Monday and resulted in a win for Mrs. W- P Douglas in “A” division with a jR't score of 35. in a win for Mrs. English in “B” division with a net
    133 words
  • 146 29 M.L.T.A. Nominate Lim Bong Soo. It is understood in Singapore that Lim Bong Soo, the Malayan tennis champion, is to be nominated by the Malayan Lawn Tennis Association for the singles championship at Wimbledon next year. Lim Bong Soo has a wonderful record. His first title was won
    146 words
  • 1053 29 Chinese Eliminated. THRILLING CUP-TIE AT ANSON ROAD. One of the biggest surprises of the season was caused on Friday when the Wiltshires' second team eliminated the Chinese first from the S.A.F.A. Cup competition and thus qualified for semi-final stage. The soldiers’ victory is all the
    1,053 words

  • 1233 30 Opening Game Reveals Plenty Of Talent. Newcomers 0; Rest 29 pts Ii the iorm displayed in tht Newcomers vs. Rest match on the SCO. padang on Saturday is anything to go by Singapore and the Cricket Club are going to have remarkably successful seasons. Though the
    1,233 words
  • 255 30 Brilliant Golf During Second Round. The final ol the Meyer Cup Competition and the Island Club championship ended in an easy win for J. T. Smith, the Singapore champion, on Sunday when he defeated Dr. Ibrahim. 7 and 6. On Saturday he
    255 words
  • 419 30 Successful Day’s Racing. (From Our Own correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Sept. 29. A good crowd, fine weather and excellent sport made the opening day ot the Selangor Turf Club autumn meeting very successful. The tote and sweeps were patronised and with a sprinkling of well-fancied horses coming home
    419 words
  • 131 30 Women’s Foursomes Competition. Eight cards were taken out lor tiu* Keppel Golf Club women’s September foursomes and the following were returned:— Mrs. A. M. Low and Mrs. E. G. Mozar 45 15*/2 9 Mrs. G. A. Thamsen and Miss M. Hadley 49 144 344 Mrs. P. Crawley
    131 words

  • 1424 31 Kathleen Crippled In Fierce Sumatra. Ti e second and last race of the rtovil Singapore Yacht Club Inter- ,'ional six metro class for the Puiiu Jong Challenge Cup—the gift ,t that excellent sportsman, Dr. Qiioert Brooke, who 'or many years ort sided over the health
    1,424 words
  • 264 31 Narrow Win After Poor Fight. 1 The return encounter between Pergt. Jim Brady <R.A.F > and A1 Rivers at the New World on Saturday night promised some excitement, but the large crowd who went along to see the fight were disappoint-d. From the ooint of view
    264 words
  • 55 31 —Reuter. London, Oct. 2. Lord Howard de Walden’s Coup de Lvon, which was formerly second favourite for the Cambridgeshire, has been knocked out to 100 to 1 owing to a report that it has broken down with hock weakness and may never race again. There were takers
    .—Reuter.  -  55 words
  • 500 31 To Play In Inter-Port Cricket Series. Malaya Is to participate in the triangular inter-port cricket tournament with Hong Kong and Shanghai and the following team has been selected from those who have signified their ability to travel: L. Alvis (Singapore) N. T. Bewick (Johore) D.
    500 words

  • 224 32 Heats B.S. Ang On Points. (Front Our Own Correspondent.» Malacca, Oct. 2. The clash between Neil Hemchlt 9.8, the Siamese boxer, and B. S. Ang 9.7. a favourite of the Malacca public, attracted another very large crowd at the City Park last night. The fight went the
    224 words
  • 200 32 Board To Supervise Promotions. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur. Sept. 28. At a meeting held yesterday at the Selangor Club a Board of Control for boxing In Selangor was formed when the following were present: Dr. E. E. Stewart. Messrs. J. D. Hussey. I. Storch.
    200 words
  • 45 32 Reuter. Glasgow Rangers Beat Arsenal. London. Sept. 27. In a friendly match today Glasgow Rangers beat the Arsenal 'jy three goals to one.- Reuter. The Rangers won the championship of the Scottish League last season ana the Arsenal won the English League championship.
    – Reuter.  -  45 words
  • 478 32 Khalsa Association Lose On Pad ang. S.R.C. "A” 2: S.K.A. On the Padang on Monday the S.R.C. “A” eleven and the first team of the Singapore Khalsa Association met for the first time this season, the home side running out winners by two clear goals. I
    478 words
  • 67 32 —Reuter. Wins Rous Memorial Stakes. The Rous Memorial Stakes, (5 furs) lor two-year-olds, was run at Newmarket today and resulted as follows: Sir Alfred Butt’s FLYING COOT 1 Miss Dorothy Paget’s GRASMERE COLT 2 Lieut. -Col. Giles Loder’s FLINDERS 3 Betting:—11 to 10. Flying Coot, 7 to 2
    —Reuter.  -  67 words
  • 315 32 i Hobbes And Demeny Recover Well. The S.C.C. autumn tennis tourna- ment concluded on Friday with the final of the Profession Pairs between w. J. M. Warden and Roy F. Smith, and F. T. K. Hobbes and Dr. L. Demeny. an at home and the prize distribution
    315 words
  • 136 32 its prohibition.—‘Reuter Wireless. “It Would Be Better If It Were Dropped.” Eastbourne. Sept. 29. Viscount Hailsham, President of the M.C.C., referring: to body-line bowling, said in sport, its in other spheres, there were always trouble-makers. The suggestion that any member of an English team would bowl purposely to
    its prohibition.—‘Reuter Wireless.  -  136 words
  • 47 32 The following were the best cards returned for the women’s monthly medal on Thursday at the Island Club: Miss M. L. Mungall 48 18 30 Mrs. E. McMullan 48 9 39 Mrs. C. A. R. Bateman 61 18 43 Mr. E. Ruddock 63 18 4f»
    47 words
  • 349 32 Swimming: Pool Scheme Discussed. (From Our Own Correspondent i Kuala Lumpur. Oct ;< i Charges at the club premise a t i Fraser’s Hill, the cost of the orchestra and the proposal to build a swimming pool were among the matters discussed at a Selangor
    349 words
  • 174 32 —Reuter. Dies From Injuries In Motor Accident. Macon, Georgia, Oct. 3. Young Stribling, the well-known heavyweight-boxer who was seriouslj Injured when the motor-cycle he wa." riding came into collision with a mo-tor-car, died at six o’clock this morn ing.—Reuter. William Lawrence Stribling was bori on Dec. 26, 1904,
    —Reuter.  -  174 words

    • 917 1 Financial Position. vo IMMEDIATE ANXIETY SAYS CHAIRMAN. Tlu Annual General Meeting oi n run ei United Plantations. Ltd., was hp\d it the Registered offices of the rnmoany. French Bank Building, cm ipore. on Friday, the 29th Sept. ,933 the Hon. Mr. W. A. Fell, the chairman, presiding.
      917 words
    • 56 1 Final Dividend Of 4% Declared. The Anglo-Slam Corporation Limited has received a telegram from the head office in London stating that a Anal dividend of 4 per cent, on ordinary shares has been declared, which with the 3V 2 per cent, interim dividend, makes 7V 2 per cent.
      56 words
    • 52 1 (From Our Own Correspondent.) London. Oct. 2. Kamunlng tPerak) Rubber and Tin Co., Ltd., announces a profit, for the year ended June 30. 1933. of £6.766 plus £25,748 brought in. A dividend of 2>/ 2 per cent, is recommended, leaving £27.489 to be carried forward (subject to Eastern
      52 words
    • 106 1 Lewis and Peat’s *eport dated Sept. 29 states: Reports of restriction have continued to keep the market steady and the volume of business at a minimum. In view of the present phase of the American Recovery Campaign, the estimate of consumption in the U.S.A. for September at around
      106 words
    • 213 1 Ocean shipments of rubber, including latex, revertex and concentrated latex, during the month ol September, 1933. Sheet Crepe Latex, Concentrated Latex TOTAL Re vertex Tons Tons GRAND Name of Port Transhipment Transhipment Transhipment TOTAL Export Export 1 Export Proper Straits Mala* Proper Straits Malay Proper Straits Malay
      213 words
    • 860 2 New Producer In Period Of Restriction. From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur. Sept. 27. Mining circles in Kuala Lumpur are seething with Indignation over the grant of a mining lease In respect of a rubber estate in Perak on which there is believed to be a
      860 words
    • 61 2 K.M.S. (Malay States) Rubber. The Board of K.M.S. (Malay States' Rubber Plantations Ltd., has recommended a final dividend in respect of the last financial year of 2V 2 per cent. An amount of 12.563 has been carried lorward. subject to audit and usual adjustments. and £2,000 has been
      61 words
    • 25 2 Sept, 28 Tin. 6’pore Price $110.25 per picul. 29 111.25 30 112.37 V4 Oct. 2 112.50 3 112.37 Vi 4 111.37 V&
      25 words
    • 131 2 An improvement occurred in the net profits of D. Gestetner, Ltd., the duplicating and copying machine manufacturers. in the year to Aug. 31. The profit of £71,782 compares with £70,890, and as a result the final dividend is raised to 7*/ 2 per cent, to make 12'/ 2
      131 words
    • 901 2 Annual Meeting. THE OBLIGATIONS OF SHAREHOLDERS. The annual general meeting of the Eastern United Assurance Corporation, Ltd., was held on Saturday. Mr. Ong Soon Tee presided and others present were Messrs. S. Q. Wong. Lee Chim Tuan. Dr. S. C. Yin. L. C. L. Margoliouth. Seah Eng
      901 words
    • 102 2 Guthrie and Co.'s report, dated Sept 28, states: The latest buyers’ prices, received by cable this morning, for Malayan pain, oil and palm kernels are as follows:Palm Oil In Bulk: c.i.i\ landed weights New York-Philadelphia 3.20 cents (US. currency per lb. c.i.f. landed weights US A Pacific
      102 words
    • 65 2 Singapore Official Quotations. Quotations forward Contract' Spot Sfeller Pricey d. t Date L’don S’pore Oct Oct.- J& Dec M*" Sept. 28 3 27/32 12% 12 13/16 12% 12?* 29 3 13/16 12% 12% 12% 12% 30 4 13% 13% 13% 13% Oct. 2 4% 14% 14% 14% 14
      65 words
    • 572 3 lim ah Rubber Estates Limited. roiit of $941.24 on the year was reP ned at the annual meeting of iml h Rubber Estates Ltd., held on Saturday at the Exchange Room. Puller ton Building. Mr James Robertson presided uJ1 ‘d noving the adoption of the
      572 words
    • 812 3 Fraser And Co.’s Weekly Report. Fraser and Co.’s report, dated Octo- ber 4, states:— The price of tin has again advanced during the week and stocks of the metal continue to register a heavy de-' cline month by month, the world’s visible supplies being cabled today at *****
      812 words
    • 58 3 —Reuter V’ireless. I London. Oct. 1. The India Tyre Rubber Co. (Great I Britain*. Ltd. has submitted to shareholders a scheme providing for the reconstruction of th company involving the contribution of capital by the Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd. sufficient to ensure control of the former
      —Reuter V’ireless.  -  58 words
    • 475 3 William Jacks and Co.’s report dated Aug. 31 states: The visit of Mr. Montagu Norman to the U.S.A. may lead to a British Recovery Policy receiving practical support from our Bankers, and the general Impression that World Trade is ripe for improvement appears to be well-founded. The effects
      475 words
      260 words
    • 813 4 Fraser And Co’s Quotations. Singapore, Oct Kflataf. vtT'pd Buyers Sellers £1 £1 Asam Kumbang 30 31/- xd. £1 £1 Austral Malay 32 16 6 xd 5/- 5 Ayer Hitam Tin U 3 16 6 xd. £1 £1 Bangrin Tin fc 30 6 cd. 1 BAtung Padang 0.23
      813 words
    • 398 4 EXCHANGE RATES. Singapore, Oct. 4. SEXL1NG. London. 4 months' sight London, 3 months' sight 4 3/32 London. 60 days’ sight 2/4 5/04 London. 30 days’ sight 2 4 l 16 London, demand 4 London. T.T. Lyons and Pans, demand Hamburg, demand j 48 New York, demand “J
      398 words
    • 307 4 Closing Quotations In London. < From Our Own Correspondent > London, Oct. 3. Closing quotations today of the principal British stocks are given below: The rise or fall is in relation to the price of Sept. 29. GO\ ERNMENT STOCKS BRITISH. Ri~. or Fall Conversion Loan
      307 words
      • 609 4 Abaco (£1) Allagar (2/) 1/04; Alor Pongsu (2/) /6; Amherst (2/) /44; Angio-Anglo-Malay (£1) 8/; Ayer Kuning (£1) 16/3; Bag an Serai (£1) 4; Bahru (Sel.) (2/) 1/6; Banteng (£1) 11 6; Bat’ng Cns. (2/) /44; Batu Caves (£1) 11/; Batu Tlga (£1) 14/; Bek
        609 words
      • 744 4 Capital Issue Closing Prices Paid Up Value Dividends a454,175 1 NU tor year 29-2-33 0.70 'o’iio 0 60 0 75 J Nil for year 30-9-32 AIorGajah (»11 0.60 0.70 0 60 070 439,125 1 Nil for year 31-3-33 ..a Hitam fill n 70 nan
        744 words