The Straits Budget, 20 April 1933

Total Pages: 32
1 4 The Straits Budget
  • 29 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE STRAITS TIMES (BTABLUOD VBAJLLY A CBNTURT.] No. 3,923 SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, APRIL 20, 1933: Price 26 cents (S.S. Currency) or 7A
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  • 301 1 leaders— Pm An American Viiitor 3 Tin J The Helpless Clerk 3 An M.C.S. Swan-Song 8-4 The Moscow Trial 4 Occasional Notes 8-4 Telegram*. Renter and Special— Covering Past Week's News 19-26 Pictures—- World’s Beautiful Natural Park” 16 Sir Cecil dementi 16 Lady Clemcnti 16 Mr. G. R. Holden
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  • 1033 1 Mr. J. E. Cookson, of Derrick and Co.* lately chairman of the unemployment committee whose place has been taken by Mr. R. Lyne of the Y.M.C.A., left Singapore lor home on leave on Friday by the Ranpura. The Girl Guides Malayan Headquarters have appointed Mrs. E. D.
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  • 338 1 Malayan Collieries Mr. J. A. RusselL (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Apr. 18. The following circular has been issued to the shareholders in Malayan Collieries, Ltd., signed by the directors—H. H. Robbins, W. H. Martin, F. Cunningham and A. J. Kelman: It is with
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  • 204 1 Burma Bagpipes at His Funeral (From Our Own Correspondent.) Taiping, Apr. 11. The whole State is mourning the death of the Hon. Raja Sir Chulan, Raja di Hilir of Perak. Flags were flown at half mast today and the magistrate, Che Albakri, adjourned the court for half
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  • 2379 2 Bench and Bar Tributes To Chief Justice. LAST GOODBYE. Best Bar in Any Crown Colony.” Member* of the Singapore Bench and Bar gathered in the Supreme Court on Wednesday to bid farewell to Sir W ilham Murison th« retiring Chief Justice, who leaves Singapore on
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  • 398 2 NO TIME TO MAKE UP MY MIND.” Bus Driver Who Had Tw« Alternatives. That he had the alternative of knocking down a bicyclist or running into som e men working on the road was the unavailing defence put forward by Lim Hap Kht Chinese bus d.iver, when u ciiui e
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  • 190 2 Ipoh Society in Good Position. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, Apr. 13. The statement of accounts for the period July-December, 1932, of the Ipoh Merchantile Co-operative Thrift and Loan Society, Ltd., presented at the seven annual general meeting held at the To Hall yesterday evening, with Col
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  • 59 2 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca, Apr. After dismissing the appeal of® Cheng Kwee against his sentence day’s rigorous imprisonment ana of $100 for robbery, Mr. Justice finished the next case and then was not at all sure about Sim Kwee, called him back and redu senteAce to
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  • The Straits Budget
    • 787 3 me rnoiurv ui lie —Straits Times, Apr. 13. ]t ri not so long ago since the most ur friendly feelings were entertained in Malava for the American rubber manu faduVer. who was supposed to be engaged in a lifelong struggle to buy his raw material at grossly
      – ... me rnoiurv ui lie —Straits Times, Apr. 13.  -  787 words
    • 816 3 Malayan tin producer.-— Straits Times. Apr. 15. Startling developments in the tin situation are reported by the London correspondent of the Straits Times in a cabl2 published on an adjoining page of 1 this issue. Mr. John Howeson and his I associates are reported to have walked' out of
      Malayan tin producer.-—Straits Times. Apr. 15.  -  816 words
    • 1148 3 -Straits Times, Apr. 17. It is unfortunate that the first attempt made by an unofficial member of the Federal Council to obtain a clear statement of the policy of the F.M.S. Government in relation to the retrenchment of non-Malay members of the clerical service should have been
      -Straits Times, Apr. 17.  -  1,148 words
    • 931 3 tory of co-operation in Malava!—Straits Times, Apr. 18. Critics, if not actual enemies, of the Co-operative Department of the Colony and Federation are not lacking, in official as well as unofficial circles, but no one who believes that the British administration in this country has other functions
      tory of co-operation in Malava!—Straits Times, Apr. 18.  -  931 words
    • 894 4 out a moment’s delay.—Straits Times, Apr. 19. One thing only emerges as certain from the conclusion of the trial in Moscow of British employees of Metropolitan-Vickers Limited on charges of treason and sabotage. And that one thing is that the British Government must be in possession of!
      out a moment’s delay.—Straits Times, Apr. 19.  -  894 words

  • 70 4 FYFE.—On April 12, at the General Hospital, Singapore, to Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Fyfe, a son. PHIPPS.—On April 14, at their residence, Singapore, to Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Phipps, a daughter. STURCiESS. On April 15, at the General Hospital, Singapore, to Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Sturgens.
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  • 391 4 No Worse Than Error Of Judgment.” Caral R. Prins, a young Dutchman, of the Nederland Royal Mail Line’s SingaSjre office, appeared before Mr. A. C. oyd, the Fourth Police Magistrate, or Apr. 13 charged with rash and negligent driving, which charge was subsequently amended to
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  • 126 4 Local Cable Ship and Oil Tanker. Towed by the cable ship Patrol, the Myr Shell, an oil tanker and fuel oil hulk belonging to the Asiatic Petroleum Company, left Singapore on Tuesday for Kobe where it is believed she will be handed over to Japanese shipbreakers. The
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  • 164 4 Many Warships In And Out Of Singapore. After being five days in port H. M. S. Cumberland, one of a number of warships which arrived here last week, left on Wednesday for China after having been home for refit and recommission. Together with H. M. S. Vindictive
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  • 229 4 Air Speed-Up. DUTCH PLANES TO CALL HERE. It is now officially announced that Sin,. pore is to be a regular port of 5n on the Holland-Netherlandt* indb! air route. au The first homeward aeroplane from Batavia will arrive in Singapore on and is scheduled to arrive
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  • 206 4 Kuala Lumpur Machine Falls in Mine. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Apr. 15. A Kuala Lumpur flying club Moth machine fell into a disused mine near here on Thursday afternoon but the shock was broken by water and the pilot escaped with cuts on the head. The
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  • 99 4 Chinese Gaoled Despite Hi* Plausibility. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Seremban, Apr. 1$When a Chinese, Ng Liew, was charged with possessing stolen good? among which was a pair of canvas shoes, asked to put the shoos on they found to be too small for him. He e
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  • 54 4 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca, Apr. Charred beams, a battered and bulging safe and a few twisted trunks were that remained after fire gutted Chop L Wan, an attractive general merchan shop, in Kampong Pantai today. The fire broke out at 2.30 a.m. and tn& brigade was fighting
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 88 4 NOTICE All communications for both the Straits Times and the Straits Budget should be addressed to the Head Office, Cecil and Stanley Streets. Singapore, StraitJ Settlements. The post free price of the Straits Times to the United Kingdom and foreign countries is $48 a year. The post free price of
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  • 29 4 DEATH LIM.—At his residence. No. 113, Onan Road, Singapore, on Apr. 12, 1933, Mr. Lim Kian Hock, late chief salesman of Caldbeck Macgregor Co.. Ltd., aged 64. Deeply regretted.
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    • 207 5 is to be warmly welcomed.—Straits Times, Apr. 13. Slowly but surely, as a result largely of V efforts of the American Association Malaya and a few Japanese enthuts the game of baseball is securing 1 following in Singapore The latest development is a fixture arranged to be
      is ' to be warmly welcomed.—Straits Times, Apr. 13.  -  207 words
    • 220 5 —Straits Times, Apr. 13. With a welcome lack of ostentation. President Roosevelt is pressing ahead with his schemes for examining the economic problems which afflict his country no less than the countries of Europe. There is little that is concrete to go upon vet, but there is an
      —Straits Times, Apr. 13.  -  220 words
    • 304 5 •traits Times, Apr. 18. The method of destroying dogs used at the Singapore animal infirmary is that of placing them in a lethal chamber filled with ordinary coal-gas. This has always been thought to be painless, and if the ease with which human suicide is effected by
      •traits Times, Apr. 18.  -  304 words
    • 262 5 estates of British North Borneo.—Straits Times, Apr. 16. With the irritating way which printers v of setting unimportant items faultl“ss]y an d making bloomers in the connbutions which matter most, a mistake appeared in the letter from Mr. C. WardJackson published in Thursday’s Straits Times which altered
      estates of British North Borneo.—Straits Times, Apr. 16.  -  262 words
    • 403 5 demanding the death sentence!—Straits Times, Apr. 16. A news paragraph of a few days ago describing negro disorders in New York and the start of a march of 50,000 of that race on Washington to protest against what is known as the Scottsboro’ case is another painful reminder that
      demanding the death sentence!—Straits Times, Apr. 16.  -  403 words
    • 210 5 —Straits Times, Apr. 17. So much of the news from China has to do with the destruction of life and property that one is apt to overlook the remarkably fine constructive work that is still going forward in that < countnr. A notable instance is provided by
      —Straits Times, Apr. 17.  -  210 words
    • 229 5 —Straits Times, Apr. 17. Under the heading English Community Enthusiastic Over Manila—London Phone Line Opening” the Manila Tribune has a long story, with picture, giving verbatim reports of several conversations and explaining that Manila can now talk to almost the whole world. Mr. Harrington, the British Consul-General, summed up
      —Straits Times, Apr. 17.  -  229 words
    • 430 5 tion of estate telephones.—Straits Times, A pr. 17. Malaya has been such a prosperous country until recently that the telephone has been a convenience which people were prepared to employ freely and pay for without grumbling. Now, howevtr, the householder is beginning to reg' *3 the telephone as
      tion of estate telephones.—Straits Times, A pr. 17.  -  430 words
    • 227 5 engineering firms. —Straits Times, Apr. 13. A remark made by Mr. Steen Sehested at a meeting of the Selangor branch i»f the Engineering Association of Malaya has a bearing on the unemployment problem. Referring to the Government technical school at Kuala Lumpur—an institution which has less equipment
      engineering firms.—Straits Times, Apr. 13.  -  227 words
    • 330 5 »IVIIW| vaav W be approached once again.—Straits Times, Apr. 18. It is not easy to see how the resolutions which are being passed by F.M.S. mining bodies can help the F.M.S. Government and the High Commissioner in deciding what this country ought to do about the
      »IVIIW| vaav • — — — — – W be approached once again.—Straits Times, Apr. 18.  -  330 words
    • 308 5 —Straits Times, Apr. 18. It is comforting, if not exactly reassuring, to dip into the Crown Colonist, that exceedingly comprehensive monthly budget of news and views from the British colonial empire, and see how many colonies and protectorates are struggling with problems as thorny as our own.
      —Straits Times, Apr. 18.  -  308 words
    • 310 6 —Straits Times. Apr. 19. It is to be feared that the treacheroua Arakan country, on the West Coast of Burma, has claiihed yet another victim in the person of Dr. Robbiano, the Italian airman, who was attempting a record breaking flight from Eng.and to Australia. Nothing has been
      —Straits Times. Apr. 19.  -  310 words
    • 270 6 —Straits Times, Apr. 19. Under the heading “Squandering the World Fauna, the following comment the plight of wild life in Malaya is made by writer in The Week-End Review: n t vi r J ee V( lume report lately issued by the Wild Life Commission of Malava gives
      —Straits Times, Apr. 19.  -  270 words
    • 361 6 —Straits Times, Apr. 19. In his article last Saturday our Kuala Lumpur correspondent discussed the development of transportation in Malava from the bullock buses” of early Perak to the aeroplanes of the Kuala Lumpur Flying Club. He might have included an eV M» more recent invention in the
      —Straits Times, Apr. 19.  -  361 words

  • 99 6 Farewell To S.H.B. Fire Brigade Chief. The staff of the Singapore Harbour Board fire brigade, motor, water and oil fuel services entertained Mr. M. Cresson, their retiring chief superintendent, to a f-irewell ronggeng party on Saturday night at the fire brigade station in Tanjong Pagar. Mr. R.
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  • 101 6 Not In Court And Case Adjourned. “If it were not the Official Assignee, I would take the usual step of asking for a warrant. In the circumstances I shall ask for an adjournment,” said Mr. F. A. Briggs, appearing in a judgment summons matter which came up before
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  • 102 6 Produced in Court On Cheating Charge. John William Patrick Thomley, a European, appeared before Mr. A. W. Hay, the Second Police Magistrate, on Wednesday charged with cheating Mr. A. T. Pillay of $70. Thornley claimed trial. It was stated by Court Inspector Meeten that several witnesses would have
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  • 173 6 Revenue Men Find Big Chandu Cache. A particularly smart piece of work by revenue officers resulted in the seizure of t .528 tahils of Amoy chandu, the approxln ate value of which is $12,224. Inquiries are proceeding but no arrests have yet been made. On information received
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  • 1068 6 “Luck —And Faith In One’s Machine.” ADVENTUROUS AIRWOMAN HERE, How To Fly Between England And Australia. Mrs. Harry Bonney, a cousin of the late Bert Hinkler and the rn» wife of an Australian leather merchant, reached Sln«mor* Batavia early on Tuesday afternoon in an attempt onth.T record between Australia and
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  • Correspondence.
    • 398 7 .Not The World’s Worst Pessimist.” To the Editor of the Straits Times. c;.. Further to my letter appearing vour issue of yesterday, lest I should u ar to be the world's worst pessimist, I would like to say that I am, in fact the very reverse! I fully
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    • 145 7 To the Editor of the Strait* Time*. Sir, —The following method for raising funds for the unemployed was put forward bv a friend of mine a few days ago, and in view of the possibilities of the suggestion I think it should be made public without more ado.
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    • 973 7 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,-—'The subject of the I. S. P. and Hibscriptions might almost be termed a hardv annual. The chairman in his speech recently made the usual referencto lack of interest, lack of subscriptions and general “tidapathv.” $l5 per ■'_nnuni is indeed a
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  • 416 7 Leaves Siam. DENIAL THAT HE IS A COMMUNIST. "I wish to deny the statement that I am a Communist. The newspapers alleged that my disagreement with the other members of the State Council was owing to my ‘Communistic tendencies.’ My ideas are more of a
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  • 160 7 Mr. W. G. R. Ward Miss E. Ostergaard. The wedding took place on Apr. 12 at the Presbyterian Church, Singapore, the Rev. Stephen Band taking the service, of Mr. William Gerald Roy Ward, of the Prudential Assurance Co., Ltd., eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Ward,
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  • 29 7 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Apr. 15. A qualifying examination for four vacant probationerships in the Malay Administrative Service is to be held on May 9.
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  • 631 7 West Wharf Tanks. HEATING TO EASE THE FLOW. On Tuesday, I learnt (write* a Strait# Times reporter) how the 8,900 team of palm oil now being exported from vlalaja will bt stored, shipped in bulk, how H> chaises its colour from tha\ of syrup to
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  • 60 7 New Tobacco Factory Opened. The Chinese Consul-General, Mr. Ton* Lao, and many other prominent Chinese, visited the new Sin Min Tobacco Factory in Bukit Timah Road on Saturday for the opening. Tho factory will provide work for over 100 people. There is only one machine at the
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 31 7 NO RELAPSE-ASTHMA CURE. Guaranteed Peerless Remedy for Sure and Permanent Cure. Please let me tell you everything in detail. No matter who has failed. APP, V Dr. BIOWBIXFARE, Kotwalipara. (Bengal). India.
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  • 1607 8 GIRL “CRUSHED” TO DEATH. Friend’s Story Of Police-Protected Alleged Confession. An alarm clock which had stopped working a few minutes after 12 o’clock and a calendar in wh ich the dates had been ticked off Jan Jan. 12 formed two exhibits at the preliminary
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  • 187 8 Proposal Approved In Selangor. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Apr. 13. At a mating on April 3 the Selangor State Council considered a proposal to levy an education rate on agricultural lands situated within two miles of a Malay School. After discussion the Council
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  • 72 8 Police Officer's Motor-Car In Collision. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, Apr. 13. A motor-car driven by Mr. R. Ackrill, of the police, who was accompanied by Mrs. Ackrill, turned on its side following a co lision late last night with a motorcar driven by a Chinese
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  • 422 8 The Budapest Trio In Singapore. Seldom has ensemble playing a intimate art of chamber music r u h such heights of sheer perfection in su hed pore as at the classical concert the Dutch Club on Friday night b P f! ln large audience by
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  • 87 8 Second Officer of The Hong Kheng. Peter Callen, European second officer on the s.s. Hong Kheng, was found shot when the vessel was a day out of Hone Kong on its way to Singapore. The shooting occurred about noon on Apr. 9. Peter Callen was buried at sea
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  • 86 8 Record Of K.L. Maternity Hospital. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Apr. 12. “A wonderfully successful year” vu<? the opinion expressed by Mr. A. Jordan when presiding at the annus meeting of the Chinese Maternity As? ciation, Kuala Lumpur, yesterday. Mr. Jordan pointed out that out 2,668
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  • 3215 9 NEW RACECOURSE OPENING. Railway Rotten Row And Reservoir Regattas. 44 If all this comes to pass, then, in the course of a generation, Singapore Island would possess one of the most beautiful natural parks in the whole world,” declared H.E. the Governor, Sir Cecil
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  • 407 10 The following are passengers by the Aeneas, which left Singapore homeward bound on Tuesday: Mr. C. E. Wurtzburg, Mr. and Mrs. J. Sinclair, Mr. and Mrs. J. Green, Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Vasey, Mr. J. S. Clarkson, Mr. R. W. Moss, Mr. and Mrs. A. McKendrick, Mr. and
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  • 230 10 Parang Attack. TWO WARDERS BADLY WOUNDED. G. Smith, a European warder in the johore gaol, is in hospital in Johorc ns a result of an attack on him bv a prisoner. Smith was slashed by his assailant with a parang and suffered a severe wound across
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  • 52 10 Attempted Murder Of A Warder Alleged. On Monday a Johorc gaol prisoner was charged in the police court in Johore w’ith the attempted murder of a warder and voluntarily causing hurt to another warder. He was remanded for a week pending the release from hospital of or.e of
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  • 302 10 Collapse While Playing In Tennis Tournament. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Klang, Apr. 18. The death took place with tragic su 1denness at 6.55 p.m. ’'esterday of Mr. S. S. Logan, sub-agent of the Chartered Bank, Klang, while he and Mr. E. N. W. Oliver were playing
    302 words
  • 472 10 Sharing Its Rays. DUCE’S SON-IN-LAW IN SINGAPORE. A land of sunshine is how Count Ciano, Italian Minister in Shanghai, visualises the China of the future. This view he expressed in an interview with the Straits Times on Monday aboard the Conte Rosso on which Countess
    472 words
  • 141 10 Alleged to Have Knocked Down Policeman. Miss Kathleen Homer, a European, v.a? charged before Mr. A. C. Boyd, the Fourth Police Magistrate, on Saturday with causing hurt by a rash act while diiving a mo*or-car, failing to produce a driving licence, and failing to make a report
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  • 512 10 Wedding of Capt Miers Miss M. T. Cummins. The wedding took place at St. Andrew's Cathedral, Singapore, on Monday of Capt. Percy Reginald Penrose Miers, R.A., the well-known local hockey player, son of the late Capt. and Mrs. P. P. Miers, of Bogawantalava, Ceylon,
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 182 10 HAD RHEUMATISM FOR 20 YEARS But None Since 1930 This man must have something lik* record lor suffering. He says b oil 4 1910 up to 1930—that is 20 years-I ha? been a great sufferer with rheumatism i am pleased to say that since 1930 ud t date, I have
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  • 2974 11 1 he Latex Situation —Rewards For Pioneers —Danger Of Over-Production—Some Singapore Queries —Buying Estate Supplies Mr. Archie Russell —Java And Amsterdam Pointers. (By Our P la a tin* Correapondeit) rrHK reply made by Mr. Stutchbury, I ihairman of Revertex Ltd., to cornet* made in these rotes on
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  • 96 12 Boustead and Co. Succeed Syme and Co. The Straits Times is informed that Messrs Boustead and Co., have been appointed Lloyd’s shipping agents in Singapore as from the first of this month. Prior to that date the agency was held by Syme and Co. of Robinson Road, who.
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  • 94 12 Death Sentence On Hylam Commuted. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Apr. 13. The death sentence passed at the Selangor assizes, and confirmed by the Court of Appeal, on Foo Fook Tiong, the Hylam servant who killed Mn. Wallace and wounded her husband at Klang in November, 1931,
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  • 103 12 Caught Smuggling Opium In Sourabaya. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Medan, Apr. 10. The police have arrested a European opium smuggler in Soerabaya after the discovery of 15 kilogrammes of opium aboard the Tjinegara, of the Java-China-Japan line. V 1 connection with this case three j i\ neee wh
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  • 32 12 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Seremban, Apr. 14. A Chinese named Wong Kiah was given tjiree months rigorous imprisonment by r y esterd »y for stealing a sroat at Mantin.
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  • 474 12 Engineer’s Successful Petition. The Chief Justice (Sir William Murison) heard another divorce petition on Thursday, the third during theweek, which constituted a record. The parties were Rudolf Clark, a mechanical engineer, of 189 Albert Street (petitioner), Margaret Nigel Clark (respondent) and J. Palar, engine-driver of
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  • 91 12 Woman Finds Baby Boy In Undergrowth. A woman walking across a grass field early on Saturday morning heard the whimpering of a child and searching in ihe undergrowth she found a baby boy. The child had an abrnsian on his face and was crying for
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  • 67 12 Reduction In King Of Siam’s Civil List. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok, Apr. 13. When the present King came to the throne the vote for the Royal civil list was Tcs. 6,000,000, but subsequently the King agreed to various reductions. Now, the new budget discloses thU the
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  • 1164 12 $30,000,000 Fortune All Nonsense.” LOYAL TO CHINA. Why He Was Forced To Resign. A Chinese warlord who is on his way to live in Italy after resigning from a position of high military importance in the Sino-Japanese dispute, reached Singapore on Monday. He was Marshal Chang
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  • 112 12 Farewell Party On Eve Of Leave. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Teluk Anson, Apr. 15. The officers, N.C.Os. and members ct Platoon VII, (Teluk Anson) M.v 1» Perak, held an at home this even *T 1 ir honour of Lieut. L. F. Tribe, Omct;! Commanding, on the
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  • 40 12 (From Our Own Correspondent.' Kuala Lumpur, Apr. It is now announced that six maJ 01 six minor scholarships at the Mala. School of Agriculture, open to •<, only, are to be awarded by the f- 1 Government every year.
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  • 4203 13 Flying Over The Mountains—Cowardice Or Commonsense?—Railway Losses —Sir Frank Swettenham’s Warning Coaching Days In Perak— The Holiday-Snatchers. (By Our Kuala Lumpur Correspondent.) M\NY people must have wondered what would happen to the British p-ident of Pahang if, on one of his occasional hops over
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  • 1820 14 THE NEW CHIEF J USTICE. Mr. W. C. Huggard to Act For Sir W. Munson. IRISH LAWYERS. ExtraordinaryMeeting Of Council. A special meeting of the Legislative Council, for the purpose of passing an amendment to the Courts Ordinance, to regularise the appointment of Mr. W. t. Huggard, Attorney-General, as Chief
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  • PAST WEEK’S IMPERIAL AND GENERAL NEWS Contained in Reuter, British Imperial Radio and Special Telegrams.
    • 311 19 To Control Malayan Industry* LONDON MEETING. Mr Howeson And Friends Walk Out. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Apr. 13. Mr John Howeson and his friends walked" out of the meeting of the Malayan Chamber of Mines held in London yesterdav to discuss restriction questions, and particularly whether
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    • 75 19 —Reuter. Declaration By Dutch Colonial Minister. London. Apr. 15. The Amsterdam correspondent of the Financial Times quotes a declaration that he considers compulsory restriction of rubber production desirable in every respect as soon as a workable and efficient plan is available. said to have been made by Mr.
      —Reuter.  -  75 words
    • 105 19 .—Reuter Wireless. Important Changes In Portugal. Lisbon, Apr. 11. General Carmona’s military dictatorship will be replaced after today by the hist Consitutional Government since 1920. The Premier, Dr. Oliveira Salazar, has y;med a new Cabinet and many present iinisters have been reappointed. There ro Ministers for War, Education
      .—Reuter Wireless.  -  105 words
    • 219 19 —Reuter. Power May Be Given To President. Washington, Apr. 13. Power to expend the currency without asking for a mandate will be given to President Roosevelt by an amendment to the Farm Bill submitted by Senator Thomas. It is proposed that this step will be achieved
      .—Reuter.  -  219 words
    • 187 19 —Reuter. the Japanese Cabinet is feared.—Union Times. Political Crisis In Japan. Tokio, Apr. 12. Confirming the forecasts of his intended resignation, the Japanese Finance Minister, Mr. Takahashi, in an interview with the Press today declared his intention to resign as soon as the preliminary examination of those indicted
      .—Reuter.; the Japanese Cabinet is feared.—Union Times.  -  187 words
    • 61 19 —Reuter. Five Years for Officer In The Tower.” London, April 13. Lieut. Baillie-Stewart, of the Seaforth Highlanders, who was arrested and lodged in the Tower of London and tried by court martial on charges of selling military secrets to a foreign Power, was today, sentenced to be cashiered
      .—Reuter.  -  61 words
    • 60 19 Reuter. Resignation Of Governor Of Board. New York, Apr. 12. Mr. Eugene Meyer, governor of the Federal Reserve Board, has resigned and his resignation was accepted by Mr. Roosevelt ten days ago on the understanding that Mr. Meyer will remain in office until his successor is chosen, in
      Reuter.  -  60 words
    • 349 19 .—Reuter. Flouted Whole Basis Of League.” London, Apirl 13. A world boycott of Japanese goods was advocated by Major C. R. Attlee (Lab., Limehouse) in the House of Commons today as an item for discussion between Mr. Ramsay MacDonald and President Roosevelt at Washington in the
      .—Reuter.  -  349 words
    • 49 19 —Reuter Wireless. Appeal In Allahabad High Court. Allahabad, Apr. 11. Nine of flhe 28 prisoners sentenced at Meerut in the mass conspiracy case, including Hutchinson, one of the three Englishmen, have been released on bail pending the hearing on an appeal in the Allahabad High Court.—Reuter Wireless.
      .—Reuter Wireless.  -  49 words
    • 49 19 Reuter. Bill Introduced Into House Of Representatives. Washington, Apr. 15. The prohibition of transport by rail road or pipeline of oil produced in contravention of State laws and regulations is the object of a bill introduced in the House of Representatives by Mr. Marland, a Republican member.—Reuter.
      Reuter.  -  49 words
    • 39 19 meetings from Berlin to Paris.—Reuter Wireless. International Federation Of Trade Unions. Zurich, Apr. 11. The committee of the International Federation of Trade Unions has decided to transfer the venue of the Federation meetings from Berlin to Paris.—Reuter
      meetings from Berlin to Paris.—Reuter Wireless.  -  39 words
    • 27 19 POLITICAL REASONS.” ”—Reuter. New York, Apr. 12. Herr Puul Sohwarz, German Consul since 1928, has resigned in consequence of a cabled request from Berlin giving political reasons.”—Reuter.
      ”—Reuter.  -  27 words
    • 531 19 Three and Half Days! PROPOSALS FOR NIGHt FLYING. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Medan, Apr. 10. According to the Algemeen Indischa Dagblad, the K.L.M. intends milking m flight from Holland to the D.E.I. and back shortly flying both day and night. It is expected that
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    • 36 19 Reiter, All-night Sitting Deficit Of 4,177,000,000 Francs. Paris, Apr. 14. After an all night sitting the Chamber passed the budget at 6.15 a.m. by 514 votes to 67. The deficit is 4,177,000,000 francs.—
      Reiter,  -  36 words
    • 112 20 —Reuter. Speeches in Commons. “EUROPEAN WAR IN sight.” Berlin, Apr. 14. The German Ambassador has been instructed to protest to the British Government against tihe statements about Germany made in the House of Commons on Apr. 13 when Sir Austen Chamberlain declared that this is no
      .—Reuter.  -  112 words
    • 157 20 —Reuter. To Withdraw From World Court Tokio, Apr. 14. The possibility of Japan’s withdrawal from the Permanent Court of International Justice at The Hague, following her secession from the League of Nations is indicated by the Foreign Office in connection with the negotiations over the Japan-Holland
      —Reuter.  -  157 words
    • 106 20 Reuter. Towns Occupied Inside Great Wall. Shanghai, Apr. 12. Reports from Peiping and Tokio confirm the news of fierce fighting in North China. The Japanese are employing many heavy guns in making a strong drive and have occupied a number of towns within the Great Wall while aeroplanes
      Reuter.  -  106 words
    • 42 20 ministrator of that State.—Reuter Wireless. Capt. Goerinjs: Appointed By Hitler. Berlin, Apr. 1. General Von Epp, the Nazi Premier of Goering as Premier of Prussia. Chancellor Hitler has appointed Capt. Bavaria, has now been appointed Administrator of that State.—Reuter Wire-
      ministrator of that State.—Reuter Wireless.  -  42 words
    • 60 20 400 Youths Dispersed By Police. (hrorn Our Own Correspondent.) Medan, Apr. 10. The police yesterday dissolved a meetmg of 400 youths of an association, the tr? 1 which was being held in Djocja (Java). The meeting was discussing political issues, among others the trouble between i-hma and Japan,
      60 words
    • 586 20 lie de France, on Apr. 17.—Reuter Wireless. ,—Reuter. Debt Payments May Be Deferred. Washington, Apr. 12. Powers to defer if necessary the debt payments on June 15 are to be conferred on President Roosevelt for the forthcoming negotiations with Mr. Ramsay MacDonald, according to the newspapers.
      lie de France, on Apr. 17.—Reuter Wireless.; ,—Reuter.  -  586 words
    • 413 20 Reuter. Fine Record of Public Service. Chicago, Apr. 14. Mr. Edward Joseph Kelley, a civil engineer and democratic leader, has been elected Mayor by the City Council in succession to the late Mr. Anton Cermak, who was fatally wounded when the Italian Zangara, attempted to assassinate President
      Reuter.  -  413 words
    • 64 20 13.4 Per Cent. Decline In Production. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London. Apr. 12. The returns submitted by 354 companies associated with the Rubber Growers* Association in all parts of the world show that they have produced 8,933 tons in the first three months of 1933, compared with 10,317
      64 words
    • 106 20 Large Numbers Illegally Deported. New York, Apr. 12. Referring to the question of Chinese nationals being: ordered to evacuate Mexico, the Ohinese Minister to Mexico says the trouble is confined to Sinaloa State where 300 have been illegally deported by committees during recent months. Last week 15
      106 words
    • 180 20 Officers Picked Up In Lifeboats. Hong Kong, Apr. 12. The Norwegian steamer, Fjorden, has gone ashore ten miles south-west of Hong Kong and is sending out S.O.S. messages for help. The British steamer, Taishan, is hastening to her assistance. A later message states that the
      180 words
    • 213 20 and the Austrian Nazis.—Reuter Wireless. Russia Suspicious Of Italy. Moscow, Apr. 11. Intense suspicion that the four power pact may create an anti-Bolshevik bloc in Europe is accentuated by a statement m the Rome newspaper. Tribuna, that, through the pact, Mussolini is aiming at the “active liberation
      and the Austrian Nazis.—Reuter Wireless.  -  213 words
    • 105 20 —Reuter Wireless. Menace Of Japanese Competition. London, Apr. 11. The menace of Japanese competition to Lancashire’s trade was stressed today at a meeting in Manchester organised by the Cotton Trade League. Mr. Ghorlton, M.P., declared that Lancashire was faced by a competitor such as she had never encountered
      —Reuter Wireless.  -  105 words
    • 34 20 ,—Reuter. Appointment Confirmed By The Senate. Washington, Apr. 15. The Senate has confirmed the appointment of Mr. Frank Murphy as GovernorGeneral of the Philippines in succession to Mr. 'Theodore R. Roosevelt. —Reuter.
      ,—Reuter.  -  34 words
    • 7539 21 .—Reuter. —Reuter Wireless. MAN PAID TO THROW METAL IN MACHINERY. Admissions Of Bribery And Espionage. The trial of the six British and 25 Russian employees of MetroYickers in Moscow has opened in sensational fashion, one of the Britons, Mr. W. L. MacDonald, pleading guilty to
      .—Reuter.; .—Reuter Wireless.  -  7,539 words
    • 61 24 IF WAR COMES.” —Reuter Wireless. I.L.P. Will Stand Openly With Russia. London, Apr. 17. If war comes we shall stand openly with Russia, declared Mr. A. Fenner Brockway, chairman of the Independent Labour Party at the annual conference in Derby which passed a resolution to agitate for a general strike
      —Reuter Wireless.  -  61 words
    • 108 24 OFFICER-IN-TOWER.” .—Reuter Wireless. Under Observation In Prison Hospital. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Apr. 16. Lieut. Baillie-Stewart, who was sentenced to five years’ penal servitude for selling military secrets in Germany, is now under observation in Wormwood Scrubbs hospital, pending his removal to Maidstone Gaol. Confirmed By The King. Ixrndon,
      .—Reuter Wireless.  -  108 words
    • 69 24 Reuter. Seeking Renewal Of Concession. Teheran, Apr. 18. Negotiations between Sir John Cadman, chairman of the Anglo Persian Oil Co., and the Persian Government for the renewal of the company’s concession have been opened. The Persian Government has submitted proposals which Sir John Cadman is considering. The
      Reuter.  -  69 words
    • 310 24 Did Albert Voss Set It On Fire? (Froi.t Our Own Correspondent.) London, Apr. 15. The Daily Mail Geneva correspondent declares that the police have discovered that Albert Voss, of Manchester, one of the victims of the City of Liverpool air disaster, was a drug-trafficker and had been
      310 words
    • 72 24 Burn Everything In Their Path. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Apr. 15. Rivers of corrosive acid flowed down the streets of Ferryhill, Durham, last night when an explosion followed an outbreak of fire at the works of Dorman, Long and Co., Ltd. The acid burned everything in
      72 words
    • 45 24 95 M.P.H. Cars For The Flying Squad” (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Apr. 15. The Scotland Yard “Flying Squad” is being equipped with 95 m.p.h. “Q” cars to cope with the London bandit menace and all Metropolitan policemen are having regular revolver practice.
      45 words
    • 54 24 (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Apr. 15. Lubok Rubber Estates, Ltd., declare a loss for 1932 of £306; £923 is brought in to credit. Amherst Estates (Selangor) Rubber Co., Ltd., announce a loss of £1,848 during 1932, as compared with a loss of £1,502 in 1931; £1,619 is
      54 words
    • 352 24 —Reuter. iWithin the Sphere Of Possibility.’' The Amsterdam correspondent of the Financial Times declares that the decoration by Mr. S. de Graaf, the Minister of the Colonies, on Apr. 16, together with the sudden change of mind of some of the leading Dutch anti-restrictionists, has brought the regulation
      .—Reuter.  -  352 words
    • 141 24 —Reuter. Death of Famous Actor. London, Apr. 17. The death is announced of the Veteran Actor, Fred Terry.—Reuter. Fred Terry was born in London on Nov. 6, 1863, and was educated in Guines, France, and Geneva, Switzerland. His stage career began at the age of 16 when he
      —Reuter.  -  141 words
    • 49 24 Completely Ruined By Jewish Boycott. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Apr. 15. The boycott of Jews is alleged to have completely ruined the Leipzig fur trade, formerly the world’s largest and valued at £20,000,000 a year. London and Paris are now the centres of the trade.
      49 words
    • 48 24 -Reuter. Berlin, Apr. 17. The German airman, Capt. Hans Bertram received a royal reception from thousands of his countrymen when he unexpectedly arrived this afternoon from Athens conveying a letter from the Australian Prime Minister stating that his flight to Australia had strengthened Aus-tralo-Gcrman friendship.—Reuter.
      -Reuter.  -  48 words
    • 497 24 -Reuter. Pirate Outrage Near Macao. CUSTOMS OFFICERS. Growing Anxiety Over Newchwang Captives. a r<v- m on Apr. 17. A Chinese Maritime Customs cruiser grounded at low tide 15 miles from Macao early this morning and was attacked hv pirates, who sent in a fusillade of bullet/ The
      -Reuter.  -  497 words
    • 77 24 Ma)pya Should Get A Larger Quota.” (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, Apr. 13. An extraordinary general meeting of the Planting and Mining Association held yesterday, comprising an overwhelming Chinese majority, decided in favour of restriction in principle after August, 1934, and also that Malaya should get a larger
      77 words
    • 299 25 IT.S. Move for Release. NO INFLATION OF CURRENCY. Washington, Apr. 19. < nator Woodin, Secretary to the h as summoned the Governors of Tre f\V of the Central Reserve Banks to t him tomorrow to discuss means for ..mtini' exchange and currency and freeirr- l»»e money
      299 words
    • 23 25 Mrs. Harry B. Bonney, the \ustralian airwoman who arrived in Singapore on Tuesday on her way to England. Shell Aviation Sews.
      Shell Aviation Sews.  -  23 words
    • 135 25 .—Reuter. Remarried A Month After Being Divorced. Cannes, Apr. 18. X. lr Jimmy Walker, ex-Mayor of 0,, k has married Miss Betty Comp-'yell-known film actress, i, M alker’s first wife obtained a uv on Mar. 27, on the ground being tJ e *7 ‘‘exertion. Mr. Walker denied
      .—Reuter.  -  135 words
    • 179 25 —Reuter Growing Anxiety Over Captives’ Fate. Newchwang, Apr. 18. Anxiety is growing for the fate of the three British officers of the Nanchang, In the hands of the fiesh bandit gang vvl.o killed the seven original pirates on Api. 13 and carried off the captives in a junk.
      —Reuter  -  179 words
    • 147 25 Accepts Hollywood Offer Of £10,000. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, April 15. The Daily Herald declares that Col. T. E. Lawrence, who recently obtained his discharge from the Royal Air Force, took that step to go on the films It is said that he has accepted an
      147 words
    • 99 25 —Reuter. None to be Shipped To France from U.S. New York, Apr. 15. Although the fianc is quoted at prices making the export of gold profitable, none is to be shipped to France at present, according to the Journal of Commerce which says the Federal Reserve Bank authorities
      —Reuter.  -  99 words
    • 82 25 ,—Reuter. Remarkable Decrease In Drunkenness. New York, Apr. 18. Reports from parts of the United States show that the legal “wet” week was marked everywhere by a decrease in drunkenness and disorder despite the heavy demand for beer. Over 100,000 barrels were distributed in Chicago but the
      ,—Reuter.  -  82 words
    • 51 25 Reuter. 700 Kilometres An Hour Claim For Italian Plane. Milan, Apr. 19. Colonel Bcrnasconi, head of the high speed flying school at Desenzano, on Lake Garda, is reported have attaining a speed of over /00 kilometres an hour in a new' plane. The report is not yet
      Reuter.  -  51 words
    • 486 25 —Reuter. —Aneta-Trans-Ocean. Robbiano and Lancaster. MLLE. HILZ REACHES TOKIO. Rangoon, Apr. 17. There has been no news of the Italian airman, Dr. L. Robbiano, since he left Calcutta for Victoria Point at 10.30 p.m. on Friday. It is feared that he has been forced down in
      .—Reuter.; .—Aneta-Trans-Ocean.  -  486 words
    • 44 25 ,—Reuter Wireless. Sydney, Apr. 12. Sir MacPherson Robertson has given £15,000 prizemoney for a proposed London-Melbourne air race in October, 19.34, open to all dpmers, which will be held in connection with the centenary celebrations of the State of Victoria.—Reuter Wireless.
      ,—Reuter Wireless.  -  44 words
    • 27 25 ,—Reuter Wireless. London, Apr. 14. Captain Lancaster, who is trying for a new London-Cape Town flight record, is missing between Reggan and Gao.—Reuter Wireless.
      ,—Reuter Wireless.  -  27 words
    • 212 25 —Reuter. C.E.R. Dispute. IMMEDIATE REPLY WANTED. Moscow, Apr. 18. A strong protest against the alleged anti-Soviet activities of Manchukuo has been handed by M. Karakhan, the ViceCommissar for Foreign Affairs, to the Japanese Ambassador, Mr. Ota, according to the Tass Agency. The protest points out that
      —Reuter.  -  212 words
    • 44 25 11 uge Deficit Thought Inevitable. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Medan, Apr. 15. The Council of the I). E. I., the highest advisory body to the Gov-ernor-General, is discussing the D.L.I. budget for 1934. A deficit of 110 million guilders is thought inevitable.
      44 words
    • 159 25 Senate Rejects Free Coinage Plan. Washington, Apr. 18. The Senate, by 43 votes to 33, has rejected the proposal for a free coinage of silver with a ratio of 10 to one with gold, which was expressly disapproved by President Roosevelt, according to Senator Robinson, pending the introduction
      159 words
    • 73 25 —Reuter. Measure Passes House Of Representatives. Washington, Apr. 17. A bill passed by the House of Representatives authorises the President to forbid the shipment of arms and munitions from the United States to either or any belligerents anywhere in the world after securing the co-operation of such governments
      —Reuter.  -  73 words
    • 37 25 Reuter. New York, Apr. 15. The Guaranty Trust Co. of New York announces that it has received a licence from the United States Treasury to ship unspecified amounts of gold to France and Holland.—Reuter.
      Reuter.  -  37 words

  • Sporting News.
    • 1241 26 Paterson’s Success. BRILLIANT PLAY OVER HOME NINE. M.M. Paterson rotated his title as Malayan golf champion at the Kukit Timah course on Monday by del eating W. J. Gibb, of Selangor, two up, utter one of the hardest tights of his eaieer. The heavy rain
      1,241 words
    • 101 26 The annual meeting of the Malayan Golf Association was held at Bukit Timah on Friday Mr. C. V. Miles presiding. The following officials were elected President, Mr. D. A. M. Brown vicepresident, Mr. H. W. Raper hon. secretary and treasurer, Mr. L. D. Hardie committee, Messrs. W. H.
      101 words
    • 413 26 Championship Meeting Ends. There was a large gathering present at the Singapore Golf Club at home on Monday afternoon at the conclusion of the Malayan Golf Championship meeting. Before calling upon Mrs. Atkin-Berry, v/ife of the acting-president of the club, to distribute the prizes won during the
      413 words
    • 285 26 S.C.C. .0, Pulau Brani .2. The S.C.C. were outplayed when they met Pulau Brani in a First Division match on the Padang on Tuesday, and were lucky to escape with only a two-nil defeat. It could not be said that the heavy ground and ball hampered their tactics
      285 words
    • 419 26 Malayan Golf. CHAMPION BEATEN BY W. H. ELKINS. The Malayan Golf championship meeting opened at the Bukit Timah course on Friday with the annual match between the Colony and the F.Ms it was productive of no brilliant play* but the steadiness of the Colony pl'avera
      419 words
    • 84 26 —Reuter. Surprise Defeat Of Blackheath. London, Apr. 16. The following were the results ot principal Rugby matches played yesterday: Birkenhead Park 14 North of Ireland 24 Bridgwater 28 Blackheath 18 Bristol 4 Leicester 12 Swansea 15 Harlequins 5 —Reuter. London, Apr. 17. The following were the results of
      —Reuter.  -  84 words
    • 61 26 Leaving for Colombo On Friday. (From Our Own Correspondent.* London, Apr. 18 Bud Walley, the former Singapo'**. boxer, and Mr. Nai Kim Lim, his man ager, are to sail on the Suwa Maru an Friday, Apr. 21, for Colombo where Hnu is anxious to meet Thajudin, flyweign champion
      61 words
    • 1945 27 MALAYAN CRICKET NOTES. Malacca Batsmen Fail Against The S.C.C. Give A Chance To Young Asiatic Players. (By Our Cricket Correspondent) Having watched almost every club it v this season one of the things which P struck me most is the lack of cUus Siding at cover point, extra
      1,945 words
    • 227 27 Gives Celtic Scottish Cup. London, Apr. 15. A crowd of 100,000 saw Celtic win the Scottish Cup by beating Motherwell by one goal to nil. The match was played at Hamden Park. After McClory had pushed away two corner-kicks by Celtic, McMcnemy got through but Stevenson muffed a
      227 words
    • 45 27 Malacca, Apr. 13. The ladies’ medal for April was played on Wednesday and resulted as follows: Mrs. W. Mulligan (9) all square. Mrs. A. H. C. Allen (6) 2 down. Mrs C. Milne (8) 3 down. Mrs. H. B. Willan (14) 4 down.
      45 words
    • 622 27 Spinks Beats Kirwan. BAD WEATHER ON K.L. RANGE. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Apr. 16. The two-day meeting of the F.M.S.V.F. Rifle Association was brought to a successful conclusion on the Kuala Lumpur range this afternoon despite some very bad weather. Fortunately conditions were good for
      622 words
    • 45 27 —Reuter. Gains Knocked Out In Last Round. London, Apr. 13. A large crowd, including the Prince of Wales, saw Don McCorkindale of South Africa knock out Larry Gains, the Canadian, in the last of a ton-round heavyweight contest at the Albert Hall tonight.
      —Reuter.  -  45 words
    • 232 28 —Reuter. Good Friday Results. TOTTENHAM DROP A POINT AT HOME. I>0ridom, Apr. 14. The following maiche* were played in the English League today:— Ft rat Division. Art enal 4 Sheffield Wed. Blackpool 3 L'lackburn R. 0 < helsea 4 Leicester City 1 Liverpool 2 Huddersfield Town
      —Reuter.  -  232 words
    • 696 28 —Reuter. Huge Crowd At Highbury. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Apr. 16. A huge holiday crowd at Highbury saw he Arsenal consolidating their position at the top of the First Division table and the gunners now appear well set for championship honours. Grounds all over the country were
      —Reuter.  -  696 words
    • 223 28 —Reuter. Tottenham Draw At Plymouth. London, Apr. 17. Results of matches ployed today in the English League were ns follows: First Division. Birmingham 2 Sunderland 0 Derby County 2 Portsmouth o Everton 0 Leeds United 1 Middlesbrough 2 Wolverhampton W. 1 Newcastle Utd. 3 Aston Villa Sheffield Utd.
      —Reuter.  -  223 words
    • 83 28 R* .iter. London, Apr. 18. The following Engliah League matches were played today:— First Division. Aston Villa 3 Newcastle Utd. 0 Huddersfield T. 3 Liverpool 1 Leeds United 1 Everton 0 Leicester City l Chelsea 1 Second Division. Bradford City 1 Lincoln City 1 Third
      – R* .iter.  -  83 words
    • 949 28 Close Finishes. MR. WHITAKER RIDES FOUR WINNERS. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, Apr. 15. j Rain before and during the races marred the Perak Amateur meeting here today, making the going heavy. In the first race, Mona led till the home straight only *o be beaten by
      949 words
    • 25 28 It has been decided that it will be impossible to run this year’s summer meeting of the Selangor Turf Club in present circumstances.
      25 words

    • 427 1 Small Profit Again Recorded. The 16th annual general meeting of Vl Tcngah Rubber Estates Ltd., was held at Malacca on Apr. 5, Mr. T. F. Anderson Pole presiding. Proposing the adoption of the report and accounts the chairman said:— The year’s working resulted in a small profit
      427 words
    • 98 1 (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Apr. 13. Lewis and Peat, Ltd., announce a loss d Un n? 1032 of £2,317. A debit balance £44,798 is carried forward. Alor Pongsu Rubber Estates, Ltd., announce a loss of £2,451 for 1932. Merton Rubber Syndicate, Ltd., announce a loss for
      98 words
    • 68 1 we ?k ending April 8. exDon 0 tinn °d pineapples from Malayan lfiBjo amounted to 23,737 cases, of which loin <ases "ere to the United Kingdom, n’lqa Cfls es to the Continent of Europe, eisewhore 68 t 0 Canada and 2,067 ca?es e *Ports for the period, Jan.
      68 words
    • 583 1 OCEAN SHIPMENTS OF RUBBER, INCLUDING LATEX, REVERTEX AND CONCENTRATED LATEX, DURING THE MONTH OK MARCH, 1933. Sheet and Crepe Latex, Concentrated Latex, Rer.rtex. Total. Tons. Ton*. Tona. Transhipment. Transhipment. Transhipment. r> Export Straita Malay Export Straits Malay Export Straits Malay Graatf Name of Port. Proper. Settlements. States.
      583 words
    • 3583 2 OVER-PRODUCTION PARADOX. CoL Rae’s Speech To F.M.S. Chamber Of Commerce. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, Apr. 11. Hie annual general meeting of the F.M.S. Chamber of Commerce was held here this morning, with Col. Cecil Rae presiding. In his review of local affairs CoL
      3,583 words
    • 205 3 Mr. Frank S. Williams, American Trade Commissioner, 7A Ocean Building, Singapore, has just received by cable the following statistics relating to the foreign trade of the United States with Middle Asia:— For the month of February 1933: Total exports from United States C 5102,000,000. Total
      205 words
    • 28 3 (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Apr. 12. Sungei Besi Mines, Ltd., have declared an interim dividend of ten per cent, less tax, payable on May 1.
      28 words
      246 words
    • 208 3 (The Agures in brackets denote the oat* put of the corresponding period of last year). Ayer Kuning (F.M.5.).—80,000 lb. Ayer M01ek.—16,481 lb. Alor Gajnh—26,ooo lb. Australasia.—26,los lb. Ayer Panas. —68,000 lb. Bukit Kubu. —14,500 lb. Badek.—Bo,6oo lb. Balau. —41,250 lb. Bukit Kledek.—33,ooo lb Bradwall (F.M.5.).—19,000 lb. Bukit Kepong.—23,oBo
      208 words
    • 46 3 Singapore Official Quotations. Quotations Forward Contracts Spot Seller Prices d. I Date L’don S’pore May June MajrJune Apr. 13 2 Ml 6% 7 3/16 6 15/16 7 1/16 18 Holiday 7 7fc 7% 7 5/16 Ji* 2 17/32 7V4 7 13/16 1% 7 11/16
      46 words
    • 809 4 Fraser A ad Co’s Quotation. Singapore, Apr. 19. Mining. laaue Val. Pd. Bayera. Beliera. il II Atom Kumbang £8/8 24/8 II £1 Austral Malay 18/- 20/-nom. 6/- 5/- Ayer Hitam Tin 11/8 12/6 II II Bangrin Tin 11/- 12/1 1 Bataag Palang 0.06 0.07ft 1 1 Batu
      809 words
    • 291 4 Closing Quotations In London. (From Our Own Correspondent) London, Apr. 18. Closing quotations today of the principal British stocks are given below:— The rise or fall is in relation to the price of Apr. 13. GOVERNMENT STOCKS, BRITISH. Rise or Fall Conversion Loan 5% 116ft Funding
      291 words
    • 124 4 The Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association held its 1.117 th auction on Apr. 12, when there was catalogued 1.306,508 lb. or 5f?2.8 tons; offered 1,262,297 lb. or 559.0 tons; sold 1,022,348 lb. or 466.4 ons t j BP°tLondon 2%d. New York 3 9/32 cts. PRICES REALISED.
      124 words
    • 747 4 SINGAPORE DOLLAR SHARE PRICES APR. 19. Capital Issm Closing pri*,. Paid Up Value DWWand. Frawr lL.1, a Company A C«. *****5 1 Nil for year 29-2-32 .Allenby (|1) 0.46 0.55 0 4K a-* 216,779 1 Nil for year 80-9-82 Alor Gajak ($1) 046 045 o i l
      747 words
    • 364 4 Sound Financial Position. The twenty-third annual general meeting of Radella Rubber Estate was held on Wednesday, April 5, at Malacca, Mr. T. F. Anderson Pole presiding. In the course of his speech the chairman said:— The year’s working resulted in a loss of $2,700.27 of which
      364 words
    • 248 4 EXCHANGE RATES. Singapore, Apr. 19. SELLING. London, 4 month*’ tight H 27/8! London, 8 months’ tight 2/3 13/16 London, 60 days’ tight 2/3 25/8! London, 80 days' tight 2/3 8'4 London* demand 2/S 23/32 London, T.T. */3 11/16 Lyons and Paris, demand 990 Hamburg, demand 105 New
      248 words
    • 19 4 Apr. 13 Tin, S’pore Prices $81,124 P er 1H 82.00 ft IO ft 19 82.75 m
      19 words