The Straits Budget, 13 April 1933

Total Pages: 36
1 4 The Straits Budget
  • 29 1 The Straits Budget being the weekly issue of the straits times [ESTABLISHED NEARLY A CENTDBV.’ No. 3.922 SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, APRIL 13, 1932 Price 25 cents (S.S. Currency) or 7d.
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  • 278 1 LEADERS Pace The* Indian Problem 3 Another Viewpoint 3 A Planting Union 3 In South Africa 3-4 More About Tin 4 More Overproduction 4 Occasional Notes 5-0 Telegrams, Reuter and Special— Covering Past Week’s News 21-29 Pictures Rural Singapore 17 Sir Cecil and Lady Clementi 17 Miss Nellie Chia
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  • 154 1 Public Examination Continued. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Apr. 7. hi* adjourned public examination of Lim Chin Guam was continued to-''a-v in the Supreme Court before Mr. •n tice Cobbett. Answering Mr. P. J. D. Regester, appearing for one of the cieditors, Mr. Lim h<n Guam
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  • 1297 1 Lieut. J. M. R. Ditinus, R.A.O.C., has been promoted captain. o 0 L ir U i' Abubakar bin Ilaji Arshad, b.&.\ .1*., has been promoted captain. Mr. H. Jacques, Director of Education, Saiawak, has gone on leave prior to retirement. Mr. G. W. de Silva has been
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  • 258 1 Monday, Apr. 3. Dr. A. R. Wellington arrived to stay at Government House. In the afternoon Lady Clementi presided at a meeting of the Child Welfare Society held at Government House. Tuesday, Apr. 4. Mr. and Mrs. F. T. Tree, Mr. R. G. A. Guerra, Commander Augusto Goulartt
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  • 2704 2 Danger to Malayan Producers. QUOTA DISCONTENT. Entitled to Ask For Better Terms. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Apr. 7. Events are moving rapidly in the Malayan tin world. Yesterday the belan* gor Miners’ Association, by a practically unanimous vote, supported the continuance of restriction for
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  • 60 2 Bankura, Mar. 30. The Government have awarded a stipend of Rs. 6 a month to Anil Kunia? Mazumdar, a student at the Banktn* Zilla School, in consideration of the "*ai services rendered by his father, Mr. C. Majumdar, as Battalion Havilda Major, I. T. F., at present
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  • The Straits Budget
    • 980 3 —Straits limes, Apr. 6. We commence publication today of His Majesty’s Government’s Proposals for Indian Constitutional Reform” which have been issued as a White Paper and reprint.(i as a supplement to The Times. The publication of these proposals does, not as many had hoped it might, constitute
      —Straits limes, Apr. 6.  -  980 words
    • 962 3 but of the company itself.—Straits Times, Apr. 7. I A remarkable amount of interest ha been aroused by the articles which have appeared in this column of the Straits ,m s on the object of the profits earned by Malayan Collieries and by the reply made by the
      but of the company itself.—Straits Times, Apr. 7.  -  962 words
    • 780 3 Straits Times, Apr. 8. Apart from a passing reference at a meeting in Perak some weeks ago, the first intimation that a union of planting bodies in Malaya, or some form of liaison between them, was under consideration was contained in Mr. R. S. Chantler’s an- nual
      Straits Times, Apr. 8.  -  780 words
    • 1035 3 MJ'UII V Ut IJ III A» A Ul VM MIIV4 M PS'-HV election is to l>e held next month.—Straits Times, Apr. 10. A week ago we gave in this column a i summary of the Jewish position :n Mu rope and an outline of the history :»f
      MJ'UII V Ut IJ III A» A Ul VM MIIV4 M PS'-HV » «• election is to l>e held next month.—Straits Times, Apr. 10.  -  1,035 words
    • 1205 4 —Straits Times, Apr. 11. Malayan mining interests are at preaent very active in considering their future in relation to the continuance o** otherwise of the present tin restriction scheme. Whatever may be the decisions i reached by the various bodies concerned, j there is no danger that
      ,—Straits Times, Apr. 11.  -  1,205 words
    • 1170 4 Straits Times, Apr. 11. Colonel Theodore Roosevelt, the retiring Governor-General of the Philippines, in the course of his very instructive address to the Singapore Rotary Club, touched upon a number of subjects which are of considerable importance to this country. The principal of them was the reference to
      Straits Times, Apr. 11.  -  1,170 words

  • 255 4 Mr. E. M. Scoular And Miss Doris Cantrell. The marriage took place at St Andrew’s Church, Kuala Lumpur, on Saturday of Ernest Matthew Scoular of the Asiatic Petroleum Company, Kuala Lumpur, sen of the ’ate Mr. Robert Scoular and Mrs. Scoular, of Hampstead, London, ami Aileon Doris Cantrell,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 86 4 NOTICE A.1I communications for both the Strait* Times and the Straits Budget should nddressed to the Head Office, Cecil nnd Stanley Streets. Singapore, Straiu Settlements. The post free price of the Straits Time.' t0 the United Kingdom and foreign countres is $48 a year. The post free price of the
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  • 142 4 DEATHS GOMES.—On April 6. 1933, at No. 5G-L Boncoolen Street, Singapore. Victoria Rozalia (Rosie) Gomes, 68 years. beloved mother of Mr. M. F. Gomes, Mr. A. S. Gomes and Mr. Robin Gomes. Deeply regretted. CURTIS.—On April 8. 1933,' at the General Hospital, Singapore, Captain Richan James Curtis, 71 years. GAN.—Mr.
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    • 124 5 Straits Tim s. Apr. 0. Thf depression has reached America, j the Sultan of Swat, in other words R-dn* Ruth, the one and only “circuit ,U,ut smacker,” great idol of the basel .ll arena, has perforce to live on such paltry sum as $52,000 a year.
      Straits Tim s. Apr. 0.  -  124 words
    • 342 5 ia certain to continue.—Straits Times. Apr. ♦’>. It was good of Mr. Stutchbury, the chairman of Revertex Ltd., to write from London to the Straits Times and put the tasi for his company, at; opposed to the e, mounts on latex concentration patents made by our planting
      ia certain to continue.—Straits Times. Apr. ♦’>.  -  342 words
    • 376 5 5® p r i e J M is 80 lovely.—Straits Times, What can one think about Soviet Russia? On the one hand, there is the Ta s Agency telling of a “paradise on fai th and of the wonderful improvement* the Soviet Government is making in every direction,
      5®pri!|eJM is 80 lovely.—Straits Times,  -  376 words
    • 371 5 Straits Times, Apr. 7. Regularly every Friday there appears i sh.!!l aSS f W °V ,S fi ures and fancy phiases, separately simple but collectively incomprehensible, to all but a few, known as the Government Gazette. Those people who can understand it find it extraordinarily dull reading unless
      Straits Times, Apr. 7.  -  371 words
    • 428 5 Straits Times, Apr. 7. A noteworthy attempt to find a compromise between the needs of the nomadic Sakai and the aims of the scientific forester ij being made in the Trolak forest reserve, which the traveller on the Perak trunk road passes between Tanjong Malim and Sungkai.
      Straits Times, Apr. 7.  -  428 words
    • 245 5 —Straits Times, Apr. 8. In view of the commendable encouragement to local industries which has been given by Mr. Loke Yung Hung, of Kuala Lumpur, in installing rubber flooring and rubocr distemper thioughout his new house, the following comments by the propaganda committee of the R.G.A. are
      —Straits Times, Apr. 8.  -  245 words
    • 231 5 service comes into beinjzr.”—Straits Times, Apr. 8. While the people in Malaya wonder at our backwardness in wireless broadcasting and telephony, so also do Malayans at home, as the following editorial comment in British Malaya shows: “We have heard considerable comment recently regarding the absence of communication by
      service comes into beinjzr.”—Straits Times, Apr. 8.  -  231 words
    • 374 5 SCOUT CAMPS possess facilities of this kind.—Straits Times, Apr. 8. After a few years in Singapore most of us tend to live more or less in watertight compartments, as a matter of expediency rather than choice, and in consequence we make surprising discoveries now and again of things in our
      possess facilities of this kind.—Straits Times, Apr. 8.  -  374 words
    • 258 5 MAGNIFICENT BUT —Straits Times, Apr. 10. Some of the war news from Jehol which has appeared in Malayan newspapers recently shows how extensive and dangerous is the mediaevalism which still pervades the Chinese nation. Here is an extract from a dispatch sent by a Chinese news agency, describing an exploit
      —Straits Times, Apr. 10.  -  258 words
    • 260 5 age local enterprise.-—Straits Timet. Apr. 10. Following closely on the annual meeting of Malayan Collieries, Ltd., at which a dividend of 15 per cent, was announced, came the meeting of Malayan Breweries, Ltd., where it was revealed that during the first three months of trading operations a profit
      age local enterprise.-—Straits Timet. Apr. 10.  -  260 words
    • 317 5 be generally welcomed.—Straits Times, Apr. 10. The discussion at the annual meeting of the Kulua Lumpur Flying Club which is reported in the Straits Times today is of interest to the general public as well as to amateur airmen, for it will probably lead to employment in the
      be generally welcomed.—Straits Times, Apr. 10.  -  317 words
    • 281 6 -Straits Times, Apr. 11. The latest papers to hand from Australia indicate that there is very keen rivalry there for the operation of the last outstanding section of the “adred’' route betw’een Singapore and the Commonwealth. Two figures, well known wherever men go up in the air in
      -Straits Times, Apr. 11.  -  281 words
    • 276 6 to make through out territory.”—Straits Times, Apr. 11. Another aspect of this long promised service which has just come to light concerns the Royal Dutch Air Mail Company. Apparently this company asked permission to land mails and passengers at Darwin but the Minister for Defence (Sir George Pearce)
      to make through out territory.”—Straits Times, Apr. 11.  -  276 words
    • 367 6 SELF-HELP -Straits Times. Apr. 11. A further effort is being made by the Clerical Union (Singapore) to obtain i contributions to the Asiatic Unemployment Fund„ At the last annual genera! meeting of the Union a resolution was passed urging that every employed clerk be requested to make a voluntary donation
      -Straits Times. Apr. 11.  -  367 words
    • 117 6 top price, has been accepted.—Straits Times. Apr. 12. Recently the P.W.D. called for tenders for the construction of a drain at Bukit Panjang, Woodlands Road. The result is now' published in the Government Gazette and tne figures given make rather interesting reading. Chop Swee Wing found it could
      top price, has been accepted.—Straits Times. Apr. 12.  -  117 words
    • 300 6 throughout the Peninsula.—Straits Times, Apr. 12. The announcement of the death of Raja Sir Chulan, Raja di Hilir of Perak, will be read with sorrow not only by his compatriots but by people of all races who knew him in this country and by many British people
      throughout the Peninsula.—Straits Times, Apr. 12.  -  300 words
    • 366 6 -Strait* Times, Apr. 12. It is often said that rubber companies whose reserves become exhausted during the present depression will still be able to make something out of their properties by abandoning the orthodox methods of operation—European management, agents, secretaries and so forth —and falling back upon
      -Strait* Times, Apr. 12.  -  366 words

  • 419 6 Singapore Man In Penang Case. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Apr. 7. In the Supreme Court here today judgment was entered against Mr. J. B. David, of Oxley Rise, Singapore, for $30,315 and interest from Jan. 1, 1932, and costs. Judgment was entered on the application of Mr.
    419 words
  • 657 6 Tuba Root Duty. NO TOLL ON THE CAUSEWAY. A committee meeting of the Planters’ Association was held at offices of Rennie Lowick Co u Kon* Bank Chambers, Sineanore n Monday with Mr. J. W.E. /SR Infectious Diseases. A letter from the Principal Medial Officer regarding the free
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  • 486 7 Life of Service For The Malays. MANY TRIBUTES. “None Has Done More For His Countrymen.” (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, Apr. 11. rh death took place at his residence in Kuala Kangsar yesterday evening of the Hon. Raja Sir Chulan bin Sultan Abdullah, Raja di
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  • 91 7 Generosity Of K.L. Chettiar Community. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Apr. 10. The* chettiar community of Kuala J-umpur celebrated the Pan pan i Uttiram by feeding five thousand poor People at their temple on Saturday and Vi? t^ yesterday. i e s »me liberality is being
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  • 710 7 Last Night’s Messiah.” CHORAL SINGING OF A HIGH STANDARD. In the past two years, largely owing to the efforts of Sir Thomas Beecham, there has been u certain revival of enthusiasm for Handel’s music,” wrote a weil-known music critic* in a home pape*.* recently. Not only
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  • 1352 7 Produce Show. CORNER WHERE IT IS REALLY RURAL. Right in the heart of this busy commercial city of Singapore, in one corner of the New World ui be exact, there was a really rural spot over the week-end (writes a Straits Times 1 reporter). A
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  • 50 7 Helping Education In Siam. (From Our Own Correspondent). Bangkok, Apr. 11. The King of Siam has sent a gift of Tcs. 200,000 to the Ministry of Public Instruction for the maintenance of the public schools. The money has already been handed *o the Ministry of Education.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 35 7 NO RELAPSE-ASTHMA CURE. Guaranteed Peerless Remedy for Sure and Permanent Cure. Please let me tell yoa everything in detail. No matter who haa failed. Apply;— I)r. BlOW ELLF A RE, Hot wall para, (Benyal), India.
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  • Correspondence.
    • 640 8 Revertex Ltd. Explains Its Policy. To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —I have read with much interest the comments which you made in a recent issue of your journal on the portion which has been brought about as a result of the discovery of different methods
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    • 1133 8 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,-—The purpose of this letter, if you will please oblige, is not to find fault with the Government for trying to reduce expenditure; but to draw public attention to the fact that the methods employed for balancing the budget are, as rnentioned
      1,133 words
    • 282 8 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir. —As Senior Private in the Volun. leers, I am in a position to assert that if Full Private,” Volunteer’s Wife ami Another Private were to join me in the formation of a Select Committee, wo could not only put the
      282 words
    • 90 8 To the Editor of the Straits Times Sir, —With reference to the paragraphs with the sub-heading, Keeping Order In B.N.B.” in the Journal of your Kuala Lumpur correspondent published in your issue of Apr. 8, it may interest your readers to know that the Labour ance
      90 words
    • 356 8 Death in Hospital at W<> Of 71. The death look place on Satumay at the General Hospital of Capt. Richard James Curtis, who had been in the semoe of the Straits Steamship Co. for many years and retired in 1U2S. He was chiefly on the Bangkok
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  • 61 8 In the Supreme Court, Kuala Lumpur, on Tuesday, mention was made of at application by the Car Committee. F.M.S., for an order that Mr. M. N. Mallik be struck off the role of advocates and solicitors of the Supreme Court. TV application was postponed to May
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  • 41 8 The 4-engined “Atalanta” which is considered hy Imperial Airways most suited for service on the I'ritain-Australia air line. It is hoped that this service will be opened by the end of this year.
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  • 2177 9 One of Our Greatest Business Men.” LOSS TO THE F.M.S. Founder of Malayan Collieries. Mr. J. A. Russell, the chairman of Malayan Collieries Ltd. and one of the leading European residents of the Federated Malay States, died in the General Hospital, Singapore, on Friday
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  • 587 9 Not Retiring'. “BEEN IN POLITICS TOO LONG.” The resignation of Mr. Theodore Roosevelt, the Republican Governor* General of the Philippines, has naturally followed the rise to power of the Democratic party in the U.S.A., but he has no intenttai of ■tying goodbye to politics yet
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  • 1495 10 Result of “Fling To Square Debts.” MR. MILLARD WATTS. DISCHARGED FROM BANKRUPTCY. The crash of the sharebroking firm of Rose Macphail and Penman two years ago was mentioned on Friday ir the Bankruptcy Court whei Mr. Justice Mills granted Mr. W. Millard Watts, formerly
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  • 1197 10 Cross-Country Work. $14,000 CABIN MACHINE FAVOURED. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Apr. Ik The purchase of a two-engined aeroplane suitable for long passenger flights and for training in navigation was up« proved by the members of the Kuala Lumpur Flying Club at their annual
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 177 10 FAT MAN LOSES <3 lb,. Kruschen and Walking Overweight men who want to lo«e r pounds can have the benefit of this He Bives th V In a little over twelve months J ha> <. reduced my weight from 227 lbs t» lbs., by taking a dose of Kruschen Salu
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  • 3564 11 HELPING THE SMALL MAN. CoL Roosevelt Talks “Shop” To Rotarians. A lesson in drastic retrenchment and reorganisation of staffs in Government departments, leaving the efficiency unimpaired, was given by Col. Theodore Roosevelt, retired Governor-General of the Philippine Islands, when he spoke at the meeting of
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  • 167 12 Chinese Fined $10,000 And Imprisonment. On information received a party of revenue officers raided a house in Malay Street shortly after 8 o’clock on the night of Mar. 31. Proceeding to search ;he premises they came upon a wooden box in a room on the second
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  • 216 12 Scoutmaster Pays $2 On Union Jack. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Apr. 8. If a British subject living in the British* protected territory of the Federated Malay States wants to import a British flag he must pay duty on it. This was the startling discovery made
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  • 179 12 Six Months’ Prison For C. W. Younger. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, April 8. C. W. Younger, late of Singapore and until recently employed in the accounts department of the Penawat Tin Dredging Co., Tanjong Tuallang, Perak stood trial today in the Supreme Court here on two charges
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  • 336 12 Free Board and Tuition At Serdang. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Apr. 10. The rules laid down for major and minor scholarships is to be granted by the F.M.S. Government in respect of the School of Agriculture, Malaya, have been published. In both cases candidates
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  • 1139 12 Attack on Captain. SEQUEL TO SHIP SHOOTING. Remarking that he was 0 f th opinion that (he accused had exerc.scd the right of self-defence, Raja Hit am the Klang Magistrate, duUarged Ca,w' Leif Thue. of the a.s. Manila* of X charge of voluntarily causing hurt one
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  • 4030 13 Economic Punacaeas Boards Useful And Otherwise—Why Worry The D.O.’s?— The Agricultural Committee—Sew Malayan Markets—A Barn At Serdang—The “Skivvy” On Firelight ers. (By Oir Planting Correspondent.) SOME attention is being given at the present time to the question of whether it is possible to create more effective machinery
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  • 128 14 Idea for Selangor Club. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Apr. 6. A loud-speaker and telephone to assist members of the A.A.M. in calling their cars at the Selangor Club has been suggested. The proposal was put forward by a member at the last meeting of
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  • 107 14 Cheah Boon Hean Goes To A Malay. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Taiping, Apr. 4. The Cheah Boon Hean scholarship, which was founded by the Hon. Mr. Cheah Cheng Lim, J.P., an old boy of the King Edward VII School, Taiping, in memory of his father, the late Mr.
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  • 301 14 Life “Boring.” NOT GETTING MARRIED. JUST YET. Miss Barbara Hutton, the young and beautiful heiress to the Wool worth millions and repu ed to be the richest girl in the world, has slipped quietly in and out of Singapore. There had been talk of her coming
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  • 156 14 Election Of Officers For The Year. The annual general meeting of the Indian Sporting Club Kvas held at the club’s premises in Grissieoh-Weg, Sourabaya. The following were elected office bearers for the year President, Mr. Abdullabhoy H. Patel vice-president, Mr. Kundandas; hon. permanent president, Mr. M. V.
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  • 568 14 Nothing Fictitious.” TYRES THAT WILL BE REPLACED. According to Mr. J. J. Blandin of the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co. there is nothing ficticious about the crude rubber stock figures in the United States which stand today at about 400,000 ton* These figures, he says, are
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  • 60 14 Third This Year Found Near Taiping. (From Our Own Correspondent Taiping, Apr. 4. The third body to be found on the railway line near Taiping withm the yjwas discovered on Monday night. 1 body was later identified as that of* Singh, a sub-warder in Taiping Ga0 n
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  • 3919 15 Eslates In The Nineties—A Historic Malayan Inquiry “Three Years’ Enforced Servitude A Province Wellesley Scandal Whipping Coolies In Borneo Freedom For Thirty-Five Dollars. (Bj, Our Kuala Lumpur Correspondent.) HAVING occasion recently to dip into the report of the Labour Commission of 1890, I discovered
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  • 991 16 TRIBUTES TO SIR J. SCOTT. Yorkshiremen Throw A “Reight Gradely Do.” The Yorkshire Society in Malaya gave a “roight gradely do” in honour of their retiring president. Sir John Scott, the Colonial Secretary, and Lady Scott, at the Adelphi Hotel, on Apr. 5. It
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  • 371 16 Clever Pencil Sketches Of Asiatic Types. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Apr. o. Considering the small and scattered membership of the Selangor Arts Club the two-day exhibition which the club is holding in Kuala Lumpur this week must be rut down as a courageous and
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  • 243 16 Look at My Face,” Says Debtor to Judge. Said t d have property worth $180,000 and debts of $120,000, a Jew, A. Abraham, was adjudicated bankrupt I»y Mr. Justice Mills on Friday in the Bankruptcy Court. “I submit to the Official Assignee taking over charge of my affairs
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  • PAST WEEK’S IMPERIAL AND GENERAL NEWS Contained in Reuter, British Imperial Radio and Special Telegrams.
    • 1141 21 —Reuter Wireless. I'.S. Chamber of Commerce MR ROOSEVELT TURNS down inflation. Washington, Apr. 10. further postponement of the pay- *»f inter-governmental debts should be authorised on a temporary basis where j P b, ((ls can demonstrate their inability to -ays a letter from the United States
      —Reuter Wireless.  -  1,141 words
    • 105 21 Hitler’s Broadcast Address. Berlin, Apr. 8. What promises to be the greatest roll call on record will take place on Saturday evening 6 o’clock when more than half a million National Socialist Storm Troops will assemble at various local headquarters throughout Germany and Austria to listen to
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    • 130 21 Pirates Now Willing To Discuss Terms. Newchwang, Apr. 10. Negotiations are now’ in progress for the release of the three British officers who were kidnapped from the Nanchang. The intermediary sent by the British authorities to the pirates after the release of Mr. Pears returned today carrying
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    • 184 21 employment 1,855,841 persons.—British Wireless. —Aneta-Trans-Ocean. Ministry of Labour’s Annual Report. Rugby, Apr. 7. The Ministry of Labour’s annual report show’s that the volume of unemployment moved between relatively narrow limits last year compared with the three preceding years, the high and low monthly percentage being respectively 20.8 and 22.9.
      employment 1,855,841 persons.—British Wireless.; —Aneta-Trans-Ocean.  -  184 words
    • 134 21 -Reuter. crew of 11 were all saved.—Reuter Wireless. Notebook of Airship’s Behaviour. Washington, Apr. 10. The body of Commander Berry, the commander of the U.S. naval air stations, who was on board the Akron at the time of the disaster, has been recovered eight miles from the spot
      -Reuter.; crew of 11 were all saved.—Reuter Wireless. *  -  134 words
    • 38 21 Now Placed On Retired List. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Apr. 8. Commander Sutton, who is now serving six months in prison for the manslaughter of a Cyprus hotel-keeper, has been placed on l/he retired list.
      38 words
    • 295 21 Control By Committee. NO NEW PLANTING TO BE ALLOWED. Amsterdam, Apr. 8. A ten year convention between rubber growers throughout the world in which an extension of rubber growing will not be allowed is proposed in a scheme drafted by a prominent Amsterdam rubber broker, Mr.
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    • 140 21 Time-Limit Clause to Be Inserted. London, Apr. 5. The House of Commons, by 347 votes 4 o 48, rejected the Labour motion for the rejection of the Russian prohibition bill, which then received its second reading. The Rt. Hon. W. Runciman, President of the Board of Trade,
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    • 92 21 Appointed Archbishop Of Sydney. Sydney, Apr. 6. The Bishop of Western China, the Rt. Rev. Howard West Kilvinton Mowll, M.A., D.D., has been appointed Archbishop of Sydney.—Reuter. The lit. Rev. Mowll has been in China since 1922, first as Assistant Bishop, and from 1926 as Bishop. Born in
      92 words
    • 492 22 Well-Informed Report From Amsterdam. SHARE BOOM. Steady Buying In London. London, Apr. 10. The Amsterdam correspondent of t^ < Financial Times learns from a tTl/* p.- c?n. rn of' sUndard production havo already accepted the proposa The annual output quotas, in tons, will thCTbe: ***** us*!
      492 words
    • 727 22 Preparations for Trial Of Britishers. Moscow, Apr. 8. They cannot frighten us,” declares Isvestia, commenting on the British Commons debate on the R 8 l n Imports Bill, and adds that British diplomacy ignored the basis of the accusations and gave undue prominence to the
      727 words
    • 193 22 —British Wireless. U.S. Plan to Improve Trade. Washington, Apr. 7. The heads of the French, Italian and German Governments have been invited to Washington to discuss world economic recovery. Reciprocal Treaties. Washington, Apr. 7. A straight 10 per cent, cut in import tariffs is reported in Congress circles
      ’—British Wireless.  -  193 words
    • 228 22 —Aneta. Homeward Planes to Call At Singapore. Batavia, Apr. S. The K.L.M. (Royal Dutch Air Line) announces that it intends to divert the Holland-Dutch East Indies air line via Singapore so that Java may reached twice a week by mail plane from Singapore. It is stated that
      —Aneta.  -  228 words
    • 97 22 German Ministers Go To Rome. Berlin, Apr. 8. Herr von Papen, the Vice-Chancellor, left for Rome yesterday evening and Capt. Goering will follow by air on Sunday. The visit is described as a private one to discuss the four Power pact and other outstanding questions with Signor Mussolini
      97 words
    • 197 22 One Released: Fraser Still Detained. ■London, Apr 4 The arrest in Berlin of two Britcn. Messrs. James Fraser and Cordon S’ pole, provided the opportunity for iron;?; Questions in the House of Common'S day by members of the Labour P a t v apt. Eden,
      197 words
    • Article, Illustration
      42 22 A photograph of Mr. Harrison Forman, the American explorer, in the dress of a Tibetan llama in which he travelled through country never previously visited by a white man. Mr. Forman lectured on his experiences al the Y.M.C.A. on Friday.
      42 words
    • 98 22 -Reuter. Scheme for Iron and Steel Industry. London. Apr. A far-reaching rationalisation ot t British iron and steel industry > shadowed by the recommendation ox National Advisory Committee, a ing the whole industry, which at <■ number of regional associate dealing with a group of P r0<l11 j t
      -Reuter.  -  98 words
    • 141 23 —Reuter. Theatre Manager And Wife Shot Dead. alleged TORTURES. Kidnapped Couple Jump From Car. Berlin, Apr. 6. Following 1 the murder of the German irurna'i«t. Dr. Georg Bell, an ex-Nazi, in in hotel at Durchholzen, in the Tyrol, apparently by Bavarian Nazis in revenge for alleged treason,
      .—Reuter.  -  141 words
    • 184 23 -Reuter. But a Gain in Moral Strength. London, Apr. 5. The League of Nations has been weakened by the Japanese withdrawal out strengthened morally by the decision to face honestly up to the hardest situation with which it has ever been confronted/’ declared Sir Eric Drummond, the
      -Reuter.  -  184 words
    • 105 23 --Reuter. Armed Guards Must Be Paid For. London, Apr. 5. Questioned in the House of Commons piracies, Sir Bolton Eyres•fonsei), First Lord of the Admiralty, said rt "as impossible with the number of warships available to forestall all piracies. Sir Basil Peto (Un„ Barnstaple) suggested armed guards for
      --Reuter.  -  105 words
    • 119 23 —Reuter. She Opened 'Up Like A Clam.” I4 New York, Apr. 5. She opened, up like a clam when “Khtning surrounded us,” said a rescued jmeniber of the crew of the Akron, fur■u u (le sci ’ibing the disaster, the cause of vh ch >« still undetermined. ex
      —Reuter.  -  119 words
    • 263 23 —Reuter. principal repayments and interest.—British Wireless. Gold Embargo Lifted. MR. MACDONALD GOING TO WASHINGTON. Washington, Apr. 5. America is henceforth on the ‘‘bullion standard by virtue of Presidential orders lifting the embargo on the export of gold but licensing the issue of gold in industrial and
      —Reuter.; principal repayments and interest.—British Wireless.  -  263 words
    • 76 23 Reuter. Rights Do Not Exist In China. Nanking, Apr. 5. Articles patented in foreign countries enjoy no pafent rights within the jurisdiction of China,” says the Ministry of Communications in response to a query as to whether it is lawful to manufacture for sale in China duplicates of
      Reuter.  -  76 words
    • 97 23 —Reuter. Work to Proceed On Normal Lines. London, Apr. 5. In the House of Commons at question time Sir Bolton Eyres-Monsell, First Lord of the Admiralty, again stated the position as regards the Sir John Jackson contract at the Singapore Naval Base and completion of work in four
      —Reuter.  -  97 words
    • 37 23 Reuter. Britain Asks Too Much From Argentine. Buenos Aires, Apr. 6. Official circles here are of the opinion that the Anglo-Argentine trade agreement will not be concluded at present as the British demands are unacceptable.—
      Reuter.  -  37 words
    • 77 23 —Reuter. Mussolini Plan. NOT TO BE WHITTLED DOWN. Rome, Apr. 6. Italy’s reply to the attempt to whittle down the Mussolini pian is contained in a communique issued after a three-hour meeting of the Fascist Grand Council which affirms that the fundamental element of the Musoslini
      —Reuter.  -  77 words
    • 134 23 ,—Aneta-Trans-Ocean. .—Aneta-Havas. Hindenburg Presents Her With Big Air Prize. Berlin, Apr. 2. The Hindenburg Cup, presented annually for the best sporting performance during the preceding twelve months, has been awarded to the well-known airwoman Fraulein Elli Beinhom, for her notable long-distance solo flights to India and Australia.—Aneta-Trans-Ocean. Hindenburg’s
      ,—Aneta-Trans-Ocean.; .—Aneta-Havas.  -  134 words
    • 55 23 —Reuter. Protest at Burning In Poland. Berlin, Apr. 6. The German Minister to Warsaw, Herr von Molkte, has been instructed to protest to the Polish Government against a recent anti-German demonstration at Kattowitz at which Hitler was burned in effigy.—Reuter. An Aneta-Trans-Ocean message says the effigy was also
      .—Reuter.  -  55 words
    • 65 23 -Reuter. Reduction in Dues Urged. London, Apr. 6. Urging the reduction of the Suez Canal' dues in an address to the Central Asian Society in London today, Sir Arnold Wilson suggested that the statutes of the Suez Canal Co. should be modified so as to provide for directors
      -Reuter.  -  65 words
    • 80 23 —British Wireless. Memorial Tablet In House Of Commons. Rugby, Apr. 4. Tributes to the late Ix>rd Oxford were paid in the House of Commons today by the Prime Minister, Mr. Lansbury and Sir Herbert Samuel on behalf of the three parties in the House, when Mr. MacDonald moved
      —British Wireless.  -  80 words
    • 44 23 —British Wireless. Elected Governor For The Fourteenth Time. Rugby, Apr. 4. The Bank of England has re-elected Mr. Montagu Norman as Governor for the current year. This is his 14th successive re-election. Sir Ernest Musgrave Harvey continues as deputy Governor.—British Wireless.
      —British Wireless.  -  44 words
    • 613 23 Trains Roads Crowded With Refugees. STATE OF TENSION. British Marines Landed To Keep Peace. Tientsin, Apr. 6. According to foreign reports tha Japanese are closing in on Chinwangtao from where all south-bound train* and roads are crowded with fleeing refugee*. Fighting has been going on all
      613 words
    • 164 24 Aneta-Trans-Ocean. lnio me set* a mu eleven crew were saved. —Reuter Wireless. —British Wireless. French Airship Breaks In Two. ANOTHER U.S. LOSS. Wrecked in Sea Near The Akron. Paris, Apr. 5. T singular coincidence a French of the two Americon naval airships. •SS-S Lorient. The commander of
      Aneta-Trans-Ocean.; lnio me set* a mu "•• – — ---- .... eleven crew were saved.—Reuter Wireless.; —British Wireless.  -  164 words
    • 193 24 Reuter. Took Poison Or Set Fire To Plane? Salford, Apr. 4. Opening the inquest on Albert Voss, a victim of the ill-fated air liner City of Liverpool, the coroner said he was inquiring into two theories: whether Voss took poison when he was in the machine or whether
      Reuter.  -  193 words
    • 112 24 —Reuter. May be Abandoned By Germany. London, Apr. 6. The possibility of Germany abandoning the gold standard and demanding a reduction of the interest on her external loans is envisaged by the newspapers here in consequence of the decision of the Reichsbank to repay in gold the credit
      —Reuter.  -  112 words
    • 39 24 .—Reuter. Orders To Close Down In East Texas. T U8tin Texas Apr. 6. 10 non R f, ,lroa 1 < J Commission has ordered JOjOOO oil wells n East Texas to close down in five days.—Reuter.
      .—Reuter.  -  39 words
    • 486 24 —Reuter. Despite Opposition From Banks. Shanghai, Apr. 7. Though the Chinese Government, which several times has announced the forthcoming abolition of the tael, promulgated the order abolishing the tael yesterday, the foreign banks are still quoting tael rates of exchange, though they are expected to quote
      —Reuter.  -  486 words
    • 56 24 :.—Reuter. New Bill Passed By Senate. Washington, Apr. 7. The Senate has passed the 34-hour working week bill prohibiting the shipment of inter-State and foreign com merce of the products of labour employ ed for more than a 34-hour week. The measure, which will be effective for two
      :.—Reuter.  -  56 words
    • 64 24 —Reuter. Assistants Injured When Balloon Explodes. it Pumea, April 7. Further flights of the Houston Everest Expedition at present are impossible owing to the heat, which has reached 103 degrees Fahrenheit, accompanied by strong wind. A hydrogen weather balloon exploded under the heat while being let off from
      —Reuter.  -  64 words
    • 443 24 Appointment of Mayor Of Detroit. Washington, Apr. 7. Mr. Frank Murphy, Mayor of Detroit, has been appointed Governor-General r.i the Philippines. —Reuter. Mr. Murphy was born at Harbor Beach, Michigan, on Apr. 13, 1893. He studied at the University of Michigan and graduated LL.B. He later
      443 words
    • 120 24 —Reuter. Airwoman Arrives In Haiphong. Haiphong, Indo-China, Apr. 7. The French airwoman, Mile. Maryse Hilz, who is flying from Paris to Japan, has arrived here.—Reuter. The news of the arrival of Mile. Hilz will allay considerable anxiety as she was last reported to be missing after passing ober
      .—Reuter.  -  120 words
    • 66 24 —Reuter. Japan to Continue Co-operation. Berlin, April 7. President von Hindenburg has received the credentials of the new Japanese Ambassador, Mr. Matsuzo Nagal, who said the Japanese withdrawal from the League did not mean that a barrier had been raised between Japan and other nations for Japan intended
      —Reuter.  -  66 words
    • 741 24 Service Estimates. £1,150,000 FOR LOCAL DEFENCES. (From a Special Correspondent.) .London, Mar. m According to figures just issued hv iw War Office in the Army Estimates th. total of all ranks of the troops of th! regular army in the Straits Settlement! in the coming
      741 words
    • 619 25 Router. Worn Out by 21-Hour Interrogation. METRO- VICKERS CASE. Spotlights to Play On Accused at Trial. London, Apr. 11. TH .,t Mr Monkhouse gave the impresJ V* a result of his examination that 1'n rharce could be brought against MetrovLker/as such, but that a charge similar tint
      Router.  -  619 words
    • 394 25 Reuter. Italian Flyer Achieves 437i/ 2 M.P.H. Gardone, Apr. 10. Warrant Officer Angello, the Italian flyer, claims to have broken the British record of 407 miles an hour by covering a measured course at a rate of 437 W miles an hour. Rome, Apr. 11. An
      Reuter.  -  394 words
    • 56 25 —Reuter Wireless. Officially Accepted As World’s Record. London, Apr. 7. The R.A.F. long-distance flight from England to Walvis Bay, recently made by Squadron-Leader Gayford and FlightLieut. Nicholetts, has been officially accepted as a world’s record. A notification to this effect has been received by the Royal Aero Club
      —Reuter Wireless.  -  56 words
    • 79 25 .—Reuter. Eight False Starts By Frenchmen. Istre, Apr. 5. The French airmen, Bossoutrot and Rossi, took off for South America at 6.26 a.m. in an attempt to beat the long-dis-tance record. Later Rossi and Bossoutrot returned after making their eighth unsuccessful start. Calcutta, Apr. 5. Mile. Maryse Hilz,
      .—Reuter.  -  79 words
    • 70 25 the condition of the engines.—Reuter Wireless. Cabin Was On Fire In The Air. Brussels, Apr. 5. The Belgian experts who examined the wreckage of the ill-fated air liner, City of Liverpool, have found tthat the P tank did not explode in the air and that the passenger
      the condition of the engines.—Reuter Wireless.  -  70 words
    • 224 25 .—Reuter. Will Increase Value Of Chinese Bonds. London, Apr. 10. In the House of Commons, Sir Jolin Wardlaw-Milne (Un., Kidderminster) asked whether Sir John Simon would make representations to the Chinese Government in favour cf restricting advances to the Chinese railways out of the British Ihare
      .—Reuter.  -  224 words
    • 221 25 Reuter. To Create One Standard In China. London, Apr. 10. The China Association’s hope that early Sino-Japanese negotiations will terminate the conflict was expressed by the chairman of the Association, Mr. S. F. Mayers, at the annual meeting, when he expressed pleasure at the appointment of non-Japanese advisers
      Reuter.  -  221 words
    • 38 25 r c —Reuter. Young Marshal En Route for Italy. Shanghai, Apr. 10. Marshal Chang Hsueh-liang boarded the Italian liner Conte Rosso tonight and is sailing for Italy tomorrow with his entourage, including Madame Chang and childre.—Reuter.
      ' r — c —Reuter.  -  38 words
    • 95 25 —Renter. Japanese Attack At Four Points. Tokio, Apr. 10. Commenting on the Japanese offensive, which was launched thi* morning at four points along the Great Wall, the War Office spokesman asserted that it was purely a local operation for the purpose of adjusting the line for practical considerations
      —Renter.  -  95 words
    • 558 25 —Reuter. U.S. Talks to Continue. DECISION NOT YET REACHED. New York, Apr. 10. Means of raising the price of silw were discussed at length in the conva*sations between the State Department, and the British Ambassador, Sir Ronald Lindsay declares the Washington correspondent of the New
      .—Reuter.  -  558 words
    • 50 25 —Reuter. Nazi Ministers In Italy. Rome, Apr. 10. Herr von Papen, the Vice-Ohancellor today had hip first meeting with Signor Mussolini, who will see Capt. Goering on Tuesday. Signor Mussolini also saw the French Ambassador who, it is understood, pmsented a memorandum on the four rower plan.— Reuter.
      —Reuter.  -  50 words
    • 484 26 —Reuter. Aneta-Trans-Ocean. —Aneta. Flying Solo from Lympne To Australia. CAPE RECORD. French Amy Johnson Gives Up. London, Apr. 9. Miss Jean Batten, a 23-year-old New Zealand girl, hopped off from Lympne for Paris at 6.35 a.m. on a solo flight to Australia in the Gypsy
      .—Reuter.; Aneta-Trans-Ocean.; —Aneta.  -  484 words
    • 31 26 ,—Reuter. Body Of Rear Admiral Moffett Recovered. N «w York, Apr. 10. The body of Rear Admiral Moffett, who wae drowned in the Akron airship disaster, has been recovered.—Reuter.
      ,—Reuter.  -  31 words
    • 299 26 ,—Reuter. French Nervousness Over Germany. Paris, Apr. 6. French nervousness at the German situation underlay the speech of the Premier, M. Daladier, in the Chamber, when he asked, in view of a certain reawakened nationalism, whether Europe should seek peace by rearranging the map. Nevertheless he
      ,—Reuter.  -  299 words
    • 89 26 Reuter Wireless. French Oil Industry Proposals. Paris, Apr. 4. The Socialist proposal for nationalisation of the oil industry has brought an official protest from the British Government, pointing out that several million pounds sterling of British capital is invested in oil in France under the terms of French
      Reuter Wireless.  -  89 words
    • 77 26 .—Reuter. India to Impose More Duties New Delhi, Apr. 8. Mr. Bhore, a Commerce Member, introduced in the Assembly today an anti-dumping bill empowering the Government to impose additional duties on articles imported at such an abnormally low price as to endanger the existence of Indian industry. Notification of
      .—Reuter.  -  77 words
    • 73 26 —Reuter. Rome, Apr. 10. The Italian air “ace” Lieut.-Col. Mario Bernardi, has accepted an offer to command the Chinese uir force.—Reuter. Air To China London, Apr. 10. The recommendation of Sir Miles Lampson, the British Minister in China, to appoint an Air to China in view of
      —Reuter.  -  73 words
    • 301 26 —Reuter Wireless. To be Limited to Three Months. London, Apr. 7. The Russian Imports Bill received its third reading in the House of Common* and was passed by 291 votes to 41. The Liberals voted for the bill on the Government assurance that the provisions would be
      —Reuter Wireless.  -  301 words
    • 175 26 Reuter. Lords Agree to Select Committee. London, Apr. 6. The House of Lords, after a three-day debate, has unanimously passed the motion already adopted by the Commons for the appointment of a select committee on Indian Reforms. Lord Irwin, the former Viceroy, winding up for the Government, pointed
      Reuter.  -  175 words
    • 85 26 .—Reuter. Question In House Of Commons. London, Apr. 6. The strong feeling over the Newchwang kidnappings was reflected at question time in the House of Commons when capt. R. A. Eden, Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs, gave an assurance that the local authorities were searching to the utmost. They
      .—Reuter.  -  85 words
    • 81 26 Reuter. Control of States. HITLER TO RULE IN PRUSSIA. Administrators of fach*Feder»f"et 7 with far-reaching powers will v*. t€ pointed under the new law. to be nr J* 1 gated shortly. The administ a muK under Chancellor Hitler’s orders ‘S’ completely the control State Hitler himself
      Reuter.  -  81 words
    • 161 26 h Moth plane with provisions.—Reuter Wireless. Everest Plane Makes Forced Landing. Rugby, Apr. 5. Two planes of the Houston-Everest expedition, which yesterday flew over the summit of Everest, flew over Kanchenjunga, the impressive mountain which has defeated all the effi rts of climbers They were divided by
      h Moth plane with provisions.—Reuter Wireless.  -  161 words
    • 141 26 —Reuter. Government Agreement With Companies. Nanking, Apr. 7. The Ministry of Communications publishes details of the agreement signed on Wednesday, by representatives of the Ministry and the Great Northern, the Eastern Extension, and the Commercial Pacific Cable Companies, the main features of which are: (1) The companies’ cable
      —Reuter.  -  141 words
    • 67 26 and tru -Reuter. Brewers Play for Safety On Broadway. New York, Apr. Fourteen years’ drought e night in 19 out of 48 States, where ale and porter can be sold in restaur, clubs and hotels. 0 Broadway, however, remains tenp rayily dry as New York brewers dec< not
      \ and tru -Reuter.  -  67 words
    • 46 26 —Reuter. India And Japanese Textiles. New Delhi, April 7. A deputation of millowners re bay, Ahmedabad, Calcutta and D p interviewing the Viceroy urging P tion of textiles against Japanese du P j Reuter understands ‘.he Governm hill India is introducing an r.nti-dumpmp tomorrow.—Reuter.
      —Reuter.  -  46 words
    • 694 27 suhjects discussed, he stated.—Reuter Wireless. wards the appreciation of silver.—Nanynng Siang Pao. $16,000,000,000 Lost in Last Few Years. SILVER PROBLEM. Important Talks In Washington. Washington, Apr. .8. Qn.-'iking to newspaper representatives, JZor Cordell Hull, Secretary of State. out that the United States has r 0 ne of
      suhjects discussed, he stated.—Reuter Wireless.; wards the appreciation of silver.—Nanynng Siang Pao.  -  694 words
    • 129 27 D.E.I. Ordinance Creates A Stir. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Medan, Apr. 8. A sensation has been caused by a new ordinance prohibiting the import of rice into the D.E.I.; especially on the East Coast of Sumatra, which greatly depends on import for providing food for estate labourers, where
      129 words
    • 145 27 .—Reuter. Capt. Lancaster Leaves For Cape. London, Apr. 11. Two more long distance flights started today. In addition to Robiano, the Italian flyer who left Aleppo on the evening of Apr. 9 for Jask, and Miss Jean Batten, the 23-year-o!d New Zealand girl, who left Athens at 3.40
      .—Reuter.  -  145 words
    • 74 27 Reuter. Government Help For Association. London, Apr. 11. In the House of Commons tonight, the Rt. Hon. W. Rnnciman, President of the Board of Trade, announced that, owing to the congestion of business in the Commons, the Government proposed shortly to introduce a bill in the House of
      Reuter.  -  74 words
    • 59 27 —Reuter. Will Mulrooney Give It The Death-Blow New York, Apr. 11. A determined attempt to end racketeering in New York State is reflected in the announcement that Edward Mulrooney, t»he famous Commissioner of Police, is resigning to become the head of the State Beer Control Commission. It is expected
      —Reuter.  -  59 words
    • 45 27 Dublin, Apr. 11. Following a conference between representatives of the strikers and Mr. Lemass. Minister of Industry and Commerce, a settlement of the railway strike has been announced. It is expected that a full railway service will come into operation immediately. —Reuter.
      45 words
    • 405 27 the Polish Government. —Aneta-Trans-Ocean. No Concessions To Germany London, Apr. 10. The recent negotiations for a fourPower pact will be debated in the House of Commons on Apr. 13. A member of the House today asked Mr. Ramsay MacDonald to bear in mind that any pact which
      the Polish Government.—Aneta-Trans-Ocean.  -  405 words
    • 133 27 —Reuter. 50,000 Marching To Washington. New York, Apr. 11. Fifty thousand Negroes are marching on Washington to protest against the verdict in the Scotsborough case, it is announced in a Negro newspaper published in Harlem, the Negro suburb of New York. An attempt to hold a huge parade
      .—Reuter.  -  133 words
    • 64 27 —L~u^r To Remain Closed Until Apr. 21. Austin, Texas, Apr. 11. The U.S. Railroad Commission has ordered 10,000 oil wells in Texas to remain closed until Apr. 21. Only tests of certain wells to obtain data of potential production will fc. permitted during the next ten days.—L“u.*r
      —L~u^r  -  64 words
    • 266 27 —Reuter. Japan and Soviet “THEFT” OF RAILWAY STOCK. Moscow, Apr. 11. Accusations that the attacks of hunhuz (bandits) on the eastern line of the Chinese Eastern Railway are “closely connected, not only with the Manchurian authorities but also with some Japanese circles which are striving:
      —Reuter.  -  266 words
    • 147 27 —Nanyang Siang Pao. $30,000,000 Sent To Italy. Shanghai, Apr. 11. Many high officials, including Gen. Wang Shu-shang, Chairman of the Hupeh Government, Gen. Liu Chih, Governor of Honan, Mr. T# V. Soong, Finance Minister and Mr. Wu Tieh-chen, Mayor of Shanghai, and others, saw Marshal Chang Hsueh-liang on
      —Nanyang Siang Pao.  -  147 words
    • 86 27 it would mean isolation.—Aneta-Trans-Ocean. Conference Will Be A Success.” Geneva, Apr. 10. In an article in the Journal des Nations headed “The Disarmament Conference will be a success” the president of the conference, Mr. Arthur Henderson, expresses himself against the prevailing pessimism as regards the outcome of the Conference.
      it would mean isolation.—Aneta-Trans- Ocean.  -  86 words
    • 64 27 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Medan, Apr. 9. At the 74th general meeting of the General Association of Rubber Planters on the East Coast of Sumatra. (A.V.R.0.5.), Mr. Morton, manager of Harrisons Crossfield, the retiring member of the committee, was replaced by Mr. J. Mac Queen. Mr. Morton as vice-president
      64 words
    • 680 28 —Reuter Wireless. in the English language.—Aneta-Trans-Ocean. Gross Misrepresentation Of Facts.” METRO-VICKERS RAID. Machiavellian Coup Or Vast Bungle Moscow, Apr. 12. As the famous clock in the Kremlin tower strikes 12, the six Metro-Vickers British employees will enter aro daubed with blue —the .Trades Union Hall—and thronged with
      —Reuter Wireless.; in the English language.—Aneta-Trans-Ocean.  -  680 words
    • 265 28 —Reuter. ,—Reuter Wireless. India and Japanese Dumping. New Delhi, Apr, 11. The Indian Government has taken steps to denounce the 1905 Indo-Japanese Trade Convention by giving Japan notice whereby the most favoured nation treatment will lapse after six months. This announcement was made by the Commerce Member,
      —Reuter.; ,—Reuter Wireless.  -  265 words
    • 65 28 —Reuter. Ordered to Evacuate The Country by May 1. Nanking, Apr. 12. The Foreign Office has been informed that the Mexican Government has ordered all Chinese nationals to evacuate the country not later than May 1. The Foreign Office is lodging a strong protest with Mexico.—Reuter. This,
      —Reuter.  -  65 words
    • 105 28 —Reuter Wireless. Spell Of Tropical Weather At Home. London, Apr. 8. The beginning of summer time at 2 a.m. tomorrow coincides with a spell of weather such as the country generally considers it fortunate to experience in midsummer. For three weeks sunshine has been almost uninterrupted and there
      .—Reuter Wireless.  -  105 words
    • 95 28 —Reuter Wireless. Seven Killed and Seven In Hospital. Johannesburg, Apr. 7. Five Europeans, including the underground manager, and two natives were fatally gassed in a midnight explosion 4,000 feet deep from the level on the Langlaagte estate gold mine, followed by fire. Seven other Europeans and natives are
      —Reuter Wireless.  -  95 words
    • 78 28 —Reuter Wireless. Faced With a Deficit Of 4,285,000,000 Francs. Paris, Apr. 10. A deficit of 4,286,000,000 francs for the 1933 budget confronts the Chamber when the debate on the Finance Bill begins today. The Sinking Fund, however, accounts for 3,600,000,000 francs and the Government’s original proposal aimed at
      —Reuter Wireless.  -  78 words
    • 91 28 on the air-speed record.—Reuter Wireless. Two Sister Craft Crash In Attempts. Rome, Apr. 10. The world’s absolute speed record of 437% miles an hour claimed by WarrantOfficer Agello, was made over a measured mile between Desenzano and Manerva. The Italian airman’s monoplane is fitted with two propellors
      on the air-speed record.—Reuter Wireless. •  -  91 words
    • 71 28 Portugal in which women voted.—Reuter Wireless. Overwhelmingly Adopted In Portugal. Lisbon, Apr. 10. Uhe New Portuguese Constitution which is designed to re-establish Constitutional Government and give General Carmona a further three years' power as President was overwhelmingly adopted by the plebiscite. Only 6,000 out of 1,330,000 electors opposed
      Portugal in which women voted.—Reuter Wireless.  -  71 words
    • 79 28 —Aneta-Trans-Ocean. Said To Be Well-Known Clairvoyant. Berlin, Apr. 8. The corpse discovered by woodcutters in a forest clearing near Berlin is said by the National Socialist paper Voelkischer Beobachter, to be, according to hitherto unconfirmed reports, that of the well-known clairvoyant and variety artist, Herr Hannussen, who
      —Aneta-Trans-Ocean.  -  79 words
    • 79 28 Elective Power Sought By D.E.I. Residents. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Medan, Apr. 0. There is a strong movement in European and other circles in the D.E.I. to give the public in this Colony some influence in the composition of Parliament at home. The movement is stimulated by the
      79 words
    • 296 28 —Reuter. Question in House. WHY MEASURE is DELAYED. Replying to a M? r r 12 Hicks (Lab, East Woolwich) £5 House of Commons, Mr. Malcolm if Donald, the son of the Premier and pf' hamentary Under-Secretary f", P r Dominions, said that with retard enforcement of the
      —Reuter.  -  296 words
    • 149 28 Not Decreased As Much As Expected. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Medan, Apr. It The Economisehe Statistische Berichten contains a review of the native rubber position in the D.E.I., pointing to the fact that since 1928 there has been transfer to tapping by families. The number of families
      149 words
    • 84 28 III IU —Reuter Wireless “Acts In Preparation For High Treason/’ London, Apr. 19The nature of the charges against Geoffrey Fraser, a Briton, who wa arrested in Berlin on Apr. 4, was i subject of questions in the House Commons today. T Sir John Simon, the Secretary, stated that
      III IU » . —Reuter Wireless  -  84 words
    • 42 28 maaame uoumer, widow ox me “XT ttf who was assassinated recently.-' 1 6 Wireless. Widow Of Assassinated President. Paris, Apr. 4. The death is announced today. Madame Doumer, widow of the I resi* who was assassinated recently.— 1 6
      maaame uoumer, widow ox me “XT ttf who was assassinated recently.-'1'6 Wireless.  -  42 words
    • 298 29 Many Concessions. rut in neglected territories. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Medan, Apr. 9. The Java Bode continues its revelation- concerning Japanese activities in the D.E.I. Referring to Eastern Borneo the newsier savs that in 1924 there were Japanese interests in the concessions in the neighbourhood of
      298 words
    • 125 29 COMMUNIST CELLS.” •—A neta -Tran s -Ocean. Bulgarian Army to Take Action. Sofia, Apr. 10. The Supreme Military Council will nie-1 on Tuesday according to somi-offi-cial paper, Vrene, in order to consider the action to be taken in view of the discovery of Communist agitation in the Bugarian army. In
      •—A neta -Tran s -Ocean.  -  125 words
    • 29 29 "•Reuter Wireless. Englishwoman's Journey To Holy City. Jeddah, Apr. 7. Lady Evelyn Cobbold, the first Englishman to perform the Mecca pilgrimage, ere from the Holy City today.
      "•Reuter Wireless.  -  29 words
    • 32 29 Reuter. Five Frenchmen Killed At Berre. p- Paris, Apr. 11. Cra e f er ons were killed in a seaplane Rout. at nava l a *r base at Berre.—
      Reuter.  -  32 words
    • 51 29 —British Wireless. Fnrtk Rugby, Apr. 10. Tradi. m T Putins® with the Argentine Trade f SSI0n *°°k Place at the Board of satisfnr.f ay ant 8 expected that a ti?h r ry agreement between the Brir each<vi ernme nt and the Mission will be (1 very soon .—British
      —British Wireless.  -  51 words
    • 71 29 —Reuter. Rediscount Credit Of $17,500,000. Berlin, Apr. 11. In conformity witih the policy laid down by Dr. Schacht, the Reichsbank has repaid $17,500,000 to the Bank of France, being France’s share of the $70,000,000 still outstanding of the $100,000,000 rediscount credit advanced in July, 1931, to the
      —Reuter.  -  71 words
    • 186 29 Ex-Colonial Secretary In Hong Kong. London, Apr. 10. The death is announced of Sir Claude Severn, K.B.E., C.M.G., at the age of 63.—Reuter. After receiving his education at St. Peter’s College. Adelaide, South Austra-i lia, and Selwyn College, Cambridge, Sir' Claude was employed temporarily at the i
      186 words
    • 86 29 .—British Wireless. Fifteen Lucky British Schoolboys. Rugby* Apr. 7. Fifteen schoolboys between 17 and 19H will leave England on July 29 for a tour of Argentina, returning to England at the beginning of October. On the outward journey in -the Asturias they will visit Lisbon, Madeira, Rio do
      .—British Wireless.  -  86 words
    • 79 29 Golden Hope And Kuala Kangsar. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Apr. 8. Golden Hope Rubber Estate, Ltd., announces a loss for 1932 of £3,221, compared with a loss of £9,565 in 1931 £1,800 is carried forward to credit. Kuala Kangsar Plantations, Ltd., declare a loss for the y'*ar
      79 words
    • 69 29 Europeans On Trial In Batavia. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Medan, Apr. 9. A remarkable case wh’ch is arousing much interest in the D.E.I. has began in Batavia in which two European teachers, Messrs. Reens and Vrijburg, are standing trial accused of expressing feelings of hatred and contempt
      69 words
    • 401 29 .—Aneta-Trans-Ocean. Boycott of German Goods And Press. Breslau, Apr. 8. Over 100 persons, including leading Communists, were arrested today in a house-to-house search carried out by several thousand Nazi Storm Troops. The search followed an affray in a tavern over the singing of the anti-Marxist battlesong, “Horst Weasel,”
      .—Aneta-Trans-Ocean.  -  401 words
    • 83 29 Closing Of Mines Under Consideration. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Medan, Apr. 5. The closing down of the Ombilin-coal mines in Sumatra is under consideration. The mines are a government undertaking but for years they have made losses; the closing down is intended as part of an economy programme.
      83 words
    • 44 29 —Reuter Wireless. Liberal Victory Hopes In South Australia. Adelaide, Apr. 8. The Labour Government has been defeated and a big Liberal victory is assured as the result of a split in the Labour ranks. Several ministers are likely to be defeated.—Reuter Wireless.
      —Reuter Wireless.  -  44 words
    • 36 29 Former John Bull Editor Gets Old Age Pension. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Apr. 8. Mr. Horatio Bottomley who last week made application for the old age pension has now been granted the pension.
      36 words
    • 171 29 •Aiaaj -Reuter. New Move Not Expected To Last Long. London, Apr. 19. A new Irish rail strike began at midnight following the decision of a mass meeting of railwaymen in Dublin, yesterday to repudiate the settlement. Some 5,000 men are involved in the strike which is unofficial
      •Aiaaj -Reuter.  -  171 words
    • 120 29 .—Reuter Wireless. Definite Agreement With Rumania. Paris, Apr. 5. 1 he Oil Conference has ended and the documents now await signature. A definite agreement has been reached with the Rumanians by which their production quota of 18,500 tons daily will be renewed for a further period of three
      .—Reuter Wireless.  -  120 words
    • 88 29 .—Reuter. Being Extended To Danzig. Danzig, Apr. 11. Keen to extend the Nazi grip to the Free City of Danzig, local Nazis hay# decided to demand a dissolution of the Volkstag and it is expected the resolution to dissolve will be adopted at the next sitting on Apr.
      .—Reuter.  -  88 words
    • 54 29 —Reuter. U.S. Treasury To Take Over The Assets. New York, Apr. 10. After a conference of U.S. bankers, Mr. Woodin, Secretary to the Treasury, announced that arrangements had been made for the Manufacturers’ Trust Co. as the agents of the Treasury Department to take over the assets of
      —Reuter.  -  54 words
    • 37 29 Complexions To Be Coffee Colour. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Apr. 8. Fashionable women of London and Paris are to be slightly coffee-colourod this season. The effect is achieved by an iron tonio and cosmetics.
      37 words
    • 42 29 of the Church of Scotland.— Reuter Wireless. Appointed A Lord High Commissioner. London, Apr. 6. Mr. John Buchan, M.P., the well-known novelist, has been appointed Lord High Commissioner for the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland.— Reuter Wire-
      of the Church of Scotland.—Reuter Wireless.  -  42 words

  • Sporting News.
    • 240 30 Reuter. M.G. Team Wins Italian Grand Prix. Rome, Apr. 9. The supremacy of the British light car was again triumphantly vindicated in Italy’s 1,000 miles road race, the world’s longest and most perilous motor event from Brescia via Florence to Rome and back via the
      Reuter.  -  240 words
    • 231 30 Remarkable Performance At Chinese S.C. The remarkable time of 57 2 5 seconds for the 100 yards (free style) by Tan Wee Chwee was a feature of the Chinese Swimming Club carnival on Sunday. There was a big attendance and the events were keenly contested. Mr. Cheong Koon Seng,
      231 words
    • 156 30 Gibbs’ Brilliant Display For Harlequins. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Apr. 9. In spite of the fact that two tries ware scored against them in the first ten minutes of their rugby match against Leicester, Blackheath rallied, pluckily, but never recovered from this early set back, and lost
      156 words
    • 612 30 Late Arrival. MATCH PLAYED AS A FRIENDLY. Wiltshires 3, R.A.F. 0. The R.A.F. lost two points by default in their match against the Wiltshire in the First Division at the Anson Road Stadium on Friday as a result of .their late arrival. The Regiment were
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    • 50 30 Ceylon Champions Arrive In Singapore. Mr. ChaB. De Alvis, the Colombo boxing manager, has arrived in Singapore with Vincent Pereira, lightweight and welterweight champion of Ceylon, and Thajudeen, flyweight and bantamweight champion of Cevlon. Both men are keen to get fights in Singapore, Pereira being anxious to meet Rivers.
      50 words
    • 220 30 Score Seven Goals Against Indo-Ceylonese. Malays 7 Indo-Ceylonese 0. A large crowd at the Jalan Besar Stadium were treated to a brilliant display of football by the Malays in their First Division league match against the IndoCeylonese Football Association on Saturday afternoon. The result was a
      220 words
    • 141 30 —Reuter. Remarkably ’Number Of Drawn Games. London, Apr. 5. The following were the results of matches played in the English League today: First Division. Derby County 2 Middlesbrough 2. Everton 0 Newcastle Utd. 0. Manchester City 0 Leeds United Sheffield Wed. 1 Birmingham i. Second Division. Bradford 1
      —Reuter.  -  141 words
    • 51 30 Not to Play Cricket This Season. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Apr. 8. The Daily Herald states that K. S. Duleepsinhji, the Sussex and England batsman, will be unable to play cricket this season owing to illness. R. S. G. Scott will captain the side in his
      51 words
    • 70 30 Former Singapore Player’s Fine Round. When playing over the Malakoff Club course. Province Wellesley, on April 4, writes a correspondent, of Mr. R. D. Finlay, formerly a member of the Singapore Golf, returned a ca> d of 30 for nine holes. He holed his tee-shot at the third,
      70 words
    • 344 30 R.S.Y.C. Events, CLUB TEAM’S SUCCESS AGAINST REST. At the Royal Singapore Yacht Ch.k Sunday morning conditions wer* k oa means perfect for sailing, the sun k n real y Sot and the brlize partLuS 1 light. Only one round of the couiSJ ry completed by 11.30
      344 words
    • 189 30 Good Win for Gus Langford. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca, Apr. 10. The following were the results of fights staged at the Malacca City Park last night. Battling Koh (6.9) beat George Ben? (7.1), four rounds. Slippery Chong (7.11) drew with Puteli (8.5) four rounds. /0C v D.
      189 words
    • 28 30 —Reuter. Kingstonians Draw With Stockton in Final. Dulwich, AprIn the Amateur Cup final t e stonians and Stockton drew here each side scoring once, after ext
      —Reuter.  -  28 words
    • 2196 31 f u yan cricket notes. Queer Anomaly Of The No-Ball Law. Boon Earning A Place In Rest Eleven. (By Our Cricket Correspondent.) p tl h a ps no other law (with the excep- n ot the lbw. law) causes more trouble to umpires and players than
      2,196 words
    • 361 31 Exciting Game. FORWARDS MISS MANY CHANCES. Chine*? 2 S.R.C. 2. By holding the Chine*? to a draw it a First Division match played on Tuesday at the Anson Road Stadium, the S.R.C. took the lead in the table with a point advantage over the
      361 words
    • 64 31 Three Lengths Victory For Lochiel. London, Apr. 7. The Craven Stakes for three-year-olds over one mile was run at Newmarket today. There were eight runners and the result was as follows Mr. J. A. Dewar s LOCHIEL 1 CORONA CORONA 2 Major C. Behren’s LIGHT SUSSEX 3 Won
      64 words
    • 119 31 Football XI to Visit K.L. And Seremban. The Rallies Institution football eleven will visit Seremban and Kuala Lumpur during the holidays and of five matches already arranged, all on successive days, four will be played in Kuala Ltimpur and one in Seremban. The fixtures are as follows Tuesday,
      119 words
    • 698 32 Leeds Overwhelmed. ARSENSAL’S RETURN TO FORM. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Apr. 9. Chelsea astounded 1*0,000 spectators who went to see their game against Leeds United at Stamford Bridge yesterday. After a very poor first hair in which the home side played uninterest' ing football a tranafoi
      698 words
    • 973 32 Arsenal Increase Their Advantage. The potitions of clubs in the English and Scottish League* today are as follows: First Division. P. W. L. D. F. A. Pts. Arsenal 37 22 8 7 106 53 51 Sheffield Wed. 37 20 j 8 74 67 48 Newcastle l td. 36
      973 words
    • 305 32 Results of Keppel G.C. Competitions. Forty cards were taken out for the Katong Golf Club April medal which resulted in a tie between: F. W. Peachev 83 16 67 F. G. Ridout 79 12 67 Telegraph Cup. The following qualified for the Telegraoh Cup Competition: F. G. Ridout
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    • 23 32 Wales and Scotland Draw. Bangor, Apr. 8. Wales and Scotland played a goalless draw here today in an amateur international football fixture.
      23 words
    • 31 32 iu ucat MJ —Reuter. England Beat Belgium By Odd Goal. Brussels, Apr. 8. In an international hockey match here today England beat Belgium by the odd goal in five.—Reuter.
      iu ucat MJ —Reuter.  -  31 words
    • 84 32 —Reuter. Foot Injury Not Considered Serious. London, Apr. 11. The doctor has informed the England and Notts, cricketer, Larwood, that the injury to his foot sustained in the final Test match is not of a serious character and he hopes Larwood will be able to play at the commencement
      —Reuter.  -  84 words
    • 70 32 —Reuter. Buenos Aires, Apr. 10. The Argentine today eliminated Chile in the South American Zone final of the Davis Cup by three matches to nil. In the singles Hector Cataruzza (Argentine) beat Elias Deik, 6—2, 6—B, 6—3, 3—6, 6—2, and Guillermo Robson (Argentine) beat Sal/adora Deik, 6—l. 6—o,
      —Reuter.  -  70 words
    • 320 32 A Poor Game. BOTH TEAMS GET kirst LEAGUE POINT. S.C.C. 1. K.A.F. 1. A single-goal draw is a fair reflect L of the merits of the S.C.C. and the R v in their First Division encounter on Mon day on the padang. Heavy rain l*tW and
      320 words
    • 78 32 Wins Dailey 44 Holes In Succession. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London. April 9. Allan Dailey, the 21-years-old. Fyt'e-shire-born professional golfer, won the Roehampton Professional Tournament with the most brilliant exhibition of ?ofr ever seen on this famous course. In the course of his matches to the final he
      78 words
    • 101 32 Ipoh G.C.’s Successful Year. At the annual meeting of the Ipoh Golf Club in the re-erected club-house on their new course in Tiger Lane, Mr. A. C. Gooding, who presided, reported that the Club’s income over expenditure for 193* amounted to $3,977. During 1932 a sum of $25,000
      101 words
    • 69 32 Miss Law Wins Women’s Title. The final of the women’s championship at the Singapore Golf Club resu te Miss Law beating Mrs. Laing by 4 a Mixed Foursomes. The monthly mixed foursomes comPju tion was played at Bukit Timah on day and resulted in a win 0 eu
      69 words

    • 62 1 Singapore Official Quotations. I Quotations Forward Contract* gpet Sailer Prices f 1 N d I L’don S’pore M.y June MayJun« Ap r > 1/16 63/16 67/16 65/16 6% :,x' 6 V* 6 9/16 6 7/16 6V4 l0 2 5 32 6*. C% 6 7/16 6 9/16 ->V16 6
      62 words
    • 177 1 Domestic pioduction, a. represented by axportB from Federated Malay States, U*Jede rated Malay State*, and Straits Settlen'ei ts of tin and tin-in-oro at 72 p.c. during the month of March, 1933. Ton*. Tone. Federated Malay States ’1,506 Unfederated Malay 8tatea Johore Kedah I’erlis 16 Kelantan Trengganu ..14
      177 words
    • 181 1 (The figures in brackets denote the output of the corresponding period of last year.) Hitam. —57.44 pels. Rahman Hydraulic.—420 pels. Nawng Pet.—Hrs. 574, yds. 45,000, pels. *h6. Teleba.~328.68 pels. Kamunting. —Output (pels.) (2,026) 2,904, run (1,736) l,b71, yds. (380,000), •j 6,500, estimated value of ore ($79,752), $138,890.—No.
      181 words
    • 923 1 Profit of $10,558. NO PREFERENCE IN F.M.S. The annual meeting of the Malayan Breweries Ltd. was held at the offices of the secretaries, Fraser and Neave Ltd., Trafalgar Street, on Saturday, Mr. W. H Macgregor presiding. Others present were Messrs. C. V. Bailey, E. C. H. Charlwood,
      923 words
    • 206 1 Arias Estate.—l7,ooo lb. Anglo-Johore Consolidated. —31.000 lb. Bukit Palong Syndicate.—2s,ooo lb. Batu Matang Estate. —19,000 lb. Bukit Kati 1.—8,366 lb. Bukit .Telotong.—lsB,soo lb. Baffin Serai. —38.360 lb. Batak Rabit. —45.300 lb. Bcrtam Consolidated. —201,274 lb. Bassett.—24.3l3 lb. Batu Lintang.—ss.3oo lb. Baling Estate. —37.000 lb. Bakap Estate. —18.822 lb.
      206 words
    • 22 1 Apr. 6 Tin, S’pore Prices $79.50 per picul. 7 79.87 H 8 80.62% 10 8125 ~11 81.87% 12 81.62%
      22 words
    • 613 1 Fraser and Co.’s Weekly, Report. Fraser and Co.’s report, dated April 12, states No developments of any particular moment have appeared in the money markets either locahy or at home since our last report and it seems unlikely that there will be any considerable movement in either commodity
      613 words
    • 1247 2 Grave Position. “MUST HAVE MORE MONEY.” The annual general meeting of Telok Anson Rubber Estate Ltd., was held on Friday at the offices of the Company, Hong Kong Bank Chambers. Mr W. b Rayner presided and others present were Messrs. J. R. Crawford, J. M. Sime and
      1,247 words
    • 162 2 (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, April 7. Sungei Choh Rubber Co., Ltd., declare a loss of £611 for the year 1932, as compared with a loss of £1,160 in 1931. A balance of £101 is carried foi*ward to credit. Selangor Rubber Co., announce a loss for 1932 of
      162 words
    • 762 2 Facing Future With Equanimity. The annual General Meeting of Hay tor Rubber Estates, Ltd., was held on Saturday at the registered offices of the company, French Bank Buildings, Singapore, with Mr. H. O. Maas in the chair. Others present were Mr. J. Murray, Mr. C. V. Bailey
      762 words
    • 596 2 Smaller Loss Last Year. The annual general meeting 0 f tk. Jeram Kuantan Rubber Estate 1m held at the offices of the lot,** Chartered Bank Chambers, on Mr. W. L. Stevens presiding, those present were Mesrrs. E A ft* Gaw Khek Khiam, W. L. Kitserow H r
      596 words
    • 68 2 Rosevale Rubber Co., Ltd., announces loss of £1,566 for 1932, against £1,467 w the preceding year. A sum of carried forward to credit. Teluk Gong Rubber Co., Ltd., decla a loss of £215 for 1932, compared £1,258 in 1931. A sum of £606 is trough into credit. n
      68 words
    • 499 3 Loss for Third Year In Succession. T twenty-third ordinary general 0 f the Ayer Molek Rubber Co. PfI V as held at 137, Heeren Street, MaK'on Friday, March 31, Mr. Tan Soo Hmk the chairman presiding. Others present included Mr. Chee Chin tfionir (director) Messrs. Tan Soo
      499 words
    • 35 3 (From Our Own Correspondent). London, Apr. 4. Hukit Sembawang Rubber Co., Ltd., announces a loss for 1932 of £1,865, as compared with a loss of £5,614 during reducing credit brought in to £2,627.
      35 words
    • 276 3 The annual report ot the directors of Radella Rubber Estate, Ltd., states: The dilectors beg to submit the balance sheet and profit and loss account for the year ended December 31, 1932. After charging all expenditure to revenue, the year’s working resulted in a loss of $2,700.27. Deducting
      276 words
    • 105 3 (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, April 5. Cluny Rubber Estates, Ltd., announce a loss for 1932 of £1,239, compared with a loss of £2,073 in 1931. A sum of £3,266 is brought in. Lanadron Estates, Ltd., declare a loss of £468 for 1932, against £3,443 for 1931; £6,349
      105 words
    • 63 3 The Pahang Consolidated Company, Ltd. announces an interim dividend on the cumulative preference shares according to a cable from the London office of the Borneo Co., Ltd. The amount of the dividend is not stated in the cable, but is presumably for the half-year to January 31, 1933,
      63 words
    • 100 3 Foreign imports of tin ore during the month of March, 1933. Country of origin Tons. Australia 2 Burma 149 Netherlands India: Banka and Billiton 455 Singkep 62 Other Places 2 French Indo-China 168 Japan 65 Siam 1,529 Tanganyika 11 Union of South Africa 317 Total 2,760 SUMMARY.
      100 words
    • 221 3 I Katu. —Hrs. run 492, cu. yds. treated 152,000, tin ore won pels. 380, estimated cost $12,200, cost per cu. yd. 8 cents. Renong Consolidated. —Hrs. run 288, cu. yds. treated 93,000, tin ore won pels. 546, estimated cost $9,000, cost per cu. yd 9.67 cents. Southern Malayan.—Bs9
      221 words
    • 66 3 During the week ending April 1, 1933, exports of tinned pineapples from Malavan ports amounted to 36,668 cases, of which 24,538 cases were to the United Kingdom, 2,000 cases to the Continent of Europe, 6,915 cases to Canada and 3,215 cases elsewhere. Total exports for the period, January
      66 words
    • 446 3 C orretpondmnc To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —I find some difficulty in correlating figures given in the “F.M.S. Bulletin of Statistics relating to the mining industry with those of the “Mining Journal” dated Jan. 25. The “Bulletin” is, of course, the F.M.S. Government publication,
      446 words
    • 223 3 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT OF THE VALUE OF FOREIGN TRADE, INCLUDING PARCEL POST BULLION AND COIN, IN 1932 AND 1933. IMPORTS. EXPORTS. Total Trade 1982. 1933.~ 1932 Increase Increase Total Total Deorease Grand Parcel Increase f Parcel Bullion Grand or Trade Trade as compared Total. Merchandise. Post. Bullion Decre
      223 words
    • 785 4 Fraser Aid Co’s Quotations. Singapore, Apr. 12. Mining. T*l. Pd. Buyers. Sellars. SI £1 Asain Kumbang 23/3 24 3 Si fl Austral Malay 18/- 20-nom. 8/-&/- Ayer Hitam Tin 11/6 12/6 SI £1 Bangrin Tin 11/- 12/1 1 Batang Palang 0.Q6 0.074 1 1 Bata Caves 0.3*
      785 words
    • 250 4 EXCHANGE RATES. Singapore, Apr. 12. SELLING. London. 4 months' sight j/J 27/12 London, t months' sight J/J 18/16 London. 60 days' sight London, SO days’ sight J London, damand J£ London. T.T. 1/1 j Lyons anil Paris, demind Hamburg, demand J®* New York, demand 39 a Batavia
      250 words
    • 289 4 Closing Quotations In London. (From Our Own Correspondent) London, Apr. 11. Closing quotations today of the principal British stocks are given below:— The rise or fall is in relation to tht price of Apr. 6. GOVERNMENT STOCKS, BRITISH. Rise or Fall Conversion Loan 5% 116% Funding
      289 words
      • 584 4 Abaco (41) l«; Allagur (2 /7Vi; Amherst (2 '3; Anglo-Malay (£1) 6/6; Ayer Kuning (2 > 12/; Bagan Serai (£1) 5 16; Bahru (Sel.) <20 1/1H; Banteng (ID 8/9; Bet’ng Cns. (2/) “3; Batu Caves (41) 8'6; ,'latu Tiff a (£1) 8/6; Bekch <2 3;
        584 words
      • 701 4 Capital laaue Cloatnc P- cei Paid Up Value Dividends fraier Lyall 4 Company A Co. Evatt 454,175 1 Nil for year 29-2-32 Allenby (|1) 0.45 0.56 0.45 0.44 216.779 1 Nil for year 80-9-32 Alor Gajah (fl) 046 0.35 0.30 044 439,126 1 Nil
        701 words