The Straits Budget, 6 April 1933

Total Pages: 36
1 4 The Straits Budget
  • 30 1 No. 3,921 BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE STRAITS TIMES i ESTABLISHED VIABLY A CKNTUHT.i SINGAPORE. THURSDAY, APRIL 6, 1933. The Straits Budget Price 2$ cent# (S.S. Currency) or 7d.
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  • 328 1 LEADERS— P»*e The Collieries’ Reply 8 “Japan: Mistress of the Pacific?" 3 Let it be Buried! 8 The Jews’ Ordeal 3-4 Brass Tacks! 4 Undeserved Praise 4 Occasional Notes 5-6 Telegrams, Reuter and SpecialCovering Past Week’s News 21-29 Pictures S’pore Child’s Swimming Success 17 E. A. Taylor 17 N.
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  • 51 1 Wheeler And Woolsey To Visit Singapore. r Joe Fisher of Capitol Theatres, has received a cable informing him "at Bert Wheeler and Robert Woolsey, fam° u 8 talkie comedians, intend to lsl t him shortly. They are on a world our and will be at Yokohama about April
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  • 1576 1 Mr. J. G. Hay and Mr. lan Hay left Singapore by the Comorin. Mr. L. V. J. Laville has been appointed to act as District Officer, Province Wellesley. Mr. G. E. Turner has been appointed to act as Assistant Controller of Labour, Penang. Mr. J. Barrie, of
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  • 964 2 “BRING ’EM BACK ALIVE.” Frank Buck’s Denial That Film Is A “Colossal Fake.” He’s back again 1" “Who?" i “Why. Frank Buck!" It’s like this Mr. Frank Buck, author and producer of Bring ’Em Back Alive,” the wild animal picture made in Singapore which has
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  • 123 2 37-Year-Old Portuguese Warship in Port. The Portuguese Aviso de 2nd Classe, Adamastor, under Cr.pitaine de Fregate Augusto Goulartt de Medeiros has arrived in Singapore from Macao on its wav to Lisbon. The Adamastor, which is a dispatch boat of 1,757 tons displacement, was built in Italy in 1896,
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  • 70 2 Berlin Comment On Local Sculpture. The Berliner Tageblatt dated Feb. 19 contains a photogravure supplement of which a full page is devoted to the works of Dora Gordine (Mrs. G. H. Garlick, of Johore Bahru). The works reproduced are Miss Gordine’s Chinese, Javanese, Hindu and Malay heads
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  • 1215 2 Police Witness. WHA HUAY LOTTERY RUNNING. The qualifications necessary for a witness to be an expert witness on how a certain Chinese gambling game is played was a point raised before Mr. J. F. S. Gregg, the Third Police Magistrate, on Tuesday at the continued hearing
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  • 103 2 Attap Matting Saves Their Lives. Two Bugis Malays had a narrow cscare from death on Monday when their small boat, loaded with a cargo of coconuts and wood, capsized near the nian o’-war anchorage owing to the heavy seas running. After about half an hour in the
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  • 91 2 Racecourse Fall Results I* 1 Broken Ankle. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Apr. Mr. L. Casaon, the trainer, recen j returned from Australia, was ta ne hospital with a broken ankle this m following a fall on the racecourse riding a pony he had brought bac him. In
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  • The Straits Budget
    • 720 3 -Straits Times, Mar. 30. very full and detailed reply to the comments made in this column last week i>n the payment by Malayan Collieries of a fifteen per cent, dividend at a time v hen their principal customer, the F.M.S. Railways, are running at a heavy loss,
      -Straits Times, Mar. 30.  -  720 words
    • 1301 3 JAPAN MISTRESS OF THE PACIFIC?” —Straits Times, Mar. 31. 1 ruler the title which appears at the af| this article Col. P. T. Etherton and Mr. H. Hessell Tiltman have pi otluced what has been described justly by a London reviewer as “a brilliant analysis of the Far Eastern crisis.”*
      —Straits Times, Mar. 31.  -  1,301 words
    • 787 3 Straits Times, Apr. 1. Sir Cecil Clementi muat be a very disappointed man. One of his most cherished schemes has been the establishment of a customs union in Malaya. When he first mooted the suggestion there was considerable opposition on the part of the mercantile community
      Straits Times, Apr. 1.  -  787 words
    • 904 3 —Straits Times, Apr. S. After a period of comparative calm, dating from the general acceptance in 1921 of The Times assertion that “Tho Protocols of the Elders of Zion" wero an impudent forgery, the anti-semitic movement in Europe has broken out again with astonishing violence in the
      —Straits Times, Apr. S.  -  904 words
    • 957 4 Straits Times, Apr. 4. If Malaya were under a Soviet system of government, and it were possible for the administration to enforce a coordinated and comprehensive plan of national production, the suggestion put forward in the Federal Council that an economic survey of the country should be made
      Straits Times, Apr. 4.  -  957 words
    • 792 4 more than two generations.—Straits Times, Apr. 5. Those who have taken any part in the Sublic life of Malaya must have been attered by the bouquet which was thrown to them by Mr. R. S. Chantler at* the annual meeting of the Planters’ Association of Malaya. But it
      more than two generations.—Straits Times, Apr. 5.  -  792 words

  • 91 4 Sampan Laden With Contraband. An early morning arrest by a revenue officer at the mouth of the Singapore River on Mar. 23 led to the conviction of Tan Kim Yong on a charge of possession of non-government chandu. In the accused’s sampan was found dhandu valued at $1,376.
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  • 408 4 Despite 25,000,000 R oa d Vehicles. Twenty-five million road vehicle were registered in the United Siatl! in 1932, which is 15.000,000 more in the rest of the world. M It is admitted that 75 to 80 per cent of America's rubber supplies R( keep her vehicles
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  • 61 4 CAMPBELL.—On April 2, 1033. at the Maternity Hospital, Singapore, to Audrey, Wlfe of S. C. Campbell, a son. DYCE.—At the General Hospital. Singaporeon April 2, 1933. to Doris, wife of Join Dyce (nee Broadbent) a son, stillborn. AUSTIN.— On March 26, 1933, at Southport, Lancashire, to Mr. and Mrs.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 115 4 NOTICE All communications for both the Straits Times and the Straits Budget should b# addressed to the Head Office, Cecil and Stanley Streets, Singapore, StraitJ Settlements. The post free price of the Straits Times to the United Kingdom and foreign countries is $18 a year. The post free price of
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  • 26 4 DEATH Mrs. Tan Boo Lat (Nee Ong Bhujn N' eJ j passed away at her residence >“]• Fisher Road on Sunday, April 2. Mai* paper please copy.
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    • 220 5 —Straits Times, Mar. 30. It must have been a great disappointment to Mr. J.'A. Russell yesterday not have been able to attend the annual meeting of Malayan Collieries, for he has presided at seventeen out of nineteen annual meetings in the history of this company. It is
      —Straits Times, Mar. 30.  -  220 words
    • 334 5 AMPLE TIME.” M aw a lv/iipc IIIUI —Strait® Times, Mar. 30. A more optimistic view of the probable duration of the slump than most people are prepared to take is implied in the following extract from a circular sent out by the Selangor Asiatic Unenployment Committee: “As the relief now
      * M .▼ aw a lv/iipc IIIUI —Strait® Times, Mar. 30.  -  334 words
    • 403 5 RUBBER— AND COLOGNE. only too anxious to help.—Straits Times, Mar. 80. One would think that when it is a case an important city of Europe holding a Rubber Exhibition one of the nrst places to hear of it would be Malaya, where a considerable amount 01 rubber is still produced.
      only too anxious to help.—Straits Times, Mar. 80.  -  403 words
    • 342 5 TARIFF TROUBLES it—tariffs are like that!—Straits Times, Mar. 31. Another of those irritations which seem to be an inevitable corollary of tariffs has been brought to our notice. An exporter has complained that for Malayan products to obtain preferential treatment elsewhere in the Empire, he and his colleagues are required
      it—tariffs are like that!—Straits Times, Mar. 31.  -  342 words
    • 442 5 -Straits Times, Mar. 81. The question of quacks and quack medicines came up for discussion at the annual meeting of the Singapore Medical Practitioners’ Society on Saturday and we are told that a committee was appointed to go into the matter. It is high time something was done and
      -Straits Times, Mar. 81.  -  442 words
    • 218 5 —Straits Times, Apr. 1. We do not wish to emphasise the point unduly because we have respect for the opinions of and sympathy for the sufferings of those with whom we disagree on the subject of the artificial control of commodities, but the present crisis in the
      —Straits Times, Apr. 1.  -  218 words
    • 258 5 -Straits Times, Apr. 1. Work on the new and so far unnamed pier on Collyer Quay is now almost completed and the ceremonial opening, if ceremonial opening there is to be, cannot lie very far ahead. If there is to be an official function with the usual complement
      -Straits Times, Apr. 1.  -  258 words
    • 322 5 his powers of description 1—Straits Times, Apr. 1. Radio, the screen and aerial transport have largely destroyed distance but we did imagine that in electing to be domiciled in the East there were a few experience in store which to our friends and relatives at Home would remain novel.
      his powers of description 1—Straits Times, Apr. 1.  -  322 words
    • 172 5 —Straits Times, Apr. 3. This is an appeal to an unknown reader of the Straits Times in Malaya and it Is made on behalf of the London Correspondent of the Straits Times. According to a letter received by the last air mail, our London Correspondent has received sundry
      —Straits Times, Apr. 3.  -  172 words
    • 230 5 -Straits Times, Apr. 3. Striking support for the claim that Malayan tin producers should take immediate steps to examine their present position in all its aspects and make known their views as to the future of the control scheme and the basis of assessments was given by Mr. F.
      -Straits Times, Apr. 3.  -  230 words
    • 251 5 -Straits Times, Apr. 3. The United State* Customs authorities have been busy For the last four centuries the world has marvelled at the frescoes on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel at the Vatican in Rome. They were done by Michelangelo. They took him four years and a
      -Straits Times, Apr. 3.  -  251 words
    • 235 5 -Straits Times, Apr. 4. Happily then have been no indication, nat the unemployment situation in ifalaya has been taken unfair advantage) of by unscrupulous individuals. That is an aspect of the problem which is fortunately non-existent here, except perhaps in a few Isolated instance*. Not bo in
      -Straits Times, Apr. 4.  -  235 words
    • 293 6 peasantry in his area.—Straits Times, Apr. 4. Those who know how useful agricultural shows, both large and small, have been in stimulating interest in new crops will be able to appreciate the value of the effort which is being made at the New World on Friday, Saturday and
      peasantry in his area.—Straits Times, Apr. 4.  -  293 words
    • 304 6 —Straits Times, Apr. 4. An unusual advertisement will be appearing in the Straits Times this week. It brings to the notice of the public a venture -called “The Malayan Products Selling Centre" and it is sufficiently original to merit notice in this column. The idea is to
      —Straits Times, Apr. 4.  -  304 words
    • 225 6 quite an increase.”—Straits Times, Apr. 5. Mr. Roland Braddell offers instructive observation, based on his recent holiday m America, on the figures published in yesterday s Straits Times relating to con- sumption and stocks of rubber in the United SUtee. “A» you are aware, *>e writes, “California
      quite an increase.”—Straits Times, Apr. 5.  -  225 words
    • 341 6 —Straits Times, Apr. 5 The letters relating to retrenchment in the clerical service which have been appearing in our columns lately suggest that the axe is not always appropriate for the work of retrenchment and some other tool may be needed to deal with men who are
      —Straits Times, Apr. 5  -  341 words
    • 321 6 -Straits Times, Apr. 5. Although it can hardly De denied that with financial conditions as they are now in Malaya, flying clubs must be ranked as luxuries, yet the Singapore and Kuala Lumpur clubs, once having been founded, cannot be put on the retrenchment list and they
      -Straits Times, Apr. 5.  -  321 words

  • 1434 6 Union Jack Club. GOVERNOR’S SPEECH AT ANNUAL MEETING. “I may explain that the Club la really a Memorial to the men who Rave their service and their lives to the Empire during the Great War. It was felt by Government that the most permanent and
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  • 82 6 Co-Operative Union To Give Tea Party. A meeting of the Singapore Co- °jl e q live Union was held on Monday. M Chan was elected chairman. on A proposal to give a tea party 0 our of Mr. A. Cavendish, Dnrcctor d operation, who was retiring was
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  • Correspondence.
    • 157 7 Vote of Censure on Turf Club Committee. To the Editor of the Straits Times. j$i r> __The correspondence recently published in your paper appears to indicate dissatisfaction of certain members with the present committee of the Singapore Turf Club. In order to get the matter properly thrashed out,
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    • 824 7 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —If your editorial note “Ample Time” was* written about the “extract from a circular sent out by the Selangor Asiatic Unemployment Committee” I have nothing to say about it, but I enclose the document itself from which you will see that
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    • 366 7 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —I disagree with your correspondent’s statement in his letter published in your issue of Mar. 28, that the onehorned rhinoceros (Rhinoceros sondaicus) can be found in Ulu Nenggiri, Ulu Kelantan. I have tried for years to obtain reliable evidence
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  • 63 7 It is notified that the proclamation issued by the Governor in Council under section 12 of the Aliens Ordinance, 1932, limiting the number of aliens, not being transit passenger aliens, which any shipping company or charterer or owner of any individual ship may bring into and land in
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  • 793 7 Larger Membership. ENCOURAGING REPORT PRESENTED. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Mar. 31. A growth of keenness and efficiency and an increase in numbers from 766 to 905 was reported at the annual meeting of the Malayan Girl Guides headquarters council. Lady Clementi, referring to the question of
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  • 471 7 European Motor Garage Proprietor Fined. An incident at a petrol pump at midnight on Mar. 13 led to the conviction of J. YV. P. Thomley, the European proprietor of a motor garage in Orchard Road, by Mr. A. C. Boyd, the Fourth Police Magistrate, on
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  • 97 7 New Act To Curb Their Activities. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok, Apr. 3. An act concerning Communism has been gazetted to be effective immediately. The punishment for advocating Com* munistic doctrines is to be imprisonment up to ten years and a fine not exceeding Tcs. 5,000. Officials
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  • 333 8 Loss of $30,000. BANKRUPTCY COURT STORIES. A Chinese contractor who lost over $30,000 in a $180,000 contract to build barracks for soldiers at Seletar was publicly examined in the Bankruptcy Court on March 29 before Mr. Justice Mills by Mr. D. H. Tudor, assistant Official Assignee.
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  • 246 8 Light Plane Airman Held Up in Alor Star. (Prom Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Mar. 30. The well-known Swiss sports flier, M. Carl Nauer, who met with a mishap in his Puss Moth plane at Alor Star on Tuesday while taking off for Batavia en route for Australia, and
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  • 71 8 Reduction From 50 Cents i To 45 Cents. The Post Office announces that with effect from Apr. 1, 1933, the air mail fee lor correspondence to Great Britain and Europe generally by Dutch air mail ser vice will be reduced from 50 cents a half to 45
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  • 132 8 And Marries a Few Hours Later. Leaving the General Hospital on Saturday morning upon recovering from an illness, Miss Lilian Bevan. a teachei at Raffles Girls’ School, was married a few hours l%ter. The bridegroom was Mr. Benjamin Leonard Misselbrook. manager of the Singapore office of
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  • 156 8 European To Appeal Against Sentence. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok, Mar. 31. |J. R. Balharry, an accountant with Messrs. Barrow, Brown and Co., was sentenced here today to six months’ imprisonment and fin**d Tcs. 800 for negligently driving a motor car on New Year’s morning whereby a
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  • 168 8 Illicit Opium Valued At $2,340 Found. A raid by revenue officers on a house in Malay Street shortly after 10 p.m. on Friday was rewarded by a big haul of 468 tahils of raw opium valued at $2,340. When the officers entered an unoccupied room on the
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  • 123 8 Open Verdict on Bus Conductor. The inquiry into th» death of a Chinese trolley-bus conductor, who was killed on Mar. 16 as the result of being knocked down by a police van, ended on Monday when Mr. F. G. Bourne, the Singai pore Coroner, returned an open verdict.
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  • 179 8 Woman’s Death. CULPABLE HOMICIDE CHARGE. A sensation was caused in the Second •Police Court on Monday when Harold Vincent Perreau, the young ex-bo*er, was produced before Mr. A. W. Hay on a charge that on Jan. 15, 1933, he committed culpable homicide not amounting to murder of
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  • 760 8 The following were passengers by the 1\ and O. Comorin, sailing from Singapore on Friday, for Penang, Colombo and Europe. Mr. and Mrs. A. Donald, Mr. W. P. Armstrong, Mr. A. Jopp, Dr. W. Southerland. Mr. B. Hatfield, Mr. J. O’Connell, Mrs. L. H. Foulds, Mrs. N. Jackson, Mr.
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  • 326 8 Oxford and Cambridge Society Dinner. The Oxford and Cambridge Society of i Malaya held its annual dinner at Sea i View Hotel on Saturday when between sixty and seventy dark and light blues sat down. The rotunda in which the dinner was served was decorated with flowers and
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  • 145 8 Aiding Local Growers Of Ground-Nuts. (From Our Own Cor* spondent). Kuala Lumpur, April, L Chinese growers of ground-nuts m tht F.M.S., and owners of the small kacnan* oil factories which are buying crops, will be assisted by import duties announced yesterdayThe duty on kachang oil, W 1K
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 214 8 HER HAND WENT DEAD Helpless With Rheumati« m At one time she thought she u lose the use of her right hand. H u u w d she suited the “little daily 5 Kruschen, it soon put her right. of I was sure in a bad state In fact. I
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  • 1270 9 Annual Meeting. plenty of labour AVAILABLE. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca, Apr. 2. The Hon. Mr. N. K. Bain, Resident Councillor, Malacca, attended his first uiiblic function today when he was welcomed to Malacca by the chairman of t h e Malacca Planters’ Association (Mr. McKenzie) at
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  • 52 9 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca, Mar. 30. The annual general meeting of the Malacca branch of the Ex-Services Association of Malaya was held in the Malacca Club on Wednesday. Capt. 0. G. William? .vas elected chairman and Mr. D. Cuthbertson was elected honorary secretary and tv*?surer for the
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  • 502 9 Volunteer Parade At Kuala Lumpur. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Mar. 28. Five medals were presented by H.E. the High Commissioner, Sir Cecil Clementi, at a volunteer parade held at the rifle range on Sunday morning. After His Excellency had inspected the troops, who comprised
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  • 122 9 Naming Of Private Plane At Kuala Lumpur. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Mar. 31. The first aeroplane to be owned by a woman pilot in Malaya, and the onlv one privately owned in the F.M.S. at the present time, was named at the Kuala Lumpur Flying
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  • 36 9 The Kedah duty on condensed milk has been altered from 12V6 per cent, ad 'alorem, with 2V4 per cent. Empire preference, to $5 per 100 pounds net weight. with a preferential dn*v of S*
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  • 389 9 Trajp-Comedy. WRONG BEAST SHOT BY PLANTER. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, April 1. A tragi-comedy centring round a mad elephant ended yesterday in the foothills of the main range separating Southern Perak from Pahang. The story begins with the departure from the royal town
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  • 282 9 Monday, Mar, 27. Group Captain A. H. Jackson left Kind’s House. His Excellency presided at a meeting of the Federal Council held at the Government Offices, Kuala Lumpur. Ty Tuesday, Mar. 28. ou i? n Mr. M. B. Shelley and Miss Shelley Mrs. Were, Mr. R. C. Edyvean,
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  • 1300 10 COLLIERIES F.M.S. RAILWAYS. Slump Profits. CHAIRMAN’S REPLY TO STRAITS TIMES. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Mar. 29. A reply to the Straits Times leading article entitled “Collieries Pro-fits" was made today at the annual general meeting of Malayan Collieries Ltd. Mr. H. 1L Robbins, presiding, referred to this article
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  • 182 10 Planter’s Bad Luck On Return from Leave. Shortly after his arrival in Singapore fnmi leave, a European planter went to a hotel, where, he alleged in a report niadc to the police, a sum of about £75 in English currency was stolen from him. According to the report
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  • 967 10 Suit for $455. AFFAIRS OF CENTRAL ENGINE WORKS. The Chief Justice (Sir William Murison) and Mr. Justice Whitley heard an appeal in the Supreme Court on Friday concerning a decision of the Civil District Judge who had entered judgment for the defendants in the case in which
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  • 342 10 No Joint Views by S.S. Association. At the last meeting of the commitu-e of the Straits Settlements (Singapore) Association a letter was read from the Registrar-General of Statistics inviting an expression of the Association’s view* and also the views of any individual member regarding the Straits Settlements Trade
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  • 48 10 King Of Siam Follows His Physician’s Advice. (From Our Own Correspondent.' Bangkok, Mar. 28. The King of Siam, who is at Hua H 1 1 will not return to Bangkok for the Siamese New Year on April 1» following the advice of his physician.
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  • 3255 11 Mr. Macfadxen Looks Ahead —Estates Of The Future—Profit At Twopence A Pound Planters’ Doubts And Criticisms—Budding On Asiatic Holdings. (By Oar Planting Correa pondeat) Avery clear statement of the case for budgrafting, as a means of combattint- native competition and assuring the rurooean estate of survival in
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  • 152 12 Whole Row Gutted In Big Blaze. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Mar. 31. A big fire at Sungei Patani broke out yesterday morning when a row r of houses situated beyond the Sungei Patani bridge adjoining Glugor Estate, comprising twenty three houses constructed of plank walls with corrugated
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  • 89 12 Great Eastern Park Starts Business. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Apr. 3. The second of Kuala Lumpur's amusement parks, named the Great Eastern, was declared open by Mrs. A. Cavendish on Saturday. There are over 80 stalls, not all of which have yet been booked, but no
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  • 1667 12 Now Smiling And Energetic. CHILD WELFARE. GREAT WORK DONE IN THE PAST YEAR. ’’There are not many commercial companies which in these hard times can call a meeting of shareholders and produce so satisfactory a report is this society has produced. Your directors can report to
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  • 332 12 European Saves, Himself By Undressing. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Apr. 3. Further details are available regarding the acid drum explosions at the Eastern Smelting Co/s works last week. It is now learnt that in addition to Mr. L. C. C. Foley and Mr. Harris Rice, Mr. F.
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  • 213 12 Arab Accused Given Fine Of $200. That the policy of his paper annoyed a certain section of his compatriot ,ls ascribed as the reason for an assault A. W. Aljelany, the editor of an Aram newspaper, the A1 Houda, when a j N Arab named Alwi Alsiri was
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  • 4191 13 UNNECESSARY, UNREASONABLE AND UNJUST.” A complaint that the restrictions Government desired to be placed on landowners in c'lose proximity to the aerodrome, which is being constructed at («ro\e Road, were “unnecessary, unreasonable and unjust” was made at a meeting of the Municipal Commissioners on Friday when
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  • 95 14 Returning Home After Ten Years. The Royal Italian cruiser Libia, which arrived in Singapore on Mar. 28, left on Saturday for home after ten years cruising in North American, Australian and the Far Eastern waters. The commander is Capt. Count Guido Bacci di Capaci who, for the last
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  • 1416 14 R.S.F.C. May Help Monopolies. PRESIDENT’S HINT. COASTAL AIR TAXIS SUGGESTED. Mr. F. G. Lundon, Wing Commodore, made two interesting suggestions at the annual meeting of the Royal Singapore Flying Club on Friday. They were Consideration of the possibility of using the club seaplanes as public air taxis
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  • 3138 15 Malayan Politics—Sir Hugh Clifford Speaks Lessons In A i\ ovel—The Sultans’ Position—Looking Backwards And Forwards—Tanjong Malim’s Reply. (By Our Kuala Lumpur Correspondent.) been reading for the first time Sir Hugh Clifford’s full-length novel Prince of Malaya and perhaps t «hall be forgiven if I
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  • 250 16 All Malacca Turns Out To Say Farewell. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca, Mar. 28. Many people representing all communities, and including all the Government officials, and heads of the local firms, were present at the jetty this evening to bid farewell to the Hon. Mr.
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  • 247 16 Member Criticises Deficit Shown On Bar. At the annual general meeting of the Selangor Club the pie.sident, the Hon. Mr. T. S. Adams, mentioned that economies had been effected at the Fraser’s Hill premises which it was hoped would result in a saving of $5,000. Mr. John Hands
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  • 526 16 Malay States Association Wants Changes. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Mar. 28. Important changes in the law relating to banishment have been recommended by the committee of the Malay States Association. A meeting of the committee of the Association was held in Kuala Lumpur
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  • 94 16 Mr. Cheong Thutt Pitt’s Distinction. In the Supreme Court on Friday before Mr. Justice Mills Mr. Cheong Thutt Pitt was admitted as an advocate and solicitor of the Straits Settlements Bar. Mr. M. C. Johannes, in making the application, said the petitioner was a solicitor of the
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  • 863 16 Potential Risk of Air Routes. “NO PROSPECT.” A CAREFUL WATCH NEEDED. Three interesting conclusions were arrived at by the Advisory Council of the Eastern Bureau of the League of Nations at the seventh session held in Singapore. They were There is no immediate prospect of
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  • 216 16 Bail in. $10,000 Offered To Charged Chinese. Goh Huan Liang, a Chinese piece goods merchant of Change Alley, was produced- before the Third Magistrate, Mr. J. F. F. Gregg, on Saturday on a charge of mischief by fire with intent to cause damage to the amount of
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  • 220 16 Mr. A. Donald And Miss Marion Campbell. The wedding took place on Thursday at the Presbyterian Cnurch of Mr. Alexander Donald, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Donald, of Stonehaven, Scotland, to Miss Marion Gordon Campbell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Campbell of Potters Bar, London.
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  • PAST WEEK’S IMPERIAL AND GENERAL NEWS Contained in Reuter, British Imperial Radio and Special Telegrams.
    • 1706 21 ©specially on timber and oil. —Anetai ians-Ocean. T-ijr iciurn CO IjCJ —Reuter Wireless. —Tass. Englishmen to be Tried On April 9. THE CHARGES. No Question of Death Sentence. Moscow, Apr. 3. Monkhouse and Nordwall, of Vickers. have been formally Metro* UK m ;i;tary and economic esc
      ©specially on timber and oil.—Anetai ians-Ocean.; T-ijr iciurn CO IjCJ —Reuter Wireless.; —Tass.  -  1,706 words
    • 57 21 -Reuter. Washington, Mar. 30. The Senate has passed the bill authorising the establishment of a $600,000,000 fund for unemployment relief grants to States, marking the Central Government’s first step in this direction. The Finance Constriction Corporation will raise money by the sale of bonds, a
      -Reuter.  -  57 words
    • 47 21 £132,000,000 in February.—Reuter Wireless. London, Mar. 30. A big increase in the Bank of England’s gold reserve, which is now the highest since 1925, is revealed in the monthly statistical summary. The reserve on Mar. 22 stood at £169,600,000, compared with £132,000,000 in February.—Reuter Wire-
      £132,000,000 in February.—Reuter Wireless.  -  47 words
    • 510 21 debate was adjourned.—British Wireless. -Reuter. Sir John Simon’s Speech In Commons. Rugby, Mar. 28. The House of Commons resumed today the debate on the Government’s motion asking for authority to set up a Joint Select Committee of the Lords and the Commons, on constitutional reform in India before
      debate was adjourned.—British Wireless.; -Reuter.  -  510 words
    • 59 21 —Renter. Value of Consignments To Japan and China. London, Mar. 29. Exports of ordinance and high explosives from the United Kingdom, to China and Japan totalled £51,816,000 and £299,000 respectively daring the eighteen months ended February, according to a statement by Mr. Leslie Burgin, rarliamentary Secretary to the
      —Renter.  -  59 words
    • 273 22 factory solution of the difficulty.—Reuter Wireless. Rumania Refuses To Restrict. CANNOT AFFORD IT. Hopes Dashed of Rise In Prices. Paris*, Mar. 31. The breakdown of the international oil conference with the retuni of cut-throat competition and |a further collapse in prices is feared as the result
      factory solution of the difficulty.—Reuter Wireless.  -  273 words
    • 144 22 -Reuter Wireless. Treason Charges Against Lieut. Baillie-Stewart. London, Mar. 28. The court deliberated over the BaillieStewart case for 45 minutes and ther. returned a verdict of no. guilty on the three alternative charges of attempting to collect, attempting to obtain and attempting to communicate certain information, but regarding
      -Reuter Wireless.  -  144 words
    • 121 22 —Reuter. No Deaths But Three Badly Hurt. Tokio, Mar. 30. Three are dead and two or three miss* inf? as the result of a mid-air collision between two naval planes during flying practice this morning near Yokohama. One of the machines plunged into the sea and the other
      —Reuter.  -  121 words
    • 377 22 RANJI’ S” DEATH. —Reuter. Famous Cricketer And Statesman. New Delhi, Apr. 3. H H. the Maharaja Jamsaheb of Nawanagar, Sir Ranjitsinghi Vibhaji, better known as “Ranji,” the great England and Sussex cricketer, died at Jamnagar this morning from heart failure. Reutei. “Ranji,” who was born at Sarodar on Sept. 10,
      —Reuter.  -  377 words
    • 123 22 exempt from the new tax.—Reuter Wireless. Business Suspended In London. London, Mar. 31. Surprise was caused on the London Stock Exchange ioday when all dealers in Canadian bonds suspended business in consequence of the uncertainty of the T'osition arising from the Canadian budget proposal of a new five
      exempt from the new tax.—Reuter Wireless.  -  123 words
    • 71 22 —Reuter. En Route from Paris To Japan. 3rindisi, Apr. 2. The French airwoman, Mdlle. Maryse Hilz, who left Paris on Saturday in an attempt to fly 300 h.p. Farman Gnome to Japan via India, Hanoi and Shanghai, arrived here the same evening and hopped off for Aleppo next
      —Reuter.  -  71 words
    • 28 22 Appointment Of Receiver And Manager. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Apr. 1. A receiver and manager for the Rudge Whitworth Company, of Coventry, was appointed yesterday.
      28 words
    • 84 22 —Reuter. Englishwoman Among The Arrested. Calcutta, Apr. 1. The series of arrests of Nationalists to prevent the banned meeting of Congress have not deterred Congressites who today assembled at the tramways shed, squatted there and refused to move even when police arrived. Finally, however, they were dispersed and
      —Reuter.  -  84 words
    • 75 22 —Reuter. Authorities Unable To Locate Bandits. Newchwang, Apr. 1. As all" attempts have failed to locate the kidnappers of the four British officers from the Nanchang, the local autholities anticipate that nothing will be heard of them till a ranson is demanded. A Japanese destroyer has arrived from
      —Reuter.  -  75 words
    • 81 22 ,—Reuter. Two-Hour Talk With U.S. Senator. Washington, Apr. 1. “We have arranged to improve the price of silver,” said Mr. Matsuoka laughingly, following a two-hour conversation with Senator Pittman, chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Mr. Pittman said that the conversation rambled over the whole Orient.—Reuter. Mr.
      ,—Reuter.  -  81 words
    • 80 22 Penny Off Beer and AllRound Relief. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London. Apr. 1. The News-Chronicle forecasts that a penny a pint off beer and cider will be one of the provisions of the new budget and that relief all round for the family man is most likely. A
      80 words
    • 112 22 dead and eight injured.—Reuter Wireless. Disaster Overtakes Basket Ball Champions. Kansas City, Mar. 30. The Winnipeg Basket ball team, who are the amateur champions of Canada, were the victims of a fatal aeroplane crash near here today in which thirteen of the fourteen persons on board the
      dead and eight injured.—Reuter Wireless.  -  112 words
    • 56 22 —Reuter. Big Company Director’s Tragic Death. New York, Apr. 3. Mr. Frank Theordore Hulswit, president of the American Commonwealth Power Corporation, died today ten hours after falling from a fifth floor room in a hotel on Broadway.—Reuter. Mr. Hulswit was 58 years of age and a
      —Reuter.  -  56 words
    • 484 22 Death of Former Vicerov Of India. London, Apr. 2. The death is announced of l r r j Chelmsford, the famous Indian con.ri tutional reformer.—Reuter. Lord Chelmsford, who was born Aug. 12, 18G8, was the eldest s 0 n ct Frederick Augustus, 2nd Baron CheLford. He was educated
      484 words
    • 73 22 Attempt To Escape From Death Cell. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Apr. 1. The Daily Express Arizona correspondent states that Mrs. Ruth Judo, the trunk murderess and former beauty queen, attempted to escape from the death-cell by cutting through the bars with saws smuggled in by her brother.
      73 words
    • 86 22 ciotnes. Twenty people were injured.—K eu Wireless. Boy Blown Out Of Window To His Death. London, Mar. 2lh An explosion loudly audible over the whole of south and south-west Lone occurred this morning at a synthetic cnemical factory at Mitcham. A whole row of houses was reduced ruins
      ciotnes. . _ Twenty people were injured.—Keu – Wireless.  -  86 words
    • 736 23 —Reuter. Driven from Cabins At Pistol Point PIRATES ESCAPE. Gunboat Helpless In Shallow Water. Newchwang, Mar. 30. rhine-e pirates in broad daylight kidnapped four British officers off the r; merchantman, Nanchang, while i: wa anchored off the Newchwang bar. Whor the Nanchang gave chase the te
      —Reuter.  -  736 words
    • 61 23 Labour’s Narrow Victory In By-Election. London, Mar. 29. The by-eleetion at East Rhondda, caused by the death of Lieut.-Col. D. W atts-Morgan (Lab.) resulted as follows: Mr. Mainwaring (Lab.) 14,127. Mr. Arthur Horner <Communist) 11,228. Mr. Thomas (Lib.) 7,851. —Reuter. At the general election, in a straight fight
      61 words
    • 74 23 NOT RETURNING -Reuter. British Ambassador To Moscow. New York, Mar. 31. It is understood from a high nonSoviet authority that Sir Esmond Ovey, the British Ambassador to the Soviet Republic, will not return to Moscow after the trip to London, according to the New York Herald Tribune’s correspondent at Moscow.
      -Reuter.  -  74 words
    • 57 23 —Reuter. Attempt to Wreck Train Discovered. Boston, Mar. 29. An apparent attempt to wreck the express train in which Mr. Matsuoka was travelling to Boston is reported by the railway police. They state that two iron rails wrapped in red and yellow flags were discovered on the track
      —Reuter.  -  57 words
    • 52 23 —Reuter. Wireless Service To Be Installed. London, Mar. 30. Reuter understands that negotiations have concluded for a direct LondonShanghai wireless service to be operating at the end of the summer. The Shanghai installation will be British and will be financed from the proceeds ot the Boxer Indemnity
      —Reuter.  -  52 words
    • 52 23 -Reuter. May Be Excluded From Great Britain. Canberra, Mar. 31. Questioned in the -House of Representatives on the subject of butter export, to Great Britain Mr. Latham, the Attorney-General, said he understood legislation had been introduced into the British House of Commons today, probably excluding Russian goods from
      -Reuter.  -  52 words
    • 797 23 —Reuter. so tragically sustained.—British Wireless. Inquiry Into Air Disaster. Brussels, Mai*/ 30. The City of Liverpool air crash with its toll of 15 victims was not due to any failure of the engines. This is the chief conclusion of the preliminary inquiry held on the scene
      —Reuter.; so tragically sustained.—British Wireless.  -  797 words
    • 156 23 -Reuter. Terrible Famine Grips Russia. “NO BREAD.” Peasants Too Weak To Work the Land. Berlin, Mar. 30. Russia is today gripped by a famine as disastrous as the catastrophe of 1921, when millions died,” declared Mr. Gareth Jones, the former political secretary to Mr. Lloyd George,
      -Reuter.  -  156 words
    • 239 23 Reuter. 2s. Shares Purchased For 15s. London, Mar. 29. After an interval of three weeks, the case against M. C. Harman and three other directors was continued today. They are charged that betweefr* Nov. 10, 1939, and Aug. 31, 1932, they unlawfully conspired to defraud the
      Reuter.  -  239 words
    • 48 23 -Reuter. Equal Division Of Posts In South Africa. Pretoria, Mar. 30. Gen. Hertzog has resigned and reformed the South African Cabinet. The posts are now evenly divided between the South African and Nationalist Parties, with Gen. Hertzog as Premier and Gen. Smuts as Minister of Justice.—Reuter.
      -Reuter.  -  48 words
    • 24 23 —Reuter. Dublin, Mar. 30. As a result of discussion between the companies and unions, the Irish railways strike is virtually settled.—Reuter.
      —Reuter.  -  24 words
    • 634 24 —Reuter. Reuter. Jewish Lawyer Beaten To Death. ANTI-SEMITISM. Can Leaders Hold Nazis In Check Berlin, Mar. 31. It is announced that the anti-Jewish boycott, after beginning at 10 a.m. will e called off on Saturday evening until Announcing the calling: cott tomorrow evening:. Dr. Goebbels, the
      —Reuter.; Reuter.  -  634 words
    • 37 24 -Reuter. Tornado Havoc In The Mississippi Region. New York, Mar. 31. The death roll in the tornado which is sweeping the Mississippi region is now estimated at 00. Hundreds of people have been injured.—Reuter.
      -Reuter.  -  37 words
    • 213 24 End of Agreement With Straits Trading Co. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Mar. 31. Discussing the action of the Billiton Co. in sending tin ore to Holland for smelting, the Evening Standard emphaI sises that this involves a loss of business for the Singapore (sic) Trading
      213 words
    • 88 24 —Reuter. British Test Pilot In China. Hong Kong, Mar. 31. Mr. Ronald John Stevens, the test pilot of the Far East Aviation Co., was killed today in a crash at Liuchow’, Kw’angsi. Mr. Stevens w r as demonstrating a new' machine in his capacity of aviation adviser to
      —Reuter.  -  88 words
    • 52 24 —Reuter. Talk In London With Mr. MacDonald. London, Mar. 30. Mr. Norman Davis, w'ho is en route for Geneva from Washington conferred with Mr. Ramsay MacDonald for an hour this morning and they met again in the afternoon. It is understood they discussed the Disarmament and World
      —Reuter.  -  52 words
    • 51 24 —Reuter. British Ambassador In Moscow. London, Mar. 30. Sir Esmond Ovey, the British Ambassador to Moscow, has been summoned to London for a consultation on the situation with regard to the British employees of Metro-Vickers arrested by the Ogpu. He leaves Moscow tonight and will return
      —Reuter.  -  51 words
    • 170 24 -Reuter. Text of Six-Point Agreement Paris, Mar. 81. What purports to be the text of the MacDonald-Mussolini agreement in Rome is published this morning and contains the following six articles: Germany, France, Italy and Britain should undertake to evolve an effective policy of co-operation with a
      -Reuter.  -  170 words
    • 242 24 -Reuter. -Reuter. If Manchukuo Builds A Navy. London, Mar. 31. The effect of Japan’s withdrawal from the League on the question of armameirs for Manchukuo has roused the attention of the London weeklies. The Spectator says that if Manchukuo is an independent State, as Japan claims, it is
      -Reuter.  -  242 words
    • 56 24 Reitter. Fighting Again At Chiumenkou. Shanhaikwan, Mar. 31. A severe artillery duel is progressing at Chiumenkou, one of the passes in Jehol, a few miles north of Shanhaikwan, following the action of the Chinese in opening a bombardment of the Japanese positions at 7 a.m., which, it is
      Reitter.  -  56 words
    • 94 24 -Reuter. Last Page Of Story Not Yet Written. London, Mar. 31. “It is too soon to say that the League has been inefficacious in the Far Eastern dispute,” declared Sir Austen Chamberlain at a League of Nations Union meeting at Southampton. “The last page of the story has
      -Reuter.  -  94 words
    • 318 24 -Reuter. £32,279,000 Deficit. BUT PROVISION M\i)p FOR U.S. DEBT. London, Mar. A remarkably sound budgetary 0 ,j tion is revealed by the publication of T year s revenue and expenditure The total deficit of £32,279,000 includes the unanticipated payment of the W, ican debt instalment in Decern!)!.,
      -Reuter.  -  318 words
    • 128 24 -Reuter Wireless. English Workers Still On Strike. London. Mar. 26. In consequence of the strike at the Ford Motor Company’s Dagenham works, the factory has closed. The works have been idle for the past two days in consequence of the strike ol 2,000 men, rendering
      -Reuter Wireless.  -  128 words
    • 188 24 —Reuter. Prison for Inspiring False Charges. Paris, Mar. 30. The sensational trial of a O1 mor French air director, in which M. ai n c Gen. Weygand and the former Ministe *>, M. Herriot, M. Tardieu, M. Pjetri and M. Guernier, were witnesses, ended tou~y when Andre
      —Reuter.  -  188 words
    • 214 25 —Reuter. Success for Houston Expedition. 35,000 FEET. Unable to Locate Climbing Party. Purnea, Apr. 3. The Houston Everest Expedition’s two Wedand planes took off fully equipL towards the Himalayas at 8.1.> a.m, w ind and velocity having decreased substantially. The Westland planes reached a height 350OO feet
      —Reuter.  -  214 words
    • 273 25 Why the Flight Was Undertaken. The members of the expedition include \ir c ommodore P. F. M. Fellowes (leader, who is accompanied by his wife), Col. L. V. i>. Blacker, D.S.O. (chief observer), Squadron Leader the Marquess of Clydesdale and Flight.-Lieut. McIntyre (pilots), Mr. Hughes (mechanic), Mr.
      273 words
    • 73 25 —Reuter. To Marry Miss Betty Compson. Nice, Apr. 3. Hen the ex-Mayor of New York, Mr. Jimmy Walker, called at the Mayor’s nee at Cannes to fix up a marriage with t Hetty Compson, the famous film ,u He was told he must await the "cessary documents from
      —Reuter.  -  73 words
    • 167 25 —Reuter. Proposal to Congress. FOREIGN MARKET FOR U.S. GOODS. Washington, Apr. 3. Legislation to empower the President to initiate practical and reciprocal tariff agreements to lower trade barriers and to establish a foreign market for American products is proposed by President Roosevelt in a message to Congress.
      —Reuter.  -  167 words
    • 85 25 —Reuter. Ranji” Succeeded By His Nephew. Bombay, Apr. 3. Lieut.-Col. H.H. Shri Sir RanjiUinhji Vihhaji, Maharaja Jamsaheb of Navanagar, the famous cricketer, who died on Sunday from heart failure, is succeeded by his nephew Rajkumar Digvijaysin’nji. —Reuter. The new Maharaja is the elder brother of K. S. Duleepsinhji,
      —Reuter.  -  85 words
    • 37 25 —Reuter. For Revealing Diplomatic Secrets In U.S.A. Washington, Apr. 3. The House of Representatives has passed a bill providing heavy penalties for persons publishing diplomatic information prejudicial to the interests of the Unted States. —Reuter.
      —Reuter.  -  37 words
    • 33 25 —Reuter. Negotiations Break Down Completely. Dublin, Apr. 2. Negotiations for the settlement of the Irish rail strike have broken down completely on the question of reinstatement of the strikers. —Reuter.
      —Reuter.  -  33 words
    • 44 25 The Marquess of Douglas and Clvdrsdale (left) and Lieut.-Col. L. V c Blacker chief observer, specially equipped to resist the intense cold and overcome breathing difficulties in a rarefied atmosphere, before beginning a test flight. Picture by Shell Aviation News.
      44 words
    • 189 25 -Reuter. Drastic Legislation. NEGOTIATING NEW AGREEMENT. London, Apr. 3. Following the detention of the British employees of Metro Vickers in Russia, Mr. Ramsay MacDonald has announced that a bill will be presented tomorrow in the House of Commons conferring powers to deal with the importation of
      -Reuter.  -  189 words
    • 69 25 —Reuter. Police Intervene At Funeral. London, Apr. 3. A sensation has i>een created by the news that the funeral of one of the victims of the City of Liverpool air-liner disaster was stopped by the police yesterday and the body removed for inquiry. The body was found
      —Reuter.  -  69 words
    • 64 25 —Reuter. Help for Singapore Exhibition. London, Apr. 3. The proposal to stimulate Empire shopping in Singapore was mentioned in the House of Commons, when Major D. J. Colville. Secretary for Overseas Trade, promised the fullest assistance of his department in the exhibition of British g( ods which is
      —Reuter.  -  64 words
    • 30 25 -Reuter. Washington, Mar. 29. A bill for the creation of a $50,000,000 Central Farm Mortgage Bank, backed by Government, was introduced in the Senate by Senator McAdoo.—Reuter.
      -Reuter.  -  30 words
    • 227 25 i.—Reuter. Terms Being Kept A Secret. PLANE SIGHTED. But Captives Unable To Signal. Newchwang, Apr. 3. Mr. A. P. Pears, one of the four kidnapped British officers from the Nanchang, has arrived on foot bearing th» pirates' ransom terms. Mr. Pears has reported that the captives
      i.—Reuter.  -  227 words
    • 310 25 -Reuter. Emphasis Placed On Security. Paris, Apr. 3. As a result of a three-hour Cabinet meeting under the Presidency of M. Daladier, France will take immediate steps to hasten the meeting of the World Economic Conference. A reply will also be drafted immediately to the British memorandum for
      -Reuter.  -  310 words
    • 41 25 —Reuter. £4,200 Breach Damages For Camera’s Fiancee. London, Apr. 3. Miss Emilia Tersini, aged twenty-t\vo, a Soho waitress, has been awarded £4,200 damages against Primo Camera, the Italian boxer, for breach of promise of marriage. Camera was not represented
      —Reuter.  -  41 words
    • 503 26 over the positions yesterday.—Sin Kuo Min and Sin Chew Jit Poh. Chinese Contesting Every Inch. AT HSIFENGKOU. 20,000 Japanese Ready To Attack. Shanghai, April jThe scene of the ’qu^t suddenly changed of ar has KlS to■.hVili-t.lct few roUes north of Shan»-n.k«-an um Ch wangtao, particularly a Ion* the
      over the positions yesterday.—Sin Kuo Min and Sin Chew Jit Poh.  -  503 words
    • 61 26 —Reuter Wireless. Possibility Of Ban In Great Britain. London, Mar. 30. With reference to the suggestion made by Mr. Latham in the Australian Parliament that Great Britain was about to ban Russian imports, it is learned that no decision on the matter has been reached and no step
      —Reuter Wireless.  -  61 words
    • 377 26 Reuter. Assembly Dissolved By Royal Decree. Bangkok, Apr. 2. Roval Decree, counter-signed by all th.* Ministers has dissolved the Assembly 'and appointed a State Council until an (election can be held under the constitution as a consequence of the large numjber of membeis pressing for j 0
      Reuter.  -  377 words
    • 168 26 Talks With Premier And Sir John Simon. Rugby, Mar. 31. Mr. Norman Davis, of the United States, who is visiting various countries with Ambassadorial rank and is a close personal friend and associate of President Roosevelt, today had conversations with the Prime Minister and Sir John Simon.
      168 words
    • 59 26 Granted to Pahang Game Warden. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Apr. 2. A decree nisi has been granted to Mr. Alfred Harding Feathorstonhaugh on the ground of his wife’s misconduct with Mr. Reginald Raikes at an hotel in Eastbourne. Mr. Featherstonhaugli, who is Game Warden, Pahang, stationed at
      59 words
    • 1310 26 Reuter. of posters and tracts printed.-iw; W ireless. er —Aneta-Trans-Ocean. Amazing Orders. NAZIS GIVE THE SCREW ANOTHER TURN. The German boycott of the Jews in Germany as a reprisal against the boycott of Germany by Jews abroad began on Apr. 1. and after beginning according
      Reuter.; of posters and tracts printed.-iw; W ireless. er; —Aneta-Trans-Ocean.  -  1,310 words
    • 208 27 Reuter. Nanchang Captives, i aNDED 25 MILES FROM newchwang. The sinister figure of Pei Pa-tien bandit chieftain who captured Mra. p/wl v and Mr. Charles Corkran last Sntember, is considered in some quarters f V, a possible conspirator in the abduction of the British officers from the
      Reuter.  -  208 words
    • 94 27 —Reuter. Serious Position In Kiangsi. Nanking, April 4. A grave situation exists in Kiangsi win c Communist armies have inflicted vo re defeats upon the Government noops and are now making a determined drive against the provincial capital of Xa.uhang. Tilt* teriousness of the position is ilusuated by
      —Reuter.  -  94 words
    • 102 27 -Reuter Wireless. Proposed Reduction Of Wages. Paris, Mar. 30. Labour trouble, similar to that which o ilier in the week occurred at the Ford works at Dagenham, has broken out at the Citroen factories. In consequence of the strikes in certain workshops against the proposed reduction of wages,
      -Reuter Wireless.  -  102 words
    • 34 27 -Reuter Wireless. Citroen Workers Accept Wage Cut. Paris, Apr. 3. he Citroen motor-car works will re'."cn on Apr. 5. Practically all the 6,000 '■mployees have acepted the reduction in w &ges.—Reuter Wireless.
      -Reuter Wireless.  -  34 words
    • 50 27 "Reuter Wireless. Shorter Week Campaign Advances In U.S. Washington, Apr. 3. Ii shorter working week campaign >°cn advanced by the House of Re- < entatives approving an emergency 34Ti, 1 vvee biH effective for two years. n 0 industry and industries deal- ,v th Perishable goods are
      "Reuter Wireless.  -  50 words
    • 117 27 expected to end shortly.—Reuter Wireless. British Interest in New Guinea Venture. The Hague, Mar. 30. A combination of British. Dutch and American capital will shortly develop oilfields in New Guinea, provided negotiations between the Government of the Dutch East Indies and the Batavian Petroleum C ompany are successful.
      expected to end shortly.—Reuter Wireless.  -  117 words
    • 143 27 -Reuter. Imposing Ceremony At Vatican. Vatican City, Apr. 1. The solemn opening of Holy Yeai, commemorating the crucifixion, was carried out by the Pope today in an atmosphere of mediaeval splendour and surrounded by cardinals, prelates, ambassadors and ministers accredited to his court. Striking three times with
      -Reuter.  -  143 words
    • 80 27 France Shown British Amendment. Paris, April 2. The official text of the British plan amending that submitted by Signor Mussolini to Mr. Ramsay MacDonald in Rome is understood to be contained in a Note handed by Lord Tyrrell, the British Ambassador, to M. Paul-Boncour yesterday. According to
      80 words
    • 94 27 i visit to Brussels and Paris. —-Reuter Wire;less. New Commercial Agreement With Britain Likely. London, Mar. 29. The basis for a new Anglo-Argentine i commercial agreement has been reached as the result of the visit of the Argentine trade delegation to London. The Argentine Government has intimated its
      i visit to Brussels and Paris.—-Reuter Wire;less.  -  94 words
    • 45 27 POCKET BATTLESHIPS.” -Reuter Wireless. Launching Of Germany’s Second Naval Freak. Berlin, Mar. 30. Germany’s second pocket battleship,” to be launched at Wilhelmshafen on Saturday, will be named Skagerrack in commemoration of the German victory at Jutland. Its predecessor, the Deutschland,” will be commissioned simultaneously.—Reuter Wireless.
      -Reuter Wireless.  -  45 words
    • 34 27 -Reuter. U.S. Firm Buys Interest In Corporation. New York, Apr. 1. The Pan-American Airways Company announces the acquisition of 45 per cent, of the capital sunk of the China National Aviation Corporation.—Reuter.
      -Reuter.  -  34 words
    • 476 27 —Sin Kuo Min and Sin Chew Jit Poh. Big Battle Expected Shortly. Shanghai, Apr. 4. The Japanese are now making a desperate effort to drive out all Chinese troops from Jehol and with this object in view they appeared to have changed their plans, driving westward through
      —Sin Kuo Min and Sin Chew Jit Poh.  -  476 words
    • 133 27 Mr. Yoshizawa’s Visit To China. Shanghai, Apr. 3. Mr. Yoshizawa, former Japanese delegate to the League of Nations, arrived in Shanghai yesterday from Tokio. In the afternoon he held a meeting with the Japanese Consul-General of Shanghai Although the rumour that he has come to start preliminary negotiations
      133 words
    • 99 27 To be Accorded State Burial. Shanghai, Apr. 3. Upon the request of the son of Gen. Li Yuan-hung, who was the commandcr-in-chief of the revolutionary army in 1910 and became President of the Republic of China after the death of President Yuan Shi-kai, the Central Government has
      99 words
    • 144 27 Towns Wrecked. TEN KILLED AND MANY INJURED. Quickly following the earthquake in California in which hundreds of people lost their lives and enormous damage was done, another disaster has struck the United States. According to a Reuter message from New York a terrific tornado is sweeping
      144 words
    • 268 27 ter and dropped a wreach. —Reuter Wireless. -Reuter Wireless. Public Confidence Not Shaken. Dixmude, March 29. All thirteen bodies in the wreckage of the Imperial Airways liner City of Liverpool, have now been identified, including that of Sir John Rowland, the British corset manufacturer. When the salvage
      ter and dropped a wreach.—Reuter Wireless.; -Reuter Wireless.  -  268 words
    • 70 27 “Champion Of The Bottom Dog Now Penniless. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Apr. 1. Horatio Bottomley has applied for the old age pension and Reuben Bigland, the man who broke him, has offered the onetime champion of the bottom dog a cottage and a pound a week for
      70 words
    • 32 27 -Reuter. Ilc-afforestation Measures In U.S.A. Washington, Mar. 30. The House of Representatives passed the Bill which the Senate allowed on Mar. 28 permitting the Government to enlist 250,000 unemployed for re-afforesta-tion.—Reuter.
      -Reuter.  -  32 words
    • 1592 28 -Reuter. -Reuter. ONLY FIVE SAVED OUT OF CREW OF 76. World’s Largest Airship Driven Into Sea. Memories of the terrible disasters to the air giants R.101, the R.38 and the Shenandoah are recalled bv the tragic loss of the U.S. airship Akron which was battered
      -Reuter.  -  1,592 words
    • 315 28 —Reuter Wireless. Atrocity Propaganda Ceases. Berlin, Apr. 4, It is officially stated that tho v boycott of Jews will not be rcsuiSl tc morrow in view of the cessation atrocity propaganda.” of the “The Nazi boycott organisation will remain intact ready, to reply to anv
      —Reuter Wireless.  -  315 words
    • 32 28 Rugby, Apr. 3. The opening ceremonies of three new bridges across the Thames, now l>c!n>r constructed at Hampton Court, Richmond and Chiswick, will be performed by the Prince of Wales.
      32 words
    • 488 29 -Reuter. Ambassador’s Visit To Soviet Prisoners. BRITISH REPRISAL. Russian Goods May Be Boycotted. London, Apr. 5. Th0 tedious effoits of the British 4 „!,ass»<lor, Sir Esmond Ovey, to get J,",.,.nation concerning the charges on 1 V: h the British employees of Metro-nolitan-Vickers were arrested and to cure
      -Reuter.  -  488 words
    • 206 29 —Reuter. Determined Not to Give Them Up. Tokio, Apr. 4. Telling the islanders to do their duty in accordance with the imperial rescript (issued on Mar. 27 in connection with Japan s withdrawal from the League of Nations) and not to be misled by wild rumours,
      —Reuter.  -  206 words
    • 87 29 -Reuter. Netherlands to Remit Dutch Portion. Nanking, Apr. 4. It is learned that ‘he Netherlands have agreed to remit to China the Dutch portion of the Boxer Indemnity as from Jan. 1, 1926. The Hague, Apr. 4. It is understood the remittance to China of the Dutch portion
      -Reuter.  -  87 words
    • 64 29 —Reuter Wireless. Announcement Shortly To Be Expected. London, Apr. 3. Arrangements are proceeding satisfactorily for the co-operation of the Government of India in the beginning and maintenance of an air route from Great Britain to the Far East, stated Mr. Butler, Under-Seeretary for India, in the
      —Reuter Wireless.  -  64 words
    • 208 29 to convene the conference.—Reuter Wireless. First Meeting May Be On June 1. London, Apr. 5. It has been provisionally arranged that the organising committee of the World Economic Conference shall meet at Geneva on Apr. 22 and it is hoped the first meeting of the conference will be
      to convene the conference.—Reuter Wireless.  -  208 words
    • 125 29 —Reuter. Plans for Further Expansion. London, Apr. 4. In the House of Commons, Lieut.-Col. John Colville, Secretary, Overseas Trade Department, informed Mr. A. E. L. Chorlton (Cons., Platting) that the Overseas Trade Department was endeavouring to secure a further expansion of British cotton exports to China by co-operating
      —Reuter.  -  125 words
    • 113 29 -Reuter. 12,737 Re-opened by End Of March. Washington, Apr. 4. Mr. Woodin, the Secretary to the Treasury, has broadcast a speech in which he declared that 12,737 United States banks were reopened by the end of March, of which 5,387 were national and Federal Reserve member banks and
      -Reuter.  -  113 words
    • 95 29 -Reuter Wireless. Linking Cardiff, Torquay And Teignmouth. London, April 2. The first railway company air service in England is to be inaugurated by the Great Western Railway Company on April 12 when a regular daily service will begin between Cardiff, Torquay and Teignmouth, the journey
      -Reuter Wireless.  -  95 words
    • 309 29 —Reuter. Pirates’ Threat. IF HUGE RANSOM IS i NOT PAID. Newchwang, Apr. 6. In addition to $1,000,000 in silver tha Chinese pirates demand for Ihe release of the four British captives from the Nanchang, 100 trench mortars with 500 shells, 100 machine guns with 100,000
      —Reuter.  -  309 words
    • 201 29 —Reuter. Innocent Victim Or Own Malicious Act London, Apr. 4. The jury will probably have to decide whether Voss was an innocent victim or whether he met his death as the result of a malicious act of his own/* said ths Manchester Coroner in opening the inquest
      —Reuter.  -  201 words
    • 65 29 Reuter. Leaves Aleppo For Bushire. Aleppo, Apr. 4. The French airwoman, Millie. Maryae Hilz, who left Faria on Saturday in an attempt to fly in a 300 h.p. Furman Gnome to Japan via India, Hanoi and Shanghai, left for Bunhire yesterday.— Reuter. Millie. Hilz has already flown
      Reuter.  -  65 words
    • 45 29 Reuter. Serious Illness Of Air Ministry Chief. London, Apr. 4. It is officially announced that Air Chief Marshal Sir John Salmond, who recently retired, is returning to the Air Ministry to replace his brother, Sir Geoffrey Salmond, who is seriously ill.— Reuter.
      Reuter.  -  45 words

  • Sporting News.
    • 1174 30 —Reuter. Hammond’s 336: New World Record. MATCH ABANDONED. England’s Big Score. Auckland, Mar. 31. The second Test match between England and Australia started here today before about 5,000 spectators in line weather. New Zealand won the toss and chose to bat on a good wicket. Mills and
      —Reuter.  -  1,174 words
    • 32 30 -Reuter. International Title Won By Ireland. London, Apr. 1. Ireland beat England by two goals to one at Beckenham today in an international hockey match and thus won the international championship.—Reuter.
      -Reuter.  -  32 words
    • 567 30 Financial) and Social Success. In the absence of Mr. F. B. Sewell, the president, who left for home last November, Mr. T. H. Dennis presided at the annual meeting of the Singapore Swimming Club Sunday. “The Swimming pool can be considered to have paid for
      567 words
    • 101 30 Inter-’Varsity Golf Jubilee Match. Sandwich, Mar. 29. At the Princes Golf Club course today Cambridge beat Oxford in the annual inter-’Varsity Golf Match by 10 matches to three with two halved. Cambridge won three of the five foursomes matches and lost two. Seven of the singles
      101 words
    • 743 30 R.S.Y.C. Events. LLMI3ERGER CUP GOFq TO MOWGLI. Sunday morning produced on e of ,u finest races that has been seen b< tu* Kathleen and Tarbet in the second of series for the Somerville Bowl at tv Royal Singapore Yacht Club. Kilat uV fortunately, running things too fine
      743 words
    • 376 31 —Reuter. Villa Outplayed. ten GOALS SCORED AT BRENTFORD. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Apr. 1. in spite of the fact that they rarely 'l a full team on the field, owing to numerous injuries, the Arsensl displayed L,iiiiant footwork and combination to beat ST Villa by five
      —Reuter.  -  376 words
    • 215 31 Scotland Give Wales Championship. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Apr. 2. Scotland defeated England in the international football championship at Hamp'•cn Park yesterday by the odd goal in -nice before the record crowd, for the ground, of 134,170. The receipts were *14.000. The conditions were
      215 words
    • 473 31 By 2 Vi Lengths. RECORD SEQUENCE OF VICTORIES. London, Apr. 1. After one of the most exciting contests Cambridge won the inter-Varsity Boat Race on Saturday, beating Oxford by 2U lengths, and thus registered their tenth tuccessive victory. Our London correspondent cabled, before the race, as
      473 words
    • 39 31 -Reuter. Motherwell Win But Celtic Held. London, Apr. 3. The following matches were played todav in the Scottish League (Div. 1): Celtic 0 St. Mirren 0 Partick Th. 0 Motherwell 1 ©ueen’s Park 3 St. Johnstone 3
      -Reuter.  -  39 words
    • 52 31 Not To Grant Interviews At Suez. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Apr. 1. It is understood that the M.C.C. has wirelessed to Larwood, who is on his way home on the Otranto, warning him not to speak to journalists aboir», his experiences in Australia when he arrives at
      52 words
    • 273 31 Five Clear Goals Wip. SHOULD PLAY HAVE BEEN STOPPED? S.R.C 5; 8C.C Although the S.C.C. could definitely be considered unlucky to lose their matches against the Wiltshires and the R.A. such an excuse cannot explain their very decisive defeat at the Anson Road Stadium, when the
      273 words
    • 138 31 Mixed Foursomes At Garrison G.C. The Garrison Golf Club monthly mixed foursomes competition was played on Tuesday, and the following were the best returns Mrs. V. G. Savi and Mr. R. Renton 40— 5%—34 Lieut, and Mrs. C. M. Keble 47—11%—35% Mrs. H. B. Rose and Capt. J.
      138 words
    • 66 31 Selangor’s Team to Meet S.C.C. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Apr. 2. Following the week-end trial, the Selangor XI to meet the S.C.C. in the Easter cricket match at Kuala Lumpur, has been selected. The team is: Green, Kwoh Ah Keng, Denison-Smith, Lall Singh, B. S. Gill,
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    • 59 31 Malay Cricketer Given Colours At Victoria Institution. Playing against the Selangor M'alays on Saturday on the school ground, Hassan for the Victoria Institution Malays scored 107 not out, out of a total of 130. His score included sixteen boundaries. At assembly on Monday morning Hassan was awarded
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    • 340 31 Malays’ Fine Win. CHINESE FAIL TO TAKE THEIR CHANCES. Malays 4 Chinese S. Several features marked the First Division encounter between the Malays and Chinese at the Jalan Besar Stadium on Saturday—the game was as thrilling as any cup final especially in the closing stages
      340 words
    • 278 31 —Reuter. Dropped Goal Gives Scotland Victory. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Apr. 2. Scotland defeated Ireland in the International Rugby championship at Dublin today by eight points (two dropped goals) to six points (two tries), but their victory was unconvincing. The Irish forwards dominated and their
      —Reuter.  -  278 words
    • 1993 32 MALAYAN CRICKET NOTES. Veterans To The Fore At Balestier Ground. St. Joseph's Give Nondescripts A Shock. (r> Our Crk'mt Correspondent.) For the second time this season the Singapore Recreation Club batsmen, with one exception, failed to do themselves justice but, by keen fielding, good captaincy and excellent bowling,
      1,993 words
    • 98 32 —Reuter. Chelsea Find Their Form At Last London, Mar. 29. The results of matches played todav in the English and Scottish Leagues were as follows:— First Division. Derby County 0 Chelsea Third Division (Southern). Aldershot 1 Brighton 1. Bristol R. 1 Bristol City 1. Third Division (Northern). Chester
      —Reuter.  -  98 words
    • 272 32 Women Taking Keen Interest in Game. The annual meeting of the Polo Club, the first to be held T/* the revised rules passed at a L, nder meelin* last NovenS*r, was held at club-house, on Saturday. al the The accounts for the half vootag Dec 81. were
      272 words
    • 166 32 S. J. Beattie Wins Spring Cup. The Singapore Golf Club April Medal competition was played at Bukit Timah on Saturday and Sunday and resulted in a win for S. J. Beattie in “A" division with a net score of 68 and in a win for A. E.
      166 words
    • 47 32 The Langham-Carter Cup competit-on at the Sepoy Lines Golf Club was played on Saturday and resulted in a tie between Miss K. Stewart and Dr. J. M. A. Lowson (765 —71) and Miss M. A. S. Law and Dr. G. V. Allen (77-6—71).
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    • 76 32 Result of Race Course Cup Competition. The final of the Race Course Cup competition was played at the on Sunday morning between J. T. (scr.) and Y. Chikamoto (14) and result ed in a win for Chikamoto by 2 up. Sepoy Lines Ladies Medal. The ladies medal at
      76 words
    • 43 32 (Prom Our Own Correspondent.) London, Apr. 4. Tonight’s Evening Standard sa v s the M.C.C. is ordering an immed aw* thorough inquiry by a committee on >< line bowling early in May following return of the English team players will give evidence.
      43 words

    • 1014 1 Profit of $10,258. SATISFACTORY YEAR’S WORKING. Tru- Annual General Meeting of The Tapah Rubber Estates, Ltd., was held the registered offices of the Company, Jrtneh Hank Buildings, Singapore, on Frida v Mr. W. H. Macgregor pre.wlimr. Among those present were y, j. I. Dawson and Mr. J.
      1,014 words
    • 289 1 ACREAGES OF TAPPABLE RUBBER NOT TAPPING ON ESTATES OF 100 ACRES AND OVER, FOR THE MONTH ENDING FEBRUARY, 1933. Acreages of Tuppahle Rubber not T upped Acraage of On Estates which ha/e entirely On Estates which have partly Tappable ceaaed tapping. cea* ed tapping Araa Rubber Acreage
      289 words
    • 778 1 Loss of $38,990. ERRORS IN CERTAIN STOCKS. The annual general meeting of Maynard and Co. Ltd., was held at the Chartered Bank Chambers, on Saturday, Mr. E. A. Brown, the chairman, presiding. Among those present were Messrs. W. B. Cruickshank, H. R. L. Dyne, H. W.
      778 words
    • 4848 2 CHAIRMAN’S SLASHING ATTACK. Millions Sunk In Electrical Undertakings. The chairman’s speech at the Malayan Collieries meeting on Ihursday was of exceptional interest, as it dealt with the F.M.S. Government’s action in investing in the I erak Hydro-Electric Company and in purchasing the power station of
      4,848 words
    • 65 3 During the week ending March 26, exports of tinned pineapples from Malayan ports amounted to 22,357 cases, of which 16,899 cases were to the United Kingdom, 1,440 cases to the continent of Europe, 2,805 cases to Canada and 1,213 cases elsewhere. Total exports for the period, Ist January,
      65 words
    • 773 3 Fraser and Co.’s Weekly Report. Fraser and Co.’s report, dated April 5, states: —The general attitude of disinterested apathy which has been a feature of the local share markets during the last few weeks continues and very little has happened either locally or at home since our last
      773 words
    • 819 4 Fraser And Co’s Quotations. Singapore, Apr. 5. Mining. Iho* Vil. Pd. Buyers. Sellera. £1 £1 A»;n: 23/3 24/3 41 £1 Austral Malay 18/- 20/-nom. 6/- 6/- Ayer Hitam Tin 10/6 11/3 41 £1 Bangrin Tin 10/6 11/8 1 1 Batang Palang 0.06 0.07V4 1 1 Batu
      819 words
    • 239 4 EXCHANGE RATES. Singapore, Apr. 5. SELLING. London, 4 months’ sight 2/3 27/82 London. 3 months’ sight 13/16 1 London. 60 days’ sight j London, 80 days’ sight I London, demand 2/8 23/32 London, T.T. 11 Lyons and Paris, demand Hamburg, demand New York, demand Batavia 'ird Sourebaya,
      239 words
    • 127 4 Foreign exports of tin, being final shipments on ocean-steanu vs at all Malayan nc.rl.--, during the month of March. 1933. D?stina ion Tons, i nited Kingdom 226 United States of America 3,041 Continent of Europe 1,511 British Possessions 280 Japan 227 Netherlands India Other Foreign Countries 23
      127 words
    • 120 4 The Singapore Chamber of Conimerr« Rubber Association held its 1,116th auction on Anr. 5, when there was catalogued 1,408,714 lb. or 628.89 tons; offered 1,336,905 lb. or 596.83 tons; sold 1,065,891 lb. or 475.84 tons. Spot. London 2 l/16d. New York 2 29/32 cts. PRICES REALISED. M>cd
      120 words
    • 54 4 (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Mar. 30. Batu Caves Rubber Co., Ltd., shares advanced 3s. today on an announcement by the directors recommending a return of 3s. per pound share to shareholders because the accumulated capital of the company will more than suffice for all requirements during
      54 words
    • 23 4 Mar. 30 Tin, S’pore Prices $78.25 per picul 31 78.12 Vi Apr. 1 78.26 2 78.26 4 78.60 5 78.60
      23 words
    • 103 4 Singapore Official Quotations. Quotation* Forward Contract* Spot Seller Prices^ d. Date L’don S’pore Apr. May 1 Mar. c 30 2 3/32 6 1/16 6% 6V4 L 31 2 3/32 6Vi 6% 6 5 lfi AP i r 2 3/32 6 3/16 6 Vi 2 2 3/32 6 Vi
      103 words
      • 578 4 Abaco (£1) *4; Allagar (2 /7%; Amherst (2/) |/3; Anglo-Malay (£1) 6/9; Ayer Kuning (£1) Bagan Serai (£1) 6/16;' Bahru (Sel.) (2/) 1/1%; Banteng (£1) 8/9; Bat’ng Cns. (2/) /8; Batu Caves (£1) 8/6; Batu Tiga (£1) 90 Bekoh (2/) /3; B’nang (2/) /4%; Bertam
        578 words
      • 700 4 Capital Issue Closing Prices Paid Up Value Dividends Fraser Lyall Company A Co. Evatt. 454.176 1 Nil for year 29-2-38 <£ l > i*tt Jit Jtt 216.779 1 Nil for year 30-9-32 .Alor Gajah ($1) 9M 9.35 0.30 0.41 439,126 1 Nil fer yenr
        700 words