The Straits Budget, 23 February 1933

Total Pages: 36
1 3 The Straits Budget
  • 30 1 The Straits Budget 3EIN<; THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE STRAITS TIMES [ESTABLISHED NEARLY A CKNTUKY. No. 3,915 SINGAPORE. THURSDA Y, FEBRUARY 23, 1933. Prije 25 cents (S.S. Currency) or 7d.
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  • 439 1 LEADERS— Pa e j atc'X l'rom Malaya 3 Malacca Reform Ravine and Spending 3 The Trade Commission 3-4 Independence Malayan Orchards Occasional Notes Pclecrams, Reuter and Special— Covering Past Week’s News 21-29 Pictures Trade Commission Appointed 17 Cultivation of Pineapples 17 Departure of a Popular Adjutant 18 Dr .1.
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  • 1391 1 Mrs. John MacDonald left for Canada on Tuesday. Mr. A. C. MacFarquhar, of Pegoh Estate, Tampin, has gone home on sick leave. Mr. J. A. Russell, of Kuala Lumpur, has undergone an operation for appenuicitis. Mr. E. C. Hicks has been appointed to act as headmaster of
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  • 42 1 ill Excellency the (.Governor and ?.fis iiy < ler.ionti, accompanied by Mr. Reverley, A.D.C., paid an informal visit on Tuesday to the Malayar ttreweries at Alexandra Road, and i<\ an hour and a hair watched the whole process of brewing.
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  • 1347 2 “VERY CASUAL PRESENTATION OF CASE.” “You are a very lucky man,” said the Chief Justice to an Indian advocate and solicitor who successfully resisted a motion by the Penang Har Committee to have him struck off the Polls. In the present case the “luck” lay
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  • 489 2 Unusual Incident In Kuala Lumpur. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Feb. 20. Owing to the inconsiderate behaviour of two or three members of the audience the recital of modern dances by the young German dans use, Ncrda Mata, came to an abrupt and untimely
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  • 203 2 Shippers’ Case Against Government. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Feb. 20. In the Court of Appeal today, after a two-day hearing, judgment was reserved in Messrs. Mansfield’s appeal in the petition of right case which had been dismissed by Mr. Justice Prichard. The facts in this litigation are
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  • 719 2 Obtained from Bark Of African Tree. Advertisements in the local f the sale of a German, drug fo r 0: juvenation of men resulted in a ow'' under the Poisons Ordinance before II. A. Forrer, the Criminal D'stS Judge, on Thursday. The preraration Wa said to
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  • The Straits Budget
    • 913 3 of latex to manufacturers.— Straits Times, Feb. Ifi. U'lu*n it was announced some days ago u t one of Malaya’s leading agency hou<c- had been invited to quote for the ~lv of between twenty thousand and seventy thousand gallons of liquid latex nu ,nth, and when that
      of latex to manufacturers.— Straits Times, Feb. Ifi.  -  913 words
    • 892 3 -Straits Times, Feb. 17. In planting circles throughout Malaya there is much interest in the effort which is being made in the territory of Malacca to enforce a dry policy in respect of toddy. The part which this beverage plays in the life of the Indian estate
      -Straits Times, Feb. 17.  -  892 words
    • 1117 3 have accomplished.—Straits Times, Fob. 18. In recent years that prolific writer on financial matters, Mr. G. D. H. Cole, has gained considerable prominence in the role of what might lie termed a popular economist. The description, however, must not be allowed to obscure Mr. ('ole’s very high
      have accomplished.—Straits Times, Fob. 18.  -  1,117 words
    • 859 3 -Straits Tiiries, Feb. 26. When the time comes to review as a whole the work of His Excellency, Sir Cecil Clementi as Governor of the Straits Settlements, one of the outstanding constructive actions will undoubtedly be the appointment of the Commission whose personnel was announced on Saturday.
      -Straits Tiiries, Feb. 26.  -  859 words
    • 1249 4 .Straits Times, Feb. 21. Malaya and neigiibouring countries have watched with ccms'derable interest the remarkable developments in conneo tion with the Philippines Independence Act which has now’ been passed by the United States Senate over President Hoover’s veto. The problem presented by this extraordinary position bears a political complexion
      — .Straits Times, Feb. 21.  -  1,249 words
    • 1060 4 vu a larger and more scientific scale.—Strait* TimU Feb. 22. We who live in Singapore see only the retail end of the Malayan fruit industry, and we do not need to be told that that industry—if indeed it deserves to be rankied as such —is inefficient and unsatisfactory.
      – vu a larger and more scientific scale.—Strait* TimU Feb. 22. '  -  1,060 words

  • 191 4 I ARSONS. On 16th inst. at Singapore tc Lydie. wife of W. S. W. Parsons daughter, both well. On February 6. 19.13. at Singapore, to Nancy (wife of J. W. H. Unger) great grand daughter of Captain A. C. of Singapore and Australia, and of Sir Francis Light, of
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  • 31 4 The engagement is announced between Mr. K. S. Reuben, second son of Mrs. S. Reuben, to Miss Lavina A. Hanin, eldest daughter of Mrs. A. Hanin of Wilk>* Road, Singapore.
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  • 70 4 BARDEN—PAYNE.—On February 16, 1933, at the Cathedral of the Good Shepherd by the Rev. Father Ruaudel, Hubert Harden, son of Mr. and Mrs. S. Barden. Ches'tvi--Hertfordshire, to Lorna. daughter ot T. H. Payne of Singapore and the late Mr Thos. Payne of Western Australia. HENDERSON—GIBSON. At the Presbyterian Church.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 91 4 NOTICE Al, communications for both the Stwiu Tunes and the Straits Budget should be addressed to the Head Office. Cecil and Stanley Streets. Singapore. Strait* Settle ments. The post free price of the Strait# Time# to tin* l nited Kingdom and foreign countries y»* r. The ,,„,t free price of
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  • 55 4 DEATHS MOUAT.—On February 16, 1933, Margaret Mouat at 22 College Road. Singapore, ag 86 years. 11/ LL. —On February 20, 1933, at the Hospital, Singapore, C. W Hall, late Mace Hall Co., Kuala Lumpur. HUM OL AUHia LIM.—Mr. Lim Khye Liang passed away February 18, at his residence No. 17»
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    • 197 5 point n* r t j. iV „r two of June ‘Jlst.—Strait' Tines. Feb. 16. patient scribe who searched .Hough the Survey Department’s table f > of sunrise and sunset, and re» 01 1(H j the frui*s <>f his study in this > unn seems to have gone
      point n* *— * r , [ tj.iV „r two of June ‘Jlst.—Strait' Tines. Feb. 16.  -  197 words
    • 215 5 Strait- Times, Fell. l*‘>. One by one London’s theatrical laiulir.aihs disappear, and now the Coliseum "io go “talkie.” One remembers the jon.*ternation a few years ago when the Knipire, once the home of ballet, went ~Vfr to pictures. Then the Alhambra, perhaps the most famous vaudeville theatre of
      Strait- Times, Fell. l*‘>.  -  215 words
    • 290 5 V4 \j iu nu v vi viov rp 1 r and latex ourselves.—Straits r, mes, Feb. ir,. Another experimental patch of road surface has been laid down near Kuala Lumpur, on the main road to Klang, by Mr. V. K. Singhan, who claims that this mixture is an
      V4\j iu nu v vi viov rp1 ' -r and latex ourselves.—Straits r,mes, Feb. ir,.  -  290 words
    • 238 5 T HE ASHES. Utal of Test matches played.— Strait; Times, Feb. 17. Ihe fourth Test match has ended in a \vh' v more cor(^a l atmosphere than that Hh attended the previous proceedings, V rn ho I )e that the unfortunate contro(i y by which the series will chiefly be
      Utal of Test matches played.— Strait; Times, Feb. 17.  -  238 words
    • 283 5 Straits Times, Feb. 17. In floodlighting Its bowling green, so as to permit of play after dark, the Penang Cricket Club is trying out a device which has won great popularity in the United Stales and has been adopted to a lesser extent in Great Britain. The present
      Straits Times, Feb. 17.  -  283 words
    • 402 5 -Straits Times, Feb. 17. When times are hard it is poor consolation to know that others are suffering just as much if not more anil it is in that spirit that we pass on the following extract from a letter written by an officer in an Indian
      -Straits Times, Feb. 17.  -  402 words
    • 297 5 —Straits Times, Feb. 18. The delicate question of English and it.i pronunciation on both sides of the Atlantic is discussed by Mr. Herbert j Agar in The Nineteenth Century. Stuart i English, he tells us, was a West derma- I nic language with a large admixture
      —Straits Times, Feb. 18.  -  297 words
    • 376 5 -Straits Times, Feb. IS. The only Malay rule.* in this country, with the possible exception of the Sultan of Johore, who does not presar/e an almost ultra-cautious sihmc on controversial questions w'hen speeches have to he made is the Sultan of Perak. The ether rulers and chiefs
      -Straits Times, Feb. IS.  -  376 words
    • 197 5 young blood into its ii\’c life. Straits Times, heb. 20. Mr. Heah Joo Seang. the “baby” of the Penang Municipal Commissioners, promises to become extremely unpopular with that body and with the executive officers. Mr. Joo Seang, despite his youth, holds very old-fashioned ideas ret garding the
      young blood into its ii\’c life. Straits Times, heb. 20.  -  197 words
    • 216 5 PORT DICKSON CALLING holiday which it offers.- Straits Times, Feb. 20. A Port Dickson correspondent solicits our aid in making the amenities of that attractive seaside resort more widely known. Whenever a chance visitor* from Singapore strays here,” he says, “he expresses considerable surprise at the charm of the place
      holiday which it offers.- Straits Times, Feb. 20.  -  216 words
    • 231 5 Straits Times, Feb. 20. Mr. I. 11. Hurkill, for many years Director of Cardens, Straits Settlements, has contributed to the proceedings of the Linnean Society an appreciation of the work of Mr. T. F. Chipp, by whose tarly death the science of botany lost a singularly able
      Straits Times, Feb. 20.  -  231 words
    • 292 5 they merely kick him to death! -Straits! Times. Feb. 21. The Serbian community in Singapore is very annoyed with the Straits Times—we have his personal assurance of the fact! M appears that we printed a day or two roro a report on certain incidents in Dalmatia which were
      they merely kick him to death! -Straits! Times. Feb. 21.  -  292 words
    • 338 6 cabaret performers.— Straits Times, Feb. 21. There can be no excuses for the jieople who so offended Norda Mata on the roof garden of the Hotel Majestic, Kuala Lumivur, that sh" abandoned her dance recital last Saturday night. These |>oople knew that they were coming to
      cabaret performers.— Straits Times, Feb. 21.  -  338 words
    • 183 6 punishment was called for. —Straits Times, Feb. 22. There are times when we long to be invested with all the power and authority of the law so that we might l>e terrible in our wrath and vent it on evil-doers, and never is the feeing so
      punishment was called for.—Straits Times, Feb. 22.  -  183 words
    • 259 6 —Straits Times, Feb. 22. We have already commented on the absence of any sign of activity ir. government circles with regard to the report of the Wild Life Commission. Just in case those in exalted placed should be in any doubt as to the value of that report
      —Straits Times, Feb. 22.  -  259 words
    • 321 6 ment at the Highlands.—Straits Times, Feh. 22. According t<> a writer in th** Tim©® of Malaya a herd of twenty Romney ewes and one Southdown ram are being brought from New Zealand to Kea Farm, that most interesting pioneer homestead in the Telom valley of the Cameron Highlands.
      ment at the Highlands.—Straits Times, Feh. 22.  -  321 words

  • 277 6 Death of Well-Known Mining- Engineer. The death took place at the General Hospital on Monday of Mr. Charles William Hall, a well-known mining engineer, surveyor and prospector. Mr. Hall, who was about 50 years of age, came to Malaya 20 years ago, but most of his
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  • 68 6 Teachers To Help Bright But Needy Ipoh Boys. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, Feb. 21. At the annual general meeting of the Anglo-Chinese School Teachers’ Social Union Mr. F. H. Parry was elected president for the ensuing year. A scholarship fund to pay school fees f o needy
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  • 813 6 European Who Knocked Down Chinese. Tw* Europeans were the principal figures in an inquiry which was hear*! before Mr. F. G. Bourne, the Singapore j Coroner, on i wesday, into the death of Chinese who was knocked down by a motorcar driven by Mr. K.
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  • 438 6 Question of Committee For a Lunatic. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Feb. 21. The last case in the Appeal Court wa> heard today and concerned the appoint ment of a committee in the case of lunatic, the partial being Mohamed Ha* shim (Appellant) and
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  • 131 6 Surgeon on Blue Funnel Steamer. The death occurred suddenly at thf General Hospital after an operation or Tuesday, of Dr. Austin ford, aped 58, surgeon of the olu Funnel liner Antenor. The deceased was making his second voyage to the East, having previously l»ocn surgeon on board the
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  • 169 7 planter Replaces Director Of Agriculture. wm^— (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Feb. 16. Mr E N T. Cummins has been elected ident of the Rubber Research Institute JS chairman of the Board in place of I)r H. A. Tempany, Director of AgntUMr' Cummins is
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  • 221 7 Imperial Service Medal For Postman. At the General Post Office on Saturday, Mr. J. W. S. Arthur, Secretary for Pos*al Affairs, S.S. and F.M.S., handed F.nche Dollah bin Hussen the Imperial Service Medal which he has been awarded by H.M. the King in recognition of his long and
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  • 197 7 A pain Finds Revenue Officers Guilty. Two revenue officers, Lim Ah Ngain find Knng Swee Cheng:, who had been charged, convicted and sentenced to three rnenths’ rigorous imprisonment by Mr. F. F. Gregg, the Singapore Third Magistrate, on a charge of theft appealed and had their case sent
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  • 35 7 1 The .,H lext meeting of the Federal Coun1 will he held at Kuala Lumpur on Monday, March 27, at 10 a.m. There will •c no ceremonial opening and uniform not be worn.
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  • 288 7 Severe Comment By Coroner. Severe comment was made by Mr. F. G. Bourne, the Singapore Corine'* on Mon jay, during the inquiry in*o the'V'th of a Chinese who was knocked down by an unknown Malav riding a bicycle, on the att tude of a Bengali
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  • 605 7 The following passengers sailed by the P. and O. Naldera which left Singaporo a* 9.30 a.m. on Friday:— Mrs. vuux, Mr. and Mrs. H. Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Patterson, Mr. and Mrs. G. Wyllie, Mr. and Mrs. Foster, Miss E. Ackworth, Dr. B. Watson, Mr. and Mrs. Lever, Mr.
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  • 287 7 Expenses of Quarantine Stations. At a men'in? of the Ind an Immigration Committee held at Ki ala Lumpur on F"h. 8 the cha rman. the Hon. Mr. C. D. Aheame. stated that the whole question of payment by the various administrations fo»* expense incurred at the qu°rantipe
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  • 200 7 Horticutural Society Annual Meeting:. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca, Feb. 16. Mrs. C. H. G. Clarke presided at the annual general meeting of the Malacca Horticultural Society, when the following were elected office bearers for the ensuing year President, Mrs. R. C. Gould vice-president, Dr. Tan Seng Tee
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  • 118 7 Leads To Big Haul Of Contraband. Chandu smugglers tried a new one jn the Monopolies on Tuesday but found that the revenue men were not to be caugnt napping. Revenue officers boarded the s.s. Seistan in the usual way after she had slid into her moorings hut a
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  • 47 7 and peoples of the Near East.— British Wireless. The death has occurred of Sir Charles Marling, aged 70, the distinguished diplomat and British Minister successively at Teheran, Copenhagen and The Hague. He had great knowledge of the politics and peoples of the Near East.—British
    and peoples of the Near East.—British Wireless.  -  47 words
  • 252 7 Help Too Late. RESCUER STRAPS HER TO HIM WITH PUJTTEES. The gallant rescue of a Chinese woman from the sea by a North Indian police constable and a Malay civilian caused a great deal of excitement along the sea front near the Cenotaph shortly before
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  • 125 7 Liquor to Lessen Its Sufferings. There are more ways of killing a pigeon than by cutting its throat but the method adopted by a Chinese in tying ita wings together and plucking its feathers landed the man in the Third Police Court on Tuesday on a charge
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  • 96 7 Articles Exempt From Duty. According to the F.M.S. Government Gazette the Chief Secretary to Government has exempted from the payment of import duty the following articles: (i> articles passed by a proper officer of customs as the personal baggage of passengers and which have been usecf or worn
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  • 95 7 Registered Articles Sent From Singapore. The senders of the following registered articles posted in time to connect with the dispatch by the Kaiser-I-Hind on Jan. 5, are requested to communicate with the Superintendent of Registration, General Post Office, Singapore. Singapore 3 No. 6406 Addressed to Paris. Singapore 1
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  • Correspondence.
    • 553 8 Why Ground is Lost In The Colony. To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —In cuch an important colony as Singapore, where British business men receive direct and indirect help from the Government, it is surprising that fore gn merchants, importing foreign goods, should have gradually increased
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    • 163 8 To the Editor of the Straits Timet. Sir, —As a Biitisher, it is painful to have it forced upon one that the British Colonial Empire contains two very dis» tir.ct varieties of justice. I refer to Mr. George Bernard Shaw’s recent speech to the students of
      163 words
    • 215 8 To the Editor of the Straits Times. I Sir, —Any fresh wealth that Government creates and promptly sells, or allows t«> l)e created, by others, out of State material (like the slices oT hills, turned into valuable building sites), does not need to have fixsh money created against
      215 words
    • 239 8 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,—-I am afraid the information corv tamed in the article on the subject of latex In your issue of Feb. 10 is not complete w th reference to the processes tor concentrating the lattx for transport. It is true that
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    • 188 8 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, In a recent issue of your paper there appeared a statement reported to have been delivered on Speech Day at the King George V School, Seremban, by Mr. R. F. Gunn, Inspector of Schools. Negri Sembilan, to the effect that
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  • 30 8 A large number of Japanese farmers passed bhrough Singapore on Feb. 15 on their way to South America, where it is believed, they are to take up agriculture.
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  • 1246 8 How Eurasians Should j Equip Themselves. i EDUCATION. DR. CLARKE’S APPEAL FOR CITIZEN IDEAL. i t The Hon. Dr. Noel Clarke, President, presided at the thirteenth annual general meetng of the Eurasian Association (Singapore) held at the Singapore Recreation Club on Tuesday. In hi* address
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  • 105 8 Woman Conceals Chandu In Waist Band. An elderly Chinese woman, Yap Chon Tee, showed a marked disinclination to face the Bench when she was produced before Mr. H. A. Forrer, the Criminal District Judge, on Friday on a charge possession of non-government chanc valued at $320. Mr. F.
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  • 2712 9 Expunged By Court. SEQUEL TO RUBBER DEAL. bi" local bankruptcy matter was de- l‘ b v Mr. Justice a Beckett Terrell A when he delivered judgment in favour ’of the Official Assignee on a mo;L„ brought by the latier to expunge the for $208,708.46 filed by
    2,712 words
  • 327 9 Extensive Traveller And Linguist. The death occurred on Feb. 15 of Mrs. Margrrret Mount, mother of Professor Kay-Mouat of the King Edward VII College of Medicine, at the age of SO. Mrs. Mount was a wonderful lady for her age, and up to the beginning of
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  • 62 9 Singapore Arrest And Commons Question. A Reuter cable pubbshej on Feb. 15 stated that Mr. J. Maxton asked in the House of Commons whv men named Jemaludin Tamin and Tanmnlakka were arrested in Singapore and Hong Kong respectively. We are informed that Jemaludin Tamin was arrested in Singapore
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  • 66 9 Wednesday, Feb. 8. In the afternoon His Excellency and T.adv dementi visited the Children’s Aid society’s home in Tomlinson Road. Mr. and Mrs. F. II. (Jeake and Mr. 1. C. Roberts dined at Government. House. Friday, Feb. 10. Croup Captain A. H. Jackson and o'oji 1 J. F.
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  • 1867 10 80 Successful Students. CLASSES LIKE “TOWER OF BABEL” A pleasant function took place at Governs i nt House on triday utterr.ojn when H.E. the Governor, Sir Cecil C»emen i, distributed c.rtificatcs to the successful stude.its of th_* St. John Ambiance Ctn re of Singapore. There were
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  • 374 10 Protector of Chinese Held Up. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Johore Bahru Feb. 18. Before Capt. Nelson Jones, First Magistrate, this morning, two Hylams named Yeoh Ah Teng and Tan Ah Keng, were charged with having wrongfully confined I the Protector of Chinese, Johore, Mr. F. 1
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  • 62 10 French Service From Siam To Europe. The French air mail between Europe and Bangkok and vice versa has been speeded up, the journey taking a we k in either direction—Thursdays from Marseilles arriving Bangkok the following Thursday and lea\ing Bangkok Sundays ar.d arriving at Marseilles the following
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  • 429 10 People of Pulau Minyak Used to Them. inhabitants/*%aid Assistant font oiler of Government*. nopol.cs, “because they were quf£ to the presence of revenue officer*" d describing an excise raid in the mg hamlet of Pulau Mi„ yak n .[To"' Cr mm, Ui8tr *4£ There had
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  • 157 10 Visit by the Governor To St. Patrick’s. H.E. the Governor (Sir Cecil dementi) accompanied by the Hon. Mr. F. Morten, Director of Education and the R ev Brother James, Visitor of Christian Brothers’ Schools, Malaya, on Feb. lavished St. Patrick’s School, the new institution at East Coast Road,
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  • 65 10 GAOL FOR RED.” Siamese Sentenced To Ten Years. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok, Feb. IBA Communist who was arrested engaged in the distribution of revo u ary leaflets has been sentenced yeses’ imprisonment. o<rnin «t The leaflet was an incitement aga« the new Government and the KmgRecently there have been
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  • 869 11 Trade School Uses. EDUCATIONAL BOW’S SECOND STRING. Characterised as a second string to the rtJucutional how, the Singapore Trade School was on Feb. 20 thrown open to the inspection of the Singapore public on the occasion of the annual prizegiving and were many who visited
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  • 368 11 Four Engines Called To Blaze. A serious fire which completely gutted the buildings of a rubber factory in the neighbourhood of Yeo Chu Kang Road about noon on Monday threatened serious danger to housc*s in the residential area 1 of Paya lobar. When the Fire Brigade arrived
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  • 114 11 Appointed To Acting Judgeship In The F.M.S. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Feb. 20. Mr. G. A. Hereford has been appointed to act as a judge of the Supreme Court, F.M.S., and will go to Seremban. Six years ago Mr. Hereford retired from the Malayan
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  • 39 11 Two People Killed In Bangkok. From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok, Feb. 20. A fire engine proceeding to an outbreak crashed into rn electric light standard. Two people were killed,, including a policeman, and several were injured.
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  • 425 11 Brushes With Bandits In China. Ram Nath Biswas, who was formerly usher at the Singapore Marine Court, and who 18 months ago set out to encircle the world by foot and bicycle returned on Tuesday ami paid a visit to the Straits Times office. He
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  • 147 11 Admitted to Practise At Singapore Bar. Mr. A. M. Soares was admitted into the Singapore Bar as an advocate and solicitor on Tuesday, on a motion moved by Mr. V. D. Knowles, before Mr. Justice Mills. Mr. Knowles said the petition had been filed in the
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  • 87 11 The death occurred on Saturday of Mr. Lim Khye Liang at his residence, *7 Penang Road, Singapore. At the time of his death he held the post of secretary of the Widows’ and Orphans’ Pensions Fund S.S., and was vice-president of the Junior Civil Service Association.
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  • 605 11 Firm’s Claim. JUDGMENT AGAINST CHINESE. There was a sequel on Tuesday in tho Supreme Court to the recent $500,000 copra swindle. Before Mr. Justice Mills today the Java Sumatra Handel-maatschappij claimed $10,000 from three Chinese, Lim Teclc Chye, of Serangoon Road, Thng Siang Phuan, of
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  • 40 11 (From Our Own Correspond:nt.) Kuala Lumpur, Feb. 20. Despite the slump the community of Selangor has subscribed $361 in small sums for the Lepers’ Aid Fund organised by the management of tb# Sungei Buloh leper settlement.
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  • 887 12 A Variety of Talent. “HIAWATHA’S WEDDING FEAST.” There were many who considered Friday’s concert driven by the Singapore Musical Society as the finest and most polished performance that has been given since the Society came into being and in any ease it was worthy of a much
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  • 261 12 A Busy Day for The Ambulance. Friday was the busy day for the ambulance which was called out 16 times between 7 a.m. and 9 p.m. None of the cases, however, were serious ones or likely to prove fatal. The first call of interest was to the Geylang
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  • 165 12 Change Of Minister In Perak. A change of the minister in charge of St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Perak, will take place early in April, when the Rev. J. B. Walker, B.A., will go on holiday. His place will be taken temporarily by the Rev. A. D. Harcus, M.A.
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  • 77 12 Welcomed By The Bar In Kuala Lumpur. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Feb. 17. Mr. Justice h Beckett Terrell has come to Kuala Lumpur to take Mr. Justice Thorne’s place as acting Chief Justice. Mr. Justice Thorne leaves Kuala Lumpur on Home leave tonight. This morning
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  • 848 12 Visit to Singapore. WARM ADMIRER OF SIR CECIL CLEMENTI. The hon. Dr. R. H. Kotewall, senior Chinese member of the Legislative Council of Hong Kong, accompanied by his wife, arrived in Singapore on Feb. 1> and stayed at Government House. Interviewed by the Straits Times, Dr.
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  • 515 12 Rules Amended. SOUTHERN MALAY4 ASSOCIATION. The Dredging Association of South. Malaya has amended its rules so permit of the enrolment of a new eW of member. a Mr. M. A. Francis, presiding at a mg on fob. 9, explained the reasons f« Ls e fote:‘-
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  • 2466 13 Back To Nature—An Office Wallah’s Dream—Singa pore Or V ancouver The Submerged Tenth—Life In Our Streets—A Chettiar 7 s Bath—Social Ideas For Schoolboys. (By Our Kuala Lumpur Correspondent.) 1 RECENTLY propounded to my wife \he following scheme: that we, being to return to Singapore
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  • 122 13 Ready for Use Within A Month. The new pier to replace Johnston'** Pier should be in use within a month, tht> Straits Times learns. The pier itself is already completed but work on the approach road has been held up pending determination of the pier's administration, which, it
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  • 97 13 Straits-born Chinese Found Shot. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca, Feb. 17. A Straits-born Chinese, who was a member of the local Volunteer Corps, was found dead this morning in his house at Riverside, Malacca, with his head almost blown off. A shot gun was found lying alongside his
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  • 166 13 Mr. H. Barden And Miss Loma Payne. The wedding of Mr. H. Barden, of the Eastern Bank, and Miss Lorna Payne, daughter of Mrs. T. H. Payne, was solemnised at the Cathedral of tho Good Shepherd, Singapore, on Thursday. The bride wore a floral chiffon dress with a
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  • 2845 14 A Notable Occasion —The R.G.A. And Malaya —A Closer Liaison Wanted —Who Is Right? Mr. Hay Or Mr. Miller? Tapping During Wintering Mr. Rasmussen’s Proposal. (By Oar Planting Correspondent) Undoubtedly the planting topic of the past few days has been the able rariew of the rubber situation
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  • 71 14 Government Employee In Court. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca, Feb. 16. Today in the District Ooutft, before Mr. H. C. Willan, Inspector Byrd produced G. T. W. Perkins, Assistant superintendent of Government Monopo i who stood charged for an alleged, bre of trust in respect of $977. Perkins
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  • 3606 15 Need for Co-operation And Organisation. ‘WE HAVE THE GOODS’ but not delivering them properly. plea for better quality in production canning in the local pinapples indus?,v was made by Mr. Edward Ford, of the South Wales Tinplate Corporation, Ltd., n hi>; address to the weekly
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  • 101 16 Only 299 Recovered Out Of 9,200. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Seremban, Feb. Iff. When two Chinese, I.ay Sen and Lock Chee, were charged with retaining stolen property, namely 299 latex cups, Mr. Donald Gilchrist, manager of Sennawang Estate, told the court that the first theft took place
    101 words
  • 79 16 Excellent Result In Johore. Although the prosperity of the State was at the lowest ebb known for many years, the Johore collections for the Poppy Day Fund in 1932 only fell from $6,295 to $5,520.55. The result of the collections were as follows Batu Pahat $2,003.90, Muar $1,018.71,
    79 words
  • 714 16 Court Revelation In Theft Charge. There has been a man growing vegetables for public consumption who, from the admission of his mother, has been suffering from leprosy. Such was the disquieting revelation made before Mr. H. A. Forrer, the criminal District Judge, at the trial ot
    714 words
  • 267 16 Japan’s Invitation To Singapore Merchants. At the Japanese Commercial Museum at the junction of High Street and North Bridge Road, Singapore merchants and competitive firms will find that the Japanese manufacturer and exporter to this country has laid his cards on the table! Commencing
    267 words
  • 447 16 A Pioneer Mission Worker. A correspondent writes that the death in Klang of Mrs. Harriet Hoisington at the age of 83 removesi a link with the history of early pioneer work in Ceylon and Malaya. She was born in 1850 and was the only daughter of Mr. William
    447 words
  • 275 16 Commission Appointed MR. W. S. GIBSON TO PRESIDE. The members of the Commission to inquire into the trade of the Colony were announced in a special issue of the Strait* Settlements Government Gazette published on Saturday. Q The Commission’s task is to inquire into the directions in
    275 words
  • 302 16 Reception at Memorial Hall. Steeped in tradition, India is, perhapsthe one country in the world in which ape-old customs established from time immemorial die hardest. In recent >ears, however, there has been a growing ton dcncy either to modify or depart from these observances when they have noc
    302 words

    • 146 17 The personnel of the Co'ony’s Trade Commission has been announced. The commission consists of 13 members, among whom are the five seen here. The Hon. Mr. Tan Cheng Lock. The Hon. Mr. I\ T. Allen. The Hon. Mr. J. Ragnall. One aspect of the Colony’s trade of
      146 words
    • 289 18 MIXED DOLB1.ES TOUKIWMEM VUVNEKS. !)r. J. Emile Smith, President of Penang Recreation Club, 1923-32. Adjutant to the Penang and Province Wellesley Volunteer Corps (’apt. (i. H. I is shortly sailing for homo on completion of his term. At this farewell gathering Capt. and Mrs. (iilmort
      289 words
    • 218 20 I>r. H. H. Kotewall, senior Chinese member of the Hong Kong Legislative ('ouncil, and Mn. kotewall visited Singapore last week and stayed at Government House. Dr. kotewall is a warm admirer of his former “chief" Sir Cecil Clementi, whom he has described as
      218 words

  • PAST WEEK’S IMPERIAL AND GENERAL NEWS Contained in Reuter, British Imperial Radio and Special Telegrams.
    • 888 21 Mn Kuo Min and Sin Chew Jit Poh. umy in Manchuria: Navy In Pacific. COMMITTEE OF 19. Vindication of Lytton Report. Shanghai, Feb. 18. sin Chew Jit Poh message received ft last night stated that Japan had aU uv announced her withdrawal from Nations at
      Mn Kuo Min and Sin Chew Jit Poh.  -  888 words
    • 178 21 —Reuter. T@ Reject the League Recommendation. Tokio, Feb. 17.‘ It is reliably indicated that the final decision as to whether Japan will withdraw from the League if the Assembly passes the recommendations and the procedure to he taken if it is decided to withdraw will come before a
      —Reuter.  -  178 words
    • 81 21 Reuter. To be Left for New President. Washington, Feb. 18. The State Department indicates that the decision as to participation by the United States in the League’s SinoJapanese conciliation committee will be left to Mr. Roosevelt. Senator Swanson who will probably be the next chairman of the Foreign
      Reuter.  -  81 words
    • 416 21 —Reuter. Lord Lytton’s Speech. FORMS OF PRESSURE ON JAPAN. London, Feb. 17. Reference to his remarks to Japanese students was made by Lord Lytton in a speech at the Albert Hall, Manchester. I should like to refer to a report,” said Lord Lytton, which appeared in some
      ’—Reuter.  -  416 words
    • 60 21 .—Reuter. Famous Theatre Becomes A Cinema. London, Feb. 15. The Coliseum Theatre is to become a cinema on Mar. 6. Announcing the change, Sir Oswald Stoll says taxation is killing individualised entertainment and the vocation of the actor. Hundred of artists, musicians and stage workers will be unemployed
      .—Reuter.  -  60 words
    • 72 21 —Reuter. Japan Presents An Ultimatum. Peiping, Feb. 18. The Japanese have sent an ultimatum to the Chinese commader at Kailu, northeast Jehol, calling on him immediately to evacuate the city, otherwise he will he attacked, says an official Chinese report. The Chinese have decided to ignore that threat.
      —Reuter.  -  72 words
    • 177 21 Reuter. Elaborate Precautions In New York. KING’S MESSAGE. Chicago’s Mayor Makes Good Progress. Miami, Feb. 17. Mr. Anton Cermak, the Mayor of Chicago, who was seriously injured when Joe Zingara fired at Mr. Franklin Rooaevelt, passed a Testful night and seems quite cheerful. New York, Feb. 17.
      Reuter.  -  177 words
    • 189 21 —British Wireless. Chance for British Manufacturers. Rugby, Feb. 16. The Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr. Neville Chamberlain, in a speech lent night, referred to the advantages for Empire trade reached at the Ottawa Conference and gave examples of various tariffs and preference agreements. He attached far more importance,
      —British Wireless.  -  189 words
    • 126 21 been more than £17,000,000,—Britiak Wireless. Income-Tax Payments Speeding Up. Rugby, Feb. 16. The week’s Exchequer returns show a speeding up of income-tax payments. The amount received during tne week was €23,762,000, which 13 over that for any week since Jan. 1 and exceeding even last year’s figure of
      been more than £17,000,000,—Britiak Wireless.  -  126 words
    • 378 22 Reuter. Vast Armies in JehoL CHINA RAISING BIG WAR LOAN. Peiping, Feb. 15. Chinese reports from Manchuria describe constant troop movements towards the Jehol border. It seems certain that the Japanese will first demand the evacuation of Chinese troops from Jehol “as an integral part
      Reuter.  -  378 words
    • 168 22 —Reuter. Concern Over Far East Conditions. London, Feb. 15. The concern which the situation in the Far East is causing every member of the League was stressed by Sir John Simon, the Foreign Secretary, in a speech at Southampton. He said concern was due, not only to
      —Reuter.  -  168 words
    • 83 22 —Reuter. Amounts Sent to China And Japan. London, Feb. 15. In the House of Commons, replying to lfr. Geoffrey Mander (Lib., East Wolverhampton), Mr. Walter Runciman, the President of the Board of Trade, gave a list of the munitions recently exported to China and Japan. This showed
      —Reuter.  -  83 words
    • 398 22 —Reuter. Mr. Henry Ford Banks’ Difficulties. Detroit, Feb. 15. The Clearing House Association will permit depositors to withdraw tomorrow not more than five per cent, of their balances. The bankers are in the meantime working out a scheme to meet day to day needs of depositors.
      —Reuter.  -  398 words
    • 62 22 Reuter. Believed Author Of Chittagong Outrages. Chittagong, Feb. 17. A sharp engagement with terrorists at the village of Gairala, near Patiya, 20 miles from Chittagong, resulted in the capture of Surya Sen, who was alleged to be the brain behind the recent attacks on Britishers in Chittagong. The
      Reuter.  -  62 words
    • 81 22 —British Wireless. Question For The Economic Conference. Rugby, Feb. 14. In the House of Commons today the President of the Board of Trade, Mr. Runciman, stated that steps were taken to have the question of foreign shipping subsidies brought forward at the recent session of' the preparatory commission
      —British Wireless.  -  81 words
    • 54 22 —Reuter. Respects King’s Wish And Retains Office. Brussels, Feb. 16. In deference to the King’s wishes the Cabinet has decided to remain in office. —Reuter. The Cabinet resigned following the Government’s defeat by 82 to 72 on a Socialist motion censuring the Minister of Interior for cancelling the
      —Reuter.  -  54 words
    • 274 22 —Reuter. Hong Kong Co. Closes. MORE QUESTIONS IN THE HOUSE. Hong Kong, Feb. 16. The Green Island Cement Co., the biggest industry in Hong Kong, has been compelled to close as a result of the dumping of Japanese cement. It is hoped that the company will reopen
      —Reuter.  -  274 words
    • 129 22 —Reuter. Casualties in Bucharest Strike Riot. Bucharest, Feb. 16. A score of people, mostly women *were wounded by machine-gun fire in a clash between troops and sympathisers with 4,000 strikers who barricaded themselves in railway workshops following the arrest of their leader. The troops hoped that cold and
      —Reuter.  -  129 words
    • 80 22 .—British Wireless. Administration Of Justice Inquiry. Rugby, Feb. 14. The Colonial Secretary has appointed a Commission to undertake an inquiry into the administration of justice in criminal matters in East Africa. The Commission will begin work towards the end of March and will take evidence at various places
      .—British Wireless.  -  80 words
    • 56 22 —British Wireless. Lord Runciman Takes His Seat In The House. Rugby, Feb. 15. Lord Runciman, whose peerage was announced in the New Year’s honours list took his seat in the House of Lords today. He is 86 years old and is the father of Mr. Walter Runciman, President
      .—British Wireless.  -  56 words
    • 341 22 —Reuter. .—British Wireless. May Visit Washington. BEST POSSIBLE DELEGATE. Washington. Feb. 15 An early visit by Mr. MacDonald discus® the War debt settlement with M Roosevelt would be welcomed in Rodul lican circles. It is emphasised that mT Roosevelt always desired an opportunity for personal
      .—Reuter.; .—British Wireless.  -  341 words
    • 249 22 Death of a Famous Journalist. London, Feb. 17. The death of Sir Robert Donald occurred today.—Reuter. One of the best known of British journalists, Sir Robert retired from the editorship of the Daily Chronicle shortly after the War, but he continued to be actively connected with publishing
      249 words
    • 35 22 .—Reuter. Prohibition Of Entry Into India Suggested. Rangoon, Feb. The Burma Legislative Council recommended that the Government India should prohibit the entry into in of rice and rice products not of Lmp origin.—Reuter.
      .—Reuter.  -  35 words
    • 1041 23 Reuter. Mavor of Chicago Badly 1 Injured. FIVE SHOTS. Mr. Franklin Roosevelt Unharmed. Miami, Feb. 16. Mr Franklin D. Roosevelt, the Pre-sident-elect, escaped assassination here *°*Five shots were fired at him, but he vi-as unharmed. The assailant, who was arrested, is not known. The outrage occurred at
      Reuter.  -  1,041 words
    • 438 23 .—Reuter. Mr. Roosevelt’s Own Account of Outrage. A dramatic story of the attempted assassination was told by Mr. Roosevelt to pressmen on hoard the train from Miami to New York. He said that just after talking to Mr. Cermak he heard w’hat he thought were firecrackers. He looked
      .—Reuter.  -  438 words
    • 163 23 —Reuter. Threat of Stern Police Rule. Cologne, Feb. 15. The Nazi grip on the Rhineland has been strengthened by the appointment made by Herr Goering, the Minister of Interior, of Herr von Heidekamps, a prominent Nazi, to command the whole police force in the two provinces of Rhineland
      —Reuter.  -  163 words
    • 50 23 —Reuter. But No Attempt To Restrict Production. Washington, Feb. 15. The Senate Agricultural Committee has favourably reported on the Domestic Allotment Farm Relief Pill, but confined the benefits to wheat and cotton and dropped the attempt to restrict production owing to the difficulty of exercising effective supervision.—Reuter.
      —Reuter.  -  50 words
    • 117 23 —Aneta-Trans-Ocean. Position in Holland. REPORTED SUICIDE OF! COMMANDER. The Hague, Feb. 14. Rumours that mutiny has broken out among the garrison at Ten Helder are officially denied. It is stated that the police merely arrested five soldiers for distributing handbills calling on soldiers ard sailors to revolt
      —Aneta-Trans-Ocean.  -  117 words
    • 135 23 —British Wireless. Prohibition of Export To South America. Rugby, Feb. 15. Answering a parliamentary question, Sir John Simon said that on the initiative of the British Government an exchange tf views had taken place between the Government of the United Kingdom and United States, France and Italy with
      —British Wireless.  -  135 words
    • 139 23 —Reuter. Centre to Promote Good Relations. London, Feb. 18. The centralisation of practically all organisations in London was inaugurated by the opening of China House. Prominent members of the China Society and other Chinese organisations were present. Mr. S. Sze, son of Dr. Alfred Sze, in
      —Reuter.  -  139 words
    • 56 23 —Reuter. Anxiety Over Export To China. Sydney, Feb. 17. The leading wheat exporters have heard nothing with regard to deferring shipments to China owing to the possibility of war, but advices from London state that war risk insurance will be necessary in future. China is deferring further purchases
      ’—Reuter.  -  56 words
    • 45 23 —Reuter. Non-Aggression Pact Conies Into Force. Moscow’, Feb. 16, The Franco-Soviet pact of non-aggres-sion concluded last November comes into force immediately as the instruments of ratification were exchanged by the Assistant Foreign Commissar and the French Ambassador at the Foreign Commissariat yesterday.—Reuter.
      —Reuter.  -  45 words
    • 316 24 w **r**** bii\, ijviu i Nations.—Sin Kuo Min and Sin Chew Jit Poh. What Action Will The Powers Take U.S. PROPOSALS. Armed Resistance The Only Way for China. Genova. Feb. 16. After a private meeting of the whole Japanese delegation the result of the
      w **r**** bii\, ijviu i Nations.—Sin Kuo Min and Sin Chew Jit Poh.  -  316 words
    • 132 24 Japan ,and Committee Of Nineteen. Geneva, Feb. 1C. “The Japanese Government cannot conceal its apprehension that an unrealistic, theoretical decision by the Committee of Nineteen would make extremely difficult the task of restoring peace and tranquillity in the Far East, since such a course would be bound
      132 words
    • 144 24 National Sentiment In Japan. Tokio, Feb. 16. While the question of Japan's ■withdrawal from the League still hangs in the balance, there are indications that majority opinion, both in the Foreign Office and the Navy, favours retention of membership if possible. The Army, however, generally appears to
      144 words
    • 192 24 Possibility Of Settlement. Ixindon, Feb. 1G. Speaking in the House of Commons, Sir John Simon announced that unless or until the Assembly adopts the report of the Committee of Nineteen, the possibility of settlement by conciliation still remains open. He added that he understood *he draft report would
      192 words
    • 86 24 Shameful Reflection To Britain. Ixmdon, Feb. 16. “When bloodshed recurs it will be a shameful reflection to the British public that Chinese and Japanese are killing each other with weapons supplied by Great Britain,” says the Daily Herald, commenting on Mr. Runciman’s statement on the export of
      86 words
    • 101 24 —Reuter. Underwriters and The Far East. London, Feb. 16. Underwriters on the London insurance market are drawing attention io the Far Eastern situation in connection with protection against war risks on voyages between China and Japan. The insurance companies’ customary period of notice cancelling the normal war risk
      —Reuter.  -  101 words
    • 329 24 ANNEXATION Japanese at any moment.—Sin Kuo Min and Sin Chew Jit P<»h. Japan’s Plans In Manchuria. Shanghai, Feb. 17. Both the Sin Kuo Min and Sin Chew Jit Poh cables received this morning state that Japan has decided to annex Manchuria, but no details are given and there is no
      Japanese at any moment.—Sin Kuo Min and Sin Chew Jit P<»h.  -  329 words
    • 82 24 —Reuter. Governor Urged to Extend Moratorium. Detroit, Feb. 16. A delegation of 60 hanks outside Detroit urged the Governor of Michigan to extend the moratorium. Meanwhile President Hoover and Mr. Mills are drafting a federal law to expand the aid of the United States in liquidating depreciated hank
      —Reuter.  -  82 words
    • 63 24 Reuter. Repeal Vote Passed By Senate. Washington, Feb. 16. The Senate adopted a resolution in favour of the repeal of Prohibition. It now goes to the House of Representatives, after which, if it is adopted, it will need ratification by a special convention of 48 States. It provides for
      Reuter.  -  63 words
    • 94 24 CHINA HOUSE.” Reuter. New Home For Students In London. London, Feb. 16. China House,’’ Gower Street, the Chinese students’ new home in London, will be formally opened by the Master of Balliol, Dr. A. D. Lindsay tomorrow. Mr. Su-chang, of the Chinese Legation, has been appointed warden of the home,
      Reuter.  -  94 words
    • 91 24 —Reuter. Mr. K. Yuasa Appointed Minister. Tokio, Feb. 15. Mr. ICurahei Yuasa has been appointed Minister of the Imperial Household in succession to Mr. Ikki, who has resigned on the grounds of ill-health. Mr. Ikki’s sudden resignation recalls the demands for his resignation last summer. Mr. Yuasa is
      —Reuter.  -  91 words
    • 39 24 ,—Reuter. Opposition Motion Of Censure Rejected. London, Feb. 16. The House of Commons, by 414 to 49, rejected a motion by Mr. George Lansbury, leader of the Opposition, to censure the Government for “failure” to deal with unemployment.—Reuter.
      ,—Reuter.  -  39 words
    • 64 24 —Reuter. Statement of Expenditure To Date. London, Feb. 15. In the House of Commons. Sir R n ul F.yres-Monsell, the First Lord of Admiralty, announced that the total v penditure on the Singapore Ba«e date, excluding the floating dock £3,438,000, to which Malaya. X«v Zea a and
      —Reuter.  -  64 words
    • 117 24 .—Reuter. King Refuses to Accept Resignation. Brussels, Feb. 16. The Cabinet has resigned. The resignation follow’ed the Government’s defeat by 82 to 72 on a Socialist motion censuring the Minister of Interior for cancelling the communal elections at Hasticre. Brussels, Feb. 15. The King refused to accept the
      .—Reuter.  -  117 words
    • 91 24 —Reuter. Scheme to Replace Little Entente. Geneva. Feb. 15. A new* European community federation embracing a population of 48.000,000 comes into existence at Geneva tomorrow, when the Foreign Ministers of Rumania. Jugoslavia and Czechoslovakia will sign a pact consecrating the new alliance replacing the Little Entente.
      —Reuter.  -  91 words
    • 75 24 Reuter. 2 Rum-Runners Arrested At Denver. Denver, Feb. 15. The police have arrested George Zarlingo and detained Red Mitchell-both described as rum-eunners—in cqnnectior. with the kidnapping of Mr. Charles Baettcihor, the millionaire banker Mrs. Boettcher has broadcast a message pressing her willingness to pay an} ransom for her husband’s safe
      Reuter.  -  75 words
    • 60 24 Reuter. Willy s-Overland Motor Company. Toledo, Ohio, Feb. 16. The Willys-Overland Co., motor manufacturers, has been placed in receivership by the Federal Government. Mr. Jonn Willys, chairman, and Mr. L. A. Miller, president, are named as receivers. The action is understood to be in t n nature of a
      Reuter.  -  60 words
    • 33 24 —Reuter. Geneva, Feb. 16. The Little Entente agreement between Rumania, Jugoslavia and Czechoslov was signed this morning by the re p tive Foreign Ministers, M. Titulesco, Yevtitch and M. Benes. —Reuter.
      —Reuter.  -  33 words
    • 611 25 •Aneta. Admiral’s Statement In Council. NO RED FLAG. How Officers Were Overpowered. Batavia, Feb. 20. The public, gallery of the People's Council was crowded today when the Commander of the Navy. Vice-Admiral OKten, made an official statement regarding the mutiny on the warship, I )e Zeven Provincien.
      •Aneta.  -  611 words
    • 35 25 vt MCI •-Reuter. Ban Lifted On German Newspaper. Berlin, Feb. 19. ®bowing an interview with the Cen- i r&gt;uty Marks, Herr Goering rcsm&lt;|p(] the three-day suppression of the Per Germania, both sides apologising.
      }'vt MCI •-Reuter.  -  35 words
    • 90 25 —Reuter. Francs Rising to Export Point. New York, Feb. 18. A feature of the day on the New York market was the continued weakness of the dollar, francs rising to near the gold export point. The total gold stocks in the United States approximate $4,500,000,000 and
      —Reuter.  -  90 words
    • 151 25 .—Reuter. Brain Inflammation On Entering Ring. New York, Feb. 19. The chief medical examiner of new York City announced *hat Ernie Schaaf efitered the ring against Primo Camera suffering from inflammation of the brain The fact had ueen determined by microscopic analysis of the brain.—Reuter. Schaaf, who died
      .—Reuter.  -  151 words
    • 91 25 Liverpool Appeals To Treasury. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Feb. 18. Liverpool Public Assistance Committee has declared a state of emergency because local rates are no longer able to bear the cost of relief of approximately £1,621,553. A deputation of representative citizens, including several Liverpool members of
      91 words
    • 113 25 —Sin Chew Jit Poh. Meeting With Madame Sun Yat Sen. Shanghai, Feb. 18. Mr. George Bernard Shaw arrived in Shanghai yesterday morning by the Empress of Britain and he is now on his way to Chingwangtao. Mr. Shaw had a busy day. In the morning he breakfasted
      —Sin Chew Jit Poh.  -  113 words
    • 58 25 Daughter Born In London. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Feb. 18. A daughter has been born to Mrs. Cheng, sister of Mr. Henry Pu-Yi, President of Manchukuo, at the residence of Sir R. F. Johnston at Kew. Mrs. Cheng and her husband are staying with Sir
      58 words
    • 32 25 —Reuter. The Hague, Feh. 15. Parliamentary elections will be hold on Apr. 20. The present Parliament will end on May 0 and the new one will meet on May 9.—Reuter.
      —Reuter.  -  32 words
    • 188 25 ,—Reuter Wireless. Hopes of New Pooling Schemes. London, Feb. 18. Great Britain’s grouped railways have just experienced a disastrous year with gross receipts declining nearly £15,000,000, but owing to drastic economies and farseeing reorganisation, expenditure showed a reduction of over £8,000,000. Ordinary and even some preference
      ,—Reuter Wireless.  -  188 words
    • 225 25 —Reuter. Death of a Famous Pugilist. New York, Feb. 18. The death has occurred of Jim CorbeU, the famous pugilist and former world’s champion.—Reuter. Known as Pompadour Jim,” Corbett was a colourful personality and came from a class superior to that of most of the boxers of his
      —Reuter.  -  225 words
    • 145 25 —Reuter. Distinguished Officer’s Sudden Death. London, Feb. 19. Major-General Lord Lovat had a seizure while watching the steeplehases at Chipping Norton and died on the way to hospital.—Reuter. Lord Lovat, who was 52 years of age, was the fourteenth Baron and succeeded his father in 1887. He served
      —Reuter.  -  145 words
    • 39 25 —Reuter. Mr. Roosevelt To Meet British Ambassador. New York, Feb. 18. Mr. Roosevelt, the President-elect, will confer with Sir Ronald Lindsay, the British Ambassador, regarding the world economic situation on Monday, immediately the Ambassador arrives from England.
      —Reuter.  -  39 words
    • 225 25 Reuter. Standstill Agreement. FOREIGN CREDITORS ACCEPT. Berlin, Feb. 17. The standstill agreement with regard to German short term debts has been prolonged for a year from Feb. 28, when the existing agreement expires. The short term debts involved in the standstill agreement approximate £185,000,000. Two documents
      Reuter.  -  225 words
    • 122 25 Death of Former Straits Police Officer. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Feb. 18. The death has occurred at the age of 77 of Mr. Jermyn of the d’Arcy Travers Symonds, formerly of the Srtaits Settlements Police. Mr. Symonds retired in 1910, when he wgs Superintendent of
      122 words
    • 102 25 .—Reuter. Must Not Live in Fool’s Paradise.” Moscow, Feb. 18. The Five-Year Plan secured us peace," declared M. Kaganovitch, the secretary of the central committee of the Communist party, in a speech, but we must not live in a fools’ paradise. We must remember that Imperialists may attack
      .—Reuter.  -  102 words
    • 45 25 —Reuter. Awards To Gayford And Nicholetts. London, Feb. 18. The King has approved the award of the Air Force Cross to Squadron-Leader Gayford and a bar to his Air Force Cross to Flight-Lieut. Nicholetts in recognition o&lt;f their non-stop flight to South Africa^—Reuter.
      —Reuter.  -  45 words
    • 28 25 Reuter. Repeal Passed By House Of Representatives. Washington, Feb. 20. The House of Representatives passed the resolution for the repeal of Prohibition already adopted by the Senate.—
      Reuter.  -  28 words
    • 498 26 —Reuter. Organised on Feudal Basis. HELPING CHINA. Colossal Strength in Man Power. Paris, Feb. 20. In a striking speech at the meeting of the Peace Society, Lord Lytton said Japan did not appear to have kept pace with the latest development in political thought and practice of
      ’—Reuter.  -  498 words
    • 123 26 Reuter. “May Be Used for Warlike Purposes.” London, Feb. 21. The Daily Express, in a front page splash declares that the purchases of old British liners destined for Japan are believed in shipping circles to be part of a well prepared plan to use them for warlike
      Reuter.  -  123 words
    • 211 26 .—Reuter. Shipping Subsidies. VICIOUS CIRCLE MUST BE BROKEN.” London, Feb. 16. A plea for a further reduction in Suez Canal dues was made by Mr. W. J. McAlister, the new President, at the annual meeting of the Chamber of Shipping of the United Kingdom, held in
      .—Reuter.  -  211 words
    • 117 26 Japan Says Manchukuo Must Have Jehol. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Feb. IS. China will put up a big fight." declared Dr. W. W. Yen to the Geneva correspondent of the News-Chronicle yesterday. Japan was not accepting the League’s report because possession of Jehol w T as
      117 words
    • 78 26 —Reuter. British Ambassador Meets Mr. Roosevelt. New York, Feb. 20. The British Ambassador, Sir Ronald Lindsay, landed from the Majestic this afternoon and at once had a two-hour conversation with Mr. Roosevelt. Later the President elect issued a statement to the effect that the Ambassador had given him
      —Reuter.  -  78 words
    • 65 26 Seized in Smash and Grab Raid. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Feb. 18. Scotland Yard is combing London for a £7,000 blue diamond, formerly the property of an Eastern potentate, which was seized in a smash and grab raid on a jeweller’s window in St. James’s Street. The
      65 words
    • 55 26 Precautionary Steps By Lloyd’s. London, Feb. 18. Lloyd’s from Feb. 20 is cancelling war risks in all open cover contracts on voyages to, from, through or in China or Japan. The step is a precautionary one and will enable readjustments to be made including the reinstatement of the
      55 words
    • 77 26 —Reuter Wireless. Two British Pilots Killed In South Africa. Cape Town. Feb. IP'. Two airmen, Captain Dawson and Captain E. Ross, belonging to Sir Alan Cobham’s air circus,” which is touring South Africa, were killed when the machine in which they were stunting got into difficulties
      —Reuter Wireless.  -  77 words
    • 157 26 .—Reuter. Warnings to. British Travellers. London, Feb. 20. Communist activities in China were mentioned in the House of Commons in questions regarding the area affected and as to whether British subjects had been advised against entering these areas by His Majesty’s Consuls. Sir John Simon, the Foreign
      .—Reuter.  -  157 words
    • 110 26 —Reuter. Government Will Not Be Blackmailed.” Paris, Feb. 19. 41 The Government will not be blackmailed by protest strikes,” declared M. Daladier in the Senate. 44 Neither the Government nor Parliament will deliber ate under menace,” he went on. France’s financial position is not so black as has
      ’—Reuter.  -  110 words
    • 83 26 Five Per Cent. Dividend Recommended. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Feb. 20. The net profit of the Planters’ Stores and Agency Co., Ltd., for the half year ended Sept. 30 was £3,748 against a profit of £1,222 for the corresponding period of 1931. The amount brought in is
      83 words
    • 66 26 —Reuter. Strikes as Protest Against Taxes. Paris, Feb. 20. Paris was almost completely cut o(T from the outer world for two hours this morning on account of the protest strikes. Telephones and telegraphs were temporarily cut off, and transport was stopped for ten minutes according to plan. So
      .—Reuter.  -  66 words
    • 24 26 .—Reuter. Washington, Feb. 18. The Cotton Control Bill was passed by the Senate and now goes to the House of Representatives.—Reuter.
      .—Reuter.  -  24 words
    • 118 26 Japan Could Not Then Continue. CHINA ROUSED. We Will ifever Give Up Jehol.” London, Feb. 26. An economic blockade of Japan urged by Mr. George Lansbury, leader of the Opposition, in a speech at Bristol yesterday, in which he declared that no Western nation can sit
      118 words
    • 332 26 Mr. Soong’s Stirring Call To Action. Jehol City, Feb. 18. Military and civil leaders of Jehol have come from all parts of the province to greet Marshal Chang Hsueh-liang, Mr T. V. Soong, the acting Premier, and Chang Tso-siang, the former Governor of Kirin province, who is here
      332 words
    • 87 26 When conciliation under paragraph 3, Article 15, has failed, the Assembly formulates its own recommendations in a report under paragraph 4. If the Assembly (excluding the disputants) adopts the report unanimously, no member may go to war with any disputant who complies with the recommendations.
      87 words
    • 41 26 British Dentists Taking To Stainless Steel. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Feb lh fa High prices consequent upon me in sterling are threatening to &lt;&gt; r British dentists off the gold standar with a substitution of stainless s. dentures.
      41 words
    • 551 27 .♦China Encouraged To Reject Peace.” JAPAN’S 10 POINTS. Appeal to Assembly To “Think Twice.” Geneva, Feb. 21. Japan has issued a reply to the report f the Committee of Nineteen, consisting of ten points as follows The reply declares that the»*e is rvueh in the
      551 words
    • 144 27 —Reuter. British Subjects Suspected Of Spying. Tokio, Feb. 22. According to the Nichi-Nichi, the gendarmerie of Bonin Islands have ordered two British subjects, Mr. James Frederick Milne and his wife, to leave the islands on suspicion of mpving on the fortifications. Nothing is known of the incident
      —Reuter.  -  144 words
    • 267 27 —Reuter Wireless. Japan Bound to League For that Period. London, Feb. 18. With the publication of the Committee of Nineteen’s report on Feb. 17, the ouestion whether Japan will leave the League is looming hourly larger, j According to the latest advices from Geneva, the Japanese delegation
      —Reuter Wireless.  -  267 words
    • 342 27 ,—Reuter. Coercion Out of The Question.” Tokio, Feb. 21. It is authoritatively indicated that the Japanese are likely to withdraw from the Economic and Labour Conferences at Geneva as well as the Disarmament Conference when they secede from the League. This they are expected to do next month
      ,—Reuter.  -  342 words
    • 197 27 —Reuter. Reply to Mr. Winston Churchill London, Feb. 21. Mr. Ching Chun-v.ang, the director of the Chinesee Eastern Railway, has sent j a letter to the Manchester Guardian con- 1 ot rning Mr. Winston Churchill’s rovent j observation that the League would not be well advised to quarrel
      —Reuter.  -  197 words
    • 108 27 Working Up The War Spirit. Tokio, Feb. 21. Impressive scenes were witnessed at a mass meeting of 30,000 ex-soldiers in the precincts of the Yasukuni military slirine. After singing the National Anthem, all present offered silent prayer, making obeisance towards the Imperial palace. They then paid respect to
      108 words
    • 98 27 —Reuter. No War Danger in North China Unless Tokio. Feb. 22. The proposal is being dispatched to Nanking and Peking today that the Chinese should withdraw their regulars from Jehol and establish a neutal zone on both sides of the Great Wall for the purpose of minimising the
      -■—Reuter.  -  98 words
    • 97 27 .—Reuter. May Soon Be Thing Of The Past. London, Feb. 19. The annual event of the London season, the International Horse Show, may soon be a thing of the past. At an extraordinary meetings of the International Horse Show Company it was decided to go into voluntary
      .—Reuter.  -  97 words
    • 547 27 w gr w v&lt; W oav vv but sure recovery in world trade.—Reuter Wireless. Bigger Than Ever. ROYAL INTEREST IN MALAYA. London, Feb. 21. The Queen, the Duke and Duchess of York, Princess Mary and Prince George toured the British Industries Fair and gave special attention to
      w * — – — – — – gr w v< W oav vv but sure recovery in world trade.—Reuter Wireless.  -  547 words
    • 71 27 —Reuter. U.S.A. Anxious Regarding Japan. New York, Feb. 21. The New York Times’ San Francisco correspondent, commenting on the manoeuvres just completed, reporta that Admiral Leich, the commander-in-chiel of the United States Fleet, emphasised the need for new construction, particularly in replacement of destroyers and submarines and providing
      —Reuter.  -  71 words
    • 266 28 Statement by Foreign Secretary. FAR EAST CONFLICT. Divided Views in House Of Commons. London, Feb. 21. The Foreign Secretary, Sir John Simon, making a statement in the House of Commons on events in the Far Last, satcl he had no information confirming press reports of fighting in
      266 words
    • 401 28 .—Reuter. Raw Material For Japan From New Zealand. Wellington, Feb. 21. Among the cargo of scrap iron loaded at. Auckland by a cargo steamer bound for Japan are several German guns mounted on carriages. Nine had been stored since the War by the City Council because they were
      .—Reuter.  -  401 words
    • 116 28 —Reuter. Eighty Years. PLEADS GUILTY TO ALL CHARGES. Miami, Feb. 20. Joe Zangara, the Italian who fired at Mr. Roosevelt, was sentenced to a total uf 80 years’ imprisonment on the four charges of attempting to murder Mr. Roosevelt and t w ree others, receiving 20 years
      —Reuter.  -  116 words
    • 180 28 —Reuter. Many Killed in Factory Explosion. Shanghai, Feb. 21. It is believed that at least 200 live* were lost in the explosion of two huge gasoline vulcanises in a Chinese rubber factory in Fast Shanghai. The explosion made a horrible shambles of a two-story brick factory,
      —Reuter.  -  180 words
    • 116 28 —Reuter. Ruthlessness for Police In Germany. Berlin, Feb. 20. Capt. Goering, the Prussian Commissioner of the Interior, has ordered the nolire to shoot down Communists and other enemies of the State without hesitation. Simultaneously he has instructed them to protect and establish the friendliest relations with
      —Reuter.  -  116 words
    • 43 28 (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Feb. 22. British Tin Corporation profits for the period April 4, 1932 to Dec. 31, 1932, are declared at £11,720. Income tax payable amounts to £6,465 and preliminary expenses to £5,930 £331 is carried forward.
      43 words
    • 152 28 Debenture Issue. £400.000 WORTH PLACED PRIVATELY. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Feb. 20. The Perak River Hydro-Electric Powe? C'o., Ltd., has placed privately four per cent, prior lien debenture stock to the value of ±*409,000 at 98 Ms. It will be repavahle with the occrued interest
      152 words
    • 237 28 Appointment of Senator Hull. New York, Feb. 21. Mr. Roosevelt announces that Senator Cordell Hull will be Secretary of State and Mr. William H. WooJin will be Secretary to the Treasury. Senator Swanson will be Secretary to the Navy. The appointment of Mr. Swanson, who hitherto
      237 words
    • 62 28 .—Reuter Wirfclossw Big Purchase of Bar Gold. London, Feb. 19. The amount of gold withdrawn from the Bank of England on Dec. 15, for the American debt payment, namely £19,632,000, is now more than regained. The Bank today announced the purchase of a further £3,666,000 of bar
      .—Reuter Wirfclossw  -  62 words
    • 38 28 Reuter. Mayor of Chicago Out Of Danger. Miami, Feb. 21. Mr. Anton Cermak, the Mayor of Chicago, who was seriously injured when Mr. Roosevelt was fired at, has passed the crisis, according to the latest bulletin.—
      Reuter.  -  38 words
    • 32 28 —Reuter. Berlin, Feb. 18. The Catholic newspaper, Germania, the principal organ of the Centre Tarty, has been suppressed for three days for publishing a Catholic manifesto denouncing the Hitler Government.—Reuter.
      .—Reuter.  -  32 words
    • 89 28 —Reuter. Considered Closed. NOTE WHICH CAUSED RESENTMENT. London, Feb. 21 The Austrian arms incident may be considered closed following a statement by Sir John Simon in the House of Com mons this afternoon. He said the Italian Ambassador had informed him that the Italian Govern ment was
      .—Reuter.  -  89 words
    • 82 28 Reuter. Britain Prepared to Accept Agreement. Geneva, Feb. 20. Great Britain is prepared to subscribe to the universal acceptance of the abo'.ition of naval and military aircraft and air bombing except for police purposes, said the British Air Minister, Lord Londonderry, addressing the air commission of
      Reuter.  -  82 words
    • 170 28 —Reuter. Statesman Attacked In Kobe. Tokio, Feb. 21. In spite of the precautions taken to safeguard the veteran politician Yuk'.o Ozaki, whom super-patriots threatened to attack owing to his alleged unpatriotic statements in London, a couple of reactionaries attempted to assault him when he landed at Kobe from
      —Reuter.  -  170 words
    • 79 28 were still under consideration. —Reuter. Wireless. Position of Certain Malay States. London, Feb. 15. Sir Philip Cunliffe-Lister, speaking in the House of Commons, announced that Government had invited the Protectoratecs and Colonies under the Ottawa agreements to accord Canada, Australia ami India new or additional preferences. All had
      were still under consideration.—Reuter. Wireless.  -  79 words
    • 47 28 Reuter. State Of Emergency In Michigan. Lansing, Feb. 21. A state of emergency has been declared by the Michigan Srate Legislating giving the Governor virtually dictators powers to extend the recent hank ho iday or restrict withdrawals of ha deposits if he considers this necessary.
      Reuter.  -  47 words
    • 143 29 —Reuter. Two Killed. r,|TLER DETERMINED TO 1 GOVERN. Cologne, Feb. 20. a hundred thousand Rhineland Nazi troops and the whole police force paraded to welcome Her Hitler. In a speech to a crowd of 80,000 people Herr Hitler made it quite clear that fmlintr a majority
      —Reuter.  -  143 words
    • 130 29 lieu ter. Arrangements Being Made With Nanking. London, Feb. 15. In the House of Commons, Sir John Sin.on announced that an exchange of Notes occurred with Nanking on Feb. 8 providing for renewal of the d strict court agreement in Shanghai. Subsequently the Chinese Government gave an assurance
      lieu ter.  -  130 words
    • 81 29 Reuter. Working to Restore Monarchy Doom, Feb. 18. It is officially announced that Princess Hermine, second wife of the ex-Kaiser, has left for Berlin with the object of opening a fancy goods fair. It is considered highly probable that the Princess will endeavour to effect meetings with leaders
      Reuter.  -  81 words
    • 95 29 Rood progress.—Reuter Wire- No Evidence Of Mental Aberration. Miami, Feb. 17. Alter examining Joe Zangara, who attempted to kill Mr. Roosevelt, the pri*°n doctor said there was no evidence of mental aberration but the prisoner was undoubtedly suffering from acute stotrouble.—Reuter Wireless. Prague, Feb. 16. Broadsheets, similar to
      Rood progress.—Reuter Wire-  -  95 words
    • 46 29 —Reuter. Invokes Article Fifteen. Geneva, Feb. 18. e P 1 league Council has been convoked j: Monday to deal with Colombia-Peru wh Pl L te o° Ver occupation of Leticia in it- lc y Y°^ om Bia has now invoked Article the Covenant.—Reuter.
      —Reuter.  -  46 words
    • 62 29 .—Reuter. Breaches of Official Secrets Act. London, Feb. 17. The War Office states that the officer under arrest in the Tower of London is Lieut. N. Baillie-Stewart, of the Seaforth Highlanders. He will be charged with committing breaches of the Official Secrets Act and will be
      .—Reuter.  -  62 words
    • 71 29 Reuter. Protection Continued For Six Months. New Delhi, Feh. 21. The Government is introducing a B'll providing for the continuance of the existing protection of the cotton textile industry for six months, until the end of October. The Minister of Commerce, speaking in the Assembly in reply to
      Reuter.  -  71 words
    • 133 29 Investigation To Be Made In Sumatra. &lt;From Our Own Correspondent.) Medan. Feb. 17. Some time ago strong action was instigated to curtail Japanese imports of cement into the D.E.I. in connection with the industrial interests in this country, especially the Pahang (Sumatra) Cement Industry. Since then the storm
      133 words
    • 89 29 356 Estates Out Of Tapping. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Medan, Feb. 17. According to the figures of the Central Office of Statistics 366 estates stopped tapping by the end of December, a total acreage of 62,104 hectares. Furthermore there are 139 estates which have partly stopped tapping,
      89 words
    • 90 29 3,300 Officials Receiving Relief Pay. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Medan, Feb. 17. According to the Nieuws van den Dag the number of officials receiving out of work pay at the end of December, 1932. was 3,300. In December last FI. 265,000 was paid to officials in out of
      90 words
    • 45 29 (From Our Own Correspondent.) MeJa*. Feb. 17. It was reported that on Feb. 12 eight natives, suspected active Communists, arrived in Batavia from Singapore under police escort. It is understood that they belonged to the same group arrested with the notorious Djamaluddin Tamin.
      45 words
    • 72 29 Experiments Declared Satisfactory. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Medan, Feb. 17. An exchange of picture telegram* is now taking place between Bangkok and Bandoeng, at the request of the Siamese authorities. Both Bangkok and Bandoeng have a Telefunken apparatus for television but the apparatus in Bangkok
      72 words
    • 52 29 Aneta-Trans-Ocean. Results in Disorder At Cirque d’Hiver. Paris, Feb. 19. The Cirque d’Hiver was the scene of riotous disorders when the members of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals violently protested against the bull fights which were s'aged on Saturday night, and were evicted
      Aneta-Trans-Ocean.  -  52 words
    • 54 29 —Aneta-Trans-Ocean. Huge Shipment of Gold For New York. Paris, Feb. 19. The outflow of bullion hoarded bv the Banque de France to the United States started on Saturday when a gold consignment valued at 2.000,000 francs was shipped aboard the German liner, the Bremen, for New York, according
      —Aneta-Trans-Ocean.  -  54 words
    • 128 29 —Reuter Wireless. Frigate Which Was Lost In 1799. Amsterdam, Feb. 16. New salvage machinery, consisting of an enormous tube with sucking pipes driven by big engines, has arrived at Terschelling for a new attempt to salve the buried gold frigate Lutine, which was sunk in October, 1799, while
      —Reuter Wireless.  -  128 words
    • 91 29 —Reuter Wireless. Franco-German Dispute At Conference. Geneva, Feb. 17. France and Germany diplomatically crossed swords at today’s meeting of r .h' Disarmament Conference, when the French proposal for standardisation of European continental armies with short service and limited effectives wrs debated. M. Pierre Cot (France) alluded to associations
      .—Reuter Wireless.  -  91 words
    • 90 29 Escape Of Bengal Governor’s Guard. Calcutta, Feb. 13. Information has reached Calcutta that Sergeant Adams, of the Calcutta Police, who was on special duty as a police guard to the Bengal Governor, was tnuuled by a tiger, yesterdav, at Ilatipotha, Jaipaiguri district, while TIis Excellency and party
      90 words
    • 649 29 Strong Press Comment. DEMAND FOR DEATH PENALTY. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Medan, Feb. 17. The mutiny on De Zeven Provincien has resulted in strong comments in the Press Great indioiation is expressed, and ali the papers urge that strong and ex:- &lt; mplary measures should be taken
      649 words
    • 55 29 Anota -Trans-Ocean. Her!in, Feb. 2f&gt;. The news has be &gt;n received here with relief that the Italian and German expedition to the ancient Inm torrito-y, which was thought to b&gt; lost, has been found again unhurt. The party searched for buried Inca tre.nrure, and encountered great obstacles through
      Anota -Trans-Ocean.  -  55 words

  • Sporting News.
    • 1476 30 —Reuter. Win Fourth Test by Six Wickets. FIFTIETH VICTORY. Plucky Batting On Cracking Wicket. England retrained the ashon on Feb. 16 at Brisbane when they defeated Australia by six wickets in the fourth Test match, their final total being 163 .for four wickets, states a Reuter
      —Reuter.  -  1,476 words
    • 69 30 —Reuter. A South Australian Protest. Adelaide, Feb. 15. The Sooth Australian Cricket Association has passed a resolution disapproving of body line bowling and appealing to club captains to prevent its use on the grounds that it involves unnecessary risk of inery and robs the game of its
      —Reuter.  -  69 words
    • 745 30 Loyal Co-operation Brings Victory. London, Feb. 16. The King has sent the following telegram to Lord Lewisham, president of the M.C.C.: As patron of the M.C.C. I wish you to convey to the team in Australia my warmest congratulations on their victory. I have followed with
      745 words
    • 129 30 ’Varsities Narrowly Defeated. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Feb. 18. The following were the results of the principal Rugby matches at home today Rcyal Navy 14, Royal Air Force 3. Cambridge Un. 10. Blackheath 11Gloucester 0, Leicester tl. London Scottish IS, Bristol 11Oxford Un. a. Harlequins Rosslyn Park
      129 words
    • 62 30 Thirteen Non-Accepters For Big Race. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Feb. 15. Non-accepters for the Lincolnshire* Handicap, the first big race of the na season, which is to be run at Lincoln Mar. 22, are as follows: Le Becau. I”' 1 ficiai, Andrea, Mowgli, The Greek, 1 j
      62 words
    • 19 30 —Reuter. London, Feb. 15In Third Division (Northern) fixture today Darlington lost to Barrow n&gt; goals to one.—Reuter.
      —Reuter.  -  19 words
    • 765 31 1 —Reuter. No Surprises. K4NGERS ELIMINATED IN SCOTTISH COMPTN. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Feb. 18. There were no unexpected results in the tilth round of the F.A. Cup today, although the weather was simply wretched, .ultally in the north, where six of the $ht
      1 —Reuter.  -  765 words
    • 149 31 ,—Reuter. N.S.W. Northern Districts Bat Well. Newcastle, Feb. 21. The M.C.C. tourists’ match with the Northern Districts’ XI of New South Wales which finished here today ended in a draw. Tlio Districts’ team started off writh a total of 322, Chipperfield (152) and Beattie (53) being the
      ,—Reuter.  -  149 words
    • 289 31 O.M.T.’s Narrowly Beaten By Services. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Feb. 7. By far the best of this week’s Old Boys’ rubber matches was the game in which the United Service® (Aldershot) just succeeded in beating the O.M.T.’s. 16 —i4 f after a desperate battle in
      289 words
    • 38 31 —Reuter. Meets With Accident At Newmarket. London, Feb. 16. Mr. L. L. Morriss, son of Mr. Harry Morris*, the well-known racehorse owner and breeder, fell and broke his collarbone while riding at Newmarket yesterday.—Reuter.
      —Reuter.  -  38 words
    • 921 31 S.B.A. Meeting. PRESIDENT’S OPTIMISTIC VIEW. The establishment of a Boxers’ Benevolent Fund was one of the subjects raised at the annual meeting of the Singapore Boxing Association at the Adelphi Hotel on Friday when Mr. T. W. Brewer, the acting President, was in the chair. The
      921 words
    • 241 31 —Reuter. T. W. Wall Injured. AUSTRALIAN TEAM NOT IMPRESSIVE. Adelaide, Feb. 21. The Victorian fast bowler, H. Alexander, has been selected to take the place of T. W. Wall, South Australia, in the (fifth and last Test match which starts at Syuney on Thursday. Wall
      —Reuter.  -  241 words
    • 241 31 Successes of S.G.C. And Garrison. The semi-finals of the Wei-hai-wei Cup were played on Sunday, and as a result the Singapore Golf Club and the Garrison Club will meet in the final. The results of Sunday’s matches were as follows:— Garrison vs. Keppel. The Garrison G. C.
      241 words
    • 1462 32 Excellent Sport. COMPRADOR’S NARROW VICTORY. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, Feb. 15. There was a large attendance at the second day of the Perak Turf Club spring meeting. The going was hard and fast, and the weather fine with the exception of a light shower during the
      1,462 words
    • 343 32 Final of Handicap Event. The* final of the handicap event in the S C.C. mixe l doubles tennis tournament took place on Monday and resulted in n victory for W. H. Droogleever and Miss Walker Taylor (owe 15.3) over W. R. Dobbs and Mrs. Stapledon, plus
      343 words
    • 87 32 Mr. N. B. Fraser Breaks Course Record At Seremban. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Seremban, Feb. 20. N. B. Fraser, the well-known Seremban golfer, put up a new course record yesterday with a score of 32 for nine holes. Mr. Fraser was taking part in a match between
      87 words
    • 726 32 R.S.Y.C. Events. ENJOYABLE RUN To JOHORE SHOAL. The wind was light and fluky on day when the three sixes started for X* second race for the Guillemard C»n the Royal Singapore Yacht Club L start was made, with Tarbet to windvSn and the yachts kept fairly
      726 words
    • 1080 33 Malacca Weakened. voNDESCRIPTTS START WELL. (By Our Cricket Correspondent.) Thanks to the perfect cricketing weather hatsmen seem to have jumped right X form especially on the Nondescnpts ground, where no fewer than 612 runs scored last week end by the home Tide for the loss of ten
      1,080 words
    • 162 33 Ladies’ Medal at Garrison G.C. The Garrison Golf Club ladies’ monthly medal was played on Feb. 15 and 16. The following were the best returns:— Mrs. S. P. Holmes-Smith all square Mrs. Mee 2 down Mrs. P. Power 3 Mrs. J. Wallis 3 One play off of the
      162 words
    • 58 33 Siamese Wins for Third Time. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok, Feb. 20. The open golf championship of Siam was won by Nai Tim for the third year in succession. Tim is the professional at the Hua H?n course. He was taught by the late Mr J. L.
      58 words
    • 48 33 —Reuter. Interesting Ties in Sixth Round. London, Feb. 20. The draw for the sixth round of the F.A. Cup resulted as follows: Brighton or W n st Ham Utd. vs. Middlesbrough or Birmingham. Derby County vs. Sunderland. Burnley vs. Manchester City. Everton vs. Luton Town. —Reuter.
      —Reuter.  -  48 words
    • 54 33 —Reuter. Brilliant But Short Career. Brisbane, Feb. 15. The death took place today of A.A. Jackson, an Australian Test cricketer, following a lengthy illness. A poignant romance is revealed in that Jackson’s engagement was announced yesterday to Miss Phyllis Jean Thomas, who was his constant companion
      —Reuter.  -  54 words
    • 969 33 The positions of teams in the English and Scottish Leagues to date are as follows: First Division. P. W. L. D. F. A. Pts. Arsenal 29 19 T 5 84 42 43 Aston Villa 29 17 6 6 69 45 40 Sheffield Wed. 29 17 6 6 62
      969 words
    • 520 33 Disappointing Fights At New World. The Army defeated the R.A.F. in a boxing contest for the India Cup at tho New World Arena on Saturday, but tho standard of boxing exhibited was very low. It has been stated that the team to represent the local
      520 words
    • 59 33 —Reuter. England Lose Amateur International. Belfast, Feb. 18. In an amateur international football match here today Ireland beat England by 4—3.—Reuter. This is the fourth time Ireland has beaten England in this series which started in 1906. England have won 16, of *he 22 games played, and scored
      —Reuter.  -  59 words
    • 40 33 ,—Reuter. Australian Test Probable Injured. Melbourne, Feb. !8. Lisle Nagel, who is among the twelve players from whom Australia will chuoae their team for the fifth Test match, will not be available as he has an injured arm.—Reuter.
      ,—Reuter.  -  40 words

    • 77 1 Singapore Official Quotations. Quotations Forward Contracts Spot Sellar Pricas A s d. I Data L'don S’pore Mar. Apr. Apr.June Fab. 16 2 3/32 6 3/16 64 6*4 0% 17 2 1/16 6 3/16 8 7/16 6 6/16 64 18 2 1/16 64 64 6% 6 7/16 20 2
      77 words
    • 24 1 Feb. 16 Tin, S’pore Price 7 5.50 per picul. 17 75.75 t. 18 75 76 20 75.6294 21 75.8794 22 76.76
      24 words
    • 117 1 The Singapore Chamber of Commerce Bobber Association held its I,lloth auction on Feb. 22, when there was catalogued 1.077,645 lb. or 481.09 tons; offered 1,016,660 lb. or 458.86 tons; sold 866.419 lb. or 386.79 tons. Spot. London 2 3/32d. New York 2 29'32 cts. PRICES REALISED. Nibbed
      117 words
    • 312 1 (The figures in brackets denote the output of the corresponding period of last **Takuapa Valley.—Output first half February 589, 148.000 cu. yds. 806 pels. Renong Consolidated. —Hrs. run 330, cu. yds. treated 90,000, tin ore won pels 649. Katu.—Hrs. run 296, cu &gt;ds. treated 82,000. tin
      312 words
    • 1092 1 Correspondence. To the Editor of the Straite Times. Sir, —I beg to refer to “Malayan Plantr in# Topics” appearing in your issue of Feb. 17. Firstly, may I correct your correspondent in that I suggested a three months’ .stoppage, not two months only? I was quite aware that
      1,092 words
    • 673 1 Fraser and Co.’s Weekly Report. Fraser and Co.’s report, dated Feb. 22, states: With the Commodity markets for the most part unchanged and public interest still somewhat apathetic, there is .very little that calls for special notice in the local share market during the past week. The gravity
      673 words
    • 77 1 21,661 Tons In January. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Feb. 16. United States Rubber consumption in January was 21,661 tons compared w th 16,990 tons in December and 27,962 tor« in January, 1932. Imports at 31,110 tons compared with 31,298 in January last year and stocks at 396,377
      77 words
    • 85 1 Reduced Profit For 1931-32. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Feb. 16. Singapore Traction Co. reports a pront for the year ended Sept. 30 of £40,865 (against a profit of £51,134) and £3,995 was brought in making a total of £44,861. The allocation towards debenture redemption is £5,169. depreciation
      85 words
    • 623 2 ACREAGES OP TAPPABLE RUBBER out OF TAPPING ON ESTATES OF 100 ACRES AND OVER, MALAYA, 1932. The following 1 were the acreages out of tapping at the end of December, 1932: Acreage of Estates which have entirely Estates which have partly Tappable ceased tapping. ceas ed tapping
      623 words
    • 356 2 rh&lt;&gt; figures in brackets denote the output of the corresponding period of last year). Ayer M01ek.—13.255 lb. oruseh.—4s,2oo lb., (46.000 lb), (fersonese (F.M.5.).-104,000 lb. hulsa (Selangor).—6s,ooo It I'enmstown (Krian F.M 5.).—54,000 lb roothills (Malaya).—2o,soo lb. Gadok.— 16,500 lb. Gadek.—43,soo lb. [jlenealy.— 52,119 lb. inlands and Lowlands rara.—l7o,ooo
      356 words
    • 64 2 Estimated Rubber Output This Year. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Feb. lf&gt;. Charles Hope and Sons annual rubber review estimates that 1933 production will be as follows providing the price does not exceed 3%d.: Malaya 435,000 tons; Cevlon 43,000, Brazil and wild 6,000; D.E.I. and the remainder of
      64 words
    • 158 2 Classification Of Goods. We have received the following from the Department c*f Statistics: It is notified that, for the purpose of claiming Imperial Preference on importation into the United Kingdom, goods are classified as follows: A. Goods Grown or Produocd (Form of Certificate No. 119). Aroanuts, betelnuts,
      158 words
    • 208 2 Mr. Frank S. Williams, American Trade Commissioner, Singapore, has received by cable the following statistics relating to the foreign trade of the United States with Middle As a:— Total Exports from U.S. for Dec., 1932 G$ 129,000.000. Total Exports from It S. to British Malaya.—Gsls6,ooo. Total Expoits
      208 words
    • 33 2 (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Feb. 16. Krian Rubber reports a loss for 1932 of £1,335 compared with a profit of £101 for 1931. The sum of £4,138 is carried forward.
      33 words
    • 40 2 Harlow and Co. states that:— Hu* price for this commodity has ruled steadier during the week, but the volume of business transacted daily is limited. Closing quotations are as follows :—Sundried $4.96 per picul, mixed $4.50 per picul.
      40 words
    • 870 3 Fraser And Co’s Quotations. Singapore, Feb. 22. Mining. Issae d. Buv**e« Seller*, fl fl Asam Kumhang 23/6 25/6 fl C1 An*trnl Malnv 18/. 20/-nom 6/. 6/- Ayer Hitam Tin 10/9 11/6 Xl fl Bangrin Tin 11/- 12/II fl PeHsnd 0 OR 0 &lt;0 1 1 Batu Caves
      870 words
    • 248 3 EXCHANGE RATES. Singapore. Feb. 22. SFI.LING. London. 4 months’ sight 27 32 3 months’ «’«*ht 2/3 13 /1 6 T.ondon 66 s’Vht 2/3 25/32 Tendon, 36 davs’ sight 2 '3 3'4 London, demand 2'3 23/’»‘&gt; London. TT. 2/3 11»»a nod Par’s, demand 9 H 5 Hamhnrg.
      248 words
    • 291 3 Closing Quotations In London. (From Oar Owi uorrespondent. London, Feb. 22. Closing quotations today of the principal British and American stocks are given l&gt;e'ow: The rise or fall is in relation to the price of Feb. 16. GOVERNMENT STOCKS BRITISH. Rise or Fall Conversion Loan 5%
      291 words
      • 602 3 Ahaco (£1) *4: AH»&lt;rar (2/1 /44: Amher«* (2/) /I; Anglo-Malay (£1) 4/6; Ayer Kuning (£1) 10; Bagan Serai (£1) s»u Bahru (Sel.) (2/) 1/; Banteng (£1) 7/0; Uat’rig Cns. (2/) /2; Batu Caves (£1) 7/; B. Tiga (£1) 6/104: Bekoh (2/) /2 *4; B’nang (2'
        602 words
      • 670 3 Capital Issue Closing Prices Paid Up Value Dividends Fraser Lyall 4 Company Co. hvatt. .ei .-c vjj| v ir 00.9.99 Allenbv ($1) 0.45 0.56 0.45 O.M *****9 1 Nil for year 30-9-32 &gt; 0.25 0.85 0.30 044 439,125 1 Nil for year 31-3-32 A.
        670 words