The Straits Budget, 16 February 1933

Total Pages: 36
1 3 The Straits Budget
  • 30 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE STRAITS TIMES 1 ESTABLISH®!) NIARLY A CBNTURY.] No. 3,914 SINGAPORE. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1933. Price 25 cents (S.S. Currency) or 7d.
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  • 409 1 LEADEKS— Pace Propaganda 8 American Prospects 8 Empire Assets 3 Do It Now! 3-4 The Planter’s Position 4 A Bold Face? 4 Occasional Notes 5-8 Telegrams, I leu ter and Special— Covering Past Week’s News 21-29 Pictures— U.S- Cadet Ship’s Visit 17 Flt.-Lieut E. Nicholetts 17 Crew of the
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  • 1034 1 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Page left for home by the Boringia on Tuesday. Mr. R. D. St. J. Horton has been appointed Assistant Government Secretary, Sarawak. Mr. W. E. Gisby has been appointed to act as Government Architect, Public Works Denartment, S.S. Mr. A. A. Ross, of
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  • 183 1 Mr. F. F. Stewart and Miss W. M. Stanley. The wedding: took place at the Presbyterian Church on Saturday of Miss Winifred Muriel Stanley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Stanley of Claremont, Western Australia, and LIr. Frank Ferguson Stewart, of the P. and O. Bank, son
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  • 399 1 IPOH TALKING.” Perak Radio Enthusiasm Revived. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, Feb. IS. “The ultimate goal to which we look forward is to obtain a transmitting lie nee to keep the rest of the Peninsular in close touch with its financial centre.” This was the object outlined by Mr. Harold
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  • 116 2 Fuel Unsuitable For Motor. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Feb. 14. The junk, Soon Lee, in which three men from Singapore, Mr. Collin S. Brisbane, Mr. James W. Leach and a Chinese, Ah Yonjc are going to England, called at Port Swettenham on Sunday
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  • 364 2 Unusual Application In Police Court. An intereetiag point in connection with the eonvict'on and subsequent appeal of Tan Chay, a stcond-hand goods dealer, against a sentence of seven months’ rigorous imprisonment on a charge of dishonestly receiving stolon property. Bail had been fixed until the hearing
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  • 161 2 Carrier of Contraband Chandu Opium. Contraband chandu and opium to the total value of $1,536 found in an attap house in Thomson Road on Feb. 6 led to the appearance of an elderly Chinese woman, named Tan Chwee, before Mr. H. A. Forrer, the Criminal District Judge,
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  • 663 2 Man Rescued from Jungle Fire. Following close upon the busiest day in their history, On Monday, when they received seven calls to big fires, the i Singapore Fire Brigade was summoned three times on Feb. 9 hut one call, from Grove Road, was a false
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  • 74 2 Charge Against Ship’s Captain. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kiamr. Feh 14. A farther postponement was allowed until Feb. 28, morning to l apt. L,eif Thue, of the s.s. Mabella, vho was charged before Raja Hitam, at the Klang police court with voluntarily enusing grievous hurt to a Chinese
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  • 213 2 Japanese Firm Wins Case. The protracted hearing of a case under the Merchandise Marks Ordinance in which Kabushi Kaisha Mitouya Shoken of Osaka, Japan, charged Chop Tai On, of 80 High Street, w'ith having for sale cloth to which a counterfeit trade mark had been affixed resulted
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  • 174 2 New Members and Two Presentations. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Taiping, Feb. 14. Three new members made the affirmation as members at a meeting of the Perak State Council held at Taiping yesterday. Those who took the oath were the Orang Kaya Besar (Haji Ahmad bin Haii Abdul
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  • 294 2 The following passengers left Singapore by the N.Y.K. Hakone Maru: For Penang: Capt. and Mrs. H. Whittaker, Prof. K. Higashionna. (For Colombo): Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Jameson. Mr. N. Ohzu, Miss M. Scarles. Mr. Y. Tanaka. (For Port Said): Mr. E. T. Grether, (For Naples): Mrs. G. W.
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  • 822 2 Court Interpreter Who Took a Bribe. Characterising the offence a s one of very serious type, Mr. Justice Whitlov dismissing the appeal on Monday of M j? P. Ayer, formerly Indian interpreter the Police Court, Singapore, passed stron» comments on the position of court* int* prefers
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  • The Straits Budget
    • 1025 3 —Straits Times, Feb. 9. Since we last referred editorially to tlu> Sino-Japanese dispute there has been a development which at one time threatened to assume the most serious proportions for Great Britain. The position between the two countries directly concerned and 1 the League of Nations remains, to all
      —Straits Times, Feb. 9.  -  1,025 words
    • 813 3 -Straits Times, Feb. 10. The whole world is looking to the! United States for signs of recovery at the present time, but Malaya is doing l so with peculiar intentness because the Unted States is still by far the largest individual buyer of her principal products. Out of
      -Straits Times, Feb. 10.  -  813 words
    • 941 3 -Straits Times, Feb. 11. Times was when the complaint was frequently made, and with good reason, that it was impossible to obtain reliable information with regard to tropical agriculture. The painstaking investigator, anxious to study all the price and quantity variations of a commodity over a course of
      -Straits Times, Feb. 11.  -  941 words
    • 987 3 —Straits 4’imes, Feb. 13. There will probably be readers of this article who w.U consider that it is far ahead of the fair and that the questions which it raises might well be deferred foi several months. We have every rearson to believe, howvver, that the contrary
      —Straits 4’imes, Feb. 13.  -  987 words
    • 902 4 -Straits Times, Fe-b. 14. In the current issue of The Planter Mr. Charles Watney, the London correspondent of the Incorporated Society t>f Planters, gives two more instances of bad treatment of assistants. Two men signed agreements which debarred them from receiving leave pay unless they completed their
      -Straits Times, Fe-b. 14.  -  902 words
    • 883 4 4 Mr. Hoover, delivering on Monday one of his last speeches before vacating the office of President of the United States, laid considerable emphasis on the desire of the United States to see Great Britain return to the gold standard. Mr. Hoover did not put his views
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  • 122 4 Guilty Plea Followed By Fresh Charge. Lim Hock Kee, a Straits-bom Chinese i and until recently an assistant in the hardware department of Messrs. John L ttlc and Co* had sentence deferred until Feb. 18 on his pleading guilty on Tuesday before Mr. A. W. Hay, the Secon
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  • 454 4 Five Calls Over The Week-End. The epidemic of outbreak* of fi rp Singapore is still continuing" and overt)!* week-end there were five calls f nr Mar The false alarm call and another to big grass fire in Holland Road on day brought the totaU number 0
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  • 17 4 McPHERSON.—At Singapore on 12th in s to Mrs. D. Ross McPherson (Helen Simpson) a son (stillborn).
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  • 89 4 TAYLOR—HOWES.—On February 8, IM3. St. Andrew’s Cathedral, Singapore, by tn< Bishop of Singapore, Evan Nuttall Taylo of the Malayan Civil Service, son of and the late Mr. T. A. Taylor, of L« eK t Staffordshire and Margaret, daughter o the Rev. and Mrs. S. A. Howes of Mourn Lawley,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 89 4 NOTICE All communications for both the Straits Times and the Straits Budget should be addressed to the Head Office, Cecil ami. Stanley Streets, Singapore, Straits Settlements. The post free price of the Straits Times to the United Kingdom and foreign countres is $48 a year. The post free price of
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  • 30 4 DEATHS CHEE—Madam Chee .Too Hean, mother of Mr. Lim Swee Gim and the* Mr. Lim Swee Bock. ALLAN—JAMES ALLAN, late of Hardgreavea, Ltd., Singapore, died a jong Rhoo, Kilbarchan, February
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    • 37 5 -Straits Times, Feb. 9. Today’s glimpse of the obvious. “That way lay confiscation —not a tempting bait to dangle before the eyes of the investor” —Sir Alfred Watson speaking in London.— Straits Times, Feb. 9.
      -Straits Times, Feb. 9.  -  37 words
    • 87 5 how to take the compliment.—Straits Times. Feb. 9. A certain Singapore journalist blushed very deeply last night when a young lady approached him in the ante-room after the Moiseiwitsch recital and asked him to autograph her programme. Fame at last, he thought, trying to look as much like
      how to take the compliment.—Straits Times. Feb. 9.  -  87 words
    • 91 5 Straits Times, Feb. 9. An upeountry reader forwards, without comment, an envelope addressed to him which was posted in London at 12.45 p.m. on Dec. 8, bearing intact the necessary blue air mail label, and reached Singapore at 12.30 p.m.' on Jan 30. By Jan. 31 it had
      Straits Times, Feb. 9.  -  91 words
    • 259 5 ,|V4V IIVM V TV*, 40 IIV V W this reform has come to stay.—Straits Times, Feb. 9. A study of approximate times of sunrise and sunset in Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Batu Gajah and Penang reveals several surprising facts. Most residents of Singapore, if asked to guess, would
      ” ,|V4V» IIVM V TV*, 40 IIV V'* W this reform has come to stay.—Straits Times, Feb. 9.  -  259 words
    • 327 5 knowledge of oral English.—Straits Times v Feb. 9. The week after an American version of the humour of a fireman’s life had been shown on the screen in Kuala Lumpur the local fire brigade found itself involved in a somewhat ludicrous mix-up. A warning was received at
      knowledge of oral English.—Straits Timesv Feb. 9.  -  327 words
    • 97 5 —Straits Times. Feb. 10. This morning’s mall brought a delightful letter from Sir Laurence Guillemard which is reproduced here as received: “Dear Sir, —It is an unusual experience for a father to see in the public press the news of the birth of his posthumous son, especially after
      —Straits Times. Feb. 10.  -  97 words
    • 188 5 —Straits Times, Feb. 10. A wrong impression may possibly have been given by the remark in the Straits Times leading article entitled “Divided Allegiance that Mr. San Ah Wing has lived in the Federated Malay States for more than forty years and is looked upon as being as
      .—Straits Times, Feb. 10.  -  188 words
    • 235 5 —Straits Times, Feb. JO. The sudden rise in Kaffir counters on the London Stock Exchange can be explained only by the fact that the investing public is willing and eager to furnish funds for any proposition which appears to hold a profit. Belatedly, it has been realised
      —Straits Times, Feb. JO.  -  235 words
    • 358 5 Straits Times, Feb. 10. Most Europeans in Malaya rank among their happiest and most vivid recollections those which relate to their first voyage out to the East. The first glimpse of Port Said, the thrill of being aboard an ocean liner in the midst of the illimitable
      Straits Times, Feb. 10.  -  358 words
    • 202 5 —Straits Times, Feb. 11. m Some of those watching the Thaipusam fireworks display last night remembered the famous occasion a good many years ago, when Thaipusam provided the shortest but at the same time the most glorious show on record. Huge crowd® had gathered ataund the Reclamation, the Silver
      —Straits Times, Feb. 11.  -  202 words
    • 281 5 -Straits Times, Feb. 11. A remark made by the vice-principal of the Malayan School of Agriculture in an address last Monday deserves to be brought prominently befdre Malayan parents and their sons. My advice," said Mr. Mann, "is to return to the land. Cultivate your own
      -Straits Times, Feb. 11.  -  281 words
    • 391 5 equals that of Tapah.—Straits Times. Feb. 11. Anyone who wants to know what Malaya can offer in the way of maps will find all the necessary information placed at his disposal in an attractive catalogue which has just been brought out by the Survey Department, F.M.S. and S.S.
      equals that of Tapah.—Straits Times. Feb. 11.  -  391 words
    • 81 5 —Straits Times, Feb. 13. The following are successive entries in the complaints and suggestions book at an F.M.S. rest house: “A most excellent breakfast/' (signed) A.B.C. “Noted." (signed) District Officer. “A damn bad tea" (signed) Isaac Rotterdam. ‘A comment of the above description, accompanied as it
      —Straits Times, Feb. 13.  -  81 words
    • 228 5 do something useful?-—Straits Times. Feb. 13. Rubber cultivation in Russia grows more and more unorthodox, as might be expected in that extraordinary country. The latest wheeze is to employ insects to extract latex and convert it into rubber. This happens in the cultivation of the Chondrilla species,
      do something useful?-—Straits Times. Feb. 13.  -  228 words
    • 329 5 A RESEARCH CHIEF him alone as much as possible. -Straits Times, Feb. 18. A slight mistake was made in the note which appeared in this column a few days ago under the caption “R.R.I. Recruiting.” Dr. E. J. Butler, who was mentioned as being the type of research scientist required
      him alone as much as possible. -Straits Times, Feb. 18.  -  329 words
    • 218 6 %uv vuaviiin n iiiv ii nvn Straits Tim os, Feb. 14. We who live overseas can recall many occasions on which we have figured in the news with sufficient prominence to provoke comment in the Home newspapers, and in almost every instance there has been evidence of hopeless
      %uv vuaviiin n iiiv ii nvn Straits Tim os, Feb. 14.  -  218 words
    • 249 6 WILD LIFE things are, it is indefensible.—Straits Times, Feb. 14. Malaya is likely to receive a visit in the near future from M. J. de Chassarc, m. Belgian who is touring the East on a commission from Prince Leopold and the Belgian Government to inquire into the steps that are
      things are, it is indefensible.—Straits Times, Feb. 14.  -  249 words
    • 346 6 “SULEIMAN HOUSE —Straits Times, Feb. 14. A wave of extraordinary nomenclature naa come over Malaya in the last years. First Government House at Kuala Lumpur was transformed overnight into King's House, with the result that loyal Malays pointed out very forcibly that there was only one rumah raja in Selangor
      —Straits Times, Feb. 14.  -  346 words
    • 263 6 —Straits Times, Feb. 15. The Faculty of Hong Kong University must be heartily sorry that they invited Mr. Bernard Shaw to lecture to the students. To young men at Oxford or Cambridge, the address would have been innocuous enough. They know Mr. Shaw and realise
      —Straits Times, Feb. 15.  -  263 words
    • 332 6 c i"ht would make it seem so.”—Straits Times, Feb. 15. “Papers should n nation’s thoughts reflect,” says Mr. Litvinne, of Cologne, and ho is very severe on the English Press for its sensational headlines regarding Tost matches. But if he happened to work in an English newspaper office
      ci"ht would make it seem so.”—Straits Times, Feb. 15.  -  332 words
    • 332 6 —Straits Times, Feb. 15. “In the Malay Peninsula,” says a woman writer in the magazine Ania, “there arc many snisll towns where ft man can hunt, fish, play tennis and enjoy the society of English officials and business men. A couple could set up housekeeping there on a gracious
      —Straits Times, Feb. 15.  -  332 words

  • 408 6 (Credit Balance at End Of Year’s* Activities. i The report and accounts of the Eurasian Association, Singapore, for the year ended June 30, 1932, to be presented at the annual general meeting to be held on Tuesday, Feb. 21, at the S.R.C. at 5.30 p.m. reads, inter alia,
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  • 573 6 $1,000 Damages for Libel On Girl. (From Our Own Correspondent.) I Doll. Feb K “I find that he has published a ver* gross and offensive libel on the complain ant and that he published this defamatory statement to the prospective husband of the complainant and although
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  • 136 6 Great Improvement In Health. II. H. Tungku Abu Bnkar, the second sen of H. H. the Sultan of Johore, who wept to Switzerland some months ago with lung trouble is greatly improved m health and may return to Johore next I month. i A medical report states
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  • 370 7 Announcement At Y.W.C.A. Meeting. Am announcement that the U.S.A. ha>J withdrawn its support of Y.W.C.A. activities in India was made at the annual Meeting of the Young Women’s Christian Vssociation, Singapore, held at Raffles Quay on Tuesday, Mrs. B. C. Roberts, the president of the Malyan branch,
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  • 177 7 Brought By Air Mail Without Permit. Mr. B. F. Amsden of 41, Holland Road, learned to his cost on Tuesday that ignorance of the law is no excuse for inf ringng it when he was fined $200, or two nonths, by Mr. A. C. Boyd, the Singapore Fourth
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  • 109 7 Acquittal of Eurasian Boxer. The mystery of the death of a young Chinese Mohammedan woman named Piah, alias Puteh, in a house in Lorong ''tangee early in January still remains unsolved by the discharge of Harold Vincent Perreau, a well-known Eurasian boxer, by Mr. A. W. Hay,
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  • 222 7 Ordered by Flying Club Member. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Feb. 14. A member of the Kuala Lumpur Flying Club has ordered from England a Comper Swift aeroplane fitted with a Pobjoy engine, for private use. This will be the second aeroplane to be
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  • 305 7 Money Entrusted To Chinese. In the Supreme Court on Tuesday before Mr. Justice J. V. G. Mills, Wee Kee, represented by Mr. H. R. S. Zehnder, claime 1 from Chan Cheow Poh a sum of $4,400 alleged to be the balance of monies entrusted to him by
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  • 123 7 Man, Wife And Daughter In Hospital. A Eurasian, named L. A. Monteiro, his wife and a 12-year-old daughter were hit by stray pellets from a shot gun with which, it is believed, a teacher in the Geylang English School was shooting at a dog which had been
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  • 803 7 Consignment to Local Firm. i Smugglers of contraband made on unsuccessful attempt to avail themselves of the habit, common in Malaya, of including goods to be distributed among smaller firms among a consignment addressed to a well-established firm, counting on the reputation of the latter enable
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  • 373 7 Protest By Penang Commissioner. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Feb. 14. Nine formal items at today’s meeting of the Municipal Commissioners were gone through within five minutes, but Mr. Heah Joo Seang, the newest mem* i>er to the Municipal Board, made several interesting observations before
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  • 228 7 Secret Society Man Heavily Fined. Goh Eng Chang, appearing through his counsel, Mr. W. Demuth, pleaded for mitigation of sentence before Mr. H. A. Forrer, the Criminal District Judge, on Tuesday, when he pleaded guilty to going about in public armed with a dagger. Chief Court Inspector
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  • 45 7 A ten year old schoolboy of the Anglo-Chinese School, Fort Canning Road, was admitted to the General Hospital this morning in a very serious condition. The boy is said to have fallen while playing in the school ground and injured himself severely.
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  • Correspondence.
    • 413 8 Cordner’s Remark at An Inquest To the Editor of the Straits Tiires. Sir, —In your issue of Feb. 7 in the report of the coroner's inquest on Mrs. Garnett, certain statements gave a wn>ng impression regarding Christian Science. Will you kindly allow me a word in correction 7
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    • 561 8 DIVIDED ALLEGIANCE.” To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —I am a Chinese British subject, bom in Malaya, but not a Baba and as such I wish to endorse the tone, except in one respect of which more later, of your editorial under the above heading of Feb. 6.
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    • 170 8 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —It is declared that firing crackers j during Chinese New Year is “senseless and extravagant” and will be banned to a certain extent in the near future. The illiterate folk in Chinatown aie left in the dark as to
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    • 570 8 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,—-A few days ago a friend of mine returning to his home, travelling at night by motor-car along a lonely road in Pahang, had a meeting with a solitary bull elephant which must have given him a thrill sufficient for a lifetime.
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    • 450 8 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —In your issue of Feb. 10, your Planting correspondent makes reference to oidium leaf disease on rubber trees, and suggests that the soil condition may uave a lot to do with it. 1 beg to support that view and to give
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    • 209 8 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —The proposal of the Singapore Turf Club to discontinue the issue of ladies’ tickets is disappointing indeed. It certainly does not appear to be in accord with the sporting spirit hitherto displayed by the club. The system has, up
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  • 575 8 Johore Action. MALAY WOMEN’S PROPERTY. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Johore Bahru, Feb. U. In the Supreme Court before Mr. Jos. tioe Burton this morning, judgment was delivered in a case in which Inche Ahmad bin Haji Mohamod, well known in Johore, sued Inche Mohamed Nasir bin
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  • 50 8 Outbreak Reported In Province Wellesley. The Government Veterinary has received information that rabies n broken out at Bukit Mertajain, Provint Wellesley. The movement of dogs > n or out of Province Wellesley is prohi ed and a muzzling order will be similar to that which was rescinded May last
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  • 1026 9 Kuala Lumpur Fire. CITY FATHERS ASK THE REASON WHY. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Feb. 8. There was a sequel in the Sanitary Board meeting this morn ng to last week’s fire in which six garages, one ■notor-car and five motor-cycles were jestroyed. Mr. Khoo Teik
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  • 223 9 Raid on Chinese High School. Armed robbers have again been active in Singapore and, so far, two cases, accompanied by violence, have been reported. The first was in the early hours of Feb. 6, when, as has already been reported, eight Chinese, five armed with pistols and
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  • 163 9 MR. BARTON There Is £100 For You.” ‘‘Callihg Mr. H. Barton, Miri Sarawak, via Singapore. “Straits Times speaking. We have been advised from Dublin that you,, as, the holder of ticket No. BC***** in the Irish Sweep last October have not yet claimed your £100 prize. “The auditors have made
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  • 514 9 Man Complains of Wife’s Conduct A story of how his wife is said to have kindered his business prospects and by her actions prejudiced his employment in commercial offices, was told on Friday by Mr. Cyril William Mitchell, formerly of Lyons Motors, Ltd. who successfully sought
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  • 51 9 Road Construction Does Not Appeal In Siam. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok, Feb. 9. A scheme to provide work for unemployed on road construction has proved unsuccessful. The Government was prepared to provide work for 1,200 men. Only 84 accepted and of these 20 withdrew within three
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  • 70 9 Alleged Criminal Breach Of Trust. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Pena, ig, Feb. K. Carlow Da Silva, a Eurasian, until recently a bookkeeper to the Successors of Moine Comte, agents for the Menageries Maritime* line, was (harped in tho police court here today with criminal breach of t»ust in
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  • 627 9 BEGGS ENTITLED TO PROTECTION.” Sequel to Assault. “PATHETIC STATEMENT” READ IN COURT. The assault on Mr. and Mrs. Begg outside the Calcutta Caf6 in the early hours of the morning of Oct. 28, when they were stated to have been pushed to the ground and kicked, was recalled by an
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  • 65 9 Hotel Company Formed Scheme for School. The Straits Times is informed upon inquiry that arrangements for the construction of a hotel at Cameron Highlands are not yet complete. A company has been formed and the matter is still under consideration. Miss Griflith-Jones, of Tanglin Schdol, Singapore, states that,
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  • 570 10 The California State. NAUTICAL SCHOOL AT SINGAPORE. Alongside the East Wharf this week was the first American metcantile marine training ship to make a world cruise. This was the California State (operated by the California Nautical School, the youngest institution of its kind in the United
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  • 121 10 Funeral At Bidadari Cemetery. The funeral of Mr. C. Fredrick took place at Bidadari Cemetery on Saturday. There was a large gathering of relatives and friends. Wreaths were sent by the following: His wife and children, Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Row and family, the Wesley Sunday
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  • 175 10 Malay Youth Willing To Accept $20. If someone fractured your jaw how much would you charge for it? There is a Malay youth in Singapore, Eusop bin Abdullah, who is quite willing to accept $20 for undergoing that experience. He said so in so
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  • 234 10 Highest Percentage Of Cambridge Passes. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Senemban, Feb. 11. Speech Day, usually a red letter day at King George V school here, was marked by customary enthusiasm last night. His Highness the Yam Tuan, who was to have presented the prizes was unavoidably absent owing
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  • 49 10 Another Attempt to Wreck A Train. An attempt at train wrecking was reported about a few days ago between Tasek and Ipoh, states the Times of Malaya. Rumour has it that the attempt was discovered at exactly the same spot where a similar incident occurred lasfr year.
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  • 72 10 Malay Woman Acquitted In Selangor. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Feb. 10. The unusual spectacle of a Malay woman in the dock on a charge of bigamy was seen at the Selangor Asidzes yesterday. She was acquitted on the ground that the second marriage had no
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  • 628 10 Death of Mr. George Peet. An open verdict was returned by Mr. F. G. Bourne, the Singapore Coroner, on Monday at the conclusion of the inquiry into the ueath of Mr. George Peet, an engineer at St. James’ power station on the night of Jan. 22. In
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  • 109 10 Loan of Tcs. 6,000,000 For Deepening (From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok, Feb. 12. It is stated that the Government is considering floating an internal loan of Tcs. 6,000,000, 4Vfc per cent, at par, to be used principally for deepening the bar in the river. The loan is not
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  • 490 10 Four Representatives F 0 Perak. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Feb. 13 Little has been heard of thp 1 formed Malay States Association since"* participated in the conference of n .i/ bodies which presented a memorial L c Samuel Wilson. 10 olf The Association
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  • 143 10 German Couple in Ford Car. A small Ford car arrived in Singapor* on Friday morning after having be 11 driven overland from Cologne since October of last year. Its occupants are T t young Germans, Frau E. Dorner and He H. Blenck, who are on a leisurely
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  • 1130 11 Boyanese Intruder. AND THE GIRL WHO SLAPPED HIM. Allegations that he had been kicked h iui assaulted by *an inspector of police a t a station in attempts to make him confess to a crime he had not committed, were made by a well-built young Boyanese, Awi
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  • 369 11 Hindu Community Celebrates. The 15th day of the first moon, which marks the end of the Chinese New Year festivities, fell on Feb. 9 and coincided with the second of the three days’ Hindu festival, Thaipusam, the time when Subraraaniam appeared to his devotees so that the town presented
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  • 528 11 Y.M.C.A. in Another Light. Dramatic art is so rare a feature of the life of Singapore today that every new effort towards its more general expression must immediately find ite support from the impoverished public of what G. B. Shaw has described as the “Clapham Junction
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  • 141 11 Three Dollars A Month Fee Unpopular. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur. Feb. 8. The question of how best to secure ade* quate maintenance of private septic tanks was discussed again by the Kuala Lumpur Sanitary Boaid today. It wus explained that last June the Board agreed
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  • 511 11 Music Inspired By A Painting. There was a marked absence of the more “solid” composers, such as Bach and Beethoven, at the final recital given by Benno Moiseiwitsch in the Victoria Memorial Hall on Feb. A but in spite of it* light nature the programme was
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  • 193 11 Revenue Officers Get Big Drug Haul. A sampan anchored off Kampong Malacca, in the Singapore River, was examined by Revenue officers. A huul of $1,240 worth of chandu and $230 of opium came their way. The sequel was that two Chinese appeared before Mr. H. A. Forrer, the
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  • 1556 12 Singapore Appeal. ABE THE CASH SWEEPS ILLEGAL TOO? Does the racecourse constitute a common betting place? That was one of the vexed questions raised during the hearing, on Saturday, in the Court of Appeal, com8 rising the Chief Justice (Sir William iurison) (president), Mr. .Justice
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  • 259 12 Sequel to Collision In Orchard Road. Fine* totalling $25 were imposed by Mr. A. C. Boyd, the Fourth Police Magi» tvate, on Saturday, on Mrs. Cornelia Le Due Mantz. a Dutch subject, who was found guilty of rash and negligent driving, and had pleaded guilty to
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  • 185 12 Mr. E. N. Taylor and Miss M. Howes. The wedding took place at St. Andrew’s Cathedral on Feb. 8 of Mr. Evan Nuttal Taylor, M.C.S. the assistant Official Assignee, son of the late Mr. T. A. Taylor and Mrs. Taylor of Leek, Staffordshire, and Miss Margaret Howes daughter
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  • 199 12 Pyjamas Dance Suggested In Kuala Lumpur. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Feb. 11. A beach pyjamas dance and a cabaret show were among the suggestions for celebrating the day of England’s patron saint which were put forward at the annual meeting of the Selangor branch of
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  • 704 12 Judgment Reserved In Will Case. After a hearing lasting 16 days a cn of great interest involving a huge of money, has just concluded i n th Supreme Court and judgment was reserc* ed by the Chief Justice (Sir Willem Murison). m The suit is brought by
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  • 38 12 An American passenger on the. P re /j* dent Polk had an epileptic fit in J circle of the Alhambra Theatre on Sunaay and was removed in a semi-conscio condition to the General Hospital.
    38 words

  • 2889 13 Oidium Disease In Malaya—Is It A Real Menace?—Disagreement With The R.R.I. —Disused Bungaloivs And Lines Depreciation Problems Latex Costs. (By Oar Planting Correspondent) IN some quarters the view is being put forward that the leaf disease of oidium is approaching the proportions of a menace to the
    2,889 words

  • 229 14 Retirement of Sir William Murison. We are authorised to say that Sir William Murison, the Chief Justice, S.S., will go on leave by the Ranpura from Singapore on Apr. 14, and that upon the expiration of his leave, on Sept. 2, he will definitely retire from the
    229 words
  • 267 14 Fines Total $11,090 In Three Court Cases. Fines and sentences totalling $11,090 and four years and seven months, respectively, were inflicted upon three Chinese and a Malay woman in three different cases brought by the Government Monopolies, before Mr. H. A. Forrer, the Criminal District Judge, on
    267 words
  • 39 14 Presentation By The Pope To Dr. Kung. 'Hie Pope received Dr. Kung, the Chinese Minister for Labour, in private audience today and presented him with a gold medal. Dr. Kung is a brother-in-law of Chiang Kai-shek.
    39 words
  • 719 14 Assault Charge. i MAGISTRATE’S COMMENT ON EVIDENCE. That some of the evidence of the prosecution hud been maliciously exaggerated was a remark made by Mr. A. C. Boyd, the Fourth Police Magistrate, on Saturday, when he delivered judgment in the case in which Mr.
    719 words
  • 294 14 Chettiar Couples Reach Malaya. The s.s. Kajula arrived from India on Saturday. The voyage has been unique. Ever since first visited the shores of Malaya they have made the journey without their wives. It has been the custom to leave them behind. True to a promise
    294 words
  • 168 14 Aircraft Difficulty Overcome. A simple but useful instrument for use in connection with the refuelling of aeroplane petrol tanks has been invented by Mr. W. J. Clennell, an assistant in the Asiatic Petroleum Company, who has just been transferred from Bangkok to Singapore. Patent right have been applied
    168 words
  • 101 14 Death of Former Resident Of Singapore. A cable received from London announces the dea f h on Tuesday of Mrs. E. Bean, wife of Mr. A. W. Bean, who was formerly a partner in Robinson and Co., Ltd. Mrs. Bean lived in Singapore for about 30 years
    101 words
  • 72 14 The death took place in London, of Mr. R. D. Young who was for many years in the Mercantile Bank in Singapore as Chief accountant and later as manager. Mr. Young left Malaya in 1911 and after holding managerships in Madras and Bombay, joined the Eastern
    72 words
  • 780 14 The Soon Lee Sails. SINGAPORE MEN IN BIG ADVENTURE. If all goes well, in ten months tim# the queerest vessel Southampton has ever seen will anchor in the harbour with two young Singapore men. M r Collin S. Brisbane and Mr. James W* Leach, and
    780 words

  • 2854 15 A Sidelight On The Slump —Pigs In A Bungalow!—Jottings On An Estate —A Garden’s Happy Memories—Visiting A Malay Pioneer—A Helping Hand For Ramasamy. (By Our Kuala Lumpur Correspondent.) BECAUSE it was such a curious mixture of tragedy and comedy an incident which happened last
    2,854 words
  • 59 15 Protest At Ottawa Duties. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok, Feb. 9. It is rumoured that the Siamese Foreign Ministry has handed a note to the British Legation drawing attention to the probable effect of the Ottawa duties on Siam's rice trade. It is felt that Siam will
    59 words

  • 2360 16 City Magnate’s Plain Statement. IMPRACTICABLE. But Rubber Outlook Not Hopeless. No doubt was left as to his attitude towards rubber restriction by Mr. J. G. Hay, a former chairman of the Rubber Growers’ Association, in an address at Kuala I.umpur on Feb. 8. After an able
    2,360 words
  • 384 16 “Petitions” Allowed But Not “Appeals.” (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Feb. 8. The attempt which is being made la tin- Kuala Lumpur Sanitary Board n assist ratepayers who are in came up for discussion again at the meeting of that body this morning. Mr.
    384 words

  • PAST WEEK’S IMPERIAL AND GENERAL NEWS Contained in Reuter, British Imperial Radio and Special Telegrams.
    • 417 21 —Reuter. Strong Guard at Udder Naval Base. QUEEN RETURNS. General Situation Serious. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Feb. 11. In consequence of unrest among the al personnel at Amsterdam, all leave J? been cancelled and all naval barracks strongly guarded by military and police. The general political
      —Reuter.  -  417 words
    • 95 21 Ratings From De Zeven Provincien. Marine police guarded the K.PJVI. steamer Van Outhoorn when she anchored in the inner roads of the Singapore Harbour on Monday until they left for Batavia at noon. On board were four officers, 26 European and 66 native ratings of the battleship De
      95 words
    • 380 21 Aneta-Trans-Ocean. Three Killed And Many Injured. Amsterdam, Feb. 9. Serious riots are reported from the Dutch West Indies. Three people were killed and six seriously injured, while large number were slightly injured. Most of the casualties occurred in street fighting between troops and a mob in Paramaribo,
      Aneta-Trans-Ocean.  -  380 words
    • 155 21 I. —Reuter. Hundred Dead and 1,000 Injured. Neuenkirchen, Feb. 12. The death roll in the gasometer explosion is now estimated to be at least a hundred. About 1,000 were injured. Cologne, Feb. 11. It is believed that the Neuenkirchen disaster was due to the explosion of a petrol
      I.—Reuter.  -  155 words
    • 38 21 l. —Reuter. Sale Of 22,000 Tons To China. Buenos Aires, Feb. 9. Argentine wheat to tho amount of 22,000 tons has been sold to Shanghai millers and will be shipped before the end of the month.—Reuter.
      l.—Reuter.  -  38 words
    • 851 21 —Reuter. Sir William Robertson. SUDDEN DEATH IN LONDON. London, Feb. 12. Field-Marshal Sir William Robertson, died suddenly in bed at his London home today, at the age of 73.—Reuter. Never has the Napoleonic dictum that every soldier, carries a field-marshal’s baton in his knapsack been
      —Reuter.  -  851 words
    • 148 21 >. —Reuter. Sino-Soviet Alliance Rumours. Tokio, Peb. 10. According to a report received from the Foreign Office, apparently emanating from the Japanese Legation at Shanghai, Mr. Eugene Chen, the ex-Foreign Minister, who has recently returned from Europe, is quoted as intimating that ho has assisted in the
      >.—Reuter.  -  148 words
    • 53 21 U —Tass. Soviet Ethnographic Expedition. Moscow, Jan. 28. An ethnographic expedition to the Philippines, Malaya, Netherlands India and the shores of the African continent is being organised by the Museum o# Anthropology of the U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences. The expedition will be absent from the U S.S.R. for
      U—Tass.  -  53 words
    • 40 21 —Reuter. Berlin, Feb. 9. The Bavarian Diet adopted a Nazi mo. tion demanding that the Government of the reich should nationalise big hanking concerns for the purpose of reducing Interest rates and safeguarding the Reich’s subsidies to banks.—Reuter.
      —Reuter.  -  40 words
    • 309 22 Municipality.—Sin Kuo Min and Sin Chew Jit Poh. Violation of Truce? REPLY TO JAPANESE PROTEST. Shanghai, Feb. 10. A protect has been lodged with the Chinese authorities by the Consulate in Shanghai complaining that the agreement of May 5 of last year has been violated
      Municipality.—Sin Kuo Min and Sin Chew Jit Poh.  -  309 words
    • 85 22 !S. —Reuter. Two Europeans Injured In Hong Kong. Hong Kong, Feb. 12. Mr. R. J. K. Walker and Mr. H. S. Foster were among those injured as a result of an oil drum explosion at the Asiatic Petroleum Co. North Point Installation, near here. It was followed by
      !S.—Reuter.  -  85 words
    • 34 22 Southampton flying boats.—British Wireless. Flying Boats Ordered By Turkey. Rugby, Feb. 9. Vickers Supermanne Aviation Works at Southamiiton have received an order from the Turkish Government for six Southampton flying boats.—British Wire-
      Southampton flying boats.—British Wireless.  -  34 words
    • 44 22 —Reuter Atlantic Fleet To Remain In Pacific. Washington, Feb. 10. The United States Atlantic Fleet will probably remain in the Pacific until July 1, 1934, in the interests of oeonomy," according to an announcement by Admiral Pratt, Chief of Naval Operations. —Reuter
      .—Reuter  -  44 words
    • 51 22 it the Colonial Empire. British Wire-, Uss. Death Of Commissioner For Agriculture. Rugby, Feb. 10. The death has occurred of Sir Daniel Morris, aged 84, formerly Imperial Commissioner for Agriculture in the West Indies, who devoted his life to furthering botanical and agricultural developments the Colonial Empire.—British
      it the Colonial Empire.—British Wire-, Uss.  -  51 words
    • 402 22 ,—Reuter. If League Gives Way To Japan. London, Feb. 10. It is now unmistakably clear, says the Spectator, that the League Assembly, when it meets, is to be called on to declare definitely against recognition, de facto or de jure, of Manchukuo, and the United States, the Soviet
      ,—Reuter.  -  402 words
    • 64 22 —Aneta-Trans-Ocean. Japanese Manoeuvres On Soviet Frontier. Tokio, Feb. 8. Japanese army manoeuvres will be held in the second half of March on the Soviet Russian frontier. The Foreign Office intends to explain to the Soviet Ambassador that no political significance attaches to the manoeuvres. Tie sector chosen is
      —Aneta-Trans-Ocean.  -  64 words
    • 176 22 —Reuter Wireless. Still Regarded As Land Of Promise. Rugby, Feb. 10. The members of the Argentine Mission today made a tour of the Port of London, cruising in a motor launch through some of the main docks and up the Thames. They were entertained to lunchean at the
      .—Reuter Wireless.  -  176 words
    • 130 22 Hopes That Work Will Be Resumed. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Feb. 11. Croat excitement has been caused on the Clydeside by the publication of a newspaper report that work on the giant Cunarder, No. 534, is to be definitely resumed next month. It was recently announced that
      130 words
    • 105 22 Reuter. Deliberately ;Set on Fire Arrest Imminent. Paris, Feb. 8. The arrest of a man who is believed delil>erately to have set fire to the French liner Atlantiquc is imminent. It is understood that he is regarded as the agent of an anti-French organisation, a member of a
      Reuter.  -  105 words
    • 92 22 Reuter. Commanded Cruiser Force At Heligoland. London, Feb. 12. The death is announced of Admiral Sir Henry Campbell.—Reuter. Admiral C ampbell was 68 years of age and retired in 1917 after a distinguished War record. He commanded the cruiser force during the Heligoland action of 1914, for his
      Reuter.  -  92 words
    • 65 22 .—Reuter. Drastic Reductions By Great Northern. London, Feb. 10. As a sequel to the Ulster railway strike, the Great Northern Railway Company is reported to have decided permanently to close the unremunerative sections of the system and drastically reduce the number of trains on other sections. Dockers at
      .—Reuter.  -  65 words
    • 67 22 ,—Reuter. French Airmen Land At Casablanca. Casablanca, Feb. 10. The French airmen Boussoutrot and Rossi failed in their attempt to break the long distance non-stop record and landed here. They started from Marseilles at 7.48 in the aeroplane Joseph le Brix, hoping to reach Buenos Aires.—Reuter. Boussoutrot and
      ,—Reuter.  -  67 words
    • 38 22 .—Reuter Wireless. New British Contracts To Be Placed. London, Feb. 7. The Admiralty announces that contracts for three cruisers, one flotilla leader, eight destroyers and two sloops, in the 1932 programme will be placed shortly.—-Reuter Wireless.
      .—Reuter Wireless.  -  38 words
    • 128 22 League “Insults” Japan. MANCHUKUO NOT TO Rp RECOGNISED. Tokio, Feb. 10. The Committee of Nineteen’s reque that Japan should accept the principle of non-recognition of Manchukuo has arou* ed the resentment of the Foreign Office whose spokesman deelared that the League was making a studied
      128 words
    • 254 22 .—Reuter. Death of Sir Arthur Thomson. London, Feb. 12. The death is announced of Sir John Arthur Thomson, the famous scientist, in his 72nd year.—Reuter. Professor Thomson, the man who popularised biological science, retired from the Choir of Natural History at Aberdeen Univeisity in 1930, after holding the
      .—Reuter.  -  254 words
    • 71 22 Outbreak On British Cargo Boat. Rugby, Feb. 6. A Furness Withy cargo steamer, the Pacific Shipper, 6,300 tons, with, a ctv 'f of 47 bound from London to Portland, Oregon has reported that her engine room is ablaze and that the fire was spreading when 15 miles off
      71 words
    • 390 23 EVERYTHING ALL RIGHT.” .—Aneta- > T o Communistic Leanings. PURSUIT GOES ON. Ready to Surrender On Terms. Batavia, Feb. 9. mutineers on the Battleship De Th n e t. r ovincien have sent the following messace to their commander, w re S on board the steamer Endanus, one of the
      .—Aneta-  -  390 words
    • 220 23 Commander And 20 Officers Ashore. c ()ur Medan correspondent sends the ‘Ollowinjj further account of the start of tnc mutiny:— trouble started, with the a tleship anchored at Olehleh, the com* amier anj twenty officers were attend-*un<-*tion at the Atjeh Club, Kota dJa< t)ne officer escaped from
      220 words
    • 244 23 KING’S PALACE FOR SALE London Rumours. WHOLE AREA MAY BE COMMERCIALISED. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Feb. 8. It is rumoured that the King is planning to sell Buckingham Palace and recondition Kensington Palace as the principal Royal residence in London. It is believed that the Crown’s concession to a
      244 words
    • 161 23 Mr. Eric Miller On The Position. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Feb. 8. Too many producers continuing to turn out all they can with the result that surplus stocks have accumulated on a vast scale in the United States and the industry as a whole is slowly but
      161 words
    • 39 23 Reuter. Four Men Killed In Hampshire. London, Feb. 8. Four members of the R.A.F. were killed when a Virginia Bomber crashed into a tree at Wexcombe, Hampshire and burst into flames. One of the occupants escaped injury.—Reuter.
      Reuter.  -  39 words
    • 55 23 Reuter. Three Lives Lost In Tokio Bay. Tokio, Feb. 9. Developing engine trouble, one of the Japanese Navy’s latest and largest flyingboats plunged into Tokio Bay last night. A lieutenant-commander and two potty, officers were trapped in the fuselage and drowned. The remaining seven of the crew
      Reuter.  -  55 words
    • 217 23 Reuter. Seventy Killed. EXPLOSION OF A GASOMETER. Cologne, Feb. 10. At least a hundred people were killed and a thousand injured through the explosion of the largest gasometer in Saar, at Neuenkirchen. Telephones and telegraphs were destroyed. The flames were seen thirty miles away. Latex. It
      Reuter.  -  217 words
    • 165 23 .—Reuter. India Should Reduce Duty.” I London, Feb. 8. The House of Commons discussed the Lancashire cotton industry on the motion of Sir Walter Smiles (Cons., Blackburn) drawing attention to the decline in exports and v r R* n the Government to assist the industry. Sir Walter referred
      .—Reuter.  -  165 words
    • 132 23 ,—Reuter. Macedonia Brotherhood Tn Bulgaria. Sofia, Feb. 10. An ominous situation is developing in Bulgarian Macedonia in view of the Grand Congress of Macedonian Brotherhoods at Gornajumaja on Sunday, at which the autonomy of Macedonia will be proclaimed. The Government has given orders for troops to be sent
      ,—Reuter.  -  132 words
    • 545 23 .—Reuter. 6,000 Miles Non-Stop. TRIUMPH FOR AIR FORCE. Cape Town, Feb. 8. Squadron Leader O. R. Gayford and Flight-Lieut. E. Nicholetts, flying a Fairey-Napier monoplane, beat the long distance non-stop record at 10 p.ra. Greenwich mean time when they reached latitude 18.30 south. The airmen alighted
      .—Reuter.  -  545 words
    • 73 23 Reuter. 50 People Hurt and Much Damage. Berlin, Feb. 8. Farthquake shocks, were felt over a larpe area of South Germany this morning-. RastofT and Baden were the greatest sufferers, and it is reported that 50 people were hurt and considerable damage to property was done. Damage was
      Reuter.  -  73 words
    • 658 24 —Aneta. Bomb Sets Fire To Vessel. TAPTURE TODAY. End of Adventurous Exploit. Batavia, Feb. 10, 10.47 a.m. The commander of the pursuing squadron sent a wireless message to the mutineers summoning them to surrendei unconditionally or force would bo used. He demanded that a flag should
      .—Aneta.  -  658 words
    • 175 24 —Aneta-Trans-Ocean. Suppressing Subversive Influences. Amsterdam, Feb. 8. Doubt has been expressed as to whether the crews of the vessels pursuing the mutineers could be induced to fire on them. More faith was expressed in the power of the seaplanes’ bombs a3 an argument. The Minister of National Defence
      —Aneta-Trans-Ocean.  -  175 words
    • 140 24 —Reuter. Reuter Wireless. Britain Not Prepared To Return. London, Feb. 9. In the House of Commons Mr. MacDonald indicated that Great Britain was not prepared to return to the gold standard in present circumstances. On the contrary, there were a great number of economic and financial conditions which
      —Reuter.; Reuter Wireless.  -  140 words
    • 101 24 ,—Reuter. Adverse Vote in Lower House. The Hague, Feb. 9. There is a possibility that the Cabinet will resign following an adverse vote in the Lower House on a Government Bill for reorganisation of the judiciary, immediate discussion of which the Government made a matter of confidence. The
      ,—Reuter.  -  101 words
    • 64 24 with a view to a settlement.—Reuter Wire-lees. Company Starts Direct Negotiations. London, Fob. 7. When the House of Commons reassembled today Sir John Simon, replying to questions, outlined the agreement reached by the League Council in the Anglo-Per-sian dispute and stated the Persian Oil Co. was about t;>
      with a view to a settlement.—Reuter Wire-lees.  -  64 words
    • 494 24 Reuter. Another Fine Feat By British Airman. London, Feb. 9. Mr. J. A. Mollison arrived at Port Natal at (5.20 p.m., Greenwich mean time, comi pleting his lone flight from England. The French machine Arc en Ciel recently crossed the South Atlantic in 14 hours 27
      Reuter.  -  494 words
    • 89 24 it.—Reuter. Plea for Appointment Of Ambassador. London, Feb. 10. Raising the British representatives in China to the rank of Ambassador is suggested by Mr. O. M. Green, formerly editor of the North-China Daily News, in an article in the Daily Telegraph. Such a change, he says, would
      it.—Reuter.  -  89 words
    • 66 24 —Reuter. Agreement Extended For Three Years. Nanking, Feb. 9. The Foreign Office announces that as a result of conversations between the Chinese authorities and the representatives of the Power concerned, it has been decided that the agreement relating to the Chinese courts in the Shanghai International Settlement and
      .—Reuter.  -  66 words
    • 499 24 —Aneta. Eighteen Killed By Bomb. FINAL SCENES. Every Opportunity To Surrender. Batavia, Feb. H. Giving a detailed account of the bomb ing of the mutineers, the Navy Depart! ment states that the bomb struck the Zeven Provincien on the port side forward of the forward funnel, aid
      —Aneta.  -  499 words
    • 40 24 Reuter. Imperial Communications Co. Moves In. London, Feb. 19. The Imperial Communications CompnWhas decided to occupy the new £-59, building on the Embankment which w. completed a year ago but was not <** cupied owing to the financial crisis.
      Reuter.  -  40 words
    • 109 25 —Reuter. japan’s Withdrawal From The League FIRM STAND. Geneva Supports Lytton Commission. Washington, Feb. 13. japan’s withdrawal from the League regarded as a foregone conclusion. Genuine apprehension exists in official eireles. who feel that a large ccale war 0VeV Manchuria is inevitable. Many expect that Japan
      .—Reuter.  -  109 words
    • 494 25 .—Reuter. Mr. Matsuoka’s Warning At Geneva. Geneva, Feb. 13. The Committee of Nineteen adopted The first three parts of the report of the drafting sub-committee, and will discuss the question of the recommendations tomorrow. Of the parts now adopted, part ono endorses the Lytton Commission’s report, part
      .—Reuter.  -  494 words
    • 181 25 Sin Chew Jit Pnh. ,—S?n Kuo Min. Will Not Supply Arms To Japan. Shanghai, Feb. 14. A special Sin Kuo Min message says that Col. Henry L. Stinson, the United States Secretary of State, has written to the Foreign Affairs Committee of Congress to the effect that if
      Sin Chew Jit Pnh.; ,—S?n Kuo Min.  -  181 words
    • 203 25 :.—Aneta-Trans-Ocean. Committee of Nineteen’s Private Debate. Geneva, Feb. 11. The new Japanese proposals, which, it is declared in Japanese quarters, constitute Japan’s last word on the Manchurian conflict formed the subject of a private debate of the Committee of Nineteen which, according to authoritative quarters, expressed satisfaction
      :.—Aneta-Trans-Ocean.  -  203 words
    • 201 25 —Aneta-Havas. Not Recognised by Japan In Manchuria. Geneva, Feb. 11. The official spokesman of the Japanese delegation, Mr. Matsuoka, made the following statement to the representative of the Havas Agency at Geneva Our Government will have been surprised to learn that, at the very moment, when, thanks to
      —Aneta-Havas.  -  201 words
    • 92 25 —Reuter. Big Concentration In The Pacific. London, Feb. 13. The Daily Express naval correspondent refers to the forthcoming exercises of the combined Atlantic and Pacific fleets of the United States, which will be on the largest scale ever known. The fleets will consist of 104 battleships, cruisers,
      .—Reuter.  -  92 words
    • 238 25 Reuter. German Indignation Over Speech. Berlin, Feb. 9. M. Paul Boncour’s speech at Geneva winding up the debate on the French disarmament plan, in which he maintained that in spite of the opposition of most nations the French plan was still the best, has provoked intense indignation in Nazi
      Reuter.  -  238 words
    • 99 25 Reuter. Vigorous Methods Continue in Germany. Berlin, Feb. 13. The provincial governments ns well as the Reich Government are continuing to work to suppress all incitements to disorder throughout the Reich. The Nazi Government of Thuringia has forbidden the display of red flags, while the election appeal of
      Reuter.  -  99 words
    • 73 25 British Wireless. Lunch And Dinner By Premier. Rugby, Feb. 8. Dr. Julia Koea and other members f the special mission from the Argentine Government were the guests of the Prime Minister at a luncheon at No. 10 Downing Street today. This evening a dinner was given in their
      British Wireless.  -  73 words
    • 56 25 i.—Ancta-T rans-Occan. Berlin, Feb. 10. The cover ratio of currency has increased by 0.8 per cent, to 28.4 during the past week according to the official Reichsbank returns. The increase is exclusively due to the shrinkage in the note circulation as bullion an I foreign currency reserves show
      i.—Ancta-T rans-Occan.  -  56 words
    • 216 25 HONOUR SLAYING CASE. Renter. Accused Acquitted. HONOLULU MURDER RECALLED. Honolulu, Feb. 14. The case against the alleged assailants of Mrs. Massie was dismissed on the recommendation of the Public Prosecutor, ns investigations failed to substantiate Mrs. Massie’s identification of five natives accused of assault including the murdered man Kahahawai. The
      Renter.  -  216 words
    • 115 25 Reuter. Mr. Shaw Startles Hong Kong University. Hong Kong, Feb. 13. Mr. Bernard Shaw, breaking his resolution not to lecture on his world trip, startled the Hong Kong University and the faculty this afternoon with a typical Shavian address. He urged the students to steep themselves in revolutionary
      ”— Reuter.  -  115 words
    • 97 25 SMALLPOX ON P. O. the passengers were vaccinated.—Reuter Wireless. Christian Scientist Who Did Not See Doctor. London, Feb. 9. W hen the I*, and O. liner Strathaird arrived at Plymouth flying the yellow flag to indicate the possibility of contagious disease aboard, it was learned that a case of smallpox
      the passengers were vaccinated.—Reuter Wireless.  -  97 words
    • 52 25 I.— Reuter Wireless. Bill To Provide For Better Transport. London, Feb. 7. As a sequel to the railway and road* dispute, the Minister of Transport anr nounces that Government will introduce at an early date a Bill providing for the licensing and better transport of gtnxLv by
      I.— Reuter Wireless.  -  52 words
    • 52 25 —Reuter. Resentment Against Economy Measures. The Hague, Feb. 10. I he Queen, who is residing in Switzerland, will return immediately to The Hague in connection with the Cabinet crisis, which arose owing to the suspension for reasons of economy of a number of tribunals as district courts
      —Reuter.  -  52 words
    • 450 26 Reuter. Changed Bearing. HAVING ITS EFFECT ON TOKIO. Geneva, Feb. 11. The drafting sub-committee has agree 1 to the text of the recommendations, which, after the Committee of Nineteen’* approval will be submitted with the rest ol the report to the Assembly, probably mi
      ;.— Reuter.  -  450 words
    • 62 26 itself has been defeated by Japan.— Sin Chew Jit Poh. Why League Cannot Help China. Shanghai, Feb. 1“. Mr. George Bernard Shaw arrived in Hong Kong on Saturday morning and in the course of an interview raid that China need not expect the League of Nations to do
      itself has been defeated by Japan.— Sin Chew Jit Poh.  -  62 words
    • 123 26 I Reuter. M.C.C. Sportsmanship Not Questioned. Melbourne, Feb. 8. The Australian Board of Control has replied to the M.C.C. as follows regarding the use of the word “unsportsmanlike.” in the first cable of protest against “body line” bowling:—“We do not regard the sportsmanship of your team as
      I Reuter.  -  123 words
    • 249 26 —Reuter. Reuter Wireless. IJ.S. View of Debt Conference. New York, Feb. 12. Efforts arc in progress on behalf of Mr. Roosevelt and Mr. Hoover to make it clear to Great Britain and other debtors that an adamant stand by them against trade and tariff concessions in
      —Reuter.; Reuter Wireless.  -  249 words
    • 249 26 son is a Scotsman aged -7.—British Wireless. South Atlantic Flight Was Unexciting.” Rugby, Feb. 10. By flying 4,110 miles from Lympne to Port Natal in Brazil in less than three and a half days Mr. J. A. Mollison has established a fresh record for the EuropeSouth America flight.
      son is a Scotsman aged -7.—British Wireless.  -  249 words
    • 92 26 I.—Reuter. Followers of Former President. Santiago de Chile, Feb. 12. An insurrection, in which the navy and part of the army are said to be taking the lead is reported to have broken out in Peru. It is centred on Arica and is led by Colonel Osorio Jimenez.
      I.—Reuter.  -  92 words
    • 38 26 It.—Reuter. Six Months and Fine Of 500 Rupees. Bombay, Feb. 8. Mrs. Gandhi has been sentenced in the Borsad police court to six months’ imprisonment and a fine of 500 rupees, or six weeks in default.—Reuter.
      It.—Reuter.  -  38 words
    • 174 26 1.—Reuter Wireless. To Stay Come What May.” Berlin, Feb. 12. We are determined to stay, come what may,” declared the nationalist leader General llugenberg at a mass meeting at the Sports Palace this evening. Ilerr Papon and Herr Seldte were also present. They stood under the old
      1.—Reuter Wireless.  -  174 words
    • 218 26 British Wireless. Disarmament Conference’s Slow Progress. Rugby, Feb. 9. Questioned in the House of Commons regarding the recent British suggestions for speeding up and making effective the programme of work at the Disarmament Conference, Mr. MacDonald said that so far as the air was concerned it remained the
      British Wireless.  -  218 words
    • 45 26 Aneta-Havas. Wants Immigration Tax Stopped. Shanghai, Feb. G. The Government organisation in charge of oversea Chinese interests has asked the Foreign Minister to protest to the British and Dutch governments against the immigration taxes recently imposed in Malava and the Dutch East Indies.—
      Aneta-Havas.  -  45 words
    • 49 26 Reuter Wireless. Deficit Less Than M. Cheron Thought. Paris, Feb. 7. According to the figures of the new Government, the Budget deficit is 5.500.000.000 francs and not 10,000.000,000 as M. Cheron. the last Minister of Finance maintained. The deficit will be covered ly economies and increased taxes.—
      Reuter Wireless.  -  49 words
    • 42 26 Reuter. Contemplates Non-Stop Flight To Australia London, Feb. 10. The newspapers state that Sir Alan Cobham and Squadron Leader W. Hchnore will shortly attempt to make an England to Australia flight non-stop in five days, refuelling in the air.—Reuter.
      Reuter.  -  42 words
    • 75 26 Reuter. Seaforth Officer Under Arrest in Tower. London, Feb. 8 The War Office states that an officer of the Seaforth Highlanders is under arrest in the Tower of London charged with an alleged offence under the Official Secrets Act. An earlier report quoted the Daily Express
      Reuter.  -  75 words
    • 193 26 British Wireless. Welcomed by Prince Of Wales. Rugby, Feb. V. The Prince of Wales, in the uniform of a Colonel of the Irish Guards, was present at Victoria Station this afternoon to welcome, on behalf of The King, I)r. Julio Roca, viee-Presddent of tlv Argentine Republic, who with
      British Wireless.  -  193 words
    • 107 26 .—Reuter. Rumours of Large Orders For Munitions. Toronto. Feb. fi Persistent rumours that the International Nickel Co. has received larce orders front the Orient for munition purposes, though denied by the general manager of the company, have led the largest volume of trading in the company's shares
      .—Reuter.  -  107 words
    • 106 26 Bankruptcy Scandal In Batavia. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Medan, Feb. t»A big failure in Batavia has caused fc sensation, one of the oldest and known Chinese firms, Tet Hoo, in-mg proved insolvent. The liabilities are o00 000 guilders. t ,a the biggest part owing to European < |c
      106 words
    • 53 26 —Reuto Still No Prospect Of Settlement. Belfast, Feb. 1--The railway strike remains at a d< c lock with no immediate prospect settlement. a Another outrage occurred yesterda. railway bridge at Donegal being > up with gelignite. It w’as discov just before a train was due. Civic g are
      —Reuto  -  53 words
    • 139 27 i.—Reuter. Mr. Hoover’s Views. W\R DEBT PAYMENTS might HELP. New York, Feb. 14. Tho restoration of an international J d standard was ureed by President V, r in a Lincoln Dav address at the National Republican Club. It was not for nations not on the gold
      i.—Reuter.  -  139 words
    • 145 27 —Reuter. Settlement Essential For World Prosperity. London, Feb. 13. Making a statement in the House of Commons on the forthcoming AngloAmerican conversations, Mr. MacDonald said While the settlement of the War debts was essential for the revival of world prosperity, we always recognised that there are a number
      ”—Reuter.  -  145 words
    • 154 27 —Reuter Wireless. Mr. de Valera and The “Irish Republic.” Dublin, Feb. 8. Mr. de Valera was elected President today by 82 votes to 54 when the Dail opened. Women predominated in the e:o\v:!ed public galleries and cheered the u»mark made by Mr. Sean Moylan, Deputy for Cork, that
      ”—Reuter Wireless.  -  154 words
    • 51 27 Route* Wireless. Bill To Provide Better Transport. London, Feb. 7. a sequel to the railway and roads i ite, the Minister of Transport ani' 1 inres that Government will introduce < an early date a Bill providing for the M -■'lng and better transport of goods r
      Route* Wireless.  -  51 words
    • 44 27 Reuter. rench woman’s Effort In British Machine. Le Bourget, Feb. 13. p h young French airwoman Mile, '"-urher loft at 7.25 in a British light ddano on a flight to Saigo via Athens, ‘d’! 10 Basra, Karachi, Calcutta, Rangoon ■""I Bangkok.—Reuter.
      Reuter.  -  44 words
    • 112 27 —Reuter. Criminals of November, 1918.” Berlin, Feb. 10. An audience of 10,000 Nazis was stirred to frenzied enthusiasm at tne Sports Palace by Hitler’s first public oration since he assumed office. The speech, which was broadcast throughout Germany, included u furious denunciation of the crime of
      ”—Reuter.  -  112 words
    • 375 27 —British Wireless. Prince of Wales’ Speech To Mission. i Rugby, Feb. 11. The Prince of Wales, who was last night present at the Argentine Club dinner in honour of Dr. Roca and the other members of the Argentine Special Mission, spoke in both Spanish and English, and referred
      .—British Wireless.  -  375 words
    • 112 27 Reuter Wireless. Skates For Several Days At Sandringham. London, Feb. 9. Evidence of the remarkable fitness of His Majesty the King was provided when it became known that His Majesty, during the recent cold spell at Sandringham, had skated .on the lake in the grounds on a
      Reuter Wireless.  -  112 words
    • 33 27 .—Anota-Trans-Ocean. Rome, Feb. 11. The Vatican short wave radio station, which has been constructed near Castel Gandolfo by Marchese Marconi, was blessed and inaugurated by the Pope today at 4 pm.—Anota-Trans-Ocean.
      .—Anota-Trans-Ocean.  -  33 words
    • 314 27 —Reuter. —Sin Kuo Min and Sin Chew Jit Poh. May Form Basis of A Settlement. Geneva, Feb. 9. The Committee of Nineteen is examining today the latest Japanese counterproposals believed to embody a new formula whereby Japan would note the non-recognition of Manchukuo by other Powers and which
      .—Reuter.; —Sin Kuo Min and Sin Chew Jit Poh.  -  314 words
    • 170 27 —British Wireless. —Reuter Wireless. Sum Withheld More Than Tax Collected. Rugby, Feb. 8. It was stated in Parliament that the Irish Free State had already withheld sums amounting to £175.000 by July 15, 1932, when the special duties came into force. The sums withhold between that date and
      —British Wireless.; ”—Reuter Wireless.  -  170 words
    • 126 27 -British Wireless. Why Britain Cannot Return At Present. Rugby, Feb. 9. Asked whether Sir Frederick LeithRoss, the chief Economic Adviser to the Government, was instructed to outline at Geneva the conditions under which Britain would be prepared to return to the gold standard the Prime Minister in the
      -British Wireless.  -  126 words
    • 409 27 Many Questions in House Of Commons. London, Feb. IS. In the House of Commons, Sir William Davison (Cons., South Kensington) asked over what parts of China the Chinese Government exercised effective control. Sir John Simon, the Foreign Secretary, replied that some difficulty presented itself in answering
      409 words
    • 50 27 —Reuter. Premier May Go To Washington. London. Feb. 9. Reuter’s Agency understands that the Government has made provisional arrangements for Mr. MacDonald, Mr. Runciman and—subject to Budget exigencies ■—Mr. Neville Chamberlain to proceed to Washington in due course to engage in conversation on the subject of War debts.—Reuter.
      —Reuter.  -  50 words
    • 48 27 —Reuter Wireless. Persian Minister Who Was Dismissed. Teheran, Feb. 7. Teymourtash, the Minister for Finance, who was recently dismissed by the Shah in connection with the Anplo-Persian oil dispute and has been kept under surveillance in his house, has now been granted the Royal pardon.—Reuter Wireless.
      —Reuter Wireless.  -  48 words
    • 43 27 Reuter Wireless. American People Would Never Consent. Washington, Feb. 7. I he American people would never stand for a lump sum proposal by which threeof the debt would be cut away, said Senator Rainey, the Democratic Leader, when discussing War debts.—
      Reuter Wireless.  -  43 words
    • 40 28 .—Route i* W i reless. Gayford And Nicholetts In Cape Town. Cape Town. Feb. 11. Sq.-Ld. Gayford and Fl.-Lt. Nicholetts have arrived here from Walvis Bay and wore enthusiastically acclaimed and officially recei Ved.—Route r W i reless.
      .—Route i* W i reless.  -  40 words
    • 661 28 —Reuter. Necessary for Peace Of Far East.” WAR IMMINENT. May Be Forced on China In Self-Defence. Geneva, Feb. 14. The Japanese reply has been handed to the Secretary-General of the League and follows the lines indicated on Feb. .1. It declares that only recognition of Manchukuo
      ’—Reuter.  -  661 words
    • 153 28 —Reuter. Does Not Be'ieve There Will Be War. London, Feb. 14. Lord Lytton was the principal guest at the dinner of the Japanese Students* Association of the University of London. The dinner, which was private, was j held in a Japanese restaurant and was j
      .—Reuter.  -  153 words
    • 300 28 British Wireless. Premier’s Statement In House of Commons. Rugby, Feb. 13. j The forthcoming Anglo-American War i Debt discussions in Washington were the subject of several questions to the Prime J Minister in the House of Commons today., Asked if these would be confined to the question of
      British Wireless.  -  300 words
    • 150 28 history of the British Army.—Aneta-Trans-Ocean. Several Officers Said To Be Involved. London, Fob. 14. The mysterious confinement of an officer of the Seaforth Highlanders in the Tower of London now appears to be a case of suspected treason which extends to a number of other British officers.
      history of the British Army.—Aneta- Trans-Ocean.  -  150 words
    • 273 28 —British Wireless. Britain and Control Of Aviation. Rugby. Feb. 13. The presentation at Geneva of the new British programme of work of the Disarmament Conference, designed to speed up the attainment of definite progress, ha* met with a not unsatisfactory response. Particular importance is attached in British circles to
      "—British Wireless.  -  273 words
    • 89 28 i.—Reuter. Takes a More Serious Turn. Belfast, Feb. 9. The railway strike has taken a more serious turn. Mr. Cramp, secretary of th# National Union of Railwaymen, stated that it was proposed to intensify the struggle in every way in their power. The dockers at Stranraer have been
      i.—Reuter.  -  89 words
    • 95 28 —British Wireless. Rugby, Feb. 13. It is understood that in accordance with a desire expressed by himself, Field Marshal Sir William Roliertson’s burial will be private, although the first part of the service will Ik* held in West-Minister Abbey. In thoir message' to Robertson, the King and Queen
      —British Wireless.  -  95 words
    • 266 28 —Reuter. —Aneta-T rans-Ooean. Friend of Lindbergh. AIRMAN MAY LEAVF COUNTRY. Denver, Colorado, Feb. l j Although his wife and his grandfather expressed their readiness to pay £7,000 a. a ransom, nothing has been heard of Mr Charles Boettcher, a millionaire barker and friend of Colonel Lindbergh,
      ’—Reuter.; —Aneta-T rans-Ooean.  -  266 words
    • 119 28 —Reuter. Increase in Japanese Competition. London, Feb. 14. In the House of Commons Mr. S. S. Hammersley (Cons., Stockport) a*ked whether Mr. Runciman was prepared to recommend the abrogation of the AngloJapanese trade agreement. Mr. Runciman replied The whole question of Japanese competition wareceiving careful consideration by
      —Reuter.  -  119 words
    • 113 28 i. —British Wireless. Watch Special Display By Air Force. Rugby, Feb. 13. The Prince of Wales and many othe* distinguished guests were members of a large house party at Wei beck Abbey wlnen members of the special Argentine Mission were entertained by the Duke of Portland. Members of
      i.—British Wireless.  -  113 words
    • 96 28 putation and innuence ot ringii«n lure throughout the civilised world. B tish Wireless. Tribute By Dean Of Westminster. Rugby, Feb. 9. The Prime Minister and the other Ministers were among the prominent figures in national life present today at the memorial service in Westminster Abbey to John Galsworthy,
      putation and innuence ot ringii«n lure throughout the civilised world. B tish Wireless.  -  96 words
    • 159 29 .—Reuter. Two Men Arrested. kidnapping second BABY. Roanoke, Virginia, Feb. 9. Two men have been arrested for at- .mnting to extort $50,000 from Col. Lindbergh by a threat to kidnap his os-month-old son. Vol' owing a demand to Col. Lindbergh, tht police placed a cheque for
      .—Reuter.  -  159 words
    • 280 29 r —British Wireless. Scheme Defended by Sir John Simon. Rugby, Feb. 8. The Foreign Secretary, Sir John Simon, -.peaking in the House of Commons late last night, defended against criticism the \ustrian Loan Bill authorising the Government to raise £4,300,COO shares of the international loan to Austria. The
      r-—British Wireless.  -  280 words
    • 61 29 ''gaining f our were killed.—British 'V ireless. Four Lives Lost Near Salisbury. Rugby, Feb. A Royal Air Force Virginia bomber \\m c engaged in exercise ran into a thick u-n°f ant c °Hided with a tree on u ij'li near Salisbury. The machine crashed and caught fire. ne
      ''gaining four were killed.—British 'V ireless.  -  61 words
    • 114 29 '‘li kiione of the country.—British Wire- Huge Sum In Post Office Bank. o;. Rugby, Feb. 8. 1 Kingsley Wood, the Post Master-'t-ncral, in a speech at Liverpool referred Y u work of the Post Office Saving w nich now had over £300,000,000 M.-.mimg to the credit of
      '‘li kiione of the country.—British Wire-  -  114 words
    • 154 29 GREYHOUND TOTES CLOSE. —Reuter Wireless. Decision Affects 17,000 Workers. London, Feb. 10. Bookmakers are rejoicing over the fact that 44 tote on all licensed greyhound racecourses in England and Wales were closed yesterday pending legislation, following the Home Office statement in the House of Commons on Tuesday that totes on
      —Reuter Wireless.  -  154 words
    • 483 29 Reuter. .—Reuter. Value of Automatic Control. Ixmdon, Feb. 9. Only ten gallon:* of petrol remained when Squadron Leader O. R. Gayford and Flight-Lieut. E. Nicholetts landed at Walvis Bay after establishing a new '•word for a non-stop long distance flight, according to Gayford’s log. The value of the
      Reuter.; .—Reuter.  -  483 words
    • 123 29 i.—Reuter. A Busy Week for The Cabinet. London, Feb. 10. The Cabinet war debts committee is working at pressure and had its fifth sitting this today, when Sir Ronald Lindsay, the British Ambassador to th* United States, was present. He will sail on Tuesday. A
      i.—Reuter.  -  123 words
    • 337 29 it. —Reuter. Warrant for Arrest Of Camera. New York, Feb. 14. The arrest of Primo Camera, the giant Italian boxer, has been ordered, following the death of Ernie Schaaf. Schaaf was knocked out by Camera in the thirteenth round of their bout on Feb. 10. He died today
      it.—Reuter.  -  337 words
    • 96 29 British Wireless. Trans-Atlantic Service Prophesied. Rugby, Feb. 13. Sir Eric Geddes, chairman of the Imperial Airways, who arrived at Croydon this morning from his tour of inspection of the National Imperial Airways to South Africa, said that he saw no reason why within the next two or three
      British Wireless.  -  96 words
    • 56 29 .—Reuter. Detroit, Feb. M. The acute financial emergency has Jed the Governor to proclaim an eight-day public holiday in Michigan State, during which all banks, trust companies and other financial institutions will not transact business. The position has been precipitated by the acute situation in the affairs
      .—Reuter.  -  56 words
    • 122 29 —Reuter. Commons Question. NO EXTRADITION TO D.E.I. London, Feb. 14. In the House of Commons, replying to a question by Mr. J. Maxton (Lab., Bridgeton) as to why Jemaleddin Tamin and Tanmalakka were arrested in Singapore and Hong Kong respectively, Sir Philip CunlifTe-Lister said the Governor of
      —Reuter.  -  122 words
    • 162 29 Reuter Wireless. Captain Relieved Of Command. Batavia, Feb. 11. Captain Eikeboom has been relieved of the command of De Zeven Provincion and has embarked on the cruiser Java pending the decision of the court of inquiry. According to the latest information, from the Navy Department, all tha officers,
      Reuter Wireless.  -  162 words
    • 88 29 .—Reuter. Liner Declared a Total Loss. Paris, Feb. 14. Following the declaration of the Cherbourg tribunal of commerce that the burnt liner Atlantique is a constructive total loss, the owners have tendered formal notice of abandonment of the vessel to the underwriters, requiring the 72 companies concerned in
      .—Reuter.  -  88 words
    • 77 29 Buloh and Val d’Or’s Small Losses. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Feb. 8. Buloh River reports a loss for the year ended Sept. .30 of £2,636 which compares with a loss for the previous twelve months of £2,766 and which increases the debit carried forward to £12,665. Val
      77 words
    • 78 29 —Reuter Wireless. Federal Reserve And Bank Of England. New York, Feb. 11. By earmarking $14,602,000 of gold here on Thursday, the Bank of England regained at least $50,665 of the War Debt instalment she paid iti gold in I lecembjr. Thursday’s transaction follows the announcement that the New
      —Reuter Wireless.  -  78 words

  • Sporting News.
    • 3044 30 8.—Reuter. Australia Win Toss And Bat First. ENGLAND’S HOPE. Demonstration Against Larwood. Brisbane, Feb. 10. The fourth Test match opened here today in very hot weather l>efore about 20.000 spectators. The Australians decided to exclude Tob’n from the 12 probables that were selected while England played
      8.—Reuter.  -  3,044 words
    • 114 31 Reuter. England’s International Rugby Success. London, Feb. 11. In line and sunny weather at Twickenham today 60,000 people, including H.R.H. the Duke of York, saw England beat Ireland in the international rugby tournament by 17 points to 6 points. Ireland scored first when Murray landed penalty goal and
      – Reuter.  -  114 words
    • 58 31 —Reuter. Oevonport Services’ Big Win. London, Feb. 11. ■he loilowing were the results of leadk •’Utfby matches played today:— Jlj-yonport Servs. 28 U.S. (P’mouth) 8 3 Cardiff 15 7 Newport 10 til/ )0 3 Manchester 10 R Li ys J? ns 0 Blackheath 20 .V’A-on ,Vn ur k
      —Reuter.  -  58 words
    • 35 31 -Aneta-Havas. Profit Of £300,000 At Los Angeles. ti Los Angeles, Feb. 9. Can ne y taken at the Olympic e<] Los Angeles last year amountI3oo ooo i 000 having a net gain of
      -Aneta-Havas.  -  35 words
    • 941 31 Chairman’s Comments. PROPOSAL FOR NEW STADIUM. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca, Feb. 11. The annual meeting of the Malacca Amateur Football Association was held ou Friday with Lt.-Col. A. A. Lermit, president of the Association in the chair. The eloetion of officials resulted as follow: President: E.
      941 words
    • 634 31 Kathleen’s Success. [HARLEQUIN LEADS THE B CLASS. I There was a fairly strong: north-eaater-l.v wind over a flood tide when the three fl-metre yachts came to the starting line in the first race for the Guillemard Cap nt the R.S.Y.C. at the week-end. A good start
      634 words
    • 323 31 —Reuter. And .Villa Win. TOTTENHAM’S FINE AWAY VICTORY. London, Feb. 11. The following were the results of matches played in the English and Scottish leagues today First Division. Arsenal 1 Blackpool 1 Birmingham 2 Leeds Utd. 1 Chelsea 0 Aston Villa 1 Huddersfield T. 4 Newcastle
      —Reuter.  -  323 words
    • 55 31 Reuter Wireless. A Grand National Candidate. London, Feb. 7. In the Warwick Upton Handicap steeplechase today the Grand National candidate, Mr. Villar.s’ Rockhill II fell and had to be destroyed. The accident occurred at the water jump in front of the stands when Rockhill was lying second.
      Reuter Wireless.  -  55 words
    • 40 31 To Meet in West End Theatre. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Feb. 1?. Arrangements are bong comple*«*l for a tight between .Jack Petersen (hea\yweight champion) and I.en Jtarvey champion), to be staged in h West End theatre.
      40 words
    • 1365 32 Liill Singh and Perkins. S.C.K.C. SHOULD DO WELL. (By Our Cricket Correspondent.) Another cricket season begins, and once more enthusiasts may lx; seen inspec 4 ing and criticising the freshly rolled turf or the tightly stretched strip of new matting in the centre of the ground. Net
      1,365 words
    • 134 32 Opens Season With Century In Penang. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang:, Feb. 10. A. L. B. Perkins had tho honour of scoring the first century on the Esplanade this year yesterday when playing: for the Cricket Club against Mr. Mackay’s eleven, he obtained a brilliant 109 not out.
      134 words
    • 36 32 .—Reuter. Knocks Out Schaaf In 13th Round. New York, Feb. 11. Primo Camera, the giant Italian boxer, knocked out Ernie S* haaf, of Boston, in the thirteenth round of an eliminating title bout.— Reuter.
      .—Reuter.  -  36 words
    • 650 32 Sound Financial Position. The captain’s report of the Gardens j Golf Club, Kuala Lumpur, which is to he presented at the annual meeting on Wed-! nesday, Feb. 2*2, at 6.45 p.m., is as fob I lows: The Hon. Mr. J. W. Simmons, M.C.S., continued as President until
      650 words
    • 56 32 Four Byes in Third Round. London, Peb. 8. Th»> draw for the third round of the Scottish Cup, to bo played on Feb. 18, is as follows:— Hearts vs. St. Johnstone. Celtic vs. Partick T. Motherwell vs. Dundee. Kilmarnock vs. Rangers or Queen’s P. Albion, Clyde, Stenhousemuir and
      56 words
    • 90 32 Narrow Victory Over Selangor Club. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Feb. 13 The Wiltshire Regiment hockev .U beat the Selangor Club by four iroiit'? three at Kuala Lumpur on Sunday The Regiment thoroughly deserved th. victory the narrow mirgin of which u-« mainly due to
      90 words
    • 319 32 Mixed Foursome At Garrison. The Garrison Golf Club’s January's mixed foursomes competition was play, ed on Tuesday. The following were best returns:— Mrs. P. Power and Ft.Lieut. W. S. Allen 40-- 1^=35^ Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Giggins 46—10^-3514 Lieut.-Col. and Mrs. F. G. Hyland 45— 6 1
      319 words
    • 96 32 Reuter Wireless. Won by Mr. Shaw’s Genial Nobleman.” Altcar, Feb. I'b The Waterloo Cup was won by Shaw’s dof? Genial Nobleman, nomi by the reachorse trainer Mr. Jarvis. In the final Genial Nobleman beat Lord Sefton’s Sold Afaui. year’s winnet Ben Tinto, one o favourites was knocked out
      Reuter Wireless.  -  96 words
    • 707 33 Favourites Fail. \IR defence equals a COURSE RECORD. i From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, Feb. 11. I„ spite of the fact that favourite* morally failed to justify the confidence 'hown in them, the opening day of the iVrak Turf Club Spring meeting today provided some excellent sport.
      707 words
    • 610 33 Weakened Teams. PUZZLING FORM BY LEADING CLUBS. Wiltshires 4 Malays 1. What a puzzle football form is The Malays beat the Wiltshires, the Wiltshires beat the R.A.F., the Chinese defeat the Malays, then the R.A.F. beat the Chinese, and now the Wiltshires rout the Malays. Where
      610 words
    • 1006 33 ,—Reid or. Interesting Struggles For Leaderships. The following are the present posit ons of the teams in the English and Scottish (“Agues First Division. P. W. L. D. V. A. Pts. Arsenal 29 19 5 5 84 42 43 Aston Villa 28 17 5 6 69 42 40
      ,—Reid or.  -  1,006 words
    • 76 33 Wiltshire Regiment Teams Outplayed. In view of the forthcoming water-polo match on Sunday between the Europeans and the Chinese at the S.S.C.. Chinese supporters were very heartened to see their Club secure such clear-cut victories j over the Wiltshire Regiment when the j first and second
      76 words
    • 206 33 Mixed Foursomes at Bukit Timah. The Singapore Golf Club's monthly mixed foursomes competition was played at Bukit Timah on Friday and resulted in a win for Mrs. Atkin-Berry and J. T. Smith with a net score of 33%. Forty-nine cards were taken out and the following returned:— Mrs.
      206 words
    • 109 33 Qualifying Round in Club Championship. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Feb. 13. The qualifying round for the Selangor Coif Club championship was played on Saturday. Some of the cards returned, of which the first eight have qualified to J'lay oft* by match play, are:— W. 11. Elkins
      109 words
    • 51 33 Aston Villa’s Lapse At Leicester. Lonou, Feb. 9. The following were the results of L-arrue ma 4 che-. played today. First Di ision. Loier tor City 3 Aston Villa 0 Third Division (Southern). N ’owr»o» t Co.l Sou'h'*ml Ctd i'hir 1 Divison (Nor hern). Wulsnl! 4. Halifax Town
      51 words

    • 60 1 Singapore Official Quotations. Quotations Forward Contract* Spot Seller Prices d. S I>ate L’don S’pore Feb. Mar. Apl. Feb. 10 25/32 67/16 6 11/16 6% 6% 11 2 5/32 6 7/16 6% 6Vi 6 9/16 13 2% 67/16 6 11/16 6% 69/16 14 2 5/32 67/16 6 11/16 6%
      60 words
    • 20 1 Feb. 10 Tin, S’pore Price $76 12% per pic 11 73.87% 13 76.00 ,.14 7*50 15 75.00
      20 words
    • 121 1 Th<* Singapore Chaniber of Commerce Rubber Association held its 1,109th auction on Feb. 15. when there was catalogued 1,473 632 lb. or 657.87 tons; offered 1,438,577 lb or 642.22 tons; sold 1,265,676 lb. or 665.03 tons. Spot. London 2 1 /Xd. New York 2 29/32 cis. PRICKS
      121 words
    • 100 1 Guthrie and Co., Ltd., supply Us with latent buyers’ prices, received by cable, for Malayan Tulin Oil and Taim Kernels. I>111m Oil in Hulk: c.i.f. lunded weights New York/PhilaJolphir 2.i5 cents (U. S. currency) i per lb. c.i.f. landed weights U. S. A. Pacific Ports 2.10 cents (.U.S.
      100 words
    • 160 1 i The figures in brackets denote the out- j put of the corresponding period of last year. I Ayer Kutiing.—17,100 lb. Arras Estate. 22,100 lb. Alor—113,435 lb. Alor C.o.jah. .’13,100 lb. Ayer Punas. 84,000 lb. Anglo-.lohore Consolidated. 26,000 lb. Ayer Kuning F.M.S.j—05,000 lb. Budek Lubber Estate.
      160 words
    • 618 1 Fraser and Co.’s Weekly Report. Fraser and Co., in their weekly report, dated Feb. 15, state: In the share markets both at home and locally there is very little of outstanding interest to comment on since our last report. At home, attention is more or less focussed on
      618 words
    • 42 1 January Rubber Output Down by 20 Per Cent. The Rubber Clrowers’ Association oscillates of .‘102 associated companies onevpting throughout the world produced 10.270 tons in January which compare-; with 12.H22 tons in Jan. 19o2, a decline of 19.9 per cent.
      42 words
    • 399 1 Southern Kampar Tin Dredging. For public information only, in accordance with Stock Exchange requirements, particulars arc published of Southern Kampar Tin Dre'lging. The company, which was formed a year ago, has acquired from the London Tin Corporation two contiguous mining leases situate in the well-known Kinta Valley, in
      399 words
    • 234 1 R.G.A. Analysis Of Crop Returns. Preliminary figures for December, 1932.. So far 379 companies with an output in December, 1931. of 12.179 tons have returned for December, 1932, an output of 11 497 tons. The an: lysis of these companies’ output by countries in subjoined. Monthly crop returns
      234 words
    • 605 1 R.R.I. Press Comments. CENTRAL BODY’S POLICY UPHELD. (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Feb. 8. At the annual general meeting of the Ulu Selangor District Planters’ Associa tion, Major C. H. A. Huxtable, D.SO M C.. in the chair, the chairman informed the meeting that the resolution
      605 words
    • 1956 2 (iross Profit of $1,534. VERY VALUABLE ASSETS.” The annual general meeting of .1 shareholders of iMalaya Consolidated hn Dredging Co., Ltd., was held at the registered office of the company, CharterJ" j’ank Chambers, Penang, on Friday. r ,j J. Saunders, chairman, presided, *i the others
      1,956 words
    • 1246 2 Correspondence. Prohibit Alienation Of New Land. To The Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —Here is a raw product on wliose selling price depends not only the prosperity of Malaya and the East Indies ard their respective governments, but also practically the very life blood of their inhabitants
      1,246 words
    • 844 3 Fraser And Co’s Quotations. Singapore, Feb. 1.". Milling. lasoe ¥»1. I*d. Buyers .Sellers. II £1 A«nm Kitrubung 23/6 25/6 Cl £1 Austral Malay 18/- 20/-nom b/-b r Ayer Hi n Tin 10/1# 1 1 Cl £1 Bungrin Tin 11/- 12/Cl Cl Bntnng I'adang 0.06 0.10 1 1
      844 words
    • 269 3 EXCHANGE RATES. i Singapore, Feb. 15. SELLING. London I months’ sight 2 3 7/8 j London. 3 months* sight J 3 27/82 London, 00 days* sight 2 3 13/16 London, 80 day sight 2 3 25/32 London, detpuml 2/3 3/1 London. T.T. 2 8 28/82 I.\ons and
      269 words
    • 296 3 Closing Quotations In London. {From Ot.r Ow* Correnpondar*: London, Feb. 14. Closing quotations today of the principal British and American stocks are given below: The rise or fall is in relation to the price of Feb. 9. GOVERNMENT STOCK8. BRITISH. Rise or Fall Conversion Loun 117-i-%
      296 words
    • 116 3 System Whereby Capital Is Safeguarded. In a recent issue, reference was made to “risk free” annuities. From inquiries we have elicited the information that, contrary to the statement of our London Correspondent, the form of annuity referred to is not new. except in so far as its
      116 words
    • 690 3 SINGAPORE DOLLAR SHARE PRICES FEB. 15. Capital I.■* sue Globing I'ric' l Value Hu Mend* Fraser i, JalI A 1 "> >pany Co. ■l-.IITr. N«1 for year 2:»-2-.(2 Allerb* ($M 0.45 0.55 045 a*, •Jir.T'!' Nil for year 30-9-82 Alor C.ajah (|1) 0.25 0.35 0 ria a'^
      690 words
    • 177 3 Domestic production, as represented by exports from Federated Malay States, Ua* federated Malay States, and Straits Settlements of tin and tin-in-or 6 at 72 pc. during the month of January, 1933. Tons. Ton*. Federated Malay States 2.312 Unfederated Malay State*Johore 40 Kedah Perlis 45 Kelantan nil Trengganu
      177 words