The Straits Budget, 2 February 1933

Total Pages: 32
1 3 The Straits Budget
  • 27 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE STRAITS TIMES fiSTABU?*HKD NEARLY A CENTURY No. 3,912 SINGAPORE. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1933. Price 25 cents (-S.S. Currency)^
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  • 305 1 LEADERS— P**e Malayan Schools 3 “The Spirit of 1896 3 Blackmail 3 The Free State Chooses 3-4 Malaya's Aliens 4 I Germany’s Peril 4 f Occasional Notes 6-6 Telegrams, Reuter and Special— Covering Past Week’s News 19-26 Pictures— Chinese New Year Tennis 15 Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Gibson
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  • 134 1 i owl-Dealer Robbed By Chinese Youth. fa Hoa P n. a 17-year-old Chinese th who had been convicted of theft by A. W. Hay, tho second Magistrate, sent up before Mr. H. A. Forrer. the ninal District Judge, for sentence, ourt Inspector A. F. Sheedy said
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  • 1038 1 Mr. F. K. Wilson, M.C.S., has been appointed a magistrate in Kuala Lumpur. Dr. and Mrs. H. W. Jack are returning to Malaya by the Corfu. Mrs. Strickland, the wife of Mr. G. F\ Strickland, is a passenger to Singapore hf the Corfu. Mr. R. E. Colomb,
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  • 594 1 Monday, Jan. 23. In the morning and afternoon His Excellency presided at a meeting of the Federal Council held at the Council Chamber, Government Offices, Kuala Lumpur. Tuesday, Jan. 24. In the morning and afternoon His Excellency presided over a Residents’ Conference at King’s House. The Hon. Mr.
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  • 1565 2 Shots At European Couple. KLANG TRAGEDY. HYLAM PRISONERS PLEA OF NOT GUILTY. How a European couple were found late at night in their bungalow in a critical condition, both having been shot through the body with a revolver, was told at the Selangor Assizes yesterday. The
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  • 349 2 Young Apprentice Who Fell Overboard. A young apprentice named Miller employed on board the Blue Funnel liner Dolius. at present in port, had a marvellous escape from death a few days ago. Miller was missed early on the morning of Jan. 29 and after a thorough search of
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  • 56 2 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Jan. 30. Another well-known official will leave Malaya on retirement on Feb. 4 in Mr. R. F. R. Swettenham. Most of Mr. 27 years' service in this country has been spent in Selangor, where he has been Deputy Commissioner
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  • 60 2 Death Follows Operation At Hospital. The death took place at the General Hospital on Friday of Mr. M. Mohsin Namazie, a cousin to the late Mr. M. A Namazie. The deceased, who had been ill for about o week, died following an operation to the ear.
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  • 444 2 Alleged Coercion. IMPRISONMENT ALTERED TO FINE. An interesting criminal appeal before Mr. Justice Whitley in the SuDn-m* Court on Monday in which Goh Tiang rj a chinchew, appealed against his convT tion and sentence by the Master AttmJf ant, Capt. G. Freyberg, in the Marine Court
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  • 234 2 Allegation of False Evidence. In the Supreme Court before Mr. tice Whitley the appeal of Lim Ah and Kang Chiu Chin, two revenue oincers, for obtaining money by threat was allowed, and a new trial ordered. Mr. W. H. Salt, who appeared for w appellants said he had
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  • The Straits Budget
    • 946 3 -Straits Times, Jan. 26. I As those who read Mr c T <s*m. Lock’s memorandum to Sir Samu.l Wilson will have gathered, there is mucn uncertainty among Malayan parents as to the facilities for the education of then children that will be available in the future. This is
      -Straits Times, Jan. 26.  -  946 words
    • 962 3 -Straits Times, Jan. 27. In a recent letter to the magazine British Malaya Sir Frank Swettenham, making one of his rare but welcome references to the decentralisation issue, said that the complaint is that the terms of the Federation treaty of 1896 have not been adhered
      -Straits Times, Jan. 27.  -  962 words
    • 964 3 BLACKMAIL title of public benefactor.—Straits Times, Jan. 28. Mr. Henry Ford is a very remarkable man. That is a trite remark for which we offer no apology. But there are those who regard Mr. Ford as remarkable only in so far as his great success as an industrialist is concerned,
      title of public benefactor.—Straits Times, Jan. 28.  -  964 words
    • 970 3 is gloomy in the extreme.—Straits Times. Jan. 30. Mr. de Valera has taken a gambler's chance —and won. He seized the psychological moment to force a general elee tion when he still had a hope of success. In another three months the fruits of the tariff
      is gloomy in the extreme.—Straits Times. Jan. 30.  -  970 words
    • 1029 4 —Straits Times, Jan. 31. The debate on the Aliens Enactment in the Federal Council followed lines which are now familiar. Strong opposition was forthcoming from the Chinese members, who were speaking either on behalf of the China-born population or of employers of labour; they could not have been
      —Straits Times, Jan. 31.  -  1,029 words
    • 915 4 face in the coming months.—Straits Times, Feb. 1. Prospects of tranquillity in Europe are not improved by the announcement tha« Herr Hitler has succeeded in forcing his appointment as Chancellor. It is true that the success is modified to a considerable extent by the presence of Herr von
      face in the coming months.—Straits Times, Feb. 1.  -  915 words

  • 230 4 Coroner’s Inquiry Adjourned. Harold Vincent Perreau made another appearance before Mr. F. G. Bourne, the Singapore Coroner, on Wednesday when the inquiry into the death of a Chinese .Mohammedan woman named Piah was re* sumed. Only one witness was called after which the inquiry was postponed. Chin
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  • 275 4 Remarkable Results With Atebrin. In the course of an address on estate health before the Malacca Agricultural Medical Board, Dr. A. L. Hoops made some interesting remarks on the treatment of malaria by means of the new synthetic drug Atebrin. which he said he had used in 50
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  • 56 4 HI 1' H1SON-RKNNIK.- The engagement announced between Wilfred Lyons (“Bill > < uscaden, youngest son of Captain VV. A. uscaden, I.S.O., and Mrs. Cuscaden, late o‘ Singapore, and 82, Westbourne Terrace. W .2, and Ruby Jane, younger daughter at he late H. H. Hutchison, J.P., of Girvan. Ayrshire, and
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  • 71 4 BRYSON.—At Bungsar Hospital, on Jan. 20, 1933, to Ida Clow, wife of H. P. Bryson, M.C.S., a daughter. ROEBUCK.—At Maternity Hospital, Singapore on Jan. 25, to Grace, wife of T. Roebuck. a son. HODGES. —On January 28, 1933 to Kate, the wife of W. C. Hodges, Government Monopolies, a
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    • 200 5 KELLOGG PACT —Straits Times, Jan. 26. On, of the strangest messages of all l-iought by these unusual days is that v h’ch announces that Col. Stimson has cal etl a conference of signatories of the ivf’logg Pact to consider the threat of v a i between Columbia and Peru over
      —Straits Times, Jan. 26.  -  200 words
    • 307 5 Straits Times. Jan. 26. One hundred and twenty-one miles of j.t fectly good railway, complete with stations, signal boxes and the usual offit s, has just been leased to the F.M.S. Ouvornment for one dollar a year. It sounds as though a schoolboy’s Christput? dream had come
      Straits Times. Jan. 26.  -  307 words
    • 298 5 ''Mourners anti Dy iaciutaung Darter among themselves.—Straits Times, Jan. 26. rh<* new idea that he should manufacture his own copra instead of selling '•is crop of coconuts in advance to a h’nese middleman is appealing strongly ’<» the Malay all over the country. The ■January number
      ■ ''Mourners anti Dy iaciutaung Darter among themselves.—Straits Times, Jan. 26.  -  298 words
    • 413 5 SAID S ADVENTURE. added embellishirjents.—Straits Times, Jan. 27. We hate to spoil a good story, but our rule that truth should not be made to appear stranger than it really is must be maintained. About the middle of December Reuter’s Agency sent from Hong Kong the story of Said, of
      added embellishirjents.—Straits Times, Jan. 27.  -  413 words
    • 418 5 ,—Straits Times, Jan. 27. The Selangor branch of the Automobile Association of Malaya has written to the Railway Police complaining that damage has been done to a member’s car on two occasions by Malay boys loitering at the Kuala Lumpur station. The same nuisance prevails at the Selangor
      ,—Straits Times, Jan. 27.  -  418 words
    • 72 5 PAR AVION on 27th January (21 days).—Straits Times, Jan. 28. Today’s issue of the Post Office Daily List contains the two following items which we reproduce without comment: The airmail Karachi-London, dispatch cd by s.s. Rohna on 5th January, was delivered in London on 27th January (22 days). Delivery of
      on 27th January (21 days).—Straits Times, Jan. 28.  -  72 words
    • 392 5 who lied not wisely but too well.—Straits Times, Jan. 28. “There was a young fisher of Prague” —this sounds like the beginning of a Limerick, but it is nothing so trivial. It is the opening of a news story from Reuter, a story charged with all
      who lied not wisely but too well.—Straits Times, Jan. 28.  -  392 words
    • 371 5 -Straits Times, Jan. 28. Commendatore Fraccaroli, the distinguished Italian author, has been visiting Bangkok, and remarked on its “unlikeness to anywhere else.” He emphasised a point which has impressed most visitors to the Siamese capital and certainly all the Europeans who have lived there for any length
      -Straits Times, Jan. 28.  -  371 words
    • 383 5 SURGICAL FASHIONS Straits Times, Jan. 30. Reader, if we ask, Have you still got your tonsils? do not make a hasty snatching motion towards the throat as though to reassure yourself or resent the personal nature of the query, for it is merely the prelude to the observation that if
      Straits Times, Jan. 30.  -  383 words
    • 497 5 all over again somewhere else !—Straits Times, Jan. 30. When Sir Samuel Wilson paid his recent visit to Malaya most people were under the impression that his chief and avowed object was to inquire into the decentralisation proposals of H. E. the High Commissioner, Sir Cecil
      all over again somewhere else !—Straits Times, Jan. 30.  -  497 words
    • 186 6 Iia<l U) uv prit could be discovered.—Straits Times j Jan. 31. In our correspondence columns on Friday last we printed a letter over the nom-de-plume “Long Suffering Merchants.’ In that letter complaint was made of delay in passing goods through the local Customs prior to dispatch to F.M.S. destinations.
      Iia<l U) uv *— * , " prit could be discovered.—Straits Times j Jan. 31.  -  186 words
    • 209 6 —Straits Times, Jan. 31. A correspondent in Johorc writes to inform us that “a full grown and healthy tiger” was killed by Rahman bin Hamzah in the early hours of Saturday morning at Kampong Bangas, Segamat. And Rahman accomplished the job without a gun!
      —Straits Times, Jan. 31.  -  209 words
    • 444 6 FINICKING PRYINGS” Straits Times, Jan. 31. In his well meant championship of the Aided schools in a letter published in the Straits Times last week Mr. Laurence Henderson makes a statement with which few taxpayers in the Colony or the Federated Malay States will agree. “Just men,” he says, “will
      Straits Times, Jan. 31.  -  444 words
    • 369 6 —Straits Times, Feb. 1. Those who sniff sceptically when they h&lt; ar of Government giving free open-air performances for Malaya’s peasantry and agricultural labourers will find their doubts ably answered in an article in the M.A.H.A. Magazine. Mr. L. D. Gammans, M.C.S., points out that of recent y&lt;-ars
      —Straits Times, Feb. 1.  -  369 words
    • 432 6 TOO MANY PENSIONS the Perak Ki\er Valley.—Straits Times. Feb. 1. Malaya is not the only country which j has been receiving a Colonial Office overhaul. The last number of the Crown Colonist contained a summary of the report written by Sir Alan Pirn, who was cut on a special commission
      the Perak Ki\er Valley.—Straits Times. Feb. 1.  -  432 words

  • 373 6 Judge’s Strictures In Penang Suit. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Jan. Jl. Severe strictures were passed on wellknown Penang Chinese in the Supreme Court this morning by Mr. Justice Prichard. The parties in the suit were Lee Peng Cheang, plaintiff, and Choong Lye Ilin, Lee Peng Huan
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  • 165 6 Orders New Trial At Seremban. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Seremban, Jan. 24. After a hearing which lasted two days the case in which a Chinese named Khor Tong was charged with robbery in ccmi any with others unknown and murder of another Chinese in the commission of the
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  • 377 6 Opened on First Day Of Chinese Festival. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Jan. 20. Kuala Lumpur, which has been f or some months the only large Malayan town without an amusement park, has m last acquired one of these places of recreation. The new
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  • 150 6 Chinese Claim Against Local Bank. The hearing was continued before Mr. Justice Whitley in the Supreme Court on Tuesday of the case in which Seah Eng Lim, a retired bank manager, is suirg th P. and O. Banking Corporation, Ltd., for the return of certain shares. Mr. R.
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  • 135 6 The following passengers sailed by Marnix van St. Aldegonde for Belawan, Colombo and Europe: Mrs. M. Menzies, Mr. A. A. Jonas, Mrs. H. S. Walton, Miss M. II. Gibb, Mr. J. h. Donaldson, Mrs. F. S. Cross, Capt. and MrD. Owen Jones, Mr. and Mrs. M. McCa j. Capt.
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  • 1760 7 Combined With Asphalt For Paving. rotary address, interesting facts ABOUT OIL. I might suggest that if the rubber industry would experiment with asphalt, and they could make an improvement on the present asphalt used for road construction by the addition of about ten per rent, of
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  • 309 7 Unlawful Assembly. i YOUNG ALIENS BILL DEMONSTRATOR. One of the participants in the Victoria Road demonstration against the Aliens’ Bill, Yeo Cher Yong, a 15-year-old student at the Chinese High School, unsuccessfully appealed against his conviction and sentence to five strokes of the rattan in the Supreme
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  • 99 7 Uninsured Loss Of $4,000. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Jan. 26. A big fire broke out in the old town of Sungei Patani on Sunday in a rubber smoke-house belonging to Chop Tan Hup Huat. The premises contained over 300 piculs of rubber. When the police arrived, they
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  • 359 7 A London Wedding—In May! Dayang Leonora Brooke, the eldest daughter of the Rajah and Ranee of Sarawak, is sailing for Europe on the Carthage on Friday to meet her ftanc6 Mr. Max Ausnit, the Rumanian millionaire steel magnate, whom she is to marry in London
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  • 127 7 Concession Renewed liy F.M.S. Governments. The following 1 communique is issued by the Federal Secretariat, Kuala Lumpur The Governments of the four Federated Malay Statee have decided to repeat in respect of the year*1933 the temporary waiver of all current rent due on agricultural lands in excess
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  • Correspondence.
    • 633 8 Statement Said To Be Misleading. To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —May I refer to the Agricultural Journal’s comments on Mr. Jolly’s article which recently appeared in the Straits Times as follows:— “Lest readers accuse us of misleading optimism, we would again point out that the
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    • 310 8 Tb the Editor of the Straits Times Sir, Now that the Daylight Saving Ordinance has come into operation, would it not be a good idea—having regard to its objects and reasons—to follow it up with another ordinance on lines similar to the statutes which have been in force
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    • 69 8 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —Your Chinese Correspondent in your i-sue of Jan. 19 yet again repeats the false statement that the Chinese predominate in Malaya. The correct figure at latest Census, April 1931, showed Chinese at 39 per cent, of the total population
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    • 272 8 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —It has just been publicly made known that under cross examination made by the Commissioners of the Mandated Territories, the Japanese representatives admitted that Japan has spent £100,000 and is going to spend more on the construction of
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    • 234 8 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —We desire to bring to public notice an instance of delay in passing goods through the Customs, prior to dispatch to F.M.S. destinations, which illustrates the manner in which the free movement of goods is l&gt;eing hampered. We sent our
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    • 424 8 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —It is not surprising to read in the Singapore Turf Club's annual report for 1932 a recommendation by the outgoing committee that the incoming committee give attention and consideration to the serious abuse of the privilege granted to members
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    • 62 8 DID ANY READER HEAR To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —I wonder if any wireless listener nicked up a station last nieht a few points on the dial below Daventry, immediately after Daventry had closed down. Loud speaker reception was very loud and clear and the announcer’s voice
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    • 232 8 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —In an article printed in your columns on January 27 there occurs the sentence: “The Sakais being the aboriginals of Malaya, of whom Dr. R. 0. Winstedt has said in so many words we know practically nothing.” The writer
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  • 381 8 Sungei Besi Mines. A REMARKABLE AGREEMENT. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Jan. 31. Details of a remarkable agreement made between Sungei Besi Mines, Lid and the F.M.S. Government are revealed by the company in a circular to shu.v holders. The Government has agreed
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  • 77 8 Cook Committed To Assizes. Aruchunan, against whom a of murder had been returned by Mr. G. Bourne, the Singapore Coroner, a the inquest on Mr. Chandra Saykaran. the late chief clerk of the Financia 1 Onice of the police department, "was produce' before Mr. A. W. Hay,
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  • 76 8 Accused Man Says It Is The Woman. When Awang Hitam bin Shariff claimed trial before Mr. H. A. Forrer, the Criminal District Judge, on Tuesday on a charge &lt;&gt; kidnapping. Chief Court Inspector A. Sheedy commented that the accused-j story was that he had been kidnapper by
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  • 3723 9 COMMISSIONERS TO LOOK AHEAD. decision to form a committee to make plans for the next five years for the Municipality was the most important action taken at the Municipal Commissioners’ meeting on Monday, under the presidency of Mr. G. L. Ham. Among other matters discussed
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  • 431 10 How Nocturnal Visitor Was Identified. Kathleen Holiy Hudson, a 15-year-old i Eurasian girl, was the complainant when she appeared before Mr. H. A. Forrer, the Singapore Criminal District Judge, on Jan. 25, to relate the story of the alleged intrusion by Aw*i bin Dollah, a young
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  • 66 10 Chinese Coolies Threaten Trouble. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Seremban, Jan. 30. Trouble was threatened in Seremban today owing to a contractor failing to pay his coolies wages for the Chinese New Year. A crowd of rubber tappers gathered and the police had the contractor taken to the station
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  • 68 10 One of the European officers of the steamer Kuala reported to the Bangkok police that $258 was stolen from his cabin. The money was kept in a box in the cabin and apparently the thief was able to procure a key to the box. The ship was
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  • 564 10 Planter’s Commentary In Verse. (With F. K. H. Carew’s sincere apologies to L. A. J. Kijk.) IVrw not figure }icquently in these columns, but it seems 'the appropriate place to set faith the poetic comvi entail/ of Mr. F.R.H. Carcie, of Linkungan Estate, British North Romeo, on
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  • 286 10 Self-Defence.” TROUBLE WITH ENGINE ROOM STAFF. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Jan. 27. A Chinese member of the crew of the s.s. Mabella was shot by the captain during a disturbance on board while the ship was lying at Pott Swettenham on Wednesday night. It
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  • 313 10 Convicted Man Found To Be A Leper. Mr. A. J. Braga made an application for bail on Jan. 25 before Mr. H. A. Forrer, the Criminal District Judge, on behalf of Tan Chay who had recently been sentenced to seven, months’ rigorous imprisonment for dishonestly retaining stolen property.
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  • 1884 11 LOCAL DOCTORS RETRENCHMENT. Too Great a Burden Being Thrown on Them. I B.M.A. MEETING. THE CALAMITY OF SICKNESS.” "While the medical profession has shared with others the grievous consequences of the economic blizzard, vet there is a tendency here, as well as elsewhere, to throw too great a burden of
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  • 106 11 Sudden Death On Thursday. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Jan. 26. The death took place suddeniy this mciming of Mr. J. S. Reutens, chief sanitary inspector to the Municipality. He was having an early cup of tea when he was suddenly taken ill and died within
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  • 51 11 Mr. J. G. Hay To Address Kuala Lumpur Rotarians. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Jan. 25. Mr. J. G. Hay, of Guthrie and Co., vice-chairman of the Rubber Growers’ Association will address the Kuala Lumpur Rotary Club on Feb. 8 on The Rubber Industry in Present-day Economic
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  • 50 11 Town Of Paknam Suffers Badly. (From Our Ow’n Correspondent.) Bangkok, Jan. 28. The town of Paknam, at the mouth of the Menam River, has suffered badly in a huge fire. No lives were lost, but over 500 houses were destroyed. The damage is estimated at over ticala 1,000,000.
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  • 635 11 A WELL-BALANCED MEAL Medical Menu. WHAT B.M.A. MEMBERS CHOSE TO EAT. This was the menu which the members of the Malaya branch of the British Medical Association chose for their annual dinner at Raffles Hotel on Saturday Grape Fruit Glace au Marasquin. Consomme Double Madrilene. Filet tie Barbue Raffles. Vol
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  • 2681 12 More About Latex— Production Costs In Mnlnya—Seventy Cents A Fair Price Risks Which Estates Run—Some I.S.P. Topics—The M.A.H.A. Magazine. (By Our Planting Correspondent.) THE problems presented by the supply! of latex from estates to manu- facturers are being widely discussed in consequence of the announcement thnt Boustead
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  • 146 12 S.S. Make Arrangements For Prepayment. With effect from Feb. 1. the senders of parcels posted in the Straits Settlements for delivery in the F.M.S. or of parcels posted in the F.M.S. for delivery in the S.S., may undertake at the time of posting to prepay customs or other
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  • 3139 13 Council Reflections—Who Reatls These Reports ?—Suggested Reforms T he Restriction Debate What Five-Cent Rubber Means—Facing The Slump In The F.M.S. (By Our Kuala Lumpur Correspondent.) 4 FTKR every meeting of the Federal Council those whose business it is to chronicle the proceedings of this
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  • 220 14 Elected Chairman Of Selangor Chamber Of Commerce. (F rom Our Own Correspondent.) Kualu Lumpur, .Ian. 20. At a meeting of the* committee of the Selangor branch of the* K.M.S. Chamber of Commerce reference was made to Mr. J. H. Koer’s resignation from the committee and the
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  • 68 14 Tamil Who Was Disgusted With The World.” (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Jan. 26. Leaving a letter behind to say no one was to Manic for his death and that he was “disgusted with the world,” a Tamil petition writer drank a bottle of
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  • 74 14 The Earl of Harrowby returned to SingajM&gt;rv after a visit to Java and stayed with Sir John Scott. He left for Penang on Thursday by the Kedah and 'will sail for home on the Carthage next week. The wedding of Miss Beatrice Buckley, headmistress of Tranquerah English
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  • 722 14 Malacca Protest. “TRIFLING QUANTITIES OF CARGO! (From Our Own Correspondent. Malacca Jun. 2'&gt;. At a meeting of the Straits Sett»ements (MalaccaI Association held at the Malacca Club on tin* I onimitt(‘c felt it could not agice to the suggestion made by the Straits Homeward Conference that the
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  • 1444 14 Six Months With j Strange People. j A PURE RACE. SAKAIS WHO WERE ONLY -IMPLIED.” young student of anthropology has just emerged from the unmapped depths «f tin* Kelantan jungle and from the arms, as it were, of an unknown aboriginal race of fine physique and
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  • PAST WEEK’S IMPERIAL AND GENERAL NEWS Contained in Reuter, British Imperial Radio and Special Telegrams.
    • 281 19 ,—Reuter. Negotiations with U.S.A. On War Debts. GOLD STANDARD. Return Not Made A Condition. Washington, Jan. 2G. The British reply to the American suggestion for a conference on War debts ‘j„ fxpected to be acceptable to Mr. Roosevelt, but it is not thought that it vill alter
      ,—Reuter.  -  281 words
    • 481 19 British Wireless. Payment In Goods Or Services. Rugby. Jan. 25. Earlier in his speech to the Leeds Chamber of Commerce last nigWt, in vhich he dealt with the debts question, Mr. Neville Chamberlain recalled that a I rovisional settlement of reparations was accomplished last June. It could only
      British Wireless.  -  481 words
    • 88 19 ,—Reuter. Peru’s Dispute With Colombia. Washington, Jan. 26. The Peruvian Government has notified Col. Stimson that it will respect the Kellogg Pact and not break the peace with Colombia. Col. Stimson is known to favour the Brazilian formula for settlement, by which Brazil would occupy Leticia and restore
      ,—Reuter.  -  88 words
    • 81 19 .—Reuter. Leadership of East Against the West.” Toronto, Jan. 27. The vital question is whether India, in bridging the gap between East and West, will be able to bear the strain,” declared Mr. Wedge wood Benn, the former secretary for India, speaking on Oriental affairs. He added that
      .—Reuter.  -  81 words
    • 42 19 and was killed on the spot.—Reuter Wireless. American Consul Killed At Prague. Prague, Jan. 24. Mr. Raymond Davis, the American Consul at Prague, fell from a secondfloor window' of his hotel this evening and was killed on the spot.—Reuter
      and was killed on the spot.—Reuter Wireless.  -  42 words
    • 50 19 —Reuter. Early Victory For The Government. Paris, Jan. 2d. The defeat, by 368 votes to 208, of the opposition motion to refer back the Finance Commissions Bill constitutes an early victory for the Government in the debate on finance, as the vote was made a matter of confidence.—Reuter.
      .—Reuter.  -  50 words
    • 23 19 Reuter. At The British General Headquarters. Cairo, Jan. 26. A bomb was discovered at the British general headquarters this morning.—
      Reuter.  -  23 words
    • 162 19 —Reuter Wireless. Call for a National Government. Cape Town, Jan. 24. The House of Assembly was crowded today when General Smuts moved that the Government should resign. This was described as less a motion of no-confid-ence than an appeal for a new start by a
      —Reuter Wireless.  -  162 words
    • 106 19 .—Reuter. Conference Regarding Peru and Columbia. Washington, Jan. 25. A conference between signatories of the Kellogg Pact, similar to that held two years ago, when Russian troops threatened complications in China, has been called by Col. Stimson to consider the threatened war between Columbia and
      .—Reuter.  -  106 words
    • 125 19 .—Reuter. Arguments of Both Sides Heard. Geneva. Jan. 26. The League Council’s discussion of the Anglo-Persian oil dispute was adjourned after the arguments of both sides had been heard. Sir John Simon contended that the Persian statements completely misrepresented the facts. Persia, by cancelling the concession, had deprived
      .—Reuter.  -  125 words
    • 79 19 —Reuter. Canada Extends It To End of Year. Ottawa, Jan. 27. The gold embargo has been extended until the end of the year.—Reuter. Bank Of France Reserve. Paris, Jan. 27. The Governor of the Bank of France, review ing the year’s operations, said that whereas the bank’s gold
      —Reuter.  -  79 words
    • 147 19 Power Treaty of Washington.—AnetaHavas. League to Investigate Rumours. EMPHATIC DENIALS. What Is Happening In Marianne Islands London, Jan. 24. The correspondent of the Daily Herald at Geneva states that the Council will investigate the rumours crediting Japan with constructing secret submarine bases in the Pacific this week.
      Power Treaty of Washington.—Aneta-Havas.  -  147 words
    • 181 19 Reuter. The Real Issue At Geneva. London, Jan. 27. The vital need of the League of Nations taking a firm stand in the SinoJapanese dispute is stressed by the weekly papers the Spectator and the New Statesman. Grave as might be the consequences of a clash between the
      Reuter.  -  181 words
    • 76 19 Servant Charged With Murder In Batavia. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Medan, Jan. 26. The Appeal Court, Batavia, passed sentence of death on Abdul Gani bin Bagong, a house servant, who was convicted of the murder of his employer, Mrs. Rijkhof. Sentence of life imprisonment was passed by the
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    • 64 19 Reuter Wireless. Elections To Be Held On Mar. 5. Athens, Jan. 24. The Greek Chamber has been dissolved. The elections are fixed for Mar. 5 and the new Chamber will be convoked on Mar. 27 by a Presidential decree following the request for dissolution made in a letter
      Reuter Wireless.  -  64 words
    • 161 20 Reuter. World's Moral Judgment. NECESSARY FOR FINAL SUCCESS. London, Jan. 2d. lir Austen Chamberlain, speaking in London, appealed to Japan not to *et h ••self against the moral judgment c.l tl a world, without which, whatever n* unentary successes any country might reach, it
      .— Reuter.  -  161 words
    • 243 20 Reuter. Is He Carrying Peace Proposals Shanghai, Jan. 27. Sir Miles Lampson, the British Ministci to China, who has just returned from leave, arrived in Shanghai on Wednesday a.tcrnoon after paying a number of visits to leaders of Chinese opinion in Hong K&lt;&lt;ng and Canton. He will
      Reuter.  -  243 words
    • 128 20 Death of Former Municipal Secretary. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Jan. 26. The death is announced of Mr. John Polglase, formerly secretary of the Singapore Municipality. Mr. Polglase, who was 79 years of age, had a long career in Municipal service. He was appointed assistant Municipal Secretary
      128 words
    • 38 20 .—Reuter. British Ambassador To Return To London. tv, i} I Washington, Jan. 28. I he Hritish Ambassador will proceed to London on Feb. 19 to discuss the forthcoming negotiations on War debts and other economic questions.—Reuter.
      .—Reuter.  -  38 words
    • 161 20 —Reuter Wireless. Government's Letter To L.C.C. London, Jan. 2L The controversy over the famous Waterloo Bridge appears to he finally settled. The Government has decided that the bridge must be reconditioned. This decision was anr* unced at a meeting of the London County Council today when a
      .—Reuter Wireless.  -  161 words
    • 182 20 —Reuter. Standardised According To King’s Wish. London, Jan. 2G. At the express wish of the King, the National Anthem has been re-arranged with the hope of securing standardised playing by army hands and civilian orchestras. No alteration is made in the harmony, hut the opening will be pianissimo
      .—Reuter.  -  182 words
    • 111 20 —Reuter. Threat to British Cotton Industry. London, Jan. 25. Japanese competition in the overseas cotton trade is among the subjects to which attention is drawn in the annual report of the Manchester Chamber of Commerce. The report calls on the British Government to adopt policies designed to secure
      .—Reuter.  -  111 words
    • 81 20 —Reuter Wireless. Has to Enter Dock At Gibraltar. Gibraltar, Jan. 24. A mishap entailing entering dock has happened to the P. and O. liner Comorin on which the Everest expedition is travelling to India. Owing to excessive vibration felt since the Comorin left London on Jan.
      .—Reuter Wireless.  -  81 words
    • 44 20 Decreased Shipping Last Year. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Medan, Jan. 26. According to the Bataviaasch Nieuwsblad, 2,238 ships with a gross tonnage of 25,093,067 called at Tandjong Priok last year. In 1931 there were 2,566 vessels with a gross tonnage of 28,762,937.
      44 words
    • 258 20 Appeal Dismissed By Privy Council. London, Jan. 25. The judical committee of the Privy Council dismissed the appeal of Comdr. J. G. Sutton. Comdr. Sutton, of H.M.S. Resource, was found guilty by the Assize Court at Limassol, Cyprus, of the manslaughter of Apostolides, a hotel keeper,
      258 words
    • 133 20 ,—Reuter. Purchase by Bank Of England. London, Jan. 25. (onside table interest has again been aroused in the matter of exchange gold movements. The Bank of England's purchase yesterday of nearly £4.000,000 worth of gold, the first since Sept. 15, may be regarded as representing the re-sale by
      ,—Reuter.  -  133 words
    • 36 20 First Statutory Report Issued. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Jan. 25. The statutory report of the Selangor River Rubber Estates (Reconstructed) to September, 1932, shows: 270,397 shares allotted, total receipts £7,134; bank balance £1,140.
      36 words
    • 32 20 ;.—Reuter. Eight Killed in Clash At Dresden. Dresden, Jan. 20. Eight demonstrators were killed and 12 seriously injured in a clash between police and Communists at a meeting tonight.—Reuter.
      ;.—Reuter.  -  32 words
    • 82 20 to resume his duties at Geneva .—British Wireless. Rugby, Jan. 24. The Foreign Secretary, Sir John Simon, who made a special visit to London last Wednesday in order to attend the Cabinet meeting on Thursday, and who was also present at yesterday’s meeting cf the Cabinet at
      to resume his duties at Geneva .—British Wireless.  -  82 words
    • 552 20 .—British Wireless. Sir J. Simon’s Reply. M H\ ARTICLE 15 W \S INVOKED. Rugby, Jan, Before the League Council at Chr.v# this afternoon, Sir John Simon presentfS the British case in the dispute with IV arising out of the latter’s cancellation‘5 the contract with the Anglo-Persian
      .—British Wireless.  -  552 words
    • 59 20 —Reuter Wireless. Another British Liner Sold To Japan. London, Jan. 24. A firm of Japanese ship-breakers has bought the White Star liner Baltic ior breaking up. This is the fourth British liner recently sold to Japanese ship-breakers, th e others being the Cunard liner Caronia. the
      —Reuter Wireless.  -  59 words
    • 54 20 iimiiB rune irom British Wireless. 20 Per Cent. Increase Of Letters. Rugby, Jan. 24. During last year the weight of air mail letters from Britain amounted to 64 tons, a 20 per cent, increase on t-M previous year, and the weight of au mails rose from 115
      iimiiB rune irom . British Wireless.  -  54 words
    • 314 21 .—Reuter. Story of Mr. de Valera’s Successes. big majorities. Setback for the Cosgrave Party. Dublin, Jan. 26. 0u t of 153 seats in the Dail four Deputies have already been returned un- was elected for Cork in but his lead on the first preference votes was
      .—Reuter.  -  314 words
    • 520 21 Fells Aggressor With Blow On The Jaw. A Reuter Wireless message of Jan. 23 stated Forecasts vary between in antitreaty majority of 25 and a pro-treaty majority of 22. while the Centre Party, who expect to hold the balance of power in the next Dail. anticipate a
      520 words
    • 164 21 .—Reuter. Sir C. dementi’s Statement Approved. London, Jan. 25. The Financial Times says the Geneva experts’ endorsement of the regulation of exports or production in order to improve prices has occasioned some surprise. It expresses the opinion that such endorsement is not intended to be generally applied and
      .—Reuter.  -  164 words
    • 100 21 Death Of Former Steward Of Royal Household. A British Wireless message announces the death, of the Earl of Chesterfield. Lord Chesterfield was born on Mar. 15, 1854, and succeeded his father (the ninth Earl) in 1887. He married the second daughter of the first Baron Nunbuinholme. Educated
      100 words
    • 44 21 —Reuter Wireless. P. and O. Liner Continues Voyage. Gibraltar, Jan. 25. The P. and O. Comorin, which went into dock here on account of a damaged propellor, has had a spare propellor fitted and has resumed her voyage to the East.—Reuter Wireless.
      .—Reuter Wireless.  -  44 words
    • 427 21 HITLER FIGUREHEAD CHANCELLOR Reuter. German Cabinet Resigns.! ATTEMPTS TO FORM A COALITION. Berlin, Jan. 28. The Cabinet has resigned and President ilindenburg has accepted the resignation and has requested Herr von Papen to sound the political parties and report on the possibilities of forming a government on a broad Parliamentary
      Reuter.  -  427 words
    • 80 21 Many Outdoor Sports Suspended. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Jan. 28. Great Britain is in the grip of Arctic weather. Bitter cold continues, and skating is being indulged in on the various London reservoirs. Ordinary outdoor sports have been interfered with. The Cup Tie matches are being played,
      80 words
    • 46 21 Wage Dispute in North Ireland. Belfast, Jan. 29. At a mass meeting of all graded of railway workers it was decided to strike at midnight tomorrow as a protest against wage reductions. The strike will affect 6,000 employees and the whole Great Northern system.—Reuter.
      46 words
    • 434 21 Reuter. Boncour Government Resigns. FINANCIAL ISSUE. “Quite Aware of The Difficulties.” Paris, Jan. 88. The Government was defeated by 890 votes to 193 and is resigning. The defeat occurred after an all-nipht sitting on the question of increasing direct taxation by five per cent, which has
      Reuter.  -  434 words
    • 111 21 —Reuter. Promised Full Support By Former Premiers. Paris, Jan. 29. Contrary to the first report that he reserved his reply, which is usual in the circumstances, M. Daladier, the Left wing Radical Minister of War in the Boncour Cabinet, has definitely accepted the Premiership. When leaving the
      —Reuter.  -  111 words
    • 31 21 ,—Router. American Workers and The Soviet. Washington, Jan. 29. The American Federation of Labour has issued a statement declaring itsalf against recognition of the Soviets by the ‘United States.—Router.
      ,—Router.  -  31 words
    • 171 22 —Reuter. Important Conversations In Nanking. JAPANESE DIET. Member Attacks Army Dictatorship. Peking. .Ian. 2f&gt;. R. cent undt rcurrents have given birth to a strong hope among well-informed people that North China may be spared fighting. It appears that there is reason to believe that the Chinese and
      .—Reuter.  -  171 words
    • 129 22 —Reuter. Warning From Count Uchida. Tokio, Jan. 25. V ruler bold headlines such as “Grave Decision Confronting the Empire,” u Great Danger Ahead,” the vernacular papers give prominence to the special session of the Cabinet which heard Count Uchida’s report on the League’s virtual abandonment of efforts at
      —Reuter.  -  129 words
    • 196 22 Reuter. Mr. Ashida Refuses To Retract. Tokio, Jan. 25. Reports that Reuter’s message of Jan. 23 regarding blunt questioning in the Diet had caused a sensation at Geneva called forth a demand at today’s session of the Diet that the Seiyukai Party interpellator, Mr. Ashida, retract what he
      Reuter.  -  196 words
    • 96 22 Reuter. No Secret Alliance With China. Moscow, Jan. 27. It is understood that Soviet Circles arc increasingly resentful regarding Japanese policy on account of frequent allegations of the Soviet forming a secret alliance with China against Japan. Well informed quarters declare that Japan is persisting in
      Reuter.  -  96 words
    • 205 22 I.— Reuter. But No Relief for The Taxpayer. London, Jan. 29. The year 1933 is beginning with better prospects, according to Mr. Neville Chamberlain who, in a speech at Birmingham, struck a note of optimism based on signs of improvement in cotton, steel and shipbuilding. The consumption of
      I.— Reuter.  -  205 words
    • 102 22 pared with 1,450 previously.—Reuter Wireless. Attempt to Beat Own Record. London, Jan. 25. Although suffering from influenza and having a temperature of 103, Sir Malcolm Campbell insisted on motoring from his home at Horley, Surrey, to Southampton, where sailed on the Acquitania for New York. He is en
      pared with 1,450 previously.—Reuter Wireless.  -  102 words
    • 61 22 Equal Treatment For Higher Paid Workers. (h rom Our Own Correspondent.) Medan, Jan. 26. The Labour-Office is proposing to the Government a new Ordinance aiming at giving the same treatment to native and Chinese workers, earning more than 4 guilders a day, as to Europeans. A delegation
      61 words
    • 55 22 Dutch Producers Turning To Rice. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Medan, Jan. 26. Sugar producers in the Dutch East Indies are considering diverting their energies to the cultivation of other crops notably padi. 1 Conditions in the industry in Java are very bad, but reports have been received of
      55 words
    • 142 22 to bring the area under control.—Reuter Wireless. Outrage by Natives In New Guinea. Canberra. Jan. 25. Two white prospectors in the New Guinea goldfields have been clubbed to death by nati\es. The latter have resumed hostilities against white men in the district according to news received by
      to bring the area under control.—Reuter Wireless.  -  142 words
    • 63 22 —Reuter. Britain Circulates New Document. Geneva, Jan. 27. Great Britain has circulated among the great Powers a new document regarding disarmament based on various plans submitted to the conference and resolutions adopted by the five Powers on Dec. 19. The document contains no new plan. It is
      —Reuter.  -  63 words
    • 59 22 —Reuter. Invited to be Chairman Of World Conference. Geneva, Jan. 25. The organising committee of the World Economic Conference has decided to invito Mr. Ramsay MacDonald to act as chairman of the conference. The committee agreed that three months’ notice was necessary for convening the conference. It Will
      —Reuter.  -  59 words
    • 54 22 —Reuter. Street Fighting Follows Murder. Sofia, Jan. 27. Two hundred were a rested and numbers were injured last night in disturbances following the prohibition of a funeral procession for the Macedonian Communist Deputy Trikoff, who was murdered in the street in Sofia on Tuesday. The police disarmed the
      !.—Reuter.  -  54 words
    • 62 22 —Reuter. Countries With Depreciated Currencies. Washington, Jan. *20. A resolution urging immediate legislation to raise tariffs against countries with depreciated currencies was passed unanimously at a private conference of Republican members of the House of Representatives. It is claimed that over a million Americans have been deprived of
      —Reuter.  -  62 words
    • 58 22 Wireless 0 for burial --Reuter Mrs. Oliver Belmont Dies In Paris. Paris, Jan. 26. Mrs. Oliver Belmont, the American mil*°™re58 BU ?*g**** and Philanthropist, died today at the age of 70. Mrs. Bel0 was form erly Mrs. William Vanderbilt, was mother of Consuelo, Duchess of Marlborough. The body
      Wireless0 for burial--Reuter  -  58 words
    • 313 22 —Reuter. conference in Washington.—British Wireless. War Debt Discussions. AND OTHER WORLD PROBLEMS. London, Jan. 25. The British Ambassador in Washington today handed Col. Stimson a message from the Government to Mr. Roosevelt the President-Elect expressing readiness to send representatives to Washington as soon as possible after
      .—Reuter.; conference in Washington.—British Wireless.  -  313 words
    • 220 22 —Reuter. Remarkable Report From Paris. Paris, Jan. 24. A New York report declares that a secret debt settlement has been reached between Great Britain and the United States providing for payment of a final sum of $800,000,000, to be raised by a bound issue to be floated in
      »—Reuter.  -  220 words
    • 561 23 evasion.—Sin Kuo Min and Sin hew Jit Poh. Sir Miles Lampson Asked To Mediate. CHINESE UNITY. Troops Prepared For Any Sacrifice. Tokio, Jan. 29. The British Ambassador visited Count t'chida, the Japanese Foreign Minister, t o discuss League questions, the Shanhaikwan situation and other matters. JSo
      *}* evasion.—Sin Kuo Min and Sin ( hew Jit Poh.  -  561 words
    • 116 23 —Reuter. The Time For Plain Speaking. London. Jan. 28. The League of Nations’ policy of conflation in the Sino Japanese dispute has always been a doubtful policy in view of the attitude of Japan, says the NewsChronicle in a leading article headed “The Time for Plain Speaking.” The
      —Reuter.  -  116 words
    • 163 23 Communist campaign in Kiangsi.—Reuter. Commemoration of First Anniversary. Shanghai, Jan 29. Meetings to commemorate the first anniversaiy of the “Shanghai War” were held throughout China today, but although students in many cities delivered soap-box lectures on “Japanese Aggression” there were no disorders. A meeting at Canton was attended
      Communist campaign in Kiangsi.—Reuter.  -  163 words
    • 265 23 —Reuter Wireless. report ias yet been forthcoming.—Reuter Wireless. Missing Again But Lands Safely. London, Jan. 31. Lady Bailey is again missing. She landed at San Xavier, Spain, on the 26th while flying from Oran and took off again on Friday morning. Since then no news has been received.
      —Reuter Wireless.; report ias yet been forthcoming.—Reuter Wireless.  -  265 words
    • 94 23 —British Wireless. Much Activity Expected In Britain. Rugby, Jan. 26. The Labour Gazette reveals that the value of new building, including houses approved in 140 towns in Britain in the last three months of 1032, was £10,016,000. This figure compared with £13,000,000 for the corresponding period of
      —British Wireless.  -  94 words
    • 357 23 .—Reuter. A Vast Market. WHAT RECONSTRUCTION WOULD MEAN. London, Jan. 30. Dr. Kung, the envoy of the Chinese Industrial Mission to Europe and America, arrived in London today. Interviewed by Reuter’s Agency, he expressed the view that the industrial reconstruction of China would be the
      .—Reuter.  -  357 words
    • 119 23 —Reuter. French Government Facing Defeat. Paris, Jan. 28. The Chamber sat all night to discuss the Finance Bill and is ready at any moment for the defeat of the Government, the outlook for which is black. The Radicals forming the right wing and the Socialists forming the left
      —Reuter.  -  119 words
    • 56 23 —Reuter. Government Assistance To U.S. Banks. Washington, Jan. 30. The House of Representatives passed the Bill continuing ith&lt;* G.'ess-Tleagall Credit Extension Act for anotner year. The Senate has already voted in fav our of continuing the Act. which Congress passed last February in order to “thaw” the frozen
      .—Reuter.  -  56 words
    • 38 23 —-A neta-Havas. Seville, Jan. 27. Throe powerful bombs caused considerable material damage in the tramway depot although no one injured by the explosion. A shoe factory was de? troyed by fire. Arson is suspected. Aneta-Havas.
      —-A neta-Havas.  -  38 words
    • 209 23 —Reuter. adjournment which was carried.—Reuter Wireless. Understanding Reached At Geneva. Geneva, Jan. 30. Dr. Benes, the rapporteur, is reported to have reached a basis of understanding with the two parties in the Anglo-Per-sian oil dispute. It is understood the agreement will be submitted to the two
      —Reuter.; adjournment which was carried.—Reuter Wireless.  -  209 words
    • 232 23 —British Wireless. Political Changes May Cause Delay. Rugby, Jan, 30. The Bureau of the World Disarmament Conference met formally at Geneva this afternoon to prepare for the meeting of the General Commission on Tuesday. Press messages suggest that provision is being made to obviate delay resulting from the week-end
      —British Wireless.  -  232 words
    • 71 23 Japanese Enterprise In D.E.I. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Medan, Jan. 26. The Java Bode, in further articles on the Japanese copper mines at Solokarta, points out that production costs alone equal the world quotation for copper excluding: freight. It is clear, the paper says, that Japan desires to
      71 words
    • 69 23 —Reuter. Japan’s Competition With Dutch Textiles. Amsterdam, Jan. 30, The Dutch textile industry is facing: a black outlook owing to export difficulties* and Japan's capture of the Fast Indian mai ket. There is an alarming increase Of unemployment in thr- chief textile cities, notably Twente, v, her*
      .—Reuter.  -  69 words
    • 82 24 Prospects of the New Government. NAZIS REJOICE. Goose Step” Again In Berlin. Beilin, Jan. 31. Under the flaming headline “To BatfUd the official Communist organ, the Ke‘« "Flair declares war against the tim/r Government and calls on all S° c,al organisations to join in a genet al
      82 words
    • 343 24 Von Papen As Commissioner In Prussia. Berlin, Jan. 30. Herr Adolf Hitler, t he N«i le«d«. has been appointed Chancellor of many. Hitler’s appointment followed a conference between President Hindenburu, JWr Hugenberg, Hitler himself and Herr von Papen. Herr von Papen declared thus the formation of a Government
      343 words
    • 172 24 Complete Agreement On Policy. Later. The C ouncil of Elders has decided to convoke Parliament not later than Feb 2. The Hist Cabinet meeting revealed complete agreement as to policy, according to a communique which has been issued. Political observers and the Bourse predict a comparatively long life
      172 words
    • 141 24 Appointments Announced. SOCIALISTS REFUSE TO JOIN. Paris, Jan. 31. M. Daladier has virtually constituted an all-Radical Cabinet, with himself as Minis tea’ of War. Other appointments are as follow's: M. Bonnet— Finance. M. Lamoureux —Budget. M. Paul Boncour —Foreign Affairs. M Chautemps —Home-Affairs. Reuter. Paris, Jan.
      141 words
    • 131 24 Nazi Celebrations In Berlin. Thousands of uniformed Nazis, delirious with joy, shouted and sang for hours this evening as they thronged the Government quarter to celebrate the leaders’ triumph with a torchlight procession. Thousands of Storm Troops, reinforced by detachments of Steel Helmets in military greatcoats, goosestepped
      131 words
    • 112 24 Reuter. Hitler Favourable To Fascism. Rome, Jan. 30. The formation of the Hitler Government is cordially greeted by the Giornale d’ltalia, Signor Mussolini’s organ, which recalls that Herr Hitler, since the beginning of his movement, has looked to Mussolini and Fascism. Many Italians believe that Hitler will
      Reuter.  -  112 words
    • 170 24 Reuter. Wages Award. NOT ACCEPTED BY THE UNIONS. London, Jan. 25. The dispute over the proposed reduction of wages of railway employees is likely to be protracted, possibly ns the result of a strike, following the decision of three railway unions not to accept the findings of
      Reuter.  -  170 words
    • 72 24 .—Reuter. Extradition Appeal Rejected. Chicago, Jan. 27. The United States circuit court rejected Jacob Factor’s appeal against extradition to England.—Reuter. Jacob Factor, otherwise known as Jack the Barker,” is wanted in Great Britain on charges of having swindled many wealthy Britons of sums amounting to more than $500,000.
      .—Reuter.  -  72 words
    • 104 24 —Reuter Wireless. Government Crisis Takes New Turn. Cape Town, Jan. 28. With the debate on the motion demanding the lesignation of the Government adjourned until January 30, the political crisis has taken a new turn. The South African party caucus is considering a new offer from Mr. Tielman
      —Reuter Wireless.  -  104 words
    • 40 24 II I Reuter. Chief Accountant Acquitted. Stockholm, Jan. 27. Henning, the chief accountant of the Kreuger and Toll Company, who was arrested last May, has been acquitted on charges in connection with irregularities in the company’s accounts.— Reuter.
      II I – Reuter.  -  40 words
    • 72 24 —Router. Improvement Of “Labour Discipline.” Moscow, Jan. 31. The Soviet Budget for 1933, estimating revenue at 35,000,000,000 roubles and expenditure at 33,000,000,000, w'as adopted by the Central Executive. Mny resolutions were adopted aiming at raising labour discipline and the collection on farms, increasing the capacity of yield per
      —Router.  -  72 words
    • 54 24 win aiso .—Reuter. Bombay, Jan. 31. The management of nine cotton mills belonging to the E. D. Sassoon group announce the possibility of the ills closing on Feb. 11 unless trade improves. The spinning departments of three other mills not belonging to the above group will also close
      win aiso .—Reuter.  -  54 words
    • 184 24 Education Ordinance. NO CO-OPERATION POLICY. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Medan. Jan. 2(1 There is growing opposition to the new Ordinance dealing with non-Govein* ment schools, and the outlook is oininou ‘‘No co-operation is a doctrine quently mentioned, and it is said that t! native associations, which
      184 words
    • 105 24 1 lipj V U —Reuter. M. Daladier’s Supporters. Paris, Jan. 31. M. Daladier has formed a Cabinet as follows:— Premier and Minister of War—&gt;1. Daladier. Finance—M. Georges Bonnet. Budget—M. Lamoureux. Foreign Affairs—M. Paul Boncour. Interior—M. Chautemps. Justice and Vice-Premier—M. Penancier. Labour—M. Francois Albert. .Mr—M. Pierrecot. Marine —M. Leygues.
      1 lipj V U —Reuter.  -  105 words
    • 53 24 Reuter. Briggs Company Strike Ended. Detroit, Jan. 31. The Briggs Motor Body Company announces that the strike has enafcd. Reuter. It was announced on Jan. 28 that higher wages would be offered to the employees. The strike led to the closing dawn of the Ford Motor Co. factories
      Reuter.  -  53 words
    • 77 24 &gt;. —Reuter Wireless. Lady Chatterjee One of Six Women. London, Jan. 20. Among six women called to the Bar tonight was Lady Chatterjee, wife of Sir Atul Chatterjee and Mrs. Florence Coxon, aged 70, the oldest woman yet called to the Bar. The Council has decided not
      >.—Reuter Wireless.  -  77 words
    • 64 24 .—Reuter. Kroner At 22*4 To The Pound. Copenhagen, Jan. 30. The stabilisation of the kroner at the rate of 22\k to the pound is among the conditions of the agreement reached between the Government and the main opposition. The agreement also provides for the prohibition of strikes and
      .—Reuter.  -  64 words
    • 188 25 —Reuter. Soviet Complains Of Misstatements. JAPAN EXPLAINS. Government Disowns War Minister. Moscow, Jan. 31. Count Uchida’s references to the Soviet in his speech in the Diet on Jan. &gt;1 led to an exchange of notes between M. Karakhan, the assistant Foreign Commissar, and the Japanese Ambassador. The
      .—Reuter.  -  188 words
    • 430 25 —Sin Kuo Min and Sin Chew Jit Poh. Jehol Attacked Along Three Routes. Shanghai, Feb. 1. In the course of a telegram issued on Saturday, Gen. Tang Yu-lin, Governor of Jehol, states that the enemy had started their big offensive, and adding, I have made myself responsible for
      —Sin Kuo Min and Sin Chew Jit Poh.  -  430 words
    • 117 25 —Aneta-Trans-Ocean. Sourabaya Report. PROTEST AGAINST CUT IN PAY. Batavia, Jan. 31 It is reported that mutiny occurred on three Dutch warships at the East Indies naval base at Sourabaya yesterday. According to one statement, when all hands were piped on deck for the morning muster certain
      .—Aneta-Trans-Ocean.  -  117 words
    • 167 25 store economic prosperity.—Reuter Wireless. And Governor-General’s Post. Dublin, Jan. 30. At the next meeting of the Dail President Mr. de Valera will early introduce a lull providing for the elimination of the Oath of Allegiance. He will also continue to endeavour to abolish the post of
      store economic prosperity.—Reuter Wireless.  -  167 words
    • 273 25 President Wilson at Versailles.—Aneta-Trans-Ocean. —Sin Chew Jit I’oh. Japan May Apply It To The East. Tokio, Jan. 28. According 1 to a semi-official pronouncement issued late on Friday evening, in case the League of Nations concludes that recent events constitutes an unprovoked Japanese attack on China, the Japanese
      President Wilson at Versailles.—Aneta-Trans-Ocean.; —Sin Chew Jit I’oh.  -  273 words
    • 558 25 —Reuter. Influenza Victim. THE FORSYTE SAGA CREATOR. London, Jan. 31. Mr. John Galsworthy died today of anaemia, following influenza.—Reuter. Mr. Galsworthy had been ill for some time at his home in Hampstead, following a chill and this prevented him from travelling to Stockholm to receive the
      —Reuter.  -  558 words
    • 253 25 .—Reuter. Assurance Given To Bondholders. BRITISH VIEW. Misgivings Regarding Disarmament. Berlin, Jan. 31. The new Government’s first official announcement is designed to re-assure holders of German bonds. It emphasises that there will be no experiment in industrial or financial fields and says this announcement is made
      .—Reuter.  -  253 words
    • 97 25 .—Reuter. Mr. Roosevelt Seeks An Understanding. New York, Jan. 30. It is believed that Mr. Roosevelt wants to reach a preliminary understanding on War debts with Great Britain on the same pattern as the Hoover-MacDonald naval parity agreement, after which the agreement would be presented to the Economic
      .—Reuter.  -  97 words
    • 78 25 ,—Reuter. Mr. Owen D. Young Declines Office. New York, Jan. 30. Mr. Owen D. Young, who has been mentioned as the possible Secretary of State in Mr. Roosevelt's Government, has sent a letter to Mr. Roosevelt declining a Cabinet post, according’ to the New York Times, Mr. A1
      ,—Reuter.  -  78 words
    • 56 25 —Tass. Famous Scientiest Dies At Tashkent. Tashkent, Jan. 14. Professor P. F. Borovsky, a scientist of international fame, has died here. Professor Borovsky’s early fame as a scientist dates back to 1K9H, when he discovered the germ of “leishmaniz,” a disease which infects the skin and sets up
      .—Tass.  -  56 words

  • Sporting News.
    • 1324 26 Fast Hockey Match. CALEB’S SPEED ON THE LEFT WING. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Jan. 28. Confident predictions of a five-nil victory for the Colony were upsot on the Selangor Club padang this afternoon when the F.M.S. drew one-all with the Colony in the annual
      1,324 words
    • 94 26 McGrath’s Remarkable Display. London, Jan. 27. In the quarter finals of the Australian tennis championships here today the Australian prodigy, Vivian McGrath, created a sensation by defeating Ellsworth Vines, the U.S.A. and Wimbledon champion, 6—2, 2—6, 8—6, 7 —6. McGrath played the greatest game of bis
      94 words
    • 687 26 Very Successful. EASY WIN FOR WISE IN SINGLES. The Chinese New Year open invitation tournament, which concluded at the S.C.C. on Sunday, was one of the most successful ever held. In spite of a blank day and a half through the weather, and several delays during
      687 words
    • 101 26 —Reuter. Body-Line Bowling. “DANGEROUS TO PLAYERS.” Mellourne, Jan, 31 According to a summary of the Australian Cricket Board’s reply to the M.C.C., the members were unanimously of opinion that body line bowling is opposed to the spirit of cricket and unnecessarily dangerous to players. They consider
      .—Reuter.  -  101 words
    • 115 26 Twelve Players Chosen For Australia. Melbourne, Jan. 31. The fourth test match will begin ai Brisbane on Feb. 10, and Australia’s team will be selected from the following W. M. Wood full (Victoria). W. H. Ponsford (Victoria). V. Y. Richardson (Australia). D. G. Bradman (N.S.W.). Bromley B. J.
      115 words
    • 146 26 —Reuter. Easy Ties for Leading Teams. London, Jan. 25. The draw for the second round of the Scottish Cup, to be played on Feb. 4. is ns follows:— Dundee United vs. St. Johnstone. St. Mirren vs. Kilmarnock. Aberdeen vs. Hibernians or Forfar. Leith Ath. vs. Clyde. Celtic
      .—Reuter.  -  146 words
    • 1292 27 Villa- Beaten. SUNDERLAND’S GREAT WIN. London, Jan. 28. no following are the results of matches •yed in the fourth round of the English A. Cup competition today I.u on Town 2 Tottenham H. 0 Vrunmere R. 0 Leeds United 0 Aston Villa 0 Sunderland 3 Kverton 3
      1,292 words
    • 310 27 Fine Form Against Senior Team. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Jan. 31. Junior hockey players from Singapore Selangor and Perak made up a team which gave a very creditable display against a team composed entirely of Selangor State players of recent seasons in a match here yesterday.
      310 words
    • 1256 27 Shortage of Halves. ROBUST AND DASHING FORWARDS. (By Our Rugby Correspondent.) Saturday's match at the Stadium between representative teams from North and South Malaya provided a fitting end to a strenuous and highly interesting .season’s football. The fact that nearly everv State has been seriously hard hit
      1,256 words
    • 72 27 1.—Reuter. Material for Surprises In Fifth Round. London, Jan. 30. The draw for the lifth round of the F. A. Cup to be played on Feb. 18, is as follows: Bolton Wands, vs. Manchaster City. Brighton vs. West Ham Utd. Burnley vs. Chesterfield. Sunderland vs.
      1.—Reuter.  -  72 words
    • 47 27 —Reuter. Retains Australian Tennis Title. Melbourne, Jan. 30. The following are the final results in the Australian tennis championships:— Singles: Crawford (Australia) beat Giedhill (U.S.A.) 2—6, 7—5, 6—3, 6—2. Doubles: Ellsworth Vines and Giedhill (U.S.A.) beat Crawford and Moon (Australia), 6—4, 10 —8, 6—2.—Reuter.
      .—Reuter.  -  47 words
    • 1690 28 South Win. SUCCESS IN LAST TWO MINUTES. South 11 pts. North H pts. A strong wind influenced play to a great extent in the South versus North game at the Anson Road Stadium on Saturday but nevertheless it proved one of the most exciting matches
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    • 1091 28 Match With Falmouth. GOOD WIN FOR THE R.S.Y.C. The heavy weather on Sunday was responsible for damage to Royal Singapore Yacht Club boats. In the second race of the Dodo Cup, won by Kathleen, Tarbet broke some of her gear and retired. During the match with
      1,091 words
    • 366 28 Bradman’s Fine But Vain Effort. Sydney, Jan. 2S. The M.C.C. defeated New South Walt* today by four wickets. The visitors had New South Wales a 1 out in their second innings for 128 runs to which the score had been taken fro:, the overnight total of
      366 words
    • 2249 29 Types Played by Romans And Saxons. M.R.U. DINNER. NORTH vs. SOUTH TEAMS! ENTERTAINED. The history of Rugby and its passage through the ages formed part of the chairman’s speech at the annual dinner of the Malayan Rugby Union at Raffles Hotel on Saturday night in
      2,249 words
    • 67 29 Starts New Year With A Century. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, .Ian. 27. In his first innings of the New car, Lall Singh made a century yesterday, scoring 117 in a match between members of the Selangor Indian Association. Lall Singh, it will be remembered, was a
      67 words
    • 340 29 One Winning Ticket On Double Tote. (From Our Own C*t respondent.) Taiping, Jan. 28. The first day of the Taiping Amateur races, though poorly patronised, paid the punters well. The weather was good with a light occasional drizzle. Results:— Race 1. Polo Pony Race, aht. 2 furs.,
      340 words
    • 214 29 Gold Medal Result At Island Club. The following were the best cards returned for the January medal (stroke) competition at the Island Club:— S. Iked a 45 45 90—18 72 (winner) Lee Keng Chye 47 44=91—18=73 Lee Keng Tye 40 40=84—10 74 N. K. Denning 50 47 97—22
      214 words
    • 68 29 London, Jan. 28. In an amateur international match at Glasgow today, Scotland defeated Ide!and by six goals to nil.—Reuter. This is only the fourth amateur international between the two countries. In 1930 at Londonderry. Scotland won by 3—o and repeated their victory in the following year at Aberdeen,
      68 words

    • 407 1 Small Loss on the Year’s Working. The report for the year ended Sept. 'JO shows that the total crop harvested was 449,765 lb., as compared with 1160,809 lb. for the previous financial year, and with the estimate of 420,000 lb. The yield per acre works out
      407 words
    • 114 1 Messrs Guthrie and &lt; o. supply us with latent buyers’ prices, received by cable, for Malayan l’ulm Oil and Palm Kernels. PALM OIL IN BI LK: c.i.f. landed weights New Y o rk" Philade 1 p h i n 2.25 cents (U. S.» currency) per lb. c.i.f. landed
      114 words
    • 17 1 n. 30 Tin. S’pore f’rice $14.25 per picul. 31 76.00 !h. 1 75.62 M,
      17 words
    • 1794 1 Remarkable Figures. PLIGHT OF NATIVE OWNERS. Dr. W. L. Braddon forwards a translation ol a letter from a 'Sumatran planter which appeared in “Sumatra,” a weekly paper published in Medan. “It indicates,” he says, “the desire of at least some of the Dutch planters for control
      1,794 words
    • 199 1 Will She Remain In The League? FINAL INSTRUCTIONS. Insistence on Status Quo In Manchukuo. Tokio, Jan. 30. “So long as it does not compromise the principle of the maintenance of the status quo in Manchukuo, on which Japan is insistent, the Japanese delegation is at liberty to
      199 words
    • 48 1 Singapore Official Quotation*. Quotations Forward Control Spot Seller Prices d. Pute L’don S’pore Feb. Mar. Api Jan. 30 2% 6 7/16 6% 6% e 31 2 3/32 6 7/16 6 9 16 6 9 16 6 11 Feb. 1 2 1/16 6*Hv 6\ 6 9 16
      48 words
    • 1982 2 Chairman’s Able Review Of Conditions. The annual general meeting of Lunas Rubber Estates, Ltd., was held at the registered offices of the company, French Bank Buildings, on Tuesday, the Honl Mr. j&gt; jj. Robinson, the chairman presiding. The chairman spoke optimistically of the future with respect to
      1,982 words
    • 221 2 Company’s Power Station Sold to F.M.S. Govt. A circular to the shareholders of the Sungei Besi Mines announces that an agreement has been arrived at for the sale of the company’s hydro-electric installation to the F.M.S. Government. The purchase price is £200,000, payable in cash on Apl. 1,
      221 words
    • 45 2 Distinguished Scholar Dies At Bath. London, Jan. 28. Professor George Saintsbury died to&gt; day at Bath, aged 87. He had a distinguished literary and scholastic cancer and was the author of a number of books chiefly on English and French literature. -Router Wireless.
      45 words
    • 579 2 Fraser and Co.’s Weekly Report. Fraser and Co., in their report, datfcd Feb. 1, state: With three clear working day* lout through local holidays during the past week, business in all sections of the share market has naturally been on a very restricted scale. Advices from London indicate
      579 words
    • 124 2 Taiping Tin Dredging. (No. 1 Dredge' pis. 02, hrs. 321, cu. yds. ."&gt;O,OOO. North Tr.iping Tin Dririging.- (Drudge working only 2 shifts it day, four days weekly. One wash-up every second day's working l pels. r &gt;2, hrs. 117. cu. yd.. 19,400. Malang Pud,mg Dredging. -VNe. 2
      124 words
    • 864 3 Fraser And Co’s Quotations. Singnnore, Feb. 1. Minin*. Issue V» Pil Buyer*. Sellers. £1 €1 A sum K urn hang 23/6 25/G £1 £1 Austral Malay 13/ 20/-nnm 6Ayer Hitam Tin 10/6 11 3 £1 £1 Bnngri*i Tin 11/- 12/fl £1 Bntang Padnng &lt;1.03 0 10 1
      864 words
    • 266 3 EXCHANGE RATES. I Singapore, Feb. 1. SELLING. 1 London, 4 months’ sight 2/3 15/16 London, 3 months’ sight 2/3 29/32 London, 60 days’ sight 2/37/8 I London, 30 days’ sight 2/3 27/32 London, demand 2/3 13/16 London. T.T. 2/3 25/32 Lyons and Paris, demand 990 Hamburg, demand
      266 words
    • 293 3 iosiiik Quotation* In London. o-u »»w* Corresp'mdeni London, Jan. 31. Closing quotations today of the princi* f&gt;al British and American stocks are given Mow: The rise or fall is in relation to the price of Jan. 26. GOVERNMENT STOCKS, BRITISH. Rise or Fall Conversion Loan 5%
      293 words
      • 598 3 Abaeo (£D 14: Allagar &lt;2/) /&lt;%; Amherst (2/) /I; Anglo* Malay (£1) &''s Ayer Kt nirvr (£1) 10 Bagan Serai (£1) r &gt; lt’»; p.ahru (SeU &lt;2O 1A; Banteng (£1) 8/9; Bat’ng Cns. (20 /2; Batu Caves (£1) 7/; It. Tiga &lt;£l &gt; 6'10%: Bekoh
        598 words
      • 699 3 Capital Issue Closing Price* Paid Up Value Dividend* Fraser Lyall A Company A Co. Evatt. 464,176 1 Nil for year 29-2-82 Allenbv (31) 0.46 0.65 0.45 0.6" 216,779 1 Nil for year 30-9-32 .Alor Gajab (fl) 0.25 0.36 0.30 040 439,125 1 Nil for
        699 words