The Straits Budget, 27 October 1932

Total Pages: 38
1 6 The Straits Budget
  • 29 1 The Straits Budget ilEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE STRAITS TIMES ESTABLISHED NEARLY A CENTURY.] fw. 3.898 SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27. 1932. Price 25 cents (S.S. Currency) or 7d.
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  • 281 1 LEADERS Page Riding Roughshod 3 Wait and See! 3 41 He That Runs May Read” ,‘M Signs of Progress 4 How to Make Money! 4 Untapped Rubber 4 Occasional Notes 6-6 telegrams, Reuter and Special— Covering Past Week’s News 21-29 Picture-— Performance of “Little Devil" 17 Farewell to Mr.
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  • 140 1 Six Chinese Committed To Assizes. (from Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, Oct. 25. At the conclusion of the preliminary inquiry into the case relating to the kidnapping of Mr. Yoon Tin on Sept. I** while he was going to his mine at Menglembu, six Chinese who reserved their defence
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  • 1530 1 Mr. Justice Mudie is going on home leave next month. Mr. J. Holland is expected back on Nov. 3 by the Sarpedon. Mr. U. P. Davis. Town Planner, Selangor. has return* d from Home leave. Mr. S. 1. M. Alsagcfi* has returned to Singapore after a holiday
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  • 2004 2 And What Happened to A “Country Cousin.” INSURANCK FRAUD. SIX MONTHS IN GAOL FOR BELL. The mysterious sinking of a lighter in Singapore waters between Tanjong Khu anW Beach Hoad on the night of Aug. 5-6, and a subsequent claim against the insurers, the
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  • 156 2 I Chief Witness Commits Perjury. (F rom Our Own Correspondent.) Medan, Oct. 21. A murder case on the island of Banka in 1930 is now causing a sensation in Java, because it has been proved that an innocent man has been sentenced to 20 years'
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  • 46 2 London Oct. 23. Burglars effected an entrance into the house of the newly-elected Lord Mayor, Sir Percy Greenaway, while the family were in the dining room and entered the room of Lady Greenaway from which they stole jewellery and other valuables estimated at i‘7oo.—Aneta-Trans-Ocean.
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  • 144 2 Lively Meeting. QUESTIONS AS TO LOSS ON YEAR. At the annual meeting of Uritpa Engineers, Ltd., held on Wednesday it revealed that Mr. J. A. P. Strachan the managing director and chairman of the board of directors, would be retiring after Mr. B. I. Chambers, the general
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  • 510 2 Japanese Singer’s Novel Recital. Kimonos and obis lent an unwonted splash of colour to the Victoria Memorial Hall on Oct. 20 when the Japanese community turned out in hundreds to hear the song recital by their countrywoman. Madame Tamaki Miura. The visit of Madame Miura was a unique
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  • The Straits Budget
    • 1177 3 Straits Times, Oct. 20. If the Government of this Colony had v ol <>ut deliberately to exasperate public pinion and provoke it to an open show oi resentment, it could not have devised t ans more effective than the proceedings a t yesterday’s meeting of the Legislative Council.
      Straits Times, Oct. 20.  -  1,177 words
    • 1306 3 WAIT AND SEE —Straits Times, Oct. 21. 1 hat this Colony is still in grave danger of attacks on its free trade policy was made abundantly clear in the course His Excellency’s references at Wed-i-esday’s meeting of the Legislative Counc i! to the Ottawa agreements. The speech left matters very
      —Straits Times, Oct. 21.  -  1,306 words
    • 991 3 straits Tunes, Oct. 22. It was only natural that, following the announcement by the Secretary of State for the Colonies of his intention to send Sir Samuel Wilson to Malaya in order that he might become fully acquainted with the more pressing problems with which
      straits Tunes, Oct. 22.  -  991 words
    • 845 4 —Straits Times, Oct. 24. Not everyone would agree that the objection raised by the Kuala Lurnpui Sanitary Board to its official title, and its decision to take up again the question of conferring municipal government upon Kuala Lumpur, do indicate pro gress in the Federal capital. On
      .—Straits Times, Oct. 24.  -  845 words
    • 1206 4 HOW TO MAKE MONEY ♦Straits Times, Oct. 25. There is in Singapore a firm which is displaying almost pathetic anxiety to ensure that the local populace shall not long remain in that state of abject poverty which has l>ecome so fashionable. According to the note heading on a circular letter
      ♦Straits Times, Oct. 25.  -  1,206 words
    • 926 4 Straits Times, Oct. 26. The statistics of rubber out of tapping in Malaya published monthly only cover estate rubber, and there are apparently no comprehensive statistics relating to native holdings, but an indication of what is happening is found in this month’s number of the Malayan Agricultural Journal,
      Straits Times, Oct. 26.  -  926 words
    • 65 4 Siamese Who Instigated Murders. (From Our Own Correspondents Bangkok, 0 ct. 21. After a 'ong and sensational Oia Luang Siddlii Debkara, r. wealthv ip*' 1 ential merchant of Ptapatoom Distric was sentenced to death on a charge murder. The evidence showed tiiat he instigat e
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    • 115 5 —Straits Times, Oct. 20. Jr the second line of the fifth verse of hiw poem, “His Apologies,” which is u j,|;.hed in the current quarterly issue of The Malayan Kennel Gazette, Kipling r( (e Thy Servant wentedst away,” Tj]e fact that he used the second person in-toad of
      —Straits Times, Oct. 20.  -  115 words
    • 271 5 Straits Times, Oct. 20. it i- within the realm of possibility that yesterday, or even today, some unfoitunate inhabitant of the Malay jungle let forth a shrill cry of fear as the dreaded jaws of a crocodile snapped over his leg and dragged him through mangrove slime
      Straits Times, Oct. 20.  -  271 words
    • 304 5 —Straits Times, Oct. 20. in .*If nday's issue we published an tic't i*y <»n»• London correspondent ta;jn«r that there was much indigna’’on among Free State barristers reyarding an amendment to the Kedah "Uits Enactment passed by tlie State •’ov.ncil. According to the amendment no in <on can
      —Straits Times, Oct. 20.  -  304 words
    • 144 5 w m icii v \'vum —Straits Times, Oct. 21. a 0 things differently in Ceylon Straits h cT*i We0,:S apr if Singapore, the t orn, i ettlements budget passed it? c4 r/, r ui ad, !2 g a debate which last(\,i. p nly four and a half-hours.
      w m iciiv \'vum —Straits Times, Oct. 21.  -  144 words
    • 130 5 tic with the scheme.—Straits Times, Oct. 21. The latest number of Straits Produce makes a mistake in attributing a statement about the nipah industry to Sir Laurence Guillemard, and a writer in the Straits Times made the same mistake recently when he mentioned Sir Laurence’s name in
      tic with the scheme.—Straits Times, Oct. 21.  -  130 words
    • 371 5 Royal Asiatic Society.—Straits Times, Oct. 21. Few people in this country have tackled the writings of Mr. Ivor Evans and other students of prehistoric- Malaya, and the summary of their findings contributed by Dr. Winstedt to the last number ol' the M.B.R A.S. Journal is therefore welcome
      Royal Asiatic Society.—Straits Times, Oct. 21.  -  371 words
    • 187 5 —Straits Times, Oct. 22. Most people would say that the new English craze of “hiking” is utterly unsuitably to Malaya, but the magazine of the Methodist Boys' School, Kuala Lumpur, publishes an account of a notable enterprise of this kind. A party of six schoolboys set out
      .—Straits Times, Oct. 22.  -  187 words
    • 261 5 CHICAGO S OPTIMISM! —Straits Times, Oct. 22. Most of the news messages relating to Chicago which reach the Straits nowadays describe either the doings o r gunmen or the financial difficulties o r hat great city, and it is therefore only fair that we should remark that Chicago is giving
      .—Straits Times, Oct. 22.  -  261 words
    • 381 5 Government ought to recognise.—Straits Times, Oct. 22. That the people who believe in finding out what a power alcohol industry could do for Malaya, whether it used nipah sap or pineapple waste or other products have practical experience in other parts of the British Empire to
      Government ought to recognise.—Straits Times, Oct. 22.  -  381 words
    • 285 5 that so long overdue dress suit. Straits Times, Oct. 24. Out of a cloudy sky comes this ray of hope and cheer. The message was received by a reader of the Straits Times by the last mail, and he passes it on so that all may reap the
      that so long overdue dress suit. Straits Times, Oct. 24.  -  285 words
    • 252 5 Straits Times, Oct. 24. Writing of clothes is to recall that at the recent annual convention of tailors the chairman had to record that rondi> tions for the craft were gloomy in the extreme. Men—even young men—have become less dressy. Among the older ones a state of
      Straits Times, Oct. 24.  -  252 words
    • 324 5 His friends thought otherwise.—Straits Times, Oct. 24. In connection with Sir Fiennes Barrett* Lennard's allegation that he wa-s poisoned by ground glass in Jamaica, a correspondent wrote to the Straits Times tho other day to say that to him the whole idea of poisoning through crushed glass \vns
      His friends thought otherwise.—Straits Times, Oct. 24.  -  324 words
    • 170 5 “NOT BEGGARS —Straits Times, Oct. 25. Two young Dutchmen from Semarang have undertaken an arduous and possibly perilous method of returning to their homes in Holland. Ardent motorcyclists, they left Singapore today in an attempt to vary the usual steamer route astride a high-powered German machine. Their journey will undoubtedly
      —Straits Times, Oct. 25.  -  170 words
    • 208 6 Straits Times, Oct. 2"». We now slaughter pigs l»y electricity—or at least stun them j rior to the use of the knife. The process was described fully a week or two ago. It may have been of little interest to the non-pig-killing reader, blit today we have
      ! Straits Times, Oct. 2"».  -  208 words
    • 407 6 what it is in Malaya.—Straits Times, Oct. 25. A correspondent in Saturday’s Straits Times remarked that he was surprised to tind that nothing had been said about the F.M.S. Railways in the report of :|.e F.M.S. Retrenchment Commission. Actually the Commission has not shirked that thorny
      what it is in Malaya.—Straits Times, Oct. 25.  -  407 words
    • 207 6 -Straits Times, Oct. 26. The unexpected is constantly happening in newspaper offices. Any moment may bring some new caller, such as a man walking round the world, an inventor of an entirely new material for making rubber roads—or even Trebitsch-Lincoln One of our strangest visits was reserved for
      -Straits Times, Oct. 26.  -  207 words
    • 273 6 —Straits Times, O 26. It was gratifying t<» read the other day following the liq.duy arranged l>> Malaya House at the International Urocers’ Exhibition :n I.endo.i a number of firm inquire* were received for Malayan tapioca, thank? to “a considerable improvement in the product.' hor this
      .—Straits Times, O .. 26.  -  273 words
    • 354 6 Straits Times, Oct. ‘iff. It will have been noticed that this column is used from time to time to call attention to progress* which is being made in other paits of the world towards the ideal of painless dentistry. We do th.s because so far as our
      Straits Times, Oct. ‘iff.  -  354 words

  • 124 6 Charge Against Dealer In Sitiawan. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, Oct. 25. The discovery of the loss of 200 tons of rubber from the Sitiawan branch of A. Bendixen and Co. and the disappearance on Sunday of the storekeeper, Chcam Sam Hock, has had a sequel in
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  • 697 6 Further Evidence In Changi Suit. Tie hearing was continued on Tuesday before the Thief Justice (Sir William Munson) of the claim for $‘{,000 damages by Mr. H. Wolskel against Mr. A. Y. Abraham for trespass and obstruction of the right of way to the plaintiff's
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  • 52 6 Mr. A. S. Faynes To Act For Sir John Scott. The Straits Times understands, although official confirmation is unobtainable, that when Sir John Scott goes on leave early next year, prior to retirement, Mr. A. S. Haynes will become acting Colonial Secretary. Mr. Haynes is at present British
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  • 371 6 Rain Interferes With Ipoh Meeting. A heavy shower of rain after the tiffin interval necessitated the scrappin t r? a number of events on the programme of the Motor Gymkhana convened by \jr H. A. Johnson and held under the aiis pices of the Perak branch of the
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  • 66 6 <!’ rom Our Own Correspondent.! Kuala Lumpur, Oct. 25. The first flight made by a member of the Kuala Lumpur Flying Club to Penang and back was made on Sunday, Mr. Loke Wan Ynt, with the club’s instructor, Mr. Newark as pilot, leaving Kuala Lumpur at
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  • 21 6 BROOKS. To Lyra, wife of R. Brooks. Si tiga pore at Maternity Hospital. Singapore. or Oct. 22. a son. (Stillborn).
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  • 82 6 Mr. and Mrs. Oh Gim Koey.and family beg 10 thank all relatives and friends and members of Thong Nghec Kok, Thong Wah Knk atm Thoong Nyien Association for their attendance at night visits and funeral of the b*;e Mrs. Oh Yeow Chinng (nee Wong b Nyong) and also those
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 86 6 NOTICE All communications for both the Times and the Straits Budget sno«l»i i-t addressed to the Head Office, Ceci_l Stanley Streets, Singapore, Straits Settii ments. The post free price of the Straits Timrs t* the United Kingdom and foreign eoantrsi is %4b a year. The post free price of tn*
      86 words
  • 34 6 DEATH KOCH. At his residence IT. Buckley Rd. n Oct. 22. 1932, Mr. Gerald Charles Koch aj?od fi8. Funeral at Bidadari on Sunday, Oct 23 at 8 F.M.S. papers pleas-' copy. Deeply regretted.
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  • Correspondence.
    • 548 7 I nofficials Wasting Their Time. i'o the Editor of the Straits Times. You are to be congratulated on lu* moderation shown in your leading itide of Oct. 20, entitled “Riding Roughshod.” Quite a number of people .jink that something much stronger reeded in view of the way H.E.
      548 words
    • 173 7 o the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, Please allow me a space to voice K o Urp rise on through the -I.S. Retrenchment Committee’s report v> as at a loss to find that nothing was mentioned about the railways. The axo being heavily applied to the sub"'dinates, and
      173 words
    • 111 7 To the Editor of the Straits Times. .^> r i —Has it ever struck the subscribers that the only thing that has not come down during this slump is the telephone subscription Is it due to the monopoly obtain from the Government, that the company refuses to come
      111 words
    • 222 7 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,—] have read “Luminifer” in today’s issue and, frankly, I prefer your crossword puzzle Free trade is not a dogma or a fetish. 11 is the common interest of all who wish to see commerce revive and the world brought to
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    • 246 7 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —With reference to the leading article in the “Straits Times” of Oct. 11 on the above subject, I should like to remark that the value of the Wild Life Commission would have been greater if the Commissioner had been somebody
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    • 222 7 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —It is a sad commentary on the lack of knowledge which still seems prevalent in Singapore regarding actual conditions in this country that such a long article as that which appeared in your issue of Oct. 7, under
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    • 112 7 I the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —What a delightful balance sheet U.E.’s have issued And so expensively not up. Store stocks have been reduced, by sales presumably, to the extent of $705,000 odd and no doubt certain contracts have been comple f ed, but profits, it
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  • 1268 7 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,—Referring to London comments on Sir Samuel Wilson’s visit to Malaya,! you state in your leader of Saturday last j “While all this appears to indicate that major constitutional changes will be sanctioned only if Sir Samuel Wilson finds
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  • 13366 8 SIMILAR TREATMENT FOR ALL ALIENS. In spite of considerable opposition In Mr. H. K. Nixon and all the Chinese unofficial members the Aliens Bill, which is to regulate the immigration of aliens into the Colony and to control their residence here, passed second reading
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  • 465 12 RUBBER NEXT TO THE SKIN How to Slim. SINGAPORE COMMENT ON NEW INVENTION. From inquiries made in Singapore on Tuesday, the Straits Times gathers that the idea of rubber clothes is by no means new but that the iluctuating price of the commodity in the past has effectually held up
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  • 564 12 Waited Six Weeks. EDUCATION DEPARTMENT CRITICISED. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang. Oct. 24. Lye Soo Eng. a Chinese schoolmaster, successfully appealed today against his conviction and tine of $10 recently passed on him by the Police Magistrate on a charge of acting as supervisor and teacher
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  • 126 12 Young Dutchmen Leave On Motor Cycle. Equipped with a powerful B.N.VV. (Junkers) 25 h.p. (Continental rating) machine, Messrs. A. G. Aukes, assistant secretary of the Java Motor and MotorCycle Club, and B. A. Herweyer, a young chemist in the D.E.I. sugar refinery industry, left Singapore on Tuesday
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  • 728 12 Wife’s Action. -—4 CLAIMS $700 A MONTH MAINTENANCE. A stir was caused among the Chinese community when one of their leading members, Mr. Lim Peng Siang, a Justice of the Peace and director of several companies, was sued by his wife for failing to maintain her. The
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  • 2056 13 More About The Sugar Estates—When Coolies Caught Alight The Last Labour Contract —Planters In The Pre-War Boom Linsum’s Old Rubber Trees— Estates Of The Future Malayans Golden Age. (By Our Kuala Iumpur Correspondent.) n HE reminiscences of early planting i clays in Malaya published
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  • 2050 14 A Famous Memorandum Reactions In London I lie Agency System Defended A Dross Libel On Managers More About lisiting Agents—Too Much Of A Good Thing? The Visiting Engineer. (By Our Planting Correspondent.) THE first reply to the now-famous I.S.P. memorandum that I have seen appeared in the
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  • 1738 15 MK. JUSTICE STEVENS. (ireat Work On Civil Procedure. EIGHT MONTHS “HARD LABOUR.” Glowing tributes were paid in the Supreme Court on Oof. 19, to MrL Frederick Guy Stevens, late Puisne fudge in Singapore, who has retired while at home in England. The Chief Justice (Sir William
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  • 50 15 Offer to Run Service In Bangkok. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok, Oct. 21. It is rumoured here that the Oriental Telephone and Electric Co. Ltd, of Singapore, has made an offer to the Siamese Government to operate the telephone system of Bangkok. The Government h considering the matter.
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  • 1237 15 FOUNDER OF PENANG BRITISH MALAYA. Anniversary of Death Of Capt. Francis Light. (By Our Penang Correspondent.) Today 1 ic*inrr the* ld8th anniversary of tlu* death of Captain Francis Light, toundc* 1, ol Penang and incidentally of British Malaya, an Old .lack wns flown ove!- his grave in the old cemetery
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  • 2237 16 MALAYA HOUSE RAFFLES LETTERS Reference to Founding Of Singapore. ‘DUTCH ARE FURIOUS.’ GENERAL GILLESPIE’S FALSE CHARGES. Borne time ago five original letters written by Raffles came on to the market and these were purchased by the Malayan Information Agency because of their unique interest for this country. The full text
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  • 146 16 Woman Murdered. MAN HANGED WITH SARONG. A double tragedy was enacted i n Telok Ayer district late on Sunday night when a Tamil woman was murdered and the alleged murderer is believed to hanged himself. e The scene of the murder was in a homu»
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  • 210 16 Due to Arrive Here On Nov. 19. Captain Malcolm R. J. Maxwell-Scott, D.S.O.. R.N., arrives in Singapore by the P. and O. Mnlwa on Nov. 19 to take up his appointment as Captain-in-Charge, H. 31. Naval Establishments, Singapore, in succession to Capt. M. Brock Birkett. D.S.O., R.N. Bonn
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  • 227 16 Fierce Blaze at Lee Rubber Co. Mr. J .G. Shaw, assistant superintendent of the Singapore Fire Brigade, was injured when attending a serious fire at the Lee Rubber Co., Kallang Road, on Friday a piece of timber falling on his arm and inflicting a severe
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  • PAST WEEK’S IMPERIAL AND GENERAL NEWS Contained in Reuter, British Imperial Radio and Special Telegrams.
    • 450 21 f actory commission had met.—Reuter Ueless. A New Treaty? OTTAWA AGREEMENTS ADOPTED. London, Oct. 21. The House of Commons approved the Ottawa agreements by 451 to 84 by the adoption of the necessary hnancial resolution. The closing stage of the debate was marked by a spirited onslaught on
      f actory commission had met.—Reuter »* Ueless.  -  450 words
    • 92 21 —Reuter Wireless. h (irosvenor Square Mansion. t London, Oct. 20. ■‘V murder l ra ma in a deserted mansion Lrosvenor Square belonging to Suzanne, Duchess of Somerset, was revealed u n the housekeeper arrived this •Horning and found the housemaid emn oyed by the Duchess and a gardener
      —Reuter Wireless.  -  92 words
    • 165 21 1 erred on the Iron Duke.”—Reuter Wireless. Gift to Iron Duke In Danger. London, Oct. 19. The octogenarian Duke of Wellington may be deprived of his estates, covering 4,000 acres, and bringing in an annual rental of £2,000, under the Agrarian Reform Measure passed by the Spanish
      1 erred on the “ Iron Duke.”—Reuter Wireless.  -  165 words
    • 331 21 —Reuter. Capt. J. E. Hunter’s Life Of Adventure. London, Oct. 20. The death has occurred of Capt. James Edward Hunter at the age of 98.—Reuter. Capt Hunter was known as( the “Father of the Navy.” Born in 1834, he entered the navy at the age oi 14
      —Reuter.  -  331 words
    • 127 21 —Reuter. Result of Penny Per Pound Duty. London, Oct. 22. With object of securing for Empire rice-growing the virtual monopoly which foreign rice has hitherto bold *n Great Britain, a large modern rice mill is to be erected on Thames side by a group of London business men,
      —Reuter.  -  127 words
    • 123 21 Reuter. Spinners Accept Wage Reduction. London, Oct. 23. The cotton spinning dispute hai* been settled on the basis of a wage reduction of Is. 6d. in the pound from Oct. 31. The mills will re-open on Monday.— Reuter. A cable of the previous day stated With the
      Reuter.  -  123 words
    • 91 21 —Reuter Wireless. French Claim for Share Rejected. London, Oct. 21. A claim by a French company for a share of the gold recovered from the wrecked steamer Egypt has been rejected by the High Court. The owners of three French trawlers as plaintiffs argued that it was through
      —Reuter Wireless.  -  91 words
    • 150 21 in December.—Sin Kuo Min and Sin C’hevv Jit Poh. Leaves Shanghai For Europe. Shanghai, Oct. 23. Mr. Wang Ching-wei, accompanied by his wife and daughter, left Shanghai by the Messageries Maritimes liner Andre Lobon at 11 o’clock yesterday morning. Altogether his party numbered nine. \r.iong those present
      in December.—Sin Kuo Min and Sin C’hevv Jit Poh.  -  150 words
    • 65 21 European diplomatic circles.—Sin Chew Jit Poh. China’s Delegates At Geneva to Explain.” Shanghai, Oct. 23. The Nanking Foreign Office has instructed the Chinese delegates at Geneva to present a memorandum to the League of Nations explaining the nature of the conflicts now taking place in Shantung and
      European diplomatic circles.—Sin Chew Jit Poh.  -  65 words
    • 60 21 -Reuter Wireless. Amicable Separation From His Wife. London, Oct. ID. It is announced that the film star Adolphe Menjou has l>oen amicably separated from his wife, Kathryn Carver, whom he married in 1028. Ho then declared that he had made an ideal marriage and he would take pains
      -Reuter Wireless.  -  60 words
    • 389 21 guiding the last demand.—Reuter Wireless. relatives provided Yen 35,000.—Aneta-Trans-Ocean. Bandits’ Conditions. GREATER PART PAID BY MANCHUKUO. Shanghai, Oct. 19. The negotiators at Pansha.n reached an agreement with the bandits to release Mrs. Pawley and Charles Corkrmn in return for the payment of Yen 130,000, 260 pounds of
      guiding the last demand.—Reuter Wireless.; relatives provided Yen 35,000.—Aneta-Trans-Ocean.  -  389 words
    • 87 21 f —Reuter. Australia to Hong 1 Kong In Four Days. Hong Kong, Oct. 23. The first Australia-Hong Kong aeroplane flight in four days was completed today with the arrival here of Mr. Arthur M. Loew, vice-president of Metro-Gold-wyn-Mayer, who is making a tour of his Eastern
      f —Reuter.  -  87 words
    • 46 21 Signs £40,000 Contract With Fox Films. London, Oct. 22. Heather Angel, a former visitor to Singapore with the Forbes-Russell touring company, has signed a £40,000 contract with Fox Films. Madeleine Carroll has made a contract for a year with (Jaumont-British at £1,000 a week.
      46 words
    • 161 22 -Reuter Wireless. Agreement with the Irish Labour Party. 15 TO 50 PER CENT. Reduced Imperial Preference. Dublin, Oct. 19. Strong reason to believe that Mr. de Valera will strike another blow in the Anglo-Irish economic war was conveyed in a speech in the I)ail tonight. His position
      -Reuter Wireless.  -  161 words
    • 294 22 being construed bearishly.—Reuter Wirelens. Effect of Sterling Depreciation. London, Oct. 19. There was some excitement on the Stock Exchange in the early part of the day on the further sharp depreciation of sterling exchanges owing to selling, chiefly by Paris, but, with influential support, which was withdrawn yesterday,
      being construed bearishly.—Reuter Wirelens.  -  294 words
    • 79 22 }.—Reuter Wireless. Eighteen Months For A Director. Stockholm, Oct. 21. Eighteen months’ hard labour was inflicted on Wendler, one of the Kreuger and Toll directors, who was arrested shortly after the failure of the combine. Torsen«Kreuger has now been formally arrested on a charge of swindling and steps
      }.—Reuter Wireless.  -  79 words
    • 281 22 —Reuter Wirele.«T[S. Coburg Celebrations. CHEAT GATHERING OF ROYALTIES. I Coburg, Oct. 20. Princess Sibylla of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, who wore a wedding dress of white satin with a diamond tiara in her hair, and Prince Gustav Adolph, eldest son of the Crown Prince of Sweden, wealing uniform, were
      —Reuter Wirele.«T[S.  -  281 words
    • 169 22 Reuter Wireless. New Zealand Office Defalcations. London, Oct. 20. Defalcations in the New Zealand High Commissioner’s office in London led to a sentence of 12 months’ imprisonment in the second division being passed on Earnest Thoms, aged 44, finance officer, and of nine months’ on Arnold Ilore, aged
      Reuter Wireless.  -  169 words
    • 152 22 America Goes Mad Over New Invention. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Oct. 23. Declaring that the people of Britain will soon be wearing rubber clothes, the Sunday Express states that leading Eimopean textile firms are negotiating with a great American rubber company for rights in an invention involving
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    • 92 22 —Reuter. Sequel to Motor-Car Fatality. London, Oct. 20. As a sequel to the finding of the corpse of a man named George Hawke in the road near Henley on Oct. 10, the jury, at the inquest at Henley today, returned a verdict that Hawke was killed
      —Reuter.  -  92 words
    • 151 22 But Dividend of 15 Per Cent. Distributed (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Oct. 23. The Tanjong Malim Rubber Co., Ltd v has lost £1,377 for the year ended June 30. A credit of £25,259 is carried forward. Kota Tinggi (Johore) Rubber Co.. Ltd., has lost £1,199 for
      151 words
    • 128 22 —Sin Chew Jit Poh. Dalai Lama Said To Favour War. Shanghai. Oct. 24. There was a large attendance of Szechwanese, Sikiangese, Tibetans and Yunnonese at a meeting held in Nanking yesterday (Sunday) at which resolutions were passed requesting the Nanking Government to settle the di. pute between
      —Sin Chew Jit Poh.  -  128 words
    • 136 22 —Reuter Wireless. Scandal to Church And Holy Order.” London, Oct. 21. The Rev. Harold Francis Davidson Rector of Stiffkey, was “deposed and degraded” and stripped of ecclesiastical promotions, benefits and emoluments amid remarkable scenes in Norwich Cathedral. The tiny fourteenth century Bauchum Chapel was chosen for the
      —Reuter Wireless.  -  136 words
    • 48 22 Reuter Wireless. Hitler Wants Relations Of Mutual Trust. Berlin, Oct. 21. “Relations of mutual trust between Germany and Great Britain are essential for Germany’s future,” Herr Hitler emphatically declared when replying to several speeches made by Herr Von Papen, in which h© criticised the Naz.
      Reuter Wireless.  -  48 words
    • 417 22 —Reuter Wireless. similar advice to his employees.—Reuter Wireless. Mr. Mellon on The Issue. OTTAWA AGREEMENT. Value of a Prosperous Britain. London, Oct °o The real question to be decided a* the coming Presidential Election was that of leadership, declared Mr. Mellon ‘he American Ambassador, when addressing the
      —Reuter Wireless.; similar advice to his employees.—Reuter Wireless.  -  417 words
    • 121 22 —Sin Kuo MiTi. Geneva Delegates To Visit Moscow. Shanghai, Oct. 22. The Japanese delegates who are to attend the meeting of the League of Nations assembly at Geneva next month are travelling by way of the TransSiberian railway. It is understood that, cn route, they will meet
      —Sin Kuo MiTi.  -  121 words
    • 21 22 —Reuter. Ratified by New Zealand Parliament. Wellington, Oct. 21. The House of Representatives ratified the Ottawa agreements without division.
      —Reuter.  -  21 words
    • 440 23 Reuter. proposal for Stretch At Cenotaph. NEW PROCESS. Petition by Lombard Street Frontagers. The rubber road movement is making headway mu according to a cable from London, the City Corporation has been petitioned to use rubber in the repaving of Lombard Street, the frontagers having offered
      Reuter.  -  440 words
    • 109 23 he Continued for Two Years. London, Oct. 21. hv ontinuance for two years from of the existing protective duties of tr cent, on iron and steel has been by a Treasury order, subject to i aotory progress being made in re-ar-ation. 1 e Port of the import duties,
      109 words
    • 59 23 —Sin Chew Jit Poh. His Way Back to China From Europe). \l r r Shanghai Oct. 22. post nf er e b'hen (who resigned the Governm 0 °T eipn Minister in the Nanking *Ro) i c so me three or four months mmfvh n r^ tUrn i
      —Sin Chew Jit Poh.  -  59 words
    • 114 23 General Tang Abandons His Capital. A COUNTER-ATTACK. Japanese Sustain Heavy Losses. Shanghai, Oct. 22. The Japanese general offensive continues and, east of Mukden, the Fengtien National Salvation Army, commanded by General Tang Chu-wu, has abandoned Turighua, the temporary capital of the Fengtien Provincial Government recently set
      114 words
    • 95 23 -Reuter. Hopes for Service Next Year. London, Oct. 19. Hopes to inaugurate an air route between London and Australia, via Karachi and Singapore, in 1933 were revealed by Lieut.-Col. F. C. Shelmerdine, Director of Civil Aviation. He added that negotiations were in hand for extending the
      -Reuter.  -  95 words
    • 109 23 —Reuter. Novel Exhibition At Fruit Show. London, Oct. 21. Malaya plays a novel and enterprising part in the Imperial Fruit Show in Birmingham, which opened today. The stand features pineapples, and a cookery expert demonstrates a tasty blending of pineapple and other dishes, like veal, curried fish and
      —Reuter.  -  109 words
    • 76 23 —Aneta-TramAOccan. Rumoured Stroke After Hunger Strike. London, Oct. 18. Rumours persist that Gandhi had a stroke on the termination of his hunger strike, and this! is stated to be the reason for the Government having forbidden friends to visit him as it was resolved at all costs to
      —Aneta-TramAOccan.  -  76 words
    • 43 23 —Sin Kuo Min. Soviet and the Manchukuo Regime. Shanghai, Oct. 22. The Soviet Consul at Mukden, it is reported, has announced that Russia doenot rntend to recognise Manchukuo since, by so doing, she would be obstructing the restoration of Sino-Soviet relations
      —Sin Kuo Min.  -  43 words
    • 359 23 POUND MORE STABLE THAN GOLD.” Reuter. Frozen Credits. MR. MONTAGU NORMAN’S ADVICE. Lon Ion, Oct. 21. At the bankers’ dinner at the Mansion House last night. Sir E. Hilton Young declared that the pound had proved itself more stable than gold and the price fall was less severe in Great
      Reuter.  -  359 words
    • 127 23 —Reuter. Death of IT.S. Ex-Minister Of War. New York, Oct. 20. The death is announced of Mr. Lindlcy Miller Garrison, who was War Secretary in President Wilson’s Cabinet.—Reuter. Mr. Garrison was born at Camden, New Jersey, on Nov. 28, 1864, and after being educated at various
      —Reuter.  -  127 words
    • 121 23 —British Wireless. Prince of Wales’ V isit To Belfast. Rugby, Oct. 20. The Prince of Wales, who will visiBelfast in November to open the new Parliamentary and administrative buildings of Northern Ireland, has written to the Governor of Northern Ireland impressing upon him that at the present
      .—British Wireless.  -  121 words
    • 27 23 -Reuter. Rexburg, Idaho, Oct. 21. Satisfaction was expressed by Senator Borah in a speech here that both presidential candidates openly favoured an international silver conference.—Reuter.
      -Reuter.  -  27 words
    • 137 23 in Manchuria constitutes* —Sin Chew Jit Poh. Kidnapping: and Murder Threats. HARBIN BANDITS. British Consul Takes Strong Line. Shanghai, Oct. 21. The British and American Ministers at Peking are said to have wired to their respective Governments drawing attention to the seriousness; of the present situation in
      in Manchuria constitutes*—Sin Chew Jit Poh.  -  137 words
    • 146 23 Mr. Davidson Sentenced. TEARFUL APPEAL TO BISHOP. From Our Own Correspondent. London, Oct. 21. Sentence was passed on the Bishop of Norwich today on the Rev. Harold Davidson, Rector of Stiffkey, who was found guilty on charges of immoral conduct. Ho was ordered to he deprived
      146 words
    • 96 23 Commercial Traveller Charged. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Oct. 21. Godfrey Nobes, a commercial traveller, was charged at (iuildford today with tho murders of Albert Keen and his wife Annie Keen on Oct. 9. Albert Keen was a kennelman employed by Sir Laurence Guih maid, formerly Governor
      96 words
    • 85 23 -Reuter. Poplar Unemployed And Prince George. London, Oct. 20. Booing by a section of the crowd and cries of “You have got motors and we are starving’’ were heard on the arrival of Prince George at Poplar this evening to open a new wing of the
      -Reuter.  -  85 words

  • 755 24 Sir Samuel Wilson On His Mission. TIMES’ COMMENT. Economic Realities Of Today. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Oct. 20. I am going to discuss Decentralisation with as many people as possible, and as an old soldier I am not going to be tied to anyone’s
    755 words
  • 245 24 Subjects for Discussion With Unotficials. A formidable list of subjects is to he discussed with Sir Samuel Wilson by the unofficial members of the Legislative Council when the Permanent Under Secretary of State for the Colonies arrives in the Colony in a few week’s time to study
    245 words
  • 82 24 —Reuter Wireless. Scandinavian Countries And Britain. London, Oct. 18. Separate negotiations for tariff agreements between Great Britain on the one hand and Denmark, Norway and Sweden on the other will open in Ivondon shortly. It is believed that no question of treaty revision will be raised but agreements
    —Reuter Wireless.  -  82 words
  • 54 24 —Aneba-Trans-Ocean. Canadian Liberals Fear Decisions. Ottawa, Oct. 19. The Liberal opposition with Canadian Parliament has announced its intention of tabling a motion amending the Ottawa decisions because they tend to increase the already high protective tariff, and opposing the five years’ ban on the con elusion of commercial
    —Aneba-Trans-Ocean.  -  54 words
  • 126 24 t.—Reuter. Daring Mail-Bag Theit. POSTMAN STUNNED IN FULL VIEW. London, Oct. 20. Motor bandits accomplished on?> of the most daring mail-bag robberies of recent years at Huston Station last night in full view of the station throng when they felled a postman and stole a registered
    t.—Reuter.  -  126 words
  • 329 24 y —Reuter. Mr. Lansbury and The Means Test. London, Oct. 19. Replying to Mr. Lansbury, Sir John Gilmour, ihe Home Secretary, informed the House of Commons that the unemployed disturbances yesterday evening were organised by the National Unemployed Workers’ Committee Movement, a weelknown Communist organisation. He added that
    – y .—Reuter.  -  329 words
  • 118 24 —Reuter. Likely to be Held In January. Ottawa, Oct. 20. Tho date of the World Economic Conference in London will be decided in November, according to Government advices received here. The opinion is expressed that it is likely to be held in January, but this depends on the
    —Reuter.  -  118 words
  • 139 24 —Reuter. Clearly Instigated By Communists. POLICE ATTACKED. Grave Disorders Checked. London, Oct. 11*. The police courts of South London were occupied this morning in hearing charges against a number of men who were arrested last night in the course of unemployed disorders. A demonstration was formed
    —Reuter.  -  139 words
  • 223 24 —Reuter. No Attempt to Arrest Murderers. Harbin, Oct. 20. The British Consul-General, Mr Garstin, today called on the chief of police, General Chin Jung-kui, and handed over a copy of the British inquest findings in the case of the murder of Mrs. Woodruff, the wife of the chief
    —Reuter.  -  223 words
  • 99 24 —Reuter. Details of British Exports. London, Oct. 20. Replying to Mr. G. Price (Lab., Hemsworth) who asked for details of arm? and ammunition licensed for export from Great Britain to China and Japan in July, August and September last, Mr. Runciman circulated the following state ment.
    .—Reuter.  -  99 words
  • 41 24 .—Reuter Wireless. Increase Recorded In September. Washington, Oct. If* It is officially estimated that export during September totalled $132,000,0<'0 and imports $98,000,000, compared with $109,000,000 and $91,000,000 respectively in August. Gold imports for the month totalled $27,957,000. —Reuter Wireless.
    .—Reuter Wireless.  -  41 words

  • 414 25 ■how Next Year’s Budget I Will Be Balanced. I 1934 PROSPECTS. I Only $2,000,000 on The Wrong Side. I i Elicit of $14,f00,000 is the gloomy the MM. in next J, ar 's budget tor the Supply Bill I makes provision for an expenditure r
    414 words
  • 51 25 TARRED FEATHERED. protest among Afrikanders.—Reuter Wireless. Damages For Professor In South Africa. Pretoria, Oct. 20. damages to the extent of £750 have awarded to Professor Lamont, who tarred and feathered last May after the publication of his book “War, Wine und Women,” which raised a storm of protest among 1
    protest among Afrikanders.—Reuter Wireless.  -  51 words
  • 48 25 'ML Router. Construction of 10,000-Ton Cruiser. Washington, Oct. 24. lT is announced that the United States jovernment intends to begin next year ■‘i;. construction of another 10,000-ton <• uiscr carrying eight-inch guns. The new vessel will be one of the ten “•'jAvahle under the London Naval Treaty.
    " ** 'ML — Router.  -  48 words
  • 44 25 Aneta-Havas. Stafford, Oct. 22. 1 w o hundred and fifty “hunger mar- :s demonstrated last evening and this morning. he police had to call out reinforce*,V an( l ai fight took place in which one N lc l man v as injured.—Aneta-Havas.
    Aneta-Havas.  -  44 words
  • 64 25 Aneta-Trans-Oce^n. Eighty Women Killed In Switzerland. Berne, Oct. 21. The sheds of a refrigerating plant at Sankt Margarathen, near the Austrian frontier, collapsed suddenly while some 80 women and girls were working on the first storey. Fifteen were killed and 42 injured. Great indignation has been aroused by
    Aneta-Trans-Oce^n.  -  64 words
  • 86 25 —Aneta-Transi- Ocean. Change in Wireless Policy. Moscow, Oct. 21. Yielding at last to the public clamour for less “highbrow” programmes the Moscow broadcasting authorities have decided to introduce dance music. The decision is* in line with the change in the Government’s attitude towards the lighter and particularly jazz
    —Aneta-Transi- Ocean.  -  86 words
  • 85 25 Aneta-Trans-Ocean. Italian Alarm Over Shipyards. Rome, Oct. 21. Uneasiness is expressed in the press over the change of ownership of the Yugo-Slavian Spalato shipyards which have been transferred to French management. The fear is expressed that, under French management and with the help of French capital, the
    Aneta-Trans-Ocean.  -  85 words
  • 70 25 —Reuter Wireless. South Americans Revert To British Railway. Santiago de Chile, Oct. 20. The re-opening of the British-owned Transandine Railway is envisaged in the new draft of the commercial pact between Argentina and Chile, providing for an all-round reduction in tariffs, including the cattle tax, which led to
    .—Reuter Wireless.  -  70 words
  • 54 25 —British Wireless. Action By Gramophone Companies. Rugby, Oct. 18. In order to protect their sales manufacturers of gramophone records in Britain have decided to prohibit all public performances of their records except controlled broadcasting by wireless. Places to which the ban applies includes theatres, dance halls, cinemas
    —British Wireless.  -  54 words
  • 53 25 —British Wireless. New Assistant PostmasterGeneral. Rugby, Oct. 22. Sir Ernest Bennett has been appointed Assistant Postmaster-General in succession to Mr. H. Graham White resigned. Mr. Bennett is a member of the National Labour group. Mr. Graham White was one of the Liberal Ministerwho resigned on the Ottawa
    —British Wireless.  -  53 words
  • 42 25 ,—Reuter Wireless. To Be Held in House Of Lords. London, Oct. 21. In order to mark the sense of importance of the occasion, the Government has decided that the World Economic Conference be held in the House of Lords.—Reuter Wireless.
    ,—Reuter Wireless.  -  42 words
  • 188 25 Reuter. Church Deputation At Foreign Office. London, Oct. 20. The possibility that the Prime Minister will shortly accompany Sir John Simon to Geneva to get a general better understanding amongst the nations of Europe was mentioned by Mr. MacDonald when he received a large and representative deputation of British
    Reuter.  -  188 words
  • 184 25 —Reuter. Senator Borah Deplores U.S. Commitments. Idaho Falls, Oct. 20. I wish to God we had never sailed into Manila Bay, I want to lose the Phillipine Islands as soon as possible.” This was a declaration by Senator Borah in a speech with reference to the United States’
    .—Reuter.  -  184 words
  • 66 25 Reuter. Thirty More Miles Of Famous Reef. .Johunnesberg, Oct. 22. A sensational report that 30 additiona miles of the Witwatersrand main gold reef have been identified by a Johannesburg geologist is published by the Rand Daily Mail. The paper states that experts are of opinion that the main reef
    Reuter.  -  66 words
  • 103 25 presented by these services.—British Wireless, Feeder Services To Be Instituted. Rugby, Oct. 21. Schemes are being advanced for establishing feeder air services linking up with the main Imperial Airways CairoCape Town route. Such auxiliary services already instituted have proved iTiost successful and a network of them is
    presented by these services.—British Wireless,  -  103 words
  • 22 25 Sir (George Penny, M.P. for Kingston-on-Thames and formerly of Malaya, wha was reccmtfy appointed Oompjtroller of His Majesty’s Household.
    22 words
  • 138 25 —British Wireless. Austin’s Success. EXPORT SALES NEARLY DOUBLE. Rugby, Oct. 23. Sir Herbert Aust n, head of the Austin motor firm, speaking at the Production Engineers’ Institute lajt night, laid: “If the conditions in the motor trade aro any criterion as to what is happening l
    —British Wireless.  -  138 words
  • 133 25 -Aneta-T rans-Ocean. Said to be Plotting: In Tibet. Moscow, Oct. 22. The press publishes reports charging Great Britain with a plot for an extension of the Dalai Lama’s sphere of influence and the eventual establishment of a great Tibet at the expense of China, thus emulating Japan’s example
    -Aneta-T rans-Ocean.  -  133 words
  • 82 25 many’s most handsome men.—Aneta-Trans-Ocean. Loses in Objection To Caricature. Berlin, Oct. 22. The German film star, Willy Fritsch, who is the idol of thousands of feminine fans, suffered a sensational legal defeat at the hands of the Dresden court, which rejected his appeal for an injunction restraining a
    many’s most handsome men.—Aneta- Trans-Ocean.  -  82 words

  • 250 26 Reuter. Grave Statement by Sir John Simon. ANXIOUS MEMBERS. Dangers of Japanese Defence Corps. London, Oct. 24. Anxious members questioned Sir John Simon, the Foreign Secretary, in the House of Commons, with regard to the situation in Shanghai. Sir John Simon reported un increase in Sind-Japanese
    Reuter.  -  250 words
  • 150 26 —Reuter. Honourable Settlement Or World’s Enmity. London, Oct. 24. Baron Matsuoka’s departure for Geneva is given prominence in the newspapers. Political circles are underlining his parting statement suggesting opposition to the counsel of the Lytton Commission urging the restoration of Chinese sovereignty in Manchuria. Serious importance, however,
    —Reuter.  -  150 words
  • 55 26 Reuter Wireless. Norway’s Exports Increase And Imports Fall. Oslo, Oct. 20. In spite of a big labour conflict, Norway increased her ex oorts during the first nine months of 1932 by £5,250,000, bringing the total to £23,000,000. Compared with the corresponding period of 1931, imports have declined by
    Reuter Wireless.  -  55 words
  • 40 26 given an enthusiastic reception.—Ameta-Trans-Ocean. Hound The World Flyer In Colombo. Colombo, Oct. 21. < -apt. von Gronau, the airma/n, whose machine waa forced down oil* the coast of Burma, har. reached Colombo, and was given an enthusiastic reception.—Ameta-
    given an enthusiastic reception.—Ameta-Trans-Ocean.  -  40 words
  • 106 26 occasions his collarbone. —Reuter Wireless. Tony Stumbles And Throws Him. Hollywood, Oct. 22. The famous cowboy film star, Tom Mix, is lying in bed suffering from concussion sustained during the filming of a typically dare-devil episode. After a hand-to-hand fight on horseback with the villain in a
    occasions his collarbone.—Reuter Wireless.  -  106 words
  • 65 26 —Reuter. Daughter of British Ambassador. Tokio, Oct. 23. In the presence of a large and distinguished assemblage of high Japanese dignitaries, foreign diplomats and leading members of the foreign community, Alice, daughter of the British Ambassador, Sir Francis Lindley, was married to Mr. Oscar Morland, of the
    —Reuter.  -  65 words
  • 72 26 —Reuter. U.S. Trade and Foreign Currencies. Washington, Oct. 25. President Hoover has instructed the Tariff Commission to investigate 18 former major industries to determine whether they are sufficiently protected. He points out that the currencies of 30 countries have now depreciated from five to 55 per cent., which
    —Reuter.  -  72 words
  • 67 26 —Reuter Wireless. New’ Head of Portuguese Faction. Lisbon, Oct. 19. Don Duarte Nuno has been formally designated as the head of the Monarchist faction in succession to the late ex-King Manoel and has accepted the responsibilities of the position. The decision has thus brought together the four Monarchist
    —Reuter Wireless.  -  67 words
  • 70 26 —British Wireless. Prince of Wales To Visit Belfast. Rugby, Oct. 21. The King and Queen, who have spent the past fortnight at Sandringham, their Norfolk residence, will return to London on Monday. The Prince of Wales is completing his plans for his projected visit to Belfast. At York
    —British Wireless.  -  70 words
  • 50 26 Reuter. Uruguay Approaches Great Britain. London, Oct. 19. Uruguay is the latest country to join the queue of those desiring tariff agreements with Great Britain. It was learned at the Foreign Office that the British Government has received proposals for tariff arrangements from Uruguay which are being considered.—
    Reuter.  -  50 words
  • 37 26 —Reuter. Pretoria, Oct. 23. 1 he commercial treaty with Germany will be amended from tomorrow to permit of Union preferences being accorded to goods from the Empire and mandated territories which Germany does* not enjoy.—Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  37 words
  • 238 26 —Reuter. Japan and the Peril In Manchuria. London, Oct. 21. The release of Mrs. Lawley and Mr. Charles Corkran, who were captured by bandits at Newchwang, is. featured by all the London newspapers. Leading articles echo the public relief and express general admiration of the captive*’ cheerful defiance
    —Reuter.  -  238 words
  • 146 26 —Reuter. Need for a Strong Home Market. Berlin, Oct. 20. A strong home market which guarantees the nation’s food supply can alone form a solid basis for Germany’s; foreign trade,’’ declared Dr. Luther, president of the Reichsbank, in a speech at the Overseas Club supporting the Government’s economic
    —Reuter.  -  146 words
  • 105 26 Mr. Roosevelt on Budget Deficit. Pittsburg, Oct. 20. A budgetary deficit of over $1,600,*****0 at the end of the present fiscal year, if.the present rate of governmental receipts and expenditure is maintained, was foreshadowed by Mr. Roosevelt in an election sneech attacking the financial policy of the administration
    105 words
  • 54 26 —Reuter. Huge Claims Filed in New York. New York, Oct. 20. Claims aggregating $460,000,000 have been filed on behalf of the Kreguer and Toll American Company, against the bankrupt International Match Corporation and an additional claim of $165,000,000 has been filed on behalf of the Dutch Kreuger
    —Reuter.  -  54 words
  • 20 26 —Aneta- Marseilles, Oct. 21. The new ship Aramis has left on its maidem trip to the Far East.—Aneta-
    —Aneta-  -  20 words
  • 138 26 —Reuter. Police Pay. SECOND CUT MUST up ENFORCED. London, Oct. 24 The representations of the police cm, ciIs against a second cut in the nav f British police, due on Nov. 1 under tk Government’s economy programme failed. w Following last year’s financial C ri«i. cuts
    .—Reuter.  -  138 words
  • 56 26 —Aneta-Trans-Ocean. General Election Now Expected. Copenhagen, Oct. 21. The dSolution of the Danish Parliament is pred’cted. It is stated that the Government 1* convinced of the necessity of new elections in view of the parliamentary deadlock regarding the measures contemplated by the Government for the regulation of imports
    —Aneta-Trans-Ocean.  -  56 words
  • 59 26 Will Reuter. Issue of $80,000,000 This Month. Ottawa, Oct. 25 The Dominion internal loan >f $80,000,000 is to be floated at the end of the month. According to unofficial hut reliable advices it will consist of $25,000,000 worth of three-year four per cent, bonds at 90.20 and 20-year
    Will Reuter.  -  59 words
  • 57 26 -Aneta-T rans-Ocean. Leaving on Ninth Trip To Rio de Janeiro. Friedrichshafen, Oct. 2!. On its return from the eighth South American flight on Wednesday night the dirigible Graf Zeppelin had covered its 500.000 kilometres in the air. The airship will leave cr» Monday on its ninth and last
    -Aneta-T rans-Ocean.  -  57 words
  • 83 26 —British Wireless. Government Recognised By Great Britain. Rugby, Oct. 22. Sir H. Chilton, the British Ambassador at Santiago, yesterday handed notes to the Chilean Foreign Minister gating that the Government in the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand and Canada were happy to enter into official relations with
    .—British Wireless.  -  83 words
  • 22 26 —Reuter. Debenture Issue Quickly Over-Subscribed. London, Oct. 21. The Southern £4,750,000 debenture issue at 4*4 per cent, has been over-subscribed.—Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  22 words
  • 26 26 (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Oct. 23. At least 600 murders have been report ed in New York this year, 400 bv shooting.
    26 words

  • 494 27 —Reuter. Sir Walter Layton’s Letter. BRITISH POSITION. Might be Decisive Factor. London, Oct. 25. O vmg to a difference of opinion with nc Government, Sir Walter Layton (the .,jj tur of the Economist) has resigned roni the preparatory committee of the Wor?<! Economic Conference. Ir. a letter
    —Reuter.  -  494 words
  • 69 27 -•—Reuter. New Proposals Submitted By Japan. r. Tokio, C)*t. 25. ;h'it ii ea,n °d an official source lew (,0Vernm ent has sanctioned a hi. Proposals for naval reduction, ea!. Ure has not been reHnov'er nor accepting the and,.. a y Ba ldwin proposals, it is alon j M
    -•—Reuter.  -  69 words
  • 385 27 .—Reuter Wireless. What Demands Of Marchers Would Cost. London, Oct. 24. The County Hall at the Westminster headquarters of the London County Council was like a heavily guarded fortress today to prevent an outbreak of the unemployed in view of last week’s happenings. The General
    .—Reuter Wireless.  -  385 words
  • 145 27 .—British Wireless. Restoration of the 48-Hour Week. Rugby, Oct. 24. The terms of settlement in the dispute in the spinning section of the cotton industry provide for a wage reduction of Is. in the pound and the restoration of the 48-hour week. Further negotiations are being undertaken on
    .—British Wireless.  -  145 words
  • 77 27 —Reuter Wireless. Amy to Try and Beat Husband’s Time. London, Oct. 23. The Royal Air Force will attempt to wrest the non-stop distance record from the United States in a flight from London to Cape Town early next month. About the same time Amy Johnson is reported
    —Reuter Wireless.  -  77 words
  • 102 27 8 t; am P out the drug traffic.—Reuter Wireless. Patronised by Upper-Class Egyptians. Alexandria, Oct. 24. Wild scenes occurred at an open-air hashish den in a date-grove patronised by upper-class Egyptians. Smokers fired 75 shots at General Ugosabetta, the Italian Consul, and the Chief of the Criminal Investigation
    8t;amP out the drug traffic.—Reuter Wireless.  -  102 words
  • 64 27 —Reuter Wireless. Sanctuary Coining To An End. Athens, Oct. 22. The instruments of ratification of the extradition treaty between Greece and the United States have been forwarded to Washington, meaning that Samuel Insull’s period of peaceful sanctuary is nearing an end. Insull’s lawyer professes little concern, however, as
    —Reuter Wireless.  -  64 words
  • 167 27 tween mother iaind son.—Aneta-Trans-Ocean. the frontier to meet her.—Reuter Wireless. Whispers of Royal Reconciliation. Bucharest, Oct. 24. Following her son, the Crown Prince Michael, who was recently forced to leave Fngland prematurely under peremptory orders from King Carol, Princess Helen has arrived at the Rumanian capital, breaking her
    tween mother iaind son.—Aneta-Trans-Ocean.; the frontier to meet her.—Reuter Wireless.  -  167 words
  • 77 27 the territories concerned.—Reuter Wireless Service to Start On Dec. 19. Rugby, Oct. 24. The British Broadcasting Corporation’s new Empire broadcasting station at Coventry will begin operations on Dec. 19. The Postmaster-General stated in the House of Commons that it hoped it would serve all the Dominions and Colonies.
    the territories concerned.—Reuter Wireless  -  77 words
  • 123 27 Reuter Wireless. Lost £100,000 in One Evening. London, Oct. 24. A life full of thrills, gaming tables and jungle is recalled by the publication today of the will of Major Jack Coats, the famous gambler and big game hunter, who was found dead in London last June.
    Reuter Wireless.  -  123 words
  • 195 27 —Reuter. Agreement Expected. BRITISH AND DUTCH PRODUCERS. London, Oct. 26. Details of tho tea restriction scheme drafted by the Netherlands Indies Association are published by the Financial Times. They reveal that the scheme, which has been approved by practically all the Dutch growers, proposes that the Netherlands
    —Reuter.  -  195 words
  • 65 27 Question to be Asked In The House. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Oct. 25. Sir Philip Dawson, the Unionist member for West Lewisham, is to ask the Minister of Transport, Mr. P. J. Pybus, in the House of Commons tomorrow whether he will advise the Westminster City Council
    65 words
  • 109 27 -Aneta-Trans-Ocean. Switzerland Faces Huge Budget Deficit. Berne, Oct. 23. Like France, Switzerland has been badly hit bv the continued decrease of tourist traffic resulting from the international depression which thus affects the little country both directly and indirectly. Chiefly as a result of this state of affairs, it
    -Aneta-Trans-Ocean.  -  109 words
  • 140 27 —Router Wireless. Norwegian Captain Suspended. Oslo, Oct. 24. A first-class political squabble is likely to arise over the action of the Norwegian Minister for National Defence in temporarily suspending a Norwegian naval officer, Captain Kullman, for making speeches at the Anti-War Congress in Amsterdam last month, alleged to
    —Router Wireless.  -  140 words

  • 195 28 Two Men Arrested. POUND NOTES FOUND IN CHIMNEY. London, Oct. 23. Two men have Keen chanced in co'ixction with the mail bate robbii-v at Eiiston Station, involving id,000 worth oi legistered packages. The police combe 1 London last week, and numerous pound notes from the were
    195 words
  • 104 28 lUWI I W Reuter Wireless. Death of Italy’s “Rubber King.” Milan. Oct. 21. A romance of indie try has been brought to a close by the death at the aK e of 81 of Senator Uovanm Inclli founder of the great rubber tyre and electrical cable factories. Senator
    lUWI I W – – Reuter Wireless.  -  104 words
  • 91 28 Reuter Wireless. Mr. G. Lansbury Expected To Succeed Mr. Henderson. London, Oct. 19. The resignation of Mr. Arthur Hendeison from the leadership of the Labour party is due to the heavy burden of his work at Geneva, and as Secretary and Treasuier of the Labour Party, said his
    . Reuter Wireless.  -  91 words
  • 82 28 Reuter Wireless Tercentenary Celebrated At St. Paul’s. London, Oct. 20. The tercentenary of the birth of Sir Christopher Wren, England's greatest architect, was celebrated today by a special service at St. I’auls athe'lial, his masterpiece, whi.h was attended by the Lord Mayor of London and the City
    Reuter Wireless  -  82 words
  • 62 28 —Sin ('hew Jit Poh. China’s New Broadcasting Station. Shanghai, Oct. 23. The ii**w Central (lovernment Wireless station is to be inaugurated on Nov. 12. It will have a broadcasting radius of 10,000 miles. Hie Nanking Foreign Office has instructed < hinese Legations overseas to obtain receiving sets
    .—Sin ('hew Jit Poh.  -  62 words
  • 334 28 •—British Wireless. Duties Extended for Two Years. Rugby, Oct. 21. The report of the Import Duties Advisory Committee with regard to iron and steel duties has been issued, accompanied by a Treasury order for the I further continuance for a period of two years of the duties
    •—British Wireless.  -  334 words
  • 93 28 u —Reuter Wireless. Tackling Adverse Balance Of 8.000,000,000 Francs. Paris, Oct. 21. Tin* t’abinet lias approved of the Finance Minister’s draft budget designed to rectify the adverse balance of nearly S.000,00 .000 francs. Nearly half of this will he met ultimately by loans through the expedient of transferring
    u—Reuter Wireless.  -  93 words
  • 88 28 —Reuter Wireless. France to Follow British Decision. Paris, Oct. 21. France will follow’ the reported British intention as regards the payment of debts to the United States, the Finance Minister announced today. She will make the December payment if Parliament vote< approval. It has been semi-officially stated
    —Reuter Wireless.  -  88 words
  • 101 28 Reuter. When They Return From Abroad. London, Oct. 22. Soldiers newly returned from abroad i.» future will lind railway buffets to cater for their needs on the journey from the port of arrival to their barracks. An arrangement has been made by the War Office with the
    .- Reuter.  -  101 words
  • 197 28 -Reuter Wireless. i No Interference With Ottawa. London, Oct. 21. We have certain arrangements with Canada and intend they shall not be dej stroyed by State action in another country. We warn you not to conduct your I policy in such a way as to interfere and I
    -Reuter Wireless.  -  197 words
  • 106 28 —Reuter Wireless. Massacre Recalled By His Death. Lagos, Oct. 21. The massacre of an official party of Europeans a generation ago is recalled by the death of Chief Dore Numa at the age of 70. The British Vice-Consul, Mr. Phillips, decided to visit Benin in South Nigeria, in
    .—Reuter Wireless.  -  106 words
  • 108 28 Bloodshed Prophecies Fail To Materialise. (Front Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok, Oct. 24. Chululongkorn Memorial Day was held yesterday when the Record Reign Statue of King Chulalongkorn on the Royal Plaza had the base smothered in wreaths, one of which wif sent by the King and another by the
    108 words
  • 89 28 ITALY THE LEAGUE. —Reuter. Must Remain at The Bedside.” Turin, Oct. 23. Italy will remain in the League of Nations,” emphatically declared Signor Mussolini in a speech to 150,000 Fascists. The League is so sick, he added, that Italy must remain at the bedside. It might wield some influence in
    —Reuter.  -  89 words
  • 83 28 —Reuter. London, Oct. 20. The chief factor contributing to the steadier tone of the rubber market is the fall in sterling in terms of the United States dollar, state Symington and Wilson in their weekly report, but they add that the steady accumulation of rubber ir America is
    —Reuter.  -  83 words
  • 239 28 Reuter Wireless. Sensational Attack At Stage Door. f Berlin, Oct. 24. Gertrud Bindernagol, the German o star of world fame, was shot down'la* !f st night by her husband in front of t iT‘ i stage door of the Charlottenburg On* i House, and is
    Reuter Wireless.  -  239 words
  • 118 28 of six miles before alighting.—A net a-Trans-Ocean. Holds Up Traffic In Berlin. Berlin, Oct. 24. Traffic in the southern district of tlucapital was paralysed by a huge balloor —tilled with nothing but hot air after the fashion of the first balloon—which settled on one of the chief thoroughfare*
    of six miles before alighting.—A net a-Trans-Ocean.  -  118 words
  • 189 28 rioiiia iiuy ifignxcii uinu “>■ miles off Beachy Head.—British >Nn<less. Two Days of Terrific Storms. Rugby, Oct. 24. Three naval officers, Lieutenants Colir McMullen, Keyes and Claxland, who, reported on Saturday, were missing in the Channel in the 16ft. yacht Little Ow.. were rescued by the Romanby, a
    rioiiia iiuy ifignxcii uinu “>■ ... .... miles off Beachy Head.—British >Nn<- less.  -  189 words
  • 63 28 --British Wireless. Excellent Results of Recent Exhibition. ‘Rugby, Oct. 24. Colonel Colville, Parliamentary Secretary to thf* Overseas Trade Departnier stated in the House of Commons that bad been informed hy the organisers tha the business actually transacted at British Exhibition at Copenhagen n the neighbourhood of £1,000,
    --British Wireless.  -  63 words

  • 776 29 -Sin Chew Jit Poh. i'lot to Overthrow Young Marshal Feared. ominous RUMOURS. Shantung Civil War The First Step. Shanghai, Oct. 20. T’ie sudden declaration of martial law ‘p.kimr and the announcement that Marshal Chiang Kai-shek has wired to Lhal Chang Hsueh-liang instructing 5:‘to maintain order in
    -Sin Chew Jit Poh.  -  776 words
  • 246 29 —British Wireless. Incited by Communist Organisations. Rugby, Oct. 24. Parties of unemployed from several parts of the country, who are expected to reach London on fQot within the next few days, were the subject of questions in the House of Commons today. The Minister of Health, Sir E.
    —British Wireless.  -  246 words
  • 67 29 —Reuter. Elected To Lead Labour Party. London, Oct. 25. Mr. George Lansbury has been elected leader of the Labour Party in succession to Mr. Arthur Henderson.—Reuter. Mr. Henderson resigned the chairmanship in order to be able to devote himself to the secretarial work of the party. Mr. Lansbury,
    —Reuter.  -  67 words
  • 78 29 —Reuter. President’s Action Upheld. Berlin, Oct. 25. The cction ot President von Hindenburg uppoirtmj, Herr von Papen State Commissioner of Prussia and authoris.rg him temporarily to depose the Prussian Min’sters was held to be no violation of the constitution by the Supreme Court of l eiprig. Simultaneously the
    —Reuter.  -  78 words
  • 340 29 circumstances demand.—British Wireless. Conference to Open About; Nov. 15. 1 Rugby, Oct. 24. The third IrHian Round Table Conference will open on or about Nov. 15 in the rooms of the House of Lords. It will mark the penultimate stage in the process of consultation and co-operation laid
    circumstances demand.—British Wireless.  -  340 words
  • 131 29 —Reuter Wireless. To Meet in London in A Few Weeks. London, Oct. 22. Another stage in the efforts of British and Indian statesmen to settle the Indian constitutional question has been reached by the announcement of the names of three-quarters of the Indian deputation to the Conference which
    —Reuter Wireless.  -  131 words
  • 84 29 —Reuter. Gained by New Italian Liner. Gibraltar, Oct. 25. The Italian liner Rex has established a new Atlantic record, arriving here front New York in 5 days 7 hours.—Reuter. The record was previously held by the German liner Europa. Leaving Genoa on her maiden voyage on Sept. 27,
    —Reuter.  -  84 words
  • 71 29 Reuter Wireless. Moscow, Oct. 24. A world record for a parachute jump of 20,150 feet is claimed by the Russian airman Zabelin. Contrary to usual practice, the jump was made without oxygen apparatus. Zabelin says it was twelve &lt;leforces below zero when he jumped. His hands soon became
    Reuter Wireless.  -  71 words
  • 211 29 -Reuter Wireless. Possible Effects Of Discovery. London, Oct. 22. The prospects of the development of the new South African Goldfield were eagerly discussed today by City correspondents of the London newspapeis and economists. News that a German geologist has discovered that the famous Witwatersrand reef stretches 40 miles beyond
    -Reuter Wireless.  -  211 words
  • 235 29 -Reuter Wireless. Signs That It Is On The Way. London, Oct 22. National economy was the theme of Mr. Neville Chamberlain’s address when laying the foundation stone of the Birmingham Muncipal Bank. He advised all who could afford it to save something against times which might he more
    -Reuter Wireless.  -  235 words
  • 75 29 —Reuter. New Way to Meet British Competition. London, Oct. 25. The Financial Times Amsterdam correspondent reports that the united Java sugar producers have announced their willingness to reduce the price limit for superior sugars intended for the west coast of British India in competition with British refined sugar.
    —Reuter.  -  75 words
  • 70 29 Reuter Wireless. Fourteen Killed When Floor Collapses. Cairo, Oct. 24. Wedding celebrations were in full swing near (iirga, in Upper Egypt, when the second floor packed with women collapsed on the festive gathering of men below. Fourteen people, including the bride, were killed, and many were injured. The
    Reuter Wireless.  -  70 words

  • Sporting News.
    • 710 30 New Course Record. HATCHET LANE’S SUCCESS. (From Our Own Correspondent). Ipok, Oct. 22. Winners were not too difficult to find at opening day of the lpoh Turf Club autumn meeting, and in ideal weather, a large attendance were treated to an excellent day’s sport. The
      710 words
    • 246 30 Visitors Win by Last Minute Try. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Oct. 22. In a closely contested match on the Esplanade today, Selangor beat Penang by 9 pts. (3 tries) to 6 pts. (2 tries 1 The match, which was witnessed by u large crowd, was
      246 words
    • 116 30 To Play State Fifteen This Season. At a general meeting of the Johore Rugby Football Association at Kluang on Saturday the following officials were cdocted:—President, Mr. Ian Burgess; captain, Mr. J. B. Dudgeon; vice-capt. Mr. L. C. Bailey; hon. secretary, Mr F. M. Still; State Selection Committee Dr.
      116 words
    • 40 30 Loses on Foul to Tucker Winch. (By Our Own Correspondent.) London, Oct. 24. In a fifteen round contest at The Ring, Blaekfriars, yesterday afternoon, Tulker Winch beat Bud Walley of Singapore, in the eleventh round on a foul.
      40 words
    • 326 30 Reuter. Arsenal and Villa. WEDNESDAY’S GOOD WIN. London, Oct. 22. The followwing are the results of the English and Scottish League football matches played today:— First Division. Aston Villa 1 Birmingham 0 Belton \V. 2 Manchester C. 1 Chelsea 1 Derbu County 3 Huddersfield T. 0
      – Reuter.  -  326 words
    • 953 30 Aston Villa Still On Top. The following are the positions of teams in the English and Scottish league to-date. l irst Division. P. W. L. D. F. A. Pts. Aston Villa ..11 8 0 3 25 7 19 Arsenal ..11 8 1 2 28 17 18 Derby Co.
      953 words
    • 120 30 BRADMAN TO P LAY IN TESTS. .»v —Reuter Under Express Wishes Of Employers. Perth, Oct 24 Don Bradman, the famous Australia batsman, has arrived in readiness to iT for the Combined XI against the MCr tourists. It is stated that he will be iuV ing in the first Test, and
      .»v |» —Reuter  -  120 words
    • 70 30 -••Router Oxford Beat Portsmouth Services. London, Oct. 22. The following were the results of Rugby matches played today Blackheath 6 Cardiff fjuys 6 Harlequins Old Alleynians 3 London Scots. 5 Richmond 8 Cambridge U. it Bristol 14 Rosslyn Park f Coventry 8 Bedford Moseley 3 Gloucester i Northampton
      -••Router  -  70 words
    • 56 30 Leaving Singapore For Manila. A1 Rivera, the American lightweight, who has been so popular in Singapore, and has fought the best Malaya can produce, is shortly to leave for Manila when three fights have been arranged for him. Rivers will probably go on to Austrtiia after he has
      56 words
    • 1028 31 K ATHLEEN WINS MILNE CUP. r.s.y.c. events. rt OSE FINISHES IN BOTH (l CLASSES. raCG for the Milne Challenge c iass took place at the Royal Cup f Yacht Club on Sunday last. WL h breeze from the south-west A n smooth sea made ideal conditions n(1 Xa keel boats
      1,028 words
    • 318 31 Good Win for Malaya Command. Malaya Command 11 pts. Public Ser. nil. The Malaya Command beat the Public Services on the Pad .ng on Saturday by 11 pts (two tries and one goal) to nil. That they succeeded despite being unable to draw on the Gloucester Regiment
      318 words
    • 58 31 Wamagishi 4—6, 6—-3, 0—4, 6—1.—Reuter Wireless. Covered Court Tennis Finals. London, Oct. 18. In the Queen’s Club Covered Court Championship Women’s Doubles final, Mrs. Michell and Miss Round beat Miss Ingram and Miss York', 6—2, 6 —1. In the Men’s Doubles Final Lee ami Teckett beat the Japanese
      Wamagishi 4—6, 6—-3, 0—4, 6—1.—Reuter Wireless.  -  58 words
    • 342 31 Good Play in Inter-Club Match. The mutch between Keppel Golf Club and Singapore Golf Club played on Sunday over the links of the Keppel Golf Club resulted in a draw, each side registering 7K pts. The details are as follows (S.G.C. piayers mentioned first) M. M.
      342 words
    • 305 31 Negri Overwhelmed By Perak. (From Our Own Correspondent). Ipoh, Oct. 22. Perak defeated Negri Sembilan in the b arleigh Robertson trophy today by 30 points to nil playing under ideal conditions. A large crowd was present including the Resident of Perak. The game was fast and interesting, the-Negri
      305 words
    • 176 31 Representative Penang Team Outplayed. (hrom Our Own Correspondent.) Penan#, Oct. 26. The Rangoon Football A:\iociatiof) tourists, who arrived in Penan# on Sunday played their first game today when they won by 5—1 against a fully representative Pinang sidov In spite of the very difficult condition of the
      176 words
    • 98 31 Beaten by 8-0 In Bangkok. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok, Oct. 22. In fine weather on a soft ground the Sports Club beat the Gloucester by 8 pts. to nil. Jt was one of the finest games witnessed here for years. 1 lie Sports Club fielded the better
      98 words
    • 73 31 ceived a $75,000 cheque.—Aneta-Trans-Ocean. Schmeling Wins Legal Contest.” Berlin, Oct. 24. According to advices from New York rlie district court has raised the restraint on Max Schmeling’s share of the purse tor his bout with Mickey Walker which had been attached by Prime Camera, who claimed $300,000 damages
      ceived a $75,000 cheque.—Aneta-Trans- Ocean.  -  73 words
    • 153 31 N. A. Hannay Wins Singles Championship. Or. G. de Souza, who has been champion of the S.R.C. for the past two years, lost his title on Friday when he was beaten in the singles final, 2—6, 6—3, fi —1, by N. A. Hannay. Tht champion’s defeat came as
      153 words
    • 46 31 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Medan, Oct. 17. The Straits Cattle Trading Sports Club (Singapore), now touring in Sumatra, began with two victories. The Medan Sports’ Association (M.S.V) was defeated by three gcwls to one and the Deli Sports’ Association by lour goals to two.
      46 words
    • 117 32 Revision of Ladies’ Handicaps. The Sin/upore Golf Club’s usual monthly modal (bogey) competition will be playe;l on Saturday und Sunday, Nov. 5 and 0. The ladies’ medal will be played on Monday Nov. 7. The ladies’ club handicaps have now been readjusted to 18 holes and the
      117 words
    • 72 32 Playing' in the semi-final round for the Captain’s Cup at the Island on Saturday, C. A. R. Bateman did the first nine holes in 33, which is four under lK&gt;gey. The following was the card returned Out: 4 4 3 3 3 3 4
      72 words
    • 107 32 Mixed Foursomes Competition. 0 The Garrison Golf Club mixed foursomes competition was played on Tuesday and the following were the best cards returned:— Mrs. D. D. Humphreys and Capt. J. L. McIntyre 46—9 =37 Miss F. II. Clarkson and Lieut. A. J. Muirhead 46—8 =38 Mr. and Mrs.
      107 words
    • 58 32 Mrs. Earle Elected First Ladies’ Captain. At a meeting of the ladies section of the Keppel Golf Club on Tuesday, Mrs. R. E. Earle was elected the first Ladies Captain of the Club. Mrs. W. P. Douglas was elected honorary secretary. The committee was elected as follows: Mrs.
      58 words
    • 79 32 Aneta-Trans-Ocean. Next Meeting in Germany In 1936. Berlin, Oct. 24. President von Hindenburg on Saturdav afternoon received the members of the German Olympic team who took part in the games at Los Angeles. In a brief speech the President expressed gratification of their successes and appealed to the
      Aneta-Trans-Ocean.  -  79 words
    • 47 32 personal record of 1G4 in 1927.—Reuter Wireless. Eclipses His Previous Record. London, Oct. 22. At the Newbury races, which concluded today, Gordon Richards, the champion jockey, rode three winners, making his total for the season 166 and eclipsing h’S personal record of 1G4 in 1927.—Reuter
      personal record of 1G4 in 1927.—Reuter Wireless.  -  47 words
    • 148 32 —Reuter. Western Australia In Arrears. Perth, Oct. 24. The match betwen the M.C.C. tourists and Western Australia which finished today ended in a draw. On the opening day the tourists scored 334 for eight wickets (Leyland 15, Sutcliffe 54 and the Nawab of Pataudi 166). No
      —Reuter.  -  148 words
    • 91 32 S.T.C. to Purchase Thirty Horses. The committee of the Singapore Turf Club has decided to order a batch of 30 two and three year old thoroughbreds from Australia, to arrive here in April next. They will be raced at the Gold Cup meeting in September. On an invitation
      91 words
    • 111 32 Provided sufficient support is received the committee of the Penang Turf Club will import a batch of 24 ponies to race at the extra meeting to be held on Apr. 29 and May 3 and 6. Of this number 12 have already been applied for.
      111 words
    • 108 32 ,—Reuter. Scotland’s Win Over Ireland. London, Oct. 19. In an inter-League football match between the Scottish League and the Irish League, played today at Ibrox Park, Glasgow, the former won by 4—1 before 9,000 spectators. Boyd opened the scoring after 35 minutes play following fine work by McMenomy and
      ,—Reuter.  -  108 words
    • 67 32 To Be Revived New Boats Ordered. With the placing of cn order for six international class yachts with Messrs. Thornycroft and Co., a revival has taken p'ace in the Johore Yacht Club and racing is expected to begin in the middle of December. The boats are 14-foot centre-boat
      67 words
    • 589 32 Gloucesters’ Tribute To Volunteers. “B” Company of 1 he 1st Bn. S.S.N.I-. entertained “B” Cor»i?)iwiy of the 1st Gloucestershire Regiment to a farewell shoot at the Farrer Range on Sunday, and although the Volunteers shot extremely well in the second match they had to admit defeat
      589 words
    • 142 32 Finals Arranged For Next Week. Rapid progress has been made with the billiards tournament at the Singapore Cricket Club, and some interesting matches have been seen in the championship. Well-known players like A. D. Bakar and P. Carmichael are going as strong as ever, and several newcomers have
      142 words
    • 231 32 A.P.C. and I. Win. HALF TIME LEAD DRIVFv HOME. A.P.C. and I. 13 pts. Etcetera* The A.P.C. and I. beat the Etcete? by 13 pts. (two goals unit one try) to nil in the S.C.C. tournament on the Padani last evening. By the interval th. Etceteras
      231 words
    • 206 32 Big Win for Raffles Institution. S.C.C. 0: R.I. 6 An S.C.C. eleven were overwhelmed when they \isited Raffles Institution on Monday in a holiday fixture and were beaten by six clear goals. Scoring three times early on through Jarvis, J. Ixiveday and G. Valberg, Raffles
      206 words
    • 90 32 Proceeds of S.A.F.A. Games. As a result of the three charity matches played at the Anson Road Stadium under the auspices of the Singapore Amateur Football Association, the two unemployment funds have l&gt;enefitted in all, to the extent of $400 each, and the St. Andrews Mission Hospital has
      90 words
    • 58 32 match with Young Stribling.—Anew-Trans-Ocean. Boxer Marries Manager’s Daughter. London, Oct. 21 The South African boxer, Don MeCorkindale, was married on Saturday llt noon to the 19-year-old daughter of his manager, Ted Broadribb. Mr. and Mrs. McCorkindale embark on Nov. 4 for South Africa where the boxer intends to
      match with Young Stribling.—Anew-Trans-Ocean.  -  58 words

    • 107 1 general Rubber Situation 1 Singapore Tin Pi ices i The Singapore Auction Rubber Returns 1 London Tin Market Rubber and Tin j Market 1 Quota and Tin Pool Conditions 2 Rubber Reports 2 Metal Market Mandai-Tekong f Monthly Crop Returns Singapore Cold Storage o., Ltd. d Rubber in D.E.I.
      107 words
    • 89 1 Singapore Official Quotations. Quotations Forward Contracts Spot Seller Prices d. r I S &lt; f L’don S’porc Nov. Dec. Jan.Mar -&gt;ot. •JO 2 13 32 T 7 *1*» 7 U 16 7 11 16. a 4 &gt;1 2 7 '16 7 7 16 7 9 16 7‘S* 7*%
      89 words
    • 24 1 vt 30 T ll4 S’pore Frier $78,124 ptr picul 21 77.75 22 77.3 7 4 24 77.25 25 78.00 26 78.00
      24 words
    • 128 1 The Singapore Chamber of Commerce Lubber Association held its 1,093rd auction (’’i Oct. 26. when there was catalogued rum lb. or 658.04 tons; offered 1,411,907 1 or 630.31 tons sold 1*183,313 lb. or 528.26 tons. Spot. London 24d. New York 3 7/16 cts. PRICES REALISED. Ribbed Smoked
      128 words
    • 39 1 cable received by Cuml&gt;erbatch and f 0 IVt s the London price of palm oil m 10 The market is quiet. The r at ‘°r 18 made on the basis of 18 per u Lf.a., Liverpool.
      39 words
    • 35 1 ‘*t. a 2ipL and re P° rt as follows on ’U|H" tone of this Qiarket has continued vhicb s *’ffhHy lower quotations, Sun,i h L close are as follows:— bundned $5.70 mixed $5.15.
      35 words
    • 20 1 ln ira 2 r,,r,74 lb. d.wt, ‘«--21,392 lb. T iik L? ubb r Estates.—14,524 lb. J'Kusmtoe 52,082 lb.
      20 words
    • 716 1 [Straits Times Copyr'ght Reproduction Rights Reservcd.l Encouraging Demand For Plates. STATISTICAL POSITION IMPROVING (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Sept. 28. Just at the moment the market wears an easy appearance, but for no special reason. Wall Street is the cynosure of all eves, and sentiment in financial
      [Straits Times Copyr'ght Reproduction Rights Reservcd.l  -  716 words
    • 303 1 I ebrau Kanipar Malaya Pay Dividends. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Oct. 20. Rubber shares are improving, the folding being the latest prices Rubber Trust 14s. lOVfcd. United Sua Betong 26s. 3d. Malayalam 10s. 4 *jd. Anglo Dutch 10s. 6d." Nagga Rubber Co.. Ltd., announces i loss
      303 words
    • 161 1 Chamber of Commerce Meeting, The monthly committee meeting of the North Borneo Chamber of Commerce was held in the Sandrkan (flub on Oct. 5. The Hon. Mr. F. W. Pinnock was in the chair. The Hon. Mr. F. W. Pinnock was reelected chairman of the committee for the
      161 words
    • 628 1 Fraser and Co.’s Weekly Report. Fraser and Co.’s report, dated Oct. 26, states:— During the past week conditions in the local share market have remained prac tieally unchanged and dealings in ail sections continue to be very restricted with prices tending towards lower levels. The chief item of
      628 words
    • 180 2 Communique From F.M.S. Government. The following communique has l&gt;een issued by the F.M.S. Government: We are authorised to ft ate that the following conditions, which were attached by Malaya to its acceptance of the modified Byrne scheme, wore accepted bv the International Tin Committee and
      180 words
    • 657 2 Lewis and Peat (Singapore) Ltd., !n their rubber report dated Oct. 21, state The only notable feature of the week has been the decline in sterling which has had the effect of appreciating slightly the local values. While the demand has been poor, sellers have, as far as
      657 words
    • 411 2 William Jacks and Co. in the weekly letter stated Sept. 28, state: Prices of all commodities rallied during the week, but yesterday weakness developed, as while the Chancellor of the Exchequer's statement at Ottawa that “H. M. Government desired to see wholesale prices rise” has been followed up
      411 words
    • 285 2 The directors’ report to the sharehnU rs of the Mandai-Tekong (SingawS Rubber Estates, Ltd., for the veur end* July 31, 1932 states:— naf C T h -r e o, r n S cr U s ltS /.°V the V***' show a W of $7,319.74 which amount has to be
      285 words
    • 257 2 COMPANIES INCREASING OUTPUT. COMPANIES DECREASING OUTPUT. TOTAL. (Aug. 1930 on Aug. 1931) Aug. 19:52. on Aug.. 1931) Territory Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Net G No. of Cos. 1931. J 932. C' f
      257 words
    • 298 2 B. N. BORNEO. CEYLON. INDIA BURMA. MALAYA. NETHERLANDS EAST INDIE Java Sumatra (26 Companies) (102 Companies) (21 Companies) (338 Companies) (60 Companies') (60 Companies) (8 Companies) (615 Com a' Tons. Index. Tons. Index. Tons. Index. Tons. Index. Tons. Index. Tons.
      298 words
    • 290 3 I Per Cent. Dividend I Proposed. I -u &gt; ..pnort of the directors of the Cold 1 1 K 0 i/d for the twelve months 1M2. slat,*:fni profit for the year amounts to I, I Tio-» 97 to which has to be added the I
      290 words
    • 237 3 Big Decline in Native Production. (From. Our Own Correspondent.) Medan, Oct. 21. According to the figures of the Central Office for Statistics, 460 estates had stopped tapping at the end of August, or a total acreage of 104,459 hectares. Furthermore there are estates which have partly stopped
      237 words
    • 118 3 or mation of Broadcasting Association. Our Own Correspondent.) Medan, Oct. 21. broadcasting association has been 200 n ln edan with a membership «&gt;f r ''as originally intended to use the -.nmont transmitter for 20 hours "?nth, hut during the experimental toir waa Proved that its power was
      118 words
    • 764 3 Relationship of Supply And Demand. The recent advance in the price of iu\\ materials invites the question as to what constitutes a fair price to the producers of primary commodities. In attempting to answer this question we must first ascertain, in each instance, the
      764 words
    • 156 3 Plight of European Unemployed. (From Our Own Correspondent). Medan, Oct. 21. Mr. Van Lonkhuyzen, president of the Federation of European Employees in the D.E.I. and member of the People’s Council, has put the following question to Government: “In connection with the alarming increase of unemployment among the
      156 words
    • 106 3 K.P.M. To Augment New Service. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Medan, Oct. 17. It is stated that the shipping com-1 ni unication with South Africa which is lun by the K.P.M., will he enlarged by two more freighters belonging to the &gt;amc company, the la?maire and the Van
      106 words
    • 250 3 The report of the director- of Hilani Tin Ltd., for the year ended dune 30. 1922, states A perusal of the agents’ report, which is attached hereto, will show that the year’s working has been productive of a much lower output than that of the previous year,
      250 words
    • 78 3 Asam Kumbang.—Hours run 296, cu. yds. treated 00,000. total piculs 427.01, net value $20,043.00. Pungah Tin Dredging.- Hours run 288, eu. yds. treated 90,000, total piculs 566, net value $26,469.00 Taiping Tin Dredging.- 90 pels, 313 hours, 50.000 cu. yds. North Taiping. 68 ncls, 117 hours, 15,800 cu.
      78 words
    • 632 3 Cushions, Tyres And Pneumatic Springs. In The Financial Times of Oct. 4, a letter was printed giving details of four new uses for rubber. The writer, Mr. E. B. Killen, contended that these new uses would eventually absorb not only nil the material grown, but 50 percent,
      632 words
    • 64 3 Budget Investigation By Statistics Office. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Medan, Oct. 17. The Central Office for Statistics is now pursuing a so-called “Budget investigation” which is expected to give interesting details of the standard of life in the D.E.I. So far 5D0 forms have been received according to
      64 words
    • 260 4 EXCHANGE RATES. S!'gupore, October 26. SELLING. London, 4 r nth*’ s'ght 2/3 31/32 London, 3 m«i.iths' hit 2 3 15/10 London, 60 .lay*’ sight 2/8 29/32 London, 30 days’ sight 2/3% London, dem »rr«l 2/3 2V'\2 London, T.T. 2 3 13/16 Lyons and Paris, demand 960 Hamburg,
      260 words
    • 817 4 Fraser and Co.’s Quotations. Singapore, October 26. MINING. Issue Val. Pd. Buyer*. Sellers. &lt;1 £1 Asam kumbang 26/- 28/£1 £1 Austral Malay 18/- 20/-5/-5/- Ayer Ilitam Tin 12/- 12'9 £1 £1 Bangrin Tin 14/- 16/£1 £1 Batang Padang 0.06 0.10 1 1 Batu Caves 0.40 0.60 1
      817 words
    • 294 4 Closing Quotations In London. (From Our Own Corresnondent.) London, Oct. 25. Closing quotations today of the principal British and American stocks are given below The rise or fall is in relation to the price of Oct. 19. GOVERNMENT STOCKS. BRITISH. Rise or Fall Conversion Loan 5
      294 words
    • 114 4 New Company’8 Shares Offered. Shareholders of the South Malay Rubber Plantations have received application forms in respect of the shares in the new company which has been registered under the name of South Malay Rubber Plantations (1932). Each holder is entitled to claim an allotment of the
      114 words
      • 594 4 Abaco (£1) Allagar &lt;2') /4%; Amherst (2') /1; Anglo-Mulay (£1) 7/6; Ayer j Kuning (i'l) 11/10%; Hagan Serai (£1) 9/32; Bahru (Sel.) (2/) 1 Banteng (£1) 8/9; Bat’njr Cns. (20 /3; Hutu Cave* (£1) 8/1); Batu Tißa (£1) 7/6; Bekoh (2 Ai; B’nnng &lt; 2
        594 words
      • 694 4 Capital Issue Closing Prices Paid Up Value Dividends Fraser Lynll Company Co. Kvatt. 454,175 1 Nil for year 29-2-32 ..Allenby ($1) 0.45 0.55 0.45 0.00 216,779 1 Nil for year 30-9 31 Alor Cajah ($1) 0.30 0.40 0.30 0.40 439,125 1 Nil for year
        694 words

  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 583 5 AHD TROPHIES. H. 3. Popular Two-Shilling Novels, i PR E.P.N. S. in England. T 5 51 VV.t J sr ?V?\ .;H k.r -&gt;s ■&gt; PyV*)-, EwftSfev.. &gt;:«3 v_r. ■&gt;• r A £ood Assortment of Sizes for all occasions. Latest Designs. PHca* from $3.50 to $29.00. H: ■.‘rjht V\ I to
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