The Straits Budget, 20 October 1932

Total Pages: 38
1 6 The Straits Budget
  • 30 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE STRAITS TIMES [ESTABLISHED NEARLY A CENTURY.) No. 3.S97 SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, OCIORER 20, 1032. Pi •ice 25 cents (S.S. Currency) or 7(L
    30 words
  • 327 1 leaders— p««« “Negotiations” 3 Must Democracy Die? 3 Back to Sun Yat Sen 3 Three Difficult Problems 3-4 The Federal Position 4 Changes in the F.M.S. 4 Occasional Notes Telegrams, Reuter and Special— Covering Past Week’s News 21-29 Pictures Mr. ami Mrs. Dickson 17 Mr. and Mrs. J. D.
    327 words
  • 1230 1 The following were on the passenger list of the Glenshiel which left London on Sept. 24 for the Far East: Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Dennett, Penang; Misses L. M. and P. G. Dennett (Penang); Mr. J. G. Martin (Port Swettenham) Mrs. M. S. Anderson (Singapore). The
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  • 500 1 Wednesday, Oct. 12. His Excellency dined with Lieut.-Colo-nel A. F. Chapman and officers, 1st Bn. The Gloucestershire Regiment at the Officers’ Mess, Tanglin Barracks, this evening. Thursday, Oct. 13. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Lindsell, Captain II. Bloxham and Mr. E. Hulton had luncheon at Government House. Friday,
    500 words

  • 2673 2 Customs’ Discovery In Suitcase. ACCUSED’S STORY. Trunks She Was Asked To Take. Great interest was shown in the Cri* minal District Court on Monday when Mrs. Dora Strezeszak, a i'olish woman, stood her trial before Mr. C. Wilson on charges of importing ehandu into the Colony,
    2,673 words
  • 381 2 Have They A Future In The F.M.S. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Oct. 18. Fears aroused by the “new policy” in the Federated Malay Slates among the non-Malay communities inspired some interesting comments at the annual meeting of the Jnffnese Co-operative Society on Sunday.
    381 words
  • 32 2 Reuter. London, Oct. 18. Mr. Arthur Henderson has resigned the leadership of the Labour Party, and will concentrate his energies on the secretaryship of the party, which he retain?.
    Reuter.  -  32 words

  • The Straits Budget
    • 1005 3 NEGOTIATIONS.” —Straits Times, Oct. 13. Tomorrow the conference on the disputed annuities between Great Britain and he Irish Free State will begin, and we hall know soon if there is anything in Mr de Valera’s professed willingness to negotiate. From the British point of view t would seem on the
      —Straits Times, Oct. 13.  -  1,005 words
    • 953 3 MUST DEMOCRACY DIE -Straits Times. Oct. 14. That the spirit of narrow nationalism which pervades the world today is hampering economic recovery must be obvious to all. And that that spirit is the ugly child of democracy is a conclusion which is being reluctantly forced upon an ever increasing number
      -Straits Times. Oct. 14.  -  953 words
    • 1070 3 Straits Times, Oct. 14. On Monday last the Chinese Republic celebrated its coming of age and it is sad to reflect how little has been achieved since Dr. Sun at Sen. on Oct. 10, 1911, launched at Wuchang the revolution which "•a* destined to overthrow
      Straits Times, Oct. 14.  -  1,070 words
    • 797 3 j, not vitally necessary.—Straits Times, Oct. 17. Wednesday’s meeting of the Legislative (Council is being awaited with more than usual anxiety for three reasons. First of all, there is a considerable amount of nervousness finding expression locally as to how far pressure is likely to be brought
      j, not vitally necessary.—Straits Times, Oct. 17.  -  797 words
    • 876 4 ••oiid can show today.—Straits Times Oct. 18. On all widest the* report of the Federated i Malay States Retrenchment Comm ssion has been acclaimed as one of the ablest J and most valuable public documents that has been produced in this country. The report is not to
      ••oiid can show today.—Straits Times Oct. 18.  -  876 words
    • 928 4 -Straits Times. Oct. 10. T hi- generally favourable reception of the F.M.S. Retrenchment Commission’s cjM.rt was described in the Stroi's Times yesterday, and it may now be useful to review the actual recommendations of the Commission and to indicate, as far as is possible in the
      -Straits Times. Oct. 10.  -  928 words

  • 70 4 Reuter Wireless. Rousing Welcome At Liverpool Street. London. Oct. 15. A large crowd o r city workers, mostly girls, gave the Prince of Wales a rousinp: welcome when he arrived at Liverpool .Street Station this morning by boat train from Holland. So enthusiastic were the Prince’s wellwishers,
    Reuter Wireless.  -  70 words
  • 417 4 Vessel in Distress. OFFICERS AFTERWARDS IN CAR CRASH. “Out of the frying pan into the fin-•• well describes the exneriences of cer tain officers of the Admiralty oil tanker, War Krishna, which lies in the King's Dock, Singapore, awaiting re pairs to its engines. Last Tuesday
    417 words
  • 103 4 Reuter. Memorial to Prime Minister. London, Oct. 1*. Drastic armament reduction is demand ed in a memorial sent to the I’rum Minister on behalf of over 300 signatories including Members of Parliament, leaderof the Church, scientists, litterateurs, educationists and members of the I. about Party. They urge the
    Reuter.  -  103 words
  • 54 4 Sir Samuel Wilson At Grosvenor House. (From Our Own Correspondent Tyondon. Oct. 13. Among those who dined at Grosvenor House with Sir Samuel Wilson, prior to his departure for Malaya to inquire into the policy of decentralisation, were Then Highnesses the Sultan anl Sultana Johore, Sir Frank Swettenham
    54 words

    • 383 5 uuuuieuiy a neeu xur a uurii Straits Times, Oct. 13. n l. D., a:sistant birtcfc-Co-operation in Malaya, dealt ex- u t ively and admirably with quite the 4 interesting and important of oinga- 10 ’s sociological problems in hi* address n Kotary Club yesterday. The Pro- I
      uuuuieuiy a neeu xur a uurii Straits Times, Oct. 13.  -  383 words
    • 348 5 Straits Times, Oct 13. One of the recommendations made by >ir Cecil dementi’s committee on financial devolution was that the annual State ludgeta should be approved by the High C ommissioner before being submitted to the State Councils. This, it has been said, would be a humiliating
      Straits Times, Oct 13.  -  348 words
    • 213 5 gives one a lot of spare time !—Straits Times, Oct. 14. pj" V’ ave l from Hong Kong to the PPines during the typhoon season can be an unpleasant experience, but that there are other perils of travel, to be encountered even in the calmest weather, is
      gives one a lot of spare time !—Straits Times, Oct. 14.  -  213 words
    • 251 5 v v v it o yvvvuvo v/ it uiiiuv uvu."' subjects. Still there the rule is!—Straits Times, Oct. 14. The fact that the Rotary movement is entirely non-political and politics are barred from all speeches and discussions has been emphasised on many occasions, notably by H.E, the
      v v v it o yvvvuvo v/ it uiiiuv uvu."' subjects. Still there the rule is!—Straits Times, Oct. 14.  -  251 words
    • 304 5 THE R. N. V. R essenuuuy a nuiy wmwi «-uu yc uimcit«ken by volunteer units.—Straits Times. Oct. 14. From speeches at the last meeting of the Legislative Council it was obvious that several unofficial members did not lcok with favour on the proposal to form a Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve
      essenuuuy a nuiy wmwi «-uu yc uimcit«ken by volunteer units.—Straits Times. Oct. 14.  -  304 words
    • 276 5 f unauic iu tilt' —Straits Times, Oct. 15. “It appears to have been overlooked that revenues based upon a price of rubber far above the economic price were necessarily and inherently unstable.” Thus the F.M.S. Retrenchment Commmittee, being, ais is the way of committees, profoundly wise after the event.
      f unauic iu tilt' —Straits Times, Oct. 15.  -  276 words
    • 332 5 glory has departed !—Straits Times, Oct. 15. After all, there is some excuse for an administration which is now blamed for relying too much on the “momentum of prosperity” to carry it through. Only a little over two years ago, when hard times were upon us but balances
      glory has departed !—Straits Times, Oct. 15.  -  332 words
    • 347 5 —Straits Times, Oct. 17. Among the biggest “cuts” recommended by the F.M.S. Retrenchment Committee is one of $1,500,000 in education. Strangely enough, further drastic reductions in educational expenditure are being pressed on Great Britain at the moment. The cynics would say that the move, in a country under British
      —Straits Times, Oct. 17.  -  347 words
    • 375 5 Straits Times, Oct. 17. Most people who are receiving a penmoii from the E.M.S. Government today .’allied it in the course of thirty years or 'O of peaceful and uneventful employment, but there is at least one of these pensioners who has earned his meagre allowance of
      Straits Times, Oct. 17.  -  375 words
    • 382 5 THE BARE IDEA —Straits Times, Oct. 18. Home newspapers are full nowadays of stories of how Town Councillors and other worthy people are being shocked by sun-bathing and nude bathing practised by the younger generation. A young lady taking a midnight dip in a London suburban lake has fled through
      —Straits Times, Oct. 18.  -  382 words
    • 362 6 —Straits Times, Oct. 18. With the staff of the Co-operative Department reduced to two M.C.S. officers, an auditor and eight or nine Asiatic omeers—the proposal of the F.M.S. Uetrenchment Commission —it looks as though the thrift and loan societies which have been formed by members of the
      —Straits Times, Oct. 18.  -  362 words
    • 182 6 new pier really is called.—Straits Times, Oct. 19. Among the many and voluminous papers laid on the table at the meeting rf ihe Legislative Council a fortnight uir were the Annual Report on the Social and Economic Progress of th People of the Straits Settlements for the
      new pier really is called.—Straits Times, Oct. 19.  -  182 words
    • 276 6 -Straits Times, Oct. 19. Announcing the new style of printing j which was introduced on Oct. 4, 1 he i Times gives an interesting story of how the familiar (lothic lettering for the title of a newspaper came into use. Gothic has now given place to Roman
      -Straits Times, Oct. 19.  -  276 words
    • 341 6 -Straits Times, Oct. 19. Substantial cuts have already been made n Government expenditure and, if things do not improve, more cun he expected, but there is still one very large item which must come down —personal emoluments. Salaries in Government are not very high und therefore a cut
      -Straits Times, Oct. 19.  -  341 words

  • 360 6 NOT A PUGNACIOUS MAN.” Doctor Gives a Lovely i Black Eye.” j I am not a pugnacious man, but when provoked 1 natu"olly use my fists,” was the answer given by a well-known Indian doctor who was charged with using criminal force, before Mr. A. Iloyd, the Fourth Magistrate, yesterday.
    360 words
  • 81 6 HEAVEN HELL.” —Aneta-Trans-Ocean. Strange Legacy For Cardinal. Paris, Oct. 18. The Cardinal Archbishop of Paris hap received a strange legacy in the shape of the famous Montmartre twin cabarets “Le Ciel” and “L’Enfer.” With “Heaven” and “Hell” in his pos session, the Cardinal Archbishop takes i prominent place among amusement
    —Aneta-Trans-Ocean.  -  81 words
  • 950 6 Mr. W. Eldred and Miss D. Graves. inga port* was the* scene of four European weddings on Saturday ai\tinoon—three at -St. Andrew's < athedra! and one at the Presbyterian Church. Much interest was taken in the wedding at the Cathedral of Mr. Willington Eldred, of Fraser
    950 words
  • 82 6 Mrs. Wellington Koo and her two children passed through Singapore on Oct. 1.1 on the Conic Rosso, on r mi*o for Europe where they will join Mr. Wellington Koo, the new Chines Minister in Paris. Mr. Wellington Koo went on .ahead a few we*‘ks aro
    82 words

  • Correspondence.
    • 228 7 Praise from Grateful Owner. To the Editor of the Straits Times. m r i have read in your columns re- tlv a good deal of correspondence concerning the Animal Infirmary and, with rYirular interest, in this evening’s i'-ue. the report of the Government Vetenra,.y Surgeon on the case
      228 words
    • 250 7 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir.—May 1 ask those correspondents win have recently been writing to you to the effect that ILK. the Governor is the representative of H. M. the King on all occasions, to consider the following points: (a) The Governor presides at
      250 words
    • 152 7 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —In your “Flying Notes” of Oct. 10 mention is made of the troubles on the African air line through unsuitable conditions of the surface soil at the aerodromes. Why not have the runways at least rubberised? Assuming a length of
      152 words
    • 694 7 To tho Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —In your issue of Thursday you reer to the matter of the Ottawa agreerru nts, and how they will affect Malnvatesterday you published the new preferential tariffs. It seems strange that also in your issue of Thursday you had an article
      694 words
    • 707 7 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —I would like to endorse and support the suggestion made by your correspondent “X.Y.Z.” in your issue of Oct. 12, relative to a British Malaya Sweepstake. The idea is certainly not new. as the Chinese member for Penang rai ed
      707 words
    • 614 7 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,—The fact that the Straits Settlements may be forced to introduce some form of tariffs as a result of the decisions taken at the Ottawa Conference has apparently given rise to a certain amount of fear that the freedom of our
      614 words
    • 195 7 i'<» che K<rtor at’ rn« .->cn»tU Times. sir,—There are two thing? that puzzlo the minds of learned luon m Malaya and the views of many interested people have been published in your columns. One is daylight saving and the other is weekly wages. The former is
      195 words
    • 783 7 DECENTRALISATION To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —While I deprecate the expression of any political opinions advanced from an entirely religious viewpoint and the dividing of mankind into invidious sections for comparisons or public comment from any other standpoint than then individual language and culture, may I be
      783 words

  • 89 8 Seven Years For Negri Chinese. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Seremban, Oct. 15. When Yeng Ah Yew, a Negri Sembilan Chinese, was sentenced to seven years’ rigorous imprisonment at the Assizes today for- his part in an attempted i robbery with violence upon two Malays, a witness told
    89 words
  • 95 8 Clerical Union Advocates Change. A memorandum on the question of w’ages l>eing paid weekly instead of monthly has been prepared by the Clerical Union, Singapore, and copies have been fonvardod to the Colonial Secretary, the Singapore Municipality, the Chamber of C ommerce, the Chinese Chamber of Commerce, the
    95 words
  • 1816 8 Wiltshires’ Fine Record. “THE SPRINGERS.” NOTABLE ACHIEVEMENTS IN SPORT. A tine record of service dal in* fro 17 ;’f and a hilth reputation for sport of all kinds are possessed by the 1st battalion. The Wiltshire Regiment, who will arrive from Shanghai to relieve the Gloucester
    1,816 words
  • 168 8 Two Ipoh Appeals Succeed. (From Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh, Oct. 18. Judges Thorne, Prichard, Mudie Me Fall and Cerahty are taking the r 0 *urr of Appeal. Of the twelve criminal appeals, two were summarily rejected. Seven of the remainder were appeals against sentences of death. The
    168 words
  • 37 8 The Chief Secretary, F.M.S., ha* f>v. the price of rubber and copra and assessment of export duty for the period Oct. 11 to 20 at 7 S* cents per pound and $5.80 per picul respectively.
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  • 3366 9 OFFICIAL MAJORITY TO FORCE MEASURES THROUGH. Vitally Important For Defence Of Colony. ltesolutions implementing, so far as this Colony is concerned, the agreements made by the British Government at Ottawa were passed at the meeting of th e Legislative Council on Wednesday.
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  • 241 10 Funeral at Bidadari Cemetery. The death of Mrs. Helen Louisa Hagedorn, the widow of Mr. C. O. Hagedorn, who was for many years with the Asiatic Petroleum Co. in Singapore, occurred at 441, Pasir Panjang Road. Her health had not been good for some time. Many
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  • 988 10 Co-operative Loans. JAFFNESE SOCIETY NOW ON SOUNDER FOOTING. (F rom Our Own Correspondent Kuala Lumpur, Oct. 18. How the Jaffnese Co-operative Society, the only society of its kind in Malaya to be run on a communal basis, has steadily improved what was, a lew
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  • 182 10 Appeal Fails. MANY WOMEN IN COURT. The plea of insanity in the case of Eric Edwin Cecil McCarthy McHeyzer, the 22-year-old Ceylon Burgher, when ~h e murdered his father Mr. Julian McCarthy McHeyzer and his stepmother, Fatimah binte Abdullah, in Johore in the early hours of
    182 words
  • 120 10 Chinese Family Adrift Three Drowned. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Oct. 17. The report that three Malay boys wero drowned in the flooding caused by a cloudburst some miles outside Kuala Lumpur on Saturday is denied, but it appears that a Chinese family had a terrifying adventure
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  • 3801 11 HOW WORLD SLUMP HAS HIT THE F.M.S. Results Of Undue Optimism About Rubber. most able and exhaustive examination of the whole administration of the Federated Malay States has been made by the F.M.S. Retrenchment Commission, and its general effect is that “departmental costs
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  • 187 12 Glowing Tributes From Bench and Bar. Glowing tributes were paid in the Supreme Court on Wednesday on the retirement of Mr. Frederick Guy Stevens, Puisne Judge. Singapore, who is at present in England. The Chief Justice (Sir William Muris-on) presided and Mr. Justice Whitley and Mr. Justice
    187 words
  • 1270 12 Idiosyncrasy. i j VERDICT OF DEATH BY MISADVENTURE. I The oDinion was expressed on Monday at the Coroner’s inquiry into the death of a six-year-old hoy at the Singapore General Hospital from carbon tetrachloride poisoning that it was a raie case of idiosyncrasy. The Coroner returned
    1,270 words
  • 333 12 Funeral at Bidadari Cemetery. The funeral of Mr. J. A. L. Simmons, of the Imports and Exports Office, Singapore, whole death wa* reported on Ot. I*-, took place at Bidadari Cemetery the same afternoon. The Veil. Archdeacon Graham White officiated and among those present were
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  • 2288 13 Malaria In Malaya—Memories Of Thirty Years Ago—Some Appalling Casually Lists —Waterworks And A Tunnel— The Annual Singapore Wave—What Planters Endured—Quinine And Coffee 4t Muster. (By Our Kuala Lumpur Correspondent.) I;; iribuies to the late Sir Ronald Ross that have been published in Malay* di:
    2,288 words
  • 664 13 Malicious Rumours.” INQUEST VERDICT ON MRS. JUDGE. The inquest into the death of Mrs. Sluikla Davi I loon Judge, the 22-year* old wife of Inspector J. J. Judge, of the S.S. Police, who was found shot in her house at kalong on Sept. 13, was
    664 words

  • 1857 14 Malayan Planting Topics Mon About Forestry An Informative Letter Experiments In Java The Threat Of Russian Rubber llarrisotis And (< r os field's Outputs Other Points Left Unanswered The Latex Trend. (By Our Planting Correspondent.) ALTHOUGH Mr. Rasmussen announced several weeks ago that he? had written his last letter to
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  • 203 14 De Silva Committed To Assizes. After a preliminary inquiry which lasted practically the whole' of Friday before Mr. A. W. Hay, the Second Police Magistrate, M. Mendis de Silva, the Cinghalese, was committed for trial at the forthcoming Assizes on charges of the murder of Mrs. Isal>ella
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  • 383 14 World-Wide Movement. MEMBERSHIP ROLL OF 100,000. The first annual inspection of the 2nd Singapore Company of the Boys’ Brigade took place on Thursday at the Kampong Kapor Church Hall with the Rev. Gob Hood Keng in the chair. The hoys marched past and gave the general
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  • 188 14 Burglary at Pavilion Offices. A thief or thieves had a rather unre munerative time when a burglary was carried out on the offices of the Pavilion Theatre Ltd., next door to Borneo Motors Ltd., in Orchard Road in the early hours of Oct. 12. Entrance was gained
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  • 62 14 Mr. Owen Roe Wins Prize Of £100. Mr. Owen Roe, of Wearne Brother* Ltd., won a consolation prize of £100 in the Irish sweep on the Cesarewitch. Hi" nom de plume was Skyhlgh.” “It is the first time I have ever won anything in a sweep,” said Mr.
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  • 2121 15 AND BN THE MEANTIME—a “TOWN COUNCIL.” From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Oct. 12. That the Government be requested to m'e the name ‘Sanitary Board’ to T \vn Board’ and to call the ‘Town l: aid’ in each of the four capital towns T the
    2,121 words
  • 677 15 Volunteer War.” Singapore island OPERATIONS. Smoke screens played an important part in the “war” waged on Singapore Island on Sunday, between th« Singapore Volunteer Corps, assisted by the Royal Singapore Flying Club, and the Gloucester Regiment and the Johore Military Forces, at the G.O.CVh annual inspection.
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  • 2303 16 •Reuter. IMPLEMENTING THE OTTAWA AGREEMENTS. Startling changes in the F.M.S. imp;rl tariff were announced on Friday. They implemented the agreements contracted at the Ottawa (inference on behalf of the British C olonies and Protectorates and included new duties as well as greatly increased preferences for
    •Reuter.  -  2,303 words
  • 106 16 Re-Union at Fraser's Hilt Proposed. It is proposed to hold a re-union members of the Ex-Services Associate of Malaya at Fraser’s IIii! during the Christmas holidays. Members inter* -tea are asked to communicate with the hon. secretary, Mr. F. J. L. Mayger, Scoti Lubricating Oil Co., 2 Finlayson
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  • PAST WEEK’S IMPERIAL AND GENERAL NEWS Contained in Reuter, British Imperial Radio and Special Telegrams.
    • 336 21 —Sin Chew Jit Poh. Marshal Feng’s Advice. DRASTIC MEASURES SUGGESTED. Shanghai, Oct. 14. China must prepare for war with ,an declares Marshal Feng Yui amr, the so-called Christian General former Commander-in-Chief of the K in inch un army, in a statement which I has made
      —Sin Chew Jit Poh.  -  336 words
    • 75 21 F:n Kuo Min. 47 Planes Lost in One Year In Manchuria. Shanghai, Oct. 14. Twenty Japanese aeroplanes have ar- i at Mukden from Pingyang, in North Jv>r.-a, and are to be used in the coming M --r campaign against the Chinese volunt'- r> in Fengtien Province. It is
      F:n Kuo Min.  -  75 words
    • 71 21 d: senal.—Sin Kuo Min and Sin Chew Jit I oh. Raid and Bomb Mukden Arsenal. Shanghai, Oct. 11. l ive Chinese volunteers, armed with mbs. made a most sensational raid on M ikden arsenal on Tuesday night. Three of them were shot and killed but he remaining two
      d: senal.—Sin Kuo Min and Sin Chew Jit I oh.  -  71 words
    • 103 21 it may be.—Sin Kuo Min and Sin Chew Jit Poh. Ready to Meet Japanese Attack in Fengtien. Shanghai, Oct. 14. General Tang Chu-wu (the commander i le €n £t*en National Volunteer army d! d chairman of the Provincial Governvnt recently established at Tunghua) a.' organised 21 route
      it may be.—Sin Kuo Min and Sin Chew Jit Poh.  -  103 words
    • 174 21 Sin Chew Jit Poh and Sin Kuo Min. Japan Preparing For A Fresh Invasion Shanghai, Oct. 1 1. Alarming rumours are reaching Shanghai that the Japanese troops are preparing for a further invasion of Jehol Province. These reports state that large barracks have been constructed :*t Suichung and
      Sin Chew Jit Poh and Sin Kuo Min.  -  174 words
    • 126 21 Anglo Irish negotiations. British Wireless. Reconstruction After Resignations. Rugby, Oct. 11. The Cabinet met to-day for the first time since its reconstruction following the resignation of the Liberal Ministers and the appointment of Sir Godfrey Collins as Secretary for Scotland and Major Walter Elliott as Minister of Agriculture.
      Anglo Irish negotiations. British Wireless.  -  126 words
    • 108 21 -Reuter. Embarrassing Position For Hospital. London, Oct. 14. The Insull outcry is embarrassing the governors of the National lempeiancc Hospital, London, the new wing of which has just been completed. It was largely due to Mr. Samuel Insull s donation on condition it was called the Insull Memorial
      -Reuter.  -  108 words
    • 59 21 ,—Reuter. Brother of Dead Financier Arrested Stockholm, Oct. 14. A fresh sensation has been caused by the arrest of Torsen Kreuger, brother of the dead financier, following an inquiry into the failure of the Patebois Hoeghroforsen Company, of which he was a director. The inquiry dealt mainly with
      ,—Reuter.  -  59 words
    • 223 21 —Reuter. —Reuter Wireless. Failure of Anglo-Irish Negotiations. London, Oct. 15. The Anglo-Irish negotiations have failed. The last stage of the abortive conference was a revival of the original proposal for arbitration when it was obvious that settlement by direct negotiations had failed, hut the old difficulty of
      —Reuter.; —Reuter Wireless.  -  223 words
    • 127 21 —Reuter. Appealing to the Privy Council. Limasol, Cyprus, Oct. 1 .*>. The British Officer, Commander Sutton, of H.M.S. Resource, who was found guilty on a chaige of manslaughter of a native proprietor here, and sentenced to six months’ imprisonment, appealed, but this appeal lias been dismissed. Mustnpha Fuad
      —Reuter.  -  127 words
    • 106 21 .'VIII UVttMIV/v n Aneta-IIavas. Why Negotiations Are Being Reopened. Dublin, Oct. 10. Mr. Magenty, Free State Minister of Finance, declared that the I* ice State Government was not opening negotiations with Great Britain under pressure of events but because it desires to conclude a lasting agreement with her.
      .'VIII UVttMIV/v n Aneta-IIavas.  -  106 words
    • 49 21 —British Wireless. Journey from Sweden By Air. Rugby, Oct. 12. The Prince of Wales and Prince George this afternoon flew in the Imperial Airways liner Heracles from Malmo in Sweden via Hamburg to Copenhagen where they were greeted by Prince anil Princess Axel of Denmark.—British Wireless.
      —British Wireless.  -  49 words
    • 374 21 Union Times. —-Sin Chew Jit 1*011. Fengtien Diplomacy. EFFORT TO BUY GENERAL TANG CHU-WU. Shanghai, Oct. 13. There has been a sensational development in connection with the situation in the eastern half of Fengtien Province, where (ieneral Tang Chu-wu (the leader of the Fengtien National Volunteer
      Union Times.; —-Sin Chew Jit 1*011.  -  374 words
    • 107 21 British Wireless British Claim Recognised Internationally. Rugby, Oet. 10. The Federation Aeronautique Internationale has confirmed the world’s altitude record for aeroplanes established recently by Mr. C. F. Uwins, a well-known British airman in a Vickers biplane with a Bristol Pegasus engine. Mr. Uwina reached a weight of about
      British Wireless  -  107 words
    • 45 21 —Reuter. Reduction of Spinners’ Postponed. London, Oct. 13. The reduction of wages of Lancashire cotton spinners due to Ikj enforced on Oct. 17 has been postponed until Oct. 22, with a view to facilitating the negotiations which are at present proceeding in Manchester.—Reuter.
      —Reuter.  -  45 words
    • 110 22 REDS ARRESTED IN SHANGHAI. fere the court today.--Sin Chew .Jit Poh and Sin Kuo Min. Saturday Round-Up. TO APPEAR IN COURT TODAY. Shanghai, Oct. 17. Learning that many Communists are ut present active in the International Settlement the Police Bureau of Greater Shanghai on Saturday asked the Settlement police authorities
      fere the court today.--Sin Chew .Jit Poh and Sin Kuo Min.  -  110 words
    • 289 22 —Reuter. Renewed Hope of Release Of Captives. Ying Kow, Oct. 15. The safety of Mrs. Muriel Pawley and Charles Corkran is now definitely assured as the result of parleys with the bandits by the Japanese military authorities who are now negotiating for then release. Mr. Clarke, the Biitish
      —Reuter.  -  289 words
    • 49 22 Steamships And Railways Hard Hit. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Oct. 16. Steamship and railway companies on the London-Paris route have been hard hit by the success of the various airway companies. From May to August this year 29,947 people travelled between London and Paris by air.
      49 words
    • 68 22 —Reuter. Promised Within A Fortnight. Lucknow, Oct. 16. '‘Within a fortnight we shall have a united India” asserted the Moslem leader, Shaukat Ali, at the conclusion of the all parties and Moslem congress at which complete agreement was reached between the protagonists of the separatist and joint electorate
      —Reuter.  -  68 words
    • 89 22 —Reuter. Seven Killed and 15 Injured. Coutances, France, Oct. 17. Seven have been killed and 15 injured in a railway smash in which a passengei train, dashing down a steep incline, crashed into a goods train at the bottom. The front coaches were a contorted mass
      —Reuter.  -  89 words
    • 221 22 Tragedy At Home Of Lady Guillemard. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Oct. 15. The police are now’ convinced that the double murder at the home of Lady Guillemard, wife of a former Governor of the Straits Settlements, Rodsall Manor, Guildford, was probably the work of a blackmailer. Albert
      221 words
    • 258 22 -Reuter. —Reuter Wireless. Belfast Unions Accept Relief Terms. Belfast, Oct. 16. The trades unions have accepted the revised terms of outdoor relief and have declared the proposed general strike off. —Reuter. A message from Belfast no Saturday stated The possibility of a general strike is believed to be
      -Reuter.; —Reuter Wireless.  -  258 words
    • 216 22 Reuter. To be Succeeded By M. Avenol. Geneva Oct. 13. M. Joseph Avenol, Deputy SecretaryGeneral to the League of Nations, has been appointed to succeed Sir Eric Drummond, who has retired, as SecretaryGeneral to the League of Nations. Reuter. A French financial expert, M. Avenol has been
      Reuter.  -  216 words
    • 221 22 —British Wireless. Stimulating Effect Of New Issue. Rugby, Oct. 11. Success had been expected for the issue of £159,000.000 2 per cent. Treasury Bonds of 1935-38 but the closing of the lists almost immediately after they had been opened this morning had a stimulating effect on British gilt-edged
      —British Wireless.  -  221 words
    • 106 22 VO A IMT V WV.V1I VUIVVIl C* WW UJ UIIU V1IVI1 money and jewels confiscated.—AnetaHavas. Taking Valuables From Hungary. Budapest, Oct. 10. One of the best known London jewellers, Mr. Norman Weiss, has been arrested here for breaking the law controlling the taking of shares and money out
      VO A IMT V WV.V1I VUIVVIl C* WW UJ UIIU V1IVI1 money and jewels confiscated.—Aneta-Havas.  -  106 words
    • 58 22 -Reuter. President and U.S. Form Of Government. Washington, Oct. 13. Contending that “our very form of government is on trial” President Hoover urged the American Bar Association to stand guard against “the false prophets of a millenium.” He asserted that some men in public life today are offering
      -Reuter.  -  58 words
    • 140 22 —Ream. Mr. Coolidge Supports The President. New York, Oct. 12. At a Republican rally at Madi-on Square, Mr. Coolidge supported Mr Hoover and rebutted the argument that a taritr reduction would increase American foreign trade. He asserted that the United States tariff and trade regulations are much
      —Ream.  -  140 words
    • 271 22 Much Impressed by Visit To Sweden. Rugby, Oct. 11. The Prince of Wales and Prince George to-day ended their short visit to Sweden, which they have both so obviously enjoied. King Gustav and several others of I the Swedish Royal Family were at the station when they left,
      271 words
    • 189 22 —Reuter. vtiuiiiiy tuuay ururi nuic >r down no peremptory conditions. R*‘ u Wireless. London Pleased With The Replies. London, Oct. 12. M. Herriot, the French Premier, accornpanied by two officials, arrived in London late tonight and was met by Mr. Ranism MacDonald and Sir John Simon with whom he
      —Reuter.; vtiuiiiiy tuuay » ururi nuic />r down no peremptory conditions.— R*‘u Wireless.  -  189 words
    • 1114 23 Rp';tor. Death Blow to U.S. Motor Trade in Malaya. PINEAPPLE DUTY. Britain to Take Less Foreign Meat. London, Oct. 12. Trails of the Ottawa agreements hare now been published. The Anglo-Cana-dn- agreement provides for a lower dutv on 40 per cent, of the imports from the
      Rp';tor.  -  1,114 words
    • 248 23 rived no pecuniary advantage.—Reuter Wireless. Gang Member’s Deathbed Confession. Alexandria, Oct. 8. The trial of 63 alleged drug-smugglers of seven different nationalities, which has lasted for a month, terminated today when 24 of the accused were sentenced to the maximum penalty of five years’ imprisonment and a fine
      rived no pecuniary advantage.—Reuter Wireless.  -  248 words
    • 30 23 ZIMMY.” Aneta-Havas. Legless Swimmer to Try The Channel Again. London, Oct. 10. The legless swimmer Zibelman (generally known as “Zimmy”) is to make a second attempt to swim the Channel.—
      Aneta-Havas.  -  30 words
    • 149 23 —Reuter. Speeches at Launching In Britain. London, Oct. 12. China’s first train ferry, costing £70,000, was launched today by Mrs. Quo Tai-ehi, wife of the Chinese Minister in London at Walker-on-Tyne. The vessel is 327 feet long with a deadweight of 1,550 tons. It is named
      —Reuter.  -  149 words
    • 252 23 Appeal Dismissed After Lengthy Hearing. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London. Oct. 13. The Rector of Stiff key (the Rev. Harold Davidson) appealed personally before the Privy Council this afternoon against the verdict finding him guilty of immoral conduct on all charges. He declared that the eyes
      252 words
    • 203 23 Mr. Eric Miller On Rubber Stocks. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Oct. 14. It is impossible to pretend that producers in the mass are pursuing a course which common sense and business prudence suggest as appropriate to the circumstances.” This was the statement made by Mr. Eric
      203 words
    • 188 23 —Reuter. Mr. Lloyd George On The Danger. VERSAILLES TREATY. Must Follow Example In Disarming. London, Oct. 12. A great audience in the Queen's Hall recorded approval of the Liberal ex Ministers who have rerigned from the Cabinet. Sir Herbert Samuel, the cx-Hom-* Secretary, was the principal
      —Reuter.  -  188 words
    • 176 23 Reuter Wireless. Three Big Powers And The Far East. London, Oct. 8. Can America, France and Great Britain frame a united Far Eastern policy This query is suggested by the aims ascribed to the special mission of Mr. Norman Davis to Paris and London “to talk things over."
      Reuter Wireless.  -  176 words
    • 112 23 Illness Delays Return To Singapore. Lady Clementi (wife cf His Excellency the Governor) and her second daughter, Miss Cicel Clementi, were passengers to Malaya on the P. and O. Comorin which is due in Singapore on Oct. 23, but just before the boat reached Port Said Miss Clementi
      112 words
    • 49 23 —Reuter. Nine of World’s Fastest Seaplanes Burnt. London, Oct. 12. Over £100,000 worth of the world's fastest service seaplanes was destroyed by a fire today at the Fairey Aviation Company’s factory near Southampton, which was practically gutted, only one of ten machines in the hangars being saved
      —Reuter.  -  49 words
    • 805 24 London conversations. —jAneta-Trans-Ocean. —Reuter. French Delegate Attacks Germany. PHOTOS AS EVIDENCE. Franco-German Feeling Intensified. Geneva, Oct. 14. A sensation was created in the lobbies following a speech by M. Massigli, the French delegate, at a private meeting of the Effectives Sub-Committee of the Disarmament Conference, in which
      London conversations.—jAneta-Trans- Ocean.; —Reuter.  -  805 words
    • 468 24 Reuter. Passengers Kidnapped. SUICIDE PREFERRED TO CAPTURE. Hong Kong, Oct. 14. The British steamer Helikon was pirated at midnight, taken to Honghai Bay, near Bias Bay, and looted. I his is the first piracy this year. The Helikon was in the control of the pirates for
      Reuter.  -  468 words
    • 743 24 —Reuter. “sreementi —British Wireless. Preferences Will Not Make Much Difference. CANADA AND MALAYA Dominion Pushing Trade In Local Markets. Hong: Kong:, Oct. 14. Hong; Kong: has imposed a 20 per cent, ad valorem special licence on newlyregistered foreign motor vehicles under the Ottawa programme which affects
      —Reuter.; “sreementi —British Wireless.  -  743 words
    • 132 24 Reuter. Disappointing Start To Negotiations. London, Oct. 14 The Irish negotiations did not open in so optimistic a spirit as had been expected. The Free State representatives refused to budge on the question of annuities. Mr. de Valera, who is 50 today, dressed entirely in black and smiling,
      — Reuter.  -  132 words
    • 130 24 —Reuter. Disgorging of Stocks A Windfall for Britain. London, Oct. 14. During the past year Indian hoarder? have disgorged £G0,000,00l) in gold Bullion export is now slowing down, but still amounts to £3,500,000 a month. The effect of this is analysed in an article in the Morning Post
      —Reuter.  -  130 words
    • 80 24 Reuter. Ordeal for President Hoover. Washington, Oct. 14. President Hoover has cut his right hand slightly. Presumably the injury was caused by a ring when Mr. Hoover was shaking hands with 4,000 guests, including Lord Reading, at a reception or the occasion of laying the corner-stone of the new
      Reuter.  -  80 words
    • 53 24 -Reuter. Bill to Regulate Orders. Madrid, Oct. 15In the bill to regulate religious ovders in Spain which has been submitted Parliament, the Government reserve" right to approve the appointment 01 n>r ecclesiastical authorities. The bill also provides that the building* used for Roman Catholic services i-n.* become!
      -Reuter.  -  53 words
    • 77 24 -British Wireless. Still an Adverse Balance In September. Rugby, Oct. 12The Board of Trade returns for her* tember show imports at £54,000,000, a <■ crease of £14,000,000 fcn the corresponfling month of last year and ex T n ;T £26,000,000, a decrease of £3,500,00<>. For the nine months
      -British Wireless.  -  77 words
    • 250 25 *N 1 IH>*V cl JUl 1 V i|UVOviU'iu vv vwvv m distinctly bad impression at Geneva.—Sin Chew Jit Poh. Will Damage Nanking’s Case At Geneva. POWERS WATCHING. What Chinese Leaders In Europe Say. Shanghai, Oct. 18. Dr. W. W. Yen (China’s representative t<> the Ijcague of
      *N 1 IH>*V cl JUl » 1V i|UVOviU'iu vv vwvv m distinctly bad impression at Geneva.—Sin Chew Jit Poh.  -  250 words
    • 282 25 developments are expected.—The Union Times. Big Japanese General Offensive. Shanghai, Oct. 18. The Japanese general offensive to crush the Chinese volunteer movement in the ea *rn half of Fengtien Province is now in full swing. It will be recalled that General Tang Chu-wu. the leader of the Chinese
      developments are expected.—The Union Times.  -  282 words
    • 88 25 c" aione, n S,n Chew Jit Poh. Economic Development Of China. T Shanghai, Oct. 18. nt* Minister of Industries (Mr. Chen \ung-po), i n a speech which he delivered l a memorial service held at Nanking rn. u l f y morning, outlined a Four-Year ndn-i 01 industrial
      c" aione, n S,n Chew Jit Poh.  -  88 words
    • 87 25 uvuri di 'Him 1 Sin Chew Jit Poh. Another Drive Against Them Next Month. Hong Kong, Oct. 18. In response to the appeal recently mada by Marshal Chiang Kai-shek it is understood that arrangements have been made to launch* a three-directional attack upon the Communist-bandits in South
      uvuri di 'Him 1 Sin Chew Jit Poh.  -  87 words
    • 449 25 —Reuter Wireless. ail VCU w 11 ii iai uuv no <■* Bavarian national costumes.—Ancta-Trans-Ocean. Empire’s Most Industrious Salesman. London, Oct. 12. After a triumphal visit to Scandinavia, the Prince of Wales and Prince George, flying home in the Imperial Airway Liner Hercules, arrived in Copenhagen from Malmoe at
      —Reuter Wireless.; ail VCU w 11 ii iai uuv no <■* Bavarian national costumes.—Ancta- Trans-Ocean.  -  449 words
    • 77 25 -Aneta-Havas. Lower Consumption In September. New York, Oct. 14. American consumption of rubber was reduced by 16 per cent, in September compared with the preceding month, and was caused by the slowing up of motor const i net ion.—Aneta-Havas. Less Rubber From Brazil. Rio do Janeiro, Oct.
      -Aneta-Havas.  -  77 words
    • 82 25 —Reuter. Control in India, Ceylon And D.E.I. London, Oct. 18. The Financial, Times Amsterdam correspondent says a definite declaration in favour of a tea restriction scheme at present being studied by Great Britain is expected very shortly. He quotes De Telegraaf as being reliably informed that
      —Reuter.  -  82 words
    • 104 25 Hoover p Reuter. Public Opinion Favours Mr. Roosevelt. London, Oct. 17. “Public opinion in the United States seemed to favour the electioi. of Mr. Roosevelt as President,” declared Mr. Charles M. Schwab, the steel magnate, when interviewed by Reuter’s Agency on his arrival in London. The public, however,
      Hoover p Reuter.  -  104 words
    • 126 25 —Reuter. Conspiracy to Kidnap Denied. Athens, Oct. 17. A statement issued to the Press by Mr. Samuel Insull alleges that he has received a cable stating that the Chicago authorities have hired four Greek detectives in America to come to Greece and remove him to a country more
      —Reuter.  -  126 words
    • 81 25 -Reuter. “Creditors Were Clearly Swindled.” Stockholm, Oct. 17. The bankruptcy administrators have presented their report on the affairs of Hoegbrofers, of which Tersten Kreuger, brother of Ivar Kreuger, was managing director from 1921 to 1930. The report alleges an amazing similarity between the methods of the brothers, Hoegbrofers’
      -Reuter.  -  81 words
    • 103 25 an hour, a British record —Reuter Wireless. New Records Made At Rrooklands. Brooklands, Oct. 12. A new motor-cycle record was put up today by Ix?n Archer, riding a 250 c.c. New Imperial when he lapped the course at 100.4 miles an hour. This is the first time such
      an hour, a British record —Reuter Wireless.  -  103 words
    • 169 25 Lin cl KM" III' —Reuter. Sensational Case In Johannesburg. WOMAN ACCUSED. Two Husbands And Son. An extraordinary murder case is now before the Johannesburg courtsA woman who Is the wife of a member of the 1996 “Springbok” team is charged with poisoning her two former husbands and
      Lin cl KM" III' —Reuter.  -  169 words
    • 283 25 British Wireless. Drawing Energy From Scottish Lochs. Rugby, Oct. 16. Another stage in the Ixx*haber Water Power scheme has been reached with the completion this week of the Laggan pressure tunnel three miles long and more than fifteen feet in diameter through which the waters of Loch Laggan
      — British Wireless.  -  283 words
    • 149 25 Reuter Wireless. Death of The Hon. Katherine Plunkett. London, Oct. 14. The lion. Catherine Plunket, daughter of the second Baron Plunket, at one time Lord Bishop of Tuan, died today at her house in County Louth within a few weeks of celebrating her 112th birthday. She had
      Reuter Wireless.  -  149 words
    • 984 26 Memories Recalled By Sultan of Selangor. FLOOD MENACE. Opening of Suleiman Bridge. (From Our Own Correspondent Kuala Lumpur, Oct. In. Can a man who drives a motor-car think the same as he who poled a prahu? This question was asked hy H.H. the Sultan of
      984 words
    • 60 26 C arried Through Heart Of Kuala Lumpur. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Oct. 15. A tiger was carried through the heart of Kuala Lumpur this morning by the Klang River, which was in spate and running at a great pace. The animal seemed to be feebly trying
      60 words
    • 136 26 Reuter. Celebration of Fascist March on Rome. Rome, Oct. 17. Over 25,000 Fascists frantically cheered the speech of Signor Mussolini at a review to celebrate the tenth anniversary of the meeting at Milan at which the march on Rome was planned. The I)uce declared that those who believed
      Reuter.  -  136 words
    • 48 26 Unprecedented Rush To Buy Motor-Cars. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Oct. 16. The unprecedented rush to buy motorcars at the Olympia Motor Show is heralded as an augury of returning prosperity. Producers are actually rationing agents —a thing that has not been done for many years.
      48 words
    • 109 26 Increasing Damage to Crops And Trees. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Seremban, Oct. 15. Information has come to hand that a bull elephant, which has done considerable damage to cultivation at Kampong Padang in the district of Gemas, has been shot. Damage by elephants to crops and rubber trees
      109 words
    • 331 26 %V VI V -Sin Kuo Min. —Sin Chew’ Jit Poh. Has An Interview With Marshal Yen. Shanghai, Oct. 17. Marshal Feng Yu-h?iang, the so-called Christian General of Shensi, and former commander-in-chief of the Kuominchun Army, has gone to Taiyuan from Kalgan and has had an interview with Marshal
      %V * VI V -Sin Kuo Min.; —Sin Chew’ Jit Poh.  -  331 words
    • 237 26 roll is steadily mounting.—Sin Kuo Min and Union Times. —Reuter. Laichow A Hell Upon Earth.” Shanghai, Oct. 17. Following: the departure of the delegates representing the Nanking Government, who have been endeavouring to bring about a peaceful settlement of the civil war in Shantung, further hostilities have occurred
      roll is steadily mounting.—Sin Kuo Min and Union Times.; —Reuter.  -  237 words
    • 61 26 —Aneta-Havas. Ban On Coffee Exports From Brazil. Rio de Janeiro, Oct. 10. The export of coffee from Santos will not be permitted before the end of the inquiry on the transactions which were effected during the harvest. The decision will help to prevent a slump on the
      —Aneta-Havas.  -  61 words
    • 352 26 Reuter. wantel a peaceful Europe.—Reuter Wireless. To be Launched Abroad. ONLY WAY DEBTS CAN BE PAID. Berlin, Oct. 16. The Chancellor, Herr von Papen, m a speech in Westphalia, referred to the impossibility of releasing the foreign money at present invested in Germany and said
      Reuter.; wantel a peaceful Europe.—Reuter Wireless.  -  352 words
    • 96 26 A-V CU.UJKI 1 Reuter. Unemployment Loan To Be Floated London, Oct. It. The clamour in several that the Govei nment should profit by the present cheapness of money to relax restriction on productive public works developments has borne fruit, according to some political correspondents. It is stated that
      A-V CU.UJKI 1 Reuter.  -  96 words
    • 45 26 manent home in Vienna.— Aneta-Tranv Ocean. To Make Permanent Home In Vienna. Vienna, Oct. 10 The well-known American author and holder of the Nobel Prize, Sinclair Low e and his wife, the journalist, Dorothy Thompson, intend to make their permanent home in Vienna.—Aneta-Tranv
      manent home in Vienna.—Aneta-Tranv Ocean.  -  45 words
    • 51 26 Agriculture and Animal Health.—Brith* Wireless. The Earl of Plymouth As Chairman. Rugby, Oct. 1L The Secretary for the Colonies has appointed the Earl of Plymouth, Parha mentary Under-Secretary for the Colonic to succeed Sir Robert Hamilton as chair man of the Colonial Advisory Council cl Agriculture and Animal
      Agriculture and Animal Health.—Brith* Wireless.  -  51 words
    • 493 27 -Reuter. Now Have a Better Understanding.” LIBERAL VIEWS. May Lead to Loss Of Friendship. London, Oct. 18. There was a very animated scene on V re-assembly of Parliament. The oc•unants of the crowded benches loudly •lieered the Ministers. Sir Herbert Samuel, vh &gt; -sat below the
      -Reuter.  -  493 words
    • 106 27 Reuter. Commercial Treaty Abrogated. T London, Oct. 18. T ,he Dominions Secretary, Mr. J. H "mas, announced in the House ot' i of mons that the Commercial Treaty hor.r f T ,oat Britain and Russia had s j/ 1 nmas explained that the necesfu.; denounca the treaty
      Reuter.  -  106 words
    • 177 27 ivojiviwjv/lt' l vl LUC k I 1IIK* cl I HI It was committed by Chinese bandits.— Sin Kuo Min and Sin Chew Jit Poh. Were Japanese Or Bandits Responsible Shanghai, Oct. 19. Reports from Fengtien state that an me: ican journalist has been murdered in that province
      ivojiviwjv/lt' l vl LUC k I 1IIK* cl I HI It was committed by Chinese bandits.— Sin Kuo Min and Sin Chew Jit Poh.  -  177 words
    • 162 27 —Reuter Wireless. The Scum of Humanity Rounded-Up. Paris, Oct. 15. A determined attempt to stamp out the drug traffic in Paris by Commissioner Priolet, chief of the “brigade mondaine” (the special service police) has resulted in the arrest of seven members of a gang which spread a net
      —Reuter Wireless.  -  162 words
    • 145 27 —Reuter. United States to Ratify Convention. Geneva, Oct. 18. The most interesting feature of the meeting today of the committee for the regulation of'the trade and manufacture of arms was the announcement by the American representative that his Government would shortly ratify the 1925 convention for the regulation
      —Reuter.  -  145 words
    • 47 27 First Regular Empire Broadcast. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Oct. 13. At the Scottish Radio Exhibition yesterday, Dr. M. J. Rendall, one of th" erovernors of the British Broadcasting Corporation, confirmed that the first reerular Empire broadcasting programme would be sent out on Christmas Day.
      47 words
    • 39 27 Reuter. Cabinet Disagrees With The Premier. Brussels, Oct. 18. The Cabinet has resigned owing to th» iberal members l&gt;eing dissatisfied wit 1 he financial reconstruction scheme ore \ared by M. Renkin, the Premier and Finance Minister. Reuter.
      — Reuter.  -  39 words
    • 296 27 —Reuter. Bandit Outrage In Harbin. Harbin, Oct. 13. Four bandits attack d and murdered a British woman, Mrs. Woodruff, wife of the chief accountant of the British American Tobacco Co. hero, when the attempted to kidnap her three children. Two Russians pursued the bandits who fired and
      —Reuter.  -  296 words
    • 191 27 Reuter. Chancellor on Reform Of Constitution. Munich, Oct. 13. The reform of the constitution was dealt with by Chance'lor von Papen in a speech today. He said a powerful authority must be created above parties. Government must be independent of parties and the Government, rot Parliament, must control
      Reuter.  -  191 words
    • 130 27 —Reuter. Conversations Renewed In London. London, Oct. 13. Conversations with a view to clear ng ♦he way to resumption of the Disarmament Conference were held this morning and afternoon between Mr. Ramsay Macdonald, M. Herriot, Sir John Simon and the French Ambassador. They were adjourned at fi.30 and a
      —Reuter.  -  130 words
    • 532 27 ai i i w lit* Reuter. /bivivivsiin w.ui —Aneta-T rans-Ocean. -Reuter Wireless. Only Solution. MR. DE VALERA STILL ADAMANT. London, Oct. ID. A united Irish Republic with some connection with the British Commonwealth was the only real, permanent solution of Irish difficulties, according to Mr. do
      ai i i w lit* — Reuter.; /bivivivsiin w.ui —Aneta-T rans-Ocean.; -Reuter Wireless.  -  532 words
    • 121 27 —Reuter. Hopes of a Male Heir Revived. Tokio, Oct. 18. Hopes for a male heir to the throne are revived by a report from a reliable source that a happy event is anticipated in the Imperial Family.—Reuter. Emperor Hirohito was married to Princess Nacrako, daughter of H.I.H. Prinee
      —Reuter.  -  121 words
    • 57 28 Army Officer Fined. “FINAL KICK OF CONTEMPT.” From Our Own Correspondent. Tjondon, Oct. 17. M«ior Philip Hammond, D.S.O., H *1 officer and churchwarden o Morston. Norfolk, hus been fined for Kivinc the Rector o lhc p^-tor SrttS. attempted to discuss parochial business. Sentence on Friday. jm?*:?
      57 words
    • 219 28 —Reuter. Depression Not Caused By Tariffs. Cleveland, Oct. 15. In a fighting speech devoted ting the )l ,n&lt; t r' a tS the K1 United States tarifThas brought depression to the world, and argued that the maintenance of a protective tariff was most essential. Hi* said the Democrats
      —Reuter.  -  219 words
    • 143 28 —Reuter Wireless Enormous Deficit Of 12 Milliards. Paris, Oct. 18. Apart from disarmament, the acuteat problem now before the French Government is how to balance the 1933 budget. The deficit has reached the enormous figure of 12 milliard francs (approximately £134,000,000) but against this it is claimed four
      —Reuter Wireless  -  143 words
    • 61 28 -Aneta-IIavas. Barcelona, Oct. 14. There are 20,000 textile workers on rtiike a protest against the detention of militant syndicalists against w r hom th°re is no official proof. A delegation was received by the Minister of the Interior. Fighting has occurred between police and strikers, and much
      -Aneta-IIavas.  -  61 words
    • 424 28 To Be Doubled Within Next Three Years. From Our Own Correspondent. London, Oct. 17. Mr. R. S. Spicer, director of the Rubber Growers’ Association Department of Commercial Research, has issued a report on his recent visit to Russia to investigate the absorption potentialities of that country. In
      424 words
    • 141 28 v iv vn n;uuii^ Reuter Wirelesf. Opening of Olympia Motor Show. London, Oct. 13. The 26th Olympia Motor Show opened this morning when a large and enthusiastic crowd was present promising excellent trading. An official confidently anticipated that all records* would be broken. The King yesterday purchased
      v iv vn \ n;uuii^ Reuter Wirelesf.  -  141 words
    • 159 28 —Reuter. Presents Credentials To French President. Paris, Oct. 13. “China’s only desire is for peace and security, both founded on international treaties,” declared Dr. Wellington Koo when presenting his credentials as Miniter to M. Lebrun. Dr. Koo emphasised that the very ardent desire of the Chinese is
      —Reuter.  -  159 words
    • 78 28 —Reuter. Danger Averted In Belfast. Belfast, Oct. 14. The possibility of a general strike is believed to be definitely averted by the decision of the Ministry of Home Affairs to increase outdoor relief to between 40 and GO per cent. It has also been agreed that the outdoor
      —Reuter.  -  78 words
    • 60 28 Reuter. Government Independence Of Parties. Munich, Oct. 12. The reform of the constitution was dealt with by the Chancellor, Herr von Papen, in a speech here in which he said that a powerful authority must be created above all parties. The Government must be independent of parties
      Reuter.  -  60 words
    • 55 28 -Aneta-Havas. Administration Never Uneasy On the Subject. London, Oct. 11. According to the Financial Times, Senator Glass, one of the enthusiasts for the Federal Reserve system, denies the assertions that the United States is ready to abandon the gold standard. He declared that the administration was
      -Aneta-Havas.  -  55 words
    • 80 28 —Sin Chew Jit Poh- Not to Appeal Against Sentences. Hong: Kong, Oct. 15. News from Nanking states that Mr. and Mrs. Noulens, recently convicted of Communist activities in China and the Far East the object of which was to overthrow the Chinese Government, were sent to
      —Sin Chew Jit Poh-  -  80 words
    • 36 28 which are well advanced.—British Wireless. Rugby, Oct. 12. Mr. G. Wood Johnson, an experienced British mountaineer, has accepted the invitation to join the forthcoming Mount Everest expedition, arrangements for which are well advanced.—British Wire-
      which are well advanced.—British Wireless.  -  36 words
    • 38 28 -Aneta-Havaa. Messines, Oct. 11 While 60 children were watching a football match from the roof of an old house outside the grounds the roof gave way and 41) of the children were injured, six seri-ously.—Aneta-Havaa.
      -Aneta-Havaa.  -  38 words
    • 188 28 Reuter. uuiti leans win nave to be boated m the near future.— AnetaHavas. Tammany Challenged. CRISIS OVER CITY BUDGET. New York, Oct. 17. The clash between Tammany and tht bankers over the city budget threatens financial crisis, according to the news papers. The New York clearing
      Reuter.; * . uuiti leans win nave to be boated m the near future.—Aneta-Havas.  -  188 words
    • 70 28 Failure of N.E.I. Timber Enterprise. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Medan, Oct. 12. It is stated that the machinery of the huge timber enterprise on Poeloe* Serauejoe, near the West Coast of Achin, ar investment of several million 'guilders by the United Dutch East Indian Timber Exploitation Co.,
      70 words
    • 140 28 —Reuter. Storm of Protests From Agriculturists. Berlin, Oct. 15. Exciting rumours are afloat following the unexpected Cabinet meeting to consider the storm of protests over the roject to ration agricultural imports. The Cabinet dealt, inter alia, with a letter from Herr Luther, the President of the Reichs
      —Reuter.  -  140 words
    • 72 28 -Aneta-IIavn- Claim to Have Destroyed Enemy Battalion. Assomption, Oct. 11Fort Ramirez, which has been captured by Paraguayan troops, is south-east "f Fort Bogueron. The military communique says that the garrison of the fort fled, leaving arms and ammunition. The movement effected round Yukra 1 to the destruction of
      -Aneta-IIavn-  -  72 words
    • 36 28 -Ancta-IIavas. Grave Illness Of Prince Reported. Geneva, Oct. 14. Prince Louis Napoleon is lying Rravt ly ill of double pneumonia in his castle e: Prongis on Lake Geneva. He is not expected to recover.—Ancta-IIavas.
      -Ancta-IIavas.  -  36 words
    • 109 29 —Reuter. Sensation on New York Market. New York, Oct. 18. -startling fall in sterling by three to points caused a sensation on the foreign exclu de market today. It is attribute 1 to lack of support by the Bank England, seasonal influence, purchases "f j lW
      —Reuter.  -  109 words
    • 222 29 Captain Refuses to Leave Vessel. London, Oct. 15. thrilling light to save the crew of he 6,000-ton Italian cargo steamer Monte Nevoso, aground on Haisboro Suiub off Cromer was crowned with sucCe-' today. The Cromer lifeboat, which had been standing-by the distressed vesSl *l for 24 hours, succeeded
      222 words
    • 77 29 disciplinary punishment.—Aneta-Trans-Ocean. Political Prisoners Not Included. Rome, Oct. 16. Details of the amnesty to be proclaimed by Mussolini on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the March on Rome proved a distinct disappointment to those who had hoped that II Duce would extend clemency to all political
      disciplinary punishment.—Aneta-Trans- Ocean.  -  77 words
    • 60 29 To Leave for Germany On Saturday. Shanghai, Oct. 17. 1'- now learned on good authority that Mi. Wang Ching-wei (the former Presii* ni of the Executive uan and leader thi Left Wing faction of the Kuomin- &gt; nyt is to leave Shanghai for Germany 'i Ji long holiday
      60 words
    • 101 29 ANTI CLERICAL.” A neta-Tnns-Ocean. Provisions of New Bill In Spain. Madrid, Oct. 14. n anti-clergy bill has been introduced r ne ortes by the Government. It pro- 'a that the entire property belonging 1 'gjous societies l&gt;e transferred to the t,H societies,"however, retaining the ’igh. to its usufruct. •■"f'KW* societies
      A neta-Tnns-Ocean.  -  101 words
    • 112 29 -Reuter-Wireless. Support From Sir H. Samuel. London, Oct. 17. The Scottish Home Rule movement, which has gained a certain impetus lately from the growth of the spirit of nationalism in Scotland, received further encouragement from Sir Herbert Samuel who told the Scottish Nationalist delegation in Glasgow that
      -Reuter-Wireless.  -  112 words
    • 105 29 -Reuter. Complexion Unchanged By Election. Paris* Oct. 16. In the Senatorial election the first ballot has resulted, so far in the election of M. Poincare for the Meuse by 692 to S22 votes and also the Minister of Agriculture. M. Adel Gardey, the Minister of War, M. Paul
      -Reuter.  -  105 words
    • 94 29 BOOST BRITAIN.” —Reuter. A Five-Day Flight To Australia. London. Oct. 19. A five-day flight from England to Australia aimed to be completed on Christmas Day is planned by three former R. A. F. officers, according to the Daily Herald. The fastest commercial single-engined aeroplane produced in Great Britain will la.
      —Reuter.  -  94 words
    • 48 29 Reuter. Mr. MacDonald Advocates Disarmament. London, Oct. 17. Speaking at a luneheon which was attended by all members of the Cabinet except Mr. Runciman, Mr. MacDonald said the keynote of British policy was not rearmament but disarmament. They had faced and weie facing this problem.—
      Reuter.  -  48 words
    • 44 29 -Reuter. American Killed By Bandits. Mukden, Oct. 17. An unnamed American was killed near Mulantien, east of Mukden, when a party of 50 bandits attacked a detachment of 15 Japanese troops who were escorting the American, two Koreans and three Manchurians. —Reuter.
      -Reuter.  -  44 words
    • 32 29 —Reuter Wireless. Proposal Denied By High Authority. London, Oct. 16. Reports of a big national development loan to be proposed by Mr. Ramsay MacDonald are denied by a high authority.
      —Reuter Wireless.  -  32 words
    • 29 29 at least five fishermen.—Aneta-Trans-, Ocean. Rome, Oct. 13. A tornado which swept the western coast of Sardinia resulted in tne death of at least five fishermen.—Aneta-Trans-
      at least five fishermen.—Aneta-Trans-, Ocean.  -  29 words
    • 254 29 the end of her career.—Aneta-Trans-Ocean. Sensational Sequel To Olympic Games. The Hague, Oct. 1G. A sensation has Keen caused throughout the Netherlands by the statement made by the famous swimmer and holder of the world 100 metres hack-stroke record, Miss Marie Braun-Philipsen, on her return from
      the end of her career.—Aneta-Trans-Ocean.  -  254 words
    • 145 29 -Reuter. Increased Turn-Over In Shares. London, Oct. 18. There was a much increased turn-over in tea shares yesterday, which the Financial News attributes to the growing probability of some form of restriction being agreed to between the growers of India, Ceylon and the Dutch East Indies. The paper
      -Reuter.  -  145 words
    • 132 29 —Reuter Wireless. Death of Discoverer Of Famous Field. Sydney, Oct. 17. Mr. William Ford, the joint discoverer with Mr. Arthur Bayley of the enormously rich Coolgardie goldfield, died today at the age of HO. He and Bayley were out prospecting in 1H02 and camped at Coolgardie. They first
      —Reuter Wireless.  -  132 words
    • 72 29 -Reuter Wireless. Landmark Destroyed By Fire. I»ndon, Oct. 1C. The High Church at Lossiemouth, ut which the Prime Minister regularly worships when at his Scottish home, was destroyed by fire early this morning. The outbreak was discovered by the beadle who rushed into the building and managed to
      -Reuter Wireless.  -  72 words
    • 371 29 V I I I I Sin Kuo Min. Left Wing Reverse. JAPANESE OFFENSIVE HELD UP. Shanghai, Oct. 10. Much discussion has been aroused by reports that Mr. Wang Ching-wei (the leader of the Kuomintang Left Wing Party and the last permanent holder
      % V » » I I I I Sin Kuo Min.  -  371 words
    • 97 29 Sin Kuo Min and Sin Claw Jit Poh. Foreign Minister’s Trip To Tokio. Shanghai, Oct. 19. Mr. Tse Kai-shek (the Manchukuo Foreign Minister) has arrived in Tokio and, according to tolegAan.s received, yeuteiday morning had interviews with the Prime Minister (Viscount Saito) and the Foreign Minister (Count Uchida). It
      Sin Kuo Min and Sin Claw Jit Poh.  -  97 words
    • 97 29 rea Mata Hari was not guilty.—Anota-Trans-Ocean. Film to be Banned In Holland. Amterdam, Oct. 18. Relatives of the famous woman spy, Mata Hari alias Margarete Zelle, have obtained an injunction restraining Dutch exhibitors from releasing the Mata Hari film starring Greta Garbo. The court endorsed the arguments of
      rea Mata Hari was not guilty.—Anota-Trans-Ocean.  -  97 words
    • 34 29 Three More Mills Reopen In South Wales. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Oct. 18. The improvement in the tinplate trade has resulted in the reopening of three more mills in South Wales.
      34 words

  • Sporting News.
    • 687 30 Hard-Fought Game. BRILLIANT DISPLAY BY BONN Alt. Supporters of S.C.( Rugby will feid jnuch more confidence in the side’s success this season after their very fine display against the Gloucestershire Rcgt. on Saturday when a gruelling match ended in a three-points draw. There are still some
      687 words
    • 565 30 Selangor’s Success At Kuala Lumpur. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Oct. lo. In a fast and exciting game, Selangor beat J’cnang at hotkey by three goal* fo one at Kuula Lumpur this afternoon. Owing to the flooding of the usual ground, a new ground was
      565 words
    • 105 30 —Reuter. Birkenhead in Fine Form. London, Oct. 15. The following were the results of Rugby matches played today: Blackheath 23 London Scots. 12 Harlequins 18 Cambridge Un. 13 Guy’s 11 London Irish 8 C. M. T.’s 5 Oxford Un. 10 Richmond 11 Rosslyn Park 3 Bristol 5 Bath
      —Reuter.  -  105 words
    • 377 30 Negri-Malacca Team’s Success. (From Oar Own Correspondent.) Sere in ban, Oct. 15. Thanks to an excellent pack which worked exceedingly hard, aiul displayed beautiful footwork and to opportunism and a brilliant alLround display by Montgomery at scrum-half, the Negri-Malaeca combination Ideated Selangor by nine points (three tries)
      377 words
    • 222 30 Association’s Ruling Ignored. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Oct. 15. A situation which may be wrought with far-reaching consequences for Penang football was created by the action of the Chinese Recreation Club in not turning up for their last match in the Senior League with the Darul Aihsan
      222 words
    • 136 30 —Reuter. But Gains Loses On Points. London, Oct. 17. In a contest at the Crystal Palace Jack Doyle, the British heavyweight I hope, knocked out Jack Pettifer in the i second round of a contest scheduled for 1en rounds. Paris, Oct. 17. The German heavyweight Walter
      —Reuter.  -  136 words
    • 227 30 Router. Price for Dorigen Shortens. London. Oct. 17. 3'he latest call-over for the Cambridgeshire Stakes to be run on Oct. 20 is a* follows: Dorigen: 21—4 taken and offered. Totaig: 10 —1 taken and offered. Glannarg: 100 —7 olfcred. Andrea: 17—1 offered. IS 1 taken. Double Arch: IS--1 offered,
      Router.  -  227 words
    • 61 30 Manitoba Disqualified For Crossing. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Oct. 1*) The Middle Park Stakes resulted a* follows FELICITATION 1 SCARLET TIGER- M ANNE RING 3 Won by three-quarters of a length. length between second and third. Beb ling: 0—1 Felicitation, 4—1 Scarlet Tiger, 8—1 Mannering. Manitoba
      61 words
    • 626 31 Win for Rest. EUROPEANS FAIL TO TAKE CHANCES. Europeans 1. Rest 2. It was very fitting that the last match of the official football season in Singapore L u i.j produce such splendid football, for the game between the Europeans and the t at the Anson Hoad
      626 words
    • 49 31 —Reuter. Kid Chocolate Wins Feathers Title. New York, Oct. 14. bocolate, the Cuban boxer, wop h&gt; world’s featherweight title today, a" ,\Y; K ,8 *d by the New York Stat r c Commission, when he knocke 1 Lew Feldman in the 12th round of 111 ‘°ntest.—Reuter.
      —Reuter.  -  49 words
    • 456 31 Governor at Thomson Road Stables. The draw for the 29 geldings importer under the Singapore Turf Club scheme took place at the Thomson Hoad stables on Friday afternoon. There a large attendance of people interested in racing, including H.K. the Govr&gt;Mi)r Cecil Clementi) and
      456 words
    • 25 31 WELSHERS BEWARE Tattersalls Seeking A Remedy. London, Oct. 17. Tattei sail’s propose to seek powers to licence all bookmakers in older to pii1 ..ent “welshing.”
      25 words
    • 111 31 and Miss James 7—5, 8—6. —Reuter Wireless. Horotra To Meet Lee In Final. London, Oct. 13 In the semi-finals of the Queen’s Club i covered courts lawn tennis champion 'ships, Borotra beat C. Malfroy, Now /or, land. 7—5. G —3. 7—5 and Tree (Great Britain) heat Yamagishi (Japan)
      and Miss James 7—5, 8—6.—Reuter Wireless.  -  111 words
    • 603 31 R.S.Y.C. Sweep-take Race. Eight boats of the Royal Singapore Yacht Club “B” Class turned out on Sun-1 day and a thoroughly enjoyable sweepstake race ensued. Merlin had an excellent start in a fairly strong southerly breeze with Corrib to leeward and Betsy to windward in a
      603 words
    • 118 31 —Reuter. Hearty Welcome From Australia. Fremantle. Oct. IS. The M.C.C. tourists arrived at S a.m. today and were welcomed by a large crowd at the wharf side. Duckworth, the Lancashire wicketkeeper, was the recipient of friendly barracking, the crowd calling howza* as h'* &lt;li embarked. —Keuter. The
      —Reuter.  -  118 words
    • 457 31 S.C.C. Hockey. POLICE BEATEN BY 2—0. S.C.C. 2 Police 0. The S.C.C. and Police treated the spectators at their match on Oct. 12 to one of the finest panics of hockey that has been seen on the padang this season. Throughout the exchanges were fast
      457 words
    • 151 31 -Reuter. First International Of Season. Blackpool, Oct. 17. Tn the first soccer international of tie* reason Holland defeated Ireland at Black* poo! today l&gt;y 1—tb The weather was lire* and a Unit 20,000 spectators were pi esent. 1 lay was not inspiring with the exception of the
      -Reuter.  -  151 words
    • 23 31 Reuter. Destroyed After Injury In Cesarewitch. London, Oct. 17. Air Pocket which was lamed during the Cesarewitch race has keen destroyed.—
      Reuter.  -  23 words
    • 273 32 Results of Singapore G.C. Competition. The Singapore Golf Club monthly mixed foursomes competition was played at Bukit Timah on Sunday and resulted in a win for Mrs. Fitzroy Williams and Pay Commander L. V. Webb with a net score of 31Vfr. 51 cards were taken
      273 words
    • 111 32 Retrenchment Commission’s Recommendations. The following recommendations as to the Fraser’s Hill golf course is made by the F.M.S. Retencnmcnt Commission That the green fees in respect of the golf course he raised to 50 cents a day with a reduced scale for visitors who intend to make
      111 words
    • 328 32 Public Services Beaten At Tanglin. Gloucester* “A” II pf-s. P.S. “A” 0 pt. The Gloucestershire Regt. “A” fifteen proved too good for the Public Services “A” in a Rugby match at Tanglin on Tuesday, winning by 14 pts. (a goal ami three tries) to nil. The score
      328 words
    • 303 32 Lim Bong Soo Wins Singles Title. Lim Bong Soo, the Ma’ayan champion, again won the singles championship of the S.C.R.C. on Saturday when he defeated John Lim, who is also a left-handed player, 7 —5, 6— 1. As the score indicates, Bong Soo did not hive
      303 words
    • 265 32 Reuter Wireless. Single Goal Decides Issue. London, Oct. 17. England won their first soccer international of the season by beating Ireland by 1—0 at Blackpool. A crowd of 20,000 spectators saw the English forwards attack spiritedly. The Irish retaliated on the right but were smartly checked. Play
      Reuter Wireless.  -  265 words
    • 965 32 Villa Retain Unbeaten Record. The positions of teams today in the English and Scottish Leagues are as follows First Division. P. W. L. L&gt;. F. A. Pts. A»ton Villa 10 7 0 3 24 7 17 Arsenal 10 7 1 2 25 15 16 Derby Co. 10 6
      965 words
    • 45 32 —Reuter-Wireless Enthusiastic Farewell Scenes. London, Oct. 13. The Sussex cricketer, Maurice Tate was given an enthusiastic farewell when he left Victoria today enroute for Marfrom where he sails to Australia. He will arrive on Nov. 14 in time for the first test Match.—Reuter-Wireless
      —Reuter-Wireless  -  45 words
    • 296 32 —Reuter. Arsenal’s Fine Win. HAMILTON SCORE TEN GOALS. London, Oct. 15 The results of matches played todavV the English and Scottish were as follows First Division. Aston Villa 3 Sheffield Utd. Blackburn R. 2 Arsenal Blackpool 2 Leicester Citv Bolton Wands. 2 Chelsea &lt;‘ t Derby County
      —Reuter.  -  296 words
    • 155 32 End of Championship Meeting. The Singapore Badminton Association championship meeting concluded on Sunday at the S.V.C. Drill Hall. There was a large attendance. During the course of the evening the President of the Association, Dr. Poh briefly reviewed their activities foi the current year and thanked Mrs. Tonn Lao
      155 words
    • 46 32 —Reuter. McCorkindale Becomes Champion. London, Oct. I In an Empire heavyweight champi" ship bout at the Albert Hall to&lt; Donald McCorkindale, the South Africa* champion, beat George Cook, of Austra •&lt; the latter retiring at the end of the ten of a fifteen-round contest. —Reuter.
      —Reuter.  -  46 words

    • 71 1 General— Rubber Situation Singapore Tin Prices pin* Singapore Auction 1 I,,union Tin Market Share Market Home and American Stocks 1 Home Financial Matters 2 The Evils of Advances L.S. Trade Tin Supplies piled Engineers Limited September Tin Returns 'Vn-onti Crosse and Blackwell Industries hair September Rubber Returns 3 Malaya
      71 words
    • 81 1 Singapore Official Quotations. Quotations Forward Contracts Spot Seller Prices d. pat, L’don S’pore Oct. Nov. Dec. Oct. i. 27 16 7 k &gt; k &lt; 4 ws j. •’13 32 7k 7 5/16 7-X 7 7 16 7\ 7 7 16 74 7 9/16 17 2 13 32
      81 words
    • 21 1 Tii S’pore Price $76.87 m per picul. 14 77.25 15 78.00 17 78.12k Is 77.75 IP 78.37 m
      21 words
    • 119 1 Tut Singapore Chamber of Commerce Association hold its 1,092nd auction (»&lt;i. 1 i*. when there was catalogued 7 lb. or 185.40 tons offend 1.063 124 ST i.*’l tons sold 869.452 lb. ot 388.15 &lt;.r s. Spot. on 2 S*d. Yoik 3 5 16 cts. PRICES REALISED. I*'
      119 words
    • 187 1 report by the directors of Seaport &lt; &gt;i'iang(*r) Rubber Estate Ltd., for the y or ended June 30. 1932, states I lu* crop of rubber harvested during u y‘*ar amounted to 668,277 lb. The a *fe net sale price of the crop, includ- &lt;* estimated value of the
      187 words
    • 730 1 [Straits Times Copyright Reproduction Rights Reserved Marked Disposition To Buy. PRICES LIKELY TO ADVANCE. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Sept. 21. Just lately there has been a lot of buying by consumers, and quite a marked disposition to purchase for delivery well into 1933 was shown, which
      [Straits Times Copyright Reproduction Rights Reserved !  -  730 words
    • 551 1 Fraser and Co.’s Weekly Report. Fraser and Co’s report, dated Oct. 19 states; With a complete disinclination to deal •wing the most prominent feature in all sec- lions of the local share market, very little has happened during the past week which Ci.lls for comment. There is practically
      551 words
    • 38 1 I cable received by t umberbatch and to., gives the London price of pa'm oil at £18 10s. The market is steady. Ihe quotation is made on the basis ot IK per cent, f.f.a., Liverpool.
      38 words
    • 307 1 Closing Quotations In London. From Our Own Correspondent, i London, Oct. 18. Closing quotations today of the principal British and American stocks are given below The rise or fall is in relation to the price of Oct. 13. GOVERNMENT STOCKS. BRITISH. Rise or Pall Conversion Loan
      307 words
    • 151 1 All Obligations To Be Honoured. Buenos Aires, Sept. 10. All-round satisfaction, tempered with a certain amount of surprise, greeted the statement in Congress of the Finance Minister that the financial situation o* the Argentine could l&gt;e viewed with perfect calm. Customs receipts, he said, were increasing, the revenue
      151 words
    • 657 2 Improvements Seen In AH Sections. SHARKS AT HIGHER LEVELS. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Sept. 22. The* Stock Markets had a shake-out week, but, ail the better for the healthy rapping of the knuckles whie s .uime of the •‘bulls” received, closed in good fettle. Renewed doubts
      657 words
    • 1308 2 Pernicious System. 1 N.B. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. fin tiv ..nty-second annual general meeting of the North Romeo Chamber of Commerce was held in the Sandakan Club on Oct. 1. the Hon. Mr. F. W. Pinnock presiding. The secretary having read the notice convening :he meeting, the
      1,308 words
    • 109 2 Alteration In Director’s Qualifications. In the annual report of United Eng ;neers, Ltd,, it is stalled that an extraordinary general meeting of the company will be held on Dee. 28, when a resolu tion will be proposed that the articles of association be altered in such a manner
      109 words
    • 239 2 Business With Middle Asia. Mr. Frank S. Williams, Amerie. Trade Commissioner, Singapore, has r reived by cable the following statisti relating to the foreign trade of the Unit,?! States with Middle Asia for the montVnf August:— 01 Total exports from United G$ 1,000,000. aUs Total exports from United
      239 words
    • 156 2 Less Carried Over In The East. (By Air Mail.) London, Oct. 3. The end-September f in statL'ics sho\r an increase in the visible supplies in afloat t&lt;» Europe an.l America of 431 tow. but a decrease in the carry-over in the Eas* of 810 tons. Thus there
      156 words
    • 132 2 At an extra-ordinary general meet re of the Selangor River Rubber Estate', held cn Sept. 30 at Sain bury House, Fd resolutions were unanimously passed providing for the voluntary winding-up ntl reconstruction of the company, each share in the new company being credited with 18s. p'aid up.
      132 words
    • 267 3 large Sum Transferred From Reserves. ■nUnited Engineers Ltd., have this i, r0 ht into their accounts $475,000 their reserves, 1:150,000 from the a nerd reserve and $125,000 from tho rU-n*» for equalisation of dividends. It is impossible to gather the working I for the year as the
      267 words
    • 189 3 i\&gt;H'»*lidateiI. 013 piculs, rekka. 21" piculs. Tekka Taiping.—365 piculs. I’cngknlen. Dredges 501, tribute!* 1 pieul. Kai :l&gt;utan. 'sale of stocks) (closed down) 77 piculs. Kinta. 337 piculs. hi'-..' Hydiaulic.—203 piculs. I Trihuters 183 piculs. I- k Kruin. Trihuters 122 piculs. iV’nlii.g. 1,512 piculs. i'li* :ng. Trihuters 121
      189 words
    • 364 3 Business Turnover Maintained. 'fhe twenty-seventh annual general meeting of Ferranti, Ltd., was he'd on Sept. 1G at Winchester House, E. C. Mr. V. Z. de Ferranti, M. C. (the chairman), said that the profit for the past year amounted to £."&gt;4,904, as compared vith t'60,688 for the previous year.
      364 words
    • 174 3 CROSSE BLACKWELL. Transfer of Canadian Business. Toronto, Sept. 10. The control of Crosse and Blackwell (Canada) passes into Canadian hands with the formation of a new corporation headed by Senator Meighan. The directorate includes Mr. L. Matthews of the English company. Sir Frederick Eley, the chairman, speaking at the meeting
      174 words
    • 420 3 New Fabrics For Far East. The requirements of 1 uyevs from the Far East are occupying the special attention of British textile manufacturers who, at the textiles section of the British Industries Fair which takes place at the White City, London, from Feb. 20 to Mar. 31, 1033,
      420 words
    • 280 3 Financial Position Improved. At the twelfth annual general meeting of Nawng Pet Tin, Ltd., held in Penang, the chairman, Mr. A. J. King, in moving the adoption of the report and accounts stated:— Since the close of the period covered by the accounts which are before you,
      280 words
    • 203 3 I The fiirurrg in brackets ilunote the figures of the corresponding period of last year.) Allenbv. —49,000 lb. Ayer Molck. 15,842 lb. Alor Pongsu. 99,512 lb. I Ayer kuning. 9,562 lb. Anglo-Malay.—48,000 lb. ltukit Jelotong.- 15,70') U&gt;. Bedong (Malaya).—&lt;19,143 lb. ltukit Kalil.—12,041 lb. Hukit Kajanjf.—100,877 lb. ltutu
      203 words
    • 304 3 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT OF THE VALUE OF FOREIGN TRADE, INCLUDING PARCEL POST. BULLION ANp COIN. IN 1931 AND 1932. IMPORTS. EXPORTS. N Total Trade 1931. 1932. 1931. 1932. 1932. A t A N Increase (-f) Increase Increase Total Total Decrease Grand Parcel Bullion Grand or Grand Parcel Bullion
      304 words
    • 249 4 EXCHANGE RATES. Sing:; pore, October 19. SELLING. London. 1 months’ s ght 2/3 &lt;1 London, 3 month*’ sight 2 3 1&lt; In London, 60 days’ sight 2 3 29 32 London, 30 days’ sight 2JU« London, demand London, T.T. :J BUI'5 Lyons and Pari-. demand Hamhurg. demand
      249 words
    • 824 4 Fraser and Co.’s Quotations. Singapore, October 11*. MINING. Issue Val. Pd. Buyers. Sellers. £1 £1 Asnm Kumbang 26/- 28/£1 £1 Austral Malay 18/- 20/5/- r» Ayer llitam Tin 12 12 1* £1 £1 Bangriti Tin 14 16/£1 £1 Batnng Padang 0.05 0.10 1 1 Batu Caves 0.10
      824 words
    • 397 4 ENGLISH COTTON TRADE. Raw Material Rates Decline. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Manchester, Sept. 21. Despite attempts being made for a full week by the representatives of the employers and the operatives in the manufacturing section of the cotton industry to end the dispute regarding wages the strike
      397 words
    • 66 4 Loss for Beranang Profit For Karmen. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Oct. 14. Beranang (Selangor) Rubber Plantations, Ltd., announce a loss of £853 for the year ended June 30, against a loss of £1,318 in the previous year. The forward credit is £4,871. Karmen Rubber. Ltd., show a
      66 words
      • 674 4 Abaro (tit Allagar (2 i 6; Amherst I: Anglo-Malay &lt;£1&gt; 7 9; Ayer Kuning i t'l 12 6; Hagan Serai (kill 9 32; Bahru (Sel.t (2 i 1 Banteng (£1) 8 9; J Bat'ng ('as. (2 ,3; Batu Caves (£1) 9 44; Butu Tiga (£1)
        674 words
      • 698 4 Capital Issue Closing Price* Paid l’p Value Dividends Fraser Lyall Company Co. Evatt. 454,175 1 Nil for year 29-2-32 Allenby ($li 0.45 0.55 0.45 (t.O*) 216,779 1 Nil for year 30-9 31 Alor Gajah ($1* 0.30 0.40 0.30 A.4&lt;&gt; 439.125 l Nil for year
        698 words

  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 505 5 PRIZE CUPS AND TROPHIES. H.&S. Popular Two-Shilling Novels. High Quality E«P. N. S. Made in England. **»&gt; it A good Assortment of Sizes for all occasions. Latest Designs. t &gt;. j j 1 .5 o Prices from $3.50 to $29.00. Substantial Discount to Clubs, Associations an&lt;| Schools. By E. Phillips
      505 words

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 205 6 mm S?A *r Sir Jt r& BSSm ,K *»x»Sr«' &lt;gU- te,{ h^»&gt;-4k t *t&lt; Si-rT^k' i P* 3^f^3 ifipslls V? *ry •^-«s c l..-.'. i &gt; v^Si n' j.* t* c^israHb BOX. GIVE A NEW LIFE TO YOUR GRAMOPHONE. FIX THIS ELECTRO LOUDSPEAKER SOUND SOX to your gramophone and you
      205 words
    • 111 6 PHOTOGRAPHS Copies of the Local Photographs appear* ing in this issue can be obtained from The Manager, STRAITS BUDGET At 50 cents a copy including postage. IISI& Please enclose remittance when ordering. I ‘V, v vuV He &lt; »-fe '..4 'JW Half1 one Blocks A. Tr -w,’-- A T rQ
      111 words
    • 48 6 '■V' X, m fcrnang, a kp /V*- 1 f* mt “ftunnpme'bf, The Premier Hotel in Malaya. BEAUTIFUL LAWNS TO THE SEA. **&gt;&lt;& .W V M**?* A T&gt; *i s. :*b FOOD AND WINES ESPECIALLY GOOD. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO CABLED RESERVATIONS. Cables Kunnjmrdr" I— Ruigraalt HoUl, LM. GEORGE G4HJMACK.
      48 words